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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 109:1-4 | Charitable Organization Bingo

Rule 109:1-4-01 | Application for a charitable bingo license.

(A) A charitable organization that desires to conduct bingo, instant bingo at a bingo session, or instant bingo other than at a bingo session shall apply for a license by submitting the information required by division (C) of section 2915.08 of the Revised Code and a license fee as required by division (C) of section 2915.08 of the Revised Code and rules 109:1-4-17, 109:1-4-18, and 109:1-4-19 of the Administrative Code. A charitable organization may also be required to submit the following information.

(1) Information and records establishing the charitable organization's organizational status, qualification as a charitable organization, qualification as a charitable organization as defined in division (H) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code, history of program services, tax exempt status, continued existence with the Ohio secretary of state, parent organizations, subsidiary organizations, associated organizations, good standing status with parent or associated organizations, board, and compliance with the registration and reporting requirements of sections 1716.02, 1716.03, 1716.04, 109.26 and 109.31 of the Revised Code;

(2) Information and records related to any charitable organization that is a volunteer firefighter organization showing recognition or ratification from the township, city, or county;

(3) Information and records relating to the charitable organization's present, former and anticipated locations, rental arrangements, real property, related organizations, other organizations sharing or utilizing property, and lessors;

(4) Information and records related to the charitable organization's proposed bingo or instant bingo game;

(5) Information and records related to the charitable organization's non-bingo-related past or present licenses, application rejections, license denials, license revocations, license suspensions, settlements with governmental entities, related fines, and citations from any law enforcement agency for gambling violations;

(6) Information and records related to the charitable organization's trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, volunteers, bingo operators, anticipated bingo operators, concession workers, anticipated concession workers, and other associated persons of the charitable organization including felonies and gambling offenses committed by such persons and other bingo games at which such persons volunteered;

(7) Information and records related to the charitable organization's present and anticipated use of bingo and instant bingo proceeds and the charitable programming that will be benefitted by those bingo and instant bingo proceeds;

(8) Information and records related to the charitable organization's present and anticipated concessions and security at the bingo or instant bingo game;

(9) Information and records related to the charitable organization's income, expenses, assets, liabilities, accounting and bookkeeping personnel, and location of financial records;

(10) Information and records related to the charitable organization's present and anticipated use of bingo supplies and equipment; and

(11) Any other information or records required to be submitted by the attorney general.

(B) The principal person who has overall responsibility of the charitable organization's activities must review and attest under oath to the accuracy of all information submitted pursuant to this rule.

(C) Where required, the information shall be submitted through the attorney general's website located at:

Last updated December 23, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(C)
Amplifies: 2915.08
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Rule 109:1-4-02 | Licensing generally.

(A) An application for a license or endorsement under Chapter 2915. of the Revised Code and this chapter is a request by the applicant seeking a revocable privilege. A license or endorsement may be granted by the attorney general if the applicant meets the requirements of Chapter 2915. of the Revised Code and this chapter.

(B) An applicant for a license or endorsement under Chapter 2915. of the Revised Code and this chapter shall, at all times, have the burden of demonstrating to the attorney general, by clear and convincing evidence, that the applicant is eligible, qualified, and suitable to be granted and retain the license or endorsement for which application is made under the applicable standards and requirements of Chapter 2915. of the Revised Code and this chapter.

(C) A license or endorsement issued by the attorney general under Chapter 2915. of the Revised Code or this chapter is a revocable privilege granted by the attorney general. A person who holds a license or endorsement does not acquire, and shall not be deemed to acquire, a vested property right or other right, in the license or endorsement.

(D) An applicant or licensee shall accept any risk of adverse publicity, public notice, notoriety, embarrassment, criticism, financial loss, or other unfavorable or harmful consequences that may occur in connection with, or as a result of, the application and licensing or endorsement process or the public disclosure of information submitted to the attorney general with a license application or at the attorney general's request under Chapter 2915. of the Revised Code and this chapter.

(E) Licensees have a continuing obligation to demonstrate suitability to hold a license or endorsement by complying with Chapter 2915. of the Revised Code, this chapter, and all federal, state, and local laws relating to the suitability of the licensee. The attorney general may reopen the investigation of a licensee at any time.

(F) No key employee of any charitable organization applying for or holding a bingo license may serve as an employee or representative of, be compensated in any way by, or serve as a volunteer for, a distributor or manufacturer.

