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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 2305 | Jurisdiction; Limitation Of Actions

Section 2305.01 | Jurisdiction in civil cases - trial transfer.

Except as otherwise provided by this section or section 2305.03 of the Revised Code, the court of common pleas has original jurisdiction in all civil cases in which the sum or matter in dispute exceeds the exclusive original jurisdiction of county courts and appellate jurisdiction from the decisions of boards of county commissioners. The court of common pleas shall not have jurisdiction, in any tort action to which the amounts apply, to award punitive or exemplary damages that exceed the amounts set forth in section 2315.21 of the Revised Code. The court of common pleas shall not have jurisdiction in any tort action to which the limits apply to enter judgment on an award of compensatory damages for noneconomic loss in excess of the limits set forth in section 2315.18 of the Revised Code.

The court of common pleas may on its own motion transfer for trial any action in the court to any municipal court in the county having concurrent jurisdiction of the subject matter of, and the parties to, the action, if the amount sought by the plaintiff does not exceed one thousand dollars and if the judge or presiding judge of the municipal court concurs in the proposed transfer. Upon the issuance of an order of transfer, the clerk of courts shall remove to the designated municipal court the entire case file. Any untaxed portion of the common pleas deposit for court costs shall be remitted to the municipal court by the clerk of courts to be applied in accordance with section 1901.26 of the Revised Code, and the costs taxed by the municipal court shall be added to any costs taxed in the common pleas court.

The court of common pleas has jurisdiction in any action brought pursuant to division (I) of section 4781.40 of the Revised Code if the residential premises that are the subject of the action are located within the territorial jurisdiction of the court.

The courts of common pleas of Adams, Athens, Belmont, Brown, Clermont, Columbiana, Gallia, Hamilton, Jefferson, Lawrence, Meigs, Monroe, Scioto, and Washington counties have jurisdiction beyond the north or northwest shore of the Ohio river extending to the opposite shore line, between the extended boundary lines of any adjacent counties or adjacent state. Each of those courts of common pleas has concurrent jurisdiction on the Ohio river with any adjacent court of common pleas that borders on that river and with any court of Kentucky or of West Virginia that borders on the Ohio river and that has jurisdiction on the Ohio river under the law of Kentucky or the law of West Virginia, whichever is applicable, or under federal law.

Section 2305.011 | Standing of nature or ecosystem.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Nature" means the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, other features and products of the earth, the natural environment or wilderness, and generally areas that are not human or human creations, have not been substantially altered by humans, or that persist despite human intervention.

(2) "Ecosystem" means a complex community of living organisms in conjunction with their physical environments, all interacting and linked together as a system through nutrient cycles and energy flows in a particular unit of space.

(B) Nature or any ecosystem does not have standing to participate in or bring an action in any court of common pleas.

(C)(1) No person, on behalf of or representing nature or an ecosystem, shall bring an action in any court of common pleas.

(2) No person shall bring an action in any court of common pleas against a person who is acting on behalf of or representing nature or an ecosystem.

(3) No person, on behalf of or representing nature or an ecosystem, shall intervene in any manner, such as by filing a counterclaim, cross-claim, or third-party complaint, in any action brought in any court of common pleas.

(D) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the state or any of its agencies from enforcing the laws pertaining to environmental pollution, conservation, wild animals, or other natural communities or ecosystems.

Section 2305.02 | Wrongful imprisonment claim.

The court of common pleas in the county where the underlying criminal action was initiated has exclusive, original jurisdiction to hear and determine an action or proceeding that is commenced by an individual who satisfies divisions (A)(1) to (5) of section 2743.48 of the Revised Code and that seeks a determination by the court that an error in procedure of the type described in division (A)(5) of that section occurred, that the offense of which the individual was found guilty, including all lesser included offenses, was not committed by the individual, or that no offense was committed by any person. If the court enters the requested determination, it shall comply with division (B) of that section.

Section 2305.03 | Lapse of time a bar.

(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section and unless a different limitation is prescribed by statute, a civil action may be commenced only within the period prescribed in sections 2305.04 to 2305.22 of the Revised Code. If interposed by proper plea by a party to an action mentioned in any of those sections, lapse of time shall be a bar to the action.

(B) No tort action, as defined in section 2305.236 of the Revised Code, that is based upon a cause of action that accrued in any other state, territory, district, or foreign jurisdiction may be commenced and maintained in this state if the period of limitation that applies to that action under the laws of that other state, territory, district, or foreign jurisdiction has expired or the period of limitation that applies to that action under the laws of this state has expired.

(C) No action upon a specialty or an agreement, contract, or promise in writing, other than an action described in division (C) of section 2305.07 of the Revised Code, that seeks post-default interest at a rate governed by or provided in the substantive laws of any other state, territory, district, or foreign jurisdiction, and in excess of the rate of interest provided by section 5703.47 of the Revised Code, may be commenced and maintained in this state if the period of limitation that applies to that action under the laws of that other state, territory, district, or foreign jurisdiction has expired or the period of limitation that applies to that action under the laws of this state has expired.

(D) No action described in division (C) of section 2305.07 of the Revised Code that seeks post charge-off interest at a rate governed by or provided in the substantive laws of any other state, territory, district, or foreign jurisdiction, and in excess of the rate of interest provided by section 5703.47 of the Revised Code, may be commenced and maintained in this state if the period of limitation that applies to that action under the laws of that other state, territory, district, or foreign jurisdiction has expired or the period of limitation that applies to that action under the laws of this state has expired.

Last updated April 13, 2021 at 3:03 PM

Section 2305.04 | Recovery of real estate.

An action to recover the title to or possession of real property shall be brought within twenty-one years after the cause of action accrued, but if a person entitled to bring the action is, at the time the cause of action accrues, within the age of minority or of unsound mind, the person, after the expiration of twenty-one years from the time the cause of action accrues, may bring the action within ten years after the disability is removed.

Section 2305.041 | Action for breach of oil or gas lease or license.

With respect to a lease or license by which a right is granted to operate or to sink or drill wells on land in this state for natural gas or petroleum and that is recorded in accordance with section 5301.09 of the Revised Code, an action alleging breach of any express or implied provision of the lease or license concerning the calculation or payment of royalties shall be brought within the time period that is specified in section 1302.98 of the Revised Code. An action alleging a breach with respect to any other issue that the lease or license involves shall be brought within the time period specified in section 2305.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 2305.05 | Real estate dedicated to public uses.

If a street or alley, or any part thereof, laid out and shown on the recorded plat of a municipal corporation, has not been opened to the public use and occupancy of the citizens thereof, or other persons, and has been enclosed with a fence by the owners of the inlots, lots, or outlots lying on, adjacent to, or along such street or alley, or part thereof, and has remained in the open, uninterrupted use, adverse possession, and occupancy of such owners for the period of twenty-one years, and if such street, alley, inlot, or outlot is a part of the tract of land so laid out by the original proprietors, the public easement therein shall be extinguished and the right of such municipal corporation, the citizens thereof, or other persons, and the legislative authority of such municipal corporation and the legal authorities thereof, to use, control, or occupy so much of such street or alley as has been fenced, used, possessed, and occupied, shall be barred, except to the owners of such inlots or outlots lying on, adjacent to, or along such streets or alleys who have occupied them in the manner mentioned in this section.

Section 2305.06 | Contract in writing.

Except as provided in sections 126.301, 1302.98, 1303.16, 1345.10, and 2305.04 of the Revised Code, an action upon a specialty or an agreement, contract, or promise in writing shall be brought within six years after the cause of action accrued.

Last updated April 13, 2021 at 3:03 PM

Section 2305.07 | Contract not in writing; statutory liability; consumer transactions.

(A) Except as provided in sections 126.301 and 1302.98 of the Revised Code, an action upon a contract not in writing, express or implied, shall be brought within four years after the cause of action accrued.

(B) An action upon a liability created by statute other than a forfeiture or penalty shall be brought within six years after the cause of action accrued.

(C) Except as provided in sections 1303.16, 1345.10, and 2305.04 of the Revised Code, and notwithstanding divisions (A) and (B) of this section, section 1302.98, and division (B) of section 2305.03 of the Revised Code, an action arising out of a consumer transaction incurred primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, based upon any contract, agreement, obligation, liability, or promise, express or implied, including an account stated, whether or not reduced to writing or signed by the party to be charged by that transaction, shall be commenced within six years after the cause of action accrued. For purposes of this division, a cause of action accrues thirty calendar days after the date of the last charge or payment by, or on behalf of, the consumer, whichever is later.

Last updated May 2, 2021 at 10:11 AM

Section 2305.08 | Partial payment.

If payment has been made upon any demand founded on a contract, or a written acknowledgment thereof, or a promise to pay it has been made and signed by the party to be charged, an action may be brought thereon within the time limited by sections 2305.06 and 2305.07 of the Revised Code, after such payment, acknowledgment, or promise.

Section 2305.09 | Four years - certain torts.

Except as provided for in division (C) of this section, an action for any of the following causes shall be brought within four years after the cause thereof accrued:

(A) For trespassing upon real property;

(B) For the recovery of personal property, or for taking or detaining it;

(C) For relief on the ground of fraud, except when the cause of action is a violation of section 2913.49 of the Revised Code, in which case the action shall be brought within five years after the cause thereof accrued;

(D) For an injury to the rights of the plaintiff not arising on contract nor enumerated in sections 1304.35, 2305.10 to 2305.12, and 2305.14 of the Revised Code;

(E) For relief on the grounds of a physical or regulatory taking of real property.

If the action is for trespassing under ground or injury to mines, or for the wrongful taking of personal property, the causes thereof shall not accrue until the wrongdoer is discovered; nor, if it is for fraud, until the fraud is discovered.

An action for professional negligence against a registered surveyor shall be commenced within four years after the completion of the engagement on which the cause of action is based.

Section 2305.091 | Asbestos actions by school districts.

(A) An action to obtain a judgment for any of the following shall be brought by a board of education of any school district within four years after the cause of action accrues in accordance with division (B) of this section:

(1) The removal of asbestos or materials that contain asbestos from a building or other structure that is owned by the board of education;

(2) Measures to be taken to locate, correct, or ameliorate any problem associated with asbestos or materials that contain asbestos in a building or other structure that is owned by the board of education;

(3) The reimbursement of the costs and expenses associated with the removal of asbestos or materials that contain asbestos from a building or other structure that is owned by the board of education;

(4) The reimbursement of the costs and expenses associated with the location, correction, or amelioration of any problem associated with asbestos or materials that contain asbestos in a building or other structure that is owned by the board of education.

(B) A cause of action for any removal, measures, or reimbursement described in divisions (A)(1) to (4) of this section accrues upon the date that the board of education is informed by an official of a state, county, or local health department or of the United States environmental protection agency, the Ohio environmental protection agency, or the industrial commission who has conducted an inspection for asbestos or who has received test data concerning asbestos located in a building or other structure that is owned by the board of education, that asbestos or materials that contain asbestos in any building or other structure that is owned by the board of education should be removed from the building or other structure or be encapsulated or otherwise maintained because the asbestos poses a health hazard or risk to persons who use the building or other structure.

(C) This section applies to asbestos, and material that contains asbestos, that is or was installed in a building or other structure prior to, on, or after the effective date of this section.

Section 2305.10 | Bodily injury or injury to personal property.

(A) Except as provided in division (C) or (E) of this section, an action based on a product liability claim and an action for bodily injury or injuring personal property shall be brought within two years after the cause of action accrues. Except as provided in divisions (B)(1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) of this section, a cause of action accrues under this division when the injury or loss to person or property occurs.

(B)(1) For purposes of division (A) of this section, a cause of action for bodily injury that is not described in division (B)(2), (3), (4), or (5) of this section and that is caused by exposure to hazardous or toxic chemicals, ethical drugs, or ethical medical devices accrues upon the date on which the plaintiff is informed by competent medical authority that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, or upon the date on which by the exercise of reasonable diligence the plaintiff should have known that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, whichever date occurs first.

(2) For purposes of division (A) of this section, a cause of action for bodily injury caused by exposure to chromium in any of its chemical forms accrues upon the date on which the plaintiff is informed by competent medical authority that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, or upon the date on which by the exercise of reasonable diligence the plaintiff should have known that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, whichever date occurs first.

(3) For purposes of division (A) of this section, a cause of action for bodily injury incurred by a veteran through exposure to chemical defoliants or herbicides or other causative agents, including agent orange, accrues upon the date on which the plaintiff is informed by competent medical authority that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, or upon the date on which by the exercise of reasonable diligence the plaintiff should have known that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, whichever date occurs first.

(4) For purposes of division (A) of this section, a cause of action for bodily injury caused by exposure to diethylstilbestrol or other nonsteroidal synthetic estrogens, including exposure before birth, accrues upon the date on which the plaintiff is informed by competent medical authority that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, or upon the date on which by the exercise of reasonable diligence the plaintiff should have known that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, whichever date occurs first.

(5) For purposes of division (A) of this section, a cause of action for bodily injury caused by exposure to asbestos accrues upon the date on which the plaintiff is informed by competent medical authority that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, or upon the date on which by the exercise of reasonable diligence the plaintiff should have known that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, whichever date occurs first.

(C)(1) Except as otherwise provided in divisions (C)(2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7) of this section or in section 2305.19 of the Revised Code, no cause of action based on a product liability claim shall accrue against the manufacturer or supplier of a product later than ten years from the date that the product was delivered to its first purchaser or first lessee who was not engaged in a business in which the product was used as a component in the production, construction, creation, assembly, or rebuilding of another product.

(2) Division (C)(1) of this section does not apply if the manufacturer or supplier of a product engaged in fraud in regard to information about the product and the fraud contributed to the harm that is alleged in a product liability claim involving that product.

(3) Division (C)(1) of this section does not bar an action based on a product liability claim against a manufacturer or supplier of a product who made an express, written warranty as to the safety of the product that was for a period longer than ten years and that, at the time of the accrual of the cause of action, has not expired in accordance with the terms of that warranty.

(4) If the cause of action relative to a product liability claim accrues during the ten-year period described in division (C)(1) of this section but less than two years prior to the expiration of that period, an action based on the product liability claim may be commenced within two years after the cause of action accrues.

(5) If a cause of action relative to a product liability claim accrues during the ten-year period described in division (C)(1) of this section and the claimant cannot commence an action during that period due to a disability described in section 2305.16 of the Revised Code, an action based on the product liability claim may be commenced within two years after the disability is removed.

(6) Division (C)(1) of this section does not bar an action for bodily injury caused by exposure to asbestos if the cause of action that is the basis of the action accrues upon the date on which the plaintiff is informed by competent medical authority that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, or upon the date on which by the exercise of reasonable diligence the plaintiff should have known that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, whichever date occurs first.

(7)(a) Division (C)(1) of this section does not bar an action based on a product liability claim against a manufacturer or supplier of a product if all of the following apply:

(i) The action is for bodily injury.

(ii) The product involved is a substance or device described in division (B)(1), (2), (3), or (4) of this section.

(iii) The bodily injury results from exposure to the product during the ten-year period described in division (C)(1) of this section.

(b) If division (C)(7)(a) of this section applies regarding an action, the cause of action accrues upon the date on which the claimant is informed by competent medical authority that the bodily injury was related to the exposure to the product, or upon the date on which by the exercise of reasonable diligence the claimant should have known that the bodily injury was related to the exposure to the product, whichever date occurs first. The action based on the product liability claim shall be commenced within two years after the cause of action accrues and shall not be commenced more than two years after the cause of action accrues.

(D) This section does not create a new cause of action or substantive legal right against any person involving a product liability claim.

(E) An action brought by a victim of childhood sexual abuse asserting any claim resulting from childhood sexual abuse, as defined in section 2305.111 of the Revised Code, shall be brought as provided in division (C) of that section.

(F) As used in this section:

(1) "Agent orange," "causative agent," and "veteran" have the same meanings as in section 5903.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Ethical drug," "ethical medical device," "manufacturer," "product," "product liability claim," and "supplier" have the same meanings as in section 2307.71 of the Revised Code.

(3) "Harm" means injury, death, or loss to person or property.

(G) This section shall be considered to be purely remedial in operation and shall be applied in a remedial manner in any civil action commenced on or after April 7, 2005, in which this section is relevant, regardless of when the cause of action accrued and notwithstanding any other section of the Revised Code or prior rule of law of this state, but shall not be construed to apply to any civil action pending prior to April 7, 2005.

Section 2305.101 | Limitation of actions against Dalkon Shield claimants trust.

(A) Notwithstanding the limitations provided for in sections 2125.02 and 2305.10 of the Revised Code, a claimant who alleges bodily injury or wrongful death caused by the effects of the Dalkon Shield intrauterine device and who has filed a claim in the A.H. Robins bankruptcy reorganization in the United States bankruptcy court for the eastern district of Virginia, Richmond division, may bring an action in this state against the Dalkon Shield Claimants Trust for bodily injury or wrongful death caused by the effects of the Dalkon Shield intrauterine device, within one year from the date of the certification by the United States district court or the United States bankruptcy court for the eastern district of Virginia, Richmond division, of the right of that claimant to proceed to litigation or arbitration regarding that claim, or within six months from the effective date of this section, whichever is later.

(B) Division (A) of this section applies to all actions for bodily injury or wrongful death caused by the effects of the Dalkon Shield intrauterine device, including actions that may have been barred prior to the effective date of this section by dismissal pursuant to a court order or otherwise.

Section 2305.11 | Time limitations for bringing certain actions.

(A) An action for libel, slander, malicious prosecution, or false imprisonment, an action for malpractice other than an action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim, an action for legal malpractice against an attorney or a law firm or legal professional association, or an action upon a statute for a penalty or forfeiture shall be commenced within one year after the cause of action accrued, provided that an action by an employee for the payment of unpaid minimum wages, unpaid overtime compensation, or liquidated damages by reason of the nonpayment of minimum wages or overtime compensation shall be commenced within two years after the cause of action accrued.

(B) A civil action for unlawful abortion pursuant to section 2919.12 of the Revised Code, a civil action authorized by division (H) of section 2317.56 of the Revised Code, a civil action pursuant to division (B) of section 2307.52 of the Revised Code for terminating or attempting to terminate a human pregnancy after viability in violation of division (A) of section 2919.17 of the Revised Code, and a civil action for terminating or attempting to terminate a human pregnancy of a pain-capable unborn child in violation of division (E) of section 2919.201 of the Revised Code shall be commenced within one year after the performance or inducement of the abortion or within one year after the attempt to perform or induce the abortion in violation of division (A) of section 2919.17 of the Revised Code or division (E) of section 2919.201 of the Revised Code.

(C) As used in this section, "medical claim," "dental claim," "optometric claim," and "chiropractic claim" have the same meanings as in section 2305.113 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 13, 2021 at 3:03 PM

Section 2305.111 | Assault or battery actions - childhood sexual abuse.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Childhood sexual abuse" means any conduct that constitutes any of the violations identified in division (A)(1)(a) or (b) of this section and would constitute a criminal offense under the specified section or division of the Revised Code, if the victim of the violation is at the time of the violation a child under eighteen years of age or a child with a developmental disability or physical impairment under twenty-one years of age. The court need not find that any person has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to the offense under the specified section or division of the Revised Code in order for the conduct that is the violation constituting the offense to be childhood sexual abuse for purposes of this division. This division applies to any of the following violations committed in the following specified circumstances:

(a) A violation of section 2907.02 or of division (A)(1), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), or (12) of section 2907.03 of the Revised Code;

(b) A violation of section 2907.05 or 2907.06 of the Revised Code if, at the time of the violation, any of the following apply:

(i) The actor is the victim's natural parent, adoptive parent, or stepparent or the guardian, custodian, or person in loco parentis of the victim.

