The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation.
Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.
Section |
Section 2743.01 | State liability definitions.
September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
As used in this chapter: (A) "State" means the state of Ohio, including, but not limited to, the general assembly, the supreme court, the offices of all elected state officers, and all departments, boards, offices, commissions, agencies, institutions, and other instrumentalities of the state. "State" does not include political subdivisions. (B) "Political subdivisions" means municipal corporations, townships, counties, school districts, and all other bodies corporate and politic responsible for governmental activities only in geographic areas smaller than that of the state to which the sovereign immunity of the state attaches. (C) "Claim for an award of reparations" or "claim" means a claim for an award of reparations made under sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code. (D) "Award of reparations" or "award" means an award made under sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code. (E)(1) "Public duty" includes, but is not limited to, any statutory, regulatory, or assumed duty concerning any action or omission of the state involving any of the following: (a) Permitting, certifying, licensing, inspecting, investigating, supervising, regulating, auditing, monitoring, law enforcement, emergency response activity, or compromising claims; (b) Supervising, rehabilitating, or liquidating corporations or other business entities. (2) "Public duty" does not include any action of the state under circumstances in which a special relationship can be established between the state and an injured party as provided in division (A)(3) of section 2743.02 of the Revised Code.
Last updated August 9, 2021 at 11:24 AM
Section 2743.02 | State waives immunity from liability.
September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
(A)(1) The state hereby waives its immunity from liability, except as provided for the office of the state fire marshal in division (G)(1) of section 9.60 and division (B) of section 3737.221 of the Revised Code and subject to division (H) of this section, and consents to be sued, and have its liability determined, in the court of claims created in this chapter in accordance with the same rules of law applicable to suits between private parties, except that the determination of liability is subject to the limitations set forth in this chapter and, in the case of state universities or colleges, in section 3345.40 of the Revised Code, and except as provided in division (A)(2) or (3) of this section. To the extent that the state has previously consented to be sued, this chapter has no applicability. Except in the case of a civil action filed by the state, filing a civil action in the court of claims results in a complete waiver of any cause of action, based on the same act or omission, that the filing party has against any officer or employee, as defined in section 109.36 of the Revised Code. The waiver shall be void if the court determines that the act or omission was manifestly outside the scope of the officer's or employee's office or employment or that the officer or employee acted with malicious purpose, in bad faith, or in a wanton or reckless manner. (2) If a claimant proves in the court of claims that an officer or employee, as defined in section 109.36 of the Revised Code, would have personal liability for the officer's or employee's acts or omissions but for the fact that the officer or employee has personal immunity under section 9.86 of the Revised Code, the state shall be held liable in the court of claims in any action that is timely filed pursuant to section 2743.16 of the Revised Code and that is based upon the acts or omissions. (3)(a) Except as provided in division (A)(3)(b) of this section, the state is immune from liability in any civil action or proceeding involving the performance or nonperformance of a public duty, including the performance or nonperformance of a public duty that is owed by the state in relation to any action of an individual who is committed to the custody of the state. (b) The state immunity provided in division (A)(3)(a) of this section does not apply to any action of the state under circumstances in which a special relationship can be established between the state and an injured party. A special relationship under this division is demonstrated if all of the following elements exist: (i) An assumption by the state, by means of promises or actions, of an affirmative duty to act on behalf of the party who was allegedly injured; (ii) Knowledge on the part of the state's agents that inaction of the state could lead to harm; (iii) Some form of direct contact between the state's agents and the injured party; (iv) The injured party's justifiable reliance on the state's affirmative undertaking. (B) The state hereby waives the immunity from liability of all hospitals owned or operated by one or more political subdivisions and consents for them to be sued, and to have their liability determined, in the court of common pleas, in accordance with the same rules of law applicable to suits between private parties, subject to the limitations set forth in this chapter. This division is also applicable to hospitals owned or operated by political subdivisions that have been determined by the supreme court to be subject to suit prior to July 28, 1975. (C) Any hospital, as defined in section 2305.113 of the Revised Code, may purchase liability insurance covering its operations and activities and its agents, employees, nurses, interns, residents, staff, and members of the governing board and committees, and, whether or not such insurance is purchased, may, to the extent that its governing board considers appropriate, indemnify or agree to indemnify and hold harmless any such person against expense, including attorney's fees, damage, loss, or other liability arising out of, or claimed to have arisen out of, the death, disease, or injury of any person as a result of the negligence, malpractice, or other action or inaction of the indemnified person while acting within the scope of the indemnified person's duties or engaged in activities at the request or direction, or for the benefit, of the hospital. Any hospital electing to indemnify those persons, or to agree to so indemnify, shall reserve any funds that are necessary, in the exercise of sound and prudent actuarial judgment, to cover the potential expense, fees, damage, loss, or other liability. The superintendent of insurance may recommend, or, if the hospital requests the superintendent to do so, the superintendent shall recommend, a specific amount for any period that, in the superintendent's opinion, represents such a judgment. This authority is in addition to any authorization otherwise provided or permitted by law. (D) Recoveries against the state shall be reduced by the aggregate of insurance proceeds, disability award, or other collateral recovery that the claimant receives or is entitled to. This division does not apply to civil actions in the court of claims against a state university or college under the circumstances described in section 3345.40 of the Revised Code. The collateral benefits provisions of division (B)(2) of that section apply under those circumstances. (E) The only defendant in original actions in the court of claims is the state. The state may file a third-party complaint or counterclaim in any civil action, except a civil action for ten thousand dollars or less, that is filed in the court of claims. (F) A civil action against an officer or employee, as defined in section 109.36 of the Revised Code, that alleges that the officer's or employee's conduct was manifestly outside the scope of the officer's or employee's employment or official responsibilities, or that the officer or employee acted with malicious purpose, in bad faith, or in a wanton or reckless manner shall first be filed against the state in the court of claims that has exclusive, original jurisdiction to determine, initially, whether the officer or employee is entitled to personal immunity under section 9.86 of the Revised Code and whether the courts of common pleas have jurisdiction over the civil action. The officer or employee may participate in the immunity determination proceeding before the court of claims to determine whether the officer or employee is entitled to personal immunity under section 9.86 of the Revised Code. The filing of a claim against an officer or employee under this division tolls the running of the applicable statute of limitations until the court of claims determines whether the officer or employee is entitled to personal immunity under section 9.86 of the Revised Code. (G) If a claim lies against an officer or employee who is a member of the Ohio national guard, and the officer or employee was, at the time of the act or omission complained of, subject to the "Federal Tort Claims Act," 60 Stat. 842 (1946), 28 U.S.C. 2671, et seq., the Federal Tort Claims Act is the exclusive remedy of the claimant and the state has no liability under this section. (H) If an inmate of a state correctional institution has a claim against the state for the loss of or damage to property and the amount claimed does not exceed three hundred dollars, before commencing an action against the state in the court of claims, the inmate shall file a claim for the loss or damage under the rules adopted by the director of rehabilitation and correction pursuant to this division. The inmate shall file the claim within the time allowed for commencement of a civil action under section 2743.16 of the Revised Code. If the state admits or compromises the claim, the director shall make payment from a fund designated by the director for that purpose. If the state denies the claim or does not compromise the claim at least sixty days prior to expiration of the time allowed for commencement of a civil action based upon the loss or damage under section 2743.16 of the Revised Code, the inmate may commence an action in the court of claims under this chapter to recover damages for the loss or damage. The director of rehabilitation and correction shall adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to implement this division.
Last updated August 9, 2021 at 11:25 AM
Section 2743.03 | Court of claims.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 22 - 134th General Assembly
(A)(1) There is hereby created a court of claims. Except as provided under section 107.43 of the Revised Code, the court of claims is a court of record and has exclusive, original jurisdiction of all civil actions against the state permitted by the waiver of immunity contained in section 2743.02 of the Revised Code and exclusive jurisdiction of the causes of action of all parties in civil actions that are removed to the court of claims. The court shall have full equity powers in all actions within its jurisdiction and may entertain and determine all counterclaims, cross-claims, and third-party claims. (2) If the claimant in a civil action as described in division (A)(1) of this section also files a claim for a declaratory judgment, injunctive relief, or other equitable relief against the state that arises out of the same circumstances that gave rise to the civil action described in division (A)(1) of this section, the court of claims has exclusive, original jurisdiction to hear and determine that claim in that civil action. This division does not affect, and shall not be construed as affecting, the original jurisdiction of another court of this state to hear and determine a civil action in which the sole relief that the claimant seeks against the state is a declaratory judgment, injunctive relief, or other equitable relief. (3) In addition to its exclusive, original jurisdiction as conferred by divisions (A)(1) and (2) of this section, the court of claims has exclusive, original jurisdiction as follows: (a) As described in division (F) of section 2743.02, division (B) of section 3335.03, and division (C) of section 5903.02 of the Revised Code; (b) Under section 2743.75 of the Revised Code to hear complaints alleging a denial of access to public records in violation of division (B) of section 149.43 of the Revised Code, regardless of whether the public office or person responsible for public records is an office or employee of the state or of a political subdivision. (B) The court of claims shall sit in Franklin county, its hearings shall be public, and it shall consist of incumbent justices or judges of the supreme court, courts of appeals, or courts of common pleas, or retired justices or judges eligible for active duty pursuant to division (C) of Section 6 of Article IV, Ohio Constitution, sitting by temporary assignment of the chief justice of the supreme court. The chief justice may direct the court to sit in any county for cases on removal upon a showing of substantial hardship and whenever justice dictates. (C)(1) A civil action against the state shall be heard and determined by a single judge. Upon application by the claimant or the state, the chief justice of the supreme court may assign a panel of three judges to hear and determine a civil action presenting novel or complex issues of law or fact. Concurrence of two members of the panel is necessary for any judgment or order. (2) Whenever the chief justice of the supreme court believes an equitable resolution of a case will be expedited, the chief justice may appoint magistrates in accordance with Civil Rule 53 to hear the case. (3) When any dispute under division (B) of section 153.12 of the Revised Code is brought to the court of claims, upon request of either party to the dispute, the chief justice of the supreme court shall appoint a single referee or a panel of three referees. The referees need not be attorneys, but shall be persons knowledgeable about construction contract law, a member of the construction industry panel of the American arbitration association, or an individual or individuals deemed qualified by the chief justice to serve. No person shall serve as a referee if that person has been employed by an affected state agency or a contractor or subcontractor involved in the dispute at any time in the preceding five years. Proceedings governing referees shall be in accordance with Civil Rule 53, except as modified by this division. The referee or panel of referees shall submit its report, which shall include a recommendation and finding of fact, to the judge assigned to the case by the chief justice, within thirty days of the conclusion of the hearings. Referees appointed pursuant to this division shall be compensated on a per diem basis at the same rate as is paid to judges of the court and also shall be paid their expenses. If a single referee is appointed or a panel of three referees is appointed, then, with respect to one referee of the panel, the compensation and expenses of the referee shall not be taxed as part of the costs in the case but shall be included in the budget of the court. If a panel of three referees is appointed, the compensation and expenses of the two remaining referees shall be taxed as costs of the case. All costs of a case shall be apportioned among the parties. The court may not require that any party deposit with the court cash, bonds, or other security in excess of two hundred dollars to guarantee payment of costs without the prior approval in each case of the chief justice. (4) An appeal from a decision of the attorney general pursuant to sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code shall be heard and determined by the court of claims. (D) The Rules of Civil Procedure shall govern practice and procedure in all actions in the court of claims, except insofar as inconsistent with this chapter. The supreme court may promulgate rules governing practice and procedure in actions in the court as provided in Section 5 of Article IV, Ohio Constitution. (E)(1) A party who files a counterclaim against the state or makes the state a third-party defendant in an action commenced in any court, other than the court of claims, shall file a petition for removal in the court of claims. The petition shall state the basis for removal, be accompanied by a copy of all process, pleadings, and other papers served upon the petitioner, and shall be signed in accordance with Civil Rule 11. A petition for removal based on a counterclaim shall be filed within twenty-eight days after service of the counterclaim of the petitioner. A petition for removal based on third-party practice shall be filed within twenty-eight days after the filing of the third-party complaint of the petitioner. (2) Within seven days after filing a petition for removal, the petitioner shall give written notice to the parties, and shall file a copy of the petition with the clerk of the court in which the action was brought originally. The filing effects the removal of the action to the court of claims, and the clerk of the court where the action was brought shall forward all papers in the case to the court of claims. The court of claims shall adjudicate all civil actions removed. The court may remand a civil action to the court in which it originated upon a finding that the removal petition does not justify removal, or upon a finding that the state is no longer a party. (3) Bonds, undertakings, or security and injunctions, attachments, sequestrations, or other orders issued prior to removal remain in effect until dissolved or modified by the court of claims.
Section 2743.04 | Judges.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 261 - 130th General Assembly
(A) Judges of the court of claims who are not residents of Franklin county, or when the court sits outside Franklin county the judges who are residents of Franklin county, shall be compensated for their actual and necessary expenses of traveling to and from the place of holding the court. (B) A retired judge shall, in addition to the judge's retirement allowance, receive per diem compensation for service as a member of the court of claims at a rate computed on the annual compensation of a judge of a court of common pleas. An incumbent judge shall receive additional per diem compensation equal to that allowed retired judges under this section less a per diem amount computed on the incumbent judge's annual compensation.
Section 2743.041 | Affidavit of disqualification.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 261 - 130th General Assembly
If a judge of the court of claims allegedly is interested in a proceeding pending before the judge, allegedly is related to or has a bias or prejudice for or against a party to a proceeding pending before the judge or to a party's counsel, or allegedly otherwise is disqualified to preside in a proceeding pending before the judge, any party to the proceeding or the party's counsel may file an affidavit of disqualification with the clerk of the supreme court. The affidavit of disqualification shall be filed and decided in accordance with divisions (B) to (E) of section 2701.03 of the Revised Code, and, upon the filing of the affidavit, the provisions of those divisions apply to the affidavit, the proceeding, the judge, and the parties to the proceeding.
Section 2743.05 | Powers of court.
September 29, 1976
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 82 - 111th General Assembly
Except as stated in section 2743.63 of the Revised Code, the court of claims has the same powers to subpoena witnesses, require the production of evidence, and punish for contempt as the court of common pleas.
Section 2743.06 | Fees and mileage for witness.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 525 - 127th General Assembly
Any witness subpoenaed or whose deposition is taken shall receive the same fees and mileage as witnesses are provided under section 119.094 of the Revised Code. The party at whose instance the witness appears or the deposition is taken shall pay the fees and mileage, except that the state may not pay the fees to its own employees.
Section 2743.07 | Supreme court to appoint clerk and deputy clerks - bond.
January 1, 1975
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 800 - 110th General Assembly
(A) The supreme court shall appoint the clerk and deputy clerks of the court of claims who shall be licensed to practice law in the state, to serve at its pleasure. The appointment or removal of the clerk shall be in writing, and entered on the supreme court journal. (B) The supreme court may require the clerk to give a bond in the amount and with the sureties as it directs, conditioned on the faithful discharge of his duties.
Section 2743.08 | Supplies, equipment - compensation of personnel.
January 1, 1975
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 800 - 110th General Assembly
The supreme court shall: (A) Furnish the clerk of the court of claims with the necessary printing, books, blanks, stationery, and equipment; (B) Fix the compensation to be paid the clerk and deputy clerks, court reporters, secretaries, and clerical personnel employed by the court of of claims.