(G) No key employee of any manufacturer, distributor, or testing laboratory applying for or holding a bingo license may serve as an employee or representative of, be compensated in any way by, or serve as a volunteer for an organization licensed under Chapter 2915. of the Revised Code.

(H) An applicant and licensee shall have a continuing duty to do all of the following:

(1) Notify the attorney general of a material change in the information submitted in the license or endorsement application submitted by the applicant or licensee or a change in circumstance, that may render the applicant or licensee ineligible, unqualified, or unsuitable to hold the license under the licensing or endorsement standards and requirements of the act and this chapter.

(2) Provide any information requested by the attorney general relating to licensing, endorsement or regulation; cooperate with the attorney general in investigations, hearings, and enforcement and disciplinary actions; and comply with all conditions, restrictions, requirements, orders, and rulings of the attorney general in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code and this chapter.

Last updated December 23, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(F)(1)
Amplifies: 2915.08
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Rule 109:1-4-03 | License applications.

(A) Every application for a license or endorsement issued pursuant to Chapter 2915 of the Revised Code and these rules must be submitted on forms supplied or approved by the attorney general and must contain such information and documents as required.

(B) The applicant must file with the application all required supplemental forms.

(C) Upon request of the attorney general, the applicant must further supplement any information provided in the application. The applicant must provide all requested documents, records, supporting data, and other information within the time period specified in the request. If the applicant fails to provide the requested information within the required time period as set forth in the request or these rules, the attorney general may deny the application unless good cause is shown.

(D) All information required to be included in an application must be true and complete as of the date of attorney general action sought by the applicant. If there is any change in the information contained in the application, the applicant must file a written amendment in accordance with these rules.

(E) The applicant must cooperate fully with the attorney general with respect to the background investigation of the applicant, including, upon request, making available any and all of its books and records for inspection.

(F) The attorney general will automatically deny the application of any applicant that refuses to submit to a background investigation as required pursuant to Chapter 2915 of the Revised Code and these rules.

(G) Neither the State, the attorney general, any agency with which the attorney general contracts to conduct background investigations, nor the employees of any of the foregoing, may be held liable for any inaccurate information obtained through such an investigation.

Last updated December 23, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(C)
Amplifies: 2915.08
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Rule 109:1-4-04 | General grounds for resfusal to issue a license, denial of a license application or renewal, or revocation of a license.

(A) The attorney general may refuse to issue a license, deny a license renewal application, or revoke a license for any license authorized under Chapter 2915. of the Revised Code or this chapter on any grounds deemed reasonable by the attorney general. Without limiting the foregoing, the attorney general may deny the application on any of the following grounds:

(1) Any reason set forth in division (C) of section 2915.081 or 2915.082 of the Revised Code.

(2) Evidence of an applicant, key employee of an applicant, or person owning five per cent or more of a direct or indirect financial interest in the applicant and its affiliates, submitting an untrue or misleading statement of material fact, or willful omission of any material fact, in any application, statement, or notice filed with the attorney general, made in connection with any investigation, including the background investigation, or otherwise made to the attorney general or its staff;

(3) Evidence of an applicant engaging in business operations, whether through direct participation, or via an "arms-length" sales relationship wherein the applicant's product, device, service or commodity being sold or provided has been determined to be illegal gambling in the State or other jurisdiction where it was utilized.

(4) Evidence that an applicant has received direct or indirect financial benefit derived from the operation of illegal gambling in any jurisdiction. Financial benefit includes all sources of funding including loans, securities, and includes all investments into applicant of capital, equipment or software.

(5) Conviction of any disqualifying offense as determined in accordance with section 9.79 of the Revised Code in any jurisdiction by an applicant, key employee of an applicant, or person owning five percent or more of a direct or indirect financial interest in the applicant and its Affiliates, which may affect the applicant's ability to properly perform his or her duties or reflect unfavorably on the integrity of charity gaming in Ohio;

(6) Conviction of any gambling offense or pleading guilty to any gambling offense in any jurisdiction by a key employee of the applicant, the applicant, or by any affiliate of the applicant;

(7) Entry of any civil or administrative judgment against the applicant, a key employee of the applicant, or any affiliate of the applicant that is based, in whole or in part, on conduct that allegedly constituted a felony crime, or involvement in illegal gambling in the state or other jurisdiction in which the conduct occurred that may affect the applicant's ability to properly perform his or her or its duties or reflect unfavorably on the integrity of charity gaming in Ohio;

(8) Failure to satisfy any requirement for application or to timely respond to any request by the attorney general for additional information; and

(9) Approval of the application would otherwise be contrary to Ohio law or public policy.