(ii) The victim is in custody of law or a patient in a hospital or other institution, and the actor has supervisory or disciplinary authority over the victim.

(iii) The actor is a teacher, administrator, coach, or other person in authority employed by or serving in a school for which the director of education and workforce prescribes minimum standards pursuant to division (D) of section 3301.07 of the Revised Code, the victim is enrolled in or attends that school, and the actor is not enrolled in and does not attend that school.

(iv) The actor is a teacher, administrator, coach, or other person in authority employed by or serving in an institution of higher education, and the victim is enrolled in or attends that institution.

(v) The actor is the victim's athletic or other type of coach, is the victim's instructor, is the leader of a scouting troop of which the victim is a member, or is a person with temporary or occasional disciplinary control over the victim.

(vi) The actor is a mental health professional, the victim is a mental health client or patient of the actor, and the actor induces the victim to submit by falsely representing to the victim that the sexual contact involved in the violation is necessary for mental health treatment purposes.

(vii) The victim is confined in a detention facility, and the actor is an employee of that detention facility.

(viii) The actor is a cleric, and the victim is a member of, or attends, the church or congregation served by the cleric.

(2) "Cleric" has the same meaning as in section 2317.02 of the Revised Code.

(3) "Mental health client or patient" has the same meaning as in section 2305.51 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Mental health professional" has the same meaning as in section 2305.115 of the Revised Code.

(5) "Sexual contact" has the same meaning as in section 2907.01 of the Revised Code.

(6) "Victim" means, except as provided in division (B) of this section, a victim of childhood sexual abuse.

(B) Except as provided in section 2305.115 of the Revised Code and subject to division (C) of this section, an action for assault or battery shall be brought within one year after the cause of the action accrues. For purposes of this section, a cause of action for assault or battery accrues upon the later of the following:

(1) The date on which the alleged assault or battery occurred;

(2) If the plaintiff did not know the identity of the person who allegedly committed the assault or battery on the date on which it allegedly occurred, the earlier of the following dates:

(a) The date on which the plaintiff learns the identity of that person;

(b) The date on which, by the exercise of reasonable diligence, the plaintiff should have learned the identity of that person.

(C)(1) Except as provided in division (C)(2) of this section, an action for assault or battery brought by a victim of childhood sexual abuse based on childhood sexual abuse, or an action brought by a victim of childhood sexual abuse asserting any claim resulting from childhood sexual abuse, shall be brought within twelve years after the cause of action accrues. If the defendant in an action brought by a victim of childhood sexual abuse asserting a claim resulting from childhood sexual abuse that occurs on or after August 3, 2006, has fraudulently concealed from the plaintiff facts that form the basis of the claim, the running of the limitations period with regard to that claim is tolled until the time when the plaintiff discovers or in the exercise of due diligence should have discovered those facts.

(2) Only for purposes of making claims against a bankruptcy estate of an organization chartered under part B of subtitle II of Title 36 of the United States Code, an action for assault or battery brought by a victim of childhood sexual abuse based on childhood sexual abuse, or an action brought by a victim of childhood sexual abuse asserting any claim resulting from childhood sexual abuse, may be brought at any time after the cause of action accrues.

(3) For purposes of this section, a cause of action for assault or battery based on childhood sexual abuse, or a cause of action for a claim resulting from childhood sexual abuse, accrues upon the date on which the victim reaches the age of majority.

Last updated October 24, 2023 at 9:11 AM

Section 2305.112 | Actions based on identity fraud.

A civil action brought pursuant to division (A) of section 2307.60 of the Revised Code when the person filing the action is injured in person or property by a violation of division (B), (D), or (E) of section 2913.49 of the Revised Code shall be commenced within five years from the date on which the identity of the offender was discovered or reasonably should have been discovered.

Section 2305.113 | Medical malpractice actions.

(A) Except as otherwise provided in this section, an action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim shall be commenced within one year after the cause of action accrued.

(B)(1) If prior to the expiration of the one-year period specified in division (A) of this section, a claimant who allegedly possesses a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim gives to the person who is the subject of that claim written notice that the claimant is considering bringing an action upon that claim, that action may be commenced against the person notified at any time within one hundred eighty days after the notice is so given.

(2) A claimant who allegedly possesses a medical claim and who intends to give to the person who is the subject of that claim the written notice described in division (B)(1) of this section shall give that notice by sending it by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to any of the following:

(a) The person's residence;

(b) The person's professional practice;

(c) The person's employer;

(d) The business address of the person on file with the state medical board or other appropriate agency that issued the person's professional license.

(3) An insurance company shall not consider the existence or nonexistence of a written notice described in division (B)(1) of this section in setting the liability insurance premium rates that the company may charge the company's insured person who is notified by that written notice.

(C) Except as to persons within the age of minority or of unsound mind as provided by section 2305.16 of the Revised Code, and except as provided in division (D) of this section, both of the following apply:

(1) No action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim shall be commenced more than four years after the occurrence of the act or omission constituting the alleged basis of the medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim.

(2) If an action upon a medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim is not commenced within four years after the occurrence of the act or omission constituting the alleged basis of the medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic claim, then, any action upon that claim is barred.

(D)(1) If a person making a medical claim, dental claim, optometric claim, or chiropractic claim, in the exercise of reasonable care and diligence, could not have discovered the injury resulting from the act or omission constituting the alleged basis of the claim within three years after the occurrence of the act or omission, but, in the exercise of reasonable care and diligence, discovers the injury resulting from that act or omission before the expiration of the four-year period specified in division (C)(1) of this section, the person may commence an action upon the claim not later than one year after the person discovers the injury resulting from that act or omission.

(2) If the alleged basis of a medical claim, dental claim, optometric claim, or chiropractic claim is the occurrence of an act or omission that involves a foreign object that is left in the body of the person making the claim, the person may commence an action upon the claim not later than one year after the person discovered the foreign object or not later than one year after the person, with reasonable care and diligence, should have discovered the foreign object.

(3) A person who commences an action upon a medical claim, dental claim, optometric claim, or chiropractic claim under the circumstances described in division (D)(1) or (2) of this section has the affirmative burden of proving, by clear and convincing evidence, that the person, with reasonable care and diligence, could not have discovered the injury resulting from the act or omission constituting the alleged basis of the claim within the three-year period described in division (D)(1) of this section or within the one-year period described in division (D)(2) of this section, whichever is applicable.

(E) As used in this section:

(1) "Hospital" includes any person, corporation, association, board, or authority that is responsible for the operation of any hospital licensed or registered in the state, including, but not limited to, those that are owned or operated by the state, political subdivisions, any person, any corporation, or any combination of the state, political subdivisions, persons, and corporations. "Hospital" also includes any person, corporation, association, board, entity, or authority that is responsible for the operation of any clinic that employs a full-time staff of physicians practicing in more than one recognized medical specialty and rendering advice, diagnosis, care, and treatment to individuals. "Hospital" does not include any hospital operated by the government of the United States or any of its branches.

(2) "Physician" means a person who is licensed to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery by the state medical board or a person who otherwise is authorized to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery in this state.

(3) "Medical claim" means any claim that is asserted in any civil action against a physician, podiatrist, hospital, home, or residential facility, against any employee or agent of a physician, podiatrist, hospital, home, or residential facility, or against a licensed practical nurse, registered nurse, advanced practice registered nurse, physical therapist, physician assistant, emergency medical technician-basic, emergency medical technician-intermediate, or emergency medical technician-paramedic, and that arises out of the medical diagnosis, care, or treatment of any person. "Medical claim" includes the following:

(a) Derivative claims for relief that arise from the medical diagnosis, care, or treatment of a person;

(b) Derivative claims for relief that arise from the plan of care prepared for a resident of a home;

(c) Claims that arise out of the medical diagnosis, care, or treatment of any person or claims that arise out of the plan of care prepared for a resident of a home and to which both types of claims either of the following applies:

(i) The claim results from acts or omissions in providing medical care.

(ii) The claim results from the hiring, training, supervision, retention, or termination of caregivers providing medical diagnosis, care, or treatment.

(d) Claims that arise out of the plan of care, medical diagnosis, or treatment of any person and that are brought under section 3721.17 of the Revised Code;

(e) Claims that arise out of skilled nursing care or personal care services provided in a home pursuant to the plan of care, medical diagnosis, or treatment.

(4) "Podiatrist" means any person who is licensed to practice podiatric medicine and surgery by the state medical board.

(5) "Dentist" means any person who is licensed to practice dentistry by the state dental board.

(6) "Dental claim" means any claim that is asserted in any civil action against a dentist, or against any employee or agent of a dentist, and that arises out of a dental operation or the dental diagnosis, care, or treatment of any person. "Dental claim" includes derivative claims for relief that arise from a dental operation or the dental diagnosis, care, or treatment of a person.

(7) "Derivative claims for relief" include, but are not limited to, claims of a parent, guardian, custodian, or spouse of an individual who was the subject of any medical diagnosis, care, or treatment, dental diagnosis, care, or treatment, dental operation, optometric diagnosis, care, or treatment, or chiropractic diagnosis, care, or treatment, that arise from that diagnosis, care, treatment, or operation, and that seek the recovery of damages for any of the following:

(a) Loss of society, consortium, companionship, care, assistance, attention, protection, advice, guidance, counsel, instruction, training, or education, or any other intangible loss that was sustained by the parent, guardian, custodian, or spouse;

(b) Expenditures of the parent, guardian, custodian, or spouse for medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic care or treatment, for rehabilitation services, or for other care, treatment, services, products, or accommodations provided to the individual who was the subject of the medical diagnosis, care, or treatment, the dental diagnosis, care, or treatment, the dental operation, the optometric diagnosis, care, or treatment, or the chiropractic diagnosis, care, or treatment.

(8) "Registered nurse" means any person who is licensed to practice nursing as a registered nurse by the board of nursing.

(9) "Chiropractic claim" means any claim that is asserted in any civil action against a chiropractor, or against any employee or agent of a chiropractor, and that arises out of the chiropractic diagnosis, care, or treatment of any person. "Chiropractic claim" includes derivative claims for relief that arise from the chiropractic diagnosis, care, or treatment of a person.

(10) "Chiropractor" means any person who is licensed to practice chiropractic by the state chiropractic board.

(11) "Optometric claim" means any claim that is asserted in any civil action against an optometrist, or against any employee or agent of an optometrist, and that arises out of the optometric diagnosis, care, or treatment of any person. "Optometric claim" includes derivative claims for relief that arise from the optometric diagnosis, care, or treatment of a person.

(12) "Optometrist" means any person licensed to practice optometry by the state vision professionals board.

(13) "Physical therapist" means any person who is licensed to practice physical therapy under Chapter 4755. of the Revised Code.

(14) "Home" has the same meaning as in section 3721.10 of the Revised Code.

(15) "Residential facility" means a facility licensed under section 5123.19 of the Revised Code.

(16) "Advanced practice registered nurse" has the same meaning as in section 4723.01 of the Revised Code.

(17) "Licensed practical nurse" means any person who is licensed to practice nursing as a licensed practical nurse by the board of nursing pursuant to Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code.

(18) "Physician assistant" means any person who is licensed as a physician assistant under Chapter 4730. of the Revised Code.

(19) "Emergency medical technician-basic," "emergency medical technician-intermediate," and "emergency medical technician-paramedic" means any person who is certified under Chapter 4765. of the Revised Code as an emergency medical technician-basic, emergency medical technician-intermediate, or emergency medical technician-paramedic, whichever is applicable.

(20) "Skilled nursing care" and "personal care services" have the same meanings as in section 3721.01 of the Revised Code.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 12:24 PM

Section 2305.114 | Partial birth feticide actions.

A civil action pursuant to section 2307.53 of the Revised Code for partial birth feticide or dismemberment feticide shall be commenced within one year after the commission of the offense.

Section 2305.115 | Assault or battery actions against mental health professional based on sexual conduct or contact.

(A) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, an action for assault or battery shall be brought within two years after the cause of action accrues, except as provided in division (B) of this section, if all of the following apply regarding the action, the cause of the action, and the parties to the action:

(1) The action is brought against a mental health professional.

(2) The assault or battery claim asserted in the action is that, while the plaintiff was a mental health client or patient of the mental health professional, the mental health professional engaged in sexual conduct with, had sexual contact with, or caused one or more other persons to have sexual contact with the plaintiff.

(3) At the time of the sexual conduct or sexual contact described in division (A)(2) of this section, the plaintiff was not the spouse of the mental health professional.

(B) If the mental health service relationship between the plaintiff in an action for assault or battery that is described in division (A) of this section and the mental health professional continues after the date on which the cause of action accrues, the two-year period specified in division (A) of this section does not begin to run until the date on which that mental health service relationship is terminated by either or both of the parties.

(C) An action for assault or battery brought by a victim of childhood sexual abuse that is based on childhood sexual abuse, as defined in section 2305.111 of the Revised Code, shall be brought as provided in division (C) of that section. In all other cases, unless division (A) or (B) of this section applies, an action for assault or battery shall be brought as provided in division (B) of section 2305.111 of the Revised Code.

(D) As used in this section:

(1) "Mental health client or patient" and "mental health service" have the same meanings as in section 2305.51 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Mental health professional" has the same meaning as in section 2305.51 of the Revised Code and also includes an individual who is not licensed, certified, or registered under the Revised Code, or otherwise authorized in this state, but who regularly provides or purports to provide mental health services for compensation or remuneration at an established place of business.

(3) "Mental health service relationship" means the relationship between a mental health professional and a mental health client or patient of the mental health professional that exists for purposes of the mental health professional's provision of mental health services to the mental health client or patient.

(4) "Sexual conduct" and "sexual contact" have the same meanings as in section 2907.01 of the Revised Code.

Section 2305.116 | No cause of action for failure to perform abortion.

(A) No person has a civil action or may receive an award of damages in a civil action, and no other person shall be liable in a civil action, upon a medical claim that because of an act or omission by the other person the person was not aborted.

(B) No person has a civil action or may receive an award of damages in a civil action, and no other person shall be liable in a civil action, upon a medical claim that because of an act or omission by the other person a child was not aborted.

(C) Nothing in this section shall preclude a person from bringing a civil action or from receiving an award of damages in a medical claim based upon an intentional or willful misrepresentation or omission of information related to medical diagnosis, care, or treatment.

(D) As used in this section, "medical claim" has the same meaning as in section 2305.113 of the Revised Code.

Section 2305.117 | Action upon a legal malpractice claim.

(A) Except as otherwise provided in this section, an action upon a legal malpractice claim against an attorney or a law firm or legal professional association shall be commenced within one year after the cause of action accrued.

(B) Except as to persons within the age of minority or of unsound mind as provided by section 2305.16 of the Revised Code, and except as provided in divisions (C) and (D) of this section, both of the following apply:

(1) No action upon a legal malpractice claim against an attorney or a law firm or legal professional association shall be commenced more than four years after the occurrence of the act or omission constituting the alleged basis of the legal malpractice claim.

(2) If an action upon a legal malpractice claim against an attorney or a law firm or legal professional association is not commenced within four years after the occurrence of the act or omission constituting the alleged basis of the claim, then, any action upon that claim is barred.

(C)(1) If a person making a legal malpractice claim against an attorney or a law firm or legal professional association, in the exercise of reasonable care and diligence, could not have discovered the injury resulting from the act or omission constituting the alleged basis of the claim within three years after the occurrence of the act or omission, but, in the exercise of reasonable care and diligence, discovers the injury resulting from that act or omission before the expiration of the four-year period specified in division (B)(1) of this section, the person may commence an action upon the claim not later than one year after the person discovers the injury resulting from that act or omission.

(2) A person who commences an action upon a legal malpractice claim under the circumstances described in division (C)(1) of this section has the affirmative burden of proving, by clear and convincing evidence, that the person, with reasonable care and diligence, could not have discovered the injury resulting from the act or omission constituting the alleged basis of the claim within the three-year period described in that division.

(D) An action upon a legal malpractice claim against an attorney or a law firm or legal professional association arising from an act or omission related to the attorney's, law firm's, or legal professional association's issuance of an opinion of title issued prior to June 16, 2021, shall be commenced within one year after the cause of action accrued without regard to when the act or omission constituting the alleged basis of the legal malpractice claim occurred.

Last updated June 15, 2021 at 5:03 PM

Section 2305.118 | Action for an assisted reproduction procedure performed without consent.

(A) As used in this section "health care professional" has the same meaning as in section 2907.13 of the Revised Code.

(B) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, an action under section 4731.861 or 4731.864 of the Revised Code for an assisted reproduction procedure performed without consent shall be brought within ten years after the procedure was performed.

(C)(1) An action that would otherwise be barred under division (B) of this section, may be brought not later than five years after the latest any of the following occurs:

(a) The discovery of evidence based on deoxyribonucleic acid analysis sufficient to bring the action against the health care professional.

(b) The discovery of a recording providing evidence sufficient to bring the action against the health care professional.

(c) The health care professional confesses and the confession is known to the plaintiff.

(2) If a person born as a result of an assisted reproduction procedure discovers any of the evidence listed in division (C)(1) of this section before the person reaches the age of twenty-one, the five-year period does not begin to run until the person reaches the age of twenty-one.

Last updated March 9, 2023 at 5:11 PM

Section 2305.12 | On official bond.

An action on the official bond, or undertaking of an officer, assignee, trustee, executor, administrator, or guardian, or on a bond or undertaking given in pursuance of statute, shall be brought within ten years after the cause thereof accrued.

Section 2305.13 | Limitation of actions for recovery of charges by and against carriers - overcharge defined.

All actions by carriers for recovery of their charges or part thereof, arising out of the intrastate transportation of persons or property in this state, and all actions against carriers, upon recovery of overcharges, collected by such carriers, for the intrastate transportation of persons or property in this state, shall be begun within three years of the time the cause of action accrues.

The cause of action in respect to a shipment of property shall, for the purposes of this section, accrue upon the delivery, or tender of delivery thereof, by the carrier.

"Overcharge" as used in this section means charges for transportation services in excess of those applicable thereto under the tariffs lawfully on file with the public utilities commission.

Section 2305.131 | Ten-year statute of repose for certain premises liability actions.

(A)(1) Notwithstanding an otherwise applicable period of limitations specified in this chapter or in section 2125.02 of the Revised Code and except as otherwise provided in divisions (A)(2), (A)(3), (C), and (D) of this section, no cause of action to recover damages for bodily injury, an injury to real or personal property, or wrongful death that arises out of a defective and unsafe condition of an improvement to real property and no cause of action for contribution or indemnity for damages sustained as a result of bodily injury, an injury to real or personal property, or wrongful death that arises out of a defective and unsafe condition of an improvement to real property shall accrue against a person who performed services for the improvement to real property or a person who furnished the design, planning, supervision of construction, or construction of the improvement to real property later than ten years from the date of substantial completion of such improvement.

(2) Notwithstanding an otherwise applicable period of limitations specified in this chapter or in section 2125.02 of the Revised Code, a claimant who discovers a defective and unsafe condition of an improvement to real property during the ten-year period specified in division (A)(1) of this section but less than two years prior to the expiration of that period may commence a civil action to recover damages as described in that division within two years from the date of the discovery of that defective and unsafe condition.

