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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 4503 | Licensing Of Motor Vehicles

Section 4503.01 | Motor vehicle defined.

"Motor vehicle" as defined in section 4505.01 of the Revised Code applies to sections 4503.02 to 4503.10, and 4503.12 to 4503.18 of the Revised Code. For the purposes of sections 4503.02 to 4503.04, 4503.10 to 4503.12, 4503.182, 4503.19, 4503.21, 4503.22, and 4503.25 of the Revised Code, the term "motor vehicle" also includes a motorized bicycle and a trailer or semitrailer whose weight is four thousand pounds or less.

As used in this chapter, "motor vehicle" does not include a concrete pump or a concrete conveyor.

Section 4503.02 | Levy of annual license tax.

An annual license tax is hereby levied upon the operation of motor vehicles on the public roads or highways, for the purpose of enforcing and paying the expense of administering the law relative to the registration and operation of such vehicles; planning, constructing, maintaining, and repairing public roads, highways, and streets; maintaining and repairing bridges and viaducts; paying the counties' proportion of the cost and expenses of cooperating with the department of transportation in the planning, improvement, and construction of state highways; paying the counties' portion of the compensation, damages, cost, and expenses of planning, constructing, reconstructing, improving, maintaining, and repairing roads; paying the principal, interest, and charges on county bonds and other obligations issued pursuant to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code or incurred pursuant to section 5531.09 of the Revised Code for highway improvements; for the purpose of providing motorcycle safety and education instruction; enabling municipal corporations to plan, construct, reconstruct, repave, widen, maintain, repair, clear, and clean public highways, roads, and streets; paying the principal, interest, and other charges on municipal bonds and other obligations issued pursuant to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code or incurred pursuant to section 5531.09 of the Revised Code for highway improvements; to maintain and repair bridges and viaducts; to purchase, erect, and maintain street and traffic signs and markers; to purchase, erect, and maintain traffic lights and signals; to supplement revenue already available for such purposes; to pay the interest, principal, and charges on bonds and other obligations issued pursuant to Section 2i of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, and sections 5528.30 and 5528.31 of the Revised Code.

The tax shall be at the rates specified in sections 4503.04, 4503.042, and 4503.65 of the Revised Code. Under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, the tax shall be paid to and collected by the registrar of motor vehicles or deputy registrar at the time of making application for registration. Under sections 4503.042 and 4503.65 of the Revised Code, the tax shall be paid to and collected by the registrar or deputy registrar as specified in those sections at the time and manner set forth by the registrar by rule.

Section 4503.03 | Deputy registrars.

(A)(1)(a) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, the registrar of motor vehicles may designate one or more of the following persons to act as a deputy registrar in each county:

(i) The county auditor in any county;

(ii) The clerk of a court of common pleas in any county;

(iii) An individual;

(iv) A nonprofit corporation as defined in division (C) of section 1702.01 of the Revised Code.

All fees collected and retained by a clerk for conducting deputy registrar services shall be paid into the county treasury to the credit of the certificate of title administration fund created under section 325.33 of the Revised Code.

(b) As part of the selection process in awarding a deputy registrar contract, the registrar shall consider the customer service performance record of any person previously awarded a deputy registrar contract pursuant to division (A)(1) of this section.

(2) Deputy registrars shall accept applications for the annual license tax for any vehicle not taxed under section 4503.63 of the Revised Code and shall assign distinctive numbers in the same manner as the registrar. Such deputies shall be located in such locations as the registrar sees fit. Except as provided in division (A)(3) of this section, there shall be at least one deputy registrar in each county.

(3) The registrar need not appoint a deputy registrar in a county to which all of the following apply:

(a) No individual, nonprofit corporation, or, where applicable, clerk of court of common pleas participates in the competitive selection process to be designated as a deputy registrar;

(b) Neither the county auditor nor the clerk of court of common pleas agrees to be designated as a deputy registrar;

(c) No individual or nonprofit corporation agrees to be designated as a deputy registrar;

(d) No deputy registrar operating an existing deputy registrar agency in another county agrees to be designated as the deputy registrar for that county.

(4) The registrar may reestablish a deputy registrar in any county without a deputy registrar if any of the following apply:

(a) The county auditor requests to be designated as a deputy registrar;

(b) The clerk of court of common pleas requests to be designated as a deputy registrar;

(c) A deputy registrar operating an existing deputy registrar agency in another county requests to be designated as a deputy registrar for that county;

(d) A qualified individual or nonprofit corporation requests to be designated as a deputy registrar. In the event that two or more qualified individuals, nonprofit corporations, or a combination thereof, request to be designated as a deputy registrar, the registrar may make the designation through the competitive selection process.

Deputy registrar contracts are subject to the provisions of division (B) of section 125.081 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) The registrar shall not designate any person to act as a deputy registrar under division (A)(1) of this section if the person or, where applicable, the person's spouse or a member of the person's immediate family has made, within the current calendar year or any one of the previous three calendar years, one or more contributions totaling in excess of one hundred dollars to any person or entity included in division (A)(2) of section 4503.033 of the Revised Code. As used in this division, "immediate family" has the same meaning as in division (D) of section 102.01 of the Revised Code, and "entity" includes any political party and any "continuing association" as defined in division (C)(4) of section 3517.01 of the Revised Code or "political action committee" as defined in division (C)(8) of that section that is primarily associated with that political party. For purposes of this division, contributions to any continuing association or any political action committee that is primarily associated with a political party shall be aggregated with contributions to that political party.

The contribution limitations contained in this division do not apply to any county auditor or clerk of a court of common pleas. A county auditor or clerk of a court of common pleas is not required to file the disclosure statement or pay the filing fee required under section 4503.033 of the Revised Code. The limitations of this division also do not apply to a deputy registrar who, subsequent to being awarded a deputy registrar contract, is elected to an office of a political subdivision.

(2) The registrar shall not designate either of the following to act as a deputy registrar:

(a) Any elected public official other than a county auditor or, as authorized by division (A)(1) of this section, a clerk of a court of common pleas, acting in an official capacity, except that, the registrar shall continue and may renew a contract with any deputy registrar who, subsequent to being awarded a deputy registrar contract, is elected to an office of a political subdivision;

(b) Any person holding a current, valid contract to conduct motor vehicle inspections under section 3704.14 of the Revised Code.

(3) As used in division (B) of this section, "political subdivision" has the same meaning as in section 3501.01 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) Except as provided in division (C)(2) of this section, deputy registrars are independent contractors and neither they nor their employees are employees of this state, except that nothing in this section shall affect the status of county auditors or clerks of courts of common pleas as public officials, nor the status of their employees as employees of any of the counties of this state, which are political subdivisions of this state. Each deputy registrar shall be responsible for the payment of all unemployment compensation premiums, all workers' compensation premiums, social security contributions, and any and all taxes for which the deputy registrar is legally responsible. Each deputy registrar shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws requiring the withholding of income taxes or other taxes from the compensation of the deputy registrar's employees. Each deputy registrar shall maintain during the entire term of the deputy registrar's contract a policy of business liability insurance satisfactory to the registrar and shall hold the department of public safety, the director of public safety, the bureau of motor vehicles, and the registrar harmless upon any and all claims for damages arising out of the operation of the deputy registrar agency.

(2) For purposes of Chapter 4141. of the Revised Code, determinations concerning the employment of deputy registrars and their employees shall be made under Chapter 4141. of the Revised Code.

(D)(1) With the approval of the director, the registrar shall adopt rules governing deputy registrars. The rules shall do all of the following:

(a) Establish requirements governing the terms of the contract between the registrar and each deputy registrar and the services to be performed;

(b) Establish requirements governing the amount of bond to be given as provided in this section;

(c) Establish requirements governing the size and location of the deputy's office;

(d) Establish requirements governing the leasing of equipment necessary to conduct the vision screenings required under section 4507.12 of the Revised Code and training in the use of the equipment;

(e) Encourage every deputy registrar to inform the public of the location of the deputy registrar's office and hours of operation by means of public service announcements;

(f) Allow any deputy registrar to advertise in regard to the operation of the deputy registrar's office, including allowing nonprofit corporations operating as a deputy registrar to advertise that a specified amount of proceeds collected by the nonprofit corporation are directed to a specified charitable organization or philanthropic cause;

(g) Specify the hours the deputy's office is to be open to the public and require as a minimum that one deputy's office in each county be open to the public for at least four hours each weekend, provided that if only one deputy's office is located within the boundary of the county seat, that office is the office that shall be open for the four-hour period each weekend;

(h) Specify that every deputy registrar, upon request, provide any person with information about the location and office hours of all deputy registrars in the county;

(i) Allow a deputy registrar contract to be awarded to a nonprofit corporation formed under the laws of this state;

(j) Establish procedures for a deputy registrar to request the authority to collect reinstatement fees under sections 4507.1612, 4507.45, 4509.101, 4509.81, 4510.10, 4510.22, 4510.72, and 4511.191 of the Revised Code and to transmit the reinstatement fees and two dollars of the service fee collected under those sections. The registrar shall ensure that at least one deputy registrar in each county has the necessary equipment and is able to accept reinstatement fees. The registrar shall deposit the service fees received from a deputy registrar under those sections into the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code and shall use the money for deputy registrar equipment necessary in connection with accepting reinstatement fees.

(k) Establish standards for a deputy registrar, when the deputy registrar is not a county auditor or a clerk of a court of common pleas, to sell advertising rights to third party businesses to be placed in the deputy registrar's office;

(l) Allow any deputy registrar that is not a county auditor or a clerk of a court of common pleas to operate a vending machine;

(m) Establish such other requirements as the registrar and director consider necessary to provide a high level of service.

(2) The rules may allow both of the following:

(a) The registrar to award a contract to a deputy registrar to operate more than one deputy registrar's office if determined by the registrar to be practical;

(b) A nonprofit corporation formed for the purposes of providing automobile-related services to its members or the public and that provides such services from more than one location in this state to operate a deputy registrar office at any location.

(3) As a daily adjustment, the bureau of motor vehicles shall credit to a deputy registrar the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code for each damaged license plate or validation sticker the deputy registrar replaces as a service to a member of the public.

(4)(a) With the prior approval of the registrar, each deputy registrar may conduct at the location of the deputy registrar's office any business that is consistent with the functions of a deputy registrar and that is not specifically mandated or authorized by this or another chapter of the Revised Code or by implementing rules of the registrar.

(b) In accordance with guidelines the director of public safety shall establish, a deputy registrar may operate or contract for the operation of a vending machine at a deputy registrar location if products of the vending machine are consistent with the functions of a deputy registrar.

(c) A deputy registrar may enter into an agreement with the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission pursuant to division (A)(11) of section 5537.04 of the Revised Code for the purpose of allowing the general public to acquire from the deputy registrar the electronic toll collection devices that are used under the multi-jurisdiction electronic toll collection agreement between the Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission and any other entities or agencies that participate in such an agreement. The approval of the registrar is not necessary if a deputy registrar engages in this activity.

(5) As used in this section and in section 4507.01 of the Revised Code, "nonprofit corporation" has the same meaning as in section 1702.01 of the Revised Code.

(E)(1) Unless otherwise terminated and except for interim contracts lasting not longer than one year, contracts with deputy registrars shall be entered into through a competitive selection process and shall be limited in duration as follows:

(a) For contracts entered into between July 1, 1996 and June 29, 2014, for a period of not less than two years, but not more than three years;

(b) For contracts entered into on or after June 29, 2014, for a period of five years, unless the registrar determines that a shorter contract term is appropriate for a particular deputy registrar.

(2) All contracts with deputy registrars shall expire on the last Saturday of June in the year of their expiration. Prior to the expiration of any deputy registrar contract, the registrar, with the approval of the director, may award a one-year contract extension to any deputy registrar who has provided exemplary service based upon objective performance evaluations.

(3)(a) The auditor of state may examine the accounts, reports, systems, and other data of each deputy registrar at least every two years. The registrar, with the approval of the director, shall immediately remove a deputy who violates any provision of the Revised Code related to the duties as a deputy, any rule adopted by the registrar, or a term of the deputy's contract with the registrar. The registrar also may remove a deputy who, in the opinion of the registrar, has engaged in any conduct that is either unbecoming to one representing this state or is inconsistent with the efficient operation of the deputy's office.

(b) If the registrar, with the approval of the director, determines that there is good cause to believe that a deputy registrar or a person proposing for a deputy registrar contract has engaged in any conduct that would require the denial or termination of the deputy registrar contract, the registrar may require the production of books, records, and papers as the registrar determines are necessary, and may take the depositions of witnesses residing within or outside the state in the same manner as is prescribed by law for the taking of depositions in civil actions in the court of common pleas, and for that purpose the registrar may issue a subpoena for any witness or a subpoena duces tecum to compel the production of any books, records, or papers, directed to the sheriff of the county where the witness resides or is found. Such a subpoena shall be served and returned in the same manner as a subpoena in a criminal case is served and returned. The fees of the sheriff shall be the same as that allowed in the court of common pleas in criminal cases. Witnesses shall be paid the fees and mileage provided for under section 119.094 of the Revised Code. The fees and mileage shall be paid from the fund in the state treasury for the use of the agency in the same manner as other expenses of the agency are paid.

In any case of disobedience or neglect of any subpoena served on any person or the refusal of any witness to testify to any matter regarding which the witness lawfully may be interrogated, the court of common pleas of any county where the disobedience, neglect, or refusal occurs or any judge of that court, on application by the registrar, shall compel obedience by attachment proceedings for contempt, as in the case of disobedience of the requirements of a subpoena issued from that court, or a refusal to testify in that court.

(4) Nothing in division (E) of this section shall be construed to require a hearing of any nature prior to the termination of any deputy registrar contract by the registrar, with the approval of the director, for cause.

(F) Except as provided in section 2743.03 of the Revised Code, no court, other than the court of common pleas of Franklin county, has jurisdiction of any action against the department of public safety, the director, the bureau, or the registrar to restrain the exercise of any power or authority, or to entertain any action for declaratory judgment, in the selection and appointment of, or contracting with, deputy registrars. Neither the department, the director, the bureau, nor the registrar is liable in any action at law for damages sustained by any person because of any acts of the department, the director, the bureau, or the registrar, or of any employee of the department or bureau, in the performance of official duties in the selection and appointment of, and contracting with, deputy registrars.

(G) The registrar shall assign to each deputy registrar a series of numbers sufficient to supply the demand at all times in the area the deputy registrar serves, and the registrar shall keep a record in the registrar's office of the numbers within the series assigned. Except as otherwise provided in section 3.061 of the Revised Code, each deputy shall be required to give bond in the amount of at least twenty-five thousand dollars, or in such higher amount as the registrar determines necessary, based on a uniform schedule of bond amounts established by the registrar and determined by the volume of registrations handled by the deputy. The form of the bond shall be prescribed by the registrar. The bonds required of deputy registrars, in the discretion of the registrar, may be individual or schedule bonds or may be included in any blanket bond coverage carried by the department.

(H) Each deputy registrar shall keep a file of each application received by the deputy and shall register that motor vehicle with the name and address of its owner.

(I) Upon request, a deputy registrar shall make the physical inspection of a motor vehicle and issue the physical inspection certificate required in section 4505.061 of the Revised Code.

(J) Each deputy registrar shall file a report semiannually with the registrar of motor vehicles listing the number of applicants for licenses the deputy has served, the number of voter registration applications the deputy has completed and transmitted to the board of elections, and the number of voter registration applications declined.

Last updated August 22, 2023 at 3:25 PM

Section 4503.031 | Office space for carrying out deputy registrars' duties.

(A)(1) If the registrar of motor vehicles determines that space is available at a deputy registrar's office, the clerk of the court of common pleas in the county where the deputy is located shall be given the opportunity to use the space for the purpose of carrying out the clerk's duties related to the titling of motor vehicles. Each clerk of the court of common pleas using space in a deputy registrar's office shall remit to the deputy a rental fee equal to the percentage of space occupied by the clerk in the deputy's office multiplied by the rental fee or mortgage cost paid for the entire deputy registrar's office plus a pro rata share of all utility costs.

(2) If the clerk of the court of common pleas determines that space is available at any location at which the clerk has an office, the clerk shall inform the registrar of that fact and shall provide the registrar with all pertinent information about the available space. After giving due consideration to the locations of deputy registrar offices existing in the county in which the clerk of the court of common pleas is located, the registrar shall inform the appropriate deputy registrars, if any, of the available space of the clerk of the court of common pleas. Each such deputy registrar shall be given the opportunity to use the space for the purpose of carrying out the deputy registrar's duties. Each deputy registrar using space in the office of the clerk of a court of common pleas shall remit to the clerk a rental fee equal to the percentage of space occupied by the deputy registrar in the clerk's office multiplied by the rental fee or mortgage cost, if any, paid for the entire clerk's office plus a pro rata share of all utility costs.

If no current deputy registrar elects to utilize the available space of the clerk of the court of common pleas, the registrar shall inform all persons who express an interest to the registrar in becoming a deputy registrar in that county of the available space of the clerk if the space in fact continues to be available.

(3) A clerk of the court of common pleas and a deputy registrar may elect to occupy a location at which neither the clerk nor the deputy currently is an occupant. Any such arrangement is subject to the approval of the registrar, who shall give due consideration to all issues and aspects of the proposed arrangement, including security at the location and service to the public.

(B) When possible, as determined by the director of public safety and the registrar, a driver's license examination station shall be located at or near a deputy registrar's office. For each driver's license examination station located at a deputy registrar's office, the director shall remit to the deputy a rental fee equal to the percentage of space occupied for the driver's license examination station multiplied by the rental fee or mortgage cost paid for the entire deputy registrar's office plus a pro rata share of all utility costs.

(C) During the regular business hours of deputy registrars, the registrar shall keep the central office open and sufficiently staffed to be able to respond to the technical needs of the deputies.

(D) The registrar shall adopt rules to promote public information regarding motor vehicle registration. The rules shall include:

(1) The operation by the registrar, during the regular business hours of deputy registrars, of a toll-free telephone number to give information and receive complaints;

(2) The listing by the registrar, of each deputy registrar, together with the toll-free telephone number required under division (D)(1) of this section, in the local business and advertising telephone directory for the area served by the deputy, under the heading of the bureau of motor vehicles.

Section 4503.032 | Political contributions.

(A) As used in this section, "candidate," "contribution," and "campaign committee" have the same meanings as in section 3517.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) No person shall knowingly solicit directly or indirectly, orally or by letter, or be in any manner concerned in soliciting any assessment, subscription, or contribution for any political party, for the governor or his campaign committee, or for any candidate for public office or his campaign committee from a person known by the solicitor to be a deputy registrar under contract with the registrar of motor vehicles.

(C) Neither the registrar nor any person shall award a deputy registrar contract to a person, or promise to do so, because that person pays an assessment or subscription to, or makes a contribution to, any political party, the governor or his campaign committee, or any candidate for public office or his campaign committee. Neither the registrar nor any person shall withhold a deputy registrar contract from a person, or threaten to do so, because that person fails to pay an assessment or subscription to, or fails to make a contribution to, any political party, the governor or his campaign committee, or any candidate for public office or his campaign committee. Neither the registrar nor any person shall terminate a deputy registrar contract awarded to a person, or threaten to do so, because that person fails to pay an assessment or subscription to, or fails to make a contribution to, any political party, the governor or his campaign committee, or any candidate for public office or his campaign committee.

(D) Whoever violates this section shall be fined ten thousand dollars.

Section 4503.033 | Deputy registrar to file annual statement - contents of statement.

(A) Annually, on or before the thirty-first day of January, every deputy registrar shall file with the registrar of motor vehicles on a form prescribed by the registrar, a statement disclosing all of the following:

(1) The name of the person filing the statement, and, if applicable, of his spouse and of members of his immediate family;

(2) Any contribution made within the previous calendar year by the person and, if applicable, by his spouse and by members of his immediate family to each of the following:

(a) Any political party;

(b) Any candidate for the office of governor, attorney general, secretary of state, treasurer of state, auditor of state, member of the senate or house of representatives of the general assembly, or to the campaign committee of any such candidate.

(3) The month, day, and year in which the contribution was made;

(4) The full name and address of each person, political party, or campaign committee to which a contribution was made;

(5) The value in dollars and cents of the contribution.

(B) No person shall knowingly fail to file, on or before the filing deadline under this section, a statement that is required by division (A) of this section.

(C) No person shall knowingly make a false statement in a statement that is required to be filed under division (A) of this section.

(D) On and after March 2, 1994, the statement required by division (A) of this section shall be accompanied by a filing fee of twenty-five dollars. If the statement required by division (A) of this section is not filed by the date on which it is required to be filed, the registrar of motor vehicles shall assess a late filing fee as prescribed in division (F) of section 102.02 of the Revised Code. The registrar shall deposit all fees he receives under this division into the general revenue fund of the state.

(E) Not later than the date a deputy registrar is required to file a statement under division (A) of this section, the deputy registrar shall file a copy of the statement with the office of the secretary of state. The secretary of state shall keep the copies of all statements filed with his office under this division only for the purpose of making them available for public inspection.

(F) Whoever violates division (B) of this section shall be fined one thousand dollars. Whoever violates division (C) of this section shall be fined ten thousand dollars.

Section 4503.034 | Statewide satisfaction rate.

(A) Notwithstanding sections 4503.10, 4503.102, 4503.12, 4503.182, 4503.24, 4505.061, 4506.08, 4507.24, 4507.50, 4507.52, 4519.03, 4519.05, 4519.10, 4519.56, and 4519.69 of the Revised Code:

(1) Each deputy registrar shall be allowed the increased fee otherwise allowed in those sections and commencing on January 1, 2003, for performing the services specified in those sections only if the deputy registrars achieve a statewide satisfaction rate of at least ninety per cent on the survey conducted by the registrar of motor vehicles under this section. If the deputy registrars fail to achieve a statewide satisfaction rate of at least ninety per cent on the survey, the fee for performing the services specified in those sections shall remain at the rate in effect for the immediately preceding year.

(2) Each deputy registrar shall be allowed the increased fee otherwise allowed in those sections and commencing on January 1, 2004, for performing the services specified in those sections only if the deputy registrars achieve a statewide satisfaction rate of at least ninety per cent on the survey conducted by the registrar under this section. If the deputy registrars fail to achieve a statewide satisfaction rate of at least ninety per cent on the survey, the fee for performing the services specified in those sections shall remain at the rate in effect for the immediately preceding year.

(B) The registrar shall develop and conduct a survey evaluating public satisfaction with the conduct of services by deputy registrars under sections 4503.10, 4503.102, 4503.12, 4503.182, 4503.24, 4505.061, 4506.08, 4507.24, 4507.50, 4507.52, 4519.03, 4519.05, 4519.10, 4519.56, and 4519.69 of the Revised Code. In developing the survey, the registrar also shall establish standards that shall enable a deputy registrar to achieve a ninety per cent satisfaction rating. The ninety per cent satisfaction rate required under divisions (A)(1) and (2) of this section as a condition to increasing the service fees shall be determined on a statewide basis and not on an individual basis. The registrar shall conduct the survey in 2002 to determine the satisfaction rating for purposes of division (A)(1) of this section and shall conduct the survey again in 2003 to determine the satisfaction rating for purposes of division (A)(2) of this section.

Section 4503.035 | Electronic motor vehicle dealers.

The registrar of motor vehicles shall designate as an electronic motor vehicle dealer a motor vehicle dealer who meets all of the following criteria:

(A) The dealer holds a current, valid dealer license issued under Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code.

(B) The dealer participates in the title defect recision fund created by section 1345.52 of the Revised Code.

(C) The dealer has the capability, via electronic means, to send motor vehicle title and registration information, as specified by the registrar, to the registrar and clerks of the courts of common pleas.

(D) The dealer meets other criteria for electronic motor vehicle dealers that the registrar may establish by rule adopted under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.036 | Limited authority deputy registrars.

(A) The registrar of motor vehicles shall adopt rules for the appointment of limited authority deputy registrars. Notwithstanding section 4503.03 of the Revised Code, the registrar may appoint the clerk of a court of common pleas or an electronic motor vehicle dealer qualified under section 4503.035 of the Revised Code as a limited authority deputy registrar.

(B) A limited authority deputy registrar may conduct only initial and transfer motor vehicle transactions using electronic means, vehicle identification number inspections, and other associated transactions in a manner approved in the rules that the registrar adopts.

(C) A limited authority deputy registrar may collect and retain a fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code for each transaction or physical inspection that the limited authority deputy registrar conducts, and shall collect all fees and taxes that are required by law and related to the transaction or inspection in a manner approved by the registrar. A clerk of a court of common pleas shall pay all fees collected and retained under this section into the county treasury to the credit of the certificate of title administration fund created under section 325.33 of the Revised Code.

(D) The rules adopted by the registrar may establish reasonable eligibility standards for clerks and electronic motor vehicle dealers. The rules shall prescribe the terms and conditions of limited authority deputy registrar contracts and shall require each limited authority deputy registrar to sign a contract before assuming any duties as a limited authority deputy registrar. The rules may establish different eligibility standards and contract terms and conditions depending on whether the limited authority deputy registrar is a clerk or an electronic motor vehicle dealer. No contract shall be for a period of more than three years. The contract may contain any other provisions the registrar reasonably prescribes. Each contract shall terminate on a date specified by the registrar.

(E) Any eligible clerk or qualified electronic motor vehicle dealer may make an application to the registrar for appointment as a limited authority deputy registrar. With the approval of the director of public safety, the registrar shall make the appointments from the applications submitted, based upon the discretion of the registrar and director and not upon a competitive basis.

(F) A limited authority deputy registrar is not subject to the contribution limits of division (B) of section 4503.03 of the Revised Code or the filing requirement of division (A) of section 4503.033 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.037 | Allocation of motor vehicle-related duties between county auditor and clerk of court of common pleas.

(A) To promote the efficient use of governmental resources, including staff and facilities, and to improve service to the public, a county auditor who is designated to act as a deputy registrar and the clerk of the court of common pleas from the same county, subject to approval by the board of county commissioners and by the registrar of motor vehicles, may enter into a memorandum of understanding to allocate motor vehicle-related duties between the auditor and clerk. The board of county commissioners shall act by resolution in approving or rejecting a memorandum. The registrar shall approve or reject a memorandum in writing.

(B) A memorandum of understanding may allocate the performance of motor vehicle-related duties only to the extent that the auditor acting as a deputy registrar or the clerk otherwise is authorized by law to perform such duties, and except as provided in this section, the performance of motor vehicle-related duties under a memorandum of understanding shall be in accordance with all applicable laws.

A memorandum may allocate motor vehicle-related duties without regard to whether the duty is allocated by law to a deputy registrar or a clerk, and the performance of motor-vehicle related duties by either an auditor or clerk under this section is deemed sufficient to satisfy laws specifying that a deputy registrar or clerk perform the duty. A memorandum may allocate any fees that are retained by a deputy registrar or clerk by law.

(C) For purposes of this section, "motor vehicle-related duties" means all deputy registrar duties and certificate of title duties under Chapters 1548., 4505., and 4519. of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.038 | Adoption of rules regarding service fees.

(A) Not later than ninety days after July 3, 2019, the registrar of motor vehicles shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code establishing a service fee that applies for purposes of sections 4503.03, 4503.036, 4503.042, 4503.10, 4503.102, 4503.12, 4503.182, 4503.24, 4503.44, 4503.65, 4505.061, 4506.08, 4507.24, 4507.50, 4507.52, 4509.05, 4519.03, 4519.05, 4519.10, 4519.56, and 4519.69 of the Revised Code. The service fee shall be five dollars.

(B) Not later than ninety days after July 3, 2019, the registrar shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code establishing prorated service fees that apply for purposes of multi-year registrations authorized under section 4503.103 of the Revised Code.

Last updated August 29, 2023 at 8:55 AM

Section 4503.04 | Schedule of rates.

Except as provided in sections 4503.042 and 4503.65 of the Revised Code for the registration of commercial cars, trailers, semitrailers, and certain buses, the rates of the taxes imposed by section 4503.02 of the Revised Code shall be as follows:

(A)(1) For motor vehicles having three wheels or less, the license tax is:

(a) For each motorized bicycle or moped, ten dollars;

(b) For each motorcycle, autocycle, cab-enclosed motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, or motor scooter, fourteen dollars.

(2) For each low-speed, under-speed, and utility vehicle, and each mini-truck, ten dollars.

(B) For each passenger car, twenty dollars;

(C) For each manufactured home, each mobile home, and each travel trailer or house vehicle, ten dollars;

(D) For each noncommercial motor vehicle designed by the manufacturer to carry a load of no more than three-quarters of one ton and for each motor home, thirty-five dollars; for each noncommercial motor vehicle designed by the manufacturer to carry a load of more than three-quarters of one ton, but not more than one ton, seventy dollars;

(E) For each noncommercial trailer, the license tax is:

(1) Eighty-five cents for each one hundred pounds or part thereof for the first two thousand pounds or part thereof of weight of vehicle fully equipped;

(2) One dollar and forty cents for each one hundred pounds or part thereof in excess of two thousand pounds up to and including ten thousand pounds.

(F) Notwithstanding its weight, twelve dollars for any:

(1) Vehicle equipped, owned, and used by a charitable or nonprofit corporation exclusively for the purpose of administering chest x-rays or receiving blood donations;

(2) Van used principally for the transportation of persons with disabilities that has been modified by being equipped with adaptive equipment to facilitate the movement of such persons into and out of the van;

(3) Bus used principally for the transportation of persons with disabilities or persons sixty-five years of age or older.

(G) Notwithstanding its weight, twenty dollars for any bus used principally for the transportation of persons in a ridesharing arrangement.

(H) For each transit bus having motor power the license tax is twelve dollars.

"Transit bus" means either a motor vehicle having a seating capacity of more than seven persons which is operated and used by any person in the rendition of a public mass transportation service primarily in a municipal corporation or municipal corporations and provided at least seventy-five per cent of the annual mileage of such service and use is within such municipal corporation or municipal corporations or a motor vehicle having a seating capacity of more than seven persons which is operated solely for the transportation of persons associated with a charitable or nonprofit corporation, but does not mean any motor vehicle having a seating capacity of more than seven persons when such vehicle is used in a ridesharing capacity or any bus described by division (F)(3) of this section.

The application for registration of such transit bus shall be accompanied by an affidavit prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles and signed by the person or an agent of the firm or corporation operating such bus stating that the bus has a seating capacity of more than seven persons, and that it is either to be operated and used in the rendition of a public mass transportation service and that at least seventy-five per cent of the annual mileage of such operation and use shall be within one or more municipal corporations or that it is to be operated solely for the transportation of persons associated with a charitable or nonprofit corporation.

The form of the license plate, and the manner of its attachment to the vehicle, shall be prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles.

(I) Except as otherwise provided in division (A) or (J) of this section, the minimum tax for any vehicle having motor power is ten dollars and eighty cents, and for each noncommercial trailer, five dollars.

(J)(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (J) of this section, for each farm truck, except a noncommercial motor vehicle, that is owned, controlled, or operated by one or more farmers exclusively in farm use as defined in this section, and not for commercial purposes, and provided that at least seventy-five per cent of such farm use is by or for the one or more owners, controllers, or operators of the farm in the operation of which a farm truck is used, the license tax is five dollars plus:

(a) Fifty cents per one hundred pounds or part thereof for the first three thousand pounds;

(b) Seventy cents per one hundred pounds or part thereof in excess of three thousand pounds up to and including four thousand pounds;

(c) Ninety cents per one hundred pounds or part thereof in excess of four thousand pounds up to and including six thousand pounds;

(d) Two dollars for each one hundred pounds or part thereof in excess of six thousand pounds up to and including ten thousand pounds;

(e) Two dollars and twenty-five cents for each one hundred pounds or part thereof in excess of ten thousand pounds;

(f) The minimum license tax for any farm truck shall be twelve dollars.

(2) The owner of a farm truck may register the truck for a period of one-half year by paying one-half the registration tax imposed on the truck under this chapter and one-half the amount of any tax imposed on the truck under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code.

(3) A farm bus may be registered for a period of three hundred ten days from the date of issue of the license plates for the bus, for a fee of ten dollars, provided such license plates shall not be issued for more than one such period in any calendar year. Such use does not include the operation of trucks by commercial processors of agricultural products.

(4) License plates for farm trucks and for farm buses shall have some distinguishing marks, letters, colors, or other characteristics to be determined by the director of public safety.

(5) Every person registering a farm truck or bus under this section shall furnish an affidavit certifying that the truck or bus licensed to that person is to be so used as to meet the requirements necessary for the farm truck or farm bus classification.

Any farmer may use a truck owned by the farmer for commercial purposes by paying the difference between the commercial truck registration fee and the farm truck registration fee for the remaining part of the registration period for which the truck is registered. Such remainder shall be calculated from the beginning of the semiannual period in which application for such commercial license is made.

Taxes at the rates provided in this section are in lieu of all taxes on or with respect to the ownership of such motor vehicles, except as provided in sections 4503.042, 4503.06, and 4503.65 of the Revised Code.

(K) Other than trucks registered under the international registration plan in another jurisdiction and for which this state has received an apportioned registration fee, the license tax for each truck which is owned, controlled, or operated by a nonresident, and licensed in another state, and which is used exclusively for the transportation of nonprocessed agricultural products intrastate, from the place of production to the place of processing, is twenty-four dollars.

"Truck," as used in this division, means any pickup truck, straight truck, semitrailer, or trailer other than a travel trailer. Nonprocessed agricultural products, as used in this division, does not include livestock or grain.

A license issued under this division shall be issued for a period of one hundred thirty days in the same manner in which all other licenses are issued under this section, provided that no truck shall be so licensed for more than one one-hundred-thirty-day period during any calendar year.

The license issued pursuant to this division shall consist of a windshield decal to be designed by the director of public safety.

Every person registering a truck under this division shall furnish an affidavit certifying that the truck licensed to the person is to be used exclusively for the purposes specified in this division.

(L) Every person registering a motor vehicle as a noncommercial motor vehicle as defined in section 4501.01 of the Revised Code, or registering a trailer as a noncommercial trailer as defined in that section, shall furnish an affidavit certifying that the motor vehicle or trailer so licensed to the person is to be so used as to meet the requirements necessary for the noncommercial vehicle classification.

(M) Every person registering a van or bus as provided in divisions (F)(2) and (3) of this section shall furnish a notarized statement certifying that the van or bus licensed to the person is to be used for the purposes specified in those divisions. The form of the license plate issued for such motor vehicles shall be prescribed by the registrar.

(N) Every person registering as a passenger car a motor vehicle designed and used for carrying more than nine but not more than fifteen passengers, and every person registering a bus as provided in division (G) of this section, shall furnish an affidavit certifying that the vehicle so licensed to the person is to be used in a ridesharing arrangement and that the person will have in effect whenever the vehicle is used in a ridesharing arrangement a policy of liability insurance with respect to the motor vehicle in amounts and coverages no less than those required by section 4509.79 of the Revised Code. The form of the license plate issued for such a motor vehicle shall be prescribed by the registrar.

(O)(1) If an application for registration renewal is not applied for prior to the expiration date of the registration or within thirty days after that date, the registrar or deputy registrar shall collect a fee of ten dollars for the issuance of the vehicle registration. For any motor vehicle that is used on a seasonal basis, whether used for general transportation or not, and that has not been used on the public roads or highways since the expiration of the registration, the registrar or deputy registrar shall waive the fee established under this division if the application is accompanied by supporting evidence of seasonal use as the registrar may require. The registrar or deputy registrar may waive the fee for other good cause shown if the application is accompanied by supporting evidence as the registrar may require. The fee shall be in addition to all other fees established by this section. A deputy registrar shall retain fifty cents of the fee and shall transmit the remaining amount to the registrar at the time and in the manner provided by section 4503.10 of the Revised Code. The registrar shall deposit all moneys received under this division into the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(2) Division (O)(1) of this section does not apply to a farm truck or farm bus registered under division (J) of this section.

(P) As used in this section:

(1) "Van" means any motor vehicle having a single rear axle and an enclosed body without a second seat.

(2) "Person with a disability" means any person who has lost the use of one or both legs, or one or both arms, or is blind, deaf, or unable to move about without the aid of crutches or a wheelchair.

(3) "Farm truck" means a truck used in the transportation from the farm of products of the farm, including livestock and its products, poultry and its products, floricultural and horticultural products, and in the transportation to the farm of supplies for the farm, including tile, fence, and every other thing or commodity used in agricultural, floricultural, horticultural, livestock, and poultry production and livestock, poultry, and other animals and things used for breeding, feeding, or other purposes connected with the operation of the farm.

(4) "Farm bus" means a bus used only for the transportation of agricultural employees and used only in the transportation of such employees as are necessary in the operation of the farm.

(5) "Farm supplies" includes fuel used exclusively in the operation of a farm, including one or more homes located on and used in the operation of one or more farms, and furniture and other things used in and around such homes.

The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.

Last updated March 17, 2023 at 1:18 PM

Section 4503.041 | Weight of trailer used exclusively for noncommercial purposes.

(A) The original owner of any trailer weighing four thousand pounds or less and used exclusively for noncommercial purposes, upon application for initial registration, shall obtain and present such evidence of the trailer's weight as the registrar of motor vehicles may require. Whenever an application for registration other than an initial application by the original owner is made for a trailer to which this section applies, the application shall be accompanied by an affidavit, prescribed by the registrar and signed by the present owner, stating that the weight of the trailer is the same as that indicated by the evidence obtained and presented for initial registration by the original owner, and no other evidence of weight shall be required. This section does not apply to the owner of a boat trailer being registered in accordance with section 4503.173 of the Revised Code.

(B) The owner of a trailer described in division (A) of this section or the operator of a motor vehicle towing such a trailer may tow the trailer directly to and from a scale facility for the purpose of determining the trailer's weight prior to the registration of the trailer provided that at the time of such towing the owner or operator has in the owner's or operator's possession an official weight slip prescribed by the registrar and provided the trailer does not carry any load during such towing.

Section 4503.042 | Rates for vehicles not subject to apportioned rates under international registration plan.

The rates established under this section apply to commercial cars, buses, trailers, and semitrailers that are not subject to apportioned rates under the international registration plan.

(A) The rates of the annual registration taxes imposed by section 4503.02 of the Revised Code, based on gross vehicle weight or combined gross vehicle weight, for commercial cars that are not apportionable are as follows:

(1) For not more than two thousand pounds, forty-five dollars;

(2) For more than two thousand but not more than six thousand pounds, seventy dollars;

(3) For more than six thousand but not more than ten thousand pounds, eighty-five dollars;

(4) For more than ten thousand but not more than fourteen thousand pounds, one hundred five dollars;

(5) For more than fourteen thousand but not more than eighteen thousand pounds, one hundred twenty-five dollars;

(6) For more than eighteen thousand but not more than twenty-two thousand pounds, one hundred fifty dollars;

(7) For more than twenty-two thousand but not more than twenty-six thousand pounds, one hundred seventy-five dollars;

(8) For more than twenty-six thousand but not more than thirty thousand pounds, three hundred fifty-five dollars;

(9) For more than thirty thousand but not more than thirty-four thousand pounds, four hundred twenty dollars;

(10) For more than thirty-four thousand but not more than thirty-eight thousand pounds, four hundred eighty dollars;

(11) For more than thirty-eight thousand but not more than forty-two thousand pounds, five hundred forty dollars;

(12) For more than forty-two thousand but not more than forty-six thousand pounds, six hundred dollars;

(13) For more than forty-six thousand but not more than fifty thousand pounds, six hundred sixty dollars;

(14) For more than fifty thousand but not more than fifty-four thousand pounds, seven hundred twenty-five dollars;

(15) For more than fifty-four thousand but not more than fifty-eight thousand pounds, seven hundred eighty-five dollars;

(16) For more than fifty-eight thousand but not more than sixty-two thousand pounds, eight hundred fifty-five dollars;

(17) For more than sixty-two thousand but not more than sixty-six thousand pounds, nine hundred twenty-five dollars;

(18) For more than sixty-six thousand but not more than seventy thousand pounds, nine hundred ninety-five dollars;

(19) For more than seventy thousand but not more than seventy-four thousand pounds, one thousand eighty dollars;

(20) For more than seventy-four thousand but not more than seventy-eight thousand pounds, one thousand two hundred dollars;

(21) For more than seventy-eight thousand pounds, one thousand three hundred forty dollars.

(B) The rates of the annual registration taxes imposed by section 4503.02 of the Revised Code, based on gross vehicle weight or combined gross vehicle weight, for buses that are not apportionable are as follows:

(1) For not more than two thousand pounds, ten dollars;

(2) For more than two thousand but not more than six thousand pounds, forty dollars;

(3) For more than six thousand but not more than ten thousand pounds, one hundred dollars;

(4) For more than ten thousand but not more than fourteen thousand pounds, one hundred eighty dollars;

(5) For more than fourteen thousand but not more than eighteen thousand pounds, two hundred sixty dollars;

(6) For more than eighteen thousand but not more than twenty-two thousand pounds, three hundred forty dollars;

(7) For more than twenty-two thousand but not more than twenty-six thousand pounds, four hundred twenty dollars;

(8) For more than twenty-six thousand but not more than thirty thousand pounds, five hundred dollars;

(9) For more than thirty thousand but not more than thirty-four thousand pounds, five hundred eighty dollars;

(10) For more than thirty-four thousand but not more than thirty-eight thousand pounds, six hundred sixty dollars;

(11) For more than thirty-eight thousand but not more than forty-two thousand pounds, seven hundred forty dollars;

(12) For more than forty-two thousand but not more than forty-six thousand pounds, eight hundred twenty dollars;

(13) For more than forty-six thousand but not more than fifty thousand pounds, nine hundred forty dollars;

(14) For more than fifty thousand but not more than fifty-four thousand pounds, one thousand dollars;

(15) For more than fifty-four thousand but not more than fifty-eight thousand pounds, one thousand ninety dollars;

(16) For more than fifty-eight thousand but not more than sixty-two thousand pounds, one thousand one hundred eighty dollars;

(17) For more than sixty-two thousand but not more than sixty-six thousand pounds, one thousand two hundred seventy dollars;

(18) For more than sixty-six thousand but not more than seventy thousand pounds, one thousand three hundred sixty dollars;

(19) For more than seventy thousand but not more than seventy-four thousand pounds, one thousand four hundred fifty dollars;

(20) For more than seventy-four thousand but not more than seventy-eight thousand pounds, one thousand five hundred forty dollars;

(21) For more than seventy-eight thousand pounds, one thousand six hundred thirty dollars.

(C)(1) Except as provided in division (C)(2) of this section, the rate of the tax for each trailer and semitrailer is twenty-five dollars.

(2) Beginning January 1 2022, when an owner or lessee of a trailer or semitrailer is registering it for the first time in Ohio, the rate of the tax for that trailer or semitrailer is fifty dollars for the first year of registration. Any qualified applicant for registration that pays the fifty-dollar tax is not required to pay the tax for any subsequent registration of that trailer or semitrailer under this division.

(D) If an application for registration renewal is not applied for prior to the expiration date of the registration or within thirty days after that date, the registrar or deputy registrar shall collect a fee of ten dollars for the issuance of the vehicle registration, but may waive the fee for good cause shown if the application is accompanied by supporting evidence as the registrar may require. The fee shall be in addition to all other fees established by this section. A deputy registrar shall retain fifty cents of the fee and shall transmit the remaining amount to the registrar at the time and in the manner provided by section 4503.10 of the Revised Code. The registrar shall deposit all moneys received under this division into the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(E) The rates established by this section shall not apply to any of the following:

(1) Vehicles equipped, owned, and used by a charitable or nonprofit corporation exclusively for the purpose of administering chest x-rays or receiving blood donations;

(2) Vans used principally for the transportation of persons with disabilities that have been modified by being equipped with adaptive equipment to facilitate the movement of such persons into and out of the vans;

(3) Buses used principally for the transportation of persons with disabilities or persons sixty-five years of age or older;

(4) Buses used principally for the transportation of persons in a ridesharing arrangement;

(5) Transit buses having motor power;

(6) Noncommercial trailers, mobile homes, or manufactured homes.

The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.

Last updated March 17, 2023 at 1:19 PM

Section 4503.05 | Noncommercial motor vehicle use restriction.

(A) No person shall use a motor vehicle registered as a noncommercial motor vehicle for other than the purposes set forth in section 4501.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

Section 4503.06 | Manufactured or mobile home tax.

(A) The owner of each manufactured or mobile home that has acquired situs in this state shall pay either a real property tax pursuant to Title LVII of the Revised Code or a manufactured home tax pursuant to division (C) of this section.

(B) The owner of a manufactured or mobile home shall pay real property taxes if either of the following applies:

(1) The manufactured or mobile home acquired situs in the state or ownership in the home was transferred on or after January 1, 2000, and all of the following apply:

(a) The home is affixed to a permanent foundation as defined in division (C)(5) of section 3781.06 of the Revised Code.

(b) The home is located on land that is owned by the owner of the home.

(c) The certificate of title has been inactivated by the clerk of the court of common pleas that issued it, pursuant to division (H) of section 4505.11 of the Revised Code.

(2) The manufactured or mobile home acquired situs in the state or ownership in the home was transferred before January 1, 2000, and all of the following apply:

(a) The home is affixed to a permanent foundation as defined in division (C)(5) of section 3781.06 of the Revised Code.

(b) The home is located on land that is owned by the owner of the home.

(c) The owner of the home has elected to have the home taxed as real property and, pursuant to section 4505.11 of the Revised Code, has surrendered the certificate of title to the auditor of the county containing the taxing district in which the home has its situs, together with proof that all taxes have been paid.

(d) The county auditor has placed the home on the real property tax list and delivered the certificate of title to the clerk of the court of common pleas that issued it and the clerk has inactivated the certificate.

(C)(1) Any mobile or manufactured home that is not taxed as real property as provided in division (B) of this section is subject to an annual manufactured home tax, payable by the owner, for locating the home in this state. The tax as levied in this section is for the purpose of supplementing the general revenue funds of the local subdivisions in which the home has its situs pursuant to this section.

(2) The year for which the manufactured home tax is levied commences on the first day of January and ends on the following thirty-first day of December. The state shall have the first lien on any manufactured or mobile home on the list for the amount of taxes, penalties, and interest charged against the owner of the home under this section. The lien of the state for the tax for a year shall attach on the first day of January to a home that has acquired situs on that date. The lien for a home that has not acquired situs on the first day of January, but that acquires situs during the year, shall attach on the next first day of January. The lien shall continue until the tax, including any penalty or interest, is paid.

(3)(a) The situs of a manufactured or mobile home located in this state on the first day of January is the local taxing district in which the home is located on that date.

(b) The situs of a manufactured or mobile home not located in this state on the first day of January, but located in this state subsequent to that date, is the local taxing district in which the home is located thirty days after it is acquired or first enters this state.

(4) The tax is collected by and paid to the county treasurer of the county containing the taxing district in which the home has its situs.

(D) The manufactured home tax shall be computed and assessed by the county auditor of the county containing the taxing district in which the home has its situs as follows:

(1) On a home that acquired situs in this state prior to January 1, 2000:

(a) By multiplying the assessable value of the home by the tax rate of the taxing district in which the home has its situs, and deducting from the product thus obtained any reduction authorized under section 4503.065 of the Revised Code. The tax levied under this formula shall not be less than thirty-six dollars, unless the home qualifies for a reduction in assessable value under section 4503.065 of the Revised Code, in which case there shall be no minimum tax and the tax shall be the amount calculated under this division.

(b) The assessable value of the home shall be forty per cent of the amount arrived at by the following computation:

(i) If the cost to the owner, or market value at time of purchase, whichever is greater, of the home includes the furnishings and equipment, such cost or market value shall be multiplied according to the following schedule:

For the first calendar year in which the home is owned by the current ownerx80%
2nd calendar yearx75%
3rd "x70%
4th "x65%
5th "x60%
6th "x55%
7th "x50%
8th "x45%
9th "x40%
10th and each year thereafterx35%

The first calendar year means any period between the first day of January and the thirty-first day of December of the first year.

(ii) If the cost to the owner, or market value at the time of purchase, whichever is greater, of the home does not include the furnishings and equipment, such cost or market value shall be multiplied according to the following schedule:

For the first calendar year in which the home is owned by the current ownerx95%
2nd calendar yearx90%
3rd "x85%
4th "x80%
5th "x75%
6th "x70%
7th "x65%
8th "x60%
9th "x55%
10th and each year thereafterx50%

The first calendar year means any period between the first day of January and the thirty-first day of December of the first year.

(2) On a home in which ownership was transferred or that first acquired situs in this state on or after January 1, 2000:

(a) By multiplying the assessable value of the home by the effective tax rate, as defined in section 323.08 of the Revised Code, for residential real property of the taxing district in which the home has its situs, and deducting from the product thus obtained the reductions required or authorized under section 319.302, division (B) of section 323.152, or section 4503.065 of the Revised Code.

(b) The assessable value of the home shall be thirty-five per cent of its true value as determined under division (L) of this section.

