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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3335-105 | Aircraft and Vehicles

Rule 3335-105-01 | Definitions.

As used in rules 3335-105-01 to 3335-105-11 of the Administrative Code:

(A) "Aircraft" means a device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air.

(B) "Airport" means the Ohio state university airport (Don Scott field).

(C) "Airport manager" means that person appointed by the Ohio state university to operate and/or manage the Ohio state university airport or a designated representative. The airport director serves as the manager of the Ohio state university airport.

(D) "Approval" or "Authorization" means the prior written or verbal consent of the airport manager or other specifically designated university official to conduct a specific activity on the airport premises.

(E) "Based aircraft" means any aircraft regularly stored at the airport, either in a hangar or tied down, for which the required application to base private aircraft, including evidence of insurance and maintenance information, having been made available for inspection, has been submitted by the aircraft owner and approved by the airport manager.

(F) "Debt" means all financial responsibilities and charges incurred at the airport, including but not limited to those involving storage, fuel, maintenance, miscellaneous service and pilot supplies.

(G) "Employee" means an individual performing services for a person for compensation in a bona fide employment relationship so that the employer is responsible for such items as applicable F.I.C.A. taxes, state workers' compensation benefits, issuance of a W-2 form for purposes of federal income tax law, and does not include an independent contractor.

(H) "FAA ATCT" means the federal aviation administration or contracted air traffic control tower at the Ohio state university airport.

(I) "FAA registered owner" means the owner of the aircraft as appears on the federal aviation administration aircraft registration form.

(J) With the exception of standard aircraft preflight inspection of aircraft fuel, "Fuel handling" means the transporting, delivering, fueling and draining of fuel or fuel waste products.

(K) "Fuel products" shall be considered material for purposes of section 1333.41 of the Revised Code.

(L) "Fuel storage area" means those portions of the airport designated temporarily or permanently by the airport manager as areas in which gasoline or any other type of fuel may be stored, including but not limited to gasoline underground or above ground fuel storage locations.

(M) "Flight instruction" means to teach, inform, supervise, give directions to, or train an individual by a qualified flight instructor, including but not limited to flight instruction for certificates and ratings, classroom instruction, simulator instruction, instrument competency checks in aircraft, and biennial fight reviews.

(N) "Flight instructor" means a federal aviation administration certified flight instructor or ground instructor possessing a valid instructor certificate.

(O) "Instruction" means training or supervision provided by qualified persons to another including, but not limited to, flight instruction.

(P) "Landing area" means those portions of the airport designated and made available temporarily or permanently for the landing and taking off of aircraft and other areas between and adjacent to runways.

(Q) "Liability insurance" means any policy of insurance covering liability issued by a person licensed to issue such insurance by the state of Ohio.

(R) "Owner" means the federal aviation administration registered owner, or the operator, lessor, lessee (or their agents) of an aircraft or any authorized person using or operating any aircraft.

(S) "Person" means any individual, partnership, corporation, association or other organization, including any assignee, receiver, trustee or other representative thereof.

(T) "Public" means the people as a whole or the community at large, open to all persons or the general populace.

(U) "Ramp and apron area" means those portions of the airport designated and made available temporarily or permanently to authorized persons for loading or unloading of both passengers and cargo into and from aircraft.

(V) "Tie down" means to moor the aircraft by no less than three attachment points (usually both wings and tail) to the ground anchor points provided.

(W) "University" means the Ohio state university.

(X) "Vehicle" means all automobiles, trucks, buses, motorcycles, horse drawn vehicles, bicycles, pushcarts, and any other device in or upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported, carried, or drawn upon land, except railroad or rolling equipment or other devices running only upon stationary rails or tracks, and except aircraft.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 4/17/1982
Rule 3335-105-02 | General.

(A) These rules shall be available for inspection in the airport administration office.

(B) All persons using, or working at, the airport shall comply with these rules and all other rules, regulations and policies of the Ohio state university.

(C) Based aircraft at the airport shall not be operated for hire to the public from the airport for flight instruction, charter, rental, or cargo purposes without the approval of the airport manager and, as appropriate, other university officials.

(D) Without the approval of the airport manager, no person shall offer services for hire, offer products for sale, conduct commercial activity or solicit for any purpose on the airport premises.