Last updated December 23, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(F)(1)
Amplifies: 2915.08; 2915.081(G)
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Rule 109:1-4-05 | Requirements for charitable bingo license application for charitable organizations previously licensed to play bingo games.

A charitable organization that has previously been licensed to conduct charitable bingo games shall apply for a license in accordance with Chapter 2915. of the Revised Code and shall provide the following information with its bingo license application:

(A) The charitable organization shall provide the following information regarding charitable distributions:

(1) The name of each and every recipient;

(2) The complete address of each recipient;

(3) The amount of proceeds donated to each recipient;

(4) The net proceeds available for charitable purposes;

(5) The total charitable distributions made.

(B) The charitable organization shall provide the following information from all bingo conducted as defined in division (O)(1) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code:

(1) The total number of bingo sessions or games conducted;

(2) The average attendance at bingo, which figure shall be derived by totaling the number of people who attended each and every session or game and dividing that number by the total number of sessions or games conducted;

(3) Pursuant to division (C) of section 2915.10 of the Revised Code, the charitable organization shall deposit gross profits from each bingo session or game into a separate and distinct checking account devoted exclusively to the bingo session or game. For all such checking accounts, the following information shall be provided:

(a) The name and address of each financial institution;

(b) The type of account;

(c) The number of the account.

(4) A statement of the revenues generated during bingo conducted by the charitable organization, which shall include:

(a) The gross receipts from bingo as defined in division (O)(1) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code;

(b) The gross receipts from raffles;

(c) The revenue from the sale of supplies;

(d) Any other revenue generated during bingo.

(5) A statement of all deductions from gross receipts and revenues the expenses incurred in the conduct of bingo by the charitable organization, which shall include:

(a) The total prizes awarded for bingo as defined in division (O)(1) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code;

(b) The total prizes awarded from raffles;

(c) The total amount paid to security personnel;

(d) The total amount paid for rental of the bingo premises or total amount retained by the charitable organization as consideration for the use of its own premises;

(e) The total amount paid for advertising bingo;

(f) The total amount paid for bingo supplies;

(g) The total amount paid for bingo equipment;

(h) The total amount paid for electronic bingo aids;

(i) The total amount paid for tables and chairs;

(j) The total amount paid for audit or accounting services;

(k) The total amount paid for safes and cash registers;

(l) The total amount paid for bank fees and service charges;

(m) The total amount paid for maintenance and operation of the charitable organization's facilities;

(n) The total amount paid for the organization's bingo license fee;

(o) The total amount paid for real property taxes and assessments only for the parcel where bingo is conducted.

(C) A charitable organization shall provide a statement of whether any of the following information has changed in the preceding year, and if so, a written explanation of each change:

(1) The charitable organization's tax exempt status;

(2) The charitable organization's articles of incorporation or other governing document;

(3) The charitable organization's charitable purpose or mission, or the manner in which the charitable organization accomplishes its charitable purpose or mission;

(4) The parent organization of the charitable organization;

(5) The charitable organization's standing with its parent organization.

(D) A charitable organization other than a veteran's, fraternal, or sporting organization shall provide the following information regarding its conduct of instant bingo, including instant bingo conducted at a bingo session and other than at a bingo session:

(1) For each location at which the organization conducts instant bingo during a bingo session, the organization shall provide:

(a) The total gross receipts for instant bingo;

(b) The total instant bingo prizes;

(c) The total gross profit from instant bingo;

(d) The total amount paid for instant bingo tickets;

(e) The net profit from the proceeds of the sale of instant bingo.

(2) For each location at which the organization conducts instant bingo other than at a bingo session, the organization shall provide:

(a) The address of the location;

(b) The gross receipts from instant bingo;

(c) The total amount of instant bingo prizes;

(d) The gross profit from instant bingo;

(e) The total amount paid for instant bingo tickets;

(f) The net profit from the proceeds of the sale of instant bingo;

(g) The expenses, as defined in division (D) of section 2915.093 of the Revised Code, paid to the owner or lessor of the location.

