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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3362-3 | Student Affairs

Rule 3362-3-01 | Admission and degree requirements.

(A) Purpose

Shawnee state university (SSU), created pursuant to Chapter 3362. of the Revised Code, serves as the regional state university for southern Ohio. SSU is an open access university for all students who have successfully completed a high school education. This rule serves to identify SSU's requirements for admission to the university's degree programs and the credit requirements for those programs.

(B) Admission requirements for baccalaureate and associate degree programs

(1) Admission to university baccalaureate or associate degree programs is determined by an applicant's earned high school diploma, as defined by the state of Ohio, level of "college preparedness" as defined by the state of Ohio's uniform statewide standards for remediation-free status (see link to state standards web page in paragraph (B)(2) of this rule), and ability to meet the requirements of a specific selective-admission program.

(a) Non-college prepared students. Applicants not meeting the college preparedness standard will only be admitted into a non-selective admission associate degree program and be required to participate in university programs and courses for underprepared college students.

(b) International applicants. Admission requirements for international applicants also include meeting a university-established minimum test score on the test of English as a foreign language (TOEFL) or equivalent for applicants whose native language is not English and proof of sufficient financial resources.

(c) Transfer students. Applicants applying for admission to associate or baccalaureate programs who have earned credit post high school from other regionally accredited colleges or universities are considered transfer students and are admitted under the same standards described in paragraphs (B)(2) and (B)(3) of this rule and may be subject to additional requirements.

(2) Associate degrees. The university offers both selective and non-selective admission associate degree programs. All associate degree programs will require a minimum of sixty hours of undergraduate credit and completion of university requirements and a curriculum specified for the particular program prescribed in the Shawnee state university catalog at the time of the applicant's matriculation.

(3) Baccalaureate degrees. The university offers both selective and non-selective admission baccalaureate degree programs. All bachelor's degree programs shall require a minimum of one hundred twenty hours of undergraduate credit and completion of university requirements and a curriculum specified for the particular program prescribed in the Shawnee state university catalog at the time of the applicant's matriculation.

(C) Admission requirements for graduate degree programs

(1) Master's degree programs shall require a minimum of thirty hours of credit at graduate level and completion of university requirements and a curriculum specified for the particular program prescribed in the Shawnee state university catalog at the time of the applicant's matriculation.

(a) Applicants are only admitted to selective admission master's degree programs.

(b) Applicants to an SSU master's degree program must present evidence of an earned bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution and meet the requirements for the program for which they are applying.

(c) International applicants are subject to additional requirements established by the university's graduate school.

(2) Doctoral degrees generally require the successful completion of at least ninety semester credit hours (or one hundred thirty-five quarter credit hours) of work beyond the bachelor's degree or at least sixty semester credit hours (or ninety quarter credit hours) beyond the master's degree. Deviations from these credit hour guidelines require proper justification and state approval.

(a) Applicants are only admitted to selective admission doctoral degree programs.

(b) Applicants to an SSU doctoral degree program must present evidence of an earned master's degree from a regionally accredited institution and meet the requirements for the program for which they are applying.

(c) International applicants are subject to additional requirements established by the university's graduate school.

(D) Non-degree seeking applicants

Individuals who enroll at the university who are not seeking a degree for reasons or circumstances such as personal enrichment, guest status, dual credit enrollments, college credit plus, or other early college programs will be admitted as non-degree students. Credits earned as a non-degree seeking student may be applied upon admission to a degree program.

Important Links:

University catalog:

State of Ohio's uniform statewide standards for remediation-free status:

Last updated December 13, 2022 at 8:33 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 2/20/2017
Rule 3362-3-04 | Student education records privacy and release.

(A) The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, requires educational institutions to protect the privacy of student educational records and to ensure that students have access to their own educational records. As such, Shawnee state university will have a procedure and processes in place to ensure university compliance with FERPA's requirements. The procedure will include, but not be limited to the following: the method for informing students of their FERPA rights; and information regarding the campus locations of student educational records and the university officials who have authorized access to educational records. The procedure may also identify whether the university will have a student directory and if so, the type of student information that will be listed in such directory as well as the process for students to opt out of the directory.

