The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation.
Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.
Section |
Section 703.01 | Classification - federal census.
October 29, 1999
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 189 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) Municipal corporations, which, at the last federal census, had a population of five thousand or more, or five thousand registered resident electors or resident voters as provided in section 703.011 of the Revised Code, are cities. All other municipal corporations are villages. Cities, which, at any federal census, have a population of less than five thousand, shall become villages. Villages, which, at any federal census, have a population of five thousand or more, shall become cities. (B)(1) No municipal corporation shall have its classification as a village changed to that of a city by virtue of there being counted, in determining the population of that municipal corporation, either of the following: (a) College or university students in attendance at an educational institution located within the municipal corporation if the residential addresses of those students when not in attendance at the institution, or the residential addresses of the guardians of those students, as determined by the records of the institution kept by its registrar, are at a place other than the municipal corporation in which the institution is located; (b) Persons under detention in a detention facility located within the municipal corporation if the residential addresses of those persons when not detained in that facility, as determined by the records of the facility, are at a place other than the municipal corporation in which the facility is located. (2) After each decennial census, the secretary of state shall issue a proclamation certifying the number of permanent residents in a municipal corporation in which a college or university or in which a detention facility is located and the number of students attending a college or university or the number of persons detained in a detention facility located within the municipal corporation. (3) As used in division (B) of this section, "detention facility" has the same meaning as in section 2921.01 of the Revised Code.
Section 703.011 | Village with more than 5,000 electors becomes city.
August 22, 1995
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 99 - 121st General Assembly
In addition to the method of determining classifications of municipal corporations set out in section 703.01 of the Revised Code, villages, which at the most recent general election had more than five thousand resident electors registered with the board of elections of the county in which the village is situated or, when more than five thousand resident electors have voted at the most recent general election, in such village, shall become cities. In such case, the board of elections of the said county shall immediately certify to the secretary of state the number of resident electors registered or voting within said village, and the secretary of state, upon receiving said certification from the board of elections, certifying that there are five thousand or more resident electors registered or voting within said village, shall issue a proclamation to that effect. A copy of the proclamation shall forthwith be sent to the mayor of the village, which copy shall forthwith be transmitted to the legislative authority of the village, read therein, and made a part of the records thereof. Thirty days after the issuance of the proclamation the village shall be a city.
Section 703.02 | Enumeration after census.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
When the preliminary federal census report of a city indicates that such city will return to the status of a village, the legislative authority of the city may by resolution direct the city auditor to make an enumeration as provided in sections 703.03 to 703.05, inclusive, of the Revised Code.
Section 703.03 | Report of result of enumeration.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Upon presentation of the resolution as provided in section 703.02 of the Revised Code, the city auditor shall cause an enumeration of the population of the city to be taken and shall report the results thereof to the legislative authority of the city and to the secretary of state.
Section 703.04 | Appointment of enumerators - compensation - duties.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Within five days from the time he is directed to cause an enumeration to be taken as provided in section 703.02 of the Revised Code, the city auditor shall appoint five persons to make the enumeration. The enumerators may be paid an amount necessary to assure competent personnel, but in no event shall the amount paid exceed ten dollars per day. Each person so appointed shall take an oath or affirmation to make such enumeration accurately and truly to the best of his skill and ability. Each enumerator shall be provided with a book in which he shall record correctly the name of each resident of the city with the name of the street and number of the house in which he lives.
Section 703.05 | Time for completion - oath of enumerators.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Within ten days from the date of their appointment as provided in section 703.04 of the Revised Code, the enumerators shall complete the enumeration and return their books to the city auditor. With the return of the enumeration to the auditor, each enumerator shall certify with his affidavit that he has taken the census accurately and truly to the best of his knowledge and belief and such lists contain only the names of persons who were residents of such city at the time the said names were placed on the lists. Any officer authorized to administer oaths may administer such oath or affirmation, and take and certify such affidavit.
Section 703.06 | Proclamation of population.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
When the result of any federal census or an enumeration as provided in sections 703.02 to 703.05, inclusive, of the Revised Code, is officially made known to the secretary of state, he forthwith shall issue a proclamation, stating the names of all municipal corporations having a population of five thousand or more, and the names of all municipal corporations having a population of less than five thousand, together with the population of all such municipal corporations. A copy of the proclamation shall forthwith be sent to the mayor of each such municipal corporation, which copy shall forthwith be transmitted to the legislative authority of such municipal corporation, read therein, and made a part of the records thereof. Thirty days after the issuance of such proclamation each municipal corporation shall be a city or village as the case may be.
Section 703.07 | Status of city or village officers.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Officers of a village advanced to a city, or of a city reduced to a village, shall continue in office until succeeded by the proper officers of the new municipal corporation at the regular municipal election, and the ordinances thereof not inconsistent with the laws relating to the new municipal corporation shall continue in force until changed or repealed.
Section 703.08 | Reduction to village by action of citizens.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
A city, from which territory has been detached since the last federal census, may surrender its corporate rights as such city and be reduced to a village in the manner provided by sections 703.09 to 703.19, inclusive, of the Revised Code.
Section 703.09 | Content of petition.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
A petition, requesting that the city, from which territory has been detached, surrender its corporate rights and be reduced to a village, signed by at least one hundred citizens of the city, shall be presented to the legislative authority setting forth that by reason of the detachment of territory the population of the city has been reduced to less than five thousand, and that a majority of the citizens thereof desire to surrender its corporate rights, and requesting that it be reduced to a village. Such petition shall also contain a prayer that the legislative authority authorize the taking of a census in the city for the purpose of ascertaining its population.
