Section |
Article VIII, Section 1 | Public debt; limit of deficit spending by state
September 1, 1851
The state may contract debts to supply casual deficits or failures in revenues, or to meet expenses not otherwise provided for; but the aggregate amount of such debts, direct and contingent, whether contracted by virtue of one or more acts of the General Assembly, or at different periods of time, shall never exceed seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars; and the money, arising from the creation of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay the debts so contracted, and to no other purpose whatever.
Article VIII, Section 2 | State may incur debts for defense or to retire outstanding debts
September 1, 1851
In addition to the above limited power, the state may contract debts to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, defend the state in war, or to redeem the present outstanding indebtedness of the state; but the money, arising from the contracting of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever; and all debts, incurred to redeem the present outstanding indebtedness of the state, shall be so contracted as to be payable by the sinking fund, hereinafter provided for, as the same shall accumulate.
Article VIII, Section 2b | Adjusted compensation for service in World War II; World War II veterans' bonuses
November 4, 1947
The board of commissioners created by section 8 of Art VIII of the Constitution of the state of Ohio, designated therein "The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund", shall, forthwith upon the adoption of this amendment, proceed to issue and sell, from time to time, bonds of the state of Ohio in such amounts of face value as it may deem necessary to provide the funds, or such part thereof, as may be required to pay the compensation and the expenses of administering this section as herein provided for, provided, however, that the aggregate total amount of face value of bonds so issued shall not exceed three hundred million dollars. The full faith and credit of the state of Ohio is hereby pledged for the payment of such bonds. All bonds so issued shall mature in thirty semi-annual installments after the respective dates thereof, and the maturities thereof shall be so fixed that the total amounts of payments on account of principal and interest to be paid on each of such semi-annual installment payment dates shall be approximately equal, but no such bonds shall be issued or bear dates later than the first day of April, 1951. All bonds so issued shall bear interest at such rates as the commissioners of the sinking fund may fix, which interest shall be payable semi-annually. Such bonds, and the interest thereon as income, shall be exempt from all taxes levied by the state of Ohio or any taxing district thereof. The bonds may, at the option of the sinking fund commission, be issued subject to call on any interest payment date at par and accrued interest. All sales of such bonds by the commissioners of the sinking fund shall be in accordance with such regulations as it shall make and promulgate, provided, however, that such bonds shall be sold only to the highest bidder or bidders therefor after notice of such sale shall have been published once each week for three consecutive weeks on the same day of each of such weeks, the first of such notices being published at least twenty-one full days before the date of sale, in a newspaper of general circulation in each of the eight most populous counties in the state of Ohio, and provided that each of such published notices shall state the day, hour and place of the sale, the total face value of the bonds to be sold, their denominations, dates, and the dates of their maturities, information relative to the rates of interest which the bonds will bear, and the dates upon which interest will be payable. The commissioners of the sinking fund shall have the right to reject any or all bids and to re-advertise and re-offer bonds for sale. Out of the proceeds of the sale of all bonds that amount which represents accrued interest, if any, shall be paid into the treasury of the state of Ohio into a fund to be known as the World War II compensation bond retirement fund. The balance shall be paid into the treasury of the state of Ohio into a fund to be known as the World War II compensation fund. The general assembly of the state of Ohio may appropriate and cause to be paid into the World War II compensation bond retirement fund or the World War II compensation fund, out of the funds in the treasury of the state not otherwise appropriated, such amounts as it may deem proper for use upon order of the commissioners of the sinking fund for the purposes for which such funds are created as herein provided. If the general assembly should so appropriate any funds to the World War II compensation fund prior to the time the commissioners of the sinking fund shall have issued bonds of the aggregate total amount of face value authorized in this section, the aggregate total amount of face value of bonds so authorized to be issued shall be reduced by the amount of the funds so appropriated.
During the period of fifteen years beginning January 1, 1949, the treasurer of state of the state of Ohio shall, without appropriation thereof by the general assembly, transfer into said World War II compensation bond retirement fund one million dollars each month out of funds in the state treasury derived from taxes levied by the state for the purpose of providing revenues to defray the expenses of the state, excepting the taxes levied by the state by sections 5527, 5541, and 6291 of the General Code of Ohio [RC ¿ 5735.05, 5735.25, 4503.02] as the same may be in effect on the effective date of this section. To secure such monthly transfer of funds a lien is hereby created upon all funds coming into the state treasury after January 1, 1949, derived from taxes as aforesaid, which lien shall be the first and best lien upon all such funds. It shall be the duty of the treasurer of state to set aside and use for the purpose of making such monthly transfer of funds, part of each dollar received in the state treasury in each calendar year during said period of fifteen years beginning January 1, 1949, derived from taxes as aforesaid, so that the total amount of money so set aside in each of such calendar years shall be twelve million dollars, and so that the ratio which the amount of each dollar so set aside shall bear to one dollar shall be the same as the ratio which the amount of twelve million dollars shall bear to the total amount of money received in the state treasury in such calendar years derived from taxes as aforesaid. The treasurer of state shall set aside part of each such dollar before paying out, transferring, or disposing of in any other manner, such dollar or any part thereof for any other purpose whatsoever, and he shall make the transfer of one million dollars each month to the World War II compensation bond retirement fund, hereinabove provided for, out of said sum of twelve million dollars so set aside in each of such calendar years.
The board of commissioners created by section 8 of Art VIII of the Constitution of the state of Ohio, designated therein "The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund", shall, forthwith upon the adoption of this amendment, proceed to issue and sell, from time to time, bonds of the state of Ohio in such amounts of face value as it may deem necessary to provide the funds, or such part thereof, as may be required to pay the compensation and the expenses of administering this section as herein provided for, provided, however, that the aggregate total amount of face value of bonds so issued shall not exceed three hundred million dollars. The full faith and credit of the state of Ohio is hereby pledged for the payment of such bonds. All bonds so issued shall mature in thirty semi-annual installments after the respective dates thereof, and the maturities thereof shall be so fixed that the total amounts of payments on account of principal and interest to be paid on each of such semi-annual installment payment dates shall be approximately equal, but no such bonds shall be issued or bear dates later than the first day of April, 1951. All bonds so issued shall bear interest at such rates as the commissioners of the sinking fund may fix, which interest shall be payable semi-annually. Such bonds, and the interest thereon as income, shall be exempt from all taxes levied by the state of Ohio or any taxing district thereof. The bonds may, at the option of the sinking fund commission, be issued subject to call on any interest payment date at par and accrued interest. All sales of such bonds by the commissioners of the sinking fund shall be in accordance with such regulations as it shall make and promulgate, provided, however, that such bonds shall be sold only to the highest bidder or bidders therefor after notice of such sale shall have been published once each week for three consecutive weeks on the same day of each of such weeks, the first of such notices being published at least twenty-one full days before the date of sale, in a newspaper of general circulation in each of the eight most populous counties in the state of Ohio, and provided that each of such published notices shall state the day, hour and place of the sale, the total face value of the bonds to be sold, their denominations, dates, and the dates of their maturities, information relative to the rates of interest which the bonds will bear, and the dates upon which interest will be payable. The commissioners of the sinking fund shall have the right to reject any or all bids and to re-advertise and re-offer bonds for sale. Out of the proceeds of the sale of all bonds that amount which represents accrued interest, if any, shall be paid into the treasury of the state of Ohio into a fund to be known as the World War II compensation bond retirement fund. The balance shall be paid into the treasury of the state of Ohio into a fund to be known as the World War II compensation fund. The general assembly of the state of Ohio may appropriate and cause to be paid into the World War II compensation bond retirement fund or the World War II compensation fund, out of the funds in the treasury of the state not otherwise appropriated, such amounts as it may deem proper for use upon order of the commissioners of the sinking fund for the purposes for which such funds are created as herein provided. If the general assembly should so appropriate any funds to the World War II compensation fund prior to the time the commissioners of the sinking fund shall have issued bonds of the aggregate total amount of face value authorized in this section, the aggregate total amount of face value of bonds so authorized to be issued shall be reduced by the amount of the funds so appropriated.
During the period of fifteen years beginning January 1, 1949, the treasurer of state of the state of Ohio shall, without appropriation thereof by the general assembly, transfer into said World War II compensation bond retirement fund one million dollars each month out of funds in the state treasury derived from taxes levied by the state for the purpose of providing revenues to defray the expenses of the state, excepting the taxes levied by the state by sections 5527, 5541, and 6291 of the General Code of Ohio [RC 5735.05, 5735.25, 4503.02] as the same may be in effect on the effective date of this section. To secure such monthly transfer of funds a lien is hereby created upon all funds coming into the state treasury after January 1, 1949, derived from taxes as aforesaid, which lien shall be the first and best lien upon all such funds. It shall be the duty of the treasurer of state to set aside and use for the purpose of making such monthly transfer of funds, part of each dollar received in the state treasury in each calendar year during said period of fifteen years beginning January 1, 1949, derived from taxes as aforesaid, so that the total amount of money so set aside in each of such calendar years shall be twelve million dollars, and so that the ratio which the amount of each dollar so set aside shall bear to one dollar shall be the same as the ratio which the amount of twelve million dollars shall bear to the total amount of money received in the state treasury in such calendar years derived from taxes as aforesaid. The treasurer of state shall set aside part of each such dollar before paying out, transferring, or disposing of in any other manner, such dollar or any part thereof for any other purpose whatsoever, and he shall make the transfer of one million dollars each month to the World War II compensation bond retirement fund, hereinabove provided for, out of said sum of twelve million dollars so set aside in each of such calendar years.
The commissioners of the sinking fund shall, on or before the first day of July in each calendar year, levy and certify to the auditor of the state of Ohio a state tax on all taxable property subject to taxation on the general tax lists of all counties in the state of Ohio for such year at such rate as it shall determine to be necessary to provide, together with other money which will be available in the World War II compensation bond retirement fund, the total amount of funds which will be required in the next following calendar year for the retirement of bonds and the payment of interest payable in such year. Such levy shall be in addition to all other taxes levied now or hereafter within the period during which bonds issued pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be outstanding, by or pursuant to law or any provision of the Constitution of the state of Ohio, and shall not be considered in applying any limitation or aggregate tax rates now or hereafter within the period during which bonds issued pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be outstanding, provided by or pursuant to law or any provision of the Constitution of the state of Ohio. The auditor of state shall certify such levies to the auditor of each county in the state of Ohio, who shall extend the same on the tax lists of his county for the year in which such levy is made and shall place same for collection on the tax duplicates of his county to be collected at the same time and in the same manner as other taxes on such duplicates. Said taxes herein authorized, when collected, shall be paid into the World War II compensation bond retirement fund in the treasury of the state. The World War II compensation bond retirement fund shall be paid out, without appropriation thereof by the general assembly of Ohio, upon the order of the commissioners of the sinking fund for the purpose of the payment, or retirement in other manner, of said bonds and interest thereon.
