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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3361:70-5 | Parking

Rule 3361:70-5-01 | Parking: rules and regulations.

(A) All changes and additions to the parking rates, fine schedule and changes in violations shall be submitted by the vice president responsible for parking services to the president's budget council with final approval/disapproval by the president of the university.

(B) There shall be an appeals process for violations.

(C) Changes in regulations shall be announced in advance of the effective date.

(D) Regulations will be available on parking services website.

(E) The vice president responsible for parking services will implement policy statements and other matters related to the administration of parking.

Last updated September 1, 2021 at 11:37 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3361
Amplifies: 3361
Prior Effective Dates: 2/3/1986
Rule 3361:70-5-02 | Parking: administration.

(A) The use of a motor vehicle on university property is a privilege, not a right, and is made available only under the policies established in the university rules. University rules have been approved by the president of the university of Cincinnati in accordance with the Revised Code and rule 3361:70-5-01 of the Administrative Code, "Parking: Rules and Regulations." University rules apply to all university property.

(B) Responsibility for the administration of university rules and regulations as they apply to the parking of motor vehicles on the uptown campuses rests with parking services. Responsibility at "UC Blue Ash" and "UC Clermont" colleges rests with the individual campuses. The police department of public safety assists parking services in the enforcement of regulations and has primary responsibility for the enforcement of regulations applying to moving traffic.

(C) No individual or department other than parking services may grant parking privileges for their respective areas, except as may be specifically delegated in writing by parking services. All parking permits, decals and key cards issued to users of the parking system remain the property of the university and the university reserves the right:

(1) To refuse issuance of a parking permit.

(2) To change parking assignments as deemed necessary.

(3) To restrict the use of any parking space, structure, or surface lot at any time.

(4) To determine hours of control.

(5) To determine mode of operation of any area at any time.

(6) To revoke or recall a parking permit, decal or key card.

(D) University rules and regulations supersede all previous rules of the university with respect to the control of vehicular traffic and parking on university property and are subject to change. A complete, up-to-date edition of university rules may be found on the university of Cincinnati's website.

(E) Changes or modifications of university vehicle regulations approved by the president and filed pursuant to section 111.15 of the Revised Code will be on parking services website. Motor vehicle operators are responsible for being aware of these changes and abiding by them. Rule changes will be announced prior to the effective date.

Last updated September 1, 2021 at 11:40 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3361
Amplifies: 3361
Prior Effective Dates: 3/16/1978, 5/1/1978, 8/15/1979
Rule 3361:70-5-03 | Parking: policies.

(A) University liability.

No liability is created by the granting of parking or vehicle operating privileges on property owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the university of Cincinnati. The university assumes no responsibility for the care and/or protection, custody or control of vehicles or their contents while operated or parked on university property.

(B) Driver responsibility.

(1) The responsibility of finding an authorized parking space rests with the vehicle operator. Lack of a parking space, mechanical problems, inclement weather conditions, attendant not on duty, other disabilities or circumstances are not considered valid excuses for failure to comply.

(2) A parking permit or key card does not guarantee the holder a parking space but only an opportunity to park within a specified zones(s).

(3) Decals, key cards or permits are sold on a first come, first served basis and parking services reserves the right to limit sales in order to prevent oversell.

(4) The failure of the university to insist upon strict compliance with any regulation in any one or more instances shall not be construed as a waiver for the future enforcement of any such regulation. All regulations remain in full force and effect twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week including holidays.

(5) A person who operates a vehicle on the university property while under the influence of alcohol, narcotic drugs, other substances, or opiates will be subject to arrest.

(6) If an owner permits another person to operate his/her vehicle, either the owner or the borrower can be held responsible for any violation of the regulations committed by the borrower.

(7) No parking privileges will be granted to any individual having parking fines and/or outstanding obligations which are unpaid or have not been otherwise cleared. If a decal, key card or permit is issued to an individual having outstanding obligations, it does not eliminate any of the responsibility of such tag. Parking privileges issued under these circumstances can be revoked.

(C) Speed limit.

The speed limit on campus is fifteen miles per hour. It will be strictly enforced by the university police department.

(D) Motorcycles, bicycles, and other modes of transportation.

Motorcycles, bicycles, scooters and skateboards must obey all traffic regulations. Licensed motor vehicles (motorcycles and mopeds) must have a valid decal to park in designated motorcycle areas or park in a pay garage within a motorcycle decal area. Bicycles must be parked in the bicycle racks. Under no circumstances may bicycles block walkways, be chained to trees or buildings or be parked inside buildings (except residence halls where the bicycles may be parked in designated areas). The university assumes no responsibility for the care and protection of any bicycle at any time or location while on campus.

