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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3337-41 | Compensation

Rule 3337-41-01 | Vacation and winter closure time.

(A) Overview

This policy governs vacation leave and winter closure time for all administrative employees. This policy also governs winter closure time for all eligible "Fraternal Order of Police," police officers (FOP-blue) and "Fraternal Order of Police," police lieutenants (FOP-gold) and administrative employees. Local 1699 and local 3200 "Ohio Council 8 American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO" should refer to their current contract for specifics of participation.

(B) Eligibility

Administrative appointments with duration of nine, ten, eleven or twelve months are eligible for the paid vacation leave benefit. FOP- police officers (blue), FOP-lieutenants (gold), local 1699 and local 3200 "Ohio Council 8 American Federation of State, Country and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO" should refer to their current contract for specifics of participation.

(C) Administrative accrual

This section defines the total amount of vacation an administrator is eligible to receive each year, along with how much time they will accrue during each pay period. The length of vacation day is determined by multiplying eight hours by the employee's FTE. Please refer to the "winter break closure" site for further explanations and clarifications.

Paid vacation is not earned during an unpaid leave of absence without regular pay. Vacation time may be taken only during the regular appointment period.

Administrative appointments earn vacation days as follows:

(1) Twelve-month administrative appointments earn vacation time at the rate of one day per pay period for the first twenty-two pay periods in which they have worked any time, each fiscal year, up to a maximum of twenty-two days per fiscal year.

(2) Eleven-month administrative appointments earn vacation time at the rate of one day per pay period for the first twenty pay periods in which they have worked any time, each fiscal year, up to a maximum of twenty days per fiscal year.

(3) Ten-month administrative appointments earn vacation time at the rate of one day per pay period for the first eighteen pay periods in which they have worked any time, each fiscal year, up to a maximum of eighteen days per fiscal year.

(4) Nine-month administrative appointments earn vacation time at the rate of one day per pay period for the first sixteen pay periods in which they have worked any time, each fiscal year, up to a maximum of sixteen days per fiscal year.

An administrative employee may accumulate a balance of up to fifty-four vacation days throughout a given fiscal year but must be reduced to a thirty-two day maximum by June thirtieth, prorated by the appointment length. Exceptions are explained in the next paragraph.

In the event that an employee has accumulated thirty-two or more vacation days, prorated by their appointment length, and cannot take vacation time immediately because of pressing departmental needs as identified by the department head, the department head shall specify, in writing, that all of the employee's unused vacation days (limited to fifty-four days) will be carried over and available for use in the next fiscal year. A copy of the written record will be given to the employee, the planning unit head, and the payroll office.

(D) Vacation usage and reporting

University human resources shall maintain online instructions for usage and reporting of vacation time by all employees covered by this policy.

(E) Payout of eligible vacation time

(1) Separation from Ohio university

Upon separation from university service, including retirement, payment for eligible, earned, but unused vacation leave will be made in a lump sum to the employee at their current rate of pay provided the employee has completed the initial probationary period. Administrative appointments are eligible for a maximum payout of thirty-two days. FOP-police officer (blue), FOP-lieutenants (gold), local 1699 and local 3200 "Ohio Council 8 American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO" should refer to their current contract for specifics of participation.

In the event of the death of an employee eligible for vacation, any unused vacation leave will be paid in accordance with section 2113.04 of the Revised Code, or to the deceased employee's estate.

No employee shall be contained on the payroll for the purpose of exhausting their vacation.

(2) University employment status change

When an employee changes from classified status to administrative (or vice versa), there should be mutual agreement between the employee and the department head regarding disposition of any unused vacation. Any such agreement for disposition of unused vacation must be within the confines of the university policies cross-referenced below and state law regarding the accrual and use of vacation. University human resources must be notified in writing as to whether the balance will be carried over to the new record or lump sum payment will be made for any part or all of the unused balance at the time of change in status.

(F) Winter break closure

This paragraph of the policy is applicable to administrative and "Fraternal Order of Police," police lieutenants (FOP-gold) employees and "Fraternal Order of Police," police officers (FOP-blue). Ohio university closes annually from December twenty-fifth through January first. Any work performed during this period of closure must be approved by the appropriate unit head or designee of the president. Employees that are in active pay status on the work day preceding winter break closure will receive pay for the closure days.

Winter break closure includes three holidays and three days in which employees would be otherwise scheduled to work. The first and second business days are holidays (Christmas and president's day observed); the third, fourth, and fifth business days will be paid as winter closure time ("WCT") by the university. WCT neither accumulates, nor carries-over, nor is it eligible for any cash pay-out at time of separation, for any reason, from Ohio university. Employees may not report WCT on days that they would not be regularly scheduled. Use of WCT may not cause an employee to exceed forty hours of work in one week.

Employees will be paid for the three days of winter break closure time.

The sixth business day is holiday (New Year's day).

For specific procedures and more detailed information regarding timekeeping and winter break closure, please refer to the "Guidelines for Vacation and Winter Closure Time for Administrative and Classified Employees." When those guidelines are reviewed to consider updates, those listed as reviewers for this policy or for policy 41.125 will be consulted.

Last updated December 29, 2023 at 8:47 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/2022
Rule 3337-41-02 | Additional compensation.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

The purpose of this policy is to define the various types of additional compensation, set limits on amounts, establish criteria for determining when additional compensation is appropriate, as well as to describe an approval and exception process for these payments.

The university recognizes the need to provide additional compensation to pay employees for services beyond the scope of their normal job duties. This policy defines the various types of additional compensation and the eligibility criteria to receive these types of payments.

Implementation of this policy should help to avoid the following:

(1) Inconsistencies within a planning unit in treatment of faculty and staff (e.g., payment versus non-payment for the same kind of work).

(2) Assurances of additional compensation at the time of appointment as opposed to indications that such compensation may be available.

(3) Failure to achieve full understanding among all concerned regarding such issues as the nature of duties for which additional compensation will be paid, the duration of an additional compensation assignment, and the amount of compensation to be paid for each assignment.

(B) Types of additional compensation

(1) Additional salary faculty - payment to faculty who perform an administrative function for ongoing work that follow their academic year pay for duties beyond teaching, typically nine month term. Both full-time and part-time faculty are eligible for this type of additional compensation.

(2) Additional pay short duration faculty - payment to faculty who perform an administrative function for ongoing work for a period of time less than a full academic year. Both full-time and part-time faculty are eligible for this type of additional compensation.

(3) Fiscal increment payment to chairs, deans or directors made on a fiscal year basis. This type of additional compensation is only eligible to full-time faculty or deans, and is raise pool eligible.

(4) Instructional overload faculty - payments for teaching over and above one's current teaching load as defined by departmental workload policy. Total of all combined overloads cannot exceed twenty-five per cent of base salary within a fiscal year without provost office approval. Can include payment for course development, grading and advising/mentoring if advisor is a faculty member. Only full-time faculty are eligible for this type of additional compensation.

(5) Non-instructional overload faculty - payments made to faculty who perform administrative functions. Total of all combined overloads cannot exceed twenty-five percent of base salary within a fiscal year without Provost office approval. Examples of activities could include professional/consulting services outside of the scope of the primary position; attending a conference, program or event for professional development, program review. Only full-time faculty are eligible for this type of additional compensation.

(6) Additional salary administrative payment for additional duties/assignments that are administrative in nature but not included in the general job description. Payment for additional salary will follow their regular scheduled pay as defined by the employee's appointment duration, must be non-teaching related and approved in advance by compensation.

(7) Additional pay short duration administrative - payment for additional duties/assignments that are administrative in nature but not included in the general job description for a period of time less than the full fiscal year, must be non-teaching related and approved in advance by compensation.

(8) Instructional overload administrative and classified - any additional work performed by a full time administrative or classified employee during the period of their contract that is out of scope of their position description and is teaching related in nature (defined by STRS). Includes payments for teaching, course development duties, grading, advising or mentoring. In order to comply with the overtime pay provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), planning units must complete the "Overload Calculator for Hourly Employees" form for all hourly employees receiving additional compensation. This ensures overtime pay, if required, is factored into the amount of additional compensation provided at the appropriate pay rate.

(C) Additional compensation conditions

Additional compensation will be permitted when each of the following conditions are met:

(1) The proposed additional compensation assignment is "professional" (i.e., within the contract person's area of expertise) as determined by the department chair and dean or by other appropriate administrative officers.

(2) The proposed additional compensation assignment serves the objectives of the university.

(3) The individual under consideration is able to complete their regularly appointed duties and assignments adequately.

(4) There are no other known responsibilities of higher priority within the university which the individual is soon to assume and which would conflict with the proposed additional compensation assignment.

(5) The proposed additional compensation assignment cannot be handled by something other than direct monetary compensation (e.g., by reduced teaching load; by joint appointment; by trade-off of duties with other faculty or staff personnel; etc.).

(6) There has been full communication to the department chair and approval by the dean (or other appropriate administrative officers) prior to discussing the assignment with the employee and prior to any work on the additional compensation assignment commencing.

(7) Total additional compensation in the form of overloads should not exceed twenty-five percent of fiscal year base pay without provost approval.

(8) Additional compensation paid to employees may not be charged to grant funds unless the grant specifically allows.

The proposed additional compensation assignment and the amount of additional compensation must have the approval of the department chair, the dean, the provost, or of other appropriate administrative officers. Approval must be obtained prior to services being performed.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Rule 3337-41-03 | Partial-semi-month's salary for salaried administrative appointments.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

This policy governs the payment of partial-semi-monthly salaries to those persons with salaried appointments who begin work on a day other than the first working day of the semi-monthly pay period, or terminate their employment on a day other than the last working day of the semi-monthly pay period.

As a general rule, the payroll system will calculate any necessary partial salary payment for a salaried administrative appointment, in accordance with the calculation specified in part (C) of this policy. In cases where the payroll system is unable to handle the calculation correctly, it shall be manually overridden.

(B) Definition of working days

Working days are Monday through Friday (five days per week) unless otherwise specified by the department head. Holidays falling on Monday through Friday, including those that are part of the winter closure, are considered working days.

(C) Calculating partial-semi-month's salary

The partial-semi-month's salary is calculated by pro-rating, based upon the number of working days that the employee is on the payroll compared to the total number of working days in that particular semi-monthly pay period.

Questions regarding the interpretation of this policy should be directed to the payroll department.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Last updated December 20, 2024 at 8:04 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Prior Effective Dates: 8/21/2016
Rule 3337-41-04 | Computing partial salary for faculty and graduate assistant appointments.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

This policy governs the payment of partial month salaries to faculty and graduate assistants who begin work after the beginning of an academic period, or end their employment prior to the close of an academic period in cases where the payroll system may be unable to handle the calculation because of unusual circumstances.

The payroll system will calculate any necessary partial salary for an employee who starts or ends his or her employment at the beginning or end of a semester. If an employee leaves in the middle of the semester a manual calculation must be made to determine the partial salary amount.

This policy governs cases in which a manual, partial salary calculation needs to be made for a faculty or graduate assistant appointment. The basis of the computation will be the semi-monthly pay, pro-rated on the basis of working days, as detailed below.

(B) Workdays for faculty

Workdays for all faculty, whether full or part time, are counted based on each academic semester worked at five days per week (Monday through Friday) from the first day of classes through the date grades are due for each of the two academic semesters. Holidays and breaks (Thanksgiving and spring) are included as workdays. Some academic directors or chairs may have terms other than the academic year. In those cases, workdays are based on the employment period indicated on the appointment form rather than the academic semester.

(C) Workdays for graduate assistants

Workdays for graduate assistants will be counted on a five day per week basis (Monday through Friday) for each academic semester worked, or in the absence of a specific academic semester, based on the dates of employment indicated on the appointment form. Holidays and breaks (Thanksgiving and spring) are included as workdays. The following provisions apply as indicated:

(1) For teaching graduate assistants, an academic semester begins on the first day of classes and ends on the date grades are due.

(2) For non-teaching graduate assistants, a semester begins on the first day of classes and ends on the last day of finals unless otherwise specified by the department.

(3) For those employed in the area of residence life, such as resident directors, assistant resident directors, etc., workdays will be determined based on the special terms and conditions as set forth by the associate director of residential housing.

Employment situations not addressed by any of the above provisions will be interpreted and appropriately administered by the provost and the vice president for finance and administration.

(D) Basic guidelines for calculations of partial salary

(1) A partial salary for each semester is calculated based on the number of working days an employee is on the payroll compared with the total number of working days in the semester.

(2) For the purposes of semi-monthly pay plan calculations, payments are made as follows:

(a) Nine-month pay plan: Regular pay is the annual base salary divided by eighteen.

