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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3335-3 | Duties of University Leadership

Rule 3335-3-01 | President.

(A) The president shall be the chief executive officer of the Ohio state university subject to the control of the board of trustees (BOT). Duties, authority and rights are as specified in the BOT bylaws, paragraph (A) of rule 3335-1-03 of the Administrative Code.

(B) Any responsibility of the president may be delegated to any other member of the faculty or staff of the university, subject to any BOT limitations. The president will retain final authority and responsibility for administration of the university. Delegation of major areas shall be in writing to the BOT before implementation as specified in paragraph (F) of rule 3335-1-03 of the Administrative Code.

(C) The president shall designate a president's planning cabinet. The cabinet shall provide advice and counsel to the president, to discuss, deliberate and serve as the primary decision-making body on major university policies, information sharing, and other roles as the president shall determine, as specified in paragraph (G) of rule 3335-1-03 of the Administrative Code.

(D) Principal administrative officials shall include the members of the president's cabinet, the deans of the colleges and the dean and directors of regional campuses and their designated staffs, the dean of the university libraries, chairs of academic departments, directors of schools and academic centers, and such other administrative officials as determined by the president, as specified in paragraph (H) of rule 3335-1-03 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated September 25, 2023 at 8:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-3-02 | Executive vice president and provost.

(A) The executive vice president and provost shall be the chief operating officer of the university. Under the direction of the president, the executive vice president and provost is responsible for oversight of all academic programs, instructional affairs and faculty affairs of the university. Duties, authority and rights are as specified in paragraph (B) of rule 3335-1-03 of the Administrative Code.

(B) Any responsibility of the executive vice president and provost may be delegated to any other member of the faculty or staff of the university, subject to any university limitations. The executive vice president and provost will retain final authority and responsibility for operations of the university. Delegation of major areas shall be in writing to the president before implementation.

(C) The executive vice pres ident and provost shall designate a senior management council. The council shall provide advice to the provost, discuss, deliberate and serve as the primary decision-making body on academic or university policies and other roles as the provost shall determine. The provost shall chair a council of deans as prescribed in rule 3335-3-23 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated September 20, 2022 at 8:44 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335-08
Rule 3335-3-03 | Senior vice president for business and finance.

The senior vice president for business and finance shall be the chief financial officer of the university. Under the direction of the president, the senior vice president for business and finance is responsible for the administration of the university's business, financial and administrative operations. Duties, authority and rights are as specified in paragraph (C) of rule 3335-1-03 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated September 20, 2022 at 8:45 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335-08
Rule 3335-3-04 | Vice president.

An individual holding a vice president title shall report to the president, or to the executive vice president and provost, and shall be selected in accordance with BOT procedures.

Last updated September 20, 2022 at 8:45 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335-08
Prior Effective Dates: 11/9/2020
Rule 3335-3-05 | Vice provost.

An individual holding a vice provost title shall report to the executive vice president and provost and shall be selected in accordance with university procedures.

Last updated September 20, 2022 at 8:45 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-3-06 | Executive vice president and chancellor.

The chancellor shall be the chief executive officer of the Wexner medical center and shall be appointed by the Wexner medical center board of trustees. Duties, authority and rights are as specified in the bylaws of the medical staff.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: RC 3335
Amplifies: RC 3335.08
Rule 3335-3-07 | Vice president and director of athletics.

(A) The senior vice president and director of athletics shall be appointed by and responsible to the president. The athletic council (see rule 3335-5-48.5 of the Administrative Code) shall also be consulted in the appointment of the athletic director.

(B) Under policies established by the athletic council, the senior vice president and director of athletics shall administer the intercollegiate athletics program subject to the direction of the president or their designee.

(C) The athletic physical plant shall be under the concurrent jurisdiction of the department of athletics and the office of facilities operation and development. Athletic physical plant employees shall be under the jurisdiction of the department of athletics, which in consultation with the office of physical facilities shall be responsible for all normal maintenance and repairs. Major remodeling, renovation, construction and other capital improvements shall be undertaken only with the prior approval of, and under the direction of, the office of facilities operation and development.

Last updated September 20, 2022 at 8:46 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-3-23 | Council of deans.

(A) The executive vice president and provost, the deans of the colleges, the dean of the graduate school, the deans and directors of the regional campuses, the dean of undergraduate education, the dean of online education, and the dean of libraries shall comprise the council of deans of the university. The executive vice president and provost shall be chair of the council.

(B) The council of deans shall meet on the call of the chair. The council of deans shall serve as an advisory council to the president.

Last updated December 19, 2024 at 8:01 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-3-25 | Organization of the university.