Section 703.10 | Resolution to take census.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Upon presentation of a petition as required by section 703.09 of the Revised Code the legislative authority, by resolution, at its next regular meeting, shall authorize the city auditor to take a census of the city and report the result thereof to the legislative authority. The resolution need be read but once, and it shall be published as are other resolutions of a general or permanent nature.
Section 703.11 | Census enumerators.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The city auditor shall, within five days from the time he is authorized to take a census as provided by section 703.10 of the Revised Code, appoint five persons to take the enumeration, who shall each be allowed by the auditor, out of his contingent fund, three dollars per day as compensation for services. Each such person shall take an oath or affirmation to make such enumeration accurately to the best of his ability. For the purpose of taking such census, each enumerator shall be provided with a book in which he shall record correctly the name of each resident of the city, with the name of the street and the number of the house in which such resident lives.
Section 703.12 | Certification of enumeration.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Each census enumerator, with the return of the census enumeration to the city auditor, shall return the book containing the list of the names and addresses, and shall certify with his affidavit that he has taken and returned the census accurately to the best of his knowledge and belief, and that such list contains the names of all persons so enumerated and no others. The auditor or any officer authorized to administer oaths may administer such oath or affirmation, and may take and certify such affidavit.
Section 703.13 | Resolution of surrender.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The census enumerators shall, within ten days from the date of their appointment, complete the enumeration and return their books to the city auditor. Such auditor shall then make an abstract of the enumeration and transmit it to the legislative authority at its next regular meeting after the report of the enumerators to the auditor. If the result of the census shows that the population of such city is less than five thousand, the legislative authority, by resolution, shall declare the corporate rights of the city surrendered and that each city is reduced to a village.
Section 703.14 | Procedure upon failure to act.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
If the legislative authority fails to authorize the city auditor to take the census of a city, or, if the auditor fails to proceed under authority properly given, upon the presentation of a copy of the original petition provided by section 703.09 of the Revised Code to the board of county commissioners, such board shall forthwith appoint five resident electors of such city as enumerators, who shall perform the duties provided in sections 703.11 and 703.12 of the Revised Code. Such enumerators shall take an oath or affirmation to take the census of the city accurately to the best of their ability.
Section 703.15 | Transcript to be transmitted to legislative authority.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The census enumerators provided for by section 703.14 of the Revised Code, within ten days from the date of their appointment, shall complete their work of enumerating and return their books, duly verified, to the board of county commissioners. Such board shall then canvass the result of such census, and the county auditor shall make a transcript thereof and transmit a certified copy of such transcript to the legislative authority of the city for which the enumeration was taken. A copy of such transcript shall be spread upon the journal of the legislative authority and if the census shows the population of such city to be less than five thousand the legislative authority shall pass a resolution as provided by section 703.13 of the Revised Code, and the city shall forthwith become a village.
Section 703.16 | Record of resolution - copy to secretary of state.
January 30, 2014
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 72 - 130th General Assembly
The city auditor, upon the passage by the legislative authority of a resolution surrendering the corporate rights of the city, shall make two certified transcripts of such resolution, one of which shall forthwith be delivered to the county recorder, who shall record it in the official records, and the other shall be forwarded to the secretary of state.
Section 703.17 | Effect of surrender of corporate rights.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The surrender of corporate rights by a city, as provided by sections 703.08 to 703.16, inclusive, of the Revised Code, does not affect rights accrued or liabilities incurred by such city or the power to settle claims, dispose of property, or levy and collect taxes to discharge liabilities incurred. Such rights, liabilities, and powers, and the corporate character of such municipal corporation in respect thereto, shall remain in effect as though no surrender had been made. After the presentation of a petition requesting such surrender, the city or legislative authority thereof shall not incur or create any new debt or liability, enter into any new contract, or increase the debts and liabilities of such city in any manner during the pendency of such petition until the result of the census is declared, except that current expenses may be paid or provided for.
Section 703.18 | Collection and disbursement of taxes.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Taxes which remain due and unpaid at the time of the surrender of corporate rights pursuant to sections 703.08 to 703.16, inclusive, of the Revised Code, shall be collected, and shall, with all moneys in the city treasury, be applied to the objects for which they were raised. Moneys which remain on hand after the debts and liabilities of the city are discharged shall be paid into the village treasury, and all property owned by the city at the time of the surrender shall become the property of, and the title thereto shall vest in, the village.
Section 703.19 | Payment of expenses incurred by commissioners.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
When the census of a city desiring to surrender its corporate rights as such city and be reduced to a village is taken pursuant to the order of the board of county commissioners under section 703.14 of the Revised Code, the necessary expenses thereof shall be paid from the county treasury as other county expenses, but shall be charged against the municipal corporation in which the census was taken, and the amount so paid by the county shall be retained by the county auditor from funds due such municipal corporation at the time of making the next semiannual distribution of taxes.
Section 703.22 | Identical municipal and township boundaries.
February 14, 1967
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 2 - 107th General Assembly
When the limits of a municipal corporation become identical with those of a township, all township offices shall be abolished, and the duties thereof shall be performed by the corresponding officers of the municipal corporation. All property, moneys, credits, books, records, and documents of such township shall be delivered to the legislative authority of such municipal corporation. All rights, interests, or claims in favor of or against the township may be enforced by or against such municipal corporation.
Section 703.23 | Judicial notice of classification.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
All courts shall take judicial notice of the classification of municipal corporations, and of their advancement, reduction, and dissolution.