(E) Unless approval is granted by the airport manager, billing on all debts incurred at the airport shall be directed to the owner(s) of the aircraft and the owner(s) shall be responsible for the payment of all debts incurred at the airport.

When the owner is a corporation, partnership, association, or other organization consisting of more than one person, hereafter referred to collectively as "entity," the entity shall provide the airport manager with the name of the officer or individual to whom all billings should be directed and who has the authority to pay all debts incurred at the airport.

The airport manager may require additional guarantee of any individual related to an entity before credit or other services are provided by the airport to that entity. Similarly, the airport manager may require a co-signature for any individual owner.

(F) All persons desiring hangar space at the airport shall provide proof of ownership or lease of the aircraft to be stored, if requested by the airport manager.

(G) All persons, including flying clubs, are limited to leasing no more than two T-hangar units at any one time, unless approved by the airport manager.

(H) Rental charges for tiedown or hangar shall be billed in advance and due upon receipt.

(I) When a based aircraft is to be removed from the airport, written notice shall be furnished to the airport manager in advance of the removal. A thirty-day notice in advance of such action is required. In all cases, rental charges shall continue to and include the last day of the month designated for removal in the written notice. No refunds shall be made for unused portions of any period. Rates are subject to change without notice.

(J) All debts or charges incurred at the airport are due immediately unless the airport manager approves the establishment of an account. Monthly invoices for sales and services shall be payable upon receipt. Failure to make prompt payment may result in cancellation of the based aircraft agreement or of cancellation of any leases, revocation of tiedown privileges, or any other action deemed appropriate by the airport manager. In addition, unpaid accounts shall be assessed late charges computed by a single periodic rate.

(K) Partial payment made on overdue accounts shall be applied to that portion of the account as determined by the airport manager.

(L) The airport manager has the authority to detain any aircraft for non-payment of debts incurred on the airport or for violation of any of these rules.

(M) The airport manager may suspend or restrict any or all aircraft operations on the airport whenever such action is deemed necessary in the interest of safety.

(N) Special events or demonstrations may be permitted on the airport only with the approval of the airport manager.

(O) Cleaning or maintenance of aircraft shall take place only in areas designated for that purpose by the airport manager.

(P) All mechanics who are to work on aircraft at the airport shall be registered with the airport manager.

(Q) Unless approval is granted by the airport manager, aircraft mechanics who are employees of any person having an aircraft based at the airport may perform maintenance only on the aircraft owned and operated by that person and shall not perform similar services for any other person at the airport.

(R) Owners of aircraft stored in hangars owned and operated by the university, who employ licensed and qualified mechanics for the express purpose of maintaining their specific aircraft shall maintain in force at all times, liability insurance as specified in the hangar lease to cover the total loss of, or damage to, the entire hangar structure in which their aircraft is normally stored, to include any or all aircraft, equipment, supplies or furnishings normally housed in that hangar, and death of, or injury to, any person or persons who may be in or near the hangar. Evidence of insurance, in the form of a certificate of insurance, shall be furnished to the office of the airport manager. The certificate shall indicate that the policy contains a provision that the airport manager shall be notified in writing thirty days in advance of any change or cancellation of the coverage provided.

It is the aircraft owner's responsibility to see that evidence of insurance coverage is furnished at each subsequent policy renewal or issuance or following a change of aircraft, addition of an aircraft, or any occurrence that affects the coverage involved.

(S) Aircraft not covered by insurance as specified in paragraph (R) of this rule shall not be hangared, for purposes of maintenance, in hangars owned or operated by the university except in cases where such maintenance will be performed in a designated area with the approval of the airport manager and under the supervision of university aircraft maintenance personnel.

(T) Only special or emergency maintenance may be performed on airport ramps or aprons, runways or taxiways or adjoining areas.

(U) All hangars and offices at the airport shall be secured (closed and locked) at the conclusion of the business day.

(V) Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on the airport premises, except as cargo or as provision for flight passengers, without the approval of the airport manager.

(W) In the case of an apparent violation of rules 3335-105-01 to 3335-105-11 of the Administrative Code the airport manager shall have the authority to take whatever action determined to be appropriate in order to enforce these rules, including, but not limited to, cancellation of leases, revocation of based aircraft agreement, impounding of vehicles or other personal property, suspension, or prohibition from the airport, or eviction of any club or member thereof. Except when deemed necessary in the interest of safety or other exceptional circumstances, the airport manager shall take such action after notifying the affected person orally or in writing of a violation of these rules and giving the affected person an opportunity to respond.