(E) A veteran's, fraternal, or sporting organization shall provide the following information regarding its conduct of instant bingo, including instant bingo conducted at a bingo session and other than at a bingo session:

(1) The total gross receipts for instant bingo from all locations;

(2) The total instant bingo prizes from all locations;

(3) The gross profit from instant bingo at all locations.

(4) The total amount paid for instant bingo tickets at all locations;

(5) The net profit from the proceeds of the sale of instant bingo at all locations;

(6) The total amount of the net profit from the proceeds of the sale of instant bingo distributed pursuant to division (A)(1)(a) of section 2915.101 of the Revised Code, the name of each organization that received such distributions, and the amount distributed to each organization;

(7) The total amount of the net profit from the proceeds of the sale of instant bingo distributed pursuant to division (A)(1)(b) of section 2915.101 of the Revised Code, the name of each organization and purpose for which such distributions were made, and the amount distributed to each organization and for each purpose;

(F) The charitable organization shall, at the request of the attorney general, provide documentation that proves continued charitable programming and the use of bingo proceeds to fund such charitable programming.

Last updated December 23, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(C)
Amplifies: 2915.08
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Rule 109:1-4-06 | Charitable instant bingo fundraising agreements.

(A) Where a charitable organization desires to allow the lessor or owner of a location to assist the charitable organization in conducting instant bingo games other than at a bingo session as authorized by division (B) of section 2915.093 and section 2915.094 of the Revised Code, the charitable organization and the lessor or owner shall execute a written contract on a form provided by the attorney general titled "Instant Bingo Fundraising Contract for 501(c)(3) Organizations" and dated May 2023 and made available on the attorney general website.

(B) Where a veteran's, fraternal, or sporting organization desires to conduct instant bingo other than at a bingo session to raise money for a charity as authorized by section 2915.13 of the Revised Code, the veteran's, fraternal, or sporting organization and the charity shall execute a written contract on a form provided by the attorney general titled "Instant Bingo Fundraising Contract with Veteran's, Fraternal, or Sporting Organizations" and dated May 2023 and made available on the attorney general website.

Last updated November 1, 2023 at 8:24 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.095
Amplifies: 2915.093, 2915.094, 2915.095, 2915.101, 2915.13
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 12/23/2021
Rule 109:1-4-07 | Instant bingo other than at a bingo session; location.

No charitable instant bingo organization shall conduct instant bingo other than at a bingo session at a location where the primary source of retail income from all commercial activity at that location is the sale of instant bingo tickets.

Last updated December 23, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(F)(1)
Amplifies: 2915.093
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Rule 109:1-4-08 | Bingo license types; who may obtain bingo license.

(A) The attorney general may issue three types of licenses as follows:

(1) A type I bingo license for the conduct of bingo as defined in division (O)(1) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code;

(2) A type II bingo license for the conduct of instant bingo, electronic instant bingo, or both at a bingo session; and

(3) A type III bingo license for the conduct of instant bingo, electronic instant bingo, or both other than at a bingo session.

(B) A charitable organization as defined in division (H) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code may apply for the following types of bingo license:

(1) A type I bingo license;

(2) A type II bingo license for the conduct of instant bingo for use in conjunction with that organization's type I bingo license; and

(3) A type III bingo license for the conduct of instant bingo.

(C) A veteran's organization as defined in division (J) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code and a fraternal organization as defined in division (L) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code may apply for the following types of bingo license:

(1) A type I bingo license.

(2) A type II bingo license for the conduct of instant bingo, electronic instant bingo, or both for use in conjunction with that organization's type I bingo license; and

(3) A type III bingo license for the conduct of instant bingo or electronic instant bingo.

Last updated December 23, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(F)(1)
Amplifies: 2915.08; 2915.13
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Rule 109:1-4-09 | Veterans or fraternal organizations; authorized to conduct bingo.

For purposes of division (A) of section 2915.13 of the Revised Code, "authorized to conduct a bingo session" means eligible to obtain a license to conduct a bingo session, but does not mean licensed.

Last updated December 23, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(F)(1)
Amplifies: 2915.01(Z), 2915.081(E), 2915.092
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Rule 109:1-4-10 | Expenses.

(A) Pursuant to division (GG) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code, "expenses" includes using, giving, donating or otherwise transferring part or all of the gross receipts from bingo as defined in division (O)(1) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code, by a licensee, for a charitable purpose listed in its license application and described in division (V) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) Pursuant to division (GG) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code, "expenses" includes using, giving, donating or otherwise transferring part or all of the gross receipts from instant bingo, as defined in division (AA) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code, by a licensee, for a charitable purpose listed in its license application and in accordance with section 2915.101 of the Revised Code.

