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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3341-10 | Policy on Logo

Rule 3341-10-01 | The BGSU logo.

(A) Policy statement and purpose

BGSU's logo is the foundational element of the university's brand identity. This policy is designed to ensure its correct usage to safeguard and provide consistency to the university's brand.

(B) Policy

(1) The BGSU logo

(a) The BGSU logo is the official identifier and may be used only for purposes that will promote the goals of the university. It must appear on all official university communications, except for routine internal business. The logo is a registered trademark of Bowling Green state university.

(b) The logo must appear in a prominent location on all printed and electronic materials. The BGSU logo can be downloaded from the BGSU graphic standards website . Other logos that represent an individual academic/administrative area should never appear on stationery. This includes office letterheads, news releases, envelopes and business cards. However, individual area marks can be used on materials other than stationery as long as the BGSU logo appears prominently

(c) No recognized student organization shall use any BGSU logo for any RSO activities, materials, publications, or web sites except those specifically authorized by the university.

(2) One-color applications

When using a single color, the BGSU logo should be printed in orange, brown or black.

(3) BGSU logo violations

(a) Never typeset or attempt to recreate this logo on your own. It has unique letter spacing and character weights.

(b) It should never be expanded, condensed or altered in any way.

(C) The BGSU logo and other registered university trademarks may be reproduced on a wide range of merchandise such as t-shirts, mugs and pens but is subject to approval by the university's licensing program coordinator. A licensed vendor must be used to supply the product being decorated.

Any merchandise with registered university trademarks, intended for resale above the cost of producing the product, is subject to an eight per cent royalty fee on the wholesale cost of the product and subsequent decoration.

A royalty waiver is available for those projects that are not intended for resale or are sold at the cost of producing the product. For more information contact the licensing program coordinator.

Last updated March 6, 2023 at 8:11 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341
Amplifies: 3341
Rule 3341-10-02 | BGSU signature.

(A) Policy statement and purpose

BGSU's signature is an essential element of the university's brand identity. This policy is designed to ensure its correct usage to safeguard and provide consistency to the university's brand.

(B) Policy

(1) BGSU signatures are comprised of the BGSU logo and the words "Bowling Green state university." The BGSU signatures are readily available to university offices, organizations, colleges and departments for use in their respective visual communication. The BGSU logo and signature can be downloaded from the BGSU graphic standards web site.

(2) The BGSU logo and/or signature are provided as artwork so it is not necessary for the user to have special fonts and they will preserve their clarity when enlarged to most any size. The user may size the artwork larger or smaller as long as the proportions remain intact. If you are using the logo in a very large format, a special file may be required to maintain clarity. Contact the office of marketing and communications for more information.

(3) The BGSU logo or signature may not be used by any off-campus group, individual or organization not associated with BGSU or without approval from the office of marketing and communications.

(4) Commercial use of any university logos is subject to licensing standards administered by the licensing program coordinator.

January 1st, 2002

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3345
Amplifies: 3345
Rule 3341-10-03 | Logotype and graphics.

(A) Policy statement and purpose

BGSU's approved logotypes and graphics are essential elements of the university's brand identity. This policy is designed to ensure their correct usage to safeguard and provide consistency to the university's brand.

(B) Policy

(1) Logotypes

An academic/administrative area logotype is a combination of the BGSU logo and custom type. Logotypes do not contain any pictorial/graphic symbols. It is not necessary to use a stand-alone BGSU logo if an academic/administrative area logotype is being used.

Academic/administrative area logotypes are:

(a) Linked with the BGSU logo in a predetermined template. Templates have consistent typefaces, an orange BGSU logo, brown line and brown text within the custom text area. This gives consistency to all BGSU academic and administrative areas. Logotypes are created by the office of marketing and brand strategy.

(b) Not permitted on any office stationery or business cards with the exception of named colleges.

(c) Contact the office of marketing and brand strategy for additional questions concerning logotype usage.

(2) Graphics

Graphics that are designed to promote special events, such as homecoming, may be used. Event graphics can be used on any visual communication. In many cases, the department's official logotype should accompany the graphic in marketing materials. Graphics should never be used on official office stationery. If you wish to use graphics in addition to your official logotype for special occasions, contact the office of marketing and brand strategy.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 4:27 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341
Amplifies: 3341
Prior Effective Dates: 3/12/2015
Rule 3341-10-04 | The official identity colors.