The World War II compensation fund shall be paid out upon order of the commissioners of the sinking fund, without appropriation by the general assembly of Ohio, in payment of the expenses of administering this section, and as compensation as follows: every person who shall have served in active duty in the armed forces of the United States at any time between December 7, 1941, and September 2, 1945, both dates inclusive, and who, at the time of commencing such service, was and had been a resident of the state of Ohio for at least one year immediately preceding the commencement of such service, and who shall have been separated from such service under honorable conditions, or who is still in such service, or who has been retired, and who was in such service for a period of at least ninety days, shall be entitled to receive compensation of ten dollars for each month during which such person was in active domestic service and fifteen dollars for each month during which such person was in active foreign service within said period of time; provided, however, that any person who was serving in active duty in the armed forces of the United States on the seventh day of December, 1941, and who did not so serve at least ninety days thereafter because of a service-connected injury or death shall be deemed to have served at least ninety days within the period of time commencing December 7, 1941 and ending September 2, 1945; and provided, further, that the maximum amount of compensation payable under this section shall not be in excess of four hundred dollars; and provided, further, that no compensation shall be paid under this section to any person who shall have received from another state a bonus or compensation of a like nature as is provided under this section. No compensation shall be paid under this section to any person for any periods of time spent under penal confinement during the period of active duty. Compensation for a fraction of a month of service shall be paid on the basis of one-thirtieth of the above monthly amounts for each day of such service. Service in the merchant marine of the United States shall not be considered for the purpose of this section. "Domestic service" as used herein means service within the continental limits of the United States (excluding Alaska). "Foreign service" as used herein means service in all other places, including sea duty.
Either the surviving husband or wife, or the surviving child or children, or the surviving parents or parent, of a deceased person shall be paid the same amount of compensation that such deceased person would be entitled to receive under this section, if living; provided, however, that if such deceased person's death was service-connected and in line of duty, his survivors as hereinbefore designated, shall be paid four hundred dollars regardless of the amount of compensation which such deceased person would be entitled to receive under this section, if living; provided further, that the amount of compensation payable to such survivors of such deceased person shall be payable only to one of the three groups of survivors hereinbefore designated in the order in which said groups are herein named; and provided further, that the surviving husband or wife of more than one deceased person who would be entitled to receive compensation under this section, if living, shall be paid only that amount of compensation payable by reason of the first of the deaths of such deceased persons.
No sale or assignment of any right or claim to compensation under this section shall be valid, no claims of creditors shall be enforceable against rights or claims to or payments of compensation under this section, and no fees shall be charged for services in connection with the prosecution of any right or claim to compensation or the collection of any compensation under this section.
The commissioners of the sinking fund shall have complete charge of making payments of the compensation provided for in this section and shall adopt and promulgate regulations governing their procedure in connection therewith, including determinations as to who are proper beneficiaries and the amounts to which such beneficiaries are entitled, determinations as to whether an applicant has the necessary residence requirements, and such other regulations as it may deem necessary and proper; provided, however, that all applications for payment of compensation under this section shall be made to the commissioners of the sinking fund before July 1, 1950.
The commissioners of the sinking fund shall select and appoint such legal counsel and employees as it may deem necessary, fix their compensation and prescribe their duties, and all such appointees shall serve at its pleasure.
The people of the state of Ohio declare that their enactment of this special amendment of the Constitution of the state of Ohio is to meet the specific emergency covered thereby, and they declare it to be their intention to in no manner affect or change any of the existing provisions of the said Constitution except as herein set forth. The provisions of this section shall be self executing.
Upon the retirement of all of the bonds that may be issued hereunder and the payment of all valid claims for compensation made within the limitations of time as prescribed herein, the commissioners of the sinking fund shall make a final report to the general assembly of Ohio, and any balance remaining in any of the funds herein created and referred to shall be disposed of as shall be provided by law.
Article VIII, Section 2c | Construction of state highway system
November 3, 1953
The state may contract debts not exceeding five hundred million dollars for the purpose of providing moneys for acquisition of rights-of-way and for construction and reconstruction of highways on the state highway system. Not more than one hundred twenty-five million dollars of the debt authorized by this section shall be contracted within any calendar year, and no part of such debt shall be contracted after the thirty-first day of March, 1962. The principal amount of any part of such debt at any time contracted shall be paid in substantially equal semi-annual or annual installments, beginning not later than eighteen months after such debt is contracted, and in such number of installments that the entire debt shall be discharged not later than the year 1972. Securities evidencing the debt authorized by this section shall bear interest and shall be sold upon such terms as may be prescribed by law. Both the principal of such debt and the interest thereon shall be exempt from taxation by this state or by any taxing subdivision thereof. Moneys raised under the authority of this section shall be expended only to provide adequate highways, including the acquisition of rights-of-way and including participation therein with federal government, municipal corporations, counties and other legally authorized participants, but excluding costs of planning and supervision by the state. All construction shall be done by contract as shall be provided by law. No part of such proceeds shall be appropriated except to meet the requirements of programs or schedules of acquisition of rights-of-way, highway construction and reconstruction which the governor, or other highway authority with the concurrence of the governor, shall submit to the General Assembly before such appropriations are made. Such appropriations shall be made only for major thoroughfares of the state highway system and urban extensions thereof. The debt contracted under the authority of this section shall be paid by revenue bonds issued by the state of Ohio as provided by law, secured by a pledge of moneys derived from fees, excises or license taxes, levied by the state of Ohio, relating to registration, operation, or use of vehicles on public highways, or to fuels used for propelling such vehicles, and a sufficient amount thereof shall be set aside each year, before any other distribution is made, to pay the interest on the outstanding debt and principal of such debt becoming due in that year, without other appropriations, but according to regulations to be established by law.
The General Assembly shall meet on the second Monday in January, 1954, for the sole purpose of enacting laws pursuant to this section.
Article VIII, Section 2d | Korean War veterans' bonuses
November 6, 1956
The board of commissioners created by section 8 of Article VIII of the Ohio Constitution, designated therein "The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund," shall, forthwith upon the adoption of this amendment, proceed to issue and sell, from time to time, bonds of the state of Ohio in such amounts of face value as are necessary to provide the funds, or such part thereof, as may be required to pay the compensation and the expenses of administering this section as herein provided for, provided that the aggregate total amount of face value of bonds so issued shall not exceed ninety million dollars. The full faith and credit of the state of Ohio is hereby pledged for the payment of such bonds. All bonds so issued shall mature in thirty semiannual installments commencing not later than two years after the respective dates thereof. The maturities thereof shall be so fixed that the total amounts of payments on account of principal and interest to be paid on each of such semiannual installment payment dates shall be substantially equal. No such bonds shall be issued or bear dates later than the first day of April, 1959. All bonds so issued shall bear interest at such rates as the commissioners of the sinking fund may fix, which interest shall be payable semiannually. Such bonds, and the interest thereon as income, shall be exempt from all taxes levied by the state of Ohio or any taxing district thereof. The bonds may, at the option of The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, be issued subject to call on any interest payment date at par and accrued interest. All sales of such bonds by The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund shall be in accordance with such regulations as it shall make and promulgate, provided that such bonds shall be sold only to the highest bidder or bidders therefor after notice of such sale shall have been published once each week for three consecutive weeks on the same day of each of such weeks, the first of such notices being published at least twenty-one full days before the date of sale, in a newspaper of general circulation in each of the eight most populous counties in the state of Ohio, and provided that each of such published notices shall state the day, hour and place of the sale, the total face value of the bonds to be sold, their denominations, dates, and the dates of their maturities, information relative to the rates of interest which the bonds will bear, and the dates upon which interest will be payable. The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund shall have the right to reject any or all bids and to re-advertise and re-offer bonds for sale. Out of the proceeds of the sale of all bonds that amount which represents accrued interest, if any, shall be paid into the treasury of the state of Ohio into a fund to be known as The Korean Conflict Compensation Bond Retirement Fund. The balance shall be paid into the treasury of the state of Ohio into a fund to be known as The Korean Conflict Compensation Fund. The General Assembly of the state of Ohio may appropriate and cause to be paid into The Korean Conflict Compensation Bond Retirement Fund or The Korean Conflict Compensation Fund, out of the funds in the treasury of the state not otherwise appropriated, such amount as is proper for use upon order of The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund for the purposes for which such funds are created as herein provided. If the General Assembly should so appropriate any funds to The Korean Conflict Compensation Fund prior to the time The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund shall have issued bonds of the aggregate total amount of face value authorized in this section, the aggregate total amount of face value of bonds so authorized to be issued shall be reduced by the amount of the funds so appropriated.
The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund shall, on or before the first day of July in each calendar year, levy and certify to the auditor of the state of Ohio a state tax on all taxable property subject to taxation on the general tax lists of all counties in the state of Ohio for such year at such rate as it shall determine to be necessary to provide, together with other money which will be available in The Korean Conflict Compensation Bond Retirement Fund, the total amount of funds which will be required in the next following calendar year for the retirement of bonds and the payment of interest payable in such year. Such levy shall be in addition to all other taxes levied now or hereafter within the period during which bonds issued pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be outstanding, by or pursuant to law or any provision of the Ohio constitution, and shall not be considered in applying any limitation or aggregate tax rates now or hereafter within the period during which bonds issued pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be outstanding, provided by or pursuant to law or any provision of the Ohio constitution. The auditor of state shall certify such levies to the auditor of each county in the state of Ohio, who shall extend the same on the tax lists of his county for the year in which such levy is made and shall place the same for collection on the tax duplicates of his county to be collected at the same time and in the same manner as other taxes on such duplicates. Said taxes herein authorized, when collected, shall be paid into The Korean Conflict Compensation Bond Retirement Fund in the treasury of the state. The Korean Conflict Compensation Bond Retirement Fund shall be paid out, without appropriation thereof by the General Assembly of Ohio, upon the order of The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund for the purpose of the payment, or retirement in other manner, of said bonds and interest thereon.
The Korean Conflict Compensation Fund shall be paid out upon order of The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, without appropriation by the General Assembly of Ohio, in payment of the expenses of administering this section, and as compensation as follows: Every person who shall have served on active duty in the armed forces of the United States at any time between June 25, 1950, and July 19, 1953, both dates inclusive, and who, at the time of commencing such service, was and had been a resident of the state of Ohio for at least one year immediately preceding the commencement of such service, and (1) who shall have been separated from such service under honorable conditions, or (2) who is still in such service, or (3) who has been retired, shall be entitled to receive compensation of ten dollars for each month during which such person was in active domestic service and of fifteen dollars for each month during which such person was in active foreign service within said period of time; provided that the maximum amount of compensation payable under this section shall not be in excess of four hundred dollars; and provided that no compensation shall be paid under this section to any person who shall have received from another state a bonus or compensation of a like nature as is provided under this section. Compensation for a fraction of a month of service shall be paid on the basis of one-thirtieth of the above monthly amounts for each day of such service. Service in the Merchant Marine of the United States shall not be considered for the purpose of this section. "Domestic service" as used herein, means service within the continental limits of the United States excluding Alaska and sea duty. "Foreign service" as used herein means service in all other places, including sea duty.
