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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 5145 | Penitentiary

Section 5145.01 | Length of sentences.

Courts shall impose sentences to a state correctional institution for felonies pursuant to sections 2929.13 and 2929.14 of the Revised Code. All prison terms may be ended in the manner provided by law, but no prison term shall exceed the maximum term provided for the felony of which the prisoner was convicted as extended pursuant to section 2929.141 or 2967.28 of the Revised Code.

If a prisoner is sentenced for two or more separate felonies, the prisoner's term of imprisonment shall run as a concurrent sentence, except if the consecutive sentence provisions of sections 2929.14 and 2929.41 of the Revised Code apply. If sentenced consecutively, for the purposes of sections 5145.01 to 5145.27 of the Revised Code, the prisoner shall be held to be serving one continuous term of imprisonment.

If a court imposes a sentence to a state correctional institution for a felony of the fourth or fifth degree, the department of rehabilitation and correction, notwithstanding the court's designation of a state correctional institution as the place of service of the sentence, may designate that the person sentenced is to be housed in a county, multicounty, municipal, municipal-county, or multicounty-municipal jail or workhouse if authorized pursuant to section 5120.161 of the Revised Code.

If, through oversight or otherwise, a person is sentenced to a state correctional institution under a definite term for an offense for which a definite term of imprisonment is not provided by statute, the sentence shall not thereby become void, but the person shall be subject to the liabilities of such sections and receive the benefits thereof, as if the person had been sentenced in the manner required by this section.

As used in this section, "prison term" has the same meaning as in section 2929.01 of the Revised Code.

Section 5145.03 | Rules for government and employment of prisoners.

(A) The department of rehabilitation and correction, subject to the approval of the governor, shall make any rules for the government of prisoners that tend to promote their reformation, or be necessary for the purpose of sections 5145.01 to 5145.27 of the Revised Code, except that any rules that govern penal manufacturing and service industries and agriculture or labor performed by prisoners and that do not govern security shall be adopted pursuant to division (B) of this section. The department shall make provisions for the separation or classification of prisoners, their division into different grades with promotion or degradation according to merit or demerit, their instruction in industrial pursuits, and their education.

(B) The director of the department of rehabilitation and correction shall adopt rules for the administration of the department's program for employment of prisoners that is established pursuant to section 5145.16 of the Revised Code. The rules shall be adopted, amended, and rescinded pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, except that rules governing security shall not be adopted pursuant to that chapter and except that no prisoner who is in the custody of the department and who is incarcerated has any legal right to attend any hearing that is held on the rules pursuant to that chapter and that is held outside the institution in which the prisoner is incarcerated; however, the attorney for any prisoner may attend the hearing on behalf of the prisoner. The director may hold hearings on the rules pursuant to that chapter at any of the department's correctional institutions to receive comment from prisoners, which hearings may be attended by prisoners incarcerated at the institution at which any of the hearings is held. The rules shall provide for the following:

(1) A procedure for seeking the employment of prisoners in penal industries and agriculture, in private industry and agriculture located within or outside the department's institutions, in public works, in institutional jobs necessary for the proper maintenance or operation of the department's institutions, and in other appropriate forms of labor;

(2) A system of compensation, allowances, hours, conditions of employment, and advancement for prisoners who are employed in any form of labor;

(3) The regulation of the working conditions for prisoners who are employed in any form of labor;

(4) The categorization of all jobs performed by prisoners into levels, grades within the levels, or other appropriate categories based upon the skills required to perform the job, the security required for the job, the location at which the job is performed, and any other relevant characteristics of the job;

(5) A procedure for the assignment of prisoners to perform jobs in correctional industries and agriculture, and in private industry and agriculture, that are located in institutions under the control of the department other than the institutions to which the prisoners are committed;

(6) A procedure for the periodic review of each prisoner's performance at his jobs and for the periodic evaluation of the prisoner's qualifications for other jobs at higher grades, levels, or categories, with different skill requirements, with different career potential, with other training potentials, or with other working conditions or schedules;

(7) An accounting system for the allocation of the earnings of each prisoner;

(8) A procedure for the transportation of prisoners whenever necessary between institutions and to and from private industry or agriculture to perform jobs;

(9) A disciplinary procedure for violations of work or security requirements;

(10) Any other rules on any subject that are otherwise necessary to administer sections 5145.16 and 5145.161 of the Revised Code or to provide employment for as many prisoners as possible.