Section 2743.09 | Duties of clerk.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 261 - 130th General Assembly
The clerk of the court of claims shall do all of the following: (A) Administer oaths and take and certify affidavits, depositions, and acknowledgments of powers of attorney and other instruments in writing; (B) Prepare the dockets, enter and record the orders, judgments, decisions, awards, and proceedings of the court of claims, and issue writs and process; (C) Maintain an office in Franklin county in rooms provided by the supreme court for that purpose; (D) Keep an appearance docket of civil actions and claims for an award of reparations. The clerk may refuse to accept for filing any pleading or paper that relates to a civil action in the court of claims and that is submitted for filing by a person who has been found to be a vexatious litigator under section 2323.52 of the Revised Code and who has failed to obtain leave to proceed under that section. Upon the commencement of an action or claim, the clerk shall assign it a number. This number shall be placed on the first page, and every continuation page, of the appearance docket that concerns the particular action or claim. In addition, this number and the names of the parties shall be placed on the case file and every paper filed in the action or claim. At the time the action is commenced the clerk shall enter in the appearance docket the names of the parties in full and the names of counsel and shall index the action alphabetically by the last name of each party. Thereafter, the clerk shall chronologically note in the appearance docket all process issued and returns, pleas, motions, papers filed in the action, orders, verdicts, and judgments. The notations shall be brief but shall show the date of filing, substance, and journal volume and page of each order, verdict, and judgment. An action is commenced for purposes of this division by the filing of a complaint, including a form complaint under section 2743.10 of the Revised Code or a petition for removal. At the time an appeal for an award of reparations is commenced, the clerk shall enter the full names of the claimant, the victim, and the attorneys in the appearance docket and shall index the claim alphabetically by the last name of the claimant and the victim. Thereafter, the clerk shall chronologically note in the appearance docket all process issued and returns, motions, papers filed in the claim, orders, decisions, and awards. The notations shall be brief but shall show the date of filing, substance, and journal volume and page of each order. (E) Keep all original papers filed in an action or claim in a separate file folder and a journal in which all orders, verdicts, and judgments of the court shall be recorded; (F) Charge and collect fees pursuant to section 2303.20 of the Revised Code, keep a cashbook in which the clerk shall enter the amounts received, make a report to the clerk of the supreme court each quarter of the fees received during the preceding quarter, and pay them monthly into the state treasury; (G) Appoint reporters and other clerical personnel; (H) Under the direction of the chief justice, establish procedures for hearing and determining appeals for an award of reparations pursuant to sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code.
Section 2743.091 | Actions under RC 5903.02 to be given priority.
August 22, 2008
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 289 - 127th General Assembly
If a person brings an action in the court of claims pursuant to section 5903.02 of the Revised Code or section 4323 of the "Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994," 108 Stat. 3149, 38 U.S.C. 4301, et seq., the clerk of the court of claims shall give the action priority on the court of claims' dockets.
Section 2743.10 | Civil actions determined administratively by clerk.
September 10, 2012
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 487 - 129th General Assembly
(A) Civil actions against the state for ten thousand dollars or less shall be determined administratively by the clerk of the court of claims, except that the clerk is not required to administratively determine a civil action of that nature if the civil action was commenced by a person who has been found to be a vexatious litigator under section 2323.52 of the Revised Code and who has failed to obtain leave to proceed under that section and if the clerk refused pursuant to division (D) of section 2743.09 of the Revised Code to accept for filing any pleading or paper that relates to the civil action and that was submitted for filing by that person and except that all civil actions against the state that have been removed to the court of claims shall be heard and determined by a judge of the court of claims. (B) Civil actions covered by division (A) of this section shall be commenced by filing with the clerk on complaint forms prescribed by the supreme court. The clerk shall forward copies of the form complaint to the attorney general and the state department, board, office, commission, agency, institution, or other instrumentality whose actions or failure to act are the subject of complaint. The latter shall investigate the allegations made in the form complaint and report the results of its investigation to the clerk within sixty days of receipt of a copy of the form complaint. The clerk shall forward a copy of the report to the claimant and give the claimant an opportunity to respond to the report either in writing or by appearing before the clerk. (C) The clerk shall determine the civil action covered by division (A) of this section and make a report of the decision, together with findings of fact and conclusions of law, copies of which shall be mailed to the claimant and the state instrumentality. Except as otherwise provided in this division, the determination shall be based upon principles of law applicable in the court of claims, including, but not limited to, section 3345.40 of the Revised Code if a state university or college is a defendant in the court of claims. Rules of evidence shall not be applicable in the determination. Procedures shall be governed by rules promulgated by the clerk, shall be informal, and shall be designed to accommodate persons who are not skilled in the law. (D) Upon the motion of a party, the court of claims shall review the determination of the clerk upon the clerk's report and papers filed in the action and shall enter judgment consistent with its findings. The judgment shall not be the subject of further appeal. No civil action arising out of the same transaction or set of facts may be commenced by the claimant in the court of claims. (E) The determination of the clerk pursuant to division (C) of this section shall be processed pursuant to section 2743.19 of the Revised Code as if it were a judgment.
Section 2743.11 | Trial by jury.
February 7, 1978
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 149 - 112th General Assembly
No claimant in the court of claims shall be entitled to have his civil action against the state determined by a trial by jury. Parties retain their right to trial by jury in the court of claims of any civil actions not against the state. Jury trials shall be conducted at the court of claims, the court of common pleas of Franklin county, or the court of common pleas of the county in which a removed case is tried. Juries shall be drawn from the common pleas list of qualified jurors, and empaneled in the same manner as in cases that originate in the court of common pleas. The state shall pay all expenses incidental to a jury trial, except that juror costs shall be taxed to the losing party.
Section 2743.12 | Judgments rendered in writing.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 231 - 117th General Assembly
The court of claims shall render its judgments against the state in writing and shall include separate findings of fact and conclusions of law. An opinion, memorandum, or decision stating the judgment and containing separate findings of fact and conclusions of law shall be sufficient to satisfy the requirements of this section. Judgments shall be entered on the journal and the clerk shall certify on the judgment the date of journalization and shall send copies of the judgment to the claimant and the attorney general.
Section 2743.121 | Court of claims commissioners to render award of reparation decisions in writing.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 261 - 130th General Assembly
The court of claims shall render its decisions as to appeals from decisions of the attorney general pursuant to sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code in writing and shall include a separate finding for each issue contested upon appeal. Orders as to appeals shall be entered on the journal, and the clerk shall certify on the order the date of journalization and shall send copies of the order and decision to the claimant, the attorney general, and the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the criminally injurious conduct occurred.
Section 2743.13 | Filing complaint or other pleading - summons.
February 7, 1978
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 149 - 112th General Assembly
(A) The complaint or other pleading asserted in the court of claims against the state shall name as defendant each state department, board, office, commission, agency, institution, or other instrumentality whose actions are alleged as the basis of complaint. (B) Upon the filing of the complaint or other pleading requiring service of summons, the clerk of the court of claims shall issue summons to each defendant and the attorney general. Summonses shall be in the form prescribed by and issued pursuant to the Civil Rules. The claimant shall file the original of the complaint or other pleading with the clerk and shall provide the clerk with sufficient copies to serve one copy upon each named defendant and the attorney general.
Section 2743.14 | Representation of state.
January 1, 1975
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 800 - 110th General Assembly
The attorney general or one of his assistants, or special counsel appointed by the attorney general, shall represent the state in all actions against the state permitted by this chapter.
Section 2743.15 | Settle or compromise civil action against state.
September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
(A) The director or other administrative chief, or the governing body, of any department, board, office, commission, agency, institution, or other instrumentality of the state: (1) With the approval of the attorney general and the court of claims, may settle or compromise any civil action against the state insofar as the department, board, office, commission, agency, institution, or other instrumentality is named as a defendant; (2) Shall notify the office of risk management in the department of administrative services of any settlement or compromise to allow for the proper reservation of funds. (B) The acceptance by the claimant of any such compromise or settlement shall be final and conclusive on the claimant and is a complete release of the civil action against the state insofar as the particular department, board, office, commission, agency, institution, or other instrumentality is named, or could be named, as a defendant. A compromise or settlement that requires the payment of money by the state may be implemented and enforced, insofar as the payment of money is concerned, only through the procedure specified in section 2743.19 of the Revised Code, which shall be commenced by the attorney general forwarding a clerk's certified copy of the settlement instrument to the director of budget and management. A copy of the settlement instrument of actions involving the office of risk management in the department of administrative services shall be forwarded to the office of risk management for payment via the risk management reserve fund created in section 9.823 of the Revised Code. No interest of any kind, including any kind set forth in sections 2743.18 and 2743.19 of the Revised Code, is allowed on any compromise or settlement of any civil action against the state under this section. The authority of the department of administrative services to compromise claims does not extend to other statutory and agency programs with direct settlement authority, including activities by the department of transportation, inmate property actions described in division (H) of section 2743.02 of the Revised Code, and wrongful imprisonment actions provided for in section 2743.48 of the Revised Code.
Last updated August 9, 2021 at 11:25 AM
Section 2743.16 | Statute of limitations - compromise of claims.
September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
(A) Subject to division (B) of this section, civil actions against the state permitted by sections 2743.01 to 2743.20 of the Revised Code shall be commenced no later than two years after the date of accrual of the cause of action or within any shorter period that is applicable to similar suits between private parties. (B) If a person suffers injury, death, or loss to person or property, as contemplated in sections 9.821 to 9.83 of the Revised Code, the person or the representative of that person or of the estate of that person shall attempt, prior to the commencement of an action based upon that injury, death, or loss, to have the claim based upon that injury, death, or loss compromised by the office of risk management in the department of administrative services or satisfied by the state's liability insurance. No action for any such claim shall be filed in the court of claims until the person, the representative of that person, or the estate of the person asserting the claim has complied with this division. Any compromise by the office of risk management shall be paid from the risk management reserve fund created in section 9.823 of the Revised Code. The acceptance by the claimant of any such compromise or settlement shall be final and conclusive on the person or representative of the person or the person's estate and is a complete release against the state insofar as the particular department, board, office, commission, agency, institution, or other instrumentality is named, or could be named, as a defendant and results in a complete waiver of any cause of action, based on the same act or omission, that the person or representative of the person or the person's estate has against any officer or employee, as defined in section 109.36 of the Revised Code. If the state, upon a request of the person or of the representative of the person or the person's estate to compromise such a claim, does not compromise the claim within a reasonable time after the request is made and at least sixty days prior to the expiration of the applicable period of limitations for commencement of an action based upon the injury, death, or loss, or if the amount of the claim is in excess of the state's liability insurance coverage, the person or the representative of the person or the person's estate may commence an action in the court of claims under this chapter to recover the claim or the unpaid amount of the claim from the state. Neither the person nor the representative of the person or the person's estate shall commence an action against the officer or employee to recover damages for the injury, death, or loss until after the person or representative commences the action in the court of claims against the state and the action in that court is terminated. If the court of claims determines that the state is not liable for the injury, death, or loss, the person or the representative of the person or the person's estate is not prohibited by this division from commencing an action against the officer or employee to recover the claim or the unpaid amount of the claim based upon the injury, death, or loss. Nothing in this division shall affect the immunity of any state officer or employee pursuant to section 9.86 of the Revised Code. If a person or his or his estate's representative attempts, pursuant to this division, to have a claim compromised by the state or satisfied by the state's liability insurance, and if the state determines not to compromise the claim, the state's liability insurance will not cover the claim, or the claim is in excess of the state's liability insurance coverage, then the state shall so notify the person or his or his estate's representative in writing. The notice shall be provided as soon as possible after the state determines not to compromise the claim or it is determined that the state's liability insurance will not cover either the claim or the entire claim. (C) All summaries, reports, and records received and maintained by the office of risk management in the department of administrative services in connection with claims against the state are not public records, shall be held in confidence, shall not be released, and shall not be subject to discovery or introduction in evidence in any federal or state civil action. (D)(1) The period of limitations prescribed by division (A) of this section shall be tolled pursuant to section 2305.16 of the Revised Code. (2) If a person suffers injury, death, or loss to person or property contemplated by sections 9.82 to 9.83 of the Revised Code, if the person or the representative of the person or the person's estate is required by division (B) of this section to attempt to have the claim based upon the injury, death, or loss compromised by the state or satisfied by the state's liability insurance prior to commencing an action based upon the injury, death, or loss, and if the person or the representative of the person or the person's estate complies with that division prior to the expiration of the applicable period of limitations prescribed by division (A) of this section for the commencement of an action in the court of claims based upon that injury, death, or loss, the period of time commencing with the submission of the claim to the state for the purposes of compromise or liability insurance satisfaction and ending with the state's compromise of the claim, the satisfaction of the claim by the state's liability insurance, or the provision of the written notice described in division (B) of this section shall not be computed as any part of the period within which an action based upon that injury, death, or loss must be brought. (3) If a person or the representative of a person or a person's estate commences an action to recover a claim, or the unpaid amount of a claim, against the state in the court of claims and that claim arises out an injury, death, or loss contemplated by sections 9.82 to 9.83 of the Revised Code, the statute of limitations on the claim against the officer or employee shall not run during any time when the action against the state is pending in the court of claims.
Last updated August 9, 2021 at 11:49 AM
Section 2743.17 | Prior decision by sundry claims board.
January 1, 1975
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 800 - 110th General Assembly
No person may commence an action in the court of claims if the transactions, facts, and circumstances giving rise to the action were the subject of a claim of that person decided by the sundry claims board.
Section 2743.18 | Prejudgment interest - interest on judgment or determination.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 108 - 124th General Assembly
(A)(1) Prejudgment interest shall be allowed with respect to a civil action on which a judgment or determination is rendered against the state for the same period of time and at the same rate as allowed between private parties to a suit. (2) The court of claims, in its discretion, may deny prejudgment interest for any period of undue delay between the commencement of the civil action and the entry of a judgment or determination against the state, for which it finds the claimant to have been responsible. (B)(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (B)(2) of this section, interest shall be allowed on a judgment or determination rendered against the state in a civil action pursuant to this chapter at the same rate that is applicable to judgments rendered against private parties to a suit as specified in section 1343.03 of the Revised Code and for each day between the date of entry of the judgment or the determination pursuant to division (C) of section 2743.10 of the Revised Code and the date of payment of the judgment or determination pursuant to division (C)(3) or (6) of section 2743.19 of the Revised Code, or for sixty days from the date of entry of the judgment or the determination, whichever is less. (2) If the court of claims renders a judgment pursuant to this chapter against the state in a civil action or the clerk of the court of claims enters an administrative determination under section 2743.10 of the Revised Code against the state in a civil action, the civil action is not based on tortious conduct, and the claimant in the court of claims prevails in any appeal of the judgment or determination, postjudgment interest shall be paid with respect to the judgment or determination rendered against the state at the same rate that is applicable to judgments rendered against private parties to a suit as set forth in section 1343.03 of the Revised Code and for each day between the date of entry of the judgment or determination and the date of payment of the judgment or determination pursuant to division (C)(3) or (6) of section 2743.19 of the Revised Code.
Section 2743.19 | Enforcing and paying judgment and interest.