(E) University and other government vehicles.

(1) Government licensed vehicles (federal, state, county or city) are exempt from parking permits and fee requirements on university property. Government vehicles are subject to compliance with all other rules and regulations.

(2) Operators of university owned or leased vehicles must comply with vehicle regulations. If operator's identity cannot be determined, the department to which the vehicle is assigned will be liable for payment of fine(s).

(F) Vehicle accidents.

Vehicular accidents occurring on university property must be immediately reported to the university police department.

(G) Stall designation.

(1) Parking is permitted only in marked stalls.

(2) White stalls: designate parking permitted with a proper decal, permit, key card or in garages event or spitter tickets, unless temporarily signed otherwise.

(3) Small car: certain stalls are smaller and are designated for compact cars. No part of a vehicle may extend over painted lines.

(4) Red stalls: designate reserved parking.

(5) Blue stalls: designate reserved and non-reserved handicap parking with a proper university decal or permit.

(6) Yellow curb: yellow curbs or lines designate firelane. Firelanes are tow-away zones and must be kept clear at all times.

(H) Reserved parking.

Reserved parking spaces are provided for university officers. Reserved spaces will be allocated at the discretion of the president of the university or his/her designee. Any exception to this policy must be processed through the person's chain of command, up to their vice-president/provost. The request can then be taken to the president for final approval/disapproval.

Last updated September 1, 2021 at 11:43 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3361
Amplifies: 3361
Prior Effective Dates: 4/18/1988
Rule 3361:70-5-04 | Parking: decals, permits and key cards.

(A) All licensed motor vehicles must display a university parking decal, key card, permit, or spitter ticket while on university property.

(B) Decals and permits for uptown campuses must be purchased at parking services located at Four Edwards Center. Decals for "UC Blue Ash and "UC Clermont" colleges may be purchased at the business office on that campus.

(C) The decal or permit shall be fully displayed on the driver's side of the windshield or dashboard. The key card hang tag must be placed on the rear view mirror. A no-charge temporary permit must be obtained from parking services if the parking permit is not available in the case of changing from one vehicle to another.

(D) Only one decal or key card is issued per person, unless otherwise specified. Decals or key cards are not transferable to another person. Use of a decal or key card on additional vehicles is permissible provided the vehicle is registered with parking services. Only one vehicle is permitted to park in garage/lot per key card or decal.

(E) Lost or stolen decals, permits and/or key cards must be reported immediately to parking services. A fee will be assessed for replacement of lost decals, permits or key cards.

(F) Decals or key cards must be returned to parking services, under the following conditions:

Termination of association with the university;

Transfer between campuses;

Change in decal types;

Cancellation of parking arrangements.

(G) When new decals or key cards are issued, expired decals or key cards must be removed or returned.

(H) To cancel parking privileges, the decal/permit or key card must be returned to parking services.

(I) Refunds for returned decals/permits or key cards will be made on a prorated basis. No refund will be issued if a decal/permit or key card is not returned. No refunds will be made for decals/permits or key cards revoked due to fraudulent application.

(J) Any decal or key card issued by the university of Cincinnati parking services is valid in specified facilities on each campus. Each driver is responsible for learning and observing the rules where he/she is parking. Garage key card holders must park in the specified facility only. Garage key cards are not valid on the campus in which the garage is located unless specified.

(K) No parking permit will be issued to individuals having outstanding parking fines or obligations, regardless of the age of the infraction. No student with outstanding obligations can purchase parking until they are cleared. The issuance of parking privileges to an individual having outstanding obligations does not eliminate the responsibility to pay the outstanding violations. Decals issued under these circumstances can be revoked.

(L) A person who purchases, uses or displays a university decal or permit in violation of university parking regulations may have his/her decal, permit, or key card revoked. Fraudulent applications include but are not restricted to:

(1) Signing an application for a key card or decal in another person's name.

(2) Possessing multiple key cards/decals for the same period.

(3) Obtaining a key card or decal to be used by an individual not authorized for such privileges.

Persons with a revoked key card or decal will be responsible for returning those items to parking services immediately upon notification. There will be no refund on decals or key cards revoked due to fraudulent application. Individuals cited for use of a revoked, lost or stolen key card or decal will be assessed full charges for use from the date of the report filed with parking services.

