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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 5117 | Energy Credit Program

Section 5117.01 | Energy credit program definitions.

As used in sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Credit" means the credit on utility heating bills granted under division (A) of section 5117.09 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Current monthly bill" means the amount charged for energy consumed in the most recent monthly billing period and does not include any past due balance.

(C) "Current total income" means the adjusted gross income of the head of household and the person's spouse for the six-month period beginning the first day of January and ending the thirtieth day of June of the year in which an application is made, as determined under the "Internal Revenue Code of 1954," 68A Stat. 3, 26 U.S.C. 1, as amended, adjusted as follows:

(1) Subtract the amount of disability benefits included in adjusted gross income but not to exceed twenty-six hundred dollars;

(2) Add old age and survivors benefits received pursuant to the "Social Security Act" that are not included in federal adjusted gross income;

(3) Add retirement, pension, annuity, or other retirement payments or benefits not included in federal adjusted gross income;

(4) Add payments received pursuant to the "Railroad Retirement Act," 50 Stat. 307, 45 U.S.C. 228;

(5) Add interest on federal, state, and local government obligations;

(6) For an applicant who received a credit or payment for the preceding heating season on the basis of being permanently and totally disabled and whose application renewal form for the upcoming heating season is made on the basis of attaining sixty-five years of age or older, subtract the following amount:

(a) If the applicant received disability benefits that were not included in federal adjusted gross income in the year preceding a year in which the applicant applies for the credit or payment on the basis of attaining sixty-five years of age or older, subtract an amount equal to the disability benefits the applicant received in that preceding year, to the extent included in current total income, as defined in this section, and not subtracted under division (C)(1) of this section in the current year;

(b) If the applicant received disability benefits that were included in federal adjusted gross income in the year preceding a year in which the applicant applies for the credit or payment on the basis of attaining sixty-five years of age or older, subtract an amount equal to the amount of disability benefits that were subtracted pursuant to division (C)(1) of this section in that preceding year, to the extent included in current total income, as defined in this section, and not subtracted under division (C)(1) of this section in the current year.

Disability benefits paid by the department of veterans' affairs or a branch of the armed forces of the United States on account of an injury or disability are not included in current total income.

(D) "Energy company" means every retail propane dealer that distributes propane by pipeline, and every electric light, rural electric, gas, or natural gas company.

(E) "Energy dealer" means every retail dealer of fuel oil, propane, coal, wood, and kerosene.

(F) "Head of household" means a person who occupies a household as the person's homestead and who is financially responsible for its other occupants, if any, or the spouse of such a person if both occupy the same household. No person is a head of household if the person occupies a household for the taxable year prior to the year in which an application is filed and was claimed as a dependent on the federal income tax return of another occupant of the same household and was not the taxpayer's spouse or if the person could have been claimed if such a return had been filed for such year and was not the other occupant's spouse.

(G) "Household" means any dwelling unit, including a unit in a multiple unit dwelling, a manufactured home, or a mobile home, to which utility heating services or energy commodities are provided.

(H) "Payment" means the one hundred twenty-five-dollar payment provided under division (A) of section 5117.10 of the Revised Code.

(I) "Permanently and totally disabled" refers to a person who has, on the first day of July of the year an application is made, some impairment in body or mind that makes the person unable to work at any substantially remunerative employment that the person would otherwise be reasonably able to perform and that will, with reasonable probability, continue for an indefinite period of at least twelve months without any present indication of recovery therefrom, or who has been certified as permanently and totally disabled by a state or federal agency having the function of so classifying persons.

(J) "Sixty-five years of age or older" refers to a person who has attained age sixty-four prior to the first day of January of the year an application is made.

