This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and
Rule |
Rule 3358:5-5-02 | State-approved retirement systems.
October 23, 2015
(A) Eligible employees are required to establish membership in either the Ohio state teachers retirement system (STRS) or the Ohio school employees retirement system (SERS). Generally, instructional faculty and adjunct faculty employees participate in and contribute to STRS while staff employees participate in and contribute to SERS. (B) The amount of contribution, retirement, and other benefits which accrue to employees are subject to the provisions of these respective retirement systems. (C) The employee's contribution is supplemented by the board of trustees' contribution which is in addition to the employee's annual salary. (D) The board of trustees, in recognition of the tax benefit to employees, pays the employee share to the respective retirement system through a salary reduction agreement. This institutional payment, on behalf of employees, is in accordance with existing laws and current rulings and interpretations. (E) Information concerning rules associated with the retirement systems including eligibility for retirement and benefits available can be secured from the human resources office or STRS/SERS.
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Prior Effective Dates:
Rule 3358:5-5-03 | Professional improvement leave program policy.
November 14, 2022
(A) The board of trustees in accordance
with the provisions of section 3345.28 of the Revised Code may grant
professional improvement leaves (sabbaticals). (B) Professional leave is granted to
provide an opportunity for improved service at Clark state college. Full time
exempt staff and instructional faculty may use professional leave for study,
research, professional writing, travel, or other activities recommended by the
president of the college and approved by the board of trustees. (C) The president is directed to
establish administrative procedures for the implementation of this
Last updated November 15, 2022 at 9:01 AM
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Rule 3358:5-5-04 | Emeritus status policy.
November 14, 2022
(A) The college is committed to
recognizing individuals for their distinguished level of service to the college
and the community while employed with or in its service. This recognition goes
beyond promotions, individual achievements, commendations, and years-of-service
awards. This recognition is the bestowal of emeritus status to the deserving
individual. (B) Emeritus status is an honorary title
awarded for distinguished service to the academic community. At Clark state
college, the emeritus title may be bestowed on a faculty member, an exempt or
non-exempt staff member, president, or a college trustee who has served the
college with distinction. The bestowal of emeritus status is recognition of the
value the college places on the experience, knowledge, ability, performance,
and service of these individuals. Receiving the emeritus status is a
distinctive honor, not a right. (C) This policy shall be administered as
set forth in the associated emeritus status procedures. (D) The office of human resources shall
be assigned the responsibility of developing, implementing, and maintaining the
emeritus status policy and procedures.
Last updated November 15, 2022 at 9:01 AM
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Rule 3358:5-5-05 | Employee recognition and rewards policy.
November 14, 2022
(A) Recognizing employees'
contributions to the success of the college is a core value of Clark state
college. As such, our "Employee Recognition and Rewards Policy"
provides an avenue to recognize individuals and groups/teams for their
contributions to the overall success of the college, the students we educate,
and for their positive impact on the communities we serve. This policy is
designed to promote individual/team spirit and unity of purpose within the
college based on shared achievement and meeting organizational goals. This
noteworthy recognition is for those contributions made beyond those
acknowledged during the annual/periodic performance management
process. (B) This policy applies to all regular
employees (staff and instructional faculty) and adjunct faculty. Executive
cabinet members are not eligible for recognition under the provisions of this
policy. (C) This policy seeks to recognize
deserving staff, instructional faculty, and adjunct faculty members with
performance recognition and monetary awards during the annual charter night
recognition event or any other time deemed appropriate by the president. This
policy includes but is not limited to the: (1) "Staff
professional excellence for outstanding service (for regular staff
members) (2) "Faculty
Professional Excellence Award" (3) Adjunct faculty
professional excellence award (D) This policy shall be administered as
set forth in the associated procedures established by the president or his/her
designee. (E) The office of human resources shall
be assigned the responsibility of developing, implementing, and maintaining the
employee recognition and rewards program.
Last updated November 15, 2022 at 9:02 AM
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Prior Effective Dates:
Rule 3358:5-5-06 | Sick leave policy.
