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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3301-102 | Community Schools

Rule 3301-102-02 | Definitions.

The following terms are defined as they are used in this chapter:

(A) "Capacity" means possessing the leadership, professional expertise, human capital management, financial resources, strategic planning and commitment necessary to provide oversight, monitoring and technical assistance, consistent with sponsor duties defined in division (D) of section 3314.03 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Chief administrator" or chief administrative officer" means the individual assigned the role of superintendent in the Ohio educational directory system (OEDS) or its successor system.

(C) "Community school" means a public school created under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code, independent of any school district and part of the state's program of education.

(D) "Community school contract" means a written agreement, and any amendments or modifications thereto, between a sponsor and a governing authority of a community school that outlines the duties, rights, and responsibilities of both parties as required under section 3314.03 of the Revised Code.

(E) "Department" means the Ohio department of education.

(F) "Education-oriented entity" means an organization that:

(1) Has been granted tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. This will be demonstrated through evidence of tax-exemption status by the applicant or a parent organization of the applicant; and

(2) Supports, promotes or provides services and/or programs, associated with educational systems demonstrated through submission of evidence as part of the application outlined in rule 3301-102-03 of the Administrative Code.

(G) "Eligible entity" means an entity described under division (C)(1) of section 3314.02 of the Revised Code:

(H) "EMIS" (education management information system) The education management information system provides the architecture and standards for reporting data to the Ohio department of education. EMIS is the statewide data collection system for Ohio's primary and secondary education system. Staff, student, district, building, and financial data are collected through this system. The source data for Ohio's accountability and funding systems are the EMIS data files. In addition, these files are utilized for many other state and federal requirements.

(I) "Governing authority" means a group of individuals who are charged with the responsibility of establishing policies and procedures for the operation and management of a new start-up or conversion community school and responsible for carrying out all of the provisions of a community school contract.

(J) "Learning opportunity" means classroom-based or non-classroom-based supervised instructional and educational activities that are defined in the community school's contract and are:

(1) Provided by or supervised by a licensed teacher;

(2) Goal oriented; and

(3) Certified by a licensed teacher as meeting the criteria established for completing the learning opportunity.

(K) "Preliminary agreement" means a written agreement and any amendments thereto, between a proposing person or group and a sponsor that sets forth the intention of both parties to negotiate in good faith towards the execution of a community school contract in accordance with Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code.

(L) "Site visit" means a visit in person, or virtually, by a representative of the sponsor, or of the department, on-site at the location of the school with the school administrator, fiscal officer, and/or member(s) of the governing authority to review and verify contractual, local, state and federal compliance as to the following matters, including, but not limited to: health and safety, educational program, including provision of student learning opportunities as referenced in division (A)(23) of section 3314.03 of the Revised Code and as defined in paragraph (J) of this rule, student state-required academic assessment(s), fiscal operations, governance and administration, and other assessment and accountability measures, as defined in the community school's contract.

(M) "SOES" (School options enrollment system) The SOES or its successor system is the EMIS subsystem that drives funding for students in community schools and STEM schools. This web application is used to enter and review student enrollment and demographic data to form the basis for the flow of funds to community schools and STEM schools. School personnel enter data in the SOES and traditional public school personnel review, verify, or challenge that data.

(N) "Sponsorship agreement" means a written agreement, and any amendments thereto, between the department and a sponsor which establishes the duties, rights and responsibilities of both parties in accordance with all sections of the Revised Code and all rules of the Administrative Code that are applicable to sponsors.

(O) "State board" means the state board of education.

(P) "Technical assistance" means the provision of targeted and customized supports by professionals with subject matter expertise relevant to the operations of a community school toward successfully fulfilling its obligations under applicable rules, laws and the terms of applicable contract.

Last updated November 16, 2022 at 11:24 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 3301.07, 3314.015, 3314.016, 3314.08
Amplifies: ORC Chapter 3314.
Five Year Review Date: 7/28/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 7/7/2003, 7/24/2010, 6/27/2013
Rule 3301-102-03 | Initial approval of sponsors.

