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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 325 | Compensation

Section 325.01 | Manner of paying officials - general county fund.

Each county auditor, county treasurer, clerk of the court of common pleas, sheriff, county recorder, county commissioner, prosecuting attorney, and coroner shall receive, out of the general county fund, compensation as provided by sections 325.03 to 325.11, and 325.15 of the Revised Code, payable in the same manner as provided for county employees in section 325.17 of the Revised Code.

Section 325.02 | Salaries in lieu of fees - exception.

The salaries and compensation of county officers provided for by sections 325.03 to 325.09 of the Revised Code, shall be in lieu of all fees, costs, penalties, percentages, allowances, and all other perquisites, of whatever kind, which any of such officials collects and receives, except such compensation as is provided by section 5731.47 of the Revised Code.

Section 325.03 | Salary of county auditor.

Each county auditor shall be classified, for salary purposes, according to the population of the county. All county auditors shall receive annual compensation in accordance with the following schedules and in accordance with section 325.18 of the Revised Code:



ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$64,091
255,001 - 95,00075,400
395,001 - 200,00084,621
4200,001 - 400,00094,935
5400,001 - 1,000,000100,601
61,000,001 or more103,618



ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$67,296
255,001 - 95,00079,170
395,001 - 200,00088,852
4200,001 - 400,00099,682
5400,001 - 1,000,000105,631
61,000,001 or more108,799



ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$70,660
255,001 - 95,00083,129
395,001 - 200,00093,295
4200,001 - 400,000104,666
5400,001 - 1,000,000110,913
61,000,001 or more114,239

Last updated August 30, 2022 at 8:54 AM

Section 325.04 | Salary of county treasurer.

Each county treasurer shall be classified, for salary purposes, according to the population of the county. All county treasurers shall receive annual compensation in accordance with the following schedules and in accordance with section 325.18 of the Revised Code:



ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$49,813
255,001 - 95,00058,668
395,001 - 200,00067,525
4200,001 - 400,00075,273
5400,001 - 1,000,00080,807
61,000,001 or more83,636



ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$52,304
255,001 - 95,00061,601
395,001 - 200,00070,901
4200,001 - 400,00079,037
5400,001 - 1,000,00084,847
61,000,001 or more87,818



ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$54,919
255,001 - 95,00064,681
395,001 - 200,00074,446
4200,001 - 400,00082,988
5400,001 - 1,000,00089,090
61,000,001 or more92,209

Last updated August 23, 2022 at 1:24 PM

Section 325.06 | Salary of sheriff.

(A) Each sheriff shall be classified, for salary purposes, according to the population of the county. All sheriffs shall receive annual compensation in accordance with the following schedules and in accordance with section 325.18 of the Revised Code:



ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$61,624
255,001 - 95,00071,384
395,001 - 200,00086,974
4200,001 - 400,00097,437
5400,001 - 1,000,000103,249
61,000,001 or more106,241



ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$64,327
255,001 - 95,00074,953
395,001 - 200,00091,322
4200,001 - 400,000102,309
5400,001 - 1,000,000108,411
61,000,001 or more111,553

(B) In addition to the annual compensation that a sheriff receives under this section for performing the duties of sheriff prescribed by law, each sheriff shall receive in consideration of the impact of Amended Substitute Senate Bill No. 2 of the 121st general assembly on the workload of the sheriff, an additional amount equal to one-eighth of the annual compensation that the sheriff receives under division (A) of this section and section 325.18 of the Revised Code. This additional compensation shall be paid biweekly from the county treasury if adequate funds have been appropriated by the general assembly. If adequate funds have been appropriated by the general assembly for the purposes of this section, not later than the fifteenth day of March and September of each year, the attorney general shall reimburse the fiscal officer of the county the amount of additional compensation paid under this division, the related amount of employer contributions made under Chapter 145. of the Revised Code as required by the public employees retirement board, and the related amount of the payments to the social security administration for employer contributions for Medicare part A. The fiscal officer shall deposit the revenue in the county treasury.

Last updated August 16, 2022 at 4:14 PM

Section 325.07 | Monthly allowance to sheriff - monthly report to board.

In addition to the compensation and salary provided by section 325.06 of the Revised Code, the board of county commissioners shall make allowances monthly to each sheriff for the actual and necessary expenses incurred and expended by the sheriff in pursuing within or without the state or transporting persons accused or convicted of crimes and offenses, for any expenses incurred in conveying and transferring persons to or from any state hospital for persons with mental illnesses, any institution for persons with intellectual disabilities, any institution operated by the youth commission, children's homes, county homes, and all similar institutions, and for all expenses of maintaining transportation facilities necessary to the proper administration of the duties of the sheriff's office.

The board shall allow the sheriff the actual transportation expense and telephone tolls expended by the sheriff in serving civil processes and subpoenaing witnesses in civil and criminal cases and before the grand jury, and it may allow any other necessary transportation expense for the proper administration of the duties of the sheriff's office. Each sheriff shall file under oath a monthly report containing a full, accurate, and itemized account of all the sheriff's actual and necessary expenses, including telephone tolls and any other transportation expense mentioned in this section, before the expense is allowed by the board. The statement shall show the number of the case, the court in which the service was rendered, and the point from which a transportation vehicle was used.

