Rule 5180:2-18-02 | Requirements for registered child day camps not seeking approval to provide publicly funded child care.
(A) Which child day camps are to register with the Ohio department of job and family services (ODJFS)?
All child day camps are to annually register with ODJFS before beginning operations, unless the child day camp meets the exemption criteria in section 5104.21 of the Revised Code.
(B) How do child day camps register with ODJFS?
The child day camp is to complete and submit a registration and pay a registration fee online in the Ohio child licensing and quality system (OCLQS) at by March fifteenth annually.
(1) The fee for registration is twenty-five dollars per camp, not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars for all camps, pursuant to section 5104.21 of the Revised Code. The fee is nonrefundable and nonreturnable.
(2) The registration is effective for the period of March fifteenth of the current year through March fourteenth of the following calendar year.
(3) Registration of a child day camp after March fifteenth is effective from the date of registration through March fourteenth of the following calendar year.
(C) What happens if a child day camp fails to register with ODJFS, or knowingly provides false information to ODJFS?
If a child day camp that is to register under section 5104.21 of the Revised Code fails to register with ODJFS, or if a child day camp that files a registration form knowingly provides false or misleading information, the child day camp is to register correctly and pay a registration fee equal to three times the registration fee.
(D) What are the background check requirements for registered child day camps?
(1) All applicants, employees and child day camp staff members of the registered child day camp, including child day camp administrators and child day camp owners, are to request a bureau of criminal investigation (BCI) and a federal bureau of investigation (FBI) criminal records check pursuant to section 5104.013 of the Revised Code. The request is to be made at the time of initial application for employment, and every five years thereafter.
(2) A registered child day camp may employ an applicant, or continue to employ a child day camp staff member, an employee, and/or a child day camp administrator, until the criminal records check is completed and the camp receives the result of the check. The camp is not to grant the individual sole responsibility for the care, custody or control of a child until the results of the criminal records check have been reviewed and it is determined that the individual is eligible for employment. If the results indicate that the individual is ineligible for employment, the camp is to immediately release the individual from employment.
(3) The registered child day camp is to determine an individual ineligible for employment if the person has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any of the violations described in division (A)(5) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code, unless the individual meets the rehabilitation criteria found in appendix A to this rule. If the individual, upon request, fails to provide the information necessary to complete the form or fails to provide impressions of the individual's fingerprints, the registered child day camp is to consider the failure a reason to determine an individual ineligible for employment. When the individual is determined ineligible, the registered child day camp is not to employ the individual or contract with another entity for the services of the individual.
(4) Each registered child day camp is to pay the fee prescribed by BCI and FBI to BCI and FBI for each criminal records check conducted. A camp may charge an individual a fee for the costs it incurs in obtaining a criminal records check. The fee charged is not to exceed the fees the camp pays under this rule. If a fee is charged, the camp is to notify the applicant at the time of the applicant's initial application for employment of the amount of the fee and that, unless the fee is paid, the camp will not consider the applicant for employment.
(5) Criminal records check results are confidential and not public records and are not to be made available to any person other than the person who is the subject of the criminal records check, or the person's representative, the director of job and family services, the child day camp administrator, and any court, hearing officer, or other necessary individual involved in a case dealing with a denial or revocation of registration related to the criminal records check.
(E) When may registered child day camps be inspected by ODJFS?
(1) The director of job and family services may periodically conduct a random sampling of registered child day camps pursuant to section 5104.21 of the Revised Code to determine compliance with section 5104.013 of the Revised Code.
(2) All registered child day camps are to comply with any inspection conducted by ODJFS.
(F) What are registered child day camps to provide to the parents of children who participate in the camp?
A child day camp administrator or a designated staff member is to provide the parents of each child who attends or participates in the registered child day camp with the telephone numbers of the county department of health or local health district and the public children services agency of the county in which the child day camp is located, and a statement that the parents may use these telephone numbers to make a complaint regarding the child day camp.
Last updated April 27, 2023 at 8:39 AM