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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 3735 | Metropolitan Housing Authority

Section 3735.27 | Creating metropolitan housing authority.

(A) Whenever the director of development has determined that there is need for a housing authority in any portion of any county that comprises two or more political subdivisions or portions of two or more political subdivisions but is less than all the territory within the county, a metropolitan housing authority shall be declared to exist, and the territorial limits of the authority shall be defined, by a letter from the director. The director shall issue a determination from the department of development declaring that there is need for a housing authority within those territorial limits after finding either of the following:

(1) Unsanitary or unsafe inhabited housing accommodations exist in that area;

(2) There is a shortage of safe and sanitary housing accommodations in that area available to persons who lack the amount of income that is necessary, as determined by the director, to enable them, without financial assistance, to live in decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings without congestion.

In determining whether dwelling accommodations are unsafe or unsanitary, the director may take into consideration the degree of congestion, the percentage of land coverage, the light, air, space, and access available to the inhabitants of the dwelling accommodations, the size and arrangement of rooms, the sanitary facilities, and the extent to which conditions exist in the dwelling accommodations that endanger life or property by fire or other causes.

The territorial limits of a metropolitan housing authority as defined by the director under this division shall be fixed for the authority upon proof of a letter from the director declaring the need for the authority to function in those territorial limits. Any such letter from the director, any certificate of determination issued by the director, and any certificate of appointment of members of the authority shall be admissible in evidence in any suit, action, or proceeding.

A certified copy of the letter from the director declaring the existence of a metropolitan housing authority and the territorial limits of its district shall be immediately forwarded to each appointing authority. A metropolitan housing authority shall consist of members who are residents of the territory in which they serve.

(B)(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (C), (D), (E), or (F) of this section, the members of a metropolitan housing authority shall be appointed as follows:

(a)(i) In a district in a county in which a charter has been adopted under Article X, Section 3 of the Ohio Constitution, and in which the most populous city is not the city with the largest ratio of housing units owned or managed by the authority to population, one member shall be appointed by the probate court, one member shall be appointed by the court of common pleas, one member shall be appointed by the board of county commissioners, one member shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of the city that has the largest ratio of housing units owned or managed by the authority to population, and two members shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of the most populous city in the district.

(ii) If, in a district that appoints members pursuant to division (B)(1)(a) of this section, the most populous city becomes the city with the largest ratio of housing units owned or managed by the authority to population, when the term of office of the member who was appointed by the chief executive officer of the city with the largest ratio expires, that member shall not be reappointed, and the membership of the authority shall be as described in division (B)(1)(b) of this section.

(b) In any district other than one described in division (B)(1)(a) of this section, one member shall be appointed by the probate court, one member shall be appointed by the court of common pleas, one member shall be appointed by the board of county commissioners, and two members shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of the most populous city in the district.

(2) At the time of the initial appointment of the authority, the member appointed by the probate court shall be appointed for a period of four years, the member appointed by the court of common pleas shall be appointed for three years, the member appointed by the board of county commissioners shall be appointed for two years, one member appointed by the chief executive officer of the most populous city in the district shall be appointed for one year, and the other member appointed by the chief executive officer of the most populous city in the district shall be appointed for five years.

If appointments are made under division (B)(1)(a) of this section, the member appointed by the chief executive officer of the city in the district that is not the most populous city, but that has the largest ratio of housing units owned or managed by the authority to population, shall be appointed for five years.

After the initial appointments, all members of the authority shall be appointed for five-year terms, and any vacancy occurring upon the expiration of a term shall be filled by the appointing authority that made the initial appointment.

(3) For purposes of this division, population shall be determined according to the last preceding federal census.

(C) For any metropolitan housing authority district that contained, as of the 1990 federal census, a population of at least one million, two members of the authority shall be appointed by the legislative authority of the most populous city in the district, two members shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of the most populous city in the district, and one member shall be appointed by the chief executive officer, with the approval of the legislative authority, of the city in the district that has the second highest number of housing units owned or managed by the authority.

At the time of the initial appointment of the authority, one member appointed by the legislative authority of the most populous city in the district shall be appointed for three years, and one such member shall be appointed for one year; the member appointed by the chief executive officer of the city with the second highest number of housing units owned or managed by the authority shall be appointed, with the approval of the legislative authority, for three years; and one member appointed by the chief executive officer of the most populous city in the district shall be appointed for three years, and one such member shall be appointed for one year. Thereafter, all members of the authority shall be appointed for three-year terms, and any vacancy shall be filled by the same appointing power that made the initial appointment. At the expiration of the term of any member appointed by the chief executive officer of the most populous city in the district before March 15, 1983, the chief executive officer of the most populous city in the district shall fill the vacancy by appointment for a three-year term. At the expiration of the term of any member appointed by the board of county commissioners before March 15, 1983, the chief executive officer of the city in the district with the second highest number of housing units owned or managed by the authority shall, with the approval of the municipal legislative authority, fill the vacancy by appointment for a three-year term. At the expiration of the term of any member appointed before March 15, 1983, by the court of common pleas or the probate court, the legislative authority of the most populous city in the district shall fill the vacancy by appointment for a three-year term.

After March 15, 1983, at least one of the members appointed by the chief executive officer of the most populous city shall be a resident of a dwelling unit owned or managed by the authority. At least one of the initial appointments by the chief executive officer of the most populous city, after March 15, 1983, shall be a resident of a dwelling unit owned or managed by the authority. Thereafter, any member appointed by the chief executive officer of the most populous city for the term established by this initial appointment, or for any succeeding term, shall be a person who resides in a dwelling unit owned or managed by the authority. If there is an elected, representative body of all residents of the authority, the chief executive officer of the most populous city shall, whenever there is a vacancy in this resident term, provide written notice of the vacancy to the representative body. If the representative body submits to the chief executive officer of the most populous city, in writing and within sixty days after the date on which it was notified of the vacancy, the names of at least five residents of the authority who are willing and qualified to serve as a member, the chief executive officer of the most populous city shall appoint to the resident term one of the residents recommended by the representative body. At no time shall residents constitute a majority of the members of the authority.

(D)(1) For any metropolitan housing authority district that is located in a county that has, according to the most recent federal decennial census, a population greater than seven hundred thousand but less than nine hundred thousand, the members of the metropolitan housing authority shall be selected as follows:

(a) One member shall be appointed by the probate court.

(b) One member shall be appointed by the court of common pleas.

(c) One member shall be appointed by the board of county commissioners.

(d) Two members shall be appointed by the mayor of the most populous city in the district, subject to approval by city council. At least one of the initial appointments by the mayor shall be a resident of a dwelling unit owned or managed by the authority. Thereafter, any member appointed by the mayor of the most populous city for the term established by the initial appointment, or for any succeeding term, shall be a person who resides in a dwelling unit owned or managed by the authority. If there is an elected, representative body of all residents of the authority, the mayor of the most populous city shall, whenever there is a vacancy in the resident term, provide written notice of the vacancy to the representative body. If the representative body submits to the mayor of the most populous city, in writing and within sixty days after the date on which it was notified of the vacancy, the names of at least five residents of the authority who are willing and qualified to serve as a member, the mayor of the most populous city shall appoint to the resident term one of the residents recommended by the representative body. At no time shall residents constitute a majority of the members of the authority.

(e) One member shall be nominated by the township association of the county. The name of the nominee submitted by the township association of the county shall be sent to the board of county commissioners and the executive director of the metropolitan housing authority, if applicable. The board of county commissioners shall accept or reject the nominee.

(f) One member shall be nominated by the municipal league of the county. The name of the nominee submitted by the municipal league of the county shall be sent to the board of county commissioners and the executive director of the metropolitan housing authority, if applicable. The nominee shall not be a resident of the district's most populous city and shall represent a city that is substantially impacted as described in division (I) of this section. The board of county commissioners shall accept or reject the nominee.

(2) At the time of the initial appointment of the authority described in division (D)(1) of this section, the member appointed by the probate court shall be appointed for a period of four years; the member appointed by the court of common pleas shall be appointed for three years; the member appointed by the board of county commissioners shall be appointed for two years; one member appointed by the mayor of the most populous city in the district shall be appointed for one year, and the other member appointed by the mayor of the most populous city in the district shall be appointed for five years; the member nominated by the township association of the county shall be appointed for the same number of years as the nonresident member of the authority appointed by the mayor of the most populous city in the district; and the member nominated by the municipal league of the county shall be appointed for the same number of years as the resident member of the authority appointed by the mayor of the most populous city in the district.

After the initial appointments, all members of the authority shall be appointed for five-year terms, and any vacancy occurring upon the expiration of a term shall be filled by the authority that made the initial appointment or nomination.

(E)(1) For any metropolitan housing authority district located in a county that had, as of the 2000 federal census, a population of at least four hundred thousand and no city with a population greater than thirty per cent of the total population of the county, one member of the authority shall be appointed by the probate court, one member shall be appointed by the court of common pleas, one member shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of the most populous city in the district, and two members shall be appointed by the board of county commissioners.