For the purpose of making available to the sheriff funds necessary in the performance of the duties required under this section, the board may authorize, as an advancement to the sheriff, a sum not exceeding fifty per cent of the sheriff's annual salary, from appropriations made to the sheriff by the board for pursuing prisoners within or without the state or for transporting the prisoners to correctional institutions, or both, and for transporting persons to the institutions enumerated in this section, from which sum of money so advanced the necessary expenses for the transportation or pursuance may be paid by the sheriff. The county auditor shall draw a warrant upon the county treasurer, in favor of the sheriff, as authorized by the board.

After the itemized monthly report provided for in this section has been filed by the sheriff and approved and allowed by the board, the board shall restore to the fund the amount expended and disbursed by the sheriff, as approved and allowed by the board.

Any unexpended balance of such fund remaining in the hands of the sheriff, at the end of each succeeding fiscal year, shall be returned and paid into the county treasury by the sheriff.

Last updated March 10, 2023 at 10:58 AM

Section 325.071 | Allowance for expenses that sheriff incurs in performance of sheriff's official duties and in furtherance of justice.

There shall be allowed annually to the sheriff, in addition to all salary and allowances otherwise provided by law, an amount equal to one-half of the official salary allowed under division (A) of section 325.06 and section 325.18 of the Revised Code, to provide for expenses that the sheriff incurs in the performance of the sheriff's official duties and in the furtherance of justice. Upon the order of the sheriff, the county auditor shall draw the auditor's warrant on the county treasurer, payable to the sheriff or any other person as the order designates, for the amount the order requires. The amounts the order requires, not exceeding the amount provided by this section, shall be paid out of the general fund of the county.

Nothing shall be paid under this section until the sheriff, except as otherwise provided in section 3.061 of the Revised Code, gives bond to the state in an amount not less than the sheriff's official salary, to be fixed by the court of common pleas or the probate court, with sureties to be approved by either of those courts. The bond shall be conditioned that the sheriff will faithfully discharge all the duties enjoined upon the sheriff, and pay over all moneys the sheriff receives in an official capacity. The bond, with the approval of the court of common pleas or the probate court of the amount of the bond and the sureties on the bond, shall be deposited with the county treasurer.

The sheriff annually, before the first Monday of January, shall file with the county auditor an itemized statement, verified by the sheriff, as to the manner in which the fund provided by this section has been expended during the current year, and, if any part of that fund remains in the sheriff's hands unexpended, forthwith shall pay the remainder into the county treasury.

Section 325.08 | Salary of clerk of common pleas.

Each clerk of the court of common pleas shall be classified, for salary purposes, according to the population of the county. All clerks of the court of common pleas shall receive annual compensation in accordance with the following schedules and in accordance with section 325.18 of the Revised Code:



ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$49,813
255,001 - 95,00058,668
395,001 - 200,00067,525
4200,001 - 400,00075,273
5400,001 - 1,000,00080,807
61,000,001 or more83,636



ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$52,304
255,001 - 95,00061,601
395,001 - 200,00070,901
4200,001 - 400,00079,037
5400,001 - 1,000,00084,847
61,000,001 or more87,818



ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$54,919
255,001 - 95,00064,681
395,001 - 200,00074,446
4200,001 - 400,00082,988
5400,001 - 1,000,00089,090
61,000,001 or more92,209

Last updated August 16, 2022 at 4:20 PM

Section 325.09 | Salary of county recorder.

Each county recorder shall be classified, for salary purposes, according to the population of the county. All county recorders shall receive annual compensation in accordance with the following schedules and in accordance with section 325.18 of the Revised Code:



ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$47,599
255,001 - 95,00055,349
395,001 - 200,00063,098
4200,001 - 400,00071,951
5400,001 - 1,000,00078,594
61,000,001 or more82,051



ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$49,979
255,001 - 95,00058,116
395,001 - 200,00066,253
4200,001 - 400,00075,549
5400,001 - 1,000,00082,524
61,000,001 or more86,154



ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$52,478
255,001 - 95,00061,022
395,001 - 200,00069,566
4200,001 - 400,00079,326
5400,001 - 1,000,00086,650
61,000,001 or more90,461

Last updated August 16, 2022 at 4:26 PM

Section 325.10 | Salary of county commissioners.

Each county commissioner shall be classified, for salary purposes, according to the population of the county. All county commissioners shall receive annual compensation in accordance with the following schedules and in accordance with section 325.18 of the Revised Code:



ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$48,974
255,001 - 95,00061,215
395,001 - 200,00072,346
4200,001 - 400,00084,866
5400,001 - 1,000,00096,000
61,000,001 or more101,953



ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$51,423
255,001 - 95,00064,276
395,001 - 200,00075,963
4200,001 - 400,00089,109
5400,001 - 1,000,000100,800
61,000,001 or more107,051



ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$53,994
255,001 - 95,00067,490
395,001 - 200,00079,761
4200,001 - 400,00093,565
5400,001 - 1,000,000105,840
61,000,001 or more112,403

Last updated November 18, 2022 at 7:43 AM

Section 325.11 | Salary of prosecuting attorney.

