Rule 5180:2-18-03 | Application for approved child day camps.
(A) Which child day camps are to register with the Ohio department of job and family services (ODJFS)?
All child day camps are to annually register with ODJFS before beginning operations, unless the child day camp meets the exemption criteria in section 5104.21 of the Revised Code.
(B) How do child day camps register with ODJFS?
The child day camp is to complete and submit a registration and pay a registration fee online in the Ohio child licensing and quality system (OCLQS) at by March fifteenth annually.
(1) The fee for registration is twenty-five dollars per camp, not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars for all camps, pursuant to section 5104.21 of the Revised Code. The fee is nonrefundable and nonreturnable.
(2) The registration is effective for the period of March fifteenth of the current year through March fourteenth of the following calendar year.
(3) Registration of a child day camp after March fifteenth is effective from the date of registration through March fourteenth of the following calendar year.
(C) What happens if a child day camp fails to register with ODJFS, or knowingly provides false information to ODJFS?
If a child day camp that is to register under section 5104.21 of the Revised Code fails to register with ODJFS, or if a child day camp that files a registration form knowingly provides false or misleading information, the child day camp is to register correctly and pay a registration fee equal to three times the registration fee.
(D) What is the application process when a registered child day camp wants to be approved to provide publicly funded child care (PFCC)?
The registered child day camp owner or the owner's authorized representative is to:
(1) Obtain accreditation by the American camp association (ACA) or any nationally recognized organization that accredits child day camps by using standards that the Ohio department of job and family services (ODJFS) has determined are substantially similar and comparable to those of the ACA.
(2) Complete a professional registry profile for the child day camp owner through the Ohio professional registry (OPR) at
(3) Complete the pre-camp and staff orientation training for approved child day camp owners, administrators and child day camp staff members in the OPR. The orientation training is to have been taken within two years prior to the application date.
(4) Complete and submit the application for an approved child day camp online in the Ohio child licensing and quality system (OCLQS) at
(a) The application is considered complete when the applicant has uploaded all documentation outlined in appendix A to this rule.
(b) The application is to be completed by April fifteenth of the year the camp wishes to be approved to provide PFCC. Completed applications received by ODJFS after April fifteenth may not be approved by the beginning of that summer.
(c) Any application submitted without complete and accurate information will need to be amended with complete and accurate information before being approved.
(5) Comply with an initial pre-approval inspection by ODJFS.
(E) How long is a child day camp approved?
A child day camp shall be approved until March fourteenth of the following year, unless one of the following occurs:
(1) The approval is terminated for noncompliance with section 5104.21 or 5104.22 of the Revised Code or Chapter 5101:2-16 or 5101:2-18 of the Administrative Code.
(2) The approved child day camp fails to maintain accreditation by the ACA or similar accrediting body approved by ODJFS.
(3) The camp changes ownership or the primary use space as defined in rule 5101:2-18-01 of the Administrative Code is moved to a new address.
(4) The approved child day camp notifies ODJFS in writing of its voluntary withdrawal from the approval process.
(F) What are the requirements once an approval has been issued?
At the time the child day camp receives its approval, the child day camp shall complete and submit a provider agreement and all information required pursuant to rule 5101:2-16-09 of the Administrative Code in OCLQS. This information shall be submitted before the first day publicly funded child care services are provided.
(G) What are the requirements to renew an approval for a child day camp?
(1) Prior to March fourteenth of the following year, the child day camp shall complete and submit an application and registration in OCLQS.
(2) Approvals shall be renewed without a pre-approval inspection unless:
(a) The child day camp moves to a new primary use space as defined in rule 5101:2-18-01 of the Administrative Code.
(b) The child day camp changes ownership.
(c) The child day camp does not complete and submit an application and registration in OCLQS by March fifteenth of the following year.
(3) Approvals that have been renewed shall have at least one unannounced inspection by ODJFS per camp season.
(H) What if the child day camp loses its ACA accreditation or its accreditation by any nationally recognized organization that has been approved by ODJFS?
(1) The approved child day camp shall notify ODJFS within twenty-four hours of losing its accreditation.
(2) Approval shall be removed pursuant to paragraph (I) of this rule.
(I) What happens if approval is denied or removed by ODJFS?
(1) If ODJFS denies or removes an approval for non-compliance of section 5104.21 of the Revised Code, Chapter 5101:2-16 of the Administrative Code or Chapter 5101:2-18 of the Administrative Code, the child day camp may not provide publicly funded child care services.
(2) If an approval is removed, another approval shall not be issued to the owner of the child day camp until the child day camp complies with those sections and rules, or for a period of two years from the date the approval was removed, whichever period is longer.
(J) What information is the child day camp to keep current in OCLQS?
(1) Mailing address.
(2) Telephone number.
(3) Email address.
(4) Days and hours of operation.
(5) Services offered.
(6) Name of administrator.
(7) Name of program.
(8) Private pay rates.
(K) What if the individual listed as an owner in OCLQS changes?
The approved child day camp is to update the information in OCLQS within thirty days of the change.
Last updated April 27, 2023 at 8:39 AM