(3) On or before the fifteenth day of January each year, the county auditor shall record the assessable value and the amount of tax on the manufactured or mobile home on the tax list and deliver a duplicate of the list to the county treasurer. In the case of an emergency as defined in section 323.17 of the Revised Code, the tax commissioner, by journal entry, may extend the times for delivery of the duplicate for an additional fifteen days upon receiving a written application from the county auditor regarding an extension for the delivery of the duplicate, or from the county treasurer regarding an extension of the time for the billing and collection of taxes. The application shall contain a statement describing the emergency that will cause the unavoidable delay and must be received by the tax commissioner on or before the last day of the month preceding the day delivery of the duplicate is otherwise required. When an extension is granted for delivery of the duplicate, the time period for payment of taxes shall be extended for a like period of time. When a delay in the closing of a tax collection period becomes unavoidable, the tax commissioner, upon application by the county auditor and county treasurer, may order the time for payment of taxes to be extended if the tax commissioner determines that penalties have accrued or would otherwise accrue for reasons beyond the control of the taxpayers of the county. The order shall prescribe the final extended date for payment of taxes for that collection period.

(4) After January 1, 1999, the owner of a manufactured or mobile home taxed pursuant to division (D)(1) of this section may elect to have the home taxed pursuant to division (D)(2) of this section by filing a written request with the county auditor of the taxing district in which the home is located on or before the first day of December of any year. Upon the filing of the request, the county auditor shall determine whether all taxes levied under division (D)(1) of this section have been paid, and if those taxes have been paid, the county auditor shall tax the manufactured or mobile home pursuant to division (D)(2) of this section commencing in the next tax year.

(5) A manufactured or mobile home that acquired situs in this state prior to January 1, 2000, shall be taxed pursuant to division (D)(2) of this section if no manufactured home tax had been paid for the home and the home was not exempted from taxation pursuant to division (E) of this section for the year for which the taxes were not paid.

(6)(a) Immediately upon receipt of any manufactured home tax duplicate from the county auditor, but not less than twenty days prior to the last date on which the first one-half taxes may be paid without penalty as prescribed in division (F) of this section, the county treasurer shall cause to be prepared and mailed or delivered to each person charged on that duplicate with taxes, or to an agent designated by such person, the tax bill prescribed by the tax commissioner under division (D)(7) of this section. When taxes are paid by installments, the county treasurer shall mail or deliver to each person charged on such duplicate or the agent designated by that person a second tax bill showing the amount due at the time of the second tax collection. The second half tax bill shall be mailed or delivered at least twenty days prior to the close of the second half tax collection period. A change in the mailing address, electronic mail address, or telephone number of any tax bill shall be made in writing to the county treasurer. Failure to receive a bill required by this section does not excuse failure or delay to pay any taxes shown on the bill or, except as provided in division (B)(1) of section 5715.39 of the Revised Code, avoid any penalty, interest, or charge for such delay.

A policy adopted by a county treasurer under division (A)(2) of section 323.13 of the Revised Code shall also allow any person required to receive a tax bill under division (D)(6)(a) of this section to request electronic delivery of that tax bill in the same manner. A person may rescind such a request in the same manner as a request made under division (A)(2) of section 323.13 of the Revised Code. The request shall terminate upon a change in the name of the person charged with the taxes pursuant to section 4503.061 of the Revised Code.

(b) After delivery of the copy of the delinquent manufactured home tax list under division (H) of this section, the county treasurer may prepare and mail to each person in whose name a home is listed an additional tax bill showing the total amount of delinquent taxes charged against the home as shown on the list. The tax bill shall include a notice that the interest charge prescribed by division (G) of this section has begun to accrue.

(7) Each tax bill prepared and mailed or delivered under division (D)(6) of this section shall be in the form and contain the information required by the tax commissioner. The commissioner may prescribe different forms for each county and may authorize the county auditor to make up tax bills and tax receipts to be used by the county treasurer. The tax bill shall not contain or be mailed or delivered with any information or material that is not required by this section or that is not authorized by section 321.45 of the Revised Code or by the tax commissioner. In addition to the information required by the commissioner, each tax bill shall contain the following information:

(a) The taxes levied and the taxes charged and payable against the manufactured or mobile home;

(b) The following notice: "Notice: If the taxes are not paid within sixty days after the county auditor delivers the delinquent manufactured home tax list to the county treasurer, you and your home may be subject to collection proceedings for tax delinquency." Failure to provide such notice has no effect upon the validity of any tax judgment to which a home may be subjected.

(c) In the case of manufactured or mobile homes taxed under division (D)(2) of this section, the following additional information:

(i) The effective tax rate. The words "effective tax rate" shall appear in boldface type.

(ii) The following notice: "Notice: If the taxes charged against this home have been reduced by the 2-1/2 per cent tax reduction for residences occupied by the owner but the home is not a residence occupied by the owner, the owner must notify the county auditor's office not later than March 31 of the year for which the taxes are due. Failure to do so may result in the owner being convicted of a fourth degree misdemeanor, which is punishable by imprisonment up to 30 days, a fine up to $250, or both, and in the owner having to repay the amount by which the taxes were erroneously or illegally reduced, plus any interest that may apply.

If the taxes charged against this home have not been reduced by the 2-1/2 per cent tax reduction and the home is a residence occupied by the owner, the home may qualify for the tax reduction. To obtain an application for the tax reduction or further information, the owner may contact the county auditor's office at __________ (insert the address and telephone number of the county auditor's office)."

(E)(1) A manufactured or mobile home is not subject to this section when any of the following applies:

(a) It is taxable as personal property pursuant to section 5709.01 of the Revised Code. Any manufactured or mobile home that is used as a residence shall be subject to this section and shall not be taxable as personal property pursuant to section 5709.01 of the Revised Code.

(b) It bears a license plate issued by any state other than this state unless the home is in this state in excess of an accumulative period of thirty days in any calendar year.

(c) The annual tax has been paid on the home in this state for the current year.

(d) The tax commissioner has determined, pursuant to section 5715.27 of the Revised Code, that the property is exempt from taxation, or would be exempt from taxation under Chapter 5709. of the Revised Code if it were classified as real property.

(2) A travel trailer or park trailer, as these terms are defined in section 4501.01 of the Revised Code, is not subject to this section if it is unused or unoccupied and stored at the owner's normal place of residence or at a recognized storage facility.

(3) A travel trailer or park trailer, as these terms are defined in section 4501.01 of the Revised Code, is subject to this section and shall be taxed as a manufactured or mobile home if it has a situs longer than thirty days in one location and is connected to existing utilities, unless either of the following applies:

(a) The situs is in a state facility or a camping or park area as defined in division (C), (Q), (S), or (V) of section 3729.01 of the Revised Code.

(b) The situs is in a camping or park area that is a tract of land that has been limited to recreational use by deed or zoning restrictions and subdivided for sale of five or more individual lots for the express or implied purpose of occupancy by either self-contained recreational vehicles as defined in division (T) of section 3729.01 of the Revised Code or by dependent recreational vehicles as defined in division (D) of section 3729.01 of the Revised Code.

(F) Except as provided in division (D)(3) of this section, the manufactured home tax is due and payable as follows:

(1) When a manufactured or mobile home has a situs in this state, as provided in this section, on the first day of January, one-half of the amount of the tax is due and payable on or before the first day of March and the balance is due and payable on or before the thirty-first day of July. At the option of the owner of the home, the tax for the entire year may be paid in full on the first day of March.

(2) When a manufactured or mobile home first acquires a situs in this state after the first day of January, no tax is due and payable for that year.

(G)(1)(a) Except as otherwise provided in division (G)(1)(b) of this section, if one-half of the current taxes charged under this section against a manufactured or mobile home, together with the full amount of any delinquent taxes, are not paid on or before the first day of March in that year, or on or before the last day for such payment as extended pursuant to section 4503.063 of the Revised Code, a penalty of ten per cent shall be charged against the unpaid balance of such half of the current taxes. If the total amount of all such taxes is not paid on or before the thirty-first day of July, next thereafter, or on or before the last day for payment as extended pursuant to section 4503.063 of the Revised Code, a like penalty shall be charged on the balance of the total amount of the unpaid current taxes.

(b) After a valid delinquent tax contract that includes unpaid current taxes from a first-half collection period described in division (F) of this section has been entered into under section 323.31 of the Revised Code, no ten per cent penalty shall be charged against such taxes after the second-half collection period while the delinquent tax contract remains in effect. On the day a delinquent tax contract becomes void, the ten per cent penalty shall be charged against such taxes and shall equal the amount of penalty that would have been charged against unpaid current taxes outstanding on the date on which the second-half penalty would have been charged thereon under division (G)(1)(a) of this section if the contract had not been in effect.

(2)(a) On the first day of the month following the last day the second installment of taxes may be paid without penalty beginning in 2000, interest shall be charged against and computed on all delinquent taxes other than the current taxes that became delinquent taxes at the close of the last day such second installment could be paid without penalty. The charge shall be for interest that accrued during the period that began on the preceding first day of December and ended on the last day of the month that included the last date such second installment could be paid without penalty. The interest shall be computed at the rate per annum prescribed by section 5703.47 of the Revised Code and shall be entered as a separate item on the delinquent manufactured home tax list compiled under division (H) of this section.

(b) On the first day of December beginning in 2000, the interest shall be charged against and computed on all delinquent taxes. The charge shall be for interest that accrued during the period that began on the first day of the month following the last date prescribed for the payment of the second installment of taxes in the current year and ended on the immediately preceding last day of November. The interest shall be computed at the rate per annum prescribed by section 5703.47 of the Revised Code and shall be entered as a separate item on the delinquent manufactured home tax list.

(c) After a valid undertaking has been entered into for the payment of any delinquent taxes, no interest shall be charged against such delinquent taxes while the undertaking remains in effect in compliance with section 323.31 of the Revised Code. If a valid undertaking becomes void, interest shall be charged against the delinquent taxes for the periods that interest was not permitted to be charged while the undertaking was in effect. The interest shall be charged on the day the undertaking becomes void and shall equal the amount of interest that would have been charged against the unpaid delinquent taxes outstanding on the dates on which interest would have been charged thereon under divisions (G)(1) and (2) of this section had the undertaking not been in effect.

(3) If the full amount of the taxes due at either of the times prescribed by division (F) of this section is paid within ten days after such time, the county treasurer shall waive the collection of and the county auditor shall remit one-half of the penalty provided for in this division for failure to make that payment by the prescribed time.

(4) The treasurer shall compile and deliver to the county auditor a list of all tax payments the treasurer has received as provided in division (G)(3) of this section. The list shall include any information required by the auditor for the remission of the penalties waived by the treasurer. The taxes so collected shall be included in the settlement next succeeding the settlement then in process.

(H)(1) The county auditor shall compile annually a "delinquent manufactured home tax list" consisting of homes the county treasurer's records indicate have taxes that were not paid within the time prescribed by divisions (D)(3) and (F) of this section, have taxes that remain unpaid from prior years, or have unpaid tax penalties or interest that have been assessed.

(2) Within thirty days after the settlement under division (H)(2) of section 321.24 of the Revised Code, the county auditor shall deliver a copy of the delinquent manufactured home tax list to the county treasurer. The auditor shall update and publish the delinquent manufactured home tax list annually in the same manner as delinquent real property tax lists are published. The county auditor may apportion the cost of publishing the list among taxing districts in proportion to the amount of delinquent manufactured home taxes so published that each taxing district is entitled to receive upon collection of those taxes, or the county auditor may charge the owner of a home on the list a flat fee established under section 319.54 of the Revised Code for the cost of publishing the list and, if the fee is not paid, may place the fee upon the delinquent manufactured home tax list as a lien on the listed home, to be collected as other manufactured home taxes.

(3) When taxes, penalties, or interest are charged against a person on the delinquent manufactured home tax list and are not paid within sixty days after the list is delivered to the county treasurer, the county treasurer shall, in addition to any other remedy provided by law for the collection of taxes, penalties, and interest, enforce collection of such taxes, penalties, and interest by civil action in the name of the treasurer against the owner for the recovery of the unpaid taxes following the procedures for the recovery of delinquent real property taxes in sections 323.25 to 323.28 of the Revised Code. The action may be brought in municipal or county court, provided the amount charged does not exceed the monetary limitations for original jurisdiction for civil actions in those courts.

It is sufficient, having made proper parties to the suit, for the county treasurer to allege in the treasurer's bill of particulars or petition that the taxes stand chargeable on the books of the county treasurer against such person, that they are due and unpaid, and that such person is indebted in the amount of taxes appearing to be due the county. The treasurer need not set forth any other matter relating thereto. If it is found on the trial of the action that the person is indebted to the state, judgment shall be rendered in favor of the county treasurer prosecuting the action. The judgment debtor is not entitled to the benefit of any law for stay of execution or exemption of property from levy or sale on execution in the enforcement of the judgment.

Upon the filing of an entry of confirmation of sale or an order of forfeiture in a proceeding brought under this division, title to the manufactured or mobile home shall be in the purchaser. The clerk of courts shall issue a certificate of title to the purchaser upon presentation of proof of filing of the entry of confirmation or order and, in the case of a forfeiture, presentation of the county auditor's certificate of sale.

(I) The total amount of taxes collected shall be distributed in the following manner: four per cent shall be allowed as compensation to the county auditor for the county auditor's service in assessing the taxes; two per cent shall be allowed as compensation to the county treasurer for the services the county treasurer renders as a result of the tax levied by this section. Such amounts shall be paid into the county treasury, to the credit of the county general revenue fund, on the warrant of the county auditor. Fees to be paid to the credit of the real estate assessment fund shall be collected pursuant to division (C) of section 319.54 of the Revised Code and paid into the county treasury, on the warrant of the county auditor. The balance of the taxes collected shall be distributed among the taxing subdivisions of the county in which the taxes are collected and paid in the same ratio as those taxes were collected for the benefit of the taxing subdivision. The taxes levied and revenues collected under this section shall be in lieu of any general property tax and any tax levied with respect to the privilege of using or occupying a manufactured or mobile home in this state except as provided in sections 4503.04 and 5741.02 of the Revised Code.

(J) An agreement to purchase or a bill of sale for a manufactured home shall show whether or not the furnishings and equipment are included in the purchase price.

(K) If the county treasurer and the county prosecuting attorney agree that an item charged on the delinquent manufactured home tax list is uncollectible, they shall certify that determination and the reasons to the county board of revision. If the board determines the amount is uncollectible, it shall certify its determination to the county auditor, who shall strike the item from the list.

(L)(1) The county auditor shall appraise at its true value any manufactured or mobile home in which ownership is transferred or which first acquires situs in this state on or after January 1, 2000, and any manufactured or mobile home the owner of which has elected, under division (D)(4) of this section, to have the home taxed under division (D)(2) of this section. The true value shall include the value of the home, any additions, and any fixtures, but not any furnishings in the home. In determining the true value of a manufactured or mobile home, the auditor shall consider all facts and circumstances relating to the value of the home, including its age, its capacity to function as a residence, any obsolete characteristics, and other factors that may tend to prove its true value.

(2)(a) If a manufactured or mobile home has been the subject of an arm's length sale between a willing seller and a willing buyer within a reasonable length of time prior to the determination of true value, the county auditor shall consider the sale price of the home to be the true value for taxation purposes.

(b) The sale price in an arm's length transaction between a willing seller and a willing buyer shall not be considered the true value of the home if either of the following occurred after the sale:

(i) The home has lost value due to a casualty.

(ii) An addition or fixture has been added to the home.

(3) The county auditor shall have each home viewed and appraised at least once in each six-year period in the same year in which real property in the county is appraised pursuant to Chapter 5713. of the Revised Code, and shall update the appraised values in the third calendar year following the appraisal. The person viewing or appraising a home may enter the home to determine by actual view any additions or fixtures that have been added since the last appraisal. In conducting the appraisals and establishing the true value, the auditor shall follow the procedures set forth for appraising real property in sections 5713.01 and 5713.03 of the Revised Code.

(4) The county auditor shall place the true value of each home on the manufactured home tax list upon completion of an appraisal.

(5)(a) If the county auditor changes the true value of a home, the auditor shall notify the owner of the home in writing, delivered by mail or in person. The notice shall be given at least thirty days prior to the issuance of any tax bill that reflects the change. Failure to receive the notice does not invalidate any proceeding under this section.

(b) Any owner of a home or any other person or party that would be authorized to file a complaint under division (A) of section 5715.19 of the Revised Code if the home was real property may file a complaint against the true value of the home as appraised under this section. The complaint shall be filed with the county auditor on or before the thirty-first day of March of the current tax year or the date of closing of the collection for the first half of manufactured home taxes for the current tax year, whichever is later. The auditor shall present to the county board of revision all complaints filed with the auditor under this section. The board shall hear and investigate the complaint and may take action on it as provided under sections 5715.11 to 5715.19 of the Revised Code.

(c) If the county board of revision determines, pursuant to a complaint against the valuation of a manufactured or mobile home filed under this section, that the amount of taxes, assessments, or other charges paid was in excess of the amount due based on the valuation as finally determined, then the overpayment shall be refunded in the manner prescribed in section 5715.22 of the Revised Code.

(d) Payment of all or part of a tax under this section for any year for which a complaint is pending before the county board of revision does not abate the complaint or in any way affect the hearing and determination thereof.

(M) If the county auditor determines that any tax or other charge or any part thereof has been erroneously charged as a result of a clerical error as defined in section 319.35 of the Revised Code, the county auditor shall call the attention of the county board of revision to the erroneous charges. If the board finds that the taxes or other charges have been erroneously charged or collected, it shall certify the finding to the auditor. Upon receipt of the certification, the auditor shall remove the erroneous charges on the manufactured home tax list or delinquent manufactured home tax list in the same manner as is prescribed in section 319.35 of the Revised Code for erroneous charges against real property, and refund any erroneous charges that have been collected, with interest, in the same manner as is prescribed in section 319.36 of the Revised Code for erroneous charges against real property.

(N) As used in this section and section 4503.061 of the Revised Code:

(1) "Manufactured home taxes" includes taxes, penalties, and interest charged under division (C) or (G) of this section and any penalties charged under division (G) or (H)(5) of section 4503.061 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Current taxes" means all manufactured home taxes charged against a manufactured or mobile home that have not appeared on the manufactured home tax list for any prior year. Current taxes become delinquent taxes if they remain unpaid after the last day prescribed for payment of the second installment of current taxes without penalty, whether or not they have been certified delinquent.

(3) "Delinquent taxes" means:

(a) Any manufactured home taxes that were charged against a manufactured or mobile home for a prior year, including any penalties or interest charged for a prior year and the costs of publication under division (H)(2) of this section, and that remain unpaid;

(b) Any current manufactured home taxes charged against a manufactured or mobile home that remain unpaid after the last day prescribed for payment of the second installment of current taxes without penalty, whether or not they have been certified delinquent, including any penalties or interest and the costs of publication under division (H)(2) of this section.

Last updated April 22, 2023 at 7:42 AM

Section 4503.061 | Registration of manufactured and mobile homes in county of situs.

(A) All manufactured and mobile homes shall be listed on either the real property tax list or the manufactured home tax list of the county in which the home has situs. Each owner shall follow the procedures in this section to identify the home to the county auditor of the county containing the taxing district in which the home has situs so that the auditor may place the home on the appropriate tax list.

(B) When a manufactured or mobile home first acquires situs in this state and is subject to real property taxation pursuant to division (B)(1) or (2) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code, the owner shall present to the auditor of the county containing the taxing district in which the home has its situs the certificate of title for the home, together with proof that all taxes due have been paid and proof that a relocation notice was obtained for the home if required under this section. Upon receiving the certificate of title and the required proofs, the auditor shall place the home on the real property tax list and proceed to treat the home as other properties on that list. After the auditor has placed the home on the tax list of real and public utility property, the auditor shall deliver the certificate of title to the clerk of the court of common pleas that issued it pursuant to section 4505.11 of the Revised Code, and the clerk shall inactivate the certificate of title.

(C)(1) When a manufactured or mobile home subject to a manufactured home tax is relocated to or first acquires situs in any county that has adopted a permanent manufactured home registration system, as provided in division (F) of this section, the owner, within thirty days after the home is relocated or first acquires situs under section 4503.06 of the Revised Code, shall register the home with the county auditor of the county containing the taxing district in which the home has its situs. For the first registration in each county of situs, the owner or vendee in possession shall present to the county auditor an Ohio certificate of title, certified copy of the certificate of title, or memorandum certificate of title as such are required by law, and proof, as required by the county auditor, that the home, if it has previously been occupied and is being relocated, has been previously registered, that all taxes due and required to be paid under division (H)(1) of this section before a relocation notice may be issued have been paid, and that a relocation notice was obtained for the home if required by division (H) of this section. If the owner or vendee does not possess the Ohio certificate of title, certified copy of the certificate of title, or memorandum certificate of title at the time the owner or vendee first registers the home in a county, the county auditor shall register the home without presentation of the document, but the owner or vendee shall present the certificate of title, certified copy of the certificate of title, or memorandum certificate of title to the county auditor within fourteen days after the owner or vendee obtains possession of the document.

(2) When a manufactured or mobile home is registered for the first time in a county and when the total tax due has been paid as required by division (F) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code or divisions (E) and (H) of this section, the county treasurer shall note by writing or by a stamp on the certificate of title, certified copy of certificate of title, or memorandum certificate of title that the home has been registered and that the taxes due, if any, have been paid for the preceding five years and for the current year. The treasurer shall then issue a certificate evidencing registration and a decal to be displayed on the street side of the home. The certificate is valid in any county in this state during the year for which it is issued.

(3) For each year thereafter, the county treasurer shall issue a tax bill stating the amount of tax due under section 4503.06 of the Revised Code, as provided in division (D)(6) of that section. When the total tax due has been paid as required by division (F) of that section, the county treasurer shall issue a certificate evidencing registration that shall be valid in any county in this state during the year for which the certificate is issued.

(4) The permanent decal issued under this division is valid during the period of ownership, except that when a manufactured home is relocated in another county the owner shall apply for a new registration as required by this section and section 4503.06 of the Revised Code.

(D)(1) All owners of manufactured or mobile homes subject to the manufactured home tax being relocated to or having situs in a county that has not adopted a permanent registration system, as provided in division (F) of this section, shall register the home within thirty days after the home is relocated or first acquires situs under section 4503.06 of the Revised Code and thereafter shall annually register the home with the county auditor of the county containing the taxing district in which the home has its situs.

(2) Upon the annual registration, the county treasurer shall issue a tax bill stating the amount of annual manufactured home tax due under section 4503.06 of the Revised Code, as provided in division (D)(6) of that section. When a manufactured or mobile home is registered and when the tax for the current one-half year has been paid as required by division (F) of that section, the county treasurer shall issue a certificate evidencing registration and a decal. The certificate and decal are valid in any county in this state during the year for which they are issued. The decal shall be displayed on the street side of the home.

(3) For the first annual registration in each county of situs, the county auditor shall require the owner or vendee to present an Ohio certificate of title, certified copy of the certificate of title, or memorandum certificate of title as such are required by law, and proof, as required by the county auditor, that the manufactured or mobile home has been previously registered, if such registration was required, that all taxes due and required to be paid under division (H)(1) of this section before a relocation notice may be issued have been paid, and that a relocation notice was obtained for the home if required by division (H) of this section. If the owner or vendee does not possess the Ohio certificate of title, certified copy of the certificate of title, or memorandum certificate of title at the time the owner or vendee first registers the home in a county, the county auditor shall register the home without presentation of the document, but the owner or vendee shall present the certificate of title, certified copy of the certificate of title, or memorandum certificate of title to the county auditor within fourteen days after the owner or vendee obtains possession of the document. When the county treasurer receives the tax payment, the county treasurer shall note by writing or by a stamp on the certificate of title, certified copy of the certificate of title, or memorandum certificate of title that the home has been registered for the current year and that the manufactured home taxes due, if any, have been paid for the preceding five years and for the current year.

(4) For subsequent annual registrations, the auditor may require the owner or vendee in possession to present an Ohio certificate of title, certified copy of the certificate of title, or memorandum certificate of title to the county treasurer upon payment of the manufactured home tax that is due.

(E)(1) Upon the application to transfer ownership of a manufactured or mobile home for which manufactured home taxes are paid pursuant to division (C) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code the clerk of the court of common pleas shall not issue any certificate of title that does not contain or have attached both of the following:

(a) An endorsement of the county treasurer stating that the home has been registered for each year of ownership and that all manufactured home taxes imposed pursuant to section 4503.06 of the Revised Code have been paid or that no tax is due;

(b) An endorsement of the county auditor that the manufactured home transfer tax imposed pursuant to section 322.06 of the Revised Code and any fees imposed under division (G) of section 319.54 of the Revised Code have been paid.

(2) If all the taxes have not been paid, the clerk shall notify the vendee to contact the county treasurer of the county containing the taxing district in which the home has its situs at the time of the proposed transfer. The county treasurer shall then collect all the taxes that are due for the year of the transfer and all previous years not exceeding a total of five years. The county treasurer shall distribute that part of the collection owed to the county treasurer of other counties if the home had its situs in another county during a particular year when the unpaid tax became due and payable. The burden to prove the situs of the home in the years that the taxes were not paid is on the transferor of the home. Upon payment of the taxes, the county auditor shall remove all remaining taxes from the manufactured home tax list and the delinquent manufactured home tax list, and the county treasurer shall release all liens for such taxes. The clerk of courts shall issue a certificate of title, free and clear of all liens for manufactured home taxes, to the transferee of the home.

(3) Once the transfer is complete and the certificate of title has been issued, the transferee shall register the manufactured or mobile home pursuant to division (C) or (D) of this section with the county auditor of the county containing the taxing district in which the home remains after the transfer or, if the home is relocated to another county, with the county auditor of the county to which the home is relocated. The transferee need not pay the annual tax for the year of acquisition if the original owner has already paid the annual tax for that year.

(F) The county auditor may adopt a permanent registration system and issue a permanent decal with the first registration as prescribed by the tax commissioner.

(G) When any manufactured or mobile home required to be registered by this section is not registered, the county auditor shall impose a penalty of one hundred dollars upon the owner and deposit the amount to the credit of the county real estate assessment fund to be used to pay the costs of administering this section and section 4503.06 of the Revised Code. If unpaid, the penalty shall constitute a lien on the home and shall be added by the county auditor to the manufactured home tax list for collection.

(H)(1) Except as otherwise provided in this division, before moving a manufactured or mobile home on public roads from one address within this state to another address within or outside this state, the owner of the home shall obtain a relocation notice, as provided by this section, from the auditor of the county in which the home is located if the home is currently subject to taxation pursuant to section 4503.06 of the Revised Code. The auditor shall charge five dollars for the notice, and deposit the amount to the credit of the county real estate assessment fund to be used to pay the costs of administering this section and section 4503.06 of the Revised Code. The auditor shall not issue a relocation notice unless all taxes owed on the home under section 4503.06 of the Revised Code that were first charged to the home during the period of ownership of the owner seeking the relocation notice have been paid. If the home is being moved by a new owner of the home or by a party taking repossession of the home, the auditor shall not issue a relocation notice unless all of the taxes due for the preceding five years and for the current year have been paid. A relocation notice issued by a county auditor is valid until the last day of December of the year in which it was issued.

If the home is being moved by a sheriff, police officer, constable, bailiff, or manufactured home park operator, as defined in section 4781.01 of the Revised Code, or any agent of any of these persons, for purposes of removal from a manufactured home park and storage, sale, or destruction under section 1923.14 of the Revised Code, the auditor shall issue a relocation notice without requiring payment of any taxes owed on the home under section 4503.06 of the Revised Code.

(2) If a manufactured or mobile home is not yet subject to taxation under section 4503.06 of the Revised Code, the owner of the home shall obtain a relocation notice from the dealer of the home. Within thirty days after the manufactured or mobile home is purchased, the dealer of the home shall provide the auditor of the county in which the home is to be located written notice of the name of the purchaser of the home, the registration number or vehicle identification number of the home, and the address or location to which the home is to be moved. The county auditor shall provide to each manufactured and mobile home dealer, without charge, a supply of relocation notices to be distributed to purchasers pursuant to this section.

(3) The notice shall be in the form of a one-foot square yellow sign with the words "manufactured home relocation notice" printed prominently on it. The name of the owner of the home, the home's registration number or vehicle identification number, the county and the address or location to which the home is being moved, and the county in which the notice is issued shall also be entered on the notice.

(4) The relocation notice must be attached to the rear of the home when the home is being moved on a public road. Except as provided in divisions (H)(1) and (5) of this section, no person shall drive a motor vehicle moving a manufactured or mobile home on a public road from one address to another address within this state unless a relocation notice is attached to the rear of the home.

(5) If the county auditor determines that a manufactured or mobile home has been moved without a relocation notice as required under this division, the auditor shall impose a penalty of one hundred dollars upon the owner of the home and upon the person who moved the home and deposit the amount to the credit of the county real estate assessment fund to pay the costs of administering this section and section 4503.06 of the Revised Code. If the home was relocated from one county in this state to another county in this state and the county auditor of the county to which the home was relocated imposes the penalty, that county auditor, upon collection of the penalty, shall cause an amount equal to the penalty to be transmitted from the county real estate assessment fund to the county auditor of the county from which the home was relocated, who shall deposit the amount to the credit of the county real estate assessment fund. If the penalty on the owner is unpaid, the penalty shall constitute a lien on the home and the auditor shall add the penalty to the manufactured home tax list for collection. If the county auditor determines that a dealer that has sold a manufactured or mobile home has failed to timely provide the information required under this division, the auditor shall impose a penalty upon the dealer in the amount of one hundred dollars. The penalty shall be credited to the county real estate assessment fund and used to pay the costs of administering this section and section 4503.06 of the Revised Code.

(I) Whoever violates division (H)(4) of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.

Section 4503.062 | Register of all manufactured and mobile homes.

(A) Every operator of a manufactured home court, or manufactured home park, as defined in section 4781.01 of the Revised Code, or when there is no operator, every owner of property used for such purposes on which three or more manufactured or mobile homes are located, shall keep a register of all manufactured and mobile homes that make use of the court, park, or property. The register shall contain all of the following:

(1) The name of the owner and all inhabitants of each home;

(2) The ages of all inhabitants of each home;

(3) The permanent and temporary post office addresses of all inhabitants of each home;

(4) The license number of each home;

(5) The state issuing each such license;

(6) The date of arrival and of departure of each home;

(7) The make and model of each home, if known and if either of the following applies:

(a) The home enters the court, park, or property on or after January 1, 2003.

(b) Ownership of the home in the court or park, or on the property, is transferred on or after January 1, 2003.

(B) The register shall be open to inspection by the county auditor, the county treasurer, agents of the auditor or treasurer, and all law enforcement agencies at all times.

(C) Any person who fails to comply with this section shall be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars.

Section 4503.063 | Appointment of deputies of auditor and treasurer.

The county auditor and county treasurer may appoint any suitable residents of the county as their deputies to perform any of the duties required of them by sections 4503.06, 4503.061, and 4503.062 of the Revised Code.

The tax commissioner shall prescribe forms which shall contain all relevant information necessary in the collection and payment of the tax and the registration of manufactured and mobile homes, as provided in sections 4503.06 and 4503.061 of the Revised Code, and shall provide such other assistance as necessary to enable the county auditor to administer the tax.

The tax commissioner, pursuant to division (D)(3) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code, may extend the time for payment of the tax.

Section 4503.064 | Homestead exemption definitions.

As used in sections 4503.064 to 4503.069 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Sixty-five years of age or older" means a person who will be age sixty-five or older in the calendar year following the year of application for reduction in the assessable value of the person's manufactured or mobile home.

(B) "Permanently and totally disabled" means that a person other than a disabled veteran has, on the first day of January of the year of application, including late application, for reduction in the assessable value of a manufactured or mobile home, some impairment in body or mind that makes the person unable to work at any substantially remunerative employment which the person is reasonably able to perform and which will, with reasonable probability, continue for an indefinite period of at least twelve months without any present indication of recovery therefrom or has been certified as permanently and totally disabled by a state or federal agency having the function of so classifying persons.

(C) "Homestead exemption" means the reduction in taxes allowed under division (A) of section 323.152 of the Revised Code for the year in which an application is filed under section 4503.066 of the Revised Code.

(D) "Manufactured home" has the meaning given in division (C)(4) of section 3781.06 of the Revised Code, and includes a structure consisting of two manufactured homes that were purchased either together or separately and are combined to form a single dwelling, but does not include a manufactured home that is taxed as real property pursuant to division (B) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code.

(E) "Mobile home" has the meaning given in division (O) of section 4501.01 of the Revised Code and includes a structure consisting of two mobile homes that were purchased together or separately and combined to form a single dwelling, but does not include a mobile home that is taxed as real property pursuant to division (B) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code.

(F) "Late application" means an application filed with an original application under division (A)(3) of section 4503.066 of the Revised Code.

(G) "Total income," "disabled veteran," "public service officer," and "killed in the line of duty" have the same meanings as in section 323.151 of the Revised Code.

(H) "Surviving spouse of a disabled veteran" means either of the following:

(1) The spouse of a disabled veteran who occupied the manufactured or mobile home when the disabled veteran died and who acquires ownership of the manufactured or mobile home;

(2) The surviving spouse of an individual to which all of the following apply, provided the surviving spouse occupies the manufactured or mobile home when that individual dies and who, following that individual's death, acquires ownership of the manufactured or mobile home:

(a) The individual dies before receiving a total disability rating described in division (F) of section 323.151 of the Revised Code.

(b) The individual otherwise qualifies as a disabled veteran.

(c) The individual owns and occupies a manufactured or mobile home.

Last updated August 28, 2023 at 11:16 AM

Section 4503.065 | Qualification for reduction in assessable value.

(A)(1) Division (A) of this section applies to any of the following persons:

(a) An individual who is permanently and totally disabled;

(b) An individual who is sixty-five years of age or older;

(c) An individual who is the surviving spouse of a deceased person who was permanently and totally disabled or sixty-five years of age or older and who applied and qualified for a reduction in assessable value under this section in the year of death, provided the surviving spouse is at least fifty-nine but not sixty-five or more years of age on the date the deceased spouse dies.

(2) The manufactured home tax on a manufactured or mobile home that is paid pursuant to division (C) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code and that is owned and occupied as a home by an individual whose domicile is in this state and to whom this section applies, shall be reduced for any tax year for which an application for such reduction has been approved, provided the individual did not acquire ownership from a person, other than the individual's spouse, related by consanguinity or affinity for the purpose of qualifying for the reduction. An owner includes a settlor of a revocable or irrevocable inter vivos trust holding the title to a manufactured or mobile home occupied by the settlor as of right under the trust.

(a) For manufactured and mobile homes for which the tax imposed by section 4503.06 of the Revised Code is computed under division (D)(2) of that section, the reduction shall equal one of the following amounts, as applicable to the person:

(i) If the person received a reduction under this section for tax year 2007, the greater of the reduction for that tax year or the amount computed under division (A)(2)(b) of this section;

(ii) If the person received, for any homestead, a reduction under division (A) of this section for tax year 2014 or under division (A)(1) of section 323.152 of the Revised Code for tax year 2013 or the person is the surviving spouse of such a person and the surviving spouse is at least fifty-nine years of age on the date the deceased spouse dies, the amount computed under division (A)(2)(b) of this section.

(iii) If the person is not described in division (A)(2)(a)(i) or (ii) of this section and the person's total income does not exceed thirty thousand dollars, as adjusted under division (A)(2)(e) of this section, the amount computed under division (A)(2)(b) of this section.

(b) The amount of the reduction under division (A)(2)(b) of this section equals the product of the following:

(i) Twenty-five thousand dollars of the true value of the property in money, as adjusted under division (A)(2)(e) of this section;

(ii) The assessment percentage established by the tax commissioner under division (B) of section 5715.01 of the Revised Code, not to exceed thirty-five per cent;

(iii) The effective tax rate used to calculate the taxes charged against the property for the current year, where "effective tax rate" is defined as in section 323.08 of the Revised Code;

(iv) The quantity equal to one minus the sum of the percentage reductions in taxes received by the property for the current tax year under section 319.302 of the Revised Code and division (B) of section 323.152 of the Revised Code.

(c) For manufactured and mobile homes for which the tax imposed by section 4503.06 of the Revised Code is computed under division (D)(1) of that section, the reduction shall equal one of the following amounts, as applicable to the person:

(i) If the person received a reduction under this section for tax year 2007, the greater of the reduction for that tax year or the amount computed under division (A)(2)(d) of this section;

(ii) If the person received, for any homestead, a reduction under division (A) of this section for tax year 2014 or under division (A)(1) of section 323.152 of the Revised Code for tax year 2013 or the person is the surviving spouse of such a person and the surviving spouse is at least fifty-nine years of age on the date the deceased spouse dies, the amount computed under division (A)(2)(d) of this section.

(iii) If the person is not described in division (A)(2)(c)(i) or (ii) of this section and the person's total income does not exceed thirty thousand dollars, as adjusted under division (A)(2)(e) of this section, the amount computed under division (A)(2)(d) of this section.

(d) The amount of the reduction under division (A)(2)(d) of this section equals the product of the following:

(i) Twenty-five thousand dollars of the cost to the owner, or the market value at the time of purchase, whichever is greater, as those terms are used in division (D)(1) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code, and as adjusted under division (A)(2)(e) of this section;

(ii) The percentage from the appropriate schedule in division (D)(1)(b) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code;

(iii) The assessment percentage of forty per cent used in division (D)(1)(b) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code;

(iv) The tax rate of the taxing district in which the home has its situs.

(e) The tax commissioner shall adjust the income threshold described in divisions (A)(2)(a)(iii) and (A)(2)(c)(iii) and the reduction amounts described in divisions (A)(2)(b)(i), (A)(2)(d)(i), (B)(1), (B)(2), (C)(1), and (C)(2) of this section by completing the following calculations in September of each year:

(i) Determine the percentage increase in the gross domestic product deflator determined by the bureau of economic analysis of the United States department of commerce from the first day of January of the preceding calendar year to the last day of December of the preceding calendar year;

(ii) Multiply that percentage increase by the total income threshold or reduction amount for the ensuing tax year, as applicable;

(iii) Add the resulting product to the total income threshold or reduction amount, as applicable for the ensuing tax year;

(iv) Round the resulting sum to the nearest multiple of one hundred dollars.

The commissioner shall certify the amount resulting from each adjustment to each county auditor not later than the first day of December each year. The certified amount applies to the second ensuing tax year. The commissioner shall not make the applicable adjustment in any calendar year in which the amount resulting from the adjustment would be less than the total income threshold or the reduction amount for the ensuing tax year.

(B)(1) The manufactured home tax levied pursuant to division (C) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code on a manufactured or mobile home that is owned and occupied by a disabled veteran shall be reduced for any tax year for which an application for such reduction has been approved, provided the disabled veteran did not acquire ownership from a person, other than the disabled veteran's spouse, related by consanguinity or affinity for the purpose of qualifying for the reduction. An owner includes an owner within the meaning of division (A)(2) of this section.

(a) For manufactured and mobile homes for which the tax imposed by section 4503.06 of the Revised Code is computed under division (D)(2) of that section, the reduction shall equal the product obtained by multiplying fifty thousand dollars of the true value of the property in money, as adjusted under division (A)(2)(e) of this section, by the amounts described in divisions (A)(2)(b)(ii) to (iv) of this section.

(b) For manufactured and mobile homes for which the tax imposed by section 4503.06 of the Revised Code is computed under division (D)(1) of that section, the reduction shall equal the product obtained by multiplying fifty thousand dollars of the cost to the owner, or the market value at the time of purchase, whichever is greater, as those terms are used in division (D)(1) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code, as adjusted under division (A)(2)(e) of this section, by the amounts described in divisions (A)(2)(d)(ii) to (iv) of this section.

The reduction is in lieu of any reduction under section 4503.0610 of the Revised Code or division (A), (B)(2), or (C) of this section. The reduction applies to only one manufactured or mobile home owned and occupied by a disabled veteran.

(2) The manufactured home tax levied pursuant to division (C) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code on a manufactured or mobile home that is owned and occupied by the surviving spouse of a disabled veteran shall be reduced for each tax year for which an application for such reduction has been approved. The reduction shall equal the amount of the reduction authorized under division (B)(1)(a) or (b) of this section, as applicable. An owner includes an owner within the meaning of division (A)(2) of this section.

The reduction is in lieu of any reduction under section 4503.0610 of the Revised Code or division (A), (B)(1), or (C) of this section. The reduction applies to only one manufactured or mobile home owned and occupied by the surviving spouse of a disabled veteran. A manufactured or mobile home qualifies for a reduction in taxes under division (B)(2) of this section beginning in one of the following tax years:

(a) For a surviving spouse described in division (H)(1) of section 4503.064 of the Revised Code, the year the disabled veteran dies;

(b) For a surviving spouse described in division (H)(2) of section 4503.064 of the Revised Code, the first year on the first day of January of which the total disability rating described in division (F) of section 323.151 of the Revised Code has been received for the deceased spouse.

In either case, the reduction shall continue through the tax year in which the surviving spouse dies or remarries.

(C) The manufactured home tax levied pursuant to division (C) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code on a manufactured or mobile home that is owned and occupied by the surviving spouse of a public service officer killed in the line of duty shall be reduced for any tax year for which an application for such reduction has been approved, provided the surviving spouse did not acquire ownership from a person, other than the surviving spouse's deceased public service officer spouse, related by consanguinity or affinity for the purpose of qualifying for the reduction. An owner includes an owner within the meaning of division (A)(2) of this section.

(1) For manufactured and mobile homes for which the tax imposed by section 4503.06 of the Revised Code is computed under division (D)(2) of that section, the reduction shall equal the product obtained by multiplying fifty thousand dollars of the true value of the property in money, as adjusted under division (A)(2)(e) of this section, by the amounts described in divisions (A)(2)(b)(ii) to (iv) of this section.

(2) For manufactured and mobile homes for which the tax imposed by section 4503.06 of the Revised Code is computed under division (D)(1) of that section, the reduction shall equal the product obtained by multiplying fifty thousand dollars of the cost to the owner, or the market value at the time of purchase, whichever is greater, as those terms are used in division (D)(1) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code, as adjusted under division (A)(2)(e) of this section, by the amounts described in divisions (A)(2)(d)(ii) to (iv) of this section.

The reduction is in lieu of any reduction under section 4503.0610 of the Revised Code or division (A) or (B) of this section. The reduction applies to only one manufactured or mobile home owned and occupied by such a surviving spouse. A manufactured or mobile home qualifies for a reduction in taxes under this division for the tax year in which the public service officer dies through the tax year in which the surviving spouse dies or remarries.

(D) If the owner or the spouse of the owner of a manufactured or mobile home is eligible for a homestead exemption on the land upon which the home is located, the reduction to which the owner or spouse is entitled under this section shall not exceed the difference between the reduction to which the owner or spouse is entitled under division (A), (B), or (C) of this section and the amount of the reduction under the homestead exemption.

(E) No reduction shall be made with respect to the home of any person convicted of violating division (C) or (D) of section 4503.066 of the Revised Code for a period of three years following the conviction.

The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.

Last updated August 28, 2023 at 1:22 PM

Section 4503.066 | Applying for reduction.

(A)(1) To obtain a tax reduction under section 4503.065 of the Revised Code, the owner of the home shall file an application with the county auditor of the county in which the home is located. An application for reduction in taxes based upon a physical disability shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by a physician, and an application for reduction in taxes based upon a mental disability shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by a physician or psychologist licensed to practice in this state. The certificate shall attest to the fact that the applicant is permanently and totally disabled, shall be in a form that the department of taxation requires, and shall include the definition of totally and permanently disabled as set forth in section 4503.064 of the Revised Code. An application for reduction in taxes based upon a disability certified as permanent and total by a state or federal agency having the function of so classifying persons shall be accompanied by a certificate from that agency.

An application by a disabled veteran or the surviving spouse of a disabled veteran for the reduction under division (B)(1) or (2) of section 4503.065 of the Revised Code shall be accompanied by a letter or other written confirmation from the United States department of veterans affairs, or its predecessor or successor agency, showing that the veteran qualifies as a disabled veteran.

An application by the surviving spouse of a public service officer killed in the line of duty for the reduction under division (C) of section 4503.065 of the Revised Code shall be accompanied by a letter or other written confirmation from an officer or employee of the board of trustees of a retirement or pension fund in this state or another state or from the chief or other chief executive of the department, agency, or other employer for which the public service officer served when killed in the line of duty affirming that the public service officer was killed in the line of duty.

(2) Each application shall constitute a continuing application for a reduction in taxes for each year in which the manufactured or mobile home is occupied by the applicant. Failure to receive a new application or notification under division (B) of this section after an application for reduction has been approved is prima-facie evidence that the original applicant is entitled to the reduction calculated on the basis of the information contained in the original application. The original application and any subsequent application shall be in the form of a signed statement and shall be filed on or before the thirty-first day of December of the year preceding the year for which the reduction is sought. The statement shall be on a form, devised and supplied by the tax commissioner, that shall require no more information than is necessary to establish the applicant's eligibility for the reduction in taxes and the amount of the reduction to which the applicant is entitled. The form shall contain a statement that signing such application constitutes a delegation of authority by the applicant to the tax commissioner or the county auditor, individually or in consultation with each other, to examine any tax or financial records that relate to the income of the applicant as stated on the application for the purpose of determining eligibility under, or possible violation of, division (C) or (D) of this section. The form also shall contain a statement that conviction of willfully falsifying information to obtain a reduction in taxes or failing to comply with division (B) of this section shall result in the revocation of the right to the reduction for a period of three years.

(3) A late application for a reduction in taxes for the year preceding the year for which an original application is filed may be filed with an original application. If the auditor determines that the information contained in the late application is correct, the auditor shall determine both the amount of the reduction in taxes to which the applicant would have been entitled for the current tax year had the application been timely filed and approved in the preceding year, and the amount the taxes levied under section 4503.06 of the Revised Code for the current year would have been reduced as a result of the reduction. When an applicant is permanently and totally disabled on the first day of January of the year in which the applicant files a late application, the auditor, in making the determination of the amounts of the reduction in taxes under division (A)(3) of this section, is not required to determine that the applicant was permanently and totally disabled on the first day of January of the preceding year.

The amount of the reduction in taxes pursuant to a late application shall be treated as an overpayment of taxes by the applicant. The auditor shall credit the amount of the overpayment against the amount of the taxes or penalties then due from the applicant, and, at the next succeeding settlement, the amount of the credit shall be deducted from the amount of any taxes or penalties distributable to the county or any taxing unit in the county that has received the benefit of the taxes or penalties previously overpaid, in proportion to the benefits previously received. If, after the credit has been made, there remains a balance of the overpayment, or if there are no taxes or penalties due from the applicant, the auditor shall refund that balance to the applicant by a warrant drawn on the county treasurer in favor of the applicant. The treasurer shall pay the warrant from the general fund of the county. If there is insufficient money in the general fund to make the payment, the treasurer shall pay the warrant out of any undivided manufactured or mobile home taxes subsequently received by the treasurer for distribution to the county or taxing district in the county that received the benefit of the overpaid taxes, in proportion to the benefits previously received, and the amount paid from the undivided funds shall be deducted from the money otherwise distributable to the county or taxing district in the county at the next or any succeeding distribution. At the next or any succeeding distribution after making the refund, the treasurer shall reimburse the general fund for any payment made from that fund by deducting the amount of that payment from the money distributable to the county or other taxing unit in the county that has received the benefit of the taxes, in proportion to the benefits previously received. On the second Monday in September of each year, the county auditor shall certify the total amount of the reductions in taxes made in the current year under division (A)(3) of this section to the tax commissioner who shall treat that amount as a reduction in taxes for the current tax year and shall make reimbursement to the county of that amount in the manner prescribed in section 4503.068 of the Revised Code, from moneys appropriated for that purpose.

(B)(1) If in any year for which an application for reduction in taxes has been approved the owner no longer qualifies for the reduction, the owner shall notify the county auditor that the owner is not qualified for a reduction in taxes.

(2) If the county auditor or county treasurer discovers that an owner not entitled to the reduction in manufactured home taxes under section 4503.065 of the Revised Code failed to notify the county auditor as required by division (B)(1) of this section, a charge shall be imposed against the manufactured or mobile home in the amount by which taxes were reduced under that section for each tax year the county auditor ascertains that the manufactured or mobile home was not entitled to the reduction and was owned by the current owner. Interest shall accrue in the manner prescribed by division (G)(2) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code on the amount by which taxes were reduced for each such tax year as if the reduction became delinquent taxes at the close of the last day the second installment of taxes for that tax year could be paid without penalty. The county auditor shall notify the owner, by ordinary mail, of the charge, of the owner's right to appeal the charge, and of the manner in which the owner may appeal. The owner may appeal the imposition of the charge and interest by filing an appeal with the county board of revision not later than the last day prescribed for payment of manufactured home taxes under section 4503.06 of the Revised Code following receipt of the notice and occurring at least ninety days after receipt of the notice. The appeal shall be treated in the same manner as a complaint relating to the valuation or assessment of manufactured or mobile homes under section 5715.19 of the Revised Code. The charge and any interest shall be collected as other delinquent taxes.