(A) Each prosecuting attorney shall be classified, for salary purposes, according to the population of the county. All prosecuting attorneys shall receive annual compensation in accordance with the following schedules and in accordance with section 325.18 of the Revised Code:




ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$67,413
255,001 - 95,00074,969
395,001 - 200,00081,363
4200,001 - 400,00090,662
5400,001 - 1,000,00096,471
61,000,001 or more100,040




ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$120,549
255,001 - 95,000133,941
395,001 - 200,000133,941
4200,001 - 400,000133,941
5400,001 - 1,000,000137,194
61,000,001 or more140,447




ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$70,784
255,001 - 95,00078,717
395,001 - 200,00085,431
4200,001 - 400,00095,195
5400,001 - 1,000,000101,294
61,000,001 or more105,042




ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$126,577
255,001 - 95,000140,638
395,001 - 200,000140,638
4200,001 - 400,000140,638
5400,001 - 1,000,000144,053
61,000,001 or more147,469

(B) A prosecuting attorney shall not engage in the private practice of law unless before taking office the prosecuting attorney notifies the board of county commissioners of the intention to engage in the private practice of law.

A prosecuting attorney may elect to engage or not to engage in the private practice of law before the commencement of each new term of office, and a prosecuting attorney who engages in the private practice of law who intends not to engage in the private practice of law during the prosecuting attorney's next term of office shall so notify the board of county commissioners. A prosecuting attorney who elects not to engage in the private practice of law may, for a period of six months after taking office, engage in the private practice of law for the purpose of concluding the affairs of private practice of law without any diminution of salary as provided for in division (A) of this section and in section 325.18 of the Revised Code.

(C) As used in this section, "salary" does not include any portion of the cost, premium, or charge for health, medical, hospital, dental, or surgical benefits, or any combination of those benefits, covering the prosecuting attorney and paid on that person's behalf by a governmental entity.

Last updated August 30, 2022 at 8:23 AM

Section 325.111 | Compensation for prosecuting attorneys electing not to engage in private practice.

If the prosecuting attorney in a county with a population of less than seventy thousand one elects not to engage in the private practice of law, forty per cent of the difference between the compensation as a prosecuting attorney who elects not to engage in the private practice of law and the compensation for a prosecuting attorney in a county included in the same population class who engages in the private practice of law shall be paid to the general fund of the county from the state treasury from funds appropriated to the attorney general for the purpose of reimbursing the county for a part of the cost of paying the compensation to the prosecuting attorney electing not to engage in the private practice of law. If adequate funds have been appropriated by the general assembly for the purposes of this section, not later than the fifteenth day of March and September of each year, the attorney general shall reimburse the fiscal officer of the county the amount of compensation paid under this section, the related amount of employer contributions made under Chapter 145. of the Revised Code as required by the public employees retirement board, and the related amount of the payments to the social security administration for employer contributions for Medicare part A. The fiscal officer shall deposit the revenue in the county treasury.

Section 325.12 | Additional allowance to prosecuting attorneys.

(A) Except for the prosecuting attorney of a county with a population of less than seventy thousand one, there shall be allowed annually to the prosecuting attorney, in addition to the prosecuting attorney's salary provided by sections 325.11 and 325.18 of the Revised Code and to the allowance provided for by section 309.06 of the Revised Code, an amount equal to one-half of the official salary the prosecuting attorney receives, to provide for expenses the prosecuting attorney may incur in the performance of the prosecuting attorney's official duties and in the furtherance of justice.

(B) There shall be allowed annually to the prosecuting attorney of a county with a population of less than seventy thousand one, in addition to the prosecuting attorney's salary provided by sections 325.11 and 325.18 of the Revised Code and to the allowance provided for by section 309.06 of the Revised Code, an amount equal to one-half of the salary specified for a prosecuting attorney with a private practice under sections 325.11 and 325.18 of the Revised Code, to provide for expenses the prosecuting attorney may incur in the performance of the prosecuting attorney's official duties and in the furtherance of justice.

(C) Upon the order of the prosecuting attorney, the county auditor shall draw the county auditor's warrant on the county treasurer, payable to the prosecuting attorney or any other person as the order designates, for the amount the order requires, not exceeding the amount provided by division (A) or (B) of this section to be paid out of the general fund of the county.

(D) Nothing shall be paid under this section until the prosecuting attorney, except as otherwise provided in section 3.061 of the Revised Code, has given bond to the state in a sum, not less than the prosecuting attorney's official salary, to be fixed by the court of common pleas or the probate court, with sureties to be approved by either of those courts. The bond shall be conditioned that the prosecuting attorney will faithfully discharge all the duties enjoined upon the prosecuting attorney, and pay over all moneys received by the prosecuting attorney in the prosecuting attorney's official capacity. The bond, with the approval of the court of common pleas or the probate court of the amount of the bond and the sureties on the bond, and the prosecuting attorney's oath of office enclosed with the bond, shall be deposited with the county treasurer.

(E) The prosecuting attorney shall, annually, before the first Monday of January, file with the auditor an itemized statement, verified by the prosecuting attorney, as to the manner in which the fund provided by this section has been expended during the current year, and, if any part of that fund remains in the prosecuting attorney's hands unexpended, forthwith shall pay the remainder into the county treasury.

Section 325.13 | Additional funds for investigating and prosecuting crimes.

When, in the opinion of the prosecuting attorney, an emergency exists by reason of the unusual prevalence of crime or when it appears to be probable that criminal efforts are being made to obstruct the due administration of justice, if the funds available to such prosecuting attorney under section 325.12 of the Revised Code are insufficient for the purposes of the necessary investigation and prosecution of such activities and offenses, he may make application to the court of common pleas for additional funds. Such court, if satisfied that the expenditure of additional funds will be for the public benefit and will promote the administration of justice, may, by an order entered in its journal allow such prosecuting attorney additional funds not in excess of ten thousand dollars in any one year. This fund shall be expended upon the order of the prosecuting attorney in the manner prescribed by section 325.12 of the Revised Code.