(C) The department shall keep a correct daily record of the conduct of each prisoner and of his fidelity and diligence in the performance of his work.

Section 5145.04 | Maintaining control of prisoners - daily record of conduct.

The department of rehabilitation and correction shall maintain the control over prisoners committed to its custody that prevents them from committing crime, secure their self-support, and accomplish their reformation.

When a prisoner is received into a state correctional institution upon direct sentence to the institution, the department shall enter in a register the date of the admission, the prisoner's name, age, nativity, nationality, and other facts as to parentage and early social influences that might indicate the constitutional and acquired defects and tendencies of the prisoner. Upon these entries in the register shall be based an estimate of the condition of the prisoner and the best probable plan of his treatment.

Section 5145.05 | Contents of daily record of conduct.

The department of rehabilitation and correction, upon the register required to be maintained by section 5145.04 of the Revised Code, shall enter notes of observed improvement or deterioration of character of the prisoner, the method of treatment employed for the prisoner, orders or alterations affecting his standing or situation, the prisoner's performance of labor while committed, and subsequent facts of personal history that may be officially brought to the knowledge of the department, bearing upon the propriety of the release or parole of the prisoner.

Section 5145.06 | Ohio central school system.

(A) The department of rehabilitation and correction shall establish and operate a school system that is approved and chartered by the department of education and workforce and designated as the Ohio central school system to serve all of the correctional institutions under its control. The Ohio central school system shall provide educational programs for prisoners to allow them to complete adult basic education courses, earn Ohio certificates of high school equivalence, or pursue vocational training. To that end, the department may employ appropriately certified teachers, administrators, and support staff. The department shall provide classrooms, shops, and other appropriate facilities and necessary furniture, books, stationery, supplies, and equipment.

(B)(1) The department of rehabilitation and correction shall require each prisoner who has not obtained a high school diploma to take courses leading toward an Ohio certificate of high school equivalence, an Ohio high school diploma pursuant to section 3313.61 of the Revised Code, or courses that provide vocational training. If a prisoner has obtained a high school diploma, the department shall encourage the prisoner to participate in a program of advanced studies or training for a skilled trade.

(2) The department of rehabilitation and correction shall adopt rules that prescribe disciplinary actions that the department may take if a prisoner refuses to participate in an educational program required under division (B)(1) of this section.

(3) The failure of the department of rehabilitation and correction to provide, pursuant to division (B)(1) of this section, an opportunity for any prisoner to participate in courses that lead toward an Ohio certificate of high school equivalence or an Ohio high school diploma, or that provide vocational training, does not give rise to a claim for damages against the department.

(C) The department of rehabilitation and correction, for a clearly established medical, mental health, or security reason, may exclude certain prisoners from the requirement to take courses pursuant to division (B)(1) of this section. Any exclusion under this division shall be only for a clearly established medical, mental health, or security reason. Within six months after March 31, 2003, the department shall adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to establish the criteria and procedures for an exclusion under this division.

Last updated September 21, 2023 at 9:11 AM

Section 5145.13 | Monthly reports of management and progress of school.

The superintendent of the elementary day school for uneducated prisoners in the penitentiary shall make monthly reports to the department of rehabilitation and correction with respect to the management and progress of the school and as to all matters under his supervision.

Section 5145.14 | Labor or services.

Labor or service shall not be performed by a prisoner within a correctional institution, unless the labor or service is expressly authorized by rules adopted by the department of rehabilitation and correction pursuant to division (B) of section 5145.03 of the Revised Code.

Section 5145.15 | Employing prisoners in certain work for the state.

