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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3357:15-18 | Policy on Admissions

Rule 3357:15-18-01 | Admission policy.

(A) Access to Ohio's state assisted colleges must be assured for every person who wants and can benefit from higher education. Stark state college (SSC) maintains an "open door" policy and cordially welcomes anyone who wishes to further his or her education. According to section 3345.06 of the Revised Code. Ohio law generally provides that graduates of twelfth grade are entitled to admission without examination to any state-supported college or university and further provides that such an institution may prescribe that certain courses must be completed for unconditional admission.

(B) Open admission carries with it the full weight of equal opportunity for all which means the college must make every effort to be both sensitive and responsive to the needs of prospective students. The open admission policy allows a student to enroll in the college but not necessarily in a specific degree-granting program.

(1) Standard admission. Standard admission to SSC is open to anyone who is a high school graduate or the equivalent and completes the enrollment procedures.

(2) Conditional admission. Students will be admitted conditionally to SSC if they do not achieve the test scores in English and/or reading indicated in the chart in this paragraph. Students who are admitted conditionally will be limited to taking up to two remedial courses(s) (maximum ten credits) where proficiency was not achieved and are required to successfully complete the course before being granted permission to take additional courses, if required by their programs.

ACTSAT Evidence-based reading and writing
EnglishAccuplacer (Writeplacer) 211360
ReadingNext generation 219 or Reading Comprehension 28 11360

(3) Restricted program admission. Students who do not meet specific program requirements at the time of admission as set forth by SSC may be required to satisfactorily complete such requirements before admission into a specific program.

(4) College credit plus. Students can graduate college earlier by earning college and high school credit at the same time. The credits earned can be used to complete an associate of arts, associate of science, associate of applied science, or associate of applied business degree at SSC, which can then transfer to any Ohio public university towards a bachelor's degree. SSC follows all policies set forth by the Ohio department of higher education (ODHE).

(5) Early college high school (ECHS). ECHS is a program designed to offer Canton city high school students the opportunity to earn an associate degree while completing four years of high school.

(C) Required course placement: First-time degree or one year Ohio department of higher education (ODHE) certificate seeking students are required to complete all developmental courses into which they are placed by accuplacer, COMPASS and/or ACT/SAT scores and that are required by their programs, beginning with their first semester of credit enrollment and continuing for all subsequent semesters to completion. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis for a student returning after an absence at the discretion of the subject department chair or designee of the department chair.

(D) College-level coursework: first-time degree seeking students or certificate-seeking students are required to complete college-level English and math within the first thirty credit hours or as required by the program.

Last updated August 1, 2024 at 7:41 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3357.09
Amplifies: 3357.09
Prior Effective Dates: 7/6/2018, 6/7/2021
Rule 3357:15-18-04 | Non-credential-seeking citizens 60 and older.

To encourage and promote life-long learning experiences for older citizens, all instructional and general fees are waived for Ohio residents sixty years of age or older who take credit classes as a non-credential-seeking student. Such citizens are free to enroll in any section or course where there may be less than the maximum number of regular students in a class.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3357:15
Amplifies: 3357:15
Prior Effective Dates: 2/28/2015
Rule 3357:15-18-06 | Financial aid.

The purpose of financial aid is to provide access to higher education through comprehensive services in support of student success:

(A) To provide high quality, efficient, and courteous services to the college community;

(B) To assist students with self-sufficiency by promoting the use of mystarkstate for general information and self-service;

(C) To keep abreast of changes in federal, state, and institutional policies and procedures;

(D) To meet Ohio department of higher education and U.S. department of education reporting deadlines;

(E) To provide data to administration, faculty, staff, and students to assist with minimizing student violations of academic progress; and

(F) To provide appropriate information to the college community to allow for future interventions regarding student loan defaulters.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3357:15
Amplifies: 3357:15
Prior Effective Dates: 10/15/2009
Rule 3357:15-18-07 | Standards of academic progress.

Standards of academic progress (SAP) are a series of standards required to maintain eligibility for federal student aid. Requirements include components of completion of credit hours and grade point average (GPA) as defined in this policy. Students who do not meet these requirements will be disqualified from future federal financial aid.

Standards of academic progress requirements:

(A) Stark state college requires that any student who applies for or receives federal financial aid makes satisfactory academic progress toward an Ohio department of higher education (ODHE) approved degree or certificate. All students are subject to the evaluation of standards of academic progress.

(B) Satisfactory academic progress is measured as follows:

(1) GPA (qualitative measure): overall grade point average of 2.0.