No compensation shall be paid under this section to any person for any periods of time spent under penal confinement during the period of active duty.
Either the surviving husband or wife, or the surviving child or children, or the surviving parents or parent, including persons standing in loco parentis for one year preceding commencement of service in the armed forces of the United States, of a deceased person shall be paid the same amount of compensation that such deceased person would have been entitled to receive under this section, if living; provided that if such deceased person's death is determined to have been service-connected by the Veterans Administration of the United States government, his survivors as herein designated, shall be entitled to four hundred dollars regardless of the amount of compensation which such deceased person would have been entitled to receive under this section, if living; provided that the amount of compensation payable to such survivors of such deceased person shall be payable only to one of the three groups of survivors herein designated in the order in which said groups are named.
No sale or assignment of any right or claim to compensation under this section shall be valid, no claims or creditors shall be enforceable against rights or claims to or payments of compensation under this section, and no fees shall be charged for services in connection with the prosecution of any right or claim to compensation or the collection of any compensation under this section.
The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund shall have complete charge of making payments of the compensation provided for in this section and shall adopt and promulgate regulations governing their procedure in connection therewith, including determinations as to who are proper beneficiaries and the amounts to which such beneficiaries are entitled, determinations as to whether an applicant has the necessary residence requirements, and such other regulations that are necessary and proper; provided that all applications for payment of compensation under this section shall be made to the commissioners of the sinking fund before January 1, 1959.
The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund shall select and appoint such legal counsel and employees that are necessary, fix their compensation and prescribe their duties, and all such appointees shall serve at its pleasure.
The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund shall permit review of individual records of claims by representatives of recognized veterans organizations when authorized to do so by the applicant.
There is hereby transferred, out of the fund known as the "World War II Compensation Fund", created by section 2b of Article VIII of the Ohio Constitution, the sum of four million dollars, to The Korean Conflict Compensation Fund, for the purpose of defraying the immediate cost of administration and compensation.
The people of the state of Ohio declare that their enactment of this special amendment of the Ohio Constitution is to meet the specific emergency covered thereby, and they declare it to be their intention to in no manner affect or change any of the existing provisions of the said constitution except as herein set forth. The provisions of this section shall be self executing.
Upon payment of all valid claims for compensation made within the limitations of time as prescribed herein, The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund may transfer any funds in The Korean Conflict Compensation Fund to The Korean Conflict Compensation Bond Retirement Fund.
Upon retirement of all of the bonds that may be issued hereunder and the payment of all valid claims for compensation made within the limitations of time as prescribed herein, The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund shall make a final report to the General Assembly of Ohio, and any balance remaining in any of the funds herein created and referred to shall be disposed of as shall be provided by law.
Article VIII, Section 2e | Providing means for securing funds for highway and public building construction
November 8, 1955
The state may borrow money and issue bonds or other obligations therefor for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, reconstructing and otherwise improving and equipping buildings and structures, excluding highways, and for the purpose of acquiring sites for such buildings and structures, for the penal, correctional, mental, and welfare institutions of the state; for the state supported universities and colleges of the state; for class room facilities to be leased or sold by the state to public school districts unable within limitations provided by law to provide adequate facilities without assistance from the state; and for state offices; provided that the aggregate total amount of such borrowing under authority of this section shall not exceed $150,000,000. Not more than thirty million dollars of such borrowing shall be contracted within any calendar year. No part of such borrowing shall be contracted after the last day of December 1964. All bonds or other obligations issued pursuant to this section shall mature within twenty years from date of issue. Not more than $75,000,000 of the total expenditure from such borrowing shall be for acquisition, construction, reconstruction and other improvement and equipping of buildings and structures, or for acquisition of sites for such buildings and structures, for the state supported universities and colleges, public school class room facilities and state offices; and not more than $75,000,000 of the total expenditure from such borrowing shall be for acquisition, construction, reconstruction and other improvement and equipping of buildings and structures, or for acquisition of sites for such buildings and structures, for the penal, correctional, mental, and welfare institutions of the state.
The faith and credit of the state are hereby pledged for the payment of such bonds or other obligations and the interest thereon, and they shall be payable from all excises and taxes of the state, except ad valorem taxes on real and personal property, income taxes, and fees, excises, or license taxes relating to registration, operation, or use of vehicles on public highways, or to fuels used for propelling such vehicles.
During the period beginning with the effective date of the first authorization to issue bonds or other obligations under authority of this section and ending on the last day of December 1964, and continuing during such time as such bonds or other obligations are outstanding, and moneys in the capital improvements bond retirement fund are insufficient to pay all interest, principal and charges for the issuance and retirement of such bonds and other obligations, there shall be levied, for the purpose of paying interest, principal, and charges for the issuance and retirement of such bonds and other obligations, an excise tax on sales of cigarettes at the rate of one-half cent on each ten cigarettes or fractional part thereof, and an excise tax on the use, consumption, or storage for consumption of cigarettes by consumers in this state at the rate of one-half cent on each ten cigarettes or fractional part thereof. Such tax on the use, consumption, or storage for consumption of cigarettes by consumers in this state shall not be levied upon cigarettes upon which the tax on sales has been paid. The moneys received into the state treasury from the one-half cent excise tax on sales of cigarettes and from the one-half cent excise tax on the use, consumption, or storage for consumption of cigarettes by consumers in this state shall be paid into the capital improvements bond retirement fund. The general assembly of Ohio shall enact laws providing for the collection of such taxes.
There is hereby created in the state treasury a fund to be known as the capital improvements bond retirement fund. The capital improvements bond retirement fund shall consist of all moneys received by the state from taxes on cigarettes levied under authority of this section, and all other moneys credited to the fund pursuant to law. Such moneys shall be expended, as provided by law, for the purpose of paying interest, principal, and charges for the issuance and retirement of bonds and other obligations issued under authority of this section.
Sufficient amounts of such moneys in the capital improvements bond retirement fund are hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying interest, principal, and charges for the issuance and retirement of bonds or other obligations issued under authority of this section, without other appropriations but according to law.
Any balance remaining in the capital improvements bond retirement fund after payment of all interest, principal, and charges for the issuance and retirement of bonds and other obligations issued under authority of this section, shall be disposed of as shall be provided by law.
As long as any of such bonds or other obligations are outstanding there shall be levied and collected, in amounts sufficient to pay the principal of and the interest on such bonds or other obligations, excises and taxes, excluding those above excepted.
The general assembly shall meet on the third Monday of January, 1956 for the purpose of enacting laws pursuant to this section.
Article VIII, Section 2f | Authorizing bond issue to provide school classrooms, support for universities, for recreation and conservation and for state buildings
November 5, 1963
In addition to the authorization in Article VIII, Section 2e, the state may borrow not to exceed two hundred fifty million dollars and issue bonds or other obligations therefor, for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, and otherwise improving and equipping buildings and structures, excluding highways; and for the purpose of acquiring lands and interests in lands for sites for such buildings and structures; and, for the purpose of assisting in the development of the State, to acquire lands and interests in lands and to develop such lands and interests or other state lands for water impoundment sites, park and recreational uses, and conservation of natural resources; and for use in conjunction with federal grants or loans for any of such purposes. Of said amount, for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, and otherwise improving and equipping buildings and structures, excluding highways, and for the purpose of acquiring lands and interests in lands for sites for such buildings and structures, one hundred seventy-five million dollars shall be issued for the state supported or assisted colleges or universities including community colleges, municipal universities, and university branches, thirty-five million dollars shall be issued for providing classroom facilities for the public schools to be leased or sold by the State to public school districts unable, within the limitations provided by law, to provide adequate facilities without assistance from the state, and fifteen million dollars shall be issued for state functions, activities, offices, institutions, including penal, correctional, mental, and welfare, and research and development; and for the purpose of assisting in the development of the state by acquiring lands and interests in lands and to develop such lands and interests or other state lands for water impoundment sites, park and recreational uses, and conservation of natural resources twenty-five million dollars shall be issued. Not more than one hundred million dollars of such borrowing shall be contracted within any calendar year. No part of such borrowing shall be contracted after the thirty-first day of December, 1972. All bonds or other obligations issued pursuant to this section shall mature at such time or times not exceeding thirty years from date of issue and in such amounts as shall be fixed by the commissioners of the sinking fund, and shall bear interest and be sold as shall be authorized by law. Both the principal of such debt and the interest thereon shall be exempt from taxation within this state.
The faith and credit of the state are hereby pledged for the payment of such bonds or other obligations, and the interest thereon. They shall be payable from all excises and taxes of the state except ad valorem taxes on real and personal property, income taxes, and fees, excises or license taxes relating to registration, operation, or use of vehicles on public highways or to fuels used for propelling such vehicles. The excises and taxes of the state from which such bonds and other obligations shall be paid shall include an excise tax on sales of cigarettes at the rate of one-half cent on each ten cigarettes or fractional part thereof, and an excise tax on the use, consumption, or storage for consumption of cigarettes by consumers in this state, at the rate of one-half cent on each ten cigarettes or fractional part thereof, which shall be levied during the period beginning with January 1, 1965, and continuing until December 31, 1972, and thereafter as long as any of such bonds and other obligations are outstanding and moneys in the separate and distinct bond retirement fund hereinafter created are insufficient to pay all interest, principal, and charges for the issuance and retirement of such bonds and other obligations. Such tax on the use, consumption, or storage for consumption of cigarettes by consumers in this state shall not be levied upon cigarettes upon which the tax on sales has been paid. The General Assembly of the State of Ohio shall enact laws providing for the collection of such taxes. The moneys received into the state treasury from such one-half cent excise tax on sales of cigarettes and from such one-half cent excise tax on the use, consumption, or storage for consumption of cigarettes by consumers in this state shall be paid into a separate and distinct bond retirement fund hereby created. There shall be transferred in each year from said bond retirement fund to the capital improvements bond retirement fund created by Article VIII, Section 2e of the Constitution of the State of Ohio, from the proceeds of the levy of such excise taxes on cigarettes, such amounts as may be necessary for the payment in such year of the interest, principal, and charges of the bonds or other obligations issued pursuant to said Article VII, Section 2e falling due in such year, to the extent that moneys in said capital improvements bond retirement fund in such year are insufficient to pay such interest, principal, and charges.
The excise taxes on the sale, use, consumption or storage of cigarettes authorized to be levied by Article VIII, Section 2e of the Constitution of the State of Ohio for the payment of bonds and other obligations issued under authority of that section shall not be levied during any period that they are not required to be levied by Article VIII, Section 2e of the Constitution of the State of Ohio.
Sufficient amounts of such moneys remaining in said separate and distinct bond retirement fund created by this section, after such transfers, are hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying interest, principal, and charges for the issuance and retirement of bonds and other obligations issued under authority of this section, without other appropriations but according to law. In the event the moneys in the separate and distinct bond retirement fund created by this section are at any time insufficient to pay the current interest, principal, and charges for the issuance and retirement of bonds and other obligations issued under authority of this section, then such moneys as may be required to pay such current interest, principal, and charges are hereby appropriated for those purposes, without other appropriations but according to law, from the proceeds of all excises and taxes excluding those above excepted. Provision may be made by law for the transfer and the use of any amount in said separate and distinct bond retirement fund in excess of that required in any year for payment of interest, principal, and charges for the issuance and retirement of bonds and other obligations issued under authority of said Article VIII, Section 2e of this section.