Last updated February 7, 2024 at 10:49 AM
Section 703.31 | Village dissolution definitions.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
As used in sections 703.31 to 703.39 of the Revised Code: "Date the dissolution is effective" means the date the election result is certified under section 703.33 of the Revised Code or the date the attorney general files a certified copy of a court's order of dissolution with the secretary of state, auditor of state, and county recorder, as applicable, under section 118.31 or 703.34 of the Revised Code. "Period when a dissolution is in question" means the period beginning on the date a petition under section 703.33 of the Revised Code is presented or a legal action is filed by the attorney general under section 118.31 or 703.34 of the Revised Code and ending the date the result of the election under section 703.33 of the Revised Code is certified or the decision of the court of common pleas under section 118.31 or 703.34 of the Revised Code is declared. "Transition period" means the period beginning on the date the dissolution is effective and ending on the date the transition supervisory board determines all outstanding debts, obligations, and liabilities of the dissolved village have been resolved, all real and personal property of the dissolved village has been transferred or otherwise disposed of, and all utility property and utility services have been transferred. "Utility services" means electric, water, sewer, and other similar utilities.
Last updated February 12, 2024 at 5:26 PM
Section 703.32 | Village dissolution process.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
The process for dissolving a village, whether the dissolution is determined under section 118.31, 703.33, or 703.34 of the Revised Code, shall be conducted in accordance with sections 703.31 to 703.39 of the Revised Code.
Last updated February 12, 2024 at 5:27 PM
Section 703.33 | [Former R.C. 703.20, amended and renumbered as R.C. 703.33 by H.B. 101, 135th General Assembly, effective 4/30/2024] Surrender of corporate power by villages.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Villages may voluntarily dissolve upon the petition to the legislative authority of the village, or, in the alternative, to the board of elections of the county in which the largest portion of the population of the village resides as provided in division (B)(1) of this section, of at least thirty per cent of the electors thereof, to be determined by the number voting at the last regular municipal election, and by an affirmative vote of a majority of the electors at the next general election held in an even-numbered year occurring after the period ending ninety days after the filing of the petition with the legislative authority. If the result of the election is in favor of the surrender, the village clerk or, in the alternative, the board of elections shall certify the result to the secretary of state, the auditor of state, and the county recorder, who shall record it in their respective offices. (B)(1) If the legislative authority of a village fails to act upon the petition within thirty days after receipt of the petition, the electors may present the petition to the board of elections to determine the validity and sufficiency of the signatures. The petition shall be governed by the rules of section 3501.38 of the Revised Code. The petition shall be filed with the board of elections of the county in which the largest portion of the population of the village resides. A petition filed under this division is only valid if filed during an even-numbered year on or after the first day of July, and at least ninety days before the next general election. If the petition is sufficient, the board of elections shall submit the question "Shall the village of __________ surrender its corporate powers?" for the approval or rejection of the electors of the village at the next general election held in an even-numbered year occurring after the period ending ninety days after the filing of the petition with the board. If the result of the election is in favor of the surrender, the board of elections shall certify the results to the secretary of state, the auditor of state, and the county recorder, who shall record it in their respective offices. The corporate powers of the village shall cease upon the recording of the certified election results in the county recorder's office. (2) In addition to filing the petition with the board of elections as provided in division (B)(1) of this section, a copy of the petition shall be filed with the board of township trustees of each township affected by the surrender.
Last updated May 1, 2024 at 2:34 PM
Section 703.331 | Village dissolution for lack of services or candidates.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 331 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Not later than the last day of the year that is immediately after the year the results of a federal decennial census are released, the county auditor, county treasurer, and one member of the board of county commissioners selected by the board of county commissioners, jointly shall evaluate each village located within the county to determine if, over the approximate ten year period beginning the day the results of the preceding federal decennial census were released and ending the day the most recent federal decennial census results were released, both of the following are true: (1) The village itself provided, the village contracted with a private nongovernmental entity to provide, or the village contracted with a regional council of governments as defined in section 167.01 of the Revised Code that includes three or more political subdivisions at least two of which are municipal corporations to provide, at least five of the following services: (a) Police protection; (b) Fire-fighting services; (c) Garbage collection; (d) Water service; (e) Sewer service; (f) Emergency medical services; (g) Road maintenance; (h) Park services or other recreation services; (i) Human services; (j) A public library established and operated solely by the village. (2) At each election at which an elected village position was voted upon, at least one candidate appeared on the ballot for each elected village position. If a village is located in more than one county, the village shall be evaluated only by the county officials of the county wherein the largest portion of the population of the village resides. (B) Before beginning the evaluation, the county officials shall request, in writing, information from each village to assist the officials in making their determination. The request shall indicate the applicable evaluation period. Each village shall submit the information, in the manner requested by the county officials, not later than thirty days after receiving the request. The village shall include information about the services provided over the evaluation period, the manner by which such services were provided, a copy of the final appropriation budget or budgets applicable to the evaluation period, information on candidates on the ballot for village elected offices during the evaluation period, any documentation regarding the matters in division (A) of this section during the evaluation period, and any other information specifically requested by the county officials. After receiving the information, if necessary, the county officials may request additional information, which the village shall provide not later than ten days after receiving the request. The county officials shall base their finding on the information provided from the village. (C) The county officials shall notify the legislative authority of the village of the county officials' finding not later than the last day of the year that is immediately after the year the results of a federal decennial census are released. (D) If the county officials find a village failed to provide services or field candidates as specified in division (A) of this section, the county officials shall file the finding with the board of elections of the county in which the largest portion of the population of the village resides. The board of elections shall submit the question "Shall the village of __________ surrender its corporate powers?" for the approval or rejection of the electors of the village at the next general election, in any year, occurring after the period ending ninety days after the filing of the finding with the board. If the result of the election is in favor of the surrender, the board of elections shall certify the results to the secretary of state, the auditor of state, and the county recorder, who shall record it in their respective offices. (E) The procedure in this section is in addition to the procedure under section 703.33 of the Revised Code for the dissolution of a village.