September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
(A) In rendering a judgment against the state, the court of claims shall determine and specify in the judgment the department, office, commission, board, agency, institution, or other instrumentality of the state against which a determination of liability has been made. The court of claims shall award compensation for fees to a prevailing party in an action under this chapter in accordance with section 2335.39 of the Revised Code. (B) No execution shall issue against the state or any department, board, office, commission, agency, institution, or other instrumentality of the state upon any judgment for the payment of money. (C) Judgments shall be accomplished only through the following procedure, which may be enforced by writ of mandamus directed to the appropriate official: (1) The clerk of the court of claims shall forward a certified copy of the judgment to the director of budget and management and the attorney general or the officer who signed the investigative report for the department, office, commission, board, agency, institution, or other instrumentality of the state against which a determination of liability has been made. If the judgment requires payment from the risk management reserve fund created in section 9.823 of the Revised Code, a final signed copy of the judgment shall be forwarded to the office of risk management in the department of administrative services for payment. (2) The expense of a judgment paid, plus interest at the same rate that is applicable to judgments rendered against private parties to a suit as specified in section 1343.03 of the Revised Code and for the number of days determined pursuant to division (B)(1) or (2) of section 2743.18 of the Revised Code, shall be charged by the director of budget and management against available unencumbered moneys in the appropriations to whichever state departments, boards, offices, commissions, agencies, institutions, or other instrumentalities are named in the judgment. The director of budget and management shall have sole discretion to determine whether or not unencumbered moneys in a particular appropriation are available for satisfaction of a judgment. (3) The director of budget and management, upon receipt of the certified copy of the judgment from the clerk of the court of claims pursuant to division (C)(1) of this section, shall provide for payment of the judgment creditor in the amount of the judgment certified by the clerk of the court of claims, plus interest. (4) If the director of budget and management determines that sufficient unencumbered moneys do not exist in the particular appropriations to pay the judgment and interest, the director may make application for payment of the judgment and interest out of the emergency purposes account or another appropriation for emergencies or contingencies. (5) If moneys in the emergency purposes account or another appropriation for emergencies or contingencies are not used to pay the judgment and interest, the director of budget and management shall request the general assembly to make an appropriation sufficient to pay the judgment and interest, and no payment shall be made until the appropriation has been made. The appropriate state department, board, office, commission, agency, institution, or other instrumentality shall make this appropriation request during the current biennium and during each succeeding biennium until a sufficient appropriation is made. (6) If the judgment is against any department, board, office, commission, agency, institution, or other instrumentality of the state whose funds are not handled by the director of budget and management, the instrumentality against which the judgment is made, within sixty days after the date of the judgment, shall pay the judgment creditor in the amount of the judgment plus interest at the same rate that is applicable to judgments rendered against private parties to a suit as specified in section 1343.03 of the Revised Code and for the number of days determined pursuant to division (B)(1) or (2) of section 2743.18 of the Revised Code. (D) No judgment shall be forwarded by the clerk of the court of claims to the director of budget and management until all appeals have been determined and all rights to appeal have been exhausted, except as otherwise provided in this section. If a party to a civil action against the state appeals from only a portion of a judgment and if a remaining portion provides for the payment of money by the state, a certified copy of the judgment and a copy of the notice of appeal shall be forwarded to the director, and that part of the judgment calling for the payment of money by the state and not a subject of the appeal shall be processed for payment as described in this section.
Last updated August 9, 2021 at 11:26 AM
Section 2743.191 | Reparations fund.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 288 (GA 134), House Bill 343 (GA 134)
(A)(1) There is hereby created in the state treasury the reparations fund, which shall be used only for the following purposes: (a) The payment of awards of reparations that are granted by the attorney general; (b) The compensation of any personnel needed by the attorney general to administer sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code; (c) The compensation of witnesses as provided in division (J) of section 2743.65 of the Revised Code; (d) Other administrative costs of hearing and determining claims for an award of reparations by the attorney general; (e) The costs of administering sections 2907.28 and 2969.01 to 2969.06 of the Revised Code; (f) The costs of investigation and decision-making as certified by the attorney general; (g) The provision of state financial assistance to victim assistance programs in accordance with sections 109.91 and 109.92 of the Revised Code; (h) The costs of paying the expenses of sex offense-related examinations, antibiotics, and HIV post-exposure prophylaxis pursuant to section 2907.28 of the Revised Code; (i) The cost of printing and distributing the pamphlet prepared by the attorney general pursuant to section 109.42 of the Revised Code; (j) Subject to division (D) of section 2743.71 of the Revised Code, the costs associated with the printing and providing of information cards or other printed materials to law enforcement agencies and prosecuting authorities and with publicizing the availability of awards of reparations pursuant to section 2743.71 of the Revised Code; (k) The payment of costs of administering a DNA specimen collection procedure pursuant to sections 2152.74 and 2901.07 of the Revised Code, of performing DNA analysis of those DNA specimens, and of entering the resulting DNA records regarding those analyses into the DNA database pursuant to section 109.573 of the Revised Code; (l) The payment of actual costs associated with initiatives by the attorney general for the apprehension, prosecution, and accountability of offenders, and the enhancing of services to crime victims. The amount of payments made pursuant to division (A)(1)(l) of this section during any given fiscal year shall not exceed five per cent of the balance of the reparations fund at the close of the immediately previous fiscal year; (m) The costs of administering the adult parole authority's supervision pursuant to division (E) of section 2971.05 of the Revised Code of sexually violent predators who are sentenced to a prison term pursuant to division (A)(3) of section 2971.03 of the Revised Code and of offenders who are sentenced to a prison term pursuant to division (B)(1)(a), (b), or (c), (B)(2)(a), (b), or (c), or (B)(3)(a), (b), (c), or (d) of that section. (2) All costs paid pursuant to section 2743.70 of the Revised Code, the portions of license reinstatement fees mandated by division (F)(2)(b) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code to be credited to the fund, the portions of the proceeds of the sale of a forfeited vehicle specified in division (C)(2) of section 4503.234 of the Revised Code, payments collected by the department of rehabilitation and correction from prisoners who voluntarily participate in an approved work and training program pursuant to division (C)(8)(b)(ii) of section 5145.16 of the Revised Code, and all moneys collected by the state pursuant to its right of subrogation provided in section 2743.72 of the Revised Code shall be deposited in the fund. (B) In making an award of reparations, the attorney general shall render the award against the state. The award shall be accomplished only through the following procedure, and the following procedure may be enforced by writ of mandamus directed to the appropriate official: (1) The attorney general shall provide for payment of the claimant or providers in the amount of the award only if the amount of the award is fifty dollars or more. (2) The expense shall be charged against all available unencumbered moneys in the fund. (3) If sufficient unencumbered moneys do not exist in the fund, the attorney general shall make application for payment of the award out of the emergency purposes account or any other appropriation for emergencies or contingencies, and payment out of this account or other appropriation shall be authorized if there are sufficient moneys greater than the sum total of then pending emergency purposes account requests or requests for releases from the other appropriations. (4) If sufficient moneys do not exist in the account or any other appropriation for emergencies or contingencies to pay the award, the attorney general shall request the general assembly to make an appropriation sufficient to pay the award, and no payment shall be made until the appropriation has been made. The attorney general shall make this appropriation request during the current biennium and during each succeeding biennium until a sufficient appropriation is made. If, prior to the time that an appropriation is made by the general assembly pursuant to this division, the fund has sufficient unencumbered funds to pay the award or part of the award, the available funds shall be used to pay the award or part of the award, and the appropriation request shall be amended to request only sufficient funds to pay that part of the award that is unpaid. (C) The attorney general shall not make payment on a decision or order granting an award until all appeals have been determined and all rights to appeal exhausted, except as otherwise provided in this section. If any party to a claim for an award of reparations appeals from only a portion of an award, and a remaining portion provides for the payment of money by the state, that part of the award calling for the payment of money by the state and not a subject of the appeal shall be processed for payment as described in this section. (D) If any unclaimed moneys that are in the reparations fund are not claimed within a period of five years, the attorney general shall use those moneys for the benefit of other victims of crime. The attorney general shall pay any part of the restitution award owed to a victim at any time to the person who has the right to the moneys upon proper certification from the clerk or other officer responsible for the collection and distribution of restitution payments and documentation from the individual claiming such right. (E) The attorney general shall prepare itemized bills for the costs of printing and distributing the pamphlet the attorney general prepares pursuant to section 109.42 of the Revised Code. The itemized bills shall set forth the name and address of the persons owed the amounts set forth in them. (F) Interest earned on the moneys in the fund shall be credited to the fund. (G) As used in this section, "DNA analysis" and "DNA specimen" have the same meanings as in section 109.573 of the Revised Code.
The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.
Last updated March 9, 2023 at 9:11 AM
Section 2743.20 | Appeals.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 261 - 130th General Assembly
Appeals from orders and judgments of the court of claims lie to the same courts under the same circumstances, as appeals from the court of common pleas of Franklin county, and the same rules of law govern their determination. The decision of the court of claims with respect to an appeal from a decision of the the attorney general pursuant to sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code is final, and no appeal from the decision of the court of claims lies to any other court.
Section 2743.31 | Assumption of liability in shared equipment service agreements.
September 14, 2016
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 5 - 131st General Assembly
(A) As used in this section: "Governmental function," "political subdivision," and "proprietary function" have the same meanings as in section 2744.01 of the Revised Code. "State agency" has the same meaning as in section 117.01 of the Revised Code. (B) If a shared equipment service agreement is entered into by a contracting lender state agency or political subdivision to lend its capital equipment to a contracting recipient state agency for the temporary use by the recipient state agency in the performance of a governmental or proprietary function, the agreement may provide that the recipient state agency and its officers and employees, as the case may be, assume any potential liability under this chapter in a civil action for damages for injury, death, or loss to person or property allegedly caused by an act or omission of the recipient state agency or its officers or employees resulting from the use of the equipment in the performance of the recipient state agency's governmental or proprietary functions. This assumption of liability applies insofar as the recipient state agency under the agreement or any of its officers or employees is engaged in the use of the equipment covered by the agreement in the performance of a governmental or proprietary function.
Last updated February 9, 2024 at 3:57 PM
Section 2743.43 | Expert testimony on liability issues in medical claim.
September 13, 2004
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 215 - 125th General Assembly
(A) No person shall be deemed competent to give expert testimony on the liability issues in a medical claim, as defined in section 2305.113 of the Revised Code, unless: (1) Such person is licensed to practice medicine and surgery, osteopathic medicine and surgery, or podiatric medicine and surgery by the state medical board or by the licensing authority of any state; (2) Such person devotes three-fourths of the person's professional time to the active clinical practice of medicine or surgery, osteopathic medicine and surgery, or podiatric medicine and surgery, or to its instruction in an accredited university; (3) The person practices in the same or a substantially similar specialty as the defendant. The court shall not permit an expert in one medical specialty to testify against a health care provider in another medical specialty unless the expert shows both that the standards of care and practice in the two specialties are similar and that the expert has substantial familiarity between the specialties. (4) If the person is certified in a specialty, the person must be certified by a board recognized by the American board of medical specialties or the American board of osteopathic specialties in a specialty having acknowledged expertise and training directly related to the particular health care matter at issue. (B) Nothing in division (A) of this section shall be construed to limit the power of the trial court to adjudge the testimony of any expert witness incompetent on any other ground. (C) Nothing in division (A) of this section shall be construed to limit the power of the trial court to allow the testimony of any other witness, on a matter unrelated to the liability issues in the medical claim, when that testimony is relevant to the medical claim involved.
Section 2743.48 | Wrongful imprisonment civil action against state.
March 22, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 411 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) As used in this section and section 2743.49 of the Revised Code, a "wrongfully imprisoned individual" means an individual who satisfies each of the following: (1) The individual was charged with a violation of a section of the Revised Code by an indictment or information, and the violation charged was an aggravated felony, felony, or misdemeanor. (2) The individual was found guilty of, but did not plead guilty to, the particular charge or a lesser-included offense by the court or jury involved, and the offense of which the individual was found guilty was an aggravated felony, felony, or misdemeanor. (3) The individual was sentenced to an indefinite or definite term of imprisonment in a state correctional institution for the offense of which the individual was found guilty. (4) The individual's conviction was vacated, dismissed, or reversed on appeal and all of the following apply: (a) No criminal proceeding is pending against the individual for any act associated with that conviction. (b) The prosecuting attorney in the case, within one year after the date of the vacating, dismissal, or reversal, has not sought any further appeal of right or upon leave of court, provided that this division does not limit or affect the seeking of any such appeal after the expiration of that one-year period as described in division (C)(3) of this section. (c) The prosecuting attorney, city director of law, village solicitor, or other chief legal officer of a municipal corporation, within one year after the date of the vacating, dismissal, or reversal, has not brought a criminal proceeding against the individual for any act associated with that conviction, provided that this division does not limit or affect the bringing of any such proceeding after the expiration of that one-year period as described in division (C)(3) of this section. (5) Subsequent to sentencing or during or subsequent to imprisonment, an error in procedure was discovered that occurred prior to, during, or after sentencing, that involved a violation of the Brady Rule which violated the individual's rights to a fair trial under the Ohio Constitution or the United States Constitution, and that resulted in the individual's release, or it was determined by the court of common pleas in the county where the underlying criminal action was initiated either that the offense of which the individual was found guilty, including all lesser-included offenses, was not committed by the individual or that no offense was committed by any person. In addition to any other application of the provisions of this division regarding an error in procedure that occurred prior to, during, or after sentencing, as those provisions exist on and after the effective date of this amendment , if an individual had a claim dismissed, has a claim pending, or did not file a claim because the state of the law in effect prior to the effective date of this amendment barred the claim or made the claim appear to be futile, those provisions apply with respect to the individual and the claim and, on or after that effective date , the individual may file a claim and obtain the benefit of those provisions. (B)(1) A person may file a civil action to be declared a wrongfully imprisoned individual in the court of common pleas in the county where the underlying criminal action was initiated. That civil action shall be separate from the underlying finding of guilt. Upon the filing of a civil action to be determined a wrongfully imprisoned individual, the attorney general shall be served with a copy of the complaint and shall be heard. (2) When the court of common pleas in the county where the underlying criminal action was initiated determines that a person is a wrongfully imprisoned individual, the court shall provide the person with a copy of this section and orally inform the person and the person's attorney of the person's rights under this section to commence a civil action against the state in the