(K) "Total income" means the adjusted gross income of the head of household and the person's spouse for the year preceding the year in which an application is made, as determined under the "Internal Revenue Code of 1954," 68A Stat. 3, 26 U.S.C. 1, as amended, adjusted as follows:

(1) Subtract the amount of disability benefits included in adjusted gross income but not to exceed fifty-two hundred dollars;

(2) Add old age and survivors benefits received pursuant to the "Social Security Act" that are not included in federal adjusted gross income;

(3) Add retirement, pension, annuity, or other retirement payments or benefits not included in federal adjusted gross income;

(4) Add payments received pursuant to the "Railroad Retirement Act," 50 Stat. 307, 45 U.S.C. 228;

(5) Add interest on federal, state, and local government obligations;

(6) For an applicant who received a credit or payment for the preceding heating season on the basis of being permanently and totally disabled and whose application renewal form for the upcoming heating season is made on the basis of attaining sixty-five years of age or older, subtract the following amount:

(a) If the applicant received disability benefits that were not included in federal adjusted gross income in the year preceding a year in which the applicant applies for the credit or payment on the basis of attaining sixty-five years of age or older, subtract an amount equal to the disability benefits the applicant received in that preceding year, to the extent included in total income, as defined in this section, and not subtracted under division (K)(1) of this section in the current year;

(b) If the applicant received disability benefits that were included in federal adjusted gross income in the year preceding a year in which the applicant applies for the credit or payment on the basis of attaining sixty-five years of age or older, subtract an amount equal to the amount of disability benefits that were subtracted pursuant to division (K)(1) of this section in that preceding year, to the extent included in total income, as defined in this section, and not subtracted under division (K)(1) of this section in the current year.

Disability benefits paid by the department of veterans' affairs or a branch of the armed forces of the United States on account of an injury or disability shall not be included in total income.

(L) "Purchased power costs" means charges for the costs of power purchased by an electric light company under Chapters 4905. and 4909. of the Revised Code and includes charges resulting from the exchange of electric power.

Section 5117.02 | Adoption of rules.

(A) The director of development shall adopt rules, or amendments and rescissions of rules, pursuant to section 4928.52 of the Revised Code, for the administration of the Ohio energy credit program under sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code.

(B) As a means of efficiently administering the program, the director may extend, by as much as a total of thirty days, any date specified in such sections for the performance of a particular action by an individual or an officer.

(C)(1) Except as provided in division (C)(2) of this section, the director shall adopt, in accordance with divisions (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), and (F) of section 119.03 and section 119.04 of the Revised Code, whatever rules, or amendments or rescissions of rules are required by or are otherwise necessary to implement sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code. A rule, amendment, or rescission adopted under this division is not exempt from the hearing requirements of section 119.03 of the Revised Code pursuant to division (H) of that section, or subject to section 111.15 of the Revised Code.

(2) If an emergency necessitates the immediate adoption of a rule, or the immediate adoption of an amendment or rescission of a rule that is required by or otherwise necessary to implement sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code, the director immediately may adopt the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission without complying with division (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), or (F) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code so long as the director states the reasons for the necessity in the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission. The emergency rule, amendment, or rescission is effective on the day the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission, in final form and in compliance with division (A)(2) of section 119.04 of the Revised Code, is filed in electronic form with the secretary of state, the director of the legislative service commission, and the joint committee on agency rule review. If all filings are not completed on the same day, the emergency rule, amendment, or rescission is effective on the day on which the latest filing is completed. An emergency rule, amendment, or rescission adopted under this division is not subject to section 111.15 or division (G) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code. An emergency rule, amendment, or rescission adopted under this division continues in effect until amended or rescinded by the director in accordance with division (C)(1) or (2) of this section, except that the rescission of an emergency rescission does not revive the rule rescinded.

(D) Except where otherwise provided, each form, application, notice, and the like used in fulfilling the requirements of sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code shall be approved by the director.

Section 5117.03 | Form of application for assistance.

(A)(1) The director of development shall prescribe the form of the application for assistance under the Ohio energy credit program. The application shall be in the form of a signed statement, shall require no more information than is necessary to establish an applicant's eligibility under section 5117.07 of the Revised Code, and shall be clear and concise in its format, requirements, and instructions. The form shall request the following information:

(a) The name and address of the applicant;

(b) The type of energy or commodity that is the source of the heat produced by the primary heating system in the residence of the applicant;

(c) The name of the energy company or energy dealer that supplies the energy or commodity that is the source of the heat produced by the primary heating system in the residence of the applicant and, if the applicant receives the applicant's energy from a company, the applicant's account number;

(d) The applicant's total income or current total income;

(e) In the case of an application based upon physical disability, a certification signed by a physician, in the case of an application based upon mental disability, a certification signed by a physician or psychologist, or in the case of either such disability, a certification from a state or federal agency having the function of so classifying persons;

(f) The age of the applicant;

(g) Any other information required to make eligibility determinations under section 5117.07 of the Revised Code.