Last updated March 6, 2025 at 1:13 PM
Section 703.34 | [Former R.C. 703.201, amended and renumbered as R.C. 703.34 by H.B. 101, 135th General Assembly, effective 4/30/2024] Dissolution of village.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "condition for the dissolution of a village" means any of the following: (1) The village has been declared to be in a fiscal emergency under Chapter 118. of the Revised Code and has been in fiscal emergency for at least three consecutive years with little or no improvement on the conditions that caused the fiscal emergency declaration. (2) The village has failed to properly follow applicable election laws for at least two consecutive election cycles for any one elected office in the village. (3) The village has been declared during an audit conducted under section 117.11 of the Revised Code to be unauditable under section 117.41 of the Revised Code in at least two consecutive audits. (4) The village does not provide at least two services typically provided by municipal government, such as police or fire protection, garbage collection, water or sewer service, emergency medical services, road maintenance, or similar services. "Services" does not include any administrative service or legislative action. (5) The village has failed for any fiscal year to adopt the tax budget required by section 5705.28 of the Revised Code. (6) A village elected official has been convicted of theft in office, either under section 2921.41 of the Revised Code or an equivalent criminal statute at the federal level, at least two times in a period of ten years. The convicted official with respect to those convictions may be the same person or different persons. (B) If the auditor of state finds, in an audit report issued under division (A) or (B) of section 117.11 of the Revised Code of a village that has a population of one hundred fifty persons or less and consists of less than two square miles, that the village meets at least two conditions for the dissolution of a village, the auditor of state shall send a certified copy of the report together with a letter to the attorney general requesting the attorney general to institute legal action to dissolve the village in accordance with division (C) of this section. The report and letter shall be sent to the attorney general within ten business days after the auditor of state's transmittal of the report to the village. The audit report transmitted to the village shall be accompanied by a notice to the village of the auditor's intent to refer the report to the attorney general for legal action in accordance with this section. (C) Within twenty days of receipt of the auditor of state's report and letter, the attorney general may file a legal action in the court of common pleas on behalf of the state to request the dissolution of the village that is the subject of the audit report. If a legal action is filed, the court shall hold a hearing within ninety days after the date the attorney general files the legal action with the court. Notice of the hearing shall be filed with the attorney general, the clerk of the village that is the subject of the action, and each fiscal officer of a township located wholly or partly within the village. At the hearing on dissolution, the court shall determine if the village has a population of one hundred fifty persons or less, consists of less than two square miles, and meets at least two conditions for the dissolution of a village. If the court so finds, the court shall order the dissolution of the village, which shall proceed in accordance with sections 703.31 to 703.39 of the Revised Code. The attorney general shall file a certified copy of the court's order of dissolution with the secretary of state and the county recorder of the county in which the village is situated, who shall record it in their respective offices. (D) For purposes of this section, the population of a village shall be the population determined either at the last preceding federal decennial census or according to population estimates certified by the department of development between decennial censuses. (E) The procedure in this section is in addition to the procedure of section 703.33 of the Revised Code for the dissolution of a village.
Last updated May 1, 2024 at 2:54 PM
Section 703.35 | Pending village dissolution.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
During the period when a dissolution is in question, both of the following apply: (A) The legislative authority of the village shall not create any new debts, obligations, or liabilities except to the extent the debt, obligation, or liability is necessary in connection with the continued provision of the village's utilities consistent with prudent utility practice. (B) The legislative authority of the village shall select an official or employee of the village who is knowledgeable on village matters to serve as a representative during a dissolution, should one occur, as specified under section 703.361 of the Revised Code.
Last updated February 12, 2024 at 5:32 PM
Section 703.36 | Post village dissolution.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
On the date the dissolution is effective, all of the following apply: (A) The village ceases to exist. (B) The corporate powers of the village cease. (C) The village officials cease to hold office. An official elected to start a term on or after the date the dissolution is effective shall not take office. (D) An issue voted on and scheduled to take effect on or after the date the dissolution is effective, other than tax levies and special assessments preserved under section 703.371 of the Revised Code, shall not take effect. (E) A charter, if applicable, and all ordinances and resolutions of the village, except for tax levy and special assessment ordinances and resolutions preserved under section 703.371 of the Revised Code and ordinances and resolutions necessary to maintain such tax levies and special assessments, are extinguished. Except as provided in division (H) of section 703.371 of the Revised Code, all resolutions of the township or townships into which the village dissolved apply throughout the township's newly included territory, including zoning regulations enacted by a board of township trustees under Chapter 519. of the Revised Code except as provided in sections 303.22 and 519.22 of the Revised Code. Except as provided in sections 303.22 and 519.22 of the Revised Code, county zoning regulations enacted by a board of county commissioners apply throughout the township's newly included territory as applicable. (F) A transition supervisory board exists, in accordance with section 703.361 of the Revised Code. (G) The territory of the village becomes part of the township or townships in which the village territory is located, along existing township boundaries. If there is uncertainty in this regard, the transition supervisory board shall resolve the uncertainty. (H) All leases to which the dissolved village was a party terminate in accordance with the lease agreement. If a lease agreement does not have a provision governing the circumstances, the transition supervisory board shall resolve the lease.