Any balance remaining in the separate and distinct bond retirement fund created by this section after payment of all interest, principal, and charges for the issuance and retirement of bonds or other obligations issued under authority of this section shall be disposed of for the purposes enumerated in this section as may be provided by law.
As long as any of such bonds or other obligations are outstanding there shall be levied and collected in amounts sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds or other obligations, excises and taxes, excluding those above excepted.
Article VIII, Section 2g | Authorizing bond issue or other obligations for highway construction
The state may contract debts not exceeding five hundred million dollars for the purpose of providing moneys for acquisition of rights-of-way and for construction and reconstruction of highways on the state highway system and urban extensions thereof. The principal amount of any part of such debt at any time contracted shall be paid at such time or times and in such amounts as shall be fixed by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund provided that the entire debt shall be discharged not later than the year 1989. The bonds or other obligations evidencing the debt authorized by this section shall bear interest and shall be sold upon such terms as may be prescribed by law. Both the principal of such debt and the interest thereon shall be exempt from taxation within this state. Moneys raised under the authority of this section shall be expended only to provide adequate highways, including engineering and the acquisition of rights-of-way and including participation therein with the federal government, municipal corporations, counties and other legally authorized participants. All construction shall be done by contract as shall be provided by law. No part of such proceeds shall be appropriated except to meet the requirements of programs or schedules or acquisition of rights-of-way, highway construction and reconstruction which the governor, or other highway authority designated by law, with the concurrence of the governor, shall submit to the general assembly before such appropriations are made. Such appropriations shall be made only for major thoroughfares of the state highway system and urban extensions thereof. The debt contracted under the authority of this section shall be evidenced by bonds or other obligations issued by the State of Ohio as provided by law. The faith and credit of the state are hereby pledged for the payment thereof and the interest thereon. Such bonds or other obligations shall be paid from moneys derived from fees, excises, or license taxes, levied by the State of Ohio, relating to registration, operation, or use of vehicles on public highways, or to fuels used for propelling such vehicles, and a sufficient amount thereof, after provision for the amounts required by Article VIII, Section 2c of the Constitution of the State of Ohio for obligations issued pursuant to that section, is hereby appropriated in each year for the purpose of paying the interest on the outstanding debt and the principal of such debt contracted under authority of this section becoming due in that year, without other appropriations, but according to regulations to be established by law. Provision may be made by law for the transfer and the use of any amount of such moneys in excess of that required, in any year, for the payment of interest on and the principal of such debt contracted under authority of this section and said section 2c.
Article VIII, Section 2h | Bond issue for development
The State may, from time to time, borrow not to exceed two hundred ninety million dollars and issue bonds or other obligations thereof for any one or more of the following purposes: acquiring, constructing, reconstructing or otherwise improving and equipping buildings and structures of the state and state supported and assisted institutions of higher education, including those for research and development; acquiring lands and interests in lands for sites for such buildings and structures; assisting in the development of the State, to acquire and develop lands and interests in lands and develop other state lands for water impoundment sites, flood control, parks and recreational uses, or conservation of natural resources; to develop state parks and recreational facilities including the construction, reconstruction and improvement of roads and highways therein; to assist the political subdivisions of the state to finance the cost of constructing and extending water and sewerage lines and mains; for use in conjunction with Federal grants or loans for any of such purposes; and for use in conjunction with other governmental entities in acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, improving, and equipping water pipelines, stream flow improvements, airports, historical or educational facilities. The aggregate total amount of such borrowing outstanding under authority of this section shall not, at any time, exceed such sum as will require, during any calendar year, more than $20,000,000 to meet the principal and interest requirements of any such bonds and other obligations, and the charges for the issuance and retirement of such bonds and other obligations, falling due that year. No part of such borrowing shall be contracted after the last day of December, 1970. All bonds or other obligations issued pursuant to this section shall mature within thirty years from the date of issue.
The faith and credit of the state are hereby pledged for the payment of such bonds or other obligations or the interest thereon, and they shall be payable from all excises and taxes of the state, except ad valorem taxes on real and personal property, income taxes, and fees, excises or license taxes relating to the registration, operation, or use of vehicles on the public highways, or to fuels used for propelling such vehicles, after making provision for payment of amounts pledged from such excises and taxes for payment of bonds issued under authority of Sections 2e and 2f of this Article.
During the period beginning with the effective date of the first authorization to issue bonds or other obligations under authority of this section and continuing during such time as such bonds or other obligations are outstanding, and so long as moneys in the Development Bond Retirement Fund are insufficient to pay all interest, principal and charges of such bonds or other obligations issued under authority of this section and becoming due in each year, a sufficient amount of moneys derived from such excises and taxes of the state is hereby appropriated in each year for the purpose of paying the interest, principal and charges for the issuance and retirement of bonds or other obligations issued under authority of this section becoming due in that year without other appropriation but according to law. The moneys derived from such excises and taxes and hereby appropriated shall be paid into a distinct bond retirement fund designated "Development Bond Retirement Fund," hereby created. Such moneys shall be expended as provided by law for the purpose of paying interest, principal and charges for the issuance and retirement of bonds and other obligations issued under authority of this section.
Sufficient amounts of such moneys in the Development Bond Retirement Fund are hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying interest, principal and charges for the issuance and retirement of bonds or other obligations issued under authority of this section, so long as any of them are outstanding, without other appropriations but according to law.
Any balance remaining in the Development Bond Retirement Fund after payment of all interest, principal and charges for the issuance and retirement of bonds and other obligations issued under authority of this section, shall be disposed of as shall be provided by law.
As long as any of such bonds or other obligations are outstanding there shall be levied and collected, in amounts sufficient to pay the principal of and the interest on such bonds or other obligations, excises and taxes, excluding those above excepted.
Article VIII, Section 2i | Capital improvement bonds
November 5, 1968
In addition to the authorization otherwise contained in Article VIII of the Ohio Constitution, the general assembly, in accordance with but subject to the limitations of this section, may authorize the issuance of obligations, including bonds and notes, of the state or of state institutions, boards, commissions, authorities, or other state agencies or instrumentalities for any one or more of the following public capital improvements: the construction, reconstruction, or other improvement of highways, including those on the state highway system and urban extensions thereof, those within or leading to public parks or recreational areas, and those within or leading to municipal corporations, the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, or other improvement of, and provision of equipment for, buildings, structures, or other improvements, and necessary planning and engineering, for water pollution control and abatement, including those for sewage collection, treatment, or disposal, water management, including those for water distribution, collection, supply, storage, or impoundment, and stream flow control, and flood control, state supported or assisted institutions of higher education, technical education, vocational education, juvenile correction, training and rehabilitation, parks and recreation, research and development with respect to transportation, highways and highway transportation, mental hygiene and retardation, police and fire training, airports, and other state buildings and structures, and the acquisition and improvement of real estate and interests therein required with respect to the foregoing, including participation in any such capital improvements with the federal government, municipal corporations, counties, or other governmental entities or any one or more of them which participation may be by grants, loans or contributions to them for any of such capital improvements. It is hereby determined that such capital improvements will directly or indirectly create jobs, enhance employment opportunities, and improve the economic welfare of the people of the state.
The issuance under authority of this section of obligations the holders or owners of which are given the right to have excises and taxes levied by the general assembly for the payment of the principal thereof or interest thereon, herein called tax supported obligations, shall be subject to the following limitations. Not more than one hundred million dollars principal amount may be issued in any calendar year and not more than five hundred million dollars principal amount may be outstanding at any one time for such capital improvements for highways and research and development with respect to highways and highway transportation, herein called highway obligations, provided that fifty per cent of the proceeds of the first five hundred million dollars of such tax supported highway obligations shall be used for urban extensions of state highways and highways within or leading to municipal corporations. Not more than two hundred fifty nine million dollars aggregate principal amount of such tax supported obligations may be issued for the other capital improvements aforesaid, provided that from the proceeds thereof one hundred twenty million dollars shall be used for water pollution control and abatement and water management, one hundred million dollars shall be used for higher education, technical and vocational education, and juvenile correction, training and rehabilitation, twenty million dollars shall be used for parks and recreation, and nineteen million dollars for airports, and for construction, rehabilitation and equipping of other state buildings and structures, including those for police and fire training. If tax supported obligations are issued under authority of this section to retire tax supported obligations previously issued under authority of this section, such new obligations shall not be counted against such limits to the extent that the principal amount thereof does not exceed the principal amount of the obligations to be retired thereby.
Each issue of tax supported obligations issued pursuant to this section shall mature in not more than thirty years from the date of issuance thereof, or, if issued to retire obligations issued hereunder, within thirty years from the date such debt was originally contracted. If such tax supported obligations are issued as notes in anticipation of the issuance of bonds, provision shall be made by law for setting aside, so long as such notes are outstanding, into a special fund or funds such amounts from the sources authorized for payment of such bonds under this section as would be sufficient for payment of that amount of principal on such bonds that would have been payable during such period if such bonds, maturing during a period of thirty years, had been issued without prior issuance of such notes. Such fund or funds may be used solely for the payment of principal of such notes or of bonds in anticipation of which such notes have been issued.
The faith and credit and excises and taxes of the state, excluding ad valorem taxes on real or personal property and income taxes, shall be pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on such tax supported obligations, sinking or bond retirement fund provisions shall be made therefor, and this section shall otherwise be implemented, all in the manner and to the extent provided by law by the general assembly, including provisions for appropriation of pledged excises and taxes, and covenants to continue their levy, collection and application, to continue so long as such tax supported obligations are outstanding, without necessity for further appropriation notwithstanding Section 22 of Article II, Ohio Constitution; provided that the moneys referred to in Section 5a of Article XII, Ohio Constitution, herein called highway user receipts, shall, after provision for payment of amounts pledged to obligations heretofore or hereafter issued under Sections 2c and 2g of this Article, be pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on highway obligations authorized by this section but not to other obligations authorized hereby. If excises and taxes other than highway user receipts are pledged to the payment of the principal of or interest on highway obligations authorized by this section, in each year that such highway user receipts are available for such purpose, the same shall be appropriated thereto and the required application of such other excises and taxes shall be reduced in corresponding amount.