The department of rehabilitation and correction may, in accordance with rules adopted pursuant to division (B) of section 5145.03 of the Revised Code, employ a portion of the prisoners in the manufacture of articles that are used by the state, any other state, any political subdivision or institution of this state, any other state, or the United States, or private persons. The department may procure machinery and prepare shop room for that purpose. The department may employ a portion of the prisoners in the preparation and manufacture of any or all forms of road-making material for use in the construction, improvement, maintenance, and repair of highways, roads, or streets.

For these purposes the department may, with the approval of the governor, purchase the necessary land, quarries, buildings, machinery, and erect buildings and shops for these purposes, and employ any persons necessary to instruct the prisoners in such manufacture. The terms and manner of employment of the persons who instruct the prisoners shall be fixed and determined by the department.

Section 5145.16 | Work programs.

(A) The department of rehabilitation and correction shall establish work programs in some form of labor for as many prisoners as possible who are in the custody of the department, except those prisoners who are not able to perform labor because of illness or other health problems, security requirements, routine processing, disciplinary action, or other reasonable circumstances or because they are engaged in educational, vocational, or other training. The labor may be in the department's manufacturing and service industries and agriculture, in private industry or agriculture that is located within or outside the department's institutions, in public works, in institutional jobs necessary for the proper maintenance and operation of the institutions under the control of the department, or in any other appropriate form of labor. The department, pursuant to the program, shall attempt to engage in work programs as many prisoners as possible who are in its custody and who are eligible for the programs. The department is not required to engage every eligible prisoner in a work program when sufficient money, facilities, or jobs are not available for the program; however, the department shall continuously seek sources of labor for as many eligible prisoners as possible.

(B) The department, in establishing and administering work programs established pursuant to division (A) of this section, shall do all of the following:

(1) Assign a level, grade within the level, or other category for each job within the penal manufacturing and service industries and agriculture, each job within private industry and agriculture, each institutional job, each job in public works, and every other job for which prisoners are eligible to perform labor. The level, grade, and other categorization of each job shall be dependent upon the skills required to perform the job, the security that is present at the job, the salary and other compensation for the job, and any other relevant characteristics of the job.

(2) Establish for each institution controlled by the department a system for assigning prisoners to perform jobs, for periodically evaluating the job performance of each prisoner, and for periodically evaluating the qualifications of each prisoner for other jobs;

(3) Transfer prisoners, whenever appropriate, to institutions controlled by the department to enable a prisoner to be engaged in a different job;

(4) Whenever appropriate, permit prisoners to be released on transitional control, in addition to other authorized reasons for transferring a prisoner to transitional control, to gain post-release employment in private industry or agriculture;

(5) Attempt to provide jobs and job training for prisoners that will be useful to the prisoners in obtaining employment when released, except that institutional jobs at the institutions need not be related to employment outside the institution;

(6) Establish an accounting system to administer and allocate the earnings of the prisoners as provided by division (C)(8) of this section;

(7) Require all persons in private industry or agriculture who employ prisoners to meet all applicable work safety standards.

(C) The department, in establishing and administering the work programs required to be established by division (A) of this section, may do any of the following:

(1) Enter into contracts with private industry and agriculture and receive grants to establish test work programs within or outside institutions under the control of the department;

(2) Enter into contracts with private industry for the establishment of manufacturing and service industries within or close to institutions under the control of the department for the employment of prisoners;

(3) Enter into contracts with private industry and agriculture to provide work programs for prisoners;

(4) Lease or sell state-owned land for the establishment of private industry or agriculture upon the condition that the majority of the industrial or agricultural jobs created by the industry or agriculture be given to prisoners;

(5) Construct factories or shops to provide work programs for prisoners;

(6) Enter into contracts with labor organizations, except that the department shall not permit any prisoners to establish their own labor organization and that a labor organization shall not represent any prisoners employed within an institution controlled by the department;

(7) Enter into any other contracts or perform any other functions that are necessary to comply with division (A) of this section or section 5145.161 of the Revised Code;

(8) Allocate the earnings of the prisoners as follows:

(a) Up to twenty-five per cent of the earnings to reimburse the state for room and board and for the expense of providing employment to the prisoner.