(3) Notwithstanding an otherwise applicable period of limitations specified in this chapter or in section 2125.02 of the Revised Code, if a cause of action that arises out of a defective and unsafe condition of an improvement to real property accrues during the ten-year period specified in division (A)(1) of this section and the plaintiff cannot commence an action during that period due to a disability described in section 2305.16 of the Revised Code, the plaintiff may commence a civil action to recover damages as described in that division within two years from the removal of that disability.

(B) Division (A) of this section does not apply to a civil action commenced against a person who is an owner of, tenant of, landlord of, or other person in possession and control of an improvement to real property and who is in actual possession and control of the improvement to real property at the time that the defective and unsafe condition of the improvement to real property constitutes the proximate cause of the bodily injury, injury to real or personal property, or wrongful death that is the subject matter of the civil action.

(C) Division (A)(1) of this section is not available as an affirmative defense to a defendant in a civil action described in that division if the defendant engages in fraud in regard to furnishing the design, planning, supervision of construction, or construction of an improvement to real property or in regard to any relevant fact or other information that pertains to the act or omission constituting the alleged basis of the bodily injury, injury to real or personal property, or wrongful death or to the defective and unsafe condition of the improvement to real property.

(D) Division (A)(1) of this section does not prohibit the commencement of a civil action for damages against a person who has expressly warranted or guaranteed an improvement to real property for a period longer than the period described in division (A)(1) of this section and whose warranty or guarantee has not expired as of the time of the alleged bodily injury, injury to real or personal property, or wrongful death in accordance with the terms of that warranty or guarantee.

(E) This section does not create a new cause of action or substantive legal right against any person resulting from the design, planning, supervision of construction, or construction of an improvement to real property.

(F) This section shall be considered to be purely remedial in operation and shall be applied in a remedial manner in any civil action commenced on or after the effective date of this section, in which this section is relevant, regardless of when the cause of action accrued and notwithstanding any other section of the Revised Code or prior rule of law of this state, but shall not be construed to apply to any civil action pending prior to the effective date of this section.

(G) As used in this section, "substantial completion" means the date the improvement to real property is first used by the owner or tenant of the real property or when the real property is first available for use after having the improvement completed in accordance with the contract or agreement covering the improvement, including any agreed changes to the contract or agreement, whichever occurs first.

Section 2305.14 | For other relief.

An action for relief not provided for in sections 2305.04 to 2305.131 and section 1304.35 of the Revised Code shall be brought within ten years after the cause thereof accrued. This section does not apply to an action on a judgment rendered in another state or territory.

Section 2305.15 | Tolling during defendant's absence, concealment or imprisonment.

(A)(1) Except as provided in division (A)(2) of this section, when a cause of action accrues against a person, if the person is out of the state, has absconded, or conceals self, the period of limitation for the commencement of the action as provided in sections 2305.04 to 2305.14, 1302.98, and 1304.35 of the Revised Code does not begin to run until the person comes into the state or while the person is so absconded or concealed. After the cause of action accrues if the person departs from the state, absconds, or conceals self, the time of the person's absence or concealment shall not be computed as any part of a period within which the action must be brought.

(2) Division (A)(1) of this section does not apply to statutes of repose, including, but not limited to, those contained in any of the following:

(a) Division (C) of section 2305.10 of the Revised Code;

(b) Division (C) or (D) of section 2305.113 of the Revised Code;

(c) Division (B) of section 2305.115 of the Revised Code;

(d) Division (B) or (C) of section 2305.117 of the Revised Code;

(e) Section 2305.131 of the Revised Code.

(B) When a person is imprisoned for the commission of any offense, the time of the person's imprisonment shall not be computed as any part of any period of limitation, as provided in section 2305.09, 2305.10, 2305.11, 2305.113, or 2305.14 of the Revised Code, within which any person must bring any action against the imprisoned person.

Last updated August 14, 2024 at 9:05 AM

Section 2305.16 | Tolling due to minority or unsound mind.

Unless otherwise provided in sections 1302.98, 1304.35, and 2305.04 to 2305.14 of the Revised Code, if a person entitled to bring any action mentioned in those sections, unless for penalty or forfeiture, is, at the time the cause of action accrues, within the age of minority or of unsound mind, the person may bring it within the respective times limited by those sections, after the disability is removed. When the interests of two or more parties are joint and inseparable, the disability of one shall inure to the benefit of all.

After the cause of action accrues, if the person entitled to bring the action becomes of unsound mind and is adjudicated as such by a court of competent jurisdiction or is confined in an institution or hospital under a diagnosed condition or disease which renders the person of unsound mind, the time during which the person is of unsound mind and so adjudicated or so confined shall not be computed as any part of the period within which the action must be brought.

Section 2305.17 | Commencement of action.

An action is commenced within the meaning of sections 2305.03 to 2305.22 and sections 1302.98 and 1304.35 of the Revised Code by filing a petition in the office of the clerk of the proper court together with a praecipe demanding that summons issue or an affidavit for service by publication, if service is obtained within one year.

Section 2305.18 | Summons on corporation in hands of a receiver.

If a defendant is a corporation, either foreign or domestic, and whether its charter prescribes the manner and place of service, or either, and before the expiration of the sixty days referred to in section 2305.17 of the Revised Code it passes into the hands of a receiver, then, following such attempt to commence an action, within such sixty days service may be made upon such receiver, or his cashier, treasurer, secretary, clerk, or managing agent, or if none of these can be found, by a copy of the summons left at the office or usual place of business of such agents or officers of such receiver, with the person in charge thereof. If such corporation is a railroad company, summons may be served upon any regular ticket or freight agent of the receiver, or, if there is no such agent, then on any conductor of such receiver, in any county in the state in which the company's railroad is located. The summons shall be returned as if served upon the defendant.

Section 2305.19 | Saving in case of reversal.

(A) In any action that is commenced or attempted to be commenced, if in due time a judgment for the plaintiff is reversed or if the plaintiff fails otherwise than upon the merits, the plaintiff or, if the plaintiff dies and the cause of action survives, the plaintiff's representative may commence a new action within one year after the date of the reversal of the judgment or the plaintiff's failure otherwise than upon the merits or within the period of the original applicable statute of limitations, whichever occurs later. This division applies to any claim asserted in any pleading by a defendant.

(B) If the defendant in an action described in division (A) of this section is a foreign or domestic corporation, and whether its charter prescribes the manner or place of service of process on the defendant, and if it passes into the hands of a receiver before the expiration of the one year period or the period of the original applicable statute of limitations, whichever is applicable, as described in that division, then service to be made within one year following the original service or attempt to begin the action may be made upon that receiver or the receiver's cashier, treasurer, secretary, clerk, or managing agent, or if none of these officers can be found, by a copy left at the office or the usual place of business of any of those agents or officers of the receiver with the person having charge of the office or place of business. If that corporation is a railroad company, summons may be served on any regular ticket or freight agent of the receiver, and if there is no regular ticket or freight agent of the receiver, then upon any conductor of the receiver, in any county in the state in which the railroad is located. The summons shall be returned as if served on that defendant corporation.

(C) This section does not apply to an action or proceeding arising under section 2106.22, 2107.76, 2109.35, 2115.16, 5806.04, or 5810.05 of the Revised Code.

Section 2305.21 | Survival of actions.

In addition to the causes of action which survive at common law, causes of action for mesne profits, or injuries to the person or property, or for deceit or fraud, also shall survive; and such actions may be brought notwithstanding the death of the person entitled or liable thereto.

Section 2305.22 | Exceptions.

Sections 2305.03 to 2305.21, 1302.98, and 1304.35 of the Revised Code, respecting lapse of time as a bar to suit, do not apply in the case of an action by a vendee of real property, in possession thereof, to obtain a conveyance of the real property.

Section 2305.23 | Liability for emergency care.

No person shall be liable in civil damages for administering emergency care or treatment at the scene of an emergency outside of a hospital, doctor's office, or other place having proper medical equipment, for acts performed at the scene of such emergency, unless such acts constitute willful or wanton misconduct.

Nothing in this section applies to the administering of such care or treatment where the same is rendered for remuneration, or with the expectation of remuneration, from the recipient of such care or treatment or someone on his behalf. The administering of such care or treatment by one as a part of his duties as a paid member of any organization of law enforcement officers or fire fighters does not cause such to be a rendering for remuneration or expectation of remuneration.

Section 2305.231 | Immunity of health professionals volunteering services to school athletic program.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Dentist" means a person who is licensed under Chapter 4715. of the Revised Code to practice dentistry.

(2) "Physician" means a person authorized under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine and surgery, osteopathic medicine and surgery, or podiatric medicine and surgery.

(3) "Registered nurse" means a nurse who is licensed as a registered nurse under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code.

(4) "Therapeutic recreation" means adoptive recreation services to persons with illnesses or disabling conditions in order to do any of the following:

(a) Restore, remediate, or rehabilitate;

(b) Improve functioning and independence;

(c) Reduce or eliminate the effects of illness or disability.

(B) No physician who volunteers the physician's services as a team physician or team podiatrist to a school's athletics program, no dentist who volunteers the dentist's services as a team dentist to a school's athletics program, and no registered nurse who volunteers the registered nurse's services as a team nurse to a school's athletics program is liable in damages in a civil action for administering emergency medical care, emergency dental care, other emergency professional care, or first aid treatment to a participant in an athletic event involving the school, at the scene of the event or while the participant is being transported to a hospital, physician's or dentist's office, or other medical or dental facility, or for acts performed in administering the care or treatment, unless the acts of the physician, dentist, or registered nurse constitute willful or wanton misconduct.

(C)(1) No physician who volunteers the physician's services as a camp physician at a camp that specializes in therapeutic recreation, and no registered nurse who volunteers the registered nurse's services at such a camp, is liable in damages in a civil action for either of the following:

(a) Administering medical care, or emergency professional care, or first aid treatment to a participant in the camp or while the participant is being transported to a hospital, physician's or dentist's office, or other medical or dental facility;

(b) Acts performed in administering that care or treatment.

(2) Division (C)(1) of this section does not apply if the acts of the physician or registered nurse constitute willful or wanton misconduct.

(D) This section does not apply if the administration of emergency medical care, emergency dental care, other emergency professional care, or first aid treatment is rendered for remuneration, or with the expectation of remuneration, from the recipient of the care or treatment or from someone on the recipient's behalf.

Section 2305.232 | Immunity of person assisting in clean-up of hazardous material.

(A) No person who gives aid or advice in an emergency situation relating to the prevention of an imminent release of hazardous material, to the clean-up or disposal of hazardous material that has been released, or to the related mitigation of the effects of a release of hazardous material, nor the public or private employer of such a person, is liable in civil damages as a result of the aid or advice if all of the following apply:

(1) The aid or advice was given at the request of:

(a) A sheriff, the chief of police or other chief officer of the law enforcement agency of a municipal corporation, the chief of police of a township police district or joint police district, the chief of a fire department, the state fire marshal, the director of environmental protection, the chairperson of the public utilities commission, the superintendent of the state highway patrol, the executive director of the emergency management agency, the chief executive of a municipal corporation, the authorized representative of any such official, or the legislative authority of a township or county; or

(b) The owner or manufacturer of the hazardous material, an association of manufacturers of the hazardous material, or a hazardous material mutual aid group.

(2) The person giving the aid or advice acted without anticipating remuneration for self or the person's employer from the governmental official, authority, or agency that requested the aid or advice;

(3) The person giving the aid or advice was specially qualified by training or experience to give the aid or advice;

(4) Neither the person giving the aid or advice nor the public or private employer of the person giving the aid or advice was responsible for causing the release or threat of release nor would otherwise be liable for damages caused by the release;

(5) The person giving the aid or advice did not engage in willful, wanton, or reckless misconduct or grossly negligent conduct in giving the aid or advice;

(6) The person giving the aid or advice notified the emergency response section of the environmental protection agency prior to giving the aid or advice.

(B) The immunity conferred by this section does not limit the liability of any person whose action caused or contributed to the release of hazardous material. That person is liable for any enhancement of damages caused by the person giving aid or advice under this section unless the enhancement of damages was caused by the willful, wanton, or reckless misconduct or grossly negligent conduct of the person giving aid or advice.

(C) This section does not apply to any person rendering care, assistance, or advice in response to a discharge of oil when that person's immunity from liability is subject to determination under section 2305.39 of the Revised Code.

(D) As used in this section:

(1) "Hazardous material" means any material designated as such under the "Hazardous Materials Transportation Act," 88 Stat. 2156 (1975), 49 U.S.C.A. 1803, as amended.

(2) "Mutual aid group" means any group formed at the federal, state, regional, or local level whose members agree to respond to incidents involving hazardous material whether or not they shipped, transported, manufactured, or were at all connected with the hazardous material involved in a particular incident.

(3) "Discharge" and "oil" have the same meanings as in section 2305.39 of the Revised Code.

Section 2305.233 | Immunity of person rendering assistance under reciprocal fire protection agreement.

(A) No officer of employee as defined in section 109.36 of the Revised Code, or employee as defined in section 2744.01 of the Revised Code, rendering fire protection assistance pursuant to a reciprocal fire protection agreement shall be liable in civil damages to any person allegedly harmed by the negligent provision of that assistance.

(B) As used in this section, "reciprocal fire protection agreement" includes any mutual aid agreement for the provision of fire protection entered into pursuant to the "Act of May 23, 1955," 69 Stat. 67, 42 U.S.C.A. 1856-1856d, or any intergovernmental fire-fighting agreement entered into under section 9.60 of the Revised Code.

Section 2305.234 | Immunity of volunteer health care professionals and workers and of nonprofit shelters and facilities.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Chiropractic claim," "medical claim," and "optometric claim" have the same meanings as in section 2305.113 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Dental claim" has the same meaning as in section 2305.113 of the Revised Code, except that it does not include any claim arising out of a dental operation or any derivative claim for relief that arises out of a dental operation.

(3) "Governmental health care program" has the same meaning as in section 4731.65 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Health care facility or location" means a hospital, clinic, ambulatory surgical facility, office of a health care professional or associated group of health care professionals, training institution for health care professionals, a free clinic or other nonprofit shelter or health care facility as those terms are defined in section 3701.071 of the Revised Code, or any other place where medical, dental, or other health-related diagnosis, care, or treatment is provided to a person.

(5) "Health care professional" means any of the following who provide medical, dental, or other health-related diagnosis, care, or treatment:

(a) Physicians authorized under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery;

(b) A dvanced practice registered nurses, registered nurses, and licensed practical nurses licensed under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code;

(c) Physician assistants authorized to practice under Chapter 4730. of the Revised Code;

(d) Dentists and dental hygienists licensed under Chapter 4715. of the Revised Code;

(e) Physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, and athletic trainers licensed under Chapter 4755. of the Revised Code;

(f) Chiropractors licensed under Chapter 4734. of the Revised Code;

(g) Optometrists licensed under Chapter 4725. of the Revised Code;

(h) Podiatrists authorized under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice podiatry;

(i) Dietitians licensed under Chapter 4759. of the Revised Code;

(j) Pharmacists licensed under Chapter 4729. of the Revised Code;

(k) Emergency medical technicians-basic, emergency medical technicians-intermediate, and emergency medical technicians-paramedic, certified under Chapter 4765. of the Revised Code;

(l) Respiratory care professionals licensed under Chapter 4761. of the Revised Code;

(m) Speech-language pathologists and audiologists licensed under Chapter 4753. of the Revised Code;

(n) Licensed professional clinical counselors, licensed professional counselors, independent social workers, social workers, independent marriage and family therapists, and marriage and family therapists, licensed under Chapter 4757. of the Revised Code;

(o) Psychologists licensed under Chapter 4732. of the Revised Code;

(p) Independent chemical dependency counselors-clinical supervisors, independent chemical dependency counselors, chemical dependency counselors III, and chemical dependency counselors II, licensed under Chapter 4758. of the Revised Code, and chemical dependency counselor assistants, prevention consultants, prevention specialists, prevention specialist assistants, and registered applicants, certified under that chapter.

(6) "Health care worker" means a person other than a health care professional who provides medical, dental, or other health-related care or treatment under the direction of a health care professional with the authority to direct that individual's activities, including medical technicians, medical assistants, dental assistants, orderlies, aides, and individuals acting in similar capacities.

(7) "Indigent and uninsured person" means a person who meets both of the following requirements:

(a) Relative to being indigent, the person's income is not greater than two hundred per cent of the federal poverty line, as defined by the United States office of management and budget and revised in accordance with section 673(2) of the "Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981," 95 Stat. 511, 42 U.S.C. 9902, as amended, except in any case in which division (A)(7)(b)(iii) of this section includes a person whose income is greater than two hundred per cent of the federal poverty line.

(b) Relative to being uninsured, one of the following applies:

(i) The person is not a policyholder, certificate holder, insured, contract holder, subscriber, enrollee, member, beneficiary, or other covered individual under a health insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan.

(ii) The person is a policyholder, certificate holder, insured, contract holder, subscriber, enrollee, member, beneficiary, or other covered individual under a health insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan, but the insurer, policy, contract, or plan denies coverage or is the subject of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings in any jurisdiction.

(iii) Until June 30, 2019, the person is eligible for the medicaid program or is a medicaid recipient.

(iv) Except as provided in division (A)(7)(b)(iii) of this section, the person is not eligible for or a recipient, enrollee, or beneficiary of any governmental health care program.

(8) "Nonprofit health care referral organization" means an entity that is not operated for profit and refers patients to, or arranges for the provision of, health-related diagnosis, care, or treatment by a health care professional or health care worker.

(9) "Operation" means any procedure that involves cutting or otherwise infiltrating human tissue by mechanical means, including surgery, laser surgery, ionizing radiation, therapeutic ultrasound, or the removal of intraocular foreign bodies. "Operation" does not include the administration of medication by injection, unless the injection is administered in conjunction with a procedure infiltrating human tissue by mechanical means other than the administration of medicine by injection. "Operation" does not include routine dental restorative procedures, the scaling of teeth, or extractions of teeth that are not impacted.

(10) "Tort action" means a civil action for damages for injury, death, or loss to person or property other than a civil action for damages for a breach of contract or another agreement between persons or government entities.

(11) "Volunteer" means an individual who provides any medical, dental, or other health-care related diagnosis, care, or treatment without the expectation of receiving and without receipt of any compensation or other form of remuneration from an indigent and uninsured person, another person on behalf of an indigent and uninsured person, any health care facility or location, any nonprofit health care referral organization, or any other person or government entity.

(12) "Community control sanction" has the same meaning as in section 2929.01 of the Revised Code.

(13) "Deep sedation" means a drug-induced depression of consciousness during which a patient cannot be easily aroused but responds purposefully following repeated or painful stimulation, a patient's ability to independently maintain ventilatory function may be impaired, a patient may require assistance in maintaining a patent airway and spontaneous ventilation may be inadequate, and cardiovascular function is usually maintained.

(14) "General anesthesia" means a drug-induced loss of consciousness during which a patient is not arousable, even by painful stimulation, the ability to independently maintain ventilatory function is often impaired, a patient often requires assistance in maintaining a patent airway, positive pressure ventilation may be required because of depressed spontaneous ventilation or drug-induced depression of neuromuscular function, and cardiovascular function may be impaired.

(B)(1) Subject to divisions (F) and (G)(3) of this section, a health care professional who is a volunteer and complies with division (B)(2) of this section is not liable in damages to any person or government entity in a tort or other civil action, including an action on a medical, dental, chiropractic, optometric, or other health-related claim, for injury, death, or loss to person or property that allegedly arises from an action or omission of the volunteer in the provision to an indigent and uninsured person of medical, dental, or other health-related diagnosis, care, or treatment, including the provision of samples of medicine and other medical products, unless the action or omission constitutes willful or wanton misconduct.