Section 325.14 | Salary of county engineer.

(A) Each county engineer shall be classified, for salary purposes, according to the population of the county. All county engineers shall receive annual compensation in accordance with the following schedules and in accordance with section 325.18 of the Revised Code:




ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$67,746
255,001 - 95,00073,059
395,001 - 200,00078,594
4200,001 - 400,00083,022
5400,001 - 1,000,00088,556
61,000,001 or more92,009




ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$94,103
255,001 - 95,00099,417
395,001 - 200,000104,950
4200,001 - 400,000109,378
5400,001 - 1,000,000114,914
61,000,001 or more118,361




ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$71,133
255,001 - 95,00076,712
395,001 - 200,00082,524
4200,001 - 400,00087,173
5400,001 - 1,000,00092,984
61,000,001 or more96,609




ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$98,808
255,001 - 95,000104,388
395,001 - 200,000110,198
4200,001 - 400,000114,847
5400,001 - 1,000,000120,660
61,000,001 or more124,279




ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$74,690
255,001 - 95,00080,548
395,001 - 200,00086,650
4200,001 - 400,00091,532
5400,001 - 1,000,00097,633
61,000,001 or more101,440




ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$103,749
255,001 - 95,000109,607
395,001 - 200,000115,707
4200,001 - 400,000120,589
5400,001 - 1,000,000126,693
61,000,001 or more130,493

Such salary may be paid monthly out of the general county fund or out of the county's share of the fund derived from the receipts from motor vehicle licenses, as distributed by section 4501.04 of the Revised Code, and the county's share of the fund derived from the motor vehicle fuel tax, as distributed by section 5735.27 of the Revised Code, as the board of county commissioners directs, upon the warrant of the county auditor and shall be in lieu of all fees, costs, per diem or other allowances, and other perquisites, of whatever kind, which any engineer collects and receives. The engineer shall be the county tax map draftperson, but shall receive no additional compensation for performing the duties of that position. When the engineer performs service in connection with ditches or drainage works, the engineer shall charge and collect the per diem allowances or other fees provided by law and shall pay all of those allowances and fees, monthly, into the county treasury to the credit of the general county fund. The engineer shall pay into the county treasury all allowances and fees collected when the engineer performs services under sections 315.28 to 315.34 of the Revised Code.

(B) A county engineer may elect to engage or not to engage in the private practice of engineering or surveying before the commencement of each new term of office, and a county engineer who elects not to engage in the private practice of engineering or surveying may, for a period of six months after taking office, engage in the private practice of engineering or surveying for the purpose of concluding the affairs of private practice without any diminution of salary as provided in division (A) of this section and in section 325.18 of the Revised Code.

Last updated March 4, 2025 at 12:31 PM

Section 325.15 | Salary of county coroner.

(A) Each coroner shall be classified, for salary purposes, according to the population of the county. All coroners shall receive annual compensation in accordance with the following schedules and in accordance with section 325.18 of the Revised Code:




ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$30,993
255,001 - 95,00045,384
395,001 - 200,00056,458
4200,001 - 400,00069,739
5400,001 - 1,000,00078,594
61,000,001 or more83,310




ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
3175,001 - 200,000$127,563
4200,001 - 400,000127,563
5400,001 - 1,000,000130,661
61,000,001 or more133,759




ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$32,543
255,001 - 95,00047,653
395,001 - 200,00059,281
4200,001 - 400,00073,226
5400,001 - 1,000,00082,524
61,000,001 or more87,476




ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
3175,001 - 200,000$133,941
4200,001 - 400,000133,941
5400,001 - 1,000,000137,194
61,000,001 or more140,447




ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
11 - 55,000$34,170
255,001 - 95,00050,036
395,001 - 200,00062,245
4200,001 - 400,00076,887
5400,001 - 1,000,00086,650
61,000,001 or more91,849




ClassPopulation RangeCompensation
3175,001 - 200,000$140,638
4200,001 - 400,000140,638
5400,001 - 1,000,000144,054
61,000,001 or more147,469

(B)(1) A coroner in a county with a population of one hundred seventy-five thousand one or more shall not engage in the private practice of medicine unless, before taking office, the coroner notifies the board of county commissioners of the intention to engage in that private practice. A coroner in such a county shall elect to engage or not to engage in the private practice of medicine before the commencement of each new term of office. A coroner in such a county who engages in the private practice of medicine, but who intends not to engage in the private practice of medicine during the coroner's next term of office, shall so notify the board of county commissioners as specified in this division. For a period of six months after taking office, a coroner who elects not to engage in the private practice of medicine may engage in the private practice of medicine, without any reduction of compensation as provided in division (A) of this section and in section 325.18 of the Revised Code, for the purpose of concluding the affairs of the coroner's private practice of medicine.

(2) A coroner in a county with a population of one hundred seventy-five thousand one or more who elects not to engage in the private practice of medicine under division (B)(1) of this section may, during the coroner's term of office, elect to engage in the private practice of medicine by notifying the board in writing of the intention to so engage. The notice shall state the date on which the coroner will commence the private practice of medicine and shall be given to the board at least thirty days before that date. On the date stated in the notice, the coroner's compensation shall be reduced as provided in division (A) of this section and in section 325.18 of the Revised Code for coroners with a private practice.