November 14, 2022
(A) Each regular employee of Clark state
college with an FTE of .50 and above is entitled up to fifteen days sick leave
with, each year (accrued at 4.61 hours per pay period)., There is no maximum
limit of sick leave days an employee can accrue. (B) Sick leave may be used for absence
due to personal illness, pregnancy, injury, exposure to contagious disease
which could be communicated to others, and for absence due to illness, injury,
or death in the employee's immediate family (as defined in paragraph
(B)(2) of rule 3358:5-5-07 of the Administrative Code (Leave Policies for
Regular Employees). (C) Forty hours sick leave credit on an
FTE basis is granted initially to a new full-time regular employee who has no
prior accumulated sick leave. No additional sick leave days are accrued during
the first four months of employment. (D) Regular employees who transfer from
an Ohio public agency shall be credited with the unused balance of their
accumulated sick leave provided the person is employed within ten years of the
date of the last termination from public service. (E) Regular employees using sick leave
shall be required to document their absence on their bi-weekly timesheet. Sick
leave must be taken in thirty-minute increments. (F) When a legal holiday, as noted on the
official college calendar, falls in the midst of an employee's paid sick
leave, the employee shall be paid for the holiday by not having the holiday
charged against their accrued leave balance. (G) Sick leave shall not be accrued while
on an unpaid leave of absence, unless under an approved FMLA
Last updated November 15, 2022 at 9:02 AM
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Prior Effective Dates:
7/1/1998, 11/8/2002
Rule 3358:5-5-07 | Leave policies for regular employees.
November 14, 2022
Efficient operation of the college requires
employees to attend work regularly and to be on time daily. When this is
impossible, the employee should inform his/her immediate supervisor as soon as
possible so that plans can be made to cover his/her duties. During prolonged
absence, periodic contact should be made with the employee's immediate
supervisor. The college recognizes justifiable causes for absence and follows a
policy of granting reasonable requests for time off from work as
follows: (A) Personal leave (1) Three days personal
leave with full pay is granted each fiscal year. The absence must be submitted
to the immediate supervisor within five days prior to the leave but no later
than three days after the leave (in those situations where prior approval is
not possible). Up to one day of unused personal leave (up to eight hours) may
be rolled over at the end of the fiscal year to the next fiscal year. (One
personal leave day is determined by an employee's FTE status). Personal
leave balances are not paid out upon separation from the college. (2) Personal leave must
be taken in thirty-minute increments. Accurate and timely reporting of leave
used is the responsibility of the employee and their immediate
supervisor. (3) Personal leave for
employees hired after the beginning of the fiscal year shall be prorated as
follows: (a) Employees hired in July, August, or September shall receive
three days. (b) Employees hired in October, November, or December shall
receive two days. (c) Employees hired in January, February, or March shall receive
one day. (d) Employees hired in April, May, or June shall not receive a
personal day for that fiscal year. (B) Bereavement (1) Accumulated sick
leave may be used for an employee's absence due to a death in the
employee's immediate family. (2) Immediate family is
defined as brother, sister, mother, father, wife, husband, son, daughter,
mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, stepchildren,
stepparent, grandparent, step-grandparent, grandchildren, and
step-grandchildren. (3) Bereavement leave due
to a death not in the employee's immediate family shall be taken as
personal leave, or vacation leave, or unpaid leave. (4) Employees shall
document this leave to the immediate supervisor within five days prior to the
leave but no later than three days after the leave. (C) Jury duty (1) Requests for approval
of this leave should be directed to the immediate supervisor within five days
prior to the leave but no later than three days after the leave. (2) Payment for this
leave will be regular pay less the amount received for jury or witness duty.