court of claims because of the person's wrongful imprisonment and to be represented in that civil action by counsel of the person's own choice. (3) The court described in division (B)(1) of this section shall notify the clerk of the court of claims, in writing and within seven days after the date of the entry of its determination that the person is a wrongfully imprisoned individual, of the name and proposed mailing address of the person and of the fact that the person has the rights to commence a civil action and to have legal representation as provided in this section. The clerk of the court of claims shall maintain in the clerk's office a list of wrongfully imprisoned individuals for whom notices are received under this section and shall create files in the clerk's office for each such individual. (4) Within sixty days after the date of the entry of the determination by the court of common pleas in the county where the underlying criminal action was initiated that a person is a wrongfully imprisoned individual, the clerk of the court of claims shall forward a preliminary judgment to the president of the controlling board requesting the payment of fifty per cent of the amount described in division (E)(2)(b) of this section to the wrongfully imprisoned individual. The board shall take all actions necessary to cause the payment of that amount out of the emergency purposes special purpose account of the board. (5) If an individual was serving at the time of the wrongful imprisonment concurrent sentences on other convictions that were not vacated, dismissed, or reversed on appeal, the individual is not eligible for compensation as described in this section for any portion of that wrongful imprisonment that occurred during a concurrent sentence of that nature. (C)(1) In a civil action under this section, a wrongfully imprisoned individual has the right to have counsel of the individual's own choice. (2) If a wrongfully imprisoned individual who is the subject of a court determination as described in division (B)(2) of this section does not commence a civil action under this section within six months after the entry of that determination, the clerk of the court of claims shall send a letter to the wrongfully imprisoned individual, at the address set forth in the notice received from the court of common pleas pursuant to division (B)(3) of this section or to any later address provided by the wrongfully imprisoned individual, that reminds the wrongfully imprisoned individual of the wrongfully imprisoned individual's rights under this section. Until the statute of limitations provided in division (H) of this section expires and unless the wrongfully imprisoned individual commences a civil action under this section, the clerk of the court of claims shall send a similar letter in a similar manner to the wrongfully imprisoned individual at least once each three months after the sending of the first reminder. (3) If an individual has been determined by the court of common pleas in the county where the underlying criminal action was initiated to be a wrongfully imprisoned individual, as described in division (A) of this section, both of the following apply: (a) The finding under division (A)(4)(b) of this section does not affect or negate any right or authority the prosecuting attorney in the case may have to seek, after the expiration of the one-year period described in that division, a further appeal of right or upon leave of court with respect to the conviction that was vacated, dismissed, or reversed on appeal, and the prosecuting attorney may seek such a further appeal after the expiration of that period. (b) The finding under division (A)(4)(c) of this section does not affect or negate any right or authority the prosecuting attorney in the case may have under any other provision of law to bring, after the expiration of the one-year period described in that division, a criminal proceeding against the individual for any act associated with the conviction that was vacated, dismissed, or reversed on appeal, and the prosecuting attorney may bring such a proceeding after the expiration of that period as provided under any other provision of law. (D) Notwithstanding any provisions of this chapter to the contrary, a wrongfully imprisoned individual has and may file a civil action against the state, in the court of claims, to recover a sum of money as described in this section, because of the individual's wrongful imprisonment. The court of claims shall have exclusive, original jurisdiction over such a civil action. The civil action shall proceed, be heard, and be determined as provided in sections 2743.01 to 2743.20 of the Revised Code, except that if a provision of this section conflicts with a provision in any of those sections, the provision in this section controls. (E)(1) In a civil action as described in division (D) of this section, the complainant may establish that the claimant is a wrongfully imprisoned individual by submitting to the court of claims a certified copy of the judgment entry of the court of common pleas associated with the claimant's conviction and sentencing, and a certified copy of the entry of the determination of the court of common pleas that the claimant is a wrongfully imprisoned individual under division (B)(2) of this section. No other evidence shall be required of the complainant to establish that the claimant is a wrongfully imprisoned individual, and the claimant shall be irrebuttably presumed to be a wrongfully imprisoned individual. (2) In a civil action as described in division (D) of this section, upon presentation of requisite proof to the court of claims, a wrongfully imprisoned individual is entitled to receive a sum of money that equals the total of each of the following amounts: (a) The amount of any fine or court costs imposed and paid, and the reasonable attorney's fees and other expenses incurred by the wrongfully imprisoned individual in connection with all associated criminal proceedings and appeals, and, if applicable, in connection with obtaining the wrongfully imprisoned individual's discharge from confinement in the state correctional institution; (b) For each full year of imprisonment in the state correctional institution for the offense of which the wrongfully imprisoned individual was found guilty, forty thousand three hundred thirty dollars or the adjusted amount determined by the auditor of state pursuant to section 2743.49 of the Revised Code, and for each part of a year of being so imprisoned, a pro-rated share of forty thousand three hundred thirty dollars or the adjusted amount determined by the auditor of state pursuant to section 2743.49 of the Revised Code; (c) Any loss of wages, salary, or other earned income that directly resulted from the wrongfully imprisoned individual's arrest, prosecution, conviction, and wrongful imprisonment; (d) The amount of the following cost debts the department of rehabilitation and correction recovered from the wrongfully imprisoned individual who was in custody of the department or under the department's supervision: (i) Any user fee or copayment for services at a detention facility, including, but not limited to, a fee or copayment for sick call visits; (ii) The cost of housing and feeding the wrongfully imprisoned individual in a detention facility; (iii) The cost of supervision of the wrongfully imprisoned individual; (iv) The cost of any ancillary services provided to the wrongfully imprisoned individual. (F)(1) If the court of claims determines in a civil action as described in division (D) of this section that the complainant is a wrongfully imprisoned individual, it shall enter judgment for the wrongfully imprisoned individual in the amount of the sum of money to which the wrongfully imprisoned individual is entitled under division (E)(2) of this section. In determining that sum, the court of claims shall not take into consideration any expenses incurred by the state or any of its political subdivisions in connection with the arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment of the wrongfully imprisoned individual, including, but not limited to, expenses for food, clothing, shelter, and medical services. The court shall reduce that sum by the amount of the payment to the wrongfully imprisoned individual described in division (B)(4) of this section. (2) If the wrongfully imprisoned individual was represented in the civil action under this section by counsel of the wrongfully imprisoned individual's own choice, the court of claims shall include in the judgment entry referred to in division (F)(1) of this section an award for the reasonable attorney's fees of that counsel. These fees shall be paid as provided in division (G) of this section. (3) If the wrongfully imprisoned individual owes any debt to the state or any of its political subdivisions, the court of claims, in the judgment entry referred to in division (F)(1) of this section, shall deduct the amount of any such debts that are known from the sum of money to which the wrongfully imprisoned individual is entitled under division (E)(2) of this section. The court shall include in the judgment entry an award to the state or a political subdivision, whichever is applicable, of any amount deducted pursuant to this division. These amounts shall be paid as provided in division (G) of this section. (4)(a) If, at the time of the judgment entry referred to in division (F)(1) of this section, the wrongfully imprisoned individual has won or received a qualifying monetary award or recovery that arose from any conduct that resulted in or contributed to the person being determined to be a wrongfully imprisoned individual, all of the following apply: (i) The court of claims, in the judgment entry, shall deduct the amount of the award or recovery in the action that the wrongfully imprisoned individual actually collected prior to the time of the judgment entry, after the payment of the individual's attorney's fees and costs related to the litigation, from the sum of money to which the wrongfully imprisoned individual is entitled under division (E)(2) of this section. If the wrongfully imprisoned individual has won or received two or more qualifying monetary awards or recoveries of the type described in division (F)(4)(a) of this section, the court shall aggregate the amounts of all of those awards or recoveries that the individual actually collected prior to the date of the judgment entry, and the aggregate amount shall be the amount deducted under this division from the sum of money to which the wrongfully imprisoned individual is entitled under division (E)(2) of this section. The court shall include in the judgment entry an award to the state of any amount deducted pursuant to this division. These amounts shall be paid as provided in division (G) of this section. (ii) If the wrongfully imprisoned individual actually collects any amount of the qualifying monetary award or recovery after the date of the judgment entry referred to in division (F)(1) of this section, the wrongfully imprisoned individual shall reimburse the state for the sum of money paid under the judgment entry referred to in division (F)(1) of this section, after the deduction of the individual's attorney's fees and costs related to the litigation, for the amount of the qualifying monetary award or recovery actually collected after that date. A reimbursement required under this division shall not exceed the amount that the wrongfully imprisoned individual actually collects under the qualifying monetary award or recovery. If the wrongfully imprisoned individual has won or received two or more qualifying monetary awards or recoveries of the type described in division (F)(4)(a) of this section and actually collects any amount of two or more of those qualifying monetary awards or recoveries after the date of the judgment entry referred to in division (F)(1) of this section, the court shall apply this division separately with respect to each such qualifying monetary award or recovery. (iii) The total amount a court deducts under division (F)(4)(a)(i) of this section with respect to a qualifying monetary award or recovery plus the total amount of a reimbursement required under division (F)(4)(a)(ii) of this section with respect to that same qualifying monetary award or recovery shall not exceed the amount that the wrongfully imprisoned individual actually collects under that qualifying monetary award or recovery. (b) If division (F)(4)(a) of this section does not apply and if, after the time of the judgment entry referred to in division (F)(1) of this section, the wrongfully imprisoned individual wins a qualifying monetary award or recovery that arose from any conduct that resulted in or contributed to the person being determined to be a wrongfully imprisoned individual, the wrongfully imprisoned individual shall reimburse the state for the sum of money paid under the judgment entry referred to in division (F)(1) of this section, after the deduction of the individual's attorney's fees and costs related to the litigation. A reimbursement required under this division shall not exceed the amount that the wrongfully imprisoned individual actually collects under the qualifying monetary award or recovery. If the wrongfully imprisoned individual has won or received two or more such qualifying monetary awards or recoveries, the court shall apply this division separately with respect to each such qualifying monetary award or recovery. (c) Divisions (F)(4)(a) and (b) of this section apply only with respect to judgment entries referred to in division (F)(1) of this section that are entered on or after the effective date of divisions (F)(4)(a) and (b) of this section . (5) If, after the time of the judgment entry referred to in division (F)(1) of this section, the wrongfully imprisoned individual is convicted of or pleads guilty to an offense that is based on any act associated with the conviction that was vacated, reversed, or dismissed on appeal and that was the basis of the person being determined to be a wrongfully imprisoned individual, the wrongfully imprisoned individual shall reimburse the state for the entire sum of money paid under the judgment entry referred to in division (F)(1) of this section. (6) The state consents to be sued by a wrongfully imprisoned individual because the imprisonment was wrongful, and to liability on its part because of that fact, only as provided in this section. However, this section does not affect any liability of the state or of its employees to a wrongfully imprisoned individual on a claim for relief that is not based on the fact of the wrongful imprisonment, including, but not limited to, a claim for relief that arises out of circumstances occurring during the wrongfully imprisoned individual's confinement in the state correctional institution. (G) The clerk of the court of claims shall forward a certified copy of a judgment under division (F) of this section to the president of the controlling board. The board shall take all actions necessary to cause the payment of the judgment out of the emergency purposes special purpose account of the board. (H) To be eligible to recover a sum of money as described in this section because of wrongful imprisonment, both of the following shall apply to a wrongfully imprisoned individual: (1) The wrongfully imprisoned individual shall not have been, prior to September 24, 1986, the subject of an act of the general assembly that authorized an award of compensation for the wrongful imprisonment or have been the subject of an action before the former sundry claims board that resulted in an award of compensation for the wrongful imprisonment. (2) The wrongfully imprisoned individual shall commence a civil action under this section in the court of claims no later than two years after the date of the entry of the determination of the court of common pleas that the individual is a wrongfully imprisoned individual under division (B)(2) of this section. (I) No determination of a court of common pleas as specified in division (B) of this section or of the court of claims as described in division (D) of this section that a person is a wrongfully imprisoned individual, and no finding in the civil action that results in either of those determinations, is admissible as evidence in any criminal proceeding that is pending at the time of, or is commenced subsequent to, that civil action. (J)(1) As used in division (A) of this section, "Brady Rule" means the rule established pursuant to the decision of the United States supreme court in Brady v. Maryland (1963), 373 U.S. 83. (2) As used in divisions (F)(3) to (5) of this section: (a) "State" and "political subdivisions" have the same meanings as in section 2743.01 of the Revised Code. (b) "Qualifying monetary award or recovery" means a monetary award won in, or a monetary recovery received through a settlement in, a civil action under section 1983 of Title 42 of the United States Code, 93 Stat. 1284 (1979), 42 U.S.C. 1983, as amended.
Section 2743.49 | Adjusting amount recoverable for wrongful imprisonment.
September 23, 2008
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 562 - 127th General Assembly
(A)(1) In January of each odd-numbered year, the auditor of state, in accordance with this division and division (A)(2) of this section, shall adjust the actual dollar figure specified in division (E)(2)(b) of section 2743.48 of the Revised Code or the actual dollar amount determined pursuant to this section. The adjustment shall be based on the yearly average of the previous two years of the consumer price index for all urban consumers or its successive equivalent, as determined by the United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, or its successor in responsibility, for all items, Series A. Using the yearly average for the immediately preceding even-numbered year as the base year, the auditor of state shall compare the most current average consumer price index with that determined in the preceding odd-numbered year and shall determine the percentage increase or decrease. The auditor of state shall multiply the percentage increase or decrease by the actual dollar figure specified in division (E)(2)(b) of section 2743.48 of the Revised Code or the actual dollar figure determined under this section for the previous odd-numbered year and shall add the product to or subtract the product from its corresponding actual dollar figure, as applicable, for the previous odd-numbered year. (2) The auditor of state shall calculate the adjustment under division (A)(1) of this section on or before the thirty-first day of January of each odd-numbered year. The auditor of state shall base the adjustment on the most current consumer price index that is described in division (A)(1) of this section and that is in effect as of the first day of January of each odd-numbered year. (B)(1) The auditor of state shall certify the calculations made under division (A) of this section on or before the thirty-first day of January of each odd-numbered year. (2) On or before the fifteenth day of February of each odd-numbered year, the auditor of state shall prepare a report setting forth the amount that a wrongfully imprisoned individual is entitled to for each full year of imprisonment in the state correctional institution for the offense of which the wrongfully imprisoned individual was found guilty as provided in division (E)(2)(b) of section 2743.48 of the Revised Code and as calculated in accordance with this section. The report and all documents relating to the calculations contained in the report are public records. The report shall contain an indication of the period in which the calculated amount applies, a summary of how the amount was calculated, and a statement that the report and all related documents are available for inspection and copying at the office of the auditor of state. (3) On or before the fifteenth day of February of each odd-numbered year, the auditor of state shall transmit the report to the general assembly and to the court of claims.
