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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.
Section 2323.06 | Mortgagor and mortgagee mediation.

In an action for the foreclosure of a mortgage, the court may at any stage in the action require the mortgagor and the mortgagee to participate in mediation as the court considers appropriate and may include a stipulation that requires the mortgagor and the mortgagee to appear at the mediation in person.

Section 2323.07 | Sale of foreclosed property.

When a mortgage is foreclosed or a specific lien enforced, a sale of the property, or a transfer of property pursuant to sections 323.28, 323.65 to 323.78, and 5721.19 of the Revised Code, shall be ordered by the court having jurisdiction or the county board of revision with jurisdiction pursuant to section 323.66 of the Revised Code.

When the real property to be sold is in one or more tracts, the court may order the officer who makes the sale to subdivide, appraise, and sell them in parcels, or sell any one of the tracts as a whole.

When the mortgaged property is situated in more than one county, the court may order the sheriff or master of each county to make sale of the property in the sheriff's or master's county, or may direct one officer to sell the whole. When it consists of a single tract, the court may direct that it be sold as one tract or in separate parcels, and shall direct whether appraisers shall be selected for each county or one set for all; and whether publication of the sale shall be made in all the counties, or in one county only.

Section 2323.09 | Judgment against married woman.

When a married woman sues or is sued, proceedings shall be had and judgment shall be rendered and enforced as if she were unmarried. Her property and estate is liable for a judgment against her, but she is entitled to the benefits of all applicable exemptions provided by statute.

Section 2323.12 | Judgment by confession.

A person indebted, or against whom a cause of action exists, may personally appear in a court of competent jurisdiction, and, with the assent of the creditor, or person having such cause of action, confess judgment; whereupon judgment shall be entered accordingly.

The debt or cause of action shall be briefly stated in the judgment, or in a writing to be filed as pleadings in other actions.

Such judgment shall authorize the same proceedings for its enforcement as judgments rendered in actions regularly brought and prosecuted. The confession shall operate as a release of errors.

Section 2323.13 | Warrant of attorney to confess.

(A) An attorney who confesses judgment in a case, at the time of making such confession, must produce the warrant of attorney for making it to the court before which he makes the confession. Notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary, if the maker or any of several makers resides within the territorial jurisdiction of a municipal court established under section 1901.01 of the Revised Code, or signed the warrant of attorney authorizing confession of judgment in such territory, judgment on such warrant of attorney shall be confessed in the municipal court having jurisdiction in such territory, provided the court has jurisdiction over the subject matter; otherwise, judgment may be confessed in any court in the county where the maker or any of several makers resides or signed the warrant of attorney. The original or a copy of the warrant shall be filed with the clerk.

(B) The attorney who represents the judgment creditor shall include in the petition a statement setting forth to the best of his knowledge the last known address of the defendant.

(C) Immediately upon entering any such judgment the court shall notify the defendant of the entry of the judgment by personal service or by registered or certified letter mailed to him at the address set forth in the petition.

(D) A warrant of attorney to confess judgment contained in any promissory note, bond, security agreement, lease, contract, or other evidence of indebtedness executed on or after January 1, 1974, is invalid and the courts are without authority to render a judgment based upon such a warrant unless there appears on the instrument evidencing the indebtedness, directly above or below the space or spaces provided for the signatures of the makers, or other person authorizing the confession, in such type size or distinctive marking that it appears more clearly and conspicuously than anything else on the document:

"Warning--By signing this paper you give up your right to notice and court trial. If you do not pay on time a court judgment may be taken against you without your prior knowledge and the powers of a court can be used to collect from you regardless of any claims you may have against the creditor whether for returned goods, faulty goods, failure on his part to comply with the agreement, or any other cause."

(E) A warrant of attorney to confess judgment contained in any instrument executed on or after January 1, 1974, arising out of a consumer loan or consumer transaction, is invalid and the courts shall have no jurisdiction to render a judgment based upon such a warrant. An action founded upon an instrument arising out of a consumer loan or a consumer transaction as defined in this section is commenced by the filing of a complaint as in any ordinary civil action.

Notice of the filing shall be served on the defendant and returned in the same manner as in other cases and shall read as follows:



"The court may enter judgment upon this claim if no answer is filed within the time allowed by law. If an answer is filed, a trial shall be held within sixty days of the date of filing of the answer.

"You have a right to retain an attorney. If you do not file an answer, judgment may be entered against you by default, and your earnings may be subjected to garnishment or your property may be attached to satisfy the judgment. If your defense is supported by witnesses, account books, receipts, or other documents, you must produce them at the trial. Subpoenas for witnesses and subpoenas duces tecum, if requested by a party, will be issued by the clerk."

If an answer is filed, a trial shall be held within sixty days of the date of filing of the answer, unless for good cause shown the court may continue the same.

As used in this section:

(1) "Consumer loan" means a loan to a natural person and the debt incurred is primarily for a personal, family, educational, or household purpose. The term "consumer loan" includes the creation of debt by the lender's payment of or agreement to pay money to the debtor or to a third party for the account of the debtor; the creation of a debt by a credit to an account with the lender upon which the debtor is entitled to draw; and the forebearance of debt arising from a consumer loan.

(2) "Consumer transaction" means a sale, lease, assignment, award by chance, or other transfer of an item of goods, a service, franchise, or an intangible, to an individual for purposes that are primarily personal, family, educational, or household.

Last updated November 3, 2021 at 4:50 PM

Section 2323.14 | Confession of judgment by attorney named by person in custody.

A warrant of attorney to confess judgment, executed by a person in custody, in favor of the person at whose suit he is in custody, shall be of no force unless executed in the presence of an attorney expressly named by the person in custody, and signed by him as a witness.

Section 2323.21 | Rights of infants reserved in judgments.

It is not necessary to reserve in a judgment or order the right of a minor to show cause against it after attaining the age of majority; but in any case in which, but for this section, such reservation would have been proper, within one year after his majority, the minor may show cause against such order or judgment.

Section 2323.23 | Record made unless waived.

Except as provided in section 2323.26 of the Revised Code, the clerk shall make a complete record of every cause as soon as it is finally determined when ordered on the journal to do so, unless such record, or some part thereof, is waived.

The clerk shall make up such record in each cause when so ordered.

Section 2323.24 | Contents of record.

The record provided for in section 2323.23 of the Revised Code shall be made up from the complaint, the process, returns, pleadings subsequent thereto, reports, verdicts, orders, judgments, and all material acts and proceedings of the court. If items of an account, or copies of papers attached to pleadings are voluminous, the court may order the record to be made by abbreviating them or inserting a pertinent description of them, or by omitting them entirely.

Evidence shall not be recorded.

Section 2323.25 | Courts may order records completed.

When the judicial acts or other proceedings of a court have not been regularly brought up and recorded by the clerk, such court may have them made up and recorded within such time as it directs. When made up, and found to be correct, the presiding judge shall sign them.

Section 2323.26 | Complete records need not be made.

A complete record need not be made:

(A) When an action has been dismissed without prejudice to a future action;

(B) In actions in which, in open court, at the term at which the final order or judgment is made, both parties declare their agreement that no record shall be made.

Section 2323.261 | Records of extracounty actions.

A copy of the record or part of the record of any extracounty action or proceeding that affects the title to or possession of real property, when authenticated as provided in Civil Rule 44, may be filed in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas of the county in which the real property or any part of the real property is situated. Upon payment of the fees prescribed by division (W) of section 2303.20 of the Revised Code, the copy shall be admitted to record and shall be numbered, docketed, indexed, and filed in the same manner and shall have the same effect as a similar record of a local action or proceeding affecting the title to or possession of real property in the county.

Section 2323.27 | Transcription of judicial records.

When deemed necessary, the court, by order on the journal, may direct its clerk to transcribe any book in his office into a new volume, and the transcript so made shall be as valid as the original.

Section 2323.28 | Records in dismissed cases.

When an action has been dismissed without prejudice to a future action, the clerk shall make a complete record of the proceedings, upon being paid therefor by the party requesting it.

Section 2323.29 | Index to judgments.

The clerk shall keep, either as part of the general index or as a separate one, an index, direct and reverse, of all judgments, by names of parties alphabetically arranged, showing in separate columns the name of the judgment debtor, the name of the judgment creditor, the amount of the judgment and the year and term when it was rendered, the page of the journal on which it is entered, the volume and page of the final record, the number of the suit, the number and the time of issue of the execution, and satisfaction thereof, when it appears to have been made.

Section 2323.30 | Costs secured by plaintiff.

In all actions in which the plaintiff is a nonresident of the county in which the action is brought, a partnership suing by its company name, an insolvent corporation, or any party required to furnish security under section 2323.31 of the Revised Code, the plaintiff shall deposit cash or furnish security for costs. The surety must be a resident of the county and approved by the clerk. The obligation of the surety shall be complete by indorsing the summons or signing the surety's name on the petition as surety for costs. The surety shall be bound for the payment of the costs which are adjudged against the plaintiff in the court in which the action is brought, or in any other court to which it is carried, and for all the costs taxed against the plaintiff in such action, whether the plaintiff obtains a judgment or not. When a plaintiff makes an application to be qualified as an indigent litigant as set forth in section 2323.311 of the Revised Code, the clerk shall receive and file the civil action or proceeding. If the court approves the application, the clerk shall waive the cash deposit or the security under this section, and the court shall proceed on the action or proceeding. If the court denies the application, the clerk shall retain the filing of the civil action or proceeding, and the court shall issue an order granting the applicant whose application is denied thirty days to make the required cash deposit or security prior to any dismissal or other action on the filing.

Section 2323.31 | Cash deposits as security; indigent litigants.

The court of common pleas by rule may require an advance deposit for the filing of any civil action or proceeding or of any responsive action by the defendant. On the motion of any party, and if satisfied that such deposit is insufficient, the court may require it to be increased from time to time, so as to secure all costs that may accrue in the cause, or may require personal security to be given. However, if a party makes an application to be qualified as an indigent litigant as set forth in section 2323.311 of the Revised Code, the clerk of the court shall receive and file the civil action or proceeding or the responsive action by the defendant. If the court approves the application, the clerk shall waive the advance deposit or personal security under this section and the court shall proceed with the action or proceeding or the defendant's responsive action. If the court denies the application, the clerk shall retain the filing of the civil action or proceeding or the defendant's responsive action, and the court shall issue an order granting the applicant whose application is denied thirty days to make the required deposit or personal security prior to any dismissal or other action on the filing of the civil action or proceeding or the defendant's responsive action.