(X) Any action taken by the airport manager in accordance with paragraph (W) of this rule may be appealed by the affected person to the chairperson of the department of aerospace engineering, applied mechanics and aviation, if appropriate, the dean of the college of engineering, and the office of academic affairs according to procedures adopted by the college of engineering.

(Y) Schedule air carrier operations are prohibited at the airport.

(Z) If any specific rule or part thereof is designated or otherwise declared invalid or inappropriate, the remainder of these rules and parts thereof shall continue to be of full force and effect.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 4/17/1982
Rule 3335-105-03 | Aircraft and flight operations.

(A) The pilot in command of any aircraft operating from the airport is responsible for compliance with all university, state, and federal regulations pertaining to pilot certification and the operation of the aircraft.

(B) All flight instructors conducting flight instruction from the airport shall be registered with the office of the airport manager.

(C) All flight instructors instructing from the airport, in accordance with these rules, shall be physically present or have another approved instructor present at the airport at all times when student pilots under their supervision are flying solo.

(D) Aircraft based at the university airport shall be insured under a policy of comprehensive or aircraft liability insurance coverage (which must include aviation premises coverage and coverage for indemnification) in an amount:

(1) For piston engine aircraft, not less than one million dollars per occurrence, and

(2) For turbine engine aircraft, not less than ten million dollars per occurrence.

Such insurance policy shall name the university as an additional insured with respect to liability associated with the hangar space, and shall be carried with companies licensed to do business in the state of Ohio reasonably satisfactory to the university, and shall be non-cancelable and not subject to material change except after thirty days written notice to the airport manager. The insured shall deliver to the airport manager duly executed certificates of insurance upon request. The insured shall, upon each subsequent policy renewal or issuance, or following a change of aircraft, addition of an aircraft, or any occurrence that affects the coverage of a based aircraft, furnish to the airport manager, evidence of insurance coverage in the form of a certificate of insurance stating the name of the insured, the aircraft insured, the amounts of coverage provided and any special restrictions or considerations. The certificate shall indicate that the policy contains the provision that the airport manager will be notified in writing thirty days in advance of any change or cancellation of the coverage provided. The airport shall not at any time be liable for damage or injury to persons or property in or upon the hanger space.

(E) The pilot in command of any aircraft involved in any incident or accident on the airport shall make a prompt and full report of the incident or accident in accordance with federal aviation regulations and report the incident or accident to the airport manager in such form as may be required.

(F) Helicopter rotor blades shall be secured at all times while helicopters are not being prepared for flight or undergoing maintenance, other than maintenance involving the blade assembly. Pilots or mechanics of rotorcraft shall be responsible for securing the rotor blades.

(G) Only airport personnel shall move aircraft in or out of hangars (except T-hangars) owned or operated by the university, unless approval has been granted by the airport manager.

(H) Aircraft owners shall keep their aircraft locked at all times while parked or stored on the airport. The university, its trustees, officers, employees, or agents shall not be responsible for any loss or damage due to theft or vandalism of any aircraft, equipment or items left within any aircraft.

(I) If an aircraft is tied down at the airport, the owners shall:

(1) Properly tie down the aircraft after each flight.

(2) Leave a request at the airport operations office for replacement of ropes that are not considered to be satisfactory for the security of the aircraft.

(3) Provide mooring ropes, chains or cables of adequate strength to properly moor the aircraft if the operator feels additional mooring is needed.

(J) The university, its trustees, officers, employees or agents shall not be responsible for any damage to aircraft tied down on the airport, except where the damage is the result of the negligence of airport personnel.

(K) Aircraft shall not be taxied in or out of a hangar under its own power.

(L) The owner shall be responsible for the prompt disposal of aircraft wrecked or disabled on the airport (including parts of the aircraft) after approval for removal has been granted by the federal aviation administration or the airport manager. In the event of failure to promptly dispose of the aircraft after federal aviation administration release or for safety considerations, the wrecked or disabled aircraft and parts may be removed by the airport manager at the owners' expense and without liability on the part of the university, its trustees, officers or employees or agents for damage which may result in the course of such removal.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 4/17/1982
Rule 3335-105-04 | Fuel storage and handling.