(B) The president will be responsible for directing the adoption, implementation, and ongoing review and revision of policies and procedures required to administer compliance of FERPA.

Last updated October 15, 2024 at 1:43 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 6/5/2001
Rule 3362-3-09 | Student conduct.

(A) The university is committed to providing a fulfilling and rewarding learning experience that enables students to achieve their full academic potential. This commitment is underpinned by an expectation that all members of the university will conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the university's mission. All students are responsible for conducting themselves in a manner that fosters a learning environment in which the rights, dignity, worth and freedom of each member of the academic community is respected. A university conduct code for students is an effective mechanism to address student behavior.

(B) The university will have a student conduct code that applies to students and student organizations and addresses conduct that occurs on and off campus. Such conduct code will also include a separate process for academic misconduct. Students shall be afforded appropriate due process in the resolution of any allegation(s) of violations of the student conduct code. Students found responsible for violations are subject to sanctions which in more serious cases may include removal from student housing or suspension or expulsion from the university.

(C) Separate guidelines will also be established for student organizations and university housing.

(D) The provost shall ensure that employees responsible for administering the conduct code and/or guidelines are trained regularly.

(E) The university may hold students accountable for a violation of the behavioral proscriptions contained in the student conduct code. The student conduct code shall focus on the following objectives:

(1) The university's responsibility for ensuring members of the university full and equal opportunity to obtain their educational objectives.

(2) The university's responsibility to protect the health, safety and general welfare of persons in the university community.

(3) The university's academic integrity.

(4) The university's image and reputation.

(F) Violations of the student conduct code include those activities that interfere with either the university's primary educational responsibility of ensuring the opportunity of all members of the university community to attain their educational objectives; or the university's commitments to community, maintaining and protecting property, keeping records, providing living accommodations and other services, and sponsoring non-classroom activities such as, but not limited to, lectures, concerts, athletic events, and social functions:

(1) Conduct that interferes with the educational mission of the university.

(2) Conduct that endangers the health and safety of others.

(3) Sexual misconduct.

(4) Misusing or destroying university property or property of others.

(5) Conduct that interferes with the student conduct code process.

(G) The student conduct code and any revisions will be effective upon approval of the provost and president.

Last updated October 31, 2022 at 9:08 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 9/23/2013
Rule 3362-3-11 | Alcohol general rules.

(A) Purpose

Shawnee state university is committed to a healthy and safe environment for students, faculty and staff, and visitors in venues where the presence of alcohol does not interfere with the learning experience or the peaceful environment of the campus and community. This rule establishes parameters for the purchase, possession, distribution, and consumption of alcohol as described herein and in accordance with related procedures.

(B) Student events (university-sponsored on and off campus)

For university-sponsored events targeted to students, student purchase, possession, distribution, and consumption of alcoholic beverages are prohibited without prior authorization. This includes events on or off campus, and in university-provided vehicles.

(C) On-campus events and conferences

The prior-approved purchase and consumption of alcoholic beverages on university property for events and conferences must be in accordance with the exclusive food services agreement and any alcohol operating license held and maintained by the university and/or its food services vendor.

(D) Insurance

If the event at which alcohol is purchased and/or consumed is sponsored by a non-university group or individual, proof of an appropriate level of liability insurance may be required. Decisions about insurance requirements will be made by the university events office in collaboration with the university's risk manager.

(E) Student housing

(1) The sale of alcoholic beverages in residence halls (owned or managed by the university) is prohibited.

(2) The possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages for legal-aged (age twenty-one or older) residents is permitted in residence halls contingent upon compliance with established residence hall rules, university policy and procedures, and subject to full compliance with state and local laws.