Section 2323.311 | Indigent litigants.

(A) For purposes of this section, "indigent litigant" means a litigant who is unable to make an advance deposit or security for fees or costs as set forth in a civil action or proceeding.

(B)(1) In order to qualify as an indigent litigant, the applicant shall file with the court in which a civil action or proceeding is filed an affidavit of indigency in a form approved by the supreme court, or, until that court approves such a form, a form that requests substantially the same financial information as the financial disclosure and affidavit of indigency form used by the public defender for the appointment of counsel in a criminal case.

(2) The applicant's attorney, or if the litigant is proceeding pro se, the applicant shall file the affidavit of indigency with the court in which the civil action or proceeding is filed.

(3) Upon the filing of a civil action or proceeding and the affidavit of indigency under division (B)(1) of this section, the clerk of the court shall accept the action or proceeding for filing.

(4) A judge or magistrate of the court shall review the affidavit of indigency as filed pursuant to division (B)(2) of this section and shall approve or deny the applicant's application to qualify as an indigent litigant. The judge or magistrate shall approve the application if the applicant's gross income does not exceed one hundred eighty-seven and five-tenths per cent of the federal poverty guidelines as determined by the United States department of health and human services for the state of Ohio and the applicant's monthly expenses are equal to or in excess of the applicant's liquid assets as specified in division (C)(2) of section 120-1-03 of the Administrative Code, as amended, or a substantially similar provision. If the application is approved, the clerk shall waive the advance deposit or security and the court shall proceed with the civil action or proceeding. If the application is denied, the clerk shall retain the filing of the action or proceeding, and the court shall issue an order granting the applicant whose application is denied thirty days to make the required advance deposit or security, prior to any dismissal or other action on the filing of the civil action or proceeding.

(5) Following the filing of the civil action or proceeding with the clerk, the judge or magistrate, at any time while the action or proceeding is pending and on the motion of an applicant, on the motion of the opposing party, or on the court's own motion, may conduct a hearing to inquire into the applicant's status as an indigent litigant. The judge or magistrate shall affirm the applicant's status as an indigent litigant if the applicant's gross income does not exceed one hundred eighty- seven and five-tenths per cent of the federal poverty guidelines as determined by the United States department of health and human services for the state of Ohio and the applicant's monthly expenses are equal to or in excess of the applicant's liquid assets as specified in division (C)(2) of section 120-1-03 of the Administrative Code, as amended, or a substantially similar provision. If the court finds that the applicant qualifies as an indigent litigant, the court shall proceed with the action or proceeding. If the court finds that the applicant does not qualify as an indigent litigant or no longer qualifies as an indigent litigant if previously so qualified as provided in division (B)(4) of this section, the clerk shall retain the filing of the action or proceeding, and the court shall issue an order granting the applicant whose motion is denied thirty days to make a required deposit or security, prior to any dismissal or other action on the filing or pendency of the civil action or proceeding.

(6) Nothing in this section shall prevent a court from approving or affirming an application to qualify as an indigent litigant for an applicant whose gross income exceeds one hundred eighty-seven and five-tenths per cent of the federal poverty guidelines as determined by the United States department of health and human services for the state of Ohio, or whose liquid assets equal or exceed the applicant's monthly expenses as specified in division (C)(2) of section 120-1-03 of the Administrative Code, as amended, or a substantially similar provision.

(7) Any indigency finding by the court under this section shall excuse the indigent litigant from the obligation to prepay any subsequent fee or cost arising in the civil case or proceeding unless the court addresses the payment or nonpayment of that fee or cost specifically in a court order.

(C) If the indigent litigant as the prevailing party proceeds with an execution on the court's judgment as set forth in Chapter 2327., 2329., 2331., or 2333. of the Revised Code, in order to provide for the recovery of applicable costs, any payment on any execution of the judgment in favor of the indigent litigant shall be made through the clerk of the court. The clerk shall apply that payment to any outstanding costs prior to any disbursement of funds to the indigent litigant. The requirement described in this division may be waived upon entry of the court by the judge or magistrate. The remedy set forth in this division shall not be the exclusive remedy of the clerk of court for the payment of costs. The clerk shall have all remedies available under the law.

Section 2323.32 | Rule as to executors and administrators.

Sections 2323.30 and 2323.31 of the Revised Code do not require administrators or executors to give security for costs in any suit commenced or prosecuted by them in the county in which they have been appointed or qualified, and in which they have given bond as such.

Section 2323.33 | Action dismissed for want of security for costs; applicability.

(A) If security for costs is not given in a case mentioned in sections 2323.30 to 2323.32 of the Revised Code, at any time before the commencement of the trial, on motion of the defendant, and notice to the plaintiff, the court shall dismiss the action, unless in a reasonable time, which it may allow, security is given.

(B) This section does not apply if a party makes an application under section 2323.30 or 2323.31 of the Revised Code to qualify as an indigent litigant as set forth in section 2323.311 of the Revised Code.

Section 2323.34 | Security if plaintiff becomes a nonresident.

If the plaintiff becomes a nonresident of the county in which the suit is brought, during its pendency, he may be compelled, in the manner stated in sections 2323.30 to 2323.33, inclusive, of the Revised Code, to give security.

Section 2323.35 | Additional security on motion of defendant.

In an action in which security for costs has been given, at any time before commencement of the trial, after reasonable notice to the plaintiff, the defendant may move the court for additional security. On such motion if the court is satisfied that the surety has removed from this state, or is not sufficient, the action may be dismissed, unless, in a reasonable time, to be fixed by the court, sufficient security is given.

Section 2323.36 | Judgment entered against surety for costs.

After final judgment in an action in which security for costs has been given, on motion of the defendant or a person having a right to such costs, or a part thereof, after ten days' notice of such motion, the court may render judgment in the name of the defendant, or his legal representatives, against the surety, his executors, or administrators, for the amount of costs adjudged against the plaintiff, or so much thereof as is unpaid. Execution may be issued on such judgment, as in other cases, for the use and benefit of the persons entitled to such costs.

Section 2323.41 | Collateral benefits introduced into evidence.

(A) In any civil action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim, the defendant may introduce evidence of any amount payable as a benefit to the plaintiff as a result of the damages that result from an injury, death, or loss to person or property that is the subject of the claim, except if the source of collateral benefits has a mandatory self-effectuating federal right of subrogation, a contractual right of subrogation, or a statutory right of subrogation.

(B) If the defendant elects to introduce evidence described in division (A) of this section, the plaintiff may introduce evidence of any amount that the plaintiff has paid or contributed to secure the plaintiff's right to receive the benefits of which the defendant has introduced evidence.

(C) A source of collateral benefits of which evidence is introduced pursuant to division (A) of this section shall not recover any amount against the plaintiff nor shall it be subrogated to the rights of the plaintiff against a defendant.

(D) As used in this section, "medical claim," "dental claim," "optometric claim," and "chiropractic claim" have the same meanings as in section 2305.113 of the Revised Code.

Section 2323.42 | Motion and hearing to determine good faith of claim.

(A) Upon the motion of any defendant in a civil action based upon a medical claim, dental claim, optometric claim, or chiropractic claim, the court shall conduct a hearing regarding the existence or nonexistence of a reasonable good faith basis upon which the particular claim is asserted against the moving defendant. The defendant shall file the motion not earlier than the close of discovery in the action and not later than thirty days after the court or jury renders any verdict or award in the action. After the motion is filed, the plaintiff shall have not less than fourteen days to respond to the motion. Upon good cause shown by the plaintiff, the court shall grant an extension of the time for the plaintiff to respond as necessary to obtain evidence demonstrating the existence of a reasonable good faith basis for the claim.

(B) At the request of any party to the good faith motion described in division (A) of this section, the court shall order the motion to be heard at an oral hearing and shall consider all evidence and arguments submitted by the parties. In determining whether a plaintiff has a reasonable good faith basis upon which to assert the claim in question against the moving defendant, the court shall take into consideration, in addition to the facts of the underlying claim, whether the plaintiff did any of the following:

(1) Obtained a reasonably timely review of the merits of the particular claim by a qualified medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic expert, as appropriate;

(2) Reasonably relied upon the results of that review in supporting the assertion of the particular claim;

(3) Had an opportunity to conduct a pre-suit investigation or was afforded by the defendant full and timely discovery during litigation;

(4) Reasonably relied upon evidence discovered during the course of litigation in support of the assertion of the claim in question;

(5) Took appropriate and reasonable steps to timely dismiss any defendant on behalf of whom it was alleged or determined that no reasonable good faith basis existed for continued assertion of the claim in question.

(C) If the court determines that there was no reasonable good faith basis upon which the plaintiff asserted the claim in question against the moving defendant or that, at some point during the litigation, the plaintiff lacked a good faith basis for continuing to assert that claim, the court shall award all of the following in favor of the moving defendant:

(1) All court costs incurred by the moving defendant;

(2) Reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the moving defendant in defense of the claim after the time that the court determines that no reasonable good faith basis existed upon which to assert or continue to assert the claim;

(3) Reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in support of the good faith motion.

(D) Prior to filing a good faith motion as described in division (A) of this section, any defendant that intends to file that type of motion shall serve a "notice of demand for dismissal and intention to file a good faith motion." If, within fourteen days of service of that notice, the plaintiff dismisses the defendant from the action, the defendant after the dismissal shall be precluded from filing a good faith motion as to any attorneys' fees and other costs subsequent to the dismissal.

(E) As used in this section, "medical claim," "dental claim," "optometric claim," and "chiropractic claim" have the same meanings as in section 2305.113 of the Revised Code.

Section 2323.421 | Medical liability action - out-of-state physician deemed licensed in Ohio to testify.

A person licensed in another state to practice medicine, who testifies as an expert witness on behalf of any party in this state in any action against a physician for injury or death, whether in contract or tort, arising out of the provision of or failure to provide health care services, shall be deemed to have a temporary license to practice medicine in this state solely for the purpose of providing such testimony and is subject to the authority of the state medical board and the provisions of Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code. The conclusion of an action against a physician shall not be construed to have any effect on the board's authority to take action against a physician who testifies as an expert witness under this section.