(b) Twelve-month pay plan: Regular pay is the annual base salary divided by twenty-four.

(3) Summer work (mid-May through mid-August) is appointed separately.

(4) Contact the payroll office for guidance on unique situations not represented in this policy.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 111.15
Rule 3337-41-05 | Institutional base salary.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

The purpose of this policy is to establish Ohio university's definition of "Institutional Base Salary" (IBS) for the purposes of sponsored projects. The federal government requires that recipients of federal funding establish an institutional policy that documents the basis for all budgeting and expensing of salaries on sponsored projects and requires that all such costs be treated consistently regardless of the source of funds.

This policy provides the basis for calculating faculty and staff salaries for allowable activities on proposals and awards in order to ensure compliance with federal regulations. Specific details are provided in office of management and budget (OMB) uniform guidance, 2 CFR part 200- uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards, section 200.430, compensation-personal services.

It is Ohio university's policy that all personnel costs for faculty and staff charged or committed to sponsored projects, whether federally or non-federally funded, be based on an individual's "Institutional Base Salary" (IBS).

(B) Scope of the policy

This policy applies to all sponsored projects and is applicable to all faculty, administrative and classified staff, regardless of source of funds, who request or draw salary support from, or commit effort to, any sponsored project. Adherence to this policy is the responsibility of all Ohio university personnel involved in proposing and administering grants, including principal investigators, department and grant administrators, administrative heads, deans, office of research and sponsored programs and grants accounting.

(C) Key definitions

(1) "Institutional Base Salary" (IBS):

IBS is defined as the annual compensation paid by Ohio university for an individual's appointment (academic or calendar year), whether that individual's time is spent on research, instruction, service, administration, or other activities. IBS does not include bonuses, fringe benefits, or one-time payments.

(a) May not be increased as a result of replacing or augmenting university salary funds with sponsor projects funds;

(b) Is established by Ohio university at hire and during the annual reappointment process;

(c) Is comprised of regular salary for teaching, research, and service undertaken during regular academic periods and includes compensation for any secondary appointments such as a fiscal increment provided to department chairs and directors;

(d) IBS generally changes at the beginning of the academic/fiscal year. It can however, change during the year due to many circumstances, included, but not limited to:

(i) The individual receives an increase or decrease in salary as a result of assuming, or relinquishing, specific academic or administrative duties, e.g. serving as a department chair of director;

(ii) The individual receives a merit salary adjustment as part of a university wide adjustment of salaries that occurs during a fiscal year;

(iii) The individual receives a salary increase as a result of a retention or equity adjustment, promotion in rank or position, or change in employment responsibilities; or

(iv) The individual's formal appointment and required professional effort changes from full-time to part-time, from part-time to full-time, or from one required level of part-time effort to another required level of part-time effort.

(2) Exclusions to the IBS:

The IBS does not include compensation for irregular, short term, and voluntary assignments ("Extra Service Pay" as per uniform guidance terminology), such as additional pay, non-instructional overload, instructional overload, and part-time contract pay "for services above and beyond IBS." Additionally, IBS does not include summer salaries ("periods outside the academic year" as per uniform guidance terminology) such as summer research or summer term pay. It does not include bonuses or one-time incentive pay such as housing allowances, stipends, honoraria, or tuition reimbursements. Also excluded from IBS are salaries paid directly by another organization, and income that an individual is permitted to earn outside of Ohio university appointment responsibilities such as intra institutional and external consulting.

(3) Compensation:

Compensation means the salary amount that is established by Ohio university and paid through the Ohio university payroll system.

(4) Academic appointment:

An academic-year appointment is normally for the nine-month period from August sixteenth through May fifteenth of the subsequent year and the institutional base salary is for the instruction, research, service, and administrative duties for that period. Salary under an academic year appointment may be paid over a ten, eleven, or twelve-month period, but that does not affect the nature of the appointment. Note that for some purposes, such as the application of sponsor salary caps and the conversion of institutional base salaries into per pay rates for information purposes, salary based on an academic appointment must be converted into its twenty-four-pay equivalent (usually by dividing by eighteen and then multiplying by twenty-four.

(5) Summer salary:

Summer salary refers to the compensation received for work performed during the months (e.g., May sixteenth through August fifteenth) outside of the academic year appointment. One summer month is equivalent to one-ninth of the nine-month IBS. Summer salary is excluded from IBS.

(6) Calendar year appointment:

A calendar-year appointment is for an individual's instruction, research and service duties for a full twelve-month period. Summer salary is not available to individuals with calendar-year appointments.

(7) Salary cap:

Sponsors may have a salary cap that limits the amount of IBS that establishes the basis for charging salary to their projects. When salary caps apply, the requested salary support is determined by multiplying the proposed level of effort (expressed as a percentage of effort over a period of time) by the maximum salary allowed by the sponsor.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Rule 3337-41-07 | Twelve-month pay option.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

This policy establishes a uniform process regarding employee eligibility for twelve-month pay option.

Ohio university permits all full-time and part-time faculty who have an appointment for nine, ten, or eleven consecutive months or two consecutive academic semesters to receive their pay in twenty-four equal installments, beginning with the first scheduled pay for the appointment period.

See policy 41.003 and policy 41.004 for the methods used to calculate the un-equal installments used when the employment starts late or ends early. Administrative and classified staff appointments are not eligible for the twelve-month pay option.

(B) Process

(1) Eligible employees must complete an authorization form no less than thirty days before the first pay date.

(2) Once the twelve-month pay option has been applied to the employee's payroll record, the decision is irrevocable within the period of the appointment. An employee may rescind his or her authorization to be effective with the succeeding appointment.

(3) Unless rescinded, the authorization will remain in effect for all future appointments that have a duration of nine, ten, or eleven consecutive months or two consecutive academic semesters.

(4) In situations of multiple appointments, only those individual appointments for nine, ten, or eleven consecutive months or two consecutive academic semesters may be considered for the twelve-month pay option. Specifically, multiple appointments of shorter duration will not be considered.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Rule 3337-41-08 | Academic year pay schedule for faculty.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

This policy establishes the standard pay dates for faculty.

This policy does not pertain to summer sessions or overload contracts.

Ohio university pays full or part-time faculty on academic year appointments in eighteen payments during the academic year. Nine equal payments will be made for each academic semester:

(1) Fall semester payments will be paid August thirty-first, September fifteenth and thirtieth, October fifteenth and thirty-first, November fifteenth and thirtieth, December fifteenth and thirty-first,

(2) Spring semester payments will be paid on January fifteenth and thirty-first, February fifteenth and twenty-eighth (or twenty-ninth), March fifteenth and thirty-first, April fifteenth and thirtieth, and May fifteenth.

(B) Special cases

In cases where the twelve-month pay option is selected, twenty-four payments will be paid semi-monthly, beginning on August thirty-first and through August fifteenth of the subsequent year (see also policy 41.007).

All faculty who do not have appointments for a full academic year will be paid on a semester basis. Nine equal payments will be made for each academic semester and paid on the same payment schedule stipulated in paragraph (A)(1) or (A)(2) of this policy for the semester employed. Contracts that not fully approved by the payroll processing deadline will be equally divided over the remianing pays for that semester. Any off cycle contracts will be processed in the same manor and will be divided equally over the remaining pays based on the appointment start and end date.

In the event that a partial semester pay is necessary, it will be calculated in accordance with policy 41.004.

Overload contracts will be paid in accordance with policy 41.002.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Rule 3337-41-09 | Group insurance for permanent part-time classified employees.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

This policy outlines the eligibility requirements, coverage, and procedures for permanent, part-time, classified employees to have group health and life insurance.

Eligible part-time employee's employee contributions for group insurance will be pro-rated based on the number of hours worked per pay period. University human resources will determine the pro-ration and distribute rate tables during enrollment periods and orientation sessions.

(B) Process

Employees will express their requests for coverage in writing and submit them to university human resources. Such requests are to be made within thirty days of the date of hire (with coverage retroactive to date of hire) or during the enrollment period each spring for changes or enrollment to begin July first. Coverage ends at the end of employment. Changes in coverage occur only as of July first, based on the employee's choices during the annual enrollment period, except for changes due to a family status change, which are immediate when documented.

Family status change events that permit changes in benefits coverage during the year are subject to change according to state and federal laws and regulations. University human relations will maintain the current list online, linked through

Employees are required to pay a portion of the current monthly premium, with the amount and method based on hours worked in the pay period, pro-rated as prescribed by university human resources.

Coverages will be the same as afforded to regular full-time employees with respect to health and life insurance.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 111.15
Rule 3337-41-10 | Faculty and staff health and welfare benefits.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

This policy outlines health and welfare benefits the university makes available to eligible faculty and staff. Benefits are detailed in the benefits plan documents or insurance vendor contracts. In instances where a university policy or a university provided summary conflicts with an official plan document or contract, the official plan document or contract takes precedence. Ohio university reserves the right to change benefit plans and premiums.

(B) Eligibility

Benefits eligible faculty and staff include:

(1) Full time and part time employees, excluding temporary and intermittent appointments, with:

(a) An employment period of greater than one hundred twenty days and an FTE level of 0.75 or greater, or

(b) Part-time employees who were enrolled in benefits as of June 30, 2015.

(2) "Group I," "Group II," "Group IV" and clinical faculty as defined by the "Faculty Handbook."

(3) Any faculty member or employee who qualifies for a benefit due to state or federal law (e.g., healthcare coverage, workers compensation, or unemployment compensation). Criteria are described on the university human resources web site.

(C) Health and welfare benefits

The university will make available to eligible faculty and staff the following types of health and welfare benefits:

(1) Health insurance

(2) Dental insurance

(3) Vision insurance

(4) Medical and daycare flexible spending accounts

(5) Short and long term disability insurance

(6) Life insurance

(7) Voluntary supplemental life insurance

(D) Premiums

The university may charge premiums to faculty and staff for any benefit. Premiums for benefits may vary based on salary and full time equivalency (FTE) level, and are subject to change.

(E) Enrollment

Eligible employees may enroll in benefits upon hire or during the annual open enrollment period. Enrollment changes may also be made due to a qualifying event as defined by the plan document or law.

(F) Waiving benefits

Faculty and staff may waive the following benefits:

(1) Health insurance

(2) Vision insurance

(3) Dental insurance

(4) Medical and daycare flexible spending accounts

(5) Short term disability insurance

(6) Voluntary supplemental life insurance

Proof of other insurance may be required. If a benefit is waived, re-enrollment is available only during the annual open enrollment period or due to a qualifying event.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Prior Effective Dates: 6/24/2016
Rule 3337-41-11 | Grievance procedure for administrative employees.

(A) Purpose

To provide a procedure for managing grievances of administrative employees.

(B) Policy

It is the policy of Ohio university to provide reasonable grievance procedures for administrators to appeal involuntary terminations with cause, and disciplinary actions equal to a suspension of greater than three days, and an involuntary demotion. Any employee whose grievance involves alleged discrimination will be directed to the office of equity and civil rights compliance per Ohio university policy 40.001. Performance evaluations, salary disputes, disputes concerning working conditions and employment separations due to a reduction in force in accordance with policy 41.013 are not grievable. Employment separations for employees holding intermittent, special, research and term appointments are not grievable.

(C) Procedure

An individual who feels that a grievance exists shall be responsible for stating, in writing, using the Ohio university administrative employee grievance form the grounds upon which the alleged grievance is based. The burden of proof rests upon the grievant. All time limits in this policy refer to workdays.

(1) The grievant must file the grievance with said employee's immediate supervisor within ten workdays of the occurrence or within ten workdays of when said employee had or should have had knowledge of the occurrence which led to the grievance. The immediate supervisor must respond to the grievance in writing within seven workdays.

(2) If the grievant is not satisfied with the response, said employee may appeal within seven workdays to the chair of the administrative senate. Within fourteen workdays, the chair shall appoint an ad hoc committee (grievance review committee) of the administrative senate of at least three administrators, none of whom shall be employed in the grievant's department. The committee will review the complete record. The committee will meet with the grievant to discuss the committee's authority and the process for reviewing the grievance. If at any time the grievant is exploring other avenues of settlement, the committee's process will be stayed until those avenue of settlement are complete. If pursuing other avenues of settlement takes more than sixty workdays, the grievant must re-initiate the grievance process. The committee will notify the employee, the employee's planning unit head, and the chair of the administrative senate of its recommendation within thirty workdays of receiving the grievance. The planning unit head will have seven workdays to accept, reject, or modify the committee's recommendation and will notify the employee of the decision in writing. The written decision of the planning unit head will also be given to the chair of the administrative senate (who will relay the decision to the grievance review committee) and the director of university human resources. The decision of the planning unit head is final and binding upon the grievant and the department.