(F) Personal conduct

Patrons, including students, attending events at which alcoholic beverages are served will be held responsible for their personal conduct, as well as the conduct of guests. A violation of this rule may be found when university officials or the department of public safety determine that an individual's conduct while possessing or consuming an alcoholic beverage is irresponsible, disorderly, or inconsiderate.

(G) General prohibition

(1) The use or sale of alcohol by any person (students, employees and visitors) on campus property (managed or owned by the university) or at university-sponsored off campus activities is prohibited in instances that are inconsistent with state or local laws and restrictions and as established by this rule or an accompanying procedure.

(2) Violations of university policy or engagement of illegal actions will result in the involved individual(s) being subject to sanctions and/or enforcement results as referenced and incorporated by university policy and/or applicable laws.

(H) Procedures

The president will ensure the establishment of procedures necessary to effectively implement this rule.

Last updated July 7, 2023 at 10:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 6/5/2001, 7/21/2014
Rule 3362-3-12 | University housing.

(A) Purpose

Shawnee state university (SSU) has an obligation to ensure that housing policies and programs exist that will maximize the educational potential of the residential life of the university.

(B) Residence life as an educational experience

(1) In addition to the other forms of education it practices, Shawnee state university endorses and supports the particular value of higher education as provided by a residential campus community. Residential settings offer students unparalleled opportunities to gain from social interactions and other life experiences that characterize on-campus housing and dining.

(2) When residential living is part of an organized program, the educational and personal gains from simple access and participation can be substantial. For these reasons, SSU develops and maintains programs that ensure the residential experience contributes insignificant ways to the total education of students.

(C) University housing requirements, restrictions and prohibitions

(1) As a condition of admission and continued enrollment, all freshman and sophomore students in their first and second years of attendance and who have completed less than sixty hours of college credit beyond high school who live more than fifty miles from campus are required to live in university housing, to the extent that space is available, and to take their meals in dining facilities as provided in meal plans approved by the university. Under this policy, a freshman is defined as a student who has earned twenty-nine or fewer college credit hours beyond high school graduation as of the start of the academic year and a sophomore is a student who has at least thirty hours of college credit beyond high school graduation as of the start of the academic year. For the purposes of the preceding sentence only, credit earned through Ohio college credit plus or a similar program, or credits earned through high school advanced placement or international baccalaureate courses shall not fall within the definition of "college credit."

(2) All varsity student athletes receiving any athletic scholarship assistance and all international students are required to live in university housing, to the extent that space is available, and to take their meals in dining facilities as provided in meal plans approved by the university. These student athletes are also required to maintain a meal plan of at least twelve meals per week while enrolled at the institution.

(3) Exceptions to the on-campus housing and meal plan requirements in paragraphs (C)(1) and (C)(2) of this rule include the following: married students, single parents with full or shared custody of children, veterans, students over the age of twenty-three, transfer students with more than sixty transferred credits earned beyond high school graduation (international students and students on athletic scholarships do not fall within this exception), and other extraordinary circumstances as determined by the chief enrollment officer.

(4) Individuals prohibited from student housing

(a) Individuals are prohibited from living in and/or visiting university-owned or managed residential facilities if they:

(i) Have been convicted of any felony of violence, and/or

(ii) Are a convicted sex offender, and/or

(iii) Have been convicted of a felony or were found responsible for an offense as a juvenile which would be a felony if committed by an adult and have not completed their associated sentence, probation, and/or parole, whichever applicable.

(b) The university may exclude other individuals from university housing based upon health, safety and/or conduct reasons in accordance with procedures and/or guidelines approved by the president.

(D) Terms and conditions for student residents

As a condition to living in student housing, students will be required to agree to requirements established by the university, which may be in the form of a housing contract. Failure to fully and accurately complete the contract may be a reason to exclude a student for university housing. The housing contract form shall be approved by the chief enrollment officer.

(E) The board of trustees will retain authority for establishing rates for residential housing and meal plans.