Each form shall contain a statement that signing such application constitutes a delegation of authority by the applicant to the director to examine any financial records that relate to income earned by the applicant as stated on the application for the purpose of determining eligibility under section 5117.07 of the Revised Code and possible violation of division (B) of section 5117.11 of the Revised Code.

(2) The director shall mail or otherwise provide an application form to each person requesting such form.

(B)(1) The director shall devise and prescribe an application renewal form on which the head of household may indicate by check mark that the head of household received a credit or payment for the preceding heating season. Application renewal forms shall seek from persons applying on such basis a certification by the applicant attesting to the applicant's permanent and total disability and the name of a physician, psychologist, or government agency willing to provide an additional certification if so requested under division (D) of section 5117.07 of the Revised Code. Such forms shall also include such other information as the director requires and shall be clear and concise in format, requirements, and instructions.

(2) On or before the fifteenth day of June, the director shall mail or otherwise provide an application renewal form to each head of household who received a credit or payment during the preceding heating season.

(3) Application renewal forms shall be reviewed and disposed of in the same manner provided for application forms in section 5117.07 of the Revised Code.

(C) Applications and application renewal forms shall be returned to the director no later than the first day of September. If an applicant is determined eligible for a credit under division (A)(1) of section 5117.07 of the Revised Code and the applicant's account number is not provided on the application form pursuant to division (A)(1)(c) of this section, the director shall make a good faith effort to acquire such number before certifying the applicant's eligibility to an energy company under section 5117.08 of the Revised Code. The director may request an energy company to assist in efforts to acquire an applicant's account number and, if so requested, a company shall cooperate in such efforts.

Section 5117.04 | Right of qualified residential customers to receive credit or payment.

(A) Every energy company and energy dealer, at least once during June, and once during August, shall begin to distribute to each of its residential heating customers a plain and clear notice, printed in ten-point type on a sheet or card on which no other words appear on either the front or back, that states the right of qualified residential customers to receive a credit or payment under the Ohio energy credit program and that explains in detail, in a fashion reasonably calculated to inform, the relevant mechanisms established under sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code to effectuate that right. The notice shall also contain, in ten-point boldface type, the following statement: "The right of eligible customers to receive a credit against utility bills or a payment for energy bills is provided in legislation (House Bill 657) passed by the General Assembly and signed by the Governor."

(B) The director of development shall cause to be printed notices of the type specified in division (A) of this section and application forms in sufficient quantity for distribution. The director shall maintain a system for distributing application forms to appropriate public locations. The distribution system shall be designed to make application forms available to as many qualified persons as possible.

(C) The director shall arrange for the establishment of a toll-free telephone number to enable all persons in this state to make inquiries and obtain information concerning the credits or payments.

Section 5117.05 | Outreach program including Spanish-speaking communication formats.

The director of development, in consultation with the commission on Hispanic-Latino affairs, shall develop an outreach program, including Spanish-speaking communication formats, designed to make all Spanish-speaking persons who meet the eligibility requirements for participation in the Ohio energy credit program aware of the nature and extent of available benefits and methods for acquiring and making applications. The program shall include assistance to such persons in making applications. The director shall implement the program in cooperation with the commission.

Section 5117.07 | Determining eligibility.

(A) On or before the first day of October, the director of development shall review all applications submitted under division (C) of section 5117.03 of the Revised Code and shall determine the eligibility of each applicant to receive a credit or payment. The total income and current total income amounts set forth in division (A) of this section are subject to adjustment under section 5117.071 of the Revised Code.