(D) Military training (1) Members of the
reserve branches of the armed forces' national or state guard or reserve
units who are required to attend two weeks active duty training will be granted
a military leave for such training. (2) These military leaves
of absence will be granted with pay based on the schedule used to compute the
regular pay less any compensation received from the government for such
training. This leave may be taken in addition to any vacation time earned (for
those employees who are eligible for vacation leave). (3) Requests for military
leaves of absence should be directed to the immediate supervisor within five
days prior to the leave but no later than three days after the leave. Employee
is required to provide a copy of his/her military orders to human resources for
military training/absence before the leave begins. (E) Professional leave Professional leave to attend meetings or
conferences may, at the discretion of the immediate supervisor, be granted
whenever attendance would directly contribute to the professional development
of the employee, or as otherwise considered to be in the best interest of the
institution. (F) Rest periods (applies to non-exempt
employees only) (1) The college does not
designate a formal rest period for its employees. Rest periods depend on the
department/division involved and whether or not the work of the department is
of such a nature that it can be interrupted at some time during the day for
employees to have a rest period. (2) When rest periods are
allowed, they are limited to two fifteen-minute breaks per day -- one in the
morning and one in the afternoon. Rest periods are not cumulative and may not
be taken at the beginning or end of the day. (G) Unpaid leave of absence (1) Up to thirty days of
unpaid leave may only be requested in the event twelve weeks of approved Family
Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave has been exhausted, and additional time off is
needed per the health care provider. Before the unpaid leave of absence is
considered, the employee must have also exhausted all of their sick, personal,
and vacation time. (2) Requests for approval
for an unpaid leave of absence shall be sent to the immediate supervisor,
executive council officer, and the human resources office no later than thirty
days prior to the first day of the requested leave. Documentation from the
health care provider is required. Employees whose positions are contracted
and/or funded by outside sources are not eligible for unpaid leaves of absence.
The college assumes no financial obligation for unpaid leaves of absence.
(3) For unpaid leaves
that fall under FMLA, the employee shall be responsible for continuing to pay,
on a bi-weekly basis, the employee share of insurance premiums under which they
are covered as well as other debts owed to the college that would normally be
satisfied through payroll deduction. For unpaid leaves as an extension of
approved FMLA, the employee shall pay, on a bi-weekly basis, the full amount of
insurance premiums under which they are covered as well as other debts owed to
the college that would normally be satisfied through payroll deduction. While
on an unpaid leave of absence, other than FMLA, neither sick leave nor vacation
leave shall be accrued. (4) The employee does not
return to work, the college may choose to terminate employment and re-fill the
employee's position. (H) Voting leave Since employees can usually vote without
inconvenience before or after their regular working hours, the college does not
make provisions for time off taken to vote. (I) Sick leave Please refer to rule 3358:5-5-06 of the
Administrative Code for the details of the sick leave policy. (J) Family and medical leave Please refer to rule 3358:5-5-20 of the
Administrative Code for the details of the family and medical leave
policy. (K) Vacation leave Please refer to rule 3358:5-5-09 of the
Administrative Code for the details of the vacation leave policy.
Last updated November 15, 2022 at 9:02 AM
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Prior Effective Dates:
7/1/1994, 6/1/2011
Rule 3358:5-5-08 | Employee complaint and grievance policy.
October 23, 2015
(A) The college recognizes disputes may arise in the employment setting. Parties involved in a dispute are encouraged to seek informal resolution as soon as possible. Any employee on campus may orally present and discuss a complaint with his/her supervisor and it shall be entirely informal. In the event informal resolution is not possible, all employees may pursue a formal resolution process. It is management's responsibility to facilitate fair, equitable, and appropriate resolution of disputes. (B) Definitions (1) Grievance: A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement submitted in writing by an employee involving the interpretation or application of a Clark state community college policy and/or procedure. (2) Complaint: A complaint is anything that does not satisfy the definition of a grievance. (C) This policy applies to all Clark state employees to include, exempt, non-exempt, faculty, adjunct faculty, student workers, substitutes and/or temporary employees. (D) No reprisals of any kind shall be taken against an employee for participating in a complaint or grievance. (E) The president shall inform the board of trustees of all grievances that are appealed to the president and the disposition of those grievances. (F) This policy shall be administered as set forth in the associated employee complaint and grievance procedures. (G) The office of human resources shall be assigned the responsibility of developing, implementing, and maintaining the employee complaint and grievance policy and procedures.
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Prior Effective Dates:
3/13/1978, 3/18/2015
Rule 3358:5-5-09 | Vacation leave.
