Rule 5180:2-9-04 | General maintenance of a residential facility.
(A) All structures, grounds, furnishings or equipment used by or located on the grounds of a residential facility shall be continually maintained in good repair and in clean condition.
(B) All rooms, corridors, and stairways inside a residential facility shall be equipped with operable electric illumination.
(C) Each residential facility shall have working exterior electrical illumination for operable entrances and stairways to occupied buildings.
(D) A residential facility shall have a continuous supply of clean drinking water. If the residential facility's water supply is not obtained from a municipal water supply, a water district water supply or a vendor of bottled water, the facility's water supply shall be tested and approved by a municipal or county health department or by the Ohio department of health within twelve months prior to initial certification and annually thereafter.
Last updated May 1, 2023 at 8:51 AM