(A) Policy statement and purpose

The official identity colors of the university are essential elements of the university's brand identity. This policy is designed to ensure correct usage of these colors to safeguard and provide consistency to the university's brand.

(B) Policy

(1) BGSU orange

(a) The principal identity color of BGSU is orange. When possible, this color should appear on any visual communication. The BGSU orange was chosen because of its vibrancy and accessibility. It can be used on either a light or dark background at no smaller than nineteen pt. font. In addition, white and black type aalso remains very legible whne printed on the BGSU orange. In most cases, the BGSU orange should be used as an accent color with black since black is a more legible text color.

(b) The BGSU orange and BGSU brown are the only color, other than black, that is permitted for use on university stationery and business cards.

(c) The formulas for the BGSU orange are dependent on what form of media is being employed. The formulas for the BGSU orange are:

(i) Pantone color: PMS 166C

(ii) Process formula: 0C/76M/100Y/0K*

(iii) RGB formula: R:253/G:80/B:0*

(iv) HTML color #FD5000*

(2) BGSU brown

(a) The secondary identity color of BGSU is brown. Variations of brown are permitted and the user may choose to use black in lieu of the brown because it may appear more legible.

(b) The formulas for the BGSU brown are:

(i) Pantone color: PMS 4625

(ii) Process color: 30C/72M/74Y/80K*

(iii) RGB formula: R:79/G:44/B:29*

(iv) HTML color # 4f2c1d*

(3) Basic identity colors

Both black and white may be used with or as a substitute for the official identity colors.

* These are the recommended PMS color equivalents.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 4:27 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341
Amplifies: 3341
Prior Effective Dates: 3/12/2015
Rule 3341-10-05 | OMC.

(A) Policy statement and purpose

The faculty, staff and others associated with Bowling Green state university (BGSU) must be cognizant of the reputation of the university, and the impact of individual actions on that reputation. This policy is meant to help protect the university's reputation and provide guidance to individuals on best practices.

(B) Policy scope

The policy applies to any person subject to a university policy including but not limited to:

(1) The board of trustees, ("board")

(2) Students

(3) Faculty

(4) Staff

(5) Alumni

(6) Volunteers

(7) Visitors

(8) Others who provide services or act under the name of the university including contractors, vendors and consultants.

(C) Media relations

Working effectively with the news media is essential to helping Bowling Green state university meet its strategic goals and fulfill its mission.

The office of marketing and communications (OMC) is charged with overseeing the university's media relations efforts. This includes publicizing and promoting BGSU to build awareness and interest in the university; enhancing and protecting BGSU's reputation and image; providing the university's official response to media inquiries; and leading communications efforts during a crisis.

The athletics communications office oversees athletic media relations unless an incident or issue occurs that could affect the overall reputation or image of the university. In those instances, OMC takes the lead.

BGSU has established the following policies for working with the media.

(1) External news

All external promotional and news material must be approved by OMC. The office will review publications, promotional materials, news releases and web content for news worthiness, design standards and style standards. OMC will work with the submitter to address any concerns and coordinate distribution.

(2) News releases, announcements, news conferences

All news releases must be routed through OMC. In addition, news conferences or announcements where media will be present should be coordinated with OMC to ensure the university is represented consistently and appropriately. OMC may edit items for newsworthiness and style requirements.

(3) Crisis communications: OMC maintains a communications plan that must be followed in the event of a crisis. With the exception of emergency alerts that may be sent by BGSU police, during a crisis situation all communications to students, faculty, staff and the public must disseminated by or authorized by the OMC. The university's chief communications officer and/or senior director of communications will consult with the president, appropriate senior administrators/deans, police and emergency responders to formulate and disseminate information in a timely manner.

(4) Incidents or sensitive issues: Incidents or sensitive issues that could create negative perceptions or negative publicity should be shared with OMC as soon as possible, so information can be gathered and timely responses can be prepared.