Last updated February 12, 2024 at 5:28 PM
Section 703.361 | Transition supervisory board.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
(A)(1) A transition supervisory board consists of the following three voting members: (a) The auditor of the county wherein a majority of the village territory was located; (b) A member of the board of county commissioners, selected by the board of county commissioners, of the county wherein a majority of the village territory was located; (c) The recorder of the county wherein a majority of the village territory was located. (2) A township trustee or the township fiscal officer, as determined by the board of township trustees, of each township assuming territory of the dissolved village shall serve on the board as a nonvoting member. (3) If the general election that determined the date the dissolution is effective also included an election for an office for which the office holder is designated as a board member under division (A)(1) of this section, the individual declared as elected to the office shall serve on the board. (4) An individual who is a resident of the dissolved village is prohibited from serving on the board. Such an individual who is designated as a board member shall designate a suitable replacement to serve on the board. (B) The county auditor, or the county auditor's designee under division (A)(4) of this section, is the chair of the board. (C) The board is a public body for purposes of section 121.22 of the Revised Code. (D) The members of the board are not liable, and shall be held harmless, in any matter in which the board acts in accordance with sections 703.31 to 703.39 of the Revised Code, except for liability imposed as a result of a finding for recovery or other citation in an audit conducted by, or on behalf of, the auditor of state. (E) The transition supervisory board shall appoint and supervise a receiver-trustee. The board shall select a receiver-trustee from a list of persons provided to the board by the auditor of state. The board may replace the receiver-trustee as necessary with approval of the auditor of state. (F) The village representative selected under section 703.35 of the Revised Code, the person serving as fiscal officer of the village before it dissolved, and the person serving as the primary legal counsel for the village before it dissolved shall provide consultation to the board as requested by the board. If the legislative authority of a village failed to select a representative under section 703.35 of the Revised Code, the board shall select the village representative. (G) The board shall continue in existence until the date the auditor of state provides the board the final audit or final agreed-upon procedure audit under section 703.38 of the Revised Code.
Last updated February 12, 2024 at 5:29 PM
Section 703.362 | Receiver-trustee.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
The receiver-trustee shall perform the following duties: (A) Resolve the outstanding debts, obligations, and liabilities of the dissolved village; (B) Approve necessary operations and budgetary functions of the dissolved village; (C) Settle or resolve any legal claims against the dissolved village existing on the date the dissolution is effective or brought within ninety days after the day the receiver-trustee initially is appointed by the transition supervisory board, as provided under section 703.39 of the Revised Code; (D) Administer and collect taxes and special assessments levied by the legislative authority of the dissolved village in accordance with section 703.371 of the Revised Code during the transition period; (E) Wind down the involvement of the dissolved village in community improvement corporations, special improvement districts, and tax increment financing arrangements as provided in sections 703.376, 703.377, and 703.378 of the Revised Code; (F) Dispose of or transfer the dissolved village's real and personal property as provided in section 703.373 of the Revised Code; (G) Manage the dissolved village's utility services until the utility services are transferred under section 703.374 of the Revised Code; (H) Manage the response to public records requests until the records are transferred under section 703.375 of the Revised Code; (I) Perform all other duties assigned to the receiver-trustee under sections 703.31 to 703.39 of the Revised Code or assigned to the transition supervisory board under those sections and delegated by the board to the receiver-trustee; (J) Conduct all other necessary business of the dissolved village to conclude the village's affairs.
Last updated February 12, 2024 at 5:30 PM
Section 703.37 | Transition period.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
During the transition period, all of the following apply: (A) The dissolved village's real and personal property shall be disposed of or transferred as provided under section 703.373 of the Revised Code. (B) The dissolved village's utility services shall be managed and transferred as provided under section 703.374 of the Revised Code. (C) The dissolved village's records shall be handled as provided under section 703.375 of the Revised Code. (D) Any funds resulting from a legal settlement that should be provided to the dissolved village shall be provided to the receiver-trustee.