Section 2323.43 | Limitation on compensatory damages that represent economic loss.

(A) In a civil action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim to recover damages for injury, death, or loss to person or property, all of the following apply:

(1) There shall not be any limitation on compensatory damages that represent the economic loss of the person who is awarded the damages in the civil action.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in division (A)(3) of this section, the amount of compensatory damages that represents damages for noneconomic loss that is recoverable in a civil action under this section to recover damages for injury, death, or loss to person or property shall not exceed the greater of two hundred fifty thousand dollars or an amount that is equal to three times the plaintiff's economic loss, as determined by the trier of fact, to a maximum of three hundred fifty thousand dollars for each plaintiff or a maximum of five hundred thousand dollars for each occurrence.

(3) The amount recoverable for noneconomic loss in a civil action under this section may exceed the amount described in division (A)(2) of this section but shall not exceed five hundred thousand dollars for each plaintiff or one million dollars for each occurrence if the noneconomic losses of the plaintiff are for either of the following:

(a) Permanent and substantial physical deformity, loss of use of a limb, or loss of a bodily organ system;

(b) Permanent physical functional injury that permanently prevents the injured person from being able to independently care for self and perform life sustaining activities.

(B) If a trial is conducted in a civil action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim to recover damages for injury, death, or loss to person or property and a plaintiff prevails with respect to that claim, the court in a nonjury trial shall make findings of fact, and the jury in a jury trial shall return a general verdict accompanied by answers to interrogatories, that shall specify all of the following:

(1) The total compensatory damages recoverable by the plaintiff;

(2) The portion of the total compensatory damages that represents damages for economic loss;

(3) The portion of the total compensatory damages that represents damages for noneconomic loss.

(C)(1) After the trier of fact in a civil action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim to recover damages for injury, death, or loss to person or property complies with division (B) of this section, the court shall enter a judgment in favor of the plaintiff for compensatory damages for economic loss in the amount determined pursuant to division (B)(2) of this section, and, subject to division (D)(1) of this section, the court shall enter a judgment in favor of the plaintiff for compensatory damages for noneconomic loss. In no event shall a judgment for compensatory damages for noneconomic loss exceed the maximum recoverable amount that represents damages for noneconomic loss as provided in divisions (A)(2) and (3) of this section. Division (A) of this section shall be applied in a jury trial only after the jury has made its factual findings and determination as to the damages.

(2) Prior to the trial in the civil action, any party may seek summary judgment with respect to the nature of the alleged injury or loss to person or property, seeking a determination of the damages as described in division (A)(2) or (3) of this section.

(D)(1) A court of common pleas has no jurisdiction to enter judgment on an award of compensatory damages for noneconomic loss in excess of the limits set forth in this section.

(2) If the trier of fact is a jury, the court shall not instruct the jury with respect to the limit on compensatory damages for noneconomic loss described in divisions (A)(2) and (3) of this section, and neither counsel for any party nor a witness shall inform the jury or potential jurors of that limit.

(E) Any excess amount of compensatory damages for noneconomic loss that is greater than the applicable amount specified in division (A)(2) or (3) of this section shall not be reallocated to any other tortfeasor beyond the amount of compensatory damages that that tortfeasor would otherwise be responsible for under the laws of this state.

(F)(1) If pursuant to a contingency fee agreement between an attorney and a plaintiff in a civil action upon a medical claim, dental claim, optometric claim, or chiropractic claim, the amount of the attorney's fees exceed the applicable amount of the limits on compensatory damages for noneconomic loss as provided in division (A)(2) or (3) of this section, the attorney shall make an application in the probate court of the county in which the civil action was commenced or in which the settlement was entered. The application shall contain a statement of facts, including the amount to be allocated to the settlement of the claim, the amount of the settlement or judgment that represents the compensatory damages for economic loss and noneconomic loss, the relevant provision in the contingency fee agreement, and the dollar amount of the attorney's fees under the contingency fee agreement. The application shall include the proposed distribution of the amount of the judgment or settlement.

(2) The attorney shall give written notice of the hearing and a copy of the application to all interested persons who have not waived notice of the hearing. Notwithstanding the waivers and consents of the interested persons, the probate court shall retain jurisdiction over the settlement, allocation, and distribution of the claim.

(3) The application shall state the arrangements, if any, that have been made with respect to the attorney's fees. The attorney's fees shall be subject to the approval of the probate court.

(G) This section does not apply to any of the following:

(1) Civil actions upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim that are brought against the state in the court of claims, including, but not limited to, those actions in which a state university or college is a defendant and to which division (B)(3) of section 3345.40 of the Revised Code applies;

(2) Civil actions upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim that are brought against political subdivisions of this state and that are commenced under or are subject to Chapter 2744. of the Revised Code. Division (C) of section 2744.05 of the Revised Code applies to recoverable damages in those actions;

(3) Wrongful death actions brought pursuant to Chapter 2125. of the Revised Code.

(H) As used in this section:

(1) "Economic loss" means any of the following types of pecuniary harm:

(a) All wages, salaries, or other compensation lost as a result of an injury, death, or loss to person or property that is a subject of a civil action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim;

(b) All expenditures for medical care or treatment, rehabilitation services, or other care, treatment, services, products, or accommodations as a result of an injury, death, or loss to person or property that is a subject of a civil action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim;

(c) Any other expenditures incurred as a result of an injury, death, or loss to person or property that is a subject of a civil action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim, other than attorney's fees incurred in connection with that action.

(2) "Medical claim, dental claim," "optometric claim," and "chiropractic claim" have the same meanings as in section 2305.113 of the Revised Code.

(3) "Noneconomic loss" means nonpecuniary harm that results from an injury, death, or loss to person or property that is a subject of a civil action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim, including, but not limited to, pain and suffering, loss of society, consortium, companionship, care, assistance, attention, protection, advice, guidance, counsel, instruction, training, or education, disfigurement, mental anguish, and any other intangible loss.

(4) "Trier of fact" means the jury or, in a nonjury action, the court.

Last updated October 2, 2024 at 10:19 AM

Section 2323.44 | Rights of subrogee.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Health care provider-sponsored organization" means an entity that is sponsored by hospitals, physician groups, other licensed health care providers, or any combination of hospitals, physician groups, or other licensed health care providers that are affiliated through common ownership or control and share financial risk for the purpose of delivering health care services.

(2) "Injured party" means any person who claims any injury, death, or loss to person in a tort action or an estate that makes a survivorship claim due to injury, death, or loss to person, but not including a derivative claim, a claim made by a beneficiary in a wrongful death action pursuant to section 2125.02 of the Revised Code, or a claim for punitive damages arising from a person's claim of injury, death, or loss to person.

(3) "Recovery" means the amount obtained from a third party in a tort action or the amount obtained for a claim in connection with uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage.

(4) "Third party" means any individual, automobile insurance company, or public or private entity against which a person or estate has a tort action.

(5) "Subrogee" means any of the following:

(a) An insurance company doing business in this state;

(b) A self-funded plan providing health, sickness, or disability benefits;

(c) A health care provider-sponsored organization;

(d) Any person or entity that claims a right of subrogation by contract or common law.

(6) "Tort action" means a civil action for injury, death, or loss to person. "Tort action" includes any claim for damages for injury, death, or loss to person, whether or not a lawsuit is pending, or a claim in connection with uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage, but does not include a civil action for breach of contract or another agreement between persons.

(B) Notwithstanding any contract or statutory provision to the contrary, the rights of a subrogee or any other person or entity that asserts a contractual, statutory, or common law subrogation claim against a third party or an injured party in a tort action shall be subject to both of the following:

(1) If less than the full value of the tort action is recovered for comparative negligence, diminishment due to a party's liability under sections 2307.22 to 2307.28 of the Revised Code, or by reason of the collectability of the full value of the claim for injury, death, or loss to person resulting from limited liability insurance or any other cause, the subrogee's or other person's or entity's claim shall be diminished in the same proportion as the injured party's interest is diminished.

(2) If a dispute regarding the distribution of the recovery in the tort action arises, either party may file an action under Chapter 2721. of the Revised Code to resolve the issue of the distribution of the recovery.

Section 2323.45 | Medical liability action - affidavit of noninvolvement by health care provider - procedure.

(A)(1) A health care provider named as a defendant in a civil action based upon a medical claim is permitted to file a motion with the court for dismissal of the claim accompanied by an affidavit of noninvolvement. The defendant shall notify all parties in writing of the filing of the motion. Prior to ruling on the motion, the court shall allow the parties not less than thirty days from the date that the parties were served with the notice to respond to the motion.

(2) An affidavit of noninvolvement shall set forth, with particularity, the facts that demonstrate that the defendant was misidentified or otherwise not involved individually or through the action of the defendant's agents or employees in the care and treatment of the plaintiff, was not obligated individually or through the defendant's agents or employees to provide for the care and treatment of the plaintiff, and could not have caused the alleged malpractice individually or through the defendant's agents or employees in any way.

(B)(1) The parties shall have the right to challenge the affidavit of noninvolvement by filing a motion and submitting an affidavit with the court that contradicts the assertions of noninvolvement made in the defendant's affidavit of noninvolvement.

(2) If the affidavit of noninvolvement is challenged, any party may request an oral hearing on the motion for dismissal. If requested, the court shall hold a hearing to determine if the defendant was involved, directly or indirectly, in the care and treatment of the plaintiff, or was obligated, directly or indirectly, for the care and treatment of the plaintiff.

(3) The court shall consider all evidence submitted by the parties and the parties' arguments and may dismiss the civil action based upon the defendant's lack of involvement in the elements of the plaintiff's medical claim. The court shall rule on all challenges to the affidavit of noninvolvement within seventy-five days after the filing of the affidavit of noninvolvement.

(4) A court's dismissal of a claim against a defendant pursuant to this section shall be deemed otherwise than upon the merits and without prejudice pursuant to Civil Rule 41.