(5) Official university responses/positions: Any media inquiries that require an official BGSU response or the stating of a university position, must be referred to OMC. OMC will in turn notify appropriate senior administrators and coordinate the response to the media.

(6) Faculty and the media: The BGSU administration and OMC respect academic freedom. Faculty members are encouraged to work with the media to highlight their work and to serve as media resources on their areas of expertise.

(a) Faculty members are not required to seek approval to speak with the media. However, OMC welcomes the opportunity to assist faculty with coordinating interviews, message development, "pitching stories" to reporters and providing general counsel on working with the media.

(b) Faculty members should also coordinate with OMC when receiving requests to film or otherwise tour sensitive areas including laboratories and animal facilities.

(c) It is strongly recommended that faculty let their dean or department chairs know about any media interviews and alert OMC. This allows the office to watch for the resulting story, share the news with the university community, and look for ways to maximize the exposure.

(d) Faculty and staff cannot speak on behalf of BGSU or convey the university's stance on a topic without authorization. Media seeking an official response or statement of a university position should be referred to OMC.

(7) Requests for experts

OMC receives calls every day from reporters seeking an expert to comment on a topic. The office works to match these requests with BGSU faculty with knowledge in that area.

OMC maintains a database of faculty members and their areas of expertise to meet these requests. Faculty members who are willing to work with the media are encouraged to submit a media profile form to OMC for this purpose.

(8) Story ideas

OMC also welcomes story ideas from faculty and staff. Ideas may be sent to the sr. director of communications ( or the university's communications specialist (

(D) Advertising, merchandise, signage, graphic identity and institutional logo policies

Broadcast, electronic and print advertising must be approved by office of marketing & communications (OMC) to ensure appropriate use of logos and content: Bowling Green state university marks and logos must be used appropriately in print and advertising as per the Bowling Green state university graphic standards manual, and as per the collegiate licensing company, which governs commercial and non-commercial use of Bowling Green state's name and marks on merchandise and other materials.

Campus signage: Bowling Green state way-finding (directional) and building signage is produced by the office of design and construction under the Bowling Green state university campus master plan.

The division of student affairs manages the on-campus advertising and distribution policy.

(E) Web design and usage policies

Working with many campus areas, including information technology services (ITS) and college/unit/school web designers, OMC sets standards and primary design protocols that all areas must follow for the university website; all areas are required to keep content on sites updated as part of their communications/marketing priorities and to use the most current version of the official university web templates. Customized elements for distinct or non-traditional audiences can be planned with OMC to ensure cohesiveness with the university and universal navigation features.

(1) Content management guidelines: A content management system is administered and available through the ITS to make meeting web design standards, and using and updating websites easier campus-wide. Testing of navigation and features with target audiences is ongoing.

(2) Web protocol and conditions for official university web pages: using Bowling Green state university web pages are a privilege, and certain requirements or standards of use in addition to design parameters must be followed. They are described in the enterprise applications guidelines.

(3) The office of information technology manages policies covering security, storage and maintenance, as well as other appropriate uses of technology.

(F) Branding guidelines

OMC will champion and protect the university brand, approving messages in concert with that brand and helping colleges, schools and areas customize their own positioning in conjunction with it. Major university messaging/marketing themes, which evolve over time and are based on strategic planning, will be shared with all communicators and marketers, with assistance and support for customizing those themes to help promote individual areas available on request. To date, messages consistent with past university branding and enrollment efforts include different variations of themes authentic to BGSU's audience perceptions, awareness, guide decision making and responses to calls to action: for example, the Bowling Green falcon athletics, Bowling Green state university enrollment and BGSU firelands enrollment themes (recent examples include 'we are BG,' 'education worth celebrating' and 'university within reach' television spots and print designs). General themes may change or adapt in the future based on changing perceptions, branding research, desired audience actions or additional planning.

All university marks, icons and logos are owned by Bowling Green state university and managed by the OMC and falcon athletics per the collegiate licensing company.

