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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3335-11 | Discipline of Students

Rule 3335-11-01 | General discipline.

(A) The president shall have the final responsibility and authority for the discipline of all students of the university. The president may delegate this responsibility and authority (see paragraph (E) of rule 3335-1-03 of the Administrative Code).

(B) The deans of colleges and of the graduate school, the directors of schools, and the chairs of departments, respectively, are responsible to the president through regular disciplinary channels for the discipline of all students in the activities of their respective colleges, schools, and departments.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/13/1978
Rule 3335-11-02 | Disruption.

(A) No student, faculty, staff, visitor, or other person shall, with an intent to disrupt university authorized activities:

(1) Obstruct the lawful movement of any person or persons about the campus, into or out of any university building or facility, or within any university building or facility and fail to desist when so ordered by an authorized university official;

(2) Obstruct the movement of vehicular traffic on the streets of the university, and fail to desist when so ordered by an authorized university official;

(3) Occupy a university building or facility in such a manner as to prevent others from carrying out university authorized activities and fail to depart when informed by an authorized university official that they are disrupting university authorized activities and must depart;

(4) Interfere with the conduct of a class, office, laboratory, or other university authorized activity by shouting, chanting, marching, throwing objects, or otherwise creating such a disturbance that the authorized activity cannot, in the judgment of an authorized university official, be carried on, and fail to desist when so ordered by an authorized university official;

(5) Employ force or violence or the explicit threat of force or violence, to prevent any person or persons from carrying out university authorized activities

(6) Damage public address systems, video displays, laboratory equipment, computer systems, or other property used for the carrying out of university authorized activities;

(7) Solicit any person or persons to violate paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(6) of this rule, knowing that there is a clear and present danger that such violations will occur (but a person shall not be charged with soliciting unless a violation of paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(6) of this rule occurs as a result of this solicitation).

(8) This rule shall not be interpreted as proscribing peaceful demonstrations, peaceful picketing, a call for a peaceful boycott of classes or other forms of peaceful dissent.

(B) Any student found guilty of the conduct proscribed in paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(7) of this rule shall be subject to maximum sanction of dismissal or any lesser disciplinary sanction pursuant to rule 3335-11-02.1 of the Administrative Code.

(C) Non-students charged with the conduct proscribed in paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(7) of this rule shall be referred to an appropriate authority.

(D) Definitions.

(1) The phrase "with an intent to disrupt" shall be taken to mean that a person knows or reasonably should know that their act or acts will have the consequence of preventing others from carrying out university authorized activities.

(2) The phrase "to obstruct" shall be taken to mean making the movement of a person or vehicle from one place to another difficult or impossible; it shall not be taken to mean making that movement inconvenient.

(3) The phrase "university authorized activity" shall be taken to mean any activity that the university conducts, sponsors, or permits to be carried out on the campus or in any university building or facility.

(4) The phrase "an authorized university official" shall be taken to mean any person to whom the university has delegated authority to supervise a building or facility, or any part of a building or facility, or to supervise the movement of people and vehicles on the campus.

(5) The phrase "campus" shall be taken to mean university owned or controlled property.

Last updated October 16, 2023 at 9:22 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-11-02.1 | Hearing officers and panels.

(A) The council on student affairs shall recommend to the president, subject to the approval of the board of trustees, a list of attorneys, unaffiliated with the university, who shall be authorized to act as hearing officers to preside over disciplinary proceedings under rule 3335-11-02 of the Administrative Code. One such attorney shall be designated by the president as chief hearing officer, whose duties shall include:

(1) Assisting the council on student affairs in preparing and enacting procedural rules to guarantee due process, including, but not limited to, the procedural recommendations contained in the report and recommendations of the university committee on rights and responsibilities (the Ohio state university, September 15, 1968);

(2) Selecting hearing officers as needed from the approved list;

(3) Reviewing every case in which sanctions have been recommended, to determine whether such sanctions should be imposed or reduced, or whether the case should be dismissed or remanded for further hearing;

(4) Forwarding completed cases to the vice president for student life for administrative implementation in accordance with their final determination by the chief hearing officer;

(5) Hearing on appeal student disciplinary cases, not including university actions relating to academic failure or violations of a code of professional ethics or of an honor code of these colleges or academic units having such codes, where an appeal is taken by any student from any such action by the student's college, university committee, or other properly authorized university adjudicatory body, only in those cases where the penalty assessed was suspension, dismissal, or expulsion.