(b) Up to twenty-five per cent of the earnings to be distributed to one or both of the following:

(i) To the victims of the prisoner's offenses for restitution if the prisoner voluntarily requests or is under court order to make restitution payments;

(ii) To the reparations fund established pursuant to division (A) of section 2743.191 of the Revised Code if the prisoner voluntarily participates in an approved work and training program under this section.

(c) Up to twenty-five per cent of the earnings to the prisoner's dependents.

(d) At least twenty-five per cent of the earnings to the account of the prisoner.

(D) A prisoner who is engaged in a work program that is established under this section and in which the prisoner is required to operate a motor vehicle, as defined in division (I) of section 4509.01 of the Revised Code, is an "employee" of the state for the sole purpose of liability insurance coverage pursuant to section 9.83 of the Revised Code to cover the prisoner's required operation of the motor vehicle. A prisoner enrolled in a work program established by the department of rehabilitation and correction shall not be considered as an employee of the state under any other circumstance or for any other purpose.

Section 5145.161 | Program for employment of prisoners.

(A) The program for the employment of prisoners within the custody of the department of rehabilitation and correction that the department is required to establish by division (A) of section 5145.16 of the Revised Code shall be administered in accordance with any rules adopted pursuant to division (B) of section 5145.03 of the Revised Code and with the following requirements:

(1) The department shall consider the nature of the offense committed by a prisoner, the availability of employment, the security requirements for the prisoner, the prisoner's present state of mind, the prisoner's record in the institution to which the prisoner has been committed, and all other relevant factors when assigning a prisoner to the prisoner's initial job assignment. The department, when making a prisoner's initial job assignment, shall attempt to develop the prisoner's work skills, provide rehabilitation for the prisoner, consider the proximity to the prisoner's family, and permit the prisoner to provide support for the prisoner's dependents if the prisoner's earnings are sufficient for that to be feasible.

(2)(a) Except as provided in division (A)(2)(b) of this section, no prisoner shall be assigned to any job with the Ohio penal industries, or to any other job level or job grade of prisoner employment that the director of rehabilitation and correction may designate, unless the prisoner has obtained, or enrolled in an education program that leads to, a high school diploma or a certificate of high school equivalence.

(b) Division (A)(2)(a) of this section does not apply to either of the following:

(i) A prisoner who is determined, in accordance with a procedure approved by the director, to be incapable of obtaining a diploma or certificate of high school equivalence;

(ii) A prisoner working in the Ohio penal industries as of February 1, 1999, who applied on or before May 1, 1999, for enrollment in a program leading to a diploma or a certificate of high school equivalence, and who has been enrolled in that program for less than one year.

(3) Each prisoner shall be required to perform the prisoner's job satisfactorily, be permitted to be absent from the prisoner's job only for legitimate reasons, be required to comply with all security requirements, and be required to comply with any other reasonable job performance standards.

(4) A prisoner who advances from one job grade to the next higher job grade within the job level, advances from one job level to the next higher job level, or advances from one job category to the next highest job category shall receive additional benefits in accordance with the rules adopted pursuant to division (B) of section 5145.03 of the Revised Code.

(5) A prisoner shall not be eligible for a job in private industry or agriculture, unless the prisoner meets the requirements of the department for private employment that are set forth in rules adopted pursuant to division (B) of section 5145.03 of the Revised Code.

(6) A prisoner who violates the work requirements of any job grade, level, or category shall be disciplined pursuant to the disciplinary procedure adopted pursuant to division (B)(9) of section 5145.03 of the Revised Code.

(B) The department of rehabilitation and correction may administer the program that it is required to establish by division (A) of section 5145.16 of the Revised Code in any manner that is consistent with division (A) of this section, division (B) of section 5145.03, and section 5145.16 of the Revised Code.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 3:18 PM

Section 5145.162 | Office of enterprise development advisory board.

(A) There is hereby created the office of enterprise development advisory board to advise and assist the department of rehabilitation and correction with the creation of training programs and jobs for inmates and releasees through partnerships with private sector businesses. The board shall consist of at least five appointed members and the staff representative assigned by the correctional institution inspection committee, who shall serve as an ex officio member. Each member shall have experience in labor relations, marketing, business management, or business. The members and chairperson shall be appointed by the director of the department of rehabilitation and correction.