(1) An applicant is eligible for a credit of thirty per cent if the applicant is a head of household, has a total income of five thousand dollars or less or a current total income of two thousand five hundred dollars or less, owns and occupies or rents and occupies a household receiving the source of energy for its primary heating system from an energy company and such energy is separately metered, and is either of the following:

(a) Sixty-five years of age or older;

(b) Permanently and totally disabled.

(2) An applicant is eligible for a credit of twenty-five per cent if the applicant is a head of household, has a total income of more than five thousand dollars but not more than nine thousand dollars or a current total income of more than two thousand five hundred dollars but not more than four thousand five hundred dollars, is sixty-five years of age or older or permanently and totally disabled, and owns and occupies or rents and occupies a household receiving the source of energy for its primary heating system from an energy company and such energy is separately metered.

(3) An applicant is eligible for a payment if either of the following applies to the applicant:

(a) The applicant would be eligible for the credit under division (A)(1) or (2) of this section but for the fact that the source of energy for the primary heating system of the applicant's household is not separately metered;

(b) The applicant is a head of household, has a total income of no more than nine thousand dollars or a current total income of no more than four thousand five hundred dollars, is sixty-five years of age or older or permanently and totally disabled, and owns and occupies or rents and occupies a household receiving the source of energy for its primary heating system from an energy dealer.

(4) In the case of a multiple unit dwelling for which separate metering for the source of energy for its primary heating system is not provided, more than one applicant occupying such dwelling may be determined eligible for a payment under division (A)(3)(a) of this section.

(B) Notwithstanding division (A) of this section:

(1) No head of household who resides in public housing or receives a rent subsidy from a government agency is eligible for a credit or payment unless the person's rent subsidy does not reflect the costs of that person's household receiving the source of energy for its primary heating system;

(2) A resident of a nursing home, hospital, or other extended health care facility is not eligible for a credit or payment for the costs of providing the source of energy for the primary heating system of the facility.

(C) The director shall establish a procedure whereby the director commissioner can verify total income and current total income for the calendar year in which an applicant is determined eligible for a payment or credit. If a person receives a credit or payment that the person is ineligible to receive under division (A) of this section as determined by the director, that person shall refund to the director the credit or payment, or excess portion of a credit or payment, that person received. The sum refunded shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the universal service fund created in section 4928.51 of the Revised Code.

(D) The director may request an additional certification of permanent and total disability for any applicant claiming such status on an application renewal form submitted under section 5117.03 of the Revised Code. Such certification shall be requested from the person or agency named on the form pursuant to division (B)(1) of section 5117.03 of the Revised Code. If such additional certification is refused due to a conclusion by the person or agency that the applicant is not permanently and totally disabled, the director shall determine the applicant ineligible for any credit or payment. If such additional certification is unavailable or refused for any other reason, the director may determine the applicant to be eligible for a credit or payment provided the director commissioner has good cause to believe the applicant is permanently and totally disabled.

(E) On or before the first day of October, the director shall notify each applicant of the disposition of the applicant's application under divisions (A) and (B) of this section. At the same time, the director tax commissioner shall notify the applicant, regardless of whether the applicant's application is approved or disapproved, that the applicant may be eligible to participate in a state or federal weatherization program and should contact the applicant's community action agency for further information. If an application is disapproved, the applicant may appeal to the director for a hearing on the matter. A notice of disapproval shall include a detailed explanation of the applicant's right of appeal under this chapter. Any such appeal shall be on an appeal form prescribed by the director and shall be filed with the director within twenty days of the receipt of the notice of disapproval.

The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.

Section 5117.071 | Annual adjustment of total income amounts used for applications.

(A) In September of each year, the tax commissioner shall adjust the total income amounts set forth in sections 5117.07 and 5117.09 of the Revised Code to be used for applications submitted for the heating season commencing in the next calendar year, by completing the following steps:

(1) Determine the percentage increase in the gross domestic product deflator determined by the bureau of economic analysis of the United States department of commerce for the preceding year;

(2) Multiply that percentage increase by each of the total income amounts for the preceding year;

(3) Add the resulting products to each of the total income amounts for the preceding year;

(4) Round the resulting sums upward to the nearest multiple of ten dollars.

The commissioner shall not make the adjustment in any year in which the amounts resulting from the adjustment would be less than the total income amounts for the preceding year.