(A) For the purpose of administering the various programs of the university, there shall be established educational and administrative units within the university. All units of the university shall be established, altered, or abolished only by the board of trustees.

(B) Procedures for recommending the establishment, alteration and abolition of educational units shall be promulgated by the university faculty or the university senate and approved by the board of trustees (see rules 3335-3-37 and 3335-5-48.1 of the Administrative Code). Procedures recommending the establishment, alteration and abolition of administrative units shall be promulgated by the president and approved by the board of trustees.

(C) The basic organization of the educational units of the university shall be as established in paragraph (B) of rule 3335-1-05 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated September 20, 2022 at 8:46 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/13/1978, 6/27/2005
Rule 3335-3-26 | Establishment of colleges and graduate school.

For educational administration the university shall be organized into a graduate school and fifteen colleges, as established in paragraph (B)(3) of rule 3335-1-05 of the Administrative Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 11/28/1983, 7/30/1990
Rule 3335-3-26.1 | Establishment of regional campuses.

(A) There shall be four regional campuses of the university, as established in paragraph (B)(5) of rule 3335-1-05 of the Administrative Code.

(B) The four regional campuses shall be administered separately by their respective deans and directors.

Last updated September 20, 2022 at 8:46 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-3-27 | Organization of the graduate school.

The graduate school shall consist of those components established in paragraph (B)(4) of rule 3335-1-05 of the Administrative Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 8/5/1985
Rule 3335-3-28 | Dean of libraries.

(A) The dean of libraries shall be appointed by the board of trustees upon nomination of the president. Before making this nomination, the president shall confer with the executive vice president and provost who, in turn, shall confer with representatives of the faculty of the university libraries and with the library committee.

(B) The dean of libraries shall have the responsibility and authority for administering the university libraries under the jurisdiction of that office and the university archives. In the discharge of library duties the dean shall be guided by the policies established by the library committee (see rule 3335-5-48.2 of the Administrative Code). The dean shall report to the president through the executive vice president and provost.

(C) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the dean shall evaluate continuously the administrative and operating practices of the university libraries under the jurisdiction of that office and the university archives, and lead in the study of methods in improving them; recommend appointments, promotions, and dismissals under the rules of the university; and prepare for the approval of the executive vice president and provost's annual recommendations for the budgets for personnel and for archives and library materials.

Last updated September 20, 2022 at 8:47 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-3-29 | Deans of the colleges.

(A) There shall be a dean of each college who shall be a member of its faculty and the administrative head of the college. Each dean shall be appointed and reappointed by the board of trustees upon nomination of the president. Before making this nomination or recommendation for reappointment, the president shall confer with members of the faculty of the college for which the dean or executive dean is to be appointed and shall give substantial weight to faculty recommendations in reaching a decision. The president shall also consider the recommendations of the chairs of the departments and the directors of the schools in that college.

(B) The major responsibility of the dean of each college shall be that of providing active leadership in the promotion, direction and support of educational and research activities of the university, in the maintenance of a high level of morale among the faculty, and in the encouragement of the spirit of learning among the students. In addition, the dean shall have general administrative responsibility for the program of the college, subject to the approval of the president and the board of trustees. These administrative responsibilities shall include the duties to:

(1) Preside at meetings of the college faculty and to appoint all college committees unless their membership has been designated by faculty rule or by the college faculty.

(2) Approve courses of study for students in their college, to warn students who are delinquent in their studies and to recommend appropriate student disciplinary action to the appropriate university disciplinary body or official.

(3) Present candidates for degrees to the president on behalf of the college faculty and to serve as a member of the council of deans (see rule 3335-3-23 of the Administrative Code).

(4) Make recommendations to the executive vice president and provost concerning the college budget, and concerning the appointments to and promotions within the staff and the membership of the college faculty, after consultation with the chairs of the departments and the directors of the schools within the college.

(5) Review in consultation with the faculty the college's pattern of administration (POA). The POA shall be consistent with the principles of faculty governance and the responsibilities of the dean. At the beginning of each five-year term, in consultation with the faculty, the dean shall either reaffirm or revise the existing POA. The existing POA shall be the starting point for the review of the POA and shall remain in effect until the process is complete. Any revisions to the existing POA shall be accomplished first with broad faculty input, obtained in a manner consistent with the college's established practices and procedures, and, second, with faculty approval, also consistent with the college's practices and procedures. If faculty approval is not achieved, the dean shall explain the rationale in writing for the departure in order to enhance communication and facilitate understanding.

The POA will be submitted to the executive vice president and provost for approval. After approval, the POA shall be made available to all members of the faculty, be posted on the college web site, and be distributed to each department and the college office.