The general assembly also may authorize the issuance of revenue obligations and other obligations, the owners or holders of which are not given the right to have excises or taxes levied by the general assembly for the payment of principal thereof or interest thereon, for such capital improvements for mental hygiene and retardation, parks and recreation, state supported and state assisted institutions of higher education, including those for technical education, water pollution control and abatement, water management, and housing of branches and agencies of state government, which obligations shall not be subject to other provisions of this section and shall not be deemed to be debts or bonded indebtedness of the state under other provisions of this Constitution. Such obligations may be secured by a pledge under law, without necessity for further appropriation, of all or such portion as the general assembly authorizes of charges for the treatment or care of mental hygiene and retardation patients, receipts with respect to parks and recreational facilities, receipts of or on behalf of state supported and state assisted institutions of higher education, or other revenues or receipts, specified by law for such purpose, of the state or its officers, departments, divisions, institutions, boards, commissions, authorities, or other state agencies or instrumentalities, and this provision may be implemented by law to better provide therefor; provided, however, that any charges for the treatment or care of mental hygiene or retardation patients may be so pledged only to obligations issued for capital improvements for mental hygiene and retardation, any receipts with respect to parks and recreation may be so pledged only to obligations issued for capital improvements for parks and recreation, any receipts of or on behalf of state supported or state assisted institutions of higher education may be pledged only to obligations issued for capital improvements for state supported or state assisted institutions of higher education, and any other revenues or receipts may be so pledged only to obligations issued for capital improvements which are in whole or in part useful to, constructed by, or financed by the department, board, commission, authority, or other agency or instrumentality that receives the revenues or receipts so pledged. The authority provided by this paragraph is in addition to, cumulative with, and not a limitation upon, the authority of the general assembly under other provisions of this Constitution; such paragraph does not impair any law heretofore enacted by the general assembly, and any obligations issued under any such law consistent with the provisions of this paragraph shall be deemed to be issued under authority of this paragraph.
Both the principal of all obligations authorized under authority of this section and the interest thereon shall be exempt from taxation within this state.
Article VIII, Section 2j | Vietnam conflict compensation fund
January 1, 1974
The board of commissioners created by section 8 of Article VIII of the Ohio Constitution shall, forthwith upon the adoption of this amendment, proceed to issue and sell, from time to time, bonds or notes of the state in such amounts of face value as are necessary to provide the funds, or such part thereof, as may be required to pay the compensation and the expenses of administering this section. The aggregate face value of bonds or notes so issued shall not exceed three hundred million dollars. The full faith and credit of the state is hereby pledged for the payment of such bonds or notes.
All bonds or notes so issued shall mature in not more than fifteen years commencing not later than two years after the respective dates thereof. The bonds or notes shall mature according to schedules set forth by the commissioners but shall not mature more than fifteen years after the date of issue. No bonds or notes shall be issued or bear dates later than the first day of April, 1977.
All bonds or notes shall bear interest at such rates as the commissioners determine and shall be payable semiannually. Such bonds or notes, and the interest thereon are exempt from all taxes levied by the state or any taxing district thereof. At the option of the commissioners, the bonds or notes may be issued subject to call on any interest payment date at par and accrued interest.
All sales of such bonds or notes by the commissioners shall be in accordance with such regulations as the commission adopts and promulgates. Such bonds or notes shall be sold only to the highest bidder or bidders after notice of sale has been published once each week for three consecutive weeks on the same day of each week, the first of such notices being published at least twenty-one full days before the date of sale, in a newspaper of general circulation in each of the eight most populous counties in the state. Notices shall state the day, hour and place of the sale, the total face value of the bonds or notes to be sold, their denominations, dates, and the dates of their maturities, information relative to the rates of interest that the bonds or notes will bear, and the dates upon which interest will be payable. The commissioners may reject any or all bids and readvertise and re-offer bonds or notes for sale.
Out of the proceeds of the sale of all bonds or notes, that amount that represents accrued interest, if any, shall be paid into the state treasury into a fund to be known as the Vietnam Conflict Compensation Bond Retirement Fund, and the balance shall be paid into the state treasury into a fund to be known as the Vietnam Conflict Compensation Fund. The General Assembly may appropriate and cause to be paid into the Vietnam Conflict Compensation Bond Retirement Fund or the Vietnam Conflict Compensation Fund, out of the funds in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, such amount as is proper for use, upon order of the commissioners for the purposes for which such funds are created. If the General Assembly appropriates any funds to the Vietnam Conflict Compensation Fund prior to the time the commissioners have issued bonds or notes of the aggregate amount of face value authorized in this section, the aggregate amount of face value of bonds or notes so authorized to be issued shall be reduced by the amount of the funds so appropriated.
On or before the first day of July in each calendar year, the commissioners shall certify to the auditor of state the total amount of funds it determines is necessary to provide, together with all other money that will be available in the Vietnam Conflict Compensation Bond Retirement Fund, for the retirement of bonds or notes and the payment of interest in the ensuing calendar year. The auditor of state shall transfer from the state general revenue fund to the Vietnam Conflict Compensation Bond Retirement Fund, without appropriation, an amount equal to the amount so certified. The Vietnam Conflict Compensation Bond Retirement Fund shall be paid out without appropriation by the General Assembly, upon the order of the commissioners for the purpose of the payment, or retirement in other manner, of said bonds or notes and interest thereon.
The Vietnam conflict compensation fund shall be paid out upon order of the commissioners, without appropriation by the General Assembly, in payment of the expenses of administering this section, and as compensation as follows: every person, except persons ordered to active duty for training only, who has served on active duty in the armed forces of the United States at any time between August 5, 1964 and July 1, 1973, or who has served on active duty in the armed forces of the United States in Vietnam service, and who, at the time of commencing such service, was and had been a resident of the state for at least one year immediately preceding the commencement of such service, and (1) who was separated from such service under honorable conditions, (2) who is still in such service, or (3) who has been retired, is entitled to receive compensation of ten dollars for each month during which such person was in active domestic service during the compensable period, fifteen dollars for each month during which such person was in active foreign service, but not Vietnam service, during the compensable period, and twenty dollars for each month during which such person was in active Vietnam service. The maximum amount of cash payable to any qualified applicant, unless such applicant qualifies for a payment based upon missing in action or prisoner of war status or unless such applicant qualifies for a survivor's payment, is five hundred dollars. No compensation shall be paid under this section to any person who received from another state a bonus or compensation of a like nature or to any person who has not served on active duty in the armed forces of the United States during the compensable period for at least ninety days unless active duty within such compensable period was terminated as a result of injuries or illness sustained in Vietnam service. Compensation for a fraction of a month of service shall be paid on the basis of one-thirtieth of the appropriate monthly amounts for each day of such service. Persons medically discharged or medically retired from service due to combat related disabilities sustained in Vietnam service shall be paid five hundred dollars. Service in the Merchant Marine of the United States shall not be considered for the purpose of this section. As used in this section "domestic service" means service within the territorial limits of the fifty states, excluding sea duty; "foreign service" means service in all other places, excluding Vietnam service; and "Vietnam service" means military service within the Republic of Vietnam during the period between February 28, 1961 through July 1, 1973 or military service in southeast Asia for which hostile fire pay was awarded pursuant to Title 37, Section 310, United States Code, during the period February 28, 1961 through July 1, 1973.
No compensation shall be paid under this section to any person for any periods of time spent under penal confinement during the period of active duty.
Either the surviving spouse, or the surviving child or children, or the surviving parents, including persons standing in loco parentis for one year preceding commencement of service in the armed forces of the United States, of a deceased person shall be paid the same amount of compensation that the deceased would have been entitled to receive under this section, if living. If such deceased person's death is determined by the Veterans Administration of the United States to have been the result of injuries or illness sustained in Vietnam service his survivors as herein designated, are entitled to one thousand dollars, regardless of the amount of compensation which the deceased would have been entitled to receive under this section, if living. The amount of compensation payable to such survivors shall be payable only to one of the three groups of survivors herein designated in the order in which said groups are named.
Every person designated by the United States Department of Defense as missing in action as a result of honorable service or as held in enemy captivity or who is the spouse, or the child, or the parent, including persons standing in loco parentis for one year preceding commencement of service, of a person designated by the Department of Defense as missing in action as a result of honorable service or held in enemy captivity, is entitled to one thousand dollars in lieu of other cash benefits payable under this section. The amount of compensation payable to such claimants for such missing or captive person shall be payable only to one of the groups of claimants herein designated in the order in which said groups are named. No payment to any survivor of a person designated as missing in action as a result of honorable service or held in enemy captivity, while such person is held captive or is missing in action, shall prevent such missing or captive person from claiming and receiving a bonus of an equal amount upon his being released or located.
The General Assembly shall provide by law for an educational assistance bonus which may be taken in lieu of the cash bonus by any person who served on active duty in the armed forces of the United States and who qualifies for a cash bonus under this section. The educational assistance bonus shall offer financial assistance at any educational institution deemed appropriate by the General Assembly. Such financial assistance shall be equal to twice the amount of the cash bonus for which such person qualifies under this section.
No sale or assignment of any right or claim to compensation under this section shall be valid, no claims of creditors shall be enforceable against rights or claims to or payments of compensation under this section, and no fees shall be charged for services in connection with the prosecution of any right or claim to compensation or the collection of any compensation under this section.
The commissioners shall have complete charge of making payments of the compensation provided for in this section and shall adopt and promulgate regulations governing their procedure in connection therewith, including determinations as to who are proper beneficiaries and the amounts to which such beneficiaries are entitled, determinations as to whether an applicant has the necessary residence requirements, and such other regulations that are necessary and proper. All applications for payment of compensation or educational bonuses under this section shall be made to the commissioners before January 1, 1978.
The commissioners shall select and appoint such legal counsel and employees as are necessary, fix their compensation and prescribe their duties, and all such appointees shall serve at its pleasure. When practical, the commissioners shall employ Vietnam veterans to fill such positions.
The commissioners shall permit review of individual records of claims by representatives of recognized veterans organizations when authorized to do so by the applicant.
There is hereby transferred to the Vietnam Conflict Compensation Fund, for the purpose of defraying the immediate cost of administration and compensation, out of the funds known as the "Korean Conflict Compensation Fund" and the "Korean Conflict Compensation Bond Retirement Fund" created by Section 2d of Article VIII of the Ohio Constitution, the balance remaining after provision for payment of all outstanding bonds or notes, coupons, and charges.
The people of this state declare it to be their intention to in no manner affect or change any of the existing provisions of the constitution except as herein set forth. The provisions of this section shall be self executing.
Upon payment of all valid claims for cash compensation made within the limitations of time as prescribed herein, the commissioners may transfer any funds in the Vietnam Conflict Compensation Fund to the Vietnam Conflict Compensation Bond Retirement Fund.
Upon retirement of all of the bonds or notes that may be issued hereunder and the payment of all valid claims for cash compensation made within the limitations of time as prescribed herein, the commissioners of the sinking fund shall make a final report to the General Assembly, and any balance remaining in any of the funds herein created and referred to shall be disposed of as shall be provided by law.
Article VIII, Section 2k | Issuance of bonds for local government public infrastructure capital improvement
November 3, 1987
(A) In addition to the authorization otherwise contained in Article VIII of the Ohio Constitution, the General Assembly may provide by law, in accordance with but subject to the limitations of this section, for the issuance of bonds and other obligations of the state for the purpose of financing or assisting in the financing of the cost of public infrastructure capital improvements of municipal corporations, counties, townships, and other governmental entities as designated by law. As used in this section, public infrastructure capital improvements shall be limited to roads and bridges, waste water treatment systems, water supply systems, solid waste disposal facilities, and storm water and sanitary collection, storage, and treatment facilities, including real property, interests in real property, facilities, and equipment related or incidental thereto. Capital improvements shall include without limitation the cost of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, expansion, improvement, planning, and equipping.