(2) Completion rate (quantitative measure): completion of sixty-seven per cent of the cumulative attempted credit hours, including hours of repeated and developmental coursework. All accepted transfer hours will also be included in this calculation. The calculated percentage will be subject to rounding to the nearest whole number based on standard mathematical rounding rules.

(3) Maximum timeframe (quantitative measure): completion of an ODHE-approved degree or certificate within the required number of credit hours as listed in the college catalog for the associate or certificate degree, multiplied by one hundred fifty per cent as determined by office of financial aid. This measure will include all accepted transfer credit hours and up to thirty attempted credit hours of required developmental coursework. If a student changes his or her major or is seeking a second degree, the percentage of completion does not start at zero per cent. A student becomes ineligible, via the maximum timeframe element, at the point at which it becomes mathematically impossible for them to complete the program within one hundred fifty per cent.

(4) Successful financial aid grade completions are: A, AH, B, BH, C, UC, D, UD, CR.

(5) Unsuccessful financial aid grade completions are: F, W, IN, NC. W, IN, and NC grades do not affect the GPA but are included in the completion rate and maximum timeframe components of the SAP calculation. Once IN grades are changed, the student's GPA, completion rate, and maximum timeframe components are re-calculated. Courses in which a student remained enrolled past the add/drop period and earned a W grade cannot be excluded from the calculation.

(6) Repeated coursework (see rule 3357:15-13-08 of the Administrative Code) will count toward the number of attempted hours for completion rate and maximum timeframe calculations. Only the highest grade will be used in the calculation of the student's GPA.

(7) All students are limited to thirty credit hours of developmental coursework. Grades are assigned to developmental coursework and will be counted in the GPA, completion rate, and maximum timeframe calculations.

(C) Failure to meet these measurements will result in the loss of federal financial aid eligibility.

Last updated August 7, 2023 at 8:54 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3357.09
Amplifies: 3357.09
Prior Effective Dates: 6/5/2023
Rule 3357:15-18-09 | Fees.

Stark state college is financially assisted by the Ohio department of higher education and the state department of education. Students are responsible for charges associated with class tuition and fees. The first day of the semester is defined as the official starting date of the semester or portion of the semester.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3357
Amplifies: 3357
Prior Effective Dates: 10/15/2009
Rule 3357:15-18-10 | Student recruitment and marketing.

Stark state college will hire and train admission representatives whose credentials, purposes, and activities adhere to the code of conduct known as the "Guide to Ethical Practice in College Admission" approved by the national association for college admission counseling (NACAC), which can be found at College representatives will follow the "Guide to Ethical Practice in College Admission" to ensure appropriate conduct in the recruitment of students and their transition to postsecondary education.

Last updated June 6, 2022 at 11:41 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3357.09
Amplifies: 3357.09
Prior Effective Dates: 10/15/2009
Rule 3357:15-18-11 | International student admissions.

Stark state college is a certified student and exchange visitor program (SEVP) designee that welcomes qualified F1 visa holders from other countries. According to the Code of Federal Regulations 8 CFR 214.3(a) (2), specific schools are eligible to enroll F visa holder students, including a community college or junior college that provides instruction in liberal arts or in the professions and awards recognized associate degrees.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3357
Amplifies: 3357
Rule 3357:15-18-12 | Nonpayment drop.

All students are required to pay their tuition and fees by the college's scheduled payment date each semester; please refer to ("Fees") policy 3357:15-18-09 of the Administrative Code. If a student is dropped for nonpayment, the student must seek the approval of the instructor prior to readmission into the course.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3357:15
Amplifies: 3357:15
Rule 3357:15-18-13 | Determination of Student Location.

Federal and state regulations require institutions of higher education to determine the state in which a student is located at the time of the student's initial enrollment and/or upon formal receipt of a change of location from the student. The college must determine student location in order to disclose to the student state-specific professional licensure/certification information for their state of location and discuss whether the educational programs and curriculum at stark state college, which satisfy licensure/certification in the state of Ohio, meet the requirements for the student's state of location.

Stark state college is a member of the national council for state authorization reciprocity agreements (NC-SARA), which permits the college to enroll out-of-state students in online educational programs. Acceptance into an educational program or enrollment in course(s) is based on where the student is physically located while taking the course(s). This policy applies to all students taking credit-bearing courses at stark state college including in-person, online, and military students.

Last updated July 1, 2024 at 4:52 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3357.09
Amplifies: 3357.09