(A) The department shall establish an application and approval process, including cycles and deadlines during the fiscal year, for eligible entities seeking to become sponsors of conversion or new start-up community schools and post that information on the department's website ( by July fifteenth of each year with a defined cut score and rubric.

(B) An eligible entity shall obtain a written application from the department to become a sponsor and shall complete it and submit it to the department no later than December thirty-first of each year.

(C) Confirmation of applications received shall be posted on the department's website.

(D) The department shall provide written notice to each applicant of the department's approval or rationale for disapproval of each application after completion of the department's review process by March thirty-first of each year.

(E) An applicant shall provide as part of its initial written application, as well as during the application review process, evidence requested and deemed necessary by the department, including, but not limited to, evidence of its willingness to do all of the following:

(1) Demonstrate that the applicant is an eligible entity capable of sponsoring a conversion or new start-up school(s);

(2) Demonstrate that if the applicant sponsors or operates schools in another state, at least one of the schools sponsored or operated by the applicant is comparable to a "C" or better on the Ohio school's report card its successor equivalent rating under section 3302.03 of the Revised Code;

(a) Applicants must provide performance on a state accountability system of at least one of the schools sponsored or operated equivalent of the Ohio school's report card. The department will analyze the data provided and determine if a comparable scale can be developed for comparison using the accountability system from another state. If the department can develop a comparable scale, the department will analyze the performance data provided and determine if the school meets the criteria established in paragraph (E)(2) of this rule.

(b) If the department determines a comparable system cannot be developed using the accountability system from another state or the applicant does not meet the criteria established in paragraph (E)(2) of this rule, the application will be denied.

(3) Demonstrate, in its application that the applicant or its representative(s) possess the requisite skills, professional knowledge and expertise to provide technical assistance and monitor, oversee, and hold accountable for compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and terms of the community school contract for each community school that it proposes to sponsor;

(4) Demonstrate the applicant's specific willingness to comply with all other sections of the Revised Code and all rules of the Administrative Code which are applicable to sponsors and community schools;

(5) Demonstrate the applicant's understanding and commitment to meet the criteria for adherence to quality practices as defined by the sponsor evaluation required under section 3314.016 of the Revised Code;

(6) Demonstrate the applicant has a record of financial responsibility through submission of audited financial statements without findings or going-concerns;

(7) If the applicant is an education-oriented entity, demonstrate the applicant has successfully implemented educational programs through the submission of outcome data related to the goals of the applicant's educational program and may include progress measures, financial measures and other indicators of added value to the program participants and others;

(8) Indication of the entity's ability and willingness to comply with provisions of division (D) of section 3314.03 of the Revised Code through assurances; and

(9) Applicants intending to sponsor schools within an alliance municipal school district, as defined in section 3311.86 of the Revised Code, must demonstrate they have sought recommendation from the Cleveland transformation alliance to sponsor community schools.

(F) Any applicant that has been approved as a sponsor of a community school shall enter into a sponsorship agreement with the department before it enters into any preliminary agreement or community school contract.

(G) The decision of the department to disapprove an applicant for sponsorship of a community school may be appealed by the applicant in accordance with section 119.12 of the Revised Code.

Last updated November 16, 2022 at 11:24 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 3314.015, 3314.016, 3314.08,
Amplifies: R.C. 3314.015, 3314.016, 3314.08
Five Year Review Date: 7/28/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 7/7/2003, 10/31/2010
Rule 3301-102-04 | Sponsorship agreement.

(A) The duties and responsibilities of a sponsor shall be specified in a sponsorship agreement with the department. In addition to duties of the sponsor specified in the Ohio Revised Code and Ohio Administrative Code, duties and responsibilities to meet the criteria of the sponsorship agreement include the following:

(1) Attend required training sessions as offered by the department,

(2) Make written reports of information obtained related to the monitoring of the community school's compliance with laws and rules applicable to the school, and provide written reports to the department upon request.

