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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 5180:2-9-05 | Requirements for residential parenting facility and crisis care facility furniture, materials and equipment; diaper changing.

Rule 5180:2-9-05 was renumbered from 5101:2-9-05 on 01/02/2025.

(A) All equipment, materials, and furniture in a residential parenting facility and crisis care facility shall be sturdy and safe, easy to clean and maintain, and free of sharp points or corners, splinters, protruding nails, loose or rusty parts or other hazardous features.

(B) Toys or other materials small enough to be swallowed by an infant or toddler shall be kept out of their reach.

(C) Cleaning equipment, cleaning agents, aerosol cans, or other chemical substances shall be stored in the original containers or clearly labeled, and not accessible to children. Items shall be locked in a cabinet, drawer or room when not in use.

(D) Stationary outdoor recreational equipment including, but not limited to, climbing gyms, swings or slides shall be securely anchored.

(E) Lawn mowers, hedge clippers and other similar machinery shall not be used in an outdoor play area when a child is present in the play area.

(F) A tile floor, concrete, asphalt, or other hard surface under any indoor or outdoor climbing apparatus shall be covered by a cushioned protective surface, such as, but not limited to, mats, mulch, sand or wood chips.

(G) Wading pools shall be stored or shall not be accessible to children when not in use. When any child is in a wading or swimming pool, the child's mother and/or child care staff of the facility shall be present to supervise the child.

(H) All electrical outlets within reach of an infant or toddler shall have protective coverings when not in use.

(I) Toilets and sinks shall be of suitable height for use by a child or shall have a sturdy portable platform on which a child may stand.

(J) Potty chairs shall not be located in areas used for food preparation or serving. Potty chairs shall be emptied, washed, rinsed and disinfected after each use.

(K) Toilets shall be disinfected at least once daily or more often as needed using an appropriate germicidal agent.

(L) Washable equipment and furniture shall be cleaned with soap and water at least once per month. Any item soiled during daily use with, but not limited to, blood, vomit, feces, urine and spills shall immediately be cleaned with soap and water and disinfected with an appropriate germicidal agent. Toys and other items placed in a child's mouth shall be cleaned thoroughly and disinfected with an appropriate germicidal solution and rinsed with water at least daily and immediately if soiled with blood, feces, urine or vomit.

(M) Changing diapers for all non-toilet trained children in a residential parenting facility or crisis care facility shall be handled in conformity with the following methods:

(1) Changing of diapers for all non-toilet trained children shall occur in a space that has a hand washing facility.

(2) Hands of the person caring for the child shall be washed with soap and water before and after each diaper change.

(3) When a central diaper changing station is used, there shall be a disposable separation material, that acts as a barrier placed between the child and the changing surface, which is discarded after each use.

(4) Any product used during diapering, which is used on more than one child, shall be used so that the container does not touch the child. Any product obtained from a common container shall be removed and applied in such a manner so as not to contaminate the product or its container. Common containers shall be cleaned and sanitized after each use.

(5) Storage and laundering of soiled diapers shall be handled in accordance with the following methods:

(a) Soiled diapers shall be disposed of in a plastic lined-receptacle that prevents hand contamination. The receptacle shall be covered or otherwise enclosed and be inaccessible to children. These containers shall be emptied, cleaned and sanitized at least daily, or more frequently as needed to eliminate odor.

(b) Soiled diapers to be laundered shall be stored in an appropriate germicidal solution, out of the reach of children, until laundered. Diapers to be laundered shall be held for laundering for no longer than one day.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 5103.03
Amplifies: 5103.02, 5103.03
Five Year Review Date: 7/31/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/1991, 9/18/1996, 9/1/2002, 1/1/2008, 12/1/2010, 7/1/2014