(3) During January of each year, the county auditor shall furnish each person whose application for reduction has been approved, by ordinary mail, a form on which to report any changes in total income, ownership, occupancy, disability, and other information earlier furnished the auditor relative to the application. The form shall be completed and returned to the auditor not later than the thirty-first day of December if the changes would affect the person's eligibility for the reduction.

(C) No person shall knowingly make a false statement for the purpose of obtaining a reduction in taxes under section 4503.065 of the Revised Code.

(D) No person shall knowingly fail to notify the county auditor of any change required by division (B) of this section that has the effect of maintaining or securing a reduction in taxes under section 4503.065 of the Revised Code.

(E) No person shall knowingly make a false statement or certification attesting to any person's physical or mental condition for purposes of qualifying such person for tax relief pursuant to sections 4503.064 to 4503.069 of the Revised Code.

(F) Whoever violates division (C), (D), or (E) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

Last updated February 14, 2025 at 8:20 AM

Section 4503.067 | Certificate of reduction in assessable value.

The county auditor shall approve or deny an application for reduction under section 4503.065 of the Revised Code and shall so notify the applicant not later than the first Monday in October. Notification shall be provided on a form prescribed by the tax commissioner. If a person believes that the person's application for reduction in taxes has been improperly denied or is for less than that to which the person is entitled, the person may file an appeal with the county board of revision no later than the thirty-first day of January of the following calendar year. The appeal shall be treated in the same manner as a complaint relating to the valuation or assessment of real property under Chapter 5715. of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.068 | Reimbursing county for reduction.

On or before the second Monday in September of each year, the county treasurer shall total the amount by which the manufactured home taxes levied in that year were reduced pursuant to section 4503.065 of the Revised Code, and certify that amount to the tax commissioner. Within ninety days of the receipt of the certification, the commissioner shall provide for payment to the county treasurer, from the general revenue fund, of the amount certified, which shall be credited upon receipt to the county's undivided income tax fund, and an amount equal to two per cent of the amount by which taxes were reduced, which shall be credited upon receipt to the county general fund as a payment, in addition to the fees and charges authorized by sections 319.54 and 321.26 of the Revised Code, to the county auditor and county treasurer for the costs of administering sections 4503.064 to 4503.069 of the Revised Code.

Immediately upon receipt of funds into the county undivided income tax fund under this section, the county auditor shall distribute the full amount thereof among the taxing districts in the county as though it had been received as taxes under section 4503.06 of the Revised Code from each person for whom taxes were reduced under section 4503.065 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 14, 2025 at 6:26 AM

Section 4503.069 | Employees to carry out reduction process.

Each county treasurer and county auditor shall employ the assistants, clerks, and other employees necessary to carry out the duties imposed by sections 4503.064 to 4503.069 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.0610 | Partial real property tax exemption.

(A) If a board of county commissioners adopts a resolution granting a partial real property tax exemption under section 323.158 of the Revised Code, it also shall adopt a resolution under this section granting a partial manufactured home tax exemption. The partial exemption shall take the form of a reduction each year in the manufactured home tax charged against each manufactured home in the county under section 4503.06 of the Revised Code, by the same percentage by which real property taxes were reduced for the preceding year in the resolution adopted under section 323.158 of the Revised Code. Upon adopting the resolution under this section, the board shall certify copies of it to the county auditor and the tax commissioner.

(B) After complying with sections 4503.06 and 4503.065 of the Revised Code, the county auditor shall reduce the remaining sum to be levied against a manufactured home by the percentage called for in the resolution adopted under division (A) of this section. The auditor shall certify the amount of tax remaining after the reduction to the county treasurer for collection as the manufactured home tax charged and payable on the manufactured home.

(C) For each tax year, the county auditor shall certify to the board of county commissioners the total amount by which manufactured home taxes are reduced under this section. At the time of each semi-annual distribution of manufactured home taxes in the county, the board shall pay to the auditor one-half of that total amount. Upon receipt of the payment, the auditor shall distribute it among the various taxing districts in the county as though it had been levied and collected as manufactured home taxes. The board shall make the payment from the county general fund or from any other county revenue that may be used for that purpose.

(D) If a board of county commissioners repeals a resolution adopted under section 323.158 of the Revised Code, it also shall repeal the resolution adopted under this section.

Section 4503.0611 | Refund or waiver of taxes on injured or destroyed manufactured home.

Whenever it is made to appear to the county auditor, by the oath of the owner or one of the owners of a manufactured home, or by the affidavit of two disinterested persons who are residents of the township or municipal corporation in which the manufactured home is or was situated, that the home is subject to taxation for the current year under section 4503.06 of the Revised Code and has been destroyed or injured after the first day of January of the current year, the county auditor shall investigate the matter, and shall refund or waive the payment of the current year's taxes on such home as prescribed by divisions (A) and (B) of this section. The oath or affidavit required by this section shall be filed with the county auditor not later than the thirty-first day of January of the year after the year in which the manufactured home was injured or destroyed.

(A) If the auditor determines the injury or destruction occurred during the first half of the calendar year, the auditor shall deduct from the taxes payable on the manufactured home for the current year an amount that, in the county auditor's judgment, bears the same ratio to those taxes as the extent of the injury or destruction bears to the cost or market value of the manufactured home. The auditor shall draw a warrant on the county treasurer to refund that amount. If the taxes have not been paid at the time of the auditor's determination, the auditor may waive the payment of the portion of the tax that would otherwise be refunded under this division.

(B) If the auditor determines the injury or destruction occurred during the second half of the calendar year, the auditor shall deduct from the taxes payable on the manufactured home for the current year one-half of the amount that, in the county auditor's judgment, bears the same ratio to those taxes as the extent of the injury or destruction bears to the cost or market value of the manufactured home. The auditor shall draw a warrant on the county treasurer to refund that amount. If the taxes have not been paid at the time of the auditor's determination, the auditor may waive the payment of the portion of the tax that would otherwise be refunded under this division.

(C) Taxes refunded under this section shall be paid from the county undivided general property tax fund.

Last updated February 14, 2025 at 6:28 AM

Section 4503.07 | Church bus registration fee.

(A) In lieu of the schedule of rates for commercial cars fixed in section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, the fee shall be ten dollars for each church bus used exclusively to transport members of a church congregation to and from church services or church functions or to transport children and their authorized supervisors to and from any camping function sponsored by a nonprofit, tax-exempt, charitable or philanthropic organization. A church within the meaning of this section is an organized religious group, duly constituted with officers and a board of trustees, regularly holding religious services, and presided over or administered to by a properly accredited ecclesiastical officer, whose name and standing is published in the official publication of the officer's religious group.

(B) If an application for registration renewal is not applied for prior to the expiration date of the registration or within thirty days after that date, the registrar or deputy registrar shall collect a fee of ten dollars for the issuance of the vehicle registration, but may waive the fee for good cause shown if the application is accompanied by supporting evidence as the registrar may require. The fee shall be in addition to all other fees established by this section. A deputy registrar shall retain fifty cents of the fee and shall transmit the remaining amount to the registrar at the time and in the manner provided by section 4503.10 of the Revised Code. The registrar shall deposit all moneys received under this division into the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(C) The application for registration of such bus shall be accompanied by the following, as applicable:

(1) An affidavit, prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles and signed by either the senior pastor, minister, priest, or rabbi of the church making application or by the head of the governing body of the church making application, stating that the bus is to be used exclusively to transport members of a church congregation to and from church services or church functions or to transport children and their authorized supervisors to and from any camping function sponsored by a nonprofit, tax-exempt, charitable, or philanthropic organization;

(2) A certificate from the state highway patrol stating that the bus involved is safe for operation in accordance with such standards as are prescribed by the state highway patrol if the bus meets either of the following:

(a) It originally was designed by the manufacturer to transport sixteen or more passengers, including the driver;

(b) It has a gross vehicle weight rating of ten thousand one pounds or more.

(D) The form of the license plate and the manner of its attachment to the vehicle shall be prescribed by the registrar.

Section 4503.08 | Determination of weight and horsepower.

(A) The weight of all motor vehicles, except those taxed under sections 4503.042 and 4503.65 of the Revised Code, shall be the weight of the vehicle fully equipped as determined on a standard scale. The weight of any machinery mounted upon or affixed to a motor vehicle and not inherently motor vehicle equipment shall not be included in the determination of the total weight.

(B) The horsepower of all vehicles propelled by internal combustion engines shall be computed upon the following formula: square the diameter of the cylinder measured in inches, multiply by the number of cylinders, and divide by two and one half. For all motor vehicles propelled by steam engines, the rating of the horsepower shall be based on the system of rating adopted by the United States government.

(C) For all motor vehicles propelled by electricity, the rating of the horsepower shall be the normal horsepower of the electric motor therein, to be ascertained by the registrar of motor vehicles.

Section 4503.09 | Tax on manufacturer, dealer, or distributor of motor vehicles.

For the purpose of enforcing and paying the expense of administering the law relative to the registration and operation of motor vehicles, each manufacturer, dealer, or distributor of motor vehicles shall pay a tax of twenty-five dollars for each taxing district in which its place or places of business are located in this state. The registrar of motor vehicles shall collect the tax imposed by this section only from those persons who are manufacturers, dealers, or distributors. When a person has paid the annual tax in the taxing district in which the place of business is located, he shall not be required to pay this same tax if he moves his place of business into another taxing district within the same licensing year.

Last updated April 21, 2022 at 1:35 PM

Section 4503.10 | Application for registration or renewal - transmission of fees - inspection certificates.

(A) The owner of every snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, and all-purpose vehicle required to be registered under section 4519.02 of the Revised Code shall file an application for registration under section 4519.03 of the Revised Code. The owner of a motor vehicle, other than a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle, that is not designed and constructed by the manufacturer for operation on a street or highway may not register it under this chapter except upon certification of inspection pursuant to section 4513.02 of the Revised Code by the sheriff, or the chief of police of the municipal corporation or township, with jurisdiction over the political subdivision in which the owner of the motor vehicle resides. Except as provided in sections 4503.103 and 4503.107 of the Revised Code, every owner of every other motor vehicle not previously described in this section and every person mentioned as owner in the last certificate of title of a motor vehicle that is operated or driven upon the public roads or highways shall cause to be filed each year, by mail or otherwise, in the office of the registrar of motor vehicles or a deputy registrar, a written or electronic application or a preprinted registration renewal notice issued under section 4503.102 of the Revised Code, the form of which shall be prescribed by the registrar, for registration for the following registration year, which shall begin on the first day of January of every calendar year and end on the thirty-first day of December in the same year. Applications for registration and registration renewal notices shall be filed at the times established by the registrar pursuant to section 4503.101 of the Revised Code. A motor vehicle owner also may elect to apply for or renew a motor vehicle registration by electronic means using electronic signature in accordance with rules adopted by the registrar. Except as provided in division (J) of this section, applications for registration shall be made on blanks furnished by the registrar for that purpose, containing the following information:

(1) A brief description of the motor vehicle to be registered, including the year, make, model, and vehicle identification number, and, in the case of commercial cars, the gross weight of the vehicle fully equipped computed in the manner prescribed in section 4503.08 of the Revised Code;

(2) The name and residence address of the owner, and the township and municipal corporation in which the owner resides;

(3) The district of registration, which shall be determined as follows:

(a) In case the motor vehicle to be registered is used for hire or principally in connection with any established business or branch business, conducted at a particular place, the district of registration is the municipal corporation in which that place is located or, if not located in any municipal corporation, the county and township in which that place is located.

(b) In case the vehicle is not so used, the district of registration is the municipal corporation or county in which the owner resides at the time of making the application.

(4) Whether the motor vehicle is a new or used motor vehicle;

(5) The date of purchase of the motor vehicle;

(6) Whether the fees required to be paid for the registration or transfer of the motor vehicle, during the preceding registration year and during the preceding period of the current registration year, have been paid. Each application for registration shall be signed by the owner, either manually or by electronic signature, or pursuant to obtaining a limited power of attorney authorized by the registrar for registration, or other document authorizing such signature. If the owner elects to apply for or renew the motor vehicle registration with the registrar by electronic means, the owner's manual signature is not required.

(7) The owner's social security number, driver's license number, or state identification number, or, where a motor vehicle to be registered is used for hire or principally in connection with any established business, the owner's federal taxpayer identification number. The bureau of motor vehicles shall retain in its records all social security numbers provided under this section, but the bureau shall not place social security numbers on motor vehicle certificates of registration.

(8) Whether the applicant wishes to certify willingness to make an anatomical gift if an applicant has not so certified under section 2108.05 of the Revised Code. The applicant's response shall not be considered in the decision of whether to approve the application for registration.

(B)(1) When an applicant first registers a motor vehicle in the applicant's name, the applicant shall provide proof of ownership of that motor vehicle. Proof of ownership may include any of the following:

(a) The applicant may present for inspection a physical certificate of title or memorandum certificate showing title to the motor vehicle to be registered in the name of the applicant.

(b) The applicant may present for inspection an electronic certificate of title for the applicant's motor vehicle in a manner prescribed by rules adopted by the registrar.

(c) The registrar or deputy registrar may electronically confirm the applicant's ownership of the motor vehicle.

An applicant is not required to present a certificate of title to an electronic motor vehicle dealer acting as a limited authority deputy registrar in accordance with rules adopted by the registrar.

(2) When a motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program is in effect under section 3704.14 of the Revised Code and rules adopted under it, each application for registration for a vehicle required to be inspected under that section and those rules shall be accompanied by an inspection certificate for the motor vehicle issued in accordance with that section.

(3) An application for registration shall be refused if any of the following applies:

(a) The application is not in proper form.

(b) The application is prohibited from being accepted by division (D) of section 2935.27, division (A) of section 2937.221, division (A) of section 4503.13, division (B) of section 4510.22, division (B)(1) of section 4521.10, or division (B) of section 5537.041 of the Revised Code.

(c) Proof of ownership is required but is not presented or confirmed in accordance with division (B)(1) of this section.

(d) All registration and transfer fees for the motor vehicle, for the preceding year or the preceding period of the current registration year, have not been paid.

(e) The owner or lessee does not have an inspection certificate for the motor vehicle as provided in section 3704.14 of the Revised Code, and rules adopted under it, if that section is applicable.

(4) This section does not require the payment of license or registration taxes on a motor vehicle for any preceding year, or for any preceding period of a year, if the motor vehicle was not taxable for that preceding year or period under sections 4503.02, 4503.04, 4503.11, 4503.12, and 4503.16 or Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code.

(5) When a certificate of registration is issued upon the first registration of a motor vehicle by or on behalf of the owner, the official issuing the certificate shall indicate the issuance with a stamp on the certificate of title or memorandum certificate or, in the case of an electronic certificate of title or electronic verification of ownership, an electronic stamp or other notation as specified in rules adopted by the registrar, and with a stamp on the inspection certificate for the motor vehicle, if any.

(6) The official also shall indicate, by a stamp or by other means the registrar prescribes, on the registration certificate issued upon the first registration of a motor vehicle by or on behalf of the owner the odometer reading of the motor vehicle as shown in the odometer statement included in or attached to the certificate of title. Upon each subsequent registration of the motor vehicle by or on behalf of the same owner, the official also shall so indicate the odometer reading of the motor vehicle as shown on the immediately preceding certificate of registration.

(7) The registrar shall include in the permanent registration record of any vehicle required to be inspected under section 3704.14 of the Revised Code the inspection certificate number from the inspection certificate that is presented at the time of registration of the vehicle as required under this division.

(C)(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(1) of this section, the registrar and each deputy registrar shall collect an additional fee of eleven dollars for each application for registration and registration renewal received. For vehicles specified in divisions (A)(1) to (21) of section 4503.042 of the Revised Code, the registrar and deputy registrar shall collect an additional fee of thirty dollars for each application for registration and registration renewal received. No additional fee shall be charged for vehicles registered under section 4503.65 of the Revised Code. The additional fee is for the purpose of defraying the department of public safety's costs associated with the administration and enforcement of the motor vehicle and traffic laws of Ohio. Each deputy registrar shall transmit the fees collected under divisions (C)(1) and (3) of this section in the time and manner provided in this section. The registrar shall deposit all moneys received under division (C)(1) of this section into the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(2) In addition, a charge of twenty-five cents shall be made for each reflectorized safety license plate issued, and a single charge of twenty-five cents shall be made for each county identification sticker or each set of county identification stickers issued, as the case may be, to cover the cost of producing the license plates and stickers, including material, manufacturing, and administrative costs. Those fees shall be in addition to the license tax. If the total cost of producing the plates is less than twenty-five cents per plate, or if the total cost of producing the stickers is less than twenty-five cents per sticker or per set issued, any excess moneys accruing from the fees shall be distributed in the same manner as provided by section 4501.04 of the Revised Code for the distribution of license tax moneys. If the total cost of producing the plates exceeds twenty-five cents per plate, or if the total cost of producing the stickers exceeds twenty-five cents per sticker or per set issued, the difference shall be paid from the license tax moneys collected pursuant to section 4503.02 of the Revised Code.

(3) The registrar and each deputy registrar shall collect the following additional fee, as applicable, for each application for registration or registration renewal received for any hybrid motor vehicle, plug-in hybrid electric motor vehicle, or battery electric motor vehicle:

(a) One hundred dollars for a hybrid motor vehicle;

(b) One hundred fifty dollars for a plug-in hybrid electric motor vehicle;

(c) Two hundred dollars for a battery electric motor vehicle.

Each fee imposed under this division shall be prorated based on the number of months for which the vehicle is registered. The registrar shall transmit all money arising from each fee to the treasurer of state for distribution in accordance with division (E) of section 5735.051 of the Revised Code, subject to division (D) of section 5735.05 of the Revised Code.

(D) Each deputy registrar shall be allowed a fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code for each application for registration and registration renewal notice the deputy registrar receives, which shall be for the purpose of compensating the deputy registrar for the deputy registrar's services, and such office and rental expenses, as may be necessary for the proper discharge of the deputy registrar's duties in the receiving of applications and renewal notices and the issuing of registrations.

(E) Upon the certification of the registrar, the county sheriff or local police officials shall recover license plates erroneously or fraudulently issued.

(F) Each deputy registrar, upon receipt of any application for registration or registration renewal notice, together with the license fee and any local motor vehicle license tax levied pursuant to Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, shall transmit that fee and tax, if any, in the manner provided in this section, together with the original and duplicate copy of the application, to the registrar. The registrar, subject to the approval of the director of public safety, may deposit the funds collected by those deputies in a local bank or depository to the credit of the "state of Ohio, bureau of motor vehicles." Where a local bank or depository has been designated by the registrar, each deputy registrar shall deposit all moneys collected by the deputy registrar into that bank or depository not more than one business day after their collection and shall make reports to the registrar of the amounts so deposited, together with any other information, some of which may be prescribed by the treasurer of state, as the registrar may require and as prescribed by the registrar by rule. The registrar, within three days after receipt of notification of the deposit of funds by a deputy registrar in a local bank or depository, shall draw on that account in favor of the treasurer of state. The registrar, subject to the approval of the director and the treasurer of state, may make reasonable rules necessary for the prompt transmittal of fees and for safeguarding the interests of the state and of counties, townships, municipal corporations, and transportation improvement districts levying local motor vehicle license taxes. The registrar may pay service charges usually collected by banks and depositories for such service. If deputy registrars are located in communities where banking facilities are not available, they shall transmit the fees forthwith, by money order or otherwise, as the registrar, by rule approved by the director and the treasurer of state, may prescribe. The registrar may pay the usual and customary fees for such service.

(G) This section does not prevent any person from making an application for a motor vehicle license directly to the registrar by mail, by electronic means, or in person at any of the registrar's offices, upon payment of a service fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code for each application.

(H) No person shall make a false statement as to the district of registration in an application required by division (A) of this section. Violation of this division is falsification under section 2921.13 of the Revised Code and punishable as specified in that section.

(I)(1) Where applicable, the requirements of division (B) of this section relating to the presentation of an inspection certificate issued under section 3704.14 of the Revised Code and rules adopted under it for a motor vehicle, the refusal of a license for failure to present an inspection certificate, and the stamping of the inspection certificate by the official issuing the certificate of registration apply to the registration of and issuance of license plates for a motor vehicle under sections 4503.102, 4503.12, 4503.14, 4503.15, 4503.16, 4503.171, 4503.172, 4503.19, 4503.40, 4503.41, 4503.42, 4503.43, 4503.44, 4503.46, 4503.47, and 4503.51 of the Revised Code.

(2)(a) The registrar shall adopt rules ensuring that each owner registering a motor vehicle in a county where a motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program is in effect under section 3704.14 of the Revised Code and rules adopted under it receives information about the requirements established in that section and those rules and about the need in those counties to present an inspection certificate with an application for registration or preregistration.

(b) Upon request, the registrar shall provide the director of environmental protection, or any person that has been awarded a contract under section 3704.14 of the Revised Code, an on-line computer data link to registration information for all passenger cars, noncommercial motor vehicles, and commercial cars that are subject to that section. The registrar also shall provide to the director of environmental protection a magnetic data tape containing registration information regarding passenger cars, noncommercial motor vehicles, and commercial cars for which a multi-year registration is in effect under section 4503.103 of the Revised Code or rules adopted under it, including, without limitation, the date of issuance of the multi-year registration, the registration deadline established under rules adopted under section 4503.101 of the Revised Code that was applicable in the year in which the multi-year registration was issued, and the registration deadline for renewal of the multi-year registration.

(J) Subject to division (K) of this section, application for registration under the international registration plan, as set forth in sections 4503.60 to 4503.66 of the Revised Code, shall be made to the registrar on forms furnished by the registrar. In accordance with international registration plan guidelines and pursuant to rules adopted by the registrar, the forms shall include the following:

(1) A uniform mileage schedule;

(2) The gross vehicle weight of the vehicle or combined gross vehicle weight of the combination vehicle as declared by the registrant;

(3) Any other information the registrar requires by rule.

(K) The registrar shall determine the feasibility of implementing an electronic commercial fleet licensing and management program that will enable the owners of commercial tractors, commercial trailers, and commercial semitrailers to conduct electronic transactions by July 1, 2010, or sooner. If the registrar determines that implementing such a program is feasible, the registrar shall adopt new rules under this division or amend existing rules adopted under this division as necessary in order to respond to advances in technology.

If international registration plan guidelines and provisions allow member jurisdictions to permit applications for registrations under the international registration plan to be made via the internet, the rules the registrar adopts under this division shall permit such action.

Last updated April 20, 2023 at 8:12 AM

Section 4503.101 | Establishing system of motor vehicle registration.

(A) The registrar of motor vehicles shall adopt rules to establish a system of motor vehicle registration based upon the type of vehicle to be registered, the type of ownership of the vehicle, the class of license plate to be issued, and any other factor the registrar determines to be relevant. Except for commercial cars, buses, trailers, and semitrailers that are registered in this state and that are taxed under sections 4503.042 and 4503.65 of the Revised Code; except for rental vehicles owned by motor vehicle renting dealers; and except as otherwise provided by rule, motor vehicles owned by an individual shall be registered based upon the motor vehicle owner's date of birth. Beginning with the 2004 registration year, the registrar shall assign motor vehicles to the registration periods established by rules adopted under this section.

(B) The registrar shall adopt rules to permit motor vehicle owners residing together at one address to select the date of birth of any one of the owners as the date to register any or all of the vehicles at that residence address, as shown in the records of the bureau of motor vehicles.

(C) The registrar shall adopt rules to assign and reassign all commercial cars, trailers, and semitrailers that are registered in this state and that are taxed under sections 4503.042 and 4503.65 of the Revised Code and all rental vehicles owned by motor vehicle renting dealers to a system of registration so that the registrations of approximately one-twelfth of all such vehicles expire on the last day of each month of a calendar year. To effect a reassignment from the registration period in effect on June 30, 2003, to the new registration periods established by the rules adopted under this section as amended, the rules may require the motor vehicle to be registered for more or less than a twelve-month period at the time the motor vehicle's registration is subject to its initial renewal following the effective date of such rules. If necessary to effect an efficient transition, the rules may provide that the registration reassignments take place over two consecutive registration periods. The registration taxes to be charged shall be determined by the registrar on the basis of the annual tax otherwise due on the motor vehicle, prorated in accordance with the number of months for which the motor vehicle is registered, except that the fee established by division (C)(1) of section 4503.10 of the Revised Code shall be collected in full for each renewal that occurs during the transition period and shall not be prorated.

(D) The registrar shall adopt rules to permit any commercial motor vehicle owner or motor vehicle renting dealer who owns two or more motor vehicles to request the registrar to permit the owner to separate the owner's fleet into up to four divisions for assignment to separate dates upon which to register the vehicles, provided that the registrar may disapprove any such request whenever the registrar has reason to believe that an uneven distribution of registrations throughout the calendar year has developed or is likely to develop.

(E) Every owner or lessee of a motor vehicle holding a certificate of registration shall notify the registrar of any change of the owner's or lessee's correct address within ten days after the change occurs. The notification shall be in writing on a form provided by the registrar or by electronic means approved by the registrar and shall include the full name, date of birth if applicable, license number, county of residence or place of business, social security account number of an individual or federal tax identification number of a business, and new address.

(F) As used in this section, "motor vehicle renting dealer" has the same meaning as in section 4549.65 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.102 | Centralized system of motor vehicle registration renewal by mail or by electronic means.

(A) The registrar of motor vehicles shall adopt rules to establish a centralized system of motor vehicle registration renewal by mail or by electronic means. Any person owning a motor vehicle that was registered in the person's name during the preceding registration year shall renew the registration of the motor vehicle not more than ninety days prior to the expiration date of the registration either by mail or by electronic means through the centralized system of registration established under this section, or in person at any office of the registrar or at a deputy registrar's office.

(B)(1) Except as provided in division (B)(2) of this section, no less than forty-five days prior to the expiration date of any motor vehicle registration, the registrar shall mail a renewal notice to the person in whose name the motor vehicle is registered. The renewal notice shall clearly state that the registration of the motor vehicle may be renewed by mail or electronic means through the centralized system of registration or in person at any office of the registrar or at a deputy registrar's office and shall be preprinted with information including, but not limited to, the owner's name and residence address as shown in the records of the bureau of motor vehicles, a brief description of the motor vehicle to be registered, notice of the license taxes and fees due on the motor vehicle, the toll-free telephone number of the registrar as required under division (D)(1) of section 4503.031 of the Revised Code, a statement that payment for a renewal may be made by financial transaction device using the toll-free telephone number, and any additional information the registrar may require by rule. The renewal notice shall not include the social security number of either the owner of the motor vehicle or the person in whose name the motor vehicle is registered. The renewal notice shall be sent by regular mail to the owner's last known address as shown in the records of the bureau of motor vehicles.

(2) The registrar is not required to mail a renewal notice if either of the following applies:

(a) The owner of the vehicle has consented to receiving the renewal notice by electronic means only.

(b) The application for renewal of the registration of a motor vehicle is prohibited from being accepted by the registrar or a deputy registrar by division (D) of section 2935.27, division (A) of section 2937.221, division (A) of section 4503.13, division (B) of section 4510.22, or division (B)(1) of section 4521.10 of the Revised Code.

(3) If the owner of a motor vehicle has consented to receiving a renewal notice by electronic means only, the registrar shall send an electronic renewal notice to the owner that contains the information specified in division (B)(1) of this section at the time specified under that division.

(C) The owner of the motor vehicle shall verify the information contained in the notice, sign it either manually or by electronic means, and return it, either by mail or electronic means, or the owner may take it in person to any office of the registrar or of a deputy registrar. The owner shall include with the notice a financial transaction device number when renewing in person or by electronic means but not by mail, check, or money order in the amount of the registration taxes and fees payable on the motor vehicle and a service fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code, plus postage as indicated on the notice if the registration is renewed or fulfilled by mail, and an inspection certificate for the motor vehicle as provided in section 3704.14 of the Revised Code. For purposes of the centralized system of motor vehicle registration, the registrar shall accept payments via the toll-free telephone number established under division (D)(1) of section 4503.031 of the Revised Code for renewals made by mail. If the motor vehicle owner chooses to renew the motor vehicle registration by electronic means, the owner shall proceed in accordance with the rules the registrar adopts.

(D) If all registration and transfer fees for the motor vehicle for the preceding year or the preceding period of the current registration year have not been paid, if division (D) of section 2935.27, division (A) of section 2937.221, division (A) of section 4503.13, division (B) of section 4510.22, or division (B)(1) of section 4521.10 of the Revised Code prohibits acceptance of the renewal notice, or if the owner or lessee does not have an inspection certificate for the motor vehicle as provided in section 3704.14 of the Revised Code, if that section is applicable, the license shall be refused, and the registrar or deputy registrar shall so notify the owner. This section does not require the payment of license or registration taxes on a motor vehicle for any preceding year, or for any preceding period of a year, if the motor vehicle was not taxable for that preceding year or period under section 4503.02, 4503.04, 4503.11, 4503.12, or 4503.16 or Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code.

(E)(1) Failure to receive a renewal notice does not relieve a motor vehicle owner from the responsibility to renew the registration for the motor vehicle. Any person who has a motor vehicle registered in this state and who does not receive a renewal notice as provided in division (B) of this section prior to the expiration date of the registration shall request an application for registration from the registrar or a deputy registrar and sign the application manually or by electronic means and submit the application and pay any applicable license taxes and fees to the registrar or deputy registrar.

(2) If the owner of a motor vehicle submits an application for registration and the registrar is prohibited by division (D) of section 2935.27, division (A) of section 2937.221, division (A) of section 4503.13, division (B) of section 4510.22, or division (B)(1) of section 4521.10 of the Revised Code from accepting the application, the registrar shall return the application and the payment to the owner. If the owner of a motor vehicle submits a registration renewal application to the registrar by electronic means and the registrar is prohibited from accepting the application as provided in this division, the registrar shall notify the owner of this fact and deny the application and return the payment or give a credit on the financial transaction device account of the owner in the manner the registrar prescribes by rule adopted pursuant to division (A) of this section.

(F) Every deputy registrar shall post in a prominent place at the deputy's office a notice informing the public of the mail registration system required by this section and also shall post a notice that every owner of a motor vehicle and every chauffeur holding a certificate of registration is required to notify the registrar in writing of any change of residence within ten days after the change occurs. The notice shall be in such form as the registrar prescribes by rule.

(G) The service fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code that is collected from a person who renews a motor vehicle registration by electronic means or by mail, plus postage collected by the registrar and any financial transaction device surcharge collected by the registrar, shall be paid to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund established by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(H)(1) Pursuant to section 113.40 of the Revised Code, the registrar shall implement a program permitting payment of motor vehicle registration taxes and fees, driver's license and commercial driver's license fees, and any other taxes, fees, penalties, or charges imposed or levied by the state by means of a financial transaction device for transactions occurring online, at any office of the registrar, and at all deputy registrar locations. The program shall take effect not later than July 1, 2016. The registrar shall adopt rules as necessary for this purpose, but all such rules are subject to any action, policy, or procedure of the board of deposit or treasurer of state taken or adopted under section 113.40 of the Revised Code.

(2) The rules adopted under division (H)(1) of this section shall require a deputy registrar to accept payments by means of a financial transaction device beginning on the effective date of the rules unless the deputy registrar contract entered into by the deputy registrar prohibits the acceptance of such payments by financial transaction device. However, commencing with deputy registrar contract awards that have a start date of July 1, 2016, and for all contract awards thereafter, the registrar shall require that the proposer accept payment by means of a financial transaction device, including credit cards and debit cards, for all department of public safety transactions conducted at that deputy registrar location.

The bureau and deputy registrars are not required to pay any costs that result from accepting payment by means of a financial transaction device. A deputy registrar may charge a person who tenders payment for a department transaction by means of a financial transaction device any cost the deputy registrar incurs from accepting payment by the financial transaction device, but the deputy registrar shall not require the person to pay any additional fee of any kind in connection with the use by the person of the financial transaction device.

(3) In accordance with division (H)(1) of this section and rules adopted by the registrar under that division, a county auditor or clerk of a court of common pleas that is designated a deputy registrar shall accept payment by means of a financial transaction device, including credit cards and debit cards, for all department transactions conducted at the office of the county auditor or clerk in the county auditor's or clerk's capacity as deputy registrar. The bureau is not required to pay any costs incurred by a county auditor or clerk that result from accepting payment by means of a financial transaction device for any department transaction.

(I) For persons who reside in counties where tailpipe emissions inspections are required under the motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program, the notice required by division (B) of this section shall also include the toll-free telephone number maintained by the Ohio environmental protection agency to provide information concerning the locations of emissions testing centers. The registrar also shall include a statement in the notice that a battery electric motor vehicle is not required to undergo emissions inspection under the motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program established under section 3704.14 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 1:24 PM

Section 4503.103 | Multi-year registration.

(A)(1) The registrar of motor vehicles may adopt rules to permit any person or lessee, other than a person receiving an apportioned license plate under the international registration plan, who owns or leases one or more motor vehicles to file a written application for registration for no more than five succeeding registration years. The rules adopted by the registrar may designate the classes of motor vehicles that are eligible for such registration. At the time of application, all annual taxes and fees shall be paid for each year for which the person is registering.

(2)(a) The registrar shall adopt rules to permit any person or lessee who owns or leases a trailer or semitrailer that is subject to the tax rate prescribed in either division (C)(1) or, beginning January 1, 2022, (C)(2) of section 4503.042 of the Revised Code to file a written application for registration for any number of succeeding registration years, including a permanent registration, for such trailers or semitrailers.

At the time of application, the applicant shall pay all of the following:

(i) As applicable, either the annual tax prescribed in division (C)(1) of section 4503.042 of the Revised Code for each year for which the applicant is registering or the annual tax prescribed in division (C)(2) of section 4503.042 of the Revised Code, unless the applicant previously paid the tax specified in division (C)(2) of that section for the trailer or semitrailer being registered. However, an applicant paying the annual tax under division (C)(1) of section 4503.042 of the Revised Code shall not pay more than eight times the annual taxes due, regardless of the number of years for which the applicant is registering.

(ii) The additional fee established under division (C)(1) of section 4503.10 of the Revised Code for each year of registration, provided that not more than eight times the additional fee due shall be paid, regardless of the number of years for which the applicant is registering.

(iii) One single deputy registrar service fee in the amount specified in division (D) of section 4503.10 of the Revised Code or one single bureau of motor vehicles service fee in the amount specified in division (G) of that section, as applicable, regardless of the number of years for which the applicant is registering.

(b) In addition, each applicant registering a trailer or semitrailer under division (A)(2)(a) of this section shall pay any applicable local motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code for each year for which the applicant is registering, provided that not more than eight times any such annual local taxes shall be due upon registration.

(c) The period of registration for a trailer or semitrailer registered under division (A)(2)(a) of this section is exclusive to the trailer or semitrailer for which that certificate of registration is issued and is not transferable to any other trailer or semitrailer if the registration is a permanent registration.

(3) Except as provided in division (A)(4) of this section, the registrar shall adopt rules to permit any person who owns a motor vehicle to file an application for registration for not more than five succeeding registration years. At the time of application, the person shall pay the annual taxes and fees for each registration year, calculated in accordance with division (C) of section 4503.11 of the Revised Code. A person who is registering a vehicle under division (A)(3) of this section shall pay for each year of registration the additional fee established under division (C)(1) or (3) of section 4503.10 of the Revised Code, as applicable. The person shall also pay the deputy registrar service fee or the bureau of motor vehicles service fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code.

(4) Division (A)(3) of this section does not apply to a person receiving an apportioned license plate under the international registration plan, or the owner of a commercial car used solely in intrastate commerce, or the owner of a bus as defined in section 4513.50 of the Revised Code.

(5) A person registering a noncommercial trailer permanently shall register the trailer under section 4503.107 of the Revised Code.

(B) No person applying for a multi-year registration under division (A) of this section is entitled to a refund of any taxes or fees paid.

(C) The registrar shall not issue to any applicant who has been issued a final, nonappealable order under division (D) of this section a multi-year registration or renewal thereof under this division or rules adopted under it for any motor vehicle that is required to be inspected under section 3704.14 of the Revised Code the district of registration of which, as determined under section 4503.10 of the Revised Code, is or is located in the county named in the order.

(D) Upon receipt from the director of environmental protection of a notice issued under rules adopted under section 3704.14 of the Revised Code indicating that an owner of a motor vehicle that is required to be inspected under that section who obtained a multi-year registration for the vehicle under division (A) of this section or rules adopted under that division has not obtained a required inspection certificate for the vehicle, the registrar in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code shall issue an order to the owner impounding the certificate of registration and identification license plates for the vehicle. The order also shall prohibit the owner from obtaining or renewing a multi-year registration for any vehicle that is required to be inspected under that section, the district of registration of which is or is located in the same county as the county named in the order during the number of years after expiration of the current multi-year registration that equals the number of years for which the current multi-year registration was issued.

An order issued under this division shall require the owner to surrender to the registrar the certificate of registration and license plates for the vehicle named in the order within five days after its issuance. If the owner fails to do so within that time, the registrar shall certify that fact to the county sheriff or local police officials who shall recover the certificate of registration and license plates for the vehicle.

(E) Upon the occurrence of either of the following circumstances, the registrar in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code shall issue to the owner a modified order rescinding the provisions of the order issued under division (D) of this section impounding the certificate of registration and license plates for the vehicle named in that original order:

(1) Receipt from the director of environmental protection of a subsequent notice under rules adopted under section 3704.14 of the Revised Code that the owner has obtained the inspection certificate for the vehicle as required under those rules;

(2) Presentation to the registrar by the owner of the required inspection certificate for the vehicle.

(F) The owner of a motor vehicle for which the certificate of registration and license plates have been impounded pursuant to an order issued under division (D) of this section, upon issuance of a modified order under division (E) of this section, may apply to the registrar for their return. A fee of two dollars and fifty cents shall be charged for the return of the certificate of registration and license plates for each vehicle named in the application.

Last updated April 20, 2023 at 7:43 AM

Section 4503.104 | Contribution to save our sight fund.

In addition to the fees collected under sections 4503.10 and 4503.102 of the Revised Code, the registrar of motor vehicles or deputy registrar shall ask each person applying for or renewing a motor vehicle registration whether the person wishes to make a one-dollar voluntary contribution to the save our sight fund established under section 3701.21 of the Revised Code. Every application for registration or renewal notice shall state whether the owner of the motor vehicle wishes to make a one-dollar voluntary contribution to the save our sight fund established under section 3701.21 of the Revised Code. The registrar or deputy registrar shall also make available to each person applying for or renewing a motor vehicle registration informational materials on the importance of eye care and safety provided by the director of health under division (C)(2) of section 3701.21 of the Revised Code.

All donations collected under this section during each calendar quarter shall be forwarded by the registrar to the treasurer of state, who shall deposit them into the save our sight fund.

Section 4503.105 | Vehicle renting dealer's fee to recover title and registration costs.

(A) A motor vehicle renting dealer may charge each vehicle renter a separate vehicle license fee to recover the dealer's cost related to the annual vehicle registration, license plates, and title fees imposed upon vehicles in the dealer's fleet under Title XLV of the Revised Code. Any dealer who separately charges a vehicle license fee shall do all of the following:

(1) Make a good faith estimate of the average per rental day per vehicle portion of the dealer's total annual registration, license plates, and title fees paid in this state for its rental fleet during the calendar year;

(2) Separately itemize and charge the vehicle license fee in the rental agreement between the dealer and a renter, and specifically describe the vehicle license fee in the rental agreement as the estimated average per rental day per vehicle portion of the dealer's total annual registration, license plates, and title fees;

(3) In any advertisement made in this state that describes vehicle rental rates for vehicles available for rent in this state, include a statement that the renter is required to pay the vehicle license fee and disclose the maximum daily charge for the vehicle license fee.

(B) Any dealer who separately charges a vehicle license fee shall not charge, collect, or retain any amount in excess of the actual average per rental day per vehicle portion of the dealer's total annual registration, license plates, and title fees paid in this state for its rental fleet during the calendar year. If a dealer recovers the dealer's actual costs related to the annual vehicle registration, license plates, and title fees, the dealer shall cease to itemize and charge such costs in any rental agreement during that calendar year.

(C) As used in this section, "motor vehicle renting dealer" has the same meaning as in section 4549.65 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.106 | Charging of fees by person other than registrar.

(A) No person other than the registrar of motor vehicles, an agent or employee of the registrar, or a deputy registrar shall charge any fee for the submission of an application for motor vehicle registration or registration renewal by electronic means unless all of the following apply:

(1) The person prominently displays on the internet web site on which the registration service is offered that the service is not provided by a government agency;

(2) The person requires any person who seeks to submit an application for the registration or registration renewal of a motor vehicle to specifically confirm that the person understands that the service is not provided by a government agency;

(3) The person ensures that the internet web site states that a person may submit the application directly to the registrar and provides a link to the web site of the registrar through which a person may directly submit an application for the registration or registration renewal of a motor vehicle.

(B) Whoever violates this section shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars.

Section 4503.107 | Noncommercial trailer permanent registration.

(A) The registrar of motor vehicles shall permit any person or lessee who owns or leases a noncommercial trailer that is subject to the tax rates prescribed in division (E) of section 4503.04 of the Revised Code to file a written application for permanent registration of that noncommercial trailer.

(B)(1) At the time of application, the applicant shall pay all of the following:

(a) The equivalent of eight times the standard tax established for that noncommercial trailer by division (E) of section 4503.04 of the Revised Code;

(b) The equivalent of eight times the additional fee established by division (C)(1) of section 4503.10 of the Revised Code;

(c) The equivalent of eight times the deputy registrar service fee or eight times the bureau of motor vehicles service fee, as applicable, equal to the amount established by section 4503.038 of the Revised Code.

(2) In addition to any other prescribed tax or fee, if the noncommercial trailer registered under this section is subject to local motor vehicle taxes under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, the applicant shall pay the equivalent of eight times any applicable local motor vehicle license tax levied under that chapter for that noncommercial trailer.

(C) Upon submission of a completed application, payment of all applicable taxes and fees, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles, the registrar or deputy registrar shall issue the applicant a permanent license plate and a validation sticker.

(D) The permanent registration of a noncommercial trailer under this section is exclusive to the trailer for which that certificate of registration is issued. The registration is not transferable to any other trailer.

(E) No person applying for a permanent registration under this section is entitled to a refund of any taxes or fees paid.

Last updated May 3, 2023 at 11:31 AM

Section 4503.11 | Owner required to file application - taxes.

(A) Except as provided by sections 4503.103, 4503.107, 4503.173, 4503.41, 4503.43, and 4503.46 of the Revised Code, no person who is the owner or chauffeur of a motor vehicle operated or driven upon the public roads or highways shall fail to file annually the application for registration or to pay the tax therefor.

(B) Except as provided by sections 4503.12 and 4503.16 of the Revised Code, the taxes payable on all applications made under sections 4503.10 and 4503.102 of the Revised Code shall be the sum of the tax due under division (B)(1)(a) or (b) of this section plus the tax due under division (B)(2)(a) or (b) of this section:

(1)(a) If the application is made before the second month of the current registration period to which the motor vehicle is assigned as provided in section 4503.101 of the Revised Code, the tax due is the full amount of the tax provided in section 4503.04 of the Revised Code;

(b) If the application is made during or after the second month of the current registration period to which the motor vehicle is assigned as provided in section 4503.101 of the Revised Code, and prior to the beginning of the next such registration period, the amount of the tax provided in section 4503.04 of the Revised Code shall be reduced by one-twelfth of the amount of such tax, rounded upward to the nearest cent, multiplied by the number of full months that have elapsed in the current registration period. The resulting amount shall be rounded upward to the next highest dollar and shall be the amount of tax due.

(2)(a) If the application is made before the sixth month of the current registration period to which the motor vehicle is assigned as provided in section 4503.101 of the Revised Code, the amount of tax due is the full amount of local motor vehicle license taxes levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code;

(b) If the application is made during or after the sixth month of the current registration period to which the motor vehicle is assigned as provided in section 4503.101 of the Revised Code and prior to the beginning of the next such registration period, the amount of tax due is one-half of the amount of local motor vehicle license taxes levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code.

(C) The taxes payable on all applications made under division (A)(3) of section 4503.103 of the Revised Code shall be the sum of the tax due under division (B)(1)(a) or (b) of this section plus the tax due under division (B)(2)(a) or (b) of this section for the first year plus the full amount of the tax provided in section 4503.04 of the Revised Code and the full amount of local motor vehicle license taxes levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code for each succeeding year.

(D) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.

Last updated April 27, 2023 at 12:34 PM

Section 4503.111 | Registration within thirty days of residency.

(A) Within thirty days of becoming a resident of this state, any person who owns a motor vehicle operated or driven upon the public roads or highways shall register the vehicle in this state. If such a person fails to register a vehicle owned by the person, the person shall not operate any motor vehicle in this state under a license issued by another state

(B)(1) Whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.

(2) The offense established under division (B)(1) of this section is a strict liability offense and strict liability is a culpable mental state for purposes of section 2901.20 of the Revised Code. The designation of this offense as a strict liability offense shall not be construed to imply that any other offense, for which there is no specified degree of culpability, is not a strict liability offense.

(C) For purposes of division (A) of this section, "resident" means any person to whom any of the following applies:

(3) The person maintains their principal residence in this state and does not reside in this state as a result of the person's active service in the United States armed forces.

(4) The person is determined by the registrar of motor vehicles to be a resident in accordance with standards adopted by the registrar under section 4507.01 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.12 | Transfer of ownership and registration.

(A) Upon the transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle, the registration of the motor vehicle expires, and the original owner immediately shall remove the license plates from the motor vehicle, except that:

(1) If a statutory merger or consolidation results in the transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle from a constituent corporation to the surviving corporation, or if the incorporation of a proprietorship or partnership results in the transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle from the proprietorship or partnership to the corporation, the registration shall be continued upon the filing by the surviving or new corporation, within thirty days of such transfer, of an application for an amended certificate of registration. Upon a proper filing, the registrar of motor vehicles shall issue an amended certificate of registration in the name of the new owner.

(2) If the death of the owner of a motor vehicle results in the transfer of ownership of the motor vehicle to the surviving spouse of the owner or if a motor vehicle is owned by two persons under joint ownership with right of survivorship established under section 2131.12 of the Revised Code and one of those persons dies, the registration shall be continued upon the filing by the survivor of an application for an amended certificate of registration. In relation to a motor vehicle that is owned by two persons under joint ownership with right of survivorship established under section 2131.12 of the Revised Code, the application shall be accompanied by a copy of the certificate of title that specifies that the vehicle is owned under joint ownership with right of survivorship. Upon a proper filing, the registrar shall issue an amended certificate of registration in the name of the survivor.

(3) If the death of the owner of a motor vehicle results in the transfer of ownership of the motor vehicle to a transfer-on-death beneficiary or beneficiaries designated under section 2131.13 of the Revised Code, the registration shall be continued upon the filing by the transfer-on-death beneficiary or beneficiaries of an application for an amended certificate of registration. The application shall be accompanied by a copy of the certificate of title that specifies that the owner of the motor vehicle has designated the motor vehicle in beneficiary form under section 2131.13 of the Revised Code. Upon a proper filing, the registrar shall issue an amended certificate of registration in the name of the transfer-on-death beneficiary or beneficiaries.

(4) If the original owner of a motor vehicle that has been transferred makes application for the registration of another motor vehicle at any time during the remainder of the registration period for which the transferred motor vehicle was registered, the owner may file an application for transfer of the registration and, where applicable, the license plates. The transfer of the registration and, where applicable, the license plates from the motor vehicle for which they originally were issued to a succeeding motor vehicle purchased by the same person in whose name the original registration and license plates were issued shall be done within a period not to exceed thirty days. During that thirty-day period, the license plates from the motor vehicle for which they originally were issued may be displayed on the succeeding motor vehicle, and the succeeding motor vehicle may be operated on the public roads and highways in this state.

At the time of application for transfer, the registrar shall compute and collect the amount of tax due on the succeeding motor vehicle, based upon the amount that would be due on a new registration as of the date on which the transfer is made less a credit for the unused portion of the original registration beginning on that date. If the credit exceeds the amount of tax due on the new registration, no refund shall be made. In computing the amount of tax due and credits to be allowed under this division, the provisions of division (B)(1)(a) and (b) of section 4503.11 of the Revised Code shall apply. As to passenger cars, noncommercial vehicles, motor homes, and motorcycles, transfers within or between these classes of motor vehicles only shall be allowed. If the succeeding motor vehicle is of a different class than the motor vehicle for which the registration originally was issued, new license plates also shall be issued upon the surrender of the license plates originally issued and payment of the fees provided in divisions (C) and (D) of section 4503.10 of the Revised Code.