(B) Each member of the advisory board shall receive no compensation but may be reimbursed for expenses actually and necessarily incurred in the performance of official duties of the board. Members of the board who are state employees shall be reimbursed for expenses pursuant to travel rules promulgated by the office of budget and management.

(C) The advisory board shall adopt procedures for the conduct of the board's meetings. The board shall meet at least once every quarter, and otherwise shall meet at the call of the chairperson or the director of the department of rehabilitation and correction. Sixty per cent of the members shall constitute a quorum. No transaction of the board's business shall be taken without the concurrence of a quorum of the members. The board may have committees with persons who are not members of the board but whose experience and expertise is relevant and useful to the work of the committee.

(D) The advisory board shall have the following duties:

(1) Solicit business proposals offering job training, apprenticeship, education programs, and employment opportunities for inmates, releasees, and Ohio penal industries;

(2) Provide information and input to the office of enterprise development to support the job training and employment program of inmates and releasees and any additional, related duties as requested by the director of the department of rehabilitation and correction;

(3) Recommend to the office of enterprise development any legislation, administrative rule, or department policy change that the board believes is necessary to implement the department's program;

(4) Promote public awareness of the office of enterprise development and the office's employment program;

(5) Familiarize itself and the public with avenues to access the office of enterprise development on employment program concerns;

(6) Advocate for the needs and concerns of the office of enterprise development in local communities, counties, and the state;

(7) Play an active role in the office of enterprise development's efforts to reduce recidivism in the state by doing all of the following:

(a) Providing input and making recommendations for the office's consideration in monitoring employment program compliance and effectiveness;

(b) Making suggestions on the appropriate priorities for the office's grant award criteria;

(c) Being a liaison between the office and constituents of the board's members;

(d) Working to develop constituent groups interested in employment program issues;

(8) Aid in the employment program development process by playing a leadership role in professional associations by discussing employment program issues.

(E) The department of rehabilitation and correction shall initially screen each proposal obtained under division (D)(1) of this section to ensure that the proposal is a viable venture to pursue. If the department determines that a proposal is a viable venture to pursue, the department shall submit the proposal to the board for objective review against established guidelines. The board shall determine whether to recommend the implementation of the program to the department.

Section 5145.163 | Insurance for participants in federal prison industries enhancement certification program.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Customer model enterprise" means an enterprise conducted under a federal prison industries enhancement certification program in which a private party participates in the enterprise only as a purchaser of goods and services.

(2) "Employer model enterprise" means an enterprise conducted under a federal prison industries enhancement certification program in which a private party participates in the enterprise as an operator of the enterprise.

(3) "Injury" and "occupational disease" have the same meanings as in section 4123.01 of the Revised Code if sustained or contracted in the course of, and arising out of, participation in authorized work activity in the federal prison industries enhancement certification program.

(4) "Inmate" means any person who is committed to the custody of the department of rehabilitation and correction and who is participating in an Ohio penal industries program that is under the federal prison industries enhancement certification program.

(5) "Federal prison industries enhancement certification program" means the program authorized pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1761.

(B) No private party shall participate in an employer model enterprise in this state unless the private party is approved by the director of rehabilitation and correction in accordance with division (C) of this section.

(C) The director may approve a private party to participate in an employer model enterprise only if the private party meets the following requirements:

(1) The private party provides proof of workers' compensation coverage furnished by the bureau of workers' compensation.

(2) The private party carries liability insurance in an amount the director determines to be sufficient.

(3) The private party does not have an unresolved finding for recovery by the auditor of state under section 9.24 of the Revised Code.

(D)(1) If the enterprise for which an inmate works is a customer model enterprise, the department may treat the inmate as an employee of the department for the purpose of workers' compensation coverage in accordance with Chapters 4121., 4123., 4127., and 4131. of the Revised Code.