(B) In addition to the terms required to be included in the sponsorship agreement between the department and the sponsor described in section 3314.015 of the Revised Code, the sponsorship agreement between the department and the sponsor shall include the term of the agreement.

Initially, the conditions and terms of the first sponsorship agreement entered into between the department and a newly approved applicant shall be based upon the entity's capacity as demonstrated in its sponsorship application.

(C) Sponsors may seek to modify their agreement with the department at any time. The department's decisions regarding modification requests may be informed by the rationale provided by the sponsor for expanding the current territory and/or portfolio size, current portfolio size, recent trends in the number of community schools opening, the results of the sponsor evaluation performed in accordance with section 3314.016 of the Revised Code and any additional information submitted by the sponsor. The department shall consider such proposed modifications in a timely manner.

(D) At least one hundred eighty days prior to the expiration of the sponsorship agreement term, the sponsor shall notify the department as to its intent regarding the renewal of its sponsorship agreement, but nothing in the sponsorship agreement precludes the sponsor from seeking an earlier sponsor agreement renewal decision from the department. In any case when a sponsor becomes unwilling or unable to fulfill the obligations under the sponsorship agreement, a sponsor shall notify the department at least one hundred eighty days prior to any termination of the sponsorship agreement.

(E) Unless otherwise provided by law, a sponsor shall not enter into any new or successor community school contract that has a term exceeding the term of the sponsorship agreement. If the sponsorship agreement is renewed, the department's renewal decision will be based on criteria established in section 3314.015 of the Revised Code. When evaluating these criteria, the department will consider the same information the department would evaluate for modification request established under paragraph (C) of this rule.

(F) Prior to terminating the sponsor agreement as outlined in paragraph (G) of this rule, the department may require actions of the sponsor to correct deficiencies in the sponsor's compliance with its obligations in rule and/or law and may impose restrictions on the conditions of the sponsorship agreement if such deficiencies are not remedied in a reasonable time based on the circumstances.

(G) The department may immediately revoke the sponsor's authority by terminating the sponsorship agreement if the department determines a sponsor is unable or unwilling to remedy conditions or violations of law at a community school that pose an imminent danger to the health and safety of the school's students and/or employees.

Last updated November 16, 2022 at 11:24 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 3301.07, 3314.015
Amplifies: R.C. 3314.03, 3314.015
Five Year Review Date: 7/28/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 5/19/2006, 6/27/2013
Rule 3301-102-05 | Monitoring and reporting requirements for all sponsors.

(A) In addition to a sponsor's responsibilities under the Ohio Revised Code and Ohio Administrative Code, the monitoring and reporting duties and responsibilities of all community school sponsors include the following:

(1) Notify the department within three business days of a sponsor's determination to declare a community school to be on probationary status, to suspend the operation of the community school, or to terminate the community school contract. Within ten business days of notification to the department , the sponsor shall provide additional information specifying the nature of the problem and a proposed plan for resolution.

(2) Specific to the reporting requirements within section 3314.025 of the Revised Code, sponsors shall report all expenditures using the auditor of state's uniform school account system (or successor system). The department shall make available technical assistance on the specific codes to utilize for reporting;

(3) Have in place a written plan of action to be undertaken in the event that the sponsor sends written notification of intent to suspend the community school or if the community school experiences financial difficulties or closes prior to the end of a school year, consistent with requirements of division (E) of section 3314.015 of the Revised Code including the handling of facilities, equipment, materials, supplies, employees, students, school records, which include student records that are consistent with section 3314.44 of the Revised Code, and address any other obligations of the community school and submit the written plan to the department upon request.

(B) A sponsor shall submit a copy of each preliminary agreement, community school contract adoption resolution, executed community school contract, and any amendments thereto, in accordance with the procedure established by the department. Any such agreements, contracts, or amendments shall be submitted to the department within ten business days of execution.