(G) Social media and mobile applications

BGSU has extensive social media audiences, and is actively engaged with official university accounts managed by the OMC and ITS in facebook, twitter, foursquare, youtube, flickr, wikis, blogs and other mediums. Colleges, schools and other campus areas often have pages or accounts connected to the primary BGSU social media sites, customized for their specific audiences. OMC is tasked by the Office of the president to monitor any social media sites using official university marks, identifiers, and logos and reserves the right, in most cases, to remove inappropriate, inaccurate, or misleading material, or material that conveys personal information, violates FERPA laws or opinions in a way that can be construed as a university view. OMC will work with community managers to update and maintain these sites, as well as provide forums for training and best practices. Social networking guidelines are available in the graphic standards manual (

Mobile applications, both native and web-based, are coordinated through a university mobile/apps committee, chaired by an OMC representative. Policies and procedures are being created and will be shared campus-wide. The OMC will provide approval for BGSU's official mobile apps.

January 1st, 2012

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3345
Amplifies: 3345
Rule 3341-10-06 | Web identity and website standards.

(A) Policy statement and purpose

BGSU websites are valuable assets of the university. As critical business and communications vehicles for BGSU, it is important that the information they provide be accessible, accurate, easy to find and navigate, and timely.

This policy has the following objectives for all websites used to conduct official university business:

(1) To present a consistent, professional image of BGSU that meets brand standards and maintains the integrity of the institution and is befitting of a leading comprehensive university;

(2) To define website accessibility standards and requirements, rule 3341-6-57 of the Administrative Code, "Web Accessibility Policy";

(3) To define certain visual and informational elements required for all BGSU websites;

(4) To ensure websites clearly establish a unit's relationship to BGSU and consistently include basic elements intended to aid users as they navigate across BGSU websites; and

(5) To ensure websites departments and offices are regularly updating and providing accurate content.

(B) Policy scope

This policy governs all websites that represent Bowling Green state university, are used to conduct official university business or provide official university information. These websites include, but are not limited to, all those under the domain umbrella ""

Related policies include the following rules of the Administrative Code: 3341-6-07 "BGSU Information Technology Services"; 3341-6-49 "BGSU Web Privacy Policy"; and 3341-6-57 "Web Accessibility Policy."

(C) Definitions

(1) Domain name

An organization's unique internet identity. The root domain is the web address and includes a domain name (BGSU) and a name domain extension, or top-level-domain, such as .edu, .com, and .info. Registration of a domain provides for the creation of subdomains, websites and email addresses for an organization. Domains such as are owned by BGSU and managed by the office of information technology services.

(2) Domain registrar

A company that manages the reservation of internet domain names and internet protocol (IP) address assignments.

(3) Footer

The bottom section of a webpage, which is often the same on every page of the website and typically contains copyright information. The organization name, contact information and additional links can also be added to the footer.

(4) Homepage

The introductory page of a website, which typically serves as the front door to the domain. It is the page that loads when you visit a web address that contains only a domain name. For example, is the homepage of the BGSU domain.

(5) Identity guidelines

The university's identity guidelines define the standards for using BGSU's logos and other graphic marks and visual identity elements.

(6) University business

The work performed as part of an employee's job responsibilities; daily work and duties performed on behalf of the university by faculty, staff, student workers, guests and other persons whose conduct, in the performance of work for the university, is under the direct control of the university, whether or not they are paid by the university. This definition includes any email, calendar events, files or other electronic business data created, stored, processed and/or transmitted that is related to work performed for BGSU.

(7) URL

The uniform resource locator (URL) is used to specify addresses on the web for all websites, pages, links, images, audio, video, etc.

(8) Web integrity team

The web integrity team, comprised of staff from the office of marketing and brand strategy and the office of information technology services, works with units across the university to coordinate the content certification process.

(9) Webpage

A hypertext document on the internet. It can include text, links, images, audio, video, etc.

(10) Website

A compilation of a set of webpages viewed with a browser. It is a static content repository whose purpose is informational.

(11) Web application

An interactive program that requires programmatic user input and data processing. It is a program that runs remotely and depends on a backend for processing and data storage.

(D) Policy

All BGSU websites must adhere to the following standards and criteria:

(1) Website requirements

(a) Accessibility

In accordance with federal law and for university websites to be viewed and used by the widest audience, all webpages must comply with rule 3341-6-57 of the Administrative Code, "Web Accessibility Policy."