(2) At the time of the initial appointment of a metropolitan housing authority pursuant to this division, the member appointed by the probate court shall be appointed for a period of four years, the member appointed by the court of common pleas shall be appointed for three years, the member appointed by the chief executive officer of the most populous city shall be appointed for two years, one member appointed by the board of county commissioners shall be appointed for one year, and the other member appointed by the board of county commissioners shall be appointed for five years. Thereafter, all members of the authority shall be appointed for five-year terms, with each term ending on the same day of the same month as the term that it succeeds. Vacancies shall be filled in the manner provided in the original appointments. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term shall hold office as a member for the remainder of that term.

(F)(1) One resident member shall be appointed to a metropolitan housing authority when required by federal law. The chief executive officer of the most populous city in the district shall appoint that resident member for a term of five years. Subsequent terms of that resident member also shall be for five years, and any vacancy in the position of the resident member shall be filled by the chief executive officer of the most populous city in the district. Any member appointed to fill such a vacancy shall hold office as a resident member for the remainder of that term. If, at any time, a resident member no longer qualifies as a resident, another resident member shall be appointed by the appointing authority who originally appointed the resident member to serve for the unexpired portion of that term.

(2) On and after September 29, 2005, any metropolitan housing authority to which two additional members were appointed pursuant to former division (E)(1) of this section as enacted by Amended Substitute House Bill No. 95 of the 125th general assembly shall continue to have those additional members. Their terms shall be for five years, and vacancies in their positions shall be filled in the manner provided for their original appointment under former division (E)(1) of this section as so enacted.

(G) Public officials, other than the officers having the appointing power under this section, shall be eligible to serve as members, officers, or employees of a metropolitan housing authority notwithstanding any statute, charter, or law to the contrary. Not more than two such public officials shall be members of the authority at any one time.

All members of an authority shall serve without compensation but shall be entitled to be reimbursed for all necessary expenses incurred.

After a metropolitan housing authority district is formed, the director may enlarge the territory within the district to include other political subdivisions, or portions of other political subdivisions, but the territorial limits of the district shall be less than that of the county.

(H)(1) Any vote taken by a metropolitan housing authority shall require a majority affirmative vote to pass. A tie vote shall constitute a defeat of any measure receiving equal numbers of votes for and against it.

(2) The members of a metropolitan housing authority shall act in the best interest of the district and shall not act solely as representatives of their respective appointing authorities.

(I) "Substantially impacted" as used in division (D)(1)(f) of this section means a city within a metropolitan housing authority that, based on the percentage of housing units that are subsidized housing, is in the top one-third of cities within the county.

Section 3735.28 | Organization.

A metropolitan housing authority shall organize by electing one of its number chairman, and another vice-chairman, and it may employ counsel, a director, who shall be ex officio secretary, and such other officers and employees as are desired, and shall fix the term of office, qualifications, and compensation of each.

Section 3735.29 | Member or employee shall not have any interest in property.

No member or employee of a metropolitan housing authority shall have any interest, directly or indirectly, in any contract for property, materials, or services to be acquired by said authority.

Section 3735.30 | County commissioners may appropriate and loan funds for initial construction expenses.

The board of county commissioners of the county in which a metropolitan housing authority has been created may appropriate and loan to such authority a sum not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, for the purpose of paying expenses of organizing and supervising the work of the authority during the period of initial construction of the proposed projects. Such loan is to be authorized by a resolution of the board, which shall set forth the terms and time of repayment thereof.

Section 3735.31 | Metropolitan housing authority - powers and duties.

A metropolitan housing authority created under sections 3735.27 to 3735.50 of the Revised Code constitutes a body corporate and politic. Nothing in this chapter shall limit the authority of a metropolitan housing authority, or a nonprofit corporation formed by a metropolitan housing authority to carry out its functions, to compete for and perform federal housing contracts or grants within or outside this state. To clear, plan, redevelop, and rebuild slum areas within the district in which the authority is created; to provide safe and sanitary housing accommodations to families of low income within that district; to make available, acquire, construct, improve, manage, lease, or own mixed-use or mixed-income developments, or a combination of such developments; or to accomplish any combination of the foregoing public purposes, the authority may do any of the following:

(A) Sue and be sued; have a seal; have corporate succession; receive grants from state, federal, or other governments, or from private sources; conduct investigations into housing and living conditions; enter any buildings or property in order to conduct its investigations; conduct examinations, subpoena, and require the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers; issue commissions for the examination of witnesses who are out of the state or unable to attend before the authority or excused from attendance; and in connection with these powers, any member of the authority may administer oaths, take affidavits, and issue subpoenas;

(B) Determine what areas constitute slum areas, and prepare plans for housing or other projects in those areas; purchase, lease, sell, exchange, transfer, assign, or mortgage any property, real or personal, or any interest in that property, or acquire the same by gift, bequest, or eminent domain; own, hold, clear, and improve property; provide and set aside housing projects, or dwelling units comprising portions of housing projects, designed especially for the use of families, the head of which or the spouse of which is sixty-five years of age or older; engage in, or contract for, the construction, reconstruction, alteration, or repair, or both, of any housing project or part of any housing project; participate in partnerships or joint ventures relating to the development of housing or projects with other public or private entities; include in any contract let in connection with a project, stipulations requiring that the contractor and any subcontractors comply with requirements as to minimum wages and maximum hours of labor, and comply with any conditions that the federal government has attached to its financial aid of the project; lease or operate, or both, any project, and establish or revise schedules of rents for any projects or part of any project; arrange with the county or municipal corporations, or both, for the planning and replanning of streets, alleys, and other public places or facilities in connection with any area or project; borrow money upon its notes, debentures, or other evidences of indebtedness, and secure the same by mortgages upon property held or to be held by it, or by pledge of its revenues, or in any other manner; invest any funds held in reserves or sinking funds or not required for immediate disbursements; enter into a shared service agreement with another metropolitan housing authority; execute contracts and all other instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise of the powers granted in this section; make, amend, and repeal bylaws and rules to carry into effect its powers and purposes;

(C) Borrow money or accept grants or other financial assistance from the federal government for or in aid of any housing project within its territorial limits; take over or lease or manage any housing project or undertaking constructed or owned by the federal government; comply with any conditions and enter into any mortgages, trust indentures, leases, or agreements that are necessary, convenient, or desirable;

(D) Subject to section 3735.311 of the Revised Code, employ a police force to protect the lives and property of the residents of housing projects within the district, to preserve the peace in the housing projects, and to enforce the laws, ordinances, and regulations of this state and its political subdivisions in the housing projects and, when authorized by law, outside the limits of the housing projects.

(E) Enter into an agreement with a county, municipal corporation, or township in whose jurisdiction the metropolitan housing authority is located that permits metropolitan housing authority police officers employed under division (D) of this section to exercise full arrest powers as provided in section 2935.03 of the Revised Code, perform any police function, exercise any police power, or render any police service within specified areas of the county, municipal corporation, or township for the purpose of preserving the peace and enforcing all laws of the state, ordinances of the municipal corporation, or regulations of the township.

Section 3735.311 | Felony conviction precludes or terminates employment.

(A) As used in this section, "felony" has the same meaning as in section 109.511 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) A metropolitan housing authority shall not employ a person as a member of the police force of the metropolitan housing authority on a permanent basis, on a temporary basis, for a probationary term, or on other than a permanent basis if the person previously has been convicted of or has pleaded guilty to a felony.

(2)(a) A metropolitan housing authority shall terminate the employment of a member of the police force of the metropolitan housing authority who does either of the following:

(i) Pleads guilty to a felony;

(ii) Pleads guilty to a misdemeanor pursuant to a negotiated plea agreement as provided in division (D) of section 2929.43 of the Revised Code in which the member of the police force agrees to surrender the certificate awarded to that member under section 109.77 of the Revised Code.

(b) A metropolitan housing authority shall suspend from employment a member of the police force of the metropolitan housing authority who is convicted, after trial, of a felony. If the member of the police force files an appeal from that conviction and the conviction is upheld by the highest court to which the appeal is taken or if the member of the police force does not file a timely appeal, the metropolitan housing authority shall terminate the employment of that member of the police force. If the member of the police force files an appeal that results in that member's acquittal of the felony or conviction of a misdemeanor, or in the dismissal of the felony charge against that member, the metropolitan housing authority shall reinstate that member of the police force. A member of the police force who is reinstated under division (B)(2)(b) of this section shall not receive any back pay unless that member's conviction of the felony was reversed on appeal, or the felony charge was dismissed, because the court found insufficient evidence to convict the member of the police force of the felony.

(3) Division (B) of this section does not apply regarding an offense that was committed prior to January 1, 1997.

(4) The suspension from employment, or the termination of the employment, of a member of the police force of a metropolitan housing authority under division (B)(2) of this section shall be in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

Section 3735.32 | Acquisition of real property.

A metropolitan housing authority may appropriate, enter upon, and hold real estate within its territorial limits. The authority may acquire the fee simple title, or a lesser interest in any property within its territorial limits which it deems necessary to appropriate for the purposes of the authority. The powers shall be exercised by an authority in the same manner as is provided by sections 719.01 to 719.05 and 163.01 to 163.22 of the Revised Code; and in exercising the power, the governing body, chairman, and counsel of the authority shall perform the duties of the legislative authority of the municipal corporation, mayor, and village solicitor, or city director of law, respectively, and the members of the authority shall exercise all other powers and duties conferred upon officers of municipal corporations by sections 719.01 to 719.05 and 163.01 to 163.22 of the Revised Code.