(2) To qualify for the immunity described in division (B)(1) of this section, a health care professional shall do all of the following prior to providing diagnosis, care, or treatment:

(a) Determine, in good faith, that the indigent and uninsured person is mentally capable of giving informed consent to the provision of the diagnosis, care, or treatment and is not subject to duress or under undue influence;

(b) Inform the person of the provisions of this section, including notifying the person that, by giving informed consent to the provision of the diagnosis, care, or treatment, the person cannot hold the health care professional liable for damages in a tort or other civil action, including an action on a medical, dental, chiropractic, optometric, or other health-related claim, unless the action or omission of the health care professional constitutes willful or wanton misconduct;

(c) Obtain the informed consent of the person and a written waiver, signed by the person or by another individual on behalf of and in the presence of the person, that states that the person is mentally competent to give informed consent and, without being subject to duress or under undue influence, gives informed consent to the provision of the diagnosis, care, or treatment subject to the provisions of this section. A written waiver under division (B)(2)(c) of this section shall state clearly and in conspicuous type that the person or other individual who signs the waiver is signing it with full knowledge that, by giving informed consent to the provision of the diagnosis, care, or treatment, the person cannot bring a tort or other civil action, including an action on a medical, dental, chiropractic, optometric, or other health-related claim, against the health care professional unless the action or omission of the health care professional constitutes willful or wanton misconduct.

(3) A physician or podiatrist who is not covered by medical malpractice insurance, but complies with division (B)(2) of this section, is not required to comply with division (A) of section 4731.143 of the Revised Code.

(C) Subject to divisions (F) and (G)(3) of this section, health care workers who are volunteers are not liable in damages to any person or government entity in a tort or other civil action, including an action upon a medical, dental, chiropractic, optometric, or other health-related claim, for injury, death, or loss to person or property that allegedly arises from an action or omission of the health care worker in the provision to an indigent and uninsured person of medical, dental, or other health-related diagnosis, care, or treatment, unless the action or omission constitutes willful or wanton misconduct.

(D) Subject to divisions (F) and (G)(3) of this section, a nonprofit health care referral organization is not liable in damages to any person or government entity in a tort or other civil action, including an action on a medical, dental, chiropractic, optometric, or other health-related claim, for injury, death, or loss to person or property that allegedly arises from an action or omission of the nonprofit health care referral organization in referring indigent and uninsured persons to, or arranging for the provision of, medical, dental, or other health-related diagnosis, care, or treatment by a health care professional described in division (B)(1) of this section or a health care worker described in division (C) of this section, unless the action or omission constitutes willful or wanton misconduct.

(E) Subject to divisions (F) and (G)(3) of this section and to the extent that the registration requirements of section 3701.071 of the Revised Code apply, a health care facility or location associated with a health care professional described in division (B)(1) of this section, a health care worker described in division (C) of this section, or a nonprofit health care referral organization described in division (D) of this section is not liable in damages to any person or government entity in a tort or other civil action, including an action on a medical, dental, chiropractic, optometric, or other health-related claim, for injury, death, or loss to person or property that allegedly arises from an action or omission of the health care professional or worker or nonprofit health care referral organization relative to the medical, dental, or other health-related diagnosis, care, or treatment provided to an indigent and uninsured person on behalf of or at the health care facility or location, unless the action or omission constitutes willful or wanton misconduct.

(F)(1) Except as provided in division (F)(2) of this section, the immunities provided by divisions (B), (C), (D), and (E) of this section are not available to a health care professional, health care worker, nonprofit health care referral organization, or health care facility or location if, at the time of an alleged injury, death, or loss to person or property, the health care professionals or health care workers involved are providing one of the following:

(a) Any medical, dental, or other health-related diagnosis, care, or treatment pursuant to a community service work order entered by a court under division (B) of section 2951.02 of the Revised Code or imposed by a court as a community control sanction;

(b) Performance of an operation to which any one of the following applies:

(i) The operation requires the administration of deep sedation or general anesthesia.

(ii) The operation is a procedure that is not typically performed in an office.

(iii) The individual involved is a health care professional, and the operation is beyond the scope of practice or the education, training, and competence, as applicable, of the health care professional.

(c) Delivery of a baby or any other purposeful termination of a human pregnancy.

(2) Division (F)(1) of this section does not apply when a health care professional or health care worker provides medical, dental, or other health-related diagnosis, care, or treatment that is necessary to preserve the life of a person in a medical emergency.

(G)(1) This section does not create a new cause of action or substantive legal right against a health care professional, health care worker, nonprofit health care referral organization, or health care facility or location.

(2) This section does not affect any immunities from civil liability or defenses established by another section of the Revised Code or available at common law to which a health care professional, health care worker, nonprofit health care referral organization, or health care facility or location may be entitled in connection with the provision of emergency or other medical, dental, or other health-related diagnosis, care, or treatment.

(3) This section does not grant an immunity from tort or other civil liability to a health care professional, health care worker, nonprofit health care referral organization, or health care facility or location for actions that are outside the scope of authority of health care professionals or health care workers.

In the case of the diagnosis, care, or treatment of an indigent and uninsured person who is eligible for the medicaid program or is a medicaid recipient, this section grants an immunity from tort or other civil liability only if the person's diagnosis, care, or treatment is provided in a free clinic, as defined in section 3701.071 of the Revised Code.

(4) This section does not affect any legal responsibility of a health care professional, health care worker, or nonprofit health care referral organization to comply with any applicable law of this state or rule of an agency of this state.

(5) This section does not affect any legal responsibility of a health care facility or location to comply with any applicable law of this state, rule of an agency of this state, or local code, ordinance, or regulation that pertains to or regulates building, housing, air pollution, water pollution, sanitation, health, fire, zoning, or safety.

Section 2305.235 | Immunity of person involved with providing automated external defibrillation.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Automated external defibrillation" means the process of applying a specialized defibrillator to a person in cardiac arrest, allowing the defibrillator to interpret the cardiac rhythm, and, if appropriate, delivering an electrical shock to the heart to allow it to resume effective electrical activity.

(2) "Physician" has the same meaning as in section 4765.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) Except in the case of willful or wanton misconduct, no physician shall be held liable in civil damages for injury, death, or loss to person or property for providing a prescription for an automated external defibrillator approved for use as a medical device by the United States food and drug administration or consulting with a person regarding the use and maintenance of a defibrillator.

(C) Except in the case of willful or wanton misconduct, no person shall be held liable in civil damages for injury, death, or loss to person or property for doing any of the following:

(1) Providing training in automated external defibrillation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation;

(2) Authorizing, directing, or supervising the installation or placement of an automated external defibrillator;

(3) Designing, managing, or operating a cardiopulmonary resuscitation or automated external defibrillation program;

(4) Acquiring an automated external defibrillator;

(5) Owning, managing, or having responsibility for a premises or location where an automated external defibrillator has been placed.

(D) Except in the case of willful or wanton misconduct or when there is no good faith attempt to activate an emergency medical services system in accordance with section 3701.85 of the Revised Code, no person shall be held liable in civil damages for injury, death, or loss to person or property, or held criminally liable, for performing automated external defibrillation in good faith, regardless of whether the person has obtained appropriate training on how to perform automated external defibrillation or successfully completed a course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Section 2305.236 | Immunity concerning domestic violence shelter definitions.

As used in sections 2305.236 to 2305.239 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Conduct" means actions or omissions.

(B) "Domestic violence," "shelter," and "shelter for victims of domestic violence" have the same meanings as in section 3113.33 of the Revised Code.

(C) "Perpetrator" means a person who allegedly has committed domestic violence and who bears one of the relationships specified in division (B) of section 3113.33 of the Revised Code to a victim of domestic violence who is a shelter client.

(D) "Harm" means injury, death, or loss to person or property.

(E) "Political subdivision" has the same meaning as in section 2744.01 of the Revised Code.

(F) "Tort action" means a civil action for damages for injury, death, or loss to person or property other than a civil action for damages for a breach of contract or another agreement between persons.

(G) "Volunteer" means an individual who provides any service at a shelter for victims of domestic violence without the expectation of receiving and without receiving any compensation or other form of remuneration, either directly or indirectly, for the provision of the service.

(H) "Shelter client" means a person who is a victim of domestic violence and who is seeking to use or is using the services or facilities of a shelter for victims of domestic violence.

(I) "Victim advocate" means a person from a crime victim service organization who provides support and assistance for a victim of a crime during court proceedings and recovery efforts related to the crime.

(J) "Crime victim service organization" means any organization that is not organized for profit and that is organized and operated to provide, or to contribute to the support of organizations or institutions organized and operated to provide, services and assistance for victims of crime.

Section 2305.237 | Immunity of domestic violence shelter and associated persons concerning torts committed on shelter premises.

(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section and subject to section 2305.239 of the Revised Code, a shelter for victims of domestic violence and a director, owner, trustee, officer, employee, victim advocate, or volunteer of the shelter are not liable in damages in a tort action for harm that a shelter client or other person who is on the shelter's premises allegedly sustains as a result of tortious conduct of a perpetrator that is committed on the shelter's premises if the perpetrator is not a director, owner, trustee, officer, employee, victim advocate, or volunteer of the shelter and if any of the following situations applies:

(1) The perpetrator illegally entered and illegally remained on the premises at the time the perpetrator's tortious conduct allegedly caused the harm sustained by a shelter client or other person who is on the premises.

(2) The perpetrator legally entered the premises; a director, owner, trustee, officer, employee, victim advocate, or volunteer of the shelter instructed the perpetrator to leave the premises, and took reasonable steps under the circumstances to cause the perpetrator to leave the premises, before the perpetrator allegedly caused the harm sustained by a shelter client or other person who is on the premises; and, despite those reasonable steps, the perpetrator remained on the premises and committed the tortious conduct that allegedly caused the harm sustained by a shelter client or other person who is on the premises.

(3) The perpetrator legally entered the premises; a director, owner, trustee, officer, employee, victim advocate, or volunteer of the shelter granted the perpetrator permission to remain on the premises after taking either of the following precautionary steps; and, despite taking either of those steps, the perpetrator committed the tortious conduct that allegedly caused the harm sustained by a shelter client or other person who is on the premises:

(a) The director, owner, trustee, officer, employee, victim advocate, or volunteer of the shelter asks a person entering the premises whether the person is related by consanguinity or affinity to or has resided with a shelter client; the person responds that the person is not so related and has not so resided; and the director, owner, trustee, officer, employee, victim advocate, or volunteer, in exercising the reasonable judgment and discretion of a prudent person under similar circumstances, believes that the person is not so related and has not so resided.

(b) The director, owner, trustee, officer, employee, victim advocate, or volunteer of the shelter asks a person entering the premises whether the person is related by consanguinity or affinity to or has resided with a shelter client; the person responds that the person is so related or has so resided; and the director, owner, trustee, officer, employee, victim advocate, or volunteer, in exercising the reasonable judgment and discretion of a prudent person under similar circumstances, determines that granting the person permission to remain on the premises does not appear to pose a threat of harm to a shelter client or other person who is on the premises.

(B) The immunity from tort liability conferred by division (A) of this section is not available to a shelter for victims of domestic violence or a director, owner, trustee, officer, employee, victim advocate, or volunteer of the shelter if the plaintiff in a tort action establishes, by clear and convincing evidence, that a director, owner, trustee, officer, employee, victim advocate, or volunteer of the shelter contributed to the harm sustained by a shelter client or other person who is on the shelter's premises, by an action or omission that involved malicious purpose, bad faith, or wanton or reckless conduct. For purposes of this division, "reckless conduct" includes the release of confidential information that pertains to a shelter client.

Section 2305.238 | Immunity where tort committed off domestic violence shelter premises.

(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section and subject to section 2305.239 of the Revised Code, a shelter for victims of domestic violence and a director, owner, trustee, officer, employee, victim advocate, or volunteer of the shelter are not liable in damages in a tort action for harm that a shelter client or other person who is on the premises allegedly sustains as a result of tortious conduct of a perpetrator that is committed on premises other than the shelter's premises if the perpetrator is not a director, owner, trustee, officer, employee, victim advocate, or volunteer of the shelter and if both of the following apply when the harm is caused:

(1) A director, owner, trustee, officer, employee, victim advocate, or volunteer of the shelter is providing assistance to a shelter client, including, but not limited to, accompanying the client to a health care practitioner's or attorney's office.

(2) The director, owner, trustee, officer, employee, victim advocate, or volunteer of the shelter is engaged in the course of that director's, owner's, trustee's, officer's, employee's, victim advocate's, or volunteer's employment, official responsibilities, or authorized services for the shelter.

(B) The immunity from tort liability conferred by division (A) of this section is not available to a shelter for victims of domestic violence or a director, owner, trustee, officer, employee, victim advocate, or volunteer of the shelter if the plaintiff in a tort action establishes, by clear and convincing evidence, that a director, owner, trustee, officer, employee, victim advocate, or volunteer of the shelter contributed to the harm sustained by a shelter client or other person who is on the premises, by an action or omission that involved malicious purpose, bad faith, or wanton or reckless conduct. For purposes of this division, "reckless conduct" includes the release of confidential information that pertains to a shelter client.

Section 2305.239 | No new cause of action or substantive legal rights created - effect on other laws.

(A) Sections 2305.237 and 2305.238 of the Revised Code do not create a new cause of action or substantive legal right against a shelter for victims of domestic violence or a director, owner, trustee, officer, employee, victim advocate, or volunteer of the shelter.

(B) Sections 2305.237 and 2305.238 of the Revised Code do not affect any immunities from civil liability or defenses established under section 2305.234, 2744.02, or 2744.03 or another section of the Revised Code or available at common law to which a shelter for victims of domestic violence, a director, owner, trustee, officer, employee, victim advocate, or volunteer of the shelter, or a political subdivision associated with the shelter may be entitled in connection with alleged tort liability of third parties or in connection with circumstances not covered by section 2305.237 or 2305.238 of the Revised Code.

Section 2305.2310 | Civil immunity for architects, contractors, engineers, surveyors, and tradespersons providing volunteer services.

(A) A volunteer who is an architect, contractor, engineer, surveyor, or tradesperson shall not be liable in damages in a civil action for any injury, loss to person or property, or wrongful death related to the volunteer's acts, errors, or omissions in the performance of any professional services or construction services for any structure, building, piping, or other engineered system, either publicly or privately owned.

(B)(1) The immunity provided in this section shall only apply to professional services or contruction services provided during a declared emergency and to professional services or construction services provided not more than ninety days after the end of the period of the declared emergency.

(2) If the governor, under the governor's emergency executive powers, extends the period of declared emergency, the immunity provided under this section shall apply to services provided not more than ninety days after the end of the extended period of emergency.

(C) Nothing in this section shall provide immunity for wanton, willful, or intentional misconduct.

(D) As used in this section:

(1) "Architect" means an individual who is certified as an architect under Chapter 4703. of the Revised Code.

(2) "Building inspection official" means any appointed or elected federal, state, or local official with overall executive responsibility for coordinating building inspections in the jurisdiction in which a declared emergency has occurred.

(3) "Construction services" includes any construction, improvement, renovation, repair, or maintenance performed by a contractor or tradesperson. "Construction services" does not include services provided by an individual who is not qualified to provide such services.

(4) "Contractor" has the same meaning as in section 4740.01 of the Revised Code.

(5) "Engineer" means an individual registered as a professional engineer under Chapter 4733. of the Revised Code.

(6) "Law enforcement official" means an appointed or elected federal, state, or local official responsible for coordinating law enforcement in the jurisdiction in which a declared emergency has occurred.

(7) "Professional services" means architectural, engineering, or surveying services provided by an architect, engineer, or surveyor, respectively. "Professional services" does not include services provided by an individual who is not qualified to provide such services.

(8) "Public official" means any elected federal, state, or local official with overall executive responsibility in the jurisdiction in which a declared emergency has occurred.

(9) "Public safety official" means any appointed or elected official with overall executive responsibility to coordinate public safety in the jurisdiction in which a declared emergency has occurred.

(10) "Surveyor" means an individual who is registered as a professional surveyor under Chapter 4733. of the Revised Code.

(11) "Tradesperson" has the same meaning as in section 4740.01 of the Revised Code.

(12) "Volunteer" means an individual to whom all of the following applies:

(a) The individual is acting at the request of, or with the approval of, a national, state, or local public official, law enforcement official, public safety official, or building inspection official acting in an official capacity;

(b) The individual provides professional services or construction services in relation to a declared national, state, or local emergency caused by a major earthquake, hurricane, tornado, fire, explosion, collapse, or other catastrophic event;

(c) The individual provides those services voluntarily, without compensation, and without a written contract in relation to the emergency.

Section 2305.2311 | Immunity for care given in disaster.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Advanced practice registered nurse" means an individual who holds a current, valid license issued under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code to practice as an advanced practice registered nurse.

(2) "Dentist" has the same meaning as in section 2305.231 of the Revised Code.

(3) "Disaster" means any occurrence of widespread personal injury or loss of life that results from any natural or technological phenomenon or act of a human, or an epidemic and is declared to be a disaster by the federal government, the state government, or a political subdivision of this state.

(4) "Emergency medical technician" means an EMT-basic, an EMT-I, or a paramedic.

(5) "EMT-basic" means an individual who holds a current, valid certificate issued under section 4765.30 of the Revised Code to practice as an emergency medical technician-basic.

(6) "EMT-I" means an individual who holds a current, valid certificate issued under section 4765.30 of the Revised Code to practice as an emergency medical technician-intermediate.

(7) "Health care provider" means an advanced practice registered nurse, a registered nurse, a pharmacist, a dentist, an optometrist, a physician, a physician assistant, or a hospital.

(8) "Hospital" and "medical claim" have the same meanings as in section 2305.113 of the Revised Code.

(9) "Optometrist" means a person who is licensed under Chapter 4725. of the Revised Code to practice optometry.

( 10) "Paramedic" means an individual who holds a current, valid certificate issued under section 4765.30 of the Revised Code to practice as an emergency medical technician-paramedic.

(11) "Pharmacist" means an individual who holds a current, valid license issued under Chapter 4729. of the Revised Code to practice as a pharmacist.

(12) "Physician" means an individual who is authorized under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine and surgery, osteopathic medicine and surgery, or podiatric medicine and surgery.

(13) "Physician assistant" means an individual who is authorized under Chapter 4730. of the Revised Code to practice as a physician assistant.

(14) "Reckless disregard" as it applies to a given health care provider or emergency medical technician rendering emergency medical services, first-aid treatment, or other emergency professional care, including the provision of any medication or other medical product, means conduct that a health care provider or emergency medical technician knew or should have known, at the time those services or that treatment or care were rendered, created an unreasonable risk of injury, death, or loss to person or property so as to affect the life or health of another and that risk was substantially greater than that which is necessary to make the conduct negligent.

(15) "Registered nurse" means an individual who holds a current, valid license issued under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code to practice as a registered nurse.

(16) "Tort action" means a civil action for damages for injury, death, or loss to person or property other than a civil action for damages for a breach of contract or another agreement between persons or governmental entities. "Tort action" includes an action on a medical claim.