(B) In September of each year, the tax commissioner also shall adjust the current total income amounts set forth in sections 5117.07 and 5117.09 of the Revised Code. For any year, the current total income amounts shall equal one-half of the respective total income amounts set forth in those sections and adjusted under division (A) of this section for that year.

(C) Each year, the tax commissioner shall provide both the adjusted total income amounts referred to in division (A) of this section and the current total income amounts referred to in division (B) of this section to the director of development.

(D) The director of development and each energy company and energy dealer shall use the adjusted total income amounts and the current total income amounts determined under divisions (A) and (B) of this section in performing their duties under sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 19, 2025 at 12:12 PM

Section 5117.08 | Certifying eligibility for credits.

(A)(1) On or before the tenth day of October, the director of development shall begin to prepare and certify to each energy company that provides energy for home heating a list containing the name and account number of each head of household determined eligible for a credit under divisions (A) and (B) of section 5117.07 of the Revised Code and served by that company, the address of the household, and the source of the heat produced by the primary heating system in the residence of the applicant. The director, for good cause, may certify addenda to such lists, containing the names of any heads of household whose names were not included in the earlier lists but who, except for failure to meet the deadline requirements of sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code, would have been certified in the original lists. Within thirty days of receipt of such list and in any month for which a credit is required under sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code, the company may verify that each head of household on the director's list receives energy for home heating at the household address appearing on such list or that the source of heat produced by the primary heating system in the household is energy supplied by the company. If the company determines that a person listed does not receive energy for home heating at such address or that the source of the heat produced by the primary heating system in the residence of such person is not supplied by the company, it shall notify the director of such fact and may refuse to grant the credit provided under division (A) of section 5117.07 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of such notice, the director shall determine the accuracy of the determination of the company and, should the director not concur with the company, shall order the company to provide the credit.

(2) The good faith exercise by any company of any power of refusal granted under division (A)(1) of this section does not subject such company to any penalty or liability provided under division (A) of section 5117.11 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) Nothing in sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code shall be construed to abridge the right of an otherwise eligible applicant to receive a credit or payment because the applicant has either changed the location of the applicant's residence or the nature of the occupancy of the applicant's residence, as between a tenant or an owner, at a time that could, as a result of the operation of sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code, cause the applicant to be disqualified from receiving, or continuing to receive, the credit or payment.

(2) Where a person who submits a form or information required under sections 5117.01 to 5117.10 of the Revised Code does so in a timely fashion but, because of the occurrence of an error or omission with respect to such form or information, either on the person's own part or on the part of those persons required by sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code to take administrative, executive, or ministerial action regarding such form or information, the certification of eligibility by the director to an energy company takes place after the expiration of a deadline imposed under sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code, the company shall grant the credit within thirty days and, whenever appropriate, grant the credit on a retroactive basis.

(3) The director shall adopt a rule ensuring that the requirements of divisions (B)(1) and (2) of this section are effectuated.

Section 5117.09 | Granting credit against monthly billing.

(A)(1) With respect to each of its residential customers, every energy company shall, after receipt of a certification list provided under division (A) of section 5117.08 of the Revised Code, cause the granting of a credit in accordance with this section against the monthly billing of each household appearing on the list except as provided in division (A) of section 5117.08 of the Revised Code. In the case of an applicant who has a total income of five thousand dollars or less or a current total income of two thousand five hundred dollars or less, the credit shall amount to thirty per cent of the current monthly bill rendered to such household by the company for the billing months of December, January, February, March, and April following the receipt of a list on which the household appears. In the case of an applicant who has a total income of more than five thousand dollars but not more than nine thousand dollars or a current total income of more than two thousand five hundred dollars but not more than four thousand five hundred dollars, the credit shall amount to twenty-five per cent of the current monthly bill rendered to such household by the company for the billing months of December, January, February, March, and April following the receipt of a list on which the household appears. If purchased power costs are incurred by an energy company during the billing month for which a credit is provided under this division, the credit shall also be applied to such costs, whether or not the costs are charged to a current monthly bill for such months.