(C) Sponsors shall respond in a timely manner to reasonable requests from the department for information, data, and documents.

Last updated November 16, 2022 at 11:24 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 3301.07, 3314.015, 3314.08
Amplifies: R.C. 3314.015, 3314.032
Five Year Review Date: 7/28/2027
Rule 3301-102-06 | Payments, adjustments and deductions for community schools.

Instructions regarding the flow of state foundation funds for all new and continuing community schools shall be found in the manuals for SOES/EMIS (school options enrollment system/education management information system) or their successor systems, which shall be made available on the department's website (

Last updated November 4, 2024 at 1:29 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3314.015, 3314.08, 3317.02, Section 7 of Am Sub HB 364 of the 12rth General Assembly
Amplifies: Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code, 3317.02, Section 7 of Am Sub HB 364 of the 124th General Assembly
Five Year Review Date: 10/10/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 7/7/2003
Rule 3301-102-07 | Probation and revocation of sponsorship authority.

(A) In accordance with the timelines established in division (F) of section 3314.015 of the Revised Code, if the department finds that a sponsor is not in compliance with applicable laws and administrative rules, the department shall declare in a written notice to the sponsor the specific laws and/or rules, or both, for which the sponsor is noncompliant. Indicators of noncompliance include:

(1) Failure of the sponsor to meet the obligations established in section 3314.023 of the Revised Code resulting in a mid-year closure or a community school's continued noncompliance with any state or federal rules and regulations and/or contractual obligations on the part of a community school identified by the department or other state or federal regulatory agencies;

(2) Failure of the sponsor to meet the obligations established in section 3314.023 of the Revised Code resulting in a community school's recurring financial losses from either reporting of negative disbursements as actuals over multiple years reported on the five-year forecasts or recurring losses from operations identified on the most recent audit;

(3) Failure of the sponsor to implement a quality improvement plan as required in section 3314.016 of the Revised Code; or

(4) Instances where sponsor action knowingly resulted in a sponsor or community school's noncompliance with Revised Code, Administrative Code, federal statute and/or terms of the contract.

(B) After receiving written notice of noncompliance from the department, a sponsor that failed to meet expectations established in section 3314.015 of the Revised Code shall be placed in probationary status and may result in the department limiting the sponsor's ability to sponsor additional schools while on probationary status.

(C) In addition to revocation based on the results of the evaluation as outlined in section 3314.016 of the Revised Code, the department shall notify the sponsor when it intends to seek a finding by the state board of education that the sponsor is non-compliant pursuant to the criteria in section 3314.015 of the Revised Code, other criteria for sponsorship contained in Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code, the sponsorship agreement, or criteria in the Administrative Code.

(D) When the state board of education is evaluating whether to determine that a sponsor is noncompliant or unwilling to comply with Revised Code, Administrative Code, federal statute and/or terms of the contract for the purposes of revocation, the review shall consist of the following factors:

(1) Failure to remedy conditions or violations of law at a community school that may pose an imminent danger to the health and safety of the school's students and/or employee.

(2) Failure to remedy any cause for the department to place a sponsor on probation in accordance with division (F) of section 3314.015 of the Revised Code after the probation process has been completed.

(3) If a sponsor is on probation and has failed to remedy the initial instance of noncompliance, the department identifies another instance where the department determines the sponsor is not in compliance with additional applicable laws and administrative rules as referenced in paragraph (A) of this rule.

(E) After the state board makes a finding of noncompliance, the department, on behalf of the state board, shall notify the sponsor and all of the community schools that it sponsors within ten business days of its finding. The notification shall include the state board's resolution detailing the basis for the state board's finding of non-compliance and include the fact that the sponsor may request a hearing on the matter.

(F) If the request for a hearing is received within ten business days, the state board or its designee shall conduct a hearing on that matter in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. Within thirty days of receipt of the transcript from the hearing, a hearing officer will submit a report and recommendation, unless an extension is granted by the department.