(C) If the court determines that a health care provider named as a defendant has falsely filed or made false or inaccurate statements in an affidavit of noninvolvement, the court, upon a motion or upon its own initiative, shall immediately reinstate the claim against that defendant, if previously dismissed. Reinstatement of a party pursuant to this division shall not be barred by any statute of limitations defense that was not valid at the time the original affidavit was filed.

(D) In any action in which the defendant is found by the court to have knowingly filed a false or inaccurate affidavit of noninvolvement, the court shall impose upon the person who signed the affidavit or represented the defendant, or both, an appropriate sanction, including, but not limited to, an order to pay to other parties to the claim the amount of the reasonable expenses that the parties incurred as a result of the filing of the false or inaccurate affidavit, including reasonable attorney's fees.

(E) In any action in which the court determines that a party falsely objected to a defendant's affidavit of noninvolvement, or knowingly provided an inaccurate statement regarding a defendant's affidavit, the court shall impose upon the party or the party's counsel, or both, an appropriate sanction, including, but not limited to, an order to pay to the other parties to the claim the amount of the reasonable expenses that the parties incurred as a result of the submission of the false objection or inaccurate statement, including reasonable attorney's fees.

(F) As used in this section:

(1) "Health care provider" has the same meaning as in division (B)(5) of section 2317.02 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Medical claim" means any claim that is asserted in any civil action against a health care provider and that arises out of the medical diagnosis, care, or treatment of any person. "Medical claim" includes derivative claims for relief.

Section 2323.451 | Affidavits of merit; discovery; joinder.

(A)(1) As used in this section, "medical claim" has the same meaning as in section 2305.113 of the Revised Code.

(2) This section may be used in lieu of, and not in addition to, division (B)(1) of section 2305.113 of the Revised Code.

(B) At the time of filing a complaint asserting a medical claim, the plaintiff shall file with the complaint, pursuant to rule 10(D) of the Rules of Civil Procedure, an affidavit of merit relative to each defendant named in the complaint or a motion to extend the period of time to file an affidavit of merit.

(C) The parties may conduct discovery as permitted by the Rules of Civil Procedure. Additionally, for the period of time specified in division (D)(2) of this section, the parties may seek to discover the existence or identity of any other potential medical claims or defendants that are not included or named in the complaint. All parties shall provide the discovery under this division in accordance with the Rules of Civil Procedure.

(D)(1) Within the period of time specified in division (D) (2) of this section, the plaintiff, in an amendment to the complaint pursuant to rule 15 of the Rules of Civil Procedure, may join in the action any additional medical claim or defendant if the original one-year period of limitation applicable to that additional medical claim or defendant had not expired prior to the date the original complaint was filed. The plaintiff shall file an affidavit of merit supporting the joinder of the additional medical claim or defendant or a motion to extend the period of time to file an affidavit of merit pursuant to rule 10(D) of the Rules of Civil Procedure with the amendment to the complaint.

(2) If a complaint is filed under this section prior to the expiration of the one-year period of limitation applicable to medical claims under section 2305.113 of the Revised Code, then the period of time in which the parties may conduct the discovery under division (C) of this section and in which the plaintiff may join in the action any additional medical claim or defendant under division (D)(1) of this section shall be equal to the balance of any days remaining from the filing of the complaint to the expiration of that one-year period of limitation, plus one hundred eighty days from the filing of the complaint.

(E) Subject to division (F) of this section, after the expiration of the one-hundred-eighty-day period described in division (D)(2) of this section, the plaintiff shall not join any additional medical claim or defendant to the action unless the medical claim is for wrongful death, and the period of limitation for the claim under section 2125.02 of the Revised Code has not expired.

(F) This section does not modify or affect and shall not be construed as modifying or affecting any provision of the Revised Code, rule of common law, or Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure that applies to the commencement of the period of limitation for medical claims that are asserted or defendants that are joined after the expiration of the one-hundred-eighty-day period described in division (D)(2) of this section.

Section 2323.46 | Fees on summons to another county.

When a summons is issued to another county, it may be returned by mail, and the sheriff shall be entitled to the same fees as if it had issued in the county of which he is sheriff.

Section 2323.51 | Frivolous conduct in filing civil claims.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Conduct" means any of the following:

(a) The filing of a civil action, the assertion of a claim, defense, or other position in connection with a civil action, the filing of a pleading, motion, or other paper in a civil action, including, but not limited to, a motion or paper filed for discovery purposes, or the taking of any other action in connection with a civil action;

(b) The filing by an inmate of a civil action or appeal against a government entity or employee, the assertion of a claim, defense or other position in connection with a civil action of that nature or the assertion of issues of law in an appeal of that nature, or the taking of any other action in connection with a civil action or appeal of that nature.

(2) "Frivolous conduct" means either of the following:

(a) Conduct of an inmate or other party to a civil action, of an inmate who has filed an appeal of the type described in division (A)(1)(b) of this section, or of the inmate's or other party's counsel of record that satisfies any of the following:

(i) It obviously serves merely to harass or maliciously injure another party to the civil action or appeal or is for another improper purpose, including, but not limited to, causing unnecessary delay or a needless increase in the cost of litigation.

(ii) It is not warranted under existing law, cannot be supported by a good faith argument for an extension, modification, or reversal of existing law, or cannot be supported by a good faith argument for the establishment of new law.

(iii) The conduct consists of allegations or other factual contentions that have no evidentiary support or, if specifically so identified, are not likely to have evidentiary support after a reasonable opportunity for further investigation or discovery.

(iv) The conduct consists of denials or factual contentions that are not warranted by the evidence or, if specifically so identified, are not reasonably based on a lack of information or belief.

(b) An inmate's commencement of a civil action or appeal against a government entity or employee when any of the following applies:

(i) The claim that is the basis of the civil action fails to state a claim or the issues of law that are the basis of the appeal fail to state any issues of law.

(ii) It is clear that the inmate cannot prove material facts in support of the claim that is the basis of the civil action or in support of the issues of law that are the basis of the appeal.

(iii) The claim that is the basis of the civil action is substantially similar to a claim in a previous civil action commenced by the inmate or the issues of law that are the basis of the appeal are substantially similar to issues of law raised in a previous appeal commenced by the inmate, in that the claim that is the basis of the current civil action or the issues of law that are the basis of the current appeal involve the same parties or arise from the same operative facts as the claim or issues of law in the previous civil action or appeal.

(3) "Civil action or appeal against a government entity or employee," "inmate," "political subdivision," and "employee" have the same meanings as in section 2969.21 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Reasonable attorney's fees" or "attorney's fees," when used in relation to a civil action or appeal against a government entity or employee, includes both of the following, as applicable:

(a) The approximate amount of the compensation, and the fringe benefits, if any, of the attorney general, an assistant attorney general, or special counsel appointed by the attorney general that has been or will be paid by the state in connection with the legal services that were rendered by the attorney general, assistant attorney general, or special counsel in the civil action or appeal against the government entity or employee, including, but not limited to, a civil action or appeal commenced pro se by an inmate, and that were necessitated by frivolous conduct of an inmate represented by counsel of record, the counsel of record of an inmate, or a pro se inmate.

(b) The approximate amount of the compensation, and the fringe benefits, if any, of a prosecuting attorney or other chief legal officer of a political subdivision, or an assistant to a chief legal officer of those natures, who has been or will be paid by a political subdivision in connection with the legal services that were rendered by the chief legal officer or assistant in the civil action or appeal against the government entity or employee, including, but not limited to, a civil action or appeal commenced pro se by an inmate, and that were necessitated by frivolous conduct of an inmate represented by counsel of record, the counsel of record of an inmate, or a pro se inmate.

(5) "State" has the same meaning as in section 2743.01 of the Revised Code.

(6) "State correctional institution" has the same meaning as in section 2967.01 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) Subject to divisions (B)(2) and (3), (C), and (D) of this section and except as otherwise provided in division (E)(2)(b) of section 101.15 or division (I)(2)(b) of section 121.22 of the Revised Code, at any time not more than thirty days after the entry of final judgment in a civil action or appeal, any party adversely affected by frivolous conduct may file a motion for an award of court costs, reasonable attorney's fees, and other reasonable expenses incurred in connection with the civil action or appeal. The court may assess and make an award to any party to the civil action or appeal who was adversely affected by frivolous conduct, as provided in division (B)(4) of this section.

(2) An award may be made pursuant to division (B)(1) of this section upon the motion of a party to a civil action or an appeal of the type described in that division or on the court's own initiative, but only after the court does all of the following:

(a) Sets a date for a hearing to be conducted in accordance with division (B)(2)(c) of this section, to determine whether particular conduct was frivolous, to determine, if the conduct was frivolous, whether any party was adversely affected by it, and to determine, if an award is to be made, the amount of that award;

(b) Gives notice of the date of the hearing described in division (B)(2)(a) of this section to each party or counsel of record who allegedly engaged in frivolous conduct and to each party who allegedly was adversely affected by frivolous conduct;

(c) Conducts the hearing described in division (B)(2)(a) of this section in accordance with this division, allows the parties and counsel of record involved to present any relevant evidence at the hearing, including evidence of the type described in division (B)(5) of this section, determines that the conduct involved was frivolous and that a party was adversely affected by it, and then determines the amount of the award to be made. If any party or counsel of record who allegedly engaged in or allegedly was adversely affected by frivolous conduct is confined in a state correctional institution or in a county, multicounty, municipal, municipal-county, or multicounty-municipal jail or workhouse, the court, if practicable, may hold the hearing by telephone or, in the alternative, at the institution, jail, or workhouse in which the party or counsel is confined.

(3) The amount of an award made pursuant to division (B)(1) of this section that represents reasonable attorney's fees shall not exceed, and may be equal to or less than, whichever of the following is applicable:

(a) If the party is being represented on a contingent fee basis, an amount that corresponds to reasonable fees that would have been charged for legal services had the party been represented on an hourly fee basis or another basis other than a contingent fee basis;

(b) In all situations other than that described in division (B)(3)(a) of this section, the attorney's fees that were reasonably incurred by a party.

(4) An award made pursuant to division (B)(1) of this section may be made against a party, the party's counsel of record, or both.