(2) The total income and current total income amounts set forth in division (A)(1) of this section are subject to adjustment under section 5117.071 of the Revised Code.

(B) Every energy company shall read the meter of each of its qualified residential customers who may receive a credit under division (A) of this section at least one time for the service period of November and at least one time in the service period for the current monthly bill rendered for the billing month of April. In the event a company is unable to read a meter because of failure to gain access after a good faith effort or because a certification list was supplied to the utility fewer than thirty days prior to the normal date of meter reading, the company may render a calculated bill. In such instances, the company shall make an adjustment to the amount of the credit granted to the customer based upon the next actual reading of the meter if the reading shows the previous calculation to have been in error and set forth the amount of such adjustments in the report required to be filed with the director of development under division (D) of this section.

(C) On each billing that is subject to a credit under division (A) of this section, there shall appear in ten-point type both the amount of the credit and to the left of such amount Ohio Energy Credit.

(D) On or before the fifteenth day of each month following one in which credits were provided under division (A) of this section, each energy company shall, on a form prescribed by the director and requesting information that the director commissioner determines is necessary for the purpose of verifying the propriety of the payment of credits, certify to the director the total amount of all credits it granted pursuant to division (A) of this section during the preceding month. Not later than thirty days after receipt of such certification, the director shall pay the company the amount certified. If the director determines that a company previously received amounts greater than the amounts of credits properly granted, such company, upon notice from the director, shall reimburse the director in the amount of the overpayments. Such reimbursements shall be deposited in the general revenue fund.

(E)(1) Any energy company that purposely fails to grant the credit provided under division (A) of this section is liable to each person entitled to the credit and certified to the company by the director pursuant to division (A) of section 5117.08 of the Revised Code in treble the amount of the total credit not granted. The consumers' counsel, on behalf of any person or persons not granted the credit, may bring an action to recover such treble damages in the court of common pleas of the county in which is located the office of the company nearest the household of any such person or persons. The consumers' counsel also, on behalf of any persons not granted the credit, may bring a class action to recover such treble damages in the court of common pleas of any county in which is located an office of the company and, if feasible, in which is located a significant number of members of the class. Any treble damage recovery under this division does not, in any manner, diminish any other liability provided under sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code. Clerical errors shall not be considered an offense or incur liability under this division.

(2) An action shall be brought by the consumers' counsel under division (E)(1) of this section only after the consumers' counsel has made a good faith attempt to dispose of the claim by settlement, including a good faith request for only such information in the possession of an energy company as is needed to determine the existence or extent of such a right of action.

(3) Nothing in division (E)(1) of this section shall be construed to prevent persons acting without the assistance of the consumers' counsel from bringing an action or class action under such division.

The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.

Section 5117.10 | Payments to applicants.

(A) On or before the fifteenth day of January, the director of development services shall pay each applicant determined eligible for a payment under divisions (A) and (B) of section 5117.07 of the Revised Code one hundred twenty-five dollars.

(B) The director may withhold from any payment to which a person would otherwise be entitled under division (A) of this section any amount that the director determines was erroneously received by such person in a preceding year under this or the program established under Am. Sub. H.B. 230, as amended by Am. H.B. 937, Am. Sub. H.B. 1073, Am. Sub. S.B. 493, and Am. Sub. S.B. 523 of the 112th general assembly, provided the director has employed all other legal methods reasonably available to obtain reimbursement for the erroneous payment or credit prior to the commencement of the current program year.

(C) Payments made under this section and credits granted under section 5117.09 of the Revised Code shall not be considered income for the purpose of determining eligibility or the level of benefits or assistance under section 329.042 or Chapter 5107. of the Revised Code; the medicaid program; supplemental security income payments under Title XVI of the "Social Security Act," 49 Stat. 620 (1935), 42 U.S.C. 301, as amended; or any other program under which eligibility or the level of benefits or assistance is based upon need measured by income.

Section 5117.11 | Prohibited acts.

(A) No person shall purposely fail to grant the credit provided under division (A) of section 5117.09 of the Revised Code. Each day that each person entitled to the credit is not afforded the credit constitutes a separate offense. Clerical errors shall not be considered an offense under this division.