For purposes of defining minimum content the following shall be included in the POA:

(a) Introductory statement

(b) College mission

(c) Types of faculty appointments and their respective governance rights

(d) Organization of college services and staff

(e) Overview of college administration

(f) Description of college faculty governance structure, including at least a college investigation and sanctioning committee (see rule 3335-04 of the Administrative Code) and a salary appeals committee

(g) Policies governing faculty responsibilities and teaching assignments

(h) Policies governing allocation of college resources

(i) Grievance procedures

(j) A statement recognizing in principle the presumption favoring faculty rule on those matters in which faculty have primary responsibility, including: curriculum, subject matter and methods of instruction, research, faculty status (appointment, promotion and tenure of faculty), and those aspects of student life which relate to the educational process. (Source: "AAUP Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities")

(C) The dean is hereby given authority requisite to carrying out the responsibilities of their position. The dean may delegate any of their responsibility and authority to another member of the faculty of the college. The dean shall be a voting member of the faculty of each department.

(D) The usual method of communication between the dean and the president or the board of trustees shall be through the office of academic affairs, then to the president and through the president to the board of trustees.

Last updated September 25, 2023 at 8:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/13/1978, 7/1/1984
Rule 3335-3-29.1 | Dean and director of a regional campus.

(A) There shall be a dean and director of each regional campus who shall be a member of its faculty and the administrative head of the regional campus. The dean and director shall be appointed by the board of trustees upon nomination of the executive vice president and provost in consultation with the president. Before making this nomination, the executive vice president and provost or designee shall confer with the regional campus faculty and the department or school in which the faculty appointment would be made, and shall consider the recommendations of the deans of the colleges with regular faculty assigned to that campus.

(B) The major responsibility of each regional campus dean and director shall be that of providing active leadership in the promotion, direction, and support of educational activities and research opportunities, in the maintenance of a high level of morale among the faculty, and in the encouragement of the spirit of learning among the students. In addition the dean and director shall have administrative responsibility for the program of the regional campus subject to the approval of the executive vice president and provost or designee, the president, and the board of trustees. These administrative responsibilities shall include the duties to:

(1) Preside at meetings of the faculty executive committee.

(2) Appoint members to regional campus committees unless the method of selection is determined by the Administrative Code or by the regional campus faculty.

(3) Develop in consultation with the faculty a pattern of administration for the regional campus following the principles set forth in paragraph (C)(2) of rule 3335-3-35 of the Administrative Code.

(4) Communicate to the regional campus community the educational programs, standards, and policies of the campus and the university.

(5) Establish the extent and variety of course offerings on the regional campus in consultation with the executive vice president and provost or designee, the appropriate college deans, department chairs or school directors, and the faculty of the regional campus.

(6) Consult with the appropriate college dean and department chair or school director and to jointly offer employment to prospective faculty members assigned to the campus.

(7) Assist the appropriate college deans, department chairs, and school directors in the annual review of all faculty assigned to the regional campus. This assistance shall include a written evaluation of the faculty member's teaching, research, and service activities on and for the regional campus. The regional campus dean and director shall be consulted when a regional campus faculty member is being considered for promotion and tenure and may suggest such candidates to the appropriate chairs and directors.

(8) Prepare and administer the regional campus budget in consultation with the regional campus faculty budget committee; to consult with the appropriate chair or director regarding faculty salary recommendations; to be responsible for the management, maintenance, and security of the physical plant and capital equipment of the regional campus.

(9) Maintain liaison with community councils and agencies and to garner support of regional campus programs and activities.

(10) Develop, promote, and maintain educational, cultural, and service programs with approval of the appropriate university bodies and administrative officials. The dean and director shall review all such programs periodically.

Last updated September 11, 2023 at 1:44 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 7/3/1986, 1/15/1987
Rule 3335-3-30.1 | Dean for undergraduate education.

(A) There shall be a dean of undergraduate education who shall be a member of the faculty charged with overseeing and implementing policies related to undergraduate academic programming. The major responsibility of the dean of undergraduate education shall be that of providing active leadership in the promotion, direction and support of undergraduate educational activities of the university, and in the encouragement of the spirit of learning among the students. The dean of undergraduate education shall be appointed and reappointed by the board of trustees upon nomination by the executive vice president and provost in consultation with the president.

(B) The dean of undergraduate education shall serve as a member of the council of deans, and in general be responsible for the progress of the educational policies and the well-being of undergraduate programs at the university. The dean shall report to the executive vice president and provost upon the condition and progress of the undergraduate education whenever called upon to do so.