(B) Subject to division (C)(3) of this section, a health care provider or emergency medical technician that provides emergency medical services, first-aid treatment, or other emergency professional care, including the provision of any medication or other medical product, as a result of a disaster is not liable in damages to any person in a tort action for injury, death, or loss to person or property that allegedly arises from an act or omission of the health care provider or emergency medical technician in the health care provider's or emergency medical technician's provision of those services or that treatment or care if that act or omission does not constitute reckless disregard for the consequences so as to affect the life or health of the patient.

(C)(1) This section does not create a new cause of action or substantive legal right against a health care provider or emergency medical technician.

(2) This section does not affect any immunities from civil liability or defenses established by another section of the Revised Code or available at common law to which a health care provider or emergency medical technician may be entitled in connection with the provision of emergency medical services, first-aid treatment, or other emergency professional care, including the provision of medication or other medical product.

(3) This section does not grant an immunity from tort or other civil liability to a health care provider or emergency medical technician for actions that are outside the scope of authority of the health care provider or emergency medical technician.

(4) This section does not affect any legal responsibility of a health care provider or emergency medical technician to comply with any applicable law of this state or rule of an agency of this state.

(5) This section applies only to the provision of emergency medical services, first-aid treatment, or other emergency professional care, including the provision of any medication or other medical product, by a health care provider or emergency medical technician as a result of a disaster and through the duration of the disaster.

(D) This section does not apply to a tort action alleging wrongful death against a health care provider or emergency medical technician that provides emergency medical services, first-aid treatment, or other emergency professional care, including the provision of any medication or other medical product, that allegedly arises from an act or omission of the health care provider or emergency medical technician in the health care provider's or emergency medical technician's provision of those services or that treatment or care as a result of a disaster.

Section 2305.2341 | Medical liability insurance reimbursement program.

(A) The medical liability insurance reimbursement program is hereby established. Free clinics and federally qualified health center look-alikes, including the clinics' and centers' staff and volunteer health care professionals and volunteer health care workers, may participate in the medical liability insurance reimbursement program established by this section. The coverage provided under the program shall be limited to claims that arise out of the diagnosis, treatment, and care of patients of free clinics and centers, as defined in division (D) of this section.

(B) A free clinic or federally qualified health center look-alike is eligible to receive reimbursement under the medical liability insurance reimbursement program for the premiums that the clinic or center pays for medical liability insurance coverage for the clinic or center, its staff, and volunteer health care professionals and health care workers. Free clinics and federally qualified health center look-alikes shall register with the department of health by the thirty-first day of January of each year in order to participate in and to obtain reimbursement under the program. Clinics that register with the department in accordance with this division shall receive priority over centers that register for reimbursement.

Free clinics and federally qualified health center look-alikes shall provide all of the following to the department of health at the time of registration:

(1) A statement of the number of volunteer and paid health care professionals and health care workers providing health care services at the free clinic or federally qualified health center look-alike at that time;

(2) A statement of the number of health care services rendered by the free clinic or federally qualified health center look-alike during the previous fiscal year;

(3) A signed form acknowledging that the free clinic or federally qualified health center look-alike agrees to follow its medical liability insurer's risk management and loss prevention policies;

(4) A copy of the medical liability insurance policy purchased by the free clinic or federally qualified health center look-alike, or the policy's declaration page, and documentation of the premiums paid by the clinic or center.

(C) The department of health shall reimburse free clinics and federally qualified health center look-alikes participating in the professional liability insurance reimbursement program for up to eighty per cent of the premiums that the clinic or center pays for medical liability insurance coverage up to twenty thousand dollars. Appropriations to the department of health may be made from the general fund of the state for this purpose.

(D) As used in this section:

(1) "Federally qualified health center look-alike" means a public or not-for-profit health center that meets the eligibility requirements to receive a federal public health services grant under the "Public Health Services Act," 117 Stat. 2020, 42 U.S.C. 254b, as amended, but does not receive grant funding.

(2) "Free clinic" means a nonprofit organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," as amended, or a program component of a nonprofit organization, whose primary mission is to provide health care services for free or for a minimal administrative fee to individuals with limited resources. A free clinic facilitates the delivery of health care services through the use of volunteer health care professionals and voluntary care networks. For this purpose, a free clinic shall comply with all of the following:

(a) If a free clinic does request a minimal administrative fee, a free clinic shall not deny an individual access to its health care services based on an individual's ability to pay the fee.

(b) A free clinic shall not bill a patient for health care services rendered.

(c) Free clinics shall not perform operations, as defined by divisions (A)(9) and (F)(1)(b) of section 2305.234 of the Revised Code.

A clinic is not a free clinic if the clinic bills medicaid, medicare, or other third-party payers for health care services rendered at the clinic, and receives twenty-five per cent or more of the clinic's annual revenue from the third-party payments.

(3) "Health care professional" and "health care worker" have the same meanings as in section 2305.234 of the Revised Code.

Section 2305.24 | Information furnished to quality assurance or utilization committee to be confidential.

Any information, data, reports, or records made available to a quality assurance committee or utilization committee of a hospital or long-term care facility or of any not-for-profit health care corporation that is a member of the hospital or long-term care facility or of which the hospital or long-term care facility is a member are confidential and shall be used by the committee and the committee members only in the exercise of the proper functions of the committee. Any information, data, reports, or records made available to a utilization committee of a state or local medical society composed of doctors of medicine or doctors of osteopathic medicine are confidential and shall be used by the committee and the committee members only in the exercise of the proper functions of the committee. A right of action similar to that a patient may have against an attending physician for misuse of information, data, reports, or records arising out of the physician-patient relationship shall accrue against a member of a quality assurance committee or utilization committee for misuse of any information, data, reports, or records furnished to the committee by an attending physician. No physician, institution, hospital, or long-term care facility furnishing information, data, reports, or records to a committee with respect to any patient examined or treated by the physician or confined in the institution, hospital, or long-term care facility shall, by reason of the furnishing, be deemed liable in damages to any person, or be held to answer for betrayal of a professional confidence within the meaning and intent of section 4731.22 of the Revised Code. Information, data, or reports furnished to a utilization committee of a state or local medical society shall contain no name of any person involved therein.

Any information, data, reports, or records made available to a quality assurance committee of the bureau of workers' compensation or the industrial commission that is responsible for reviewing the professional qualifications and the performance of providers conducting medical examinations or file reviews for the bureau or the commission are confidential and shall be used by the committee and the committee members only in the exercise of the proper functions of the committee.

As used in this section, "utilization committee" is the committee established to administer a utilization review plan of a hospital, of a not-for-profit health care corporation which is a member of the hospital or of which the hospital is a member, or of a skilled nursing facility as provided in the "Health Insurance for the Aged Act," 79 Stat. 313 (1965), 42 U.S.C. 1395x(k).

Section 2305.25 | Peer review committee definitions.

As used in this section and sections 2305.251 to 2305.253 of the Revised Code:

(A)(1) "Health care entity" means an entity, whether acting on its own behalf or on behalf of or in affiliation with other health care entities, that conducts as part of its regular business activities professional credentialing or quality review activities involving the competence of, professional conduct of, or quality of care provided by health care providers, including both individuals who provide health care and entities that provide health care.

(2) "Health care entity" includes any entity described in division (A)(1) of this section, regardless of whether it is a government entity; for-profit or nonprofit corporation; limited liability company; partnership; professional corporation; state or local society composed of physicians, dentists, optometrists, psychologists, or pharmacists; accountable care organization; other health care organization; or combination of any of the foregoing entities.

(B) "Health insuring corporation" means an entity that holds a certificate of authority under Chapter 1751. of the Revised Code. "Health insuring corporation" includes wholly owned subsidiaries of a health insuring corporation.

(C) "Hospital" means any of the following:

(1) An institution that has been registered or licensed by the department of health as a hospital;

(2) An entity, other than an insurance company authorized to do business in this state, that owns, controls, or is affiliated with an institution that has been registered or licensed by the department of health as a hospital;

(3) A group of hospitals that are owned, sponsored, or managed by a single entity.

(D) "Incident report or risk management report" means a report of an incident involving injury or potential injury to a patient as a result of patient care provided by health care providers, including both individuals who provide health care and entities that provide health care, that is prepared by or for the use of a peer review committee of a health care entity and is within the scope of the functions of that committee.

(E)(1) "Peer review committee" means a utilization review committee, quality assessment committee, performance improvement committee, tissue committee, credentialing committee, or other committee that does either of the following:

(a) Conducts professional credentialing or quality review activities involving the competence of, professional conduct of, or quality of care provided by health care providers, including both individuals who provide health care and entities that provide health care;

(b) Conducts any other attendant hearing process initiated as a result of a peer review committee's recommendations or actions.

(2) "Peer review committee" includes all of the following:

(a) A peer review committee of a hospital or long-term care facility or a peer review committee of a nonprofit health care corporation that is a member of the hospital or long-term care facility or of which the hospital or facility is a member;

(b) A peer review committee of a community mental health center;

(c) A board or committee of a hospital, a long-term care facility, or other health care entity when reviewing professional qualifications or activities of health care providers, including both individuals who provide health care and entities that provide health care;

(d) A peer review committee, professional standards review committee, or arbitration committee of a state or local society composed of members who are in active practice as physicians, dentists, optometrists, psychologists, or pharmacists;

(e) A peer review committee of a health insuring corporation that has at least a two-thirds majority of member physicians in active practice and that conducts professional credentialing and quality review activities involving the competence or professional conduct of health care providers that adversely affects or could adversely affect the health or welfare of any patient;

(f) A peer review committee of a health insuring corporation that has at least a two-thirds majority of member physicians in active practice and that conducts professional credentialing and quality review activities involving the competence or professional conduct of a health care facility that has contracted with the health insuring corporation to provide health care services to enrollees, which conduct adversely affects, or could adversely affect, the health or welfare of any patient;

(g) A peer review committee of a sickness and accident insurer that has at least a two-thirds majority of physicians in active practice and that conducts professional credentialing and quality review activities involving the competence or professional conduct of health care providers that adversely affects or could adversely affect the health or welfare of any patient;

(h) A peer review committee of a sickness and accident insurer that has at least a two-thirds majority of physicians in active practice and that conducts professional credentialing and quality review activities involving the competence or professional conduct of a health care facility that has contracted with the insurer to provide health care services to insureds, which conduct adversely affects, or could adversely affect, the health or welfare of any patient;

(i) A peer review committee of any insurer authorized under Title XXXIX of the Revised Code to do the business of medical professional liability insurance in this state that conducts professional quality review activities involving the competence or professional conduct of health care providers that adversely affects or could affect the health or welfare of any patient;

(j) A peer review committee of the bureau of workers' compensation or the industrial commission that is responsible for reviewing the professional qualifications and the performance of providers certified by the bureau to participate in the health partnership program or of providers conducting medical examinations or file reviews for the bureau or the commission;

(k) Any other peer review committee of a health care entity.

(F) "Physician" means an individual authorized to practice medicine and surgery, osteopathic medicine and surgery, or podiatric medicine and surgery.

(G) "Sickness and accident insurer" means an entity authorized under Title XXXIX of the Revised Code to do the business of sickness and accident insurance in this state.

(H) "Tort action" means a civil action for damages for injury, death, or loss to a patient of a health care entity. "Tort action" includes a product liability claim, as defined in section 2307.71 of the Revised Code, and an asbestos claim, as defined in section 2307.91 of the Revised Code, but does not include a civil action for a breach of contract or another agreement between persons.

(I) "Accountable care organization" means such an organization as defined in 42 C.F.R. 425.20.

Section 2305.251 | Peer review committee immunity.

(A) No health care entity shall be liable in damages to any person for any acts, omissions, decisions, or other conduct within the scope of the functions of a peer review committee of the health care entity. No individual who is a member of or works for or on behalf of a peer review committee of a health care entity shall be liable in damages to any person for any acts, omissions, decisions, or other conduct within the scope of the functions of the peer review committee.

(B)(1) A hospital shall be presumed to not be negligent in the credentialing of an individual who has, or has applied for, staff membership or professional privileges at the hospital pursuant to section 3701.351 of the Revised Code, and a health insuring corporation or sickness and accident insurer shall be presumed to not be negligent in the credentialing of an individual who is, or has applied to be, a participating provider with the health insuring corporation or sickness and accident insurer, if the hospital, health insuring corporation, or sickness and accident insurer proves by a preponderance of the evidence that, at the time of the alleged negligent credentialing of the individual, the hospital, health insuring corporation, or sickness and accident insurer was accredited by one of the following:

(a) The joint commission on accreditation of healthcare organizations;

(b) The American osteopathic association;

(c) The national committee for quality assurance;

(d) The utilization review accreditation commission.

(2) The presumption that a hospital, health insuring corporation, or sickness and accident insurer is not negligent as provided in division (B)(1) of this section may be rebutted only by proof, by a preponderance of the evidence, of any of the following:

(a) The credentialing and review requirements of the accrediting organization did not apply to the hospital, health insuring corporation, sickness and accident insurer, the individual, or the type of professional care that is the basis of the claim against the hospital, health insuring corporation, or sickness and accident insurer.

(b) The hospital, health insuring corporation, or sickness and accident insurer failed to comply with all material credentialing and review requirements of the accrediting organization that applied to the individual.

(c) The hospital, health insuring corporation, or sickness and accident insurer, through its medical staff executive committee or its governing body and sufficiently in advance to take appropriate action, knew that a previously competent individual had developed a pattern of incompetence or otherwise inappropriate behavior, either of which indicated that the individual's staff membership, professional privileges, or participation as a provider should have been limited or terminated prior to the individual's provision of professional care to the plaintiff.

(d) The hospital, health insuring corporation, or sickness and accident insurer, through its medical staff executive committee or its governing body and sufficiently in advance to take appropriate action, knew that a previously competent individual would provide fraudulent medical treatment but failed to limit or terminate the individual's staff membership, professional privileges, or participation as a provider prior to the individual's provision of professional care to the plaintiff.

(3) If the plaintiff fails to rebut the presumption provided in division (B)(1) of this section, upon the motion of the hospital, health insuring corporation, or sickness and accident insurer, the court shall enter judgment in favor of the hospital, health insuring corporation, or sickness and accident insurer on the claim of negligent credentialing.

(C) Nothing in this section otherwise shall relieve any individual or health care entity from liability arising from treatment of an individual. Nothing in this section shall be construed as creating an exception to section 2305.252 of the Revised Code.

(D) No person who provides information under this section without malice and in the reasonable belief that the information is warranted by the facts known to the person shall be subject to suit for civil damages as a result of providing the information.

Section 2305.252 | Confidentiality of proceedings and records within scope of peer review committee of health care entity.

(A) Proceedings and records within the scope of a peer review committee of a health care entity shall be held in confidence and shall not be subject to discovery or introduction in evidence in any civil action against a health care entity or health care provider, including both individuals who provide health care and entities that provide health care, arising out of matters that are the subject of evaluation and review by the peer review committee. No individual who attends a meeting of a peer review committee, serves as a member of a peer review committee, works for or on behalf of a peer review committee, or provides information to a peer review committee shall be permitted or required to testify in any civil action as to any evidence or other matters produced or presented during the proceedings of the peer review committee or as to any finding, recommendation, evaluation, opinion, or other action of the committee or a member thereof.

Information, documents, or records otherwise available from original sources are not to be construed as being unavailable for discovery or for use in any civil action merely because they were produced or presented during proceedings of a peer review committee, but the information, documents, or records are available only from the original sources and cannot be obtained from the peer review committee's proceedings or records.

The release of any information, documents, or records that were produced or presented during proceedings of a peer review committee or created to document the proceedings does not affect the confidentiality of any other information, documents, or records produced or presented during those proceedings or created to document them. Only the information, documents, or records actually released cease to be privileged under this section.

Nothing in this section precludes health care entities from sharing information, documents, or records that were produced or presented during proceedings of a peer review committee or created to document them as long as the information, documents, or records are used only for peer review purposes.

An individual who testifies before a peer review committee, serves as a representative of a peer review committee, serves as a member of a peer review committee, works for or on behalf of a peer review committee, or provides information to a peer review committee shall not be prevented from testifying as to matters within the individual's knowledge, but the individual cannot be asked about the individual's testimony before the peer review committee, information the individual provided to the peer review committee, or any opinion the individual formed as a result of the peer review committee's activities.

An order by a court to produce for discovery or for use at trial the proceedings or records described in this section is a final order.

(B) Division (A) of this section applies to a peer review committee of the bureau of workers' compensation that is responsible for reviewing the professional qualifications and the performance of providers certified by the bureau to participate in the health partnership program created under sections 4121.44 and 4121.441 of the Revised Code, except that the proceedings and records within the scope of the peer review committee are subject to discovery or court subpoena and may be admitted into evidence in any criminal action or administrative or civil action initiated, prosecuted, or adjudicated by the bureau involving an alleged violation of applicable statutes or administrative rules. The bureau may share proceedings and records within the scope of the peer review committee, including claimant records and claim file information, with law enforcement agencies, licensing boards, and other governmental agencies that are prosecuting, adjudicating, or investigating alleged violations of applicable statutes or administrative rules. If the bureau shares proceedings or records with a law enforcement agency, licensing board, or another governmental agency pursuant to this division, that sharing does not affect the confidentiality of the record. Recipients of claimant records and claim file information provided by the bureau pursuant to this division shall take appropriate measures to maintain the confidentiality of the information.

Section 2305.253 | Incident or risk management report not admissible or discoverable.

(A) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of section 149.43, 1751.21, 2305.24, 2305.25, 2305.251, 2305.252, or 2305.28 of the Revised Code, an incident report or risk management report and the contents of an incident report or risk management report are not subject to discovery in, and are not admissible in evidence in the trial of, a tort action. An individual who prepares or has knowledge of the contents of an incident report or risk management report shall not testify and shall not be required to testify in a tort action as to the contents of the report.

(B)(1) Except as specified in division (A) of this section, this section does not affect any provision of section 149.43, 1751.21, 2305.24, 2305.25, 2305.251, 2305.252, or 2305.28 of the Revised Code that describes, imposes, or confers any of the following:

(a) An immunity from tort or other civil liability;

(b) A forfeiture of an immunity from tort or other civil liability;

(c) A requirement of confidentiality;

(d) A limitation on the use of information, data, reports, or records;

(e) Tort or other civil liability;

(f) A limitation on discovery of matter, introduction into evidence of matter, or testimony pertaining to matter in a tort or other civil action.

(2) Divisions (A) and (B)(1) of this section do not prohibit or limit the discovery or admissibility of testimony or evidence relating to patient care that is within an individual's personal knowledge.

(3) Divisions (A) and (B)(1) and (2) of this section do not affect a privileged communication between an attorney and the attorney's client as described in section 2317.02 of the Revised Code.

Section 2305.26 | Action to enforce lien - limitations - notice of continuation.

(A) An action by the state or an agency or political subdivision of the state to enforce a lien upon real or personal property created under and by virtue of section 1901.21, 2505.13, 2937.25, 4123.76, 4123.78, 4141.23, 4509.60, or 5719.04 of the Revised Code shall be brought within fifteen years from the date when the lien or notice of continuation of the lien has been filed in the office of the county recorder. The fifteen-year limitation period applies to liens and notices of continuation of liens filed before, on, or after the effective date of the amendment of this section by H.B. 699 of the 126th general assembly.

(B)(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (B)(2) of this section, beginning February 1, 2007, a notice of continuation of lien may be filed in the office of the county recorder within six months prior to the expiration of the fifteen-year period following the original filing of the lien or the filing of the notice of continuation of the lien as specified in division (A) of this section. The notice must identify the original notice of lien and state that the original lien is still effective. Upon timely filing of a notice of continuation of lien, the effectiveness of the original lien is continued for fifteen years after the last date on which the lien was effective, whereupon it lapses, unless another notice of continuation of lien is filed prior to the lapse. Succeeding notices of continuation of lien may be filed in the same manner to continue the effectiveness of the original lien.