Section 3735.33 | Housing authorities may join or cooperate with one another.

Any two or more metropolitan housing authorities created under sections 3735.27 to 3735.50 of the Revised Code, may join or cooperate with one another in the exercise, either jointly or otherwise, of any or all of their powers relative to the purpose of financing as provided in sections 3735.31 and 3735.45 to 3735.49 of the Revised Code. The moneys received from such joint or cooperative financing may be used for planning, undertaking, owning, constructing, operating, or contracting with respect to a housing project or projects located within the area of operation of any one or more of the authorities. An authority may by resolution prescribe and authorize any other authority or authorities, joining or cooperating with it, to act on its behalf with respect to any or all powers relative to the purpose of financing, as its agent or otherwise, in the name of the authority or authorities so joining or cooperating, or in its own name.

Any two or more metropolitan housing authorities created under sections 3735.27 to 3735.50 of the Revised Code may enter into a shared service agreement.

A metropolitan housing authority may, directly or through its subsidiaries or instrumentalities, provide, consult, sell, license, transfer, or contract to provide to other metropolitan housing authorities, public housing authorities, or other organizations formed inside or outside of this state, or to government agencies, housing-related knowledge, technology, software, innovations, or expertise for any of the following:

(A) The development or redevelopment of housing projects;

(B) The performance of federal housing contracts or grants;

(C) Any matter related to the efficient operation of housing organizations;

(D) The management or operation of a metropolitan housing authority or redevelopment authority.

Section 3735.34 | Exemption from taxation - audit.

All property, both real and personal, acquired or owned by a metropolitan housing authority and used for the purposes of exercising the powers set forth in sections 3735.27 to 3735.50 of the Revised Code, shall be public property used exclusively for a public purpose within the meaning of Section 2 of Article XII, Ohio Constitution, and shall be exempt from all taxation. All accounting and other transactions of the authority shall be subject to audit by the auditor of state.

Section 3735.35 | Payments to county treasurer.

With respect to property, both real and personal, owned or acquired by a metropolitan housing authority for the purpose of exercising the powers set forth in sections 3735.27 to 3735.50, inclusive, of the Revised Code, such authority shall make annual payments to the county treasurer for distribution in the maximum amounts consistent with obtaining federal assistance under the "United States Housing Act of 1937" as now or hereafter amended, and general regulations or orders issued thereunder, provided no such annual payments shall be in an amount which would reduce the local contributions in the form of tax exemption to an amount below that required to enable such authority to receive the annual contributions contracted to be paid by the federal government in connection with such project, nor shall any such payment exceed the taxes which would be payable on the project if it were not tax exempt. Such payments shall be made to and shall be received by the treasurer on the certification of the county auditor to be credited to a fund to be designated as the "undevided public housing fund" and shall be distributed to the taxing subdivisions levying taxes in the subdivision in which the property is located, in the same proportions in which the current general property tax is distributed.

Section 3735.36 | Plans and specifications - advertisement for bids - award of contract.

When a metropolitan housing authority has acquired the property necessary for any project, it shall proceed to make plans and specifications for carrying out such project, and shall advertise for bids for all work that it desires to have done by contract, such advertisements to be published as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code or once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the political subdivision in which the project is to be developed. The contract shall be awarded to the lowest and best bidder.

Section 3735.37 | Annual report.

A metropolitan housing authority shall keep an accurate account of all its activities and of all receipts and expenditures and make an annual report of these publicly available. All moneys received in excess of operating expenditures shall be devoted to the payment of interest and sinking fund charges for the retirement of indebtedness, whether secured by mortgage or otherwise, and from the excess there shall be set aside such fund as the authority deems proper for the purpose of covering repairs, depreciation, and reserves. Whatever balance then remains shall be applied to the reduction of rentals thereafter falling due.

Section 3735.38 | Notes executed by authority shall not be a debt against the county.

Evidences of indebtedness executed by a metropolitan housing authority shall not be a debt or charge against the county, state, or any other governmental authority other than said authority, and no individual liability shall attach for any official act done by any member of such authority.

Section 3735.39 | Dissolution - procedure.

Whenever a metropolitan housing authority desires to discontinue its operations it shall make application to the director of development, for authority to dissolve. If such application is granted, the director shall take possession and dispose of all property belonging to the authority, and, after paying the debts and liabilities of the authority and the expenses of administering the dissolution, the balance remaining shall be paid into the sinking fund of the county in which the authority existed.

Section 3735.40 | Housing project definitions.

As used in sections 3735.27, 3735.31, and 3735.40 to 3735.50 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Federal government" includes the United States, the federal works administrator, or any other agency or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of the United States.

(B) "Slum" has the meaning defined in section 1.08 of the Revised Code.

(C) "Housing project" or "project" means any of the following works or undertakings:

(1) Demolish, clear, or remove buildings from any slum area. Such work or undertaking may embrace the adaptation of such area to public purposes, including parks or other recreational or community purposes.

(2) Provide decent, safe, and sanitary urban or rural dwellings, apartments, or other living accommodations for persons of low income.

(3) Provide for buildings, land, equipment, facilities, and other real or personal property for necessary, convenient, or desirable appurtenances, streets, sewers, water service, parks, site preparation, gardening, administrative, community, health, recreational, educational, welfare, commercial, residential, or other purposes.

(4) Accomplish a combination of the foregoing. "Housing project" also may be applied to the planning of the buildings and improvements, the acquisition of property, the demolition of existing structures, the construction, reconstruction, alteration, and repair of the improvements, and all other work in connection therewith.

(D) "Families of low income" and "persons of low income" mean persons or families who lack the amount of income which is necessary, as determined by the metropolitan housing authority undertaking the housing project, to enable them, without financial assistance, to live in decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings, without overcrowding. The terms include persons or families as defined by federal law or regulations who are eligible for a federally derived rent subsidy.

(E) "Families" means families consisting of two or more persons, a single person who has attained the age at which an individual may elect to receive an old age benefit under Title II of the "Social Security Act" or is under disability as defined in section 223 of that act, 49 Stat. 622 (1935), 42 U.S.C.A. 401, as amended, or the remaining member of a tenant family.

(F) "Families" also means a single person discharged by the head of a hospital pursuant to section 5122.21 of the Revised Code after March 10, 1964.

(G) "Mixed-income development" means a development that includes decent, safe, and sanitary urban or rural dwellings, apartments, or other living accommodations for persons or families of varying incomes.

(H) "Mixed-use development" means a development that is both residential and nonresidential in character.

Section 3735.41 | Rentals - tenant selection.

Except as otherwise provided in section 3735.43 of the Revised Code, in the operation or management of housing projects a metropolitan housing authority shall observe the following with respect to rentals and tenant selection:

(A)(1) It shall not provide a federally derived rent subsidy to any tenant for any dwelling in a housing project if the persons who would occupy the dwelling have an aggregate annual net income that equals or exceeds the amount that the authority determines to be necessary to enable such persons to do both of the following:

(a) Secure safe, sanitary, and uncongested dwelling accommodations within the area of operation of the authority;

(b) Provide an adequate standard of living for themselves.

(2) As used in this division, "aggregate annual net income" means the aggregate annual income less the deductions and exemptions from that income authorized by law or regulations established by the United States department of housing and urban development.

(B)(1) Except as provided in division (B)(2) of this section, it may rent or lease the dwelling accommodations therein only at rentals within the financial reach of persons who lack the amount of income which it determines, pursuant to division (A) of this section, to be necessary in order to obtain safe, sanitary, and uncongested dwelling accommodations within the area of operation of the authority and to provide an adequate standard of living.

(2) It may rent or lease to nonresidential tenants and persons of varying incomes within a project, mixed-use development, or mixed-income development.

(C) It may use a federally derived rent subsidy to rent or lease to a tenant a dwelling consisting of the number of rooms, but no greater number, which it considers necessary to provide safe and sanitary accommodations to the proposed occupants thereof, without overcrowding.

Sections 3735.27 to 3735.50 of the Revised Code do not limit the power of an authority to vest in a bondholder the right, in the event of a default by such authority, to take possession of a housing project or cause the appointment of a receiver thereof or acquire title thereto through foreclosure proceedings, free from all the restrictions imposed by such sections.

Section 3735.42 | Veteran preference.

(A) Except as provided in any contract for financial assistance with the federal government in the selection of tenants for housing projects, a metropolitan housing authority shall give preference, as among applicants equally in need and eligible for occupancy of the dwelling and at the rent involved, to families of veterans and persons serving in the active military or naval service of the United States, including families of deceased veterans or deceased persons who were so serving at the time of death.

(B) As used in this section:

(1) "Veteran" means either of the following:

(a) A person who has served in the active military or naval service of the United States and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable;

(b) A person who served as a member of the United States merchant marine and to whom either of the following applies:

(i) The person has an honorable report of separation from active duty military service, form DD214 or DD215.