(M) Waiting list: university of Cincinnati staff and faculty are eligible for placement on a waiting list. When a waiting list exists, a faculty or staff member must go to parking services website and place their name on the list. When a space becomes available in the parking facility, the first individual on that list will be notified either by phone or in writing. Individuals who do not response within the set period of time will be removed from the list. It is the responsibility of the individual to update information on file.

Last updated September 1, 2021 at 11:51 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3361
Amplifies: 3361
Prior Effective Dates: 4/20/1998
Rule 3361:70-5-05 | Parking: decal eligibility.

(A) Faculty with the title instructor and above and administrative staff with a pay grade of eighteen or above are eligible for a decal of the following types:

Campus drives

Parking lots


(B) Faculty with a title below instructor and administrative staff below pay grade eighteen are eligible for a decal of the following types:

Parking lots


(C) The classified staff are eligible for a decal of the following types:

Parking lots


(D) Faculty and staff decals are honored twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week in the specified area(s).

(E) Faculty and staff may opt for payroll deduction if their appointment is full-time or fifty-percent part-time or greater.

(F) Students are eligible for the following types of lot decals:

Parking lots


Evening lot, honored Monday-Friday, three p.m. to seven a.m. and all day Saturday/Sunday and holidays

Keycards issued to students must be used in conjunction with a valid facility decal. Failure to use both keycard and decal will result in the maximum daily facility rate being assessed. Students issued keycards are required to return keycards to parking services upon expiration of the decal. Failure to do so will result in a late fee and a usage charge will be assessed.

(G) Evening faculty may obtain a special decal or permit (from the college of evening/and continuing education office) for the nights which they teach. This decal/permit allows the holder to park on the main campus drive, after three p.m. weekdays and on weekends at the established rate. The decal/permit is only valid when displayed in conjunction with a valid daily cash receipt.

Last updated September 1, 2021 at 11:58 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3361
Amplifies: 3361
Rule 3361:70-5-07 | Parking: variances.

(A) Applicable visitor parking will be charged to individuals or departments being visited, including cases where the visit is considered beneficial to the university.

Visitors/contractors/vendors must use garages. Individuals, departments or sponsoring groups may arrange to pay for parking by completing a "Request for Special Parking" form found online at the parking services website. This form should also be completed to alert parking services of large programs, in which individuals are to pay for their own parking.

Guest parking is prohibited on campus drives except as posted or when requested by the president, vice president or dean. Reserved guest spaces are for off-campus dignitaries (e.g. board of trustees, governor, board of regents) and are granted only upon request of the president, vice president or dean.

(B) Parking for loading and unloading up to thirty minutes will be granted when necessary. Passes must be obtained from parking services.

When loading docks are needed on the east, west, "UC Clermont," "UC Blue Ash," or the "Victory Parkway" campuses, a specific request for their use must be made. Established garage rates will be charged for loading and unloading in garages on the east and west campuses. A valid load/unload permit must be displayed at all times while loading or unloading.

(C) Parking will not be reserved for deliveries, unless a "Request for Special Parking" form is submitted on line in advance. Contractors working out of their vehicle must park within a construction area if one has been designated or in an available facility at the daily or monthly rate. Campus drives are restricted to thirty minutes loading/unloading. A permit to do this may be acquired from the parking office. Campus drive parking is restricted based upon need. Parking charges are to be paid by the contractor. Violators of these policies will be cited or towed. All contractors and/or subcontractors requiring campus drive parking must submit the request in advance and must provide verification issued by the appropriate university department.

(D) Parking for servicepersons or salespersons will be limited to garages unless the service person needs to work from their vehicle. In these cases, a thirty minute dock temporary permit will be issued by parking services office for loading and unloading. The vehicle must then relocate to a pay facility. Servicepersons working on projects longer than one day will be treated as contractors and subject to stipulations in paragraph (C) of this rule.

(E) Special handicap parking permits for persons with physical disabilities will be issued upon the recommendation of disability services and based upon certification as disabled by a physician and university health services. A state handicap placard must be used in conjunction with a valid university decal. Severely handicapped students may park in any non-reserved handicap parking stall on campus for the semester fee equal to the rate of the least expensive facility. Handicapped individuals who wish to have a reserved stall must work with disability services and pay the appropriate rate for that facility. Faculty/staff may park in any non-reserved handicap parking stall or white stall in an area or facility of their choice at the rate of that facility or area.

Unnumbered handicap stalls may be used by any handicapped individual who has a valid university handicap parking permit as well as state placard. Handicapped visitors must display a state handicap placard and park in a garage.