(5) The owner of a commercial car having a gross vehicle weight or combined gross vehicle weight of more than ten thousand pounds may transfer the registration of that commercial car to another commercial car the owner owns without transferring ownership of the first commercial car. At any time during the remainder of the registration period for which the first commercial car was registered, the owner may file an application for the transfer of the registration and, where applicable, the license plates, accompanied by the certificate of registration of the first commercial car. The amount of any tax due or credit to be allowed for a transfer of registration under this division shall be computed in accordance with division (A)(4) of this section.

No commercial car to which a registration is transferred under this division shall be operated on a public road or highway in this state until after the transfer of registration is completed in accordance with this division.

(6) Upon application to the registrar or a deputy registrar, a person who owns or leases a motor vehicle may transfer special license plates assigned to that vehicle to any other vehicle that the person owns or leases or that is owned or leased by the person's spouse. As appropriate, the application also shall be accompanied by a power of attorney for the registration of a leased vehicle and a written statement releasing the special plates to the applicant. Upon a proper filing, the registrar or deputy registrar shall assign the special license plates to the motor vehicle owned or leased by the applicant and issue a new certificate of registration for that motor vehicle.

(7) If a corporation transfers the ownership of a motor vehicle to an affiliated corporation, the affiliated corporation may apply to the registrar for the transfer of the registration and any license plates. The registrar may require the applicant to submit documentation of the corporate relationship and shall determine whether the application for registration transfer is made in good faith and not for the purposes of circumventing the provisions of this chapter. Upon a proper filing, the registrar shall issue an amended certificate of registration in the name of the new owner.

(B) An application under division (A) of this section shall be accompanied by a service fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code, a transfer fee of one dollar, and the original certificate of registration, if applicable.

(C) Neither the registrar nor a deputy registrar shall transfer a registration under division (A) of this section if the registration is prohibited by division (D) of section 2935.27, division (A) of section 2937.221, division (A) of section 4503.13, division (D) of section 4503.234, division (B) of section 4510.22, division (B)(1) of section 4521.10, or division (B) of section 5537.041 of the Revised Code.

(D) Whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

(E) As used in division (A)(6) of this section, "special license plates" means either of the following:

(1) Any license plates for which the person to whom the license plates are issued must pay an additional fee in excess of the fees prescribed in section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and the service fee prescribed in division (D) or (G) of section 4503.10 of the Revised Code;

(2) License plates issued under section 4503.44 of the Revised Code.

Last updated January 19, 2022 at 1:06 PM

Section 4503.13 | Report of outstanding municipal, county, or mayor's court arrest warrants.

(A) A municipal court, county court, or mayor's court, at the court's discretion, may order the clerk of the court to send to the registrar of motor vehicles a report containing the name, address, and such other information as the registrar may require by rule, of any person for whom an arrest warrant has been issued by that court and is outstanding.

Upon receipt of such a report, the registrar shall enter the information contained in the report into the records of the bureau of motor vehicles. Neither the registrar nor any deputy registrar shall issue a certificate of registration for a motor vehicle owner or lessee, when a lessee is determinable under procedures established by the registrar under division (E) of this section, who is named in the report until the registrar receives notification from the municipal court, county court, or mayor's court that there are no outstanding arrest warrants in the name of the person. The registrar also shall send a notice to the person who is named in the report, via regular first class mail sent to the person's last known address as shown in the records of the bureau, informing the person that neither the registrar nor any deputy registrar is permitted to issue a certificate of registration for a motor vehicle in the name of the person until the registrar receives notification that there are no outstanding arrest warrants in the name of the person.

(B) A clerk who reports an outstanding arrest warrant in accordance with division (A) of this section immediately shall notify the registrar when the warrant has been executed and returned to the issuing court or has been canceled.

Upon receipt of such notification, the registrar shall charge and collect from the person named in the executed or canceled arrest warrant a processing fee of fifteen dollars to cover the costs of the bureau in administering this section. The registrar shall deposit all such processing fees into the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Upon payment of the processing fee, the registrar shall cause the report of that outstanding arrest warrant to be removed from the records of the bureau and, if there are no other outstanding arrest warrants issued by a municipal court, county court, or mayor's court in the name of the person and the person otherwise is eligible to be issued a certificate of registration for a motor vehicle, the registrar or a deputy registrar may issue a certificate of registration for a motor vehicle in the name of the person named in the executed or canceled arrest warrant.

(C) Neither the registrar, any employee of the bureau, a deputy registrar, nor any employee of a deputy registrar is personally liable for damages or injuries resulting from any error made by a clerk in entering information contained in a report submitted to the registrar under this section.

(D) Any information submitted to the registrar by a clerk under this section shall be transmitted by means of an electronic data transfer system.

(E) The registrar shall determine the procedures and information necessary to implement this section in regard to motor vehicle lessees. Division (A) of this section shall not apply to cases involving a motor vehicle lessee until such procedures are established.

The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.

Section 4503.14 | License plates with radio or television call letters.

Owners and lessees of motor vehicles who are residents of this state and hold an unrevoked and unexpired official amateur radio station license or commercial radio broadcasting station or commercial television broadcasting station license issued by the federal communications commission, upon application, accompanied by proof of ownership of such license, upon complying with the motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles, and upon payment of the regular license fee, as prescribed under sections 4503.04 and 4503.10 of the Revised Code, and the payment of an additional fee of ten dollars, which shall be for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of license plates under this section, shall be issued a validation sticker and license plates, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code, for passenger cars and other vehicles of a class approved by the registrar. Such license plates, in lieu of the numbers as prescribed by law, shall be inscribed with the official call letters of the applicant as assigned by the federal communications commission. The application and payment of fees shall be filed by the applicant at a time determined by the registrar of motor vehicles.

Section 4503.15 | License plates for physicians.

Owners and lessees of motor vehicles who are residents of this state and hold an unrevoked and unexpired license duly admitting them to the practice of medicine in this state, upon application, accompanied by proof of the issuance to the applicant by this state of a license issued pursuant to section 4731.14 of the Revised Code authorizing the person to engage in the practice of medicine, upon complying with the motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles, and upon payment of the regular license fee, as prescribed under sections 4503.04 and 4503.10 of the Revised Code, and the payment of an additional fee of ten dollars, which shall be for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of license plates under this section, shall be issued a validation sticker and license plates, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code, for passenger cars and other vehicles of a class approved by the registrar. Such license plates, in addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, shall be inscribed with the word "physician."

Section 4503.16 | State and federal vehicle registration.

As used in this section, "original owner" includes, with respect to any motor vehicle owned by the federal government and loaned to the state or any of its political subdivisions for use in a federal program, the state or the political subdivision to which the motor vehicle has been loaned and in the name of which the vehicle is registered.

Title to motor vehicles acquired by the state or any of its political subdivisions, whether used for either governmental or proprietary functions, shall be registered. Motor vehicles owned by the federal government and loaned to the state or any of its political subdivisions for use in a federal program shall be registered in the name of the state or political subdivision without the presentation of a certificate of title or other evidence of ownership as required by section 4503.10 of the Revised Code, when the registrar is satisfied that the motor vehicles are on loan from the federal government and are being used exclusively in a federal program. Such vehicles that have been registered and that are used exclusively in the performance of the governmental or proprietary functions of the state or any political subdivision thereof shall not be subject to charge of any kind; but this provision does not exempt the operation of such vehicles from any other provision of Chapters 4501., 4503, 4505., 4507., 4509., 4511., 4515., and 4517. of the Revised Code, and the penal laws relating to them.

The registrar of motor vehicles shall accept any application to register a motor vehicle owned by the federal government that may be made by any officer, department, or agent of such government.

The registrar shall issue permanent license plates for motor vehicles acquired by the state or any of its political subdivisions, or loaned to the state or any of its political subdivisions by the federal government for use in a federal program, which have been registered and that are used exclusively in the performance of the governmental or proprietary functions of the state or any political subdivision thereof, or are used exclusively in a federal program. The registrar shall also issue permanent license plates for all motor vehicles owned and registered by the federal government. Such permanent license plates if lost, stolen, or destroyed, shall be replaced gratis with another permanent number.

Upon the transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle or termination by the federal government of any loan of a motor vehicle for which permanent license plates are issued, the registration of such motor vehicle shall expire and the original owner shall immediately remove such license plates from such motor vehicle. Should the original owner at any time make application for the registration of another motor vehicle, he may file an application for transfer of registration accompanied by the original certificate of registration, for which there shall be no transfer fee.

Section 4503.17 | Exemption of board of education school buses and post-office department vehicles from annual license tax.

(A) No school bus as defined in division (F) of section 4511.01 of the Revised Code is required to pay the annual license tax provided for in section 4503.02 of the Revised Code or to apply for or display registration plates, provided: the school bus complies with the requirements of sections 4511.76 to 4511.77, inclusive, of the Revised Code.

(B) The owner of a school bus, other than a board of education, which is used as a school bus during the school year under a contract with a board of education may, upon proper application for registration and the payment of a license fee of twenty-five dollars, use such bus during summer vacation periods to transport children and their authorized supervisors to and from any camping function sponsored by a nonprofit, tax-exempt, charitable, or philanthropic organization. The application for registration of such bus shall be accompanied by:

(1) An affidavit, prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles and signed by the owner of such bus, stating that such bus is to be used exclusively, during the summer months, to transport school children to and from any school function or to transport children and their authorized supervisors to and from any camping function sponsored by a nonprofit, tax-exempt, charitable, or philanthropic organization;

(2) A certificate from the state highway patrol stating that such bus is safe for operation in accordance with such standards as are prescribed by the state highway patrol.

The form of the license plate and the manner of its attachment to the vehicle shall be prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles.

When the post-office department has the exclusive right and supervision of the use of a motor vehicle for a period of one year under contract by a United States civil service employee, the United States government shall be considered the owner of such vehicle and entitled to the registration thereof without charge.

Section 4503.171 | Exemption of Ohio wing, civil air patrol vehicles used for official business.

Vehicles of the type required to be registered under this chapter titled in the name of the Ohio wing, civil air patrol, and used solely in the transaction of official business are exempted from the payment of the annual license tax levied by section 4503.02 of the Revised Code.

Such vehicle shall be painted standard air force blue, except vehicles that are used for emergency purposes may be painted red or white, and all vehicles shall be clearly marked with civil air patrol identification, Ohio wing vehicle identification number, and the words "For Official Use Only" according to the rules and specifications promulgated by the registrar of motor vehicles.

An affidavit, prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles, signed by the proper officer of the Ohio wing owning such vehicle, stating that such vehicle was obtained from the department of defense and is used solely for the transportation or other official function of the civil air patrol Ohio wing, must be furnished to the registrar of motor vehicles with each application for registration. Registration of a vehicle under this section shall be for five years from the date of registration.

Section 4503.172 | Exemption of volunteer rescue service vehicles from fees or taxes.

(A) As used in this section, "volunteer rescue service organization" means any organization of volunteers organized to perform as an emergency medical service organization as defined in section 4765.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) A motor vehicle titled in the name of a volunteer rescue service organization and used solely in the transaction of the business of the organization may be registered without the payment of any registration fee and service fee required by sections 4503.02 and 4503.10 of the Revised Code, and without the payment of any applicable county or municipal motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code. In applying for registration of such a motor vehicle, a member of a volunteer rescue service organization shall sign an affidavit, prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles, stating that the vehicle is to be used solely in the transaction of the business of the organization, and shall present satisfactory evidence of certification of the rescue service organization by the department of public safety.

Upon receipt of such evidence, affidavit, and application for registration, the registrar shall issue the applicant permanent license plates.

Section 4503.173 | Exemption of boat trailers owned by disabled veterans, certain military honorees or former prisoners of war.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Boat trailer" means any trailer designed and used for the transportation of no more than one watercraft.

(2) "Watercraft" means any of the following when used or capable of being used for transportation on the water:

(a) A boat operated by machinery either permanently or temporarily affixed;

(b) A sailboat other than a sailboard;

(c) An inflatable, manually propelled boat having a hull identification number assigned by and meeting the requirements of the United States coast guard;

(d) A canoe or rowboat.

(3) "Disabled veteran" means a person who falls into any of the following categories:

(a) Has been determined by the United States veterans administration to be permanently and totally disabled, receives a pension or compensation from the veterans administration, and received an honorable discharge from the armed forces of the United States;

(b) Because of a service-connected disability, has been or is awarded funds for the purchase of a motor vehicle under the "Disabled Veterans' and Servicemen's Automobile Assistance Act of 1970," 84 Stat. 1998, 38 U.S.C. 1901, and amendments thereto;

(c) Has a service-connected disability rated at one hundred per cent by the veterans' administration.

(4) "Prisoner of war" means any regularly appointed, enrolled, enlisted, or inducted member of the military forces of the United States who was captured, separated, and incarcerated by an enemy of the United States at any time, and any regularly appointed, enrolled, or enlisted member of the military forces of Great Britain, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, or Yugoslavia who was a citizen of the United States at the time of the appointment, enrollment, or enlistment, and was captured, separated, and incarcerated by an enemy of this country during World War II.

(B) Any owner of a boat trailer who is a disabled veteran, congressional medal of honor awardee, or prisoner of war may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for the registration of the boat trailer without the payment of any registration tax and service fee as required by sections 4503.02, 4503.10, 4503.102, and 4503.12 of the Revised Code and without the payment of any applicable county, township, or municipal motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code. The application shall be accompanied by such evidence of disability or by such documentary evidence in support of a congressional medal of honor as the registrar requires by rule. The application for a registration by any person who has been a prisoner of war shall be accompanied by written evidence in the form of a record of separation, a letter from one of the armed forces of the United States or other country as listed in division (A)(4) of this section, or other evidence as the registrar may require by rule, that the person was a prisoner of war and was honorably discharged or is presently residing in this state on active duty with one of the branches of the armed forces of the United States, or was a prisoner of war and was honorably discharged or received an equivalent discharge or release from one of the armed forces of a country listed in division (A)(4) of this section.

Section 4503.18 | Special license issued.

(A) As used in this section, "United States veterans service organization" means any organization chartered by congress or recognized by the United States department of veterans affairs for purposes of representing veterans affairs claimants.

(B) A motor vehicle titled in the name of a United States veterans service organization and used solely for participation in organizational activities, exhibitions, parades, and similar purposes, may be registered without the payment of any registration tax and service fee required by sections 4503.02 and 4503.10 of the Revised Code, and without the payment of any local motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code. In applying for registration of such a motor vehicle, a member of the service organization shall sign an affidavit, prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles, stating that the vehicle is to be used solely for such purposes, and shall present satisfactory evidence of the organization's status as a United States veterans service organization. Upon receipt of such evidence, affidavit, and application for registration, the registrar shall issue the applicant permanent license plates.

(C) Upon presentation of a paid valid current year registration, the president, commander, or adjutant of a United States veterans service organization may apply for an honorary license designating the organization with which the applicant is affiliated. This honorary plate shall be displayed in lieu of the regular license plate. The original registration card shall be in the vehicle at all times and shall be submitted for inspection upon the demand of any police officer. The annual fee for such license shall be five dollars.

Section 4503.181 | Historical motor vehicles.

(A) As used in this section, "historical motor vehicle" means any motor vehicle that is more than twenty-five years old and that is owned solely as a collector's item and for participation in club activities, exhibitions, tours, parades, and similar uses. A historical motor vehicle shall not be used for general transportation, but may be operated on the public roads and highways to and from a location where maintenance is performed on the vehicle.

(B) In lieu of the annual license tax levied in sections 4503.02 and 4503.04 of the Revised Code, a license fee of ten dollars is levied on the operation of a historical motor vehicle.

(C) A person who owns a historical motor vehicle and applies for a historical license plate under this section shall execute an affidavit that the vehicle for which the plate is requested is owned and operated solely for the purposes enumerated in division (A) of this section. The affidavit also shall set forth that the vehicle has been inspected and found safe to operate on the public roads and highways in the state. A person who owns a historical motor vehicle and desires to display a model year license plate on the vehicle as permitted by this section shall execute at the time of registration an affidavit setting forth that the model year license plate the person desires to display on the person's historical motor vehicle is a legible and serviceable license plate that originally was issued by this state. No registration issued pursuant to this section need specify the weight of the vehicle.

(D) A vehicle registered under this section may display either a historical vehicle license plate issued by the registrar of motor vehicles or a model year license plate procured by the applicant. A historical vehicle license plate shall not bear a date, but shall bear the inscription "Historical Vehicle--Ohio" and the registration number, which shall be shown thereon. A model year license plate shall be a legible and serviceable license plate issued by this state and inscribed with the date of the year corresponding to the model year when the vehicle was manufactured. Two model year license plates, duplicates of each other, may be displayed on the historical motor vehicle at any time, one plate on the front and one plate on the rear of the vehicle. The registration certificate and the historical vehicle license plate issued by the registrar shall be kept in the vehicle at all times the vehicle is operated on the public roads and highways in this state.

Notwithstanding section 4503.21 of the Revised Code, the owner of a historical motor vehicle that was manufactured for military purposes and that is registered under this section may display the assigned registration number of the vehicle by painting the number on the front and rear of the vehicle. The number shall be painted, in accordance with the size and style specifications established for numerals and letters shown on license plates in section 4503.22 of the Revised Code, in a color that contrasts clearly with the color of the vehicle, and shall be legible and visible at all times. Upon application for registration under this section and payment of the license fee prescribed in division (B) of this section, the owner of such a historical motor vehicle shall be issued a historical vehicle license plate. The registration certificate and the license plate shall be kept in the vehicle at all times the vehicle is operated on the public roads and highways in this state. If ownership of such a vehicle is transferred, the transferor shall surrender the historical vehicle license plate or transfer it to another historical motor vehicle the transferor owns, and remove or obliterate the registration numbers painted on the vehicle.

(E) Historical vehicle and model year license plates are valid without renewal as long as the vehicle for which they were issued or procured is in existence. A historical vehicle plate is issued for the owner's use only for such vehicle unless later transferred to another historical motor vehicle owned by that person. In order to effect such a transfer, the owner of the historical motor vehicle that originally displayed the historical vehicle plate shall comply with division (C) of this section. In the event of a transfer of title, the transferor shall surrender the historical vehicle license plate or transfer it to another historical motor vehicle owned by the transferor, but a model year license plate or plates may be retained by the transferor. The registrar may revoke license plates issued under this section, for cause shown and after hearing, for failure of the applicant to comply with this section. Upon revocation, a historical vehicle license plate shall be surrendered; a model year license plate or plates may be retained, but the plate or plates are no longer valid for display on the vehicle.

(F) The owner of a historical motor vehicle bearing a historical vehicle license plate may replace it with a model year license plate by surrendering the historical vehicle license plate and motor vehicle certificate of registration to the registrar. The owner, at the time of registration, shall execute an affidavit setting forth that the model year plate is a legible and serviceable license plate that originally was issued by this state. Such an owner is required to pay the license fee prescribed by division (B) of this section, but the owner is not required to have the historical motor vehicle reinspected under division (C) of this section.

A person who owns a historical motor vehicle bearing a model year license plate may replace it with a historical vehicle license plate by surrendering the motor vehicle certificate of registration and applying for issuance of a historical vehicle license plate. Such a person is required to pay the license fee prescribed by division (B) of this section, but the person is not required to have the historical motor vehicle reinspected under division (C) of this section.

Section 4503.182 | Temporary motor vehicle license registration.

(A) A purchaser of a motor vehicle, upon application and proof of purchase of the vehicle, may be issued a temporary motor vehicle license registration for the motor vehicle.

The purchaser of a motor vehicle that was previously issued a license plate during the current registration year that can legally transfer the license plate to that motor vehicle shall not be issued a temporary motor vehicle license registration.

A temporary motor vehicle license registration shall be issued only for the applicant's use of the motor vehicle to enable the applicant to legally operate the motor vehicle while proper title, license plates, and a certificate of registration are being obtained, and shall be displayed on no other motor vehicle.

A temporary motor vehicle license registration issued under division (A) of this section is valid for a period of forty-five days from date of issuance and is not transferable or renewable.

The fee for a temporary motor vehicle license registration issued under this section is two dollars plus a service fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) The registrar of motor vehicles may issue temporary motor vehicle license registrations to an Ohio motorized bicycle dealer or a licensed motor vehicle dealer to be issued to purchasers for use on motor vehicles sold by the dealer, in accordance with rules prescribed by the registrar. An Ohio motorized bicycle dealer or a licensed motor vehicle dealer shall issue temporary motor vehicle license registrations by electronic means via computer equipment purchased and maintained by the dealer unless otherwise authorized by the registrar.

(2) The fee for each temporary motor vehicle license registration issued by the registrar to a dealer is two dollars, in addition to the fees charged under division (D) of this section.

(3) When a dealer issues a temporary motor vehicle license registration to a purchaser, the dealer shall collect and retain the fees established under divisions (A) and (D) of this section.

(C) The registrar of motor vehicles, at the registrar's discretion, may issue a temporary motor vehicle license registration in the case of extreme hardship encountered by a citizen from this state or another state who has attempted to comply with all registration laws, but for extreme circumstances is unable to properly register the citizen's vehicle. A temporary motor vehicle license registration issued under division (C) of this section is valid for a period of thirty days from the date of issuance and is not transferable or renewable.

(D) In addition to the fees charged under divisions (A) and (B) of this section, the registrar and each deputy registrar shall collect a fee of thirteen dollars for each temporary motor vehicle license registration issued. The additional fee is for the purpose of defraying the department of public safety's costs associated with the administration and enforcement of the motor vehicle and traffic laws of Ohio. At the time and in the manner provided by section 4503.10 of the Revised Code, the deputy registrar shall transmit to the registrar the fees collected under this section. The registrar shall deposit all moneys received under this division into the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(E) The registrar may adopt rules, in accordance with division (B) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code, to specify the procedures for reporting the information from applications for temporary motor vehicle license registrations and for providing the information from these applications to law enforcement agencies.

(F) Temporary motor vehicle license registrations issued under this section shall bear a distinctive combination of seven letters, numerals, or letters and numerals, and shall incorporate a security feature that, to the greatest degree possible, prevents tampering with any of the information that is entered upon it when it is issued.

(G) Whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. Whoever violates division (B) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(H) As used in this section, "motorized bicycle dealer" means any person engaged in the business of selling at retail, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in motorized bicycles who is not subject to section 4503.09 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 14, 2021 at 2:24 PM

Section 4503.19 | Issuance of certificates of registration and license plates or validation stickers.

(A)(1) Upon the filing of an application for registration and the payment of the tax for registration, the registrar of motor vehicles or a deputy registrar shall determine whether the owner previously has been issued a license plate for the motor vehicle described in the application. If no license plate previously has been issued to the owner for that motor vehicle, the registrar or deputy registrar shall assign to the motor vehicle a distinctive number and issue and deliver to the owner in the manner that the registrar may select a certificate of registration, in the form that the registrar shall prescribe. The registrar or deputy registrar also shall charge the owner any fees required under division (C) of section 4503.10 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar or deputy registrar then shall deliver a license plate and, when required, a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone, to be attached to the number plate as provided in section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

If an owner wishes to have two license plates, the registrar or deputy registrar shall deliver two license plates, duplicates of each other, and, when required, a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone, to be attached to the number plates as provided in section 4503.191 of the Revised Code. The owner shall display the license plate and, when required, the validation sticker on the rear of the vehicle. However, a commercial tractor shall display the license plate on the front of the commercial tractor and a chauffeured limousine shall display a livery sticker along with a validation sticker as provided in section 4503.24 of the Revised Code.

(3) The registrar or deputy registrar shall not issue a license plate for a school bus. A school bus shall display identifying numbers in the manner prescribed by section 4511.764 of the Revised Code.

(4) The certificate of registration shall be issued and delivered to the owner in person, by mail, or by electronic delivery. The license plate and, when required, validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued and delivered to the owner in person or by mail.

(5) In the event of the loss, mutilation, or destruction of any certificate of registration, or of any license plate or validation sticker, or if the owner chooses to replace a license plate previously issued for a motor vehicle, or if the registration certificate and license plate have been impounded as provided by division (B)(1) of section 4507.02 and section 4507.16 of the Revised Code, the owner of a motor vehicle, or manufacturer or dealer, may obtain from the registrar, or from a deputy registrar if authorized by the registrar, a duplicate thereof or a new license plate bearing a different number, if the registrar considers it advisable, upon filing an application prescribed by the registrar, and upon paying a fee of one dollar for such certificate of registration. The registrar shall deposit the one dollar fee into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code. The registrar or deputy registrar shall charge a fee of seven dollars and fifty cents for each set of two license plates or six dollars and fifty cents for each single license plate or validation sticker issued, which the registrar shall deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund.

(6) Each applicant for a replacement certificate of registration, license plate, or validation sticker also shall pay the fees provided in divisions (C) and (D) of section 4503.10 of the Revised Code and any applicable fee under section 4503.192 of the Revised Code.

Additionally, the registrar and each deputy registrar who either issues a license plate and a validation sticker for use on any vehicle other than a commercial tractor, semitrailer, or apportioned vehicle, or who issues a validation sticker alone for use on such a vehicle and the owner has changed the owner's county of residence since the owner last was issued a county identification sticker, also shall issue and deliver to the owner a county identification sticker, which shall be attached to the license plate in a manner prescribed by the director of public safety. The county identification sticker shall identify prominently by name or number the county in which the owner of the vehicle resides at the time of registration.

(B) A certificate of registration issued under this section shall have a portion that contains all the information contained in the main portion of the certificate except for the address of the person to whom the certificate is issued. Except as provided in this division, whenever a reference is made in the Revised Code to a motor vehicle certificate of registration that is issued under this section, the reference shall be deemed to refer to either the main portion of the certificate or the portion containing all information in the main portion except the address of the person to whom the certificate is issued. If a reference is made in the Revised Code to the seizure or surrender of a motor vehicle certificate of registration that is issued under this section, the reference shall be deemed to refer to both the main portion of the certificate and the portion containing all information in the main portion except the address of the person to whom the certificate is issued.

(C) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 1:25 PM

Section 4503.191 | Issuance of license plates and validation stickers - production by Ohio penal industries.

(A)(1) The identification license plate shall be issued for a multi-year period as determined by the director of public safety, and, except as provided in division (A)(3) of this section, shall be accompanied by a validation sticker, to be attached to the license plate. Except as provided in divisions (A)(2) and (3) of this section, the validation sticker shall indicate the expiration of the registration period to which the motor vehicle for which the license plate is issued is assigned, in accordance with rules adopted by the registrar of motor vehicles. During each succeeding year of the multi-year period following the issuance of the plate and validation sticker, upon the filing of an application for registration and the payment of the tax therefor, a validation sticker alone shall be issued. The validation stickers required under this section shall be of different colors or shades each year, the new colors or shades to be selected by the director.

(2)(a) The director shall develop a universal validation sticker that may be issued to any owner of five hundred or more passenger vehicles, so that a sticker issued to the owner may be placed on any passenger vehicle in that owner's fleet. Beginning January 1, 2019, the universal validation sticker shall not have an expiration date on it and shall not need replaced at the time of registration, except in the event of the loss, mutilation, or destruction of the validation sticker. The director may establish and charge an additional fee of not more than one dollar per registration to compensate for necessary costs of the universal validation sticker program. The additional fee shall be credited to the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code. The director shall select the color or shade of the universal validation sticker.

(b) A validation sticker issued for an all-purpose vehicle that is registered under Chapter 4519. of the Revised Code, for a noncommercial trailer that is permanently registered under section 4503.107 of the Revised Code, or for a trailer or semitrailer that is permanently registered under division (A)(2) of section 4503.103 of the Revised Code or is registered for any number of succeeding registration years may indicate the expiration of the registration period, if any, by any manner determined by the registrar by rule.

(3) No validation sticker shall be issued, and a validation sticker is not required for display, on the license plate of a nonapportioned commercial tractor or any apportioned motor vehicle.

(B) Identification license plates shall be produced by Ohio penal industries. Validation stickers and county identification stickers shall be produced by Ohio penal industries unless the registrar adopts rules expressly permitting the registrar or deputy registrars to provide for the printing or production of the stickers.

Last updated April 27, 2023 at 12:33 PM

Section 4503.192 | Retention of personalized license plate letters and numbers.

(A)(1) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, any person who is replacing vehicle license plates, upon request and payment of a fee of ten dollars, may retain the distinctive combination of letters and numerals on license plates previously issued to that person.

A person who is replacing license plates specifically created by law for which the registrar collects a contribution or additional fee, may retain the distinctive combination of letters and numerals on license plates previously issued to that person upon request and payment of a fee of ten dollars, but the person also shall be required to pay the contribution or additional fee required under the Revised Code section authorizing issuance of the license plate.

(2) The registrar of motor vehicles shall charge and collect the ten-dollar fee under this section only when a new set of license plates are issued. The fee is in addition to the license tax established by this chapter and, where applicable, Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code. A deputy registrar who receives an application under this section shall retain one dollar of the ten-dollar fee and shall transmit the remaining nine dollars to the registrar in a manner determined by the registrar. The registrar shall deposit the fees received under this section into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created under section 4501.06 of the Revised Code and shall be used by the bureau of motor vehicles to pay the expenses of producing license plates and validation stickers, including the cost of materials, manufacturing, and administrative costs for required replacement of license plates.

(B) This section does not apply to either of the following:

(1) A person who is replacing license plates originally obtained under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Such a person shall pay the additional fee required under the applicable section to retain the distinctive license plates previously issued.

(2) A person who is replacing a single, duplicate license plate due to the loss, mutilation, or destruction of a license plate.

Section 4503.193 | Reference to license or registration plates or validation stickers.

The display of a single current license plate and validation sticker on a motor vehicle as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code sufficiently indicates that the vehicle is registered in this state. Any reference in the Revised Code to license plates, a set of license plates, registration plates, or validation stickers is deemed to be a reference to the single license plate and validation sticker required by that section.

Section 4503.20 | Application for registration to contain statement regarding proof of financial responsibility.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Dealer engaged in the business of leasing motor vehicles" means any person engaged in the business of regularly making available, offering to make available, or arranging for another person to use a motor vehicle pursuant to a bailment, lease, or other contractual arrangement.

(2) "Motor vehicle" has the meaning set forth in section 4509.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) An application for the registration of a motor vehicle shall contain a statement, to be signed by the applicant either manually or by electronic signature, that does all of the following:

(1) States that the applicant maintains, or has maintained on the applicant's behalf, proof of financial responsibility at the time of application, and will not operate a motor vehicle in this state, unless the applicant maintains, with respect to that motor vehicle or the operation of such vehicle, proof of financial responsibility;

(2) Contains a brief summary of the purposes and operation of section 4509.101 of the Revised Code, the rights and duties of the applicant under that section, and the penalties for violation of that section;

(3) Warns the applicant that the financial responsibility law does not prevent the possibility that the applicant may be involved in an accident with an owner or operator of a motor vehicle who is without proof of financial responsibility.

(C)(1) A person who purchases any motor vehicle from a licensed motor vehicle dealer who agrees to make application for registration of the motor vehicle on behalf of the purchaser shall sign statements that comply with divisions (B) and (F) of this section. The dealer shall submit the statements to the deputy registrar where the dealer has agreed to make application for registration on behalf of the person.

(2) In the case of a person who leases any motor vehicle from a dealer engaged in the business of leasing motor vehicles who agrees to make application for registration of the motor vehicle on behalf of the lessee, the person shall sign a statement that complies with division (B) of this section, and the dealer shall do either of the following:

(a) Submit the statement signed by the person to the deputy registrar where the dealer has agreed to make application for registration on behalf of the person;

(b) Sign and submit a statement to the deputy registrar that certifies that a statement has been signed and filed with the dealer or incorporated into the lease.

The dealer shall submit to the registrar or deputy registrar to whom the dealer submits the application for registration a statement signed by the person that complies with division (F) of this section.

(D) The registrar of motor vehicles shall prescribe the form of the statements required under divisions (B), (C), and (F) of this section, and the manner or manners in which the statements required under divisions (B) and (F) of this section shall be presented to the applicant. Any statement that is required under divisions (B), (C), and (F) of this section shall be designed to enable the applicant to retain a copy of it.

(E) Nothing within this section shall be construed to excuse a violation of section 4509.101 of the Revised Code. A motor vehicle dealer who makes application for the registration of a motor vehicle on behalf of the purchaser or lessee of the motor vehicle is not liable in damages in any civil action on account of the act of making such application for registration or the content of any such application for registration.

(F) In addition to the statements required by divisions (B) and (C) of this section, a person who makes application for registration of a motor vehicle shall be furnished with a form that lists in plain language all the possible penalties to which a person could be subject for a violation of the financial responsibility law, including driver's license suspensions; all fees, including nonvoluntary compliance and reinstatement fees; and vehicle immobilization or impoundment. The person shall read the form and either manually or by electronic signature sign the form, which shall be submitted along with the application for registration as provided in this section. The form shall be retained by the registrar or deputy registrar who issues the motor vehicle registration or the registrar's or deputy registrar's successor for a period of two years from the date of issuance of the registration.

(G) Upon the registration of a motor vehicle, the owner of the motor vehicle is deemed to have agreed to the production of proof of financial responsibility by the owner or the operator of the motor vehicle, upon the request of a peace officer or state highway patrol trooper made in accordance with division (D)(2) of section 4509.101 of the Revised Code.

(H) The registrar shall adopt rules governing the renewal of motor vehicle registrations by electronic means and the completion and submission of statements that comply with divisions (B) and (F) of this section. The registrar shall adopt the rules prescribed by this division in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.21 | Display of license plates and validation stickers or temporary license registration.

(A)(1) No person who is the owner or operator of a motor vehicle shall fail to display in plain view on the rear of the motor vehicle a license plate that displays the distinctive number and registration mark assigned to the motor vehicle by the director of public safety, including any county identification sticker and any validation sticker when required by and issued under sections 4503.19 and 4503.191 of the Revised Code. However, a commercial tractor shall display the license plate on the front of the commercial tractor.

(2) The license plate shall be securely fastened so as not to swing, and shall not be covered by any material that obstructs its visibility.

(3) No person to whom a temporary motor vehicle license registration has been issued for the use of a motor vehicle under section 4503.182 of the Revised Code, and no operator of that motor vehicle, shall fail to display the temporary motor vehicle license registration in plain view from the rear of the vehicle either in the rear window or on an external rear surface of the motor vehicle.

(4) No person shall cover a temporary motor vehicle license registration by any material that obstructs its visibility.

(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.

(C) The offenses established under division (A) of this section are strict liability offenses and section 2901.20 of the Revised Code does not apply. The designation of these offenses as strict liability offenses shall not be construed to imply that any other offense, for which there is no specified degree of culpability, is not a strict liability offense.

Last updated April 14, 2021 at 2:29 PM

Section 4503.22 | Specifications for license plates.

The identification license plate shall consist of a placard upon the face of which shall appear the distinctive number assigned to the motor vehicle as provided in section 4503.19 of the Revised Code, in Arabic numerals or letters, or both. The dimensions of the numerals or letters and of each stroke shall be determined by the director of public safety. The license placard also shall contain the name of this state and the slogan "BIRTHPLACE OF AVIATION." The placard may be made of steel, aluminum, plastic, or any other suitable material, and the background shall be treated with a reflective material that shall provide effective and dependable reflective brightness during the service period required of the placard. Specifications for the reflective and other materials and the design of the placard, the county identification stickers as provided by section 4503.19 of the Revised Code, and validation stickers as provided by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code, shall be adopted by the director as rules under sections 119.01 to 119.13 of the Revised Code. The identification license plate of motorized bicycles or mopeds, motor-driven cycles or motor scooters, autocycles, cab-enclosed motorcycles, and motorcycles shall consist of a single placard, the size of which shall be prescribed by the director. The identification plate of a vehicle registered in accordance with the international registration plan shall contain the word "apportioned." The director may prescribe the type of placard, or means of fastening the placard, or both; the placard or means of fastening may be so designed and constructed as to render difficult the removal of the placard after it has been fastened to a motor vehicle.

Section 4503.23 | Special license plates for state owned motor vehicles.

No motor vehicle designed to carry passengers, owned or leased by the state, or any of its departments, bureaus, commissions, or institutions supported in whole or in part by funds provided by the state, shall be operated or driven by any person unless it has displayed, in a prominent position on the rear of the vehicle, a license plate that shall be the same size, shape, and treated for increased visibility in the same manner as those issued by the registrar of motor vehicles for private vehicles. The license plate shall be attached to the vehicle in the same manner as provided by statute for the illumination and attachment of a license plate on private vehicles. The registrar shall designate the colors of the license plate that shall be used on state-owned cars; the colors shall be other than those used on privately owned motor vehicles, and shall apply only to license plates used on state-owned motor vehicles. The plate shall display a special serial number, and the words "Ohio State Car."

Section 4503.231 | Unique license plates for motor vehicles whose standard plates have been impounded.

(A) No motor vehicle registered in the name of a person whose certificate of registration and identification license plates have been impounded as provided by division (B)(1) of section 4507.02 of the Revised Code, and no vehicle that may be operated pursuant to an immobilization waiver order issued pursuant to section 4503.235 of the Revised Code, shall be operated on any highway in this state unless it displays restricted license plates that are a different color from those regularly issued and carry a special serial number that may be readily identified by law enforcement officers. The registrar of motor vehicles shall designate the color and serial number to be used on restricted license plates, which shall remain the same from year to year and shall not be displayed on any other motor vehicles.

The bureau of motor vehicles shall adopt rules providing for the decentralization of the issuance of restricted license plates under this section. The rules shall provide for the issuance of the restricted license plates by at least one agency in each county.

No person operating a motor vehicle displaying restricted license plates as described in this division shall knowingly disguise or obscure the color of the restricted plate.

(B) If a person has been granted limited driving privileges with a condition of the privileges being that the person must display on the vehicle that is driven under the privileges restricted license plates that are described in this section, the person may operate a motor vehicle that is owned by the person's employer only if the person is required to operate that motor vehicle in the course and scope of the person's employment. Such a person may operate that vehicle without displaying on that vehicle restricted license plates that are issued under this section if the employer has been notified that the person has limited driving privileges and of the nature of the restriction and if the person has proof of the employer's notification in the person's possession while operating the employer's vehicle for normal business duties. A motor vehicle owned by a business that is partly or entirely owned or controlled by the person with the limited driving privileges is not a motor vehicle owned by an employer, for purposes of this division.

(C) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.

Section 4503.232 | Registrar may destroy suspended or impounded license plates.

(A) Upon the receipt of identification license plates that have been suspended or impounded under any provision of law, and notwithstanding any other provision of law that requires the registrar of motor vehicles to retain the license plates, the registrar may destroy the license plates.

(B) If, as authorized by division (A) of this section, the registrar destroys license plates that have been suspended or impounded, he shall reissue or authorize the reissuance of new license plates to the person to whom the destroyed license plates originally were issued upon payment of a fee in the same amount as the fee specified in section 4503.19 of the Revised Code for replacement of a license plate that has been lost, mutilated, or destroyed and upon payment of a fee in the same amount as specified in division (D) of section 4503.10 of the Revised Code if issued by a deputy registrar or in division (G) of that section if issued by the registrar.

This division applies only if the identification license plates that were destroyed would have been valid at the time the person applies for the replacement license plates. License plates issued under this section shall expire on the same date as the license plates they replace.

Section 4503.233 | Immobilization orders.

(A)(1) If a court is required to order the immobilization of a vehicle for a specified period of time pursuant to section 4510.11, 4510.14, 4510.161, 4510.41, 4511.19, 4511.193, or 4511.203 of the Revised Code, the court, subject to section 4503.235 of the Revised Code, shall issue the immobilization order in accordance with this division and for the period of time specified in the particular section, and the immobilization under the order shall be in accordance with this section. The court, at the time of sentencing the offender for the offense relative to which the immobilization order is issued or as soon thereafter as is practicable, shall give a copy of the order to the offender or the offender's counsel. The court promptly shall send a copy of the order to the registrar on a form prescribed by the registrar and to the person or agency it designates to execute the order.

The order shall indicate the date on which it is issued, shall identify the vehicle that is subject to the order, and shall specify all of the following:

(a) The period of the immobilization;

(b) The place at which the court determines that the immobilization shall be carried out, provided that the court shall not determine and shall not specify that the immobilization is to be carried out at any place other than a commercially operated private storage lot, a place owned by a law enforcement or other government agency, or a place to which one of the following applies:

(i) The place is leased by or otherwise under the control of a law enforcement or other government agency.

(ii) The place is owned by the offender, the offender's spouse, or a parent or child of the offender.

(iii) The place is owned by a private person or entity, and, prior to the issuance of the order, the private entity or person that owns the place, or the authorized agent of that private entity or person, has given express written consent for the immobilization to be carried out at that place.

(iv) The place is a public street or highway on which the vehicle is parked in accordance with the law.

(c) The person or agency designated by the court to execute the order, which shall be either the law enforcement agency that employs the law enforcement officer who seized the vehicle, a bailiff of the court, another person the court determines to be appropriate to execute the order, or the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over the place of residence of the vehicle owner;

(d) That neither the registrar nor a deputy registrar will be permitted to accept an application for the license plate registration of any motor vehicle in the name of the vehicle owner until the immobilization fee is paid.

(2) The person or agency the court designates to immobilize the vehicle shall seize or retain that vehicle's license plates and forward them to the bureau of motor vehicles.

(3) In all cases, the offender shall be assessed an immobilization fee of one hundred dollars, and the immobilization fee shall be paid to the registrar before the vehicle may be released to the offender. Neither the registrar nor a deputy registrar shall accept an application for the registration of any motor vehicle in the name of the offender until the immobilization fee is paid.

(4) If the vehicle subject to the order is immobilized pursuant to the order and is found being operated upon any street or highway in this state during the immobilization period, it shall be seized, removed from the street or highway, and criminally forfeited and disposed of pursuant to section 4503.234 of the Revised Code.

(5) The registrar shall deposit the immobilization fee into the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code to be expended only as provided in division (A)(5) of this section. If the court designated in the order a court bailiff or another appropriate person other than a law enforcement officer to immobilize the vehicle, the amount of the fee deposited into the public safety - highway purposes fund shall be paid out to the county treasury if the court that issued the order is a county court, to the treasury of the municipal corporation served by the court if the court that issued the order is a mayor's court, or to the city treasury of the legislative authority of the court, both as defined in section 1901.03 of the Revised Code, if the court that issued the order is a municipal court. If the court designated a law enforcement agency to immobilize the vehicle and if the law enforcement agency immobilizes the vehicle, the amount of the fee deposited into the public safety - highway purposes fund shall be paid out to the law enforcement agency to reimburse the agency for the costs it incurs in obtaining immobilization equipment and, if required, in sending an officer or other person to search for and locate the vehicle specified in the immobilization order and to immobilize the vehicle.

In addition to the immobilization fee required to be paid under division (A)(3) of this section, the offender may be charged expenses or charges incurred in the removal and storage of the immobilized vehicle.

(B) If a court issues an immobilization order under division (A)(1) of this section, the person or agency designated by the court to execute the immobilization order promptly shall immobilize or continue the immobilization of the vehicle at the place specified by the court in the order. The registrar shall not authorize the release of the vehicle or authorize the issuance of new identification license plates for the vehicle at the end of the immobilization period until the immobilization fee has been paid.

(C) Upon receipt of the license plates for a vehicle under this section, the registrar shall destroy the license plates. At the end of the immobilization period and upon the payment of the immobilization fee that must be paid under this section, the registrar shall authorize the release of the vehicle and authorize the issuance, upon the payment of the same fee as is required for the replacement of lost, mutilated, or destroyed license plates and certificates of registration, of new license plates and, if necessary, a new certificate of registration to the offender for the vehicle in question.

(D)(1) If a court issues an immobilization order under division (A) of this section, the immobilization period commences on the day on which the vehicle in question is immobilized. If the vehicle in question had been seized under section 4510.41 or 4511.195 of the Revised Code, the time between the seizure and the beginning of the immobilization period shall be credited against the immobilization period specified in the immobilization order issued under division (A) of this section. No vehicle that is immobilized under this section is eligible to have restricted license plates under section 4503.231 of the Revised Code issued for that vehicle.

(2) If a court issues an immobilization order under division (A) of this section, if the vehicle subject to the order is immobilized under the order, and if the vehicle is found being operated upon any street or highway of this state during the immobilization period, it shall be seized, removed from the street or highway, and criminally forfeited, and disposed of pursuant to section 4503.234 of the Revised Code. No vehicle that is forfeited under this provision shall be considered contraband for purposes of Chapter 2981. of the Revised Code, but shall be held by the law enforcement agency that employs the officer who seized it for disposal in accordance with section 4503.234 of the Revised Code.

(3) If a court issues an immobilization order under division (A) of this section, and if the vehicle is not claimed within seven days after the end of the period of immobilization or if the offender has not paid the immobilization fee, the person or agency that immobilized the vehicle shall send a written notice to the offender at the offender's last known address informing the offender of the date on which the period of immobilization ended, that the offender has twenty days after the date of the notice to pay the immobilization fee and obtain the release of the vehicle, and that if the offender does not pay the fee and obtain the release of the vehicle within that twenty-day period, the vehicle will be forfeited under section 4503.234 of the Revised Code to the entity that is entitled to the immobilization fee.

(4) An offender whose motor vehicle is subject to an immobilization order issued under division (A) of this section shall not sell the motor vehicle without approval of the court that issued the order. If such an offender wishes to sell the motor vehicle during the immobilization period, the offender shall apply to the court that issued the immobilization order for permission to assign the title to the vehicle. If the court is satisfied that the sale will be in good faith and not for the purpose of circumventing the provisions of division (A)(1) of this section, it may certify its consent to the offender and to the registrar. Upon receipt of the court's consent, the registrar shall enter the court's notice in the offender's vehicle license plate registration record.

If, during a period of immobilization under an immobilization order issued under division (A) of this section, the title to the immobilized motor vehicle is transferred by the foreclosure of a chattel mortgage, a sale upon execution, the cancellation of a conditional sales contract, or an order of a court, the involved court shall notify the registrar of the action, and the registrar shall enter the court's notice in the offender's vehicle license plate registration record.

Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring the registrar or the clerk of the court of common pleas to note upon the certificate of title records any prohibition regarding the sale of a motor vehicle.

(5) If the title to a motor vehicle that is subject to an immobilization order under division (A) of this section is assigned or transferred without court approval between the time of arrest of the offender who committed the offense for which such an order is to be issued and the time of the actual immobilization of the vehicle, the court shall order that, for a period of two years from the date of the order, neither the registrar nor any deputy registrar shall accept an application for the registration of any motor vehicle in the name of the offender whose vehicle was assigned or transferred without court approval. The court shall notify the registrar of the order on a form prescribed by the registrar for that purpose.

(6) If the title to a motor vehicle that is subject to an immobilization order under division (A) of this section is assigned or transferred without court approval in violation of division (D)(4) of this section, then, in addition to or independent of any other penalty established by law, the court may fine the offender the value of the vehicle as determined by publications of the national auto dealers association. The proceeds from any fine so imposed shall be distributed in the same manner as the proceeds of the sale of a forfeited vehicle are distributed pursuant to division (C)(2) of section 4503.234 of the Revised Code.

(E)(1) The court with jurisdiction over the case, after notice to all interested parties including lienholders, and after an opportunity for them to be heard, if the offender fails to appear in person, without good cause, or if the court finds that the offender does not intend to seek release of the vehicle at the end of the period of immobilization or that the offender is not or will not be able to pay the expenses and charges incurred in its removal and storage, may order that title to the vehicle be transferred, in order of priority, first into the name of the entity entitled to the immobilization fee under division (A)(5) of this section, next into the name of a lienholder, or lastly, into the name of the owner of the place of storage.

A lienholder that receives title under a court order shall do so on the condition that it pay any expenses or charges incurred in the vehicle's removal and storage. If the entity that receives title to the vehicle is the entity that is entitled to the immobilization fee under division (A)(5) of this section, it shall receive title on the condition that it pay any lien on the vehicle. The court shall not order that title be transferred to any person or entity other than the owner of the place of storage if the person or entity refuses to receive the title. Any person or entity that receives title may either keep title to the vehicle or may dispose of the vehicle in any legal manner that it considers appropriate, including assignment of the certificate of title to the motor vehicle to a salvage dealer or a scrap metal processing facility. The person or entity shall not transfer the vehicle to the person who is the vehicle's immediate previous owner.

If the person or entity assigns the motor vehicle to a salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility, the person or entity shall send the assigned certificate of title to the motor vehicle to the clerk of the court of common pleas of the county in which the salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility is located. The person or entity shall mark the face of the certificate of title with the words "FOR DESTRUCTION" and shall deliver a photocopy of the certificate of title to the salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility for its records.

(2) Whenever a court issues an order under division (E)(1) of this section, the court also shall order removal of the license plates from the vehicle and cause them to be sent to the registrar if they have not already been sent to the registrar. Thereafter, no further proceedings shall take place under this section, but the offender remains liable for payment of the immobilization fee described in division (A)(3) of this section if an immobilization order previously had been issued by the court.