(C) The dean of undergraduate education shall work with colleges to propose and implement policies of the faculty with respect to the development of programming for: challenging academic experiences for undergraduate students; the curricula and requirements for baccalaureate programs and the development of new and useful undergraduate programs; general education requirements, including the retention and ongoing development of curricula assigned specifically for the general education of all undergraduate students; a general university honors program; and other academic programs that are necessary and supportive of undergraduate studies.

(D) The dean of undergraduate education shall be responsible for the coordination of university advising and curricular counseling. Specifically, the dean of undergraduate education shall keep colleges informed of all changes in curricular requirements and other matters pertaining to academic advising, and in this manner assist in achieving consistency of advising across the university.

(E) The dean of undergraduate education shall be consulted by the deans of the colleges on matters relating to university-wide aspects in undergraduate instruction.

(F) With the approval of the faculty, or its designated representative body and the deans of the colleges, the dean of undergraduate education may appoint committees from the faculty to work with them in the implementation of those policy areas as outlined in paragraphs (C) and (D) of this rule.

(G) The dean is hereby granted all authority necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the dean of undergraduate education.

(H) The dean of undergraduate education shall also be responsible for such other matters pertinent to undergraduate education that may be designated by the executive vice president and provost.

Last updated September 20, 2022 at 8:47 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 1/15/1987
Rule 3335-3-31 | Dean of the graduate school.

(A) There shall be a dean of the graduate school who shall be the administrative head of the graduate school. The dean shall be appointed by the board of trustees upon nomination of the president. Before making a nomination, the president shall confer with the graduate council.

(B) The dean of the graduate school shall have the same general responsibilities and authorities that pertain to the deans of the colleges. The dean shall also preside at the meetings of the graduate council and of its executive committee, make recommendations to the council concerning all such matters as are of primary importance in the development of the graduate work of the university, and make recommendations to the executive vice president and provost concerning the budget of the graduate school to provide for the proper maintenance of the school and to assist in the development of graduate work and research programs.

The dean of the graduate school shall present candidates for graduate degrees to the president, serve as a member of the council of deans, and in general, be responsible for the progress of the educational policies and well-being of the school. The dean shall report to the appropriate member of the president's planning cabinet upon the condition and progress of the graduate school whenever called upon to do so.

(C) The departments or schools offering graduate work shall confer with the dean of the graduate school in all matters related to graduate work. In all matters pertaining to teaching load and adjustment of personnel, the dean of the graduate school shall consult with the dean of the appropriate college.

(D) The dean has all authority necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the dean of the graduate school.

(E) The dean shall appoint all graduate school committees unless their membership has been designated by these faculty rules, the graduate council, or the graduate faculty.

(F) Any of the responsibility and authority of the dean of the graduate school may be delegated to another member of the graduate faculty.

(G) The usual method of communication between the dean of the graduate school and the president or the board of trustees shall be the same as for the deans of the colleges.

Last updated September 25, 2023 at 8:29 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 11/28/1983, 9/1/2001, 9/3/2008, 9/20/2022
Rule 3335-3-32 | Associate and assistant deans or directors, coordinators, and other officials.

Each college, the graduate school, and each regional campus may have associate and assistant deans or directors, coordinators, or such administrative officials as are needed to carry out the programs of each unit. These positions shall be appointed pursuant to the procedures outlined in rule 3335-5-02 of the Administrative Code and shall be responsible to the principal administrative official of the educational unit. They shall also have such responsibilities and authorities as may be delegated to them from time to time by that official.

Last updated September 20, 2022 at 8:48 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 7/9/2013
Rule 3335-3-33 | Secretaries.

Each college and the graduate school shall have a secretary who shall be responsible for keeping the records of the college, including the minutes of all college or graduate school faculty meetings. The secretary shall be appointed pursuant to the procedures outlined in rule 3335-5-02 of the Administrative Code and shall have such additional responsibilities and authorities as may be delegated to them from time to time by the dean. An associate or assistant dean or other college or graduate school officer may also be designated as the secretary of the college or of the graduate school (see paragraph (D)(5) of rule 3335-3-34 of the Administrative Code, for secretary of a school).

Last updated September 20, 2022 at 8:48 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/13/1978, 6/15/1996
Rule 3335-3-34 | Schools, departments, divisions, and sections; defined and located.

(A) The units of a college organization for instruction, research, and service are the school, department, and division.

Each of these units should normally meet the following qualitative requirements:

(1) A recognized, discrete area of academic concern not already included within the mission of another school, department or division.

(2) A proposed or existing academic program at both undergraduate and graduate or graduate professional levels.

(3) A source of faculty members prepared to offer academic work in the subject concerned.

(4) An academic subject that offers research and/or public service opportunities in addition to formal classroom teaching and has the potential for developing recognition by other scholarly groups.

