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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 3335-11-09 | The Ohio union council.


(A) The Ohio union council shall consist of eighteen voting members, with service beginning summer term, chosen as follows:

(1) Ten students.

(a) Two graduate students selected by the council of graduate students. Term of service shall be alternating two year terms.

(b) Two professional students selected by the inter-professional council. Term of service shall be alternating two year terms.

(c) Four undergraduate students selected by the undergraduate student government. One student must come from a registered student organization without an office in the Ohio union. Term of service shall be alternating two year terms.

(d) One undergraduate student employees of the Ohio union appointed by the undergraduate student government in consultation with the director(s) of the Ohio union. Term of service shall be one year.

(e) One graduate assistant from the Ohio union, appointed by the council of graduate students in consultation with the director(s) of the Ohio union. Term of service shall be one year.

(2) Two faculty.

Two faculty members, as defined in rule 3335-5-19 of the Administrative Code selected by the chair of the faculty council in consultation with the chair of the council on student affairs. Term of service shall be alternating two year terms.

(3) One staff member.

One staff member shall be appointed by the university staff advisory committee. Term of service shall be two years.

(4) One alumni member.

One alumni members shall be appointed by the Ohio state alumni association in consultation with the council. Term of service shall be one year.

(5) Four at-large.

Four at-large members shall be selected under procedures established and documented by the council. Term of service shall be one year.

(6) Ex-officio non-voting members.

(a) The president of the Ohio union activities board ex-officio non-voting, or designee.

(b) The chair of the council on student affairs, ex-officio non-voting, or designee.

(c) All director(s) of the Ohio union shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member(s) of the council.

(d) A representative of the business and finance office for the Ohio union shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the council.

(e) One non-voting student life staff member to act as the secretary for the council appointed by the director of the Ohio union. Term of service is one year.

(7) Reappointment.

All voting members with one year terms are eligible for reappointment three times. All voting members with two year terms are eligible for reappointment once. No individuals holding a voting position shall serve for more than four consecutive years.

(8) Alternates.

Members of the Ohio union council may have an alternate. The chair has responsibility for recording correct voting status. If the member has voting status, the alternate may vote in the event of the member's absence. Ohio union council shall establish rules governing the selection of alternates.

(B) Duties and responsibilities.

(1) Establish general policy on such matters as, but not limited to, financial planning, facility use, student development, public and campus relations. These policies shall guide the administration of the program of the union by the director of the union, but the council shall not serve in an administrative capacity.

(2) Advise the director(s) of the Ohio union regarding the programs, services, and activities of the Ohio union.

(3) Establish committees as needed to explore issues affecting the Ohio union.

(4) Perform duties as assigned by the council on student affairs.

(5) Report monthly to the council on student affairs.

(6) Establish, amend, and maintain operating procedures to conduct, in an orderly fashion, the functions of the council.

(C) Organization.

The chair shall be elected from among the incoming and continuing student members of the council during the last regularly scheduled meeting of spring term. For purposes of this election, all incoming and continuing members shall be eligible to vote; incoming and continuing members may choose alternates if necessary.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/13/1978, 1/28/1980, 11/2/1983, 4/27/1986, 2/14/1991, 3/23/1992, 5/30/1996, 12/4/1998, 7/30/2001, 4/24/2006, 10/20/2009