March 27, 2015
(A) Eligible employees earn vacation as follows: (1) Eligible employees in grade levels seven through fourteen shall earn vacation at the rate of (6.15) hours per pay period (twenty days per year). Part-time employees in these levels whose work schedule requires them to work fifty-two weeks per year shall earn vacation on a pro-rata basis based on a two hundred sixty day work year. Employees in these levels who complete a work schedule at the beginning of each fiscal year or those who work less than nine hundred sixty hours each fiscal year shall not earn vacation. (2) Eligible employees in grade levels five and six shall earn vacation at the rate of (4.62) hours per pay period (fifteen days per year). Part-time employees in these levels whose work schedule requires them to work fifty-two weeks per year shall earn vacation on a pro-rata basis based on a two hundred sixty day work year (exempt employees) or two thousand eighty hours work year (non-exempt employees). Employees in these levels who complete a work schedule at the beginning of each fiscal year or those who work less than nine hundred sixty hours each fiscal year shall not earn vacation. Upon completion of five years of service, eligible employees in these grade levels shall earn one additional vacation day for each year to a maximum of twenty days. (3) Eligible employees in grade levels four and below shall earn vacation at the rate of (3.08) hours per pay period (ten days per year). Part-time employees in these levels whose work schedule requires them to work fifty-two weeks per year shall earn vacation on a pro-rata basis based on a two thousand eighty hour work year. Employees in these levels who complete a work schedule at the beginning of each fiscal year or those who work less than nine hundred sixty hours each fiscal year shall not earn vacation. Upon the completion of five years of service, eligible employees in these levels shall receive one additional vacation day for each year to a maximum of (twenty days). (B) Eligible employees may accumulate up to a maximum of twenty-five days vacation. No vacation shall be accrued in excess of twenty-five days. Accurate and timely reporting of leave used is the responsibility of the employee and their immediate supervisor. (C) Vacation leave may not be taken prior to being accrued. Vacation leave must be taken in thirty minute increments. (D) All accrued vacation time, computed at the employee's per diem or hourly rate, shall be paid to the employee in the event of voluntary resignation, termination by the college, retirement, or to the employee's beneficiary in the event of death. (E) Vacation should be scheduled as far in advance as possible. Such requests must be approved by the immediate supervisor. Consideration will be given to all vacation requests and an employee's preference will be granted whenever possible. However, the supervisor reserves the right to deny requests which jeopardize the operation of the department. Conflicts in vacation requests will be resolved by seniority. (F) When a legal holiday, as noted on the official college calendar, falls in the midst of an employee's vacation leave, the employee shall not have the holiday charged against their accrued vacation balance. (G) Vacation shall not be accrued while on an unpaid leave of absence.
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Prior Effective Dates:
3/13/1978, 7/7/2008
Rule 3358:5-5-10 | Advanced degree pay adjustment.
November 14, 2022
(A) The Clark state college board of trustees encourages faculty members to pursue additional education to enhance their professional status and to achieve greater expertise within their respective disciplines. (B) It is the belief of the board of trustees that this incentive should also be provided to all regular exempt and non-exempt employees to continue to upgrade themselves through advanced training and additional degree attainment. (C) Upon the presentation of evidence that a faculty or staff member has earned a degree subsequent to employment by Clark state college from an institution of higher education whose degree has been recognized by a regional accrediting association, an amount according to the following schedule will be added to the faculty or staff member's base salary: Instructional Faculty | Master's Degree | $500 | Doctoral Degree | $900 | | Regular Exempt and Non-Exempt Employees | Associate Degree | $250 | Bachelor Degree | $375 | Master's Degree | $500 | Doctoral Degree | $900 |
(D) The faculty or staff member's base salary including any advanced degree pay adjustment is not to exceed their range limit. (E) The advanced degree pay adjustment shall be prorated for instructional faculty and regular exempt and non-exempt employees who are employed less than full-time.
Last updated November 15, 2022 at 9:03 AM
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Prior Effective Dates:
1/1/2003, 3/12/2004
Rule 3358:5-5-11 | Proficiency examination compensation policy.