(5)(a) In connection with the hearing described in division (B)(2)(a) of this section, each party who may be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and the party's counsel of record may submit to the court or be ordered by the court to submit to it, for consideration in determining the amount of the reasonable attorney's fees, an itemized list or other evidence of the legal services rendered, the time expended in rendering the services, and whichever of the following is applicable:

(i) If the party is being represented by that counsel on a contingent fee basis, the reasonable attorney's fees that would have been associated with those services had the party been represented by that counsel on an hourly fee basis or another basis other than a contingent fee basis;

(ii) In all situations other than those described in division (B)(5)(a)(i) of this section, the attorney's fees associated with those services.

(b) In connection with the hearing described in division (B)(2)(a) of this section, each party who may be awarded court costs and other reasonable expenses incurred in connection with the civil action or appeal may submit to the court or be ordered by the court to submit to it, for consideration in determining the amount of the costs and expenses, an itemized list or other evidence of the costs and expenses that were incurred in connection with that action or appeal and that were necessitated by the frivolous conduct, including, but not limited to, expert witness fees and expenses associated with discovery.

(C) An award of reasonable attorney's fees under this section does not affect or determine the amount of or the manner of computation of attorney's fees as between an attorney and the attorney's client.

(D) This section does not affect or limit the application of any provision of the Rules of Civil Procedure, the Rules of Appellate Procedure, or another court rule or section of the Revised Code to the extent that the provision prohibits an award of court costs, attorney's fees, or other expenses incurred in connection with a particular civil action or appeal or authorizes an award of court costs, attorney's fees, or other expenses incurred in connection with a particular civil action or appeal in a specified manner, generally, or subject to limitations.

Section 2323.52 | Civil action to declare person vexatious litigator.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Conduct" has the same meaning as in section 2323.51 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Vexatious conduct" means conduct of a party in a civil action that satisfies any of the following:

(a) The conduct obviously serves merely to harass or maliciously injure another party to the civil action.

(b) The conduct is not warranted under existing law and cannot be supported by a good faith argument for an extension, modification, or reversal of existing law.

(c) The conduct is imposed solely for delay.

(3) "Vexatious litigator" means any person who has habitually, persistently, and without reasonable grounds engaged in vexatious conduct in a civil action or actions, whether in the court of claims or in a court of appeals, court of common pleas, municipal court, or county court, whether the person or another person instituted the civil action or actions, and whether the vexatious conduct was against the same party or against different parties in the civil action or actions. "Vexatious litigator" does not include a person who is authorized to practice law in the courts of this state under the Ohio Supreme Court Rules for the Government of the Bar of Ohio unless that person is representing or has represented self pro se in the civil action or actions. For the purposes of division (A)(3) of this section, "civil action" includes a proceeding under section 2743.75 of the Revised Code.

(B) A person, the office of the attorney general, or a prosecuting attorney, city director of law, village solicitor, or similar chief legal officer of a municipal corporation who has defended against habitual and persistent vexatious conduct in the court of claims or in a court of appeals, court of common pleas, municipal court, or county court may commence a civil action in a court of common pleas with jurisdiction over the person who allegedly engaged in the habitual and persistent vexatious conduct to have that person declared a vexatious litigator. The person, office of the attorney general, prosecuting attorney, city director of law, village solicitor, or similar chief legal officer of a municipal corporation may commence this civil action while the civil action or actions in which the habitual and persistent vexatious conduct occurred are still pending or within one year after the termination of the civil action or actions in which the habitual and persistent vexatious conduct occurred.

(C) A civil action to have a person declared a vexatious litigator shall proceed as any other civil action, and the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure apply to the action.

(D)(1) If the person alleged to be a vexatious litigator is found to be a vexatious litigator, subject to division (D)(2) of this section, the court of common pleas may enter an order prohibiting the vexatious litigator from doing one or more of the following without first obtaining the leave of that court to proceed:

(a) Instituting legal proceedings in the court of claims or in a court of common pleas, municipal court, or county court;

(b) Continuing any legal proceedings that the vexatious litigator had instituted in any of the courts specified in division (D)(1)(a) of this section prior to the entry of the order;

(c) Making any application, other than an application for leave to proceed under division (F)(1) of this section, in any legal proceedings instituted by the vexatious litigator or another person in any of the courts specified in division (D)(1)(a) of this section.

(2) If the court of common pleas finds a person who is authorized to practice law in the courts of this state under the Ohio Supreme Court Rules for the Government of the Bar of Ohio to be a vexatious litigator and enters an order described in division (D)(1) of this section in connection with that finding, the order shall apply to the person only insofar as the person would seek to institute proceedings described in division (D)(1)(a) of this section on a pro se basis, continue proceedings described in division (D)(1)(b) of this section on a pro se basis, or make an application described in division (D)(1)(c) of this section on a pro se basis. The order shall not apply to the person insofar as the person represents one or more other persons in the person's capacity as a licensed and registered attorney in a civil or criminal action or proceeding or other matter in a court of common pleas, municipal court, or county court or in the court of claims. Division (D)(2) of this section does not affect any remedy that is available to a court or an adversely affected party under section 2323.51 or another section of the Revised Code, under Civil Rule 11 or another provision of the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure, or under the common law of this state as a result of frivolous conduct or other inappropriate conduct by an attorney who represents one or more clients in connection with a civil or criminal action or proceeding or other matter in a court of common pleas, municipal court, or county court or in the court of claims.

(3) A person who is subject to an order entered pursuant to division (D)(1) of this section may not institute legal proceedings in a court of appeals, continue any legal proceedings that the vexatious litigator had instituted in a court of appeals prior to entry of the order, or make any application, other than the application for leave to proceed allowed by division (F)(2) of this section, in any legal proceedings instituted by the vexatious litigator or another person in a court of appeals without first obtaining leave of the court of appeals to proceed pursuant to division (F)(2) of this section.

(E) An order that is entered under division (D)(1) of this section shall remain in force indefinitely unless the order provides for its expiration after a specified period of time.

(F)(1) A court of common pleas that entered an order under division (D)(1) of this section shall not grant a person found to be a vexatious litigator leave for the institution or continuance of, or the making of an application in, legal proceedings in the court of claims or in a court of common pleas, municipal court, or county court unless the court of common pleas that entered that order is satisfied that the proceedings or application are not an abuse of process of the court in question and that there are reasonable grounds for the proceedings or application. If a person who has been found to be a vexatious litigator under this section requests the court of common pleas that entered an order under division (D)(1) of this section to grant the person leave to proceed as described in division (F)(1) of this section, the period of time commencing with the filing with that court of an application for the issuance of an order granting leave to proceed and ending with the issuance of an order of that nature shall not be computed as a part of an applicable period of limitations within which the legal proceedings or application involved generally must be instituted or made.

(2) A person who is subject to an order entered pursuant to division (D)(1) of this section and who seeks to institute or continue any legal proceedings in a court of appeals or to make an application, other than an application for leave to proceed under division (F)(2) of this section, in any legal proceedings in a court of appeals shall file an application for leave to proceed in the court of appeals in which the legal proceedings would be instituted or are pending. The court of appeals shall not grant a person found to be a vexatious litigator leave for the institution or continuance of, or the making of an application in, legal proceedings in the court of appeals unless the court of appeals is satisfied that the proceedings or application are not an abuse of process of the court and that there are reasonable grounds for the proceedings or application. If a person who has been found to be a vexatious litigator under this section requests the court of appeals to grant the person leave to proceed as described in division (F)(2) of this section, the period of time commencing with the filing with the court of an application for the issuance of an order granting leave to proceed and ending with the issuance of an order of that nature shall not be computed as a part of an applicable period of limitations within which the legal proceedings or application involved generally must be instituted or made.

(G) During the period of time that the order entered under division (D)(1) of this section is in force, no appeal by the person who is the subject of that order shall lie from a decision of the court of common pleas or court of appeals under division (F) of this section that denies that person leave for the institution or continuance of, or the making of an application in, legal proceedings in the court of claims or in a court of appeals, court of common pleas, municipal court, or county court.

(H) The clerk of the court of common pleas that enters an order under division (D)(1) of this section shall send a certified copy of the order to the supreme court for publication in a manner that the supreme court determines is appropriate and that will facilitate the clerk of the court of claims and a clerk of a court of appeals, court of common pleas, municipal court, or county court in refusing to accept pleadings or other papers submitted for filing by persons who have been found to be a vexatious litigator under this section and who have failed to obtain leave to proceed under this section.

(I) Whenever it appears by suggestion of the parties or otherwise that a person found to be a vexatious litigator under this section has instituted, continued, or made an application in legal proceedings without obtaining leave to proceed from the appropriate court of common pleas or court of appeals to do so under division (F) of this section, the court in which the legal proceedings are pending shall dismiss the proceedings or application of the vexatious litigator.

Last updated February 19, 2025 at 7:07 AM

Section 2323.55 | Future damages in medical malpractice actions.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Economic loss" means any of the following types of pecuniary harm:

(a) All wages, salaries, or other compensation lost as a result of an injury, death, or loss to person or property that is a subject of a civil action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim;

(b) All expenditures for medical care or treatment, rehabilitation services, or other care, treatment, services, products, or accommodations as a result of an injury, death, or loss to person or property that is a subject of a civil action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim;

(c) Any other expenditures incurred as a result of an injury, death, or loss to person or property that is a subject of a civil action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim, other than attorney's fees incurred in connection with that action.

(2) "Future damages" means any damages that result from an injury, death, or loss to person or property that is a subject of a civil action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim and that will accrue after the verdict or determination of liability is rendered in that action by the trier of fact. "Future damages" includes both economic and noneconomic loss.

(3) "Medical claim," "dental claim," "optometric claim," and "chiropractic claim" have the same meanings as in section 2305.113 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Noneconomic loss" means nonpecuniary harm that results from an injury, death, or loss to person or property that is a subject of a civil action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim, including, but not limited to, pain and suffering, loss of society, consortium, companionship, care, assistance, attention, protection, advice, guidance, counsel, instruction, training, or education, disfigurement, mental anguish, and any other intangible loss.

(5) "Past damages" means any damages that result from an injury, death, or loss to person or property that is a subject of a civil action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim and that have accrued by the time that the verdict or determination of liability is rendered in that action by the trier of fact. "Past damages" include both economic loss and noneconomic loss.

(6) "Trier of fact" means the jury or, in a nonjury action, the court.