(2) If the enterprise for which an inmate works is an employer model enterprise, the private participant may treat the inmate as an employee of the private participant for the purpose of workers' compensation coverage in accordance with Chapters 4121., 4123., 4127., and 4131. of the Revised Code.

(E) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, inmates are not employees of the department of rehabilitation and correction or the private participant in an enterprise.

(F)(1) An inmate who is injured or who contracts an occupational disease arising out of participation in authorized work activity in the federal prison industries enhancement certification program may file a claim for compensation or benefits under Chapters 4121., 4123., 4127., and 4131. of the Revised Code while the claimant is in the custody of the department.

(2) The dependent of an inmate who is killed or dies as the result of an occupational disease contracted in the course of participation in authorized work activity in the federal prison industries enhancement certification program may file a claim for compensation and benefits under Chapters 4121., 4123., 4127., and 4131. of the Revised Code.

(G) Notwithstanding any provision of Chapter 4121. or 4123. of the Revised Code to the contrary, an inmate who files a claim pursuant to this section while in the custody of the department shall receive medical treatment and have medical determinations for purposes of Chapter 4121. and 4123. of the Revised Code made by the department's medical providers. Medical determinations made by the department's providers shall be limited to initial claim allowances and requests for additional conditions. The claimant may request a review by the department's chief medical officer. In the event of an appeal, the claimant may receive a medical evaluation from a medical practitioner affiliated within the department's network of third-party medical contractors or a medical practitioner in a managed care organization certified by the bureau of workers' compensation under section 4121.44 of the Revised Code and located in Franklin county.

(H) In accordance with division (J) of section 4123.54 of the Revised Code, compensation or benefits are not payable to or on behalf of a claimant during the period of confinement of the claimant in any correctional institution or county jail. Any remaining amount of an award of compensation or benefits for an injury or occupational disease arising out of participation in authorized work activity in the federal prison industries enhancement certification program shall be paid to or on behalf of a claimant after the claimant is released from imprisonment. If a claimant is reimprisoned, compensation and benefits shall be suspended during the claimant's imprisonment but shall resume on the claimant's release from imprisonment.

(I) An inmate shall voluntarily consent to participate in a federal prison industries enhancement certification program prior to commencing participation in the program. Such consent disclaims the inmate's ability to choose a medical provider while the inmate is imprisoned and subjects the inmate to the requirements of this section.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 3:22 PM

Section 5145.1611 | Documentation upon inmate's release from prison.

(A)(1) The department of rehabilitation and correction shall provide every inmate who is released from a term of imprisonment for a felony offense and whose intended residence is within this state with the documentation listed in division (B) of this section to assist the inmate in obtaining post-release employment.

(2) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, the department shall assist each inmate in creating a resume and conducting a practice job interview, provided that resources are available or third parties can assist with the resumes and interviews at no cost to the department. The department may contract with government or nonprofit workforce development reentry organizations to assist inmates in creating resumes and conducting practice job interviews.

(B) For purposes of assisting an inmate in obtaining post-release employment, the department shall provide each inmate with the following documentation upon the inmate's release from custody:

(1) A copy of the vocational training record of the inmate, if applicable;

(2) A copy of the work record of the inmate, if applicable;

(3) A certified copy of the birth certificate of the inmate, if obtainable;

(4) A social security card or a replacement social security card of the inmate, if the inmate has a social security number and if obtainable;

(5) An identification card or temporary identification card issued by the registrar of motor vehicles under section 4507.50 of the Revised Code, as applicable;

(6) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, a resume that includes any trade learned by the inmate and the proficiency at that trade by the inmate;

(7) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, documentation that the inmate has completed a practice job interview;

(8) A notification to the inmate if the inmate is eligible to apply for a license from a state entity charged with oversight of an occupational license or certification, if the inmate completed the requirements for eligibility for the license or certification while incarcerated at the department's facility.

(C) The following categories of inmates are not required to complete resumes or practice job interviews prior to release from incarceration:

(1) Inmates who decline to participate;

(2) Inmates sixty-five years of age or older;

(3) Inmates granted judicial release under division (N) of section 2929.20 of the Revised Code or released as if on parole under section 2967.05 of the Revised Code;

(4) Inmates released to the custody of another jurisdiction;

(5) Inmates that the department of rehabilitation and correction determines would be physically or mentally unable to return to the workforce upon release from incarceration.