Last updated December 23, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(F)(1)
Amplifies: 2915.13(A)
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Rule 109:1-4-11 | Bingo supplies; sale by distributor.

(A) For purposes of division (E)(1) of section 2915.081 of the Revised Code, "bingo supplies" means those items as defined in division (Z) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code that are sold for any activity for which a charitable organization is required to be licensed pursuant to Chapter 2915. of the Revised Code.

(B) "Bingo supplies" does not include either of the following:

(1) Bingo cards or sheets and devices for selecting or displaying the combination of bingo letters and numbers if sold or otherwise provided to, and used by, a multipurpose senior center strictly in accordance with section 173.121 of the Revised Code; and

(2) Raffle tickets and devices for selecting raffle tickets if sold or otherwise provided to a charitable organization, a public school, a chartered nonpublic school, a community school, a veteran's organization, a fraternal organization or a sporting organization, and are used by that entity strictly in accordance with section 2915.092 of the Revised Code.

Last updated December 23, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(F)(1)
Amplifies: 2915.01(Z), 2915.081(E), 2915.092
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Rule 109:1-4-12 | Owner or lessor assistance in the conduct of instant bingo.

For purposes of division (B)(1) of section 2915.093 of the Revised Code, the phrase "to allow the owner or lessor to assist in the conduct of instant bingo other than at a bingo session" does not include any owner or lessor who meets all of the following:

(A) The owner or lessor does not assist the charitable instant bingo organization in the conduct of bingo;

(B) The owner or lessor provides only the premises to the charitable instant bingo organization and does not, directly or indirectly, provide the organization with bingo game operators, security personnel, concessions or concession operators, bingo supplies, or any other type of service or equipment;

(C) The owner or lessor does not operate any commercial activity or other form of business activity at the premises leased to the charitable instant bingo organization; and

(D) No portion of any rent or other consideration paid to the owner or lessor is paid from any proceeds from the sale of instant bingo other than at a bingo session.

Last updated December 23, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(F)(1)
Amplifies: 2915.093(B)(1)
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Rule 109:1-4-13 | Definition of "calendar year" for the distribution of net profit from the proceeds of the sale of instant bingo; veteran's, fraternal, or sporting organization.

For purposes of division (A)(1) of section 2915.101 of the Revised Code, the term "calendar year" shall mean the twelve month period extending from November first through the following October thirty-first, otherwise known as the bingo fiscal year.

Last updated December 23, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(F)(1)
Amplifies: 2915.101
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Rule 109:1-4-14 | Transfer to general account; veteran's, fraternal, or sporting organization.

A veteran's organization, a fraternal organization, or a sporting organization may transfer to the organization's general account, by check or electronic fund transfer from the checking account devoted exclusively to the organization's instant bingo game, the percentage of the net profit from the proceeds of the sale of instant bingo allowable for the organization's expenses in conducting the instant bingo game pursuant to division (A)(1) of section 2915.101 of the Revised Code, if all of the following conditions apply:

(A) The organization pays all expenses for the purchase of instant bingo tickets or cards by check or electronic fund transfer from the checking account devoted exclusively to the instant bingo game;

(B) The organization deposits the proceeds from the sale of instant bingo into the checking account devoted exclusively to the instant bingo game within seven days of the close of the deal of instant bingo tickets;

(C) The organization records the sale of all instant bingo tickets upon a ledger form approved by the attorney general;

(D) The organization complies with all provisions of Chapter 2915. of the Revised Code in conducting charitable gaming.

Last updated December 23, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(F)(1)
Amplifies: 2915.10(C); 2915.101(A)
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Rule 109:1-4-15 | Net profit from the proceeds of the sale of instant bingo.

For the purposes of division (RR) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code, the term "ordinary, necessary, and reasonable expense expended for the purchase of instant bingo supplies" includes:

(A) The purchase price of instant bingo tickets purchased by a veterans, fraternal or sporting organization for instant bingo as defined in division (GG) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code;

(B) Bank fees and interest actually expended to a financial institution that is a member of the federal deposit insurance corporation for the maintenance of a depository account devoted exclusively to bingo as defined in division (GG) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code;

(C) The amount actually expended to the Ohio attorney general's office for a license to conduct instant bingo as defined in division (GG) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code;

(D) The amount actually expended to purchase and/or update a program utilized to track the sale of instant bingo tickets.