(3) The time limits specified in the procedure may be extended only by mutual written agreement of the parties concerned.

(4) All meetings shall be conducted in executive session.

(5) The grievant may withdraw from the grievance process at any time without penalty; the grievant must notify the chair of administrative senate in writing. The chair of administrative senate will notify the grievance review committee and request from the committee a summary of its work to date. All records related to the grievance will be retained by administrative senate.

(D) Guidelines for administrative senate grievance review committees

These guidelines are to be held by the administrative senate chair and distributed to grievance review committees each time they are appointed.

(1) Review procedure number 41.011 in the Ohio universities policies and procedures manual for guidance, giving special attention to the established time limits.

(2) Meet to review all the documentation, case history and information received from the chair of the administrative senate. Decide which individuals connected with the grievance that the committee may want to contact to collect documents from an/or interview. Notify these individuals to discuss their potential involvement in the process.

(3) Meet with the grievant to review the process and to discuss the grievant's expectations. Make certain that the grievant understands that the committee is an advisory body to the administrative senate, and it will only be making a recommendation on the merits of grievance, not a final enforceable decision. Review with the grievant the documentation the committee currently has and suggest that the grievant submit additional information if they choose. Also advise the grievant that the committee has the authority in doing its investigation to request documentation from other sources such as human resources, supervisors, and coworkers, and that individuals connected with the matter may be interviewed by the committee. Advise the grievant that if the grievant wishes the committee to review medical or psychological information, the grievant must sign a release; otherwise, this information will not be made available to the committee.

(4) Conduct and investigation through interviews and the collection of documents as deemed necessary by the committee. Make a written record of the investigation, being aware that this will be considered a public record and subject to disclosure upon request. Keep any medical or psychological information gathered in a separate file, since this cannot be disclosed by the committee on a public records request unless the grievant signs a release allowing the committee to disclose it.

(5) If the grievant or any individual to be interviewed requests to have legal counsel present, advise them of the following:

(a) This is an informal process that will generate only a recommendation as to the merits of the grievance. It is not a final enforceable decision.

(b) It is not an adversarial process, but merely a fact-finding interview and therefore the committee does not allow advocates or attorneys to be present. Employee may have a support person present; however, this person is no to advocate, participate or engage in the process on behalf of the employee.

(c) However, if the individual wishes, the individual may bring a recording device to the interview, as long as the individual provides the committee with a copy of the tape if requested.

(6) During the interview process, be careful to focus on the specific issue(s) contained in the grievance.

(7) After completing the investigation, review all the information collected and researched, and make a recommendation to the chair of the administrative senate. Notify the grievant of the committee's recommendation. Remind the chair of the administrative senate to notify the grievance review committee about the disposition of their recommendation.

(8) Keep in mind that, barring stays, the grievance review committee had thirty days to complete its deliberations.

Last updated July 6, 2022 at 11:34 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Rule 3337-41-12 | Terminated and disciplinary action for administrative appointments.

(A) Overview

The following procedures shall be used in connection with the, involuntary termination and discipline of at will administrative employees appointed pursuant to policy 40.106. Administrative employees are also subject to policy 40.005

(B) Involuntary termination

An administrator is an at-will employee and may be involuntarily terminated at any time for cause or no cause at all.

Administrators involuntarily terminated without cause may be terminated at any time. Said administrators shall receive notice of the employment termination no later than thirty days prior to the effective date of employment separation. Supervisors shall consult with UHR before implementing an involuntary termination without cause.

Administrators involuntarily terminated with cause may be terminated anytime in accordance with the disciplinary guidelines established below. Involuntary terminations with cause shall be effective immediately. Supervisors shall consult with UHR before implementing an involuntary termination without cause.

(C) Discipline, suspension, demotion, and dismissal

Administrators may be disciplined, suspended, demoted, or terminated for cause at any time in accordance with the procedures set forth in this policy. Prior to a disciplinary action, suspension, demotion or termination for cause, an administrative employee shall be given written notice of the basis for the proposed action and an opportunity to respond to the charges. Supervisors shall consult with UHR before implementing a disciplinary action, suspension, demotion, or termination for cause.

Notwithstanding the pendency or final disposition of any criminal charges, the administrative employee may be disciplined, demoted, or dismissed in accordance with this policy.

(D) Administrative leave

An administrator who is subject of an investigation may be placed on paid administrative leave to remove the employee from the workplace if the chief human resources officer, in consultation with the planning unit head decided it is in the best interests of Ohio university to do so.

An employee may be placed on administrative leave if it is determined that

(1) The circumstances giving rise to the leave would unduly limit the ability of the employee to perform his or her university duties;

(2) The continued presence of the employee on campus would interfere with the ability of other employees to perform their university duties; or

(3) The continued presence of the employee on campus would disrupt university operations.

(E) Appeal

A regular administrative employee has the right to grieve a disciplinary decision equal to a suspension of greater than three days, involuntary demotion, or termination for cause in accordance with Ohio university policy 41.011. Involuntary terminations without cause are not subject to appeal under Ohio university policy 41.001.

Last updated July 6, 2022 at 11:34 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Prior Effective Dates: 3/16/2015
Rule 3337-41-13 | Reduction in force of administrators.

(A) Overview

Reductions in force may occur at any time during the year and may be based on lack of funds, lack of work, reorganization, changes in institutional priorities, or efficiency.

A reduction in force does not include a reduction of an employee's hours worked per week or number of months worked per year that does not result in a change in current benefits eligibility, or participation in the Ohio shared work program or future program of similar nature.

(B) Responsibilities

(1) Employing rights

(a) When a reduction in work force is being considered, a planning unit in consultation with the employing unit head must first consult with university human resources("UHR").

(b) Planning units must coordinate all reductions in force with their HR liaison who will provide the appropriate documentation. The documentation must explicitly state the reasons for the reduction in force.

(2) University human resources

(a) UHR will consult with the department on the reduction in work force and the staff salary and benefits continuance program set forth in policy 41.015

(b) The chief human resource officer will decide whether the reduction in force is authorized, and will notify the planning unit head of the decision.

(C) Notice to employees

Employees subject to a reduction in force shall be given written notice ninety calendar days in advance of the effective date of their termination.

The ninety-day notice requirement does not apply to employees holding special appointments under policy 40.106, part (F), nor to employees holding research appointments under policy 40.057. Notice of reductions in force for these positions will be given as soon as practicable.

The ninety-day notice requirement does not apply to employees in term appointments under policy 40.106, part (C).

Employees shall be entitled to paid leave at their current rate of pay with benefits during the ninety-day reduction-in-force notice period subject to the following conditions:

(1) The paid leave will start on a date to be determined by the planning unit head in consultation with UHR, and may be immediate, or may be delayed, but will begin no later than fourteen calendar days after notice of the reduction in force is given.

(2) If an employee obtains a full-time position with the university or another employer before the completion of the ninety-day period, the paid leave shall terminate on the date of the new employment.

(D) Benefits

Payment for accrued vacation will be made at time of termination.

There is no payment for accrued sick leave when an employee is terminated as a result of a reduction in force, but it may be transferred, as described in policy 40.029.

All insurance plans will be continued during the ninety-day notice period described above. COBRA benefits will apply after the termination date if the salary and benefit continuation plan set forth in policy 41.015 is not selected, and after the termination of benefits if the plan is selected.

Administrators who are terminated as a result of a reduction in force may continue to apply for university positions as internal candidates for a period of one year after the effective date of their termination.

(E) Ohio public employees retirement system

For applicable purposes detailed in Chapter 145. of the Revised Code, Ohio university has specifically designated the below detailed employing units and employees shall be considered assigned to a specific employing unit for purposes of Chapter 145. of the Revised Code.

The employing unit heads shall provide oversight and administration on all matters related to the employment status of personnel assigned to a specific unit. Employing units are responsible for employment decisions. The employing units at Ohio university are as follows:

(1) Office of the president

(2) Office of the executive vice president and provost (EVPP)

(3) Office of the senior vice president of finance administration (VPFA)

(4) Office of the vice president of student affairs

Last updated July 6, 2022 at 11:35 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Prior Effective Dates: 7/22/2016
Rule 3337-41-15 | Reduction-in-force benefit programs for administrators.

(A) Overview

All administrative employees as an element of their current compensation, shall be eligible for the reduction-in-force benefits set forth in this policy.

As used in this policy, "university service" means the current period of employment at Ohio university without a break in service.

(B) Eligibility

(1) Administrative staff

Regular administrative staff at fifty per cent full time equivalency ("FTE") or greater are eligible for the reduction-in-force benefit program if they are involuntarily terminated in accordance with either:

(a) Policy 41.013; or

(b) Policy 41.012, only as it relates to employees involuntarily terminated without cause, as outlined in paragraph (B) of this policy, after five years of continuous service. Employees terminated with cause are not eligible for the reduction-in-force benefit program.

(2) Administrative employees not eligible

The following classes of administrative employees are not eligible for the reduction-in-force benefit program:

(a) Administrative employees with less than one year of continuous service at Ohio university.

(b) Administrative employees holding term appointments or special appointments under policy 40.106;

(c) Administrative employees who are terminated for cause pursuant to policy 41.012 part (B);

(d) Administrative employees who are terminated without cause pursuant to policy 41.012 part (B), after less than five continuous years of university service;

(e) Administrative employees in positions that are funded more than fifty per cent by grants or restricted funds and employees who were given research appointments under policy 40.057.

(f) Employees who have faculty rank (as described in part II.C. of the "Faculty Handbook") and who also hold administrative appointments are not eligible for the reduction-in-force benefit program.

(C) Benefits

(1) Severance pay duration

Eligible employees shall be entitled to severance pay calculated on the basis of prior university service as follows:

(a) One year up to three years of university service: one month of severance pay for administrative employees or one hundred sixty hours for administrative hourly employees;

(b) More than three but less than ten years of university service: two months of severance pay for administrative employees or three hundred twenty hours for administrative hourly employees;

(c) More than ten years of university service: three months of severance pay for administrative employees or four hundred eighty hours for administrative hourly employees.

(2) Start date for severance payments

The severance payments shall begin upon termination of the individual's status as a university employee.

(3) Severance pay rate

The severance payments will be made at the rate of compensation the employee was receiving at the time they received the written notice of reduction-in-force although rate of compensation may be reduced in accordance with policy 41.106. Severance pay will be paid semi-monthly or biweekly (based upon the employee's appointment at the time of the notice) and will reflect all applicable withholdings including taxes and benefits. Severance pay cannot be paid in a lump sum.

(4) Health benefits and life insurance

Eligible employees may elect to continue to receive health benefits and life insurance for an additional six months after the termination of their status as a university employee. During this period, the former employee will be responsible for co-payment of premiums at the active rate currently applicable to university employees.

(5) Sick and vacation leave

Severed employees will not accrue sick and vacation leave during the severance payment period.

(6) Early termination

Severance pay and the continuation of health and life insurance will cease if the former employee begins full time employment with the university or another employer, receives disability benefits, or retires under OPERS, STRS, or the alternative retirement plan.

(7) Educational benefits

Employees or covered family members currently admitted or enrolled as students at Ohio university as of the employee's termination date will continue to receive tuition assistance, (one hundred per cent of instructional fees), for the number of years needed to obtain the degree for which they are enrolled, not to exceed the lessor of three continuous years at the undergraduate level, one year at the graduate level or the number of years permitted to comply with IRS section 409(A). Course work eligible for tuition assistance does not include workshops, non-credit courses, audited courses, OPIE courses, courses or programs delivered in partnership with an outside vendor, or special course fees.

(8) Internal candidate status

Affected employees may continue to apply for posted positions as internal university candidates for one year after termination.

Last updated July 6, 2022 at 11:35 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Rule 3337-41-16 | Interim furlough policy.

(A) Purpose

Ohio university is required to balance its operating budget each fiscal year. This policy provides the framework for the implementation of an employee furlough leave plan that would address an actual or projected operating budget deficit or other decline in financial resources resulting from the reduction in state funding, decline in institutional enrollment, natural disasters, pandemics, or acts of God, or by other action or events that compel a reduction in the operating budget.

(B) Authority

(1) The board of trustees and the president are authorized to implement policies and procedures to ensure the long-term financial stability of Ohio university, as supported by section 371.60.20 of amended substitute house bill no.1 effective on July 17, 2009, and included in every subsequent state budget bill to date, which provides that "the board of trustees" of any state institution of higher education, notwithstanding any rule of the institution to the contrary, may adopt a policy providing for a furlough leave plan for any and or all employees, including faculty, to achieve spending reductions necessitated by institutional budget deficits.