(C) Each coroner who is the coroner in a county with a population of one hundred seventy-five thousand one or more and who is without a private practice of medicine shall receive supplemental compensation of an additional fifty per cent of the annual compensation calculated under division (A) of this section and section 325.18 of the Revised Code in each calendar year in which the office of the coroner satisfies all of the following:

(1) The office operates as a regional forensic pathology examination referral center, and the operation generates coroner's laboratory fund income, for purposes of section 313.16 of the Revised Code, that is in excess of the fund's expenses and is sufficient to provide the supplemental compensation specified in division (C) of this section;

(2) The coroner is a forensic pathologist certified by the American board of pathology; and

(3) The coroner performs a minimum of seventy-five post mortem examinations annually.

(D) Each coroner who is the coroner in a county with a population of one hundred seventy-five thousand one or more and who is without a private practice of medicine and does not operate a regional forensic pathology examination referral center may, on approval of the board of county commissioners, receive supplemental compensation of up to an additional twenty-five per cent of the annual compensation calculated under division (A) of this section and section 325.18 of the Revised Code in each calendar year in which the coroner is a forensic pathologist certified by the American board of pathology and is performing the forensic examinations of the county.

Last updated August 5, 2022 at 4:22 PM

Section 325.16 | No liability for compensation in excess of amount authorized.

Sections 325.01 to 325.13, 325.16, 325.17, 325.20, and 325.27 to 325.32 of the Revised Code shall not make a county, or an officer thereof, liable to any of the officers named in such sections, or his deputies, assistants, clerks, bookkeepers, or other employees, for the payment of compensation in excess of the amount authorized, or except in the manner provided by such sections.

Section 325.17 | Appointing and hiring employees - compensation - bond.

The officers mentioned in section 325.27 of the Revised Code may appoint and employ the necessary deputies, assistants, clerks, bookkeepers, or other employees for their respective offices, shall fix the compensation of those employees and discharge them, and shall file certificates of that action with the county auditor. The employees' compensation shall not exceed, in the aggregate, for each office, the amount fixed by the board of county commissioners for that office. When so fixed, the compensation of each such deputy, assistant, bookkeeper, clerk, and other employee shall be paid biweekly from the county treasury, upon the warrant of the county auditor. The amount of the biweekly payment shall be adjusted so that the total amount paid out to an employee over a period of one year is equal to the amount the employee would receive if the employee were paid semimonthly.

Each of the officers mentioned in section 325.27 of the Revised Code may require such of the officer's employees as the officer considers proper to give bond to the state, in an amount to be fixed by the officer, with sureties approved by the officer, conditioned for the faithful performance of their official duties. The bond, with the approval of the officer endorsed on it, shall be deposited with the county treasurer and kept in the treasurer's office.

From moneys appropriated for their offices, the officers mentioned in section 325.27 of the Revised Code may contract for the services of fiscal and management consultants to aid them in the execution of their powers and duties.

Section 325.18 | Salary increases for elected county officials.

(A) Beginning in calendar year 2020 and in each calendar year thereafter through calendar year 2028, the salary amounts under sections 325.06 and 325.11 of the Revised Code shall be increased by one and three-quarters per cent.

(B) Beginning in calendar year 2021 and in each calendar year thereafter through calendar year 2028, the salary amounts under sections 325.03, 325.04, 325.08, 325.09, 325.10, 325.14, and 325.15 of the Revised Code shall be increased by one and three-quarters per cent.

(C) Notwithstanding this section and sections 325.06, 325.11, 325.14, and 325.15 of the Revised Code, when computing a salary for any elected county officer under any of those sections, if the population range for the class under which the officer is to be compensated is not the same as the population range for that class for any other such elected county office, the class at which the officer's salary is determined shall be the highest class at which any officer from that same county is compensated under the population range applicable to that officer.

Section 325.19 | Vacation leave - holiday pay.

(A)(1) The granting of vacation leave under division (A)(1) of this section is subject to divisions (A)(2) and (3) of this section. Each full-time employee in the several offices and departments of the county service, including full-time hourly rate employees, after service of one year with the county or any political subdivision of the state, shall have earned and will be due upon the attainment of the first year of employment, and annually thereafter, eighty hours of vacation leave with full pay. One year of service shall be computed on the basis of twenty-six biweekly pay periods. A full-time county employee with eight or more years of service with the county or any political subdivision of the state shall have earned and is entitled to one hundred twenty hours of vacation leave with full pay. A full-time county employee with fifteen or more years of service with the county or any political subdivision of the state shall have earned and is entitled to one hundred sixty hours of vacation leave with full pay. A full-time county employee with twenty-five years of service with the county or any political subdivision of the state shall have earned and is entitled to two hundred hours of vacation leave with full pay. Such vacation leave shall accrue to the employee at the rate of three and one-tenth hours each biweekly period for those entitled to eighty hours per year; four and six-tenths hours each biweekly period for those entitled to one hundred twenty hours per year; six and two-tenths hours each biweekly period for those entitled to one hundred sixty hours per year; and seven and seven-tenths hours each biweekly period for those entitled to two hundred hours per year.

The appointing authorities of the offices and departments of the county service may permit all or any part of a person's prior service with any regional council of government established in accordance with Chapter 167. of the Revised Code to be considered service with the county or a political subdivision of the state for the purpose of determining years of service under this division.