(G) Upon conclusion of the hearing, a party may file written objections pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. The state board may confirm, modify, or reverse the hearing officer's findings.

(H) The resolution of the state board confirming the revocation of the sponsor's authority to sponsor community schools may be appealed by the sponsor in accordance with section 119.12 of the Revised Code.

Last updated November 16, 2022 at 11:24 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 3301.07, 3314.015
Amplifies: R.C. 3314.015
Five Year Review Date: 7/28/2027
Rule 3301-102-08 | Standards for measuring sponsor compliance with applicable laws and rules.

(A) The department of education and workforce will, in accordance with section 3314.016 of the Revised Code, evaluate each entity that sponsors a community school by measuring its compliance with all laws and rules. Compliance is one of three equally weighted components which comprise the overall sponsor evaluation.

(B) The department's review of sponsor compliance will include reviewing the extent to which the sponsor has complied with all laws and rules. This review will also include monitoring the extent to which the sponsor has monitored its schools' compliance with all laws and rules.

(C) A list of all laws and rules subject to review will be posted on the department's website (, which will also include the list of laws and rules applicable to a community school that the sponsor is monitoring pursuant to section 3314.03 of the Revised Code. The list will be annually updated to include any additional changes to law and rule for the upcoming school year. Except as otherwise described in law by the General Assembly, any changes to law or rule that occur after the updated list is published will be incorporated into the review of sponsor compliance the following year.

(D) Beginning with the 2018-2019 sponsor evaluation, the sponsor will certify to the department, no later than the thirtieth of June, subject to change under paragraph (F) of this rule that it fulfilled each of the items described in paragraph (C) of this rule, it did not fulfill any items described in paragraph (C) of this rule or the item did not apply with supporting information.

(E) The department or its designee will review the certification of the sponsor and establish an initial score for each item. The department will randomly select items from the sponsor's certification for validation.

(1) For most items, sponsors may provide documentation electronically in the system designated by the department; for some, validation may take place during an onsite review at one or more of the sponsor's community schools. The department may consider corrective action plans for validation of compliance. If an onsite review is conducted, the following will apply:

(a) Schools will be randomly selected for an onsite review; and

(b) Schools will be notified in advance of the onsite review.

(2) If the review conducted pursuant to paragraph (E)(1) of this rule results in an inability to validate the sponsor's response, the department may expand the random sample of community schools and/or items to validate the sponsor's certification of compliance with all laws and rules with regard to monitoring school compliance.

(F) The department or its designee will adjust the initial score for an item established under paragraph (E) of this rule based on the results of the validation under paragraph (E) of this rule. If the item cannot be validated, the score may be adjusted to non-compliant. In making its adjustments, the department may weight noncompliance with certain items as more significant than others. Items that receive additional weight will be identified on the list of laws and rules that the department provides to sponsors and is posted on the department's website annually under paragraph (C) of this rule.

Last updated June 27, 2024 at 10:45 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3314.016
Amplifies: 3314.016
Five Year Review Date: 6/27/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 3/26/2015
Rule 3301-102-09 | Approving applications for new internet-or computer-based community schools.

(A) An "internet-or computer-based community school" is defined in section 3314.02 of the Revised Code. "Online community school" and "eschool" have the same meaning as an internet-or computer-based community school.

(B) The department of education shall publish on its website the department's processes for submitting and approving applications for new online community schools. The department also shall maintain on its website a list of applications received and their status.