(2) If the president determines that the university is facing an operating budget deficit or other decline in financial resources, a furlough leave plan may be implemented. The furlough leave plan will be implemented in accordance with the FAQs and detailed guidelines.

(C) Definition

(1) A furlough leave is an unpaid, temporary, no-duty, non-pay status leave of absence from work for a specified period of time that has been stipulated by the president or the president's designee. A furlough is not a layoff or reduction in force, as outlined in the civil service rules and Ohio university policy.

(2) Employees are not permitted to work when taking furlough time. Further, employees shall not work hours resulting in overtime compensation during any week whereby furlough leave is applied, absent written pre-approval of supervisor.

(3) Employees may not use accrued paid leave during periods of furlough.

(D) Employees subject to furlough

The president or the president's designee has the sole authority to identify the employees eligible for and excluded from the furlough leave plan provisions of this policy and to determine the amount of furlough leave to be taken, and the duration of the furlough leave/.

(E) Notice

The faculty and administrative senate will receive advance notification of the intent to implement a furlough leave plan. Employees will be given notice of a furlough leave plan as far in advance of the anticipated implementation date as circumstances permit, but in no event shall the notice period be less than fourteen days.

(F) Appeals

A furlough leave plan adopted pursuant to this policy may not be appealed under any other university policy or internal grievance process.

Last updated July 6, 2022 at 11:35 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Prior Effective Dates: 7/2/2016
Rule 3337-41-90 | Retirement separation.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

This policy serves to differentiate between the ability to receive funds from a retirement system (STRS, OPERS, OPERS LE, ARP) and qualifying for retiree status as a faculty, administrator, or classified staff at Ohio university. This policy also serves to establish consistent criteria for an employee to be considered retired from Ohio university, and thereby to qualify for retirement benefits provided directly by Ohio university.

Ohio university offices and departments that provide services to retirees shall base their eligibility decisions on the criteria established by this policy. If in doubt about a particular case, they shall consult university human resources.

(B) Scope

This policy has no impact on STRS, OPERS, OPERS LE, IRS, and ARP provider rules and regulations regarding distribution of retirement funds or qualifying for retirement benefits from those systems.

(C) Criteria for retiree status

To separate employment from Ohio university with "retiree" status, an employee under OPERS, STRS, and ARP must meet the following two specifications:

(1) The employee must be considered a benefits eligible faculty and staff member as defined in policy 41.010 "Faculty and Staff Health and Welfare Benefits" at the time of retirement.

(2) The employee mush have at least five years of service with Ohio university, and

(3) The employee must have achieved a total qualified service and age combination according to one or more of the following criteria:

(a) Five years of qualified service and age at least sixty

(b) Twenty-five years of qualified service and age at least fifty-five

(c) Thirty years of qualified service at any age

An employee who is in the OPERS LE retirement system may retire with twenty-five years of service and age at least forty-eight.

Qualified service is service with any combination of state or federal (including military) employers. Qualified service does not have to be continuous time. The age criterion is met if the employee's birthday is the day immediately following the last day of work.

(D) Initiation

The employee is responsible for initiating and completing required paperwork with their retirement system or provider, in addition to the "Ohio University Retirement Separation Form."

(E) Timetable

The employee must complete the "Ohio University Retirement Separation Form" at least thirty days prior to their desired retirement date.

The "Ohio University Retirement Separation Form" will serve as notification of intent to retire to the employing department and to the university.

(F) Documentation

If qualified service, as defined in paragraph (C) of this policy, includes other state, federal, or military service, the employee must provide certifying documentation.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Prior Effective Dates: 7/22/2016
Rule 3337-41-105 | Retirement system contributions for administrative presidential appointees on leaves of absence.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

This policy ensures continuation of university retirement contributions for administrative presidential appointees on an approved leave of absence.

Employees enrolled in an alternative retirement plan will not receive university retirement contribution when on unpaid leave. Ohio university will provide the university retirement contribution for those faculty and administrative staff members enrolled in STRS or OPERS while on leave of absence providing:

(1) The leave is consistent with the state teachers retirement system and the Ohio public employees retirement system regulations permitting service credit while on approved leave of absence.

(2) The faculty or staff member is willing and able to contribute his or her normal retirement contribution for the period of the leave.

(3) That all other avenues of funding the university retirement payments through grants, contracts, or other means have been exhausted.

(4) That the appropriate executive officer deems the leave to be of future benefit to the university and the appropriate executive officer gives advance written approval for such payment prior to the commencement of the leave. For the purposes of this policy, executive officers are:

(a) President

(b) Executive vice president and provost

(c) Vice president for finance and administration

(d) Executive dean for regional campuses

(e) Vice president for research and creative activity and dean of the graduate college

(f) Vice president for student affairs

(g) Vice president for university advancement

(B) Process

Administrative presidential appointees who are members of STRS and who have received prior approval for retirement payments should contact the payroll office upon return from leave of absence for the purpose of filing a request to purchase service credit for the period of the leave of absence.

Administrative presidential appointees who are members of OPERS should contact university human resources for procedures to follow in establishing service credit for the time on approved leave of absence.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 111.15
Rule 3337-41-111 | Relocation expenses.

(A) Overview

This policy provides for consistent compensation to employees, with the exception of those covered under a collective bargaining agreement for certain relocation expenses related to their relocation to Ohio for employment at Ohio university.

(1) Eligibility

Benefits eligible faculty and staff with appointment types as noted:

(a) Regular appointments with FTE level of 0.75 or greater (as defined in policy 40.106).

(b) Term appointments with a duration of one year or greater and with FTE level of 0.75 or greater (as defined in policy 40.106).

(c) "Group I," "Group II," "Group IV," and "Clinical" faculty (as defined by the "Faculty Handbook").

(2) Summary

Ohio university provides relocation assistance to facilitate the movement of eligible faculty and staff. This program helps Ohio university to remain competitive in the recruitment process in attracting a pool of talent to meet its needs.

This policy is designed to guide employees through the process of requesting relocation funds allowing them to complete their move to Ohio university with minimum difficulty.

Ohio university may provide funds to assist new employees with relocation expenses. Hiring departments are responsible for determining the need for, applicability of, and the amount of relocation compensation, up to the maximum amounts provided in this policy. In the event that both the relocating employee and partner are employed by Ohio university, only one benefit up to the maximum provided under this policy will be provided to relocate the household. Any exception that exceeds the amounts specified in this policy must be approved by the president or provost. The relocation benefits shall be specifically stated in the offer of employment. University human resources ("UHR") is charged with the responsibility to act as a liaison between the hiring department and the employee. The hiring department will notify UHR immediately following the offer to authorize UHR to issue relocation funds via provision of a hiring proposal for staff or offer letter for faculty.

(B) Policy guidelines

Relocation assistance provided by this policy will be taxable to the recipient.

Detailed descriptions of the processes used to implement this policy will be maintained online, linked through

(C) Method for payment of relocation expenses

(1) General procedure

A one-time payment in the amount of the relocation benefits will be made to the employee and included with their first regular paycheck. All applicable taxes will be withheld from the payment. The entire payment will be reported as taxable wages on the annual "Form W-2." It is the employee's responsibility to retain documentation of expenses for tax purposes, if applicable. The employee is encouraged to consult a tax professional for further advice.

(2) Payments prior to start date

In certain circumstances and at the department's request, an employee may receive their relocation benefit as a one-time lump sum payment up to ninety days prior to the employee's official start date. This payment will be made directly to the employee and will come from accounts payable for the full amount. All applicable taxes will be withheld from one of the employee's first paychecks. If the amount of tax due exceeds the employee's take-home pay, the additional tax due will be divided evenly and spread over two or more pays as needed, however, the taxation of the payment cannot cross over calendar years. The entire payment will be reported as taxable wages on the annual "Form W-2." No payment will be issued more than ninety days prior to the scheduled first day of employment as specified in the new employee's offer letter.

(D) General instructions

The amount of relocation provided cannot exceed eighteen thousand dollars. The amount of relocation being provided should be discussed and disclosed to the new employee during the hiring process and the amount should be specified in the offer letter.

Temporary housing

(1) For information about university-owned housing, the employee should be directed to policy 03.007. All inquiries may be made by calling the residential housing office. Use of university accommodations is not without cost. An employee in transition is expected to pay for their accommodations, for all services rendered.

(2) For information about non-university-owned housing, the employee should be directed to the "where to stay" choices on the "Athens County Convention and Visitors Bureau" web site.

(E) Exceptions

Policy 01.003 applies to this policy, except that:

(1) Only the president or provost may approve exceptions to this policy that involve payments for services or benefits not covered above; that involve payments in amounts exceeding the maximum amounts specified in this policy; or that involve reducing the amount of repayment called for by part (C) of this policy.

(2) All exceptions involving maximum amounts must be made before the employee accepts the offer of employment. There are to be no ex post facto exceptions to this policy.

(F) Relocation expense repayment

The employee must sign and submit the "Relocation Expense Repayment Agreement" in order to receive reimbursement of relocation expenses. The "Relocation Expense Repayment Agreement" is incorporated by reference as part of this policy.

The agreement shall be in effect for two years or until the end of the appointment, whichever comes first. If, during the agreement, the employee is terminated for cause or chooses to terminate their employment with Ohio university, then repayment of funds to Ohio university by the employee shall be based on the number of calendar days employed (i.e., number of continuous days on employed status, not number of days physically present for work. For example, a faculty member with an academic year appointment whose work typically begins on August 15, 2016 and ends on May 15, 2017 is treated as being employed throughout the summer break period provided they resume their academic appointment), according to the following chart:

Days employed Repayment

If it is found that the employee obtained employment fraudulently (e.g., under falsified credentials), then repayment will be for one hundred percent of relocation costs previously paid by the university, regardless of the number of days employed.

At the university's discretion, the repayment may be paid, in whole or in part, by deduction from amounts otherwise owed by the university to the employee (e.g., final pay). If UHR is unable to withhold from an expected future payout or regularly scheduled pay UHR, will submit a billing request to the bursar's office for collection, enforceable by the attorney general's office. See the "Relocation Expense Repayment Agreement" text for complete details. The agreement should be completed and returned with the employee's acceptance letter.

Last updated July 6, 2022 at 11:35 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Prior Effective Dates: 5/8/2019
Rule 3337-41-115 | Administrative position status determination.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

This policy provides for review of positions to assure compliance with the regulations of the State Civil Service Code and the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act.

All positions must be reviewed by university human resources ("UHR") to determine whether they are exempt (salaried) or non-exempt (paid hourly) before commitment is made to a prospective employee and before an employee is placed in the position.

(B) Determination of status

The employing department must prepare a position description for each position, and submit it to UHR for review.

University human resources will review the position description, will investigate details of the position with the employing department head, and will determine the status of the position, applying guidelines of the Fair Labor Standards Act and Chapter 124.11 of the Revised Code: "Unclassified service - classified service." There are three cases:

(1) Exempt - unclassified

If UHR determines that the position is both exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act and eligible for unclassified service under the Revised Code, then the position will be identified as an administrative presidential appointee position, and will be paid on a salaried basis.

(2) Non-exempt - classified

If UHR determines that the position is both non-exempt and that it meets the criteria for a classified position, under the Revised Code, then the position will be identified as a classified hourly position, and will be paid on an hourly basis.

(3) Non-exempt - unclassified

If UHR determines that the position is both non-exempt, and that it meets the criteria for an unclassified position under the Revised Code, then the position will be identified as an administrative hourly position, and paid on an hourly basis. An administrative hourly employee is appointed to an unclassified position, but is subject to the non-exempt provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, where applicable.

(C) Notification of status

University human resources shall notify the employing department head in writing of the status of the position.

(D) Payroll processing

To assure compliance with this policy, all administrative appointments and classified positions shall be reviewed and initiated by UHR before being processed for payroll purposes.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 111.15
Rule 3337-41-121 | Reimbursement for official travel and entertainment.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

(1) Section 126.31 of the Revised Code enables employees of the university to be reimbursed for actual and necessary travel and other expenses incurred while attending a gathering, conference or convention or while performing official duties related to university business inside or outside the state of Ohio if authorized by the university. This policy governs the travel of faculty, staff, non-employees and official guests. The university may pay for or reimburse individuals for reasonable, authorized and appropriately documented travel and entertainment ("travel expense") as described in this policy. This policy adheres to the internal revenue service (IRS) accountable plan rules that require employees and non-employees to properly document and account for all business and travel expenses.