Section 2743.51 | Reparation award to victim of crime definitions.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 36 - 134th General Assembly
As used in sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code: (A) "Claimant" means both of the following categories of persons: (1) Any of the following persons who claim an award of reparations under sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code: (a) A victim who was one of the following at the time of the criminally injurious conduct: (i) A resident of the United States; (ii) A resident of a foreign country the laws of which permit residents of this state to recover compensation as victims of offenses committed in that country. (b) A dependent of a deceased victim who is described in division (A)(1)(a) of this section; (c) A third person, other than a collateral source, who legally assumes or voluntarily pays the obligations of a victim, or of a dependent of a victim, who is described in division (A)(1)(a) of this section, which obligations are incurred as a result of the criminally injurious conduct that is the subject of the claim and may include, but are not limited to, medical or burial expenses; (d) A person who is authorized to act on behalf of any person who is described in division (A)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of this section; (e) The estate of a deceased victim who is described in division (A)(1)(a) of this section. (2) Any of the following persons who claim an award of reparations under sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code: (a) A victim who had a permanent place of residence within this state at the time of the criminally injurious conduct and who, at the time of the criminally injurious conduct, complied with any one of the following: (i) Had a permanent place of employment in this state; (ii) Was a member of the regular armed forces of the United States or of the United States coast guard or was a full-time member of the Ohio organized militia or of the United States army reserve, naval reserve, or air force reserve; (iii) Was retired and receiving social security or any other retirement income; (iv) Was sixty years of age or older; (v) Was temporarily in another state for the purpose of receiving medical treatment; (vi) Was temporarily in another state for the purpose of performing employment-related duties required by an employer located within this state as an express condition of employment or employee benefits; (vii) Was temporarily in another state for the purpose of receiving occupational, vocational, or other job-related training or instruction required by an employer located within this state as an express condition of employment or employee benefits; (viii) Was a full-time student at an academic institution, college, or university located in another state; (ix) Had not departed the geographical boundaries of this state for a period exceeding thirty days or with the intention of becoming a citizen of another state or establishing a permanent place of residence in another state. (b) A dependent of a deceased victim who is described in division (A)(2)(a) of this section; (c) A third person, other than a collateral source, who legally assumes or voluntarily pays the obligations of a victim, or of a dependent of a victim, who is described in division (A)(2)(a) of this section, which obligations are incurred as a result of the criminally injurious conduct that is the subject of the claim and may include, but are not limited to, medical or burial expenses; (d) A person who is authorized to act on behalf of any person who is described in division (A)(2)(a), (b), or (c) of this section; (e) The estate of a deceased victim who is described in division (A)(2)(a) of this section. (B) "Collateral source" means a source of benefits or advantages for economic loss otherwise reparable that the victim or claimant has received, or that is readily available to the victim or claimant, from any of the following sources: (1) The offender; (2) The government of the United States or any of its agencies, a state or any of its political subdivisions, or an instrumentality of two or more states, unless the law providing for the benefits or advantages makes them excess or secondary to benefits under sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code; (3) Social security, medicare, and medicaid; (4) State-required, temporary, nonoccupational disability insurance; (5) Workers' compensation; (6) Wage continuation programs of any employer; (7) Proceeds of a contract of insurance payable to the victim for loss that the victim sustained because of the criminally injurious conduct; (8) A contract providing prepaid hospital and other health care services, or benefits for disability; (9) That portion of the proceeds of all contracts of insurance payable to the claimant on account of the death of the victim that exceeds fifty thousand dollars; (10) Any compensation recovered or recoverable under the laws of another state, district, territory, or foreign country because the victim was the victim of an offense committed in that state, district, territory, or country. "Collateral source" does not include any money, or the monetary value of any property, that is subject to sections 2969.01 to 2969.06 of the Revised Code or that is received as a benefit from the Ohio public safety officers death benefit fund created by section 742.62 of the Revised Code. (C) "Criminally injurious conduct" means one of the following: (1) For the purposes of any person described in division (A)(1) of this section, any conduct that occurs or is attempted in this state; poses a substantial threat of personal injury or death; and is punishable by fine, imprisonment, or death, or would be so punishable but for the fact that the person engaging in the conduct lacked capacity to commit the crime under the laws of this state. Criminally injurious conduct does not include conduct arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle, except when any of the following applies: (a) The person engaging in the conduct intended to cause personal injury or death; (b) The person engaging in the conduct was using the vehicle to flee immediately after committing a felony or an act that would constitute a felony but for the fact that the person engaging in the conduct lacked the capacity to commit the felony under the laws of this state; (c) The person engaging in the conduct was using the vehicle in a manner that constitutes an OVI violation; (d) The conduct occurred on or after July 25, 1990, and the person engaging in the conduct was using the vehicle in a manner that constitutes a violation of section 2903.08 of the Revised Code; (e) The person engaging in the conduct acted in a manner that caused serious physical harm to a person and that constituted a violation of section 4549.02 or 4549.021 of the Revised Code. (2) For the purposes of any person described in division (A)(2) of this section, any conduct that occurs or is attempted in another state, district, territory, or foreign country; poses a substantial threat of personal injury or death; and is punishable by fine, imprisonment, or death, or would be so punishable but for the fact that the person engaging in the conduct lacked capacity to commit the crime under the laws of the state, district, territory, or foreign country in which the conduct occurred or was attempted. Criminally injurious conduct does not include conduct arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle, except when any of the following applies: (a) The person engaging in the conduct intended to cause personal injury or death; (b) The person engaging in the conduct was using the vehicle to flee immediately after committing a felony or an act that would constitute a felony but for the fact that the person engaging in the conduct lacked the capacity to commit the felony under the laws of the state, district, territory, or foreign country in which the conduct occurred or was attempted; (c) The person engaging in the conduct was using the vehicle in a manner that constitutes an OVI violation; (d) The conduct occurred on or after July 25, 1990, the person engaging in the conduct was using the vehicle in a manner that constitutes a violation of any law of the state, district, territory, or foreign country in which the conduct occurred, and that law is substantially similar to a violation of section 2903.08 of the Revised Code; (e) The person engaging in the conduct acted in a manner that caused serious physical harm to a person and that constituted a violation of any law of the state, district, territory, or foreign country in which the conduct occurred, and that law is substantially similar to section 4549.02 or 4549.021 of the Revised Code. (3) For the purposes of any person described in division (A)(1) or (2) of this section, terrorism that occurs within or outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. (D) "Dependent" means an individual wholly or partially dependent upon the victim for care and support, and includes a child of the victim born after the victim's death. (E) "Economic loss" means economic detriment consisting only of allowable expense, work loss, funeral expense, unemployment benefits loss, replacement services loss, cost of crime scene cleanup, and cost of evidence replacement. If criminally injurious conduct causes death, economic loss includes a dependent's economic loss and a dependent's replacement services loss. Noneconomic detriment is not economic loss; however, economic loss may be caused by pain and suffering or physical impairment. (F)(1) For a victim described in division (L)(1) of this section, "allowable expense" means reasonable charges incurred for reasonably needed products, services, and accommodations, including those for medical care, rehabilitation, rehabilitative occupational training, and other remedial treatment and care and including replacement costs for hearing aids; dentures, retainers, and other dental appliances; canes, walkers, and other mobility tools; and eyeglasses and other corrective lenses. It does not include that portion of a charge for a room in a hospital, clinic, convalescent home, nursing home, or any other institution engaged in providing nursing care and related services in excess of a reasonable and customary charge for semiprivate accommodations, unless accommodations other than semiprivate accommodations are medically required. (2) For a victim described in division (L)(2) of this section, "allowable expense" means reasonable charges incurred for psychiatric care or counseling reasonably needed as a result of the criminally injurious conduct. No other type of expense is compensable under section 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code for a victim of that type. (3) For a victim described in division (L)(3) of this section, "allowable expense" means work loss and reasonable charges incurred for psychiatric care or counseling reasonably needed as a result of the criminally injurious conduct. No other type of expense is compensable under sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code for a victim of that type. (4) A family member of a victim who died as a proximate result of criminally injurious conduct may be reimbursed as an allowable expense through the victim's application for wages lost and travel expenses incurred in order to attend criminal justice proceedings arising from the criminally injurious conduct. The cumulative allowable expense for wages lost and travel expenses incurred by a family member to attend criminal justice proceedings shall not exceed five hundred dollars for each family member of the victim and two thousand dollars in the aggregate for all family members of the victim. (5) For a victim described in division (L)(1) of this section, "allowable expense" includes both of the following: (a) Reasonable expenses and fees necessary to obtain a guardian's bond pursuant to section 2109.04 of the Revised Code when the bond is required to pay an award to a fiduciary on behalf of a minor or other incompetent; (b) Attorney's fees not exceeding one thousand dollars, at a rate not exceeding one hundred dollars per hour, incurred to successfully obtain a restraining order, custody order, or other order to physically separate a victim from an offender. Attorney's fees for the services described in this division may include an amount for reasonable travel time incurred to attend court hearings, not exceeding three hours' round-trip for each court hearing, assessed at a rate not exceeding thirty dollars per hour. (G) "Work loss" means loss of income from work that the injured person would have performed if the person had not been injured and expenses reasonably incurred by the person to obtain services in lieu of those the person would have performed for income, reduced by any income from substitute work actually performed by the person, or by income the person would have earned in available appropriate substitute work that the person was capable of performing but unreasonably failed to undertake. (H) "Replacement services loss" means expenses reasonably incurred in obtaining ordinary and necessary services in lieu of those the injured person would have performed, not for income, but for the benefit of the person's self or family, if the person had not been injured. (I) "Dependent's economic loss" means loss after a victim's death of contributions of things of economic value to the victim's dependents, not including services they would have received from the victim if the victim had not suffered the fatal injury, less expenses of the dependents avoided by reason of the victim's death. If a minor child of a victim is adopted after the victim's death, the minor child continues after the adoption to incur a dependent's economic loss as a result of the victim's death. If the surviving spouse of a victim remarries, the surviving spouse continues after the remarriage to incur a dependent's economic loss as a result of the victim's death. (J) "Dependent's replacement services loss" means loss reasonably incurred by dependents after a victim's death in obtaining ordinary and necessary services in lieu of those the victim would have performed for their benefit if the victim had not suffered the fatal injury, less expenses of the dependents avoided by reason of the victim's death and not subtracted in calculating the dependent's economic loss. If a minor child of a victim is adopted after the victim's death, the minor child continues after the adoption to incur a dependent's replacement services loss as a result of the victim's death. If the surviving spouse of a victim remarries, the surviving spouse continues after the remarriage to incur a dependent's replacement services loss as a result of the victim's death. (K) "Noneconomic detriment" means pain, suffering, inconvenience, physical impairment, or other nonpecuniary damage. (L) "Victim" means one of the following: (1) A person who suffers personal injury or death as a result of any of the following: (a) Criminally injurious conduct; (b) The good faith effort of any person to prevent criminally injurious conduct; (c) The good faith effort of any person to apprehend a person suspected of engaging in criminally injurious conduct. (2) A person who is an immediate family member of a victim of criminally injurious conduct that consists of a homicide, a sexual assault, domestic violence, or a severe and permanently incapacitating injury resulting in paraplegia or a similar life-altering condition, who requires psychiatric care or counseling as a result of the criminally injurious conduct; (3) A person who suffers trauma so severe that it impedes or prohibits a person from participating in normal daily activities and who is either of the following: (a) A family member of a victim of criminally injurious conduct that consists of a homicide, or a family member of a victim who, as a result of criminally injurious conduct, has sustained a severe and permanently incapacitating injury resulting in paraplegia or a similar life-altering condition, and who can demonstrate either of the following by a preponderance of the evidence: (i) The person witnessed the criminally injurious conduct. (ii) The person arrived at the crime scene in its immediate aftermath. (b) An immediate family member who is a caretaker of a dependent victim of criminally injurious conduct that consists of a sexual assault. (M) "Contributory misconduct" means any conduct of the claimant or of the victim through whom the claimant claims an award of reparations that is unlawful or intentionally tortious and to which all of the following apply: (1) The conduct occurred at the time of the criminally injurious conduct that is the basis of the claim. (2) The conduct itself caused or posed a substantial and imminent threat of causing serious physical harm or death to another. (3) The conduct instigated or proximately caused the criminally injurious conduct that is the basis of the claim. (N)(1) "Funeral expense" means any reasonable charges that are not in excess of seven thousand five hundred dollars per funeral and that are incurred for expenses directly related to a victim's funeral, cremation, or burial and any wages lost or travel expenses incurred by a family member of a victim in order to attend the victim's funeral, cremation, or burial. (2) An award for funeral expenses shall be applied first to expenses directly related to the victim's funeral, cremation, or burial. An award for wages lost or travel expenses incurred by a family member of the victim shall not exceed five hundred dollars for each family member and shall not exceed in the aggregate the difference between seven thousand five hundred dollars and expenses that are reimbursed by the program and that are directly related to the victim's funeral, cremation, or burial. (O) "Unemployment benefits loss" means a loss of unemployment benefits pursuant to Chapter 4141. of the Revised Code when the loss arises solely from the inability of a victim to meet the able to work, available for suitable work, or the actively seeking suitable work requirements of division (A)(4)(a) of section 4141.29 of the Revised Code. (P) "OVI violation" means any of the following: (1) A violation of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code, of any municipal ordinance prohibiting the operation of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or a combination of them, or of any municipal ordinance prohibiting the operation of a vehicle with a prohibited concentration of alcohol, a controlled substance, or a metabolite of a controlled substance in the whole blood, blood serum or plasma, breath, or urine; (2) A violation of division (A)(1) of section 2903.06 of the Revised Code; (3) A violation of division (A)(2), (3), or (4) of section 2903.06 of the Revised Code or of a municipal ordinance substantially similar to any of those divisions, if the offender was under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or a combination of them, at the time of the commission of the offense; (4) For purposes of any person described in division (A)(2) of this section, a violation of any law of the state, district, territory, or foreign country in which the criminally injurious conduct occurred, if that law is substantially similar to a violation described in division (P)(1) or (2) of this section or if that law is substantially similar to a violation described in division (P)(3) of this section and the offender was under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or a combination of them, at the time of the commission of the offense. (Q) "Pendency of the claim" for an original reparations application or supplemental reparations application means the period of time from the date the criminally injurious conduct upon which the application is based occurred until the date a final decision, order, or judgment concerning that original reparations application or supplemental reparations application is issued. (R) "Terrorism" means any activity to which all of the following apply: (1) The activity involves a violent act or an act that is dangerous to human life. (2) The act described in division (R)(1) of this section is committed within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States and is a violation of the criminal laws of the United States, this state, or any other state or the act described in division (R)(1) of this section is committed outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States and would be a violation of the criminal laws of the United States, this state, or any other state if committed within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. (3) The activity appears to be intended to do any of the following: (a) Intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (b) Influence the policy of any government by intimidation or coercion; (c) Affect the conduct of any government by assassination or kidnapping. (4) The activity occurs primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States or transcends the national boundaries of the United States in terms of the means by which the activity is accomplished, the person or persons that the activity appears intended to intimidate or coerce, or the area or locale in which the perpetrator or perpetrators of the activity operate or seek asylum. (S) "Transcends the national boundaries of the United States" means occurring outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States in addition to occurring within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. (T) "Cost of crime scene cleanup" means any of the following: (1) The replacement cost for items of clothing removed from a victim in order to make an assessment of possible physical harm or to treat physical harm; (2) Reasonable and necessary costs of cleaning the scene and repairing, for the purpose of personal security, property damaged at the scene where the criminally injurious conduct occurred, not to exceed seven hundred fifty dollars in the aggregate per claim. (U) "Cost of evidence replacement" means costs for replacement of property confiscated for evidentiary purposes related to the criminally injurious conduct, not to exceed seven hundred fifty dollars in the aggregate per claim. (V) "Provider" means any person who provides a victim or claimant with a product, service, or accommodations that are an allowable expense or a funeral expense. (W) "Immediate family member" means an individual who resided in the same permanent household as a victim at the time of the criminally injurious conduct and who is related to the victim by affinity or consanguinity. (X) "Family member" means an individual who is related to a victim by affinity or consanguinity.
Last updated December 7, 2021 at 11:38 AM
Section 2743.52 | Awards of reparations for economic loss arising from criminally injurious conduct.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 261 - 130th General Assembly
(A) The attorney general shall make awards of reparations for economic loss arising from criminally injurious conduct, if satisfied by a preponderance of the evidence that the requirements for an award of reparations have been met. (B) The court of claims has appellate jurisdiction to order awards of reparations for economic loss arising from criminally injurious conduct, if satisfied by a preponderance of the evidence that the requirements for an award of reparations have been met. (C) A decision of the attorney general or judgment of the court of claims concerning an OVI violation shall not be used as the basis for any civil or criminal action and shall not be admissible as evidence in any civil or criminal proceeding.
Section 2743.521 | Auditing fee bill payments and adjust fee bill reimbursements.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 153 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) For claims for medical, psychological, dental, chiropractic, hospital, physical therapy, and nursing services, the attorney general may audit fee bill payments and adjust fee bill reimbursements in accordance with appropriate cost containment and reimbursement guidelines adopted by the administrator of workers compensation. (B) A medical provider that accepts payment for medical care-related allowable expenses as part of an award of reparations shall not seek reimbursement for any part of those allowable expenses from the victim or the claimant who was granted the award. This division does not prohibit the medical provider from seeking reimbursement from a collateral source.
Section 2743.53 | Appeals.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 261 - 130th General Assembly
The court of claims shall hear and determine all matters relating to appeals from decisions of the attorney general pursuant to sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code.
Section 2743.531 | Court of claims victims of crime fund.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 261 - 130th General Assembly
The court of claims victims of crime fund is hereby created in the state treasury. The fund shall be used to pay the compensation of the judges of the court of claims, the compensation of any court of claims personnel needed to administer sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code, and other administrative expenses of hearing and determining claims under sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code. At the beginning of each fiscal year, the director of budget and management shall transfer cash from the reparations fund to the court of claims victims of crime fund in an amount sufficient to make the cash balance in the court of claims victims of crime fund equal to the sum of the appropriation for that fiscal year and all prior fiscal year encumbrances. If the appropriation from the court of claims victims of crime fund is increased during the fiscal year, the director shall transfer cash from the reparations fund to the court of claims victims of crime fund in an amount equal to the increase in the appropriation.
Section 2743.55 | Determination of claims for an award of reparations.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 261 - 130th General Assembly
The attorney general or the court of claims shall determine all matters relating to claims for an award of reparations. The attorney general or the court of claims may order law enforcement officers to provide copies of any information or data gathered in the investigation of the criminally injurious conduct that is the basis of any claim to enable the attorney general or the court of claims to determine whether, and the extent to which, a claimant qualifies for an award of reparations.
Section 2743.56 | Application for award of reparations.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 36 - 134th General Assembly
(A) A claim for an award of reparations shall be commenced by filing an application for an award of reparations with the attorney general. The application may be filed by mail. If the application is filed by mail, the post-marked date of the application shall be considered the filing date of the application. The application shall be in a form prescribed by the attorney general and shall include a release authorizing the attorney general and the court of claims to obtain any report, document, or information that relates to the determination of the claim for an award of reparations that is requested in the application. (B) All applications for an award of reparations may be filed at any time within three years after the occurrence of the criminally injurious conduct, except as provided in divisions (A)(2)(b) to (d) of section 2743.60 of the Revised Code.
Last updated December 7, 2021 at 11:39 AM
Section 2743.58 | Immunity from civil liability.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 153 - 123rd General Assembly
The prosecuting attorney and any officer or employee of the office of the prosecuting attorney or of the law enforcement agency shall be immune from any civil liability that might otherwise be incurred as the result of providing information on criminally injurious conduct and related matters to the attorney general.