November 14, 2022
(A) Clark state college
students (1) Faculty
members/division deans need to assure that students have obtained the proper
receipt from the cashier's office for challenge/proficiency exam or
portfolio fee payment prior to scheduling the proficiency examination or
portfolio development. (2) After the faculty
member has administered or developed the proficiency examination, he/she shall
complete a additional pay form indicating the course name, course number, and
date of examination and shall indicate the following rate(s): (a) Payment for administering and grading a skills based
proficiency exam - fifty dollars. (b) Payment for grading a written proficiency exam. - twenty-five
dollars. (c) Payment for
developing a new challenge/proficiency examination - fifty
dollars. (d) Payment for modifying
an existing challenge/proficiency exam - twenty-five. (3) In the event of a
portfolio, once a student completes the portfolio, the faculty member shall
complete an additional pay form indicating the course name, course number, and
date of portfolio review and shall indicate the following rates: (a) Payment for portfolio
support for each three credit hour course - one hundred dollars. (b) Payment for portfolio
support for courses one or two credit hours - seventy five
dollars. (c) Payment is to cover
costs for the faculty to consult with the student prior to portfolio
development as well as portfolio assessment. (4) The additional pay form shall be signed by the faculty
member and division dean and forwarded to the payroll office for
processing. (B) Students at CTC and other tech prep
sites (1) Payment for
administering a proficiency examination off campus sixty dollars plus
mileage. (2) The additional pay
form shall be signed by the faculty member and division dean and forwarded to
the college's tech prep department so this expense can be tracked. The
college's tech prep department will then forward the additional pay form
to the payroll office for processing.
Last updated November 15, 2022 at 9:03 AM
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Prior Effective Dates:
Rule 3358:5-5-12 | College calendar/holiday pay.
November 14, 2022
(A) The board shall adopt a two-year
calendar in odd-numbered years to include the following holidays. (1) Ten holidays as
determined by the Ohio Revised Code. (a) Independence day (b) Labor day (c) Columbus day holiday observed the day after
Thanksgiving (d) Veterans day (e) Thanksgiving day (f) Christmas day (g) New years day (h) Martin Luther King day (i) Presidents day holiday observed during winter
break (j) Memorial day (k) Juneteenth (2) The college shall
observe a winter break commencing with December twenty-fourth and ending on
January first. (B) To be paid for a holiday, exempt and
non-exempt staff must accrue earnings on their scheduled work day preceding and
their scheduled work day following such holiday. Part-time employees shall not
be paid for a holiday that falls on a day of the week that they are not
normally scheduled to work. Full-time employees whose normal work schedule is
other than Monday through Friday and where the holiday falls on the day of the
week that they are not normally scheduled to work shall take their first
scheduled work day following the holiday as a holiday. (C) Employees are paid for no more hours
for a holiday than those hours they normally work each day. Employees who work on a holiday will receive
"double time" pay (their normal rate of pay times two) for the
hours worked that day, up to eight hours maximum. For example: compensate hours worked on the
holiday at twice the employee's regular pay rate. For example, the
employee worked five hours on Christmas day, calculate double-time pay as
follows: $12/hour x 2 = $24/hour x 5 hours = $120 (D) When a legal holiday, as noted on the
official college calendar, falls in the midst of an employee's paid leave
(i.e., vacation, sick), the employee shall be paid for the holiday by not
having the holiday charged against their accrued leave balance.
Last updated November 15, 2022 at 9:03 AM
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Rule 3358:5-5-17 | Tuition assistance program policy.