(2) When booking international travel, it is necessary for travelers to abide by all federal travel guidelines, restrictions, and requirements (e.g., Fly America Act, OFAC (office of foreign assets control) Cuba license requirements, etc.). The university's international travel webpage contains links and references to current pertinent guidelines. Further, travel to OFAC restricted countries requires advance approval from insurance carriers.

(3) Persons traveling on university business should incur the lowest practical and reasonable expense and complete the travel process in an efficient and timely manner. University travelers have the duty to avoid impropriety, or even the appearance of impropriety, in any travel expense.

(4) Reimbursement shall not be claimed for items provided free of charge, obtained through the use of university frequent flyer miles or other rewards/points programs, or costs which are reimbursable by any other source.

(5) Any upgrades or additional costs (such as seat upgrades, hotel room upgrades, or additional checked baggage see paragraph (A)(6) of this rule) must be approved prior to booking travel and will only be covered as a reasonable accommodation for employees with a disability or accommodate need as documented by the office for university accessibility. Any employee requiring an accommodation should submit a request to the office of university accessibility.

(6) All travel must utilize current university preferred supplier(s) unless a prior exception is obtained. Any exception to this requirement is documented under the relevant paragraph of this policy. All other exceptions are limited to very rare sets of circumstances and will be reviewed based on merits and substantiation of each scenario. Utilizing the "Travel Management Company" (TMC) meets the requirement of utilizing a preferred supplier.

(7) Following travel, all travel must be substantiated and submitted as required on the "Travel Expense Report" or TER ("substantiation process").

(8) Planning units may choose to make more restrictive policies but will be responsible for monitoring and enforcing those restrictions. Audits will be performed against departmental practices.

(B) Spousal travel

As a general practice, spouse, domestic partner, and family travel will not be reimbursed by the university. A spouse's travel may be reimbursed, at the university's expense, if the spouse's presence has a documented business purpose and pre-approval has been obtained in accordance with the policy. For vice president and deans, spousal travel requires prior approval of the president or provost; all others must obtain the prior approval of the appropriate dean or vice president. A copy of the approval must be submitted with the TER or attached to the university credit card transaction.

(C) Transportation

(1) University vehicles

University owned or leased vehicles are maintained for the use of employees on university business. University policies govern usage and rental procedures. Liability coverage while operating a university vehicle is the responsibility of the university.

(2) Rental vehicles - external

(a) Rental vehicles should be procured through the TMC, utilizing an approved payment process. Rental vehicles can also be rented, in person, directly from a local office location from the university's preferred supplier(s). University employees may register for car-rental company membership cards that simplify rental procedures. Contact the purchasing office to apply.

(b) Rental car reservations booked using university preferred supplier(s), must reference the business account number on the rental car contract or agreement for the university driver protection coverage to apply domestically for university travel. No other insurance should be purchased, and will not be reimbursed for domestic rental. If purchasing from a non-preferred rental car supplier, additional insurance should be purchased when traveling domestically and will be reimbursed.

(c) The minimum age for car rentals is eighteen years of age; the minimum age for truck rental is twenty-one years of age for all university preferred supplier(s). All drivers must be either a university faculty or staff, a university student, or a guest on university business.

(d) Rental car insurance for vehicles must be obtained for travel outside of the United States of America (USA) only, as available in country, and is reimbursable. When renting vehicles outside of the USA the statutorily required coverage for that jurisdiction must be purchased.

(e) Vehicles for individual travelers shall be in the intermediate or smaller vehicle class unless a business purpose warrants a larger size. Prior approval by the traveler's "Chief Financial and Administrative Officer" (CFAO) or designee, of an upgraded vehicle is required and the approval must be attached to the transaction as part of the substantiation process.

(3) Privately owned vehicles - mileage rate

Reimbursement is made to the university traveler using the IRS's standard mileage rate applicable on the date of travel. The mileage rate covers all expenses incurred by the use of a privately owned automobile for university business, therefore, the university will not pay for or reimburse gasoline, insurance, maintenance and car washes. For university employees that receive an auto allowance, the allowance is provided in place of mileage reimbursement for all travel. When more than one university traveler is transported in a privately owned auto:

(a) If the auto-owner is the university traveler, only the auto-owner can claim mileage.

(b) If the auto-owner is not a university traveler, only one university traveler per auto can claim mileage.

(4) "Drive vs Fly" rule

Mileage is reimbursable regardless of the number of miles traveled, however, the "drive vs fly" rule will apply.

(a) Travelers who choose to drive rather than fly to business destinations may be reimbursed per diem and lodging (if necessary) for a total of two full driving days (one day before and one day after the official business).

(b) When two or more staff travel together in a personal vehicle, the mileage reimbursement can only be reimbursed to the driver of the personal vehicle. Each traveler is entitled to the allowable per diem and lodging.

(c) The mileage reimbursement cannot exceed the best available method of transportation documented prior to the travel. To qualify for reimbursement when driving longer distances normally accomplished by flying, the business expense must be the lesser of the actual mileage and parking expense at the business location or the total of:

(i) Most economical and practical means of airfare (the traveler must supply a quote from the university TMC)

(ii) Roundtrip mileage to the airport

(iii) Airport parking (no higher than the contracted rate with the university preferred supplier)

(iv) Ground transportation (not rental car) to/from airport to business location

(5) Standard distances between travel points

(a) The first point-of-origin on a travel expense should be the traveler's primary university work site (per payroll office records). If you begin your business travel from an alternate location, you should list that location only if the mileage to the destination is less than the mileage from your work site to the same destination.

(b) If your home is not located in the same city as your primary work site and you begin your business travel from home, mileage between work and home cannot be included in the mileage reimbursement totals. In addition, travel from your home to a point between your home and your primary work site cannot be submitted for mileage reimbursement.

(6) Taxi, limousine, bus, and train

Taxi, limousine, bus, train and other local conveyances will be reimbursed. If the total cost of a single expense is less than seventy-five dollars, a receipt is not required for transportation related costs. Such transportation must be limited to travel between official stations and transportation terminals, and/or places of lodging and places of university business. Tips for taxi or shuttle are reimbursable per customary tip rates for the location.

(D) Air travel

(1) Commercial airlines

(a) Commercial air travel shall be purchased through the TMC utilizing an approved payment process.

(b) Flights longer than five hours of continuous airtime, from point to point, qualify for a less than first class upgrade (e.g., business class).

(c) Frequent flyer miles: The Ohio ethics commission has issued "Advisory Opinion No. 91-010," which prohibits the personal use of frequent flyer credits by state officials and employees when the credits have been accrued during official state business travel. Therefore, personal frequent flier miles may not be accumulated for business travel. This opinion applies to all university travelers.

(2) University air transportation service

University personnel are encouraged to schedule university planes for business travel. Contact the university airport to make reservations.

(3) Private or leased aircraft

Private aircraft expenses may be reimbursed if the pilot has a copy of an appropriate, current pilot certificate and proof of insurance (hull and liability) on file with the risk management office. Reimbursement will be made based on the U.S. general services administration (GSA) mileage rate in effect at the time of travel. The mileage rate is intended to cover all costs associated with the operation of the plane, including but not limited to, gasoline, insurance, and maintenance.

(4) Fly America Act

In accordance with the Fly America Act, when international air travel is funded by a federal grant, the university must use a U.S. flag carrier service except under certain circumstances. The TMC can assist university travelers in complying with this requirement.

(5) Small regional or remote airports

The TMC may be able to assist with booking small regional or remote air transportation services. If the TMC is unable to procure the booking, travelers may purchase their booking directly and provide documentation from the TMC of their inability to assist.

(6) Ancillary fees charged by airline

Ancillary fees charged by airlines, (e.g., seat assignments, baggage fees, excess baggage fees) are reimbursable with a reasonable business-related justification.

(E) Lodging

(1) Lodging shall be booked through the TMC and paid using an approved payment method.

(2) Itemized receipts are always required for lodging. If meals are included on a lodging bill, a separate itemized receipt is required for meals. Extra room costs such as movies, equipment or other personal or incidental costs cannot be paid or reimbursed unless specifically identified in policy (see paragraph (G) of this rule for additional guidance).

(a) Conference hotels

Conference hotels can be booked during the conference registration process using an approved payment method. Travelers should check to see if the TMC has the conference rates or better.

(b) The sixty-mile rule

Overnight lodging is allowable only if the destination is further than sixty miles from the traveler's primary university work site. The sixty-mile minimum does not apply to faculty teaching at regional campuses or when attending a multi-day conference.

(c) Cost of lodging

Allowable cost is the single room rate plus tax, unless the other party is also on authorized university travel. Please refer to the tax office website for states providing tax exempt status to the university.

(d) Reduced rate options

Almost all hotels and motels have significant rate reductions for government employees, though the number of rooms at the discount may be limited. Be prepared to show a university ID upon arrival.

(e) Non-traditional lodging

Non-traditional lodging is allowable in accordance with the risk management process.

(F) Meals

(1) Business meeting meals or entertainment

(a) Business meeting meals or entertainment must have a business purpose and must include two or more persons (at least one non-university employee). Costs should be reasonable and customary for the location. Itemized receipts are required. Business meals must be deducted from the claimed per diem for any employees attending.

(b) Alcoholic beverages: Regardless of the payment method used, alcoholic beverages are permissible only when associated with a business meeting meal or official university entertainment. Alcohol must be charged to a foundation account whose guidelines permit the expense.

(2) Same day travel

University travelers do not qualify for personal meal reimbursement during same-day travel. IRS regulations require that an employee be away from home substantially longer than an ordinary day's work and during the time away from home, need sleep or rest (referred to as the "overnight rule" i.e., overnight stay is required). Please see "IRS Publication 463 Chapter 1 Traveling Away from Home."

(3) Overnight travel

(a) The university provides per diem reimbursement to faculty, staff and guests while traveling on official business per federal GSA rates based on location of the travel destination. The per diem allowance is a daily fixed dollar amount provided for meals and incidentals. It can include up to three meals per day, and the following incidentals: laundry, dry-cleaning, and gratuities (tips) to waiter/waitress, porters, bellhops, stewards, etc. and is paid to the traveler after the trip. Regardless of departure and arrival times on the first and last day of travel, per IRS guidelines, travelers can receive seventy-five per cent of the per diem rate for the first and last day of travel.

(b) If circumstances warrant, travel may begin the day prior to business and end the day after the last day of business travel. An additional day of travel is allowable at the beginning and the end when traveling internationally.

(c) When meals are provided, the per diem must be adjusted by deducting the appropriate meals on the TER.

(G) Miscellaneous travel expenses

(1) Ordinary and necessary expenses relate to your business travel may be reimbursed. Each expense must have a clear business purpose. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, necessary laundry (if traveling more than five days), parking charges, ferry or water taxi fees, network and data charges (no data and network charges will be allowed when on personal travel), and bridge, highway, or tunnel tolls. Traffic fines, personal vehicle towing charges (towing charges for a disabled university registered and owned vehicle are allowable), and like expenses are not allowable.

(2) Change and cancellation fees will only be allowable if there is a bona fide business purpose or medical emergency which necessitates the change or cancellation fee as determined by the planning unit. Changes or cancellations due to personal preference or needs will not be covered by the university.

(3) A registration fee may not include extraneous activities (golf-outings, museum tours, yoga class, etc.) if they can be reasonably separated from the total cost of the registration fee.

(4) Charges for catering, meeting rooms and related expenses should be procured prior to travel and processed through purchasing to ensure proper insurance and contract requirements have been met.

(5) If it is known that a third party reimbursement will occur, no such charges should be incurred by, or submitted for reimbursement to the university. If a third party pays the traveler's expense after the university has made payment, the traveler must prepare a reimbursement to "Ohio University" for the amount.

(H) Mixed business and personal travel

(1) If airfare, hotel or car rental is purchased for a trip that includes both personal and business purposes, the amount paid by the university will only be the fare directly attributed to the university business purpose.

(2) When combining a business trip with a personal trip, the TMC will accept university payment for the business portion of the trip and will charge a personal card for the personal portion of the trip.

(I) Substantiation /receipts

Original receipts are required for substantiation of all expenses unless otherwise noted in the policy or procedure. Traveler should attach all related materials to the travel report to document the business purpose/need (e.g., conference or meeting agenda). Reimbursement policies and procedures for grants and contracts take precedence over this policy, and may require more comprehensive documentary evidence for expenses.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Prior Effective Dates: 7/2/2016
Rule 3337-41-122 | Petty cash and change funds.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

This policy establishes procedures and guidelines for petty cash reimbursement through the bursar's office as well as the use of departmental petty cash and change funds.