Numbered signs on handicap stalls on the uptown campus, "Victory Parkway" "UC Blue Ash" and "UC Clermont" campuses, indicate the stall is reserved for a specific handicapped individual. Reserved stalls are limited to severely handicapped persons and require the recommendation of a physician, state placard, state plate or vehicle must be altered. However, each case will be reviewed on an individual basis by university health services and disability services.

(F) All requests for parking variances must be submitted five or more business days in advance of the date the variance is desired on a "Request for Special Parking" form found online at the parking services website. All forms must be complete and have complete billing information if applicable. Incomplete forms will be returned to the requesting department or contact will be made.

(G) It is the responsibility of faculty, staff, and students to make parking regulations known to their invited guests or visitors. Guests are subject to all parking regulations.

Last updated September 1, 2021 at 12:04 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3361
Amplifies: 3361
Prior Effective Dates: 4/20/1998
Rule 3361:70-5-08 | Parking: towing and impounding of vehicles.

(A) Towing and/or impoundment of a vehicle may occur when a vehicle is:

Blocking a fire lane or hydrant.

Blocking a roadway, drive or loading dock.

Blocking a dumpster.

Blocking other vehicles.

Creating a real or potential safety hazard.

Owned or operated by an individual with outstanding delinquent parking tags.

Using a revoked, altered, or stolen permit, key card or decal.

Parked in violation of posted signs and/or barricades.

Parked in a handicap or reserved stall.

Total payment of all outstanding fines, delinquent, impoundment fees, and towing charges must be made in order to release the vehicle. Cash, certified checks, "Discover," "Mastercard," "American Express," or "Visa" are the only acceptable means of payment. Personal checks must be approved by parking management. If a tow truck is called to move a vehicle and the driver appears before the vehicle is towed and agrees to pay all outstanding obligations, the vehicle will not be towed, but the individual is responsible for the tow charge.

(B) Any vehicle parked overnight without valid parking privileges displayed may be cited. Any vehicle remaining on university property for more than seventy-two hours without a valid university parking permit or decal will be considered abandoned. Abandoned vehicles may be towed and/or impounded at the owner's expense. Unclaimed, abandoned vehicles may be sold at public auction thirty days after notice.

(C) Vehicles may be towed for the facilitation of university operations (construction, maintenance, special events, emergency, etc.).

(D) University of Cincinnati police services and/or parking services may tow and/or impound vehicles.

(E) Vehicles are subject to tow/impound at any time it becomes apparent that they are using a handicap stall without the proper handicap authorization. Authorization for reserved stalls is posted by permit number or license plate number. For garage non-reserved stalls, a standard handicap insignia is required. All disabled visitors, UC staff and students must park in garages unless the pre-requisite credentials for that area are issued.

When a vehicle is found to be parked illegally in a handicap stall, the parking facilities superintendent will respond to verify all information. Parking office personnel will make an effort to contact the owner of the vehicle in question before towing, to verify handicap status. This contact period shall not exceed thirty minutes. In the event a handicapped individual utilizes a "reserved" handicap parking stall, a violation tag will be issued without towing for the first offense. Handicapped individuals who continually violate reserved handicap stalls will be subject to the same enforcement policies as all other persons.

Last updated September 1, 2021 at 12:12 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3361
Amplifies: 3361
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/1979, 10/8/1982, 4/18/1988
Rule 3361:70-5-10 | Parking: appeal of violations.

(A) Each violation tag must be paid or appealed within ten calendar days as indicated on the violation tag.

(B) All appeals for uptown campuses are to be submitted in writing at the parking services website. Appeals for the branch campuses are to be submitted at the branch campus business offices on the proper form. Appeals of faculty, staff, visitors, and graduate students are forwarded to the parking appeals board for appropriate action. Undergraduate students' appeals are heard by student court. Graduate appeals can be heard by student court or the parking appeals board.

(C) After ten calendar days from the date the violation tag is issued, fine(s) must be paid, in addition to all delinquent and administrative service fees, before appeal can be heard. An administrative service fee will be assessed to all appealed violation tags as outlined in the fees schedule, which are sustained by the parking appeals board or student court. If an appealed violation tag is voided through the appeals process, all fines and fees paid toward that tag will be refunded.

(D) Simple errors or omissions on a violation tag which have no direct effect on the actual circumstances surrounding the violation are not considered grounds for cancellation of the tag.

(E) All decisions rendered by the parking appeals board and/or the student court, are final.

Last updated September 1, 2021 at 12:14 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3361
Amplifies: 3361
Prior Effective Dates: 3/16/1978, 8/15/1979