It is hereby determined that such public infrastructure capital improvements are necessary to preserve and expand the public capital infrastructure of such municipal corporations, counties, townships, and other governmental entities, ensure the public health, safety, and welfare, create and preserve jobs, enhance employment opportunities, and improve the economic welfare of the people of this state.
(B)(1) Not more than one hundred twenty million dollars principal amount of bonds and other obligations authorized under this section may be issued in any calendar year, provided that the aggregate total principal amount of bonds and other obligations authorized and issued under this section may not exceed one billion two hundred million dollars. Further limitations may be provided by law upon the amount of bonds that may be issued under this section in any year in order that the total debt charges of the state shall not exceed a proportion of general revenue fund expenditures that would adversely affect the credit ratings of the state. If obligations are issued under this section to retire or refund obligations previously issued under this section, the new obligations shall not be counted against those calendar year[s] or total issuance limitations to the extent that their principal amount does not exceed the principal amount of the obligations to be retired or refunded.
(2) Provision shall be made by law for the use to the extent practicable of Ohio products, materials, services, and labor in the making of any project financed, in whole or in part, under this section.
(C) The state may participate in any public infrastructure capital improvement under this section with municipal corporations, counties, townships, or other governmental entities, or any one or more of them. Such participation may be by grants, loans, or contributions to them for any of such capital improvements. The entire proceeds of the bonds shall be used for the public infrastructure capital improvements of municipal corporations, counties, townships, and other governmental entities, except to the extent that the General Assembly provides by law that the state may be reasonably compensated from such moneys for planning, financial management or other administrative services performed in relation to the bond issuance.
(D)(1) Each issue of obligations issued under this section shall mature in not more than thirty years from the date of issuance, or, if issued to retire or refund other obligations issued under this section, within thirty years from the date the debt was originally contracted. If obligations are issued as notes in anticipation of the issuance of bonds, provision shall be made by law for the establishment and maintenance, during the period in which the notes are outstanding, of a special fund or funds into which shall be paid, from the sources authorized for the payment of such bonds, the amount that would have been sufficient, if bonds maturing during a period of thirty years had been issued without such prior issuance of notes, to pay the principal that would have been payable on such bonds during such period. Such fund or funds shall be used solely for the payment of principal of such notes or of bonds in anticipation of which such notes have been issued.
(2) The obligations issued under this section are general obligations of the state. The full faith and credit, revenue, and taxing power of the state shall be pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on such obligations as they become due, hereinafter called debt service, and bond retirement fund provisions shall be made for payment of debt service. Provision shall be made by law for the sufficiency and appropriation, for purposes of paying debt service, of excises, taxes, and revenues so pledged to debt service, and for covenants to continue the levy, collection, and application of sufficient excises, taxes, and revenues to the extent needed for such purpose. Notwithstanding section 22 of Article II, Ohio Constitution, no further act of appropriation shall be necessary for that purpose. The obligations and the provision for the payment of debt service and repayment of any loans hereunder by governmental entities are not subject to sections 5, 6, and 11 of Article XII, Ohio Constitution.
(3) The moneys referred to in section 5a of Article XII, Ohio Constitution, may not be pledged to the payment of debt service on obligations issued under authority of this section.
(4) The obligations issued under authority of this section, the transfer thereof, and the interest and other income therefrom, including any profit made on the sale thereof, shall at all times be free from taxation within the state.
(E) This section shall otherwise be implemented in the manner and to the extent provided by law by the General Assembly.
Article VIII, Section 2l | Parks, recreation, and natural resources project capital improvements
November 2, 1993
(A) In addition to the authorizations otherwise contained in Article VIII of the Ohio Constitution, the General Assembly shall provide by law, in accordance with and subject to the limitations of this section, for the issuance of bonds and other obligations of the state for the purpose of financing or assisting in the financing of the costs of capital improvements for state and local parks and land and water recreation facilities; soil and water restoration and protection; land management including preservation of natural areas and reforestation; water management including dam safety, stream and lake management, and flood control and flood damage reduction; fish and wildlife resource management; and other projects that enhance the use and enjoyment of natural resources by individuals. Capital improvements include without limitation the cost of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, expansion, improvement, planning, and equipping.
It is hereby determined that these capital improvements and provisions for them are necessary and appropriate to improve the quality of life of the people of this state, to better ensure the public health, safety, and welfare, and to create and preserve jobs and enhance employment opportunities.
(B)(1) Not more than fifty million dollars principal amount of obligations may be issued under this section in any fiscal year, and not more than two hundred million dollars principal amount may be outstanding at any one time. The limitations of this paragraph do not apply to any obligations authorized to be issued under this section to retire or refund obligations previously issued under this section, to the extent that their principal amount does not exceed the principal amount of the obligations to be retired or refunded.
(2) Each issue of obligations shall mature in not more than twenty-five years from the date of issuance, or, if issued to retire or refund other obligations issued under this section, within twenty-five years from the date the debt was originally contracted. If obligations are issued as bond anticipation notes, provision shall be made, by law or in the proceedings for the issuance of those notes, for the establishment and maintenance while the notes are outstanding of a special fund or funds into which there shall be paid, from the sources authorized for the payment of the bonds, the amount that would have been sufficient, if bonds maturing serially in each year over a period of twenty-five years had been issued without the prior issuance of the notes, to pay the principal that would have been payable on those bonds during that period; such fund or funds shall be used solely for the payment of principal of those notes or of the bonds anticipated.
(C) The state may participate by grants or contributions in financing capital improvements under this section made by local government entities. Of the proceeds of the first two hundred million dollars principal amount in obligations issued under this section for capital improvements, at least twenty per cent shall be allocated to grants or contributions to local government entities for such capital improvements.
(D) The obligations issued under this section are general obligations of the state. The full faith and credit, revenue, and taxing power of the state shall be pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest and other accreted amounts on those obligations as they become due, and bond retirement fund provisions shall be made for payment of that debt service. Provision shall be made by law for the sufficiency and appropriation, for purposes of paying that debt service, of excises, taxes, and revenues so pledged to that debt service, and for covenants to continue the levy, collection, and application of sufficient excises, taxes, and revenues to the extent needed for that purpose. Notwithstanding Section 22 of Article II, Ohio Constitution, no further act of appropriation shall be necessary for that purpose. The moneys referred to in section 5a of Article XII, Ohio Constitution, may not be pledged to the payment of that debt service. The obligations and the provisions for the payment of debt service on them are not subject to Sections 5, 6, and 11 of Article XII, Ohio Constitution, and, with respect to the purposes to which their proceeds are to be applied, are not subject to sections 4 and 6 of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution.
(E) Obligations issued under authority of this section, the transfer thereof, and the interest and other income and accreted amounts therefrom, including any profit made on the sale thereof, shall at all times be free from taxation within the state.
(F) This section shall be implemented in the manner and to the extent provided by law by the general assembly.
Article VIII, Section 2m | Issuance of general obligations
November 7, 1995
(A) In addition to the authorizations otherwise contained in Article VIII of the Ohio Constitution, the General Assembly may provide by law, in accordance with but subject to the limitations of this section, for the issuance of bonds and other obligations of the state for the purpose of financing or assisting in the financing of the cost of public infrastructure capital improvements of municipal corporations, counties, townships, and other governmental entities as designated by law, and the cost of highway capital improvements. As used, in this section, public infrastructure capital improvements shall be limited to roads and bridges, waste water treatment systems, water supply systems, solid waste disposal facilities, and storm water and sanitary collection, storage, and treatment facilities, including real property, interests in real property, facilities, and equipment related to or incidental thereto, and shall include without limitation the cost of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, expansion, improvement, planning, and equipping. As used in this section, highway capital improvements shall be limited to highways, including those on the state highway system and urban extensions thereof, those within or leading to public parks or recreation areas, and those within or leading to municipal corporations, and shall include without limitation the cost of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, expansion, improvement, planning, and equipping.
It is hereby determined that such public infrastructure capital improvements and highway capital improvements are necessary to preserve and expand the public capital infrastructure of the state and its municipal corporations, counties, townships, and other governmental entities, ensure the public health, safety, and welfare, create and preserve jobs, enhance employment opportunities, and improve the economic welfare of the people of this state.
(B) Not more than one hundred twenty million dollars prinicipal amount of the infrastructure obligations authorized to be issued under this section, plus the principal amount of infrastructure obligations that in any prior fiscal years could have been but were not issued within the one-hundred-twenty-million-dollar fiscal year limit, may be issued in any fiscal year, provided that the aggregate total principal amount of infrastructure obligations issued under this section for public infrastructure capital improvements may not exceed one billion two hundred million dollars; and provided further that no infrastructure obligations shall be issued pursuant to this section until at least one billion one hundred ninety-nine million five hundred thousand dollars aggregate principal amount of obligations have been issued pursuant to Section 2k of Article VIII. Not more than two hundred twenty million dollars principal amount of highway obligations authorized to be issued under this section, plus the principal amount of highway obligations that in any prior fiscal years could have been but were not issued within the two-hundred-twenty-million-dollar fiscal year limit, may be issued in any fiscal year, and not more than one billion two hundred million dollars principal amount of highway obligations issued under this section may be outstanding at any one time. Further limitations may be provided by law upon the amount of infrastructure obligations and highway obligations, hereinafter collectively called obligations, that may be issued under this section in any fiscal year in order that the total debt charges of the state payable from the general revenue fund shall not exceed a proportion of general revenue fund expenditures that would adversely affect the credit rating of the state. If obligations are issued under this section to retire or refund obligations previously issued under this section, the new obligations shall not be counted against those fiscal year or total issuance limitations to the extent that their principal amount does not exceed the principal amount of the obligations to be retired or refunded.
Provision shall be made by law for the use to the extent practicable of Ohio products, materials, services, and labor in the making of any project financed, in whole or in part, under this section.
(C) The state may participate in any public infrastructure capital improvement or highway capital improvement under this section with municipal corporations, counties, townships, or other governmental entities as designated by law, or any one or more of them. Such participation may be by grants, loans, or contributions to them for any such capital improvements. The entire proceeds of the infrastructure obligations shall be used for public infrastructure capital improvements of municipal corporations, counties, townships, and other governmental enties, except to the extent that the General Assembly provides by law that the state may reasonably be compensated from such moneys for planning, financial management, or administrative services performed in relation to the issuance of infrastructure obligations.
(D) Each issue of obligations shall mature in not more than thirty years from the date of issuance, or, if issued to retire or refund other obligations, within thirty years from the date the debt originally was contracted. If obligations are issued as notes in anticipation of the issuance of bonds, provision shall be made by law for the establishment and maintenance, during the period in which the notes are outstanding, of a special fund or funds into which shall be paid, from the sources authorized for the payment of such bonds, the amount that would have been sufficient, if bonds maturing during a period of thirty years had been issued without such prior issuance of notes, to pay the principal that would have been payable on such bonds during such period. Such fund or funds shall be used solely for the payment of principal of such notes or bonds in anticipation of which such notes have been issued.