Cash control is necessary and must ensure that Ohio university is fulfilling its fiduciary responsibility. The use of cash rather than other means of payment does not change whether an expenditure is acceptable, or not.

(B) Definitions

(1) Petty cash fund: A set amount of money held by a department and used to make small, incidental purchases (for emergencies and purchases requiring cash) of not more than fifty dollars from a local vendor where the normal route of payment is not cost effective or appropriate.

(2) Change fund: A set amount of money used by a department to make change for customers who are purchasing goods or services. The selling of such goods or services must have been previously approved through appropriate channels.

(3) Fiduciary: The department head or budget unit manager who is authorized to approve expenditures from the department's account(s).

(4) Custodian: The department employee who is appointed to operate and maintain the fund.

(C) General guidelines

(1) Departments can either be reimbursed by the bursar's office (best for infrequent use see part (D) of this policy), or establish their own petty cash fund (see part (E) of this policy).

(2) It is the responsibility of the employee making the purchase to inform vendors of Ohio university's sales tax exempt status. An "Ohio Sales Tax Blanket Exemption Certificate" may be used for this purpose.

(3) An Ohio university purchasing card is a preferred alternative to a petty cash fund. Purchasing card information can be found online.

(4) Except that the intercollegiate athletics petty cash fund may be used for expenditures coded with natural accounts from the 400000 series, petty cash reimbursements are prohibited for expenditures that are classified in expense natural account code series 100000, 200000, 400000, and 900000. Additional information about expense natural account codes is available online.

(D) Reimbursement through the bursar's office

(1) The bursar's office will reimburse an individual who has used personal cash or a personal check (not personal debit or credit cards) to make a small incidental purchase (for emergency or purchase requiring cash) of not more than fifty dollars from a local vendor where the normal route of payment is not cost effective or appropriate.

(2) A "Petty Cash Voucher" form must be taken to the vendor-site, and must be completed at the time of the purchase. The approved form, along with an original itemized receipt, is submitted to the petty cash window in Chubb hall for reimbursement.

(3) The bursar's office will submit the vouchers to accounts payable on a regular basis to record the expenditure.

(E) Establishment of departmental petty cash or change funds

(1) A completed "Petty Cash/Change Fund" form must be completed and sent to the controller in the finance division.

(2) The persons who will serve as fiduciary and custodian must be designated in advance of the fund being distributed.

(3) Agreed physical safeguards must be in place before the fund is released to the department.

(4) Once the above has been completed, the fund will be released to the department via a check (in care of the custodian) from accounts payable that may be cashed at the cashier's window in the bursar's office.

(F) Operation of departmental petty cash or change funds

(1) Petty cash fund

(a) A departmental petty cash fund may be used to make small incidental purchases (for emergencies and purchases requiring cash) of not more than fifty dollars from a local vendor where the normal route of payment is not cost effective or appropriate. The Baker center catering alcohol petty cash fund and the intercollegiate athletics petty cash fund are exempt from the fifty dollars limitation.

(b) The total of cash and original itemized receipts for purchases in these funds should remain at the established amount at all times.

(c) The fund should be balanced at least monthly, and records kept.

(d) This fund should only be used for making purchases. It should never be used for collecting money or making change for sales, paying for services, cashing checks, giving loans, or for travel advances.

(e) Petty cash funds can be replenished by submitting a "Direct Payment Form" (be sure to specify which account to charge for each purchase), with original itemized receipts attached, to general accounting. Accounts payable will issue a check to the department, in care of the custodian, that may be cashed at the cashier's window in the bursar's office. Checks that are one thousand dollars or greater must be cashed on the business day following the day of receipt. Checks that are less than one thousand dollars may be held for cashing, until the third business day or when the checks on hand reach an amount of one thousand dollars or greater, whichever comes first.

(f) The fiduciary has sole responsibility for this fund. Any unexplained discrepancies will be resolved through the fiduciary.

(2) Change fund

(a) The cash in these funds should remain at the established amount at all times.

(b) The fund should be balanced each day of use, but at least once per week, and records kept.

(c) This fund should never be used for making purchases, cashing checks, giving loans, or for travel advances.

(d) The fiduciary has sole responsibility for this fund. Any unexplained discrepancies will be resolved through the fiduciary.

(3) Fund segregation

Each petty cash fund and each change fund should be segregated from all other cash funds. These funds are intended to stand alone; do not combine them with other cash.

(G) Maintenance

(1) All petty cash funds should be balanced at least monthly, and records kept. The table below shows the formula for balancing petty cash funds (line A should equal line E, otherwise there is a shortage or overage in the fund):

AEstablished amount:
BCash on hand:
COriginal itemized receipts on hand:
DReplenishments in transit:
ETotal (B+C+D):
FOverage (if E > A) or (Shortage) (if E < A):

The petty cash fund should remain at the established amount. A log should be kept of shortages and overages, and all shortages and overages should be reported to the general accounting office, for resolution, on the next "Direct Payment" form submitted to replenish the fund.

(2) All change funds should be balanced each day of use, but at least once per week, and records kept. The table below shows the formula for balancing change funds (line A must equal line E, otherwise there is a shortage or overage in sales):

AEstablished amount:
BCash on hand:
CChecks on hand:
ETotal (B+C-D):
FOverage (if E > A) or (Shortage) (if E < A):

The change fund should remain at the established amount. Any overage or shortage should be reflected in the department's next sales deposit. This is accomplished by either increasing or decreasing the deposit amount by the amount of the shortage or overage. A log should be kept of daily shortages and overages so that when audits are performed, overages and shortages can be reviewed. Chronic overages or shortages are an indicator of possible internal control deficiencies.

(3) The custodian is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the fund and for reporting any unusual activity to the controller or internal audit department.

(4) A back-up custodian is recommended for times when the custodian and fiduciary are unavailable. The back-up custodian's duties and responsibilities are the same as the custodian's when he or she is unavailable.

(5) The fiduciary is responsible for insuring that the funds are physically secure, reporting any unusual activity to the controller or internal audit department, and ultimately has the financial responsibility for them. This includes the fiduciary conducting unannounced counts of the fund.

(6) The fiduciary and custodian (back-up when not available) should be the only persons with access to the fund.

(7) Any changes to an existing fund (including custodian, fiduciary, location of fund, increase or decrease of amount, etc.) should be submitted to the general accounting office, on a "Petty Cash/Change Fund" form, with "Established fund" marked.

(8) The controller (or his or her designee), and the internal audit department reserve the right to inspect and audit any petty cash or change funds at any time.

(H) Closing departmental petty cash or change funds

If a departmental petty cash fund or change fund should be closed, contact the general accounting office for instructions.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 111.15
Rule 3337-41-125 | Holidays.

(A) Eligibility

The following categories of employees are eligible for the holidays identified in this policy:

(1) Full-time and part-time employees, excluding temporary and intermittent appointments. Bargaining unit employees covered under a collective bargaining agreement should refer to their current contract for specifics of participation.

(2) "Tenure track," "instructional," "visiting professor," and "clinical" faculty, as defined by the "Faculty Handbook."

(B) Policy

This policy complies with federal and state laws and Ohio university trustees' action, and provides for the maximum possible predictability of holidays for planning purposes.

The university will be closed in observance of holidays approved by the Ohio university trustees.

(1) A holiday which occurs on a Saturday will be observed on the preceeding Friday; a holiday which occurs on a Sunday will be observed on the following Monday.

(2) Security and vital services staff (e.g., heating plant and Ohio university police department) will be required to work on holidays to maintain the vital services of the university.

(3) To the extent practicable, department heads and chairpersons should afford the maximum opportunity for employees to schedule time off for the express purpose of observing legitimate religious holidays. Such time off may be in the form of vacation leave or time off without pay.

(4) If an administrative employee works on a holiday, they may take compensatory time off (at the rate of one hours off for every hour worked on the holiday) within the same fiscal year, scheduled with the approval of the department head. Any compensatory time not taken within the same fiscal year as the holiday will be forfeited.

(5) Employees are eligible for holiday pay for that portion of any holiday on which they would normally have been scheduled to work. Intermittent and emergency employees do not qualify for holiday pay.

(6) Holiday pay is not applicable for a holiday which occurs during an employee's unpaid leave of absence.

(7) The following ten days are to be observed as holidays:

(a) New Year's day (January first)

(b) Martin Luther King day (third Monday in January)

(c) Memorial day (last Monday in May)

(d) Juneteenth National Independence day (June nineteenth)

(e) Independence day (July fourth)

(f) Labor day (first Monday in September)

(g) Veterans day (November eleventh)

(h) Thanksgiving day (fourth Thursday in November)

(i) Indigenous People's day/ Columbus day (second Monday in October*)

(j) President's day (third Monday in February*)

(k) Christmas day (December twenty-fifth)

*These two 'floating holidays" are scheduled on days other than the traditional dates shown in parentheses; see part (F) of policy 41.001, and paragraph (C)(2) of this policy.

(C) Process

(1) At least three to four weeks prior to a scheduled holiday, notice should be given by the department head to employees who are required to work on that holiday to maintain the vital services of the university. If a supervisor assigns an hourly-pay employee to work on a day observed as a holiday, the employee will receive holiday day plus pay for time worked, as described in policy 40.050.

(2) University human resources will issue an official list of holiday observance dates for each fiscal year, as far in advance of the start of that fiscal year as practicable. Included in the list will be the dates of observance for the two floating holidays.

Last updated July 6, 2022 at 11:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Rule 3337-41-127 | Military leave.

(A) Overview

This policy provides for military leave of absence and establishes reemployment procedures following military service.

Employees who are members of the Ohio national guard or a member of a reserve component of the armed forces are eligible for military leave without loss of pay for occasional periods of field training or active duty not to exceed a total of thirty-one calendar days in any one calendar year. Such leave will be in addition to regular vacation time and there is no requirement that the service must be in one continuous period of time. The maximum number of hours for which payment may be made in any one calendar year under this provision is one hundred seventy-six hours.

Ohio university will grant military leave of absence without pay beyond the one hundred seventy-six hours required by state and federal laws, to permanent employees with at least ninety days of employment with the university who are inducted or otherwise enter military service. The duration of a leave of absence for military service will be subject to the provisions of the Revised Code in effect at the time. Additionally, pay and insurance coverage for employees called to active duty for more than one hundred seventy-six hours will comply with sections 5923.05 and 5923.051 of the Revised Code, and with any other applicable state or federal laws.

(B) Process

A formal written request for military leave of absence should be submitted to the employee's department head at least two weeks in advance, when possible, of the first day of leave. Classified employees should complete a "Request for Unpaid Leave of Absence" for this purpose and submit the request to their supervisor and university human resources. A copy of the induction or enlistment notice will be attached to each request.

Those persons filling a position of an employee on military leave will be advised that the position is temporary and that the employee on military leave has reemployment rights. An employee on military leave forfeits reinstatement rights if they exceed the five-year cumulative voluntary military service limit. The five-year cumulative voluntary military service limit does not include: inactive duty training (drill); annual training; involuntary recall to or retention on active duty; voluntary or involuntary active duty in support of a war, national emergency, or certain other operational missions; or additional training requirements determined and certified in writing by the service secretary and considered to be necessary for professional development or for completion of skill training or retraining.

Time for reinstatement application and time limits for returning to work depend on the duration of the orders:

(1) Service of one to thirty days: return with reinstatement application and begin on the first regularly scheduled work period on the first full day following completion of service and expiration of an eight hour rest period following safe transportation home.

(2) Service of thirty-one or more days: application for reinstatement must be submitted no later than ninety days after completion of military duty. The affected employee will be promptly returned to work.

Prompt return to work will depend on individual circumstances of the department. However, return to work should occur in a matter of days, and at most two weeks.

Other provisions of applicable state or federal law will be observed in considering employment rights and benefits relating to veterans, members of the national guard, and other covered military components.

Last updated July 6, 2022 at 11:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Rule 3337-41-128 | Leaves of absence for presidential appointees.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

This policy establishes university policy and procedures for granting unpaid leaves of absence for presidential appointees, both administrative and faculty. For faculty presidential appointees, this policy applies only to the extent that no contrary provision is included in the "Faculty Handbook."

The university supports a work environment that offers solutions to complex issues employees face in balancing their work, family, and personal commitments or health and medical concerns. This policy provides the following leaves for full-time and part-time permanent presidential appointees: family, medical, disability, personal, educational, and military.

See also policy 41.105.

(B) Family and medical leave

Refer to policy 40.054.