(F) Guidelines

The university will have guidelines for student housing and residence life that may be produced in electronic form. Such guidelines will be approved by the president.

Last updated December 15, 2023 at 7:38 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 5/12/2014, 12/27/2018
Rule 3362-3-13 | Assessment of student learning outcomes.

(A) Introduction

Assessment of student learning outcomes at Shawnee state university (SSU) is a natural extension of the institution's commitment to excellence in teaching and learning. It is a process of critical examination with the aim of improvement in co-curricular and academic programs. SSU engages in on-going, integrated, and institution-wide research, and good practices-based assessment processes that (1) result in continuous improvement and (2) demonstrate that the institution is effectively accomplishing its mission.

(B) Learning outcomes

Student learning outcomes are the knowledge and skills expected of students completing an academic or co-curricular program. Student learning outcomes are written in clear statements that describe significant and measurable change occurring in students as a direct result of their interaction with the institution and its co-curricular and academic programs.

(C) Purpose

(1) Assessment provides data to faculty and co-curricular program leaders so they can modify curricula, provide support for learners, and/or revise outcomes and assessment processes.

(2) The institution engages in ongoing assessment of student learning as part of its commitment to the educational outcomes of its students.

(a) The institution has effective processes for assessment of student learning and for achievement of learning goals in academic and cocurricular offerings.

(b) The institution uses the information gained from assessment to improve student learning.

(c) The institution's processes and methodologies to assess student learning reflect good practice, including the substantial participation of faculty, instructional and other relevant staff members.

(D) Procedures

The provost will ensure the establishment of procedures necessary to effectively implement this policy. The procedures will clearly describe the role of faculty, co-curricular staff, and the provost's office, and the procedures will utilize SSU's existing shared governance process, including but not limited to the faculty senate and its committees. These procedures will be revised and developed based upon the recommendations of the university faculty senate and any relevant subcommittee of the senate.

Last updated July 18, 2022 at 8:16 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 9/4/2007
Rule 3362-3-14 | Student service members and veterans.

(A) Purpose

Shawnee state university is committed to providing assistance and support for student and prospective student service members and veterans as they pursue an advanced degree or certificate. This rule serves to further this university's commitment in accordance with section 3345.421 of the Revised Code.

(B) Definitions

(1) "Service member" means a person who is serving in the armed forces of the United States.

(2) "Veteran" means any person who has completed service in the armed forces, including the national guard of any state or a reserve component of the armed forces, and who has been discharged under honorable conditions from the armed forces or who has been transferred to the reserve with evidence of satisfactory service.

(C) University contact person for service members and veterans

There will be a university employee who will serve as a contact person for student and prospective student service members and veterans. The responsibilities of the university contact person will include advising and assisting service members and veterans, including issues related to earning university credit, as well as to help ensure state and federal compliance with veterans' matters.

(D) Delegation of authority to university president

The board of trustees has delegated its authority and responsibility to the university president to address matters regarding the assistance and support to service members and veterans as identified in sections 3345.421 to 3345.423 of the Revised Code and to ensure compliance with these and other related state and federal laws.

Last updated October 15, 2024 at 1:52 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 1/27/2014
Rule 3362-3-23 | Academic Forgiveness.

(A) Policy statement and purpose

(1) A student who returns to the university after an extended absence and who demonstrates the ability to do well academically, may use academic forgiveness to remove the effect of earlier unsatisfactory grades.

(2) The academic forgiveness policy pertains only to former Shawnee state university (SSU) students returning to the university as undergraduate students after a significant absence and for coursework that does not count toward an earned associate's degree or certificate.

(B) Implementation

(1) An associated procedure developed and vetted through shared university governance outlines the circumstances, criteria, and eligibility requirements, guidelines, and timelines associated with implementation of this policy.

(2) Eligible students are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor to develop an academic plan and to discuss this policy.

Last updated October 15, 2024 at 1:53 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-3-24 | Student medical leave of absence.