Last updated February 21, 2025 at 11:57 AM

Section 5145.17 | Contracts for sale of roadmaking materials.

(A) The department of rehabilitation and correction may make contracts for the sale of roadmaking materials prepared by prisoners pursuant to section 5145.15 of the Revised Code with any department, public institution, or subdivision of the state or with any person and for furnishing and delivering the roadmaking material for use upon the appropriate roads, streets, and highways.

(B) Any money received for roadmaking materials prepared by prisoners shall be deposited into the Ohio penal industries manufacturing fund created pursuant to section 5120.29 of the Revised Code and shall be used and accounted for as provided in that section.

Section 5145.18 | Printing or binding.

Any printing or binding performed in a state correctional institution may be performed for the use of the institution, the departments of mental health and addiction services, developmental disabilities, and rehabilitation and correction, the department of public safety in connection with the registration of motor vehicles, and for any other purpose authorized by division (B) of section 5145.03 and by sections 5145.16 and 5145.161 of the Revised Code.

Section 5145.21 | Arrest and return of escaped prisoner.

The warden of a state correctional institution shall arrest and again commit to the institution a convict who escapes from the institution and is found at large, whether the term for which he was sentenced to imprisonment has expired.

Last updated October 6, 2021 at 10:53 AM

Section 5145.22 | Record of vital statistics and medical records.

(A) The chief physician shall keep a correct record of vital statistics of the penitentiary, containing the name, nationality or race, weight, stature, former occupation, and family history of each prisoner, a statement of the condition of the heart, lungs, and other leading organs, rate of the pulse and respiration, measurement of the chest and abdomen, condition of the inguinal canal, and the arch of the foot, and any existing disease, deformity, or other disability, acquired or inherited. The chief physician shall perform such other duties in the line of his profession as the department of rehabilitation and correction requires.

(B) The chief physician shall keep a separate medical record of each prisoner as provided in division (C) of section 5120.21 of the Revised Code.

Section 5145.24 | Administrative release for certain escapees.

(A) The director of rehabilitation and correction may grant an administrative release, as defined in section 2967.01 of the Revised Code, to a prisoner who escaped from a state correctional institution and whose whereabouts are unknown when both of the following apply:

(1) The ninetieth anniversary of the prisoner's birth has passed;

(2) A period of at least twenty years has passed since the date of the prisoner's escape.

(B) The director shall adopt rules pursuant to section 111.15 of the Revised Code for the granting of an administrative release under this section.

(C) An administrative release granted under this section does not operate to restore the rights and privileges forfeited by conviction as provided in section 2961.01 of the Revised Code.

(D) The authority to grant an administrative release that is contained in this section is independent of the administrative release provisions contained in section 2967.17 of the Revised Code.

Section 5145.27 | Prohibited acts.

No officer of employee of a state correctional institution, contractor, or the employee of such contractor, shall make a present to, receive a present from, or have barter or dealings with a convict.

An officer shall not receive compensation for his services other than that prescribed by law, or for an act or service which he performs for or on behalf of a contractor, or the agent, or employee of such contractor.

Whoever violates this section shall be dismissed, and a contractor, or the agent, or employee of such contractor, concerned in the violation, shall be expelled from the state correctional institution and not again permitted within it in such capacity.

Section 5145.28 | Participation in research program.

With the approval of the director of rehabilitation and correction, convicts in state correctional institutions may voluntarily participate, as research subjects, in medical research programs approved by the director. Any remuneration received from a researcher for participation by convict volunteer research subjects shall be paid into the prisoner's aid fund to provide books and other educational materials for the inmates of the volunteer's correctional institution.

Section 5145.30 | Exercise activity and equipment - clothing.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) Free weight exercise equipment means any equipment or device that is designed to increase the muscle mass and physical strength of the person using it. Free weight exercise equipment includes, but is not limited to, barbells, dumbbells, weight plates, and similar free weight-type equipment and other devices that the department of rehabilitation and correction, in rules adopted under section 5120.423 of the Revised Code, designates as enabling a person to increase muscle mass and physical strength.