(b) University identity

The full name of the university Bowling Green state university must appear on every webpage, preferably in the footer at the bottom of the page. For a suggestion on using the full name of the university, see website footer requirements (paragraph (D)(2) of this rule). The BGSU logotype must appear in the top of every webpage.

(c) Link to university-wide homepage

The top section of all websites officially representing BGSU must include the university logo and link to the university-wide homepage ( This ensures that visitors to any university webpage can navigate, if needed, to a consistent "home base."

(d) Contact information

Top-level pages of websites must include a clear way to contact the unit for additional information or to report problems on the web page.

(e) Adhere to BGSU brand standards

The websites must follow the marketing and brand strategy brand standards.

(2) Website footer requirements

To ensure all university websites are copyright protected, comply with federal accessibility requirements, and allow visitors to navigate across the university, all university webpages must display the following information at the bottom of the page in the webpage footer:

(a) A prominent link to the university-wide homepage (;

(b) A link titled "Accessibility Resources" including events that links to our full accessibility statement at;

(c) A link to the color contrast version of the website that will switch the webpage style sheet and prevent color contrast issues;

(d) A link titled "Title IX Resources" that links to Title IX office contact information; and

(e) A link titled "Nondiscrimination" that links to the equity and compliance webpage.

(3) Website content accuracy

The accuracy of content on BGSU websites is critical as websites are developed and maintained. When offices and deparments are developing their website, consider limiting it to information you can effectively maintain and keep up to date. Proofread all content for accuracy and spelling errors before it is published.

One or more website administrator(s) within the unit must be designated as responsible for ensuring that all content on the unit's BGSU's website is accurate, secure and timely.

Individuals who engage in any activity that infringes copyright-protected materials may be subject to disciplinary action, including the termination or suspension of access to information technology resources.

The office of marketing and brand strategy reserves the right to make any necessary edits on all websites, including removing out-of-date content or entire webpages.

(4) Website content updates and maintenance

The frequency of updates will depend on the type of content, but websites should be reviewed at least each semester and certainly annually. Maintaining accuracy and timeliness includes:

(a) Unpublishing out-of-date content, including documents that are no longer relevant;

(b) Updating old photos, videos and images;

(c) Moving older content that must be maintained on the website to an archive and/or clearly labeling it so visitors to the website can tell that the information is for historical reference;

(d) Regularly checking the website for broken links and updating accordingly;

(e) Adding and deleting faculty and staff from directories as appropriate and searching throughout the website for other places where employees might be listed and update accordingly;

(f) For academic units, considering whether a faculty member's profile should be removed from your website if the faculty member retires or leaves the unit.

(5) Advertising

BGSU does not allow advertising or sponsorships on websites that students are required to access to complete their studies, such as the web registration system, or that prospective students are required to access when seeking admission to BGSU, such as application and financial aid forms.

(6) Website administration and management

All BGSU websites must use the university provided content management system. This system follows the brand standards, accessibility standards and proper two-step authentication.

(a) Designate a permanent BGSU employee in your department to be the website administrator. This will ensure continuity with access to, and control and oversight of, your website. This is helpful if you hire students, temporary staff or consultants to develop and maintain your website.

(b) Designate a backup website administrator for key administrative and content editing roles.

(c) All website administrators must take an online training course to gain access to edit the website.

(7) Assignment of domain names for BGSU websites

The university standard is to use the domain for all web services that are administered by the university community as part of the mission of the institution.

The office of information technology services will administer the distribution of subdomain names. It will use the following two guidelines, as provided by the office of marketing and brand strategy. First, the proposed subdomain name must be closely related to the purpose of its website. Second, the intent of the website will be easily understood by audience members who use the subdomain name.

If a university service can only be administered through an external website, the service must be provided through a website approved or contracted by BGSU.

If a name is needed, a request and justification must be supplied to and reviewed and approved by the office of information technology services and the office of marketing and brand strategy. The office of information technology services will define registration services for domains. The office of information technology services will establish guidelines for domain registrations.

Equity impact statement: the policy has been assessed for adverse differential impact on members of one or more protected groups.

Last updated September 8, 2022 at 8:29 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3345
Amplifies: 3345
Rule 3341-10-07 | University-administered social media engagement policy.