(C) Medical leave

(1) Qualifying events

An illness (non-pregnancy related) or injury of an employee which prevents a presidential appointee from performing the essential functions of the position.

(2) Eligibility

Excepting work related illness or injuries, no medical leave of absence will be approved unless the presidential appointee has exhausted all sick leave. The leave may be for a period up to six months.

(3) Procedures

It is the responsibility of uuniversity human resources to oversee the administration of this policy.

(a) A presidential appointee is expected to make a written request for leave at least thirty days in advance (to the extent that an advance notice is practical) by completing an "Addendum to Administrative Appointment for Unpaid Leaves." Medical certification that is satisfactory to Ohio university is required with the leave request.

(b) The "Addendum to Administrative Appointment for Unpaid Leaves" must be signed and approved or disapproved by the department head and planning unit head. The planning unit head forwards the request to university human resources for review.

(c) The presidential appointee will provide to his or her department head an update on his or her medical status periodically during the leave. Typically, this will be done at intervals no greater than thirty days.

(4) Group insurance coverage

The university will continue group insurance coverage for the time of the medical leave, up to six months. The presidential appointee is responsible for payroll deductions normally taken if not on leave.

(5) Reinstatement

When a presidential appointee wishes to be reinstated, he or she must submit certification from his or her health care provider indicating his or her ability to perform his or her job. The presidential appointee retains reinstatement rights to the same or similar position up to six months from the initial effective date of the medical leave.

(D) Disability leaves

(1) Qualifying events

An illness, injury, or disabling condition that prevents a presidential appointee from performing the essential functions of the position temporarily or permanently. The presidential appointee must have exhausted all sick leave. The university's unlimited sick leave accumulation provides for short-term disabilities.

(2) Procedures for long-term disability (income replacement)

(a) Presidential appointees eligible for benefits may apply for long-tTerm disability (LTD). LTD may be available after ninety consecutive days of total disability or exhaustion of all paid sick leave, whichever occurs later.

(b) Other income benefits such as worker's compensation (see policy 40.032), social security disability benefits, or a government system disability benefits will be coordinated with LTD benefits. Contact university human resources for further information regarding LTD benefits.

(3) Procedures for disability retirement

(a) If a presidential appointee has at least five years of service with the appropriate retirement system, such as OPERS, PERSLE, or STRS, he or she is eligible to apply for permanent disability by completing the appropriate disability forms (for OPERS: DR-1, DR-3, and DR-4) and submitting them directly to the appropriate retirement system.

(b) The appropriate retirement system will determine a permanent disability retirement after the presidential appointee has been examined by a physician designated by that retirement system.

(c) Eligible presidential appointees may apply for LTD and permanent retirement disability simultaneously to expedite the coordination of benefits.

(4) Group insurance coverage

Group insurance coverage will not be continued by the university for the period of a long-term disability leave of absence which follows the exhaustion of a six month medical leave. The presidential appointee may elect to continue insurance coverage by notifying the insurance benefits area of university human resources of a qualifying event for the consolidated omnibus reconciliation act (COBRA), requesting and completing the "Group Health Continuation Election Form," and submitting premium payments directly to the address provided on the form.

If the presidential appointee elects not to continue insurance coverage during a disability leave, there will be no waiting period for the resumption of coverage upon his or her return to work.

(5) Group insurance coverage under disability retirement

If a presidential appointee is approved for permanent disability through the appropriate retirement system, health care benefits are available through the retirement system. A spouse or dependents may be enrolled for health care benefits through the retirement system when a presidential appointee completes the disability retirement application (for OPERS: DR-1).

(6) Reinstatement from long-term disability leave

(a) When a presidential appointee wishes to be reinstated, a written request and a medical release statement from the attending physician must be submitted to his or her department head at least two weeks prior to the date he or she wishes to return to work.

(b) If the medical release or evaluation indicates that the presidential appointee can perform the essential functions of his or her position, the presidential appointee will be reinstated. The presidential appointee retains reinstatement rights to the same or similar position up to three years from the initial effective date of the short-term or long-term disability.

(c) The payroll office should be notified of the effective date of reinstatement and a copy of the notice should be sent to the records area of university human resources.

(d) If the presidential appointee is not able to perform his or her essential duties due to an illness, injury, or disability condition under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), or an occupational illness or injury, the chief human resource officer should be notified.

(7) Reinstatement from disability retirement

A physician designated by the appropriate retirement system will determine if and when a presidential appointee may be reinstated.

(a) If the presidential appointee is eligible for reinstatement, the appropriate retirement system will notify the vice president for finance and administration's office of the effective date to be reinstated.

(b) A presidential appointee retains reinstatement rights to the same or a similar position up to a period of five years from the initial effective date of the disability retirement.

(E) Educational leave

(1) Qualifying event

A period of time away from work to obtain additional education, training, or specialized experience that will improve the employee's job skills or job performance, or coursework that will result in a formal academic degree.

(2) Eligibility

The educational endeavor must be sufficiently documented and approved by the department head. The leave may be for a period not to exceed one year; it may be renewed for a second year upon written request to the department head.

(3) Procedures

(a) A presidential appointee is expected to make a written request for leave at least thirty days in advance (to the extent that an advance notice is practical) by completing an "Addendum to Administrative Appointment for Unpaid Leaves."

(b) The request for an unpaid educational leave of absence must be accompanied by a written statement from the presidential appointee stating the nature of the request and the estimated length of time needed.

(c) An "Addendum to Administrative Appointment for Unpaid Leaves" must be signed and approved or disapproved by the department head and planning unit head. If the leave is disapproved, a written statement must accompany the "Addendum to Administrative Appointment for Unpaid Leaves" clearly explaining the reason(s) for the denial, and a copy provided to the employee. If the leave is approved, university human resources will notify the payroll office.

(4) Group insurance coverage

Group insurance coverage will not be continued by the university during the period of the educational leave of absence for an administrative presidential appointee; group insurance coverage does continue for faculty presidential appointees during sabbatical leaves. (An exception may be made if the presidential appointee is pursuing educational courses that are directly related to his or her job, and if he or she makes a commitment to stay in the job for a specific period of time following the leave. The presidential appointee must request this coverage and document the applicability of the courses. A decision regarding the request for coverage and the specific period of time will be made by the supervisor, in consultation with the planning unit head and the chief human resource officer.) The presidential appointee may elect to continue insurance coverage by notifying the insurance benefits area of university human resources of a qualifying event for the Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act (COBRA), requesting and completing the "Group Health Continuation Election Form," and submitting premium payments directly to the address provided on the form.

If an employee allows insurance coverage to lapse while on an educational leave, evidence of insurability may be required for reinstatement of group coverage upon his or her return to work.

(5) Reinstatement

The presidential appointee retains reinstatement rights to the same or similar position for a period of one year from the initial effective date of the leave; it may be extended for a second year if approved by the supervisor. See part (E)(2) of this policy.

(F) Personal leave

(1) Qualifying event

A personal hardship for the presidential appointee or a family member.

(2) Eligibility

Any presidential appointee who has not taken a personal leave within the last three years is eligible. The leave may be for a period not to exceed six months. The department head, in granting approval or disapproval, will consider the immediate needs of the department and may utilize the employee's work performance (as documented by the unit's annual performance evaluation process) to identify factors that tend to support or to detract from the presidential appointee's stated need for the leave.

(3) Procedures

(a) A presidential appointee is expected to make a written request for leave at least thirty days in advance (to the extent that an advance notice is practical) by completing an "Addendum to Administrative Appointment for Unpaid Leaves."

(b) The request for an unpaid personal leave of absence must be accompanied by a written statement from the presidential appointee stating the nature of the request, documenting the compelling need for the leave and estimating the length of time needed.

(c) The "Addendum to Administrative Appointment for Unpaid Leaves" must be signed and approved or disapproved by the department head and planning unit head. If the leave is disapproved, a written statement must accompany the addendum clearly explaining the reason(s) for the denial, and a copy provided to the employee. If the leave is approved, university human resources will notify the payroll office.

(4) Group insurance coverage

Group insurance coverage will not be continued by the university during the period of the personal leave of absence. The presidential appointee may elect to continue insurance coverage by notifying the insurance benefits area of university human resources of a qualifying event for the Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act (COBRA), requesting and completing the "Group Health Continuation Election Form," and submitting premium payments directly to the address provided on the form.

If an employee allows insurance coverage to lapse while on an personal leave, evidence of insurability may be required for reinstatement of group coverage upon his or her return to work.

(5) Reinstatement

The presidential appointee retains reinstatement rights to the same or similar position for a period of six months from the initial effective date of the personal leave.

(G) Military leave

(1) Qualifying events

An unpaid extended leave of absence beyond the one hundred seventy-six hours or twenty-two days of paid leave granted in accordance with state and federal laws to employees who are inducted or otherwise required to enter military service or active duty for training, or voluntary enrollment.

(2) Eligibility

(a) Executive order: A presidential appointee who is a member of the Ohio national guard or a reserve component of the armed forces and is required for active duty in excess of twenty-two days in a calendar year due to an executive order issued by the president of the United States, an act of congress, or in accordance with section 5923.05 of the Revised Code.

(b) Voluntary enrollment: A presidential appointee who voluntarily enlists for active duty in any of the U.S. branches of service (i.e., army, navy, marines, air force).

(3) Procedures

(a) A presidential appointee must request a military leave of absence by completing the "Addendum to Administrative Appointment for Unpaid Leave."

(b) A copy of the military orders stating the period of the leave must be attached to the "Addendum to Administrative Appointment for Unpaid Leave."

(c) The "Addendum to Administrative Appointment for Unpaid Leave" request must be signed and approved or disapproved by the department head and the planning unit head. If the leave is disapproved, a written statement must accompany the addendum clearly explaining the reason(s) for the denial, and a copy provided to the employee. If the leave is approved, university human resources will notify the payroll office.

(4) Group Iinsurance coverage: executive order

The university will continue insurance coverage for the entire period of a military leave by executive order.

(5) Group insurance coverage: voluntary enrollment

Group insurance coverage will not be continued by the university during the period of a military leave of absence by voluntary enrollment. The presidential appointee may elect to continue insurance coverage by notifying the insurance benefits area of university human resources of a qualifying event for the Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act (COBRA), requesting and completing the "Group Health Continuation Election Form," and submitting premium payments directly to the address provided on the form.

If an employee allows insurance coverage to lapse while on a military leave, evidence of insurability may be required for reinstatement of group coverage upon his or her return to work.

(6) Reinstatement

The presidential appointee shall be reinstated to the same or a similar position upon the submission of a written request within ninety days of separation from active duty. A presidential appointee forfeits reinstatement rights if he or she re-enlists or voluntarily extends an original tour of active duty while on a leave.

(H) General provisions

(1) Cancellation of leave

If it becomes apparent that the leave of absence is not actually being used for the specific reason it was requested and granted, the leave may be cancelled by the granting authority.

(2) Restoration of lost retirement service credit

Retirement contributions are not made to the appropriate retirement system while a presidential appointee is on an unpaid leave of absence. Upon return from an unpaid leave of absence, a presidential appointee may purchase the service credit for the period of the unpaid leave by completing the appropriate form (for OPERS: "Form AA") and submitting it to the payroll office for certification. The payroll office will forward the form directly to the appropriate retirement system. Notification of the contribution amount will be sent to the presidential appointee's home address by the appropriate retirement system. Arrangements for purchasing the service credit must be made directly with the appropriate retirement system by the presidential appointee.

(3) Other benefit restrictions

A presidential appointee will not receive salary for any holidays observed, nor will he or she accrue sick leave or vacation credit during any unpaid leave of absence.

(4) Grievance procedure

Presidential appointees may appeal a denial of a leave of absence request through the grievance process provided in policy 41.011.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 111.15
Rule 3337-41-129 | Professional development for administratorsand classified employees.

(A) Overview

(1) Ohio university values the individuals in its community. It encourages and supports programs that enrich their lives and improve their knowledge and skills. Professional development provides opportunities for administrators and classified employees to better serve the educational process, the academic community, and thus the institution as a whole, by increasing staff effectiveness through on-going training and development for a current assignment as well as preparing for future career growth at Ohio university. Supervisors are encouraged to support professional development for their employees whenever possible.

(2) Professional development is the organized, formal, and systematic efforts of Ohio university to provide and promote education and training for its administrative employees. Bargaining unit employees covered under a collective bargaining agreement should refer to their current contract for specifics of participation.

(3) Professional development includes:

(a) In-service training programs, conferences, and seminars to enhance job or career related knowledge and skills.

(b) Creating and/or delivering university-sponsored learning experiences for the benefit of other employees when this is not part of an employee's typical job responsibilities.

