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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3356-1 | Meetings; Board Members

Rule 3356-1-01 | Bylaws.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
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Last updated January 23, 2025 at 12:55 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3356.03
Amplifies: 3356.03
Rule 3356-1-02 | Faculty tenure.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
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Last updated March 21, 2024 at 3:49 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3356.03, 3345-45
Amplifies: 3356.03
Rule 3356-1-09 | Development and issuance of university policies.

(A) Policy statement. All university policies and rules fall within a greater hierarchy of laws, statutes and regulations. The Youngstown state university board of trustees has been authorized by the Ohio legislature to do all things necessary for the creation, proper maintenance, and successful continuous operation of the university (section 3356.03 of the Revised Code). As may be appropriate, the board of trustees exercises its governance authority through the issuance of university policies. All university policies shall be developed, approved, and published in accordance with the standards and format set forth in this policy and as required by the Ohio legislative service commission ("LSC").

(B) Purpose. To provide a procedure for the development and enactment of university policies in order to maintain accountability and consistency.

(C) This policy applies to all university divisions, colleges, departments, sections, units, or any other categories within the university and to all individuals within these categories seeking to develop, enact, revise, or review university policies.

(D) Definitions.

(1) "University policy" - a written directive or governing principle that is formally approved by the board of trustees, which has broad application throughout the university. Policies connect the university's goals and mission to individual conduct, fiscal responsibility, and institutional expectations, and support compliance with laws and regulations.

(2) "Policy statement" - a concise statement of principles, values, and/or intent that provide context for the policy.

(3) "Purpose" - a brief explanation of why the policy is needed.

(4) "Procedure" - the operational processes required to implement a policy including any required training. A procedure may be included in the policy or an administrative unit or officer may be charged with developing procedures to implement the policy.

(5) "Guidelines" - statements which are necessary to clarify and explain the policy (also known as parameters).

(6) "Scope" - defines what entities or individuals are covered by a policy.

(7) "Responsible division or office" - the university unit charged with the development and administration of a policy and its procedures.

(8) "Responsible officer" - the highest ranking university officer charged with administrative responsibility for a policy that falls within his/her administrative unit, typically a divisional vice president or chief officer.

(9) "Board committee" - the committee of the board of trustees with purview over those matters of university operations which are the subject matter of the policy.

(E) Procedure.

(1) A new university policy or a proposed revision or rescission of an existing policy may be initiated by the individual accountable for any department or unit, such as a chairperson, director, executive director, senates, councils, and committees (hereinafter, the "policy initiator").

(2) The formal submission of a policy to the board of trustees shall originate from the president, a divisional vice president or senior executive, or the board of trustees. However, an appropriate designee may be named to manage the policy through the development, submission, and issuance process.

(3) Each divisional vice president or senior executive is responsible for ensuring that all existing policies assigned to his/her division are reviewed on a five-year cycle. A policy may be reviewed or rescinded or a new policy proposed at any time in response to university needs or statutory requirements.

(4) Proposed revisions to existing policies shall be clearly identified and contrasted with existing language.

(5) A draft copy of the policy shall first be forwarded to the president, general counsel, the divisional vice presidents, and the responsible officer for timely review and feedback. These individuals may also forward the draft to their administrative units for timely review and comment. Comments are to be returned to the policy initiator.

(6) The president may utilize any appropriate council, committee, or forum to obtain campus-wide perspective or input.

(7) During the review process, the policy initiator may incorporate relevant modifications which are consistent with existing policies and applicable regulations. If the policy is further modified, a draft will again be circulated to the president, general counsel, and divisional vice presidents for final review.

(8) Prior to submission to the board of trustees, the policy shall be presented to the appropriate board committee for review and comment.

(9) At the conclusion of the review process and prior to submission to the board of trustees for approval, the policy initiator shall incorporate those proposed revisions which are relevant, reasonable, and consistent with existing policies and applicable regulations.

(10) The responsible officer or his/her designee shall submit the final draft to the board of trustees for approval.

(11) The office of equal opportunity and policy compliance or the office with current responsibility for university policies shall monitor and assist the appropriate responsible officer or designee and/or the policy initiator through the development, submission, and issuance process.

(12) Following approval by the board of trustees, the policy will be filed with the legislative service commission and posted on the university webpage designated for university policies and rules (see paragraph (H) of this policy).

(F) Policy format.

(1) Policies shall be written, numbered, and submitted for LSC filing in accordance with LSC requirements.

(2) All policies shall be submitted for internal review and posting in LSC format and with a header containing the following information:

(a) Responsible division/office;

(b) Responsible officer;

(c) Revision history;

(d) Board committee;

(e) Effective date; and

(f) Next review.

(3) The body of the policy shall conform to the following order and requirements:

(a) Policy statement (required section);

(b) Purpose (required section);

(c) Scope (required section);

(d) Procedure (required; however, when an administrative unit/officer is charged with the development of procedures, then this assignment shall be noted);

(e) Sections or information necessary to ensure comprehension of and compliance with the policy, such as definitions, guidelines, sanctions, reference to applicable regulations and/or university policies.

(G) Policy numbering system.