February 20, 2024
(A) The college is committed to
recruiting and retaining a competent and diverse workforce. To that end,
emphasis is placed on the education and competencies an employee brings to the
college as well as identifying, growing, and developing those skills through a
formal process of training and continuing education. The college encourages
employees to pursue professional development in order to obtain competencies
that support the growth and enrichment of the college and their personal needs
and interests. In order to enhance and promote such skill development, the
college provides a professional development program to eligible
employees. (B) This policy includes but is not
limited to: (1) Tuition reimbursement
program The college provides financial assistance to eligible employees
who seek to further their education through coursework at an accredited
educational institution. (All educational institutions must be properly
accredited by the higher learning commission of North Central association or
other regional accrediting associations having jurisdiction). (2) Institutional fee
benefit program The college provides a tuition scholarship
(instructional and general fees) for employees and eligible family members who
seek to further their education through coursework taken at Clark state
college. (C) This policy applies to the following
employees as indicated: (1) Tuition reimbursement
program All regular full-time and eligible regular part-time employees
(staff and faculty) may participate. (2) Institutional fee
benefit program All regular full and part-time employees (staff and
instructional faculty) and adjunct faculty are eligible to participate. This
program also extends to presidential and trustee emeriti and special nominees
of the president. (D) Eligibility requirements for this
policy are outlined in the tuition assistance program procedures. (E) Tuition reimbursement is subject to
repayment to the college under certain conditions as identified in the
associated procedures. (F) This policy shall be administered as
set forth in the associated procedures established by the president or his/her
designee. (G) The office of human resources shall be assigned the
responsibility of developing, implementing, and maintaining the tuition
assistance program.
Last updated February 20, 2024 at 8:50 AM
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Prior Effective Dates:
1/1/2004, 10/30/2015, 6/27/2019
Rule 3358:5-5-18 | Previous service credit purchase.
March 27, 2015
(A) Section 414 (H)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code permits employer pick-up of the employee portion of contributions to a retirement plan thereby resulting in tax deferral of employee contributions. (B) Effective November 3, 1999, Amended Substitute House Bill 15 was passed which permits the purchase of previous service credit by employees through tax-deferred payroll deductions. (C) Employees may redeposit contributions previously withdrawn plus interest and/or purchase eligible service credit. (D) Employees shall enter into a binding irrevocable payroll deduction authorization and shall not have the option of choosing to receive the amounts directly instead of having them paid by the college. (E) Employees should contact their respective state retirement system in order to obtain information as to restrictions and requirements of purchasing service credit.
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Prior Effective Dates:
Rule 3358:5-5-19 | Computer purchase loan policy.
November 14, 2022
(A) Purpose: (1) The board of trustees
has established an interest free, revolving loan program designed to help
increase and maintain technology literacy, technology skills, and the
availability of current technology for eligible Clark state employees.
Qualifying technology items purchased under this loan program are to benefit
our employees, the students we serve, and Clark state college. (2) A partial list of
qualifying technology items for purchase under this loan program is available
in the associated computer purchase loan procedures. (B) Eligible employees: (1) Must be employed as a
regular employee by the college at lease twelve months at time of
application (2) Include all 1.0FTE
regular employees of Clark state college in the following
categories: (a) Exempt staff (b) Non-exempt staff (c) Instructional faculty (3) Must receive a
paycheck from clark state every two weeks (C) This policy shall be administered as
set forth in the associated computer purchase loan procedures. (D) The office of human resources is
responsible for developing and maintaining the computer purchase loan policy
and procedures. (E) The office of business affairs is
responsible for administering the computer purchase loan policy and
Last updated November 15, 2022 at 9:04 AM
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Prior Effective Dates:
Rule 3358:5-5-20 | Family and Medical Leave Act Policy.