(2) As used in division (B)(2) of this section, "interim period" means the period beginning September 26, 2003, and ending September 27, 2006.

Division (B)(2) of this section applies only to liens enforceable by an action subject to the limitation of division (A) of this section on September 25, 2003, as this section existed on that date, and notice of continuation of which would have had to have been filed under division (B) of this section, as this section existed on that date, during the interim period if this section had been in effect during the interim period.

Notice of continuation of such a lien may be filed as otherwise provided in division (B)(1) of this section, except the notice shall be filed within six months prior to the expiration of fifteen years following the expiration of the six-year period within which such notice was required to have been filed under this section as this section existed on September 25, 2003.

(C) The recorder shall mark each notice of continuation of lien with a consecutive file number and with the date of filing and shall hold the notice open for public inspection. In addition, the recorder shall index the notices according to the names of the person against whom they are effective, and shall note in the index the file numbers of the notices. Except in cases of liens arising under section 5719.04 of the Revised Code, the recorder shall mark the record of the original lien "continued" and note thereon the date on which the notice of continuation of lien was filed. The recorder may remove a lapsed lien or lapsed notice of continuation of lien from the file and destroy it.

(D) A notice of continuation of lien must be signed and filed by the clerk of the court or the magistrate in cases of liens arising under sections 1901.21, 2505.13, and 2937.25 of the Revised Code, by the industrial commission in cases of liens arising under sections 4123.76 and 4123.78 of the Revised Code, by the director of job and family services in cases of liens arising under section 4141.23 of the Revised Code, by the registrar of motor vehicles in cases of liens arising under section 4509.60 of the Revised Code, and by the county auditor in cases of liens arising under section 5719.04 of the Revised Code.

Section 2305.28 | Peer or professional standards review committee or counseling and assistance committee of a professional organization not liable for actions taken.

(A) As used in this section, "counseling and assistance committee" means a committee of a professional organization whose purpose is to render counseling and assistance to members of the profession whose personal or professional lives are or reasonably appear to be impaired by reason of substance abuse, chemical dependency, or mental illness.

(B) No member or employee of a peer review committee, professional standards review committee, or counseling and assistance committee of a state or local professional organization composed of doctors of chiropractic, doctors of veterinary medicine, attorneys at law, real estate brokers, architects, professional engineers, certified public accountants, public accountants, or registered nurses is liable to any person for any action taken or recommendation made within the scope of the functions of the committee, if the committee member or employee acts without malice and in the reasonable belief that the action or recommendation is warranted by the facts known to him after reasonable effort to obtain the facts of the matter as to which the action is taken or recommendation is made.

(C) Division (B) of this section also shall apply to any member or employee of a nonprofit corporation that is engaged in performing the functions of a peer review committee, professional standards review committee, or counseling and assistance committee of a state or local professional organization composed of doctors of chiropractic, doctors of veterinary medicine, attorneys at law, real estate brokers, architects, professional engineers, certified public accountants, public accountants, or registered nurses.

(D) No person who provides information to a peer review committee, professional standards review committee, or counseling and assistance committee of a state or local professional organization as described in division (B) of this section, to a nonprofit corporation as described in division (C) of this section, or to a member or employee of such a peer review committee, professional standards review committee, counseling and assistance committee, or nonprofit corporation, without malice and in the reasonable belief that the information is warranted by the facts known to him is liable in damages in a civil action as a result of providing that information.

Section 2305.29 | No civil liability for breach of a promise to marry, alienation of affections, or criminal conversation.

No person shall be liable in civil damages for any breach of a promise to marry, alienation of affections, or criminal conversation, and no person shall be liable in civil damages for seduction of any person eighteen years of age or older who is not incompetent, as defined in section 2111.01 of the Revised Code.

Section 2305.31 | Promisee indemnified against damage liability.

A covenant, promise, agreement, or understanding in, or in connection with or collateral to, a contract or agreement relative to the design, planning, construction, alteration, repair, or maintenance of a building, structure, highway, road, appurtenance, and appliance, including moving, demolition, and excavating connected therewith, pursuant to which contract or agreement the promisee, or its independent contractors, agents or employees has hired the promisor to perform work, purporting to indemnify the promisee, its independent contractors, agents, employees, or indemnitees against liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damage to property initiated or proximately caused by or resulting from the negligence of the promisee, its independent contractors, agents, employees, or indemnitees is against public policy and is void. Nothing in this section shall prohibit any person from purchasing insurance from an insurance company authorized to do business in the state of Ohio for his own protection or from purchasing a construction bond.

Section 2305.32 | Sponsoring employer in ridesharing arrangements not liable.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Ridesharing arrangement" means the transportation of persons in a motor vehicle where such transportation is incidental to another purpose of a volunteer driver and includes ridesharing arrangements known as carpools, vanpools, and buspools.

(2) "Employer" has the same meaning as in section 4123.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) An employer shall not be liable for injuries to passengers and other persons resulting from the operation or use of a motor vehicle, not owned, leased, or contracted for by the employer, in a ridesharing arrangement.

(C) An employer shall not be liabile for injuries to passengers and other persons because the employer provides information, incentives, or otherwise encourages his employees to participate in ridesharing arrangements.

Section 2305.321 | Certain equine activities no liability.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Equine" means a horse, pony, mule, donkey, hinny, zebra, zebra hybrid, or alpaca.

(2)(a) "Equine activity" means any of the following:

(i) An equine show, fair, competition, performance, or parade that involves an equine and an equine discipline, including, but not limited to, dressage, a hunter and jumper show, grand prix jumping, a three-day event, combined training, a rodeo, driving, pulling, cutting, reining, team penning, barrel racing, polo, steeplechasing, English or western performance riding, endurance or nonendurance trail riding, western games, hunting, packing, and recreational riding;

(ii) An equine or rider training, teaching, instructing, testing, or evaluating activity, including, but not limited to, a clinic, seminar, or symposium;

(iii) The boarding or an equine, including, but not limited to, normal daily care of an equine;

(iv) The trailering, loading, unloading, or transporting of an equine;

(v) The riding, inspecting, or evaluating of an equine owned by another person, regardless of whether the owner has received anything of value for the use of the equine or is permitting a prospective purchaser of the equine to ride, inspect, or evaluate it;

(vi) A ride, trip, hunt, branding, roundup, cattle drive, or other activity that involves an equine and that is sponsored by an equine activity sponsor, regardless of whether the activity is formal, informal, planned, or impromptu;

(vii) The placing or replacing of horseshoes on an equine, the removing of horseshoes from an equine, or the trimming of the hooves of an equine;

(viii) The provision of or assistance in the provision of veterinary treatment or maintenance care for an equine;

(ix) The conducting of procedures or assistance in the conducting of procedures necessary to breed an equine by means of artificial insemination or otherwise.

(b) "Equine activity" does not include horse or mule racing.

(3) "Equine activity participant" means a person who engages in any of the following activities, regardless of whether the person is an amateur or a professional or whether a fee is paid to participate in the particular activity:

(a) Riding, training, driving, or controlling in any manner an equine, whether the equine is mounted or unmounted;

(b) Being a passenger upon an equine;

(c) Providing medical treatment to an equine;

(d) Conducting procedures of assisting in conducting procedures necessary to breed an equine by means of artificial insemination or otherwise;

(e) Assisting a person who is engaged in an activity described in division (A)(3)(a), (b), (c), or (d) of this section;

(f) Sponsoring an equine activity;

(g) Being a spectator at an equine activity.

(4) "Equine activity sponsor" means either of the following persons:

(a) A person who, for profit or not for profit, sponsors, organizes, or provides a facility for an equine activity, including, but not limited to, a pony club, 4-H club, hunt club, riding club, or therapeutic riding program, or a class, program, or activity that is sponsored by a school, college, or university;

(b) An operator or promoter of, or an instructor at, an equine facility, such as a stable, clubhouse, pony ride, fair training facility, show ground, or arena at which an equine activity is held.

(5) "Equine professional" means a person who engages for compensation in any of the following activities:

(a) Training, teaching, instructing, testing, or evaluating an equine or an equine activity participant;

(b) Renting to an equine activity participant an equine for the purpose of riding, driving, or being a passenger upon an equine;

(c) Renting equipment or tack to an equine activity participant for use in an equine activity;

(d) Providing daily care to an equine boarded at an equine activity;

(e) Providing or assisting in providing veterinary treatment or maintenance care to an equine;

(f) Conducting procedures or assisting in conducting procedures necessary to breed an equine by means of artificial insemination or otherwise.

(6) "Harm" means injury, death, or loss to person or property.

(7) "Inherent risk of an equine activity" means a danger or condition that is an integral part of an equine activity, including, but not limited to, any of the following:

(a) The propensity of an equine to behave in ways that may result in injury, death, or loss to persons on or around the equine;

(b) The unpredictability of an equine's reaction to sounds, sudden movement, unfamiliar objects, persons, or other animals;

(c) Hazards, including, but not limited to, surface or subsurface conditions;

(d) A collision with another equine, another animal, a person, or an object;

(e) The potential of an equine activity participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury, death, or loss to the person of the participant or to other persons, including, but not limited to, failing to maintain control over an equine or failing to act within the ability of the participant.

(8) "Person" has the same meaning as in section 1.59 of the Revised Code and additionally includes governmental entities.

(9) "Tort action" means a civil action for damages for injury, death, or loss to person or property. "Tort action" does not include a civil action for damages for a breach of contract or another agreement between persons.

(10) "Veterinarian" means a person who is licensed to practice veterinary medicine in this state pursuant to chapter 4741. of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) Except as provided in division (B)(2) of this section and subject to division (C) of this section, an equine activity sponsor, equine activity participant, equine professional, veterinarian, farrier, or other person is not liable in damages in a tort or other civil action for harm that an equine activity participant allegedly sustains during an equine activity and that results from an inherent risk of an equine activity. Except as provided in division (B)(2) of this section and subject to division (C) of this section, an equine activity participant or the personal representative of an equine activity participant does not have a claim or cause of action upon which a recovery of damages may be based against, and may not recover damages in a tort or other civil action against, an equine activity sponsor, another equine activity participant, an equine professional, a veterinarian, a farrier, or another person for harm that the equine activity participant allegedly sustained during an equine activity and that resulted from an inherent risk of an equine activity.

(2) The immunity from tort or other civil liability conferred by division (B)(1) of this section is forfeited if any of the following circumstances applies:

(a) An equine activity sponsor, equine activity participant, equine professional, veterinarian, farrier, or other person provides to an equine activity participant faulty or defective equipment or tack and knows or should know that the equipment or tack is faulty or defective, and the fault or defect in the equipment or tack proximately causes the harm involved.

(b) An equine activity sponsor, equine activity participant, equine professional, veterinarian, farrier, or other person provides an equine to an equine activity participant and fails to make reasonable and prudent efforts to determine the equine activity participant's ability to safely engage in the equine activity or to safely manage the equine based on the equine activity participant's representations of the participant's ability, the equine activity participant fails to safely engage in the equine activity or to safely manage the equine, and that failure proximately causes the harm involved.

(c) The harm involved is proximately caused by a dangerous latent condition of the land on which or the premises at which the harm occurs, and equine activity sponsor, equine activity participant, equine professional, veterinarian, farrier, or other person owns, leases, rents, or otherwise lawfully possesses and controls the land or premises and knows or should know of the dangerous latent condition, but does not post conspicuously prior to the time of the harm involved one or more signs that warn of the dangerous latent condition.

(d) An act or omission of an equine activity sponsor, equine activity participant, equine professional, veterinarian, farrier, or other person constitutes a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of an equine activity participant and proximately causes the harm involved.

(e) An equine activity sponsor, equine activity participant, equine professional, veterinarian, farrier, or other person intentionally causes the harm involved.

(C)(1) Notwithstanding the immunity conferred by division (B)(1) of this section and the grounds for its forfeiture specified in division (B)(2) of this section, subject to divisions (C)(2)(b) and (3) of this section, an equine activity sponsor, equine activity participant, equine professional, veterinarian, farrier, or other person is not liable in damages in a tort or other civil action for harm that an equine activity participant allegedly sustains during an equine activity and that results from an inherent risk of an equine activity if that equine activity participant or a parent, guardian, custodian, or other legal representative of that equine activity participant voluntarily executes, prior to the occurrence of the harm involved, a written waiver as described in division (C)(2) of this section. Subject to divisions (C)(2)(b) and (C)(3) of this section, the equine activity participant who is the subject of that waiver or the parent, guardian, custodian, or other legal representative of the equine activity participant who is the subject of that waiver does not have a claim or cause of action upon which a recovery of damages may be based against, and may not recover damages in a tort or other civil action against, and equine activity sponsor, another equine activity participant, an equine professional, a veterinarian, a farrier, or another person in whose favor the waiver was executed.

(2)(a) A valid waiver for purposes of division (C)(1) of this section shall be in writing and subscribed by the equine activity participant or the parent, guardian, custodian, or other legal representative of the equine activity participant, and shall specify at least each inherent risk of an equine activity that is listed in divisions (A)(7)(a) to (e) of this section and that will be a subject of the waiver of tort or other civil liability.

(b) A waiver in the form described in division (C)(2)(a) of this section shall remain valid until it is revoked in the manner described in division (C)(3) of this section. Unless so revoked, such a waiver that pertains to equine activities sponsored by a school, college, or university shall apply to all equine activities in which the equine activity participant who is the subject of the waiver is involved during the twelve-month period following the execution of the waiver.

(3) A valid waiver in the form described in division (C)(2)(a) of this section may be revoked in writing by the equine activity participant or the parent, guardian, custodian, or other legal representative of the equine activity participant who executed the waiver. The revocation of the waiver does not affect the availability of the immunity conferred by division (B)(1) of this section.

(D)(1) This section does not create a new cause of action or substantive legal right against an equine activity sponsor, equine activity participant, equine professional, veterinarian, farrier, or other person.

(2) This section does not affect the availability in appropriate circumstances of a civil action based on a product liability claim under sections 2307.71 to 2307.801 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 30, 2024 at 10:56 AM

Section 2305.33 | Physician reporting to public transportation employer employee's use of a drug of abuse no liability.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Bus" has the same meaning as in section 4511.78 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Business of public transportation" means a business that includes among its functions the transporting of passengers in interstate or intrastate commerce by aircraft, railroad train, school or other bus, taxicab, or other type of common carrier, whether or not a charge is imposed for the transportation. "Business of public transportation" includes, but is not limited to, an Ohio transit system.

(3) "Civil action" means a tort or contract action for damages for harm.

(4) "Employee" means an individual who is employed by an employer to operate any aircraft, railroad train, school or other bus, taxicab, or other type of common carrier.

(5) "Employer" means a person that is engaged in the business of public transportation.

(6) "Harm" means injury, death, or loss to person or property.

(7) "Ohio transit system" means a county transit system operated in accordance with sections 306.01 to 306.13 of the Revised Code, a regional transit authority operated in accordance with sections 306.30 to 306.71 of the Revised Code, a regional transit commission operated in accordance with sections 306.80 to 306.90 of the Revised Code, any municipally owned transportation system, and any mass transit company that operates exclusively within the territorial limits of a municipal corporation, or within the territorial limits of a municipal corporation and one or more municipal corporations immediately contiguous to that municipal corporation.

(8) "Physician" means a person who is licensed pursuant to Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine or surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery.

(9) "Prescription" has the same meaning as in section 4729.01 of the Revised Code.

(10) "School bus" has the same meaning as in section 4511.01 of the Revised Code.

(11) "Tort action" means a civil action for damages for injury, death, or loss to person or property, other than a civil action for damages for a breach of contract or another agreement between persons. "Tort action" includes, but is not limited to, a civil action for damages against a physician on the ground of a breach of the confidentiality of the physician-patient relationship.

(B) A physician is not liable in damages in a civil action for harm that allegedly is incurred by an employee as a result of the physician reporting any of the following to the employer of the employee:

(1) The physician has determined that the employee is using a drug of abuse dispensed pursuant to a prescription and that the employee's use of the drug of abuse represents a potential risk of harm to passengers on any aircraft, railroad train, school or other bus, taxicab, or other type of common carrier operated by the employee;

(2) The physician has determined that the employee is using a drug of abuse otherwise than pursuant to a prescription.

(3) The physician has determined that the employee has a condition, other than one involving the use of a drug of abuse, that represents a potential risk of harm to passengers on any aircraft, railroad train, school or other bus, taxicab, or other type of common carrier operated by the employee.

(C)(1) This section does not create, and shall not be construed as creating, a new cause of action or substantive legal right against a physician and in favor of an employee who was a patient of the physician, who was the subject of a report described in division (B) of this section, and who allegedly sustained harm as a result of the report, or in favor of any other person who allegedly sustained harm as a result of the report.

(2) This section does not impose, and shall not be construed as imposing, a duty upon a physician to make a report as described in division (B) of this section to an employer of an employee who the physician determines is using a drug of abuse dispensed pursuant to a prescription or is using a drug of abuse other than pursuant to a prescription, or who the physician determines has a condition, other than one involving the use of a drug of abuse, that represents a potential risk of harm to passengers on the type of common carrier operated by the employee.

(3) This section does not affect and shall not be construed as affecting, any immunities from civil liability or defenses established by another section of the Revised Code or available at common law, to which a physician may be entitled.

(D) In the event that a physician makes a report described in division (B) of this section, the physician also shall make a report to the employee who was the subject of the report. If the report to the employer is in writing, the report to the employee shall be in writing.

Section 2305.34 | Hydrant failure of nonprofit corporation or water and sewer district no liability.

(A) Neither a nonprofit corporation organized under Chapter 1702. of the Revised Code that owns or operates a water supply or waterworks that regularly serves persons located outside a municipal corporation nor a regional water and sewer district organized under Chapter 6119. of the Revised Code is liable in damages in a civil action for injury, death, or loss to person or property that allegedly arises from the failure of a hydrant controlled by the corporation or district to provide a sufficient quantity of water or sufficient water pressure to adequately suppress a fire of any size, regardless of whether the hydrant was designed for use as a fire hydrant or whether a fire department uses the hydrant with the permission of the corporation or district. All low-pressure hydrants in a municipal corporation or regional water and sewer district shall be designated as such by being painted a conspicuous color distinguishing low-pressure hydrants from high-pressure hydrants in the municipal corporation or regional water and sewer district.

(B) This section does not create, and shall not be construed as creating, a new cause of action against or substantive legal right against a nonprofit corporation described in division (A) of this section or a regional water and sewer district.

(C) This section does not affect, and shall not be construed as affecting, any immunities from civil liability or defenses established by any other provisions of the Revised Code, including, without limitation, Chapter 2744. of the Revised Code in the case of a regional water and sewer district, or any immunities from civil liability or defenses available at common law, to which a nonprofit corporation described in division (A) of this section or a regional water and sewer district may be entitled under circumstances not covered by this section.

Section 2305.35 | Donor not liable for injuries to gleaner.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Agency" has the same meaning as in section 2305.37 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Donor" means an owner, lessee, renter, or operator of a farm or other real property who gives permission to a gleaner to enter the property to salvage free-of-charge food items remaining on the property for subsequent donations of the food items to, or subsequent distributions of the food items by, an agency or nonprofit organization.