Last updated December 23, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(F)(1)
Amplifies: 2915.101, 2915.01(RR)
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Rule 109:1-4-16 | Instant bingo non-cash prizes.

(A) For purposes of division (EE) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code, the terms "prize" or "prize awards" may include prizes other than cash prizes, i.e. non-cash prizes.

(B) If a non-cash prize is awarded as a prize in an instant bingo game, when calculating gross profit the organization shall record the value of the prize as the amount actually expended by the organization for the purchase of the non-cash prize, including the actual cost of the non-cash prize and any sales tax actually expended by the organization for the purchase of the non-cash prize. The organization shall attach a copy of the itemized receipt for the purchase of the non-cash prize to the corresponding invoice for the purchase of the deal of instant bingo tickets for which the non-cash prize is awarded.

(C) The organization shall pay for the purchase of non-cash prizes by check or electronic fund transfers drawn from the checking account devoted exclusively to the bingo session or game.

Last updated December 23, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(F)(1); 2915.10(E)
Amplifies: 2915.081(EE), 2915.01(T), 2915.09, 2915.10
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Rule 109:1-4-17 | Charitable bingo license fees for bingo as defined in division (O)(1) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code.

Where a charitable organization submits an application for a license to conduct bingo as defined in division (O)(1) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code, the license fee for the conduct of bingo as defined in division (O)(1) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code shall be two hundred dollars.

Where a charitable organization submits an application for a license to conduct bingo as defined in division (O)(1) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code during fewer than twenty-six weeks in a calendar year, the license fee shall be as follows:

(A) One hundred fifty dollars where a charitable organization desires to conduct bingo, as defined in division (O)(1) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code, during more than four weeks but fewer than twenty-six weeks in a calendar year;

(B) Fifty dollars where a charitable organization desires to conduct bingo, as defined in division (O)(1) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code, for four or fewer weeks in a calendar year.

Last updated December 23, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(B)(1)
Amplifies: 2915.08(A), 2915.08(B)
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Rule 109:1-4-18 | License fees for charitable instant bingo at a bingo session.

(A) Where a charitable organization that was not licensed in the preceding year submits an application for a license to conduct instant bingo as defined in division (AA) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code at a bingo session, the license fee for the conduct of instant bingo at a bingo session shall be:

(1) Fifty dollars if submitting an application for five or fewer days in a calendar year;

(2) Two hundred dollars if submitting an application for more than five days but no more than four weeks in a calendar year;

(3) Four hundred fifty dollars if submitting an application for more than four weeks but fewer than twenty-six weeks in a calendar year;

(4) Five hundred dollars if submitting an application for twenty-six or more weeks in a calendar year.

(B) Where a charitable organization that was licensed in the preceding year submits an application for a license to conduct instant bingo as defined in division (AA) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code at a bingo session during twenty-six or more weeks in a calendar year, the license fee for the conduct of instant bingo at a bingo session shall be based upon the gross profits received by the charitable organization from the operation of instant bingo at a bingo session, during the one-year period ending on the thirty-first day of October of the year immediately preceding the year for which the license is sought, and that is one of the following:

(1) Five hundred dollars, if the total is fifty thousand dollars or less;

(2) One thousand two hundred fifty dollars plus one-fourth per cent of the gross profit, if the total is more than fifty thousand dollars but less than two hundred fifty thousand one dollars;

(3) Two thousand two hundred fifty dollars plus one-half per cent of the gross profit, if the total is more than two hundred fifty thousand dollars but less than five hundred thousand one dollars;

(4) Three thousand five hundred dollars plus one per cent of the gross profit, if the total is more than five hundred thousand dollars but less than one million one dollars;

(5) Five thousand dollars plus one per cent of the gross profit, if the total is one million one dollars or more.

(C) Where a charitable organization that was licensed in the previous year submits an application to conduct instant bingo as defined in division (AA) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code at a bingo session during more than four weeks but fewer than twenty-six weeks in a calendar year, the license fee shall be paid at ninety per cent of the schedule set forth in paragraph (B) of this rule.