Last updated February 13, 2024 at 10:42 AM
Section 703.371 | Taxes and special assessments.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
(A) All taxes and special assessments levied by the legislative authority of the dissolved village, including taxes levied in accordance with Chapters 718. and 5745. of the Revised Code, shall continue to be collected after the date the dissolution is effective to the extent that the receiver-trustee determines that the revenue is needed to pay the outstanding debts, obligations, and liabilities of the village and may lawfully be used for that purpose. During the transition period, the receiver-trustee shall administer and receive payments or settlements of such taxes and special assessments. After the transition period, the fiscal officer of the township that assumed the most dissolved village territory shall administer and receive payments or settlements of such taxes and special assessments. Except as provided in division (G) of this section, revenue from taxes and special assessments levied by the legislative authority of the dissolved village shall be used solely to pay the outstanding debts, obligations, and liabilities of the village. (B) A property tax or special assessment levied by the legislative authority of a dissolved village that is not needed to pay the outstanding debts, obligations, and liabilities of the village or that cannot lawfully be used for that purpose shall not be levied after the tax year that includes the date the dissolution is effective. Within thirty days after that date, the receiver-trustee or township fiscal officer that administers the tax or assessment shall send notice to the county auditor and each other member of the county budget commission of each county in which the territory of the village is located identifying each property tax levy and special assessment subject to this division and specifying the date the dissolution is effective. (C) A property tax or special assessment levied and collected in accordance with division (A) of this section after the tax year that includes the date the dissolution is effective shall not be levied after the tax year that includes the date that all outstanding debts, obligations, and liabilities of the dissolved village are paid in full. Within thirty days after that date, the receiver-trustee or township fiscal officer that administers the tax or assessment shall send notice to the county auditor and each other member of the county budget commission of each county in which the tax or assessment is levied identifying each property tax levy and special assessment subject to this division and specifying the date that all outstanding debts, obligations, and liabilities of the village were paid in full. (D) A tax levied by the legislative authority of a dissolved village in accordance with Chapter 718. or 5745. of the Revised Code that is not needed to pay the outstanding debts, obligations, and liabilities of the village or that cannot be used for such purposes shall not be levied in any taxable year beginning on or after the date that the dissolution is effective. Within thirty days after that date, the receiver-trustee or township fiscal officer that administers the tax shall send notice to the tax commissioner identifying each tax subject to this division and specifying the date the dissolution is effective. (E) A tax levied in accordance with Chapter 718. or 5745. of the Revised Code and collected in accordance with division (A) of this section after the date the dissolution is effective shall not be levied in any taxable year beginning on or after the date that all outstanding debts, obligations, and liabilities of the dissolved village are paid in full. Within thirty days after that date, the receiver-trustee or the fiscal officer that administers the tax shall immediately send notice to the tax commissioner identifying each tax subject to this division and specifying the date that all outstanding debts, obligations, and liabilities of the village were paid in full. (F) Refunds of illegal, erroneous, or excessive payments of taxes levied by the legislative authority of a dissolved village in accordance with Chapter 718. and 5745. of the Revised Code are "outstanding debts, obligations, and liabilities of the village" for purposes of this section. During the transition period, the receiver-trustee shall estimate the total amount of refunds that are expected to be requested and approved in accordance with section 718.19, 718.91, and 5745.11 of the Revised Code from the date the dissolution is effective until the first day of the fourth year following the last taxable year in which a tax is levied under division (E) of this section. The receiver-trustee shall deposit, out of amounts collected under this division, an amount equal to one hundred ten per cent of the estimate to a separate fund to be used only for tax refunds under sections 718.19, 718.91, and 5745.11 of the Revised Code. The fund shall be administered by the fiscal officer that administers the taxes. On the first day of the fourth year following the last taxable year in which a tax is levied under division (E) of this section, the fund shall be extinguished and any remaining balance shall be distributed among the townships into which the village was dissolved and used in accordance with division (G) of this section. Notwithstanding anything in the Revised Code to the contrary, no requests or applications for refund may be submitted or approved in accordance with section 718.19, 718.91, or 5745.11 of the Revised Code after the date the fund is extinguished under this division. (G) All revenue from taxes and special assessments levied by the legislative authority of a dissolved village that is either not used to pay the outstanding debts, obligations, and liabilities of the village or that cannot be used for that purpose shall be remitted to the township or townships into which the village is dissolved. If more than one township is to receive the remaining revenue, the revenue shall be divided among the townships in proportion to the amount of territory that each township has within the former boundaries of the dissolved village as compared to the total territory within the former boundaries of the dissolved village. Revenue received by a township under this division shall be deposited into the general fund of the township. The township or townships may use revenue received under this division for any lawful purpose so long as that purpose directly or indirectly benefits the territory of the dissolved village. (H) Resolutions related to property taxes levied by the board of trustees of a township shall apply to all taxable property within the former village territory dissolved into the township on and after the first day of the first taxable year in which, pursuant to divisions (B) and (C) of this section, no property taxes are levied on that property by the legislative authority of the dissolved village. This division applies only to resolutions related to property taxes that are levied on all taxable property within the township or all taxable property within the unincorporated territory of the township. Resolutions related to property taxes levied within a portion of the township or a portion of the township's unincorporated territory shall not apply to the territory of the dissolved village unless such resolutions are amended to include such territory. (I) This section does not apply to taxes or assessments levied within all or part of the territory of a dissolved village by a taxing authority other than the legislative authority of the dissolved village or a board of township trustees. The levy and collection of such taxes and assessments shall continue unimpeded by the dissolution of the village and the revenue derived therefrom shall be used for the purposes described in the ordinance or resolution that levies the tax or assessment.
Last updated February 13, 2024 at 3:03 PM
Section 703.372 | Unvoted debt.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
Except as expressly provided in sections 703.377 and 703.378 of the Revised Code, the township or townships into which the territory of a village is dissolved do not assume the voted debts, obligations, or liabilities of the village. Unvoted debt serviced by property taxes levied within the ten-mill limitation shall be assumed by the township or townships into which the territory of the village is dissolved in proportion to the total assessed valuation of territory that each township has within the former boundaries of the dissolved village as compared to the total assessed valuation of all territory within the former boundaries of the dissolved village. For the purpose of this section, the total assessed valuation of village territory shall be determined based on the tax year in which the dissolution is effective.