(3) "Gleaner" means any person that, with the permission of the owner, lessee, renter, or operator of a farm or other real property, enters the property to salvage free-of-charge food items remaining on the property for subsequent donations of the food items to, or subsequent distributions of the food items by, an agency or nonprofit organization.

(4) "Hazard" means a risk of serious physical harm to persons or property.

(5) "Nonprofit organization" means a corporation, association, group, institution, society, or other organization that is exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3), as amended.

(6) "Tort action" means a civil action for damages for injury, death, or loss to person or property. "Tort action" includes a product liability claim that is subject to sections 2307.71 to 2307.80 of the Revised Code but does not include a civil action for damages for a breach of contract or another agreement between persons.

(B)(1) Except as provided in division (B)(2) of this section, a donor is not liable in damages to any person in a tort action for injury, death, or loss to person or property sustained by a gleaner as a result of any of the following:

(a) Any condition of the farm or other real property on which the gleaner is salvaging food items;

(b) Any normal agricultural operations occurring on the farm or other real property on which the gleaner is salvaging food items;

(c) Any risks of physical harm to persons or property involved in salvaging the food items the gleaner is salvaging.

(2) The immunity described in division (B)(1) of this section does not apply to a donor in a tort action for injury, death, or loss to person or property sustained by a gleaner as a result of any condition, operations, or risks described in division (B)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of this section if the injury, death, or loss to person or property sustained by the gleaner was caused by any of the following actions or omissions:

(a) An action or omission of the donor that constitutes negligence, if that negligence involves one or both of the following:

(i) The failure of the donor to warn the gleaner of a hazard of which the donor had actual knowledge prior to the gleaner entering the property;

(ii) The creation or enhancement of a hazard by the donor prior to the gleaner entering the property.

(b) An action or omission of the donor that constitutes willful or wanton misconduct or intentionally tortious conduct;

(c) An action or omission of an employee of the donor, a family member of the donor or another person associated with the donor that is imputable to the donor and that constitutes negligence, if that negligence involves one or both of the following:

(i) The failure of the employee, family member, or other associated person to warn the gleaner of a hazard of which the employee, family member, or other associated person had actual knowledge prior to the gleaner entering the property;

(ii) The creation or enhancement of a hazard by the employee, family member, or other associated person prior to the gleaner entering the property.

(d) An action or omission of an employee of the donor, a family member of the donor, or another person associated with the donor, that is imputable to the donor and that constitutes willful or wanton misconduct.

(C)(1) This section does not create a new cause of action or substantive legal right against donors.

(2) This section does not affect any immunities from or defenses to tort liability established by another section of the Revised Code or available at common law, to which donors may be entitled under circumstances not covered by this section.

Section 2305.36 | Limited immunity for injury due to cumulative consumption, weight gain, or obesity.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Cumulative consumption" means, with respect to a health condition, any health condition, including, but not limited to, increased cholesterol, heart disease, or high blood pressure, that is caused by successive consumption of a qualified product.

(2) "Person engaged in the business" means a person who manufactures, markets, distributes, advertises, or sells a qualified product in the regular course of the person's trade or business.

(3) "Manufacturer" and "supplier" have the same meanings as in section 2307.71 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Qualified product" means all of the following:

(a) Articles used for food or drink for a human being or other animal;

(b) Chewing gum;

(c) Articles used for components of any article listed in division (A)(4)(a) or (b) of this section.

(5) "Seller" means, with respect to a qualified product, a person lawfully engaged in the business of marketing, distributing, advertising, or selling the product.

(6) "Trade association" means any association or business organization that is not operated for profit and in which two or more members of the trade association are manufacturers, marketers, distributors, advertisers, or sellers of a qualified product.

(B) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, no manufacturer, seller, or supplier of a qualified product and no trade association is liable for injury, death, or loss to person or property for damages, is subject to an action for declaratory judgment, injunctive relief, or declaratory relief, or is responsible for restitution, damages, or other relief arising out of, resulting from, or related to cumulative consumption, weight gain, obesity, or any health condition that is related to cumulative consumption, weight gain, or obesity.

(C) A party that prevails on a motion to dismiss an action under division (B) of this section may recover reasonable attorney's fees and costs that the party incurred in connection with the motion to dismiss.

(D) The immunity from liability provided in division (B) of this section does not apply to any of the following if it, alone or in combination with any of the following, was the predominate proximate cause of the claim of injury, death, or loss resulting from cumulative consumption, weight gain, obesity, or any health condition that is related to cumulative consumption, weight gain, or obesity:

(1) The misbranding of the qualified product involved;

(2) Any knowing and willful violation of state or federal law that applies to the qualified product involved;

(3) Any breach of express contract or breach of express warranty in connection with the purchase of the qualified product involved.

(E) Nothing in this section shall be construed as creating any new cause of action for a claim of injury, death, or loss resulting from a person's cumulative consumption, weight gain, obesity, or any health condition that is related to cumulative consumption, weight gain, or obesity.

Section 2305.37 | Person donating perishable food for distribution to needy individuals not liable for harm.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Agency" means any nonhospital, charitable nonprofit corporation that is organized and operated pursuant to Chapter 1702. of the Revised Code and that satisfies all of the following, or any nonhospital, charitable association, group, institution, organization, or society that is not organized and not operated for profit and that satisfies all of the following:

(a) It distributes consumer goods or perishable food, directly or indirectly, to individuals in need.

(b) It does not charge or accept any form of compensation from the individuals in need for the distribution of the consumer goodsto them.

(c) It does not charge for the distribution of perishable food to individuals in need, or it does not charge individuals in need more than an amount sufficient to cover the cost of handling the perishable food distributed to them.

(2) "At-cost" means the perishable food handling costs incurred by an agency.

(3) "Consumer goods" means items of tangible personal property other than food that are used primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.

(4) "Food service operation" has the same meaning as in section 3717.01 of the Revised Code.

(5) "Food that is gleaned" means perishable food that remains on a farm or other real property and that the owner, lessee, renter, or operator of the property permits one or more persons to salvage free-of-charge for subsequent donation to one or more agencies.

(6) "Harm" means injury, death, or loss to person or property.

(7) "Hospital" has the same meaning as in section 3701.01, 3727.01, or 5122.01 of the Revised Code.

(8) "Individuals in need" means those persons who an agency determines are eligible to receive free distributions of consumer goods or free or at-cost distributions of perishable food because of poverty, illness, disability, infancy, or other conditions or circumstances that may result in persons having a need to receive such distributions.

(9) "Perishable food" means any food that may spoil or otherwise become unfit for human consumption because of its nature, age, or physical condition. "Perishable food" includes, but is not limited to, fresh meats, processed meats, poultry, fish and other seafood, dairy products, bakery products, eggs in the shell, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, food that is gleaned, food that is packaged, refrigerated, or frozen, food that is canned, and prepared or other food that has not been served by a restaurant, cafeteria, hospital, hotel, caterer, or other food service operation to any customer, patient, or other person in the ordinary course of business, by a public or private school, college, university, or other educational institution to a student or another person on the premises in the ordinary course of the operation of the institution, or by a fraternal, veteran's, or other organization to its members or other persons on the premises in the ordinary course of the operation of the organization.

(10) "Person" has the same meaning as in section 1.59 of the Revised Code and additionally includes governmental entities and federal instrumentalities.

(11) "Sale date" means the date by which the manufacturer, processor, or packager of a packaged food product recommends that the food product be sold for consumption based on the food product's quality assurance period.

(12) "Tort action" means a civil action for damages for injury, death, or loss to person or property. "Tort action" includes a product liability claim that is subject to sections 2307.71 to 2307.80 of the Revised Code but does not include a civil action for a breach of contract or another agreement between persons.

(B) Notwithstanding Chapter 3715. of the Revised Code, a person who, in good faith, donates perishable food to an agency is not liable in damages in a tort action for harm that allegedly arises because that perishable food, when distributed by the agency or any other agency to a particular individual in need, is not fit for human consumption, if both of the following apply:

(1) Prior to the donation of the perishable food to the agency, the person determines that the perishable food will be fit for human consumption at the time of its donation. A presumption favoring liability does not arise because the perishable food is donated to an agency on or after an applicable sale date.

(2) The person does not make the determination that the perishable food will be fit for human consumption at the time of its donation to the agency in a manner that constitutes gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.

(C) A person who, in good faith, donates consumer goods to an agency is not liable in damages in a tort action for harm that allegedly arises because those consumer goods are not fit for use at the time the agency or any other agency distributes them to a particular individual in need, if both of the following apply:

(1) Prior to the donation of the consumer goods to the agency, the person determines that the consumer goods will be fit for use at the time of their donation. A presumption favoring liability does not arise because the consumer goods are in packaging that has been damaged.

(2) The person does not make the determination that the consumer goods will be fit for use at the time of their donation to the agency in a manner that constitutes gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.

(D) Notwithstanding Chapter 3715. of the Revised Code, an agency that, in good faith, distributes consumer goods or perishable food to a particular individual in need is not liable in damages in a tort action for harm that allegedly arises because those consumer goods are not fit for use or that perishable food is not fit for human consumption if both of the following apply:

(1) Prior to the distribution of the consumer goods or perishable food to the individual, the agency determines that the consumer goods will be fit for use or the perishable food will be fit for human consumption at the time of its distribution. A presumption favoring liability does not arise because the consumer goods are in packaging that has been damaged or because the perishable food is distributed to an individual on or after an applicable sale date.

(2) The agency does not make the determination that the consumer goods will be fit for use or the perishable food will be fit for human consumption at the time of its distribution to the individual in a manner that constitutes gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.

(E)(1) This section does not create a new cause of action or substantive legal right against persons who donate consumer goods or perishable food to an agency or against agencies that distribute consumer goods or perishable food to an individual in need.

(2) This section does not affect any immunities from or defenses to tort liability established by another section of the Revised Code or available at common law to which persons who donate consumer goods or perishable food other than to agencies, or to which agencies that distribute consumer goods or perishable food other than to individuals in need, may be entitled.

Last updated September 7, 2023 at 12:40 PM

Section 2305.38 | Uncompensated volunteers of nonprofit charitable organizations no liability.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Charitable organization" means either of the following:

(a) Any charitable nonprofit corporation that is organized and operated pursuant to Chapter 1702. of the Revised Code, including, but not limited to, any such corporation whose articles of incorporation specify that it is organized and to be operated for an education-related purpose;

(b) Any charitable association, group, institution, or society that is not organized and not operated for profit, including, but not limited to, any such association, group, institution, or society that is organized and operated for any education-related purpose.

(2) "Compensation" does not include actual and necessary expenses that are incurred by a volunteer in connection with the services that the volunteer performs for a charitable organization, and that are reimbursed to the volunteer or otherwise paid.

(3) "Corporate services" means services that are performed by a volunteer who is associated with a charitable organization as defined in division (A)(1)(a) of this section and that reflect duties or responsibilities arising under Chapter 1702. of the Revised Code.

(4) "Supervisory services" means services that are performed by a volunteer who is associated with a charitable organization as defined in division (A)(1)(a) or (b) of this section and that involve duties and responsibilities in connection with the supervision of one or more officers, employees, trustees, or other volunteers of that charitable organization.

(5) "Volunteer" means an officer, trustee, or other person who performs services for a charitable organization but does not receive compensation, either directly or indirectly, for those services.

(B) A volunteer is not liable in damages in a civil action for injury, death, or loss to person or property that arises from the actions or omissions of any of the officers, employees, trustees, or other volunteers of the charitable organization for which the volunteer performs services, unless either of the following applies:

(1) With prior knowledge of an action or omission of a particular officer, employee, trustee, or other volunteer, the volunteer authorizes, approves, or otherwise actively participates in that action or omission.

(2) After an action or omission of a particular officer, employee, trustee, or other volunteer, the volunteer, with full knowledge of that action or omission, ratifies it.

(C) A volunteer is not liable in damages in a civil action for injury, death, or loss to person or property that arises from the volunteer's actions or omissions in connection with any supervisory or corporate services that the volunteer performs for the charitable organization, unless either of the following applies:

(1) An action or omission of the volunteer involves conduct as described in division (B)(1) or (2) of this section;

(2) An action or omission of the volunteer constitutes willful or wanton misconduct or intentionally tortious conduct.

(D) A volunteer is not liable in damages in a civil action for injury, death, or loss to person or property that arises from the volunteer's actions or omissions in connection with any nonsupervisory or noncorporate services that the volunteer performs for the charitable organization, unless either of the following applies:

(1) An action or omission of the volunteer involves conduct as described in division (B)(1) or (2) of this section;

(2) An action or omission of the volunteer constitutes negligence, willful or wanton misconduct, or intentionally tortious conduct.

(E)(1) This section does not create a new cause of action or substantive legal right against a volunteer.

(2) This section does not affect any immunities from civil liability or defenses established by another section of the Revised Code or available at common law, to which a volunteer may be entitled under circumstances not covered by this section. This section does not diminish in any respect the immunities provided in section 2305.251 of the Revised Code. The immunities conferred upon volunteers in this section are not intended to affect the liability of a charitable organization in a civil action for injury, death, or loss to person or property.

Section 2305.39 | Non-responsible persons responding to oil spill not liable.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Damages" means damages of any kind for which liability may exist under the laws of this state resulting from, arising out of, or related to the discharge or threatened discharge of oil.

(2) "Discharge" means an intentional or unintentional emission of oil into or upon the navigable waters located within this state or the adjoining shorelines of such navigable waters, including spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, or dumping. "Discharge" does not include natural seepage.

(3) "Federal on-scene coordinator" means the federal official designated in the national contingency plan.

(4) "National contingency plan" means the plan prepared and published under the "Federal Water Pollution Control Act," 33 U.S.C.A. 1321(d), as amended by the "Oil Pollution Act of 1990," Pub. L. No. 101-380, 104 Stat. 484.

(5) "Oil" means oil of any kind or in any form, including petroleum, fuel oil, sludge, oil refuse, and oil mixed with wastes other than dredged spoil. "Oil" does not include petroleum, including crude oil or any fraction thereof that is specifically a hazardous substance identified or listed in rules adopted under division (B)(1)(c) of section 3750.02 of the Revised Code.

(6) "Person" has the same meaning as in section 1.59 of the Revised Code and additionally includes governmental entities.

(7) "Removal costs" means the costs of containing and removing oil that are incurred after a discharge of oil has occurred or, when there is a substantial threat of a discharge of oil, the costs of preventing, minimizing, or mitigating oil pollution arising from the incident, including the costs of taking other actions as may be necessary to minimize or mitigate damage to the public health or welfare, and damage to fish, shellfish, wildlife, and public and private property, including shorelines and beaches.

(8) "Responsible party" has the same meaning as in the "Oil Pollution Act of 1990," Pub. L. No. 101-380, 104 Stat. 486, 33 U.S.C.A. 2701.

(9) "Navigable waters" has the same meaning as in the "Federal Water Pollution Act Amendments of 1972," 86 Stat. 816, 33 U.S.C.A. 1251, as amended.

(B) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person, other than a responsible party, is not liable for removal costs or damages that result from an act or omission in the course of rendering care, assistance, or advice consistent with the national contingency plan, or as otherwise directed by the federal on-scene coordinator or by a state official with responsibility for responding to a discharge. Division (B) of this section does not apply to acts or omissions of the person constituting gross negligence or reckless or willful misconduct.

(C)(1) This section does not limit or affect the liability of a responsible party. A responsible party is liable for removal costs or damages resulting from the act or omission of a person who is relieved of liability under division (B) of this section.

(2) This section does not limit or affect the liability of any person for personal injury or wrongful death.

(3) This section does not create a new cause of action or substantive legal right against any person resulting from an act or omission in the course of responding to a discharge.

Section 2305.40 | Owner, lessee, or renter of real property not liable to trespasser.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Firearm" has the same meaning as in section 2923.11 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Tort action" means a civil action for damages for injury, death, or loss to person or property other than a civil action for damages for a breach of contract or another agreement between persons.

(3) "Vehicle" has the same meaning as in section 4501.01 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) The owner, lessee, or renter of real property or a member of the owner's, lessee's, or renter's family who resides on the property is not liable in damages to a trespasser on the property, to a member of the family of the trespasser, or to any other person in a tort action for injury, death, or loss to person or property of the trespasser that allegedly is caused by the owner, lessee, renter, or family member if, at the time the injury, death, or loss to person or property allegedly is caused, all of the following apply:

(a) The owner, lessee, renter, or family member is inside a building or other structure on the property that is maintained as a permanent or temporary dwelling;

(b) The trespasser has made, is making, or is attempting to make an unlawful entry into the building or other structure described in division (B)(1)(a) of this section;

(c) The owner, lessee, renter, or family member uses reasonably necessary force to repel the trespasser from the building or other structure described in division (B)(1)(a) of this section or to prevent the trespasser from making the unlawful entry into that building or other structure.

(2) For purposes of the immunity created by division (B)(1) of this section, reasonably necessary force to repel a trespasser from a building or other structure that is maintained as a permanent or temporary dwelling or to prevent a trespasser from making an unlawful entry into a building or other structure of that nature may include the taking of or attempting to take the trespasser's life, or causing or attempting to cause physical harm or serious physical harm to the person of the trespasser, if the owner, lessee, or renter of real property or a member of the owner's, lessee's, or renter's family who resides on the property has a reasonable good faith belief that the owner, lessee, or renter or a member of the owner's, lessee's, or renter's family is in imminent danger of death or serious physical harm to person and that the only means to escape from the imminent danger is to use deadly force or other force that likely will cause physical harm or serious physical harm to the person of the trespasser, even if the owner, lessee, renter, or family member is mistaken as to the existence or imminence of the danger of death or serious physical harm to person.

(3) In order to qualify for the immunity created by division (B)(1) of this section, an owner, lessee, or renter of real property or a member of the owner's, lessee's, or renter's family who resides on the property is not required to retreat from a building or other structure that is maintained as a permanent or temporary dwelling prior to using reasonably necessary force to repel a trespasser from the building or other structure or to prevent a trespasser from making an unlawful entry into the building or other structure.

(C) The owner, lessee, or renter of real property or a member of the owner's, lessee's, or renter's family who resides on the property is not liable in damages to a trespasser on the property, to a member of the family of the trespasser, or to any other person in a tort action for injury, death, or loss to person or property of the trespasser that allegedly is caused by the owner, lessee, renter, or family member under circumstances not covered by division (B)(1) of this section if, at the time the injury, death, or loss to person or property allegedly is caused, none of the following applies:

(1) The injury, death, or loss to person or property is caused by a physical assault of the owner, lessee, renter, or family member upon the trespasser other than in self-defense or defense of a third person.

(2) Self-defense or defense of a third person is not involved, and the injury, death, or loss to person or property is caused by a vehicle driven or otherwise set in motion, a firearm shot, or any other item of tangible personal property held, driven, set in motion, projected, or thrown by the owner, lessee, renter, or family member with the intent to cause injury, death, or loss to person or property of the trespasser or with the intent to cause the trespasser to believe that the owner, lessee, renter, or family member would cause injury, death, or loss to person or property of the trespasser.

(3) Under circumstances not described in division (C)(1) or (2) of this section, self-defense or defense of a third person is not involved, and the owner, lessee, renter, or family member intends to create a risk of injury, death, or loss to person or property of any trespasser by direct or indirect means, including, but not limited to, the use of spring guns, traps, or other dangerous instrumentalities.

(D)(1) This section does not create a new cause of action or substantive legal right against the owner, lessee, or renter of real property or a member of the owner's, lessee's, or renter's family who resides on the property.