(B) That an array of hearing panelists, large enough to allow at least three panels, shall be selected by lot consisting of:

(1) Faculty members,

(2) Undergraduate students,

(3) Graduate and professional students, and

(4) Administrative staff members.

Any person selected to serve as hearing panelist may be exempted from such service if that person declines.

(C) The chief hearing officer shall, by lot, select from the array hearing panels, each composed of two faculty members, two undergraduate students, one graduate or professional student, and one administrative staff member. The hearing panels shall have original jurisdiction to hear cases of alleged student violation of rule 3335-11-02 of the Administrative Code brought before it by authorized university officials, make findings of fact, determine a verdict, and, in the event of a guilty verdict, to recommend sanctions.

(D) The university and the defendant shall have the right to challenge for cause. The hearing officer shall hear challenges for cause.

Last updated September 29, 2023 at 9:12 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/23/1992
Rule 3335-11-02.2 | Pending criminal law suit.

(A) Whenever a criminal court exercises jurisdiction over acts which allegedly constitute a disruption by university rules, the university shall not exercise jurisdiction, except in an extraordinary case. In such a case, the university may bring the student before a hearing officer and panel to determine whether the student poses a clear and present danger of repeated or continued violation of rule 3335-11-02 of the Administrative Code. If the panel finds that such a danger exists, it shall recommend that the student's continued enrollment be dependent on the imposition of strict disciplinary probation, under such terms and conditions as the hearing officer may specify (except that the student may not be deprived of university scholarship, loan, grant-in-aid, or employment).

(B) The term of probation shall last until such time as the hearing officer finds that the danger no longer exists. This finding may be initiated by the officer or upon petition by the student.

(C) If a probation violation is alleged to have occurred, the student will be subject to an immediate hearing before a hearing officer. If found in violation of probation, the student will be temporarily suspended or dismissed from the university pending a full hearing.

Last updated September 29, 2023 at 9:12 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/13/1978
Rule 3335-11-03 | Organized activities.

(A) The vice president for student life shall promulgate regulations governing all organized activities which are university connected and in which students or the spouses of students participate.

(B) These regulations shall include a requirement that each registered organization shall have an adviser, selected by the student organization from members of the faculty or administrative and professional staff. In accepting responsibility the adviser agrees to maintain contact with the organization so as to be familiar with its program and personnel. In addition, the adviser shall be responsible for advising the organization as to its program and personnel, having in mind not only the objectives of the particular group but also the purposes of the university, one of which is to foster a spirit of free inquiry in a setting which provides for open-minded, objective, and critical evaluation of the ideas expressed.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/13/1978, 12/4/1998
Rule 3335-11-04 | Eligibility of students.

(A) The vice president for student life shall promulgate regulations governing the eligibility of students for participation in all organized activities. (See rule 3335-11-03 of the Administrative Code.)

(B) Participation in activities as a part of regular course work shall not be construed as participation in an organized activity for the purpose of rule 3335-11-03 or 3335-11-04 of the Administrative Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-11-05 | Promulgation of regulations.

Before promulgating the regulations authorized under rules 3335-11-03 and 3335-11-04 of the Administrative Code and before amending such regulations after they have been promulgated, the vice president for student life shall obtain the recommendation of the council on student affairs. (See rule 3335-5-48.4 of the Administrative Code.)

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 11/28/1983
Rule 3335-11-06 | Student use of university facilities.

(A) University facilities including outdoor space assigned to a student organization shall be used only for the usual activities of such student organizations. If a student organization desires to use such facilities for purposes other than its usual activities, it shall request permission for such use from the office of student activities.

(B) ) No student, group of students, or registered student organization may announce an activity involving the use of university facilities including outdoor space or may use such facilities for an activity, unless such use has first been approved and scheduled first by the office of student activities, or other office in charge of scheduling for that particular building, as delegated by the office of the university registrar in accordance with rule 3335-13-03 of the Administrative Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 5/11/1984
Rule 3335-11-07 | Purpose.