(A) Purpose

Shawnee state university recognizes there may be times when students have compelling reasons to interrupt their studies due to medical or mental health reasons. The purpose of this policy is to provide an avenue for students to take a medical leave of absence that includes a plan to return to the university.

(B) Definition

Voluntary leave of absence is a temporary interruption in a student's formal education. It may be granted for medical or mental health reasons.

(C) Enactment of procedures/administration of leave

(1) The president will ensure the establishment of procedures necessary to implement this policy effectively.

(2) The dean of students shall be authorized to oversee and administer this policy, unless and until the president designates another position for that role.

Last updated October 1, 2021 at 9:03 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3 3 62.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-3-25 | Anti-hazing policy.

(A) Purpose

(1) Shawnee state university is committed to a safe and respectful campus environment that aligns with our institutional values. Hazing can cause irreparable harm to victims, victims' families, and the university community. From a legal perspective, hazing is a crime. From the university's perspective, hazing is antithetical to the ideals and values of our learning community. Prevention of hazing is the responsibility of every member of the university community, including students, student organizations, teams, employees, volunteers, and alumni.

(2) Members of the Shawnee state university community who are expressly prohibited from engaging in hazing include students, staff, faculty, volunteers, guests, and individuals or members of recognized groups, such as student organizations, teams, or associations.

(B) Definition

"Hazing" is defined as committing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to commit any act of initiation into any student or other organization or any act to continue or reinstate membership in or affiliation with any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person, including coercing another to consume alcohol or a drug of abuse. This definition was enacted to comply with section 2903.31 of the Revised Code; to the extent the definition in the Revised Code is modified, this policy definition shall be deemed similarly modified.

(C) Policy scope

(1) This policy applies to students, student organizations, groups and teams, coaches, and employees. This policy also applies to volunteers and alumni acting in an official capacity who advise or coach student organizations and/or student groups and who have direct contact with students.

(2) Shawnee state university has jurisdiction over this policy whether the conduct occurs on or off-campus.

(3) The following factors do not prevent conduct from being considered a violation of this policy:

(a) Expressed or implied consent; or

(b) The conduct not being part of an official event or otherwise sanctioned or approved by a student organization or student group.

(4) Hazing does not include either of the following:

(a) Reasonable and customary organizational training, contests, competitions, or other events that are explicitly relevant to the mission of the organization; or

(b) Lawful expressive activities that are protected under the first amendment to the United States Constitution, section 11 of Article I of the Ohio Constitution, or sections 3345.0211 to 3345.0214 of the Revised Code.

(D) University resources

(1) The university will have processes and resources in place to protect students, employees, and visitors from prohibited hazing and to ensure the following:

(a) Compliance with applicable state and federal laws that address hazing;

(b) Complaints of hazing are adequately investigated and resolved; and

(c) Training and educational programs on hazing, including hazing awareness, prevention, intervention, and reporting.

(2) The president is authorized to enact procedures to carry out the objectives of this policy, which shall include matters including but not limited to duties to report hazing, methods to enforce this policy, and sanctions for violations.

Last updated December 24, 2021 at 1:14 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-3-26 | Name, image, and likeness for student athletes.

(A) Purpose

To the extent permitted by law, Shawnee state university will permit student-athletes to pursue agreements for compensation for the non-institutional use of their name, image, and likeness (NIL) under the conditions set forth in this policy and any associated procedures.

(B) Definitions

As used in this policy and in any related procedure.

(1) Name, image, and likeness (NIL) are the three components of a person's right of publicity. These are independent or collectively identifiable aspects of a person that make them unique, including their first name, last name, or nickname of the student-athlete when used in a context that reasonably identifies the student-athlete with particularity; a picture of the student-athlete; and/or a physical, digital, or other depiction or representation of the student-athlete.

(2) Official team activities means all games, practices, exhibitions, scrimmages, team appearances, team photograph sessions, sports camps sponsored by the institution or college, and other team-organized activities, regardless of whether the activity takes place on or off campus, including individual photograph sessions and news media interviews.