(5) An academic field that has developed or is in the process of developing a student clientele either for the purpose of major programs or as an important "service" discipline to other major programs.

(6) The ability to assume primary fiscal responsibility.

(B) A particular unit may not meet all the aforementioned criteria, but the formation of a unit that does not meet all of the criteria should only be approved when circumstances dictate that approval is important to the academic development of the university.

(C) Schools and departments shall have a minimum of ten tenure-track faculty positions spread through at least one of each of the three academic ranks of assistant professor to professor, unless persuasive academic reasons demonstrate the need for exceptions.

(D) A school is differentiated from a department as follows:

(1) The undergraduate or graduate work offered by a school may lead to tagged degrees.

(2) Recipients of "tagged" degrees shall be recommended for such degrees by the faculty of the appropriate school.

(3) A school, with the exception of the graduate school, may be organized into departments, divisions, or sections.

(4) A school, with the exception of the graduate school, shall be responsible to a college for administrative purposes. Curricular proposals developed by the school shall be transmitted to the council on academic affairs for review and action after approval by the college dean or designee.

(5) A school may establish its own admission and retention policies and requirements within the framework of university policies and may retain student personnel records for those students enrolled in degree programs under the control of the school. To facilitate the conduct of these activities, a school shall appoint a secretary, with the responsibilities outlined for a secretary of a college (see rule 3335-3-33 of the Administrative Code).

(E) A "division" is an academic unit established within a college or a school to provide for a developing need in a circumscribed subject. The head of such a unit shall be known as the chair of a division, shall have academic responsibility, and may be assigned fiscal responsibility by the respective dean of the college or director of the school. This unit shall be responsible for instruction, service, and research in a specific academic concern. Such units may be established in any field in which a new department is not feasible, but in which there is a possibility that growth in the subject may eventually lead to the status of a department. However, the determination to establish such a unit need not be based solely on the presumption that such a unit will attain this status. The status of these units shall be reviewed periodically by the council on academic affairs.

(F) A "section" is an informal unit within a school, department, division, or academic center that is established to expedite the administration of a given academic subject. The function of a section shall be to assist the parent unit in the administration of the subject and to provide an organizational structure for relationships with professional organizations or other individuals with similar interests. The faculty member in charge shall be known as the section head. The head of the section is appointed by the administrator of the parent unit and has responsibilities delegated by the administrator of the parent unit. The formation of a section must be reported to the council on academic affairs.

(G) The establishment or abolition of schools, departments, and divisions shall require approval by the council on academic affairs, the university senate, and the board of trustees (see rule 3335-3-37 of the Administrative Code).

Last updated September 20, 2022 at 8:49 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 6/30/2012, 11/9/2020
Rule 3335-3-35 | Chairs of departments, directors of schools.

(A) The chair of each department and the director of each school shall be the administrative head, respectively, of the department or school. The department chair and the director of a school perform a dual function. In addition to being the administrative head of the department or school, the chair or director represents the faculty of the department or school in dealing with the dean or others in the university administration. Upon the nomination of the president or their designee, the board of trustees shall appoint each chair and director for a term of four years subject to the annual review provisions of the office of academic affairs. A chair or director shall be eligible for reappointment. In selecting a chair or director, the president or their designee shall confer with the dean of the college involved. The dean, in turn, will consult with the faculty of the department or school on all campuses, as well as other appropriate university officials. The president or their designee shall give substantial weight to faculty recommendations in reaching a decision regarding a nomination or recommendation for reappointment. Department chairs and directors of schools report to the deans of their colleges.

(B) The president or their designee may remove a chair or director during a four-year term after consultation with the voting faculty and dean of the unit involved. The views of the faculty shall be given substantial weight in arriving at any decision to remove a chair or director from office.

(C) The duties of the chair of a department or the director of a school shall be as follows:

(1) To have general administrative responsibility for its program, subject to the approval of the dean of the college.

(2) To develop, in consultation with the faculty, a pattern of administration. This pattern of administration shall be made available to all present and prospective members of the faculty of the department or school, and a copy shall be deposited in the office of the dean of the college and in the office of the executive vice president and provost.

For purposes of defining minimum content, the following shall be included in the pattern of administration:

(a) A statement requiring the chair to provide a schedule of all regular faculty meetings (see rule 3335-5-18 of the Administrative Code) to all faculty members before the start of each semester, summer term, or session.

(b) A statement requiring the chair to maintain minutes of all faculty meetings and to maintain records of all other actions covered by the pattern of administration.

(c) A statement that the chair will consult with the faculty on all policy matters, and that such consideration will, whenever practicable, be undertaken at a meeting of the faculty as a whole.