(3) Prior to initiating a proceeding under division (E)(1) of this section, and upon payment of the fee under division (B) of section 4505.14 of the Revised Code, any interested party may cause a search to be made of the public records of the bureau of motor vehicles or the clerk of the court of common pleas, to ascertain the identity of any lienholder of the vehicle. The initiating party shall furnish this information to the clerk of the court with jurisdiction over the case, and the clerk shall provide notice to the vehicle owner, the defendant, any lienholder, and any other interested parties listed by the initiating party, at the last known address supplied by the initiating party, by certified mail or, at the option of the initiating party, by personal service or ordinary mail.

As used in this section, "interested party" includes the offender, all lienholders, the owner of the place of storage, the person or entity that caused the vehicle to be removed, and the person or entity, if any, entitled to the immobilization fee under division (A)(5) of this section.

Section 4503.234 | Order of criminal forfeiture of vehicle.

(A) If a court orders the criminal forfeiture of a vehicle pursuant to section 4503.233, 4503.236, 4510.11, 4510.14, 4510.161, 4510.41, 4511.19, 4511.193, or 4511.203 of the Revised Code, the order shall be issued and enforced in accordance with this division, subject to division (B) of this section. An order of criminal forfeiture issued under this division shall authorize an appropriate law enforcement agency to seize the vehicle ordered criminally forfeited upon the terms and conditions that the court determines proper. No vehicle ordered criminally forfeited pursuant to this division shall be considered contraband for purposes of Chapter 2981. of the Revised Code, but the law enforcement agency that employs the officer who seized it shall hold the vehicle for disposal in accordance with this section. A forfeiture order may be issued only after the offender has been provided with an opportunity to be heard. The prosecuting attorney shall give the offender written notice of the possibility of forfeiture by sending a copy of the relevant uniform traffic ticket or other written notice to the offender not less than seven days prior to the date of issuance of the forfeiture order. A vehicle is subject to an order of criminal forfeiture pursuant to this division upon the conviction of the offender of or plea of guilty by the offender to a violation of division (A) of section 4503.236, section 4510.11, 4510.14, or 4511.203, or division (A) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code, or a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to any of those sections or divisions.

(B)(1) Prior to the issuance of an order of criminal forfeiture pursuant to this section, the law enforcement agency that employs the law enforcement officer who seized the vehicle shall conduct or cause to be conducted a search of the appropriate public records that relate to the vehicle and shall make or cause to be made reasonably diligent inquiries to identify any lienholder or any person or entity with an ownership interest in the vehicle. The court that is to issue the forfeiture order also shall cause a notice of the potential order relative to the vehicle and of the expected manner of disposition of the vehicle after its forfeiture to be sent to any lienholder or person who is known to the court to have any right, title, or interest in the vehicle. The court shall give the notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by personal service.

(2) No order of criminal forfeiture shall be issued pursuant to this section if a lienholder or other person with an ownership interest in the vehicle establishes to the court, by a preponderance of the evidence after filing a motion with the court, that the lienholder or other person neither knew nor should have known after a reasonable inquiry that the vehicle would be used or involved, or likely would be used or involved, in the violation resulting in the issuance of the order of criminal forfeiture or the violation of the order of immobilization issued under section 4503.233 of the Revised Code, that the lienholder or other person did not expressly or impliedly consent to the use or involvement of the vehicle in that violation, and that the lien or ownership interest was perfected pursuant to law prior to the seizure of the vehicle under section 4503.236, 4510.41, 4511.195, or 4511.203 of the Revised Code. If the lienholder or holder of the ownership interest satisfies the court that these criteria have been met, the court shall preserve the lienholder's or other person's lien or interest, and the court either shall return the vehicle to the holder, or shall order that the proceeds of any sale held pursuant to division (C)(2) of this section be paid to the lienholder or holder of the interest less the costs of seizure, storage, and maintenance of the vehicle. The court shall not return a vehicle to a lienholder or a holder of an ownership interest unless the lienholder or holder submits an affidavit to the court that states that the lienholder or holder will not return the vehicle to the person from whom the vehicle was seized pursuant to the order of criminal forfeiture or to any member of that person's family and will not otherwise knowingly permit that person or any member of that person's family to obtain possession of the vehicle.

(3) No order of criminal forfeiture shall be issued pursuant to this section if a person with an interest in the vehicle establishes to the court, by a preponderance of the evidence after filing a motion with the court, that the person neither knew nor should have known after a reasonable inquiry that the vehicle had been used or was involved in the violation resulting in the issuance of the order of criminal forfeiture or the violation of the order of immobilization issued under section 4503.233 of the Revised Code, that the person did not expressly or impliedly consent to the use or involvement of the vehicle in that violation, that the interest was perfected in good faith and for value pursuant to law between the time of the arrest of the offender and the final disposition of the criminal charge in question, and that the vehicle was in the possession of the interest holder at the time of the perfection of the interest. If the court is satisfied that the interest holder has met these criteria, the court shall preserve the interest holder's interest, and the court either shall return the vehicle to the interest holder or order that the proceeds of any sale held pursuant to division (C) of this section be paid to the holder of the interest less the costs of seizure, storage, and maintenance of the vehicle. The court shall not return a vehicle to an interest holder unless the holder submits an affidavit to the court stating that the holder will not return the vehicle to the person from whom the holder acquired the holder's interest, nor to any member of that person's family, and the holder will not otherwise knowingly permit that person or any member of that person's family to obtain possession of the vehicle.

(C) A vehicle ordered criminally forfeited to the state pursuant to this section shall be disposed of as follows:

(1) It shall be given to the law enforcement agency that employs the law enforcement officer who seized the vehicle, if that agency desires to have it;

(2) If a vehicle is not disposed of pursuant to division (C)(1) of this section, the vehicle shall be sold, without appraisal, if the value of the vehicle is two thousand dollars or more as determined by publications of the national auto dealer's association, at a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Prior to the sale, the prosecuting attorney in the case shall cause a notice of the proposed sale to be given in accordance with law. The court shall cause notice of the sale of the vehicle to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the court is located at least seven days prior to the date of the sale. The proceeds of a sale under this division or division (F) of this section shall be applied in the following order:

(a) First, they shall be applied to the payment of the costs incurred in connection with the seizure, storage, and maintenance of, and provision of security for, the vehicle, any proceeding arising out of the forfeiture, and if any, the sale.

(b) Second, the remaining proceeds after compliance with division (C)(2)(a) of this section, shall be applied to the payment of the value of any lien or ownership interest in the vehicle preserved under division (B) of this section.

(c) Third, the remaining proceeds, after compliance with divisions (C)(2)(a) and (b) of this section, shall be applied to the appropriate funds in accordance with divisions (B) and (C) of section 2981.13 of the Revised Code, provided that the total of the amount so deposited under this division shall not exceed one thousand dollars. The remaining proceeds deposited under this division shall be used only for the purposes authorized by those divisions and division (D) of that section.

(d) Fourth, the remaining proceeds after compliance with divisions (C)(2)(a) and (b) of this section and after deposit of a total amount of one thousand dollars under division (C)(2)(c) of this section shall be applied so that fifty per cent of those remaining proceeds is paid into the reparation fund established by section 2743.191 of the Revised Code, twenty-five per cent is paid into the drug abuse resistance education programs fund created by division (F)(2)(e) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code and shall be used only for the purposes authorized by division (F)(2)(e) of that section, and twenty-five per cent is applied to the appropriate funds in accordance with divisions (B) and (C) of section 2981.13 of the Revised Code. The proceeds deposited into any fund described in section 2981.13 of the Revised Code shall be used only for the purposes authorized by divisions (B)(4)(c), (C), and (D) of that section.

(D) Except as provided in division (E) of section 4511.203 of the Revised Code and notwithstanding any other provision of law, neither the registrar of motor vehicles nor any deputy registrar shall accept an application for the registration of any motor vehicle in the name of any person, or register any motor vehicle in the name of any person, if both of the following apply:

(1) Any vehicle registered in the person's name was criminally forfeited under this section and section 4503.233, 4503.236, 4510.10, 4510.11, 4510.14, 4510.41, 4511.19, 4511.193, or 4511.203 of the Revised Code;

(2) Less than five years have expired since the issuance of the most recent order of criminal forfeiture issued in relation to a vehicle registered in the person's name.

(E) If a court orders the criminal forfeiture to the state of a vehicle pursuant to section 4503.233, 4503.236, 4510.10, 4510.11, 4510.14, 4510.161, 4510.41, 4511.19, 4511.193, or 4511.203 of the Revised Code, the title to the motor vehicle is assigned or transferred, and division (B)(2) or (3) of this section applies, in addition to or independent of any other penalty established by law, the court may fine the offender the value of the vehicle as determined by publications of the national auto dealer's association. The proceeds from any fine imposed under this division shall be distributed in accordance with division (C)(2) of this section.

(F) As used in this section and divisions (B)(4)(c), (C), and (D) of section 2981.13 of the Revised Code in relation to proceeds of the sale of a vehicle under division (C) of this section, "prosecuting attorney" includes the prosecuting attorney, village solicitor, city director of law, or similar chief legal officer of a municipal corporation who prosecutes the case resulting in the conviction or guilty plea in question.

(G) If the vehicle to be forfeited has an average retail value of less than two thousand dollars as determined by publications of the national auto dealer's association, no public auction is required to be held. In such a case, the court may direct that the vehicle be disposed of in any manner that it considers appropriate, including assignment of the certificate of title to the motor vehicle to a salvage dealer or a scrap metal processing facility. The court shall not transfer the vehicle to the person who is the vehicle's immediate previous owner.

If the court assigns the motor vehicle to a salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility and the court is in possession of the certificate of title to the motor vehicle, it shall send the assigned certificate of title to the motor vehicle to the clerk of the court of common pleas of the county in which the salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility is located. The court shall mark the face of the certificate of title with the words "FOR DESTRUCTION" and shall deliver a photocopy of the certificate of title to the salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility for its records.

If the court is not in possession of the certificate of title to the motor vehicle, the court shall issue an order transferring ownership of the motor vehicle to a salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility, send the order to the clerk of the court of common pleas of the county in which the salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility is located, and send a photocopy of the order to the salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility for its records. The clerk shall make the proper notations or entries in the clerk's records concerning the disposition of the motor vehicle.

Section 4503.235 | Vehicle immobilization waiver order - terms.

(A) If division (G) of section 4511.19 or division (C) of section 4511.193 of the Revised Code requires a court, as part of the sentence of an offender who is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of division (A) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or as a sanction for an offender who is convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of a municipal OVI ordinance, to order the immobilization of a vehicle for a specified period of time, notwithstanding the requirement, the court in its discretion may determine not to order the immobilization of the vehicle if both of the following apply:

(1) Prior to the issuance of the order of immobilization, a family or household member of the offender files a motion with the court identifying the vehicle and requesting that the immobilization order not be issued on the ground that the family or household member is completely dependent on the vehicle for the necessities of life and that the immobilization of the vehicle would be an undue hardship to the family or household member.

(2) The court determines that the family or household member who files the motion is completely dependent on the vehicle for the necessities of life and that the immobilization of the vehicle would be an undue hardship to the family or household member.

(B) If a court pursuant to division (A) of this section determines not to order the immobilization of a vehicle that otherwise would be required pursuant to division (G) of section 4511.19 or division (C) of section 4511.193 of the Revised Code, the court shall issue an order that waives the immobilization that otherwise would be required pursuant to either of those divisions. The immobilization waiver order shall be in effect for the period of time for which the immobilization of the vehicle otherwise would have been required under division (G) of section 4511.19 or division (C) of section 4511.193 of the Revised Code if the immobilization waiver order had not been issued, subject to division (D) of this section. The immobilization waiver order shall specify the period of time for which it is in effect. The court shall provide a copy of an immobilization waiver order to the offender and to the family or household member of the offender who filed the motion requesting that the immobilization order not be issued and shall place a copy of the immobilization waiver order in the record in the case. The court shall impose an immobilization waiver fee in the amount of fifty dollars. The court shall determine whether the fee is to be paid by the offender or by the family or household member. The clerk of the court shall deposit all of the fees collected during a month on or before the twenty-third day of the following month into the county or municipal indigent drivers alcohol treatment fund under the control of that court, as created by the county or municipal corporation under division (F) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code.

(C) If a court pursuant to division (B) of this section issues an immobilization waiver order, the order shall identify the family or household member who requested the order and the vehicle to which the order applies, shall identify the family or household members who are permitted to operate the vehicle, and shall identify the offender and specify that the offender is not permitted to operate the vehicle. The immobilization waiver order shall require that the family or household member display on the vehicle to which the order applies restricted license plates that are issued under section 4503.231 of the Revised Code for the entire period for which the immobilization of the vehicle otherwise would have been required under division (G) of section 4511.19 or division (C) of section 4511.193 of the Revised Code if the immobilization waiver order had not been issued.

(D) A family or household member who is permitted to operate a vehicle under an immobilization waiver order issued under this section shall not permit the offender to operate the vehicle. If a family or household member who is permitted to operate a vehicle under an immobilization waiver order issued under this section permits the offender to operate the vehicle, both of the following apply:

(1) The court that issued the immobilization waiver order shall terminate that order and shall issue an immobilization order in accordance with section 4503.233 of the Revised Code that applies to the vehicle, and the immobilization order shall be in effect for the remaining period of time for which the immobilization of the vehicle otherwise would have been required under division (G) of section 4511.19 or division (C) of section 4511.193 of the Revised Code if the immobilization waiver order had not been issued.

(2) The conduct of the family or household member in permitting the offender to operate the vehicle is a violation of section 4511.203 of the Revised Code.

(E) No offender shall operate a motor vehicle subject to an immobilization waiver order. Whoever violates this division is guilty of operating a motor vehicle in violation of an immobilization waiver, a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(F) "Family or household member" has the same meaning as in section 2919.25 of the Revised Code, except that the person must be currently residing with the offender.

Section 4503.236 | Forfeiture for violation of immobilization order.

(A) No person shall operate a motor vehicle or permit the operation of a motor vehicle upon any public or private property used by the public for vehicular travel or parking knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that the motor vehicle has been ordered immobilized pursuant to an immobilization order issued under section 4503.233 of the Revised Code.

(B) A motor vehicle that is operated by a person during a violation of division (A) of this section shall be criminally forfeited to the state in accordance with the procedures contained in section 4503.234 of the Revised Code.

(C) Whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree.

Section 4503.24 | Registration and licensing of chauffeured limousines - livery license place sticker.

(A) The owner of a chauffeured limousine, upon compliance with the motor vehicle laws relating to the registration and licensing of motor vehicles, upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, an additional fee of seven dollars and fifty cents, and the fee specified in division (C) of this section, if applicable, and upon compliance with section 4509.80 of the Revised Code, shall be issued appropriate vehicle registration and a set of license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code. The license plates issued under this section shall bear the word "livery" printed at the bottom of the plate. The color of the word shall be selected by the director of public safety. The additional fee shall be for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of such licenses and shall be transmitted by the registrar of motor vehicles to the treasurer of state for deposit in the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(B) Any application for registration or registration renewal of a chauffeured limousine made under this section may be submitted by mail directly to the registrar or in person to a deputy registrar.

(C) Each deputy registrar shall be allowed a fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code for each application for registration and registration renewal notice the deputy registrar receives.

Section 4503.25 | Index of licenses issued.

The registrar of motor vehicles shall keep on file in his office a complete index of all motor vehicle license registrations issued by license numbers and alphabetically by names of owners, and a full and correct list of the names and addresses of the deputy registrars, together with the numbers within the series that have been assigned to each. Such list shall also show such numbers as have been sold directly by the registrar.

Section 4503.26 | Lists of registration information - acceptance of bids for preparation.

(A) As used in this section, "registration information" means information in license plate applications on file with the bureau of motor vehicles.

(B) The director of public safety may advertise for and accept sealed bids for the preparation of lists containing registration information in such form as the director authorizes. Where the expenditure is more than five hundred dollars, the director shall give notice to bidders as provided in section 5513.01 of the Revised Code as for purchases by the department of transportation. The notice shall include the latest date, as determined by the director, on which bids will be accepted and the date, also determined by the director, on which bids will be opened by the director at the central office of the department of public safety. The contract to prepare the list shall be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, in accordance with section 9.312 of the Revised Code, provided there is compliance with the specifications. Such contract shall not extend beyond twenty-four consecutive registration periods as provided in section 4503.101 of the Revised Code. The successful bidder shall furnish without charge a complete list to the bureau of motor vehicles, and shall also furnish without charge to the county sheriffs or chiefs of police in cities, at such times and in such manner as the director determines necessary, lists of registration information for the county in which they are situated. The registrar shall provide to the successful bidder all necessary information for the preparation of such lists.

The registrar, upon application of any person and payment of the proper fee, may search the records of the bureau and furnish reports of those records under the signature of the registrar.

(C) The registrar shall charge and collect a fee of five dollars for each search of the records and report of those records furnished under the signature and seal of the registrar. A copy of any such report is prima-facie evidence of the facts therein stated, in any court.

The registrar shall receive these fees and deposit each such fee into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.27 | Registration requirements for manufacturers, dealers and distributors.

A manufacturer, dealer, or distributor shall apply for registration, for each place in this state at which the business of manufacturing, dealing, or distributing of motor vehicles is carried on. The application shall show the make of motor vehicles manufactured, dealt in, or distributed at such place and shall show the taxing district in which the place of business is located. Upon the filing of such application and the payment of the annual tax imposed by section 4503.09 of the Revised Code, the registrar of motor vehicles shall assign to the applicant a distinctive number that must be carried and displayed by each such motor vehicle in like manner as provided by law for other motor vehicles while it is operated on the public highway until it is sold or transferred. At the time the registrar assigns the distinctive number the registrar shall furnish one license plate with the number thereon. Such manufacturer, dealer, or distributor may procure a reasonable number of additional registration certificates upon the payment for each of an annual fee of five dollars and the appropriate postage as required by the registrar. With each additional registration certificate the registrar shall furnish one license plate with the same numbering provided in the original registration certificate, and shall add thereto such special designation as necessary to distinguish one license plate from another.

The registrar shall not assign any distinctive number and shall not furnish any license plates to any dealer or distributor unless the dealer or distributor, at the time of application for the license plates, produces evidence to show that the dealer or distributor is the holder either of a motor vehicle dealer's license required by section 4517.04 or 4517.05 of the Revised Code or a distributor's license required by section 4517.08 of the Revised Code. Such evidence shall be presented in the manner prescribed by the registrar.

Last updated August 29, 2023 at 8:59 AM

Section 4503.271 | Operation of new vehicle without plate or placard after railroad car accident.

A new motor vehicle may be operated on the public roads or highways of this state without displaying a license plate issued to a manufacturer, dealer, or distributor under section 4503.27 of the Revised Code or any other license plate specified in the Revised Code if all of the following apply to the new motor vehicle:

(A) The new motor vehicle was being transported on a railroad car;

(B) The railroad car or the train of which the railroad car was a part was involved in an accident that required the unloading of the new motor vehicle from the railroad car in order to preserve its condition or to facilitate the process of returning the accident site to its normal state;

(C) The operator of the new motor vehicle was instructed by a law enforcement officer at the accident site to drive the new motor vehicle from the accident site directly to another location for the purpose of removing the new motor vehicle from the accident site and storing the new motor vehicle;

(D) The operator of the new motor vehicle proceeds from the accident site to the storage location utilizing the most direct route.

Last updated August 29, 2023 at 9:03 AM

Section 4503.28 | Manufacturer, dealer or distributor required to file application for registration.

(A) No person who is a manufacturer of, dealer in, or distributor of motor vehicles shall fail to file an application for registration, to pay the tax for the registration, and to apply for and pay the legal fees for as many additional registration certificates as the law requires.

(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

Last updated August 29, 2023 at 9:06 AM

Section 4503.29 | Program to establish and issue specialty license plates recognizing military service and military honors.

(A) The director of veterans services in conjunction with the registrar of motor vehicles shall develop and maintain a program to establish and issue specialty license plates recognizing military service and military honors pertaining to valor and service.

(B) The director and the registrar shall jointly adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code for purposes of establishing the program under this section. The director and registrar shall adopt the rules as soon as possible after June 29, 2018, but not later than nine months after June 29, 2018. The rules shall do all of the following:

(1) Establish specialty license plates recognizing military service;

(2) Establish specialty license plates recognizing military honors pertaining to valor and service;

(3) Establish eligibility criteria that apply to each specialty license plate issued under this section;

(4) Establish requirements governing any necessary documentary evidence required to be presented by an applicant for a specialty license plate issued under this section. The rules shall allow an applicant to present a veterans identification card issued in accordance with section 317.241 of the Revised Code in lieu of a copy of the applicant's DD-214 or an equivalent document. An applicant may be required to present additional evidence if the veterans identification card does not show all of the information needed for issuance of the specific nonstandard license plate requested by the applicant.

(5) Establish guidelines for the designs, markings, and inscriptions on a specialty license plate established under this section;

(6) Establish procedures for altering the designs, markings, or inscriptions on a specialty license plate established under this section;

(7) Prohibit specialty license plates established under this section from recognizing achievement awards or unit awards;

(8) Establish any other procedures or requirements that are necessary for the implementation and administration of this section.

(C) The rules adopted under division (B) of this section shall provide for the establishment of the military specialty license plates created prior to June 29, 2018, that are no longer codified in the Revised Code.

(D)(1) Any person who meets the applicable qualifications for the issuance of a specialty license plate established by rule adopted under division (B) of this section may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for the registration of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle the person owns or leases of a class approved by the registrar. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(2)(a) Except as provided in division (D)(2)(b) of this section, upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section and the required taxes and fees, compliance with all applicable laws relating to the registration of a motor vehicle, and, if necessary, upon presentation of the required documentary evidence, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate motor vehicle registration and a set of license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

(b) Any disabled veteran who qualifies to apply to the registrar for the registration of a motor vehicle under section 4503.41 of the Revised Code without the payment of any registration taxes or fees, may apply instead for registration of the motor vehicle under this section. The disabled veteran applying for registration under this section is not required to pay any registration taxes or fees as required by sections 4503.038, 4503.04, 4503.10, 4503.102, and 4503.103 of the Revised Code, any local motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, or any fee charged under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code for up to two motor vehicles, including any motor vehicle registered under section 4503.41 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of an application for registration of the motor vehicle and presentation of any documentation the registrar may require by rule, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate motor vehicle registration and a set of license plates authorized under this section and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

(3) The license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 27, 2023 at 12:32 PM

Section 4503.30 | Display of placards issued to manufacturers, dealers or distributors.

(A) Any license plates issued by the registrar of motor vehicles and bearing the distinctive number assigned to a manufacturer, dealer, or distributor pursuant to section 4503.27 of the Revised Code may be displayed on any motor vehicle, other than commercial cars, or on any motorized bicycle owned by the manufacturer, dealer, or distributor, or lawfully in the possession or control of the manufacturer, or the agent or employee of the manufacturer, the dealer, or the agent or employee of the dealer, the distributor, or the agent or employee of the distributor. Such license plates shall be displayed on no other motor vehicle or motorized bicycle.

(B)(1) A license plate issued to a dealer under section 4503.27 of the Revised Code may be displayed on a motor vehicle, other than a commercial car, owned by a dealer when the vehicle is in transit from a dealer to a purchaser, when the vehicle is being demonstrated for sale or lease, or when the vehicle otherwise is being utilized by the dealer.

(2) A vehicle bearing a license plate issued to a dealer under section 4503.27 of the Revised Code may be operated by the dealer, an agent or employee of the dealer, a prospective purchaser, or a third party operating the vehicle with the permission of the dealer.

(C) A license plate issued to a manufacturer, dealer, or distributor pursuant to section 4503.27 of the Revised Code may be displayed on commercial cars only when the cars are in transit from a manufacturer to a dealer, from a distributor to a dealer or distributor, or from a dealer to a purchaser, or when the cars are being demonstrated for sale or lease. Such a license plate shall not be displayed when the cars are being used for delivery, hauling, transporting, or other commercial purpose.

(D) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.

Last updated August 29, 2023 at 9:08 AM

Section 4503.301 | Commercial car demonstration placards.

(A) A manufacturer, dealer, or distributor of motor vehicles may apply for a reasonable number of commercial car demonstration license plates. The application shall show the make of commercial cars, commercial tractors, trailers, and semitrailers manufactured, dealt, or distributed in and shall show the taxing district in which the applicant's place of business is located.

Upon the filing of such application and the payment of an annual fee of five hundred dollars and appropriate postage as required by the registrar of motor vehicles, the registrar shall assign to the applicant a distinctive number and the requested license plates with the number thereon. Such license plates shall be known as "commercial car demonstration license plates," and shall expire on a date prescribed by the registrar. Upon the first application by any person for such license plates, the registrar shall prorate the annual fee in accordance with section 4503.11 of the Revised Code; for all renewals or replacements of such license plates, the registrar shall collect the full amount of the annual fee.

Commercial car demonstration license plates may be displayed on commercial cars, commercial tractors, trailers and semitrailers owned by the manufacturer, dealer, or distributor, when those vehicles are operated by or being demonstrated to a prospective purchaser. In addition to the purposes permitted by section 4503.30 of the Revised Code, the license plates provided for in this section may be displayed on vehicles operated or used for delivery, hauling, transporting, or any other lawful purpose. When such license plates are used, the license plates provided for in section 4503.30 of the Revised Code need not be displayed.

The operator of any commercial car, commercial tractor, trailer, or semitrailer displaying the license plates provided for in this section, at all times, shall carry with the operator a letter from the manufacturer, dealer, or distributor authorizing the use of such manufacturer's, dealer's, or distributor's commercial car demonstration license plates.

When such license plates are used on any commercial car or commercial tractor, such power unit shall be considered duly registered and licensed for the purposes of section 4503.38 of the Revised Code.

(B) No manufacturer, dealer, or distributor of motor vehicles shall use the commercial car demonstration license plates for purposes other than those authorized by this section.

(C) Whoever violates division (B) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.

Last updated August 29, 2023 at 9:09 AM

Section 4503.31 | Annual registration by persons other than manufacturers, dealers, or distributors - use of placards.

(A) As used in this section, "person" includes, but is not limited to, any person engaged in the business of manufacturing or distributing, or selling at retail, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in, motorized bicycles who is not subject to section 4503.09 of the Revised Code, or an Ohio nonprofit corporation engaged in the business of testing of motor vehicles.

(B) Persons other than manufacturers, dealers, or distributors may register annually with the registrar of motor vehicles and obtain license plates to be displayed on motor vehicles as provided by this section. Applications for annual registration shall be made at the time provided for payment of the tax otherwise imposed on manufacturers, dealers, or distributors by section 4503.09 of the Revised Code and shall be in the manner to be prescribed by the registrar. The fee for such registration shall be twenty-five dollars and shall not be reduced when the registration is for a part of a year. Applicants may procure a reasonable number of additional registration certificates upon the payment of a fee of five dollars and appropriate postage as required by the registrar for each copy.

(C) Upon the filing of the application and the payment of the fee and postage prescribed by this section, the registrar shall issue to each applicant a certificate of registration and assign a distinctive number and furnish one license plate with the number thereon. With each additional registration certificate provided for in this section the registrar shall furnish one license plate with the same numbering assigned in the original registration certificate and shall add thereto such special designation as necessary to distinguish one license plate from another. All license plates furnished by the registrar pursuant to this section shall be so marked as to be distinguishable from license plates issued to dealers, manufacturers, or distributors.

(D) Except as provided by divisions (E) and (F) of this section, license plates issued pursuant to this section may be used only on the following:

(1) Motor vehicles or motorized bicycles owned and being used in testing or being demonstrated for purposes of sale or lease;

(2) Motor vehicles subject to the rights and remedies of a secured party being exercised under Chapter 1309. of the Revised Code;

(3) Motor vehicles being held or transported by any insurance company for purposes of salvage disposition;

(4) Motor vehicles being transported by any persons regularly engaged in salvage operations or scrap metal processing from the point of acquisition to their established place of business;

(5) Motor vehicles owned by or in the lawful possession of an Ohio nonprofit corporation while being used in the testing of those motor vehicles.

(E) License plates issued pursuant to this section also may be used by all of the following:

(1) Persons regularly engaged in the business of rustproofing, reconditioning, or installing equipment or trim on motor vehicles for motor vehicle dealers and shall be used exclusively when such motor vehicles are being transported to or from the motor vehicle dealer's place of business;

(2) Persons engaged in manufacturing articles for attachment to motor vehicles when such motor vehicles are being transported to or from places where mechanical equipment is attached to the chassis of such new motor vehicles;

(3) Persons regularly and primarily engaged in the business of towing motor vehicles while such motor vehicles are being towed to a point of storage.

(F) License plates issued pursuant to this section also may be used on trailers being transported by persons engaged in the business of selling tangible personal property other than motor vehicles.

(G) No person required to register an apportionable vehicle under the international registration plan shall apply for or receive a license plate for that vehicle under this section.

(H) The fees collected by the registrar pursuant to this section shall be paid into the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code and used for the purposes described in that section.

Last updated August 29, 2023 at 9:11 AM

Section 4503.311 | Manufacturer or dealer of watercraft trailers - annual registration.

A manufacturer of or dealer in trailers for transporting watercraft may apply for registration with the registrar of motor vehicles for each place in this state where the manufacturer or dealer carries on the business of manufacturing or dealing in such trailers. Applications for annual registration shall be made at the time provided for payment of the tax imposed on manufacturers and dealers by section 4503.09 of the Revised Code and shall be in the manner to be prescribed by the registrar. The fee for such registration shall be twenty-five dollars and shall not be reduced when the registration is for a part of a year.

Upon the filing of such application and the payment of the fee and appropriate postage as required by the registrar, the registrar shall assign to the applicant a distinctive number which shall be displayed on the rear of each trailer while it is operated on the public highway. Such trailer may be operated on the public highway while loaded, until it is sold or transferred. At the time the registrar assigns the distinctive number, the registrar shall furnish one license plate with the number thereon. Such manufacturer or dealer may procure a reasonable number of additional registration certificates upon the payment of a fee of five dollars and postage. With each additional registration certificate, the registrar shall furnish one license plate with the same number provided in the original registration certificate, and shall add thereto such special designation as necessary to distinguish one license plate from another. All license plates furnished by the registrar pursuant to this section shall be so marked as to be distinguishable from license plates issued to dealers in or manufacturers of motor vehicles.

The fees collected by the registrar pursuant to this section shall be paid into the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code and used for the purposes described in that section.

Last updated August 29, 2023 at 9:13 AM

Section 4503.312 | Manufacturer or distributor of utility trailers or trailers for transporting vehicles - annual registration.

As used in this section:

(A) "Utility trailer" means any trailer, except a travel trailer or trailer for transporting watercraft, having a gross weight of less than four thousand pounds.

(B) "Snowmobile" and "all-purpose vehicle" have the same meanings as in section 4519.01 of the Revised Code.

(C) "Distributor" means any person authorized by a manufacturer of utility trailers or trailers for transporting motorcycles, snowmobiles, or all-purpose vehicles to distribute new trailers to persons for purposes of resale.

A manufacturer, distributor, or retail seller of utility trailers or trailers for transporting motorcycles, snowmobiles, or all-purpose vehicles may apply for registration with the registrar of motor vehicles for each place in this state where the manufacturer, distributor, or retail seller carries on the business of manufacturing, distributing, or selling at retail such trailers. Applications for annual registration shall be made at the time provided for payment of the tax imposed by section 4503.09 of the Revised Code; shall be in the manner to be prescribed by the registrar; and shall be accompanied by an affidavit certifying that the applicant is a manufacturer, distributor, or retail seller of utility trailers or trailers for transporting motorcycles, snowmobiles, or all-purpose vehicles. The fee for such registration shall be twenty-five dollars and shall not be reduced when the registration is for a part of a year.

Upon the filing of the application and affidavit, and payment of the fee and appropriate postage as required by the registrar, the registrar shall assign to the applicant a distinctive number which shall be displayed on the rear of each trailer when it is operated on the public highway. Any trailer for transporting motorcycles, snowmobiles, or all-purpose vehicles that is not loaded may be operated on the public highway until it is sold or transferred; and any utility trailer that is not loaded, or that is being used to transport another utility trailer for purposes of demonstration or delivery, may be operated on the public highway until it is sold or transferred.

At the time the registrar assigns the distinctive number, the registrar shall furnish one license plate with the number thereon. The manufacturer, distributor, or retail seller may procure a reasonable number of additional registration certificates upon the payment of a fee of five dollars and postage. With each additional registration certificate, the registrar shall furnish one license plate with the same number provided in the original registration certificate, and shall add thereto such special designation as necessary to distinguish one license plate from another. All license plates furnished by the registrar pursuant to this section shall be so marked as to be distinguishable from license plates issued to dealers in or manufacturers of motor vehicles or trailers for transporting watercraft.

The fees collected by the registrar pursuant to this section shall be paid into the public safety - highway purposes fund established by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code and used for the purposes described in that section.

Last updated August 29, 2023 at 9:14 AM

Section 4503.32 | Unauthorized use of placard.

(A) No person shall use the license plates provided for in section 4503.31 of the Revised Code contrary to said section.

(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.

Last updated August 29, 2023 at 9:15 AM

Section 4503.33 | In transit permits required.

A person, firm, or corporation engaged in this state as a drive-away operator or trailer transporter or both in the business of transporting and delivering, by means of the full mount method, the saddle mount method, the tow bar method, tow-away method, or any combination thereof, or under their own power, new motor vehicles from the manufacturer or any other point of origin to any point of destination, or used motor vehicles from any individual, firm, or corporation to any point of destination, or both, shall apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for an "in transit" permit. This application shall be accompanied by a registration fee of fifty dollars, and shall show such information as is considered necessary by the registrar. Upon the filing of the application and the payment of the annual fee and appropriate postage as required by the registrar, the registrar shall issue to each permittee a certificate of registration bearing a distinctive number or designation of the registration and one license plate bearing a corresponding number or designation. The license plate shall be carried and displayed by each such motor vehicle in like manner as provided by law for other motor vehicles while operated upon a public highway in transit from the manufacturer or any other point of origin to any point of destination.

A permittee may procure a reasonable number of additional registration certificates upon the payment of a fee of three dollars and postage. With each such additional registration certificate the registrar shall furnish one license plate with the same numbering or designation provided in the original registration certificate, and the registrar may add thereto such special designation as may be necessary to distinguish one license plate from another.

No person required to register an apportionable vehicle under the international registration plan shall apply for or receive a license plate for that vehicle under this section.

Last updated August 29, 2023 at 9:17 AM

Section 4503.34 | Drive-away operator required to file application.

(A) No person who is a drive-away operator or trailer transporter, or both, engaged in the business of transporting and delivering new motor vehicles or used motor vehicles, or both, by means of the full mount method, the saddle mount method, the tow bar method, the tow-away method, or any combination thereof, or under their own power, shall fail to file an application as required by section 4503.33 of the Revised Code, to pay the fees therefor, and to apply for and pay the legal fees for as many additional registration certificates thereof as said section requires.

(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.

Last updated October 6, 2023 at 12:08 PM

Section 4503.35 | Certain motor vehicles exempted.

(A) The motor vehicles furnished by the state for use by the elective state officials, and motor vehicles owned and operated by political subdivisions of the state, are exempt from section 4503.23 of the Revised Code.

(B) The following vehicles are exempt from section 4503.23 of the Revised Code:

(1) Motor vehicles operated by troopers of the state highway patrol;

(2) Motor vehicles operated by or on behalf of any person whose responsibilities include involvement in authorized civil or criminal investigations requiring that the presence and identity of the vehicle occupants be undisclosed;

(3) Motor vehicles used to assist crime victims when a state agency determines that the situation warrants it.

Section 4503.37 | Certificate of reciprocity - exemption from requirements.

(A) A certificate of reciprocity issued under this section shall exempt the owner and the driver of every motor vehicle which is duly registered in the state, district, country, or sovereignty other than this state, to which the certificate is granted, from the laws of this state pertaining to registration and licensing and the penal statutes relating thereto, provided such owner or driver has complied with the law in regard to motor vehicles in the state, district, country, or sovereignty in which the motor vehicle is registered and complies with such law while operating and driving such motor vehicle upon the public roads of this state. Such certificate shall not, however, exempt such an owner from the requirements of sections 5728.01 to 5728.14 and 5728.99 of the Revised Code, from the provisions of section 2921.13 of the Revised Code in relation to the filing of a return, application, or permit under section 5728.02, 5728.03, or 5728.08 of the Revised Code, or from the payment of any other taxes which may be imposed on Ohio-owned motor vehicles.

(B) The registrar of motor vehicles shall issue a certificate of reciprocity to each state, district, country, or sovereignty other than this state:

(1) Which state, district, country, or sovereignty grants to the owners and drivers of Ohio-registered motor vehicles the same exemptions granted by a certificate of reciprocity to owners and drivers of motor vehicles not registered in Ohio;

(2) And in which state, district, country, or sovereignty, except for nominal charges for registration for identification purposes, all highway taxes, including use taxes, motor vehicle fuel taxes, flat fees, and public utility taxes, are levied impartially on all motor vehicles regardless of where the motor vehicles have been registered.

(C) The registrar of motor vehicles shall not issue a reciprocity certificate, and shall cancel any such certificate previously issued, if the state, district, country, or sovereignty concerned does not comply with divisions (B)(1) and (2) of this section, or charges registration flat fees of owners of Ohio-registered motor vehicles which fees are in no way governed by motor vehicle fuel consumption, or miles traveled, in that state, district, country, or sovereignty.

(D) Taxes and assessments levied impartially and collected directly on a per mile basis, or per gallon of motor vehicle fuel basis, shall not be construed to disqualify the state, district, country, or sovereignty levying the same from receiving a certificate of reciprocity; however, if a tax or assessment is imposed on vehicles registered in the state, district, country, or sovereignty levying the tax, or assessment, or not on similar vehicles registered in other jurisdictions, the registrar may refuse to grant a certificate of reciprocity, and if such a certificate has been previously granted, may cancel the certificate.

(E) The owner or operator of a motor vehicle duly registered under the international registration plan in this state or in any other jurisdiction for which this state has received an apportioned registration tax or fee, or which is otherwise operating in accordance with the provisions of the international registration plan, is not required by this section to obtain a certificate of registration under section 4503.10 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.38 | Exemption for foreign trailers.

A trailer that is duly registered in any state, district, country, or sovereignty other than this state is exempt from the laws of this state pertaining to registration and licensing and the penal statutes relating thereto.

Section 4503.39 | Blocking registration of vehicle lessees with outstanding fines or costs.

With regard to a motor vehicle leased by or in the name of a person named in a suspension order or who is precluded from registering or transferring registration of a motor vehicle because of a failure to pay a fine or court costs, the registrar of motor vehicles shall adopt procedures as indicated in division (B) of section 1901.44, division (B) of section 1905.202, division (B) of section 1907.25, division (D) of section 2935.27, division (A) of section 2937.221, division (A) of section 2947.09, and division (B) of section 4510.22 of the Revised Code. The procedures shall prescribe the information and methodology necessary to implement those divisions.

Section 4503.40 | Special state reserved license plate numbers and validation stickers - fee.

The registrar shall be allowed a fee of twenty-five dollars, for each application received by the registrar for an initial registration or a registration renewal for special state reserved license plate numbers and the issuing of such licenses, and validation stickers, in the several series as the registrar may designate. The fee shall be in addition to the license tax established by this chapter and, where applicable, Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code. The registrar shall deposit the fee into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code. The types of motor vehicles for which special state reserved license plates may be issued in accordance with this section shall include at least motorcycles, buses, passenger cars, and noncommercial motor vehicles.

Section 4503.41 | Disabled veterans license plates.

(A) Any disabled veteran who, because of a service-connected disability, has been or is awarded funds for the purchase of a motor vehicle under the "Disabled Veterans' and Servicemen's Automobile Assistance Act of 1970," 84 Stat. 1998, 38 U.S.C. 1901, and amendments thereto, and any disabled veteran having a service-connected disability rated at one hundred per cent by the veterans' administration, may apply to the registrar for the registration of the disabled veteran's personal motor vehicle. Except as provided in division (C) of this section, a disabled veteran is not required to pay any registration fee and service fee as required by sections 4503.038, 4503.04, 4503.10, 4503.102, and 4503.103 of the Revised Code, any local motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, or any fee charged under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code. The application for registration shall be accompanied by such documentary evidence of disability as the registrar may require by rule.

(B) Upon the receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section, and presentation of satisfactory evidence of disability, the registrar or deputy registrar shall issue to the applicant a set of license plates, which shall be red, white, and blue in color and shall, in addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, be inscribed with the word "veteran" and imprinted with the international wheelchair symbol.

(C) A disabled veteran who is eligible to register a motor vehicle under this section may register as many vehicles as are titled and registered in that disabled veteran's name. For each additional registration after the first registration, the registrar or deputy registrar shall collect any applicable fee imposed in sections 4503.038, 4503.04, 4503.10, 4503.102, 4503.103, and 4503.19 of the Revised Code, and any local motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.42 | Special reserved license plate numbers containing more than three letters or numerals - fee.

For each registration renewal and for each initial application for registration, the registrar shall be allowed a fee of fifty dollars, which shall be in addition to the regular license fee for tags as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code and any tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, for each application received by the registrar for special reserved license plate numbers containing more than three letters or numerals, and the issuing of such licenses and validation stickers in the several series as the registrar may designate. The fee shall be deposited by the registrar into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

This section does not apply to the issuance of reserved license plates as authorized by sections 4503.14, 4503.15, and 4503.40 of the Revised Code. The types of motor vehicles for which license plate numbers containing more than three letters or numerals may be issued in accordance with this section shall include at least buses, passenger cars, and noncommercial motor vehicles.

Section 4503.43 | Congressional Medal of Honor license plates.

Any person being awarded the congressional medal of honor may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for the registration of his personal motor vehicle without the payment of any registration fee and service fee as required by sections 4503.04, 4503.10, and 4503.102 of the Revised Code, and without the payment of any applicable county or municipal motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code. The application for registration shall be accompanied by such documentary evidence in support of such award as the registrar and the director of public safety may require by rule.

Section 4503.435 | Line of duty sacrifice license plates.

(A) Any person who is the immediate family member of a public safety officer who died while performing honorably in the line of duty may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for the registration of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar that the person owns or leases and for issuance of line of duty sacrifice license plates for that motor vehicle. The application for line of duty sacrifice license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of line of duty sacrifice license plates and a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, line of duty sacrifice license plates shall be inscribed with a distinctive emblem and words that are designed by the gold star family committee and approved by the registrar. Line of duty sacrifice license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) Line of duty sacrifice license plates and a validation sticker or, when applicable, a validation sticker alone shall be issued upon submission by the applicant of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section, payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) No person who is not an immediate family member of a public safety officer who died while performing honorably in the line of duty shall purposely represent that the person is such a family member for the purpose of obtaining license plates under this section.

(D) As used in this section:

(1) "Public safety officer" means a firefighter, emergency medical service personnel, law enforcement officer, corrections officer, probation officer, or parole officer.

(2) "Immediate family member" means all of the following:

(a) A spouse;

(b) A parent, stepparent, or other person who acted in loco parentis;

(c) A sibling, whether of the whole or half-blood, or by adoption;

(d) A child, including those by adoption, or a stepchild;

(e) A grandchild, including those by adoption, or a step-grandchild;

(f) Any other lineal descendant not otherwise listed in division (D)(2) of this section;

(g) A grandparent or great-grandparent.

Section 4503.44 | Windshield placards, license plates, parking cards for persons with disabilities; registration of altered vehicles.

(A) As used in this section and in section 4511.69 of the Revised Code:

(1) "Person with a disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk" means any person who, as determined by a health care provider, meets any of the following criteria:

(a) Cannot walk two hundred feet without stopping to rest;

(b) Cannot walk without the use of, or assistance from, a brace, cane, crutch, another person, prosthetic device, wheelchair, or other assistive device;

(c) Is restricted by a lung disease to such an extent that the person's forced (respiratory) expiratory volume for one second, when measured by spirometry, is less than one liter, or the arterial oxygen tension is less than sixty millimeters of mercury on room air at rest;

(d) Uses portable oxygen;

(e) Has a cardiac condition to the extent that the person's functional limitations are classified in severity as class III or class IV according to standards set by the American heart association;

(f) Is severely limited in the ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurological, or orthopedic condition;

(g) Is blind, legally blind, or severely visually impaired.

(2) "Organization" means any private organization or corporation, or any governmental board, agency, department, division, or office, that, as part of its business or program, transports persons with disabilities that limit or impair the ability to walk on a regular basis in a motor vehicle that has not been altered for the purpose of providing it with accessible equipment for use by persons with disabilities. This definition does not apply to division (I) of this section.

(3) "Health care provider" means a physician, physician assistant, advanced practice registered nurse, optometrist, or chiropractor as defined in this section except that an optometrist shall only make determinations as to division (A)(1)(g) of this section.

(4) "Physician" means a person licensed to practice medicine or surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code.

(5) "Chiropractor" means a person licensed to practice chiropractic under Chapter 4734. of the Revised Code.

(6) "Advanced practice registered nurse" means a certified nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, certified registered nurse anesthetist, or certified nurse-midwife who holds a certificate of authority issued by the board of nursing under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code.

(7) "Physician assistant" means a person who is licensed as a physician assistant under Chapter 4730. of the Revised Code.

(8) "Optometrist" means a person licensed to engage in the practice of optometry under Chapter 4725. of the Revised Code.

(9) "Removable windshield placard" includes a standard removable windshield placard, a temporary removable windshield placard, or a permanent removable windshield placard, unless otherwise specified.

(B)(1) An organization, or a person with a disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk, may apply for the registration of any motor vehicle the organization or person owns or leases. When an adaptive mobility vehicle is owned or leased by someone other than a person with a disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk, the owner or lessee may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles or a deputy registrar for registration under this section. The application for registration of a motor vehicle owned or leased by a person with a disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk shall be accompanied by a signed statement from the applicant's health care provider certifying that the applicant meets at least one of the criteria contained in division (A)(1) of this section and that the disability is expected to continue for more than six consecutive months. The application for registration of an adaptive mobility vehicle that is owned by someone other than a person with a disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk shall be accompanied by such documentary evidence of vehicle specifications or alterations as the registrar may require by rule.

(2) When an organization, a person with a disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk, or a person who does not have a disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk but owns a motor vehicle that has been altered for the purpose of providing it with accessible equipment for a person with a disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk first submits an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section and every fifth year thereafter, the organization or person shall submit a signed statement from the applicant's health care provider, a completed application, and any required documentary evidence of vehicle specifications or alterations as provided in division (B)(1) of this section, and also a power of attorney from the owner of the motor vehicle if the applicant leases the vehicle. Upon submission of these items, the registrar or deputy registrar shall issue to the applicant appropriate vehicle registration and a set of license plates and validation stickers, or validation stickers alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code. In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, the license plates shall be imprinted with the international symbol of access. The license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license fee as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code and any motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and the payment of a service fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) A person with a disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk may apply to the registrar for a removable windshield placard by completing and signing an application provided by the registrar.

(2) The person shall include with the application a prescription from the person's health care provider prescribing such a placard for the person based upon a determination that the person meets at least one of the criteria contained in division (A)(1) of this section. The health care provider shall state on the prescription the length of time the health care provider expects the applicant to have the disability that limits or impairs the person's ability to walk. If the length of time the applicant is expected to have the disability is six consecutive months or less, the applicant shall submit an application for a temporary removable windshield placard. If the length of time the applicant is expected to have the disability is permanent, the applicant shall submit an application for a permanent removable windshield placard. All other applicants shall submit an application for a standard removable windshield placard.

(3) In addition to one placard or one or more sets of license plates, a person with a disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk is entitled to one additional placard, but only if the person applies separately for the additional placard, states the reasons why the additional placard is needed, and the registrar, in the registrar's discretion determines that good and justifiable cause exists to approve the request for the additional placard.

(4) An organization may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for a standard removable windshield placard by completing and signing an application provided by the registrar. The organization shall comply with any procedures the registrar establishes by rule. The organization shall include with the application documentary evidence that the registrar requires by rule showing that the organization regularly transports persons with disabilities that limit or impair the ability to walk.

(5) The registrar or deputy registrar shall issue to an applicant a standard removable windshield placard, a temporary removable windshield placard, or a permanent removable windshield placard, as applicable, upon receipt of all of the following:

(a) A completed and signed application for a removable windshield placard;

(b) The accompanying documents required under division (C)(2) or (4) of this section;

(c) Payment of a service fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code for a standard removable windshield placard or a temporary removable windshield placard, or payment of fifteen dollars for a permanent removable windshield placard.

