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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3335-49 | Procedure for Classified Civil Service and Opting Out of Provisions

Rule 3335-49-01 | Procedure for adoption, amendment or rescission of rules affecting persons in the classified civil service at the Ohio state university.

(A) Pursuant to section 124.14 of the Revised Code, the university follows these procedures for the adoption, amendment, or rescission of rules affecting persons in the classified civil service.

(B) The adoption, amendment, or rescission of any rule affecting employees in the classified civil service at the Ohio state university shall comply with the provisions of section 111.15 of the Revised Code.

(C) The proposed new, amended, or rescinded rules shall be presented to the Ohio state university board of trustees for approval.

(D) After the Ohio state university board of trustees has approved the proposed rules, and at least ten days prior to the effective date, all rule(s) in their final form shall be filed electronically with the legislative service commission.

(E) The office of human resources shall make a reasonable effort to notify employees who may be affected by the adoption, amendment or rescission of any rule. The office of human resources shall make available the full text of the rule or rules as adopted or amended to any person upon request.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 6/14/1982, 6/22/1997, 7/1/2001, 10/16/2009
Rule 3335-49-02 | New Rules.

To the degree that new rules have been adopted, they supersede any statute covering the subject matter in accordance with HB187.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-49-03 | The Ohio state university opts out of the following provisions of the Ohio Revised Code:.

(A) Section 124.18 of the Revised Code, standard work week compensatory time overtime pay holidays.

(B) Section 124.181 of the Revised Code, pay supplements shift differentials.

(C) Section 124.22 of the Revised Code, educational and citizenship requirements for civil service examinations.

(D) Section 124.23 of the Revised Code, examinations.

(E) Section 124.231 of the Revised Code, special examinations for legally blind or legally deaf persons.

(F) Section 124.25 of the Revised Code, formal application for examination.

(G) Section 124.26 of the Revised Code, eligibility lists veteran's preference provisional employees.

(H) Section 124.27 of the Revised Code, appointments from eligibility lists probation.

(I) Section 124.271 of the Revised Code, provisional employees.

(J) Section 124.30 of the Revised Code, emergency, external interim, temporary, or intermittent appointments scientific, managerial, professional, or educational qualifications.

(K) Section 124.31 of the Revised Code, promotions.

(L) Section 124.32 of the Revised Code, transfers reinstatements.

(M) Section 124.321 of the Revised Code, reduction in work force layoffs job abolishment.

(N) Section 124.322 of the Revised Code, layoff procedures.

(O) Section 124.323 of the Revised Code, layoff order.

(P) Section 124.324 of the Revised Code, layoff displacement rights.

(Q) Section 124.325 of the Revised Code, retention points for continuous service and efficiency.

(R) Section 124.326 of the Revised Code, layoff jurisdictions.

(S) Section 124.327 of the Revised Code, layoff lists reinstatement reemployment.

(T) Section 124.328 of the Revised Code, layoff, displacement appeals.

(U) Section 124.34 of the Revised Code, reduction in pay or position suspension removal.

(V) Section 124.381 of the Revised Code, occupational injury leave program.

(W) Section 124.385 of the Revised Code, disability leave benefits.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-49-04 | The Ohio state university opts out of the following provisions of the Ohio Administrative Code:.

(A) Chapter 123: 1-3 of the Administrative Code, position audits and changes to classification plan

(B) Chapter 123:1-7 of the Administrative Code, classification

(C) Chapter 123:1-9 of the Administrative Code, examinations

(D) Chapter 123: 1-10 of the Administrative Code, automatic certification

(E) Chapter 123:1-11 of the Administrative Code, applications for examination

(F) Chapter 123:1-15 of the Administrative Code, eligibility lists

(G) Chapter 123:1-17 of the Administrative Code, vacancies and appointments

(H) Chapter 123:1-19 of the Administrative Code, probation

(I) Chapter 123:1-21 of the Administrative Code, exceptional appointments

(J) Chapter 123:1-23 of the Administrative Code, promotions

(K) Chapter 123: 1-25 of the Administrative Code, transfers, reinstatements, and seasonal positions

(L) Chapter 123: 1-27 of the Administrative Code, suggestion award system

(M) Chapter 123: 1-28 of the Administrative Code, combined charitable campaign

(N) Chapter 123: 1-29 of the Administrative Code, performance evaluation system

(O) Chapters 123:1-30-01 to 123:1-30-04 of the Administrative Code, disability separations - reinstatement

(P) Chapter 123:1-31 of the Administrative Code, removals, reductions, or suspensions

(Q) Chapter 123:1-32 of the Administrative Code, sick and personal leave

(R) Chapter 123:1-34 of the Administrative Code, leave

(S) Chapter 123: 1-35 of the Administrative Code, payroll

(T) Chapter 123: 1-37 of the Administrative Code, pay supplements

(U) Chapter 123:1-41 of the Administrative Code, layoffs

(V) Chapter 123: 1-43 of the Administrative Code, overtime and compensatory time

(W) Chapter 123: 1-44 of the Administrative Code, holidays

(X) Chapter 123: 1-47 of the Administrative Code, definitions

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08