(C) The application shall require an applicant to provide the following:

(1) The sponsor's experience with online schools, including:

(a) The number of years and number of online schools for which the sponsor provided monitoring and technical assistance since the inception of such activities;

(b) The degree to which the online schools met Ohio's operating standards for online schools, which the department shall make available on the department's website; and

(c) Any full-time equivalency determinations issued by a state education agency for a school for which the sponsor was responsible for oversight;

(2) The operator's experience with online schools, including:

(a) The operator's experience in managing the daily operations of an online school or providing programmatic oversight and support to an online school since the inception of such activities;

(b) The degree to which the online schools met Ohio's operating standards for online schools; and

(c) Any full-time equivalency determination issued by a state education agency for a school for which the operator managed the daily operations;

(3) The sponsor's schools' records of academic performance in all years under its sponsorship including:

(a) Assessment of the sponsor's schools' student performance, as aligned with the evaluation system described in section 3314.016 of the Revised Code; and

(b) Report cards and performance ratings issued for the sponsor's community schools under section 3302.03 of the Revised Code;

(4) The operator's schools' records of academic performance in all years under its operation as measured by the following:

(a) Report cards and performance ratings issued for the sponsor's community schools under section 3302.03 of the Revised Code; and

(b) Comparable performance ratings of out-of-state schools with which the operator has experience; and

(5) The extent of the operator's previous experience in Ohio.

(D) In determining the experience and quality of applicants, the superintendent of public instruction or the superintendent's designee shall consider the measures included in paragraph (C) of this rule.

(E) No later than the first of July of each year, the department shall notify applicants as to the determination regarding their applications.

Last updated December 23, 2024 at 1:43 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3314.013
Amplifies: 3314.013
Five Year Review Date: 7/1/2030
Prior Effective Dates: 5/24/2013
Rule 3301-102-10 | Dropout prevention and recovery academic performance rating and report card system.

(A) A dropout prevention and recovery school is one to which any of the following applies:

(1) Any community school that operates a drug recovery program in cooperation with a court; or

(2) Any community school in which the majority of students are enrolled in a dropout prevention and recovery program operated by the school that meets the following criteria:

(a) The program serves only students not younger than sixteen years of age and not older than twenty-one years of age;

(b) The program enrolls students who, at the time of their initial enrollment, either, or both, are at least one grade level behind their cohort age groups or experience crises that significantly interfere with their academic progress such that they are prevented from continuing their traditional programs;

(c) The program requires students to attain at least the applicable score designated for each of the assessments prescribed under division (B)(1) of section 3301.0710 of the Revised Code or, to the extent prescribed by rule of the state board of education under division (B)(2) or (D)(5) of section 3301.0712 of the Revised Code;

(d) The program develops an individual career plan for the student that specifies the student's matriculating to a two-year degree program, acquiring a business and industry credential, or entering an apprenticeship;

(e) The program provides counseling and support for the student related to the plan developed under division (A)(4) of section 3314.36 of the Revised Code during the remainder of the student's high school experience; and

(f) The program's instructional plan demonstrates how the academic content standards adopted by the state board of education under section 3301.079 of the Revised Code will be taught and assessed; or

(3) Any conversion community school whose sponsoring district has received a waiver from having the school's academic data rolled up into the district's local report card because the school primarily enrolls students between sixteen and twenty-two years of age who dropped out of high school or are at risk of dropping out of high school due to poor attendance, disciplinary problems, or suspensions.

(B) Pursuant to section 3314.017 of the Revised Code, the state board of education shall prescribe an academic performance rating, benchmark and report card system for community schools that primarily serve students enrolled in dropout prevention and recovery programs as described in division (A)(4)(a) of section 3314.35 of the Revised Code, to be used in lieu of the system prescribed under sections 3302.03 and 3314.012 of the Revised Code, beginning with the 2012-2013 school year. Each such school shall comply with the testing and reporting requirements of the system as prescribed by the state board.

(C) Nothing in this rule and the academic performance rating, benchmark and report card system prescribed by the state board shall relieve a school from its obligations under the "No Child Left Behind Act of 2001" to make "adequate yearly progress" as defined in section 3302.01 of the Revised Code, or a school's amenability to the provisions of section 3302.04 or 3302.041 of the Revised Code. The department shall continue to report each school's performance as required by the act and enforce applicable sanctions under section 3302.04 or 3302.041 of the Revised Code.