(2) Fixed weight exercise equipment means any equipment, machine, or device that is not designed primarily to increase muscle mass and physical strength but rather to keep a person in relatively good physical condition. Fixed weight exercise equipment includes, but is not limited to, weight machines that utilize weight plates, tension bands, or similar devices that provide weight training resistance like universal and nautilus equipment. Fixed weight exercise equipment includes machines that are usually assembled as a unit, are not readily dismantled, and have been specifically modified for prison use so as to make them secure and immobile.

(B)(1) No officer or employee of a correctional institution under the control or supervision of the department of rehabilitation and correction shall do any of the following:

(a) Provide a prisoner access to free weight exercise equipment;

(b) Provide a prisoner access to fixed weight exercise equipment unless the prisoner is incarcerated in a minimum or medium security facility. Such a prisoner shall be allowed access to such equipment for no more than three hours per week. The prisoner shall be supervised at all times access is permitted, and a list documenting names of prisoners and supervising personnel, dates, and times of usage shall be maintained at each facility.

(c) Allow a prisoner to provide or receive instruction in boxing, wrestling, karate, judo, or another form of martial arts, or any other program that the department, in rules adopted under section 5120.423 of the Revised Code, designates as enabling a person to improve fighting skills.

(2) Nothing in division (B)(1) of this section prohibits an officer or employee of a correctional institution under the control or supervision of the department from allowing a prisoner to participate in jogging, basketball, stationary exercise bicycling, supervised calisthenics, or other physical activities that are not designed to increase muscle mass and physical strength or improve fighting skills.

(C) All of the following apply regarding each correctional institution under the control or supervision of the department of rehabilitation and correction that houses any prisoners:

(1) The department shall provide clothing for all prisoners who are housed in the institution that is conspicuous in its color, style, or color and style, that conspicuously identifies its wearer as a prisoner, and that is readily distinguishable from clothing of a nature that normally is worn outside the institution by non-prisoners, shall require all prisoners housed in the institution to wear the clothing so provided, and shall not permit any prisoner, while inside or on the premises of the institution or while being transported to or from the institution, to wear any clothing of a nature that does not conspicuously identify its wearer as a prisoner and that normally is worn outside the institution by non-prisoners.

(2) The security classification schedule the department uses for prisoners housed in the institution shall require the consideration of all information relevant to the classification, including, but not limited to, all pending criminal charges against the prisoner being classified, the offense for which the prisoner will be confined in the institution, and all prior convictions of or pleas of guilty by the prisoner.

Section 5145.31 | Improper internet access - state penitentiary.

(A) As used in this section, "computer," "computer network," "computer system," "computer services," "telecommunications service," and "information service" have the same meanings as in section 2913.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) No officer or employee of a correctional institution under the control or supervision of the department of rehabilitation and correction shall provide a prisoner access to or permit a prisoner to have access to the internet through the use of a computer, computer network, computer system, computer services, telecommunications service, or information service unless both of the following apply:

(1) The prisoner is accessing the internet solely for a use or purpose approved by the managing officer of that prisoner's institution or by the managing officer's designee.

(2) The provision of and access to the internet is in accordance with rules promulgated by the department of rehabilitation and correction pursuant to section 5120.62 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) No prisoner in a correctional institution under the control or supervision of the department of rehabilitation and correction shall access the internet through the use of a computer, computer network, computer system, computer services, telecommunications service, or information service unless both of the following apply:

(a) The prisoner is accessing the internet solely for a use or purpose approved by the managing officer of that prisoner's institution or by the managing officer's designee.

(b) The provision of and access to the internet is in accordance with rules promulgated by the department of rehabilitation and correction pursuant to section 5120.62 of the Revised Code.

(2) Whoever violates division (C)(1) of this section is guilty of improper internet access, a misdemeanor of the first degree.

Last updated August 12, 2021 at 2:45 PM