The Ohio union exists for the primary purpose of serving students in their cultural, social, recreational, and leadership activities. The Ohio union is also established to serve the faculty, staff, alumni, and guests of the university.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 5/30/1996
Rule 3335-11-08 | Director.

The director shall be the chief administrator of the Ohio union. The director shall have the general administrative responsibility for the programs and financial affairs of the union. The director shall be responsible to an assistant vice president for student life and report annually to the council on student affairs.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.07
Prior Effective Dates: 5/30/1996, 8/28/2006
Rule 3335-11-09 | The Ohio union council.

(A) The Ohio union council shall consist of eighteen voting members, with service beginning summer term, chosen as follows:

(1) Ten students.

(a) Two graduate students selected by the council of graduate students. Term of service shall be alternating two year terms.

(b) Two professional students selected by the inter-professional council. Term of service shall be alternating two year terms.

(c) Four undergraduate students selected by the undergraduate student government. One student must come from a registered student organization without an office in the Ohio union. Term of service shall be alternating two year terms.

(d) One undergraduate student employees of the Ohio union appointed by the undergraduate student government in consultation with the director(s) of the Ohio union. Term of service shall be one year.

(e) One graduate assistant from the Ohio union, appointed by the council of graduate students in consultation with the director(s) of the Ohio union. Term of service shall be one year.

(2) Two faculty.

Two faculty members, as defined in rule 3335-5-19 of the Administrative Code selected by the chair of the faculty council in consultation with the chair of the council on student affairs. Term of service shall be alternating two year terms.

(3) One staff member.

One staff member shall be appointed by the university staff advisory committee. Term of service shall be two years.

(4) One alumni member.

One alumni members shall be appointed by the Ohio state alumni association in consultation with the council. Term of service shall be one year.

(5) Four at-large.

Four at-large members shall be selected under procedures established and documented by the council. Term of service shall be one year.

(6) Ex-officio non-voting members.

(a) The president of the Ohio union activities board ex-officio non-voting, or designee.

(b) The chair of the council on student affairs, ex-officio non-voting, or designee.

(c) All director(s) of the Ohio union shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member(s) of the council.

(d) A representative of the business and finance office for the Ohio union shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the council.

(e) One non-voting student life staff member to act as the secretary for the council appointed by the director of the Ohio union. Term of service is one year.

(7) Reappointment.

All voting members with one year terms are eligible for reappointment three times. All voting members with two year terms are eligible for reappointment once. No individuals holding a voting position shall serve for more than four consecutive years.

(8) Alternates.

Members of the Ohio union council may have an alternate. The chair has responsibility for recording correct voting status. If the member has voting status, the alternate may vote in the event of the member's absence. Ohio union council shall establish rules governing the selection of alternates.

(B) Duties and responsibilities.

(1) Establish general policy on such matters as, but not limited to, financial planning, facility use, student development, public and campus relations. These policies shall guide the administration of the program of the union by the director of the union, but the council shall not serve in an administrative capacity.

(2) Advise the director(s) of the Ohio union regarding the programs, services, and activities of the Ohio union.

(3) Establish committees as needed to explore issues affecting the Ohio union.

(4) Perform duties as assigned by the council on student affairs.

(5) Report monthly to the council on student affairs.

(6) Establish, amend, and maintain operating procedures to conduct, in an orderly fashion, the functions of the council.

(C) Organization.

The chair shall be elected from among the incoming and continuing student members of the council during the last regularly scheduled meeting of spring term. For purposes of this election, all incoming and continuing members shall be eligible to vote; incoming and continuing members may choose alternates if necessary.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-11-10 | University recreational sports committee.

(A) The university recreational sports committee shall consist of nineteen voting members, with service beginning summer term, chosen as follows:

(1) Eleven students.

(a) Two graduate students selected by the council of graduate students. Term of service shall be alternating two year terms.

(b) Two professional students selected by the inter-professional council. Term of service shall be alternating two year terms.