(A) Policy statement and purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish a public standard for engagement with social media on any university-administered social media account. All posts and comments made on any university-administered social media account must adhere to this policy.

BGSU faculty and staff may use university-administered social media accounts to communicate factual information regarding the university.

(B) Policy scope

The guidelines in this policy pertain to anyone who posts or uploads a comment, message, or other communication to any university-administered social media account. This includes those who have no affiliation with BGSU.

(C) Definitions

(1) Social media: internet-based technologies that are typically very accessible and scalable allowing users to post content on topics in various forms. Some forms of social media include wikis, blogs, podcasts and forums. Examples include Facebook, Twitter, and Wikipedia.

(2) University-administered social media accounts: Social media accounts having a direct affiliation with Bowling Green state university. These include accounts operated by academic departments, schools, colleges, and centers; intercollegiate athletics; university divisions and offices such as diversity and belonging and student engagement; and executive leadership.

(D) Policy

(1) Some university-administered social media accounts allow audience members to post comments on the university's communications. BGSU moderates its university-administered social media accounts. The university will not delete comments because of the viewpoint expressed. But BGSU does reserve the right to remove comments, messages, and other communications and restrict access to users who violate the guidelines in this policy.

(a) Content that is obscene, indecent, or profane, as those terms are defined by the federal communications commission;

(b) Content that is off topic, out of context, or not relevant to the subject;

(c) Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates unlawful discrimination;

(d) Sexually harassing content or any content that constitutes harassment under division (A)(4) of section 3345.0211 of the Revised Code;

(e) Content that suggests or encourages illegal activity, or is violent, threatening, or defamatory;

(f) Spam or links to non-BGSU websites (unless a link is posted by the university for a university business purpose);

(g) Multiple posts by a single user of content that is substantially the same, or disruptively repetitive comments that are copied and pasted by multiple users;

(h) Content that solicits, advertises, endorses, or promotes any non-BGSU business or service;

(i) Content that includes copyrighted materials unless the user can demonstrate permission by the copyright holder;

(j) Content that discloses any security record or infrastructure record as defined in section 149.33 of the Revised Code;

(k) Content that discloses personally identifiable information such as street or email addresses or phone numbers, unless that information is needed for official BGSU business purposes.

(2) Cosequences for violation

Any comment that violates the guidelines may be removed from each university-administered social media account in which it appears.

Depending on the circumstances, the content and the user may be reported to law enforcement or other authorities.

(E) Equity impact statment

The policy has been assessed for adverse differential impact on members of one or more protected groups.

Last updated July 12, 2023 at 3:46 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341
Amplifies: 3341
Rule 3341-10-08 | University-administered social media management policy.

(A) Policy statement and purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish a university-wide standard for the use, creation, and management of university-administered social media accounts.

Social media is a popular and powerful mechanism for timely global communications highlighting news and events occurring at Bowling Green state university. BGSU supports the use of university-administered social media accounts by its faculty, staff and students to communicate factual information regarding the university. All individuals posting to a university-administered social media account must adhere to this policy. Regular review of this policy is expected; failure to do so is not justification for noncompliance.

(B) Policy scope

This policy applies to all university entities that use university-administered social media accounts.

This policy does not apply to recognized student organizations or student groups. It also does not apply to individual students when they are communicating in their individual capacity, but it does apply to student employees when they are communicating as employees.

This policy does not apply to invitation-only synchronous meeting platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

(C) Definitions

(1) Social media: Internet-based technologies that are typically very accessible and scalable allowing users to post content on topics in various forms. Some forms of social media include wikis, blogs, podcasts and forums. Examples include Facebook, Twitter, and Wikipedia.

(2) University-administered social media accounts: Social media accounts having a direct affiliation with Bowling Green state university. These include accounts operated by academic departments, schools, colleges, and centers; intercollegiate athletics; university divisions and offices such as diversity and belonging and student engagement; and executive leadership.

(D) Policy

(1) Account managers and their responsibilities

Each university-administered social media account shall have a full-time BGSU employee as an account manager. The account manager is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy and all other relevant university policies.

In addition, each account manager shall have the following responsibilities.