(3) Professional service provider means an individual or entity that provides services to a student-athlete concerning their NIL.

(4) Student-athlete means an individual enrolled at Shawnee state university who participates in official university intercollegiate athletics.

(C) Required disclosures and approval of agreements

(1) A student-athlete who intends to enter into a verbal or written contract providing compensation for use of the student's name, image, or likeness shall disclose the proposed contract to the athletic director, who will share the contract with the general counsel's office, for review by the university.

(2) If the university identifies a conflict between the proposed verbal or written contract described above and any existing provisions of a contract to which the university is a party, the university shall communicate to the student-athlete the relevant contract provision that is in conflict. The student-athlete shall not enter into the proposed contract, but the student may negotiate a revision to the proposed contract to avoid the conflict. The revised proposed contract is subject to additional review by the university.

(D) Use of university marks and facilities

(1) Student-athletes are not permitted to use the university's name or intellectual property, including, but not limited to, its trademarks, logos, or other symbols, to implicitly or explicitly endorse a third party or product.

(2) Student-athletes are not permitted to utilize any university-created content, including images and videos, in furtherance of their NIL agreements.

(3) Student-athletes may not use university facilities in such a manner that creates an express or implied impression that the university directly or indirectly endorses a third party or product.

(E) Prohibited sponsorship categories

Student-athletes are prohibited from entering into a contract providing compensation to the student-athlete for use of the athlete's name, image, or likeness if same is associated with any of the following:

(1) Alcoholic beverages;

(2) Tobacco products, including electronic smoking or vapor devices that contain nicotine which can be ingested;

(3) Casinos or any entity that sponsors or promotes gambling activity;

(4) Any company that manufactures, markets, sells, or whose brand is associated with any controlled substances; and

(5) Any business engaged in the sale, rental, or exhibition for any form of consideration of adult entertainment that is characterized by an emphasis on the exposure or display of sexual themes or activity.

(F) Prohibited entities

Student-athletes may not enter into an NIL agreement if the agreement conflicts with a Shawnee state university agreement. As of the effective date of this policy, it is possible that a conflict will exist if a student-athletes proposed NIL agreement requires them to display a sponsor's product, or otherwise advertise for a sponsor, during official team activities or any other time if that requirement is in conflict with a provision of a contract to which Shawnee state university is a party.

(G) International student-athletes

(1) International student-athletes are required to notify the university's center for international programs and study abroad prior to entering into any NIL agreement.

(2) International student-athletes should consult an attorney prior to engaging in any NIL activity. Any off-campus compensation, including NIL-related compensation, could impact the status of a student-athlete's F-1 visa.

(H) Professional representation

(1) A student-athlete may use the services of a professional service provider for advice, contract representation, and the marketing of their NIL, so long as the professional service provider is not representing the student-athlete for securing professional athletic opportunities.

(2) A professional service provider agreement and payment to a professional service provider may not be arranged or come from an employee of Shawnee state university. The university reserves the right to restrict a student-athlete from utilizing a professional service provider as defined herein.

(3) The university may identify a professional service provider for student-athletes. The university reserves the right to mandate the use of a specific service provider and to reject contracts with specific service providers.

(4) The university reserves the right to review fee agreements in NIL contracts.

(I) Exceptions

(1) Student-athletes who wish to enter into NIL agreements that conflict with the parameters established by this policy may submit a written request for an exception. Requests must be in made in writing to the athletic director.

(2) Requests for exceptions to this policy will be assessed by the athletic director, who will then forward the request to the university president. The university president shall have final decision-making power on whether to grant or deny the request.

(J) Enforcement

Failure to comply with this policy may result in loss of privileges and other sanctions as appropriate, including but not limited to, verbal or written reprimand, athletic probation, loss of practice privileges, loss of competition privileges, suspension or dismissal from the program, and/or loss of athletic eligibility.

Last updated December 15, 2023 at 7:38 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03