(D) The academic performance rating, benchmark and report card system shall use the following performance indicators:

(1) Graduation rates for the four year student graduation cohort:

(a) A performance rating for the four year student graduation cohort of thirty-six per cent or higher means that the school earns the rating of "exceeds standards" on this indicator;

(b) A performance rating of at least eight per cent and no higher than 35.9 per cent means that the school earns the rating of "meets standards" on this indicator; and

(c) A rating of less than 7.9 per cent means that the school receives the rating of "does not meet standards" for this indicator;

(2) Graduation rates for the five, six, seven and eight year student graduation cohorts:

(a) A performance rating of forty per cent or higher means that the school earns the rating of "exceeds standards" on these graduation rates;

(b) A performance rating of at least twelve per cent and no higher than 39.9 per cent means that the school earns the rating of "meets standards" on these graduation rates; and

(c) A rating of less than twelve per cent means that the school receives the rating of "does not meet standards" for these graduation rates.

(3) Passage rate for twelfth-grade students currently enrolled in the school who have attained the designated passing score on all of the applicable state high school achievement assessments required under division (B)(1) or (B)(2) of section 3301.0710 of the Revised Code and other students enrolled in the school, regardless of grade level, who are within three months of their twenty-second birthday and have attained the designated passing score on all of the applicable state high school achievement assessments by their twenty-second birthday:

(a) A performance rating of sixty-eight per cent or higher means that the school earns a rating of "exceeds standards";

(b) A performance rating of at least thirty-two per cent and no higher than 67.9 per cent means that the school earns a rating of "meets standards"; and

(c) A performance rating of less than thirty-two per cent means that the school receives the rating of "does not meet standards";

(4) Annual measurable objectives as defined in section 3302.01 of the Revised Code;

(a) A performance rating of thirty-six per cent or higher means that the school earns a rating of "exceeds standards";

(b) A performance rating of at least one per cent and no higher than 35.9 per cent means that the school earns a rating of "meets standards"; and

(c) A performance rating of less than one per cent means that the school receives the rating of "does not meet standards";

(E) It is the intention of the state board of education to periodically review performance levels for each established benchmark as prescribed in section 3314.017 of the Revised Code and amend those benchmarks, if the data analysis warrants a revision.

Last updated May 19, 2022 at 8:22 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 3301.07, 3314.017
Amplifies: R.C. 3314.017
Five Year Review Date: 5/19/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 6/23/2013
Rule 3301-102-11 | Dropout prevention and recovery schools' assessment of growth in student achievement.

(A) Pursuant to the development of the dropout prevention and recovery academic performance rating and report card system as required under section 3314.017 of the Revised Code and described in rule 3301-102-10 of the Administrative Code, dropout prevention and recovery community schools shall report assessment data to measure growth in student achievement in reading and in mathematics.

(B) The assessments required to be used by dropout prevention and recovery community schools shall be selected by the state board of education through a competitive bidding process.

(1) For the 2014-2015 school year, notice of the department's selection of the assessment and test vendor, as well as information regarding the processes and procedures to obtain, administer and report these assessments for reading and mathematics shall be communicated to the schools and made available on the department's website (;

(2) For the 2015-2016 school year and beyond, any changes in the required assessments for reading and mathematics shall be communicated to the schools and the information made available on the department's website (

(C) For the 2014-2015 school year, in the absence of national norms for assessments in reading and mathematics for students enrolled in dropout prevention and recovery programs, the department shall develop a growth measure based upon value-added progress dimension, as defined in division (A)(1)(e) of section 3302.03 of the Revised Code.

(1) Gain scores for both reading and mathematics shall be calculated and used to form a composite gain score for the school annually;

(2) The gains scores shall use up to three years of measured progress data, as available, to form the composite gain score.

(D) Ratings shall be assigned as follows:

(1) A school shall receive a rating of "exceeds standards' if the composite gain score is at least two standard errors of measure above the mean score;

(2) A school shall receive a rating of "meets standards" if the composite gain score is less than two standard errors of measure above the mean score and greater than or equal to two standard errors of measure below the mean score;

(3) A school shall receive a rating of "does not meet standards" if the composite gain score is not greater than two standard errors of measure below the mean score.