(2) Full-time employees granted vacation leave under division (A)(1) of this section who render any standard of service other than forty hours per week as described in division (K) of this section and who are in active pay status in a biweekly pay period, shall accrue a number of hours of vacation leave during each such pay period that bears the same ratio to the number of hours specified in division (A)(1) of this section as their number of hours which are accepted as full-time in active pay status, excluding overtime hours, bears to eighty hours.

(3) Full-time employees granted vacation leave under division (A)(1) of this section who are in active pay status in a biweekly pay period for less than eighty hours or the number of hours of service otherwise accepted as full-time by their employing office or department shall accrue a number of hours of vacation leave during that pay period that bears the same ratio to the number of hours specified in division (A)(1) of this section as their number of hours in active pay status, excluding overtime hours, bears to eighty or the number of hours of service accepted as full-time, whichever is applicable.

(B) A board of county commissioners, by resolution, may grant vacation leave with full pay to part-time county employees. A part-time county employee shall be eligible for vacation leave with full pay upon the attainment of the first year of employment, and annually thereafter. The ratio between the hours worked and the vacation hours awarded to a part-time employee shall be the same as the ratio between the hours worked and the vacation hours earned by a full-time employee as provided for in this section.

(C) Days specified as holidays in section 124.19 of the Revised Code shall not be charged to an employee's vacation leave. Vacation leave shall be taken by the employee during the year in which it accrued and prior to the next recurrence of the anniversary date of the employee's employment, provided that the appointing authority may, in special and meritorious cases, permit such employee to accumulate and carry over the employee's vacation leave to the following year. No vacation leave shall be carried over for more than three years. An employee is entitled to compensation, at the employee's current rate of pay, for the prorated portion of any earned but unused vacation leave for the current year to the employee's credit at time of separation, and in addition shall be compensated for any unused vacation leave accrued to the employee's credit, with the permission of the appointing authority, for the three years immediately preceding the last anniversary date of employment.

(D)(1) In addition to vacation leave, a full-time county employee is entitled to eight hours of holiday pay for New Year's day, Martin Luther King day, Washington-Lincoln day, Memorial day, Juneteenth day, Independence day, Labor day, Columbus day, Veterans' day, Thanksgiving day, and Christmas day, of each year. Except as provided in division (D)(2) of this section, holidays shall occur on the days specified in section 1.14 of the Revised Code. If any of those holidays fall on Saturday, the Friday immediately preceding shall be observed as the holiday. If any of those holidays fall on Sunday, the Monday immediately succeeding shall be observed as the holiday. If an employee's work schedule is other than Monday through Friday, the employee is entitled to holiday pay for holidays observed on the employee's day off regardless of the day of the week on which they are observed.

(2)(a) When a classified employee of a county board of developmental disabilities works at a site maintained by a government entity other than the board, such as a public school, the board may adjust the employee's holiday schedule to conform to the schedule adopted by the government entity. Under an adjusted holiday schedule, an employee shall receive the number of hours of holiday pay granted under division (D)(1) of this section.

(b) Pursuant to division (J)(6) of section 339.06 of the Revised Code, a county hospital may observe Martin Luther King day, Washington-Lincoln day, Columbus day, and Veterans' day on days other than those specified in section 1.14 of the Revised Code.

(E) In the case of the death of a county employee, the unused vacation leave and unpaid overtime to the credit of the employee shall be paid in accordance with section 2113.04 of the Revised Code, or to the employee's estate.

(F) Notwithstanding this section or any other section of the Revised Code, any appointing authority of a county office, department, commission, board, or body may, upon notification to the board of county commissioners, establish alternative schedules of vacation leave and holidays for employees of the appointing authority for whom the state employment relations board has not established an appropriate bargaining unit pursuant to section 4117.06 of the Revised Code, as long as the alternative schedules are not inconsistent with the provisions of at least one collective bargaining agreement covering other employees of that appointing authority, if such an agreement exists. If no such collective bargaining agreement exists, an appointing authority, upon notification to the board of county commissioners, may establish an alternative schedule of vacation leave and holidays for its employees that does not diminish the vacation leave and holiday benefits granted by this section.

(G) The employees of a county children services board that establishes vacation benefits under section 5153.12 of the Revised Code are exempt from division (A) of this section.

(H) The provisions of this section do not apply to superintendents and management employees of county boards of developmental disabilities.

(I) Division (A) of this section does not apply to an employee of a county board of developmental disabilities who works at, or provides transportation services to pupils of, a special education program provided by the county board pursuant to division (A)(4) of section 5126.05 of the Revised Code, if the employee's employment is based on a school year and the employee is not subject to a contract with the county board that provides for division (A) of this section to apply to the employee.

(J) Notwithstanding division (C) of this section or any other section of the Revised Code, if a separation from county service occurs in connection with the lease, sale, or other transfer of all or substantially all the business and assets of a county hospital organized under Chapter 339. of the Revised Code to a private corporation or other entity, the appointing authority shall have no obligation to pay any compensation with respect to unused vacation leave accrued to the credit of an employee who accepts employment with the acquiring corporation or other entity, if at the effective time of separation the acquiring corporation or other entity expressly assumes such unused vacation leave accrued to the employee's credit.

(K) As used in this section:

(1) "Full-time employee" means an employee whose regular hours of service for a county total forty hours per week, or who renders any other standard of service accepted as full-time by an office, department, or agency of county service.

(2) "Part-time employee" means an employee whose regular hours of service for a county total less than forty hours per week, or who renders any other standard of service accepted as part-time by an office, department, or agency of county service, and whose hours of county service total at least five hundred twenty hours annually.