The obligations are general obligations of the state. The full faith and credit, revenue, and taxing power of the state shall be pledged to the payment of the principal of and premium and interest and other accreted amounts on outstanding obligations as they become due, hereinafter called debt service, and bond retirement fund provisions shall be made for payment of debt service. Provision shall be made by law for the sufficiency and appropriation, for purposes of paying debt service, of excises, taxes, and revenues so pledged to debt service, and for covenants to continue the levy, collection, and application of sufficient excises, taxes, and revenues to the extent needed for such purpose. Notwithstanding Section 22 of Article II, Ohio Constitution, no further act of appropriation shall be necessary for that purpose. The obligations and the provision for the payment of debt service, and repayment by governmental entities of any loans made under this section are not subject to Sections 5, 6, and 11 of Article XII, Ohio Constitution.
The moneys referred to in Section 5a of Article XII, Ohio Constitution may be pledged to the payment of debt service on highway obligations, but may not be pledged to the payment of debt service on infrastructure obligations. In each year that moneys referred to in Section 5a of Article XII, Ohio Constitution pledged to the payment of debt service on highway obligation issued under this section are available for such purpose, such moneys shall be appropriated thereto and the required application of any other excises and taxes shall be reduced in corresponding amount.
The obligations issued under authority of this section, the transfer thereof, and the interest, interest equivalent, and other income and accreted amounts therefrom, including any profit made on the sale, exchange, or other disposition thereof, shall at all times be free from taxation within the state.
(E) This section shall otherwise be implemented in the manner and to the extent provided by law by the General Assembly, including provision for the procedure for incurring and issuing obligations, separately or in combination with other state obligations, and refunding, retiring, and evidencing obligations.
(F) The authorizations in this section are in addition to authorizations contained in other sections of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, are in addition to and not a limitation upon the authority of the General Assembly under other provisions of this Constitution, and do not impair any law previously enacted by the General Assembly, except that after December 31, 1996, no additional highway obligation of the state may be issued for any highway purposes under Section 2i of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, except to refund highway obligations issued under Section 2i that are outstanding on that date.
Article VIII, Section 2n | Facilities for system of common schools and facilities for state-supported and state-assisted institutions of higher education
November 2, 1999
(A) The General Assembly may provide by law, subject to the limitations of and in accordance with this section, for the issuance of bonds and other obligations of the state for the purpose of paying costs of facilities for a system of common schools throughout the state and facilities for state-supported and state-assisted institutions of higher education. As used in this section, "costs" includes, without limitation, the costs of acquisition, construction, improvement, expansion, planning, and equipping.
(B) Each obligation issued under this section shall mature no later than the thirty-first day of December of the twenty-fifth calendar year after its issuance except that obligations issued to refund other obligations shall mature not later than the thirty-first day of December of the twenty-fifth calendar year after the year in which the original obligation to pay was issued or entered into.
(C) Obligations issued under this section are general obligations of the state. The full faith and credit, revenue, and taxing power of the state shall be pledged to the payment of debt service on those outstanding obligations as it becomes due. For purposes of the full and timely payment of that debt service, appropriate provisions shall be made or authorized by law for bond retirement funds, for the sufficiency and appropriation of excises, taxes, and revenues so pledged to that debt service. For which purpose, notwithstanding Section 22 of Article II of the Ohio Constitution, no further act of appropriation shall be necessary, and for covenants to continue the levy, collection, and application of sufficient excises, taxes, and revenues to the extent needed for that purpose. Those obligations and the provisions for the payment of debt service on them are not subject to Sections 5, 6, and 11 of Article XII of the Ohio Constitution. Moneys referred to in Section 5a of Article XII of the Ohio Constitution may not be pledged or used for the payment of the debt service on those obligations. Moneys consisting of net state lottery proceeds may be pledged or used for payment of debt service on obligations issued under this section to pay costs offacilities for a system of common schools, but not on obligations issued under this section to pay costs of facilities for state-supported and state-assisted institutions of higher education.
In the case of the issuance of any of those obligations as bond anticipation notes, provision shall be made by law or in the bond or note proceedings for the establishment and the maintenance, during the period the notes are outstanding, of special funds into which there shall be paid, from the sources authorized for payment of the bonds anticipated, the amount that would have been sufficient to pay the principal that would have been payable on those bonds during that period if bonds maturing serially in each year over the maximum period of maturity referred to in division (B) of this section had been issued without the prior issuance of the notes. Those special funds and investment income on them shall be used solely for the payment of principal of those notes or of the bonds anticipated.
(D) As used in this section, "debt service" means principal and interest and other accreted amounts payable on the obligations referred to.
(E) Obligations issued under this section, their transfer, and the interest, interest equivalent, and other income or accreted amounts on them, including any profit made on their sale, exchange, or other disposition, shall at all times be free from taxation within the state.
(F) This section shall be implemented in the manner and to the extent provided by the General Assembly by law, including provision for the procedure for incurring, rffunding. Retiring, and evidencing obligations issued as referred to in this section. The total principal amount of obligations issued under this section shall be as determined by the General Assembly, subject to the limitation provided for in Section 17 of this article.
(G) The authorizations in this section are in addition to authorizations contained in other sections of this article, are in addition to and not a limitation upon the authority of the General Assembly under other provisions of this Constitution, and do not impair any law previously enacted by the General Assembly.
Article VIII, Section 2o | Issuance of bonds and other obligations for environmental conservation and revitalization purposes
November 7, 2000
(A) It is determined and confirmed that the environmental and related conservation, preservation, and revitalization purposes referred to in divisions (A)(1) and (2) of this section, and provisions for them, are proper public purposes of the state and local governmental entities and are necessary and appropriate means to improve the quality of life and the general and economic well-being of the people of this state; to better ensure the public health, safety, and welfare; to protect water and other natural resources; to provide for the conservation and preservation of natural and open areas and farmlands, including by making urban areas more desirable or suitable for development and revitalization; to control, prevent, minimize, clean up, or remediate certain contamination of or pollution from lands in the state and water contamination or pollution; to provide for safe and productive urban land use or reuse; to enhance the availability, public use, and enjoyment of natural areas and resources; and to create and preserve jobs and enhance employment opportunities. Those purposes are:
(1) Conservation purposes, meaning conservation and preservation of natural areas, open spaces, and farmlands and other lands devoted to agriculture, including by acquiring land or interests therein; provision of state and local park and recreation facilities, and other actions that permit and enhance the availability, public use, and enjoyment of natural areas and open spaces in Ohio; and land, forest, water, and other natural resource management projects;
(2) Revitalization purposes, meaning providing for and enabling the environmentally safe and productive development and use or reuse of publicly and privately owned lands, including those within urban areas, by the remediation or clean up, or planning and assessment for remediation or clean up, of contamination, or addressing, by clearance, land acquisition or assembly, infrastructure, or otherwise, that or other property conditions or circumstances that may be deleterious to the public health and safety and the environment and water and other natural resources, or that preclude or inhibit environmentally sound or economic use or reuse of the property.
(B) The General Assembly may provide by law, subject to the limitations of and in accordance with this section, for the issuance of bonds and other obligations of the state for the purpose of paying costs of projects implementing those purposes.
(1) Not more than two hundred million dollars principal amount of obligations issued under this section for conservation purposes may be outstanding in accordance with their terms at any one time. Not more than fifty million dollars principal amount of those obligations, plus the principal amount of those obligations that in any prior fiscal year could have been but were not issued within the fifty-million-dollar fiscal year limit, may be issued in any fiscal year. Those obligations shall be general obligations of the state and the full faith and credit, revenue, and taxing power of the state shall be pledged to the payment of debt service on them as it becomes due, all as provided in this section.
(2) Not more than two hundred million dollars principal amount of obligations issued under this section for revitalization purposes may be outstanding in accordance with their terms at any one time. Not more than fifty million dollars principal amount of those obligations, plus the principal amount of those obligations that in any prior fiscal year could have been but were not issued within the fifty-million-dollar fiscal year limit, may be issued in any fiscal year. Those obligations shall not be general obligations of the state and the full faith and credit, revenue, and taxing power of the state shall not be pledged to the payment of debt service on them. Those obligations shall be secured by a pledge of all or such portion of designated revenues and receipts of the state as the General Assembly authorizes, including receipts from designated taxes or excises, other state revenues from sources other than state taxes or excises, such as from state enterprise activities, and payments for or related to those revitalization purposes made by or on behalf of local governmental entities, responsible parties, or others. The general assembly shall provide by law for prohibitions or restrictions on the granting or lending of proceeds of obligations issued under division (B)(2) of this section to parties to pay costs of cleanup or remediation of contamination for which they are determined to be responsible.
(C) For purposes of the full and timely payment of debt service on state obligations authorized by this section, appropriate provision shall be made or authorized by law for bond retirement funds, for the sufficiency and appropriation of state excises, taxes, and revenues pledged to the debt service on the respective obligations, for which purpose, notwithstanding Section 22 of Article II of the Ohio Constitution, no further act of appropriation shall be necessary, and for covenants to continue the levy, collection, and application of sufficient state excises, taxes, and revenues to the extent needed for those purposes. Moneys referred to in Section 5a of Article XII of the Ohio Constitution may not be pledged or used for the payment of debt service on those obligations.
As used in this section, "debt service" means principal and interest and other accreted amounts payable on the obligations referred to.
(D)(1) Divisions (B) and (C) of this section shall be implemented in the manner and to the extent provided by the General Assembly by law, including provision for procedures for incurring, refunding, retiring, and evidencing state obligations issued pursuant to this section. Each state obligation issued pursuant to this section shall mature no later than the thirty-first day of December of the twenty-fifth calendar year after its issuance, except that obligations issued to refund or retire other obligations shall mature not later than the thirty-first day of December of the twenty-fifth calendar year after the year in which the original obligation to pay was issued or entered into.
(2) In the case of the issuance of state obligations under this section as bond anticipation notes, provision shall be made by law or in the bond or note proceedings for the establishment, and the maintenance during the period the notes are outstanding, of special funds into which there shall be paid, from the sources authorized for payment of the particular bonds anticipated, the amount that would have been sufficient to pay the principal that would have been payable on those bonds during that period if bonds maturing serially in each year over the maximum period of maturity referred to in division (D)(1) of this section had been issued without the prior issuance of the notes. Those special funds and investment income on them shall be used solely for the payment of principal of those notes or of the bonds anticipated.
(E) In addition to projects undertaken by the state, the state may participate or assist, by grants, loans, loan guarantees, or contributions, in the financing of projects for purposes referred to in this section that are undertaken by local governmental entities or by others, including, but not limited to, not-for-profit organizations, at the direction or authorization of local governmental entities. Obligations of the state issued under this section and the provisions for payment of debt service on them, including any payments by local governmental entities, are not subject to Sections 6 and 11 of Article XII of the Ohio Constitution. Those obligations, and obligations of local governmental entities issued for the public purposes referred to in this section, and provisions for payment of debt service on them, and the purposes and uses to which the proceeds of those state or local obligations, or moneys from other sources, are to be or may be applied, are not subject to Sections 4 and 6 of Article VIII of the Ohio Constitution.