(6) The removable windshield placard shall display the date of expiration on both sides of the placard, or the word "permanent" if the placard is a permanent removable windshield placard, and shall be valid until expired, revoked, or surrendered. Except for a permanent removable windshield placard, which has no expiration, a removable windshield placard expires on the earliest of the following two dates:

(a) The date that the person issued the placard is expected to no longer have the disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk, as indicated on the prescription submitted with the application for the placard;

(b) Ten years after the date of issuance on the placard.

In no case shall a removable windshield placard be valid for a period of less than sixty days.

(7) Standard removable windshield placards shall be renewable upon application and upon payment of a service fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code. The registrar shall provide the application form and shall determine the information to be included thereon.

(8) The registrar shall determine the form and size of each type of the removable windshield placard, the material of which it is to be made, any differences in color between each type of placard to make them readily identifiable, and any other information to be included thereon, and shall adopt rules relating to the issuance, expiration, revocation, surrender, and proper display of such placards. A temporary removable windshield placard shall display the word "temporary" in letters of such size as the registrar shall prescribe. Any placard issued after October 14, 1999, shall be manufactured in a manner that allows the expiration date of the placard to be indicated on it through the punching, drilling, boring, or creation by any other means of holes in the placard.

(9) At the time a removable windshield placard is issued to a person with a disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk, the registrar or deputy registrar shall enter into the records of the bureau of motor vehicles the last date on which the person will have that disability, as indicated on the accompanying prescription. For a standard removable windshield placard, not less than thirty days prior to that date and any renewal dates, the bureau shall send a renewal notice to that person at the person's last known address as shown in the records of the bureau, informing the person that the person's removable windshield placard will expire on the indicated date, and that the person is required to renew the placard by submitting to the registrar or a deputy registrar another prescription, and by complying with the renewal provisions. If such a prescription is not received by the registrar or a deputy registrar by that date, the placard issued to that person expires and no longer is valid, and this fact shall be recorded in the records of the bureau.

(10) At least once every year, on a date determined by the registrar, the bureau shall examine the records of the office of vital statistics, located within the department of health, that pertain to deceased persons, and also the bureau's records of all persons who have been issued removable windshield placards. If the records of the office of vital statistics indicate that a person to whom a removable windshield placard has been issued is deceased, the bureau shall cancel that placard, and note the cancellation in its records.

The office of vital statistics shall make available to the bureau all information necessary to enable the bureau to comply with division (C)(10) of this section.

(11) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require a person or organization to apply for a removable windshield placard or accessible license plates if the accessible license plates issued to the person or organization under prior law have not expired or been surrendered or revoked.

(D) Any active-duty member of the armed forces of the United States, including the reserve components of the armed forces and the national guard, who has an illness or injury that limits or impairs the ability to walk may apply to the registrar or a deputy registrar for a temporary removable windshield placard. With the application, the person shall present evidence of the person's active-duty status and the illness or injury. Evidence of the illness or injury may include a current department of defense convalescent leave statement, any department of defense document indicating that the person currently has an ill or injured casualty status or has limited duties, or a prescription from any health care provider prescribing the placard for the applicant. Upon receipt of the application and the necessary evidence, the registrar or deputy registrar shall issue the applicant the temporary removable windshield placard without the payment of any service fee.

(E) If an applicant for a removable windshield placard is a veteran of the armed forces of the United States whose disability, as defined in division (A)(1) of this section, is service-connected, the registrar or deputy registrar, upon receipt of the application, presentation of a signed statement from the applicant's health care provider certifying the applicant's disability, and presentation of such documentary evidence from the department of veterans affairs that the disability of the applicant meets at least one of the criteria identified in division (A)(1) of this section and is service-connected as the registrar may require by rule, but without the payment of any service fee, shall issue the applicant a removable windshield placard that is valid until expired, surrendered, or revoked.

(F)(1) Upon a conviction of a violation of division (H) or (I) of this section, the court shall report the conviction, and send the placard, if available, to the registrar, who thereupon shall revoke the privilege of using the placard and send notice in writing to the placardholder at that holder's last known address as shown in the records of the bureau, and the placardholder shall return the placard if not previously surrendered to the court, to the registrar within ten days following mailing of the notice.

(2) Whenever a person to whom a removable windshield placard has been issued moves to another state, the person shall surrender the placard to the registrar; and whenever an organization to which a placard has been issued changes its place of operation to another state, the organization shall surrender the placard to the registrar.

(3) If a person no longer requires a permanent removable windshield placard, the person shall notify and surrender the placard to the registrar or deputy registrar within ten days of no longer requiring the placard. The person may still apply for a standard removable windshield placard or temporary removable windshield placard, if applicable.

(G) Subject to division (F) of section 4511.69 of the Revised Code, the operator of a motor vehicle displaying a removable windshield placard or the accessible license plates authorized by this section is entitled to park the motor vehicle in any accessible parking location reserved for persons with disabilities that limit or impair the ability to walk.

(H) No person or organization that is not eligible for the issuance of license plates or any placard under this section shall willfully and falsely represent that the person or organization is so eligible.

No person or organization shall display license plates issued under this section unless the license plates have been issued for the vehicle on which they are displayed and are valid.

(I) No person or organization to which a removable windshield placard is issued shall do either of the following:

(1) Display or permit the display of the placard on any motor vehicle when having reasonable cause to believe the motor vehicle is being used in connection with an activity that does not include providing transportation for persons with disabilities that limit or impair the ability to walk;

(2) Refuse to return or surrender the placard, when required.

(J) If a removable windshield placard or parking card is lost, destroyed, or mutilated, the placardholder or cardholder may obtain a duplicate by doing both of the following:

(1) Furnishing suitable proof of the loss, destruction, or mutilation to the registrar;

(2) Paying a service fee equal to the amount paid when the placardholder obtained the original placard.

Any placardholder who loses a placard and, after obtaining a duplicate, finds the original, immediately shall surrender the original placard to the registrar.

(K)(1) The registrar shall pay all fees received under this section for the issuance of removable windshield placards or duplicate removable windshield placards into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(2) In addition to the fees collected under this section, the registrar or deputy registrar shall ask each person applying for a removable windshield placard or duplicate removable windshield placard or license plate issued under this section, whether the person wishes to make a two-dollar voluntary contribution to support rehabilitation employment services. The registrar shall transmit the contributions received under this division to the treasurer of state for deposit into the rehabilitation employment fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury. A deputy registrar shall transmit the contributions received under this division to the registrar in the time and manner prescribed by the registrar. The contributions in the fund shall be used by the opportunities for Ohioans with disabilities agency to purchase services related to vocational evaluation, work adjustment, personal adjustment, job placement, job coaching, and community-based assessment from accredited community rehabilitation program facilities.

(L) For purposes of enforcing this section, every peace officer is deemed to be an agent of the registrar. Any peace officer or any authorized employee of the bureau of motor vehicles who, in the performance of duties authorized by law, becomes aware of a person whose removable windshield placard or parking card has been revoked pursuant to this section, may confiscate that placard or parking card and return it to the registrar. The registrar shall prescribe any forms used by law enforcement agencies in administering this section.

No peace officer, law enforcement agency employing a peace officer, or political subdivision or governmental agency employing a peace officer, and no employee of the bureau is liable in a civil action for damages or loss to persons arising out of the performance of any duty required or authorized by this section. As used in this division, "peace officer" has the same meaning as in division (B) of section 2935.01 of the Revised Code.

(M) All applications for registration of motor vehicles and removable windshield placards issued under this section, all renewal notices for such items, and all other publications issued by the bureau that relate to this section shall set forth the criminal penalties that may be imposed upon a person who violates any provision relating to accessible license plates issued under this section, the parking of vehicles displaying such license plates, and the issuance, procurement, use, and display of removable windshield placards issued under this section.

(N) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.

Last updated May 29, 2024 at 11:04 AM

Section 4503.45 | Collector's vehicle license.

An owner of a collector's vehicle, upon complying with the motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles, and upon payment of the regular license fee as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code and any tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and the payment of an additional fee of five dollars, which shall be for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of such licenses, shall be issued validation stickers and license plates, or validation stickers alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code, upon which, in addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, shall be inscribed the words "collector's vehicle."

Section 4503.46 | Former POW license plates.

(A) For the purposes of this section, "prisoner of war" means any regularly appointed, enrolled, enlisted, or inducted member of the military forces of the United States who was captured, separated, and incarcerated by an enemy of the United States at any time, and any regularly appointed, enrolled, or enlisted member of the military forces of Great Britain, France, any of the countries that comprised the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, or any of the countries that comprised the former Yugoslavia who was a citizen of the United States at the time of such appointment, enrollment, or enlistment, and was captured, separated, and incarcerated by an enemy of this country during World War II.

(B) Any person who has been a prisoner of war, or the spouse of such person, may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for the registration of one passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar the person or spouse owns or leases. The application shall be accompanied by written evidence in the form of a record of separation, a letter from one of the armed forces of the United States or other country as provided in division (A) of this section, or other evidence as the registrar may require by rule, that the applicant or the applicant's spouse was a prisoner of war and was honorably discharged or is presently residing in this state on active duty with one of the branches of the armed forces of the United States, or was a prisoner of war and was honorably discharged or received an equivalent discharge or release from one of the armed forces of such other country. No person is eligible to receive special license plates under this section if the person or the person's spouse currently has registered one vehicle and obtained license plates under this section.

Upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section, and presentation of satisfactory evidence of such prisoner-of-war status, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of license plates. In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, the license plates shall be inscribed with the words "FORMER POW." The license plates shall be issued without payment of any registration fee or service fee as required by division (B) of section 4503.04 and sections 4503.10 and 4503.102 of the Revised Code, and without payment of any applicable county, township, or municipal motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code.

(C) The spouse of a deceased former prisoner of war, if the deceased person received or was eligible to receive special license plates issued under division (B) of this section, may apply to the registrar for the registration of the spouse's personal motor vehicle without the payment of any fee or tax as provided by division (B) of this section. The application for registration shall be accompanied by documentary evidence of the deceased person's status as a former prisoner of war and by any other evidence that the registrar requires by rule.

Upon receipt of an application for registration under this division and presentation of satisfactory evidence as required by this division and by the registrar, the registrar shall issue to the spouse the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of license plates as provided in division (B) of this section.

(D) No person who is not a former prisoner of war or the spouse of such person shall willfully and falsely represent that the person is such a former prisoner of war or spouse, for the purpose of obtaining license plates under this section.

(E) No person shall own or lease a motor vehicle bearing license plates issued under this section unless the person is eligible to be issued the license plates.

(F) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

Section 4503.47 | Volunteer firefighter license plates.

(A) Any person who is a volunteer firefighter may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for the registration of one passenger car or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar the person owns or leases. The application shall be accompanied by such written evidence as the registrar may require by rule, that the person is a volunteer firefighter.

Upon receipt of an application for the registration of a passenger car or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar under this section and presentation of satisfactory evidence of such volunteer firefighter status, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code. In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, the license plates shall be inscribed with the letters "F.D." inside a Maltese cross emblem. The license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license fees as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code and any local motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and upon the payment of an additional fee of ten dollars for issuance under this section. The fee shall be for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of such license plates, and shall be transmitted by the registrar to the treasurer of state for deposit in the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code. No person shall apply for more than one set of volunteer firefighter license plates annually.

The chief of a fire department or the fire chief shall immediately notify the registrar whenever any person under the chief's supervision is no longer a volunteer firefighter.

Whenever a person is no longer eligible to be issued volunteer firefighter license plates, the person shall surrender the volunteer firefighter license plates to the bureau in exchange for plates without the "F.D." emblem. A fee of five dollars shall be charged for the services required in the issuing of replacement plates when an individual is no longer eligible to be issued volunteer firefighter license plates.

Application for volunteer firefighter license plates may be made, and such license plates and replacement plates shall be issued, at any time of year.

No person who is not a volunteer firefighter shall willfully and falsely represent that the person is a volunteer firefighter for the purpose of obtaining volunteer firefighter license plates under this section. No person shall own a vehicle bearing such license plates unless the person is eligible to be issued such license plates.

(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

Section 4503.471 | International association of firefighters license plates.

(A) Any person who is a member in good standing of the international association of firefighters may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for the registration of any passenger car, noncommercial vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar that the person owns or leases and the issuance of international association of firefighters license plates. The application shall be accompanied by the written evidence that the registrar may require by rule showing that the person is a member in good standing of the international association of firefighters. The application for international association of firefighters license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

Upon receipt of an application for registration of a vehicle under this section and presentation of satisfactory evidence showing that the person is a member in good standing of the international association of firefighters, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registrations, sets of license plates and validation stickers, or validation stickers alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, international association of firefighters license plates shall be inscribed with a Maltese cross emblem designed by the international association of firefighters and approved by the registrar. International association of firefighters license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

The license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license fee as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, payment of any local motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and payment of an additional fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of license plates under this section. If the application for international association of firefighters license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plate and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the fees and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. The registrar shall deposit the additional fee of ten dollars in the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Whenever a person no longer is eligible to be issued international association of firefighters license plates, the person shall surrender the international association of firefighters license plates to the bureau in exchange for license plates without the Maltese cross emblem described in this section. A fee of five dollars shall be charged for the services required in the issuing of replacement plates when a person no longer is eligible to be issued international association of firefighters license plates.

A person may make application for international association of firefighters license plates at any time of year, and the registrar shall issue international association of firefighters license plates and replacement plates at any time of year.

(B) No person who is not a member in good standing of the international association of firefighters shall willfully and falsely represent that the person is a member in good standing of the international association of firefighters for the purpose of obtaining international association of firefighters license plates under this section. No person shall own or lease a vehicle bearing international association of firefighters license plates unless the person is eligible to be issued international association of firefighters license plates.

(C) Whoever violates division (B) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

Section 4503.49 | Registration of emergency medical service organization vehicles.

(A) As used in this section, "ambulance," "ambulette," "emergency medical service organization," "nonemergency medical service organization," and "nontransport vehicle" have the same meanings as in section 4766.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) Each private emergency medical service organization and each private nonemergency medical service organization shall apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for the registration of any ambulance, ambulette, or nontransport vehicle it owns or leases. The application shall be accompanied by a copy of the certificate of licensure issued to the organization by the state board of emergency medical, fire, and transportation services and the following fees:

(1) The regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code;

(2) Any local license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code;

(3) An additional fee of seven dollars and fifty cents. The additional fee shall be for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required to be performed under this section and shall be transmitted by the registrar to the treasurer of state for deposit in the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(C) On receipt of a complete application, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate certificate of registration for the vehicle and do one of the following:

(1) Issue a set of license plates with a validation sticker and a set of stickers to be attached to the plates as an identification of the vehicle's classification as an ambulance, ambulette, or nontransport vehicle;

(2) Issue a validation sticker alone when so required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.491 | Breast cancer awareness license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, motorcycle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of breast cancer awareness license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of breast cancer awareness license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, breast cancer awareness license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that promote breast cancer awareness and are approved by the registrar. Breast cancer awareness license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The breast cancer awareness license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of breast cancer awareness license plates, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars paid to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of breast cancer awareness license plates to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.492 | Ovarian cancer awareness license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of ovarian cancer awareness license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of ovarian cancer awareness license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, ovarian cancer awareness license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that promote ovarian cancer awareness and are approved by the registrar. Ovarian cancer awareness license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) Ovarian cancer awareness license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of ovarian cancer awareness license plates, to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.493 | Autism awareness license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of autism awareness license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of autism awareness license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, autism awareness license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by the autism society of Ohio and approved by the registrar. Autism awareness license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The autism awareness license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of autism awareness license plates, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the additional fee of ten dollars paid to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of autism awareness license plates into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.494 | Multiple sclerosis awareness license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "multiple sclerosis awareness" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "multiple sclerosis awareness" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "multiple sclerosis awareness" license plates shall bear words selected by and a logo designed by the national multiple sclerosis society. The registrar shall approve the final design. "Multiple sclerosis awareness" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Multiple sclerosis awareness" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) The registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars for each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created by section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars, which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for the additional services required in the issuing of "multiple sclerosis awareness" license plates, to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.495 | Pancreatic Cancer Awareness license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Pancreatic Cancer Awareness" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Pancreatic Cancer Awareness" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Pancreatic Cancer Awareness" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that promote pancreatic cancer awareness and are approved by the registrar. "Pancreatic Cancer Awareness" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Pancreatic Cancer Awareness" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Pancreatic Cancer Awareness" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.496 | Sickle cell anemia awareness license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "sickle cell anemia awareness" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "sickle cell anemia awareness" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "sickle cell anemia awareness" license plates shall bear words selected by and a logo designed by the Ohio sickle cell and health association. The registrar shall approve the final design. "Sickle cell anemia awareness" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Sickle cell anemia awareness" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) The registrar shall collect a contribution of ten dollars for each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created by section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars, which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for the additional services required in the issuing of "sickle cell anemia awareness" license plates, to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.497 | Conquer childhood cancer.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of conquer childhood cancer license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of conquer childhood cancer license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, conquer childhood cancer license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by the St. Baldrick's foundation and approved by the registrar. Conquer childhood cancer license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration by name or number.

(B) Conquer childhood cancer license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of conquer childhood cancer license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.498 | Special olympics license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of special olympics license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of special olympics license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, special olympics license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by special olympics Ohio, inc. and are approved by the registrar. Special olympics license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The special olympics license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of special olympics license plates, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars paid to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of special olympics license plates to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.499 | Pediatric brain tumor awareness license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of pediatric brain tumor awareness license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of pediatric brain tumor awareness license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, pediatric brain tumor awareness license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by the children's glioma cancer foundation and are approved by the registrar. Pediatric brain tumor awareness license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The pediatric brain tumor awareness license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of pediatric brain tumor awareness license plates, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty-five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars paid to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of pediatric brain tumor awareness license plates to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.4910 | KylerStrong Foundation plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "KylerStrong Foundation" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "KylerStrong Foundation" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "KylerStrong Foundation" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by the KylerStrong foundation and that are approved by the registrar. "KylerStrong Foundation" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "KylerStrong Foundation" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "KylerStrong Foundation" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.4911 | Gold Ribbon Awareness plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Gold Ribbon Awareness" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Gold Ribbon Awareness" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Gold Ribbon Awareness" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by the research institution for childhood cancer at nationwide children's hospital and that are approved by the registrar. "Gold Ribbon Awareness" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Gold Ribbon Awareness" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Gold Ribbon Awareness" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.4912 | Continue Your Story license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Continue Your Story" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Continue Your Story" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Continue Your Story" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Ben Morrison memorial fund and approved by the registrar. "Continue Your Story" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Continue Your Story" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of ten dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Continue Your Story" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:35 PM

Section 4503.50 | Future farmers of America license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of future farmers of America license plates. The application for future farmers of America license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of future farmers of America license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, future farmers of America license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings representing the future farmers of America and approved by the registrar. Future farmers of America license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The future farmers of America license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of the future farmers of America license plates, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for future farmers of America license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plate and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes referred to or established in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall deposit the additional fee of ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section that the applicant for registration pays for the purpose of compensating the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of the applicant's future farmers of America license plates in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.501 | 4-H license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of 4-H license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of 4-H license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, 4-H license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings designated by the 4-H youth development program of the Ohio state university extension program and approved by the registrar. 4-H license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The 4-H license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of 4-H license plates, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars paid to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of 4-H license plates to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.502 | Ohio cattlemen's foundation beef license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of Ohio cattlemen's foundation beef license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of Ohio cattlemen's foundation beef license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, Ohio cattlemen's foundation beef license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that depict Ohio's beef industry and that are designated by the Ohio cattlemen's foundation and approved by the registrar. Ohio cattlemen's foundation beef license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The Ohio cattlemen's foundation beef license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of Ohio cattlemen's foundation beef license plates, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars paid to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of Ohio cattlemen's foundation beef license plates to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.503 | Ohio agriculture license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio agriculture" license plates. The application for "Ohio agriculture" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio agriculture" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "Ohio agriculture" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by the Ohio farm bureau federation, in consultation with representatives of agricultural commodity organizations of this state. The registrar shall approve the final design. "Ohio agriculture" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio agriculture" license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified under division (C) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal received under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the state treasury to the credit of the agro Ohio fund created in section 901.04 of the Revised Code.

(D) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of the applicant's "Ohio agriculture" license plates, into the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.

Section 4503.504 | Ohio sustainable agriculture license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio sustainable agriculture" license plates. The application for "Ohio sustainable agriculture" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio sustainable agriculture" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "Ohio sustainable agriculture" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by the department of agriculture. The registrar shall approve the final design. "Ohio sustainable agriculture" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio sustainable agriculture" license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified under division (C) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal received under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the agro Ohio fund created in section 901.04 of the Revised Code.

(D) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of the applicant's "Ohio sustainable agriculture" license plates, into the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.505 | Phi Theta Kappa license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of phi theta kappa license plates. The application for phi theta kappa license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of phi theta kappa license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, phi theta kappa license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by the organization Ohio region phi theta kappa. The registrar shall approve the final design. Phi theta kappa license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) Phi theta kappa license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified under division (C) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for phi theta kappa license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal received under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall deposit the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in issuing phi theta kappa plates, into the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.506 | Ohio DeMolay license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio DeMolay" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio DeMolay" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio DeMolay" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of Ohio demolay that are approved by the registrar. "Ohio DeMolay" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio DeMolay" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Ohio DeMolay" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.507 | Ohio aerospace institute license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "The Ohio Aerospace Institute" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "The Ohio Aerospace Institute" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "The Ohio Aerospace Institute" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the Ohio aerospace institute that are approved by the registrar. "The Ohio Aerospace Institute" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "The Ohio Aerospace Institute" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "The Ohio Aerospace Institute" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 29, 2022 at 11:43 AM

Section 4503.508 | Bottoms up diaper drive license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Bottoms Up Diaper Drive" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Bottoms Up Diaper Drive" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Bottoms Up Diaper Drive" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the bottoms up diaper drive organization that are approved by the registrar. "Bottoms Up Diaper Drive" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Bottoms Up Diaper Drive" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Bottoms Up Diaper Drive" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.509 | A kid again license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "A Kid Again" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "A Kid Again" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "A Kid Again" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of a kid again, incorporated that are approved by the registrar. "A Kid Again" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "A Kid Again" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "A Kid Again" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.51 | Collegiate license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for registration of the vehicle and for issuance of collegiate license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

Upon receipt of the completed application for registration of a vehicle in accordance with any rules adopted under this section and upon compliance with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant appropriate vehicle registration and a set of collegiate license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, collegiate license plates shall display the name of a university or college that is participating with the registrar in the issuance of collegiate license plates, or any other identifying marking or design selected by such a university or college and approved by the registrar. Collegiate license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The collegiate license plates and validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars.

The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for the additional services required in the issuing of the collegiate license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(D) The registrar, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt rules necessary for the efficient administration of the collegiate license plate program.

(E) As used in this section, "university or college" means a state university or college or a private university or college located in this state that possesses a certificate of authorization issued by the Ohio board of regents pursuant to Chapter 1713. of the Revised Code. "University or college" also includes community colleges created pursuant to Chapter 3354. of the Revised Code, university branches created pursuant to Chapter 3355. of the Revised Code, technical colleges created pursuant to Chapter 3357. of the Revised Code, and state community colleges created pursuant to Chapter 3358. of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 2:53 PM

Section 4503.512 | [Repealed effective 06/30/2021 by H.B. 74, 134th General Assembly] Reestablishment of program of particular type of collegiate license plates.

If the program involving a particular collegiate license plate is terminated under division (B) or (C) of section 4503.511 of the Revised Code and the university or college whose name appeared on that type of collegiate license plate desires the registrar of motor vehicles to reestablish the program involving that collegiate license plate, the university or college shall apply to the registrar for the reestablishment of the program involving the issuance of license plates inscribed with that university's or college's identifying mark or design under section 4503.51 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall not be required to reestablish a program involving a collegiate license plate that was terminated under division (B) or (C) of section 4503.511 of the Revised Code until the registrar receives written statements from not less than one hundred fifty persons, indicating that they intend to apply for and obtain collegiate license plates of that particular type for their motor vehicles. The registrar may require such statements to be made on a form the registrar provides.

In determining whether one hundred fifty persons have so indicated their intentions, the registrar shall include in the total the number of motor vehicles that continue to display the type of collegiate license plate of the terminated program, as permitted by division (D) of section 4503.511 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 3:24 PM

Section 4503.513 | Historically black fraternity-sorority license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles, who is a member of a historically black fraternity or sorority, may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "historically black fraternity-sorority" license plates bearing the name or Greek letters of the historically black fraternity or sorority of which the applicant is a member. The request for a "historically black fraternity-sorority" license plate may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application, proof of membership in a historically black fraternity or sorority as required by the registrar, and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant appropriate vehicle registration and the particular "historically black fraternity-sorority" license plates indicating the fraternity or sorority of which the applicant is a member, with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, each "historically black fraternity-sorority" license plate shall be inscribed with the name of a historically black fraternity or sorority or the Greek letters of the fraternity or sorority, or both. The registrar shall approve the design of each "historically black fraternity-sorority" license plate, and the license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The "historically black fraternity-sorority" license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and an additional fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) The additional fee of ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "historically black fraternity-sorority" license plates. The registrar shall deposit this additional fee into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(D) As used in this section, "historically black fraternity or sorority" means the alpha kappa alpha sorority, inc., alpha phi alpha fraternity, inc., delta sigma theta sorority, inc., zeta phi beta sorority, inc., iota phi theta fraternity, inc., kappa alpha psi fraternity, inc., sigma gamma rho sorority, inc., phi beta sigma fraternity, inc., and omega psi phi fraternity, inc., each belonging to the national pan-hellenic council, inc.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 2:56 PM

Section 4503.514 | University of Notre Dame license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, motorcycle, cab-enclosed motorcycle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles, and, effective January 1, 2017, the owner or lessee of any motor-driven cycle or motor scooter may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "University of Notre Dame" license plates. The application for "University of Notre Dame" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "University of Notre Dame" license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "University of Notre Dame" license plates shall bear words and markings selected by the university of Notre Dame. The registrar shall approve the final design. "University of Notre Dame" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "University of Notre Dame" license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified in division (C) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for "University of Notre Dame" license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal submitted under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall pay this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall pay the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing "University of Notre Dame" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.516 | Marshall university license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Marshall University" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Marshall University" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Marshall University" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of Marshall university and approved by the registrar. "Marshall University" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Marshall University" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Marshall University" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 29, 2022 at 11:46 AM

Section 4503.517 | University of Alabama license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "University of Alabama" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "University of Alabama" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "University of Alabama" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words, selected by representatives of the university of Alabama and approved by the registrar. "University of Alabama" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "University of Alabama" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "University of Alabama" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 29, 2022 at 11:46 AM

Section 4503.518 | On our sleeves license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "On Our Sleeves" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "On Our Sleeves" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "On Our Sleeves" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of Nationwide children's hospital and approved by the registrar. "On Our Sleeves" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "On Our Sleeves" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "On Our Sleeves" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 29, 2022 at 11:48 AM

Section 4503.519 | "Recovery is Beautiful" license plates.

(A)(1) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Recovery is Beautiful" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Recovery is Beautiful" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

(2) In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Recovery is Beautiful" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are approved by the registrar after being jointly selected by all of the following:

(a) NAMI Ohio (national alliance on mental illness of Ohio);

(b) OCAAR (Ohio citizen advocates for addiction recovery);

(c) Ohio PRO (Ohio peer recovery organizations);

(d) The Ohio council;

(e) OACBHA (Ohio association of county behavioral health authorities).

(3) "Recovery is Beautiful" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Recovery is Beautiful" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-one dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Recovery is Beautiful" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated October 6, 2023 at 12:11 PM

Section 4503.52 | Lake Erie license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of Lake Erie license plates. The application for Lake Erie license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of Lake Erie license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, Lake Erie license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings designed by the Ohio Lake Erie commission and approved by the registrar. Lake Erie license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The Lake Erie license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license fees as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, a fee not to exceed ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of the Lake Erie license plates, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for Lake Erie license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plate and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal received under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution in an amount not to exceed forty dollars as determined by the Ohio Lake Erie commission. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the Lake Erie protection fund created in section 1506.23 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall deposit the additional fee not to exceed ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section that the applicant for registration voluntarily pays for the purpose of compensating the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of the Lake Erie license plates in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.520 | Purdue University license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Purdue University" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Purdue University" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Purdue University" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words, selected by representatives of Purdue university and approved by the registrar. "Purdue University" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Purdue University" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Purdue University" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:36 PM

Section 4503.521 | Share the road license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "share the road" license plates. The application for "share the road" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "share the road" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "share the road" license plates shall be inscribed with the words "share the road" and markings designed by the organization known on March 23, 2005, as the Ohio bicycle federation and approved by the registrar. "Share the road" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Share the road" license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of the "share the road" license plates, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal that the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall deposit the additional fee of ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section that the applicant for registration pays for the purpose of compensating the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of the applicant's "share the road" license plates in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.522 | Perry's monument license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Perry's monument" license plates. The application for "Perry's monument" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Perry's monument" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "Perry's monument" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings designed by the "friends of Perry's victory and international peace memorial, incorporated," a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of this state, and approved by the registrar. "Perry's monument" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Perry's monument" license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the contribution specified under division (C) of this section, and an additional fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal received under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(D) The purpose of the additional fee of ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for the additional services required in the issuing of the applicant's "Perry's monument" license plates. The registrar shall deposit this additional fee in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.523 | Fairport harbor breakwall lighthouse license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "fairport harbor breakwall lighthouse" license plates. The application for fairport harbor breakwall lighthouse license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration, a set of fairport harbor breakwall lighthouse license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, fairport harbor breakwall lighthouse license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings selected by the fairport lights foundation and approved by the registrar. Fairport harbor breakwall lighthouse license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) Fairport harbor breakwall lighthouse license plates and a validation sticker or, when applicable, a validation sticker alone shall be issued upon submission by the applicant of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section and a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and an additional fee of ten dollars; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal that the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created by section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The additional fee of ten dollars described in division (B) of this section shall be for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in issuing license plates under this section. The registrar shall transmit that fee to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.524 | Massillon tiger football booster club license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Massillon tiger football booster club" license plates. The application for "Massillon tiger football booster club" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Massillon tiger football booster club" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code. In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "Massillon tiger football booster club" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by the Massillon tiger football booster club and approved by the registrar. "Massillon tiger football booster club" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Massillon tiger football booster club" license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified in division (C) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for "Massillon tiger football booster club" license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal submitted under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit into the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall deposit the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing "Massillon tiger football booster club" license plates, into the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.525 | Power squadron license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of power squadron license plates. The application for power squadron license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of power squadron license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, power squadron license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by the organization Mansfield power squadron. The registrar shall approve the final design. Power squadron license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) Power squadron license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified under division (C) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for power squadron license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the fees and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal received under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall pay this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall pay the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in issuing power squadron license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.526 | Kiwanis club license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of Kiwanis club license plates. The application for Kiwanis club license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of Kiwanis club license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, Kiwanis club license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by the Ohio district of Kiwanis international. The registrar shall approve the final design. Kiwanis club license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) Kiwanis club license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified under division (C) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for Kiwanis club license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the fees and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal received under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall pay this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall deposit the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in issuing Kiwanis club license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.527 | "Ohio Statehouse" license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio Statehouse" license plates. The application for "Ohio Statehouse" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio Statehouse" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code. In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "Ohio Statehouse" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by the capitol square review and advisory board and approved by the registrar. "Ohio Statehouse" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio Statehouse" license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified in division (C)(1) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for "Ohio Statehouse" license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal submitted under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit into the capitol square renovation gift fund created in section 105.41 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall pay the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing "Ohio Statehouse" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.528 | Ohio Association of Child Caring Agencies license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio Children's Alliance" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio Children's Alliance" license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio Children's Alliance" license plates shall bear words and markings that are designed by the Ohio children's alliance and approved by the registrar. "Ohio Children's Alliance" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio Children's Alliance" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Ohio Children's Alliance" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.529 | Ohio Nurses Association license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and the issuance of "Ohio Nurses Association" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio Nurses Association" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio Nurses Association" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by the Ohio nurses association and approved by the registrar. "Ohio Nurses Association" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio Nurses Association" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each initial and renewal application for registration the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit all such contributions into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Ohio Nurses Association" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.53 | Ohio carpenters license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio Carpenters" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio Carpenters" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio Carpenters" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Ohio carpenters union and approved by the registrar. "Ohio Carpenters" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio Carpenters" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and an additional administrative fee of ten dollars; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Ohio Carpenters" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.531 | Thank you U.S. military license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "thank you U.S. military" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "thank you U.S. military" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "thank you U.S. military" license plates shall bear the words "thank you U.S. military" and markings designed by the thank you foundation. The registrar shall approve the final design. "Thank you U.S. military" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Thank you U.S. military" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) The registrar shall collect a contribution of ten dollars for each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created by section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars, which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for the additional services required in the issuing of "thank you U.S. military" license plates, to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.532 | Paul Laurence Dunbar license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Paul Laurence Dunbar" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Paul Laurence Dunbar" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Paul Laurence Dunbar" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Ohio history connection and approved by the registrar. "Paul Laurence Dunbar" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Paul Laurence Dunbar" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of ten dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Paul Laurence Dunbar" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 12:30 PM

Section 4503.533 | Ohio Conference of Teamsters license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio Conference of Teamsters" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio Conference of Teamsters" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio Conference of Teamsters" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Ohio conference of teamsters and industry health and welfare fund and approved by the registrar. "Ohio Conference of Teamsters" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio Conference of Teamsters" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Ohio Conference of Teamsters" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 12:30 PM

Section 4503.534 | Disabled American veteran license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of disabled American veteran license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of disabled American veteran license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, disabled American veteran license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are approved by the disabled American veterans department of Ohio and the registrar. Disabled American veteran license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The disabled American veteran license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of disabled American veteran license plates, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars paid to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of disabled American veteran license plates to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.535 | POW/MIA awareness license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, motorcycle, motorized bicycle or moped, trailer, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles, and, effective January 1, 2017, the owner or lessee of any motor-driven cycle or motor scooter, autocycle, or cab-enclosed motorcycle, may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of POW/MIA awareness license plates. The application for POW/MIA awareness license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of POW/MIA awareness license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, POW/MIA awareness license plates shall bear the markings designed by rolling thunder, inc., chapter 1 Ohio. POW/MIA awareness license plates, except for motorcycle, motorized bicycle, or moped license plates, also shall bear the words "not forgotten." The registrar shall approve the final design. POW/MIA awareness license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) POW/MIA awareness license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified in division (C) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for POW/MIA awareness license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal submitted under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall pay this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the military injury relief fund created in section 5902.05 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall pay the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing POW/MIA awareness license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.

Section 4503.536 | [Repealed effective 06/29/2018 by H.B. 194, 132nd General Assembly] Global War on Terrorism Civilian Service Medal.

(A) Any person who has been awarded the global war on terrorism civilian service medal may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for the registration of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar that the person owns or leases. The application shall be accompanied by such documentary evidence in support of the global war on terrorism civilian service medal as the registrar may require. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

Upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section and the required taxes and fees, and upon presentation of the required supporting evidence of the a ward of the global war on terrorism civilian service medal, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate motor vehicle registration and a set of license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on license plates, the license plates shall be inscribed with appropriate words indicating the applicable award and display a reproduction of the global war on terrorism civilian service medal. The license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

The license plates and a validation sticker or, when applicable, a validation sticker alone shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax required by section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, payment of any local motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, payment of any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

The registrar shall not issue license plates under this section unless the registrar first receives written permission from the United States department of defense allowing the registrar to place the image of the global war on terrorism civilian service medal on the license plates.

(B) No person who is not a recipient of the global war on terrorism civilian service medal shall purposefully represent that the person is a recipient of any such medal for the purpose of obtaining license plates under this section. No person shall own a motor vehicle bearing license plates issued under this s ection unless the person is eligible to be issued those license plates.

(C) Sections 4503.77 and 4503.78 of the Revised Code do not apply to license plates issued under this section.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 3:21 PM

Section 4503.541 | [Repealed effective 6/29/2018 by H.B. 194, 132nd General Assembly] National Defense Service Medal license plates.

(A) Any person who has been awarded the national defense service medal may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for the registration of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar that the person owns or leases. The application shall be accompanied by such documentary evidence in support of the award as the registrar may require. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

Upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section and the required taxes and fees, and upon presentation of the required supporting evidence of the award of the national defense service medal, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate motor vehicle registration and a set of license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on license plates, the license plates shall be inscribed with the words "national defense" and bear a reproduction of the national defense service ribbon. The license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

The license plates and a validation sticker or, when applicable, a validation sticker alone shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax required by section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, payment of any local motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, payment of any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(B) No person who is not a recipient of the national defense service medal shall willfully and falsely represent that the person is a recipient of the national defense service medal for the purpose of obtaining license plates under this section. No person shall own a motor vehicle bearing license plates issued under this section unless the person is eligible to be issued those license plates.

(C) Sections 4503.77 and 4503.78 of the Revised Code do not apply to license plates issued under this section.

Last updated February 28, 2025 at 5:55 PM

Section 4503.542 | Ohio Craft Brewers license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio Craft Brewers" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio Craft Brewers" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio Craft Brewers" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Ohio craft brewers association and approved by the registrar. "Ohio Craft Brewers" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio Craft Brewers" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Ohio Craft Brewers" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:37 PM

Section 4503.545 | National rifle association foundation license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of national rifle association foundation license plates. The application for national rifle association foundation license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of national rifle association foundation license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on license plates, national rifle association foundation license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings designed by the national rifle association foundation and approved by the registrar. National rifle association foundation license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) National rifle association foundation license plates and a validation sticker or, when applicable, a validation sticker alone shall be issued upon submission by the applicant of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section and a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section, payment of the regular license tax as prescribed in section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and an additional fee of ten dollars, and compliance by the applicant with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal that the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The additional fee of ten dollars described in division (B) of this section shall be for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services in issuing license plates under this section. The registrar shall transmit this fee to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.546 | Gold Star Family license plates.

(A) Any member of the immediate family of a person who died in a combat zone while a member of any branch of the armed forces of the United States may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for the registration of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, motor home, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar that the family member owns or leases and for issuance of "gold star family" license plates for that motor vehicle. The application for "gold star family" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration, a set of "gold star family" license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "gold star family" license plates shall be inscribed with a gold star and the words "gold star family." "Gold star family" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) Any eligible person applying for registration under this section is not required to pay any registration taxes or fees as required by sections 4503.038, 4503.04, 4503.10, 4503.102, and 4503.103 of the Revised Code, any local motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, or any fee charged under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of an application for registration of the motor vehicle and presentation of any documentation the registrar may require by rule, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate motor vehicle registration and "gold star family" license plates and a validation sticker or, when applicable, a validation sticker alone.

(C) No person who is not a member of the immediate family of a person who died in a combat zone while a member of any branch of the armed forces of the United States shall willfully and falsely represent that the person is such a family member for the purpose of obtaining license plates under this section.

(D) As used in this section, "member of the immediate family" of a person who died in a combat zone while a member of any branch of the armed forces of the United States means all of the following:

(1) A spouse;

(2) A parent, stepparent, or other person who acted in loco parentis;

(3) A sibling, whether of the whole or half-blood, or by adoption;

(4) A child, including those by adoption, or a stepchild;

(5) A grandparent.

Section 4503.547 | [Repealed effective 06/29/2018 by H.B. 194, 132nd General Assembly] U.S. Paratrooper license plates.

(A) Any person who served in the armed forces of the United States as a paratrooper may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for the registration of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar the person owns or leases and for issuance of U.S. paratrooper license plates. The application for U.S. paratrooper license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. The application shall be accompanied by such written evidence of the applicant's service in the armed forces of the United States as a paratrooper as the registrar requires by rule, which may include requiring the submission of a copy of the applicant's DD-214 form or an equivalent document.

Upon receipt of the completed application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section, presentation by the applicant of evidence of service in the armed forces of the United States as a paratrooper, and compliance by the applicant with this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate motor vehicle registration and a set of U.S. paratrooper license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, U.S. paratrooper license plates shall be inscribed with the words "U.S. paratrooper" and an appropriate symbol approved by the registrar.

U.S. paratrooper license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license fees required by section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, payment of any local motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the fees and taxes contained in this section and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(B) Sections 4503.77 and 4503.78 of the Revised Code do not apply to license plates issued under this section.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 3:28 PM

Section 4503.549 | "Military Sacrifice" license plates.

(A) Any member of the immediate family of a person who died outside a combat zone while serving honorably and not of willful misconduct as defined in 38 C.F.R. 3.1(n) as a member of any branch of the armed forces of the United States, either active or reserve, the national guard under federal or state control, or the United States coast guard may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for the registration of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, motor home, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar that the family member owns or leases and for issuance of "military sacrifice" license plates for that motor vehicle. The application for "military sacrifice" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration, a set of "military sacrifice" license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "military sacrifice" license plates shall be inscribed with a distinctive emblem and the words "military sacrifice." "Military sacrifice" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Military sacrifice" license plates and a validation sticker or, when applicable, a validation sticker alone shall be issued upon submission by the applicant of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section, payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) No person who is not a member of the immediate family of a person who died outside a combat zone while serving honorably and not of willful misconduct as defined in 38 C.F.R. 3.1(n) as a member of any branch of the armed forces of the United States, either active or reserve, the national guard under federal or state control, or the United States coast guard shall willfully and falsely represent that the person is such a family member for the purpose of obtaining license plates under this section.

(D) As used in this section, "member of the immediate family" of a person who died outside a combat zone while serving honorably and not of willful misconduct as defined in 38 C.F.R. 3.1(n) as a member of any branch of the armed forces of the United States, either active or reserve, the national guard under federal or state control, or the United States coast guard means all of the following:

(1) A spouse;

(2) A parent, stepparent, or other person who acted in loco parentis;

(3) A sibling, whether of the whole or half-blood, or by adoption;

(4) A child, including those by adoption, or a stepchild;

(5) A grandparent.

Section 4503.55 | Pro football hall of fame license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of pro football hall of fame license plates. The application for pro football hall of fame license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of pro football hall of fame license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, pro football hall of fame license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings designed by the pro football hall of fame and approved by the registrar. Pro football hall of fame plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The pro football hall of fame license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license fees as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, a fee not to exceed ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of the pro football hall of fame license plates, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for pro football hall of fame license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plate and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall deposit the additional fee not to exceed ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section that the applicant for registration voluntarily pays for the purpose of compensating the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of the applicant's pro football hall of fame license plates in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.551 | Pets license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, motorcycle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "pets" license plates. The application for "pets" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "pets" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "pets" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings designed by the Ohio pet fund, as defined in section 955.201 of the Revised Code, and approved by the registrar. "Pets" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Pets" license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "pets" license plates, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the contribution specified under division (C) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal received under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of an amount not to exceed forty dollars as determined by the Ohio pet fund. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(D) The registrar shall deposit the additional fee of ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section that the applicant for registration voluntarily pays for the purpose of compensating the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of the applicant's "pets" license plates in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 16, 2023 at 5:08 PM

Section 4503.552 | Rock and roll hall of fame license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of rock and roll hall of fame license plates. The application for rock and roll hall of fame license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration, a set of rock and roll hall of fame license plates, and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, rock and roll hall of fame license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings selected by the rock and roll hall of fame and museum, inc., and approved by the registrar. Rock and roll hall of fame license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) Rock and roll hall of fame license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle submitted under this section and a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section, payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and an additional fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal that the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The additional fee of ten dollars described in division (B) of this section shall be for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in issuing license plates under this section. The registrar shall transmit that fee to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.553 | Ohio's horse license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, motorcycle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of Ohio's horse license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of Ohio's horse license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, Ohio's horse license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by the Ohio coalition for animals, incorporated and approved by the registrar. Ohio's horse license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The Ohio's horse license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of Ohio's horse license plates, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution in an amount not to exceed forty dollars, as determined by the Ohio coalition for animals, incorporated. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the additional fee of ten dollars paid to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of Ohio's horse license plates into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 16, 2023 at 5:09 PM

Section 4503.554 | Knights of Columbus license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of knights of Columbus license plates. The application for knights of Columbus license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of knights of Columbus license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code. In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, knights of Columbus license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by the Ohio state council of the knights of Columbus and approved by the registrar. Knights of Columbus license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) Knights of Columbus license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified in division (C) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for knights of Columbus license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal submitted under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of ten dollars. The registrar shall pay this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall pay the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing knights of Columbus license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.555 | Street rod license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of street rod license plates. The application for street rod license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of street rod license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, street rod license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by the western reserve historical society and approved by the registrar. Street rod license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) Street rod license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified in division (C) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for street rod license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal submitted under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall pay this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall pay the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing street rod license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.556 | Triple negative breast cancer awareness.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "triple negative breast cancer awareness" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "triple negative breast cancer awareness" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "triple negative breast cancer awareness" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by the Erica J. Holloman foundation, inc., for the awareness of triple negative breast cancer. The registrar shall approve the final design. "Triple negative breast cancer awareness" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Triple negative breast cancer awareness" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars; and upon compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "triple negative breast cancer awareness" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.557 | Ronald McDonald house charities license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ronald McDonald House Charities" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ronald McDonald House Charities" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ronald McDonald House Charities" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the Ronald McDonald house charities and that are approved by the registrar. "Ronald McDonald House Charities" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ronald McDonald House Charities" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Ronald McDonald House Charities" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.558 | Stop elder abuse license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Stop Elder Abuse" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Stop Elder Abuse" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Stop Elder Abuse" license plates shall display the words "Stop Elder Abuse" and any other logo or words chosen by the registrar. "Stop Elder Abuse" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Stop Elder Abuse" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and an additional administrative fee of ten dollars; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect an administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Stop Elder Abuse" license plates. The registrar shall deposit the fee into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.559 | "Playhouse Square" license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Playhouse Square" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Playhouse Square" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Playhouse Square" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by the board of trustees of playhouse square located in Cleveland, Ohio, and approved by the registrar. "Playhouse Square" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Playhouse Square" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Playhouse Square" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 12:37 PM

Section 4503.56 | Scenic rivers license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of scenic rivers license plates. The application for scenic rivers license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of scenic rivers license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, scenic rivers license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings designed by the department of natural resources and approved by the registrar. Scenic rivers license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The scenic rivers license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license fees as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, a fee not to exceed ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of the scenic rivers license plates, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for scenic rivers license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plate and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution in an amount not to exceed forty dollars as determined by the department of natural resources. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the scenic rivers protection fund created in section 4501.24 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall deposit the additional fee not to exceed ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section that the applicant for registration voluntarily pays for the purpose of compensating the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of the applicant's scenic rivers license plates in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.561 | Ducks unlimited license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of ducks unlimited license plates. The application for ducks unlimited license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of ducks unlimited license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, ducks unlimited license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings representing ducks unlimited, inc., and approved by the registrar. Ducks unlimited license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The ducks unlimited license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of the ducks unlimited license plates, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for ducks unlimited license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plate and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes referred to or established in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall deposit the additional fee of ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section that the applicant for registration pays for the purpose of compensating the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of the applicant's ducks unlimited license plates in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.562 | Mahoning river license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Mahoning river" license plates. The application for "Mahoning river" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration, a set of "Mahoning river" license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Mahoning river" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings selected by the Mahoning river consortium and approved by the registrar. "Mahoning river" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Mahoning river" license plates and a validation sticker or, when applicable, a validation sticker alone shall be issued upon submission by the applicant of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section and a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and an additional fee of ten dollars; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal that the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution not exceeding twenty dollars as determined by the Mahoning river consortium. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created by section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The additional fee of ten dollars described in division (B) of this section shall be for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in issuing license plates under this section. The registrar shall transmit that fee to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.563 | Ohio nature preserves license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of Ohio nature preserves license plates. The application for Ohio nature preserves license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of Ohio nature preserves license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, Ohio nature preserves license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings designed by the department of natural resources and approved by the registrar. Ohio nature preserves license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The Ohio nature preserves license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license fees as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for Ohio nature preserves license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal submitted under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution in an amount not to exceed forty dollars as determined by the department. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the Ohio nature preserves fund created in section 4501.243 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall deposit the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing Ohio nature preserves license plates, in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.564 | Glen Helen nature preserve license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of Glen Helen nature preserve license plates. The application for Glen Helen nature preserve license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of Glen Helen nature preserve license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, Glen Helen nature preserve license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings designed by the Glen Helen association and approved by the registrar. Glen Helen nature preserve license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The Glen Helen nature preserve license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license fees as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for Glen Helen nature preserve license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal submitted under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall deposit the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing Glen Helen nature preserve license plates, in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.565 | Cuyahoga Valley National Park license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and the issuance of "Cuyahoga Valley National Park" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Cuyahoga Valley National Park" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Cuyahoga Valley National Park" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by the conservancy for Cuyahoga valley national park and approved by the registrar. "Cuyahoga Valley National Park" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Cuyahoga Valley National Park" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Cuyahoga Valley National Park" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.566 | Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by representatives of the Ottawa national wildlife refuge and that are approved by the registrar. "Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.567 | "Girls on the Run" license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Girls on the Run" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Girls on the Run" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Girls on the Run" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the girls on the run of Franklin county, inc. and that are approved by the registrar. "Girls on the Run" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Girls on the Run" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Girls on the Run" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.568 | Ohio bullfrog license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio Bullfrog" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio Bullfrog" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio Bullfrog" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words, selected by representatives of the Ohio department of natural resources in conjunction with representatives from Grizzell middle school located in the municipal corporation of Dublin, that are approved by the registrar. "Ohio Bullfrog" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio Bullfrog" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit into the wildlife habitat fund created in section 1531.33 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Ohio Bullfrog" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.569 | Ohio bird sanctuary license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio Bird Sanctuary" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio Bird Sanctuary" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio Bird Sanctuary" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Ohio bird sanctuary located in Mansfield, Ohio, and approved by the registrar. "Ohio Bird Sanctuary" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio Bird Sanctuary" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Ohio Bird Sanctuary" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 12:38 PM

Section 4503.57 | Wildlife conservation plates.