(a) Maintain active communication with the office of marketing and brand strategy. Managers are expected to promptly notify and proactively communicate with their supervisors and the office of marketing and brand strategy regarding emerging issues and concerns, predicted crisis communications, emergency response needs, and upcoming potential controversial topics. A manager must not respond to a university-related crisis without contacting the office of marketing and brand strategy first.

(b) Serve as first point of contact for any social media-related questions and for collaboration with other university units.

(c) Properly supervise any student employees working on the account. The manager is responsible for all content posted to the account.

(d) Catalog account login information to ensure access for future administrators.

(e) Retain inventory and contact information for all those with access to the account. Having at least two administrators on each account is recommended.

(f) Retain an inventory of any emails or phone numbers associated with the account.

(g) Ensure all BGSU communications best-practice resources and guidelines are communicated to and followed by those who have access to the account.

(h) Actively monitor all activity on the account to engage with the audience and act as a resource for followers.

(i) Ensure the timely delivery of customer service and the offering of additional communication resources, such as email and phone numbers, to further assist the audience and reduce the risk of misinterpretation. An employee's personal social media account must not be used to respond to university-related inquiries or issues.

(j) Ensure consistent posting on the account (typically at least once a week) of engaging content that reflects the university's current strategic plan.

(2) New accounts

Each new university-administered social media account must be reviewed and approved prior to implementation by the office of marketing and brand strategy using procedures to be developed by that office.

(3) Social media guidelines

All those who create or post content on a university-administered social media account are expected to follow the BGSU social media guidelines.

(4) Social media accessibility best practices

All those who create or post content on a university-administered social media account are expected to follow the BGSU social media accessibility best practices.

(5) Limited use data and restricted data

Limited use data shall not be posted to social media. "Limited use data" is defined to include information not subject to disclosure under Ohio public records law. Examples include unpublished intellectual property records, donor profile records, trade secret records, and security and infrastructure records.

Restricted data shall not be posted to social media. "Restricted data" is defined to include data prohibited from release by federal or state laws. Examples include student education records, library records and patron information, social security numbers and tax identification numbers, financial account data, driver's license numbers, and medical records.

(6) Prohibitions

BGSU has determined that the following content is not appropriate for any university-administered social media account and is subject to removal.

(a) Content that is obscene, indecent, or profane, as those terms are defined by the federal communications commission;

(b) Content that is off topic, out of context, or not relevant to the subject;

(c) Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates unlawful discrimination;

(d) Sexually harassing content or any content that constitutes harassment under division (A)(4) of section 3345.0211 of the Revised Code;

(e) Content that suggests or encourages illegal activity, or is violent, threatening, or defamatory;

(f) Spam or links to non-BGSU websites (unless a link is posted by the university for a university business purpose);

(g) Multiple posts by a single user of content that is substantially the same, or disruptively repetitive comments that are copied and pasted by multiple users;

(h) Content that solicits, advertises, endorses, or promotes any non-BGSU business or service;

(i) Content that includes copyrighted materials unless the user can demonstrate permission by the copyright holder;

(j) Content that discloses any security record or infrastructure record as defined in section 149.33 of the Revised Code;

(k) Content that discloses personally identifiable information such as street or email addresses or phone numbers, unless that information is needed for official BGSU business purposes.

(7) Enforcement

Any failure to follow this policy will be referred to the appropriate supervisory authority for review and action.

(E) Applicable laws

All users of university-administered social media accounts must be aware of and comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, contracts, regulations, and licenses. These include but are not limited to: the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA); the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA); and copyright law.

(F) Equity impact statement

The policy has been assessed for adverse differential impact on members of one or more protected groups.

(G) Related policies

The following policies relate to university-administered social media accounts:

(1) 3341-6-7 BGSU information technology

(2) 3341-7-2 Copyright

(3) 3341-7-3 Patent policy

(4) 3341-7-7 Protection of human subjects

(5) 3341-10-1 The BGSU logo

(6) 3341-10-2 BGSU signature

(7) 3341-10-3 Logotype and graphics

(8) 3341-10-4 The official identity colors

(9) 3341-10-7 BGSU social media engagement policy

Last updated July 12, 2023 at 3:46 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341
Amplifies: 3341