(c) Courses offered for credit by Ohio university, or through reciprocity agreement with Hocking college, as outlined in policy 40.015, educational benefits for Ohio university employees.

(4) Enhancing job-related knowledge, skills, and abilities is vital to the individual's and the university's continued success. Supervisors are expected to support and encourage the career development and performance effectiveness of employees.

(5) Typically, every effort should be made by the supervisor to allow staff members up to a total of ten per cent release time from the job for any combination of professional development opportunities including: participating in job or carreer-related development programs or activities, providing university-sponsored learning experiences to other staff, and/or taking college courses as outlined in policy 40.015, Educational benefits for Ohio university employees.

(6) Participation in professional development activities should not negaively impact departmental operations, employee performance, or an employee's ability to meet deadlines or commitments.

(7) Non-exempt employees participating in university-sponsored development activities should do so during normal working hours with supervisor approval and coordination. Participation in university-sponsored development activities that take place during normal work hours and are directly related to successful performance of an employee's current job counts as hours worked for overtime purposes. Time spent in professional development opportunities that are not directly job-related may still count as hours worked if it occurs during normal work hours. It is the supervisor's responsibility to support professional development by reviewing and approving reasonable requests that fall within the ten percent release time guideline and can be managed within the department's overtime guidelines.

(B) Training programs, conferences, and seminars

(1) The requests should exclude department retreats, mandatory training, and cross-training as directed by the supervisor.

(2) Developmental activities associated with professional licenses and certifications that are considered to be job requirements (e.g., re-certification, required CEU's) must be discussed and coordinated with the appropriate supervisor when such activities require time away from the employee's normal job duties.

(3) Staff members who participate in training programs, conferences, and seminars will routinely share with colleagues the knowledge and skill gained.

(C) Learning experiences provided to other staff

(1) To support a culture of collaborative learning, staff members are encouraged to share knowledge and help others develop their skills. When staff members share knowledge by creating and/or delivering structured learning experiences for other employees, developmental opportunities are provided for the employees being trained as well as those providing the training.

(2) Staff members who provide structured learning experiences to other employess as part of a university-sponsored program, outside the scope of their normal job duties, must coordinate their participation with the appropriate supervisor by following the guidelines outlined in paragraph (B) of this rule.

(3) Time spent creating content, delivering training, or planning approved professional development activities for university-sponsored learning experiences that are outside an employee's normal job responsibilities is included in the ten per cent release time guideline referenced in paragraph (A)(5) of this rule.

(D) University courses

(1) Active employees who meet eligibility requirements are invited to participate in the university's educational benefits program as described in policy 40.015.

(2) Time away from work to participate in this program must be approved by the appropriate supervisor and is included in the ten per cent release time guideline referenced in paragraph (D)(1) of this rule.

Last updated October 12, 2022 at 8:18 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Prior Effective Dates: 7/24/2016
Rule 3337-41-130 | Employee assistance program.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

This policy provides a service designed to assist faculty and staff in solving a wide range of issues that may or may not be directly related to their job functions, but may have an effect on the individual's job performance. Such issues are often termed "work" or "life" issues. This policy in no way is intended to replace appropriate intervention policies or procedures.

Ohio university will make available to employees and their family members an employee assistance program (EAP) via a third party vendor. All non-student university employees and their family members will have access to the EAP. Use of the EAP is voluntary.

The EAP will provide access to or referrals to counseling services, educational information, or other solutions to work or life issues. Issues can include: family or personal relationship issues; stress related to work or major life events (marriage, divorce, death, accidents, etc.); substance abuse; financial concerns; legal concerns; other mental health issues; etc.

Use of the EAP by specific employees will remain confidential. Information regarding specific use by employees will be held by the third party vendor and remain confidential according to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy rules and any other related regulatory guidelines. Information that is not subject to privacy laws may be subject to public record law.

The availability of the EAP and its resources will be communicated periodically to employees and supervisors and the families of employees.

Supervisors and co-workers may be encouraged to refer employees to the EAP for assistance or information regarding work or life issues.

However, if a supervisor or co-worker believes a work or life issue is impacting the performance of an employee to a point where more severe intervention may be necessary, the supervisor should contact the employee and labor relations area in university human resources for guidance regarding potential intervention and the potential use of or referral to the EAP.

(B) Process

University human resources (UHR) will periodically place out for bid a contract for a third party vendor to provide EAP services to employees and their family members.

Upon award of the contract, UHR will communicate the availability of the EAP to employees and their family members. UHR will work with the EAP vendor to furnish reports for the university regarding the frequency of use by employees and family members, and the types of issues involved. UHR will partner with the EAP to provide educational pieces or solutions to issues that may become prevalent. For example, if the EAP reports a high volume of contact regarding elder care issues, the UHR and the EAP may decide to provide programs or services dedicated to elder care issues or collaborate with existing campus or community programs regarding the issue.

Supervisors and co-workers are encouraged to refer fellow employees to the EAP for assistance with work or life issues. However, as stated in part (A) of this policy, if a supervisor or co-worker believes a work or life issue is impacting the performance of an employee to a point where more severe intervention may be necessary, the supervisor or co-worker should contact the employee and labor relations area in university human resources for guidance regarding the appropriate processes or use of or referral to the EAP.

The following policies should be consulted as appropriate:

(1) Policy 41.133.

(2) Policy 41.135.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 111.15
Rule 3337-41-133 | Alcohol and other drugs.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Purpose

The Ohio university alcohol and other drugs policy and program is designed to prevent drug and alcohol problems within the university setting. The policy and programs are designed to identify problems at the earliest possible stage, motivate the affected individual(s) to seek help, and to direct the individual toward the best assistance available.

(B) Policy

The university recognizes that the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs can seriously impair an employee's performance and create an unhealthy and unsafe environment for employees, students and visitors and is therefore a university-wide concern. Due to the university's concern, this alcohol and other drugs policy is instituted.

With that said, it is strictly prohibited for an employee to use, possess, manufacture or distribute drugs and/alcohol, or be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, while in the workplace or in university vehicles and equipment and while on duty. This includes the misuse or inappropriate use of prescription medications and drugs. The consumption of alcohol at university sanctioned events may be permitted if such use has been authorized by the university. This policy is in accordance with the Drug-free Workplace (41 USC 701) and the Drug-free Schools and Communities Act (PL 101-226).

(C) Alcohol and other drugs awareness program

(1) Ohio university hereby establishes an alcohol and other drugs awareness program. Under this program, the university will regularly and periodically publish literature warning about the dangers of the abuse of alcohol and other drugs in the workplace or in any environment. The program will specifically cover the following major topics:

(a) Health and safety concerns associated with drug abuse;

(b) University policy regarding illegal drug or alcohol use;

(c) Availability of counseling and assistance for employees;

(d) Penalties that may be imposed for drug or alcohol abuse violations.

(D) Employee compliance with university substance abuse policy

(1) An employee found to be illegally possessing or using alcohol, or other drugs or being under the influence of such, shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment in accordance with university policy, the faculty handbook or the collective bargaining agreements. A disciplinary sanction may include the completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program. Such sanctions may include disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

(2) All university employees shall, as a condition of employment, abide by the following requirements:

(a) Comply with the terms of the university's alcohol and other drugs policy and guidelines promulgated pursuant to this policy.

(b) Notify their administrative supervisor of any alcohol or drug related arrests and/or convictions no later than five working days after such conviction.

(3) As required by legislation and upon receipt of notice under the preceding paragraph, the university shall notify the federal agency sponsoring grants or contracts with the employee's department. This notification shall take place within ten working days after receiving such conviction notice.

(E) Employee disclosure

(1) Any employee who is chemically dependent will not be disciplined for disclosing this dependency. If the substance abuse dependency adversely affects the employee's behavior, job performance or poses a direct threat to the property or safety of the university or fellow employees, such employee shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment consistent with university policies and procedures.

(2) Records pertaining to the diagnosis or treatment of alcohol or drug related medical conditions will not be made part of the faculty or staff member's personnel file and will be regarded as strictly confidential in all cases. Self-disclosure of a medical diagnosis or documented substance abuse treatment shall be referred to the university accessibility office.

(3) The principal investigator of any grant, project, or contract from a federal agency is required to ensure that each employee engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of and acknowledge receipt of this policy.

(F) Employee assistance program

The university shall operate an "Employee Assistance Program" (EAP) that shall be monitored through university human resources. For details of the EAP, refer to policy 41.130, employee assistance program.

(G) Guidelines for reasonable suspicion testing

University human resources will maintain and post guidelines online for supervisors to follow when it is suspicioned that an employee may be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3337.01
Amplifies: 3337.01
Rule 3337-41-134 | Professional development for classified employees.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

This policy encourages and supports the professional development and enhancement of classified employees.

Supervisors are expected to support and encourage the career development and performance effectiveness of employees. Enhancing job-related knowledge, skills, and abilities is vital to the individual's and the university's continued success.

Department heads, supervisors, and individual employees may contact university human resources for assistance.

(B) Process

Typically, every effort should be made by the supervisor to allow an employee up to ten per cent release time from the job, for job-related development, and degree pursuit or classes at the university. Requests may vary.

The requests should exclude department retreats, mandatory training, and development requirements (e.g., re-certification, required CEU's).

The request by the employee should be in writing to the supervisor and should include such data as the event, the date, time, and rationale for attendance. Advance notice is in order to allow the supervisor to make appropriate accommodations.

(C) Appeals

If the supervisor is unable to grant accommodations, then the employee may appeal to the department head and upward to the planning unit head.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 111.15
Rule 3337-41-135 | Workplace Violence.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

Ohio university is committed to the goal of maintaining a safe, violence-free workplace.

Ohio university will not tolerate threats, violent behavior, of any kind by any Ohio university employee upon any faculty member, staff member, students, or visitors. Ohio university employees are not permitted to commit acts of prohibited behaviors (enumerated in paragraph (C) of this rule) in the workplace at any time whether on or off duty.

(B) Definitions

Threat - The implication or expression of intent to inflict physical harm or actions that a reasonable person would interpret as endangering physical safety or property.

Off duty - an Ohio university employee in the workplace when not scheduled to work, and not acting in his or her official capacity for Ohio university.

On duty - an employee's regularly scheduled hours or while acting in his or her official capacity for Ohio university.

Workplace - any location where Ohio university business is being conducted.

Workplace violence - behavior in which a faculty member or staff member inflicts or threatens to inflict damage to property, serious harm, injury or death to others at the workplace.

(C) Prohibited behavior

The legitimate exercise of supervisory authority, including oversight, evaluation, and requiring adherence to standards of performance, shall not be considered a violation of this policy.

Prohibited behavior exhibited by an employee in the workplace includes the following:

(1) Direct threats of violence.

(2) Implied threats of violence.

(3) Stalking.

(4) Possession of weapons of any kind unless such possession or use is a requirement of the job.

(5) Assault on employees or their families.

(6) Physical restraint or confinement.

(7) Dangerous or threatening horseplay.

(8) Intentional or reckless disregard for the safety or well-being of others.

(9) Commission of a violent felony or misdemeanor on Ohio university property.

(10) Any other act that a reasonable person would perceive as a threat of violence.

(D) Reporting acts or threats of violence

(1) An employee who: is the victim of violence in the workplace; or believes he or she has been threatened with violence in the workplace; or witnesses an act or threat of violence in the workplace; shall take the following steps:

(a) If the situation is one of immediate danger, the employee shall contact Ohio university police department ("OUPD"), or local law enforcement if on a regional campus, by dialing 9-1-1, and may take whatever emergency steps are available and appropriate to protect himself, herself, or others from immediate harm. A report should then be placed with university human resources.

(b) If the situation is not one of immediate danger, the employee shall report the incident to the appropriate supervisor and to university human resources as soon as possible and complete the complaint alleging workplace violence form. Moreover, a police report should be filed with OUPD at (740) 593-1911 (or local law enforcement if on a regional campus).

(2) If an employee who is concerned about a potential act of violence files a request for a civil protection order against an individual, and that individual would be in violation of the order by coming near the employee at work, then the employee should promptly consult the workplace violence guidelines, which encourage the employee to inform his or her supervisor. In that event, the supervisor shall promptly inform OUPD, the department director, and the chief human resource officer or designee, in conformance with the guidelines.

(E) Cooperation with Investigation

The complainant has the burden to prove a violation of workplace policy. He or she must actively provide information that will support his or her complaint in the time and manner deemed necessary and appropriate by the University to conduct the investigation. Failure to cooperate with the investigation process in a timely manner may negate the University's obligation to continue with the investigation.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 111.15