(B) In any civil action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim in which a plaintiff makes a good faith claim against the defendant for future damages that exceed fifty thousand dollars, upon motion of that plaintiff or the defendant, the trier of fact shall return a general verdict and, if that verdict is in favor of that plaintiff, answers to interrogatories or findings of fact that specify both of the following:

(1) The past damages recoverable by that plaintiff;

(2) The future damages recoverable by that plaintiff.

(C) If answers to interrogatories are returned or findings of fact are made pursuant to division (B) of this section and if the future damages recoverable by that plaintiff exceeds fifty thousand dollars, the plaintiff or defendant may file a motion with the court that seeks a determination under division (D) of this section. The plaintiff or defendant shall file the motion at any time after the verdict or determination in favor of the plaintiff is rendered by the trier of fact but prior to the entry of judgment in accordance with Civil Rule 58.

(D)(1) Upon the filing of a motion pursuant to division (C) of this section and prior to the entry of judgment in accordance with Civil Rule 58, the court shall do all of the following:

(a) Set a date for a hearing to address whether all or any part of the future damages recoverable by the plaintiff shall be received by the plaintiff in a series of periodic payments rather than in a lump sum;

(b) Give notice of the date of the hearing described in division (D)(1)(a) of this section to the parties involved and their counsel of record;

(c) Conduct the hearing described in division (D)(1)(a) of this section, allow the parties involved to present any relevant evidence at the hearing, consider the factors described in division (D)(2) of this section in making its determination, and make its determination in accordance with division (D)(3) of this section.

(2) In determining whether all or any part of the future damages recoverable by the plaintiff shall be received by the plaintiff in a series of periodic payments rather than in a lump sum, the court shall consider all of the following factors:

(a) The purposes for which those portions of the future damages were awarded to that plaintiff;

(b) The business or occupational experience of that plaintiff;

(c) The age of that plaintiff;

(d) The physical and mental condition of that plaintiff;

(e) Whether that plaintiff or the parent, guardian, or custodian of that plaintiff is able to competently manage the future damages;

(f) Any other circumstance that relates to whether the injury sustained by that plaintiff would be better compensated by the payment of the future damages in a lump sum or by their receipt in a series of periodic payments.

(3) After the hearing described in division (D)(1) of this section and prior to the entry of judgment in accordance with Civil Rule 58, the court shall determine, in its discretion, whether all or any part of the future damages recoverable by the plaintiff shall be received by the plaintiff in a series of periodic payments rather than in a lump sum. If the court determines that a plaintiff shall receive the future damages recoverable by the plaintiff in a series of periodic payments, it may order the payments only as to the amount of the future damages recoverable by the plaintiff that exceeds fifty thousand dollars. If the court determines that the plaintiff shall receive the future damages recoverable by the plaintiff in a lump sum, the future damages shall be paid in a lump sum.

(E) If the court determines pursuant to division (D) of this section that a plaintiff shall receive the future damages recoverable by the plaintiff in a series of periodic payments, both of the following apply:

(1) Within twenty days after the court makes that determination, the plaintiff shall submit a periodic payments plan to the court. The plan may include, but is not limited to, a provision for a trust or an annuity and may be submitted by that plaintiff alone or by that plaintiff and the defendant.

(2) Within twenty days after the court makes that determination, the defendant may submit to the court, alone or jointly with the plaintiff, a periodic payments plan. If the defendant submits a periodic payments plan, the plan may include, but is not limited to, a provision for a trust or an annuity.

(F)(1) If the defendant and plaintiff do not jointly submit a periodic payments plan and if the defendant does not separately submit a periodic payments plan, then, within ten days after that plaintiff submits a plan, the defendant may submit to the court written comments relative to the periodic payments plan of the plaintiff.

(2) If the defendant and plaintiff do not jointly submit a periodic payments plan and if the defendant separately submits a periodic payments plan, then, within ten days after the defendant submits the plan, the plaintiff may submit to the court written comments relative to the periodic payments plan of the defendant.

(G)(1) The court, in its discretion, may modify, approve, or reject any submitted periodic payments plan. In approving any periodic payments plan, the court shall require interest on the judgment in question in accordance with section 1343.03 of the Revised Code. Additionally, in approving any periodic payments plan, the court is not required to ensure that payments under the periodic payments plan are equal in amount or that the total amount paid each year under the periodic payments plan is equal in amount to the total amount paid in other years under the plan; rather, a periodic payments plan may provide for payments to be made in irregular or varied amounts, or to be graduated upward or downward in amount over the duration of the periodic payments plan.

(2) The court shall include in any approved periodic payments plan adequate security to insure that the plaintiff will receive all of the periodic payments under that plan. If the approved periodic payments plan includes a provision for an annuity as the adequate security or otherwise, the defendant shall purchase the annuity from either of the following types of insurance companies:

(a) An insurance company that the A.M. Best Company, in its most recently published rating guide of life insurance companies, has rated A or better and has rated XII or higher as to financial size or strength;

(b) An insurance company that the superintendent of insurance, under rules adopted pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code for purposes of implementing this division, determines is licensed to do business in this state and, considering the factors described in this division, is a stable insurance company that issues annuities that are safe and desirable. In making determinations as described in this division, the superintendent shall be guided by the principle that annuities should be safe and desirable for plaintiffs who are awarded damages. In making those determinations, the superintendent shall consider the financial condition, general standing, operating results, profitability, leverage, liquidity, amount and soundness of reinsurance, adequacy of reserves, and the management of any insurance company in question and also may consider ratings, grades, and classifications of any nationally recognized rating services of insurance companies and any other factors relevant to the making of such determinations.

(3) If a periodic payments plan provides for periodic payments over a period of five years or more to the plaintiff, the court, in its discretion, may include in the approved periodic payments plan a provision in which it reserves to itself continuing jurisdiction over that plan, including jurisdiction to review and modify that plan.

(4) The court shall specify in the entry of judgment in the tort action the determination made pursuant to division (D) of this section and, if applicable, the terms of any approved periodic payments plan.

(H) After a periodic payments plan is approved, the future damages that are to be received in periodic payments shall be paid in accordance with the plan, including, if applicable, payment over to a trust or annuity provided for in the plan.

(I) If a court orders a series of periodic payments of future damages in accordance with this section and the plaintiff dies prior to the receipt of all of the future damages, the liability for the unpaid portion of those damages that is not yet due at the time of the death of that plaintiff shall continue, but the payments shall be paid to the heirs of that plaintiff as scheduled in and otherwise in accordance with the approved periodic payments plan or, if the plan does not contain a relevant provision, as the court shall order.

(J)(1) Nothing in this section precludes a plaintiff and a defendant from mutually agreeing to a settlement of the action.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in this section, nothing in this section increases the time for filing any motion or notice of appeal or taking any other action relative to a civil action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim, alters the amount of any verdict or determination of damages by the trier of fact in a civil action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim, or alters the liability of any party to pay or satisfy the verdict or determination.

(K) This section does not apply to tort actions that are brought against political subdivisions of this state and that are commenced under or are subject to Chapter 2744. of the Revised Code or to tort actions brought against the state in the court of claims.

Section 2323.56 | Periodic payments of future damages.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Economic loss" means any of the following types of pecuniary harm:

(a) All wages, salaries, or other compensation lost as a result of an injury to person that is a subject of a tort action;

(b) All expenditures for medical care or treatment, rehabilitation services, or other care, treatment, services, products, or accommodations as a result of an injury to person that is a subject of a tort action;

(c) Any other expenditures incurred as a result of an injury to person that is a subject of a tort action.

(2) "Future damages" means any damages that result from an injury to person that is a subject of a tort action and that will accrue after the verdict or determination of liability by the trier of fact is rendered in that tort action.

(3) "Medical claim," "dental claim," "optometric claim," and "chiropractic claim" have the same meanings as in section 2305.113 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Noneconomic loss" means nonpecuniary harm that results from an injury to person that is a subject of a tort action, including, but not limited to, pain and suffering, loss of society, consortium, companionship, care, assistance, attention, protection, advice, guidance, counsel, instruction, training, or education, mental anguish, and any other intangible loss.

(5) "Past damages" means any damages that result from an injury to person that is a subject of a tort action and that have accrued by the time that the verdict or determination of liability by the trier of fact is rendered in that tort action, and any punitive or exemplary damages awarded.

(6) "Tort action" means a civil action for damages for injury to person. "Tort action" includes a product liability claim for damages for injury to person that is subject to sections 2307.71 to 2307.80 of the Revised Code, but does not include a civil action for damages for a breach of contract or another agreement between persons.

(7) "Trier of fact" means the jury or, in a nonjury action, the court.

(B)(1) In any tort action that is tried to a jury and in which a plaintiff makes a good faith claim against the defendant in question for future damages that exceed two hundred thousand dollars, upon motion of that plaintiff or the defendant in question, the court shall instruct the jury to return, and the jury shall return, a general verdict and, if that verdict is in favor of that plaintiff, answers to interrogatories that shall specify all of the following:

(a) The past damages recoverable by that plaintiff;

(b) The future damages recoverable by that plaintiff, and the portions of those future damages that represent each of the following:

(i) Noneconomic loss;

(ii) Economic loss;

(iii) Economic loss as described in division (A)(1)(a) of this section;

(iv) Economic loss as described in division (A)(1)(b) of this section;

(v) Economic loss as described in division (A)(1)(c) of this section.

(2) In any tort action that is tried to a court and in which a plaintiff makes a good faith claim against the defendant in question for future damages that exceed two hundred thousand dollars, upon motion of that plaintiff or the defendant in question, the court shall make its determination in the action and, if that determination is in favor of that plaintiff, make findings of fact that shall specify damages as provided in division (B)(1) of this section.

(C) If answers to interrogatories are returned or findings of fact are made pursuant to division (B) of this section and if the total of the portions of the future damages described in divisions (B)(1)(b)(i), (iv), and (v) of this section exceeds both two hundred thousand dollars and twenty-five per cent of the total of the damages described in divisions (B)(1)(a) and (b) of this section, the plaintiff or defendant in question may file a motion with the court that seeks a determination under division (D) of this section. Such a motion shall be filed at any time after the verdict or determination in favor of the plaintiff in question is rendered by the trier of fact but prior to the entry of judgment in accordance with Civil Rule 58.