November 14, 2022
(A) Clark state college will grant
eligible employees leaves of absence under qualifying circumstances as provided
for in the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993, as amended. The college
provides job-protected family and medical leave to eligible employees for up to
twelve workweeks (four hundred eighty hours) of leave during a twelve-month
period based on qualifying events. All periods of absence from work due to, or
necessitated by the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
(USERRA) covered service is counted in determining an employee's
eligibility for leave pursuant to this policy. Eligible employees that care for
covered military service members are eligible for up to twenty-six workweeks
(one thousand forty hours) of leave in a single twelve-month period on a
per-covered-service member, per-injury basis. An employee who is entitled to
take leave due to a different fmla-qualifying reason may take leave during the
same single twelve-month period in which leave is taken to care for a covered
service member, but the total leave taken for any purpose during the single
twelve-month period may not exceed twenty-six workweeks overall. To the extent
this policy is silent on a matter, federal law will prevail. (B) Eligibility for leave under this
policy requires an employee to be in one of the following categories:
instructional faculty, exempt staff, or non-exempt staff; and (1) Have worked for Clark
state college for at least twelve months; and (2) Have worked at least
one thousand two hundred fifty hours during the twelve months immediately prior
to the start of the leave; and (3) Have an FTE of 60.1
or higher (C) Qualifying events for
leave (1) The birth of the
employee's child, and/or incapacity due to pregnancy or prenatal medical
care; (2) The placement with
the employee of a child for adoption or foster care; (3) The placement with
the employee of a child for adoption or foster care; (4) To care for an
immediate family member with a serious health condition. (Immediate family is
defined as brother, sister, mother, father, wife, husband, son, daughter,
mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, stepchildren,
stepparent, grandparent, step-grandparent, grandchildren, and
step-grandchildren); (5) A serious health
condition of the employee that renders the employee incapable of performing the
functions of the employee's job position as certified by a health care
provider; or (6) A qualifying exigency
arising out of the fact that the employee's spouse, son, daughter, or
parent is on covered active duty in a foreign country or has been notified of
an impending call to active duty in a foreign country. (D) Definition of a serious health
condition (1) A serious health
condition is defined as a condition which requires in-patient care at a
hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility, or a condition which
requires continuing care by a licensed health care provider. (2) Illnesses and
injuries of a serious and long-term nature resulting in recurring or lengthy
absences. Examples of a serious health condition include heart attacks or other
serious heart conditions, most cancers, strokes, appendicitis, pneumonia, and
ongoing pregnancy and prenatal care. (3) Generally, a chronic
or long-term health condition which results in a period of incapacity (defined
as the inability to work, attend school, or perform other regular daily
activities) for five or more consecutive days. (4) A period of
incapacity due to pregnancy, parental care, or placement with the employee of a
child for adoption or foster care. (5) The college may
require an employee to provide a health care provider's certification of
the serious health condition or illness. This medical certification process is
outlined in the college's family and medical leave
procedures. (6) Employees with
questions regarding the types of health conditions or illnesses covered under
this policy or under the college's sick leave policy are encouraged to
contact the college's human resources office. (E) This policy shall be administered in
accordance with the associated Family and Medical Leave Act policy procedures,
and consistent with the fmla and related federal regulations in effect on the
date that leave is being taken. (F) The office of human resources is
responsible for developing, implementing, and maintaining the family and
medical leave act policy, procedures, and related forms.
Last updated November 15, 2022 at 9:04 AM
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Prior Effective Dates:
Rule 3358:5-5-21 | Key control policy.
November 14, 2022
(A) The purpose of the key control policy
is to protect the property and privacy of the college; to promote the security
of faculty, staff and students; and to facilitate appropriate access to college
facilities and equipment. This is accomplished by limiting access to facilities
on the basis of demonstrated need. (B) The office of the vice president for
business affairs shall be assigned the responsibility of developing,
implementing, and maintaining the key control function. This responsibility for
the Greene center has been delegated to the associate dean, Greene center
Last updated November 15, 2022 at 9:04 AM
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Prior Effective Dates:
Rule 3358:5-5-24 | Compensation philosophy.
November 14, 2022
(A) Clark state college seeks to provide
every employee with a competitive level of compensation that reflects his or
her individual contribution to the college's mission. This mission is
realized by providing a total compensation package that includes base pay,
benefits, professional development, and the flexibility of working in a higher
education environment. Further, the purpose of Clark state's overall
compensation package is to attract and retain employees who are focused on
student success and community engagement. Clark state prides itself on being a
strong steward of its resources, and it is within the context of its financial
picture that compensation is examined and adjusted. (B) Compensation principals (1) Achieve and maintain competitive salaries in relevant
labor markets (2) Communicate compensation information to ensure that
employees understand their total compensation package (3) Administer pay equitably and in compliance with all
applicable federal and state laws and regulations (4) Provide professional development opportunities for
employees to develop and advance in their position sets (5) Recognize changing responsibilities given the
college's current and future staffing needs (6) Review compensation comprehensively per the
college's compensation manual (C) The office of human resources shall be assigned the
responsibility of developing, implementing, and maintaining the compensation
philosophy policy.