Last updated February 13, 2024 at 10:43 AM
Section 703.373 | Disposal of real and personal property.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
During the transition period, the dissolved village's real and personal property shall be disposed of by the receiver-trustee as follows: (A) The receiver-trustee shall dispose of the village's liquidable assets, as necessary, to use the proceeds to pay the outstanding debts, obligations, and liabilities of the dissolved village. (B) The receiver-trustee shall transfer real or personal property related to utility services as provided under section 703.374 of the Revised Code. (C) The receiver-trustee shall facilitate the transfer of the remaining real and personal property to the township or townships into which the village dissolved, as follows: (1)(a) If a village is dissolved into one township, the remaining real and personal property vests by operation of law in the township. (b) If a village is dissolved into two or more townships, the receiver-trustee shall direct the townships to enter into an agreement regarding the distribution of the real and personal property not later than sixty days after the date the dissolution is effective. During that timeframe, the receiver-trustee shall assist the townships in evaluating the dissolved village's real and personal property as necessary. If the townships are not able to enter into an agreement during that timeframe, the receiver-trustee shall decide the distribution of the property to the townships. (2) The receiver-trustee shall record one of the following with the county recorder of the county where an affected parcel of real property is located, along with one or more affidavits stating facts relating to the title as provided for in section 5301.252 of the Revised Code: (a) A list of real property that vests by operation of law under this division; (b) An agreement entered into under this division; (c) The receiver-trustee's distribution in lieu of an agreement under this division. (3) The county recorder shall make appropriate notations in the county records to reflect a transfer under this section. The notations shall include a reference to the county's recorded certificate of dissolution. The recording of a certificate of dissolution or a certified copy thereof, an item recorded under division (C)(2)(a), (b), or (c) of this section, and supporting affidavits serve as sufficient evidence of a transfer of title from the dissolved village to a township or townships. The documents shall be recorded in the same manner as a deed of conveyance, except the receiver-trustee and the affected township or townships are exempt from any fees specified under section 317.32 of the Revised Code.
Last updated February 13, 2024 at 10:44 AM
Section 703.374 | Utility services.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
During the transition period, the dissolved village's utility services, if any, shall be handled as follows: (A) The provision of utility services shall be uninterrupted. (B) The receiver-trustee shall manage the continued provision of the utility services until the responsibility is transferred under this section. (C) The receiver-trustee shall transfer management of the utility services, as appropriate, to another entity that lawfully may provide those utility services. The receiver-trustee shall transfer the respective real or personal property to the same entity.
Last updated February 13, 2024 at 10:45 AM
Section 703.375 | Public records.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
(A) During the transition period, the dissolved village's public records shall be handled as follows: (1) The receiver-trustee shall evaluate the dissolved village's records retention schedule to determine if it is viable for future responses to public records requests. If it is viable, the receiver-trustee shall follow the schedule in responding to requests. If it is not viable, the receiver-trustee, with assistance from the county records commission of the county wherein a majority of the village territory was located, shall create a records retention schedule applicable to the dissolved village's records. (2) Requests for the dissolved village's public records shall be submitted to the receiver-trustee. The receiver-trustee shall respond to those requests in accordance with section 149.43 of the Revised Code. If the receiver-trustee transferred records under division (B) of this section before receiving a request, the receiver-trustee shall notify the requestor that the records may be available via request to the entity or township to which the records were transferred. (B) Within the first ninety days after the date the dissolution is effective, the receiver-trustee, with assistance from the county records commission of the county wherein a majority of the village territory was located, shall review the records of the dissolved village. The review shall determine which records may be disposed of, which records are related to utility services and shall be transferred to the entity assuming the management of the utility service, and which records shall be transferred to the township or townships into which the dissolved village dissolved. If necessary, the receiver-trustee and commission may seek the assistance of an entity or township for this purpose. (C) Beginning on the date the transition period is over, the township or townships to which the records of the dissolved village were transferred under this section are responsible for responding to requests for those records.
Last updated February 13, 2024 at 10:53 AM
Section 703.376 | Community improvement corporation.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
(A) If the dissolved village designated a community improvement corporation as its agency for the purposes described in division (A)(1) of section 1724.10 of the Revised Code, one of the following shall occur during the transition period: (1) If the dissolving village is the only subdivision that designated the community improvement corporation as its agency, the community improvement corporation shall be dissolved; (2) If more than one subdivision designated the community improvement corporation as its agency, the community improvement corporation shall either: (a) dissolve and apportion its remaining assets among each such subdivision in accordance with the articles of incorporation, or (b) apportion and liquidate the dissolving village's share of the community improvement corporation's assets and amend the articles of incorporation to reflect that the community improvement corporation is no longer the agency of the dissolving village. (B) Assets of a community improvement corporation apportioned to a dissolving village under division (A)(1) or (2) of this section shall be disposed of by the receiver-trustee under section 703.373 of the Revised Code. Assets apportioned to subdivisions other than the dissolving village shall either be retained by the community improvement corporation if the community improvement corporation continues to exist, or disposed of under section 1724.07 of the Revised Code if the community improvement corporation is dissolved. (C) The secretary of state shall cancel the articles of incorporation of a community improvement corporation dissolved under this section, and all rights, privileges, and franchises conferred upon that community improvement corporation by those articles of incorporation then shall cease.