Last updated May 23, 2023 at 11:17 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3314.017
Amplifies: 3314.017
Five Year Review Date: 3/3/2027
Rule 3301-102-12 | Standards for awarding an overall report card designation to dropout prevention and recovery community schools.

(A) Beginning with the 2014-2015 school year, and annually thereafter, dropout prevention and recovery community schools described in division (A)(4)(a) of section 3314.35 of the Revised Code shall be awarded an overall designation on the report card.

(B) Standards for awarding an overall report card designation to a dropout prevention and recovery community school shall be calculated as follows:

(1) Thirty per cent of the score shall be based on the graduation rates as described in division (C)(1) of section 3314.017 of the Revised Code that are applicable to the school year for which the overall designation is granted;

(2) Thirty per cent of the score shall be based on the measures of growth in student achievement in reading and mathematics as described in division (C)(4) of section 3314.017 of the Revised Code that are applicable to the school year for which the overall designation is granted;

(3) Twenty per cent of the score shall be based the percentage of twelfth-grade students currently enrolled in the school who have attained the designated passing score on all of the applicable state high school achievement assessments required under division (B)(1) or (B)(2) of section 3301.0710 of the Revised Code and other students enrolled in the school, regardless of grade level, who are within three months of their twenty-second birthday and have attained the designated passing score on all of the applicable state high school achievement assessments by their twenty-second birthday, as described in division (C)(2) of section 3314.017 of the Revised Code;

(4) Twenty per cent of the score shall be based on the annual measurable objectives as defined in section 3302.01 of the Revised Code and described in division (C)(3) of section 3314.017 of the Revised Code;

(5) If both of the graduation rate and assessment passage rate indicators described in divisions (B)(1) and (B)(3) of this rule improve by ten per cent for two consecutive years, a school shall be rated as not less than "meets standards."

(C) The points awarded for each indicator's rating shall be calculated as follows:

(1) A school that receives an indicator rating of "Exceeds standards" for graduation rates or growth in reading and mathematics shall receive a score of "30" points for each of those categories of indicators;

(2) A school that receives an indicator rating of "Exceeds standards" for assessment passage or annual measurable objectives shall receive a score of "20" points for each of those categories of indicators;

(3) A school that receives an indicator rating of "Meets standards" for graduation rates or growth in reading and mathematics shall receive a score of "20" points for each of those categories of indicators;

(4) A school that receives an indicator rating of "Meets standards" for assessment passage or annual measurable objectives shall receive a score of "10" points for each of those categories of indicators;

(5) A school that receives an indicator rating of "Does not meet standards" for graduation rates, growth in reading and mathematics, assessment passage or annual measurable objectives shall receive a score of "0" points for each of those categories of indicators.

(D) The overall designations shall be as follows:

(1) A school that receives eighty per cent of possible points or higher shall receive an overall designation of "Exceeds standards";

(2) A school that receives forty per cent but less than eighty per cent of possible points shall receive an overall designation of "Meets standards";

(3) A school that receives less than forty per cent of possible points shall receive an overall designation of "Does not meet standards."

(E) Following the release of the 2014-2015 report card data, the state board shall review the performance levels and benchmarks for performance indicators in the report card issued under this rule and may revise them based on the data collected under division (F) of section 3314.017 of the Revised Code.

(F) In the case where a dropout prevention and recovery school as defined in paragraph (A) of this rule also enrolls students in any of grades kindergarten through eighth grade, and for whom there are sufficient data to calculate performance indicators for any of these grades, pursuant to division (A)(1) of section 3302.03 of the Revised Code, such data shall be reported, but not used in determining the school's overall designation.

Last updated May 23, 2023 at 11:17 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3314.017
Amplifies: 3314.017
Five Year Review Date: 3/3/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 7/3/2014