(ii) The person served in the United States merchant marine between December 7, 1941, and December 31, 1946, and died on active duty while serving in a war zone during that period of service.

(2) "United States merchant marine" includes the United States army transport service and the United States naval transport service.

Section 3735.43 | Housing authority may provide free housing to law enforcement officer.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Housing" means housing in a housing project that a metropolitan housing authority operates or manages.

(2) "Law enforcement officer" means a law enforcement officer described in division (K)(1) of section 2901.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) A metropolitan housing authority may provide free housing to a law enforcement officer.

(C) Neither any provision of section 102.03, 102.04, 2921.42, or 2921.43 of the Revised Code nor any other provision of law prohibits any of the following:

(1) A metropolitan housing authority from providing to a law enforcement officer, or a law enforcement officer from accepting from a metropolitan housing authority, free housing;

(2) A public utility from providing to a law enforcement officer who resides in free housing provided by a metropolitan housing authority, or the law enforcement officer from accepting from the public utility, utility services either for free or at a reduced rate, if such utility services are directly related to the free housing;

(3) A financial institution from providing to a law enforcement officer, or a law enforcement officer from accepting from a financial institution, special home loan incentives not available to the general public for the purchase of a personal residence for the law enforcement officer, if the law enforcement officer resides, or has for at least five years resided, in free housing provided to the law enforcement officer by a metropolitan housing authority.

Section 3735.44 | Planning, zoning, and sanitary laws applicable to housing projects.

The planning, zoning, and sanitary laws of the state and of any political subdivision or agency thereof in which a housing project is located shall apply to housing projects of a metropolitan housing authority to the same extent as if said projects were planned, constructed, owned, or operated by private persons. All powers granted in said laws or in any municipal charter to or over privately owned land, buildings, or structures are hereby granted over and in relation to housing projects or authorities. In the planning and location of any housing project, an authority shall take into consideration the relationship of the project to any state, regional, county, or municipal plan. Before any housing project of an authority is determined upon by the authority or any real estate is acquired or any agreement for its acquisition is made, the location, extent, and general features of the proposed layout shall be submitted to the planning commission of the municipal corporation or other political subdivision in which the proposed project is located, for the advice of such planning commission upon the proposed location, extent, and general features of the layout.

Section 3735.45 | Bonds issued by housing authority - liability.

A metropolitan housing authority may issue bonds for any of its corporate purposes. An authority may issue refunding bonds for the purpose of paying or retiring bonds previously issued by it. An authority may issue such types of bonds as it may determine, including bonds on which the principal and interest are payable:

(A) Exclusively from the income and revenues of the housing project financed with the proceeds of such bonds, or with such proceeds together with a grant from the federal government in aid of such project;

(B) Exclusively from the income and revenues of certain designated housing projects whether or not they were financed in whole or in part with the proceeds of such bonds;

(C) From its revenues generally. Any of such bonds may be additionally secured by a pledge of any revenues or a mortgage of any housing projects or other property of the housing authority.

Neither the members of an authority nor any person executing the bonds shall be liable personally on the bonds by reason of the issuance thereof. The bonds and other obligations of an authority shall not be a debt of the county, the state, or any political subdivision thereof and neither the county nor the state or any political subdivision thereof shall be liable thereon, nor in any event shall such bonds or obligations be payable out of any funds or properties other than those of said authority; such bonds and obligations shall state this fact on their face. The bonds shall not constitute an indebtedness within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation or restriction.

Section 3735.46 | Issuance of bonds - sale - validity - bonds negotiable.

Bonds of a metropolitan housing authority shall be authorized by its resolution and may be issued in one or more series and shall bear such date, mature at such time, bear interest at such rates, not exceeding the rate provided in section 9.95 of the Revised Code, be in such denomination, be in such form, either coupon or registered, carry such conversion or registration privileges, have such rank or priority, be executed in such manner, be payable in such medium of payment, at such place, and be subject to such terms of redemption, with or without premium, as such resolution, its trust indenture, or mortgage provides.

The bonds may be sold at not less than par plus accrued interest at public sale held after notice published once at least fourteen days prior to such sale in a newspaper having a general circulation in the territorial limits of an authority. Such bonds may be sold at not less than par plus accrued interest to the federal government at private sale without any public advertisement. Such bonds may be sold to others than the federal government, at private sale, without any public advertisement, at not less than their par value and accrued interest thereon if, bearing the same or a lower rate of interest than that at which the federal government has purchased, or contracted to purchase, bonds for the particular project.

In case any of the members or officers of the authority whose signatures appear on any bonds or coupons cease to be such members or officers before the delivery of such bonds, such signatures shall, nevertheless, be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if such member or officers had remained in office until such delivery. Bonds issued pursuant to sections 3735.40 to 3735.50 of the Revised Code shall be fully negotiable.

Any bonds, reciting that they are issued pursuant to sections 3735.27 to 3735.50 of the Revised Code, complying on their face therewith, and for which the authority has been paid in full, shall in any action or proceeding involving their validity be conclusively deemed to have been issued, sold, executed, and delivered in conformity with sections 3735.40 to 3735.50 of the Revised Code, applicable thereto and shall be incontestable unless such action or proceeding is begun prior to the delivery of such bonds. The failure of the authority to comply with sections 3735.27 to 3735.50 of the Revised Code, with respect to the location and planning of a project shall not affect the validity of any bonds of the authority or the security therefor or of any contract or other action taken by the authority in connection with such project.

Section 3735.47 | Additional powers of authority relative to issuance of bonds.

In connection with the issuance of bonds or the incurring of obligations under leases and in order to secure the payment of such bonds or obligations, a metropolitan housing authority may:

(A) Pledge any part of its gross or net rents, fees, or revenues to which its right then exists or may thereafter come into existence;

(B) Mortgage any part of its real or personal property, then owned or thereafter acquired;

(C)(1) Covenant against pledging any part of its rents, fees, and revenues, or against mortgaging any part of its real or personal property, to which its right or title then exists or may thereafter come into existence or against permitting or suffering any lien on such revenues or property; (2) covenant with respect to limitations on its right to sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of any housing project or any part thereof; (3) covenant as to what other, or additional, obligations may be incurred by it;

(D)(1) Covenant as to the bonds to be issued and as to the issuance of such bonds in escrow or otherwise, and as to the use and disposition of the proceeds thereof; (2) provide for the replacement of lost, destroyed, or mutilated bonds; (3) covenant against extending the time for the payment of its bonds or interest thereon; (4) redeem the bonds, and covenant for their redemption and provide the terms and conditions thereof;

(E)(1) Covenant, subject to the limitations contained in sections 3735.27 to 3735.50, inclusive, of the Revised Code, as to the rents and fees to be charged in the operation of a housing project, the amount to be raised each year or other period of time by rents, fees, and other revenues, and as to the use and disposition to be made thereof; (2) create or authorize the creation of special funds for moneys held for construction or operating costs, contingencies, debt service, reserves, or other purposes, and covenant as to the deposit, use, and disposition of the moneys held in such funds;

(F) Prescribe the procedure by which the terms of any contract with bondholders may be amended or abrogated, the amount of bonds the holders of which must consent thereto, and the manner in which such consent may be given;

(G)(1) Covenant as to the use of any or all of its real or personal property; (2) warrant its title; (3) covenant as to the maintenance of its real and personal property, the replacement thereof, the insurance to be carried thereon, and the use and disposition of insurance moneys;

(H)(1) Covenant as to the rights, liabilities, powers, and duties arising upon the breach by it of any covenant, condition, or obligation; (2) covenant and prescribe as to events of default and conditions upon which any of its bonds or obligations shall become or may be declared due before maturity, and as to the conditions upon which such declaration and its consequences may be waived;

(I)(1) Vest in a trustee or the holder of bonds or any proportion of them the right to enforce the payment of the bonds or any covenants securing or relating to the bonds; (2) vest in a trustee the right, in the event of a default by said authority, to take possession and use, operate, and manage any housing project or part thereof, and to collect the rents and revenues arising therefrom and to dispose of such moneys in accordance with the agreement of said authority with said trustee; (3) provide for the powers and duties of a trustee and limit liabilities thereof; (4) provide the conditions upon which the trustee or the holder of bonds or any proportion of them may enforce any covenant or rights securing or relating to the bonds;

(J)(1) Exercise all the powers granted by this section; (2) make covenants other than and in addition to the covenants expressly authorized in this section, of like or different character; (3) make such covenants and do any acts and things necessary, convenient, or desirable in order to secure its bonds, or, in the absolute discretion of said authority, as will tend to make the bonds more marketable notwithstanding that such covenants, acts, or things may not be enumerated in this section.

Section 3735.48 | Rights of bondholders.

A bondholder or a trustee for a bondholder of a metropolitan housing authority may, in addition to all other rights which may be conferred on such bondholder or trustee, subject only to any contractual restrictions binding upon such bondholder or trustee:

(A) Compel, by mandamus, suit, action, or proceeding at law or in equity the authority and the members, officers, agents, or employees thereof to perform each term, provision, and covenant contained in any contract of said authority with or for the benefit of such bondholder or trustee, and may require the carrying out of any such covenants and agreements of said authority and the fulfillment of all duties imposed upon said authority by sections 3735.27 to 3735.50, inclusive, of the Revised Code;

(B) Enjoin, by suit, action, or proceeding in equity, any acts or things which may be unlawful, or the violation of any of the rights of such bondholder or trustee.

Section 3735.49 | Rights in event of default.

A metropolitan housing authority may by its resolution, trust indenture, mortgage, or other contract confer upon any bondholder or any trustee for a bondholder holding or representing a specified amount in bonds, the right, in addition to all rights that may otherwise be conferred, upon the happening of an event of default as defined in such resolution or instrument, by suit, action, or proceeding in any court of competent jurisdiction to:

(A) Cause possession of any housing project or any part thereof to be surrendered to any such bondholder;

(B) Obtain the appointment of a receiver of any housing project of said authority or any part thereof and of the rents and profits therefrom, and if such receiver is appointed, he may enter and take possession of such housing project or any part thereof and operate and maintain the same, and collect and receive all fees, rents, revenues, or other charges thereafter arising therefrom, and shall keep such moneys in a separate account and apply the same in accordance with the obligations of said authority as the court directs;

(C) Require said authority and the members thereof to account as if it and they were the trustees of an express trust.

Section 3735.50 | Metropolitan housing authority is a political subdivision.

A metropolitan housing authority, created under section 3735.27 of the Revised Code, constitutes a political subdivision of the state within the meaning of section 5739.02 of the Revised Code.

Section 3735.51 | Housing cooperation law definitions.

As used in sections 3735.51 to 3735.57, inclusive, of the Revised Code:

(A) "Housing project" means any work or undertaking of a housing authority pursuant to sections 3735.27 to 3735.50, inclusive, of the Revised Code, or any similar work or undertaking of the federal government.

(B) "State public body" means any township, county, municipal corporation, commission, district, authority, other subdivision, or public body of this state.

(C) "Governing body" means the council, board of commissioners, or other body having charge of the fiscal affairs of the state public body.

(D) "Federal government" means the United States, the federal works administrator, or any other agency or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of the United States.

Section 3735.52 | Powers of public bodies.

Within the area in which it is authorized to act, any state public body may upon such terms, with or without consideration, as it determines:

(A) Dedicate, sell, convey, or lease any of its property to a metropolitan housing authority or the federal government;

(B) Cause parks, playgrounds, recreational, community, educational, water, sewer, or drainage facilities, or any other works which it is otherwise empowered to undertake, to be furnished adjacent to or in connection with housing projects;

(C) Furnish, dedicate, close, pave, install, grade, regrade, plan, or replan streets, roads, alleys, roadways, sidewalks, or other places which it is otherwise empowered to undertake;

(D) Plan or replan or zone or rezone any part of such state public body; make exceptions from building regulations and ordinances;

(E) Enter into agreements, which may extend over any period, with an authority or the federal government respecting action to be taken by such state public body pursuant to any of the powers granted in sections 3735.51 to 3735.57, inclusive, of the Revised Code;

(F) Do all things necessary or convenient to aid and co-operate in the planning, undertaking, construction, or operation of such housing projects;

(G) Employ any funds belonging to, or within the control of, such state public body, including funds derived from the sale or furnishing of property, improvements, or facilities to an authority, in the purchase of the bonds or other obligations of an authority, and exercise all the rights of any holder of such bonds or other obligations;

(H) With respect to any housing project which an authority has acquired from the federal government and which the authority by resolution has found and declared to have been constructed in a manner that will promote the public interest and afford necessary safety, sanitation, and other protection, no state public body shall require any changes to be made in the housing project or the manner of its construction or take any other action relating to such construction;

(I) In connection with any public improvements made by a state public body in exercising the powers granted in such sections, such state public body may incur the entire expense thereof. Any sale, conveyance, lease, or agreement, provided for in this section, may be made by a state public body without appraisal, public notice, advertisement, or public bidding.

Section 3735.53 | Contracts of public bodies.

In connection with any housing project located wholly or partly within the area in which it is authorized to act, any state public body may contract with a metropolitan housing authority or the federal government with respect to the sum which the authority or the federal government may agree to pay, during any year or period of years, to the state public body for the improvements, services, and facilities to be furnished by it for the benefit of said housing project, but in no event shall the amount of such payments exceed the estimated cost to the state public body of the improvements, services, or facilities to be furnished. The absence of a contract for such payments shall in no way relieve any state public body from the duty to furnish, for the benefit of said project, all such services and facilities as such state public body usually furnishes without a service fee.

Section 3735.54 | Loan or donation of money.

Any municipal corporation or county, located in whole or in part within the territorial limits of a metropolitan housing authority, may lend or donate money to the authority or agree to take such action. The authority, when it has money available therefor, shall make reimbursements for all such loans made to it.

Section 3735.55 | Resolution granting powers to public bodies - effective immediately.

The exercise by a state public body of the powers granted in sections 3735.51 to 3735.57, inclusive, of the Revised Code, may be authorized by ordinance or resolution of the governing body of such state public body, adopted in accordance with the charter of such public body or in the absence of a charter provision by a majority of the members of its governing body present at a meeting of said governing body, which resolution may be adopted at the meeting at which such resolution is introduced. Such a resolution shall take effect immediately and need not be laid over, published, or posted.

Section 3735.56 | Bodies corporate and politic.

Metropolitan housing authorities are hereby constituted bodies corporate and politic with all the powers, rights, and duties set forth in sections 3735.27 to 3735.50, inclusive, of the Revised Code.

Section 3735.57 | Investment of funds in authority - public or private funds.

All funds, public or private, trust or otherwise, may be invested in any bonds or other obligations of a metropolitan housing authority, and such bonds or other obligations may be accepted as satisfactory security for all public deposits. This section authorizes the investment in bonds or other obligations of an authority of all sinking, insurance, retirement, compensation, pension, and trust funds, whether owned or controlled by private or public persons or officers, and funds owned by, or held on deposit in, any banking institution or building and loan association.

Section 3735.58 | Contracts for sale of land not needed by certain departments.

(A) The director of mental health and addiction services, the director of developmental disabilities, or the director of rehabilitation and correction may enter into contracts for the sale of land not needed by their departments and under their jurisdiction or supervision to metropolitan housing authorities for use by such an authority for a housing project or projects. Such contract may contain such conditions and terms as are, in the discretion of the directors, in the best interests of the state and the welfare of the residents of the state.

(B) The director may, upon receipt of a request from a metropolitan housing authority, request the approval of the governor to sell and convey land not needed by the director's department and under the director's jurisdiction or supervision to an authority, subject to such terms and conditions consistent with the public interest and welfare of the residents of the state as the director considers necessary. The governor, with the approval of the controlling board, may approve the request. Such property shall be appraised at its fair market value before it is conveyed. The director of administrative services shall cause it to be appraised by three disinterested persons and shall determine the fee which each appraiser shall receive, not to exceed fifty dollars. All appraisal fees shall be paid by the authority which shall deposit with the director one hundred fifty dollars before the appraisal is made. If the deposit exceeds the appraisal fee, the balance shall be returned to the authority. The appraisal value, when approved by the director, is the purchase price. If the purchase price is not paid within ninety days after notice to the authority of the approved appraisal value, the director shall withdraw approval of the appraisal value and no deed shall be delivered to the authority without the written approval of the director of the purchase price. If the purchase price is paid within ninety days, a deed shall be prepared and recorded pursuant to section 5301.13 of the Revised Code.

(C) Moneys received from sales of land to a metropolitan housing authority shall be placed in the state treasury in special funds, to be used for such purposes of the department of mental health and addiction services, the department of developmental disabilities, or the department of rehabilitation and correction as is appropriate.

Section 3735.59 | Contracts for furnishing services to tenants.

A metropolitan housing authority may contract with persons, associations, or corporations, or with the state, a state department or agency, or a state public body as defined in section 3735.51 of the Revised Code for furnishing to the authority food services, health clinics, medical services, or other services for tenants of the authority who are not able to provide for themselves.

The director of any state department may enter into agreements with a metropolitan housing authority for furnishing such services to the authority for tenants described in division (F) of section 3735.40 of the Revised Code pursuant to terms agreed upon between the director and the authority and for such compensation as will reimburse the department for the services rendered.

Section 3735.62 | Veterans housing corporations.

(A) Any five or more veterans, all of whom are citizens of the United States and residents of this state, may form a corporation not for profit under sections 1702.01 to 1702.58 of the Revised Code, relating to corporations not for profit, for the purpose of purchasing real property and constructing thereon residences for sale to members of such corporation without any profit to the corporation, borrowing money for such purpose, and mortgaging or pledging any assets of the corporation as security therefor, and doing such other things as are appropriate in order to carry out such purpose. The business of such corporation shall be carried on only within such municipal corporation or other political subdivision of this state as is specified in the articles of incorporation. Except as specified in this section, such corporation shall be governed by such sections.

(B) As used in this section:

(1) "Veteran" means either of the following:

(a) Any person who has served in any branch of the armed forces of the United States in or during any war in which this country has been or is engaged;

(b) Any person who has served as a member of the United States merchant marine and to whom either of the following applies:

(i) The person has an honorable report of separation from the active duty military service, form DD214 or DD215.

(ii) the person served in the United States merchant marine between December 7, 1941, and December 31, 1946, and died on active duty while serving in a war zone during that period of service.

(2) "United States merchant marine" includes the United States army transport service and the United States naval transport service.

Section 3735.65 | Community reinvestment area definitions.

As used in sections 3735.65 to 3735.70 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Housing officer" means an officer or agency of a political subdivision designated by the legislative authority of the political subdivision, pursuant to section 3735.66 of the Revised Code, for each community reinvestment area to administer sections 3735.65 to 3735.69 of the Revised Code. One officer or agency may be designated as the housing officer for more than one community reinvestment area.

(B) "Community reinvestment area" means an area for which the legislative authority of a political subdivision has adopted a resolution under section 3735.66 of the Revised Code describing the boundaries of the area and containing a statement of finding that the area included in the description is one in which housing facilities or structures of historical significance are located and new housing construction and repair of existing facilities or structures are discouraged.

(C) "Remodeling" means any change made in a structure for the purpose of making it structurally more sound, more habitable, or for the purpose of improving its appearance.

(D) "Structure of historical or architectural significance" means those designated as such by resolution of the legislative authority of a political subdivision based on age, rarity, architectural quality, or because of a previous designation by a historical society, association, or agency.

(E) "Megaproject," "megaproject operator," and "megaproject supplier" have the same meanings as in section 122.17 of the Revised Code.

(F) "Political subdivision" means a county, a municipal corporation, or a limited home rule township.

(G) "Legislative authority" means a board of county commissioners of a county, a legislative authority of a municipal corporation, or a board of trustees of a limited home rule township.

(H) "Limited home rule township" means a township that has adopted a limited home rule government under Chapter 504. of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 8, 2023 at 3:24 PM

Section 3735.66 | Resolution describing boundaries of areas and eligibility for tax exemption.

The legislative authority of a political subdivision may survey the housing within the municipal corporation in the case of a municipal corporation, the unincorporated area of the township in the case of a limited home rule township, and the unincorporated area of the county in the case of a county. After the survey, the legislative authority may adopt a resolution describing the boundaries of community reinvestment areas which contain the conditions required for the finding under division (B) of section 3735.65 of the Revised Code. The findings resulting from the survey shall be incorporated in the resolution describing the boundaries of an area. The legislative authority may stipulate in the resolution that only new structures or remodeling classified as to use as commercial, industrial, or residential, or some combination thereof, and otherwise satisfying the requirements of section 3735.67 of the Revised Code are eligible for exemption from taxation under that section. If the resolution does not include such a stipulation, all new structures and remodeling satisfying the requirements of section 3735.67 of the Revised Code are eligible for exemption from taxation regardless of classification. Whether or not the resolution includes such a stipulation, the classification of the structures or remodeling eligible for exemption in the area shall at all times be consistent with zoning restrictions applicable to the area. For the purposes of sections 3735.65 to 3735.70 of the Revised Code, whether a structure or remodeling composed of multiple units is classified as commercial or residential shall be determined by resolution or ordinance of the legislative authority or, in the absence of such a determination, by the classification of the use of the structure or remodeling under the applicable zoning regulations.

If construction or remodeling classified as residential is eligible for exemption from taxation, the resolution shall specify a percentage, not to exceed one hundred per cent, of the assessed valuation of such property to be exempted. The percentage specified shall apply to all residential construction or remodeling for which exemption is granted.

Territory of a community reinvestment area designated by a municipal corporation shall include only territory of the municipal corporation. Territory of an area designated by a limited home rule township shall include only unincorporated territory of the township that is not already included in an area designated by a county. Territory of an area designated by a county shall include only unincorporated territory of the county that is not already included in an area designated by a limited home rule township.

Upon the adoption of the resolution, the legislative authority shall send, by certified mail, one copy of the resolution and a map of the community reinvestment area in sufficient detail to denote the specific boundaries of the area, to the director of development.

The resolution adopted pursuant to this section shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the political subdivision that adopted the resolution once a week for two consecutive weeks or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, immediately following its adoption.

Each legislative authority adopting a resolution pursuant to this section shall designate a housing officer. The legislative authority or housing officer shall not grant any exemption from taxation under section 3735.67 of the Revised Code until the director assigns to each community reinvestment area a unique designation by which the area shall be identified for purposes of sections 3735.65 to 3735.70 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 8, 2023 at 3:25 PM

Section 3735.661 | Pre-1994 community reinvestment area term extension.

(A) For the purpose of determining the "first two amendments" referenced in division (B) of Section 3 of Am. Sub. S.B. 19 of the 120th general assembly, an amendment means any modification to an ordinance or resolution adopted under section 3735.66 of the Revised Code that does any of the following:

(1) Expands the geographic size of a community reinvestment area;

(2) Increases a property's or category of property's exempted percentage of assessed valuation, notwithstanding the requirements of section 3735.66 of the Revised Code as that section existed on July 21, 1994. Division (A)(2) of this section does not authorize a municipal corporation or county to increase a property's or category of property's exempted percentage of assessed valuation pursuant to that section.

(3) Increases the term of any tax exemption or category of tax exemptions, except as provided in division (B)(7) of this section;

(4) Extends the duration of a community reinvestment area;

(5) Changes eligibility requirements for receiving tax exemptions.

(B) For the purpose of determining the "first two amendments" in division (B) of Section 3 of Am. Sub. S.B. 19 of the 120th general assembly, an amendment does not include any modification to an ordinance or resolution adopted under section 3735.66 of the Revised Code that does any of the following:

(1) Restricts the availability of tax exemptions, including any of the following:

(a) Removes area from or decreases the geographic size of a community reinvestment area;

(b) Decreases a property's or category of property's exempted percentage of assessed valuation, notwithstanding the requirements of section 3735.66 of the Revised Code as that section existed on July 21, 1994. Division (B)(1)(b) of this section does not authorize a municipal corporation or county to decrease a property's or category of property's exempted percentage of assessed valuation pursuant to that section.

(c) Decreases the term of any tax exemption or category of exemption;

(d) Shortens the period of time after which the granting of tax exemptions may be terminated.

(2) Requires property owners or developers to enter into an agreement to provide a number of affordable housing units as a condition of granting, continuing, or revoking an exemption, and authorizing municipal or county officials to implement such conditions and agreements;

(3) Recognizes or confirms the continuing existence of a community reinvestment area, including by providing a date after which the area may be terminated;

(4) Recognizes or confirms a previously granted tax exemption;

(5) Clarifies ambiguities or corrects defects in previously enacted ordinances or resolutions;

(6) Makes modifications that are procedural or administrative, including changing the designation of a housing officer, the process for approving or appealing a tax exemption, or the amount of any application fee, or modifying a community reinvestment area housing council created under section 3735.69 of the Revised Code or a tax incentive review council under section 5709.85 of the Revised Code;

(7) Increases the term of tax exemption for remodeling to not more than that authorized by H.B. 463 of the 131st general assembly for an exemption application that has been filed but not yet granted, or has been filed, on or after April 6, 2017, or that is filed on or after any other later date, provided the maximum term of the exemption for such remodeling before the ordinance's or resolution's modification was the maximum term allowed under division (D)(1) or (2) of section 3735.67 of the Revised Code as that section existed before its amendment by H.B. 463 of the 131st general assembly.

Section 3735.67 | Applying for exemption from taxation.

(A) The owner of real property located in a community reinvestment area and eligible for exemption from taxation under a resolution adopted pursuant to section 3735.66 of the Revised Code may file an application for an exemption from real property taxation of a percentage of the assessed valuation of a new structure, or of the increased assessed valuation of an existing structure after remodeling began, if the new structure or remodeling is completed after the effective date of the resolution adopted pursuant to section 3735.66 of the Revised Code. The application shall be filed with the housing officer designated for the community reinvestment area in which the property is located. If any part of the new structure or remodeled structure that would be exempted is of real property to be used for commercial or industrial purposes, the legislative authority and the owner of the property shall enter into a written agreement pursuant to section 3735.671 of the Revised Code prior to commencement of construction or remodeling; if such an agreement is subject to approval by the board of education of the school district within the territory of which the property is or will be located, the agreement shall not be formally approved by the legislative authority until the board of education approves the agreement in the manner prescribed by that section.

(B) The housing officer shall verify the construction of the new structure or the cost of the remodeling of the existing structure and the facts asserted in the application. The housing officer shall determine whether the construction or remodeling meets the requirements for an exemption under this section. In cases involving a structure of historical or architectural significance, the housing officer shall not determine whether the remodeling meets the requirements for a tax exemption unless the appropriateness of the remodeling has been certified, in writing, by the society, association, agency, or legislative authority that has designated the structure or by any organization or person authorized, in writing, by such society, association, agency, or legislative authority to certify the appropriateness of the remodeling.

(C) If the construction or remodeling meets the requirements for exemption, the housing officer shall forward the application to the county auditor with a certification as to the division of this section under which the exemption is granted, and the period and percentage of the exemption as determined by the legislative authority pursuant to that division. If the construction or remodeling is of commercial or industrial property and the legislative authority is not required to certify a copy of a resolution under section 3735.671 of the Revised Code, the housing officer shall comply with the notice requirements prescribed under section 5709.83 of the Revised Code, unless the board has adopted a resolution under that section waiving its right to receive such a notice.

(D) Except as provided in division (F) of this section, the tax exemption shall first apply in the year the construction or remodeling would first be taxable but for this section. In the case of remodeling that qualifies for exemption, a percentage, not to exceed one hundred per cent, of the increased assessed valuation of an existing structure after remodeling began shall be exempted from real property taxation. In the case of construction of a structure that qualifies for exemption, a percentage, not to exceed one hundred per cent, of the assessed value of the structure shall be exempted from real property taxation. In either case, the percentage shall be the percentage set forth in the agreement if the structure or remodeling is to be used for commercial or industrial purposes, or the percentage set forth in the resolution describing the community reinvestment area if the structure or remodeling is to be used for residential purposes.

The construction of new structures and the remodeling of existing structures are hereby declared to be a public purpose for which exemptions from real property taxation may be granted for the following periods:

(1) For every dwelling and commercial or industrial properties, located within the same community reinvestment area, upon which the cost of remodeling is at least two thousand five hundred dollars in the case of a dwelling containing not more than two family units or at least five thousand dollars in the case of all other property, a period to be determined by the legislative authority adopting the resolution, but not exceeding fifteen years. The period of exemption for a dwelling described in division (D)(1) of this section may be extended by a legislative authority for up to an additional ten years if the dwelling is a structure of historical or architectural significance, is a certified historic structure that has been subject to federal tax treatment under 26 U.S.C. 47 and 170(h), and units within the structure have been leased to individual tenants for five consecutive years;

(2) Except as provided in division (F) of this section, for construction of every dwelling, and commercial or industrial structure located within the same community reinvestment area, a period to be determined by the legislative authority adopting the resolution, but not exceeding one of the following:

(a) Thirty years, if the commercial or industrial structure is situated on the site of a megaproject and is owned and occupied by a megaproject operator as defined in division (A)(12) of section 122.17 of the Revised Code, or is not situated on the site of a megaproject but is owned and occupied by a megaproject supplier that meets the requirements described in division (A)(13)(b) of section 122.17 of the Revised Code;

(b) Fifteen years, for any other dwelling or commercial or industrial structure.

(E) Any person, board, or officer authorized by section 5715.19 of the Revised Code to file complaints with the county board of revision may file a complaint with the housing officer challenging the continued exemption of any property granted an exemption under this section. A complaint against exemption shall be filed prior to the thirty-first day of December of the tax year for which taxation of the property is requested. The housing officer shall determine whether the property continues to meet the requirements for exemption and shall certify the housing officer's findings to the complainant. If the housing officer determines that the property does not meet the requirements for exemption, the housing officer shall notify the county auditor, who shall correct the tax list and duplicate accordingly.

(F) The owner of a dwelling constructed in a community reinvestment area may file an application for an exemption after the year the construction first became subject to taxation. The application shall be processed in accordance with the procedures prescribed under this section and shall be granted if the construction that is the subject of the application otherwise meets the requirements for an exemption under this section. If approved, the exemption sought in the application first applies in the year the application is filed. An exemption approved pursuant to this division continues only for those years remaining in the period described in division (D)(2) of this section. No exemption may be claimed for any year in that period that precedes the year in which the application is filed.

Last updated July 6, 2022 at 9:22 AM

Section 3735.671 | Written agreement where commercial or industrial property is to be exempted.

(A) If construction or remodeling of commercial or industrial property is to be exempted from taxation pursuant to section 3735.67 of the Revised Code, the legislative authority and the owner of the property, prior to the commencement of construction or remodeling, shall enter into a written agreement, binding on both parties for a period of time that does not end prior to the end of the period of the exemption, that includes all of the information and statements described in divisions (B)(1) to (8) of this section. Agreements may include terms not described in those divisions or otherwise prescribed by the model agreement adopted by the director of development under division (B) of this section, but such terms shall in no way derogate from the information and statements described in divisions (B)(1) to (8) of this section.

(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (A)(2) or (3) of this section, an agreement entered into under this section shall not be approved by the legislative authority unless the board of education of the city, local, or exempted village school district within the territory of which the property is or will be located approves the agreement. For the purpose of obtaining such approval, the legislative authority shall certify a copy of the agreement to the board of education not later than forty-five days prior to approving the agreement, excluding Saturday, Sunday, and a legal holiday as defined in section 1.14 of the Revised Code. The board of education, by resolution adopted by a majority of the board, shall approve or disapprove the agreement and certify a copy of the resolution to the legislative authority not later than fourteen days prior to the date stipulated by the legislative authority as the date upon which approval of the agreement is to be formally considered by the legislative authority. The board of education may include in the resolution conditions under which the board would approve the agreement. The legislative authority may approve an agreement at any time after the board of education certifies its resolution approving the agreement to the legislative authority, or, if the board approves the agreement conditionally, at any time after the conditions are agreed to by the board and the legislative authority.

(2) Approval of an agreement by the board of education is not required under division (A)(1) of this section if, for each tax year the real property is exempted from taxation, the sum of the following quantities, as estimated at or prior to the time the agreement is formally approved by the legislative authority, equals or exceeds twenty-five per cent of the amount of taxes, as estimated at or prior to that time, that would have been charged and payable that year upon the real property had that property not been exempted from taxation:

(a) The amount of taxes charged and payable on any portion of the assessed valuation of the new structure or of the increased assessed valuation of an existing structure after remodeling began that will not be exempted from taxation under the agreement;

(b) The amount of taxes charged and payable on tangible personal property located on the premises of the new structure or of the structure to be remodeled under the agreement, whether payable by the owner of the structure or by a related member, as defined in section 5733.042 of the Revised Code without regard to division (B) of that section.

(c) The amount of any cash payment by the owner of the new structure or structure to be remodeled to the school district, the dollar value, as mutually agreed to by the owner and the board of education, of any property or services provided by the owner of the property to the school district, whether by gift, loan, or otherwise, and any payment by the legislative authority to the school district pursuant to section 5709.82 of the Revised Code.

The estimates of quantities used for purposes of division (A)(2) of this section shall be estimated by the legislative authority. The legislative authority shall certify to the board of education that the estimates have been made in good faith. Departures of the actual quantities from the estimates subsequent to approval of the agreement by the board of education do not invalidate the agreement.

(3) If a board of education has adopted a resolution waiving its right to approve agreements and the resolution remains in effect, approval of an agreement by the board is not required under division (A)(1) of this section. If a board of education has adopted a resolution allowing a legislative authority to deliver the notice required under this division fewer than forty-five business days prior to the legislative authority's execution of the agreement, the legislative authority shall deliver the notice to the board not later than the number of days prior to such execution as prescribed by the board in its resolution. If a board of education adopts a resolution waiving its right to approve agreements or shortening the notification period, the board shall certify a copy of the resolution to the legislative authority. If the board of education rescinds such a resolution, it shall certify notice of the rescission to the legislative authority.

(4) If the owner of the property or the legislative authority agree to make any payment to the school district as described in division (A)(2)(c) of this section, the owner or legislative authority shall agree to make payments to the joint vocational school district within which the property is located at the same rate or amount and under the same terms received by the city, local, or exempted village school district.

(B) The director of development shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code prescribing the form of a model agreement that a legislative authority may, in its discretion, use as the basis for an agreement to be executed under this section. The model agreement may include any term necessary for the administration and enforcement of such agreements by the director and legislative authority, but must include all of the following:

(1) A space to include the description of real property to be exempted from taxation under the agreement and to identify the property's owners;

(2) A space to denote the percentage of the assessed valuation of real property exempted from taxation and the period for which the exemption is granted;

(3) A statement requiring the owner to pay real property taxes not exempted under the agreement, as required by law, and requiring rescission of the agreement if the owner fails to pay those taxes beginning in and after the year any such taxes are charged;

(4) A statement that the owner certifies, at the time the agreement is executed, that the owner does not owe any delinquent property taxes or taxes for which the owner is liable under Chapter 5735., 5739., 5741., 5743., 5747., or 5753. of the Revised Code, or, if such delinquent taxes are owed, that the owner is paying the delinquent taxes pursuant to an undertaking enforceable by the state or an agent or instrumentality thereof, has filed a petition in bankruptcy, or has had a bankruptcy petition filed against the owner;

(5) A statement requiring the owner to provide to the property tax incentive review council any information reasonably required by the council to evaluate the applicant's compliance with the agreement;

(6) A statement that the agreement is not transferable or assignable without the approval of the legislative authority;

(7) A statement describing the circumstances under which the legislative authority may revoke an agreement for noncompliance;

(8) A statement requiring the owner to provide an estimate of the following for each agreement:

(a) The number of employment opportunities created due to the remodeling or construction, as well as the payroll attributable to those opportunities;

(b) The number of employment opportunities retained due to the remodeling or construction, as well as the payroll attributable to those opportunities.

The model agreement shall also provide that a legislative authority may, but is not required to, include a statement describing the manner by which the legislative authority may recover already-received benefits, which may include an action brought in law or equity, a lien on the exempted property in the amount to be recovered, or other means. In the case of a lien on the exempted property, the lien shall attach, and may be perfected, collected, and enforced, in the same manner as a mortgage lien on real property, and otherwise has the same force and effect as a mortgage lien on real property.

Once the director adopts rules prescribing a model agreement under this division, the model agreement may not be changed unless the director adopts, amends, or rescinds those rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

(C) If any person that is party to an agreement granting an exemption from taxation discontinues operations at the structure to which that exemption applies prior to the expiration of the term of the agreement, that person, any successor to that person, and any related member shall not enter into an agreement under this section or section 5709.62, 5709.63, or 5709.632 of the Revised Code, and no legislative authority shall enter into such an agreement with such a person, successor, or related member prior to the expiration of three years after the person's discontinuation of operations. As used in this division, "successor" means a person to which the assets or equity of another person has been transferred, which transfer resulted in the full or partial nonrecognition of gain or loss, or resulted in a carryover basis, both as determined by rule adopted by the tax commissioner. "Related member" has the same meaning as defined in section 5733.042 of the Revised Code without regard to division (B) of that section.

The director of development shall review all agreements submitted to the director under section 3735.672 of the Revised Code for the purpose of enforcing this division. If the director determines there has been a violation of this division, the director shall notify the legislative authority of such violation, and the legislative authority immediately shall revoke the exemption granted under the agreement.

Last updated August 27, 2024 at 3:12 PM

Section 3735.672 | Annual report.

(A) On or before the thirty-first day of March each year, a legislative authority that has entered into an agreement with a party under section 3735.671 of the Revised Code shall submit to the director of development a report on all such agreements in effect during the preceding calendar year. The report shall include the following:

(1) The total number of community reinvestment areas designated by the political subdivision, and the total population of each area according to the most recent data available;

(2) The total number of agreements within each area;

(3) The number of agreements approved and executed during the calendar year for which the report is submitted, the total number of agreements in effect on the thirty-first day of December of the preceding calendar year, the number of agreements that expired during the calendar year for which the report is submitted, and the number of agreements scheduled to expire during the calendar year in which the report is submitted. For each agreement that expired during the calendar year for which the report is submitted, the legislative authority shall include the amount of taxes exempted under the agreement.

(4) The number of agreements the terms of which a party has failed to comply with, indicating separately for each such agreement the value of the real property exempted pursuant to the agreement and a comparison of the estimated and actual amounts described in division (B)(8) of section 3735.671 of the Revised Code;

(5) Any changes to zoning restrictions in any part of a community reinvestment area, including a map of the area indicating the new zoning restrictions in the area;

(6) A copy of any agreement approved and executed or amended during the calendar year for which the report is submitted.

(B) Upon the failure of a political subdivision to comply with division (A) of this section:

(1) Beginning on the first day of April of the calendar year in which the political subdivision fails to comply with that division, the political subdivision shall not enter into any agreements under section 3735.671 of the Revised Code until the political subdivision has complied with division (A) of this section.

(2) On the first day of each ensuing calendar month until the political subdivision complies with that division, the director of development shall either order the proper county auditor to deduct from the next succeeding payment of taxes to the political subdivision under section 321.31, 321.32, 321.33, or 321.34 of the Revised Code an amount equal to five hundred dollars for each calendar month the political subdivision fails to comply with that division, or order the county auditor to deduct such an amount from the next succeeding payment to the political subdivision from the undivided local government fund under section 5747.51 of the Revised Code. At the time such a payment is made, the county auditor shall comply with the director's order by issuing a warrant, drawn on the fund from which such money would have been paid, to the director of development, who shall deposit the warrant into the tax incentives operating fund created by section 122.174 of the Revised Code.

(C) The department of development shall publish on its web site a list of all community reinvestment areas within the state, with an accompanying display of their geographical boundaries within each political subdivision. The list shall also include, for each community reinvestment area, a copy of the resolution governing that area and any agreement entered into under section 3735.671 of the Revised Code for any commercial or industrial property within the area. This list shall be updated annually.

Last updated February 8, 2023 at 3:27 PM

Section 3735.673 | Notice to legislative authority.

If a person operating in a political subdivision intends to relocate or relocates part or all of its operations to another political subdivision and has entered into or intends to enter into an agreement under section 3735.671 of the Revised Code with that political subdivision, the legislative authority of the political subdivision to which that person intends to relocate or relocates shall serve the legislative authority of the subdivision from which that person intends to relocate or relocates with notice of the person's intention to relocate, accompanied by a copy of the agreement to be entered into or entered into pursuant to section 3735.671 of the Revised Code and a statement of the person's reasons for relocation. The legislative authority also shall serve such notice on the director of development. In both cases, service shall be by personal service or certified mail, return receipt requested, not later than thirty days prior to the day of the first public meeting at which the agreement is deliberated by the legislative authority of the political subdivision to which the person intends to relocate or relocates. With the approval of the director of development, service shall be not later than fifteen days prior to the day of the first public meeting of the legislative authority at which the agreement is deliberated. The legislative authority required to serve notice shall seek such approval by applying to the director at the earliest possible time prior to that meeting. The director may approve the later service if the director determines that earlier notice is not possible or would be likely to jeopardize realization of the project. If approval for a later notice is applied for, the legislative authority need not serve notice to the director as otherwise required by this section.

If the legislative authority required to serve such notice fails to do so as prescribed by this section, the legislative authority shall not enter into an agreement under that section with that person.

This section applies only to relocations of operations that result or would result in the reduction of employment or the cessation of operations at a place of business in this state.

Last updated February 8, 2023 at 3:27 PM

Section 3735.68 | Revoking tax exemption.

The housing officer shall make annual inspections of the properties within the community reinvestment area upon which are located structures or remodeling for which an exemption has been granted under section 3735.67 of the Revised Code. If the housing officer finds that the property has not been properly maintained or repaired due to the neglect of the owner, the housing officer may revoke the exemption at any time after the first year of exemption. If the owner of commercial or industrial property exempted from taxation under section 3735.67 of the Revised Code has materially failed to fulfill its obligations under the written agreement entered into under section 3735.671 of the Revised Code, or if the owner is determined to have violated division (C) of that section, the legislative authority, subject to the terms of the agreement, may revoke the exemption at any time after the first year of exemption. The housing officer or legislative authority shall notify the county auditor and the owner of the property that the tax exemption no longer applies. If the housing officer or legislative authority revokes a tax exemption, the housing officer shall send a report of the revocation to the community reinvestment area housing council and to the tax incentive review council established pursuant to section 3735.69 or 5709.85 of the Revised Code, containing a statement of the findings as to the maintenance and repair of the property, failure to fulfill obligations under the written agreement, or violation of division (C) of section 3735.671 of the Revised Code, and the reason for revoking the exemption.

If the agreement entered into under section 3735.671 of the Revised Code so provides, the legislative authority of a political subdivision may require the owner of property whose exemption has been revoked to reimburse the taxing authorities within whose taxing jurisdiction the exempted property is located for the amount of real property taxes that would have been payable to those authorities had the property not been exempted from taxation.

Last updated February 8, 2023 at 3:28 PM

Section 3735.69 | Community reinvestment area housing council - powers and duties.

(A) A community reinvestment area housing council shall be appointed for each community reinvestment area, as follows:

(1) When the area is designated by a municipal corporation, the council shall be composed of two members appointed by the mayor of the municipal corporation, two members appointed by the legislative authority of the municipal corporation, and one member appointed by the planning commission of the municipal corporation. The majority of the foregoing members shall then appoint two additional members who shall be residents of the municipal corporation.

(2) When the area is designated by a limited home rule township, the council shall be composed of two members appointed by the board of trustees of the township, one member appointed by the township law director, one member appointed by the township zoning commission or, if the township has not established such a commission, the county planning commission, and one member appointed by the board of county commissioners of the county where the area is located.

(3) When the area is designated by a county, the council shall be composed of one member appointed by each member of the board of county commissioners of the county where the area is located and two members appointed by the county planning commission. The majority of the foregoing members shall then appoint two additional members who shall be residents of the county. Terms of the members of the council shall be for three years.

An unexpired term resulting from a vacancy in the council shall be filled in the same manner as the initial appointment was made.

The council shall make an annual inspection of the properties within the community reinvestment area for which an exemption has been granted under section 3735.67 of the Revised Code. The council shall also hear appeals under section 3735.70 of the Revised Code.

(B) On or before the thirty-first day of March each year, any political subdivision that has created a community reinvestment area under section 3735.66 of the Revised Code shall submit to the director of development a status report summarizing the activities and projects for which an exemption has been granted in that area.

Last updated February 8, 2023 at 3:29 PM

Section 3735.70 | Appeals.

Any person aggrieved under sections 3735.65 to 3735.69 of the Revised Code may appeal to the community reinvestment area housing council, which shall have the authority to overrule any decision of a housing officer. Appeals may be taken from a decision of the council to the court of common pleas of the county where the area is located.