(d) A statement recognizing in principle the presumption favoring majority faculty rule on all matters covered by the pattern of administration. This statement shall further provide that whenever majority faculty rule is not followed, the department or faculty chair, or school director, or dean and director of a regional campus, whichever is the case, shall explain the reasons for the departure to enhance communication and to facilitate understanding within the department. Where possible, this statement of reasons shall be provided before the departure occurs. This explanation shall outline the decision of the majority of the faculty, the decision of the department or faculty chair, or school director, or dean and director of the regional campus, whichever is the case, and the reasons the decisions differ. The explanation shall be communicated to the faculty in writing, where possible, or at a faculty meeting, with an opportunity provided for faculty to comment.

(e) A statement affirming that the faculty shall be consulted in the initiation and in the review and selection of new faculty members for appointment.

(f) A statement explaining how faculty duties and responsibilities in instruction, scholarship, and service are to be assigned and distributed equitably.

(3) To prepare, after consultation with the faculty and in accordance with the pattern of departmental administration, a statement setting forth the criteria and procedures according to which recommendations are made concerning appointments and/or dismissals, salary adjustments, promotions in rank, and matters affecting the reappointment and tenure of the faculty. This statement shall be made available to all present and prospective members of the department or school, and a copy shall be deposited in the office of the dean of the college and in the office of academic affairs. At the beginning of each four-year term of the chair of a department or the director of a school, the members of the department or school, the office of the dean of the college, and the office of academic affairs shall receive either a revision or reaffirmation of the original statement

(4) To operate the business of the department or school with efficiency and timeliness.

(5) To plan with the members of the faculty and the dean of the college the regular evaluation of instructional and administrative processes and methods for their improvement, and to develop a plan for ensuring that students progress toward timely program completion.

(6) To evaluate faculty members periodically in accordance with criteria approved by the board of trustees and subject to instructions from the executive vice president and provost, and also according to such supplemental criteria as may be set up by the department or school.

(7) To inform faculty members when they receive their annual review of their right to review their primary personnel file maintained by their tenure initiating unit and to place in that file a response to any evaluation, comment or other material contained in the file.

(8) To recommend to the dean of the college, after consultation with the faculty in accordance with paragraph (C)(3) of this rule, appointments, promotions, dismissals, and matters affecting the reappointment and tenure of members of the department or school faculty.

(9) To encourage research and educational investigations.

(10) To see that all faculty, regardless of their assigned location, are offered the departmental privileges and responsibilities appropriate to their rank.

(11) To lead in maintaining a high level of morale among faculty.

(12) To see that adequate supervision and training are given to those members of the faculty and staff who may profit by such assistance.

(13) To prepare (after consultation with faculty) annual budget recommendations for consideration by the dean of the college.

(14) To promote improvement of instruction by providing for the evaluation of each course when offered, including written evaluation by students of the course and instructors, and periodic course review by the faculty.

Last updated September 20, 2022 at 8:50 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/13/1978, 6/15/1996, 9/1/2001
Rule 3335-3-36 | Centers and institutes.

(A) Definition of an academic center (institute).

An academic center is a non-degree granting educational unit of the university engaged in research; instruction; or clinical, outreach, or related service. An academic center is defined by its mission and scope, not its title, and may be described as a center, institute, laboratory, or similar term. Use of "center" or "institute" in the names of proposed units of the university shall be limited to academic centers, unless otherwise approved by the council on academic affairs. Academic centers are of two broad types: university centers and college centers.

University centers typically will have a substantial research/scholarship component to their mission, but also may be involved in instruction, and/or related service. Their internal funding (initial and continuing) is drawn fully, or in large part, from central university funds (e.g. office of the president, office of academic affairs, office of research). The leadership of the center will report to one or more of those offices.

College centers typically will have some mix, with variable emphases, of research/scholarship, instruction, service, clinical or outreach missions. Internal funding (initial and continuing) is drawn fully, or in large part, from one college or a small set of colleges. The leadership of the center will report to one dean or a small set of deans.

(B) Establishment, reporting, and oversight.

(1) Establishment of university centers

Proposals for university centers will be developed following the "guidelines for the establishment and review of academic centers" and submitted to the office of academic affairs for action.

The chair of the council on academic affairs (CAA), the executive vice president and provost's designee to that council, and the chair of the university research committee (URC) will review the proposal to ensure adherence to the guidelines and determine if it includes a substantial research component.

If so, a "centers subcommittee" of the council, supplemented with membership from URC, will review the proposal and bring a recommendation for action to CAA. If a substantial research component does not exist, the special subcommittee of the council (without URC involvement) will review the proposal and bring a recommendation for action to CAA.