Section 2743.59 | Investigating claim for award of reparations.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 36 - 134th General Assembly
(A) The attorney general shall fully investigate a claim for an award of reparations, regardless of whether any person is prosecuted for or convicted of committing the criminally injurious conduct alleged in the application. After completing the investigation, the attorney general shall make a written finding of fact and decision concerning an award of reparations. (B)(1) The attorney general may require the claimant to supplement the application for an award of reparations with any further information or documentary materials, including any medical report readily available, that may lead to any relevant facts in the determination of whether, and the extent to which, a claimant qualifies for an award of reparations. The attorney general may depose any witness, including the claimant, pursuant to Civil Rules 28, 30, and 45. (2)(a) For the purpose of determining whether, and the extent to which, a claimant qualifies for an award of reparations, the attorney general may issue subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum to compel any person or entity, including any collateral source, that provided, will provide, or would have provided to the victim any income, benefit, advantage, product, service, or accommodation, including any medical care or other income, benefit, advantage, product, service, or accommodation that might qualify as an allowable expense or a funeral expense, to produce materials to the attorney general that are relevant to the income, benefit, advantage, product, service, or accommodation that was, will be, or would have been so provided and to the attorney general's determination. (b) If the attorney general issues a subpoena or subpoena duces tecum under division (B)(2)(a) of this section and if the materials that the attorney general requires to be produced are located outside this state, the attorney general may designate one or more representatives, including officials of the state in which the materials are located, to inspect the materials on the attorney general's behalf, and the attorney general may respond to similar requests from officials of other states. The person or entity subpoenaed may make the materials available to the attorney general at a convenient location within the state. (c) At any time before the return day specified in the subpoena or subpoena duces tecum issued under division (B)(2)(a) of this section or within twenty days after the subpoena or subpoena duces tecum has been served, whichever period is shorter, the person or entity subpoenaed may file with a judge of the court of claims a petition to extend the return day or to modify or quash the subpoena or subpoena duces tecum. The petition shall state good cause. (d) A person or entity who is subpoenaed under division (B)(2)(a) of this section shall comply with the terms of the subpoena or subpoena duces tecum unless otherwise provided by an order of a judge of the court of claims entered prior to the day for return contained in the subpoena or as extended by the court. If a person or entity fails without lawful excuse to obey a subpoena or subpoena duces tecum issued under division (B)(2)(a) of this section or to produce relevant materials, the attorney general may apply to a judge of the court of claims for and obtain an order adjudging the person or entity in contempt of court. (C) If the attorney general decides to make an award of reparations, the finding of fact and decision that is issued by the attorney general pursuant to division (A) of this section shall contain all of the following: (1) Whether the criminally injurious conduct that is the basis for the application did occur, the date on which the conduct occurred, and the exact nature of the conduct; (2) Whether the criminally injurious conduct was reported to a law enforcement officer or agency and the date on which the conduct was reported; (3) A description of the injuries that the victim sustained as a result of the criminally injurious conduct; (4) A specific list of the economic loss that was sustained as a result of the criminally injurious conduct by the victim, the claimant, or a dependent; (5) A specific list of any benefits or advantages that the victim, the claimant, or a dependent has received or is entitled to receive from any collateral source for economic loss that resulted from the conduct and whether a collateral source would have reimbursed the claimant for a particular expense if a timely claim had been made, and the extent to which the expenses likely would have been reimbursed by the collateral source; (6) A description of any evidence in support of a reduction of the award total on the basis of contributory misconduct or failure to cooperate by the claimant or by the victim through whom the claimant claims an award of reparations; (7) Any information that is relevant to the claim for an award of reparations; (8) A statement as to whether payments made pursuant to the award are to be made to the claimant, to a provider, or jointly to the claimant and provider, and the amount of the payments. (D) If the attorney general decides to deny an award to the claimant, the finding of fact and decision that is issued by the attorney general pursuant to division (A) of this section shall contain both of the following: (1) The reasons for that decision; (2) A description of any disqualifying conditions that exist under section 2743.60 of the Revised Code. (E) The attorney general shall make a written finding of fact and decision in accordance with sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code within one hundred twenty days after receiving the claim application. The attorney general may extend the one-hundred-twenty-day time limit and shall record in writing specific reasons to justify the extension. The attorney general shall notify the claimant of the extension and of the reasons for the extension. The attorney general shall serve a copy of its written finding of fact and decision upon the claimant.
Last updated December 7, 2021 at 11:39 AM
Section 2743.60 | Denial of claim or reduction of award of reparations.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 36 - 134th General Assembly
(A)(1) The attorney general or the court of claims shall not make or order an award of reparations to a claimant if the criminally injurious conduct upon which the claimant bases a claim never was reported to a law enforcement officer or agency. (2)(a) Except as provided in division (A)(2)(b), (c), or (d) of this section, the attorney general or court of claims shall not make or order an award of reparations to a claimant if the claim is based on criminally injurious conduct that occurred more than three years before the claim was filed or if the claim was denied under the law as it existed prior to the effective date of this amendment. (b) If the claimant was under twenty-one years of age at the time of the criminally injurious conduct, the claim is not barred under division (A)(2)(a) of this section until after the claimant's twenty-fourth birthday. (c) If the claim is based on criminally injurious conduct that occurred prior to the effective date of this section and was denied under the law as it existed prior to the effective date of this amendment, the claim is not barred under division (A)(2)(a) of this section and the claimant is eligible to reapply for relief under this section until more than three years have passed since the criminally injurious conduct that gave rise to the claim. (d) Notwithstanding divisions (A)(2)(a), (b), and (c) of this section, the attorney general is permitted to make an award of reparations at any time for good cause shown. (B)(1) The attorney general or the court of claims shall not make or order an award of reparations to a claimant if any of the following apply: (a) The claimant is the offender or an accomplice of the offender who committed the criminally injurious conduct, or the award would unjustly benefit the offender or accomplice. (b) Except as provided in division (B)(2) of this section, both of the following apply: (i) The victim was a passenger in a motor vehicle and knew or reasonably should have known that the driver was under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or both. (ii) The claimant is seeking compensation for injuries proximately caused by the driver described in division (B)(1)(b)(i) of this section being under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or both. (c) Both of the following apply: (i) The victim was under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or both and was a passenger in a motor vehicle and, if sober, should have reasonably known that the driver was under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or both. (ii) The claimant is seeking compensation for injuries proximately caused by the driver described in division (B)(1)(b)(i) of this section being under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or both. (2) Division (B)(1)(b) of this section does not apply if on the date of the occurrence of the criminally injurious conduct, the victim was under sixteen years of age or was at least sixteen years of age but less than eighteen years of age and was riding with a parent, guardian, or care-provider. (C) The attorney general or the court of claims, upon a finding that the claimant or victim has not fully cooperated with appropriate law enforcement agencies, may deny a claim or reconsider and reduce an award of reparations. (D) The attorney general or the court of claims shall reduce an award of reparations or deny a claim for an award of reparations that is otherwise payable to a claimant to the extent that the economic loss upon which the claim is based is recouped from other persons, including collateral sources. If an award is reduced or a claim is denied because of the expected recoupment of all or part of the economic loss of the claimant from a collateral source, the amount of the award or the denial of the claim shall be conditioned upon the claimant's economic loss being recouped by the collateral source. If the award or denial is conditioned upon the recoupment of the claimant's economic loss from a collateral source and it is determined that the claimant did not unreasonably fail to present a timely claim to the collateral source and will not receive all or part of the expected recoupment, the claim may be reopened and an award may be made in an amount equal to the amount of expected recoupment that it is determined the claimant will not receive from the collateral source. If the claimant recoups all or part of the economic loss upon which the claim is based from any other person or entity, including a collateral source, the attorney general may recover pursuant to section 2743.72 of the Revised Code the part of the award that represents the economic loss for which the claimant received the recoupment from the other person or entity. (E)(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (E)(2) of this section, in determining whether to make an award of reparations pursuant to this section, the attorney general or the court of claims shall consider whether there was contributory misconduct by the victim or the claimant. The attorney general or the court of claims shall reduce an award of reparations or deny a claim for an award of reparations to the extent it is determined to be reasonable because of the contributory misconduct of the claimant or the victim. (2) Notwithstanding division (E)(1) of this section, in determining whether to make an award of reparations pursuant to this section, if the criminally injurious conduct upon which the claim is based resulted in a victim's death, the attorney general and the court of claims shall not consider whether there was contributory misconduct by the deceased victim. The attorney general or the court of claims shall not reduce an award of reparations or deny a claim for an award of reparations based on contributory misconduct of a deceased victim. (F) The attorney general or the court of claims shall not make an award of reparations to a claimant if the criminally injurious conduct that caused the injury or death that is the subject of the claim occurred to a victim who was an adult and while the victim, after being convicted of or pleading guilty to an offense, was serving a sentence of imprisonment in any detention facility, as defined in section 2921.01 of the Revised Code. (G) If a claimant unreasonably fails to present a claim timely to a source of benefits or advantages that would have been a collateral source and that would have reimbursed the claimant for all or a portion of a particular expense, the attorney general or the court of claims may reduce an award of reparations or deny a claim for an award of reparations to the extent that it is reasonable to do so. (H) Reparations payable to a victim described in division (L)(1) of section 2743.51 of the Revised Code and to all other claimants sustaining economic loss because of injury to or the death of that victim shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars in the aggregate. Reparations payable to a victim described in division (L)(2) of section 2743.51 of the Revised Code shall not exceed five thousand dollars. Reparations payable to a victim described in division (L)(3) of section 2743.51 of the Revised Code shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars. If the attorney general or the court of claims reduces an award under division (E) of this section, the maximum aggregate amount of reparations payable under this division shall be reduced proportionately to the reduction under division (E) of this section. (I) Reparations otherwise payable to a victim under this section shall not be payable to the victim during any period that the victim is incarcerated. (J) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit an award to a claimant whose claim is based on the claimant's being a victim of a violation of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code if the claimant was less than eighteen years of age when the criminally injurious conduct occurred.
Last updated June 15, 2022 at 2:42 PM
Section 2743.601 | Applicability of certain provisions pertaining to reparations.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 261 - 130th General Assembly
Except as otherwise provided in this section, the amendments to sections 2743.51, 2743.56, 2743.59, and 2743.60 of the Revised Code made by the act in which this section was enacted apply to all applications for an award of reparations filed on or after September 30, 2011, and to all applications for an award of reparations filed before September 30, 2011, for which an award or denial of the claim by the attorney general or the court of claims has not yet become final. The amendments to section 2743.60 of the Revised Code made by the act in which this section was enacted, to the extent that they eliminate the statute of limitations and to the extent that they remove the seventy-two hour reporting requirement, and the amendments to section 2743.51 of the Revised Code concerning guardian bonds shall apply to all claims for an award of reparations pending on September 30, 2011, and to all claims for an award of reparations filed on or after September 30, 2011, that are based on criminally injurious conduct not previously addressed by the attorney general or the court of claims.
Section 2743.61 | Reconsideration of decisions - appeal.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 261 - 130th General Assembly
(A) The attorney general, on the attorney general's own motion or upon request of a claimant or victim, may reconsider a decision to make an award of reparations, the amount of an award of reparations, or a decision to deny a claim for an award of reparations. A claimant may file a request for reconsideration with the attorney general not later than thirty days after the attorney general renders an initial decision. A claimant may submit with the request any additional information that is relevant to the claimant's claim for an award of reparation. The attorney general shall reconsider the application based upon evidence that is relevant to the application and issue a final decision within sixty days of receiving the request for reconsideration. The attorney general may extend the sixty-day time limit and shall record in writing specific reasons to justify the extension. The attorney general shall notify the claimant of the extension and of the reasons for the extension. If a claimant does not file a request for reconsideration of a decision of the attorney general to make an award or to deny a claim or of the amount of an award within thirty days after the decision is rendered, the award, the denial of the claim, or the amount of the award is final unless the attorney general in the interest of justice allows the reconsideration after the expiration of that period of time. (B) A claimant may appeal an award of reparations, the amount of an award of reparations, or the denial of a claim for an award of reparations that is made by a final decision of the attorney general after any reconsideration. If the final decision of the attorney general with respect to any claim for an award of reparations is appealed, the court of claims, within ninety days of receiving the notice of appeal, shall schedule and conduct a hearing on the appeal. The court shall determine the appeal within sixty days from the date of the hearing on the basis of the record of the hearing before the court, including the original award or denial and the finding of fact of the attorney general, any information or documents that the attorney general used in the investigation, any information or data provided to the attorney general, any briefs or oral arguments that may be requested by the court, and any additional evidence presented at the hearing. The court may extend the sixty-day time limit and shall record in writing specific reasons to justify the extension. The attorney general shall supply the court with the original decision awarding or denying compensation, the finding of fact of the attorney general, any information or documents that the attorney general used in the investigation, and any information or data provided to the attorney general within fourteen days of the filing of the objection and notice of appeal by the applicant. The court shall notify the claimant and attorney general of the extension and of the reasons for the extension. If upon hearing and consideration of the record and evidence, the court decides that the decision of the attorney general appealed from is reasonable and lawful, it shall affirm the same. If the court decides that the decision of the attorney general is not supported by a preponderance of the evidence or is unreasonable or unlawful, the court shall reverse and vacate the decision or modify it and enter judgment thereon. The decision of the court is final. (C) Notices of an appeal concerning an award of reparations shall be filed within thirty days after the date on which the award or the denial of a claim is made by a final decision of the attorney general. If a notice of appeal is not filed within the thirty-day period, the award or denial of the claim is final unless the court of claims in the interests of justice allows the appeal.
Section 2743.62 | Privilege - mental and physical examinations.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 261 - 130th General Assembly
(A)(1) Subject to division (A)(2) of this section, there is no privilege, except the privileges arising from the attorney-client relationship, as to communications or records that are relevant to the physical, mental, or emotional condition of the claimant or victim in a proceeding under sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code in which that condition is an element. (2)(a) Except as specified in division (A)(2)(b) of this section, any record or report that the court of claims or the attorney general has obtained prior to, or obtains on or after, June 30, 1998, under the provisions of sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code and that is confidential or otherwise exempt from public disclosure under section 149.43 of the Revised Code while in the possession of the creator of the record or report shall remain confidential or exempt from public disclosure under section 149.43 of the Revised Code while in the possession of the court of claims or the attorney general. (b) Notwithstanding division (A)(2)(a) of this section, a judge of the court of claims, a magistrate, a claimant, a claimant's attorney, or the attorney general may disclose or refer to records or reports described in that division in any hearing conducted under sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code or in the judge's, magistrate's, claimant's, or attorney general's written pleadings, findings, recommendations, and decisions. (B) If the mental, physical, or emotional condition of a victim or claimant is material to a claim for an award of reparations, the attorney general or the court of claims may order the victim or claimant to submit to a mental or physical examination and may order an autopsy of a deceased victim. The order may be made for good cause shown and upon notice to the person to be examined and to the claimant. The order shall specify the time, place, manner, conditions, and scope of the examination or autopsy and the person by whom it is to be made. In the case of a mental examination, the person specified may be a physician or psychologist. In the case of a physical examination, the person specified may be a physician, a physician assistant, a clinical nurse specialist, a certified nurse practitioner, or a certified nurse-midwife. In the case of an autopsy, the person specified must be a physician. The order shall require the person who performs the examination or autopsy to file with the attorney general a detailed written report of the examination or autopsy. The report shall set out the findings, including the results of all tests made, diagnoses, prognoses, and other conclusions and reports of earlier examinations of the same conditions. (C) On request of the person examined, the attorney general shall furnish the person a copy of the report. If the victim is deceased, the attorney general, on request, shall furnish the claimant a copy of the report. (D) The attorney general or the court of claims may require the claimant to supplement the application for an award of reparations with any reasonably available medical or psychological reports relating to the injury for which the award of reparations is claimed. (E) The attorney general or the court of claims, in a claim arising out of a violation of any provision of sections 2907.02 to 2907.07 of the Revised Code, shall not request the victim or the claimant to supply, or permit any person to supply, any evidence of specific instances of the victim's sexual activity, opinion evidence of the victim's sexual activity, or reputation evidence of the victim's sexual activity unless it involves evidence of the origin of semen, pregnancy, or disease or evidence of the victim's past sexual activity with the offender and only to the extent that the court of claims or the attorney general finds that the evidence is relevant to a fact at issue in the claim.