(c) Four undergraduate students selected by the undergraduate student government. One student must participate in a department recognized club sport at the time of appointment. Term of service shall be alternating two year terms.

(d) One undergraduate student employee of the department of recreational sports appointed by the undergraduate student government in consultation with the director of recreational sports. Term of service shall be one year.

(e) One graduate assistant from the department of recreational sports, appointed by the council of graduate students in consultation with the director of recreational sports. Term of service shall be one year.

(f) One undergraduate student selected by the director of the sport and wellness scholars program. Term of service shall be one year.

(2) {Enter paragraph text here}

(a) Two faculty members, as defined in rule 335-5-19 of the Administrative Code, selected by the chair of the faculty council in consultation with the chair of the council on student affairs. Term of service shall be alternating two year terms.

(3) One staff member.

(a) One staff member shall be appointed by the university staff advisory committee. Term of service shall be two years. staff member.

(4) One alumni member.

(a) One alumni member shall be appointed by the Ohio state alumni association in consultation with the committee. Term of service shall be one year.

(5) Four at-large.

(a) Four at-large members shall be selected under procedures established and documented by the committee. Term of service shall be one year.

(6) Ex-officio non-voting members

(a) The director of recreational sports shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the committee.

(b) A representative of the business and finance office for recreational sports shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the committee.

(c) One non-voting student life staff member to act as the secretary for the committee appointed by the director of recreational sports. Term of service is one year.

(d) The associate vice president for the department of facilities operations and development, or designee, shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the committee.

(e) The director of the department of athletics, or designee, shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the committee.

(f) The director of the school of physical activity and educational services, or designee, shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the committee.

(g) The director of the student wellness center, or designee, shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the committee.

(h) The chair of the council on student affairs, ex-officio non-voting, or designee.

(7) Reappointment.

All voting members with one year terms are eligible for reappointment three times. All voting members with two year terms are eligible for reappointment once. No individuals holding a voting position shall serve for more than four consecutive years.

(8) Alternates.

Members of the university recreational sports committee may have an alternate. The chair has responsibility for recording correct voting status. If the member has voting status, the alternate may vote in the event of the member's absence. University recreational sports committee shall establish rules governing the selection of alternates.

(B) Duties and responsibilities.

(1) Initiate recommendations and review proposals with regard to policies that may affect the recreational sports facilities and programs.

(2) Make recommendations to the director of recreational sports regarding the usage priority for recreational sports facilities, co-operative recreational sports ventures, and renovation of existing or construction of new recreational sports facilities.

(3) Collect feedback on recreational sports issues in order to evaluate the quality of recreational sports facilities maintenance, daily operations, and programs, recommending changes as appropriate.

(4) Annually review and make recommendations regarding the long-term maintenance plan for recreational sports facilities.

(5) Review all budgets and expenditures of the department of recreational sports and the appropriate portions of budgets and expenditures of all general funds, student life funds, college of education and human ecology funds, and department of athletics funds that contribute to recreational facilities operations and programs.

(6) Deciding the future of the RPAC construction debt service portion of the student recreation fee once the debt service has been retired. Review and make recommendations regarding the annual budget of the department of recreational sports, approve other ancillary student recreational fees, and make recommendations to the vice president of student life annually regarding the student recreational sports fee.

(7) Make recommendations for non-recreational sports use of space, including but not limited to space rental fees.

(8) Serve as a channel of communication for information regarding recreational sports among the office of business and finance, the department of physical facilities, the college of education and human ecology, the school of physical activity and educational services, the department of athletics, the council on student affairs, the athletic council, the undergraduate student government, the council of graduate students, the inter-professional council, faculty council, and the university staff advisory committee.

(9) Report monthly to the council on student affairs.

(10) Establish, amend, and maintain operating procedures to conduct, in an orderly fashion, the functions of the committee.

(C) Organization.

The chair shall be elected from among the incoming and continuing student members of the committee during the last regularly scheduled meeting of spring term. For purposes of this election, all incoming and continuing members shall be eligible to vote; incoming and continuing members may choose alternates if necessary.

(D) Oversight.

Decisions made by the university recreational sports committee are subject to review and approval of the council on student affairs.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/1/2004