(1) All Youngstown state university policies are numbered and begin with 3356, which denotes the Revised Code chapter by which the Ohio legislature created the university and the LSC agency number assigned to the university for filing purposes. The agency number (3356) is followed by two numbers, which designate, respectively, the area of administrative responsibility within the university (also known as the LSC chapter number) and the specific policy number. A policy which serves to supplement an original policy shall be assigned the number of the original policy followed by a period (.) and an additional digit (e.g., a supplemental policy to policy 01 would be numbered 01.1).

(2) For purposes of this policy, the areas of administrative responsibility are assigned the following numbers:

(a) Governance (includes bylaws of the board of trustees and process-oriented elements of governing, such as drafting and numbering of university policies) - 01.

(b) Equal opportunity and diversity - 02.

(c) Budget and finance - 03.

(d) Facilities - 04.

(e) Advancement - 05.

(f) Intercollegiate athletic - 06.

(g) Human resources - 07.

(h) Student affairs - 08.

(i) Administration and personnel - 09.

(j) Academic affairs - 10.

(H) Posting/publication.

(1) The latest version of all university policies shall be posted on a university webpage designated for university policies and rules and shall be listed by policy number, administrative responsibility, and alphabetically by title. The office of equal opportunity and policy compliance, or the current equivalent office, shall oversee and maintain the official university policy and rule webpage.

(2) For one year from the effective date of this policy, current and revised university policies shall be cross-referenced with the previous internal policy number. New policies shall be numbered pursuant to this policy.

(I) Conflicts.

(1) In the event of a conflict between a university policy and a school or departmental administrative or operational policy or rule, the university policy shall take precedence unless the school or department can demonstrates an overriding need for its policy and the use of the conflicting policy is approved by the president. The school or department shall notify the office of equal opportunity and policy compliance of the conflict and the office of equal opportunity and policy compliance shall take necessary action to correct the conflict where possible.

Last updated August 17, 2023 at 1:52 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3356
Amplifies: 3356
Prior Effective Dates: 6/16/2003
Rule 3356-1-11 | Divisional administrative procedures.

(A) Policy statement. The Youngstown state university board of trustees has endorsed the collegial system of governance and recognizes that the day-to-day internal administration of the university is best achieved by delegating formal authority to the president, who in turn delegates appropriate authority to various administrative officers. The president delegates to the divisions of the university responsibility and authority for academic affairs, business and financial affairs, development and community affairs, and student affairs finance and business operations, and legal affairs and human resources.

(B) Purpose. To establish a process for the divisions of the university to promulgate procedures to execute the plans and programs of the university and administer university affairs.

(C) Definition. Divisional administrative procedures ("administrative procedures") are operational guidelines established by divisions of the university to assist in the implementation of the goals and objectives of the division. Administrative may impact the entire university community.

(D) Parameters.

(1) The drafting and review of administrative procedures shall follow, to the extent possible, the format contained in rule 3356-1-09 of the Administrative Code ("Development and issuance of university policies").

(2) An administrative procedure shall identify which division authorized the procedure, the department or unit within the division that is responsible for implementation of the procedure, and its effective date.

(3) Administrative procedures may be developed or revised by the individual accountable for any department or unit (chairperson, director, executive director, etc.). Divisional councils or committees may also develop or revise administrative procedure through the appropriate department or unit. When revising existing administrative procedures, proposed modifications should be clearly identified and contrasted with existing language.

Accuracy of the administrative procedures is the responsibility of the individual accountable for the department or unit involved with development of these administrative procedures.

(4) In the event of a conflict between a university policy and an administrative procedure, the university policy shall take precedence. The division shall notify the office of equal opportunity and policy development of the conflict, and the office of equal opportunity and policy development shall inform the board of trustees in order that the board of trustees may take appropriate action.

(5) Accuracy of the administrative procedures is the responsibility of the individual accountable for the department or unit involved with development or revision of these administrative procedures.

(E) Procedures.

(1) A new administrative procedure shall be noted as such during the review process. Proposed revisions to an existing procedure shall be clearly identified and contrasted with existing language.

(2) A draft of the new or revised administrative procedure shall be forwarded to departments, units, councils, committees, or others affected, for timely review and feedback to the divisional vice president. When the scope of the administrative procedures extends beyond the division, the draft will be forwarded to the appropriate division(s) for review.

(3) After the review is completed, a final draft of the administrative procedure shall be forwarded to the president and vice presidents to determine if further review is necessary.

(4) The president may facilitate discussion and obtain campus-wide perspective and input by presenting the administrative procedure to an appropriate university body.

(5) Upon completion of the review and drafting process, the appropriate vice president, or designee, shall insure that the administrative procedure is in the appropriate format and is posted on the website of the appropriate division, department, or unit.

Last updated August 17, 2023 at 1:52 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3356
Amplifies: 3356
Prior Effective Dates: 6/16/2003
Rule 3356-1-12 | Fifteen-year plan for energy efficiency and conservation projects.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
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Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3356
Amplifies: 3356
Rule 3356-1-13 | Electronic attendance of board of trustees meetings.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
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Last updated December 12, 2022 at 3:24 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3356.03
Amplifies: 3356.03