(A) All fuel products shall be considered "material" for purposes of section 1333.41 of the Revised Code and shall be supplied from stocks maintained or approved by the airport manager.

(B) During refueling operations no person shall operate any radio transmitter or receiver in the aircraft being refueled nor switch electrical appliances on or off in the aircraft except as essential to the refueling operation.

(C) Fuel products shall not be dispensed into, transferred, or drained from, any aircraft or equipment while in any hangar on the airport, except by personnel authorized by the airport manager.

(D) Fuel products dispensed at the airport into aircraft shall be delivered by authorized personnel, vehicles, and equipment only.

(E) Fuel products shall not be dispensed into portable containers, private motor vehicles, etc., without the approval of the airport manager.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 4/17/1982
Rule 3335-105-05 | Vehicles.

(A) Except as otherwise provided in this rule, all vehicles on the airport premises shall be operated and parked in accordance with the university motor vehicle traffic and parking regulations.

(B) Routine or non-emergency maintenance of vehicles is prohibited on the airport premises without the approval of the airport manager.

(C) The airport manager may order or cause to be removed from any area of the airport any vehicle which is disabled, abandoned, parked in violation of the university traffic and parking regulations, or which presents an operational hazard. Such vehicles shall be removed at the expense of the owner or driver without liability on the part of the university, its trustees, officers, employees, or agents.

(D) Vehicles shall not be driven on taxiways, runways, or in areas posted as restricted without the approval of the airport manager.

Those vehicles permitted on taxiways, runways, or in restricted areas shall be equipped with two-way radio capable of operation on radio frequencies designated by the FAA ATCT. Those vehicles regularly operated in the areas described shall be equipped with suitable warning lights and/or a checkered flag (international orange and white, three foot square) flown well above the vehicle. If radio communication cannot be established or maintained with the FAA ATCT, prior authorization shall be obtained from the FAA ATCT before any vehicle is allowed on the landing area.

(E) Emergency vehicles responding to an alarm shall have the right of way; other vehicles shall yield to aircraft at all times.

(F) Vehicles other than airport service vehicles shall be permitted in hangars owned or operated by the university in accordance with the airport operating policies and procedures.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 4/17/1982
Rule 3335-105-06 | Safety.

(A) Spray-painting shall be prohibited on the airport premises unless approved by the airport manager.

(B) Except when they are typically a part of aircraft operations, no explosives, flammable liquids, acid, toxic substances, compressed gas or any radioactive article, or other substance or material as might endanger persons or property, shall be stored, kept, handled, used, dispensed, or transported in or upon the airport without the approval of the airport manager.

(C) Without the approval of the airport manager, oxyacetylene torch, electric arc or similar flame or spark producing devices may only be operated in areas designated by the airport manager.

(D) No person shall smoke or use exposed flame on apron areas, in any hangar or shop area or in any area where smoking restrictions are posted or within fifty feet of any aircraft, parked refueler or a refueling operation.

(E) Waste petroleum products drained from aircraft or vehicles shall not be stored in any container or disposed of in any location other than that container or area designated by the airport manager.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 4/17/1982
Rule 3335-105-07 | Airport traffic procedures.

(A) During the hours of operation of the FAA ATCT the airport traffic pattern and movement of aircraft on designated taxiways shall be directed by the FAA ATCT.

During the hours when the FAA ATCT is not in operation standard traffic patterns procedures shall be followed as outlined in the airman's information manual and federal aviation regulations. Taxi routes to and from runways shall be as instructed by FAA ATCT.

(B) The airport traffic pattern altitude is one thousand feet above ground (one thousand nine hundred five feet above mean sea level).

(C) Helicopter approach and departure corridors shall be in accordance with designated routes, or instructed by FAA ATCT (except police or medical emergencies). Information about current procedures concerning helicopter operations shall be available at the airport administration office.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-105-08 | Environmental (noise abatement) procedures.

(A) "Touch and go" traffic or repeated takeoffs and landings shall not be permitted at the airport between the hours of eleven p.m. through seven a.m. local time.

(B) Recommended noise abatement procedures shall be implemented by all pilots of turbojet aircraft.