If approved by CAA, the proposal will be sent to the university senate for final approval. That action will be communicated to the board of trustees.

(2) Establishment of college centers.

Each college will have a template for the establishment and review of centers that will be included in the college pattern of administration. Copies of college templates also will be maintained in the office of academic affairs (OAA). Proposals will be developed with adherence to the template, and submitted to the dean(s) of the college(s).

No review/action by CAA is required. The dean(s) will inform the OAA of the establishment of such a center. OAA will inform CAA, resulting in official institutional notification.

The office of academic affairs shall maintain a register of all academic centers and appropriate records concerning each one.

(3) Curricula and faculty affiliation.

Although neither university nor college centers may establish independent course offerings and degree programs, they may participate in cooperative programs involving course offerings and degree programs within existing academic units. With the approval of the council on academic affairs, the faculty of a school or college may delegate to an academic center the authority to offer courses or degree programs established under the auspices of that school or college. Proposals for any such courses or programs must be forwarded to the office of academic affairs with the signature approval of the appropriate school or college which must retain ultimate authority and responsibility for the courses or degree programs.

Faculty and staff may affiliate with the academic center under procedures approved by its oversight committee. Academic centers shall not serve as tenure initiating units.

(4) Administration.

An academic center shall be administered by a director who shall be appointed by and report to the dean, relevant vice president(s) or deans of the pertinent college(s).

(5) Oversight.

Each university and college center shall have an oversight committee, at least two-thirds of whose members are tenure-track faculty from the academic units involved in the center. The director shall consult regularly with the oversight committee.

The director of each academic center shall develop in conjunction with the oversight committee a pattern of administration for the center.

(6) Review process.

All university centers will be reviewed two years after initial establishment and at four-year intervals thereafter. The centers subcommittee of CAA will conduct the review following the "guidelines for the establishment and review of centers" and bring a recommendation for action to CAA. The range of actions include: continuation, conditional continuation with a follow-up in less than four years, and termination.

All college centers will be monitored through annual reports to the college dean(s). Should significant change to a center occur, or a decision be made to abolish a center, notification of that decision will be made to the office of academic affairs and through it to CAA.

(7) Previously established centers.

All existing academic centers established outside of this rule shall be reviewed under the requirements of this rule. Those not in compliance with the rule shall be allowed one additional year to make appropriate adjustments to allow for their continuation.

Note: the request of any established center seeking to move from one type to another must be reviewed and approved by CAA.

(C) Conditional use of the term "center."

Start-up centers are permitted. Following submission of a formal request by a vice president or dean and expedited review and approval by CAA, the term "center" may be used related to external or central funding possibilities. That action will be communicated directly to the board of trustees. Should funding not be secured within one year, the unit must request from CAA an extension of the use of the term. Once funding is secured, the appropriate process for establishment of a university or college center must be initiated within one year.

Last updated September 20, 2022 at 8:50 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 8/2/1993, 7/12/2013
Rule 3335-3-37 | Alteration or abolition of units.

(A) Definitions.

(1) The term unit refers to departments, schools and colleges.

(2) For purposes of this rule, the term alteration shall refer to the consolidation or reconfiguration of units. Consolidation shall refer to the combining of two or more units, with little or no additional change. Reconfiguration shall refer to the breaking apart of existing units and their academic programs and recombining the faculty and programs into new units.

(3) For the purposes of this rule, the term abolition shall refer to the complete elimination of a unit and the academic programs it provided.

(4) Alteration or abolition described herein may be initiated without a declaration of financial exigency.

(B) Procedure for alteration or abolition of departments and schools.

(1) A proposal to alter or abolish a department or school may be initiated by any of the following:

(a) The dean of the college administratively responsible for the department(s) or school(s) for which alteration or abolition is proposed,

(b) The executive vice president and provost,

(c) The council on academic affairs, or

(d) Faculty from the affected unit(s).

(2) A proposal for alteration or abolition of a department or school must include an analysis with the following elements. It shall be the responsibility of the party making the proposal to provide this analysis.

(a) A rationale for alteration or abolition of the department or school which includes a history of the formation, activities and evaluation of the performance of the unit.

(b) An enumeration of all faculty affected by the alteration or abolition of the department(s) or school(s).

(c) A person-by-person analysis of the proposed reassignment or other accommodation of the faculty identified in paragraph (B)(2)(b) of this rule, including a statement of the impact on promotion and tenure. No tenured faculty member shall be involuntarily terminated as a result of this process. However, faculty may be transferred to another unit in accordance with paragraph (C)(2) of rule 3335-6-06 of the Administrative Code, also considering the teaching, research, and service expertise of the individual.