(B) No person shall knowingly make a false statement for the purpose of obtaining a credit or payment.

(C) No person, including an applicant, shall knowingly make a false certification attesting to physical or mental condition for purposes of qualifying himself or another person for a payment or credit.

(D) No person shall fail to perform his obligations under division (A) of section 5117.04 or division (B) or (C) of section 5117.09 of the Revised Code.

(E) Notwithstanding sections 4933.12 and 4933.121 of the Revised Code, no energy company shall purposely discontinue heating service during the months of December, January, and February to a residential customer for nonpayment during any period for which the customer is eligible to receive a credit under this program.

Section 5117.12 | Reporting impact on number of uncollectible accounts and past due residential accounts.

(A) On or before the thirty-first day of August of each year, each energy company shall file a written report with the director of development regarding the impact, if any, of the requirements of division (E) of section 5117.11 of the Revised Code on the number of uncollectible and past due residential accounts for the twelve-month period ending on the preceding thirty-first day of July. The report shall include such information as is prescribed by the director. The information shall be based on actual reviews of residential customer accounts and shall be presented in verifiable form. The director may consult with the public utilities commission and the consumers' counsel in prescribing the contents of such reports and complying with the requirements of division (C)(4) of this section.

(B) Before the thirty-first day of January of each year, the director shall prepare a written report including a final review of the Ohio energy credit program for which applications were required to be mailed or provided by the fifteenth day of June of the second preceding calendar year pursuant to section 5117.03 of the Revised Code and an interim review of the program for which applications were required to be mailed or provided by the fifteenth day of June of the preceding calendar year under such section. On or before the thirty-first day of January of each year, the director shall provide written copies of such report to the speaker of the house of representatives, president of the senate, minority leaders of the house of representatives and senate, chairpersons of the house finance and appropriations committee and senate finance committee, chairpersons of the committees of the house of representatives and senate customarily entrusted with matters concerning public utilities, clerk of the house of representatives, and clerk of the senate.

(C) Each report prepared under division (B) of this section shall include a review of:

(1) Program costs;

(2) The number of persons receiving credits or payments under the program;

(3) Progress in the implementation of any changes in the program made by the general assembly within the period covered by the report;

(4) The impact, if any, of the requirements of division (E) of section 5117.11 of the Revised Code on the number of uncollectible and past due residential accounts of energy companies for the twelve-month period ending on the preceding thirty-first day of July;

(5) The impact of any federal energy assistance programs available to the same groups of people as are eligible for the energy credit program under sections 5117.01 to 5117.12 of the Revised Code, together with any recommendations on modifications that may, because of the federal programs, be needed in the energy credit program;

(6) Any suggestions for improving the program;

(7) Any other matters considered appropriate by the director.

(D) The director shall consult with the auditor of state, energy companies, energy dealers, department of aging, and commission on Hispanic-Latino affairs in the preparation of any report under this section. The director may require information from such agencies for the purpose of preparing such report.

Section 5117.21 | Percentage of funds to be used for energy-related home repair.

Not less than fifteen per cent of the funds received by the state in any fiscal year for the low-income home energy assistance block grant under Title XXVI of the "Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981," 95 Stat. 893, 42 U.S.C.A. 8621, and any amendments thereto, shall be used to provide low cost residential weatherization or other energy-related home repair for low-income households in accordance with that act, and any amendments thereto. The annual state home energy assistance application and plan and any revisions filed with the United States secretary of health and human services under the act shall include the requirement of this section, and any such plan in effect on the effective date of this section shall promptly be revised to include the requirement of this section.

Section 5117.22 | Energy oil overcharge fund.

All petroleum violation escrow funds received by this state from the federal government shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the energy oil overcharge fund, which is hereby created. The fund shall be used by the development services agency for energy conservation and assistance programs approved by the United States department of energy. All investment earnings of the fund shall be credited to the fund.

Section 5117.99 | Penalty.

(A) Whoever violates division (A) of section 5117.11 of the Revised Code is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.

(B) Whoever violates division (B), (C), or (E) of section 5117.11 of the Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

(C) Whoever violates division (D) of section 5117.11 of the Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.