(3) "Management employee" has the same meaning as in section 5126.20 of the Revised Code.

Last updated July 30, 2021 at 10:28 AM

Section 325.191 | Establishing programs for staff development and continuing education.

(A) The board of county commissioners, by an affirmative vote of at least two members, may authorize each of the several offices, departments, and agencies of the county service to establish programs for staff development and continuing education, to assist employees to more adequately and effectively carry out current job assignments and to prepare for promotional advancements. Each full-time employee in an office, department, or agency adopting such a program shall be entitled to participate pursuant to the rules established by the office, department, or agency for administration of the program.

(B) Expenditures on behalf of staff development and continuing education shall only be made to further the interests of the participating office, department, or agency of the county. Any plan adopted pursuant to this section may include programs for employee orientation, on-the-job training, tuition reimbursement, educational material reimbursement, and educational leaves of absence, and may include the expenditure of training funds for special teachers, consultants and educational facilities necessary to implement the program.

Last updated March 9, 2022 at 12:13 PM

Section 325.20 | County officer may attend convention at county expense.

(A) Except as otherwise provided by law, no elected county officer and no deputy or employee of the county shall attend, at county expense, any association meeting, convention, or training sessions conducted pursuant to section 901.10 of the Revised Code, unless authorized by the board of county commissioners. Before such allowance may be made, the head of the county office desiring it shall apply to the board in writing showing the necessity of such attendance and the probable costs to the county. If a majority of the members of the board approves the application, such expenses shall be paid from the moneys appropriated to such office for traveling expenses.

(B) The board of county commissioners shall approve or disapprove any travel outside this state if the travel expenses will or may be in excess of one hundred dollars and will or may be paid for from funds in either of the delinquent tax and assessment collection funds created in section 321.261 of the Revised Code or the real estate assessment fund created in section 325.31 of the Revised Code. The head of the county office seeking approval shall apply to the board in writing showing the necessity of the travel and the probable costs to the county from either delinquent tax and assessment collection fund or from the real estate assessment fund. If the travel is requested by a county auditor, and the board does not approve the travel, the auditor may not apply to the tax commissioner pursuant to section 5713.01 of the Revised Code for an additional allowance for such travel.

Section 325.21 | Authority to join association or non-profit organization formed for improvement of county government.

A board of county commissioners may authorize the county to join an association or non-profit organization formed for the improvement of county government. Such board shall have the authority to appropriate from its general fund an amount sufficient to pay the dues, subscription costs, or membership charges of such association or non-profit organization.

The board may also authorize any elected county official to join an association related to county affairs, at county expense. The board shall have the authority to appropriate an amount sufficient to pay the dues, subscription costs, and membership charges of such association. Before such expenses may be paid, the official's office shall make application to the board in writing showing the probable costs. If the board approves the application, such expenses shall be paid from moneys appropriated to such office. The amount appropriated for such expenses shall not exceed five cents per person for the county's population as determined by the latest federal census.

Section 325.22 | No reduction of compensation due to decline of population.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this chapter, the compensation payable to a county auditor, county treasurer, county sheriff, clerk of the court of common pleas, county recorder, county commissioner, prosecuting attorney, county engineer, or county coroner shall not be reduced during the remainder of his term of office on account of a decline in the population of the county.

Section 325.23 | No reduction of compensation due to decline of population in 1993.

(A) As used in this section, "county office" means the office of county auditor, county treasurer, county sheriff, clerk of the court of common pleas, county recorder, county commissioner, prosecuting attorney, county engineer, or county coroner.

(B) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this chapter, the annual compensation of a person holding any county office on December 31, 1992, who commences a new term of office in that same county office during calendar year 1993 shall not be reduced during that new term of office, because of a decline in the population of the county, from the amount of annual compensation he was receiving on December 31, 1992.

Section 325.25 | Program to recognize outstanding employee performance.

Upon notifying the board of county commissioners, any appointing authority of a county office, department, commission, board, or body, or of a common pleas court, county court, or county-operated municipal court as defined in section 1901.03 of the Revised Code, may establish a program to recognize outstanding employee performance. The program may include, but is not limited to, cash awards, additional paid leave, or other additional benefits as the appointing authority considers appropriate, so long as the costs of the program do not exceed the total amount of compensation fixed by the board of county commissioners for the office, department, commission, board, or body or for the common pleas court, county court, or county-operated municipal court.

Section 325.27 | Fees, costs, and percentages shall be for use of county.

All the fees, costs, percentages, penalties, allowances, and other perquisites collected or received by law as compensation for services by a county auditor, county treasurer, probate judge, sheriff, clerk of the court of common pleas, county engineer, or county recorder, shall be received and collected for the sole use of the treasury of the county in which such officers are elected, and shall be held, accounted for, and paid over as public moneys belonging to such county in the manner provided by sections 325.30 and 325.31 of the Revised Code.

Section 325.28 | Receipt for fees.

Each probate judge, county auditor, county treasurer, clerk of the court of common pleas, sheriff, county engineer, and county recorder shall charge and collect the fees, costs, percentages, allowances, and compensation allowed by law, and shall give to the person making such payment an official receipt.

Section 325.30 | Accounts to be kept by officers.