Last updated February 13, 2024 at 10:54 AM
Section 703.377 | Winding up affairs during transition period.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section: (1) "Participating political subdivision" and "special improvement district" have the same meanings as in section 1710.01 of the Revised Code. (2) "Appraised value" has the same meaning as in section 1710.13 of the Revised Code. (3) "Legislative authority" means the legislative authority of a municipal corporation or board of trustees of a township. (B) During the period when a dissolution is in question, the board of directors of any special improvement district with respect to which the village is a participating political subdivision shall not create any new debts, obligations, or liabilities except to the extent the debt, obligation, or liability is necessary in connection with the continued provision of the utilities of a participating political subdivision consistent with prudent utility practice. (C) During the transition period, the receiver-trustee shall call a meeting to consider winding down the affairs of the district or transitioning the affairs of the district that concern the dissolved village to the township or townships that assumed or will assume district territory as a result of the dissolution. Notice of the meeting shall be given as provided in section 1710.05 of the Revised Code to the members of the district, all participating political subdivisions other than the dissolved village, and the township or townships that assumed or will assume district territory as a result of the dissolution. (D) Upon the affirmative vote of the transition supervisory board, the legislative authority of each township that assumed or will assume district territory as a result of the dissolution, the legislative authorities of all participating political subdivisions other than the dissolved village, and members of the district who collectively own more than fifty per cent of the appraised value of the real property in the district that may be subject to assessment under division (C) of section 1710.06 of the Revised Code, the improvement or services plan for the special improvement district may be amended to replace the dissolving village with the township or townships that assumed or will assume district territory as a result of the dissolution. Upon such a vote, the township or townships assume all rights and responsibilities of the dissolved village related to the special improvement district. (E) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, the special improvement district shall be dissolved. Once dissolved, all bonds, notes, and other obligations of the district associated with the improvement or services plan shall be paid. Thereafter, the plan shall be repealed. All special assessments imposed to pay for the costs of the plan shall continue until all bonds, notes, and other obligations of the district are paid. During the transition period, the receiver-trustee shall assume the rights and obligations of the dissolved village with respect to such assessments. After the transition period, the township or townships that assumed territory of the special improvement district as a result of the dissolution shall assume such rights and obligations. Upon fully paying off all bonds, notes, and other obligations, the board of directors of the special improvement district shall notify the legislative authority of each participating subdivision and either the receiver-trustee or, if the transition period is over, legislative authority of the township or townships that assumed district territory as a result of the dissolution. Upon receiving such notice, the participating political subdivisions and either the receiver-trustee or the township or townships that assumed district territory shall discontinue the levy of any special assessments imposed to pay for costs of the plan. (F) No rights or obligations of any person under any contract, or in relation to any bonds, notes, or assessments made under Chapter 1710. of the Revised Code, shall be affected by the dissolution of the district, except with the consent of that person or by order of a court with jurisdiction over the matter. Upon dissolution of a district, any assets or rights of the district, after payment of all bonds, notes, or other obligations of the district, shall be deposited in a special account in the treasury of each participating political subdivision, prorated based on the total appraised value of the real property located within the subdivision and the former district as compared to the total appraised value of all real property located within the former district. All funds deposited to such a special account shall be used for the benefit of the territory that made up the district. Assets or rights apportioned to the dissolved village shall be disposed of by the receiver-trustee under section 703.373 of the Revised Code or, if the transition period is over, dispensed to the township or townships that assumed district property as a result of the dissolution, prorated based on the total appraised value of former district property assumed by each such township. Such assets and rights shall be used for the benefit of the territory that made up the district.
Last updated February 13, 2024 at 10:54 AM
Section 703.378 | Assumption of rights and responsibilities.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
Notwithstanding any provision of the Revised Code to the contrary, a township into which property subject to service payments in lieu of taxes required under section 725.04, 5709.42, or 5709.46 of the Revised Code, or services charges in lieu of taxes required under section 1728.11 or 1728.111 of the Revised Code, is dissolved in accordance with sections 703.31 to 703.39 of the Revised Code shall assume all rights and responsibilities under sections 725.04, 1728.11, 1728.111, 5709.40 to 5709.43, or 5709.45 to 5709.47 of the Revised Code of the dissolved village that granted exemption of the property.
Last updated February 13, 2024 at 10:55 AM
Section 703.379 | Local government fund payments.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "local government fund payments" means payments a dissolved village would receive under sections 5747.503, 5747.51, and 5747.53, and division (C) of section 5747.50 of the Revised Code, as applicable, if not for the dissolution of the village. (B) A county budget commission of a county in which all or part of the former territory of the dissolved village is located shall exclude the dissolved village from any apportionment plan adopted under section 5747.51 or 5747.53 of the Revised Code on or after the first day of the transition period. A county budget commission shall not amend an apportionment plan adopted under one of those sections before the first day of the transition period for the purpose of reallocating county undivided local government fund payments apportioned to the dissolved village. (C) All local government fund payments to a dissolved village shall continue as described in divisions (D) and (E) of this section until the end of the last calendar year for which an apportionment plan adopted by a county budget commission under section 5747.51 or 5747.53 of the Revised Code includes allocations of county undivided local government fund revenue to the dissolved village. (D) During the transition period, local government fund payments to the dissolved village shall be distributed to the receiver-trustee for disposal under section 703.373 of the Revised Code. (E) After the transition period, local government fund payments to the dissolved village shall be distributed directly to the fiscal officer of the township that assumed the most dissolved village territory. The fiscal officer shall first apply the revenue to any outstanding debts, obligations, and liabilities of the dissolved village. Any remaining revenue shall then be dispensed to the township or townships into which the territory of the dissolved village was dissolved. Such remaining revenue shall be divided in the same proportions and used for the same purposes as tax and special assessment revenue under division (G) of section 703.371 of the Revised Code.
Last updated February 13, 2024 at 10:56 AM
Section 703.38 | Final audit.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
(A) On the date the transition period is over, the transition supervisory board shall notify the auditor of state and all entities affected by, or participating in, the dissolution that the transition period is over. (B) Not later than thirty days after receiving the notice required under division (A) of this section, the auditor of state shall commence a final audit or final agreed-upon procedure audit. The auditor of state shall provide the completed final audit or final agreed-upon procedure audit to the transition supervisory board.
Last updated February 13, 2024 at 10:58 AM
Section 703.39 | Claimants.
April 30, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 101 - 135th General Assembly
Any potential claimant with a potential claim against the dissolving village shall bring the claim not later than ninety days after the day the receiver-trustee initially is appointed by the transition supervisory board. A claim brought after that date is invalid.
Last updated February 13, 2024 at 10:58 AM