(D) Where a charitable organization submits an application to conduct instant bingo as defined in division (AA) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code at a bingo session during more than five days but no more than four weeks in a calendar year, and the gross profits received by the charitable organization from the operation of instant bingo at a bingo session, during the one year period ending on the thirty-first day of October for the year immediately preceding the year for which the license is sought, is fifty thousand dollars or less, the license fee shall be two hundred dollars.

(E) Where a charitable organization submits an application to conduct instant bingo as defined in division (AA) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code at a bingo session during five or fewer days in a calendar year and the gross profits received by the charitable organization from the operation of instant bingo at a bingo session during the one year period ending on the thirty-first day of October for the year immediately preceding the year for which the license is sought is fifty thousand dollars or less, the license fee shall be fifty dollars.

(F) Where a charitable organization that has been issued a license pursuant to paragraphs (D) and (E) of this rule but that cannot conduct instant bingo at the location, or on the day of the week or at the time, specified on the license due to circumstances that make it impractical to do so, or that desires to conduct instant bingo other than at a bingo session at additional locations not identified on the license, may apply in writing at least thirty days prior to a change in or addition of a location, day of the week, or time, and request an amended license. As applicable, the application shall describe the causes making it impractical for the organization to conduct bingo or instant bingo in conformity with its license and shall indicate the location, days of the week, and times on each of those days when it desires to conduct bingo or instant bingo and, as applicable, shall indicate the additional locations at which it desires to conduct instant bingo other than at a bingo session. Except as otherwise provided in section 2915.08 of the Revised Code, the attorney general shall issue the amended license in accordance with division (E) of section 2915.08 of the Revised Code, and the organization shall surrender its original license to the attorney general. The attorney general may refuse to grant an amended license according to the terms of division (B) of section 2915.08 of the Revised Code. There shall be no application fee for amendments requested pursuant to this rule.

Last updated December 23, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(B)(1)
Amplifies: 2915.08(A), 2915.08(B)
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Rule 109:1-4-19 | License fees for charitable instant bingo other than at a bingo session.

(A) Where a charitable organization that was not licensed in the preceding year submits an application for a license to conduct instant bingo as defined in division (AA) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code other than at a bingo session, the license fee for the conduct of instant bingo other than at a bingo session shall be:

(1) Fifty dollars if submitting an application for five or fewer days in a calendar year;

(2) Two hundred dollars if submitting an application for more than five days but no more than four weeks in a calendar year;

(3) Four hundred fifty dollars if submitting an application for more than four weeks but fewer than twenty-six weeks in a calendar year;

(4) Five hundred dollars if submitting an application for twenty-six or more weeks in a calendar year.

(B) Where a charitable organization that was licensed in the preceding year submits an application for a license to conduct instant bingo as defined in division (AA) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code other than at a bingo session during twenty-six or more weeks in a calendar year, the license fee for the conduct of instant bingo at a bingo session shall be based upon the gross profits received by the charitable organization from the operation of instant bingo other than at a bingo session, during the one-year period ending on the thirty-first day of October of the year immediately preceding the year for which the license is sought, and that is one of the following:

(1) Five hundred dollars, if the total is fifty thousand dollars or less;

(2) One thousand two hundred fifty dollars plus one-fourth per cent of the gross profit, if the total is more than fifty thousand dollars but less than two hundred fifty thousand one dollars;

(3) Two thousand two hundred fifty dollars plus one-half per cent of the gross profit, if the total is more than two hundred fifty thousand dollars but less than five hundred thousand one dollars;

(4) Three thousand five hundred dollars plus one per cent of the gross profit, if the total is more than five hundred thousand dollars but less than one million one dollars;

(5) Five thousand dollars plus one per cent of the gross profit, if the total is one million one dollars or more.

(C) Where a charitable organization that was licensed in the preceding year submits an application to conduct instant bingo as defined in division (AA) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code other than at a bingo session during more than four weeks but fewer than twenty-six weeks in a calendar year, the license fee shall be paid at ninety per cent of the schedule set forth in paragraph (B) of this rule.

(D) Where a charitable organization that was licensed in the preceding year submits an application to conduct instant bingo as defined in division (AA) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code other than at a bingo session during more than five but no more than four weeks in a calendar year, the license fee shall be paid at ninety per cent of the schedule set forth in paragraph (B) of this rule, except if the gross profits received by the charitable organization from the operation of instant bingo other than at a bingo session, during the one year period ending on the thirty-first day of October for the year immediately preceding the year for which the license is sought, is fifty thousand dollars or less, the license fee shall be two hundred dollars.