(d) An analysis of the academic courses now taught by the department(s) or school(s) and provisions for their reassignment to other department(s) or school(s), if relevant.

(e) An analysis of the students affected by the proposal, including majors, non-majors, professional and graduate students.

(f) Specific proposals regarding support for currently enrolled students until degree completion.

(g) An analysis of the budgetary consequences to all relevant department(s) or school(s) resulting from the proposal.

(h) An analysis of the services lost to the rest of the university as a consequence of the proposal.

(i) An analysis of impact on constituencies external to the university, including alumni.

(j) An analysis of the impact on governance at all relevant levels as a consequence of the proposal.

(k) An analysis of the impact upon diversity.

(l) An analysis of the impact on the academic freedom and responsibility of all affected faculty.

(3) The proposal must be discussed with affected faculty, students, and staff, who may provide written and verbal feedback. The proposal may be modified by the proposal's initiator in response to feedback. Following a thorough consultative process with affected faculty, students, staff, and others as appropriate, the college faculty shall vote on the proposal. The proposal, along with the numerical vote of the college faculty, shall then be forwarded to the council on academic affairs.

(4) The proposal will be judged by the assessment parameters developed by the council on academic affairs and published in its guidelines. The council on academic affairs will review the proposal and will also evaluate the consultation process. It will then return the proposal to the initiator for additional work if the proposal or the consultation has been judged inadequate, or approve the proposal and send it to the university senate for consideration, or disapprove the proposal, which ends the process.

(5) If the council on academic affairs approves the proposal, a memorandum of understanding will be developed and signed by all relevant parties.

(6) The university senate shall vote on the proposal. If it approves the proposal, the recommendation shall be forwarded to the president. A negative vote ends the process.

(7) The president shall review the proposal. If in favor, the president will forward it to the board of trustees. If the board of trustees approves the proposal, then the executive vice president and provost will appoint an oversight committee to monitor the implementation of the process. The chair of faculty council or designee, the secretary of the university senate, one member of the committee on academic freedom and responsibility, and three members of faculty council shall be appointed to the oversight committee. The purpose of the oversight committee is to safeguard the interests of affected faculty, students, and staff. Through the chair of faculty council, the oversight committee will periodically report to the university senate, review and assess outcomes, suggest changes where targets are not being met, and assure that the memorandum of understanding is upheld. The oversight committee will present a final report to the senate.

(C) Procedure for alteration or abolition of colleges.

(1) The council on academic affairs, the executive vice president and provost, the dean, or faculty from the affected unit may initiate a proposal to alter or abolish a college.

(2) A proposal for alteration and abolition of a college must include an analysis of all of the elements outlined in paragraph (B)(2) of this rule. It shall be the responsibility of the party making the proposal to provide this analysis.

(3) The council on academic affairs shall appoint an ad hoc committee to evaluate the proposal. The ad hoc committee shall have a majority comprised of tenure-track faculty. The charge to the ad hoc committee and the composition of that committee must be agreed upon by the council on academic affairs, the executive committee of faculty council, and the executive vice president and provost.

The ad hoc committee shall evaluate the proposal, which shall include extensive consultation with affected faculty, students, and staff, and relevant parties external to the university, as described in paragraph (B)(3) of this rule.

(4) The recommendation of the ad hoc committee will be forwarded to the council on academic affairs and the executive vice president and provost.

(5) Prior to accepting or rejecting the ad hoc committee's recommendation, the council on academic affairs will consult with faculty council and the executive vice president and provost. The faculty council response, including its vote, and a letter of recommendation from the executive vice president and provost shall be considered by the council on academic affairs. The council on academic affairs will then either terminate the process or forward its positive recommendation to the university senate.

(6) If the council on academic affairs approves the proposal, a memorandum of understanding will be developed and signed by all relevant parties.

(7) The university senate shall vote on the proposal. If it approves the proposal, the recommendation shall be forwarded to the president. A negative vote ends the process.

(8) The president shall review the proposal. If in favor, the president shall forward it to the board of trustees. If the board of trustees approves the proposal, then the executive vice president and provost will appoint an oversight committee to monitor the implementation of the process. The chair of faculty council or designee, the secretary of the university senate, one member of the committee on academic freedom and responsibility, and three members of faculty council shall be appointed to the oversight committee. The purpose of the oversight committee is to safeguard the interests of affected faculty, students, and staff. Through the chair of faculty council, the oversight committee will periodically report to the university senate, review and assess outcomes, suggest changes where targets are not being met, and assure that the memorandum of understanding is upheld. The oversight committee will present a final report to the senate within one year of implementation.

Last updated September 20, 2022 at 8:50 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 7/28/2010