Each officer named in section 325.27 of the Revised Code shall keep full and regular accounts of all official fees, costs, percentages, penalties, allowances, or other perquisites charged or collected by him, and such accounts shall be records of the offices, shall belong to the county, and shall be transmitted by such officer to his successor in office. At all times, such accounts shall be subject to examination by the board of county commissioners, the judges of the court of common pleas, or any person appointed for that purpose by such judges, by any person authorized to make such examination, or by any other person.

Section 325.31 | Disposition of fees, costs, penalties, percentages, allowances, and perquisites collected by officer's office.

(A) On the first business day of each month, and at the end of the officer's term of office, each officer named in section 325.27 of the Revised Code shall pay into the county treasury, to the credit of the general county fund, on the warrant of the county auditor, all fees, costs, penalties, percentages, allowances, and perquisites collected by the officer's office during the preceding month or part thereof for official services, except the fees allowed the county auditor by division (C) of section 319.54 of the Revised Code, which shall be paid into the county treasury to the credit of the real estate assessment fund hereby created.

(B) Moneys to the credit of the real estate assessment fund may be expended, upon appropriation by the board of county commissioners, for the purpose of defraying one or more of the following:

(1) The cost incurred by the county auditor in assessing real estate pursuant to Chapter 5713. of the Revised Code and manufactured and mobile homes pursuant to Chapter 4503. of the Revised Code;

(2) At the county auditor's discretion, costs and expenses incurred by the county auditor in preparing the list of real and public utility property, in administering laws related to the taxation of real property and the levying of special assessments on real property, including administering reductions under Chapters 319. and 323. and section 4503.065 of the Revised Code, and to support assessments of real property in any administrative or judicial proceeding;

(3) At the county auditor's discretion, the expenses incurred by the county board of revision under Chapter 5715. of the Revised Code;

(4) At the county auditor's discretion, the expenses incurred by the county auditor for geographic information systems, mapping programs, and technological advances in those or similar systems or programs;

(5) At the county auditor's discretion, expenses incurred by the county auditor in compiling the general tax list of tangible personal property and administering tangible personal property taxes under Chapters 5711. and 5719. of the Revised Code;

(6) At the county auditor's discretion, costs, expenses, and fees incurred by the county auditor in the administration of estate taxes under Chapter 5731. of the Revised Code and the amounts incurred under section 5731.41 of the Revised Code.

Any expenditures made from the real estate assessment fund shall comply with rules that the tax commissioner adopts under division (O) of section 5703.05 of the Revised Code. Those rules shall include a requirement that a copy of any appraisal plans, progress of work reports, contracts, or other documents required to be filed with the tax commissioner shall be filed also with the board of county commissioners.

The board of county commissioners shall not transfer moneys required to be deposited in the real estate assessment fund to any other fund. Following an assessment of real property pursuant to Chapter 5713. of the Revised Code, or an assessment of a manufactured or mobile home pursuant to Chapter 4503. of the Revised Code, any moneys not expended for the purpose of defraying the cost incurred in assessing real estate or manufactured or mobile homes or for the purpose of defraying the expenses described in divisions (B)(2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) of this section, and thereby remaining to the credit of the real estate assessment fund, shall be apportioned ratably and distributed to those taxing authorities that contributed to the fund. However, no such distribution shall be made if the amount of such unexpended moneys remaining to the credit of the real estate assessment fund does not exceed five thousand dollars.

(C) None of the officers named in section 325.27 of the Revised Code shall collect any fees from the county. Each of such officers shall, at the end of each calendar year, make and file a sworn statement with the board of county commissioners of all such fees, costs, penalties, percentages, allowances, and perquisites which have been due in the officer's office and unpaid for more than one year prior to the date such statement is required to be made.

Section 325.32 | Reduction or remission of fees.

Except as otherwise provided in section 311.171 of the Revised Code, no county officer named in section 325.27 of the Revised Code shall make any reduction, abatement, or remission of any fees, costs, percentages, penalties, allowances, or perquisites of any kind, required to be charged and collected by the officer.

Section 325.33 | Certificate of title administration fund.

(A) Notwithstanding sections 325.27 and 325.31 of the Revised Code, all fees retained by the clerk of courts under Chapters 1548., 4505., and 4519. of the Revised Code, all fees the clerk of courts receives as a third-party administrator of the motor vehicle skills test under section 4507.112 of the Revised Code, and all fees the clerk of courts receives in the capacity of deputy registrar under section 4503.03 of the Revised Code shall be paid into the county treasury to the credit of the certificate of title administration fund, which is hereby created. Fees credited to the fund shall be used as follows:

(1) To pay the costs incurred by the clerk of courts in processing titles under Chapters 1548., 4505., and 4519. of the Revised Code;

(2) To pay the clerk of courts an eight thousand dollar annual pay supplement for performing the duties of a deputy registrar if the clerk is not a limited authority deputy registrar, as described in section 4501:1-6-04 of the Ohio Administrative Code.

(B) If the board of county commissioners and the clerk of courts agree that the money in the fund exceeds what is needed to pay the costs specified in division (A) of this section, the excess may be transferred to the county general fund and used for other county purposes. If the board of county commissioners and the clerk of courts are unable to agree on the amount of any such excess, the county budget commission shall determine the amount that will be transferred to the county general fund.

Last updated February 24, 2025 at 12:56 PM

Section 325.36 | Prohibition against illegal collection of fees.

No salaried county official, shall remit a fee or part thereof, or shall collect a fee other than that prescribed by law. The person furnishing the information upon which a conviction results shall receive one half of the fine collected.