(E) Where a charitable organization submits an application to conduct instant bingo as defined in division (AA) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code other than at a bingo session during five or fewer days in a calendar year, and the gross profits received by the charitable organization from the operation of instant bingo at a bingo session, during the one year period ending on the thirty-first day of October for the year immediately preceding the year for which the license is sought, is fifty thousand dollars or less, the license fee shall be fifty dollars.

(F) Where a charitable organization that has been issued a license pursuant to paragraphs (D) and (E) of this rule but that cannot conduct instant bingo other than at a bingo session at the location, or on the day of the week or at the time, specified on the license due to circumstances that make it impractical to do so, or that desires to conduct instant bingo other than at a bingo session at additional locations not identified on the license, may apply in writing at least thirty days prior to a change in or addition of a location, day of the week, or time, and request an amended license. As applicable, the application shall describe the causes making it impractical for the organization to conduct bingo or instant bingo in conformity with its license and shall indicate the location, days of the week, and times on each of those days when it desires to conduct bingo or instant bingo and, as applicable, shall indicate the additional locations at which it desires to conduct instant bingo other than at a bingo session. Except as otherwise provided in section 2915.08 of the Revised Code, the attorney general shall issue the amended license in accordance with division (E) of section 2915.08 of the Revised Code, and the organization shall surrender its original license to the attorney general. The attorney general may refuse to grant an amended license according to the terms of division (B) of section 2915.08 of the Revised Code. There shall be no application fee for amendments requested pursuant to this rule.

Last updated December 23, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(B)(1)
Amplifies: 2915.08(A), 2915.08(B)
Five Year Review Date: 12/23/2026
Rule 109:1-4-20 | Bingo game operator.

For purposes of Chapter 2915. of the Revised Code "bingo game operator" of electronic instant bingo means any person who sells or redeems electronic instant bingo tickets, credits, or vouchers, or who accesses an electronic instant bingo system or electronic instant bingo funds other than as a participant.

Last updated September 26, 2022 at 8:39 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(F)(1)
Amplifies: 2915.01
Five Year Review Date: 9/25/2027
Rule 109:1-4-21 | Distributing net profit from proceeds of sale of instant bingo.

For purposes of division (A)(1)(a) and (A)(1)(b) of section 2915.101 of the Revised Code, two hundred fifty thousand dollars shall be replaced with three hundred thirty thousand dollars, as follows:


(1) If a veteran's organization, a fraternal organization, or a sporting organization conducted the instant bingo or electronic instant bingo, the organization shall distribute the net profit from the proceeds of the sale of instant bingo or electronic instant bingo, as follows:

(a) For the first three hundred thirty thousand dollars or less of net profit from the proceeds of the sale of instant bingo or electronic instant bingo generated in a calendar year:

(i) At least twenty-five per cent shall be distributed to an organization described in division (V)(1) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code or to a department or agency of the federal government, the state, or any political subdivision.

(ii) Not more than seventy-five per cent may be deducted and retained by the organization for reimbursement of or for the organization's expenses, as defined in division (GG) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code, in conducting the instant bingo or electronic instant bingo game.

(b) For any net profit from the proceeds of the sale of instant bingo or electronic instant bingo of more than three hundred thirty thousand dollars:

(i) A minimum of fifty per cent shall be distributed to an organization described in division (V)(1) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code or to a department or agency of the federal government, the state, or any political subdivision.

(ii) Five per cent may be distributed for the organization's own charitable purposes or to a community action agency.

(iii) Forty-five per cent may be deducted and retained by the organization for reimbursement of or for the organization's expenses, as defined in division (GG) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code, in conducting the instant bingo or electronic instant bingo game.

(2) If a veteran's organization, a fraternal organization, or a sporting organization does not distribute the full percentages specified in paragraphs (A)(1)(a) and (A)(1)(b) of this rule for the purposes specified in those paragraphs, the organization shall distribute the balance of the net profit from the proceeds of the sale of instant bingo or electronic instant bingo not distributed or retained for those purposes to an organization described in division (V)(1) of section 2915.01 of the Revised Code.

Last updated November 1, 2023 at 8:24 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 2915.08(F)(1), 2915.101
Amplifies: 2915.101
Five Year Review Date: 7/13/2028