(2) This section does not affect any civil liability under another section of the Revised Code or the common law of this state of an owner, lessee, or renter of real property or a member of the owner's, lessee's, or renter's family who resides on the property with respect to individuals other than trespassers, including, but not limited to, civil liability to invitees or licensees.

(3) This section does not affect any immunities from or defenses to civil liability established by another section of the Revised Code or available at common law to which the owner, lessee, or renter of real property or a member of the owner's, lessee's, or renter's family who resides on the property may be entitled with respect to individuals other than trespassers, including, but not limited to, immunities from or defenses to civil liability to invitees or licensees.

(4) This section does not affect any criminal liability that the owner, lessee, or renter of real property or a member of the owner's, lessee's, or renter's family who resides on the property may have for injury, death, or loss to person or property of a trespasser, invitee, or licensee on the property.

(5) This section does not affect any immunities from or defenses to civil liability established by another section of the Revised Code or available at common law to which an individual other than the owner, lessee, or renter of real property or a member of the owner's, lessee's, or renter's family who resides on the property may be entitled in connection with injury, death, or loss to person or property of a trespasser on real property owned, leased, or rented by another person, including, but not limited to, self-defense or defense of third persons.

Section 2305.401 | member of the firearms industry not liable for harm sustained as a result of the operation or discharge of firearm.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Ammunition" means any projectile capable of being expelled or propelled from a firearm by the action of an explosive or combustible propellant.

(2) "Firearm" has the same meaning as in section 2923.11 of the Revised Code.

(3) Except as provided in division (C)(2) of this section, "harm" means injury, death, or loss to person or property.

(4) "Member of the firearms industry" means any manufacturer, dealer, or importer of firearms, firearms components, or firearms ammunition or any trade association the members of which, in whole or in part, are manufacturers, dealers, or importers of firearms, firearms components, or firearms ammunition.

(5) "Person" has the same meaning as in section 1.59 of the Revised Code and additionally includes all governmental entities.

(6) "Tort action" means a civil action for damages for injury, death, or loss to person or property other than a civil action for damages for a breach of contract or another agreement between persons.

(B)(1) Except as provided in divisions (B)(2) and (3) of this section and subject to division (C) of this section, a member of the firearms industry is not liable in damages in, and is not subject to a grant of injunctive relief in, a tort or other civil action for harm allegedly sustained by any person as a result of the operation or discharge of a firearm. Except as provided in divisions (B)(2) and (3) of this section and subject to division (C) of this section, a person who allegedly sustains harm as a result of the operation or discharge of a firearm or that person's personal representative does not have a claim for relief against, and may not recover damages or injunctive relief in a tort or other civil action against, a member of the firearms industry based upon that harm.

(2) A member of the firearms industry forfeits the immunity from civil liability and injunctive relief conferred by division (B)(1) of this section if the member of the firearms industry operates or discharges the firearm that results in the harm that is the basis of the claim for relief in the tort or other civil action in a manner that constitutes negligence, willful or wanton misconduct, or intentionally tortious conduct or that constitutes a criminal violation of law.

(3) A member of the firearms industry forfeits the immunity from civil liability and injunctive relief conferred by division (B)(1) of this section if the member of the firearms industry sells, lends, gives, or furnishes to any person, in violation of section 2923.20 or 2923.21 or another section of the Revised Code or in violation of federal law, the firearm that results in the harm that is the basis of the claim for relief in the tort or other civil action.

(C)(1) This section does not create a new cause of action or substantive legal right against a member of the firearms industry.

(2) This section does not limit the availability against a member of the firearms industry of a civil action that seeks damages for harm and that is based on a product liability claim authorized by Chapter 2307. of the Revised Code. As used in this division, "harm" and "product liability claim" have the same meanings as in section 2307.71 of the Revised Code.

(3) This section does not limit the availability against a member of the firearms industry of a civil action for a breach of an express provision of a contract or of another agreement between persons, or a civil action for a breach of an express warranty, pertaining to firearms, firearms components, or firearms ammunition.

(D) This section applies to tort or other civil actions commenced on or after the effective date of this section, or commenced prior to and pending on the effective date of this section, for damages or injunctive relief based upon harm allegedly sustained by any person as a result of the operation or discharge of a firearm prior to, on, or after the effective date of this section.

Section 2305.402 | Duties owed to trespassers.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Possessor of real property" means the owner, lessee, renter, or other occupant of real property.

(2) "Tort action" means a civil action for damages for injury, death, or loss to person other than a civil action for damages for a breach of contract or another agreement between persons.

(3) "Trespasser" means an individual who, without express or implied authorization, invitation, or inducement, enters real property purely for the individual's own purposes and convenience.

(4) "Child" means an individual under eighteen years of age.

(B) The possessor of real property does not owe a duty of care to a trespasser on the property except to refrain from willful, wanton, or reckless conduct that is likely to cause injury, death, or loss to the person of the trespasser.

(C) Notwithstanding division (B) of this section, the possessor of real property is liable in damages to a trespasser on the property or to any other person in a tort action for injury, death, or loss to the person of the trespasser that allegedly is caused by the possessor of the real property if, at the time the injury, death, or loss allegedly is caused, the possessor knows, or from facts within the possessor's knowledge should know or believe, that the trespasser is in a position of peril on the property, and the possessor of the property fails to exercise ordinary care to avoid causing that injury, death, or loss.

(D)(1) Notwithstanding division (B) of this section, the possessor of real property is liable in damages to a trespasser on the property who is a child, to a parent, guardian, or custodian of the child, or to any other person in a tort action for injury, death, or loss to the person of the child that allegedly is caused by an artificial condition on the real property if, at the time the injury, death, or loss allegedly is caused, all of the following apply:

(a) The place on the property where the artificial condition exists is a place upon which the possessor of the property knows or has reason to know that children are likely to trespass.

(b) The artificial condition is a condition that the possessor of the property knows, has reason to know, realizes, or should realize will involve an unreasonable risk of death or serious injury to those children.

(c) Because of their youth, the children who are likely to trespass on the property do not discover the artificial condition on the property or do not realize the risk involved in intermeddling with it or coming within the area made dangerous by it.

(d) The utility to the possessor of the property of maintaining the artificial condition and the burden of eliminating the danger involved in maintaining the condition are slight in comparison to the risk of injury, death, or loss to the person of those children.

(e) The possessor of the property fails to exercise reasonable care to eliminate the danger involved in maintaining the artificial condition or to otherwise protect the children who are likely to trespass on the property.

(2) Notwithstanding division (B) of this section, the possessor of real property is liable in damages to an adult person who trespasses on the property or to any other person in a tort action for injury, death, or loss to the person of the adult that allegedly is caused in an attempt by the adult person to rescue a child who trespasses on the property under the conditions specified in division (D)(1) of this section.

(E)(1) This section does not create a new cause of action or substantive legal right against the possessor of real property.

(2) This section does not affect any civil liability under another section of the Revised Code or the common law of this state of a possessor of real property with respect to trespassers under circumstances not covered by this section or with respect to individuals other than trespassers, including, but not limited to, civil liability to invitees or licensees on the property.

(3) This section does not affect any immunities from or defenses to tort liability established by another section of the Revised Code or available at common law to which a possessor of real property may be entitled in connection with injury, death, or loss to the person or property of a trespasser on the property, including, but not limited to, self-defense or defense of third persons.

(4) This section does not affect any criminal liability that the possessor of real property may have for injury, death, or loss to the person or property of a trespasser on the property.

(5) This section does not affect any immunities from or defenses to civil liability established by another section of the Revised Code or available at common law to which a possessor of real property may be entitled in connection with injury, death, or loss to the person or property of a trespasser on real property owned, leased, rented, or occupied by another person, including, but not limited to, self-defense or defense of third persons.

Section 2305.41 | Duties to disabled persons definitions.

As used in sections 2305.41 to 2305.49 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Disabled condition" means the condition of being unconscious, semiconscious, incoherent, or otherwise incapacitated to communicate.

(B) "Disabled person" means a person in a disabled condition.

(C) "Emergency symbol" means the caduceus inscribed within a six-barred cross used by the American medical association to denote emergency information.

(D) "Identifying device" means an identifying bracelet, necklace, metal tag, or similar device bearing the emergency symbol and the information needed in an emergency.

(E) "Identification card" means any card containing the holder's name, type of medical condition, physician's name, and other medical information. "Identification card" does not include any license or permit issued pursuant to Chapter 4507. of the Revised Code.

(F) "Medical practitioner" means an individual authorized under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery.

(G) "Paramedic" has the meaning given in section 4765.01 of the Revised Code.

Section 2305.42 | Identifying devices.

(A) A person who has epilepsy, diabetes, a cardiac condition, or any other type of illness that causes temporary blackouts, semiconscious periods, or complete unconsciousness, or who has a condition requiring specific medication or medical treatment, is allergic to certain medications or items used in medical treatment, wears contact lenses, has religious objections to certain forms of medication or medical treatment, or is unable to communicate coherently or effectively in the English language, is authorized and encouraged to wear an identifying device.

(B) Any person may carry an identification card.

(C) By wearing an identifying device a person gives consent for any law enforcement officer or medical practitioner who finds the person in a disabled condition to make a reasonable search of the person's clothing or other effects for an identification card.

Last updated January 25, 2023 at 11:09 AM

Section 2305.43 | Duty of law enforcement officer.

(A) A law enforcement officer shall make a diligent effort to determine whether any disabled person the officer finds is an epileptic or a diabetic, or has some other type of illness that would cause the condition. Whenever feasible, this effort shall be made before the person is charged with a crime or taken to a place of detention.

(B) In seeking to determine whether a disabled person has an illness, a law enforcement officer may make a reasonable search for an identifying device and an identification card and examine them for emergency information. The law enforcement officer may not search for an identifying device or an identification card in a manner or to an extent that would appear to a reasonable person in the circumstances to cause an unreasonable risk of worsening the disabled person's condition.

(C) A law enforcement officer who finds a disabled person without an identifying device or identification card is not relieved of the duty to that person to make a diligent effort to ascertain the existence of any illness causing the disabled condition.

(D) A cause of action against a law enforcement officer does not arise from the officer making a reasonable search of the disabled person to locate an identifying device or identification card, even though the person is not wearing an identifying device or carrying an identification card.

(E) A law enforcement officer who determines or has reason to believe that a disabled person has an illness causing the person's condition shall promptly notify the person's physician, if practicable. If the officer is unable to ascertain the physician's identity or to communicate with the physician, the officer shall make a reasonable effort to cause the disabled person to be transported immediately to a medical practitioner or to a facility where medical treatment is available. If the officer believes it unduly dangerous to move the disabled person, the officer shall make a reasonable effort to obtain the assistance of a medical practitioner.

Last updated January 25, 2023 at 11:10 AM

Section 2305.44 | Duty of medical practitioner.

(A) A medical practitioner or a trained paramedic, in discharging his duty to a disabled person whom he has undertaken to examine or treat, shall make a reasonable search for an identifying device or identification card and examine them for emergency information.

(B) A cause of action against a medical practitioner or a trained paramedic does not arise from his making a reasonable search of a disabled person to locate an identifying device or identification card, even though the person is not wearing an identifying device or carrying an identification card.

Section 2305.45 | Duty of others.

(A) A person, other than a law enforcement officer, medical practitioner, or a trained paramedic, who finds a disabled person shall make a reasonable effort to notify a law enforcement officer or medical practitioner. If a law enforcement officer or medical practitioner is not present, a person who finds a disabled person may:

(1) Make a reasonable search for an identifying device;

(2) If the identifying device is found, make a reasonable search for an identification card.

If a device or card is located, the person making the search shall attempt promptly to bring its contents to the attention of a law enforcement officer or medical practitioner.

(B) A cause of action does not arise from a reasonable search to locate an identifying device or identification card as authorized by division (A) of this section.

Section 2305.46 | False identifying information.

(A) No person, with purpose to deceive, shall provide, wear, use, or possess a false identifying device or identification card.

(B) Whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.

Section 2305.47 | Other duties.

The duties imposed by sections 2305.41 to 2305.49 of the Revised Code are in addition to, and not in limitation of, other duties existing under the law of this state.

Section 2305.48 | Uniformity of application.

Sections 2305.41 to 2305.49 of the Revised Code shall be so applied and construed as to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform among the states the law with respect to duties to disabled persons.

Section 2305.49 | Title and citation.

Sections 2305.41 to 2305.49 of the Revised Code may be cited as the "uniform duties to disabled persons act."

Section 2305.51 | Mental health professional or organization not liable for violent behavior by client or patient.

(A)(1) As used in this section:

(a) "Civil Rights" has the same meaning as in section 5122.301 of the Revised Code.

(b) "Mental health client or patient" means an individual who is receiving mental health services from a mental health professional or organization.

(c) "Mental health organization" means an organization that engages one or more mental health professionals to provide mental health services to one or more mental health clients or patients.

(d) "Mental health professional" means an individual who is licensed, certified, or registered under the Revised Code, or otherwise authorized in this state, to provide mental health services for compensation, remuneration, or other personal gain.

(e) "Mental health service" means a service provided to an individual or group of individuals involving the application of medical, psychiatric, psychological, professional counseling, social work, marriage and family therapy, or nursing principles or procedures to either of the following:

(i) The assessment, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, or amelioration of mental, emotional, psychiatric, psychological, or psychosocial disorders or diseases, as described in the most recent edition of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders published by the American psychiatric association;

(ii) The assessment or improvement of mental, emotional, psychiatric, psychological, or psychosocial adjustment or functioning, regardless of whether there is a diagnosable, pre- existing disorder or disease.

(f) "Knowledgeable person" means an individual who has reason to believe that a mental health client or patient has the intent and ability to carry out an explicit threat of inflicting imminent and serious physical harm to or causing the death of a clearly identifiable potential victim or victims and who is either an immediate family member of the client or patient or an individual who otherwise personally knows the client or patient.

(g) "Advanced practice registered nurse" has the same meaning as in section 4723.01 of the Revised Code.

(h) "Hospital" has the same meaning as in section 2305.25 of the Revised Code.

(i) "Physician" means an individual authorized under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery.

(j) "Physician assistant" has the same meaning as in section 4730.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) For the purpose of this section, in the case of a threat to a readily identifiable structure, "clearly identifiable potential victim" includes any potential occupant of the structure.

(B) A mental health professional or mental health organization may be held liable in damages in a civil action, or may be made subject to disciplinary action by an entity with licensing or other regulatory authority over the professional or organization, for serious physical harm or death resulting from failing to predict, warn of, or take precautions to provide protection from the violent behavior of a mental health client or patient, only if the client or patient or a knowledgeable person has communicated to the professional or organization an explicit threat of inflicting imminent and serious physical harm to or causing the death of one or more clearly identifiable potential victims, the professional or organization has reason to believe that the client or patient has the intent and ability to carry out the threat, and the professional or organization fails to take one or more of the following actions in a timely manner:

(1) Exercise any authority the professional or organization possesses to hospitalize the client or patient on an emergency basis pursuant to section 5122.10 of the Revised Code;

(2) Exercise any authority the professional or organization possesses to have the client or patient involuntarily or voluntarily hospitalized under Chapter 5122. of the Revised Code;

(3) Establish and undertake a documented treatment plan that is reasonably calculated, according to appropriate standards of professional practice, to eliminate the possibility that the client or patient will carry out the threat, and, concurrent with establishing and undertaking the treatment plan, initiate arrangements for a second opinion risk assessment through a management consultation about the treatment plan with, in the case of a mental health organization, the clinical director of the organization, or, in the case of a mental health professional who is not acting as part of a mental health organization, any mental health professional who is licensed to engage in independent practice;

(4) Communicate to a law enforcement agency with jurisdiction in the area where each potential victim resides, where a structure threatened by a mental health client or patient is located, or where the mental health client or patient resides, and if feasible, communicate to each potential victim or a potential victim's parent or guardian if the potential victim is a minor or has been adjudicated incompetent, all of the following information:

(a) The nature of the threat;

(b) The identity of the mental health client or patient making the threat;

(c) The identity of each potential victim of the threat.

(C) All of the following apply when a mental health professional or organization takes one or more of the actions set forth in divisions (B)(1) to (4) of this section:

(1) The mental health professional or organization shall consider each of the alternatives set forth and shall document the reasons for choosing or rejecting each alternative.

(2) The mental health professional or organization may give special consideration to those alternatives which, consistent with public safety, would least abridge the rights of the mental health client or patient established under the Revised Code, including the rights specified in sections 5122.27 to 5122.31 of the Revised Code.

(3) The mental health professional or organization is not required to take an action that, in the exercise of reasonable professional judgment, would physically endanger the professional or organization, increase the danger to a potential victim, or increase the danger to the mental health client or patient.

(4) The mental health professional or organization is not liable in damages in a civil action, and shall not be made subject to disciplinary action by any entity with licensing or other regulatory authority over the professional or organization, for disclosing any confidential information about a mental health client or patient that is disclosed for the purpose of taking any of the actions.

(D) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Revised Code, a physician, physician assistant, advanced practice registered nurse, or hospital is not liable in damages in a civil action, and shall not be made subject to disciplinary action by any entity with licensing or other regulatory authority, for doing either of the following:

(1) Failing to discharge or to allow a patient to leave the facility if the physician, physician assistant, advanced practice registered nurse, or hospital believes in the good faith exercise of professional medical, advanced practice registered nursing, or physician assistant judgment according to appropriate standards of professional practice that the patient has a mental health condition that threatens the safety of the patient or others;

(2) Discharging a patient whom the physician, physician assistant, advanced practice registered nurse, or hospital believes in the good faith exercise of professional medical, advanced practice registered nursing, or physician assistant judgment according to appropriate standards of professional practice not to have a mental health condition that threatens the safety of the patient or others.

(E) The immunities from civil liability and disciplinary action conferred by this section are in addition to and not in limitation of any immunity conferred on a mental health professional or organization or on a physician, physician assistant, advanced practice registered nurse, or hospital by any other section of the Revised Code or by judicial precedent.

(F) This section does not affect the civil rights of a mental health client or patient under Ohio or federal law.

Section 2305.52 | Hold harmless clauses in motor carrier transportation contracts.

(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, a provision, clause, covenant, or agreement contained in, collateral to, or affecting a motor carrier transportation contract that purports to indemnify, defend, or hold harmless, or has the effect of indemnifying, defending, or holding harmless, the promisee from or against any liability for loss or damage resulting from the negligence or intentional acts or omissions of the promisee is void as against public policy.

(B) This section does not apply to the uniform interchange and facilities access agreement, administered by the intermodal association of North America or other agreements providing for the interchange, use, or possession of intermodal chassis or other intermodal equipment.

(C) For purposes of this section:

(1) "Motor carrier" has the same meaning as in section 4923.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Motor carrier transportation contract" means a contract, agreement, or understanding covering any of the following:

(a) The transportation of property for compensation or hire by a motor carrier;

(b) Entrance onto property by a motor carrier for the purpose of loading, unloading, or transporting property for compensation or hire;

(c) A service incidental to an activity described in division (C)(2)(a) or (b) of this section.

(3) "Promisee" means the person who enters into a motor carrier transportation contract with a motor carrier. "Promisee" includes any agent, employee, servant, or independent contractor who is directly responsible to the promisee. "Promisee" does not include a motor carrier who is a party to a motor carrier transportation contract with the promisee, and that motor carrier's agents, employees, servants, or independent contractors directly responsible to that motor carrier.