(D)(1) Upon the filing of a motion pursuant to division (C) of this section and prior to the entry of judgment in accordance with Civil Rule 58, the court shall do all of the following:

(a) Set a date for a hearing to address whether all or any part of the total of the portions of the future damages described in divisions (B)(1)(b)(i), (iv), and (v) of this section shall be received by the plaintiff in question in a series of periodic payments rather than in a lump sum;

(b) Give notice of the date of the hearing described in division (D)(1)(a) of this section to the parties involved and their counsel of record;

(c) Conduct the hearing described in division (D)(1)(a) of this section, allow the parties involved to present any relevant evidence at the hearing, consider the factors described in division (D)(2) of this section in making its determination, and make its determination in accordance with division (D)(3) of this section.

(2) In determining whether all or any part of the total of the portions of the future damages described in divisions (B)(1)(b)(i), (iv), and (v) of this section shall be received by the plaintiff in question in a series of periodic payments rather than in a lump sum, the court shall consider all of the following factors:

(a) The purposes for which those portions of the future damages were awarded to that plaintiff;

(b) The business or occupational experience of that plaintiff;

(c) The age of that plaintiff;

(d) The physical and mental condition of that plaintiff;

(e) Whether that plaintiff or the parent, guardian, or custodian of that plaintiff is able to competently manage those portions of the future damages;

(f) Any other circumstance that relates to whether the injury sustained by that plaintiff would be better compensated by the payment of those portions of the future damages in a lump sum or by their receipt in a series of periodic payments.

(3) After the hearing described in division (D)(1) of this section and prior to the entry of judgment in accordance with Civil Rule 58, the court shall determine, in its discretion, whether all or any part of the total of the portions of the future damages described in divisions (B)(1)(b)(i), (iv), and (v) of this section shall be received by the plaintiff in question in a series of periodic payments rather than in a lump sum. If the court determines that a series of periodic payments shall be received by that plaintiff, it may order such payments only as to the amount of that total that exceeds both two hundred thousand dollars and twenty-five per cent of the total of the damages described in divisions (B)(1)(a) and (b) of this section.

(E)(1)(a) If the court determines pursuant to division (D) of this section that a series of periodic payments shall be received by the plaintiff in question, then, within twenty days after the court so determines, that plaintiff shall submit a periodic payments plan to the court. Such a plan may include, but is not limited to, a provision for a trust or an annuity, and may be submitted by that plaintiff alone or by that plaintiff and the defendant in question.

(b) If that defendant and that plaintiff do not jointly submit a periodic payments plan, then, within twenty days after the court makes its determination pursuant to division (D) of this section that a series of periodic payments shall be received by that plaintiff, that defendant may submit to the court a periodic payments plan. If that defendant does so, it may include, but is not limited to, a provision for a trust or an annuity.

(c) If that defendant and that plaintiff do not jointly submit a periodic payments plan and if that defendant does not separately submit such a plan pursuant to division (E)(1)(b) of this section, then, within ten days after that plaintiff submits such a plan, that defendant may submit to the court written comments relative to the periodic payments plan of that plaintiff. If that defendant and that plaintiff do not jointly submit a periodic payments plan and if that defendant separately submits such a plan pursuant to division (E)(1)(b) of this section, then, within ten days after that defendant submits such a plan, that plaintiff may submit to the court written comments relative to the periodic payments plan of that defendant.

(d) The court, in its discretion, may modify, approve, or reject any submitted periodic payments plan. In approving any periodic payments plan, the court shall take into consideration interest on the judgment in question, in accordance with section 1343.03 of the Revised Code. Additionally, in approving any periodic payments plan, the court is not required to ensure that payments under the periodic payments plan are equal in amount or that the total amount paid each year under the periodic payments plan is equal in amount to the total amount paid in other years under the plan; rather, a periodic payments plan may provide for payments to be made in irregular or varied amounts, or to be graduated upward or downward in amount over the duration of the periodic payments plan.

(e) The court shall include in any approved periodic payments plan adequate security to insure that the plaintiff in question will receive all of the periodic payments under that plan. If the approved periodic payments plan includes a provision for an annuity as the adequate security or otherwise, the defendant in question shall purchase the annuity from either of the following types of insurance companies:

(i) An insurance company that the A.M. Best Company, in its most recently published rating guide of life insurance companies, has rated A or better and has rated XII or higher as to financial size or strength;

(ii) An insurance company that the superintendent of insurance, under rules adopted pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code for purposes of implementing this division, determines is licensed to do business in this state and, considering the factors described in this division, is a stable insurance company that issues annuities that are safe and desirable.

In making determinations as described in this division, the superintendent shall be guided by the principle that annuities should be safe and desirable for plaintiffs who are awarded damages. In making such determinations, the superintendent shall consider the financial condition, general standing, operating results, profitability, leverage, liquidity, amount and soundness of reinsurance, adequacy of reserves, and the management of any insurance company in question and also may consider ratings, grades, and classifications of any nationally recognized rating services of insurance companies and any other factors relevant to the making of such determinations.

(f) If a periodic payments plan provides for periodic payments over a period of five years or more to the plaintiff in question, the court, in its discretion, may include in the approved periodic payments plan a provision in which it reserves to itself continuing jurisdiction over that plan, including jurisdiction to review and modify that plan.

(g) After a periodic payments plan is approved, the future damages that are to be received in periodic payments shall be paid in accordance with the plan, including, if applicable, payment over to a trust or annuity provided for in the plan.

(2) If the court determines pursuant to division (D) of this section that a series of periodic payments shall not be received by the plaintiff in question, the future damages described in divisions (B)(1)(b)(i), (iv), and (v) of this section shall be paid in a lump sum.

(3) The court shall specify in the entry of judgment in the tort action the determination made pursuant to division (D) of this section and, if applicable, the terms of any approved periodic payments plan.

(F) If a court orders a series of periodic payments of future damages in accordance with this section, the following rules shall govern those payments if the plaintiff in question dies prior to the receipt of all of them:

(1) The liability for the portion of those payments that represents future economic loss as described in division (B)(1)(b)(iv) of this section and that is not due at the time of the death of that plaintiff shall cease at that time;

(2) The liability for the portion of those payments that represents future noneconomic loss of that plaintiff as described in division (B)(1)(b)(i) of this section and that is not due at the time of the death of that plaintiff shall continue, but the payments shall be paid to the heirs of that plaintiff as scheduled in and otherwise in accordance with the approved periodic payments plan or, if the plan does not contain a relevant provision, as the court shall order;

(3) The liability for the portion of those payments not described in division (F)(1) or (2) of this section shall continue, but the payments shall be paid as described in division (F)(2) of this section.

(G)(1) Nothing in this section precludes a plaintiff in question and a defendant in question from mutually agreeing to a settlement of the action.

(2) Except to the extent provided in divisions (A) to (F) of this section, nothing in those divisions increases the time for filing any motion or notice of appeal or taking any other action relative to a tort action, alters the amount of any verdict or determination of damages by the trier of fact in a tort action, or alters the liability of any party to pay or satisfy any such verdict or determination.

(H) This section does not apply to tort actions against political subdivisions of this state that are commenced under or are subject to Chapter 2744. of the Revised Code or to tort actions against the state in the court of claims. This section also does not apply to a tort or other civil action upon a medical claim, dental claim, optometric claim, or chiropractic claim, and instead such an action shall be subject to section 2323.55 of the Revised Code.

Section 2323.57 | General verdict for future damages.

In any tort action to which section 2323.55 or 2323.56 of the Revised Code does not apply, if a plaintiff makes a good faith claim against a defendant for future damages, the trier of fact shall return a general verdict and, if that verdict is in favor of the plaintiff, answers to interrogatories or findings of fact that specify both of the following:

(A) The past damages recoverable by that plaintiff;

(B) The future damages recoverable by that plaintiff.

Section 2323.58 | Transfer of structural settlement payment rights definitions.

As used in this section and sections 2323.581 to 2323.587 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Annuity issuer" means an insurer that has issued a contract that is used to fund periodic payments under a structured settlement.

(B) "Assignee" means a party acquiring or proposing to acquire structured settlement payment rights from a transferee of those rights.

(C) "Dependent" includes a spouse of a payee, a minor child of a payee, and any other person for whom the payee is legally obligated to provide support, including alimony.

(D) "Discounted present value" means the present value of future payments determined by discounting those payments to the present, using the most recently published applicable federal rate for determining the present value of an annuity, as issued by the United States internal revenue service.

(E) "Gross advance amount" means the sum payable to the payee or for the payee's account as consideration for a transfer of structured settlement payment rights before any reductions for transfer expenses or other deductions to be made from such consideration.

(F) "Independent professional advice" means the advice of an attorney, a certified public accountant, an actuary, or any other licensed professional adviser.

(G) "Interested party" means, with respect to a structured settlement, the payee, any beneficiary irrevocably designated under the annuity contract to receive payments following the payee's death, the annuity issuer, the structured settlement obligor, and any other party to the structured settlement that has continuing rights or obligations to receive or make payments under the structured settlement.

(H) "Net advance amount" means the gross advance amount less the aggregate amount of the actual and estimated transfer expenses required to be disclosed under division (E) of section 2323.582 of the Revised Code.

(I) "Payee" means an individual who is receiving periodic payments under a structured settlement that are excludable from the individual's gross income under federal income taxation laws applicable to that individual and who proposes to make a transfer of the rights to receive those periodic payments.

(J) "Periodic payments" includes both continuing monthly or other periodic payments and scheduled future lump-sum payments under a structured settlement.

(K) "Qualified assignment agreement" means an agreement that provides for a qualified assignment, as defined in section 130 of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 130(c), as amended.

(L) "Structured settlement" means an arrangement for periodic payments of damages for personal injuries or sickness that is established by a settlement or a court judgment in resolution of a tort claim.

(M) "Structured settlement agreement" means an agreement, judgment, stipulation, or release that embodies the terms of a structured settlement, including the rights of a payee to receive periodic payments.

(N) "Structured settlement obligor" means the party that has the obligation to make continuing periodic payments to the payee under a structured settlement agreement or a qualified assignment agreement.