(A) As used in this section, "cardinal" means the cardinalis cardinalis, the official bird of the state pursuant to section 5.03 of the Revised Code.

(B) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of wildlife conservation license plates. The application for wildlife conservation license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of wildlife conservation license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, wildlife conservation license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words and the figure of a cardinal and shall be designed by the division of wildlife and approved by the registrar. Wildlife conservation license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(C) The wildlife conservation license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon the receipt of a contribution as provided in division (D) of this section and upon payment of the regular license fees as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, a fee not to exceed ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of the wildlife conservation license plates, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for wildlife conservation license plates is combined with a request for a reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plate and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(D) For each application for registration and registration renewal the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution in an amount not to exceed forty dollars as determined by the division of wildlife. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the nongame and endangered wildlife fund created in section 1531.26 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.571 | Purple heart license plates.

(A)(1) Any person who has been awarded the purple heart may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for the registration of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, motorcycle when the registrar determines that producing a purple heart motorcycle license plate is feasible, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar that the person owns or leases. The application shall be accompanied by such documentary evidence in support of the award as the registrar may require. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

If the applicant also is eligible for license plates imprinted with the international symbol of access under section 4503.41 of the Revised Code, the applicant may apply to have the purple heart license plates that are issued to the applicant display the international symbol of access. The application shall be accompanied by such documentary evidence in support of the disability and of the vehicle alterations as the registrar requires under section 4503.41 of the Revised Code.

(2) Upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section and any required taxes, and upon presentation of the required supporting evidence of the award of the purple heart and, as applicable, the evidence required under section 4503.41 of the Revised Code, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate motor vehicle registration and a set of license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

(3) In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, the license plates shall be inscribed with the words "PURPLE HEART." When applicable, the license plates also shall display the international symbol of access. The license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The license plates and validation stickers shall be issued without the payment of any registration fee and service fee required by sections 4503.04, 4503.10, and 4503.102 of the Revised Code, and without the payment of any local motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code. The applicant shall comply with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of seventy-five per cent of the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) No person who is not a recipient of the purple heart shall willfully and falsely represent that the person is a recipient of a purple heart for the purpose of obtaining license plates under this section. No person shall own a motor vehicle bearing license plates under this section unless the person is eligible to be issued those license plates. When the ownership of a motor vehicle registered under this section is transferred under section 4503.12 of the Revised Code after the death of the owner, the registrar shall ensure that the purple heart license plates are replaced by non-purple heart license plates with the amended registration required under that section.

Section 4503.572 | Bald eagle license plates.

(A) As used in this section, "bald eagle" means the haliaeetus leucocephalus, the bird that appears on the great seal of the United States.

(B) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of bald eagle license plates. The application for bald eagle license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of bald eagle license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, bald eagle license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words and the figure of a bald eagle, and shall be designed by the division of wildlife and approved by the registrar. Bald eagle license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(C) The bald eagle license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon the receipt of a contribution as provided in division (D) of this section and upon payment of the regular license fees as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, a fee not to exceed ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of the bald eagle license plates, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for bald eagle license plates is combined with a request for a reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plate and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(D) For each application for registration and registration renewal the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution in an amount not to exceed forty dollars as determined by the division of wildlife. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit into the nongame and endangered wildlife fund created in section 1531.26 of the Revised Code. Such contributions shall be expended by the division only to pay the costs of acquiring, developing, and restoring habitat for bald eagles within this state.

Section 4503.573 | Sportsmen's license plates.

(A) As used in this section, "sportsmen's license plate" means any of four license plates created by this section, featuring either the walleye (Stizostedion vitreum), smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), or wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo).

(B) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of sportsmen's license plates. The application for sportsmen's license plates shall specify which of the four sportsmen's license plates the applicant is requesting. The application also may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration, a set of the specifically requested sportsmen's license plates, and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, sportsmen's license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words and the figure of either a walleye, smallmouth bass, white-tailed deer, or wild turkey. Each kind of sportsmen's license plate shall be designed by the division of wildlife and approved by the registrar. Sportsmen's license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(C) The sportsmen's license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon the receipt of a contribution as provided in division (D) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any additional applicable fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and a bureau of motor vehicles fee not to exceed ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

The purpose of the bureau of motor vehicles fee specified in division (C) of this section is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of sportsmen's license plates, and the registrar shall deposit all such fees into the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(D) For each application for registration and registration renewal the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution in an amount not to exceed forty dollars, as determined by the division of wildlife. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the wildlife fund created in section 1531.17 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 2:57 PM

Section 4503.574 | Smokey Bear license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, noncommercial trailer used exclusively to transport a boat between a place of storage and a marina or around a marina, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of Smokey Bear license plates. The application for Smokey Bear license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration, Smokey Bear license plates, and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, Smokey Bear license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings designed by the division of forestry in the department of natural resources and approved by the registrar. Smokey Bear license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) Smokey Bear license plates and a validation sticker or, when applicable, a validation sticker alone shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle submitted under this section and a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section, payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and an additional fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal that the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution in an amount not to exceed forty dollars as determined by the chief of the division of forestry. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the state forest fund created in section 1503.05 of the Revised Code to be used to promote forest fire prevention and education efforts together with an increase in public awareness concerning combating wildfires in this state.

The additional fee of ten dollars described in division (B) of this section shall be for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in issuing license plates under this section. The registrar shall transmit that fee to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.575 | Ohio state parks license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, noncommercial trailer used exclusively to transport a boat between a place of storage and a marina or around a marina, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of Ohio state parks license plates. The application for Ohio state parks license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration, Ohio state parks license plates, and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, Ohio state parks license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings designed by the division of parks and watercraft of the department of natural resources and approved by the registrar. Ohio state parks license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) Ohio state parks license plates and a validation sticker or, when applicable, a validation sticker alone shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle submitted under this section and a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section, payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and an additional fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal that the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution in an amount not to exceed forty dollars as determined by the chief of the division of parks and watercraft. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the state park fund created in section 1546.21 of the Revised Code.

The additional fee of ten dollars described in division (B) of this section shall be for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in issuing license plates under this section. The registrar shall transmit that fee to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.

Section 4503.576 | Ohio state beekeepers association license.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of Ohio state beekeepers association license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of Ohio state beekeepers association license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, Ohio state beekeepers association license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that promote the Ohio state beekeepers association and are approved by the registrar. Ohio state beekeepers association license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The Ohio state beekeepers association license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of Ohio state beekeepers association license plates, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars paid to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of Ohio state beekeepers association license plates to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.577 | National Aviation Hall of Fame license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "National Aviation Hall of Fame" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "National Aviation Hall of Fame" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "National Aviation Hall of Fame" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that promote the national aviation hall of fame and are approved by the registrar. "National Aviation Hall of Fame" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The "National Aviation Hall of Fame" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "National Aviation Hall of Fame" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.578 | Keep Ohio beautiful license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Keep Ohio Beautiful" license plates.

The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Keep Ohio Beautiful" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Keep Ohio Beautiful" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of keep Ohio beautiful, incorporated, and that are approved by the registrar. "Keep Ohio Beautiful" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Keep Ohio Beautiful" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Keep Ohio Beautiful" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 29, 2022 at 11:49 AM

Section 4503.579 | National council of Negro women license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "National Council of Negro Women" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "National Council of Negro Women" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "National Council of Negro Women" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the national council of negro women, incorporated, and that are approved by the registrar. "National Council of Negro Women" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "National Council of Negro Women" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "National Council of Negro Women" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.58 | Marine corps league license plates.

The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles who also is a member in good standing of the marine corps league may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of marine corps league license plates. The application for marine corps league license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application, presentation by the applicant of the required evidence that the applicant is a member in good standing of the marine corps league, and compliance by the applicant with this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of marine corps league license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, marine corps league license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words and a symbol or logo designed by the marine corps league and approved by the registrar. Marine corps league license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

Marine corps league license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license fee required by section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, payment of any local motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, payment of an additional fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for marine corps league license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the fees and taxes contained in this section and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. The additional fee of ten dollars shall be for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of marine corps league license plates, and shall be transmitted by the registrar to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.581 | Ohio sons of the American legion license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio Sons of the American Legion" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio Sons of the American Legion" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio Sons of the American Legion" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Ohio past detachment commander's club, inc. and approved by the registrar. "Ohio Sons of the American Legion" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio Sons of the American Legion" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of ten dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Ohio Sons of the American Legion" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 16, 2023 at 5:10 PM

Section 4503.582 | P.A.W.S. license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "P.A.W.S." license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "P.A.W.S." license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "P.A.W.S." license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the progressive animal welfare society adoption center, inc. and approved by the registrar. "P.A.W.S." license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "P.A.W.S." license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "P.A.W.S." license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 2:36 PM

Section 4503.583 | American Legion license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "American Legion" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "American Legion" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "American Legion" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the American legion, department of Ohio, inc. and approved by the registrar. "American Legion" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "American Legion" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of ten dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "American Legion" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 2:37 PM

Section 4503.584 | Ohio oil and gas energy education program license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio Natural Energy Institute" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio Natural Energy Institute" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio Natural Energy Institute" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Ohio oil and gas association and approved by the registrar. "Ohio Natural Energy Institute" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio Natural Energy Institute" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Ohio Natural Energy Institute" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated October 6, 2023 at 12:11 PM

Section 4503.585 | Terrace Park license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Terrace Park" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Terrace Park" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Terrace Park" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Terrace Park recreation committee, inc. and approved by the registrar. "Terrace Park" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Terrace Park" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Terrace Park" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:37 PM

Section 4503.586 | Ohio Mountain Bike Alliance license plate.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio Mountain Bike Alliance" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio Mountain Bike Alliance" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio Mountain Bike Alliance" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Ohio mountain bike alliance and approved by the registrar. "Ohio Mountain Bike Alliance" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio Mountain Bike Alliance" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Ohio Mountain Bike Alliance" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:38 PM

Section 4503.587 | NASA Glenn Research Center license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "NASA Glenn Research Center" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "NASA Glenn Research Center" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "NASA Glenn Research Center" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the NASA Glenn research center and approved by the registrar. "NASA Glenn Research Center" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "NASA Glenn Research Center" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "NASA Glenn Research Center" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:38 PM

Section 4503.588 | Ohio State Grange license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio State Grange" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio State Grange" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio State Grange" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Ohio grange patrons of husbandry foundation and approved by the registrar. "Ohio State Grange" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio State Grange" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Ohio State Grange" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:38 PM

Section 4503.591 | Professional sports team license plates.

(A) If a professional sports team located in this state desires to have its logo appear on license plates issued by this state, it shall enter into a contract with either a sports commission to permit such display, as permitted by division (E) of this section, or with a community charity, as permitted by division (G) of this section.

(B) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of license plates bearing the logo of a professional sports team that has entered into a contract described in division (A) of this section. The application shall designate the sports team whose logo the owner or lessee desires to appear on the license plates. Failure to designate a participating professional sports team shall result in rejection by the registrar of the registration application. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (C) and (D) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of license plates bearing the logo of the professional sports team the owner designated in the application and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, professional sports team license plates shall bear the logo of a participating professional sports team, and shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(C) The professional sports team license plates and validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, as the case may be, shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, an additional fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for a professional sports team license plate is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon payment of the taxes and fees described in this division plus the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(D) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit into the license plate contribution fund created by section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars, which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for the additional services required in the issuing of professional sports team license plates, to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(E) If a professional sports team located in this state desires to have its logo appear on license plates issued by this state and it desires to do so pursuant to this division, it shall inform the largest convention and visitors' bureau of the county in which the professional sports team is located of that desire. That convention and visitors' bureau shall create a sports commission to operate in that county to receive the contributions that are paid by applicants who choose to be issued license plates bearing the logo of that professional sports team for display on their motor vehicles. The sports commission shall negotiate with the professional sports team to permit the display of the team's logo on license plates issued by this state, enter into the contract with the team to permit such display, and pay to the team any licensing or rights fee that must be paid in connection with the issuance of the license plates. Upon execution of the contract, the sports commission shall provide a copy of it to the registrar, along with any other documentation the registrar may require. Upon receipt of the contract and any required additional documentation, and when the numerical requirement contained in section 4503.78 of the Revised Code has been met relative to that particular professional sports team, the registrar shall take the measures necessary to issue license plates bearing the logo of that team.

(F) A sports commission shall expend the money it receives pursuant to section 4501.21 of the Revised Code to attract amateur regional, national, and international sporting events to the municipal corporation, county, or township in which it is located, and it may sponsor such events. Prior to attracting or sponsoring such events, the sports commission shall perform an economic analysis to determine whether the proposed event will have a positive economic effect on the greater area in which the event will be held. A sports commission shall not expend any money it receives under that section to attract or sponsor an amateur regional, national, or international sporting event if its economic analysis does not result in a finding that the proposed event will have a positive economic effect on the greater area in which the event will be held.

A sports commission that receives money pursuant to that section, in addition to any other duties imposed on it by law and notwithstanding the scope of those duties, also shall encourage the economic development of this state through the promotion of tourism within all areas of this state. A sports commission that receives ten thousand dollars or more during any calendar year shall submit a written report to the director of development, on or before the first day of October of the next succeeding year, detailing its efforts and expenditures in the promotion of tourism during the calendar year in which it received the ten thousand dollars or more.

As used in this division, "promotion of tourism" means the encouragement through advertising, educational and informational means, and public relations, both within the state and outside of it, of travel by persons away from their homes for pleasure, personal reasons, or other purposes, except to work, to this state or to the region in which the sports commission is located.

(G) If a professional sports team located in this state desires to have its logo appear on license plates issued by this state and it does not desire to do so pursuant to division (E) of this section, it shall do so pursuant to this division. The professional sports team shall notify a community charity of that desire. That community charity may negotiate with the professional sports team to permit the display of the team's logo on license plates issued by this state, enter into a contract with the team to permit such display, and pay to the team any licensing or rights fee that must be paid in connection with the issuance of the license plates. Upon execution of a contract, the community charity shall provide a copy of it to the registrar along with any other documentation the registrar may require. Upon receipt of the contract and any required additional documentation, and when the numerical requirement contained in section 4503.78 of the Revised Code has been met relative to that particular professional sports team, the registrar shall take the measures necessary to issue license plates bearing the logo of that team.

(H)(1) A community charity shall expend the money it receives pursuant to section 4501.21 of the Revised Code solely to provide financial support to a sports commission for the purposes described in division (F) of this section and to nonprofit organizations located in this state that seek to improve the lives of those who are less fortunate and who reside in the region and state in which is located the sports team with which the community charity entered into a contract pursuant to division (G) of this section. Such organizations shall achieve this purpose through activities such as youth sports programs; educational, health, social, and community service programs; or services such as emergency assistance or employment, education, housing, and nutrition services.

The community charity shall not expend any money it receives pursuant to section 4501.21 of the Revised Code if the expenditure will be received by a nonprofit organization that will use the money in a manner or for a purpose that is not described in this division.

(2) The community charity shall provide a written quarterly report to the director of development and the director of job and family services detailing the expenditures of the money it receives pursuant to section 4501.21 of the Revised Code. The report shall include the amount of such money received and an accounting of all expenditures of such money.

(I) For purposes of this section:

(1) The "largest" convention and visitors' bureau of a county is the bureau that receives the largest amount of money generated in that county from excise taxes levied on lodging transactions under sections 351.021, 5739.08, and 5739.09 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Sports commission" means a commission consisting of at least fifteen members that is a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of this state that is entitled to tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 501, as amended, and whose function is to attract, promote, or sponsor sports and athletic events within a municipal corporation, county, or township.

A sports commission may provide all services related to attracting, promoting, or sponsoring such events, including, but not limited to, the booking of athletes and teams, scheduling, and hiring or contracting for staff, ushers, managers, and other persons whose functions are directly related to the sports and athletic events the commission attracts, promotes, or sponsors.

(3) "Community charity" means a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of this state that is entitled to tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C. 501, as amended, and that enters into a contract with a professional sports team pursuant to division (G) of this section.

(4) "Nonprofit organization" means a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of this state that is entitled to tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C. 501, as amended, and that receives money from a community charity pursuant to division (H)(1) of this section.

Last updated February 28, 2023 at 10:52 AM

Section 4503.592 | Monarch Butterfly license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Monarch Butterfly" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Monarch Butterfly" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Monarch Butterfly" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by pollinator partnership's monarch wings across Ohio program and that are approved by the registrar. "Monarch Butterfly" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Monarch Butterfly" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Monarch Butterfly" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.593 | Post-Traumatic Stress plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Post-Traumatic Stress" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Post-Traumatic Stress" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Post-Traumatic Stress" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by the director of mental health and addiction services and that are approved by the registrar. "Post-Traumatic Stress" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Post-Traumatic Stress" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of forty dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the post-traumatic stress license plate contribution fund created in division (D) of this section.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Post-Traumatic Stress" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(D) There is hereby created in the state treasury the post-traumatic stress license plate contribution fund. The fund shall consist of money deposited into it by the registrar under this section. The director of mental health and addiction services or the director's designee shall use money in the fund to issue grants to nonprofit organizations that help victims of violence recover from post-traumatic stress. Such nonprofit organizations shall use the grants to provide services to such victims. The director shall approve the nonprofit organizations that receive such grants and the amounts paid to each such nonprofit organization.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 3:00 PM

Section 4503.594 | Pelotonia plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Pelotonia" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Pelotonia" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Pelotonia" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by representatives of pelotonia and that are approved by the registrar. "Pelotonia" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Pelotonia" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Pelotonia" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.595 | "Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens" license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens" license plates.

The application for "Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the Stan Hywet hall and gardens and that are approved by the registrar. "Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) (1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the ten-dollar administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.596 | Cuyahoga valley scenic railroad license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad" license plates.

The application for "Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the Cuyahoga valley scenic railroad and that are approved by the registrar. "Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.597 | Circleville pumpkin show license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Circleville Pumpkin Show" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Circleville Pumpkin Show" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Circleville Pumpkin Show" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Circleville pumpkin show, incorporated and approved by the registrar. "Circleville Pumpkin Show" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Circleville Pumpkin Show" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Circleville Pumpkin Show" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 29, 2022 at 11:50 AM

Section 4503.598 | Jackson Local Schools license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Jackson Local Schools" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Jackson Local Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Jackson Local Schools" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the Jackson local school district that are approved by the registrar. "Jackson Local Schools" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Jackson Local Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Jackson Local Schools" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:39 PM

Section 4503.60 | International registration plan definitions.

As used in sections 4503.60 to 4503.66 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Carrier or motor carrier" means an individual, partnership, or corporation engaged in the transportation of goods or persons.

(B) "Fleet" means one or more apportionable vehicles.

(C) "Gross vehicle weight" means the unladen weight of a fully equipped vehicle plus the maximum weight of the load to be carried on that vehicle.

(D) "Combined gross vehicle weight" means the total unladen weight of a combination of fully equipped vehicles plus the maximum weight of the load to be carried on that combination of vehicles.

(E) "Household goods carrier" means any carrier using owned or leased equipment for handling any of the following:

(1) Personal effects and property used or to be used in a dwelling;

(2) Furniture, fixtures, equipment, and the property of stores, offices, museums, institutions, hospitals or other establishments when such property is a part of the stock, equipment, supply, or collection of the stores, offices, museums, institutions, hospitals or other establishments, including objects of art, displays, and exhibits that, because of their unusual nature or value, require the specialized handling and equipment usually employed in moving household goods.

(F) "Jurisdiction" means a state, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, or a state, province, or territory of another country.

(G) "Owner-operator" means an equipment lessor who leases his vehicular equipment with a driver to a carrier.

Section 4503.61 | Duties of registrar as to international registration plan.

(A) In accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the registrar of motor vehicles shall adopt rules for the apportioned registration of fleets of vehicles under the international registration plan. The registrar shall apply for membership in the international registration plan and shall enter into or make any agreements, contracts, arrangements, or declarations necessary to carry out sections 4503.60 to 4503.66 of the Revised Code.

(B) A vehicle duly registered under the international registration plan in this state or in any other jurisdiction for which this state has received an apportioned registration tax or fee, or which is otherwise operating in accordance with the provisions of the international registration plan, shall be deemed fully registered in this state and may engage in both interstate and intrastate operations.

Nothing in this section exempts vehicles registered in this state from any tax imposed under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.62 | Application for registration of apportionable vehicle; Internet registration.

(A) Application for the registration of an apportionable vehicle shall be made to the registrar of motor vehicles in accordance with division (J) of section 4503.10 of the Revised Code.

(B) Any person applying to register a vehicle or combination vehicle that has a gross vehicle weight of twenty-six thousand pounds or less or two axles, or that is a bus used in charter party service, also may register the vehicle in accordance with division (J) of section 4503.10 of the Revised Code if the vehicle is used or intended for use in two or more international registration plan member jurisdictions.

(C) No later than December 31, 2011, the registrar shall adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to establish a program to accept applications for vehicle registration transactions of apportionable vehicles electronically over the internet. The program also may provide for vehicle registration transactions of nonapportionable commercial motor vehicles over the internet.

(D) The internet registration program shall provide an option for the payment of all registration taxes and fees by use of a financial transaction device. In providing for payment by the use of a financial transaction device, the registrar shall comply with section 113.40 of the Revised Code. All fees associated with payment by use of a financial transaction device shall be borne by the applicants seeking the registration of apportionable or other vehicles under the program established pursuant to division (C) of this section. The bureau shall not pay any costs, and shall not retain any additional fees, associated with the use of a financial transaction device.

(E) As used in this section, "financial transaction device" has the same meaning as in section 113.40 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.63 | Calculation of proportionate registration taxes due - registrar to notify other declared jurisdictions.

(A) The registrar of motor vehicles shall adopt rules in accordance with the international registration plan for the calculation of the proportionate registration tax due under section 4503.65 of the Revised Code for the registration of a vehicle in this state and in all jurisdictions declared for apportionment purposes on the uniform mileage schedule. In accordance with such rules, the registrar shall notify the registrant of the taxes or fees due and shall collect the amount due for registration in each declared jurisdiction, unless the other jurisdiction bills the registrant directly.

(B) The registrar shall notify other declared jurisdictions that an apportioned registration application has been filed, shall furnish the declared jurisdiction documentation to substantiate and verify the application, and shall transmit the taxes or fees to those jurisdictions within forty-five days of receipt.

(C) The registrar shall cooperate with other jurisdictions in connection with registration of vehicles under sections 4503.60 to 4503.66 of the Revised Code and the collection of apportioned taxes and fees.

Section 4503.64 | Issuance of license plate and registration card.

Upon receipt of an application pursuant to division (J) of section 4503.10 of the Revised Code for apportioned registration under the international registration plan and payment of all taxes or fees due on the vehicle, the registrar of motor vehicles shall issue a license plate as provided in section 4503.19 of the Revised Code and a registration card for each vehicle registered under the international registration plan. The registration card shall identify the vehicle for which it is issued, list the jurisdictions in which the vehicle has been apportioned, the weight and classification for which the vehicle has been registered, and any other information the registrar may require by rule. The registration card shall, at all times, be carried in or upon the vehicle for which it has been issued.

Section 4503.641 | Temporary registration of apportioned motor vehicle.

A carrier or motor carrier may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for the temporary registration of an apportioned motor vehicle. Upon receipt of an application for temporary registration of such a vehicle, the registrar may issue a temporary apportionment authority. The temporary registration document issued as part of the temporary apportionment authority shall identify the vehicle for which it is issued, list the jurisdictions in which the vehicle has been apportioned, the weight for each jurisdiction, the classification for which the vehicle has been registered, and any other information the registrar may require by rule. The temporary registration document shall contain both its effective and expiration dates. Upon issuance of temporary apportionment authority, the vehicle is subject to payment of all applicable registration taxes and fees prescribed in Chapters 4503. and 4504. of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.642 | Performance registration and information systems management program.

(A) There is hereby created in the bureau of motor vehicles a performance registration and information systems management program for coordinating motor carrier safety information with federal and state agencies. The registrar of motor vehicles shall collect and maintain necessary motor carrier, commercial motor vehicle, and driver data in a manner that complies with the information systems established by the United States secretary of transportation under 49 U.S.C. 31106.

(B) The registrar shall refuse to issue a registration, license plate, permit, or certificate of title for any commercial motor vehicle that is assigned to a motor carrier that has been prohibited from operating by a federal agency. The registrar may allow a prohibited motor vehicle carrier to transfer title on a commercial motor vehicle if the prohibited carrier does not retain a direct or indirect interest in the vehicle.

(C) The registrar shall suspend, revoke, deny, or remove the registration, license plates, or any permit issued to any commercial motor vehicle that is assigned to a motor carrier who has been prohibited from operating by a federal agency. The suspension, revocation, denial, or removal shall remain in effect until the carrier is no longer prohibited from operating by the federal agency. The suspension, revocation, denial, or removal shall apply to all commercial motor vehicles under the carrier's control.

(D) A carrier or registrant whose privilege to operate a commercial motor vehicle has been suspended, revoked, denied, or removed under division (C) of this section may request a hearing in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. The hearing shall be limited to whether the carrier or registrant has been correctly identified, whether the carrier or registrant has been prohibited from operating by the federal agency, and whether the federal agency subsequently has rescinded the prohibition.

(E) The registrar shall restore a motor carrier's or registrant's privilege to register, transfer a title, or operate a commercial motor vehicle only upon acceptable notification from the federal agency that the prohibition has been removed and upon payment of all applicable taxes and fees.

(F) The registrar shall take those steps necessary to implement this section, including the adoption of rules, procedures, and forms.

Section 4503.65 | Rates for commercial cars and buses subject to apportioned rates under the international registration plan.

The rates established under this section apply to commercial cars and buses that are subject to apportioned rates under the international registration plan.

(A) The rates of annual registration taxes, based on gross vehicle weight or combined gross vehicle weight, for commercial cars that are apportionable are as follows:

(1) For not more than two thousand pounds, one hundred dollars;

(2) For more than two thousand but not more than six thousand pounds, one hundred twenty-five dollars;

(3) For more than six thousand but not more than ten thousand pounds, one hundred forty dollars;

(4) For more than ten thousand but not more than fourteen thousand pounds, one hundred sixty dollars;

(5) For more than fourteen thousand but not more than eighteen thousand pounds, one hundred eighty dollars;

(6) For more than eighteen thousand but not more than twenty-two thousand pounds, two hundred five dollars;

(7) For more than twenty-two thousand but not more than twenty-six thousand pounds, two hundred thirty dollars;

(8) For more than twenty-six thousand but not more than thirty thousand pounds, four hundred ten dollars;

(9) For more than thirty thousand but not more than thirty-four thousand pounds, four hundred seventy-five dollars;

(10) For more than thirty-four thousand but not more than thirty-eight thousand pounds, five hundred thirty-five dollars;

(11) For more than thirty-eight thousand but not more than forty-two thousand pounds, five hundred ninety-five dollars;

(12) For more than forty-two thousand but not more than forty-six thousand pounds, six hundred fifty-five dollars;

(13) For more than forty-six thousand but not more than fifty thousand pounds, seven hundred fifteen dollars;

(14) For more than fifty thousand but not more than fifty-four thousand pounds, seven hundred eighty dollars;

(15) For more than fifty-four thousand but not more than fifty-eight thousand pounds, eight hundred forty dollars;

(16) For more than fifty-eight thousand but not more than sixty-two thousand pounds, nine hundred ten dollars;

(17) For more than sixty-two thousand but not more than sixty-six thousand pounds, nine hundred eighty dollars;

(18) For more than sixty-six thousand but not more than seventy thousand pounds, one thousand fifty dollars;

(19) For more than seventy thousand but not more than seventy-four thousand pounds, one thousand one hundred thirty-five dollars;

(20) For more than seventy-four thousand but not more than seventy-eight thousand pounds, one thousand two hundred fifty-five dollars;

(21) For more than seventy-eight thousand pounds, one thousand three hundred ninety-five dollars.

(B) The rates of annual registration taxes imposed, based on gross vehicle weight or combined gross vehicle weight, for buses that are apportionable are as follows:

(1) For not more than two thousand pounds, forty-six dollars;

(2) For more than two thousand but not more than six thousand pounds, seventy-six dollars;

(3) For more than six thousand but not more than ten thousand pounds, one hundred thirty-six dollars;

(4) For more than ten thousand but not more than fourteen thousand pounds, two hundred sixteen dollars;

(5) For more than fourteen thousand but not more than eighteen thousand pounds, two hundred ninety-six dollars;

(6) For more than eighteen thousand but not more than twenty-two thousand pounds, three hundred seventy-six dollars;

(7) For more than twenty-two thousand but not more than twenty-six thousand pounds, four hundred fifty-six dollars;

(8) For more than twenty-six thousand but not more than thirty thousand pounds, five hundred thirty-six dollars;

(9) For more than thirty thousand but not more than thirty-four thousand pounds, six hundred sixteen dollars;

(10) For more than thirty-four thousand but not more than thirty-eight thousand pounds, six hundred ninety-six dollars;

(11) For more than thirty-eight thousand but not more than forty-two thousand pounds, seven hundred seventy-six dollars;

(12) For more than forty-two thousand but not more than forty-six thousand pounds, eight hundred fifty-six dollars;

(13) For more than forty-six thousand but not more than fifty thousand pounds, nine hundred seventy-six dollars;

(14) For more than fifty thousand but not more than fifty-four thousand pounds, one thousand thirty-six dollars;

(15) For more than fifty-four thousand but not more than fifty-eight thousand pounds, one thousand one hundred twenty-six dollars;

(16) For more than fifty-eight thousand but not more than sixty-two thousand pounds, one thousand two hundred sixteen dollars;

(17) For more than sixty-two thousand but not more than sixty-six thousand pounds, one thousand three hundred six dollars;

(18) For more than sixty-six thousand but not more than seventy thousand pounds, one thousand three hundred ninety-six dollars;

(19) For more than seventy thousand but not more than seventy-four thousand pounds, one thousand four hundred eighty-six dollars;

(20) For more than seventy-four thousand but not more than seventy-eight thousand pounds, one thousand five hundred seventy-six dollars;

(21) For more than seventy-eight thousand pounds, one thousand six hundred sixty-six dollars.

(C)(1) Applications for the in-state registration of a commercial car or commercial bus under the international registration plan shall be filed with the registrar. The registrar shall use the appropriate amount under division (A) or (B) of this section as the base rate for purposes of determining the registration taxes due to this state in accordance with rules adopted under section 4503.63 of the Revised Code for apportionment purposes.

(2) With regard to a commercial car or commercial bus that is registered in this state and is subject to the international registration plan, the registrar or deputy registrar shall charge a fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code, plus an appropriate amount to cover the cost of postage.

(3) With regard to a commercial car or commercial bus that is registered in this state and is subject to the international registration plan, if an application for registration renewal is not applied for prior to the expiration date of the registration or within thirty days after that date, the registrar or deputy registrar shall collect a fee of ten dollars for the issuance of the vehicle registration. The registrar may waive the fee for good cause shown if the application is accompanied by supporting evidence as the registrar may require.

(D) The registrar of motor vehicles shall take all steps necessary to determine and collect the apportioned registration tax due for vehicles registered in another international registration plan jurisdiction that lists Ohio for apportionment purposes on a uniform mileage schedule. The registration taxes charged shall be determined on the basis of the annual tax otherwise due on the motor vehicle, prorated in accordance with the number of months for which the motor vehicle is registered. The base rate shall be the applicable amount under division (A) or (B) of this section.

Section 4503.66 | Rules.

Without limitation, the registrar of motor vehicles may adopt rules governing the following:

(A) The temporary registration of vehicles pending receipt of the apportioned license plate and registration card;

(B) The initial application for apportioned registration;

(C) The addition of declared jurisdictions throughout the registration year;

(D) The apportioned registration of vehicles leased to motor carriers including the issuance of trip permits and temporary registration permits for owner operators not operating as lessors;

(E) The apportioned registration of vehicular equipment leased to a carrier for a single interjurisdictional movement;

(F) The apportioned registration of rental vehicles;

(G) The apportioned registration of vehicular equipment leased by household goods carriers;

(H) The registration of buses;

(I) The issuance of trip permits;

(J) The issuance of hunters' permits;

(K) The registration under this chapter of vehicles based in jurisdictions that are not members of the international registration plan.

Section 4503.67 | Boy scouts logo license plates.

(A) If the national organization of the boy scouts of America desires to have its logo appear on license plates issued by this state, a representative of the Dan Beard council shall enter into a contract with the registrar of motor vehicles as provided in division (D) of this section. The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of license plates bearing the logo of the boy scouts of America if the council representative has entered into such a contract. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of license plates bearing the logo of the boy scouts of America and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, the plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The boy scouts logo license plates and validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, as the case may be, shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of boy scouts license plates, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for a boy scouts license plate is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of the plates, the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit into the license plate contribution fund created by section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars paid to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of boy scouts license plates to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(D) If the national organization of the boy scouts of America desires to have its logo appear on license plates issued by this state, a representative of the Dan Beard council shall contract with the registrar to permit the display of the logo on license plates issued by this state. Upon execution of the contract, the council shall provide a copy of it to the registrar, along with any other documentation the registrar may require. Upon receiving the contract and any required additional documentation, and when the numerical requirement contained in section 4503.78 of the Revised Code has been met relative to the boy scouts of America, the registrar shall take the measures necessary to issue license plates bearing the logo of the boy scouts of America.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 3:00 PM

Section 4503.68 | Girl scouts logo license plates.

(A) If the national organization of the girl scouts of the United States of America desires to have its logo appear on license plates issued by this state, a representative of the girl scouts of Ohio's heartland shall enter into a contract with the registrar of motor vehicles as provided in division (D) of this section. The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of license plates bearing the logo of the girl scouts of the United States of America if the girl scouts of Ohio's heartland representative has entered into such a contract. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of license plates bearing the logo of the girl scouts of the United States of America and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, the plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The girl scouts logo license plates and validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, as the case may be, shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of girl scouts license plates, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for a girl scouts license plate is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of the plates, the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit into the license plate contribution fund created by section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars paid to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of girl scouts license plates to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(D) If the national organization of the girl scouts of the United States of America desires to have its logo appear on license plates issued by this state, a representative from the girl scouts of Ohio's heartland shall contract with the registrar to permit the display of the logo on license plates issued by this state. Upon execution of the contract, the girl scouts of Ohio's heartland shall provide a copy of it to the registrar, along with any other documentation the registrar may require. Upon receiving the contract and any required additional documentation, and when the numerical requirement contained in section 4503.78 of the Revised Code has been met relative to the girl scouts of the United States of America, the registrar shall take the measures necessary to issue license plates bearing the logo of the girl scouts of the United States of America.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 3:00 PM

Section 4503.69 | Eagle scouts logo license plates.

(A) If the national organization of the eagle scouts desires to have its logo appear on license plates issued by this state, a representative of the Dan Beard council shall enter into a contract with the registrar of motor vehicles as provided in division (D) of this section. The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of license plates bearing the logo of the eagle scouts if the council representative has entered into such a contract on behalf of the eagle scouts. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of license plates bearing the logo of the eagle scouts and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, the plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The eagle scouts logo license plates and validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, as the case may be, shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of eagle scouts license plates, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for an eagle scouts license plate is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of the plates, the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit into the license plate contribution fund created by section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars paid to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of eagle scouts license plates to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(D) If the national organization of the eagle scouts desires to have its logo appear on license plates issued by this state, a representative from the Dan Beard council shall contract with the registrar to permit the display of the logo on license plates issued by this state. Upon execution of the contract, the council shall provide a copy of it to the registrar, along with any other documentation the registrar may require. Upon receiving the contract and any required additional documentation, and when the numerical requirement contained in section 4503.78 of the Revised Code has been met relative to the eagle scouts, the registrar shall take the measures necessary to issue license plates bearing the logo of the eagle scouts.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 3:01 PM

Section 4503.70 | Freemason license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of freemason license plates. The application for freemason license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application, and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of freemason license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, freemason license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the grand lodge of free and accepted masons of Ohio and that are approved by the registrar. Freemason license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) Freemason license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as required by section 4503.04 of the Revised Code; payment of any local motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code; payment of any applicable additional fee as prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code; payment of an additional fee of ten dollars; payment of contributions as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The additional ten dollar fee, which is for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of freemason license plates, shall be transmitted by the registrar to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.701 | Prince Hall freemason license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of Prince Hall freemason license plates. The application for Prince Hall freemason license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of Prince Hall freemason license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, Prince Hall freemason license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words and a symbol or logo designed by the Prince Hall grand lodge of free and accepted masons of Ohio and approved by the registrar. Prince Hall freemason license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) Prince Hall freemason license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license fee required by section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, payment of any local motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, payment of an additional fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for Prince Hall freemason license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the fees and taxes contained in this section and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. The additional fee of ten dollars shall be for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of Prince Hall freemason license plates.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars paid to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of Prince Hall freemason license plates to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.702 | Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World (IBPOEW) license plates. The application for IBPOEW license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of IBPOEW license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, IBPOEW license plates shall bear the acronym "IBPOEW" and a marking designed by the Ohio Association of the Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World that is approved by the registrar. IBPOEW license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration by name or number.

(B) IBPOEW license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license fee required by section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, payment of any local motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, payment of an additional fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for IBPOEW license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the fees and taxes contained in this section and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. The additional fee of ten dollars is for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of IBPOEW license plates.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars paid to compensate the bureau to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.703 | Loyal order of the moose license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Loyal Order of the Moose" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Loyal Order of the Moose" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Loyal Order of the Moose" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Ohio state moose association and approved by the registrar. "Loyal Order of the Moose" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Loyal Order of the Moose" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Loyal Order of the Moose" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated October 6, 2023 at 12:12 PM

Section 4503.704 | Shriners license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Shriners" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Shriners" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Shriners" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Antioch shrine foundation located in the municipal corporation of Dayton and that are approved by the registrar. "Shriners" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Shriners" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Shriners" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 2:39 PM

Section 4503.71 | Fraternal order of police license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles who also is a member in good standing of the fraternal order of police may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of fraternal order of police license plates. The application for fraternal order of police license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application, presentation by the applicant of the required evidence that the applicant is a member in good standing of the fraternal order of police, and compliance by the applicant with this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of fraternal order of police license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, fraternal order of police license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words and a symbol or logo designed by the fraternal order of police of Ohio, incorporated, and approved by the registrar. Fraternal order of police license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

Fraternal order of police license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license fee required by section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, payment of any local motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, payment of a fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for fraternal order of police license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the fees and taxes contained in this section and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. The fee of ten dollars shall be for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of fraternal order of police license plates, and shall be transmitted by the registrar to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(B) Beginning on the effective date of this amendment until two years after that date, for each application for registration and registration renewal the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect an additional fee of five dollars. Beginning two years after the effective date of this amendment, for each application for registration and registration renewal the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect an additional fee of eight dollars. The registrar shall transmit this additional fee to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.711 | Fraternal order of police associate license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles who is a member in good standing of the fraternal order of police associates of Ohio, inc., may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of fraternal order of police associate license plates. The application for fraternal order of police associate license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application, presentation by the applicant of the required evidence that the applicant is a member in good standing of the fraternal order of police associates of Ohio, inc., and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of fraternal order of police associate license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, fraternal order of police associate license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings designed by the fraternal order of police of Ohio, inc., and approved by the registrar. Fraternal order of police associate plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The registrar shall issue a set of fraternal order of police associate license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license fees prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, an additional fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of the fraternal order of police associate license plates, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for fraternal order of police associate license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plate and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.712 | Ohio C.O.P.S. license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio C.O.P.S." license plates. The application for "Ohio C.O.P.S." license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration, a set of "Ohio C.O.P.S." license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio C.O.P.S." license plates shall be inscribed with the words "Ohio C.O.P.S." and a marking selected by the organization Ohio concerns of police survivors and approved by the registrar. "Ohio C.O.P.S." license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio C.O.P.S." license plates and a validation sticker or, when applicable, a validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon submission by the applicant of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the contribution provided in division (C) of this section, and an additional fee of ten dollars; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal that the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created by section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars described in division (B) of this section, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in issuing license plates under this section, to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.713 | "Honor Our Fallen" license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Honor Our Fallen" license plates. The application for "Honor Our Fallen" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration, a set of "Honor Our Fallen" license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Honor Our Fallen" license plates shall be inscribed with the words "Honor Our Fallen" and a design selected by the greater Cleveland peace officers memorial society and approved by the registrar. "Honor Our Fallen" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Honor Our Fallen" license plates and a validation sticker or, when applicable, a validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon submission by the applicant of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the contribution provided in division (C) of this section, and an additional fee of ten dollars; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal that the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created by section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars described in division (B) of this section, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in issuing license plates under this section, to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.714 | Ohio association of chiefs of police license plates.

(A) Any member or staff of the Ohio association of chiefs of police, or any spouse thereof, may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for the registration of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar that the person owns or leases and for issuance of "Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. An applicant shall include with the application for registration such documentary evidence in support of the applicant's status as a member or staff of the Ohio association of chiefs of police, or spouse thereof, as the registrar may require.

Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the Ohio association of chiefs of police and that are approved by the registrar. "Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of ten dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.715 | Fallen lineworkers license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Fallen Lineworker" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Fallen Lineworker" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "Fallen Lineworker" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by the community foundation of Ohio's electric cooperatives and approved by the registrar. "Fallen Lineworker" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Fallen Lineworker" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of ten dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Fallen Lineworker" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 11:34 AM

Section 4503.716 | Fallen timbers battlefield license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Fallen Timbers Battlefield" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Fallen Timbers Battlefield" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Fallen Timbers Battlefield" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the fallen timbers battlefield preservation commission that are approved by the registrar. "Fallen Timbers Battlefield" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Fallen Timbers Battlefield" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Fallen Timbers Battlefield" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.72 | Court-appointed special advocate/guardian ad litem license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of Ohio court-appointed special advocate/guardian ad litem license plates. The application for Ohio court-appointed special advocate/guardian ad litem license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of Ohio court-appointed special advocate/guardian ad litem license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, Ohio court-appointed special advocate/guardian ad litem license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings designed by the board of directors of the Ohio CASA/GAL association and approved by the registrar. Ohio court-appointed special advocate/guardian ad litem license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The Ohio court-appointed special advocate/guardian ad litem license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of the Ohio court-appointed special advocate/guardian ad litem license plates, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for Ohio court-appointed special advocate/guardian ad litem license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plate and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution in an amount not to exceed forty dollars as determined by the board of directors of the Ohio CASA/GAL association. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall deposit the additional fee of ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section that the applicant for registration voluntarily pays for the purpose of compensating the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of the applicant's Ohio court-appointed special advocate/guardian ad litem license plates in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.721 | Donate life license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "donate life" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "donate life" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "donate life" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings designated by lifeline of Ohio, incorporated, and approved by the registrar. "Donate life" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The "donate life" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the second chance trust fund created in section 2108.34 of the Revised Code.

The additional fee of ten dollars is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "donate life" license plates. The registrar shall transmit the additional fee to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated January 13, 2023 at 12:56 PM

Section 4503.722 | Down Syndrome Awareness license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Down Syndrome Awareness" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Down Syndrome Awareness" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Down Syndrome Awareness" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by the Down Syndrome Association of Central Ohio and that are approved by the registrar. "Down Syndrome Awareness" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Down Syndrome Awareness" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Down Syndrome Awareness" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.723 | "Stop Bullying" license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Stop Bullying" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Stop Bullying" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Stop Bullying" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by the attorney general and that are approved by the registrar. "Stop Bullying" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Stop Bullying" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty- five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the stop bullying license plate contribution fund created in division (D) of this section.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Stop Bullying" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(D) There is hereby created in the state treasury the stop bullying license plate contribution fund. The fund shall consist of money deposited into it by the registrar under this section and any money appropriated to the fund by the general assembly or donated to the fund by any source. The attorney general or the attorney general's designee shall use money in the fund to issue grants to nonprofit organizations, schools, and school districts that provide bullying prevention training programs or educational opportunities. A nonprofit organization, school, or school district that receives a grant under this section shall use the grant to provide such training programs or educational opportunities. The attorney general shall approve the nonprofit organizations, schools, or school districts that receive grants and the amounts paid to each such nonprofit organization, school, or school district.

(E) As used in this section:

(1) "School" means either of the following:

(a) A community school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code;

(b) A STEM school established under Chapter 3326. of the Revised Code.

(2) "School district" includes a city, exempted village, local, and joint vocational school district.

Section 4503.724 | American foundation for suicide prevention license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "American Foundation for Suicide Prevention" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "American Foundation for Suicide Prevention" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "American Foundation for Suicide Prevention" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the Ohio Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention that are approved by the registrar. "American Foundation for Suicide Prevention" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "American Foundation for Suicide Prevention" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "American Foundation for Suicide Prevention" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.725 | ALS awareness license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "ALS Awareness" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "ALS Awareness" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "ALS Awareness" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the ALS united Ohio, incorporated, and the ALS association, and that are approved by the registrar. "ALS Awareness" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "ALS Awareness" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "ALS Awareness" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated August 23, 2024 at 9:28 AM

Section 4503.726 | Suicide Prevention license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Suicide Prevention" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Suicide Prevention" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Suicide Prevention" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Ohio suicide prevention foundation and approved by the registrar. "Suicide Prevention" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Suicide Prevention" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Suicide Prevention" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:39 PM

Section 4503.73 | Leader in flight license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "the leader in flight" license plates. The application for "the leader in flight" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "the leader in flight" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "the leader in flight" license plates shall be inscribed with the words "the leader in flight" and illustrations of a space shuttle in a vertical position and the Wright "B" airplane. "The leader in flight" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "The leader in flight" license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "the leader in flight" license plates, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for "the leader in flight" license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plate and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the fees and taxes referred to or established in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal received under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall deposit the additional fee of ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section that the applicant for registration voluntarily pays for the purpose of compensating the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of the applicant's "the leader in flight" license plates in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.732 | Truth, Justice, and the American Way license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate motor vehicle registration and a set of "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" license plates shall be inscribed with the words "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" and a design, logo, or marking selected by the entity that owns the Superman name. The registrar shall approve the final design after entering into a license agreement with that entity for appropriate use of the Superman name and associated logo or marking, as applicable. The license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars. The applicant shall comply with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the fees and taxes specified in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of ten dollars. The registrar shall pay this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall pay into the state treasury the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" license plates, to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.733 | Juvenile diabetes research foundation license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "juvenile diabetes research foundation" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "juvenile diabetes research foundation" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "juvenile diabetes research foundation" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are jointly designed and selected by all Ohio chapters of the juvenile diabetes research foundation and approved by the registrar. "Juvenile diabetes research foundation" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The "juvenile diabetes research foundation" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "juvenile diabetes research foundation" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.734 | "Patrol Supporter" license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Patrol Supporter" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Patrol Supporter" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Patrol Supporter" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the Ohio highway patrol auxiliary foundation and that are approved by the registrar. "Patrol Supporter" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Patrol Supporter" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Patrol Supporter" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.735 | H.E.A.R.T. 4 Seniors license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "H.E.A.R.T. 4 Seniors" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "H.E.A.R.T. 4 Seniors" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "H.E.A.R.T. 4 Seniors" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the heart4seniors/healthcare evolution alert response technology foundation, inc. and approved by the registrar. "H.E.A.R.T. 4 Seniors" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "H.E.A.R.T. 4 Seniors" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "H.E.A.R.T. 4 Seniors" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:39 PM

Section 4503.74 | Ohio zoo license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio zoo" license plates. The application for "Ohio zoo" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration, a set of "Ohio zoo" license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio zoo" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings selected by Ohio's major metropolitan zoos and approved by the registrar. "Ohio zoo" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio zoo" license plates and a validation sticker or, when applicable, a validation sticker alone shall be issued upon submission by the applicant of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section and a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section, payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and an additional fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal that the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The additional fee of ten dollars described in division (B) of this section shall be for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in issuing license plates under this section. The registrar shall transmit that fee to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(D) As used in this section and in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code, "Ohio's major metropolitan zoos" means the following public, nonprofit zoos and wildlife conservation facility:

(1) The Akron zoo;

(2) The Cincinnati zoo;

(3) The Cleveland metroparks zoo;

(4) The Columbus zoo;

(5) The Toledo zoo;

(6) The international center for the preservation of wild animals, inc., located in Muskingum County and also known as "the wilds."