Section 2743.63 | Contempt finding.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 261 - 130th General Assembly
If a person refuses to comply with an order under sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code, or asserts a privilege, except privileges arising from the attorney-client relationship, to withhold or suppress evidence relevant to a claim for an award of reparations, the attorney general may make any just decision including denial of the claim but shall not find the person in contempt. If necessary to carry out any of the attorney general's powers and duties, the attorney general may petition the court of claims for an appropriate order, including but not limited to a finding of contempt, but the court shall not find a person in contempt for refusal to submit to a mental or physical examination.
Section 2743.64 | Effect of criminal conviction or prosecution.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 261 - 130th General Assembly
The attorney general or the court of claims may make an award of reparations whether or not any person is prosecuted or convicted for committing the conduct that is the basis of the award. Proof of conviction of a person whose conduct gave rise to a claim is conclusive evidence that the crime was committed, unless an application for rehearing, an appeal of the conviction, or certiorari is pending, or a rehearing or new trial has been ordered. If the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the criminally injurious conduct allegedly occurred requests the suspension of proceedings in any claim for an award of reparations and if the request is made because of the commencement of a criminal prosecution, the attorney general may suspend, because a criminal prosecution has been commenced or is imminent, the proceedings in any claim for an award of reparations for a definite period of time, and may make an emergency award under section 2743.67 of the Revised Code.
Section 2743.65 | Attorney fees - witness fees.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 36 - 134th General Assembly
(A) The attorney general shall determine, and the state shall pay, in accordance with this section attorney's fees, commensurate with services rendered, to the attorney representing a claimant under sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code. The attorney shall submit on an application form an itemized fee bill at the rate of sixty dollars per hour upon receipt of the final decision on the claim. Attorney's fees paid pursuant to this section are subject to the following maximum amounts: (1) A maximum of seven hundred twenty dollars for claims resolved without the filing of an appeal to the court of claims; (2) A maximum of one thousand twenty dollars for claims in which an appeal to the court of claims is filed plus, at the request of an attorney whose main office is not in Franklin county, Delaware county, Licking county, Fairfield county, Pickaway county, Madison county, or Union county, an amount for the attorney's travel time to attend the oral hearing before the court of claims at the rate of thirty dollars per hour; (3) A maximum of one thousand three hundred twenty dollars for claims in which an appeal to the court of claims is filed plus, at the request of an attorney whose main office is not in Franklin county, Delaware county, Licking county, Fairfield county, Pickaway county, Madison county, or Union county, an amount for the attorney's travel time to attend the oral hearing before the court at the rate of thirty dollars per hour; (4) A maximum of seven hundred twenty dollars for a supplemental reparations application. (B) The attorney general may determine that an attorney be reimbursed for fees incurred in the creation of a guardianship if the guardianship is required in order for an individual to receive an award of reparations, and those fees shall be reimbursed at a rate of sixty dollars per hour. (C)(1) The attorney general shall forward an application form for attorney's fees to a claimant's attorney before or when the final decision on a claim is rendered. The application form for attorney's fees shall do all of the following: (a) Inform the attorney of the requirements of this section; (b) Require a verification statement comporting with the law prohibiting falsification; (c) Require an itemized fee statement; (d) Require a verification statement that the claimant was served a copy of the completed application form; (e) Include notice that the claimant may oppose the application by notifying the attorney general in writing within ten days. (2) The attorney general shall forward a copy of this section to the attorney with the application form for attorney's fees. The attorney shall file the application form with the attorney general. The attorney general's decision with respect to an award of attorney's fees is final ten days after the attorney general renders the decision and mails a copy of the decision to the attorney at the address provided by the attorney. The attorney may request reconsideration of the decision on grounds that it is insufficient or calculated incorrectly. The attorney general's decision on the request for reconsideration is final. (D) The attorney general shall review all application forms for attorney's fees that are submitted by a claimant's attorney and shall issue an order approving the amount of fees to be paid to the attorney within sixty days after receipt of the application form. (E) No attorney's fees shall be paid for the following: (1) Estate work or representation of a claimant against a collateral source; (2) Duplication of investigative work required to be performed by the attorney general; (3) Performance of unnecessary criminal investigation of the offense; (4) Presenting or appealing an issue that has been repeatedly ruled upon by the highest appellate authority, unless a unique set of facts or unique issue of law exists that distinguishes it; (5) Representing a victim of the type described in division (L)(2) or (3) of section 2743.51 of the Revised Code; (6) A fee request that is unreasonable, is not commensurate with services rendered, violates the Ohio code of professional responsibility, or is based upon services that are determined to be frivolous. (F)(1) The attorney general may reduce or deny the payment of attorney's fees to an attorney who has filed a frivolous claim. The denial of a claim on the basis of contributory misconduct does not constitute a frivolous claim. (2) As used in this section, "frivolous claim" means a claim in which there is clearly no legal grounds under the existing laws of this state to support the filing of a claim on behalf of the claimant or victim. (G) The attorney general may determine that a lesser number of hours should have been required in a given case. Additional reimbursement may be made where the attorney demonstrates to the attorney general that the nature of the particular claim required the expenditure of an amount in excess of that allowed. (H) No attorney shall receive payment under this section for assisting a claimant with an application for an award of reparations under sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code if that attorney's fees have been allowed as an expense in accordance with division (F)(5) of section 2743.51 of the Revised Code. (I) A contract or other agreement between an attorney and any person that provides for the payment of attorney's fees or other payments in excess of the attorney's fees allowed under this section for representing a claimant under sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code shall be void and unenforceable. (J) Each witness who appears in a hearing on a claim for an award of reparations shall receive compensation in an amount equal to that received by witnesses under section 119.094 of the Revised Code.
Last updated December 7, 2021 at 11:41 AM
Section 2743.66 | Payment of award of reparations in lump sum or in installments.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 261 - 130th General Assembly
(A) A decision of the attorney general or order or judgment of the court of claims granting an award of reparations may provide for the payment of the award in a lump sum or in installments. The part of an award equal to the amount of economic loss accrued to the date of the award shall be paid in a lump sum. An award for allowable expense that would accrue after the award is made shall not be paid in a lump sum. Except as provided in division (B) of this section, the part of an award not paid in a lump sum shall be paid in installments. (B) Upon the motion of the claimant, the attorney general may commute future economic loss, other than allowable expense, to a lump sum but only upon a finding that either of the following applies: (1) The award in a lump sum will promote the interests of the claimant. (2) The present value of all future economic loss, other than allowable expense, does not exceed one thousand dollars. (C) The attorney general may make an award for future economic loss payable in installments only for a period as to which future economic loss reasonably can be determined. An award for future economic loss payable in installments may be reconsidered and modified upon a finding that a material and substantial change of circumstances has occurred. (D) An award is not subject to execution, attachment, garnishment, or other process, except that, upon receipt of an award by a claimant: (1) The part of the award that is for allowable expense or funeral expense is not exempt from such action by a creditor to the extent that the creditor provided products, services, or accommodations the costs of which are included in the award. (2) The part of the award that is for work loss shall not be exempt from such action to secure payment of spousal support, other maintenance, or child support. (3) The attorney general may recover the award pursuant to section 2743.72 of the Revised Code if it is discovered that the claimant actually was not eligible for the award or that the award otherwise should not have been made under the standards and criteria set forth in sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code. (4) If the claimant receives compensation from any other person or entity, including a collateral source, for an expense that is included within the award, the attorney general may recover pursuant to section 2743.72 of the Revised Code the part of the award that represents the expense for which the claimant received the compensation from the other person or entity. (E) If a person entitled to an award of reparations is under eighteen years of age and if the amount of the award exceeds one thousand dollars, the order providing for the payment of the award shall specify that the award be paid either to the guardian of the estate of the minor appointed pursuant to Chapter 2111. of the Revised Code or to the person or depository designated by the probate court under section 2111.05 of the Revised Code. If a person entitled to an award of reparations is under eighteen years of age and if the amount of the award is one thousand dollars or less, the order providing for the payment of the award may specify that the award be paid to an adult member of the family of the minor who is legally responsible for the minor's care or to any other person designated by the attorney general or the court of claims.
Section 2743.67 | Making emergency awards.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 261 - 130th General Assembly
The attorney general may make an emergency award if, before acting on an application for an award of reparations under this section, it appears likely that a final award will be made, and the claimant or victim will suffer undue hardship if immediate economic relief is not obtained. An emergency award shall not exceed two thousand dollars. The attorney general or the court of claims shall deduct an amount of the emergency award from the final award, or the claimant or victim shall repay the amount of the emergency award that exceeds the final award made to the claimant. If no final award is made, the claimant or victim shall repay the entire emergency award.
Section 2743.671 | Emergency award for funeral expenses.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, notwithstanding the definition of the term set forth in section 2743.51 of the Revised Code, "funeral expenses" means the payment of cremation or burial services of the decedent. (B) Before acting on an application for an award of reparations that has been filed pursuant to section 2743.56 of the Revised Code, the attorney general may make an emergency award for funeral expenses if at the time the application for emergency funeral expenses is made the claimant is the party responsible for the victim's funeral expenses and the information that is then available to the attorney general supports a finding of reasonable belief that all of the following criteria are met: (1) That the requirements for a final award under division (C) of section 2743.59 of the Revised Code may be satisfied; (2) The decedent and the claimant are indigent. (3) The claimant will suffer undue hardship if immediate economic relief is not obtained. (C) An emergency award for funeral expenses under this section may only be made before cremation or burial of the decedent. Payment for funeral expenses under this section shall be the full award for such expenses arising from the death of the victim. No additional payment for funeral expenses shall be made to the funeral home, to the claimant applicant, or to any other claimant. A determination under this section does not preclude the attorney general from determining eligibility and awarding reparations for any expenses other than those related to the funeral. (D) If, after a payment of emergency funeral expenses is awarded under this section, a final determination is made that no compensation on the application for an award of reparations will be made, the claimant or victim may be required to repay the entire emergency award.
Last updated August 28, 2023 at 12:28 PM
Section 2743.68 | Application for supplemental reparations.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 227 - 131st General Assembly
A claimant may file a supplemental reparations application in a claim if the attorney general or the court of claims, within s ix years prior to the filing of the supplemental application, has made any of the following determinations: (A) That an award, supplemental award, or installment award be granted; (B) That an award, supplemental award, or installment award be conditioned or denied because of actual or potential recovery from a collateral source; (C) That an award, supplemental award, or installment award be denied because the claimant had not incurred any economic loss at that time.
Section 2743.69 | Annual report.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 261 - 130th General Assembly
(A) The attorney general shall prepare and transmit annually to the governor, the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the minority leaders of both houses a report of the activities of the Ohio crime victims compensation program under sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code. The report shall include all of the following: (1) The number of claims filed, the number of awards made and the amount of each award, and a statistical summary of awards made and denied, including the average size of awards; (2) The balance in the reparations fund, with a listing by source and amount of the moneys that have been deposited in the fund; (3) The amount that has been withdrawn from the fund, including separate listings of the administrative costs incurred by the attorney general and the court of claims, the amount awarded as attorney's fees, and the amount of payments made pursuant to divisions (A)(1)(k) and (l) of section 2743.191 of the Revised Code. (B) The director of budget and management shall assist the attorney general in the preparation of the report required by this section.
Section 2743.70 | Additional court costs and bail for reparations fund.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 191 - 135th General Assembly
(A)(1) The court, in which any person is convicted of or pleads guilty to any offense other than a traffic offense that is not a moving violation, shall impose the following sum as costs in the case in addition to any other court costs that the court is required by law to impose upon the offender: (a) Thirty dollars, if the offense is a felony; (b) Nine dollars, if the offense is a misdemeanor. The court shall not waive the payment of the thirty- or nine-dollar court cost. All such moneys shall be transmitted on the first business day of each month by the clerk of the court to the treasurer of state and deposited by the treasurer in the reparations fund. (2) The juvenile court in which a child is found to be a delinquent child or a juvenile traffic offender for an act which, if committed by an adult, would be an offense other than a traffic offense that is not a moving violation, shall impose the following sum as costs in the case in addition to any other court costs that the court is required or permitted by law to impose upon the delinquent child or juvenile traffic offender: (a) Thirty dollars, if the act, if committed by an adult, would be a felony; (b) Nine dollars, if the act, if committed by an adult, would be a misdemeanor. The thirty- or nine-dollar court cost shall be collected in all cases. All such moneys collected during a month shall be transmitted on or before the twentieth day of the following month by the clerk of the court to the treasurer of state and deposited by the treasurer in the reparations fund. (B) Whenever a person is charged with any offense other than a traffic offense that is not a moving violation and posts bail pursuant to section 2937.011 or sections 2937.22 to 2937.46 of the Revised Code or Traffic Rule 4, the court shall add to the amount of the bail the thirty or nine dollars required to be paid by division (A)(1) of this section. The thirty or nine dollars shall be retained by the clerk of the court until the person is convicted, pleads guilty, forfeits bail, is found not guilty, or has the charges dismissed. If the person is convicted, pleads guilty, or forfeits bail, the clerk shall transmit the thirty or nine dollars to the treasurer of state, who shall deposit it in the reparations fund. If the person is found not guilty or the charges are dismissed, the clerk shall return the thirty or nine dollars to the person. (C) No person shall be placed or held in jail for failing to pay the additional thirty- or nine-dollar court cost or bail required to be paid by this section. (D) As used in this section: (1) "Moving violation" means any violation of any statute or ordinance, other than section 4513.263 of the Revised Code or an ordinance that is substantially equivalent to that section, that regulates the operation of vehicles, streetcars, or trackless trolleys on highways or streets or that regulates size or load limitations or fitness requirements of vehicles. "Moving violation" does not include the violation of any statute or ordinance that regulates pedestrians or the parking of vehicles. (2) "Bail" means cash, a check, a money order, a credit card, or any other form of money that is posted by or for an offender pursuant to section 2937.011 or sections 2937.22 to 2937.46 of the Revised Code or Traffic Rule 4 to prevent the offender from being placed or held in a detention facility, as defined in section 2921.01 of the Revised Code.
Last updated July 18, 2023 at 12:30 PM
Section 2743.71 | Information explaining awards of reparations provided to victims.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 16 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Any law enforcement agency that investigates, and any prosecuting attorney, city director of law, village solicitor, or similar prosecuting authority who prosecutes, an offense committed in this state shall, upon first contact with the victim, as defined in division (L)(1) of section 2743.51 of the Revised Code, or the victim's family or dependents, give the victim or the victim's family or dependents a copy of an information card or other printed material provided by the attorney general pursuant to division (B) of this section and explain, upon request, the information on the card or material to the victim or the victim's family or dependents. (B) The attorney general shall have printed, and shall provide to law enforcement agencies, prosecuting attorneys, city directors of law, village solicitors, and similar prosecuting authorities, cards or other materials that contain information explaining awards of reparations. The information on the cards or other materials shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following statements: (1) Awards of reparations are limited to losses that are caused by physical injury resulting from criminally injurious conduct; (2) Reparations applications may be filed at any time within three years after the occurrence of the criminally injurious conduct, except as provided in divisions (A)(2)(b) to (d) of section 2743.60 of the Revised Code; (3) An attorney who represents an applicant for an award of reparations cannot charge the applicant for the services rendered in relation to that representation but is required to apply to the attorney general for payment for the representation; (4) Applications for awards of reparations may be obtained from the attorney general, law enforcement agencies, and victim assistance agencies and are to be filed with the attorney general. (C) The attorney general may order that a reasonable amount of money be paid out of the reparations fund, subject to the limitation imposed by division (D) of this section, for use by the attorney general to publicize the availability of awards of reparations. (D) During any fiscal year, the total expenditure for the printing and providing of information cards or other materials pursuant to division (B) of this section and for the publicizing of the availability of awards of reparations pursuant to division (C) of this section shall not exceed two per cent of the total of all court costs deposited, in accordance with section 2743.70 of the Revised Code, in the reparations fund during the immediately preceding fiscal year. (E) The information cards or other materials provided pursuant to division (B) of this section may be provided with the compilation prepared pursuant to division (A) of section 109.42 of the Revised Code.