(C) The designated corridors for helicopter arrival and departure shall be used at all times (except police or medical emergencies). Information about current procedures concerning helicopter operations shall be available at the airport administration office.

(D) Runways 27L and 27R are designated as the calm wind runways. All traffic shall use the calm wind runways when wind velocities are five knots or less unless otherwise directed by FAA ATCT.

(E) Intersection departures shall be prohibited on runway 9R by all multiengine aircraft.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Rule 3335-105-09 | Operating practices for flying club aircraft and members.

(A) All flying clubs shall submit to the office of the airport manager a copy of all applicable governing documents including, but not limited to:

(1) The constitution and bylaws of the club, and any other documents of the club to substantiate their status.

(2) Club regulations and/or operating manuals.

(3) Articles of incorporation

All flying clubs shall have a continuing duty to immediately submit a copy of all changes in any governing documents to the airport manager.

(B) All flying clubs shall submit to the office of the airport manager a copy of the membership roster listing members' current names, addresses, phone numbers, and pilot ratings held. Revised membership rosters shall be submitted to the airport manager no less than semi-annually.

(C) All flying clubs must be not-for-profit corporations (as defined in section 1702.02 of the Revised Code), not-for-profit partnerships or not-for-profit joint ventures and be tax exempt under the provisions of the "Internal Revenue Code."

(D) Only member pilots in good standing shall be authorized to operate club aircraft.

(E) No student pilot members shall operate a club aircraft unless such persons are under the direct supervision of a flight instructor. All student pilots shall be identified on the club membership roster.

(F) Prior to operating club aircraft from the airport, a member shall be familiar with the rules of the airport, as well as all airport operating policies and procedures, as amended.

(G) In addition to the owner of an aircraft operated by a flying club, a flying club shall be responsible for all debts incurred at the airport related to the storage, operation and maintenance of club aircraft resulting from requests by club members.

(H) All flying clubs shall provide the office of the airport manager with the name of the officer or individual who shall be responsible for the receipt of all billings and the payment of all debts incurred at the airport by the flying club.

(I) The airport may refuse to provide any service to a member of a flying club not listed on the membership roster filed with the airport manager. If any member of a flying club violates rules 3335-105-01 to 3335-105-11 of the Administrative Code, the airport manager shall have the authority to take action against the club or member thereof pursuant to paragraphs (W) and (X) of rule 3335-105-02 of the Administrative Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 4/17/1982
Rule 3335-105-10 | Testing and operation of experimental and home-built aircraft.

(A) To conduct test flights, the pilot of experimental, or home-built aircraft must hold at least a private pilots license and shall have performed a minimum of three takeoffs and landings within the preceding thirty days in an aircraft of like configuration, similarly equipped to the test aircraft.

(B) When ready to begin initial taxi tests, the pilot of an experimental or home-built aircraft shall perform initial low speed, directional control and braking tests in an area designated by the airport manager. When it is demonstrated that the aircraft can be maneuvered safely, subsequent taxi tests shall be conducted in areas designated by the FAA ATCT. The pilot of the aircraft shall maintain two-way radio contact with the FAA ATCT at all times during taxi tests.

(C) Prior to the beginning of flight testing, the owner or pilot of an experimental, or home-built aircraft must present a copy of the airworthiness certificate and any operating limitations issued by the federal aviation administration to the airport manager or the chief of facilities of the FAA ATCT.

(D) The airport manager shall be notified in advance of the initial test flight and/or prior to each test flight until five takeoffs and landings to a full stop have been safely completed.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 4/17/1982
Rule 3335-105-11 | Approval for aircraft to land and/or takeoff on university property.

The landing or takeoff of all aircraft on property owned or operated by the university shall be approved in advance by the assistant vice president for public safety with the following exceptions:

(A) Aircraft operations at the airport shall be approved by the airport manager

(B) Aircraft operations at the university hospital heliport shall be approved by the heliport administrator.

(C) Aircraft operations at the transportation research center shall be approved by the center's chief of security.

(D) Aircraft operations related to official law enforcement activities.

(E) Emergency landing of aircraft.

Approval to operate aircraft on or from university property, from locations or for circumstances other than those stated above, shall be in written form and shall include the purpose, time, date, location and identification of the pilot and aircraft involved.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3335
Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 4/17/1982