Section 4503.741 | Ohio house rabbit rescue license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio House Rabbit Rescue" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio House Rabbit Rescue" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio House Rabbit Rescue" license plates shall display an appropriate logo, selected by representatives of the Ohio house rabbit rescue, that are approved by the registrar, and the words "Ohio House Rabbit Rescue." "Ohio House Rabbit Rescue" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio House Rabbit Rescue" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Ohio House Rabbit Rescue" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 2:40 PM

Section 4503.75 | Rotary international license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles who also is a member of the rotary international may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of rotary international license plates. The application for rotary international license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application, proof of membership in rotary international as required by the registrar, and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of rotary international license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, rotary international license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings representing the international rotary and approved by the registrar. Rotary international license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The rotary international license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of the rotary international license plates, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for rotary international license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plate and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall deposit the additional fee of ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section that the applicant for registration voluntarily pays for the purpose of compensating the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of the applicant's rotary international license plates in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.751 | Realtor license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles who also is a member of a national, state, or local association of realtors may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of realtor license plates. The application for realtor license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application, proof of membership in a national, state, or local association of realtors as required by the registrar, and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of realtor license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, realtor license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings representing realtors and approved by the registrar. Realtor license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The realtor license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of the realtor license plates, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for realtor license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plate and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall deposit the additional fee of ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section that the applicant for registration voluntarily pays for the purpose of compensating the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of the applicant's realtor license plates in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.752 | Buckeye corvette license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "buckeye corvette" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "buckeye corvette" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "buckeye corvette" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by buckeye corvettes, incorporated and that are approved by the registrar. "Buckeye corvette" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Buckeye corvette" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "buckeye corvette" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.754 | City of Twinsburg license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "City of Twinsburg" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "City of Twinsburg" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "City of Twinsburg" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the municipal corporation of Twinsburg and approved by the registrar. "City of Twinsburg" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "City of Twinsburg" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "City of Twinsburg" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.755 | Little brown jug license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Little Brown Jug" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Little Brown Jug" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Little Brown Jug" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the little brown jug society and approved by the registrar. "Little Brown Jug" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Little Brown Jug" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Little Brown Jug" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 29, 2022 at 11:52 AM

Section 4503.76 | Eastern Star license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of eastern star license plates. The application for eastern star license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of eastern star license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, eastern star license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings representing the order of the eastern star, and approved by the registrar. Eastern star license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The eastern star license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of the eastern star license plates, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for eastern star license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plate and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the fees and taxes referred to or established in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) The registrar shall deposit the additional fee of ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section that the applicant for registration voluntarily pays for the purpose of compensating the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of the applicant's eastern star license plates in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.761 | One nation under God license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "one nation under God" license plates. The request for "one nation under God" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "one nation under God" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "one nation under God" license plates shall bear the American flag and the words "one nation under God." The bureau of motor vehicles shall design "one nation under God" license plates, and they shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "One nation under God" license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and a fee not to exceed ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of the license plates, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) The registrar shall deposit the fee not exceeding ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.762 | In God we trust license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "in God we trust" license plates. The request for "in God we trust" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "in God we trust" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "in God we trust" license plates shall bear the words "in God we trust." The bureau of motor vehicles shall design "in God we trust" license plates, and they shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "In God we trust" license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and a bureau fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) The registrar shall deposit the bureau fee of ten dollars, which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "in God we trust" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.763 | Ohio Battleflag license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio Battleflag" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio Battleflag" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio Battleflag" license plates shall be inscribed with the words "In God We Trust" and markings, including a United States flag and Ohio burgee flag, that are designed by the Ohio history connection and approved by the registrar. "Ohio Battleflag" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio Battleflag" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Ohio Battleflag" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.764 | Medina County plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Medina County" license plates.

An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Medina County" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Medina County" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by representatives of the Medina county historical society and that are approved by the registrar. "Medina County" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Medina County" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each initial and renewal application for registration the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall deposit all such contributions into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Medina County" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.765 | "Amaranth Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star" license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Amaranth Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Amaranth Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Amaranth Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the Amaranth grand chapter foundation and that are approved by the registrar. "Amaranth Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Amaranth Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Amaranth Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.766 | Ohio Society Daughters of the American Revolution license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio Society Daughters of the American Revolution" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio Society Daughters of the American Revolution" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio Society Daughters of the American Revolution" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the Ohio society daughters of the American revolution and that are approved by the registrar, including the phrase "God, Home, and Country". "Ohio Society Daughters of the American Revolution" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio Society Daughters of the American Revolution" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of ten dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Ohio Society Daughters of the American Revolution" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:39 PM

Section 4503.767 | Folds of honor license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Folds of Honor" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Folds of Honor" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Folds of Honor" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of folds of honor of central Ohio that are approved by the registrar. "Folds of Honor" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Folds of Honor" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Folds of Honor" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.77 | [Former R.C. 4503.771, amended and renumbered by H.B. 74, 134th General Assembly, effective 6/30/2021] Transmitting contribution amounts for specialty license plates.

(A) The sponsor of a specialty license plate, when the contributions for that specialty license plate are credited to the license plate contribution fund established in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code, shall verify the contact information for that sponsor by the first day of December of each year on a form established by the registrar of motor vehicles. If the sponsor fails to verify such contact information by the thirty-first day of December of any year, the registrar, beginning the first day of January of the following year, shall transmit the contribution for each registration involving that specialty license plate to the treasurer of state for deposit into the general revenue fund, instead of for deposit in the license plate contribution fund. The registrar also immediately shall send a notice to the sponsor that no additional funds will be deposited into the license plate contribution fund until the contact information form is received by the registrar. Upon receiving the contact information form, the registrar shall resume transmitting the contributions received for that license plate to the treasurer of state for deposit into the license plate contribution fund and later distribution to the sponsor.

(B) If the sponsor of a specialty license plate ceases to exist, the registrar shall deposit the contributions for the associated license plate into the general revenue fund. If that sponsor is later reestablished, the sponsor shall submit to the registrar written confirmation of the sponsor's reestablishment along with the contact information form. Upon receipt of the confirmation and form, the registrar shall resume transmitting all contributions received for the associated license plate into the license plate contribution fund for later distribution to the sponsor.

Last updated October 13, 2022 at 4:48 PM

Section 4503.78 | Implementing new specialty license plates.

Except as may otherwise be specifically provided by law, the registrar of motor vehicles is not required to implement any legislation that creates a specialty license plate and provides for its issuance until the registrar receives written statements from not less than one hundred fifty persons, indicating that they intend to apply for and obtain such license plates for their motor vehicles. The registrar may require such statements to be made on a form the registrar provides.

Last updated April 26, 2021 at 6:45 PM

Section 4503.79 | [Former R.C. 4503.791, amended and renumbered by H.B. 74, 134th General Assembly, effective 6/30/2021] Specialty license plate issuance and contribution amount.

(A) Except as may otherwise specifically be provided by the general assembly, the registrar shall issue a specialty license plate for a passenger car, a noncommercial vehicle, a recreational vehicle, or any other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar.

(B) The contribution amount for any specialty license plate shall be the same each year, regardless of whether the application is for the initial issuance or the renewal of that specialty license plate.

Last updated October 13, 2022 at 4:53 PM

Section 4503.80 | Bus taxation proration and reciprocity agreement.

The bus taxation proration and reciprocity agreement is hereby enacted into law and entered into with all jurisdictions legally joining therein in the form substantially as follows:


"Article I--Purposes and Principles

"Sec. 1. Purposes of agreement: It is the purpose of this agreement to set up a system whereby any contracting State may permit owners of fleets of buses operating in two or more States to prorate the registration of the buses in such fleets in each State in which the fleets operate on the basis of the proportion of miles operated within such State to total fleet miles, as defined herein.

"Sec. 2. Principle of proration of registration:

It is hereby declared that in making this agreement the contracting States adhere to the principle that each State should have the freedom to develop the kind of highway user tax structure that it determines to be most appropriate to itself, that the method of taxation of interstate buses should not be a determining factor in developing its user tax structure, and that annual taxes or other taxes of the fixed-fee type upon buses which are not imposed on a basis that reflects the amount of highway use should be apportioned among the States, within the limits of practicality, on the basis of vehicle miles traveled within each of the States.

"Article II--Definitions

"(a) State: State shall include the States of the United States, the District of Columbia, the territories of the United States, the Provinces of Canada, and the States, Territories, and Federal District of Mexico.

"(b) Contracting State: Contracting State shall mean a State which is a party to this agreement.

"(c) Administrator: Administrator shall mean the official or agency of a State administering the fee involved, or, in the case of proration of registration, the official or agency of a State administering the proration of registration in that State.

"(d) Person: Person shall include any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, corporation, estate, trust, business trust, receiver, syndicate, or any other group or combination acting as a unit.

"(e) Base State: Base State shall mean the State from or in which the bus is most frequently dispatched, garaged, serviced, maintained, operated, or otherwise controlled, or also in the case of a fleet bus the State to which it is allocated for registration under statutory requirements. In order that this section may not be used for the purpose of evasion of registration fees, the administrators of the contracting States may make the final decision as to the proper base State, in accordance with article III (h) hereof, to prevent or avoid such evasion.

"(f) Bus: Bus shall mean any motor vehicle of a bus type engaged in the interstate transportation of passengers and subject to the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission, or any agency successor thereto, or one or more State regulatory agencies concerned with the regulation of passenger transport.

"(g) Fleet: As to each contracting State, fleet shall include only those buses which actually travel a portion of their total miles in such State. A fleet must include three or more buses.

"(h) Registration: Registration shall mean the registration of a bus and the payment of annual fees and taxes as set forth in or pursuant to the laws of the respective contracting States.

"(i) Proration of registration: Proration of registration shall mean registration of fleets of buses in accordance with article IV of this agreement.

"(j) Reciprocity: Reciprocity shall mean that each contracting State, to the extent provided in this agreement, exempts a bus from registration and registration fees.

"Article III--General Provisions

"(a) Effect on other agreements, arrangements, and understandings: On and after its effective date, this agreement shall supersede any reciprocal or other agreement, arrangement, or understanding between any two or more of the contracting States covering, in whole or in part, any of the matters covered by this agreement; but this agreement shall not affect any reciprocal or other agreement, arrangement, or understanding between a contracting State and a State of States not party to this agreement.

"(b) Applicability to exempt vehicles: This agreement shall not require registration in a contracting State of any vehicles which are in whole or part exempt from registration under the laws or regulations of such State without respect to this agreement.

"(c) Inapplicability to caravaned vehicles: The benefits and privileges of this agreement shall not be extended to a vehicle operated on its own wheels, or in tow of a motor vehicle, transported for the purpose of selling or offering the same for sale to or by any other agent, dealer, purchaser, or prospective purchaser.

"(d) Other fees and taxes: This agreement does not waive any fees or taxes charged or levied by any State in connection with the ownership or operation of vehicles other than registration fees as defined herein. All other fees and taxes shall be paid to each State in accordance with the laws thereof.

"(e) Statutory vehicle regulations: This agreement shall not authorize the operation of a vehicle in any contracting State contrary to the laws or regulations thereof, except those pertaining to registration and payment of fees; and with respect to such laws or regulations, only to the extent provided in this agreement.

"(f) Violations: Each contracting State reserves the right to withdraw, by order of the administrator thereof, all or any part of the benefits or privileges granted pursuant to this agreement from the owner of any vehicle or fleet of vehicles operated in violation of any provision of this agreement. The administrator shall immediately give notice of any such violation and withdrawal of any such benefits or privileges to the administrator of each other contracting State in which vehicles of such owner are operated.

"(g) Cooperation: The administrator of each of the contracting States shall cooperate with the administrators of the others and each contracting State hereby agrees to furnish such aid and assistance to each other within its statutory authority as will aid in the proper enforcement of this agreement.

"(h) Interpretation: In any dispute between or among contracting States arising under this agreement, the final decision regarding interpretation of questions at issue relating to this agreement shall be reached by joint action of the contracting States, acting through the administrators thereof, and shall upon determination be placed in writing.

"(i) Effect of headings: Article and section headings contained herein shall not be deemed to govern, limit, modify, or in any manner affect the scope, meaning, or intent of the provisions of any article or part hereof.

"(j) Entry into force: This agreement shall enter into force and become binding between and among the contracting States when enacted or otherwise entered into by any two States. Thereafter, it shall enter into force and become binding with respect to any State when enacted into law by such State. If the statutes of any State so authorize or provide, such State may become party to this agreement upon the execution thereof by an executive or administrative official thereof acting on behalf of and for such State.

"Article IV--Proration of Registration

"(a) Applicability: Any owner of a fleet may register the buses of said fleet in any contracting State by paying to said State total registration fees in an amount equal to that obtained by applying the proportion of in-State fleet miles divided by the total fleet mile, to the total fees which would otherwise be required for regular registration of each of all such vehicles in such contracting State.

"All fleet pro rata registration fees shall be based upon the mileage proportions of the fleet during the period of twelve months ending on August 31 next preceding the commencement of the registration year for which registration is sought: Except, that mileage proportions for a fleet not operated during such period in the State where application for registration is made will be determined by the Administrator upon the sworn application of the applicant showing the operations during such period in other States and the estimated operations during the registration year for which registration is sought, in the State in which application is being made; or if no operations were conducted during such period a full statement of the proposed method of operation.

"If any buses operate in two or more States which permit the proration of registration on the basis of a fleet of buses consisting of a lesser number of vehicles than provided in article II (g), such fleet may be prorated as to registration in such States, in which event the buses in such fleet shall not be required to register in any other contracting States if each such vehicle is registered in some contracting State (except to the extent it is exempt from registration as provided in article III (b)).

"If the administrator of any State determines, based on his method of the operation thereof, that the inclusion of a bus or buses as a part of a fleet would adversely affect the proper fleet fee which should be paid to his State, having due regard for fairness and equity, he may refuse to permit any or all of such buses to be included in his State as a part of such fleet.

"(b) Total fleet miles: Total fleet miles, with respect to each contracting State, shall mean the total miles operated by the fleet (1) in such State, (2) in all other contracting States, (3) in other States having proportional registration provisions, (4) in States with which such contracting State has reciprocity, and (5) in such other States as the administrator determines should be included under the circumstances in order to protect or promote the interest of his State; except that in States having laws requiring proration on the basis of a different determination of total fleet miles, total fleet miles shall be determined on such basis.

"(c) Leased vehicles: If a bus is operated by a person other than the owner as a part of a fleet which is subject to the provisions of this article, then the operator of such fleet shall be deemed to be the owner of said bus for the purposes of this article.

"(d) Extent of privileges: Upon the registration of a fleet in a contracting State pursuant to this article, each bus in the fleet may be operated in both interstate and intrastate operations in such State (except as provided in article III (e)).

"(e) Application for proration: The application for proration of registration shall be made in each contracting State upon substantially the application forms and supplements authorized by joint action of the administrators of the contracting States.

"(f) Issuance of identification: Upon registration of a fleet, the State which is the base State of a particular bus of the fleet shall issue the required license plates and registration card for such bus and each contracting State in which the fleet of which such bus is a part operates shall issue a special identification identifying such bus as a part of a fleet which has fully complied with the registration requirements of such State. The required license plates, registration cards, and identification shall be appropriately displayed in the manner required by or pursuant to the laws of each respective State.

"(g) Additions to fleet: If any bus is added to a prorated fleet after the filing of the original application, the owner shall file a supplemental application. The owner shall register such bus in each contracting State in like manner as provided for buses listed in an original application and the registration fee payable shall be determined on the mileage proportion used to determine the registration fees payable for buses registered under the original application.

"(h) Withdrawals from fleet: If any bus is withdrawn from a prorated fleet during the period for which it is registered or identified, the owner shall notify the administrator of each State in which it is registered or identified of such withdrawal and shall return the plates and registration card or identification as may be required by or pursuant to the laws of the respective States.

"(i) Audits: The Administrator of each contracting State shall, within the statutory authority of such administrator, make any information obtained upon an audit of records of any applicant for proration of registration available to the administrators of the other contracting States.

"(j) Errors in registration: If it is determined by the administrator of a contracting State, as a result of such audits or otherwise, that an improper fee has been paid his State, or errors in registration found, the administrator may require the fleet owner to make the necessary correction in the registration of his fleet and payment of fees.

"Article V--Reciprocity

"(a) Grant of reciprocity: Each of the contracting States grants reciprocity as provided in this article.

"(b) Applicability: The provisions of this agreement with respect to reciprocity shall apply only to a bus properly registered in the base State of the bus, which State must be a contracting State.

"(c) Nonapplicability to fleet buses: The reciprocity granted pursuant to this article shall not apply to a bus which is entitled to be registered or identified as part of a prorated fleet.

"(d) Extent of reciprocity: The reciprocity granted pursuant to this article shall permit the interstate operation of a bus and intrastate operation which is incidental to a trip of such bus involving interstate operation.

"(e) Other agreements: Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to prohibit any of the contracting States from entering into separate agreements with each other for the granting of temporary permits for the intrastate operation of vehicles registered in the other State; nor to prevent any of the contracting States from entering into agreements to grant reciprocity for intrastate operation within any zone or zones agreed upon by the States.

"Article VI--Withdrawal or Revocation

"Any contracting party may withdraw from this agreement upon thirty days' written notice to each other contracting State, which notice shall be given only after the repeal of this agreement by the legislature of such State, if adoption was by legislative act, or after renunciation by the appropriate administrative official of such contracting State if the laws thereof empower him so to renounce.

"Article VII--Construction and Severability

"This compact shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate the purposes thereof. The provisions of the compact shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence, or provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the constitution of any State or of the United States or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person, or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this compact and the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person, or circumstance shall not be affected thereby. If this compact shall be held contrary to the constitution of any State participating herein, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the remaining party States and in full force and effect as to the State affected as to all severable matters."

Section 4503.81 | Registrar to administrate program - renunciation of participation in program.

As used in the bus taxation proration and reciprocity agreement authorized by section 4503.80 of the Revised Code, with reference to Ohio, "administrator" means the registrar of motor vehicles.

The registrar may make such exemptions from the coverage of the agreement as may be appropriate and may make such changes in methods for the reporting of any information required to be furnished to this state pursuant to the agreement as, in the registrar's judgment, are suitable; provided that any such exemptions or changes shall not be contrary to the purposes set forth in article I of the agreement and shall be made in order to permit the continuance of uniformity of practice among the contracting states with respect to buses. Any such exemption or change shall be made by rule adopted under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. Unless otherwise provided in any statute withdrawing this state from participation in the agreement, the governor shall be the officer to give notice of withdrawal therefrom.

The fees referred to in article IV (a) of the agreement shall include the fees provided in section 4503.04 of the Revised Code and the annual tax provided in section 4921.19 of the Revised Code. As to the state of Ohio, article V (d) shall mean that all fleets not subject to this compact shall continue to enjoy that reciprocity and those privileges extended by virtue of other provisions of the Revised Code.

Nothing contained herein shall be construed so as to permit a fleet which is prorating under the laws of another state to avoid proration under this compact.

The registrar of motor vehicles shall collect a fee of two dollars per bus for every bus registered under the provisions of article IV (a) for administration of the agreement, in addition to the fees provided in article IV (a).

The registrar of motor vehicles shall assess the operator of buses registered under the provisions of article IV (a) the actual cost of the registrar's auditing the accuracy of the fees paid by the operator in accordance with article IV (a).

The registrar of motor vehicles may renounce the participation of this state in the bus taxation proration and reciprocity agreement under article VI of section 4503.80 of the Revised Code, after finding that further participation in the compact is not in the best interests of the state. The registrar shall set forth the registrar's reasons in writing and serve notice of intention to renounce the compact upon the owner of each registered fleet. The registrar shall then certify the renunciation to the governor.

Section 4503.83 | Company logo license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of a fleet of apportioned vehicles may apply to the registrar of motor vehicles for the registration of any apportioned vehicle, commercial trailer, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar and issuance of company logo license plates. The initial application shall be for not less than fifty eligible vehicles. The applicant shall provide the registrar the artwork for the company logo plate in a format designated by the registrar. The registrar shall approve the artwork or return the artwork for modification in accordance with any design requirements reasonably imposed by the registrar.

Upon approval of the artwork and receipt of the completed application and compliance with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and the appropriate number of company logo license plates.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on license plates, company logo license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings requested by the applicant and approved by the registrar.

(B) A company logo license plate shall be issued upon payment of the applicable regular license tax prescribed in section 4503.042 or 4503.65 of the Revised Code for the registration of a vehicle in this state, any applicable fees prescribed in section 4503.10 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles fee of six dollars when a company logo license plate actually is issued, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If a company logo plate is issued to replace an existing license plate for the same vehicle, the replacement license plate fees prescribed in division (A) of section 4503.19 of the Revised Code shall not apply.

(C) The registrar shall deposit the bureau of motor vehicles fee specified in division (B) of this section, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in issuing company logo license plates, in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 3:02 PM

Section 4503.84 | Purchase of expired validation stickers and plates no longer issued or in service.

The registrar of motor vehicles may prescribe rules to make license plates and validation stickers available for purchase in the year following the expiration of the validation sticker or when the license plate design no longer is issued or in service. The price of each license plate shall be five dollars; the price of each validation sticker shall be two dollars.

Section 4503.85 | Fish Lake Erie license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Fish Lake Erie" license plates. The application for "Fish Lake Erie" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration, a set of "Fish Lake Erie" license plates, and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Fish Lake Erie" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings designed by the Ohio sea grant college program and approved by the registrar. "Fish Lake Erie" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Fish Lake Erie" license plates and a validation sticker or, when applicable, a validation sticker alone shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle submitted under this section and a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section, payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and an additional fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for "Fish Lake Erie" license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker or validation sticker alone shall be issued upon payment of the fees and taxes referred to or established in this division plus the additional fee prescribed in section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal that the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The additional fee of ten dollars described in division (B) of this section shall be for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in issuing license plates under this section. The registrar shall deposit that fee into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.851 | West Virginia University license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "West Virginia University" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "West Virginia University" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "West Virginia University" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of West Virginia university and approved by the registrar. "West Virginia University" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "West Virginia University" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "West Virginia University" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:40 PM

Section 4503.86 | Lincoln highway license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and the issuance of "Lincoln highway" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Lincoln highway" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Lincoln highway" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by the Ohio Lincoln highway historic byway, and approved by the registrar. "Lincoln highway" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Lincoln highway" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Lincoln highway" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.87 | Baseball for AH license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Baseball for All" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Baseball for All" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Baseball for All" license plates shall be inscribed with the words "Baseball for All" and markings that are designed by the Grove City little league board and approved by the registrar. "Baseball for All" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Baseball for All" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Baseball for All" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.871 | Solon City Schools license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Solon City Schools" license plates. The application for "Solon City Schools" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Solon City Schools" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "Solon City Schools" license plates shall display words and markings selected by representatives of the Solon city school district and that are approved by the registrar. "Solon City Schools" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Solon City Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and the contribution specified in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal submitted under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall pay this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall pay the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing "Solon City Schools" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 3:04 PM

Section 4503.872 | "Canton Bulldogs" license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Canton Bulldogs" license plates.

The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Canton Bulldogs" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Canton Bulldogs" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the Canton city school district that are approved by the registrar. "Canton Bulldogs" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Canton Bulldogs" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Canton Bulldogs" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.873 | Padua Franciscan High School plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Padua Franciscan High School" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Padua Franciscan High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Padua Franciscan High School" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by Padua Franciscan high school and that are approved by the registrar. "Padua Franciscan High School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Padua Franciscan High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Padua Franciscan High School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 3:04 PM

Section 4503.874 | Lakewood St. Edward High School license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Lakewood St. Edward High School" license plates. The application for "Lakewood St. Edward High School" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Lakewood St. Edward High School" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "Lakewood St. Edward High School" license plates shall display words and markings selected by representatives of Lakewood St. Edward high school and that are approved by the registrar. "Lakewood St. Edward High School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Lakewood St. Edward High School" license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified in division (C)(1) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for "Lakewood St. Edward High School" license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal submitted under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall pay this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall pay the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing "Lakewood St. Edward High School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 3:05 PM

Section 4503.875 | Walsh Jesuit High School plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Walsh Jesuit High School" license plates. The application for "Walsh Jesuit High School" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Walsh Jesuit High School" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "Walsh Jesuit High School" license plates shall bear words and markings selected by Walsh Jesuit high school and that are approved by the registrar. "Walsh Jesuit High School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Walsh Jesuit High School" license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified in division (C)(1) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for "Walsh Jesuit High School" license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal submitted under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall pay this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall pay the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing "Walsh Jesuit High School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 3:05 PM

Section 4503.876 | North Royalton City Schools plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "North Royalton City Schools" license plates. The application for "North Royalton City Schools" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "North Royalton City Schools" license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "North Royalton City Schools" license plates shall bear words and markings selected by the North Royalton city school district and that are approved by the registrar. "North Royalton City Schools" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration by name or number.

(B) "North Royalton City Schools" license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified in division (C)(1) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for "North Royalton City Schools" license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal submitted under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall pay this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall pay the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing "North Royalton City Schools" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 3:05 PM

Section 4503.877 | Independence Local Schools license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Independence Local Schools" license plates. The application for "Independence Local Schools" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Independence Local Schools" license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "Independence Local Schools" license plates shall display words and markings selected by representatives of the Independence local school district and that are approved by the registrar. "Independence Local Schools" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Independence Local Schools" license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified in division (C)(1) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for "Independence Local Schools" license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal submitted under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall pay this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall pay the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing "Independence Local Schools" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 3:06 PM

Section 4503.878 | Cuyahoga Heights Schools plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Cuyahoga Heights Schools" license plates.

The application for "Cuyahoga Heights Schools" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Cuyahoga Heights Schools" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "Cuyahoga Heights Schools" license plates shall display words and markings selected by the Cuyahoga Heights local school district and that are approved by the registrar. "Cuyahoga Heights Schools" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Cuyahoga Heights Schools" license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified in division (C)(1) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for "Cuyahoga Heights Schools" license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) For each initial and renewal application for registration the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall pay this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing "Cuyahoga Heights Schools" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 3:06 PM

Section 4503.879 | West Technical High School Alumni plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "West Technical High School Alumni" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "West Technical High School Alumni" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "West Technical High School Alumni" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the west technical high school alumni association that are approved by the registrar. "West Technical High School Alumni" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "West Technical High School Alumni" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "West Technical High School Alumni" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 3:06 PM

Section 4503.88 | Kenston Local Schools plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles, may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Kenston Local Schools" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Kenston Local Schools" license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Kenston Local Schools" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected by representatives of the Kenston local school district and that are approved by the registrar. "Kenston Local Schools" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Kenston Local Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal submitted under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall pay this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Kenston Local Schools" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the state highway safety fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated May 31, 2024 at 12:30 PM

Section 4503.881 | La Salle high school license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "La Salle High School" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "La Salle High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "La Salle High School" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of La Salle high school in the municipal corporation of Cincinnati and that are approved by the registrar. "La Salle High School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "La Salle High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "La Salle High School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.882 | St. John's Jesuit high school and academy license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "St. John's Jesuit High School and Academy" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "St. John's Jesuit High School and Academy" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "St. John's Jesuit High School and Academy" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of St. John's Jesuit high school and academy, located in the municipal corporation of Toledo, and approved by the registrar. "St. John's Jesuit High School and Academy" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "St. John's Jesuit High School and Academy" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-six dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "St. John's Jesuit High School and Academy" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.883 | St. Charles preparatory school license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "St. Charles Preparatory School" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "St. Charles Preparatory School" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "St. Charles Preparatory School" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of St. Charles preparatory school and that are approved by the registrar. "St. Charles Preparatory School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "St. Charles Preparatory School" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "St. Charles Preparatory School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.884 | Archbishop Moeller high school license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Archbishop Moeller High School" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Archbishop Moeller High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Archbishop Moeller High School" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of Archbishop Moeller high school and that are approved by the registrar. "Archbishop Moeller High School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Archbishop Moeller High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Archbishop Moeller High School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.885 | Revere local schools license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles, may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Revere Local Schools" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Revere Local Schools" license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Revere Local Schools" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected by representatives of the Revere schools foundation and that are approved by the registrar. "Revere Local Schools" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Revere Local Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal submitted under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall pay this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Revere Local Schools" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the state highway safety fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 2:40 PM

Section 4503.886 | Stephen T. Badin High School license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Stephen T. Badin High School" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Stephen T. Badin High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Stephen T. Badin High School" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Stephen T. Badin high school in the municipal corporation of Hamilton and approved by the registrar. "Stephen T. Badin High School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Stephen T. Badin High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Stephen T. Badin High School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 2:41 PM

Section 4503.887 | Bishop Hartley High School license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Bishop Hartley High School" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Bishop Hartley High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Bishop Hartley High School" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of Bishop Hartley high school and that are approved by the registrar. "Bishop Hartley High School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Bishop Hartley High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Bishop Hartley High School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 2:41 PM

Section 4503.888 | "St. Vincent-St. Mary High School" license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "St. Vincent-St. Mary High School" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "St. Vincent-St. Mary High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "St. Vincent-St. Mary High School" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of St. Vincent-St. Mary high school and approved by the registrar. "St. Vincent-St. Mary High School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "St. Vincent-St. Mary High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "St. Vincent-St. Mary High School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 21, 2025 at 11:32 AM

Section 4503.89 | "Proud Supporter of the American Red Cross" license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Proud Supporter of the American Red Cross" license plates. The application for "Proud Supporter of the American Red Cross" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Proud Supporter of the American Red Cross" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "Proud Supporter of the American Red Cross" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by the American red cross and submitted by the American red cross of greater Columbus. The registrar shall approve the final design after entering into a license agreement with the American red cross for appropriate use of a name, service mark, or trademark, as applicable. "Proud Supporter of the American Red Cross" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Proud Supporter of the American Red Cross" license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified in division (C) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for "Proud Supporter of the American Red Cross" license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal submitted under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall deposit the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing "Proud Supporter of the American Red Cross" license plates, in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.891 | Lions Club plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Lions Club" license plates. The application for "Lions Club" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Lions Club" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Lions Club" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by the Ohio lions foundation and that are approved by the registrar. "Lions Club" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Lions Club" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified in division (C)(1) of this section, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall pay this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall pay the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Lions Club" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.892 | Hudson City School plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Hudson City Schools" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Hudson City Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Hudson City Schools" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by representatives of the Hudson city school district and that are approved by the registrar. "Hudson City Schools" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Hudson City Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Hudson City Schools" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 3:08 PM

Section 4503.893 | Harrison central huskies license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Harrison Central Huskies" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Harrison Central Huskies" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Harrison Central Huskies" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the Harrison Central jr./sr. high school and that are approved by the registrar. "Harrison Central Huskies" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Harrison Central Huskies" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Harrison Central Huskies" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.894 | Blanchester Wildcats license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Blanchester Wildcats" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Blanchester Wildcats" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Blanchester Wildcats" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Blanchester schools foundation and approved by the registrar. "Blanchester Wildcats" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Blanchester Wildcats" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Blanchester Wildcats" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:40 PM

Section 4503.895 | Lakeside Chautauqua license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Lakeside Chautauqua" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Lakeside Chautauqua" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Lakeside Chautauqua" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Lakeside Chautauqua foundation and approved by the registrar. "Lakeside Chautauqua" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Lakeside Chautauqua" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Lakeside Chautauqua" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:40 PM

Section 4503.896 | American Legion Auxiliary license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "American Legion Auxiliary" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "American Legion Auxiliary" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "American Legion Auxiliary" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the American legion auxiliary department of Ohio and approved by the registrar. "American Legion Auxiliary" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "American Legion Auxiliary" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of ten dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "American Legion Auxiliary" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(D) Section 4503.78 of the Revised Code does not apply to license plates issued under this section.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:41 PM

Section 4503.899 | Cleveland clinic children's license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Cleveland Clinic Children's" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Cleveland Clinic Children's" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Cleveland Clinic Children's" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words, selected by representatives of the Cleveland clinic foundation and approved by the registrar. "Cleveland Clinic Children's" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Cleveland Clinic Children's" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Cleveland Clinic Children's" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.90 | Nationwide children's hospital license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of nationwide children's hospital license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of nationwide children's hospital license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, nationwide children's hospital license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by the nationwide children's hospital and approved by the registrar. Nationwide children's hospital license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) The nationwide children's hospital license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of nationwide children's hospital license plates, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall pay this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall pay the additional fee of ten dollars paid to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of nationwide children's hospital license plates into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.901 | Ohio Pupil Transportation...Safety First license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio Pupil Transportation...Safety First!!!" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio Pupil Transportation...Safety First!!!" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio Pupil Transportation...Safety First!!!" license plates shall be inscribed with the words "Ohio Pupil Transportation...Safety First!!!" and a design, logo, or marking designed by the Ohio association for pupil transportation and that is approved by the registrar. "Ohio Pupil Transportation...Safety First!!!" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio Pupil Transportation...Safety First!!!" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of ten dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created by section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall transmit the bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of "Ohio Pupil Transportation...Safety First!!!" license plates, to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 3:09 PM

Section 4503.902 | Cleveland St. Ignatius High School license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Cleveland St. Ignatius High School" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Cleveland St. Ignatius High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Cleveland St. Ignatius High School" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by representatives of Cleveland St. Ignatius high school and that are approved by the registrar. "Cleveland St. Ignatius High School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Cleveland St. Ignatius High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Cleveland St. Ignatius High School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 3:09 PM

Section 4503.903 | Brecksville-Broadview Heights City Schools license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Brecksville-Broadview Heights City Schools" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Brecksville-Broadview Heights City Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Brecksville-Broadview Heights City Schools" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by representatives of the Brecksville-Broadview Heights city school district and that are approved by the registrar. "Brecksville-Broadview Heights City Schools" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Brecksville-Broadview Heights City Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Brecksville-Broadview Heights City Schools" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 3:09 PM

Section 4503.904 | Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by representatives of the Chagrin Falls exempted village school district and that are approved by the registrar. "Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 9, 2021 at 3:10 PM

Section 4503.905 | Cuyahoga Valley Career Center plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles, may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Cuyahoga Valley Career Center" license plates.

An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Cuyahoga Valley Career Center" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Cuyahoga Valley Career Center" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by representatives of the Cuyahoga valley career center and that are approved by the registrar. "Cuyahoga Valley Career Center" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Cuyahoga Valley Career Center" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Cuyahoga Valley Career Center" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 12, 2021 at 9:32 AM

Section 4503.906 | Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by representatives of the Stow-Munroe city school district and that are approved by the registrar. "Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 12, 2021 at 9:33 AM

Section 4503.907 | Twinsburg City Schools.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Twinsburg City Schools" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Twinsburg City Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Twinsburg City Schools" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by representatives of the Twinsburg city school district and that are approved by the registrar. "Twinsburg City Schools" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Twinsburg City Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Twinsburg City Schools" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 12, 2021 at 9:33 AM

Section 4503.908 | St. Xavier High School plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "St. Xavier High School" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "St. Xavier High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "St. Xavier High School" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by representatives of St. Xavier high school and that are approved by the registrar. "St. Xavier High School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "St. Xavier High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "St. Xavier High School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 12, 2021 at 9:34 AM

Section 4503.909 | "Grandview Heights Schools" license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Grandview Heights Schools" license plates. The application for "Grandview Heights Schools" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Grandview Heights Schools" license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "Grandview Heights Schools" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the Grandview Heights city school district and that are approved by the registrar. "Grandview Heights Schools" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Grandview Heights Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal submitted under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall pay this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall pay the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing "Grandview Heights Schools" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 12, 2021 at 9:34 AM

Section 4503.91 | Choose life license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "choose life" license plates. The application for "choose life" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "choose life" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on license plates, "choose life" license plates shall be inscribed with the words "choose life" and a marking designed by "choose life, inc.," a private, nonprofit corporation incorporated in the state of Florida. The registrar shall review the design and approve it if the design is feasible. If the design is not feasible, the registrar shall notify "choose life, inc." and the organization may resubmit designs until a feasible one is approved. "Choose life" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Choose life" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax prescribed in section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a fee of ten dollars for the purpose of compensating the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "choose life" license plates, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal received under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the "choose life" fund created in section 3701.65 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the additional fee of ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section for the purpose of compensating the bureau for the additional services required in issuing "choose life" license plates in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.92 | Support our troops license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "support our troops" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "support our troops" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "support our troops" license plates shall bear an appropriate logo and the words "support our troops." The bureau of motor vehicles shall design "support our troops" license plates, and they shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Support our troops" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created by section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars, which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for the additional services required in the issuing of "support our troops" license plates, to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.93 | Ohio volunteer license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of Ohio "volunteer" license plates. The application for Ohio "volunteer" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of Ohio "volunteer" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on license plates, Ohio "volunteer" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings designed by the Ohio commission on service and volunteerism created by section 121.40 of the Revised Code and approved by the registrar. Ohio "volunteer" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) Ohio "volunteer" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax prescribed in section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal received under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the Ohio commission on service and volunteerism gifts and donations fund created by section 121.403 of the Revised Code. The commission shall use all such contributions for the purposes described in divisions (B)(2) and (3) of that section.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau of motor vehicles fee of ten dollars specified in division (B) of this section, which is for the purpose of compensating the bureau for the additional services required in issuing Ohio "volunteer" license plates, in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.931 | Healthy New Albany license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Healthy New Albany" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Healthy New Albany" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Healthy New Albany" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the healthy New Albany organization that are approved by the registrar. "Healthy New Albany" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Healthy New Albany" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Healthy New Albany" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.932 | Habitat for humanity of Ohio license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Habitat for Humanity of Ohio" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Habitat for Humanity of Ohio" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Habitat for Humanity of Ohio" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of habitat for humanity of Ohio, inc. and that are approved by the registrar. "Habitat for Humanity of Ohio" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Habitat for Humanity of Ohio" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Habitat for Humanity of Ohio" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.933 | Creative Ohio license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Creative Ohio" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Creative Ohio" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Creative Ohio" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Ohio citizens for the arts foundation and approved by the registrar. "Creative Ohio" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Creative Ohio" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty- five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Creative Ohio" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 2:42 PM

Section 4503.934 | Ohio Society for Respiratory Care license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio Society for Respiratory Care" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio Society for Respiratory Care" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone, when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ohio Society for Respiratory Care" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Ohio society for respiratory care of the American association for respiratory care, incorporated, and approved by the registrar. "Ohio Society for Respiratory Care" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio Society for Respiratory Care" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Ohio Society for Respiratory Care" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:42 PM

Section 4503.935 | Jesup W. Scott High School license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Jesup W. Scott High School" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Jesup W. Scott High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Jesup W. Scott High School" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of Jesup. W. Scott high school and approved by the registrar. "Jesup W. Scott High School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Jesup W. Scott High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of ten dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Jesup W. Scott High School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:42 PM

Section 4503.936 | Hilliard Davidson Wildcats license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Hilliard Davidson Wildcats" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Hilliard Davidson Wildcats" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Hilliard Davidson Wildcats" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Hilliard city school district and approved by the registrar. "Hilliard Davidson Wildcats" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Hilliard Davidson Wildcats" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Hilliard Davidson Wildcats" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:42 PM

Section 4503.94 | Teen driver education license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "teen driver education" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "teen driver education" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "teen driver education" license plates shall bear an appropriate logo and the words "teen driver education." The bureau of motor vehicles shall design "teen driver education" license plates, and they shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Teen driver education" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created by section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall transmit the additional fee of ten dollars, which is to compensate the bureau for the additional services required in the issuing of "teen driver education" license plates, to the treasurer of state for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.941 | "Trees 4 Ohio" license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Trees 4 Ohio" license plates.

The application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Trees 4 Ohio" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Trees 4 Ohio" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the Ohio chapter international society of arboriculture and that are approved by the registrar. "Trees 4 Ohio" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) " Trees 4 Ohio" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Trees 4 Ohio" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.942 | Zero license plates; prostate cancer awareness.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Zero" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Zero" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Zero" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by zero, the end of prostate cancer, incorporated, a nonprofit organization that raises awareness about prostate cancer, and that are approved by the registrar. "Zero" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Zero" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Zero" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes contribution fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.943 | Weirdo Cat Lovers of Cleveland license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Weirdo Cat Lovers of Cleveland" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Weirdo Cat Lovers of Cleveland" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Weirdo Cat Lovers of Cleveland" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the nonprofit organization weirdo cat lovers of Cleveland and approved by the registrar. "Weirdo Cat Lovers of Cleveland" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Weirdo Cat Lovers of Cleveland" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of fifteen dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Weirdo Cat Lovers of Cleveland" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:43 PM

Section 4503.944 | East Europeans of Ohio license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "East Europeans of Ohio" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "East Europeans of Ohio" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "East Europeans of Ohio" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the eastern European congress of Ohio and approved by the registrar. "East Europeans of Ohio" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "East Europeans of Ohio" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "East Europeans of Ohio" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.945 | Summit metro parks license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Summit Metro Parks" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Summit Metro Parks" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Summit Metro Parks" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Summit metro parks foundation and approved by the registrar. "Summit Metro Parks" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Summit Metro Parks" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of ten dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Summit Metro Parks" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.946 | Historical and Patriotic Education license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Historical and Patriotic Education" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Historical and Patriotic Education" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Historical and Patriotic Education" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the Ohio society, sons of the American revolution and that are approved by the registrar. "Historical and Patriotic Education" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Historical and Patriotic Education" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Historical and Patriotic Education" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:43 PM

Section 4503.95 | Ohio history license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ohio history" license plates. The application for "Ohio history" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ohio history" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code. In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "Ohio history" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by the Ohio history connection and approved by the registrar. "Ohio history" license plates shall bear county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ohio history" license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, the contribution specified in division (C) of this section, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for "Ohio history" license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the contribution, fees, and taxes contained in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) For each application for registration and registration renewal submitted under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution to the treasurer of state for deposit in the Ohio history license plate contribution fund created in section 149.307 of the Revised Code.

The registrar shall deposit the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing "Ohio history" license plates, in the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.951 | Cincinnati City School District plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Cincinnati City School District" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Cincinnati City School District" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Cincinnati City School District" license plates shall be inscribed with words and markings selected and designed by representatives of the Cincinnati city school district and that are approved by the registrar. "Cincinnati City School District" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Cincinnati City School District" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of ten dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "Cincinnati City School District" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 12, 2021 at 9:34 AM

Section 4503.952 | "Hawken School" license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Hawken School" license plates. The application for "Hawken School" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Hawken School" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Hawken School" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of Hawken school that are approved by the registrar. "Hawken School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Hawken School" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in issuing "Hawken School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 12, 2021 at 9:35 AM

Section 4503.953 | "Gilmour Academy" license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Gilmour Academy" license plates. The application for "Gilmour Academy" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Gilmour Academy" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Gilmour Academy" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of Gilmour academy that are approved by the registrar. "Gilmour Academy" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Gilmour Academy" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in issuing "Gilmour Academy" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 12, 2021 at 9:35 AM

Section 4503.954 | "University School" license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "University School" license plates. The application for "University School" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "University School" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "University School" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of University school that are approved by the registrar. "University School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "University School" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in issuing "University School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 12, 2021 at 9:36 AM

Section 4503.955 | "Saint Albert the Great School" license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Saint Albert the Great School" license plates. The application for "Saint Albert the Great School" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Saint Albert the Great School" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Saint Albert the Great School" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of Saint Albert the Great school that are approved by the registrar. "Saint Albert the Great School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Saint Albert the Great School" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in issuing "Saint Albert the Great School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 12, 2021 at 9:36 AM

Section 4503.956 | Liberty Center local schools license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Liberty Center Local Schools" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Liberty Center Local Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Liberty Center Local Schools" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words selected by representatives of the Liberty Center local school district that are approved by the registrar. "Liberty Center Local Schools" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Liberty Center Local Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Liberty Center Local Schools" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.957 | John F. Kennedy Catholic school license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "John F. Kennedy Catholic School" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "John F. Kennedy Catholic School" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "John F. Kennedy Catholic School" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of John F. Kennedy Catholic school located in Warren and approved by the registrar. "John F. Kennedy Catholic School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "John F. Kennedy Catholic School" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "John F. Kennedy Catholic School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.958 | Elder high school license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Elder High School" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Elder High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Elder High School" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of Elder high school and approved by the registrar. "Elder High School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Elder High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Elder High School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.959 | Dublin City Schools license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Dublin City Schools" license plates. The application for "Dublin City Schools" license plates may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Dublin City Schools" license plates with a validation sticker or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed thereon, "Dublin City Schools" license plates shall display words and markings selected by representatives of the Dublin city school district and that are approved by the registrar. "Dublin City Schools" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Dublin City Schools" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and the contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty-five dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in issuing "Dublin City Schools" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:43 PM

Section 4503.96 | Ohio coal license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of Ohio coal license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of Ohio coal license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, Ohio coal license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by the Ohio coal association and approved by the registrar. Ohio coal license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) Ohio coal license plates and validation stickers shall be issued upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars. The applicant shall comply with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles. If the application for Ohio coal license plates is combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, the license plates and validation sticker shall be issued upon payment of the fees and taxes specified in this division and the additional fee prescribed under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code.

(C) The registrar shall deposit into the state treasury the ten-dollar bureau administrative fee, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in issuing Ohio coal license plates, to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.961 | Fairfield senior high school license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Fairfield Senior High School" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Fairfield Senior High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Fairfield Senior High School" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of Fairfield senior high school and approved by the registrar. "Fairfield Senior High School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Fairfield Senior High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Fairfield Senior High School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.962 | Hamilton high school license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Hamilton High School" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Hamilton High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Hamilton High School" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of Hamilton high school and approved by the registrar. "Hamilton High School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Hamilton High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Hamilton High School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.963 | Ross high school license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Ross High School" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Ross High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Ross High School" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of Ross high school and approved by the registrar. "Ross High School" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Ross High School" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Ross High School" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.964 | Chardon High School state football champs license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Chardon High School State Football Champs" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Chardon High School State Football Champs" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Chardon High School State Football Champs" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of Chardon high school and approved by the registrar. "Chardon High School State Football Champs" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Chardon High School State Football Champs" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Chardon High School State Football Champs" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 11:38 AM

Section 4503.965 | Norton Music Boosters license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "Norton Music Boosters" license plates. The application may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "Norton Music Boosters" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "Norton Music Boosters" license plates shall display an appropriate logo and words that are selected by representatives of the Norton music boosters association and approved by the registrar. "Norton Music Boosters" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Norton Music Boosters" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle under this section; payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, an additional administrative fee of ten dollars, and a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section; and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of forty dollars. The registrar shall deposit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for additional services required in the issuing of "Norton Music Boosters" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 2:43 PM

Section 4503.97 | I Stand with Israel license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for the registration of the vehicle and issuance of "I Stand with Israel" license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of "I Stand with Israel" license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, "I Stand with Israel" license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by the friends of united Hatzalah of Israel and approved by the registrar. "I Stand with Israel" license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) "I Stand with Israel" license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of twenty dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of "I Stand with Israel" license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4503.98 | Westerville parks foundation license plates.

(A) The owner or lessee of any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, motorcycle, cab-enclosed motorcycle, or other vehicle of a class approved by the registrar of motor vehicles may apply to the registrar for registration of the vehicle and issuance of Westerville parks foundation license plates. An application made under this section may be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the completed application and compliance by the applicant with divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the appropriate vehicle registration and a set of Westerville parks foundation license plates and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.

In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed on the license plates, Westerville parks foundation license plates shall be inscribed with identifying words or markings that are designed by the Westerville parks foundation and that are approved by the registrar. Westerville parks foundation license plates shall display county identification stickers that identify the county of registration as required under section 4503.19 of the Revised Code.

(B) Westerville parks foundation license plates and a validation sticker, or validation sticker alone, shall be issued upon receipt of a contribution as provided in division (C)(1) of this section and upon payment of the regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle license tax levied under Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, any applicable additional fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, a bureau of motor vehicles administrative fee of ten dollars, and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

(C)(1) For each application for registration and registration renewal notice the registrar receives under this section, the registrar shall collect a contribution of thirty dollars. The registrar shall transmit this contribution into the state treasury to the credit of the license plate contribution fund created in section 4501.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall deposit the bureau administrative fee of ten dollars, the purpose of which is to compensate the bureau for additional services required in the issuing of Westerville parks foundation license plates, into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.