(O) "Structured settlement payment rights" means the rights under a structured settlement agreement to receive periodic payments from a structured settlement obligor or an annuity issuer if either of the following applies:

(1) The payee is a resident of this state.

(2) The structured settlement agreement was approved by a court in this state.

(P) "Terms of a structured settlement" includes the terms of a structured settlement agreement, the annuity contract, a qualified assignment agreement, and any order or approval by a court or other government authority authorizing or approving the structured settlement.

(Q) "Transfer" means a sale, assignment, pledge, hypothecation, or any other form of alienation or encumbrance of structured settlement payment rights made by a payee for consideration. "Transfer" does not include the creation or perfection of a security interest in structured settlement payment rights under a blanket security agreement entered into with an insured depository institution, in the absence of any action to redirect the structured settlement payments to that institution, or an agent or successor in interest thereof, or otherwise to enforce the blanket security interest against the structured settlement payment rights.

(R) "Transfer agreement" means an agreement that provides for the transfer of structured settlement payment rights from a payee to a transferee.

(S) "Transfer expense" means any expense of a transfer that is required under the transfer agreement to be paid by the payee or deducted from the gross advance amount, including but not limited to, court filing fees, attorneys' fees, escrow fees, lien recordation fees, judgment and lien search fees, finder's fees, commissions, and other payments to a broker or other intermediary. "Transfer expense" does not include pre-existing obligations of the payee payable for the payee's account from the proceeds of a transfer.

(T) "Transferee" means a party acquiring or proposing to acquire structured settlement payment rights through a transfer.

Section 2323.581 | Valid transfer of structural settlement payment rights.

No direct or indirect transfer of structured settlement payment rights shall be effective, and no structured settlement obligor or annuity issuer shall be required to make any payment directly or indirectly to a transferee or assignee of structured settlement payment rights, unless the transfer has been approved in advance in a final order of a court of competent jurisdiction based on express findings by the court of all of the following:

(A) The transfer is in the best interest of the payee, taking into account the welfare and support of the payee's dependents.

(B) The payee has been advised in writing by the transferee to seek independent professional advice regarding the transfer and has either received that advice or knowingly waived in writing the opportunity to seek and receive that advice.

(C) The transfer does not contravene any applicable statute or order of any court or other government authority.

Section 2323.582 | Contents and form of disclosure statement.

Not less than ten days prior to the date on which a payee signs a transfer agreement, the transferee shall provide to the payee a separate disclosure statement, in boldface type of the minimum size of fourteen points, setting forth all of the following:

(A) The amounts and due dates of the structured settlement payments that would be transferred under the transfer agreement;

(B) The aggregate amount of the payments described in division (A) of this section;

(C) The discounted present value of the payments described in division (A) of this section, which shall be identified as the "calculation of current value of the transferred structured settlement payments under federal standards for valuing annuities," and the amount of the applicable federal rate used in determining the discounted present value;

(D) The gross advance amount;

(E) An itemized listing of all applicable transfer expenses, other than attorneys' fees and related disbursements payable in connection with the transferee's application for approval of the transfer, and the transferee's best estimate of the amount of any such fees and disbursements;

(F) The net advance amount;

(G) The effective annual interest rate, which shall be disclosed as follows: "On the basis of the net amount that you will receive from us and the amounts and timing of the structured settlement payments that you are transferring to us, you will, in effect, be paying interest to us at a rate of ___________ per cent per year";

(H) The aggregate amount of any penalty or liquidated damages payable by the payee in the event of any breach of the transfer agreement by the payee;

(I) That the payee has the right to cancel the transfer agreement, without penalty or further obligation, not later than the third business day after the date the agreement is signed by the payee;

(J) That the payee has the right to seek and receive independent professional advice regarding the proposed transfer and should consider doing so before agreeing to transfer any structured settlement payment rights.

Section 2323.583 | Transfer of structured settlement payment rights; applicable procedures.

Following a transfer of structured settlement payment rights pursuant to sections 2323.58 to 2323.585 of the Revised Code, all of the following apply:

(A) The structured settlement obligor and the annuity issuer may rely on the court order approving the transfer in redirecting periodic payments to an assignee or transferee in accordance with the order approving the transfer and shall, as to all parties except the transferee or an assignee designated by the transferee, be discharged and released from any and all liability for the redirected payments. That discharge and release shall not be affected by the failure of any party to the transfer to comply with sections 2323.58 to 2323.585 of the Revised Code or with the court order approving the transfer.

(B) The transferee shall be liable to the structured settlement obligor and the annuity issuer, as follows:

(1) For any taxes incurred by the structured settlement obligor or annuity issuer as a consequence of the transfer, if the transfer contravenes the terms of the structured settlement;

(2) For any other liabilities or costs, including reasonable costs and attorneys' fees, arising from compliance by the structured settlement obligor or annuity issuer with the court order approving the transfer or from the failure of any party to the transfer to comply with sections 2323.58 to 2323.585 of the Revised Code.

(C) Neither the annuity issuer nor the structured settlement obligor may be required to divide any periodic payment between the payee and any transferee or assignee or between two or more transferees or assignees.

(D) Any further transfer of structured settlement payment rights by the payee may be made only if the transfer complies with all of the requirements of sections 2323.58 to 2323.585 of the Revised Code.

Section 2323.584 | Filing application for approval in advance of transfer.

(A) A transferee shall file an application under sections 2323.58 to 2323.585 of the Revised Code for the approval in advance of a transfer of structured settlement payment rights in the probate division of the court of common pleas of the county in which the payee resides, except that if the structured settlement agreement was approved by a court of common pleas or other Ohio state court, the application shall be filed in the Ohio state court that approved the structured settlement agreement.

(B) The following procedures shall apply to an application for the approval in advance by a court of a transfer of structured settlement payment rights under division (A) of this section:

(1) The court shall hold a timely hearing on the application. The payee shall appear in person at the hearing unless the court determines that good cause exists to excuse the payee from appearing in person.

(2) Not less than twenty days prior to the date set by the court for the hearing on an application filed pursuant to this section, the transferee shall file with the court and shall serve on all interested parties, including a parent or other guardian or authorized legal representative of any interested party who is not legally competent, in the manner prescribed in the Rules of Civil Procedure for the service of process, a notice of the proposed transfer and the application for its approval in advance. The notice shall include all of the following:

(a) A copy of the application;

(b) A copy of the transfer agreement;

(c) A copy of the disclosure statement provided by the transferee pursuant to section 2323.582 of the Revised Code;

(d) The payee's name, age, and county of residence and the number and ages of each of the payee's dependents;

(e) A summary of both of the following:

(i) Any prior transfers by the payee to the transferee or an affiliate, or through the transferee or an affiliate to an assignee, within the four years preceding the date of the transfer agreement and any proposed transfers by the payee to the transferee or an affiliate, or through the transferee or an affiliate to an assignee, applications for approval of which were denied within the two years preceding the date of the transfer agreement;

(ii) Any prior transfers by the payee to any person or entity other than the transferee or an affiliate, or an assignee of the transferee or an affiliate, within the three years preceding the date of the transfer agreement and any prior proposed transfers by the payee to any person or entity other than the transferee or an affiliate, or an assignee of a transferee or affiliate, applications for approval of which were denied within the one year preceding the date of the current transfer agreement, to the extent that the transfers or proposed transfers have been disclosed to the transferee by the payee in writing or otherwise are actually known to the transferee.

(f) Notification of the date, time, and place of the hearing on the application;

(g) Notification that any interested party may support, oppose, or otherwise respond to the application, either in person or by counsel, by submitting to the court a written response containing the interested party's support of, opposition to, or comments on the application or by participating in the hearing;

(h) Notification of the manner of filing a written response to the application and the time within which the response is required to be filed, which time shall be not less than fifteen days after the service of the transferee's notice, in order for the court to consider it.

Section 2323.585 | Immunity - waiver - illegal transfers.

(A) No payee who proposes to make a transfer of structured settlement payment rights shall incur any penalty, forfeit any application fee or other payment, or otherwise incur any liability to the proposed transferee or any assignee based on a failure of the transfer to comply with any of the requirements of sections 2323.581 to 2323.584 of the Revised Code.

(B) No provision of this section or section 2323.581, 2323.582, 2323.583, or 2323.584 of the Revised Code may be waived by any payee.

(C) No provision of this section or section 2323.581, 2323.582, 2323.583, or 2323.584 of the Revised Code authorizes any transfer of structured settlement payment rights in contravention of applicable law or implies that any transfer under a transfer agreement that was entered into prior to the effective date of this amendment is valid or invalid.

(D) Any transfer agreement entered into on or after the effective date of this amendment by a payee who resides in this state shall provide that disputes under the transfer agreement, including any claim that the payee has breached the agreement, are to be determined in and under the laws of this state. No such transfer agreement shall authorize the transferee or any other party to confess judgment or consent to entry of judgment against the payee.

(E) No transfer of structured settlement payment rights shall extend to any payments that are life-contingent unless, prior to the date on which the payee signs the transfer agreement, the transferee has established and has agreed to maintain procedures reasonably satisfactory to the annuity issuer and the structured settlement obligor for both of the following:

(1) Periodically confirming the payee's survival;

(2) Giving the annuity issuer and the structured settlement obligor prompt written notice in the event of the payee's death.

(F) If the payee cancels a transfer agreement, or if the transfer agreement otherwise terminates, after an application for approval of a transfer of structured settlement payment rights has been filed and before it has been granted or denied, the transferee shall promptly request dismissal of the application.

Section 2323.586 | Settlement obligor and annuity issuer immune from liability.

Compliance with section 2323.582 of the Revised Code and the fulfillment of the conditions set forth in section 2323.581 of the Revised Code shall be solely the responsibility of the transferee in any transfer of structured settlement payment rights, and neither the structured settlement obligor nor the annuity issuer shall bear any responsibility for, or any liability arising from, noncompliance with the requirements or failure to fulfill the conditions.

Section 2323.587 | Consumer sales practices act applicability.

A violation of or failure to comply with section 2323.581, 2323.582, 2323.583, 2323.584, 2323.585, or 2323.586 of the Revised Code is an unfair or deceptive act or practice in violation of section 1345.02 of the Revised Code.