Last updated September 7, 2023 at 12:42 PM
Section 2743.711 | Attorney general is legal representative of reparations fund.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 153 - 123rd General Assembly
The attorney general is the legal representative of the reparations fund established by section 2743.191 of the Revised Code. The attorney general may institute, prosecute, and settle actions or proceedings for the enforcement of the reparations fund's right of repayment, reimbursement, recovery, and subrogation. The attorney general shall defend all suits, actions, or proceedings brought against the fund.
Section 2743.712 | Investigation by attorney general prior to reparations fund enforcement action.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 16 - 126th General Assembly
(A) The attorney general, before taking any action regarding enforcement of the reparations fund's right of repayment, reimbursement, recovery, and subrogation pursuant to section 2743.72 of the Revised Code, or before taking any other action pursuant to that section, may investigate the need for that action. (B)(1) For the purpose of determining whether action is necessary under section 2743.72 of the Revised Code, the attorney general may issue subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum to compel any person or entity to provide any information regarding overpayments from the reparations fund or that the attorney general determines would impact whether action should be taken under section 2743.72 of the Revised Code. (2) If the attorney general issues a subpoena or subpoena duces tecum under this section and if the materials required to be produced are located outside this state, the attorney general may designate one or more representatives, including officials of the state in which the materials are located, to inspect the materials on the attorney general's behalf, and the attorney general may respond to similar requests from officials of other states. The person or entity may make the materials available to the attorney general at a convenient location within the state. (3) At any time before the return day specified in the subpoena or subpoena duces tecum issued under this section or within twenty days after the subpoena or subpoena duces tecum has been served, whichever period is shorter, the person or entity subpoenaed may file with the court of common pleas of Franklin county a petition to extend the return day or to modify or quash the subpoena or subpoena duces tecum. The petition shall state good cause. (4) A person or entity who is subpoenaed under this section shall comply with the terms of the subpoena or subpoena duces tecum unless otherwise provided by an order of the court of common pleas of Franklin county entered prior to the day for return contained in the subpoena or as extended by the court. In the event a person or entity fails to comply with a subpoena or subpoena duces tecum issued under this section, that failure shall be contempt of court under division (C) of section 2705.02 of the Revised Code. The attorney general may file a charge of contempt of court under section 2705.03 of the Revised Code in the court of common pleas of Franklin county for that failure and may obtain an order adjudging the person or entity in contempt of court under section 2705.05 of the Revised Code.
Section 2743.72 | Right of reimbursement, repayment, and subrogation in favor of reparations fund.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 153 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) The payment of an award of reparations from the reparations fund established by section 2743.191 of the Revised Code creates a right of reimbursement, repayment, and subrogation in favor of the reparations fund from an individual who is convicted of the offense that is the basis of the award of reparations. For purposes of establishing an individual's liability under this provision, a certified judgment of the individual's conviction together with the related indictment is admissible as evidence to prove the individual's liability. (B) The payment of an award of reparations from the reparations fund creates a right of reimbursement, repayment, and subrogation in favor of the reparations fund from a third party who, because of an express or implied contractual or other legal relationship, had an obligation to pay any expenses for which an award of reparations was made. (C) If an award of reparations is made to a claimant under sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code and if it is discovered that the claimant actually was not eligible for the award or that the award otherwise should not have been made under the standards and criteria set forth in sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code, the fund is entitled to recover the award from the claimant. (D) If an award of reparations is made to a claimant under sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code and if the claimant receives compensation from any other person or entity, including a collateral source, for an expense that is included within the award, the fund is entitled to recover from the claimant the part of the award that represents the expense for which the claimant received the compensation from the other person or entity. (E) The reparations fund is an eligible recipient for payment of restitution. (F) The subrogation right of the reparations fund includes the amount of an award of reparations actually paid to a claimant or to another person on the claimant's behalf and a right of prepayment for the anticipated future payment of an award of reparations to be paid by reason of criminally injurious conduct. (G) The subrogation right of the reparations fund is enforceable through the filing of an action in the Franklin county court of common pleas within six years of the date of the last payment of any part of an award of reparations from the fund. The time of an offender's imprisonment shall not be computed as any part of this period of limitation. This subrogation right may be established and enforced in the Franklin county court of common pleas as against the heirs and assigns of a subrogation debtor. (H) As a prerequisite to bringing an action to recover an award related to criminally injurious conduct upon which compensation is claimed or awarded, the claimant must give the attorney general prior written notice of the proposed action. If an action is initiated prior to a claimant filing a reparations claim or supplemental reparations claim, the claimant must give the attorney general written notice of the existence of the action. After receiving either notice, the attorney general promptly shall do one of the following: (1) Join in the action as a party plaintiff to recover any reparations awarded; (2) Require the claimant to bring the action in the claimant's individual name as trustee on behalf of the state to recover any reparations awarded; (3) Reserve the rights described in division (H)(1) or (2) of this section. If, as requested by the attorney general, the claimant brings the action as trustee and the claimant recovers compensation awarded by the reparations fund, the claimant may deduct from the compensation recovered on behalf of the state the reasonable expenses including attorney's fees allocable by the court for that recovery. (I) A claimant shall not settle or resolve any action arising out of criminally injurious conduct without written authorization from the attorney general to do so. Any attempt by a third party or an offender, or an agent, an insurer, or attorneys of third parties or offenders, to settle an action is void and shall result in no release from liability to the reparations fund. (J) If there is more than one offender in connection with an instance of criminally injurious conduct, each offender is jointly and severally liable to pay to the reparations fund the full amount of the reparations award. (K) The right of the reparations fund to repayment, reimbursement, and subrogation under sections 2743.711 and 2743.72 of the Revised Code is automatic, regardless of whether the reparations fund is joined as a party in an action by a claimant against an offender or third party in connection with criminally injurious conduct. (L) The reparations fund, through the attorney general, may assert its repayment, reimbursement, or subrogation rights through correspondence with the claimant, offender, or third party, or their legal representatives. The assertion is not to be considered the assertion of a consumer debt. (M) The reparations fund, through the attorney general, may institute and pursue legal proceedings against an offender, third party, or overpaid claimant. In actions against an offender or third party, the claimant and victim are not necessary parties to the action. (N) The costs and attorney's fees of the attorney general in enforcing the reparations fund's reimbursement, repayment, or subrogation rights are fully recoverable from the liable offender, third party, or overpaid claimant. (O) All moneys that are collected by the state pursuant to its rights of subrogation as provided in this section or pursuant to the attorney general's authority to recover some or all of an award of reparations that is granted pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the reparations fund.
Section 2743.75
September 29, 2017
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 49 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) In order to provide for an expeditious and economical procedure that attempts to resolve disputes alleging a denial of access to public records in violation of division (B) of section 149.43 of the Revised Code, except for a court that hears a mandamus action pursuant to that section, the court of claims shall be the sole and exclusive authority in this state that adjudicates or resolves complaints based on alleged violations of that section. The clerk of the court of claims shall designate one or more current employees or hire one or more individuals to serve as special masters to hear complaints brought under this section. All special masters shall have been engaged in the practice of law in this state for at least four years and be in good standing with the supreme court at the time of designation or hiring. The clerk may assign administrative and clerical work associated with complaints brought under this section to current employees or may hire such additional employees as may be necessary to perform such work. (B) The clerk of the court of common pleas in each county shall act as the clerk of the court of claims for purposes of accepting those complaints filed with the clerk under division (D)(1) of this section, accepting filing fees for those complaints, and serving those complaints. (C)(1) Subject to division (C)(2) of this section, a person allegedly aggrieved by a denial of access to public records in violation of division (B) of section 149.43 of the Revised Code may seek relief under that section or under this section, provided, however, that if the allegedly aggrieved person files a complaint under either section, that person may not seek relief that pertains to the same request for records in a complaint filed under the other section. (2) If the allegedly aggrieved person files a complaint under this section and the court of claims determines that the complaint constitutes a case of first impression that involves an issue of substantial public interest, the court shall dismiss the complaint without prejudice and direct the allegedly aggrieved person to commence a mandamus action in the court of appeals with appropriate jurisdiction as provided in division (C)(1) of section 149.43 of the Revised Code. (D)(1) An allegedly aggrieved person who proceeds under this section shall file a complaint, on a form prescribed by the clerk of the court of claims, with the clerk of the court of claims or with the clerk of the court of common pleas of the county in which the public office from which the records are requested is located. The person shall attach to the complaint copies of the original records request and any written responses or other communications relating to the request from the public office or person responsible for public records and shall pay a filing fee of twenty-five dollars made payable to the clerk of the court with whom the complaint is filed. The clerk shall serve a copy of the complaint on the public office or person responsible for public records for the particular public office in accordance with Civil Rule 4.1 and, if the complaint is filed with the clerk of the court of common pleas, shall forward the complaint to the clerk of the court of claims, and to no other court, within three business days after service is complete. (2) Upon receipt of a complaint filed under division (D)(1) of this section, the clerk of the court of claims shall assign a case number for the action and a special master to examine the complaint. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this section, upon the recommendation of the special master, the court of claims on its own motion may dismiss the complaint at any time. The allegedly aggrieved person may voluntarily dismiss the complaint filed by that person under division (D)(1) of this section. (E)(1) Upon service of a complaint under division (D)(1) of this section, except as otherwise provided in this division, the special master assigned by the clerk under division (D)(2) of this section immediately shall refer the case to mediation services that the court of claims makes available to persons. If, in the interest of justice considering the circumstances of the case or the parties, the special master determines that the case should not be referred to mediation, the special master shall notify the court that the case was not referred to mediation, and the case shall proceed in accordance with division (F) of this section. If the case is referred to mediation, any further proceedings under division (F) of this section shall be stayed until the conclusion of the mediation. Any mediation proceedings under this division may be conducted by teleconference, telephone, or other electronic means. If an agreement is reached during mediation, the court shall dismiss the complaint. If an agreement is not reached, the special master shall notify the court that the case was not resolved and that the mediation has been terminated. (2) Within ten business days after the termination of the mediation or the notification to the court that the case was not referred to mediation under division (E)(1) of this section, the public office or person responsible for public records shall file a response, and if applicable, a motion to dismiss the complaint, with the clerk of the court of claims and transmit copies of the pleadings to the allegedly aggrieved party. No further motions or pleadings shall be accepted by the clerk of the court of claims or by the special master assigned by the clerk under division (D)(2) of this section unless the special master directs in writing that a further motion or pleading be filed. (3) All of the following apply prior to the submission of the special master's report and recommendation to the court of claims under division (F)(1) of this section: (a) The special master shall not permit any discovery. (b) The parties may attach supporting affidavits to their respective pleadings. (c) The special master may require either or both of the parties to submit additional information or documentation supported by affidavits. (F)(1) Not later than seven business days after receiving the response, or motion to dismiss the complaint, if applicable, of the public office or person responsible for public records, the special master shall submit to the court of claims a report and recommendation based on the ordinary application of statutory law and case law as they existed at the time of the filing of the complaint. For good cause shown, the special master may extend the seven-day period for the submission of the report and recommendation to the court of claims under this division by an additional seven business days. (2) Upon submission of the special master's report and recommendation to the court of claims under division (F)(1) of this section, the clerk shall send copies of the report and recommendation to each party by certified mail, return receipt requested, not later than three business days after the report and recommendation is filed. Either party may object to the report and recommendation within seven business days after receiving the report and recommendation by filing a written objection with the clerk and sending a copy to the other party by certified mail, return receipt requested. Any objection to the report and recommendation shall be specific and state with particularity all grounds for the objection. If neither party timely objects, the court of claims shall promptly issue a final order adopting the report and recommendation, unless it determines that there is an error of law or other defect evident on the face of the report and recommendation. If either party timely objects, the other party may file with the clerk a response within seven business days after receiving the objection and send a copy of the response to the objecting party by certified mail, return receipt requested. The court, within seven business days after the response to the objection is filed, shall issue a final order that adopts, modifies, or rejects the report and recommendation. (3) If the court of claims determines that the public office or person responsible for the public records denied the aggrieved person access to the public records in violation of division (B) of section 149.43 of the Revised Code and if no appeal from the court's final order is taken under division (G) of this section, both of the following apply: (a) The public office or the person responsible for the public records shall permit the aggrieved person to inspect or receive copies of the public records that the court requires to be disclosed in its order. (b) The aggrieved person shall be entitled to recover from the public office or person responsible for the public records the amount of the filing fee of twenty-five dollars and any other costs associated with the action that are incurred by the aggrieved person, but shall not be entitled to recover attorney's fees, except that division (G)(2) of this section applies if an appeal is taken under division (G)(1) of this section. (G)(1) Any appeal from a final order of the court of claims under this section or from an order of the court of claims dismissing the complaint as provided in division (D)(2) of this section shall be taken to the court of appeals of the appellate district where the principal place of business of the public office from which the public record is requested is located. However, no appeal may be taken from a final order of the court of claims that adopts the special master's report and recommendation unless a timely objection to that report and recommendation was filed under division (F)(2) of this section. If the court of claims materially modifies the special master's report and recommendation, either party may take an appeal to the court of appeals of the appellate district of the principal place of business where that public office is located but the appeal shall be limited to the issue in the report and recommendation that is materially modified by the court of claims. In order to facilitate the expeditious resolution of disputes over alleged denials of access to public records in violation of division (B) of section 149.43 of the Revised Code, the appeal shall be given such precedence over other pending matters as will ensure that the court will reach a decision promptly. (2) If a court of appeals in any appeal taken under division (G)(1) of this section by the public office or person responsible for the public records determines that the public office or person denied the aggrieved person access to the public records in violation of division (B) of section 149.43 of the Revised Code and obviously filed the appeal with the intent to either delay compliance with the court of claims' order from which the appeal is taken for no reasonable cause or unduly harass the aggrieved person, the court of appeals may award reasonable attorney's fees to the aggrieved person in accordance with division (C) of section 149.43 of the Revised Code. No discovery may be conducted on the issue of the public office or person responsible for the public records filing the appeal with the alleged intent to either delay compliance with the court of claims' order for no reasonable cause or unduly harass the aggrieved person. This division shall not be construed as creating a presumption that the public office or the person responsible for the public records filed the appeal with the intent to either delay compliance with the court of claims' order for no reasonable cause or unduly harass the aggrieved person. (H) The powers of the court of claims prescribed in section 2743.05 of the Revised Code apply to the proceedings in that court under this section. (I)(1) All filing fees collected by a clerk of the court of common pleas under division (D)(1) of this section shall be paid to the county treasurer for deposit into the county general revenue fund. All such money collected during a month shall be transmitted on or before the twentieth day of the following month by the clerk of the court of common pleas to the county treasurer. (2) All filing fees collected by the clerk of the court of claims under division (D)(1) of this section shall be deposited into the state treasury to the credit of the public records fund, which is hereby created. Money credited to the fund shall be used by the court of claims to assist in paying for its costs to implement this section. All investment earnings of the fund shall be credited to the fund. Not later than the first day of February of each year, the clerk of the court of claims shall prepare a report accessible to the public that details the fees collected during the preceding calendar year by the clerk of the court of claims and the clerks of the courts of common pleas under this section. (J) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the authority of the auditor of state under division (G) of section 109.43 of the Revised Code.
Last updated February 24, 2025 at 9:44 AM