Last updated November 15, 2022 at 9:05 AM
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Prior Effective Dates:
Rule 3358:5-5-25 | Salary administration program policy.
November 14, 2022
(A) It is the policy of Clark state
college to develop and implement a fair, consistent, and competive salary
administration program so as to attract, motivate, and retain qualified
employees. The program is specifically designed to compensate employees on the
basis of their level of responsibility and performance, consistent with the
college's business needs and financial capabilities. The college's
performance management program, which is based on the individual's
performance, is administered to include a performance evaluation for each
employee at least once during any twelve-month cycle. (B) The college will administer its
compensation programs without regard to gender, age, race, color, religion,
creed, national origin, disability, or any other protected group or status. The
college will adhere to all applicable laws and regulations regarding job
classification, amount of pay, and equitable compensatory treatment of
employees. (C) This program applies to all regular
full and part-time employees (exempt, non-exempt, and instructional faculty),
of Clark state and its departments. This program takes the place of prior
policies and procedures on salaries and compensation. This program does not
apply to on-call employees, substitutes, independent contractors, contract
employees, consultants/special assignments, or employees with a temporary
Last updated November 15, 2022 at 9:05 AM
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Rule 3358:5-5-26 | Employee sick leave bank program policy.
November 14, 2022
(A) The college recognizes that employees
who properly manage their paid time off, or have not yet earned enough paid
time off, (sick leave, vacation leave, and personal time off), may deplete
these benefits and find themselves with a hardship and an additional need for
paid time off. To address these needs, the college has established an employee
sick leave bank program. The purpose of the voluntary employee sick leave bank
program is to help alleviate the financial hardship caused when employees have
depleted their paid time off leave balances and are faced with needing more
paid leave due to serious illness, injury, or some other qualifying
event. The employee sick leave bank serves as a
depository into which eligible employees may voluntarily donate sick leave for
allocation to other eligible employees. Eligible employees may request a
withdrawal of a limited number of sick leave hours to help them through their
hardship. (B) Employees eligible to participate in
the employee sick leave bank program are: (1) All regular employees
of Clark state college with an FTE of .50 and above, in the following
employment categories: (a) Exempt staff (b) Non-exempt staff (c) Instructional faculty (2) Employees donating to
the bank must have at least forty-eight hours of unused sick leave in his/her
sick leave account. (C) This policy shall be administered as
set forth in the associated employee sick leave bank program
procedures. (D) The college office of human resources
is responsible for developing, implementing, and maintaining the employee sick
leave bank policy, procedures and associated donation and withdrawal
Last updated November 15, 2022 at 9:05 AM
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Rule 3358:5-5-27 | Telecommuting policy.
November 14, 2022
(A) The college considers telecommuting
for exempt staff, non-exempt staff, and instructional faculty employees to be a
viable, flexible work option when both the employee and the job are suited to
such an arrangement. Telecommuting may be appropriate for some jobs but not for
others. In unusual situations, the president may grant telecommuting approval
for positions that would not normally be considered appropriate for
telecommuting. Telecommuting is a not a right or benefit that an employee can
expect or demand. Telecommuting does not change the terms and conditions of
employment. (B) Definitions (1) Telecommuting: working from a remote site, such as a
private home, instead of commuting to a designated headquarters. Emphasis is
placed on information or communication exchanged through telephones and remote
devices such as computers and fax machines to allow an employee to work at a
remote workplace. Telecommuting does not include the provision of online
instruction through a learning management system, or online instruction
provided by adjunct instructors, or casual, intermittent online instruction
provided by employees to supplement the work they regularly
perform. (2) Telecommuting application: approved format documenting
agreement between the immediate supervisor and employee for use of
telecommunications and computer technologies that allows an employee to perform
some or all of his/her assigned duties at other than the normally assigned
workplace. (C) This policy shall be administered as set forth in the
associated telecommuting procedures. (D) The office of human resources shall be assigned the
responsibility of developing, implementing, and maintaining the telecommuting
policy and procedures.
Last updated November 15, 2022 at 9:05 AM
Supplemental Information
Authorized By: