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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 3311 | School Districts; County Planning

Section 3311.01 | Styling of school districts.

The school districts of the state shall be styled "city school districts," "local school districts," "exempted village school districts," and "cooperative education school districts"; and joint vocational school districts may be styled either "joint vocational school districts" or "vocational school districts."

Section 3311.02 | City school district defined.

The territory within the corporate limits of each city, excluding the territory detached therefrom for school purposes and including the territory attached thereto for school purposes, constitutes a city school district. When a city is reduced to a village, the city school district shall thereupon become a local school district, except that when a city is reduced to a village but its city school district includes within its boundaries all or part of two or more municipal corporations, the aggregate population of which totals five thousand or more as determined by the preceding federal census, it may, by a majority vote of the school board, remain a city school district. An exempted village school district which includes within its boundaries all or part of two or more municipal corporations, the aggregate population of which totals five thousand or more as determined by the preceding federal census, may, with the approval of the state board of education, become a city school district.

Section 3311.03 | Local school district defined.

Each school district, other than a city school district, exempted village school district, joint vocational school district, or district then known as a county school district, in existence on September 16, 1943, shall be known as a "local school district" and shall continue to be known as a "local school district" until it has lost its identity as a separate school district or has acquired a different styling as provided by law. All school districts created after September 16, 1943 and prior to July 1, 1995, other than city school districts, exempted village school districts, districts then known as county school districts, or joint vocational school districts, shall be known as "local school districts." After July 1, 1995, no school districts other than city, joint vocational, local, and cooperative education districts may be created. In addition to school districts, educational service centers may be created after such date.

Section 3311.04 | Exempted village school district defined.

Each school district known as an exempted village school district on September 16, 1943, shall be known as an "exempted village school district" and shall continue to be known as an exempted village school district until it has lost its identity as a separate school district or has acquired a different styling as provided by law.

Section 3311.05 | Educational service center defined - county school financing district.

(A) The territory within the territorial limits of a county, or the territory included in a district formed under section 3311.053 of the Revised Code, exclusive of the territory embraced in any city school district or exempted village school district, and excluding the territory detached therefrom for school purposes and including the territory attached thereto for school purposes constitutes an educational service center. If the educational service center in which the territory of a local school district is located is dissolved under section 3311.0510 of the Revised Code, the territory of that local school district shall not constitute part of any educational service center.

(B) A county school financing district created under section 3311.50 of the Revised Code is not the school district described in division (A) of this section or any other school district but is a taxing district.

Section 3311.051 | Performance audit.

The auditor of state, on the auditor of state's initiative, may conduct a performance audit of an educational service center.

Section 3311.053 | Joint educational service center.

(A) The boards of education of up to five adjoining educational service centers may, by identical resolutions adopted by a majority of the members of each governing board within any sixty-day period, combine such educational service centers into one educational service center. The resolutions shall state the name of the new center, which may be styled as a "joint educational service center." The resolutions shall also indicate whether the governing board of the new educational service center is to be formed in accordance with division (B) of this section, in accordance with division (A) of section 3311.054 of the Revised Code, or in accordance with section 3311.057 of the Revised Code.

A copy of each resolution shall be filed with the state board of education. The new educational service center shall be created and the governing boards of the participating educational service centers shall be dissolved and a new governing board established thirty days after the date on which the last resolution was filed with the state board.

(B) The initial members of a new governing board established in accordance with this division shall be appointed as follows:

(1) If two educational service centers combine, each center's governing board, prior to its dissolution, shall appoint two members to the new governing board and the four members so selected shall select a fifth member within ten days of the date on which the last of the four members is appointed.

(2) If three educational service centers combine, each center's governing board, prior to its dissolution, shall appoint one member to the new governing board and the three members so selected shall select the remaining two members of the governing board within ten days of the date on which the last of the three members is appointed.

(3) If four educational service centers combine, each center's governing board, prior to its dissolution, shall appoint one member to the new governing board and the four members so selected shall select the remaining member of the governing board within ten days of the date on which the last of the four members is appointed.

(4) If five educational service centers combine, each center's governing board, prior to its dissolution, shall appoint one member to the new governing board.

If the members appointed to a new governing board by the governing boards of the combining educational service centers are unable to agree on the selection of the remaining members of the new governing board within ten days, the probate judge of the county in which the greatest number of pupils under the supervision of the new educational service center reside shall appoint the remaining members.

Electors of the new educational service center shall elect a new governing board at the next general election occurring in an odd-numbered year and more than ninety days after the date of the appointment of the last member to the initial governing board. Members shall serve for the duration of the term to which they are elected or until their successors are elected and qualified. At such election, two members shall be elected to terms of two years and three members shall be elected to terms of four years. Thereafter, their successors shall be elected in the same manner and for the same terms as members of governing boards of all educational service centers. Each candidate for election as a member of the educational service center governing board shall file a nominating petition in accordance with section 3513.255 of the Revised Code.

(C) The funds of each former educational service center shall be paid over in full to the governing board of the new educational service center, and the legal title to all property of the former governing boards shall become vested in the new governing board.

The governing board of an educational service center created under this section shall honor all contracts made by the former governing boards.

Section 3311.054 | Membership of governing board of joint service center.

(A) The initial members of any new governing board of an educational service center established in accordance with this section shall be all of the members of the governing boards of the former educational service centers whose territory comprises the new educational service center. The initial members of any such governing board shall serve until the first Monday of January immediately following the first election of governing board members conducted under division (C) of this section.

Notwithstanding section 3313.11 of the Revised Code, that section shall not apply to the filling of any vacancy among the initial members of any governing board established in accordance with this section. Any such vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the term by a majority vote of all the remaining members of the governing board.

(B) Prior to the next first day of April in an odd-numbered year that occurs at least ninety days after the date on which any new governing board of an educational service center is initially established in accordance with this section, the governing board or, at the governing board's option, an executive committee of the governing board appointed by the governing board shall do both of the following:

(1) Designate the number of elected members comprising all subsequent governing boards of the educational service center, which number shall be an odd number not to exceed nine.

(2) Divide the educational service center into a number of subdistricts equal to the number of governing board members designated under division (B)(1) of this section and number the subdistricts. Each subdistrict shall be as nearly equal in population as possible and shall be composed of adjacent and compact territory. To the extent possible, each subdistrict shall be composed only of territory located in one county. In addition, the subdistricts shall be bounded as far as possible by corporation lines, streets, alleys, avenues, public grounds, canals, watercourses, ward boundaries, voting precinct boundaries, or school district boundaries.

If the new governing board fails to divide the territory of the educational service center in accordance with this division, the director of education and workforce shall establish the subdistricts within thirty days.

(C) At the next regular municipal election following the deadline for creation of the subdistricts of an educational service center under division (B) of this section, an entire new governing board shall be elected. All members of such governing board shall be elected from those subdistricts.

(D) Within ninety days after the official announcement of the results of each successive federal decennial census, each governing board of an educational service center established in accordance with this section shall redistrict the educational service center's territory into a number of subdistricts equal to the number of board members designated under division (B)(1) of this section and number the subdistricts. Each such redistricting shall be done in accordance with the standards for subdistricts in division (B)(2) of this section. At the next regular municipal election following the announcement of the results of each such successive census, all elected governing board members shall again be elected from the subdistricts most recently created under this division.

If a governing board fails to redistrict the territory of its educational service center in accordance with this division, the director of education and workforce shall redistrict the service center within thirty days.

(E) All members elected pursuant to this section shall take office on the first Monday of January immediately following the election. Whenever all elected governing board members are elected at one election under division (C) or (D) of this section, the terms of each of the members elected from even-numbered subdistricts shall be for two years and the terms of each of the members elected from odd-numbered subdistricts shall be for four years. Thereafter, successors shall be elected for four-year terms in the same manner as is provided by law for the election of members of school boards except that any successor elected at a regular municipal election immediately preceding any election at which an entire new governing board is elected shall be elected for a two-year term.

Last updated August 21, 2023 at 3:34 PM

Section 3311.055 | School board, board of education and school district construed.

Wherever in Title XXXIII of the Revised Code the term "school board" or "board of education" is used without expressly referring to boards governing city, local, exempted village, or joint vocational school districts, or some specific combination thereof, the term shall be construed to include the governing boards of educational service centers.

Wherever in Title XXXIII of the Revised Code the term "school district" is used without expressly referring to city, local, exempted village, or joint vocational school districts, or some specific combination thereof, the term shall be construed to include educational service centers.

Section 3311.056 | Plan for adding appointed members to board.

The elected members of an educational service center governing board may by resolution adopt a plan for adding appointed members to that governing board. A plan may provide for adding to the board a number of appointed members that is up to one less than the number of elected members on the board except that the total number of elected and appointed board members shall be an odd number. A plan shall provide for the terms of the appointed board members. The appointed board members in each plan shall be appointed by a majority vote of the full number of elected members on the board and vacancies shall be filled as provided in the plan. Each plan shall specify the qualifications for the appointed board members of an educational service center including the experience, knowledge, and skills that advance the mission and vision of the service center. Appointed members may be representative of the client school districts of the service center that are not otherwise represented on the board. As used in this section, "client school district" has the same meaning as in section 3311.0510 of the Revised Code.

A governing board adopting a plan under this section shall submit the plan to the department of education and workforce for approval. The department may approve or disapprove a plan or make recommendations for modifications in a plan. A plan shall take effect thirty days after approval by the department and, when effective, appointments to the board shall be made in accordance with the plan.

The elected members of the governing board of an educational service center with a plan in effect under this section may adopt, by unanimous vote of all the elected members, a resolution to revise or rescind the plan in effect under this section. All revisions shall comply with the requirements in this section for appointed board members. A resolution revising or rescinding a plan shall specify the dates and manner in which the revision or rescission is to take place. The revision or rescission of a plan shall be submitted to the department for approval. The department may approve or disapprove a revision or rescission of a plan or make recommendations for modifications. Upon approval of a revision or rescission by the department, the revised plan or rescission of the plan shall go into effect as provided in the revision or rescission.

Last updated August 21, 2023 at 3:36 PM

Section 3311.057 | Service center board following merger.

(A) Any educational service center that is formed by merging two or more educational service centers or former county school districts may determine the number of members of its governing board and whether the members are to be elected at large or by subdistrict, provided each board shall have an odd number of members.

(B) The governing board of each service center that is merging to form the new service center shall include identical provisions for electing the new service center's governing board in its resolution adopted pursuant to division (A) of section 3311.053 of the Revised Code. If there is any transition period between the effective date of the merger of the service centers and the assumption of control of the new service center by the new board, the resolutions shall include provisions for an interim governing board which shall be appointed to govern the service center until the time the new board is elected and assumes control of the service center.

(C) Any provisions for electing a governing board adopted pursuant to division (B) of this section may provide for the election of members at large, may provide for the establishment of subdistricts within the district, or may require some members to be elected at large and some to be elected from subdistricts. If subdistricts are included, the resolutions shall specify the manner in which their boundaries are to be drawn. The provisions shall attempt to ensure that each elected member of the board represents an equal number of residents of the service center. To accomplish this, any subdistrict containing a multiple of the number of electors in another subdistrict, may elect at-large within that subdistrict, a number of board members equal to the multiple that its population is of the population of the other subdistrict.

(D) The provisions for selecting board members set forth in the latest resolution adopted pursuant to this section shall remain the method of electing board members within that educational service center.

Section 3311.058 | When merger to achieve minimum average daily membership not required.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Section 45.32 of Am. Sub. H.B. 117 of the 121st General Assembly, 146 Ohio Laws 900, 1805, as subsequently amended, or in Chapter 3311. of the Revised Code, no educational service center shall be required to merge in order to achieve any prescribed minimum average daily membership if such a merger will cause the territory of the resultant joint educational service center to comprise more than eight hundred square miles.

Section 3311.059 | Severance from one educational service center and annexation to adjacent service center.

The procedure prescribed in this section may be used in lieu of a transfer prescribed under section 3311.231 of the Revised Code.

(A) Subject to divisions (B) and (C) of this section, a board of education of a local school district that severed and annexed its territory under section 3311.059 of the Revised Code as it existed prior to June 30, 2011, may by a resolution approved by a majority of all its members propose to sever that local school district from the territory of the educational service center in which the local school district is currently included and to instead annex the local school district to the territory of another educational service center, the current territory of which is adjacent to the territory of the educational service center in which the local school district is currently included. The resolution shall promptly be filed with the governing board of each educational service center affected by the resolution and with the superintendent of public instruction.

(B) The resolution adopted under division (A) of this section shall not be effective unless it is approved by the state board of education. In deciding whether to approve the resolution, the state board shall consider the impact of an annexation on both the school district and the educational service center to which the district is proposed to be annexed, including the ability of that service center to deliver services in a cost-effective and efficient manner. The severance of the local school district from one educational service center and its annexation to another educational service center under this section shall not be effective until one year after the first day of July following the later of the date that the state board of education approves the resolution or the date the board of elections certifies the results of the referendum election as provided in division (C) of this section.

(C) Within sixty days following the date of the adoption of the resolution under division (A) of this section, the electors of the local school district may petition for a referendum vote on the resolution. The question whether to approve or disapprove the resolution shall be submitted to the electors of such school district if a number of qualified electors equal to twenty per cent of the number of electors in the school district who voted for the office of governor at the most recent general election for that office sign a petition asking that the question of whether the resolution shall be disapproved be submitted to the electors. The petition shall be filed with the board of elections of the county in which the school district is located. If the school district is located in more than one county, the petition shall be filed with the board of elections of the county in which the majority of the territory of the school district is located. The board shall certify the validity and sufficiency of the signatures on the petition.

The board of elections shall immediately notify the board of education of the local school district and the governing board of each educational service center affected by the resolution that the petition has been filed.

The effect of the resolution shall be stayed until the board of elections certifies the validity and sufficiency of the signatures on the petition. If the board of elections determines that the petition does not contain a sufficient number of valid signatures and sixty days have passed since the adoption of the resolution, the resolution shall become effective as provided in division (B) of this section.

If the board of elections certifies that the petition contains a sufficient number of valid signatures, the board shall submit the question to the qualified electors of the school district on the day of the next general or primary election held at least ninety days after the board of elections certifies the validity and sufficiency of signatures on the petition. The election shall be conducted and canvassed and the results shall be certified in the same manner as in regular elections for the election of members of a board of education.

If a majority of the electors voting on the question disapprove the resolution, the resolution shall not become effective. If a majority of the electors voting on the question approve the resolution, the resolution shall become effective as provided in division (B) of this section.

(D) Upon the effective date of the severance of the local school district from one educational service center and its annexation to another educational service center as provided in division (B) of this section, the governing board of each educational service center shall take such steps for the election of members of the governing board and for organization of the governing board as prescribed in Chapter 3313. of the Revised Code.

(E) If a school district is severed from one educational service center and annexed to another service center under this section, the board of education of that school district shall not propose a subsequent severance and annexation action under this section that would be effective sooner than four years after the effective date of the next previous severance and annexation action under this section.

Section 3311.0510 | Termination of service center agreements; abolishment of educational service center governing board.

(A) If all of the client school districts of an educational service center have terminated their agreements with the service center under division (D) of section 3313.843 of the Revised Code, upon the latest effective date of the terminations, the governing board of that service center shall be abolished and such service center shall be dissolved by order of the director of education and workforce. The director's order shall provide for the equitable division and disposition of the assets, property, debts, and obligations of the service center among the school districts that were client school districts of the service center for the service center's last fiscal year of operation. The director's order shall provide that the tax duplicate of each of those school districts shall be bound for and assume the district's equitable share of the outstanding indebtedness of the service center. The director's order is final and is not appealable.

Immediately upon the abolishment of the service center governing board pursuant to this section, the director shall appoint a qualified individual to administer the dissolution of the service center and to implement the terms of the director's dissolution order.

Prior to distributing assets to any school district under this section, but after paying in full other debts and obligations of the service center under this section, the director may assess against the remaining assets of the service center the amount of the costs incurred by the department of education and workforce in performing the director's duties under this division, including the fees, if any, owed to the individual appointed to administer the director's dissolution order. Any excess cost incurred by the department under this division shall be divided equitably among the school districts that were client school districts of the service center for the service center's last fiscal year of operation. Each district's share of that excess cost shall be bound against the tax duplicate of that district.

(B) A final audit of the former service center shall be performed in accordance with procedures established by the auditor of state.

(C) The public records of an educational service center that is dissolved under this section shall be transferred in accordance with this division. Public records maintained by the service center in connection with services provided by the service center to local school districts of which the territory of the service center is or previously was made up shall be transferred to each of the respective local school districts. Public records maintained by the service center in connection with services provided to client school districts shall be transferred to each of the respective client school districts. All other public records maintained by the service center at the time the service center ceases operations shall be transferred to the Ohio history connection for analysis and disposition by the Ohio history connection in its capacity as archives administrator for the state and its political subdivisions pursuant to division (C) of section 149.30 and section 149.31 of the Revised Code.

(D) As used in this section, "client school district" means a city, exempted village, or local school district that has entered into an agreement under section 3313.843 or 3313.845 of the Revised Code to receive any services from an educational service center.

Last updated August 21, 2023 at 3:38 PM

Section 3311.06 | Territory of district to be contiguous; exceptions; annexation of territory.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Annexation" and "annexed" mean annexation for municipal purposes under sections 709.02 to 709.37 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Annexed territory" means territory that has been annexed for municipal purposes to a city served by an urban school district, but on September 24, 1986, has not been transferred to the urban school district.

(3) "Urban school district" means a city school district with an average daily membership for the 1985-1986 school year in excess of twenty thousand that is the school district of a city that contains annexed territory.

(4) "Annexation agreement" means an agreement entered into under division (F) of this section that has been approved by the state board of education or an agreement entered into prior to September 24, 1986, that meets the requirements of division (F) of this section and has been filed with the state board.

(B) The territory included within the boundaries of a city, local, exempted village, or joint vocational school district shall be contiguous except where a natural island forms an integral part of the district, where the state board of education authorizes a noncontiguous school district, as provided in division (E)(1) of this section, or where a local school district is created pursuant to section 3311.26 of the Revised Code from one or more local school districts, one of which has entered into an agreement under section 3313.42 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) When all of the territory of a school district is annexed to a city or village, such territory thereby becomes a part of the city school district or the school district of which the village is a part, and the legal title to school property in such territory for school purposes shall be vested in the board of education of the city school district or the school district of which the village is a part.

(2) When the territory so annexed to a city or village comprises part but not all of the territory of a school district, the said territory becomes part of the city school district or the school district of which the village is a part only upon approval by the state board of education, unless the district in which the territory is located is a party to an annexation agreement with the city school district.

Any urban school district that has not entered into an annexation agreement with any other school district whose territory would be affected by any transfer under this division and that desires to negotiate the terms of transfer with any such district shall conduct any negotiations under division (F) of this section as part of entering into an annexation agreement with such a district.

Any school district, except an urban school district, desiring state board approval of a transfer under this division shall make a good faith effort to negotiate the terms of transfer with any other school district whose territory would be affected by the transfer. Before the state board may approve any transfer of territory to a school district, except an urban school district, under this section, it must receive the following:

(a) A resolution requesting approval of the transfer, passed by at least one of the school districts whose territory would be affected by the transfer;

(b) Evidence determined to be sufficient by the state board to show that good faith negotiations have taken place or that the district requesting the transfer has made a good faith effort to hold such negotiations;

(c) If any negotiations took place, a statement signed by all boards that participated in the negotiations, listing the terms agreed on and the points on which no agreement could be reached.

(D) The state board of education shall adopt rules governing negotiations held by any school district except an urban school district pursuant to division (C)(2) of this section. The rules shall encourage the realization of the following goals:

(1) A discussion by the negotiating districts of the present and future educational needs of the pupils in each district;

(2) The educational, financial, and territorial stability of each district affected by the transfer;

(3) The assurance of appropriate educational programs, services, and opportunities for all the pupils in each participating district, and adequate planning for the facilities needed to provide these programs, services, and opportunities.

Districts involved in negotiations under such rules may agree to share revenues from the property included in the territory to be transferred, establish cooperative programs between the participating districts, and establish mechanisms for the settlement of any future boundary disputes.

(E)(1) If territory annexed after September 24, 1986, is part of a school district that is a party to an annexation agreement with the urban school district serving the annexing city, the transfer of such territory shall be governed by the agreement. If the agreement does not specify how the territory is to be dealt with, the boards of education of the district in which the territory is located and the urban school district shall negotiate with regard to the transfer of the territory which shall be transferred to the urban school district unless, not later than ninety days after the effective date of municipal annexation, the boards of education of both districts, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of each board, agree that the territory will not be transferred and so inform the state board of education.

If territory is transferred under this division the transfer shall take effect on the first day of July occurring not sooner than ninety-one days after the effective date of the municipal annexation. Territory transferred under this division need not be contiguous to the district to which it is transferred.

(2) Territory annexed prior to September 24, 1986, by a city served by an urban school district shall not be subject to transfer under this section if the district in which the territory is located is a party to an annexation agreement or becomes a party to such an agreement not later than ninety days after September 24, 1986. If the district does not become a party to an annexation agreement within the ninety-day period, transfer of territory shall be governed by division (C)(2) of this section. If the district subsequently becomes a party to an agreement, territory annexed prior to September 24, 1986, other than territory annexed under division (C)(2) of this section prior to the effective date of the agreement, shall not be subject to transfer under this section.

(F) An urban school district may enter into a comprehensive agreement with one or more school districts under which transfers of territory annexed by the city served by the urban school district after September 24, 1986, shall be governed by the agreement. Such agreement must provide for the establishment of a cooperative education program under section 3313.842 of the Revised Code in which all the parties to the agreement are participants and must be approved by resolution of the majority of the members of each of the boards of education of the school districts that are parties to it. An agreement may provide for interdistrict payments based on local revenue growth resulting from development in any territory annexed by the city served by the urban school district.

An agreement entered into under this division may be altered, modified, or terminated only by agreement, by resolution approved by the majority of the members of each board of education, of all school districts that are parties to the agreement, except that with regard to any provision that affects only the urban school district and one of the other districts that is a party, that district and the urban district may modify or alter the agreement by resolution approved by the majority of the members of the board of that district and the urban district. Alterations, modifications, terminations, and extensions of an agreement entered into under this division do not require approval of the state board of education, but shall be filed with the board after approval and execution by the parties.

If an agreement provides for interdistrict payments, each party to the agreement, except any school district specifically exempted by the agreement, shall agree to make an annual payment to the urban school district with respect to any of its territory that is annexed territory in an amount not to exceed the amount certified for that year under former section 3317.029 of the Revised Code as that section existed prior to July 1, 1998; except that such limitation of annual payments to amounts certified under former section 3317.029 of the Revised Code does not apply to agreements or extensions of agreements entered into on or after June 1, 1992, unless such limitation is expressly agreed to by the parties. The agreement may provide that all or any part of the payment shall be waived if the urban school district receives its payment with respect to such annexed territory under former section 3317.029 of the Revised Code and that all or any part of such payment may be waived if the urban school district does not receive its payment with respect to such annexed territory under such section.

With respect to territory that is transferred to the urban school district after September 24, 1986, the agreement may provide for annual payments by the urban school district to the school district whose territory is transferred to the urban school district subsequent to annexation by the city served by the urban school district.

(G) In the event territory is transferred from one school district to another under this section, an equitable division of the funds and indebtedness between the districts involved shall be made under the supervision of the state board of education and that board's decision shall be final. Such division shall not include funds payable to or received by a school district under Chapter 3317. of the Revised Code or payable to or received by a school district from the United States or any department or agency thereof. In the event such transferred territory includes real property owned by a school district, the state board of education, as part of such division of funds and indebtedness, shall determine the true value in money of such real property and all buildings or other improvements thereon. The board of education of the school district receiving such territory shall forthwith pay to the board of education of the school district losing such territory such true value in money of such real property, buildings, and improvements less such percentage of the true value in money of each school building located on such real property as is represented by the ratio of the total enrollment in day classes of the pupils residing in the territory transferred enrolled at such school building in the school year in which such annexation proceedings were commenced to the total enrollment in day classes of all pupils residing in the school district losing such territory enrolled at such school building in such school year. The school district receiving such payment shall place the proceeds thereof in its sinking fund or bond retirement fund.

(H) The state board of education, before approving such transfer of territory, shall determine that such payment has been made and shall apportion to the acquiring school district such percentage of the indebtedness of the school district losing the territory as is represented by the ratio that the assessed valuation of the territory transferred bears to the total assessed valuation of the entire school district losing the territory as of the effective date of the transfer, provided that in ascertaining the indebtedness of the school district losing the territory the state board of education shall disregard such percentage of the par value of the outstanding and unpaid bonds and notes of said school district issued for construction or improvement of the school building or buildings for which payment was made by the acquiring district as is equal to the percentage by which the true value in money of such building or buildings was reduced in fixing the amount of said payment.

(I) No transfer of school district territory or division of funds and indebtedness incident thereto, pursuant to the annexation of territory to a city or village shall be completed in any other manner than that prescribed by this section regardless of the date of the commencement of such annexation proceedings, and this section applies to all proceedings for such transfers and divisions of funds and indebtedness pending or commenced on or after October 2, 1959.

(J) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Revised Code, including section 3311.24 of the Revised Code, and any annexation agreement or any other agreement, beginning on the effective date of this amendment until October 1, 2021, no school district that is a party to an annexation agreement shall transfer territory that is or will be used for nonresidential purposes to another school district that is a party to the annexation agreement without the approval of the boards of education of each of the school districts after the effective date of this amendment , unless the school district territory of one of those boards of education overlaps with a new community authority created prior to January 1, 1993, under Chapter 349. of the Revised Code.

Section 3311.062 | Forming district from noncontiguous districts.

Notwithstanding anything prohibiting the existence of school districts with noncontiguous territory in section 3311.06 or 3311.37 of the Revised Code or in any other section of this chapter, a new school district may be formed under this chapter after the effective date of this section from the territory of noncontiguous school districts, provided that the board of education of any school district containing territory lying between the noncontiguous portions of such a new school district adopts a resolution approving the establishment of the new district.

Section 3311.07 | Change of classification upon advancement.

When a local or exempted village school district contains within its territorial boundaries the major portion of the territory lying within the corporate limits of a village advanced to a city, such school district may be BY a majority vote of the full membership of such board of education, declare that such local or exempted village school district shall become a city school district, such change to become effective the next succeeding first day of July.

In the event a minor portion of the territory lying within the corporate limits of a village advanced to a city is contained within the territorial boundaries of a local or exempted village school district other than the school district containing the major portion of the territory lying within the corporate limits of such village, such territory shall remain a part of such local or exempted village school district until transferred to another school district.

Section 3311.08 | School districts that may become exempt from board supervision - census.

The board of education of any local school district which contains within its territorial boundaries:

(A) All the territory lying within the corporate limits of a village having a population of three thousand or more according to the last federal census;

(B) All the territory lying within the corporate limits of a village having a population of two thousand or more according to the last federal census and a population outside the corporate limits of said village, as determined by a census taken by such board, sufficient to make the total population of such district three thousand or more, may, by a majority vote of the full membership of such board, declare that such district be exempt from the supervision of the governing board of the educational service center.

When the board of education of a local school district notifies the governing board of the educational service center on or before the first day of May in any year, that it has adopted, by a majority vote of its full membership, a declaration that such local school district shall be exempt from the supervision of the educational service center governing board, such local school district shall be exempt from the supervision of the educational service center governing board for the school year commencing the first day of July following the date of such notification.

The local school district so exempted from the supervision of the educational service center governing board shall be known as an "exempted village school district" until its status as an exempted village school district has been changed.

A census taken by the board of a local school district, of territory outside the corporate limits of a village, shall be taken by persons appointed by such board. Each person so appointed shall take an oath or affirmation to take such a census accurately and shall make the return under oath to the treasurer of the board. The treasurer shall send certified copies of such census to the county auditor and to the director of education and workforce. Such census shall be approved by the director before the school district is deemed to have sufficient population to meet the requirements of an exempted village school district.

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Section 3311.10 | Change of classification upon reduction of population in village school district - exception.

If an exempted village school district fails to contain within its territorial boundaries territory lying within the corporate limits of a village having a population, according to the latest federal census of two thousand or more, such exempted village school district shall become a local school district, subject to the supervision of the educational service center governing board for the school year commencing the first day of July following the publication by the secretary of state of such census, and thereafter. This section does not apply to any exempted village school district organized as such exempted village school district prior to June 1, 1943.

The board of education of an exempted village school district that contains within its boundaries all or part of two or more municipal corporations, the aggregate population of which totals five thousand or more as determined by the preceding federal census, may, by a majority vote of the full membership of the board, propose that such district become a city school district. The proposal shall be filed with the state board of education. The state board of education shall either approve or disapprove the proposal and shall notify, in writing, the board of education of the district of its decision within ninety days of the day on which the proposal was received.

A school district created by the state board of education under section 3311.37 of the Revised Code which includes any combination of two or more exempted village or local school districts may be designated as a city school district by the state board of education, provided the aggregate population of the newly created district totals five thousand or more as determined by the last federal or special census and provided there is contained within its boundaries all or part of a municipal corporation.

When a governing board of an educational service center is dissolved pursuant to section 3311.37 of the Revised Code the employees shall be assured the opportunity of continued employment in the newly created school district in similar positions at no reduction in salary until the expiration of the existing contracts. Nonteaching school employees of city school districts, created pursuant to this section, shall not be employed pursuant to Chapter 124. of the Revised Code, except that sick leave shall be granted pursuant to section 124.38 of the Revised Code.

Section 3311.11 | New school district to be approved by general assembly.

If the state board of education adopts a resolution under this chapter proposing the creation of a new city or local school district that was not in operation during the 2004-2005 school year, the district shall not be created unless both houses of the general assembly approve the creation of the district through passage of a concurrent resolution.

Section 3311.16 | Plan for joint vocational school district.

Any local, exempted village, or city board of education, any educational service center governing board, or any combination of boards of such districts and centers, referred to in sections 3311.16, 3311.17, and 3311.18 of the Revised Code as the initiating unit, may make or contract for the making of a study pertaining to the need to establish within one county, or within an area comprised of two or more adjoining counties, a joint vocational school district, and for the preparation of a plan for the establishment and operation of a joint vocational school district covering the territory of two or more school districts within such county or counties. Any local, exempted village, or city school district in the county or counties may participate with the initiating unit in the cost of such study and plan. Such plan shall be submitted to the department of education and workforce by the initiating unit.

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Section 3311.17 | Copy of plan to be filed with board of each district.

On approval of the plan by the department of education and workforce, the initiating unit shall file a copy of such plan with the board of education of each district whose territory is proposed to be included in the proposed joint vocational school district. Within thirty days after receiving such copy, such board of education shall determine whether its district shall become a part of the proposed joint vocational school district. If one or more boards of education decide not to become a part of such proposed district, a revised plan shall be prepared by the initiating unit, and if such revised plan is approved by the department, such initiating unit shall file the revised plan with the board of education of each district whose territory is proposed to be included in the proposed joint vocational school district. Within thirty days thereafter, each such district shall determine whether its district shall become a part of the proposed joint vocational school district.

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Section 3311.18 | Creation of joint vocational school districts.

Subject to the consent of the board of education of each school district whose territory is proposed to be included within a joint vocational school district, the initiating unit may create a joint vocational school district within the county or within an area comprised of two or more adjoining counties, composed of the territory of all the school districts whose boards of education have approved the formation of the joint vocational school district. The effective date for the establishment of such district shall be designated by the initiating unit. The boards of education of the school districts participating in the establishment of a joint vocational school district may participate on a proportional basis in meeting the administrative, clerical, and other expenses necessary to the establishment and operation of a joint vocational school district until funds are otherwise provided. A school district shall not lose its separate identity or legal existence by reason of becoming a part of a joint vocational school district. Expenditures made by a school district participating in the establishment of a joint vocational school district for meeting the administrative, clerical, and other expenses necessary to the establishment and operation of a joint vocational school district until such time as the joint vocational school district commences to receive revenues as provided by law are hereby ratified and declared to have been lawfully made, the same as if such contributions had been lawful at the time they were made.

Section 3311.19 | Joint vocational school district board of education.

(A) The management and control of a joint vocational school district shall be vested in the joint vocational school district board of education which, beginning on September 29, 2013, shall be appointed under division (C) of this section.

All members of a joint vocational school district board serving unexpired terms on September 29, 2013, may continue in office until the expiration of their terms. If a member leaves office for any reason prior to the expiration of that member's term, the vacancy shall be filled only in the manner provided in division (C) of this section.

(B) Except as provided in section 3311.191 of the Revised Code, members of the joint vocational school district board appointed on or after September 29, 2013, shall serve for three-year terms of office.

(C) The manner of appointment and the total number of members appointed to the joint vocational school district board shall be in accordance with the most recent plan for the joint vocational school district on file with the department of education and workforce.

(1) Appointments under this section shall be made as the terms of members of each joint vocational school district board who are serving unexpired terms on September 29, 2013, expire or as those offices are otherwise vacated prior to the expiration date.

(2) Members of the joint vocational board shall be appointed by the member school district boards of education. Members of a joint vocational school district board may either be a current elected board member of a school district board that is a member of the joint vocational school district or an individual who has experience or knowledge regarding the labor needs of the state and region with an understanding of the skills, training, and education needed for current and future employment opportunities in the state. The appointing board may give preference to individuals who have served as members on a joint vocational school business advisory committee.

(D) The vocational schools in the joint vocational school district shall be available to all youth of school age within the joint vocational school district subject to the rules adopted by the joint vocational school district board of education in regard to the standards requisite to admission. A joint vocational school district board of education shall have the same powers, duties, and authority for the management and operation of such joint vocational school district as is granted by law, except by this chapter and Chapters 124., 3317., 3323., and 3331. of the Revised Code, to a board of education of a city school district, and shall be subject to all the provisions of law that apply to a city school district, except such provisions in this chapter and Chapters 124., 3317., 3323., and 3331. of the Revised Code.

(E) The superintendent of schools of a joint vocational school district shall exercise the duties and authority vested by law in a superintendent of schools pertaining to the operation of a school district and the employment and supervision of its personnel. The joint vocational school district board of education shall appoint a treasurer of the joint vocational school district who shall be the fiscal officer for such district and who shall have all the powers, duties, and authority vested by law in a treasurer of a board of education.

(F) Each member of a joint vocational school district board of education may be paid such compensation as the board provides by resolution, but it shall not exceed one hundred twenty-five dollars per member for each meeting attended plus mileage, at the rate per mile provided by resolution of the board, to and from meetings of the board.

The board may provide by resolution for the deduction of amounts payable for benefits under section 3313.202 of the Revised Code.

Each member of a joint vocational school district board may be paid such compensation as the board provides by resolution for attendance at an approved training program, provided that such compensation shall not exceed sixty dollars per day for attendance at a training program three hours or fewer in length and one hundred twenty-five dollars a day for attendance at a training program longer than three hours in length. However, no board member shall be compensated for the same training program under this section and section 3313.12 of the Revised Code.

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Section 3311.191 | Terms of additional members.

(A)(1) Subject to division (A)(2) of this section, if a joint vocational school district has an even number of member districts each appointing a member to the joint vocational school district board of education and the joint vocational school district's plan on file with the department of education and workforce provides for one additional board member to be appointed on a rotating basis by one of the appointing boards, the term of that additional member shall be for one year. The additional member shall otherwise meet the requirements for joint vocational school board members prescribed by section 3311.19 of the Revised Code.

(2) If an additional member of a joint vocational school district board appointed on a rotating basis, as described in division (A)(1) of this section, was appointed on or after September 29, 2013, but prior to September 29, 2015, that member may continue in office until the expiration of the member's current term of office. If such member vacates that office for any reason prior to the expiration of that member's term, a new additional member shall be appointed according to the rotational basis prescribed by the district's plan, and that member shall serve for the remainder of the vacating member's term. Thereafter, the term of office of the additional member shall be as prescribed by division (A)(1) of this section.

(B) A joint vocational school district board of education may submit an application to the department for approval to revise its membership plan to stagger the members' terms of office. Each board may do so only one time. The application shall include the revisions proposed to be made to members' terms, the manner by which the terms shall be staggered, and any other information the department requires.

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Section 3311.20 | Bond issue - annual levy.

A joint vocational school district board of education by a vote of at least two-thirds of its full membership may, at any time, submit to the electors of the joint vocational school district the question of issuing bonds of such district for the purpose of paying the cost of purchasing a site or enlargement thereof, and for the erection and equipment of buildings, or for the purpose of enlarging, improving, or rebuilding thereof, and also the necessity of a levy of a tax outside the limitation imposed by Section 2 of Article XII, Ohio Constitution, to pay the interest on and retire such bonds. The proceedings for such election and for the issuance and sale of such bonds shall be the same as required of a board of education by Chapter 133. of the Revised Code, provided that such bond issue may be submitted to the electors and such bonds may be issued for any one or more improvements which the district is authorized to acquire or construct, notwithstanding the fact that such improvements may not be for one purpose under Chapter 133. of the Revised Code. Notes may be issued in anticipation of such bonds as provided in section 133.22 of the Revised Code. The joint vocational school district board of education shall be the taxing authority of the district as this term is used in Chapter 133. of the Revised Code. The annual levy necessary to pay the debt charges on such bonds shall be extended by the auditor of each county in which territory of the joint vocational school district is located on the tax lists of the school districts in his county participating in the joint vocational school district for each year for which the levy is made and shall be placed for collection on the tax duplicates of such districts in his county to be collected at the same time and in the same manner as other taxes on such duplicates. Such taxes authorized by this section when collected shall be paid to the treasurer of the joint vocational school district and deposited by him to the credit of the bond retirement fund.

Section 3311.21 | Tax levy - rate.

(A) In addition to the resolutions authorized by sections 5705.194, 5705.199, 5705.21, 5705.212, and 5705.213 of the Revised Code, the board of education of a joint vocational or cooperative education school district by a vote of two-thirds of its full membership may at any time adopt a resolution declaring the necessity to levy a tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation for a period not to exceed ten years to provide funds for any one or more of the following purposes, which may be stated in the following manner in such resolution, the ballot, and the notice of election: purchasing a site or enlargement thereof and for the erection and equipment of buildings; for the purpose of enlarging, improving, or rebuilding thereof; for the purpose of providing for the current expenses of the joint vocational or cooperative school district; or for a continuing period for the purpose of providing for the current expenses of the joint vocational or cooperative education school district. The resolution shall specify the amount of the proposed rate and, if a renewal, whether the levy is to renew all, or a portion of, the existing levy, and shall specify the first year in which the levy will be imposed. If the levy provides for but is not limited to current expenses, the resolution shall apportion the annual rate of the levy between current expenses and the other purpose or purposes. Such apportionment may but need not be the same for each year of the levy, but the respective portions of the rate actually levied each year for current expenses and the other purpose or purposes shall be limited by such apportionment. The portion of any such rate actually levied for current expenses of a joint vocational or cooperative education school district shall be used in applying division (A) of section 3317.01 of the Revised Code. The portion of any such rate not apportioned to the current expenses of a joint vocational or cooperative education school district shall be used in applying division (B) of this section. On the adoption of such resolution, the joint vocational or cooperative education school district board of education shall certify the resolution to the board of elections of the county containing the most populous portion of the district, which board shall receive resolutions for filing and send them to the boards of elections of each county in which territory of the district is located, furnish all ballots for the election as provided in section 3505.071 of the Revised Code, and prepare the election notice; and the board of elections of each county in which the territory of such district is located shall make the other necessary arrangements for the submission of the question to the electors of the joint vocational or cooperative education school district at the next primary or general election occurring not less than ninety days after the resolution was received from the joint vocational or cooperative education school district board of education, or at a special election to be held at a time designated by the district board of education consistent with the requirements of section 3501.01 of the Revised Code, which date shall not be earlier than ninety days after the adoption and certification of the resolution.

The board of elections of the county or counties in which territory of the joint vocational or cooperative education school district is located shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in that district an advertisement of the proposed tax levy question, together with a statement of the amount of the proposed levy once a week for two consecutive weeks or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, prior to the election at which the question is to appear on the ballot. If the board of elections operates and maintains a web site, the board also shall post the advertisement on its web site for thirty days prior to that election.

If a majority of the electors voting on the question of levying such tax vote in favor of the levy, the joint vocational or cooperative education school district board of education shall annually make the levy within the district at the rate specified in the resolution and ballot or at any lesser rate, and the county auditor of each affected county shall annually place the levy on the tax list and duplicate of each school district in the county having territory in the joint vocational or cooperative education school district. The taxes realized from the levy shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as other taxes on the duplicate, and the taxes, when collected, shall be paid to the treasurer of the joint vocational or cooperative education school district and deposited to a special fund, which shall be established by the joint vocational or cooperative education school district board of education for all revenue derived from any tax levied pursuant to this section and for the proceeds of anticipation notes which shall be deposited in such fund. After the approval of the levy, the joint vocational or cooperative education school district board of education may anticipate a fraction of the proceeds of the levy and from time to time, during the life of the levy, but in any year prior to the time when the tax collection from the levy so anticipated can be made for that year, issue anticipation notes in an amount not exceeding fifty per cent of the estimated proceeds of the levy to be collected in each year up to a period of five years after the date of the issuance of the notes, less an amount equal to the proceeds of the levy obligated for each year by the issuance of anticipation notes, provided that the total amount maturing in any one year shall not exceed fifty per cent of the anticipated proceeds of the levy for that year. Each issue of notes shall be sold as provided in Chapter 133. of the Revised Code, and shall, except for such limitation that the total amount of such notes maturing in any one year shall not exceed fifty per cent of the anticipated proceeds of the levy for that year, mature serially in substantially equal installments, during each year over a period not to exceed five years after their issuance.

(B) Prior to the application of section 319.301 of the Revised Code, the rate of a levy that is limited to, or to the extent that it is apportioned to, purposes other than current expenses shall be reduced in the same proportion in which the district's total valuation increases during the life of the levy because of additions to such valuation that have resulted from improvements added to the tax list and duplicate.

(C) The form of ballot cast at an election under division (A) of this section shall be as prescribed by section 5705.25 of the Revised Code.

Section 3311.211 | Tuition - acceptance of funds.

The board of education of the joint vocational school district shall be authorized to charge and collect tuition for the attendance of pupils who are school residents of districts not a part of the joint vocational school district pursuant to arrangements made between the board of education of such district and the joint vocational school district board of education. The board of education of the joint vocational school district may accept gifts, grants, federal funds, tuition, and other allocations of funds for the purposes of erecting, repairing, and equipping buildings and for the cost of operation of the vocational schools of such district.

Section 3311.212 | Use of buildings.

The board of education of a school district which is a part of a joint vocational school district and the board of education of such joint vocational school district may enter into agreements to permit the school buildings of the district first noted to be used for the purposes of carrying on a vocational school program. Such use may be either free of cost or pursuant to such rental arrangements as may be stipulated in such agreements.

Section 3311.213 | Procedure for district to join existing joint vocational school district.

(A) With the approval of the board of education of a joint vocational school district that is in existence, any school district in the county or counties comprising the joint vocational school district or any school district in a county adjacent to a county comprising part of a joint vocational school district may become a part of the joint vocational school district. On the adoption of a resolution of approval by the board of education of the joint vocational school district, it shall advertise a copy of such resolution in a newspaper of general circulation in the school district proposing to become a part of such joint vocational school district once each week for two weeks, or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, immediately following the date of the adoption of such resolution. Such resolution shall not become effective until the later of the sixty-first day after its adoption or until the board of elections certifies the results of an election in favor of joining of the school district to the joint vocational school district if such an election is held under division (B) of this section.

(B) During the sixty-day period following the date of the adoption of a resolution to join a school district to a joint vocational school district under division (A) of this section, the electors of the school district that proposes joining the joint vocational school district may petition for a referendum vote on the resolution. The question whether to approve or disapprove the resolution shall be submitted to the electors of such school district if a number of qualified electors equal to twenty per cent of the number of electors in the school district who voted for the office of governor at the most recent general election for that office sign a petition asking that the question of whether the resolution shall be disapproved be submitted to the electors. The petition shall be filed with the board of elections of the county in which the school district is located. If the school district is located in more than one county, the petition shall be filed with the board of elections of the county in which the majority of the territory of the school district is located. The board shall certify the validity and sufficiency of the signatures on the petition.

The board of elections shall immediately notify the board of education of the joint vocational school district and the board of education of the school district that proposes joining the joint vocational school district that the petition has been filed.

The effect of the resolution shall be stayed until the board of elections certifies the validity and sufficiency of the signatures on the petition. If the board of elections determines that the petition does not contain a sufficient number of valid signatures and sixty days have passed since the adoption of the resolution, the resolution shall become effective.

If the board of elections certifies that the petition contains a sufficient number of valid signatures, the board shall submit the question to the qualified electors of the school district on the day of the next general or primary election held at least ninety days after but no later than six months after the board of elections certifies the validity and sufficiency of signatures on the petition. If there is no general or primary election held at least ninety days after but no later than six months after the board of elections certifies the validity and sufficiency of signatures on the petition, the board shall submit the question to the electors at a special election to be held on the next day specified for special elections in division (D) of section 3501.01 of the Revised Code that occurs at least ninety days after the board certifies the validity and sufficiency of signatures on the petition. The election shall be conducted and canvassed and the results shall be certified in the same manner as in regular elections for the election of members of a board of education.

If a majority of the electors voting on the question disapprove the resolution, the resolution shall not become effective.

(C) If the resolution becomes effective, the board of education of the joint vocational school district shall notify the county auditor of the county in which the school district becoming a part of the joint vocational school district is located, who shall thereupon have any outstanding levy for building purposes, bond retirement, or current expenses in force in the joint vocational school district spread over the territory of the school district becoming a part of the joint vocational school district. On the addition of a city or exempted village school district or an educational service center to the joint vocational school district, pursuant to this section, the board of education of such joint vocational school district shall submit to the department of education and workforce a proposal to enlarge the membership of such board by the addition of one or more persons at least one of whom shall be a member of the board of education or governing board of such additional school district or educational service center, and the term of each such additional member. On the addition of a local school district to the joint vocational school district, pursuant to this section, the board of education of such joint vocational school district may submit to the department a proposal to enlarge the membership of such board by the addition of one or more persons who are members of the educational service center governing board of such additional local school district. On approval by the department additional members shall be added to such joint vocational school district board of education.

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Section 3311.214 | Procedure for merging existing joint vocational school districts.

(A) With the approval of the department of education and workforce, the boards of education of any two or more joint vocational school districts may, by the adoption of identical resolutions by a majority of the members of each such board, propose that one new joint vocational school district be created by adding together all of the territory of each of the districts and dissolving such districts. A copy of each resolution shall be filed with the department for its approval or disapproval. The resolutions shall include a provision that the board of education of the new district shall be composed of the members from the same boards of education that composed the membership of the board of each of the districts to be dissolved, except that, if an even number of districts are to be dissolved, one additional member shall be added, who may be from any school district included in the territory of any of the districts to be dissolved as designated in the resolutions. The members of the new board shall have the same terms of office as they had under the respective plans of the districts adopting the resolutions, except that, if the new board has an additional member, the additional member shall have a term as specified in the resolutions.

If the department approves the resolutions, the board of education of each district to be dissolved shall advertise a copy of the resolution in a newspaper of general circulation in its district once each week for two weeks, or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, immediately following the date the resolutions are approved by the department. The resolutions shall become effective on the first day of July next succeeding the sixtieth day following approval by the department unless prior to the expiration of such sixty-day period, qualified electors residing in one of the districts to be dissolved equal in number to a majority of the qualified electors of that district voting at the last general election file with the department a petition of remonstrance against creation of the proposed new district.

(B) When a resolution becomes effective under division (A) of this section, each district in which a resolution was adopted and the board of each such district are dissolved. The territory of each dissolved district becomes a part of the new joint vocational school district. The net indebtedness of each dissolved district shall be assumed in full by the new district and the funds and property of each dissolved district shall become in full the funds and property of the new district. All existing contracts of each dissolved board shall be honored by the board of the new district until their expiration dates. The board of the new district shall notify the county auditor of each county in which each dissolved district was located that a resolution has become effective and a new district has been created and shall certify to each auditor any changes that might be required in the tax rate as a result of the creation of the new district.

(C) As used in this section, "net indebtedness" means the difference between the par value of the outstanding and unpaid bonds and notes of the school district and the amount held in the sinking fund and other indebtedness retirement funds for their redemption.

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Section 3311.215 | Facilities of joint districts.

Facilities of the joint vocational school districts may be used for post-high school training, technical training, and re-training programs of vocational education. A joint vocational school district operating a vocational school may construct, maintain, and operate facilities other than those used for vocational training to be used solely for post-high school training, technical training, re-training programs of vocational education, dormitories, and other facilities for the use of any student.

Section 3311.216 | Funds of joint districts.

All joint vocational school district funds shall be kept in depositories selected pursuant to sections 135.01 to 135.21 of the Revised Code. The treasurer of the joint vocational school district shall be the custodian of such funds. Such funds shall be disbursed only pursuant to warrant signed by such treasurer and a person so authorized by the board of education of the joint vocational school district, and pursuant to order of such board approving such expenditure. No contract of such board of education involving the expenditure of money shall become effective until the fiscal officer of the joint vocational school district certifies there are funds in the treasury and otherwise unappropriated sufficient to provide therefor.

Section 3311.217 | Dissolution of district.

Upon approval by a majority of the full membership of the board of education of a joint vocational school district, or upon the receipt of resolutions formally adopted by a majority of the boards of education of the school districts participating in the joint vocational school district, the board of education of the joint vocational school district shall adopt and send to the department of education and workforce a resolution requesting the dissolution of the joint vocational school district. Such resolution shall state the reasons for the proposed dissolution of the joint vocational school district, shall set forth a plan for the equitable adjustment, division, and disposition of the assets, property, debts, and obligations of the joint vocational school district, and shall provide that the tax duplicate of each participating school district shall be bound for and assume its share of the outstanding indebtedness of the joint vocational school district. Upon approval of the resolution by the department, the joint vocational school district shall be dissolved in accordance with the provisions of the resolution.

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Section 3311.218 | Sharing use of facilities, equipment or funds.

The board of education of a joint vocational school district may enter into a written agreement with the board of trustees of any technical college district, the boundaries of which are coterminous with such joint vocational school district, which agreement may provide for the sharing of use of any physical facility or equipment owned or used by either district. Such agreement may further provide that the joint vocational school district may contribute a portion of its funds for current operating expenses, regardless of whether such funds are derived from a tax levy or otherwise, to the technical college district to be expended by the technical college district for any lawful purpose. The agreement shall require the approval by resolution of both boards and shall be executed by the president and treasurer of both boards. A copy of such agreement shall be filed with the chancellor of higher education and a copy shall be filed with the department of education and workforce.

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Section 3311.22 | Transfer of school district territory.

A governing board of an educational service center may propose, by resolution adopted by majority vote of its full membership, or qualified electors of the area affected equal in number to at least fifty-five per cent of the qualified electors voting at the last general election residing within that portion of a school district, or districts proposed to be transferred may propose, by petition, the transfer of a part or all of one or more local school districts to another local school district or districts within the territory of the educational service center. Such transfers may be made only to local school districts adjoining the school district that is proposed to be transferred, unless the board of education of the district proposed to be transferred has entered into an agreement pursuant to section 3313.42 of the Revised Code, in which case such transfers may be made to any local school district within the territory of the educational service center.

When a governing board of an educational service center adopts a resolution proposing a transfer of school territory it shall forthwith file a copy of such resolution, together with an accurate map of the territory described in the resolution, with the board of education of each school district whose boundaries would be altered by such proposal. A governing board of an educational service center proposing a transfer of territory under the provisions of this section shall at its next regular meeting that occurs not earlier than thirty days after the adoption by the governing board of a resolution proposing such transfer, adopt a resolution making the transfer effective at any time prior to the next succeeding first day of July, unless, prior to the expiration of such thirty-day period, qualified electors residing in the area proposed to be transferred, equal in number to a majority of the qualified electors voting at the last general election, file a petition of referendum against such transfer.

Any petition of transfer or petition of referendum filed under the provisions of this section shall be filed at the office of the educational service center superintendent. The person presenting the petition shall be given a receipt containing thereon the time of day, the date, and the purpose of the petition.

The educational service center superintendent shall cause the board of elections to check the sufficiency of signatures on any petition of transfer or petition of referendum filed under this section and, if found to be sufficient, the superintendent shall present the petition to the educational service center governing board at a meeting of the board which shall occur not later than thirty days following the filing of the petition.

Upon presentation to the educational service center governing board of a proposal to transfer territory as requested by petition of fifty-five per cent of the qualified electors voting at the last general election or a petition of referendum against a proposal of the county board to transfer territory, the governing board shall promptly certify the proposal to the board of elections for the purpose of having the proposal placed on the ballot at the next general or primary election which occurs not less than ninety days after the date of such certification, or at a special election, the date of which shall be specified in the certification, which date shall not be less than ninety days after the date of such certification. Signatures on a petition of transfer or petition of referendum may be withdrawn up to and including the above mentioned meeting of the educational service center governing board only by order of the board upon testimony of the petitioner concerned under oath before the board that the petitioner's signature was obtained by fraud, duress, or misrepresentation.

If a petition is filed with the educational service center governing board which proposes the transfer of a part or all of the territory included in a resolution of transfer previously adopted by the educational service center governing board, no action shall be taken on such petition if within the thirty-day period after the adoption of the resolution of transfer a referendum petition is filed. After the election, if the proposed transfer fails to receive a majority vote, action on such petition shall then be processed under this section as though originally filed under the provisions hereof. If no referendum petition is filed within the thirty-day period after the adoption of the resolution of transfer, no action shall be taken on such petition.

If a petition is filed with the educational service center governing board which proposes the transfer of a part or all of the territory included in a petition previously filed by electors no action shall be taken on such new petition.

Upon certification of a proposal to the board or boards of elections pursuant to this section, the board or boards of elections shall make the necessary arrangements for the submission of such question to the electors of the county or counties qualified to vote thereon, and the election shall be conducted and canvassed and the results shall be certified in the same manner as in regular elections for the election of members of a board of education.

The persons qualified to vote upon a proposal are the electors residing in the district or districts containing territory that is proposed to be transferred. If the proposed transfer be approved by at least a majority of the electors voting on the proposal, the educational service center governing board shall make such transfer at any time prior to the next succeeding first day of July. If the proposed transfer is not approved by at least a majority of the electors voting on the proposal, the question of transferring any property included in the territory covered by the proposal shall not be submitted to electors at any election prior to the first general election the date of which is at least two years after the date of the original election, or the first primary election held in an even-numbered year the date of which is at least two years after the date of the original election. A transfer shall be subject to the approval of the receiving board or boards of education, unless the proposal was initiated by the educational service center governing board, in which case, if the transfer is opposed by the board of education offered the territory, the local board may, within thirty days, following the receipt of the notice of transfer, appeal to the state board of education which shall then either approve or disapprove the transfer.

Following an election upon a proposed transfer initiated by a petition the board of education that is offered territory shall, within thirty days following receipt of the proposal, either accept or reject the transfer.

When an entire school district is proposed to be transferred to two or more school districts and the offer is rejected by any one of the receiving boards of education, none of the territory included in the proposal shall be transferred.

Upon the acceptance of territory by the receiving board or boards of education the educational service center governing board offering the territory shall file with the county auditor and with the state board of education an accurate map showing the boundaries of the territory transferred.

Upon the making of such transfer, the net indebtedness of the former district from which territory was transferred shall be apportioned between the acquiring school district and that portion of the former school district remaining after the transfer in the ratio which the assessed valuation of the territory transferred to the acquiring school district bears to the assessed valuation of the original school district as of the effective date of the transfer. As used in this section "net indebtedness" means the difference between the par value of the outstanding and unpaid bonds and notes of the school district and the amount held in the sinking fund and other indebtedness retirement funds for their redemption.

Upon the making of any transfer under this section, the funds of the district from which territory was transferred shall be divided equitably by the educational service center governing board between the acquiring district and any part of the original district remaining after the transfer.

If an entire district is transferred the board of education of such district is thereby abolished or if a member of the board of education lives in that part of a school district transferred the member becomes a nonresident of the school district from which the territory was transferred and such member ceases to be a member of the board of education of such district.

The legal title of all property of the board of education in the territory transferred shall become vested in the board of education of the school district to which such territory is transferred.

Subsequent to June 30, 1959, if an entire district is transferred, foundation program moneys accruing to a district accepting school territory under the provisions of this section or former section 3311.22 of the Revised Code, shall not be less, in any year during the next succeeding three years following the transfer, than the sum of the amounts received by the districts separately in the year in which the transfer was consummated.

Section 3311.221 | Acquisition of territory due to eligible school district transfer; transition agreement.

(A) As used in this section, an "eligible school district transfer" means the transfer, not later than June 30, 2015, of the entire territory of a local school district that has fewer than five hundred students to a contiguous local school district under section 3311.22 of the Revised Code that results in the cancellation of the amount owed to the solvency assistance fund by either or both districts under Section 7 of Am. Sub. H.B. 487 of the 130th general assembly.

(B) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Revised Code, if a joint vocational school district gains territory on or after January 1, 2015, due to an eligible school district transfer, the joint vocational school district shall enter into a two-year transition agreement with the joint vocational school district that lost the territory gained by the other joint vocational school district due to the transfer. This agreement shall require all of the following:

(1) Each student of the local school district that is transferred who is enrolled, at the time of the transfer, in the joint vocational school district that lost territory due to the transfer shall remain enrolled in that joint vocational school district for the remainder of the student's secondary education, so long as the student is enrolled in the local school district that received territory in the transfer and continues to enroll in a career-technical program.

(2) In the first year following the transfer, the joint vocational school district that gains territory due to the transfer shall pay the joint vocational school district that lost territory due to the transfer an amount equal to one hundred per cent of the revenue collected from taxes levied under sections 3311.21 and 5705.21 of the Revised Code by the joint vocational school district that gains territory for the transferred portion of the district.

(3) In the second year following the transfer, the joint vocational school district that gains territory due to the transfer shall pay the joint vocational school district that lost territory due to the transfer an amount equal to fifty per cent of the revenue collected from taxes levied under sections 3311.21 and 5705.21 of the Revised Code by the joint vocational school district that gains territory for the transferred portion of the district.

Any other terms mutually agreed upon by both joint vocational school districts to ensure an orderly transition of territory that maximizes opportunities for students shall also be included in the agreement.

Section 3311.231 | Transferring local school district territory to adjoining service center or city or exempted village school district.

A governing board of an educational service center may propose, by resolution adopted by majority vote of its full membership, or qualified electors of the area affected equal in number to not less than fifty-five per cent of the qualified electors voting at the last general election residing within that portion of a school district proposed to be transferred may propose, by petition, the transfer of a part or all of one or more local school districts within the territory of the center to an adjoining educational service center or to an adjoining city or exempted village school district.

A governing board of an educational service center adopting a resolution proposing a transfer of school territory under this section shall file a copy of such resolution together with an accurate map of the territory described in the resolution, with the board of education of each school district whose boundaries would be altered by such proposal. Where a transfer of territory is proposed by a governing board of an educational service center under this section, the governing board shall, at its next regular meeting that occurs not earlier than the thirtieth day after the adoption by the governing board of the resolution proposing such transfer, adopt a resolution making the transfer as originally proposed, effective at any time prior to the next succeeding first day of July, unless, prior to the expiration of such thirty-day period, qualified electors residing in the area proposed to be transferred, equal in number to a majority of the qualified electors voting at the last general election, file a petition of referendum against such transfer.

Any petition of transfer or petition of referendum under the provisions of this section shall be filed at the office of the educational service center superintendent. The person presenting the petition shall be given a receipt containing thereon the time of day, the date, and the purpose of the petition.

The educational service center superintendent shall cause the board of elections to check the sufficiency of signatures on any such petition, and, if found to be sufficient, the superintendent shall present the petition to the educational service center governing board at a meeting of said governing board which shall occur not later than thirty days following the filing of said petition.

The educational service center governing board shall promptly certify the proposal to the board of elections of such counties in which school districts whose boundaries would be altered by such proposal are located for the purpose of having the proposal placed on the ballot at the next general or primary election which occurs not less than ninety days after the date of such certification or at a special election, the date of which shall be specified in the certification, which date shall not be less than ninety days after the date of such certification.

Signatures on a petition of transfer or petition of referendum may be withdrawn up to and including the above mentioned meeting of the educational service center governing board only by order of the governing board upon testimony of the petitioner concerned under oath before the board that the petitioner's signature was obtained by fraud, duress, or misrepresentation.

If a petition is filed with the educational service center governing board which proposes the transfer of a part or all of the territory included either in a petition previously filed by electors or in a resolution of transfer previously adopted by the educational service center governing board, no action shall be taken on such new petition as long as the previously initiated proposal is pending before the governing board or is subject to an election.

Upon certification of a proposal to the board or boards of elections pursuant to this section, the board or boards of elections shall make the necessary arrangements for the submission of such question to the electors of the county or counties qualified to vote thereon, and the election shall be conducted and canvassed and the results shall be certified in the same manner as in regular elections for the election of members of a board of education.

The persons qualified to vote upon a proposal are the electors residing in the district or districts containing territory that is proposed to be transferred. If the proposed transfer is approved by at least a majority of the electors voting on the proposal, the educational service center governing board shall make such transfer at any time prior to the next succeeding first day of July, subject to the approval of the receiving board of education in case of a transfer to a city or exempted village school district, and subject to the approval of the educational service center governing board of the receiving center, in case of a transfer to an educational service center. If the proposed transfer is not approved by at least a majority of the electors voting on the proposal, the question of transferring any property included in the territory covered by the proposal shall not be submitted to electors at any election prior to the first general election the date of which is at least two years after the date of the original election, or the first primary election held in an even-numbered year the date of which is at least two years after the date of the original election.

Where a territory is transferred under this section to a city or exempted village school district, the board of education of such district shall, and where territory is transferred to an educational service center the governing board of such educational service center shall, within thirty days following receipt of the proposal, either accept or reject the transfer.

Where a governing board of an educational service center adopts a resolution accepting territory transferred to the educational service center under the provisions of sections 3311.231 and 3311.24 of the Revised Code, the governing board shall, at the time of the adoption of the resolution accepting the territory, designate the school district to which the accepted territory shall be annexed.

When an entire school district is proposed to be transferred to two or more adjoining school districts and the offer is rejected by any one of the receiving boards of education, none of the territory included in the proposal shall be transferred.

Upon the acceptance of territory by the receiving board or boards of education the educational service center governing board offering the territory shall file with the county auditor of each county affected by the transfer and with the state board of education an accurate map showing the boundaries of the territory transferred.

Upon the making of such transfer, the net indebtedness of the former district from which territory was transferred shall be apportioned between the acquiring school district and the portion of the former school district remaining after the transfer in the ratio which the assessed valuation of the territory transferred to the acquiring school district bears to the assessed valuation of the original school district as of the effective date of the transfer. As used in this section "net indebtedness" means the difference between the par value of the outstanding and unpaid bonds and notes of the school district and the amount held in the sinking fund and other indebtedness retirement funds for their redemption.

Upon the making of any transfer under this section, the funds of the district from which territory was transferred shall be divided equitably by the educational service center governing board, between the acquiring district and any part of the original district remaining after the transfer.

If an entire district is transferred the board of education of such district is thereby abolished or if a member of the board of education lives in that part of a school district transferred the member becomes a nonresident of the school district from which the territory was transferred and such member ceases to be a member of the board of education of such district.

The legal title of all property of the board of education in the territory transferred shall become vested in the board of education of the school district to which such territory is transferred.

If an entire district is transferred, foundation program moneys accruing to a district receiving school territory under the provisions of this section shall not be less, in any year during the next succeeding three years following the transfer, than the sum of the amounts received by the districts separately in the year in which the transfer was consummated.

Section 3311.24 | Transfer of city, exempted village or local school district territory to adjoining district.

(A)(1) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, the board of education of a city, exempted village, or local school district shall file with the state board of education a proposal to transfer territory from such district to an adjoining city, exempted village, or local school district in any of the following circumstances:

(a) The district board deems the transfer advisable and, if the portion of the district proposed to be transferred is five acres or more, the board has obtained written consent to the transfer from seventy-five per cent of the owners of parcels of real property on the tax duplicate within that portion of the district;

(b) A petition, signed by seventy-five per cent of the qualified electors residing within that portion of a city, exempted village, or local school district proposed to be transferred voting at the last general election, requests such a transfer;

(c) If no qualified electors reside in that portion of the district proposed to be transferred, a petition, signed by seventy-five per cent of the owners of parcels of real property on the tax duplicate within that portion of the district, requests such a transfer.

(2) The board of education of the district in which such proposal originates shall file such proposal, together with a map showing the boundaries of the territory proposed to be transferred, with the state board of education prior to the first day of April in any even-numbered year. The state board of education may, if it is advisable, provide for a hearing in any suitable place in any of the school districts affected by such proposed transfer of territory. The state board of education or its representatives shall preside at any such hearing.

(3) A board of education of a city, exempted village, or local school district that receives a petition of transfer signed by electors of the district under division (A)(1)(b) of this section shall cause the board of elections to check the sufficiency of signatures on the petition. A board of education of a city, exempted village, or local school district that receives written consent or a petition of transfer signed by owners of parcels of real property under division (A)(1)(a) or (c) of this section shall cause the county auditor to check the sufficiency of signatures on the consent or petition.

(4) Not later than the first day of September the state board of education shall either approve or disapprove a proposed transfer of territory filed with it as provided by this section and shall notify, in writing, the boards of education of the districts affected by such proposed transfer of territory of its decision.

If the decision of the state board of education is an approval of the proposed transfer of territory then the board of education of the district in which the territory is located shall, within thirty days after receiving the state board of education's decision, adopt a resolution transferring the territory and shall forthwith submit a copy of such resolution to the treasurer of the board of education of the city, exempted village, or local school district to which the territory is transferred. Such transfer shall not be complete however, until:

(a) A resolution accepting the transfer has been passed by a majority vote of the full membership of the board of education of the city, exempted village, or local school district to which the territory is transferred;

(b) Subject to section 3311.241 of the Revised Code, if applicable, an equitable division of the funds and indebtedness between the districts involved has been made by the board of education making the transfer;

(c) A map showing the boundaries of the territory transferred has been filed, by the board of education accepting the transfer, with the county auditor of each county affected by the transfer.

When such transfer is complete the legal title of the school property in the territory transferred shall be vested in the board of education or governing board of the school district to which the territory is transferred.

(B) Whenever the transfer of territory pursuant to this section is initiated by a board of education, the board shall, before filing a proposal for transfer with the state board of education under this section, make a good faith effort to negotiate the terms of transfer with any other school district whose territory would be affected by the transfer. Before the state board may hold a hearing on the transfer, or approve or disapprove any such transfer, it must receive the following:

(1) A resolution requesting approval of the transfer passed by the school district submitting the proposal and, if applicable, evidence of the consent of affected property owners to the transfer;

(2) Evidence determined to be sufficient by the state board to show that good faith negotiations have taken place or that the district requesting the transfer has made a good faith effort to hold such negotiations;

(3) If any negotiations took place, a statement signed by all boards that participated in the negotiations, listing the terms agreed on and the points on which no agreement could be reached.

Negotiations held pursuant to this section shall be governed by the rules adopted by the state board under division (D) of section 3311.06 of the Revised Code. Districts involved in a transfer under division (B) of this section may agree to share revenues from the property included in the territory to be transferred, establish cooperative programs between the participating districts, and establish mechanisms for the settlement of any future boundary disputes.

Section 3311.241 | Transfer or school district territory; cancellation of debt to solvency assistance fund.

(A) In the case of a voluntary transfer of the territory of a school district in accordance with section 3311.38 or division (A)(1)(a) of section 3311.24 of the Revised Code, and where the transfer is initiated under either of those sections not later than December 31, 2015, and results in the complete consolidation and dissolution of the transferring district, the net indebtedness owed to the solvency assistance fund created under section 3316.20 of the Revised Code by the transferring district shall be canceled, provided that all of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The amount owed by the transferring district to the solvency assistance fund is greater than or equal to thirty-three per cent of the transferring school district's operating budget for the current fiscal year, but does not exceed ten million dollars.

(2) The transferring district has remained in a state of fiscal emergency pursuant to section 3316.03 of the Revised Code during the previous two fiscal years.

(3) The acquiring district is in the same county or in a county contiguous to the county in which the transferring district is located.

(4) The acquiring district has voluntarily accepted the transfer.

(5) The acquiring district has submitted to the state board of education a five-year written projection of solvency which takes into account the fiscal effects of acquiring the transferring district.

(B) If the conditions in division (A) of this section are satisfied, the acquiring district shall acquire the transferring district's territory free and clear of any amount owed by the transferring district to the solvency assistance fund. However, the acquiring district shall assume the obligations of all other liens, encumbrances, and debts of the transferring district.

(C) Upon the making of a transfer pursuant to this section, the board of education of the transferring district is thereby abolished, and the district is thereby dissolved.

(D) The director of budget and management may transfer any available moneys from the general revenue fund, appropriated for operating payments to schools, into the solvency assistance fund to replace the amount owed by a transferring school district forgone under division (A) of this section.

Section 3311.25 | Merger of districts located primarily in same county with population of less than 100,000.

(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, two or more city, local, or exempted village school districts whose territory is primarily located within the same county may be merged as provided in this section, if the county has a population of less than one hundred thousand, as determined by the most recent federal decennial census.

(B) A petition may be filed with the board of elections proposing that two or more school districts whose territory is primarily located within a county meeting the qualifications of division (A) of this section form a commission to study the proposed merger of the school districts. The petition may be presented in separate petition papers. Each petition paper shall contain, in concise language, the purpose of the petition and the names of five electors of each school district proposed to be merged to serve as commissioners on the merger study commission. The petition shall be governed by the rules of section 3501.38 of the Revised Code.

A petition filed under this section shall contain signatures of electors of each school district proposed to be merged, numbering not less than ten per cent of the number of electors residing in that district who voted for the office of governor at the most recent general election for that office. The petition shall be filed with the board of elections of the county described by division (A) of this section. The board of elections of the county in which the petition is required to be filed shall ascertain the validity of all signatures on the petition and may require the assistance of boards of elections of other counties if any of the school districts proposed to be merged are located partially in a county other than the one in which the petition is required to be filed.

(C)(1) If the board of elections of the county in which the petition is required to be filed determines that the petition is sufficient, the board shall submit the following question for the approval or rejection of the electors of each school district proposed to be merged at the next general election occurring at least ninety days after the date the petition is filed: "Shall a commission be established to study the proposed merger of any or all of the school districts in this county and, if a merger is considered desirable, to draw up a statement of conditions for that proposed merger?" The ballot shall include, for each of the school districts proposed to be merged, the names of the five electors identified in the petition, who shall constitute the commissioners on behalf of that district.

(2) If any of the school districts for which merger is proposed are located partially in a county other than the one in which the petition is required to be filed, the board of elections of the county in which the petition is required to be filed shall, if the petition is found to be sufficient, certify the sufficiency of that petition and the statement of the issue to be voted on to the boards of elections of those other counties. The boards of those other counties shall submit the question of merging and the names of candidates to be elected to the commission for the approval or rejection of electors in the portions of the school districts proposed to be merged that are located within their respective counties. Upon the holding of the election, those boards shall certify the results to the board of elections of the county in which the petition is required to be filed.

(D) A petition shall not be deemed insufficient for all school districts proposed to be merged if it contains the signatures of less than ten per cent of the electors who voted for the office of governor at the most recent general election for that office in a particular school district. If the petition contains a sufficient number of signatures and is otherwise determined by the board of elections to be sufficient for at least two school districts proposed to be merged, the board shall submit the question of the proposed merger for the approval or rejection of voters under division (C) of this section in each of the districts for which the petition was determined to be sufficient. The board shall not submit the question of the proposed merger for the approval or rejection of voters under division (C) of this section for any school district for which a petition contains an insufficient number of signatures or for which the board otherwise determines the petition to be insufficient.

(E)(1) If the question of forming a merger study commission as provided in division (C) of this section is approved by a majority of those voting on it in at least two school districts, the commission shall be established and the five candidates from each school district in which the question was approved shall be elected to the commission to study the proposed merger and to formulate any conditions of any proposed merger if a merger is considered desirable after study by the commission. Any school district that disapproved of the question of forming a merger study commission by a majority of those voting on it shall not be included in, and its proposed candidates shall not be elected to, the commission.

(2) The first meeting of the commission shall be held in the regular meeting place of the board of county commissioners of the county in which the petition is required to be filed, at nine a.m. on the tenth day after the certification of the election by the last of the respective boards of elections to make such certification, unless that day is a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday, in which case the first meeting shall be held on the next day thereafter that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday. The president of the school board of the school district with the largest population of the districts that approved the question of forming a merger study commission under division (C) of this section shall serve as temporary chairperson until permanent officers are elected. The commission shall immediately elect its own permanent officers and shall proceed to meet as often as necessary to study the proposed merger, determine whether a proposed merger is desirable, and formulate any conditions for any proposed merger. All meetings of the commission shall be subject to the requirements of section 121.22 of the Revised Code.

(3) The conditions for a proposed merger may provide for the election of school board members for the new school district and any other conditions that a majority of the members of the commission from each school district find necessary. The conditions for the proposed merger also may provide that the merger, if approved, shall not become effective until the date on which any required changes in state law necessary for the school district merger to occur become effective.

(4) As soon as the commission determines that a merger is not desirable or finalizes the conditions for a proposed merger, the commission shall report this fact, and the name of each school district proposed for merger in which the majority of the district's commissioners have agreed to the conditions for merger, to the board of elections of each of the counties in which the school districts proposed for merger are located.

The question shall be submitted to the voters in each school district in which the majority of the district's commissioners have agreed to the conditions for merger at the next general election occurring after the commission is elected. The question shall not be submitted to the voters in any school district in which a majority of that district's commissioners have not agreed to the conditions for merger. The board of elections shall not submit the conditions for merger to the voters in any district if the conditions for merger include the merging of any district in which the majority of that district's commissioners have not agreed to the conditions for merger.

The boards of elections shall submit the conditions of proposed merger for the approval or rejection of the electors in the portions of the school districts proposed to be merged within their respective counties. Upon the holding of that election, the boards of elections shall certify the results to the board of elections of the county in which the petition is required to be filed.

Regardless of whether the commission succeeds in reaching agreement, the commission shall cease to exist on the ninetieth day prior to the next general election after the commission is elected.

(F) If the conditions of merger agreed upon by the merger commission are disapproved by a majority of those voting on them in any school district proposed to be merged, the merger shall not occur, unless the conditions of merger provide for a merger to occur without the inclusion of that district and the conditions of merger are otherwise met. No district in which the conditions of merger are disapproved by a majority of those voting on them shall be included in any merger resulting from that election. If the conditions of merger are approved by a majority of those voting on them in each school district proposed to be merged, or if the conditions of merger provide for a merger to occur without the inclusion of one or more districts in which the conditions of merger are disapproved by a majority of those voting on them, the merger shall be effective on the date specified in the conditions of the merger, unless the conditions of merger specify changes required to be made in state law for the merger to occur, in which case the merger shall be effective on the date on which those changes to state law become effective.

Section 3311.26 | New local school district may be created.

The state board of education may, by resolution adopted by majority vote of its full membership, propose the creation of a new local school district from one or more local school districts or parts thereof, including the creation of a local district with noncontiguous territory from one or more local school districts if one of those districts has entered into an agreement under section 3313.42 of the Revised Code. Such proposal shall include an accurate map showing the territory affected. After the adoption of the resolution, the state board shall file a copy of such proposal with the board of education of each school district whose boundaries would be altered by such proposal.

Upon the creation of a new district under this section, the state board shall at its next regular meeting that occurs not earlier than thirty days after the adoption by the state board of the resolution proposing such creation, adopt a resolution making the creation effective prior to the next succeeding first day of July, unless, prior to the expiration of such thirty-day period, qualified electors residing in the area included in such proposed new district, equal in number to thirty-five per cent of the qualified electors voting at the last general election, file a petition of referendum against the creation of the proposed new district.

A petition of referendum filed under this section shall be filed at the office of the state superintendent of public instruction. The person presenting the petition shall be given a receipt containing thereon the time of day, the date, and the purpose of the petition.

If a petition of referendum is filed, the state board shall, at the next regular meeting of the state board, certify the proposal to the board of elections for the purpose of having the proposal placed on the ballot at the next general or primary election which occurs not less than ninety days after the date of such certification, or at a special election, the date of which shall be specified in the certification, which date shall not be less than ninety days after the date of such certification.

Upon certification of a proposal to the board or boards of elections pursuant to this section, the board or boards of elections shall make the necessary arrangements for the submission of such question to the electors of the county or counties qualified to vote thereon, and the election shall be conducted and canvassed and the results shall be certified in the same manner as in regular elections for the election of members of a board of education.

The persons qualified to vote upon a proposal are the electors residing in the proposed new districts.

If the proposed district be approved by at least a majority of the electors voting on the proposal, the state board shall then create such new district prior to the next succeeding first day of July.

Upon the creation of such district, the indebtedness of each former district becoming in its entirety a part of the new district shall be assumed in full by the new district. Upon the creation of such district, that part of the net indebtedness of each former district becoming only in part a part of the new district shall be assumed by the new district which bears the same ratio to the entire net indebtedness of the former district as the assessed valuation of the part taken by the new district bears to the entire assessed valuation of the former district as fixed on the effective date of transfer. As used in this section, "net indebtedness" means the difference between the par value of the outstanding and unpaid bonds and notes of the school district and the amount held in the sinking fund and other indebtedness retirement funds for their redemption. Upon the creation of such district, the funds of each former district becoming in its entirety a part of the new district shall be paid over in full to the new district. Upon the creation of such district, the funds of each former district becoming only in part a part of the new district shall be divided equitably by the state board between the new district and that part of the former district not included in the new district as such funds existed on the effective date of the creation of the new district.

The state board shall, following the election, file with the county auditor of each county affected by the creation of a new district an accurate map showing the boundaries of such newly created district.

When a new local school district is so created, a board of education for such newly created district shall be appointed by the state board. The members of such appointed board of education shall hold their office until their successors are elected and qualified. A board of education shall be elected for such newly created district at the next general election held in an odd numbered year occurring more than ninety days after the appointment of the board of education of such newly created district. At such election two members shall be elected for a term of two years and three members shall be elected for a term of four years, and, thereafter, their successors shall be elected in the same manner and for the same terms as members of the board of education of a local school district.

When the new district consists of territory lying in two or more counties, the state board shall determine to which educational service center the new district shall be assigned.

The legal title of all property of the board of education in the territory taken shall become vested in the board of education of the newly created school district.

Foundation program moneys accruing to a district created under the provisions of this section or previous section 3311.26 of the Revised Code, shall not be less, in any year during the next succeeding three years following the creation, than the sum of the amounts received by the districts separately in the year in which the creation of the district became effective.

If, prior to September 26, 2003, a local school district board of education or a group of individuals requests the governing board of an educational service center to consider proposing the creation of a new local school district, the governing board, at any time during the one-year period following the date that request is made, may adopt a resolution proposing the creation of a new local school district in response to that request and in accordance with the first paragraph of the version of this section in effect prior to September 26, 2003. If the governing board so proposes within that one-year period, the governing board may proceed to create the new local school district as it proposed, in accordance with the version of this section in effect prior to September 26, 2003, subject to the provisions of that version authorizing a petition and referendum on the matter.

Consolidations of school districts which include all of the schools of a county and which become effective on or after July 1, 1959, shall be governed and included under this section.

Section 3311.27 | Report to tax commissioner by board of surviving school district.

The board of education of a surviving school district, as that term is defined in section 5748.10 of the Revised Code, shall notify the tax commissioner as and in the manner required by that section.

Section 3311.29 | District public schools to maintain all grade levels - dissolution of district - authorization of exceptions.

(A) Except as provided under division (B), (C), or (D) of this section, no school district shall be created and no school district shall exist which does not maintain within such district public schools consisting of grades kindergarten through twelve and any such existing school district not maintaining such schools shall be dissolved and its territory joined with another school district or districts by order of the state board of education if no agreement is made among the surrounding districts voluntarily, which order shall provide an equitable division of the funds, property, and indebtedness of the dissolved school district among the districts receiving its territory. The state board of education may authorize exceptions to school districts where topography, sparsity of population, and other factors make compliance impracticable.

The director of education and workforce is without authority to distribute funds under Chapter 3317. of the Revised Code to any school district that does not maintain schools with grades kindergarten through twelve and to which no exception has been granted by the state board of education.

(B) Division (A) of this section does not apply to any joint vocational school district or any cooperative education school district established pursuant to divisions (A) to (C) of section 3311.52 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1)(a) Except as provided in division (C)(3) of this section, division (A) of this section does not apply to any cooperative education school district established pursuant to section 3311.521 of the Revised Code nor to the city, exempted village, or local school districts that have territory within such a cooperative education district.

(b) The cooperative district and each city, exempted village, or local district with territory within the cooperative district shall maintain the grades that the resolution adopted or amended pursuant to section 3311.521 of the Revised Code specifies.

(2) Any cooperative education school district described under division (C)(1) of this section that fails to maintain the grades it is specified to operate shall be dissolved by order of the state board of education unless prior to such an order the cooperative district is dissolved pursuant to section 3311.54 of the Revised Code. Any such order shall provide for the equitable adjustment, division, and disposition of the assets, property, debts, and obligations of the district among each city, local, and exempted village school district whose territory is in the cooperative district and shall provide that the tax duplicate of each city, local, and exempted village school district whose territory is in the cooperative district shall be bound for and assume its share of the outstanding indebtedness of the cooperative district.

(3) If any city, exempted village, or local school district described under division (C)(1) of this section fails to maintain the grades it is specified to operate the cooperative district within which it has territory shall be dissolved in accordance with division (C)(2) of this section and upon that dissolution any city, exempted village, or local district failing to maintain grades kindergarten through twelve shall be subject to the provisions for dissolution in division (A) of this section.

(D) Division (A) of this section does not apply to any school district that is or has ever been subject to section 3302.10 of the Revised Code, as it exists on and after October 15, 2015, and has had a majority of its schools reconstituted or closed under that section.

Last updated August 14, 2023 at 1:02 PM

Section 3311.34 | No exempted village school districts to be created.

After June 1, 1954 no exempted village school districts shall be created under section 3311.08 of the Revised Code.

Section 3311.37 | State board may propose creation of new district.

The state board of education may conduct studies where there is evidence of need for consolidation of contiguous local, exempted village, or city school districts or parts of such districts. The possibility of making improvements in school district organization as well as the desires of the residents of the affected districts shall be given consideration in such studies and in any recommendations growing out of such studies.

After the adoption of recommendations growing out of any such study, the state board may proceed as follows:

Propose by resolution the creation of a new school district which may consist of all or a part of the territory of two or more contiguous local, exempted village, or city school districts, or any combination of such districts.

The state board shall thereupon file a copy of such proposal with the board of education of each school district whose boundaries would be altered by the proposal and with the governing board of any educational service center in which such school district is located.

The state board may, not less than thirty days following the adoption of the resolution proposing the creation of a new school district certify the proposal to the board of elections of the county or counties in which any of the territory of the proposed district is located, for the purpose of having the proposal placed on the ballot at the next general or primary election occurring not less than ninety days after the certification of such resolution.

If any proposal has been previously initiated pursuant to section 3311.22, 3311.231, or 3311.26 of the Revised Code which affects any of the territory affected by the proposal of the state board, the proposal of the state board shall not be placed on the ballot while the previously initiated proposal is subject to an election.

Upon certification of a proposal to the board of elections of any county pursuant to this section, the board of elections of such county shall make the necessary arrangements for the submission of such question to the electors of the county qualified to vote thereon, and the election shall be counted and canvassed and the results shall be certified in the same manner as in regular elections for the election of members of a board of education.

The electors qualified to vote upon a proposal are the electors residing in the local, exempted village, or city school districts, or parts thereof included in the proposed new school district. If a majority of those voting on the proposal vote in favor thereof, the state board shall create the proposed school district prior to the next succeeding July 1.

Upon the creation of such district, the indebtedness of each former district becoming in its entirety a part of the new district shall be assumed in full by the new district. Upon the creation of such district, the net indebtedness of each original district of which only a part is taken by the new district shall be apportioned between the new district and the original district in the ratio which the assessed valuation of the part taken by the new district bears to the assessed valuation of the original district as of the effective date of the creation of the new district. As used in this section "net indebtedness" means the difference between the par value of the outstanding and unpaid bonds and notes of the school district and the amount held in the sinking fund and other indebtedness retirement funds for their redemption.

Upon the creation of such district, the funds of each former district becoming in its entirety a part of the new district shall be paid over in full to the new district. Upon the creation of such district the funds of each former district of which only a part is taken by the new district shall be apportioned equitably by the state board between the new district and that part of the original district not included in the new district as such funds existed on the effective date of the creation of the new district.

When the new district consists of territory lying in two or more counties, the state board shall determine to which educational service center the new district shall be assigned.

When a new local school district is so created, the state board shall appoint five electors residing in the district to be the members of the board of education of such district, and such members shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified. A board of education of such district shall be elected by the electors of the district at the next general election held in an odd numbered year which occurs not less than one hundred five days after the appointment of the initial members of the board. At such election two members shall be elected for a term of two years and three members shall be elected for a term of four years, and thereafter their successors shall be elected in the same manner and for the same terms as members of the board of education of a local school district.

When a new city school district is created, the state board shall determine the number of members which will comprise the board of education of the school district, which number shall not conflict with the number set forth in section 3313.02 of the Revised Code. The state board shall then appoint a like number of persons to be members of the board of education of such district, and said members shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified. A board of education of such district shall be elected by the electors of the district at the next general election held in an odd numbered year which occurs not less than one hundred five days after the appointment of the initial members of the board. At such election if the number of members of the board is even, one-half of the number shall be elected for two years and one-half for four years. If the number of members of the board is odd, one-half the number less one-half shall be elected for two years and the remaining number shall be elected for four years, and thereafter their successors shall be elected in the manner provided in section 3313.08 of the Revised Code.

Foundation program moneys accruing to a district created under this section shall not be less, in any year during the next succeeding three years following the creation, than the sum of the amounts received by the districts separately in the year in which the creation of the district became effective.

Section 3311.38 | State board may propose transfers of districts.

The state board of education may conduct, or may direct the superintendent of public instruction to conduct, studies where there is evidence of need for transfer of local, exempted village, or city school districts, or parts of any such districts, to contiguous or noncontiguous local, exempted village, or city school districts. Such studies shall include a study of the effect of any proposal upon any portion of a school district remaining after such proposed transfer. The state board, in conducting such studies and in making recommendations as a result thereof, shall consider the possibility of improving school district organization as well as the desires of the residents of the school districts which would be affected.

(A) After the adoption of recommendations growing out of any such study, or upon receipt of a resolution adopted by majority vote of the full membership of the board of any city, local, or exempted village school district requesting that the entire district be transferred to another city, local, or exempted village school district, the state board may propose by resolution the transfer of territory, which may consist of part or all of the territory of a local, exempted village, or city school district to a contiguous local, exempted village, or city school district.

The state board shall thereupon file a copy of such proposal with the board of education of each school district whose boundaries would be altered by the proposal and with the governing board of any educational service center in which such school district is located.

The state board may, not less than thirty days following the adoption of the resolution proposing the transfer of territory, certify the proposal to the board of elections of the county or counties in which any of the territory of the proposed district is located, for the purpose of having the proposal placed on the ballot at the next general election or at a primary election occurring not less than ninety days after the adoption of such resolution.

If any proposal has been previously initiated pursuant to section 3311.22, 3311.231, or 3311.26 of the Revised Code which affects any of the territory affected by the proposal of the state board, the proposal of the state board shall not be placed on the ballot while the previously initiated proposal is subject to an election.

Upon certification of a proposal to the board of elections of any county pursuant to this section, the board of elections of such county shall make the necessary arrangements for the submission of such question to the electors of the county qualified to vote thereon, and the election shall be counted and canvassed and the results shall be certified in the same manner as in regular elections for the election of members of a board of education.

The electors qualified to vote upon a proposal are the electors residing in the local, exempted village, or city school districts, containing territory proposed to be transferred.

If the proposed transfer be approved by a majority of the electors voting on the proposal, the state board, subject to the approval of the board of education of the district to which the territory would be transferred, shall make such transfer prior to the next succeeding July 1.

(B) If a study conducted in accordance with this section involves a school district with less than four thousand dollars of assessed value for each pupil in the total student count determined under section 3317.03 of the Revised Code, the state board of education, with the approval of the educational service center governing board, and upon recommendation by the state superintendent of public instruction, may by resolution transfer all or any part of such a school district to any city, exempted village, or local school district which has more than twenty-five thousand pupils in average daily membership. Such resolution of transfer shall be adopted only after the board of education of the receiving school district has adopted a resolution approving the proposed transfer. For the purposes of this division, the assessed value shall be as certified in accordance with section 3317.021 of the Revised Code.

(C) Subject to section 3311.241 of the Revised Code, if applicable, upon the making of a transfer of an entire school district pursuant to this section, the indebtedness of the district transferred shall be assumed in full by the acquiring district and the funds of the district transferred shall be paid over in full to the acquiring district.

(D) Upon the making of a transfer pursuant to this section, when only part of a district is transferred, the net indebtedness of each original district of which only a part is taken by the acquiring district shall be apportioned between the acquiring district and the original district in the ratio which the assessed valuation of the part taken by the acquiring district bears to the assessed valuation of the original district as of the effective date of the transfer. As used in this section "net indebtedness" means the difference between the par value of the outstanding and unpaid bonds and notes of the school district and the amount held in the sinking fund and other indebtedness retirement funds for their redemption.

(E) Upon the making of a transfer pursuant to this section, when only part of a district is transferred, the funds of the district from which territory was transferred shall be divided equitably by the state board between the acquiring district and that part of the former district remaining after the transfer.

(F) If an entire school district is transferred, the board of education of such district is thereby abolished. If part of a school district is transferred, any member of the board of education who is a legal resident of that part which is transferred shall thereby cease to be a member of that board.

If an entire school district is transferred, foundation program moneys accruing to a district accepting school territory under the provisions of this section shall not be less, in any year during the next succeeding three years following the transfer, than the sum of the amounts received by the districts separately in the year in which the transfer became effective.

Section 3311.50 | County school financing district.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "County school financing district" means a taxing district consisting of the following territory:

(a) The territory that constitutes the educational service center on the date that the governing board of that educational service center adopts a resolution under division (B) of this section declaring that the territory of the educational service center is a county school financing district, exclusive of any territory subsequently withdrawn from the district under division (D) of this section;

(b) Any territory that has been added to the county school financing district under this section.

A county school financing district may include the territory of a city, local, or exempted village school district whose territory also is included in the territory of one or more other county school financing districts.

(2) "The county auditor's appraised value" and "estimated effective rate" have the same meanings as in section 5705.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) The governing board of any educational service center may, by resolution, declare that the territory of the educational service center is a county school financing district. The resolution shall state the purpose for which the county school financing district is created, which may be for any one or more of the following purposes:

(1) To levy taxes for the provision of special education by the school districts that are a part of the district, including taxes for permanent improvements for special education;

(2) To levy taxes for the provision of specified educational programs and services by the school districts that are a part of the district, as identified in the resolution creating the district, including the levying of taxes for permanent improvements for those programs and services. Services financed by the levy may include school safety and security and mental health services, including training and employment of or contracting for the services of safety personnel, mental health personnel, social workers, and counselors.

(3) To levy taxes for permanent improvements of school districts that are a part of the district.

The governing board of the educational service center that creates a county school financing district shall serve as the taxing authority of the district and may use educational service center governing board employees to perform any of the functions necessary in the performance of its duties as a taxing authority. A county school financing district shall not employ any personnel.

With the approval of a majority of the members of the board of education of each school district within the territory of the county school financing district, the taxing authority of the financing district may amend the resolution creating the district to broaden or narrow the purposes for which it was created.

A governing board of an educational service center may create more than one county school financing district. If a governing board of an educational service center creates more than one such district, it shall clearly distinguish among the districts it creates by including a designation of each district's purpose in the district's name.

(C) A majority of the members of a board of education of a city, local, or exempted village school district may adopt a resolution requesting that its territory be joined with the territory of any county school financing district. Copies of the resolution shall be filed with the state board of education and the taxing authority of the county school financing district. Within sixty days of its receipt of such a resolution, the county school financing district's taxing authority shall vote on the question of whether to accept the school district's territory as part of the county school financing district. If a majority of the members of the taxing authority vote to accept the territory, the school district's territory shall thereupon become a part of the county school financing district unless the county school financing district has in effect a tax imposed under section 5705.215 of the Revised Code. If the county school financing district has such a tax in effect, the taxing authority shall certify a copy of its resolution accepting the school district's territory to the school district's board of education. The board of education and the county auditor shall proceed in the same manner as required for a tax levy under section 5705.03 of the Revised Code, except that the levy's annual collections shall be estimated assuming that the school district's territory has been added to the county school financing district. After receipt of the auditor's certification under that section, the board may adopt a resolution, with the affirmative vote of a majority of its members, proposing the submission to the electors of the question of whether the district's territory shall become a part of the county school financing district and subject to the taxes imposed by the financing district. The resolution shall set forth the date on which the question shall be submitted to the electors, which shall be at a special election held on a date specified in the resolution, which shall not be earlier than ninety days after the adoption and certification of the resolution. A copy of the resolution shall immediately be certified to the board of elections of the proper county, which shall make arrangements for the submission of the proposal to the electors of the school district. The board of the joining district shall publish notice of the election in a newspaper of general circulation in the county once a week for two consecutive weeks, or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, prior to the election. Additionally, if the board of elections operates and maintains a web site, the board of elections shall post notice of the election on its web site for thirty days prior to the election. The question appearing on the ballot shall read:

"Shall the territory within __________ (name of the school district proposing to join the county school financing district) __________ be added to __________ (name) __________ county school financing district, and a property tax for the purposes of _________ (here insert purposes), that the county auditor estimates will collect $_____ annually, __________ at a rate not exceeding __________ mills for each $1 of taxable value, which amounts to $__________ (estimated effective rate) for each $100,000 of the county auditor's appraised value, ___________ be in effect for __________ (here insert the number of years the tax is to be in effect or "a continuing period of time," as applicable) __________?"

If the proposal is approved by a majority of the electors voting on it, the joinder shall take effect on the first day of July following the date of the election, and the county board of elections shall notify the county auditor of each county in which the school district joining its territory to the county school financing district is located.

(D) The board of any city, local, or exempted village school district whose territory is part of a county school financing district may withdraw its territory from the county school financing district thirty days after submitting to the governing board that is the taxing authority of the district and the state board a resolution proclaiming such withdrawal, adopted by a majority vote of its members, but any county school financing district tax levied in such territory on the effective date of the withdrawal shall remain in effect in such territory until such tax expires or is renewed. No board may adopt a resolution withdrawing from a county school financing district that would take effect during the forty-five days preceding the date of an election at which a levy proposed under section 5705.215 of the Revised Code is to be voted upon.

(E) A city, local, or exempted village school district does not lose its separate identity or legal existence by reason of joining its territory to a county school financing district under this section and an educational service center does not lose its separate identity or legal existence by reason of creating a county school financing district that accepts or loses territory under this section.

Last updated February 14, 2025 at 7:58 AM

Section 3311.51 | Creation of special education districts - disposition of county school financing district tax levy proceeds.

Nothing in this section or sections 3311.50 and 5705.215 of the Revised Code shall be construed to permit or require the education of children with disabilities other than in the manner required by Chapter 3323. of the Revised Code. To the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities shall be educated with nondisabled children.

The governing board that is taxing authority of a county school financing district that levies a tax pursuant to section 5705.215 of the Revised Code may, by resolution adopted by majority vote of its members, expend the proceeds of such tax for the benefit of school districts with territory in the county school financing district in accordance with this section and the resolution to levy the tax.

(A) In the case of a district created for special education, as described in division (B)(1) of section 3311.50 of the Revised Code, the proceeds may be expended either:

(1) To pay for operating costs and permanent improvements necessary to implement and maintain special education programs and related services in accordance with a contract or agreement entered into under section 3313.92 or 3323.08 of the Revised Code;

(2) To make grants or otherwise distribute funds to boards of education with territory in the county school financing district for special education programs and related services.

(B) In the case of a district created for the provision of specified educational programs and services as described in division (B)(2) of section 3311.50 of the Revised Code, the proceeds may be expended either:

(1) To pay for operating costs and permanent improvements necessary to implement and maintain specified educational programs in accordance with a contract or agreement entered into under section 3313.812, 3313.842, or division (A)(3) of section 3313.90 of the Revised Code;

(2) To make grants or otherwise distribute funds for those programs to boards of education with territory in the county school financing district.

(C) In the case of a district created for the making of permanent improvements under division (B)(3) of section 3311.50 of the Revised Code, the proceeds shall be expended either:

(1) To pay for the permanent improvements in accordance with a contract entered into under section 3313.92 of the Revised Code;

(2) To make grants or otherwise distribute funds for those permanent improvements to boards of education with territory in the county school financing district.

Section 3311.52 | Establishment of cooperative education school district - dissolution of county school financing district.

A cooperative education school district may be established pursuant to divisions (A) to (C) of this section or pursuant to section 3311.521 of the Revised Code.

(A) A cooperative education school district may be established upon the adoption of identical resolutions within a sixty-day period by a majority of the members of the board of education of each city, local, and exempted village school district that is within the territory of a county school financing district.

A copy of each resolution shall be filed with the governing board of the educational service center which created the county school financing district. Upon the filing of the last such resolution, the educational service center governing board shall immediately notify each board of education filing such a resolution of the date on which the last resolution was filed.

Ten days after the date on which the last resolution is filed with the educational service center governing board or ten days after the last of any notices required under division (C) of this section is received by the educational service center governing board, whichever is later, the county school financing district shall be dissolved and the new cooperative education school district and the board of education of the cooperative education school district shall be established.

On the date that any county school financing district is dissolved and a cooperative education school district is established under this section, each of the following shall apply:

(1) The territory of the dissolved district becomes the territory of the new district.

(2) Any outstanding tax levy in force in the dissolved district shall be spread over the territory of the new district and shall remain in force in the new district until the levy expires or is renewed.

(3) Any funds of the dissolved district shall be paid over in full to the new district.

(4) Any net indebtedness of the dissolved district shall be assumed in full by the new district. As used in division (A)(4) of this section, "net indebtedness" means the difference between the par value of the outstanding and unpaid bonds and notes of the dissolved district and the amount held in the sinking fund and other indebtedness retirement funds for their redemption.

When a county school financing district is dissolved and a cooperative education school district is established under this section, the governing board of the educational service center that created the dissolved district shall give written notice of this fact to the county auditor and the board of elections of each county having any territory in the new district.

(B) The resolutions adopted under division (A) of this section shall include all of the following provisions:

(1) Provision that the governing board of the educational service center which created the county school financing district shall be the board of education of the cooperative education school district, except that provision may be made for the composition, selection, and terms of office of an alternative board of education of the cooperative district, which board shall include at least one member selected from or by the members of the board of education of each city, local, and exempted village school district and at least one member selected from or by the members of the educational service center governing board within the territory of the cooperative district;

(2) Provision that the treasurer and superintendent of the educational service center which created the county school financing district shall be the treasurer and superintendent of the cooperative education school district, except that provision may be made for the selection of a treasurer or superintendent of the cooperative district other than the treasurer or superintendent of the educational service center, which provision shall require one of the following:

(a) The selection of one person as both the treasurer and superintendent of the cooperative district, which provision may require such person to be the treasurer or superintendent of any city, local, or exempted village school district or educational service center within the territory of the cooperative district;

(b) The selection of one person as the treasurer and another person as the superintendent of the cooperative district, which provision may require either one or both such persons to be treasurers or superintendents of any city, local, or exempted village school districts or educational service center within the territory of the cooperative district.

(3) A statement of the educational program the board of education of the cooperative education school district will conduct, including but not necessarily limited to the type of educational program, the grade levels proposed for inclusion in the program, the timetable for commencing operation of the program, and the facilities proposed to be used or constructed to be used by the program;

(4) A statement of the annual amount, or the method for determining that amount, of funds or services or facilities that each city, local, and exempted village school district within the territory of the cooperative district is required to pay to or provide for the use of the board of education of the cooperative education school district;

(5) Provision for adopting amendments to the provisions of divisions (B)(2) to (4) of this section.

(C) If the resolutions adopted under division (A) of this section provide for a board of education of the cooperative education school district that is not the governing board of the educational service center that created the county school financing district, each board of education of each city, local, or exempted village school district and the governing board of the educational service center within the territory of the cooperative district shall, within thirty days after the date on which the last resolution is filed with the educational service center governing board under division (A) of this section, select one or more members of the board of education of the cooperative district as provided in the resolutions filed with the educational service center governing board. Each such board shall immediately notify the educational service center governing board of each such selection.

(D) Except for the powers and duties in this chapter and Chapters 124., 3317., 3318., 3323., and 3331. of the Revised Code, a cooperative education school district established pursuant to divisions (A) to (C) of this section or pursuant to section 3311.521 of the Revised Code has all the powers of a city school district and its board of education has all the powers and duties of a board of education of a city school district with respect to the educational program specified in the resolutions adopted under division (A) of this section. All laws applicable to a city school district or the board of education or the members of the board of education of a city school district, except such laws in this chapter and Chapters 124., 3317., 3318., 3323., and 3331. of the Revised Code, are applicable to a cooperative education school district and its board.

The treasurer and superintendent of a cooperative education school district shall have the same respective duties and powers as a treasurer and superintendent of a city school district, except for any powers and duties in this chapter and Chapters 124., 3317., 3318., 3323., and 3331. of the Revised Code.

(E) For purposes of this title, any student included in the formula ADM calculated for any city, exempted village, or local school district under section 3317.03 of the Revised Code by virtue of being counted, in whole or in part, in the enrollment of a cooperative education school district under division (A)(2)(f) of that section shall be construed to be enrolled both in that city, exempted village, or local school district and in that cooperative education school district. This division shall not be construed to mean that any such individual student may be counted more than once for purposes of determining the formula ADM of any one school district.

Section 3311.521 | Cooperative education school district for purpose of operating joint high school.

(A) The boards of education of any two or more contiguous city, exempted village, or local school districts may establish a cooperative education school district in accordance with this section for the purpose of operating a joint high school in lieu of each of such boards operating any high school. Such a cooperative education school district shall only be established pursuant to the adoption of identical resolutions in accordance with this section within a sixty-day period by a majority of the members of the board of education of all such boards. Upon the adoption of all such resolutions, a copy of each resolution shall be filed with the department of education and workforce.

The territory of any cooperative education school district established pursuant to this section shall consist of the territory of all of the school districts whose boards of education adopt identical resolutions under this section.

(B) Any resolutions adopted under division (A) of this section shall include all of the following:

(1) Provision for the date on which the cooperative district will be created, which date shall be the first day of July in the year specified in the resolution;

(2) Provision for the composition, selection, and terms of office of the board of education of the cooperative district, which provision shall include but not necessarily be limited to both of the following:

(a) A requirement that the board include at least two members selected from or by the members of the board of education of each city, local, and exempted village school district within the territory of the cooperative district;

(b) Specification of the date by which the initial members of the board must be selected, which date shall be the same as the date specified pursuant to division (B)(1) of this section.

(3) Provision for the selection of a superintendent and treasurer of the cooperative school district, which provision shall require one of the following:

(a) The selection of one person as both the superintendent and treasurer of the cooperative district, which provision may require such person to be the superintendent or treasurer of any city, local, or exempted village school district within the territory of the cooperative district;

(b) The selection of one person as the superintendent and another person as the treasurer of the cooperative district, which provision may require either one or both such persons to be superintendents or treasurers of any city, local, or exempted village school district within the territory of the cooperative district.

(4) A statement of the high school education program the board of education of the cooperative education school district will conduct in lieu of any high school education program being operated by the boards of education of the city, local, and exempted village school districts within the territory of the cooperative district, which statement shall include but not necessarily be limited to the high school grade levels to be operated in the program, the timetable for commencing operation of the program, and the facilities proposed to be used or constructed to be used by the program;

(5) A statement that the boards of education of the city, local, and exempted village school districts within the territory of the cooperative district will not operate any high school education program for the grade levels operated by the cooperative district;

(6) A statement of how special education and related services will be provided in accordance with Chapter 3323. of the Revised Code to the children with disabilities who are identified by each city, exempted village, or local school district with territory in the cooperative district and who are in the grade levels to be operated by the cooperative district;

(7) A statement of how transportation of students to and from school will be provided in the cooperative district, which statement shall include but not be necessarily limited to both of the following:

(a) How special education students will be transported as required by their individualized education program adopted pursuant to section 3323.08 of the Revised Code;

(b) Whether transportation to and from school will be provided to any other students of the cooperative district and, if so, the manner in which this transportation will be provided.

(8) A statement of the annual amount, or the method for determining the annual amount, of funds or services or facilities that each city, local, and exempted village school district is required to pay to or provide for the use of the board of education of the cooperative education school district;

(9) Provision for adopting amendments to the provisions adopted pursuant to divisions (B)(3) to (8) of this section, which provision shall require that any such amendments comply with divisions (B)(3) to (8) of this section.

(C) Upon the adoption of identical resolutions in accordance with this section, the cooperative education school district and board of education of that district specified in and selected in accordance with such resolutions shall be established on the date specified in the resolutions. Upon the establishment of the district and board, the board of the cooperative district shall give written notice of the creation of the district to the county auditor and the board of elections of each county having any territory in the new district.

Last updated August 21, 2023 at 3:43 PM

Section 3311.53 | Resolution proposing to become part of cooperative education school district.

(A)(1) The board of education of any city, local, or exempted village school district that wishes to become part of a cooperative education school district established pursuant to divisions (A) to (C) of section 3311.52 of the Revised Code may adopt a resolution proposing to become a part of the cooperative education school district.

(2) The board of education of any city, local, or exempted village school district that is contiguous to a cooperative education school district established pursuant to section 3311.521 of the Revised Code and that wishes to become part of that cooperative district may adopt a resolution proposing to become part of that cooperative district.

(B) If, after the adoption of a resolution in accordance with division (A) of this section, the board of education of the cooperative education school district named in that resolution also adopts a resolution accepting the new district, the board of the district wishing to become part of the cooperative district shall advertise a copy of the cooperative district board's resolution in a newspaper of general circulation in the school district proposing to become a part of the cooperative education school district once each week for two weeks, or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, immediately following the date of the adoption of the resolution. The resolution shall become legally effective on the sixtieth day after its adoption, unless prior to the expiration of that sixty-day period qualified electors residing in the school district proposed to become a part of the cooperative education school district equal in number to a majority of the qualified electors voting at the last general election file with the board of education a petition of remonstrance against the transfer. If the resolution becomes legally effective, both of the following shall apply:

(1) The resolution that established the cooperative education school district pursuant to divisions (A) to (C) of section 3311.52 or section 3311.521 of the Revised Code shall be amended to reflect the addition of the new district to the cooperative district.

(2) The board of education of the cooperative education school district shall give written notice of this fact to the county auditor and the board of elections of each county in which the school district becoming a part of the cooperative education school district has territory. Any such county auditor shall thereupon have any outstanding levy for building purposes, bond retirement, or current expenses in force in the cooperative education school district spread over the territory of the school district becoming a part of the cooperative education school district.

(C) If the board of education of the cooperative education school district is not the governing board of an educational service center, the board of education of the cooperative education school district shall, on the addition of a city, local, or exempted village school district to the district pursuant to this section, submit to the department of education and workforce a proposal to enlarge the membership of the board. In the case of a cooperative district established pursuant to divisions (A) to (C) of section 3311.52 of the Revised Code, the proposal shall add one or more persons to the district's board, at least one of whom shall be a member of or selected by the board of education of the additional school district, and shall specify the term of each such additional member. In the case of a cooperative district established pursuant to section 3311.521 of the Revised Code, the proposal shall add two or more persons to the district's board, at least two of whom shall be a member of or selected by the board of education of the additional school district, and shall specify the term of each such additional member. On approval by the department, the additional members shall be added to the cooperative education school district board of education.

Last updated August 21, 2023 at 3:44 PM

Section 3311.54 | Resolution requesting dissolution of cooperative education district.

Upon approval by a majority of the full membership of the board of education of a cooperative education school district, or upon the receipt of resolutions formally adopted by a majority of the boards of education of the city, local, and exempted village school districts whose territory is in the cooperative education school district, the board of education of the cooperative education school district shall adopt and send to the state board of education a resolution requesting the dissolution of the cooperative education school district. The resolution shall state the reasons for the proposed dissolution, shall set forth a plan for the equitable adjustment, division, and disposition of the assets, property, debts, and obligations of the district among the city, local, and exempted village school districts whose territory is in the district, and shall provide that the tax duplicate of each city, local, and exempted village school district whose territory is in the district shall be bound for and assume its share of the outstanding indebtedness of the cooperative education school district. Upon approval of the resolution by the state board of education, the cooperative education school district shall be dissolved in accordance with the provisions of the resolution.

The state board of education shall immediately provide a copy of any approved resolution to the county auditor and the board of elections of each county that had any territory in the dissolved district. Each such county auditor shall thereupon make in accordance with that resolution any changes required in the tax duplicate of each city, local, and exempted village school district whose territory was in the dissolved district.

Section 3311.60 | Creation of position of independent auditors in certain school districts.

This section applies to any school district that has an average daily membership, as reported under division (A) of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code, greater than sixty thousand and of which the majority of the district's territory is located in a city with a population greater than seven hundred thousand according to the most recent federal decennial census.

(A) Subject to approval by the electors under section 3311.61 of the Revised Code, the board of education of a school district to which this section applies shall create the position of independent auditor to be responsible for all internal auditing functions of the district. The independent auditor shall be selected by the selection committee prescribed by division (B) of this section. Upon selection of the independent auditor, the district board shall execute a written contract of employment with the independent auditor. The district board shall appropriate funds to support the operations and functions of the independent auditor and shall grant the independent auditor access to all district personnel, equipment, and records necessary to perform the duties prescribed by divisions (C) and (D) of this section. The term of office for the independent auditor shall be for five years and may be renewed for additional terms by the selection committee.

(B)(1) The independent auditor selection committee shall consist of the mayor, council president, and auditor of the city in which a majority of the territory of the district is located; the president of the school district board of education; and the probate court judge of the county in which a majority of the territory of the district is located. Members of the selection committee shall serve without compensation.

(2) The selection committee shall do the following:

(a) Establish qualifications for the position of independent auditor;

(b) Select, by majority vote, an individual to serve as the independent auditor;

(c) Recommend to the district board of education the compensation for the position of independent auditor and the necessary additional funds to finance operations and functions of the independent auditor;

(d) Reappoint the independent auditor for an additional term, by a majority vote of the selection committee members;

(e) Appoint a successor, if the current independent auditor is not reappointed, by a majority vote of the committee members;

(f) In the event of a vacancy in the office of independent auditor, appoint a successor to the balance of the unexpired term, by a majority vote of the selection committee members;

(g) Remove the independent auditor from office, by a two-thirds vote of the selection committee members.

(C) The independent auditor shall do the following:

(1) Recommend to the district board of education the employment of personnel necessary to carry out the activities of the independent auditor;

(2) Prescribe duties and qualifications for staff of the independent auditor;

(3) Serve as the district's public records officer and oversee the maintenance and availability of the school district's public documents;

(4) Prior to certification by the school district superintendent, review reports and data that must be submitted to the department of education and workforce;

(5) Receive any complaints of alleged wrongful or illegal acts regarding the district's operations, finances, and data reported under the education management information system prescribed under section 3301.0714 of the Revised Code and supervise the internal investigation of those complaints. At the independent auditor's discretion, the independent auditor may initiate investigations.

(6) Report the results of investigations of such wrongful or illegal acts, whether criminal in nature or otherwise, to the appropriate authorities or agencies, including the school district board of education, the city attorney of the city in which a majority of the territory of the district is located, the prosecuting attorney of the county in which a majority of the territory of the district is located, the auditor of state, the department of education and workforce, and the Ohio ethics commission;

(7) Propose to the selection committee a budget to support the independent auditor's operations and functions;

(8) Audit funds a partnering community school receives from the district's partnering community schools fund established under section 5705.21 of the Revised Code;

(9) Submit, not later than the first day of September of each year, a report on the activities of the independent auditor to the selection committee, the board of education of the school district, and the general assembly in accordance with section 101.68 of the Revised Code. The report required under division (C)(9) of this section is a public record under section 149.43 of the Revised Code.

If sufficient funds are available, the independent auditor may obtain the services of certified public accountants, qualified management consultants, or other professional experts necessary to perform the duties prescribed under divisions (C) and (D) of this section.

(D) In cooperation with the school district board of education and in coordination with the auditor of state, the independent auditor may conduct or initiate financial and performance audits and analyses of the school district to ensure the following:

(1) School district activities and programs comply with all applicable laws and district policies, procedures, and appropriations;

(2) Student performance and enrollment data are accurately and clearly reported;

(3) Ballot requests to levy a tax are based on accurate analysis and the needs of the district;

(4) Individual contracts of the district are consistent with the policies, procedures, budgets, and financial plans adopted by the district board;

(5) Incentive-based distributions and plans are consistent with the objectives adopted by the district board;

(6) District operations are executed in a cost-effective and efficient manner consistent with the objectives of and appropriations made by the district board;

(7) Accuracy of district financial statements and reports;

(8) Recommendations for improvement that have been adopted by the district board are implemented;

(9) Operating units or departments have necessary and appropriate operating and administrative policies, procedures, internal controls, and data quality protocols;

(10) Proper evaluation of district programs and activities, including a full accounting of all funds.

Last updated August 21, 2023 at 3:47 PM

Section 3311.61 | Affirmation by electors.

(A) The creation of the position of independent auditor for any school district to which section 3311.60 of the Revised Code applies on the effective date of this section shall be subject to an affirmative vote of the electors of the district. The question of whether to create the position of independent auditor for such a school district shall be submitted to the electors of the district at the general election occurring at least ninety days after the effective date of this section. The board of education of the school district shall notify the board of elections of each county containing territory of the school district of the election required by this section by such time that the question may be placed on the ballot at that election.

The following question shall be submitted to the electors residing in the school district:

"Shall the position of independent auditor of . . . . (here insert name of the school district) school district be created in accordance with section 3311.60 of the Revised Code and shall a selection committee consisting of the mayor of the city of . . . . (here insert name of the applicable city), president of the school district board of education, council president of the city of . . . . (here insert name of the applicable city), auditor of the city of . . . . (here insert name of the applicable city), and probate court judge of the county of . . . . (here insert name of the applicable county) select an individual to fill that position for an initial term of five years, subject to reappointment or succession, with the compensation for the independent auditor and the cost of the operations and functions of the independent auditor to be paid by the school district?"

(B) The board of elections of the county in which the majority of the school district's territory is located shall make all necessary arrangements for the submission of the question to the electors, and the election shall be conducted, canvassed, and certified in the same manner as regular elections in the district for the election of county officers, provided that in any such election in which only part of the electors of a precinct are qualified to vote, the board of elections may assign voters in such part to an adjoining precinct. Such an assignment may be made to an adjoining precinct in another county with the consent and approval of the board of elections of such other county. Notice of the election shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the school district once a week for two consecutive weeks, or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, prior to the election. If the board of elections operates and maintains a web site, the board of elections shall post notice of the election on its web site for thirty days prior to the election. The notice shall state the question on which the election is being held. The ballot shall be in the form prescribed by the secretary of state. Costs of submitting the question to the electors shall be charged to the school district in accordance with section 3501.17 of the Revised Code.

(C) If a majority of electors voting on the issue proposed in division (A) of this section approve the question, the selection committee prescribed by division (B) of section 3311.60 of the Revised Code and the district board of education shall forthwith initiate proceedings to select an independent auditor so that the position is filled not later than the thirty-first day of March of the calendar year immediately following the general election at which the question was approved.

(D) If a majority of electors voting on the issue proposed in division (A) of this section disapprove the question, no action shall be taken to create the position of independent auditor.

Section 3311.71 | Members of new municipal school district board to be appointed by mayor - candidates selected by nominating panel.

(A) As used in this section and in sections 3311.72 to 3311.87 of the Revised Code:

(1) "Municipal school district" means a school district that is or has ever been under a federal court order requiring supervision and operational, fiscal, and personnel management of the district by the superintendent of public instruction prior to the effective date of this amendment or by the director of education and workforce on and after the effective date of this amendment.

(2) "Mayor" means the mayor of the municipal corporation containing the greatest portion of a municipal school district's territory.

(B) Whenever any municipal school district is released by a federal court from an order requiring supervision and operational, fiscal, and personnel management of the district by the state superintendent or director of education and workforce, the management and control of that district shall be assumed, effective immediately, by a new nine-member board of education. Members of the new board shall be appointed by the mayor, who shall also designate one member as the chairperson of the board. In addition to the rights, authority, and duties conferred upon the chairperson by sections 3311.71 to 3311.87 of the Revised Code, the chairperson shall have all the rights, authority, and duties conferred upon the president of a board of education by the Revised Code that are not inconsistent with sections 3311.71 to 3311.87 of the Revised Code.

(C) No school board member shall be appointed by the mayor pursuant to division (B) of this section until the mayor has received a slate of at least eighteen candidates nominated by a municipal school district nominating panel, at least three of whom reside in the municipal school district but not in the municipal corporation containing the greatest portion of the district's territory. The municipal school district nominating panel shall be initially convened and chaired by the state superintendent or director, who shall serve as a nonvoting member for the first two years of the panel's existence, and shall consist of eleven persons selected as follows:

(1) Three parents or guardians of children attending the schools of the municipal school district appointed by the district parent-teacher association, or similar organization selected by the state superintendent or director;

(2) Three persons appointed by the mayor;

(3) One person appointed by the president of the legislative body of the municipal corporation containing the greatest portion of the municipal school district's territory;

(4) One teacher appointed by the collective bargaining representative of the school district's teachers;

(5) One principal appointed through a vote of the school district's principals, which vote shall be conducted by the state superintendent or director;

(6) One representative of the business community appointed by an organized collective business entity selected by the mayor;

(7) One president of a public or private institution of higher education located within the municipal school district appointed by the state superintendent or director.

The municipal school district nominating panel shall select one of its members as its chairperson commencing two years after the date of the first meeting of the panel, at which time the state superintendent or director shall no longer convene or chair the panel. Thereafter, the panel shall meet as necessary to make nominations at the call of the chairperson. All members of the panel shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority. Vacancies on the panel shall be filled in the same manner as the initial appointments.

(D) No individual shall be appointed by the mayor pursuant to division (B) or (F) of this section unless the individual has been nominated by the nominating panel, resides in the school district, and holds no elected public office. At any given time, four of the nine members appointed by the mayor to serve on the board pursuant to either division (B) or (F) of this section shall have displayed, prior to appointment, significant expertise in either the education field, finance, or business management. At all times at least one member of the board shall be an individual who resides in the municipal school district but not in the municipal corporation containing the greatest portion of the district's territory.

(E) The terms of office of all members appointed by the mayor pursuant to division (B) of this section shall expire on the next thirtieth day of June following the referendum election required by section 3311.73 of the Revised Code. The mayor may, with the advice and consent of the nominating panel, remove any member appointed pursuant to that division or division (F) of this section for cause.

(F) If the voters of the district approve the continuation of an appointed board at the referendum election required by section 3311.73 of the Revised Code, the mayor shall appoint the members of a new board from a slate prepared by the nominating panel in the same manner as the initial board was appointed pursuant to divisions (B), (C), and (D) of this section. Five of the members of the new board shall be appointed to four-year terms and the other four shall be appointed to two-year terms, each term beginning on the first day of July. Thereafter, the mayor shall appoint members to four-year terms in the same manner as described in divisions (B), (C), and (D) of this section. The minimum number of individuals who shall be on the slate prepared by the nominating panel for this purpose shall be at least twice the number of members to be appointed, including at least two who reside in the municipal school district but not in the municipal corporation containing the greatest portion of the district's territory.

(G) In addition to the nine members appointed by the mayor, the boards appointed pursuant to divisions (B) and (F) of this section shall include the following nonvoting ex officio members:

(1) If the main campus of a state university specified in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code is located within the municipal school district, the president of the university or the president's designee;

(2) If any community college has its main branch located within the district, the president of the community college that has the largest main branch within the district, or the president's designee.

Last updated August 22, 2023 at 11:27 AM

Section 3311.72 | Submission of resignations by current administrators.

This section does not apply to any principal, assistant principal, or other administrator who is employed to perform administrative functions primarily within one school building.

(A) On the effective date of the assumption of control of a municipal school district by the new board of education pursuant to division (B) of section 3311.71 of the Revised Code, the treasurer, business manager, superintendent, assistant superintendents, and other administrators of the school district shall submit their resignations to the board. As used in this section, "other administrator" has the same meaning as in section 3319.02 of the Revised Code.

(B) Notwithstanding Chapter 3319. of the Revised Code:

(1) Until thirty months after the date of the assumption of control of a municipal school district by a board pursuant to division (B) of section 3311.71 of the Revised Code, the mayor shall appoint the chief executive officer and fill any vacancies occurring in that position.

(2) After the board appointed pursuant to division (B) of section 3311.71 of the Revised Code has been in control of a municipal school district for thirty months, the mayor shall appoint the chief executive officer and fill any vacancies occurring in that position, with the concurrence of the board.

(3) After the first date of the assumption of control of a municipal school district by a board pursuant to division (F) of section 3311.71 of the Revised Code, the board shall appoint the chief executive officer and fill any vacancies occurring in that position, with the concurrence of the mayor.

(4) An individual appointed to the position of chief executive officer under division (B)(1), (2), or (3) of this section shall have a contract with the school district that includes such terms and conditions of employment as are agreeable to the board and the appointee, except that each such contract shall contain a provision stating that, unless the individual chooses to terminate the contract at a prior time:

(a) During the first thirty months after the date of the assumption of control of the municipal school district by the board pursuant to division (B) of section 3311.71 of the Revised Code, the individual will serve at the pleasure of the mayor;

(b) Beginning thirty months after the date of assumption of control, the individual will serve at the pleasure of the board, with the mayor's concurrence required for removal.

(C) The chief executive officer shall appoint a chief financial officer, a chief academic officer, a chief operating officer, and a chief communications officer and any other administrators for the district as the chief executive officer shall determine to be necessary. The chief executive officer shall also appoint ombudspersons who shall answer questions and seek to resolve problems and concerns raised by parents and guardians of children attending district schools. The chief executive officer shall appoint a sufficient number of ombudspersons to serve the needs of the parents and guardians.

A municipal school district is not required to have a superintendent appointed pursuant to section 3319.01 of the Revised Code or a treasurer elected pursuant to section 3313.22 of the Revised Code. In addition to the rights, authority, and duties conferred upon the chief executive officer and chief financial officer in sections 3311.71 to 3311.87 of the Revised Code, the chief executive officer and the chief financial officer shall have all of the rights, authority, and duties conferred upon the superintendent of a school district and the treasurer of a board of education, respectively, by the Revised Code that are not inconsistent with sections 3311.71 to 3311.87 of the Revised Code.

(D) Notwithstanding Chapters 124. and 3319. of the Revised Code, an individual appointed to an administrative position in a municipal school district by its chief executive officer shall have a contract with the school district that includes such terms and conditions of employment as are agreeable to the chief executive officer and the appointee, except that each such contract shall contain a provision stating that, unless the appointee chooses to terminate the contract at a prior time, the appointee will serve at the pleasure of the chief executive officer.

(E) The chief executive officer shall also contract for or employ such consultants, counsel, or other outside parties as in the chief executive officer's reasonable judgment shall be necessary to design, implement, or evaluate the plan required by section 3311.74 of the Revised Code and to properly operate the school district, subject to appropriations by the board.

(F) Notwithstanding section 3301.074 and Chapter 3319. of the Revised Code, no person appointed under this section shall be required to hold any license, certificate, or permit.

Section 3311.73 | Election on whether mayor shall continue to appoint board members - election of new board.

(A) No later than ninety days before the general election held in the first even-numbered year occurring at least four years after the date it assumed control of the municipal school district pursuant to division (B) of section 3311.71 of the Revised Code, the board of education appointed under that division shall notify the board of elections of each county containing territory of the municipal school district of the referendum election required by division (B) of this section.

(B) At the general election held in the first even-numbered year occurring at least four years after the date the new board assumed control of a municipal school district pursuant to division (B) of section 3311.71 of the Revised Code, the following question shall be submitted to the electors residing in the school district:

"Shall the mayor of _____ (here insert the name of the applicable municipal corporation) continue to appoint the members of the board of education of the _____ (here insert the name of the municipal school district)?"

The board of elections of the county in which the majority of the school district's territory is located shall make all necessary arrangements for the submission of the question to the electors, and the election shall be conducted, canvassed, and certified in the same manner as regular elections in the district for the election of county officers, provided that in any such election in which only part of the electors of a precinct are qualified to vote, the board of elections may assign voters in such part to an adjoining precinct. Such an assignment may be made to an adjoining precinct in another county with the consent and approval of the board of elections of such other county. Notice of the election shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the school district once a week for two consecutive weeks, or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, prior to the election. If the board of elections operates and maintains a web site, the board of elections shall post notice of the election on its web site for thirty days prior to the election. The notice shall state the question on which the election is being held. The ballot shall be in the form prescribed by the secretary of state. Costs of submitting the question to the electors shall be charged to the municipal school district in accordance with section 3501.17 of the Revised Code.

(C) If a majority of electors voting on the issue proposed in division (B) of this section approve the question, the mayor shall appoint a new board on the immediately following first day of July pursuant to division (F) of section 3311.71 of the Revised Code.

(D) If a majority of electors voting on the issue proposed in division (B) of this section disapprove the question, a new seven-member board of education shall be elected at the next regular election occurring in November of an odd-numbered year. At such election, four members shall be elected for terms of four years and three members shall be elected for terms of two years. Thereafter, their successors shall be elected in the same manner and for the same terms as members of boards of education of a city school district. All members of the board of education of a municipal school district appointed pursuant to division (B) of section 3311.71 of the Revised Code shall continue to serve after the end of the terms to which they were appointed until their successors are qualified and assume office in accordance with section 3313.09 of the Revised Code.

Section 3311.74 | Goals and accountability standards - plan to measure student academic performance - report - public awareness campaign.

(A) The board of education of a municipal school district, in consultation with the department of education and workforce, shall set goals for the district's educational, financial, and management progress and establish accountability standards with which to measure the district's progress.

(B)(1) The chief executive officer of a municipal school district shall develop, implement, and regularly update a plan to measure student academic performance at each school within the district. The plan developed by the chief executive officer shall include a component that requires the parents or guardians of students who attend the district's schools to attend, prior to the fifteenth day of December each year, at least one parent-teacher conference or similar event held by the school the student attends to provide an opportunity for the parents and guardians to meet the student's teachers, discuss expectations for the student, discuss the student's performance, and foster communication between home and school.

(2) Where measurements demonstrate that students in particular schools are not achieving, or are not improving their achievement levels at an acceptable rate, the plan shall contain provisions requiring the chief executive officer, with the concurrence of the board, to take corrective action within those schools, including, but not limited to, reallocation of academic and financial resources, reassignment of staff, redesign of academic programs, adjusting the length of the school year or school day, and deploying additional assistance to students.

(3) Prior to taking corrective action pursuant to the plan, the chief executive officer shall first identify which schools are in need of corrective action, what corrective action is warranted at each school, and when the corrective action should be implemented. Collectively, these items shall be known as the "corrective plan." The corrective plan is not intended to be used as a cost savings measure; rather, it is intended to improve student performance at targeted schools.

Immediately after developing the corrective plan, the chief executive officer and the presiding officer of each labor organization whose members will be affected by the corrective plan shall each appoint up to four individuals to form one or more corrective action teams. The corrective action teams, within the timelines set by the chief executive officer for implementation of the corrective plan, shall collaborate with the chief executive officer and, where there are overlapping or mutual concerns, with other corrective action teams to make recommendations to the chief executive officer on implementation of the corrective plan.

If the chief executive officer disagrees with all or part of the recommendations of a corrective action team, or if a corrective action team fails to make timely recommendations on the implementation of all or part of the corrective plan, the chief executive officer may implement the corrective plan in the manner in which the chief executive officer determines to be in the best interest of the students, consistent with the timelines originally established.

The chief executive officer and any corrective action team are not bound by the applicable provisions of collective bargaining agreements in developing recommendations for and implementing the corrective plan.

(4) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Chapter 4117. of the Revised Code, the content and implementation of the corrective plan prevail over any conflicting provision of a collective bargaining agreement entered into on or after October 1, 2012.

(C) Annually the chief executive officer shall issue a report to residents of the district that includes results of achievement measurements made under division (B)(1) of this section and delineates the nature of any reforms and corrective actions being taken in response to any failure to achieve at an acceptable level or rate. The report shall also contain descriptions of efforts undertaken to improve the overall quality or efficiency of operation of the district, shall list the source of all district revenues, and shall contain a description of all district expenditures during the preceding fiscal year.

(D) The chief executive officer shall implement a public awareness campaign to keep the parents and guardians of the district's students informed of the changes being implemented within the district. The campaign may include such methods as community forums, letters, and brochures. It shall include annual distribution to all parents and guardians of an information card specifying the names and business addresses and telephone numbers of the ombudspersons appointed under section 3311.72 of the Revised Code and other employees of the district board of education who may serve as information resources for parents and guardians.

Last updated August 21, 2023 at 4:02 PM

Section 3311.741 | Municipal school district performance evaluation.

(A) This section applies only to a municipal school district in existence on July 1, 2012.

(B) Not later than December 1, 2012, the board of education of each municipal school district to which this section applies shall submit to the director of education and workforce an array of measures to be used in evaluating the performance of the district. The measures shall assess at least overall student achievement, student progress over time, the achievement and progress over time of each of the applicable categories of students described in division (G) of section 3302.03 of the Revised Code, and college and career readiness. The director shall approve or disapprove the measures by January 15, 2013. If the measures are disapproved, the director shall recommend modifications that will make the measures acceptable.

(C) Beginning with the 2012-2013 school year, the board annually shall establish goals for improvement on each of the measures approved under division (B) of this section. The school district's performance data for the 2011-2012 school year shall be used as a baseline for determining improvement.

(D) Not later than October 1, 2013, and by the first day of October each year thereafter, the board shall issue a report describing the school district's performance for the previous school year on each of the measures approved under division (B) of this section and whether the district has met each of the improvement goals established for that year under division (C) of this section. The board shall provide the report to the governor, the director of education and workforce, and, in accordance with section 101.68 of the Revised Code, the general assembly.

Last updated August 3, 2023 at 9:28 AM

Section 3311.742 | Municipal school district student advisory committees.

(A) As used in this section, "partnering community school" means a community school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code that is located within the territory of a municipal school district and that either is sponsored by the district or is a party to an agreement with the district whereby the district and the community school endorse each other's programs.

(B) The board of education of each municipal school district and the governing authority of each partnering community school shall require each of its schools offering grades nine to twelve to establish a student advisory committee to make recommendations as prescribed in this division. The principal of the school and, if applicable, representatives of the teachers' labor organization who are employed in the school shall determine the composition of the committee and the process for selecting committee members, which shall allow for all students enrolled in the school to be informed about, and involved in, member selection.

The committee shall make regular recommendations, but at least semiannually, regarding the following:

(1) Strategies to improve teaching and learning at the school;

(2) How to use technology in the classroom to engage students in the learning process;

(3) Strategies to encourage high-achieving students to work with underperforming students to improve the school's academic culture and graduation rate;

(4) Ways in which students may improve the behavior of other students and reduce incidents of bullying and other disruptive conduct;

(5) Procedures for monitoring the progress of the changes implemented;

(6) Any other issues requested by school personnel or the board or governing authority.

(C) The student advisory committee shall provide copies of its recommendations to the district chief executive officer, the school principal, and, if applicable, the person designated to be the representative of the teachers' labor organization for the school. The board or governing authority shall post the recommendations on the district's or school's web site.

Section 3311.75 | Funds kept separate - purchases.

(A) A board of education appointed by the mayor pursuant to division (B) or (F) of section 3311.71 of the Revised Code shall have no right, title, or interest in the funds or property of any municipal corporation. The budgets of the municipal school district and the municipal corporation shall be estimated, planned, and financed separately. At no time shall any funds of the school district and the municipal corporation be commingled in any manner and all school district funds and accounts shall be maintained and accounted for totally independently of any funds and accounts of the municipal corporation.

(B) The board of a municipal school district shall adopt and follow procedures for the award of all contracts for supplies or services involving the expenditure of fifty thousand dollars or more in any one fiscal year after a competitive bid or request for proposal process. This division is supplemental to section 3313.46 of the Revised Code. This division does not apply to contracts of employment or to contracts for professional services; to contracts for the security and protection of school property; in cases of urgent necessity as determined by two-thirds vote of the board; or in any of the situations described in division (B) of section 3313.46 of the Revised Code to which the bid process of division (A) of that section does not apply.

Section 3311.751 | Disposition of proceeds from sale of real estate by municipal school district.

Notwithstanding division (F) of section 5705.10 of the Revised Code, if a municipal school district board of education sells real property that it owns in its corporate capacity, moneys received from the sale may be paid into the general fund of the district, as long as all of the following conditions are satisfied:

(A) The district has owned the real property for at least ten years.

(B) The real property and any improvements to that real property were not acquired with the proceeds of public obligations, as defined in section 133.01 of the Revised Code, of the district that are outstanding at the time of the sale.

(C) The deposit of those moneys in that manner is not prohibited by any agreements the district board has entered into with the Ohio facilities construction commission.

Section 3311.76 | Rule exemptions.

(A) Notwithstanding Chapters 3302. and 3317. of the Revised Code, upon written request of the district chief executive officer, the director of education and workforce may exempt a municipal school district from any rules adopted under Title XXXIII of the Revised Code except for any rule adopted under Chapter 3307. or 3309., sections 3319.07 to 3319.21, or Chapter 3323. of the Revised Code, and may authorize a municipal school district to apply funds allocated to the district under Chapter 3317. of the Revised Code, except those specifically allocated to purposes other than current expenses, to the payment of debt charges on the district's public obligations. The request must specify the provisions from which the district is seeking exemption or the application of funds requested and the reasons for the request. The director shall approve the request if the director finds the requested exemption or application of funds is in the best interest of the district's students. The director shall approve or disapprove the request within thirty days and shall notify the district board and the district chief executive officer of approval or reasons for disapproving the request.

(B) The board of education of a municipal school district may apply for an exemption from specific statutory provisions or rules under section 3302.07 of the Revised Code.

(C) In addition to the rights, authority, and duties conferred upon a municipal school district and its board of education in sections 3311.71 to 3311.87 of the Revised Code, a municipal school district and its board shall have all of the rights, authority, and duties conferred upon a city school district and its board by law that are not inconsistent with sections 3311.71 to 3311.87 of the Revised Code.

Last updated August 21, 2023 at 4:03 PM

Section 3311.77 | Laws governing municipal school districts; teacher contracts.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Revised Code to the contrary, and except as otherwise specified in division (G)(1) of this section, a municipal school district shall be subject to this section instead of section 3319.08 of the Revised Code. Section 3319.0811 of the Revised Code shall not apply to the district.

(A) The board of education of each municipal school district shall enter into written contracts for the employment and re-employment of all teachers. Contracts for the employment of teachers shall be of three types, limited contracts, extended limited contracts, and continuing contracts. If the board authorizes compensation in addition to the salary paid under section 3311.78 of the Revised Code for the performance of duties by a teacher that are in addition to the teacher's regular teaching duties, the board shall enter into a supplemental written contract with each teacher who is to perform additional duties. Such supplemental written contracts shall be limited contracts. Such written contracts and supplemental written contracts shall set forth the teacher's duties and shall specify the salaries and compensation to be paid for regular teaching duties and additional teaching duties, respectively.

If the board adopts a motion or resolution to employ a teacher under a limited contract or extended limited contract, or under a continuing contract pursuant to division (E) of this section, and the teacher accepts such employment, the failure of such parties to execute a written contract shall not void such employment contract.

(B) Teachers shall be paid for all time lost when the schools in which they are employed are closed due to an epidemic or other public calamity, and for time lost due to illness or otherwise for not less than five days annually as authorized by regulations which the board shall adopt.

(C) The term of a limited contract for a teacher shall not exceed the following:

(1) Five years, in the case of a contract entered into prior to the effective date of this section;

(2) A term as authorized in division (D) of this section, in the case of a contract entered into on or after the effective date of this section.

(D) The term of an initial limited contract for a teacher described in division (C)(2) of this section shall not exceed two years. Any subsequent limited contract entered into with that teacher shall not exceed five years.

(E) A continuing contract is a contract that remains in effect until the teacher resigns, elects to retire, or is retired pursuant to former section 3307.37 of the Revised Code, or until it is terminated or suspended and shall be granted only to teachers who have provided notice of their eligibility by the fifteenth day of September of the year the teacher becomes eligible for a continuing contract and who have met one of the following criteria:

(1) The teacher holds a professional, permanent, or life teacher's certificate;

(2) The teacher meets the following conditions:

(a) The teacher was initially issued a teacher's certificate or educator license prior to January 1, 2011.

(b) The teacher holds a professional educator license issued under section 3319.22 or 3319.222 or former section 3319.22 of the Revised Code or a senior professional educator license or lead professional educator license issued under section 3319.22 of the Revised Code.

(c) The teacher has completed the applicable one of the following:

(i) If the teacher did not hold a master's degree at the time of initially receiving a teacher's certificate under former law or an educator license, thirty semester hours of coursework in the area of licensure or in an area related to the teaching field since the initial issuance of such certificate or license, as specified in rules which the state board of education shall adopt;

(ii) If the teacher held a master's degree at the time of initially receiving a teacher's certificate under former law or an educator license, six semester hours of graduate coursework in the area of licensure or in an area related to the teaching field since the initial issuance of such certificate or license, as specified in rules which the state board shall adopt.

(3) The teacher meets the following conditions:

(a) The teacher never held a teacher's certificate and was initially issued an educator license on or after January 1, 2011.

(b) The teacher holds a professional educator license, senior professional educator license, or lead professional educator license issued under section 3319.22 of the Revised Code.

(c) The teacher has held an educator license for at least seven years.

(d) The teacher has completed the applicable one of the following:

(i) If the teacher did not hold a master's degree at the time of initially receiving an educator license, thirty semester hours of coursework in the area of licensure or in an area related to the teaching field since the initial issuance of that license, as specified in rules which the state board shall adopt;

(ii) If the teacher held a master's degree at the time of initially receiving an educator license, six semester hours of graduate coursework in the area of licensure or in an area related to the teaching field since the initial issuance of that license, as specified in rules which the state board shall adopt.

(F) Nothing in division (E) of this section shall be construed to void or otherwise affect a continuing contract entered into prior to the effective date of this section.

(G) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in Chapter 4117. of the Revised Code:

(1) The requirements of division (D)(3) of section 3319.08 of the Revised Code prevail over any conflicting provisions of a collective bargaining agreement entered into between October 16, 2009, and the effective date of this section.

(2) The requirements of this section prevail over any conflicting provisions of a collective bargaining agreement entered into on or after the effective date of this section.

(H) Wherever the term "educator license" is used in this section without reference to a specific type of educator license, the term does not include an educator license for substitute teaching issued under section 3319.226 of the Revised Code.

Section 3311.78 | Municipal school districts; adoption of differentiated salary schedules.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Revised Code to the contrary, a municipal school district shall be subject to this section instead of sections 3317.13, 3317.14, and 3317.141 of the Revised Code.

(A) As used in this section, "principal" includes an assistant principal.

(B) The board of education of each municipal school district annually shall adopt a differentiated salary schedule for teachers based upon performance as described in division (D) of this section. The board also annually shall adopt a differentiated salary schedule for principals based upon performance as described in division (D) of this section.

For each teacher or principal hired on or after October 1, 2012, the board shall determine the teacher's or principal's initial placement on the applicable salary schedule based on years of experience and area of licensure and any other factors the board considers appropriate. For each teacher hired prior to October 1, 2012, the board shall initially place the teacher on the applicable salary schedule so that the teacher's annual salary on the schedule is comparable to the teacher's annual salary for the school year immediately prior to the school year covered by the schedule. For each principal hired prior to October 1, 2012, the board shall initially place the principal on the applicable salary schedule consistent with the principal's employment contract.

(C) The salary of a teacher shall not be reduced unless such reduction is accomplished as part of a negotiated collective bargaining agreement. The salary of a principal shall not be reduced during the term of the principal's employment contract unless such reduction is by mutual agreement of the board and the principal or is part of a uniform plan affecting the entire district.

(D) For purposes of the schedules, the board shall measure a teacher's or principal's performance by considering all of the following:

(1) The level of license issued under section 3319.22 of the Revised Code that the teacher or principal holds;

(2) In the case of a teacher, whether the teacher is a properly certified or licensed teacher, as defined in section 3319.074 of the Revised Code;

(3) Ratings received by the teacher or principal on performance evaluations conducted under section 3311.80 or 3311.84 of the Revised Code;

(4) Any specialized training and experience in the assigned position.

(E) The salary schedules adopted under this section may provide for additional compensation for teachers or principals who perform duties, not contracted for under a supplemental contract, that the board determines warrant additional compensation. Those duties may include, but are not limited to, assignment to a school building eligible for funding under Title I of the "Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965," 20 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.; assignment to a building in "school improvement" status under the "No Child Left Behind Act of 2001," as defined in section 3302.01 of the Revised Code; teaching in a grade level or subject area in which the board has determined there is a shortage within the district; assignment to a hard-to-staff school, as determined by the board; or teaching in a school with an extended school day or school year.

(F) The chief executive officer of the district, or the chief executive officer's designee, annually shall review the salary of each teacher and principal and make a recommendation to the board. Based on the recommendation, the board may increase a teacher's or principal's salary based on the teacher's or principal's performance and duties as provided for in divisions (D) and (E) of this section. The performance-based increase for a teacher or principal rated as accomplished shall be greater than the performance-based increase for a teacher or principal rated as skilled. Notwithstanding division (C) of this section, division (C) of section 3319.02, and section 3319.12 of the Revised Code, the board may decrease the teacher's or principal's salary if the teacher or principal will perform fewer or different duties described in division (E) of this section in the school year for which the salary is decreased.

(G) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in Chapter 4117. of the Revised Code, the requirements of this section prevail over any conflicting provisions of a collective bargaining agreement entered into on or after October 1, 2012. However, the board and the teachers' labor organization shall negotiate the implementation of the differentiated salary schedule for teachers and may negotiate additional factors regarding teacher salaries, provided those factors are consistent with this section.

Section 3311.79 | Applicants for teacher positions in municipal school districts.

(A) When assigning teachers to schools of a municipal school district prior to the start of a school year, teachers may apply for open positions. All applicants shall be considered. Applicants may be interviewed by a building level team comprised of the building principal, a representative of the district teachers' labor organization, a parent, a staff member in the same job classification as the posted position, and any other members mutually agreed upon by the principal and the labor organization representative. When openings occur, the principal and labor organization representative shall mutually select the members of the building level team. Interviews by the building level team shall not be delayed due to the unavailability of duly notified team members. The team shall make recommendations whether to assign a teacher to an open position in the building based on how suitably the teacher's credentials fulfill the needs of the particular school. For this purpose, the building level team shall consider the following credentials:

(1) The level of license issued under section 3319.22 of the Revised Code that the teacher holds;

(2) The number of subject areas the teacher is licensed to teach;

(3) Whether the teacher would be a properly certified or licensed teacher, as defined in section 3319.074 of the Revised Code, in the open position;

(4) The results of the teacher's performance evaluations conducted under section 3311.80 of the Revised Code;

(5) Whether the teacher has recently taught and been evaluated in the subject areas the teacher would teach at the school;

(6) Any specialized training or experience the teacher possesses that are relevant to the open position;

(7) Any other credentials established by the district chief executive officer or a building level team.

(B) The building level team shall make its recommendations to the district chief executive officer or the chief executive officer's designee for the chief executive officer's or designee's final approval of the assignment.

(C) In the event that open positions in one or more school buildings have not been filled through the procedures set forth in divisions (A) and (B) of this section, or if the building level team has not been able to reach a consensus on a candidate, by ten days prior to the first work day for teachers of the school year, the district chief executive officer or the chief executive officer's designee shall assign teachers to any of those open positions based on the best interests of the district. In making an assignment under this division, the chief executive officer or the chief executive officer's designee shall take into consideration all input from the building level team members.

(D) In the event that a position opens after the first student day of the school year, the building level team interview and recommendation procedures set forth in divisions (A) and (B) of this section shall be used to fill the open position. If any positions remain open, or if the building level team has not been able to reach a consensus on a candidate, after a reasonable period of time as determined by the chief executive officer or the chief executive officer's designee, the chief executive officer or the chief executive officer's designee shall assign teachers to any of those open positions based on the best interests of the district. In making an assignment under this division, the chief executive officer or the chief executive officer's designee shall take into consideration all input from the building level team members.

(E) In the event it becomes necessary to assign, reassign, or transfer a teacher, whether voluntarily or involuntarily on the part of the teacher, for the purpose of promoting the best interests of the district, the chief executive officer or the chief executive officer's designee shall first meet with the teacher, the principals of the affected buildings, and a representative of the district teachers' labor organization. The assignment, reassignment, or transfer shall not be delayed due to the unavailability of the meeting participants who have been duly notified.

(F) The district chief executive officer or a building level team shall not use seniority or continuing contract status as the primary factor in determining any teacher's assignment to a school.

(G) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in Chapter 4117. of the Revised Code, the requirements of this section prevail over any conflicting provisions of a collective bargaining agreement entered into on or after October 1, 2012. However, the board and the teachers' labor organization shall negotiate regarding the implementation of this section, including the processes by which each building level team conducts its interviews and makes recommendations, consistent with this section.

Section 3311.80 | Municipal school districts; adoption of standards-based teacher evaluation procedures.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Revised Code to the contrary, a municipal school district shall be subject to this section instead of section 3319.111 of the Revised Code.

(A) The board of education of each municipal school district and the teachers' labor organization shall develop and adopt standards-based teacher evaluation procedures that shall either conform with the framework for evaluation of teachers developed under section 3319.112 of the Revised Code or a framework developed or adopted by the district. The evaluation procedures shall include at least one formal observation and classroom walk-through, which may be announced or unannounced; examinations of samples of work, such as lesson plans or assessments designed by a teacher; and multiple measures of student academic growth. The board of education and teachers' labor organization shall endeavor to include in the evaluation procedures the development of a professional growth plan or improvement plan and a final summative conference to discuss the results of the evaluation.

(B) When using measures of student academic growth as a component of a teacher's evaluation, those measures shall include the value-added progress dimension prescribed by section 3302.021 of the Revised Code or the alternative student academic progress measure if adopted under division (C)(1)(e) of section 3302.03 of the Revised Code. For teachers of grade levels and subjects for which the value-added progress dimension or alternative student academic achievement measure is not applicable, the board shall administer assessments on the list developed under division (B)(2) of section 3319.112 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) Each teacher employed by the board shall be evaluated at least once each school year, except as provided in division (C)(2) of this section. The composite evaluation shall be completed not later than the first day of June and the teacher shall receive a written report of the results of the composite evaluation not later than ten days after its completion or the last teacher work day of the school year, whichever is earlier.

(2) Each teacher who received a rating of accomplished on the teacher's most recent evaluation conducted under this section may be evaluated once every two school years, except that the teacher shall be evaluated in any school year in which the teacher's contract is due to expire. The biennial composite evaluation shall be completed not later than the first day of June of the applicable school year, and the teacher shall receive a written report of the results of the composite evaluation not later than ten days after its completion or the last teacher work day of the school year, whichever is earlier.

(D) Each evaluation conducted pursuant to this section shall be conducted by one or more of the following persons who have been trained to conduct evaluations in accordance with criteria that shall be developed jointly by the chief executive officer of the district, or the chief executive officer's designee, and the teachers' labor organization:

(1) The chief executive officer or a subordinate officer of the district with responsibility for instruction or academic affairs;

(2) A person who is under contract with the board pursuant to section 3319.02 of the Revised Code and holds a license designated for being a principal issued under section 3319.22 of the Revised Code;

(3) A person who is under contract with the board pursuant to section 3319.02 of the Revised Code and holds a license designated for being a vocational director or a supervisor in any educational area issued under section 3319.22 of the Revised Code;

(4) A person designated to conduct evaluations under an agreement providing for peer assistance and review entered into by the board and the teachers' labor organization.

(E) The evaluation procedures shall describe how the evaluation results will be used for decisions regarding compensation, retention, promotion, and reductions in force and for removal of poorly performing teachers.

(F) A teacher may challenge any violations of the evaluation procedures in accordance with the grievance procedure specified in any applicable collective bargaining agreement. A challenge under this division is limited to the determination of procedural errors that have resulted in substantive harm to the teacher and to ordering the correction of procedural errors. The failure of the board or a person conducting an evaluation to strictly comply with any deadline or evaluation forms established as part of the evaluation process shall not be cause for an arbitrator to determine that a procedural error occurred, unless the arbitrator finds that the failure resulted in substantive harm to the teacher. The arbitrator shall have no jurisdiction to modify the evaluation results, but the arbitrator may stay any decision taken pursuant to division (E) of this section pending the board's correction of any procedural error. The board shall correct any procedural error within fifteen business days after the arbitrator's determination that a procedural error occurred.

(G) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in Chapter 4117. of the Revised Code, the requirements of this section prevail over any conflicting provisions of a collective bargaining agreement entered into on or after October 1, 2012. However, the board and the teachers' labor organization may negotiate additional evaluation procedures, including an evaluation process incorporating peer assistance and review, provided the procedures are consistent with this section.

(H) This section does not apply to administrators appointed by the chief executive officer of a municipal school district under section 3311.72 of the Revised Code, administrators subject to evaluation procedures under section 3311.84 or 3319.02 of the Revised Code, or to any teacher employed as a substitute for less than one hundred twenty days during a school year pursuant to section 3319.10 of the Revised Code.

Last updated August 14, 2024 at 9:27 AM

Section 3311.81 | Municipal school districts; limited teacher contracts.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Revised Code to the contrary, a municipal school district shall be subject to this section instead of section 3319.11 of the Revised Code.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Evaluation procedures" means the procedures adopted pursuant to division (A) of section 3311.80 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Limited contract" means a limited contract, as described in section 3311.77 of the Revised Code, that the board of education of a municipal school district enters into with a teacher who is not eligible for a continuing contract.

(3) "Extended limited contract" means a limited contract, as described in section 3311.77 of the Revised Code, that the board enters into with a teacher who is eligible for a continuing contract, but to whom a continuing contract has not been granted by the board.

(B) The board of education of each municipal school district shall enter into a limited contract with each teacher employed by the board who is not eligible to be considered for a continuing contract.

Any teacher employed under a limited contract who is not eligible to be considered for a continuing contract is, at the expiration of such limited contract, considered re-employed under a one-year limited contract, unless the board gives such teacher written notice of its intention not to re-employ such teacher on or before the first day of June. The teacher is presumed to have accepted such employment unless the teacher notifies the board in writing to the contrary on or before the tenth day of July.

Any teacher receiving a written notice of the intention of the board not to re-employ such teacher pursuant to this division is entitled to a hearing under division (C) of this section.

(C) Any teacher receiving written notice of the intention of the board not to re-employ such teacher pursuant to division (B) of this section may request a hearing before the board. The request for a hearing shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the chief financial officer of the district within ten days of the date of receipt of the notice. The hearing shall be held in executive session of the board at the board's next scheduled meeting. Following the hearing, or if no hearing is requested, the board shall act on the question of the teacher's re-employment. The decision of the board shall be final and shall not be subject to further appeal.

(D)(1) Upon the recommendation of the chief executive officer that a teacher be re-employed where the teacher satisfies the criteria in division (E) of section 3311.77 of the Revised Code and has taught in the district for at least three years, or at least two years in the case of a teacher who received a continuing contract elsewhere, the board shall enter into a continuing contract with the teacher, unless the board by a three-fourths vote of its full membership rejects the recommendation of the chief executive officer. If the board rejects the recommendation, or if the chief executive officer recommends that the teacher not be re-employed, the board may proceed not to renew the teacher's contract in accordance with this section as if the teacher was not eligible to be considered for a continuing contract.

(2) In the event the chief executive officer does not recommend to the board that a teacher receive a continuing contract where the teacher satisfies the criteria in division (E) of section 3311.77 of the Revised Code and has taught in the district for at least three years, or at least two years in the case of a teacher who received a continuing contract elsewhere, the chief executive officer may recommend to the board that the teacher receive an extended limited contract. In that event, the chief executive officer, or the chief executive officer's designee, shall provide the teacher written notice, not less than five business days prior to any board action on the recommendation, with reasons directed at professional development. The board shall act on the recommendation for an extended limited contract with reasons directed at professional development not later than the first day of June. An extended limited contract may be issued:

(a) For a teacher who has been awarded a continuing contract in another school district and has served in the municipal school district for two years, in one-year increments or for multiple years, in no event to exceed a total of two years;

(b) For a teacher who is newly eligible for a continuing contract, in one-year increments or for multiple years, in no event to exceed a total of four years.

Upon any subsequent reemployment of the teacher after the expiration of the extended limited contract or contracts, only a continuing contract may be entered into. The teacher is presumed to have accepted employment under such continuing contract unless the teacher notifies the board in writing to the contrary before the tenth day of July, and a continuing contract shall be executed accordingly.

(3) In the event the chief executive officer fails to make any recommendation regarding a contract for a teacher who satisfies the criteria in division (E) of section 3311.77 of the Revised Code and has taught in the district for at least three years, or at least two years in the case of a teacher who received a continuing contract elsewhere, the teacher shall be re-employed under a one-year extended limited contract. That contract may be subsequently extended for an additional one to three years consistent with divisions (D)(2)(a) and (b) of this section. The teacher is presumed to have accepted employment under such extended limited contract unless the teacher notifies the board in writing to the contrary before the tenth day of July.

(E) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any supplemental written contracts entered into pursuant to section 3311.77 of the Revised Code.

(F) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in Chapter 4117. of the Revised Code, the requirements of this section prevail over any conflicting provisions of a collective bargaining agreement entered into on or after the effective date of this section. However, the board and the teachers' labor organization shall negotiate the due process procedures preceding a teacher's receipt of a written notice indicating the intent of the board not to re-employ the teacher, which procedures shall be consistent with this section.

Section 3311.82 | Municipal school districts; termination of teacher contracts; disciplinary proceedings.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Revised Code to the contrary, a municipal school district shall be subject to this section instead of sections 3319.16 and 3319.161 of the Revised Code with respect to termination of teacher contracts, but those sections shall apply to the district with respect to termination of contracts with other district employees licensed by the state board of education, subject to section 3311.72 and division (F) of section 3311.84 of the Revised Code.

(A) The board of education of a municipal school district may terminate the contract of a teacher employed by the board only for good and just cause. In addition, the board may place a teacher on disciplinary suspension without pay for a definite period of time for good and just cause. For purposes of contract terminations, good and just cause shall include receiving a composite evaluation rating of ineffective under section 3311.80 of the Revised Code for two consecutive years. A violation of division (A)(7) of section 2907.03 of the Revised Code is grounds for termination or disciplinary suspension without pay of a teacher under this section.

(B) If an administrator determines, after a preliminary investigation, that a teacher may have engaged in conduct that could lead to a recommendation for termination or disciplinary suspension without pay, the teacher shall be entitled to a fact-finding hearing to determine if termination or disciplinary suspension without pay is warranted. The hearing shall be held before an administrator designated by the chief executive officer of the district. Prior to the hearing, the administrator designated by the chief executive officer shall provide the teacher with written notice of the allegations and of the right to request representation by the teachers' labor organization, and copies of any written evidence related to the allegations. The hearing shall be held within a reasonable period of time following the teacher's receipt of the written notice of the allegations. The teacher may have a representative of the teachers' labor organization present at the hearing. During the hearing, the teacher shall be given a meaningful opportunity to respond to the allegations, including the opportunity to submit additional evidence. Not later than ten business days after the hearing, the administrator designated by the chief executive officer shall notify the teacher in writing of the administrator's recommendation for discipline and the rationale for the recommendation, and shall provide a copy of the notification to the chief executive officer.

(C) If the administrator designated by the chief executive officer recommends to the chief executive officer that the teacher be terminated or placed on disciplinary suspension without pay, the chief executive officer shall review the evidence and determine whether termination or disciplinary suspension without pay is warranted. The chief executive officer shall make a recommendation regarding discipline at the next scheduled meeting of the board. The board may adopt or modify the chief executive officer's recommendation, except that the board shall not increase the recommended discipline. The board shall notify the teacher of any action taken by the board on the chief executive officer's recommendation. Any termination or disciplinary suspension without pay imposed by the board shall take effect immediately.

(D) A teacher who is terminated or placed on disciplinary suspension without pay under this section may appeal the board's action in accordance with the grievance procedures specified in any applicable collective bargaining agreement. The failure of the board, chief executive officer, or administrator designated by the chief executive officer to strictly comply with any procedures established by this section or applicable collective bargaining agreement shall not be cause for an arbitrator to overturn the termination or disciplinary suspension without pay, unless the arbitrator finds that the failure resulted in substantive harm to the teacher.

(E) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in Chapter 4117. of the Revised Code:

(1) The provisions of section 3319.16 of the Revised Code relating to the grounds for termination of the contract of a teacher prevail over any conflicting provisions of a collective bargaining agreement entered into prior to the effective date of this section.

(2) The requirements of this section prevail over any conflicting provisions of a collective bargaining agreement entered into on or after the effective date of this section.

Section 3311.83 | Municipal school districts; reduction in number of teachers.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Revised Code to the contrary, and except as otherwise specified in division (E) of this section, a municipal school district shall be subject to this section instead of section 3319.17 of the Revised Code with respect to suspension of teacher contracts, but sections 3311.72, 3319.17, and 3319.171 of the Revised Code shall apply to the district with respect to suspension of contracts of other district employees who may be licensed by the state board of education.

(A) When, for any of the following reasons that apply to a municipal school district, the district board of education decides that it will be necessary to reduce the number of teachers it employs, it may make a reasonable reduction:

(1) Return to duty of regular teachers after leaves of absence, including leaves of absence provided pursuant to section 3319.13 or 3319.14 of the Revised Code;

(2) Decreased enrollment of students in the district;

(3) Academic reasons resulting in consolidation of teaching positions, duties, or functions or resulting in changes in educational programs;

(4) Financial reasons;

(5) Territorial changes affecting the district.

(B) In making any such reduction, the board shall proceed to suspend contracts in accordance with the recommendation of the district's chief executive officer and divisions (B)(1) and (2) and (E) of this section.

(1) Each teacher affected by the reduction, based on area of licensure, shall be placed in one of the following categories:

(a) Category 1A, which shall contain all teachers on limited or extended limited contracts with a composite evaluation rating of ineffective;

(b) Category 1B, which shall contain all teachers on continuing contracts with a composite evaluation rating of ineffective;

(c) Category 2A, which shall contain all teachers on limited or extended limited contracts with a composite evaluation rating of developing;

(d) Category 2B, which shall contain all teachers on continuing contracts with a composite evaluation rating of developing;

(e) Category 3A, which shall contain all teachers on limited or extended limited contracts with a composite evaluation rating of skilled;

(f) Category 3B, which shall contain all teachers on continuing contracts with a composite evaluation rating of skilled;

(g) Category 4A, which shall contain all teachers on limited or extended limited contracts with a composite evaluation rating of accomplished;

(h) Category 4B, which shall contain all teachers on continuing contracts with a composite evaluation rating of accomplished.

(2) Consistent with division (E) of this section, reductions in the affected area of licensure shall be made starting with teachers in category 1A and shall proceed sequentially through teachers in category 4B, until all necessary reductions have occurred.

(3) The evaluation ratings specified in division (B)(1) of this section refer to composite evaluation ratings assigned to a teacher in accordance with the evaluation procedures adopted under section 3311.80 of the Revised Code.

(C) On a case-by-case basis, in lieu of suspending a contract in whole, the board may suspend a contract in part, so that an individual is required to work a percentage of the time the employee otherwise is required to work under the contract and receives a commensurate percentage of the full compensation the employee otherwise would receive under the contract.

(D) The teachers whose contracts are suspended by the board pursuant to this section shall have the right of restoration by the board if and when teaching positions become vacant or are created, for which the teachers are or become qualified within three years after the date of the suspension of contract. Consistent with division (E) of this section, the board shall rehire teachers in the affected area of licensure starting with teachers in category 4B and shall proceed sequentially through teachers in category 1A, until all vacant positions have been filled. No teacher whose contract has been suspended pursuant to this section shall lose the right of restoration by reason of having declined recall to a position that is less than full-time or, if the teacher was not employed full-time just prior to suspension of the teacher's continuing contract, to a position requiring a lesser percentage of full-time employment than the position the teacher last held while employed in the district.

(E)(1) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in Chapter 4117. of the Revised Code, the requirements of this section prevail over any conflicting provisions of a collective bargaining agreement entered into on or after October 1, 2012. However, the board and the teachers' labor organization shall negotiate how specialized training and experience will be factored into reduction in force and recall decisions regardless of the categories prescribed by division (B) of this section. In addition, the board and the teachers' labor organization may negotiate additional factors to be considered in determining the order of reductions, which factors shall not be inconsistent with division (B) of this section.

(2) After applying specialized training and experience and any other negotiated factors, teachers within the same category prescribed by division (B) of this section shall be given preference based on seniority.

Section 3311.84 | Municipal school districts; evaluation of principals.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Revised Code to the contrary, a municipal school district shall be subject to this section instead of division (D) of section 3319.02 of the Revised Code with respect to principals and assistant principals, but all other provisions of that section shall apply to the district with respect to principals and assistant principals. Section 3319.02 of the Revised Code in its entirety shall apply to the district with respect to employees other than principals and assistant principals who are covered by that section, except as otherwise provided in section 3311.72 of the Revised Code.

(A) As used in this section, "principal" includes an assistant principal.

(B) The board of education of each municipal school district shall adopt procedures for the evaluation of principals and shall evaluate all principals in accordance with those procedures. The procedures shall be based on principles comparable to the teacher evaluation procedures adopted under section 3311.80 of the Revised Code, but shall be tailored to the duties and responsibilities of principals and the environment in which principals work. Each evaluation shall measure the principal's effectiveness in performing the duties included in the principal's job description and shall be considered by the board in deciding whether to renew the principal's contract of employment.

(C) The evaluation procedures adopted under this section shall require each principal to be evaluated annually through a written evaluation process. The evaluation shall be conducted by the chief executive officer of the district, or the chief executive officer's designee.

(D) To provide time to show progress in correcting deficiencies identified in the evaluation, each evaluation shall be completed as follows:

(1) In any school year that the principal's contract of employment is not due to expire, at least one evaluation shall be completed in that year. A written copy of the evaluation shall be provided to the principal by the end of the principal's contract year as defined by the principal's annual salary notice.

(2) In any school year that the principal's contract of employment is due to expire, at least a preliminary evaluation and a final evaluation shall be completed in that year. A written copy of the preliminary evaluation shall be provided to the principal at least sixty days prior to any action by the board on the principal's contract of employment. The final evaluation shall indicate the chief executive officer's intended recommendation to the board regarding a contract of employment for the principal. A written copy of the final evaluation shall be provided to the principal at least five days prior to the chief executive officer making the recommendation to the board.

(E) At least thirty days prior to taking action to renew or not renew the contract of a principal, the board shall notify the principal of the board's intended action and that the principal may request a meeting with the board regarding the board's intended action. Upon request of the principal, the board shall grant the principal a meeting in executive session. In that meeting, the board shall discuss its reasons for considering renewal or nonrenewal of the contract. The principal shall be permitted to have a representative, chosen by the principal, present at the meeting.

The establishment of evaluation procedures in accordance with this section shall not create an expectancy of continued employment. Nothing in this section shall prevent the board from making the final determination regarding the renewal or nonrenewal of a principal's contract.

(F) Termination of a principal's contract shall be in accordance with section 3319.16 of the Revised Code, except as follows:

(1) Failure of the principal's building to meet academic performance standards established by the chief executive officer shall be considered good and just cause for termination under that section.

(2) If the chief executive officer intends to recommend to the board that the principal's contract be terminated, the chief executive officer shall provide the principal a written copy of the principal's evaluation at least five days prior to making the recommendation to the board.

Section 3311.85 | Municipal school districts; school calendar.

(A) The board of education of each municipal school district annually shall approve a calendar or calendars establishing a school year that complies with the minimum school year prescribed by section 3313.48 of the Revised Code. The board has final authority to establish a school calendar, including the starting and ending times for the school day, for one or more of the district's school buildings that provides for additional student days or hours beyond the minimum prescribed by that section. A school's calendar may prescribe year-round instruction or an extended school day.

(B) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in Chapter 4117. of the Revised Code, the requirements and authorizations of this section prevail over any conflicting provisions of a collective bargaining agreement entered into on or after the effective date of this section. However, the district board and teachers' labor organization shall negotiate regarding any additional compensation for an extended school year or school day, consistent with section 3311.78 of the Revised Code.

Section 3311.86 | Municipal school district transformation alliance.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Alliance" means a municipal school district transformation alliance established as a nonprofit corporation.

(2) "Alliance municipal school district" means a municipal school district for which an alliance has been created under this section.

(3) "Partnering community school" means a community school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code that is located within the territory of a municipal school district and that either is sponsored by the district or is a party to an agreement with the district whereby the district and the community school endorse each other's programs.

(4) "Transformation alliance education plan" means a plan prepared by the mayor, and confirmed by the alliance, to transform public education in the alliance municipal school district to a system of municipal school district schools and partnering community schools that will be held to the highest standards of school performance and student achievement.

(B) If one or more partnering community schools are located in a municipal school district, the mayor may initiate proceedings to establish a municipal school district transformation alliance as a nonprofit corporation under Chapter 1702. of the Revised Code. The mayor shall have sole authority to appoint the directors of any alliance created under this section. The directors of the alliance shall include representatives of all of the following:

(1) The municipal school district;

(2) Partnering community schools;

(3) Members of the community at large, including parents and educators;

(4) The business community, including business leaders and foundation leaders.

No one group listed in divisions (B)(1) to (4) of this section shall comprise a majority of the directors. The mayor shall be an ex officio director, and serve as the chairperson of the board of directors, of any alliance created under this section. If the proceedings are initiated, the mayor shall identify the directors in the articles of incorporation filed under section 1702.04 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) A majority of the members of the board of directors of the alliance shall constitute a quorum of the board. Any formal action taken by the board of directors shall take place at a meeting of the board and shall require the concurrence of a majority of the members of the board. Meetings of the board of directors shall be public meetings open to the public at all times, except that the board and its committees and subcommittees may hold an executive session, as if it were a public body with public employees, for any of the purposes for which an executive session of a public body is permitted under division (G) of section 121.22 of the Revised Code, notwithstanding that the alliance is not a public body as defined in that section, and its employees are not public employees as provided in division (F) of this section. The board of directors shall establish reasonable methods whereby any person may determine the time and place of all of the board's public meetings and by which any person, upon request, may obtain reasonable advance notification of the board's public meetings. Provisions for that advance notification may include, but are not limited to, mailing notices to all subscribers on a mailing list or mailing notices in self-addressed, stamped envelopes provided by the person.

(2) All records of the alliance shall be organized and maintained by the alliance and also filed with the department of education and workforce. The alliance and the department shall make those records available to the public as though those records were public records for purposes of Chapter 149. of the Revised Code. The department shall promptly notify the alliance upon the department's receipt of any requests for records relating to the alliance pursuant to section 149.43 of the Revised Code.

(3) The board of directors of the alliance shall establish a conflicts of interest policy and shall adopt that policy, and any amendments to the policy, at a meeting of the board held in accordance with this section.

(D)(1) If an alliance is created under this section, the alliance shall do all of the following:

(a) Report annually on the performance of all municipal school district schools and all community schools established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code and located in the district, using the criteria adopted under division (B) of section 3311.87 of the Revised Code;

(b) Confirm and monitor implementation of the transformation alliance education plan;

(c) Suggest national education models for and provide input in the development of new municipal school district schools and partnering community schools.

(2) If an alliance is created under this section, the department may request alliance comment, or the alliance independently may offer comment to the department, on the granting, renewal, or extension of an agreement with a sponsor of community schools under section 3314.015 of the Revised Code when the sponsor has existing agreements with a community school located in an alliance municipal school district. If the alliance makes comments, those comments shall be considered by the department prior to making its decision whether to grant, renew, or extend the agreement.

For purposes of division (D)(2) of this section, comments by the alliance shall be based on the criteria established under division (A) of section 3311.87 of the Revised Code.

(E) Divisions (E)(1) to (3) of this section apply to each community school sponsor that is subject to approval by the department under section 3314.015 of the Revised Code whose approval under that section is granted, renewed, or extended on or after October 1, 2012. Divisions (E)(1) to (3) of this section do not apply to a sponsor that has been approved by the department prior to that date, until the sponsor's approval is renewed, granted anew, or extended on or after that date.

(1) Before a sponsor to which this section applies may sponsor new community schools in an alliance municipal school district, the sponsor shall request recommendation from the alliance to sponsor community schools in the district.

(2) The alliance shall review the sponsor's request and shall make a recommendation to the department based on the standards for sponsors developed under division (A)(2) of section 3311.87 of the Revised Code.

(3) The department shall use the standards developed under division (A)(2) of section 3311.87 of the Revised Code, in addition to any other requirements of the Revised Code, to review a sponsor's request and make a final determination, on recommendation of the alliance, of whether the sponsor may sponsor new community schools in the alliance municipal school district.

No sponsor shall be required to receive authorization to sponsor new community schools under division (E)(3) of this section more than one time.

(F) Directors, officers, and employees of an alliance are not public employees or public officials, are not subject to Chapters 124., 145., and 4117. of the Revised Code, and are not "public officials" or "public servants" as defined in section 2921.01 of the Revised Code. Membership on the board of directors of an alliance does not constitute the holding of an incompatible public office or employment in violation of any statutory or common law prohibition against the simultaneous holding of more than one public office or employment. Members of the board of directors of an alliance are not disqualified from holding any public office by reason of that membership, and do not forfeit by reason of that membership the public office or employment held when appointed to the board, notwithstanding any contrary disqualification or forfeiture requirement under the Revised Code or the common law of this state.

Last updated August 21, 2023 at 4:05 PM

Section 3311.87 | School sponsorship; assessment of district and community schools.

The department of education and workforce, in conjunction with the municipal school district transformation alliance established under section 3311.86 of the Revised Code, if such an alliance is established under that section, and a statewide nonprofit organization whose membership is comprised solely of entities that sponsor community schools and whose members sponsor the majority of start-up community schools in the state, shall do all of the following:

(A) Not later than December 31, 2012, establish both of the following:

(1) Objective criteria to be used by a sponsor to determine if it will sponsor new community schools located within the municipal school district. Beginning with any community school that opens after July 1, 2013, each sponsor shall use the criteria established under this division to determine whether to sponsor a community school in the municipal district.

(2) Criteria for assessing the ability of a sponsor to successfully sponsor a community school in a municipal school district.

The criteria adopted under divisions (A)(1) and (2) of this section shall be based on standards issued by the national association of charter school authorizers or any other nationally organized community or charter school organization.

(B) Not later than April 30, 2013, establish a comprehensive framework to assess the efficacy of district schools and community schools located in the municipal school district. Where possible, the framework shall be based on nationally accepted quality standards and principles for schools and shall be specific to a school's model, mission, and student populations.

Last updated August 21, 2023 at 4:07 PM