(F) The powers and authority granted or confirmed by and under this section, and the determinations and confirmations in this section, are independent of, in addition to, and not in derogation of or a limitation on, powers, authority, determinations, or confirmations under laws, charters, ordinances, or resolutions, or by or under other provisions of the Ohio Constitution including, without limitation, Section 36 of Article II, Sections 2i, 2l, 2m, and 13 of Article VIII, and Articles X and XVIII, and do not impair any previously adopted provision of the Ohio Constitution or any law previously enacted by the General Assembly.
(G) Obligations issued under this section, their transfer, and the interest, interest equivalent, and other income or accreted amounts on them, including any profit made on their sale, exchange, or other disposition, shall at all times be free from taxation within the state.
(Adopted Nov. 7, 2000; HJR 15, 123rd G.A.)
Article VIII, Section 2p | Issuance of bonds for economic and educational purposes and local government projects
(A) It is determined and confirmed that the development purposes referred to in this division, and provisions for them, are proper public purposes of the state and local governmental entities and are necessary and appropriate means to create and preserve jobs and enhance employment and educational opportunities; to improve the quality of life and the general and economic well-being of all the people and businesses in all areas of this state, including economically disadvantaged businesses and individuals; and to preserve and expand the public capital infrastructure; all to better ensure the public health, safety, and welfare. Those purposes are:
(1) Public infrastructure capital improvements, which shall be limited to roads and bridges, waste water treatment systems, water supply systems, solid waste disposal facilities, and storm water and sanitary collection, storage, and treatment facilities, including real property, interests in real property, facilities, and equipment related to or incidental thereto, and shall include, without limitation, the cost of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, expansion, improvement, planning, and equipping;
(2) Research and development in support of Ohio industry, commerce, and business (hereinafter referred to as "research and development purposes"), which shall include, without limitation, research and product innovation, development, and commercialization through efforts by and collaboration among Ohio business and industry, state and local public entities and agencies, public and private education institutions, or research organizations and institutions, all as may be further provided for by state or local law, but excluding purposes provided for in Section 15 of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution; and
(3) Development of sites and facilities in Ohio for and in support of industry, commerce, distribution, and research and development purposes.
(B) The General Assembly may provide by law, in accordance with but subject to the limitations of this section, for the issuance of general obligation bonds and other obligations of the state for the purpose of financing or assisting in the financing of the cost of projects implementing those purposes.
(1) Not more than one billion three hundred fifty million dollars principal amount of state general obligations may be issued under this section for public infrastructure capital improvements. Not more than one hundred twenty million dollars principal amount of those obligations may be issued in each of the first five fiscal years of issuance and not more than one hundred fifty million dollars principal amount of those obligations may be issued in each of the next five fiscal years of issuance, plus in each case the principal amount of those obligations that in any prior fiscal year could have been but were not issued within those fiscal year limits. No infrastructure obligations may be issued pursuant to this division and division (C) of this section until at least one billion one hundred ninety-nine million five hundred thousand dollars aggregate principal amount of state infrastructure obligations have been issued pursuant to Section 2m of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution.
(2) Not more than one billion two hundred million dollars principal amount of state general obligations may be issued under this section for research and development purposes. Not more than four hundred fifty million dollars principal amount of those obligations may be issued in total from fiscal years 2006 through 2011, not more than two hundred twenty-five million dollars principal amount of those obligations may be issued in the next fiscal year of issuance, and not more than one hundred seventy-five million dollars principal amount of those obligations may be issued in any other fiscal year, plus in each case the principal amount of those obligations that in any prior fiscal year could have been but were not issued.
(3) Not more than one hundred fifty million dollars principal amount of state general obligations may be issued under this section for development of sites and facilities for industry, commerce, distribution, and research and development purposes. Not more than thirty million dollars principal amount of those obligations may be issued in each of the first three fiscal years of issuance, and not more than fifteen million dollars principal amount of those obligations may be issued in any other fiscal year, plus in each case the principal amount of those obligations that in any prior fiscal year could have been but were not issued.
(C) Each issue of state general obligations for public infrastructure capital improvements or development of sites and facilities shall mature in not more than thirty years from the date of issuance, and each issue of state general obligations for research and development purposes shall mature in not more than twenty years from the date of issuance; or, if issued to retire or refund other obligations, within that number of years from the date the debt being retired or refunded was originally issued. If state general obligations are issued as notes in anticipation of the issuance of bonds, provision shall be made by law for the establishment and maintenance, during the period in which the notes are outstanding, of a special fund or funds into which shall be paid, from the sources authorized for the payment of such bonds, the amount that would have been sufficient, if bonds maturing during the permitted period of years had been issued without such prior issuance of notes, to pay the principal that would have been payable on such bonds during such period. Such fund or funds shall be used solely for the payment of principal of such notes or bonds in anticipation of which such notes have been issued. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Section 2k or 2m of Article VIII, obligations issued under this section or Section 2k or 2m to retire or refund obligations previously issued under this section or Section 2k or 2m shall not be counted against the fiscal year or total issuance limitations provided in this section or Section 2k or 2m, as applicable.
The obligations issued under this division and division (B) of this section are general obligations of the state. The full faith and credit, revenue, and taxing power of the state shall be pledged to the payment of the principal of and premium and interest and other accreted amounts on outstanding obligations as they become due (hereinafter called debt service), and bond retirement fund provisions shall be made for payment of that debt service. Provision shall be made by law for the sufficiency and appropriation, for purposes of paying debt service, of excises, taxes, and revenues so pledged or committed to debt service, and for covenants to continue the levy, collection, and application of sufficient excises, taxes, and revenues to the extent needed for that purpose. Notwithstanding Section 22 of Article II, Ohio Constitution, no further act of appropriation shall be necessary for that purpose. The obligations and the provision for the payment of debt service, and repayment by governmental entities of any loans made under this section, are not subject to Sections 5, 6, and 11 of Article XII, Ohio Constitution. Moneys referred to in Section 5a of Article XII, Ohio Constitution may not be pledged or used for the payment of that debt service. Debt service on obligations issued for research and development purposes and for development of sites and facilities shall not be included in the calculation of total debt service for purposes of division (A) of Section 17 of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution.
(D)(1) The state may participate in any public infrastructure capital improvement under this section with municipal corporations, counties, townships, or other governmental entities as designated by law, or any one or more of them. Such participation may be by grants, loans, or contributions to them for any such capital improvements. The entire proceeds of the infrastructure obligations shall be used for public infrastructure capital improvements of municipal corporations, counties, townships, and other governmental entities, except to the extent that the General Assembly provides by law that the state may reasonably be compensated from such moneys for planning, financial management, or administrative services performed in relation to the issuance of infrastructure obligations.
(2)(a) Implementation of the research and development purposes includes supporting any and all related matters and activities, including: attracting researchers and research teams by endowing research chairs or otherwise; activities to develop and commercialize products and processes; intellectual property matters such as copyrights and patents; property interests, including time sharing arrangements; and financial rights and matters such as royalties, licensing, and other financial gain or sharing resulting from research and development purposes. State and local public moneys, including the proceeds of bonds, notes, and other obligations, may be used to pay costs of or in support of or related to these research and development purposes, including, without limitation, capital formation, direct operating costs, costs of research and facilities, including interests in real property therefor, and support for public and private institutions of higher education, research organizations or institutions, and private sector entities. The exercise of these powers by the state and state agencies, including state-supported and state-assisted institutions of higher education, and local public entities and agencies, may be jointly or in coordination with each other, with researchers or research organizations and institutions, with private institutions of higher education, with individuals, or with private sector entities. State and local public participation may be in such manner as the entity or agency determines, including by any one or a combination of grants, loans including loans to lenders or the purchase of loans, subsidies, contributions, advances, or guarantees, or by direct investments of or payment or reimbursement from available moneys, or by providing staffing or other support, including computer or other technology capacity, or equipment or facilities, including interests in real property therefor, and either alone or jointly, in collaborative or cooperative ventures, with other public agencies and private sector entities including not for profit entities. In addition to other state-level monetary participation as referred to in this section or otherwise, state-supported and state-assisted institutions of higher education may, as authorized from time to time by the General Assembly, issue obligations to pay costs of participating in and implementing research and development purposes. In addition to the other obligations authorized in or pursuant to this section, the General Assembly also may authorize the state and state agencies and local public entities and agencies, and corporations not for profit designated by any of them as such agencies or instrumentalities, to issue obligations to borrow and loan or otherwise provide moneys for research and development purposes, including, but not limited to, obligations for which moneys raised by taxation shall not be obligated or pledged for the payment of debt service and which are therefore not subject to Sections 5, 6, and 11 of Article XII, Ohio Constitution.
(b) Implementation of the research and development purposes shall include utilization of independent reviewers to review the merits of proposed research and development projects and to make recommendations concerning which proposed projects should be awarded support from the proceeds of the sale of obligations under this section. Prior to the utilization of an independent reviewer, the state agency proposing to award the support for a project shall provide the name and other descriptive information regarding the independent reviewer to the Governor, the President and Minority Leader of the Senate, and the Speaker and Minority Leader of the House of Representatives. If the recommendations of an independent reviewer with respect to a proposed project are not adopted by the state agency proposing to award the support for the project, the agency shall notify the Governor, the President and Minority Leader of the Senate, and the Speaker and Minority Leader of the House of Representatives of that fact and explain the reasons for not adopting the recommendations.
(c) From the proceeds of the sale of obligations issued under this section, not more than four hundred fifty million dollars may be awarded, promised, or otherwise committed in total for research and development purposes from fiscal years 2006 through 2011, not more than two hundred twenty-five million dollars may be awarded, promised, or otherwise committed for research and development purposes in fiscal year 2012, and not more than one hundred seventy-five million dollars may be awarded, promised, or otherwise committed for research and development purposes in any other fiscal year beginning in fiscal year 2013 and thereafter, plus in each case the amount of the proceeds that in any prior fiscal year could have been but were not awarded.
(3) Development of sites and facilities for and in support of industry, commerce, distribution, and research and development purposes includes acquisition of real estate and interests in real estate, site preparation including any necessary remediation and cleanup, constructing and improving facilities, and providing public infrastructure capital improvements and other transportation and communications infrastructure improvements for and in support of the use of those sites and facilities for those purposes. State and local public moneys, including the proceeds of bonds, notes, and other obligations, may be used to pay costs of those purposes. The exercise of these powers by the state and state agencies and local public entities and agencies, may be jointly or in coordination with each other, and with individuals or private sector business entities. State and local public participation may be in such manner as the entity or agency determines, including by any one or a combination of grants, loans including loans to lenders or the purchase of loans, subsidies, contributions, advances, or guarantees, or by direct investments of or payment or reimbursement from available moneys. In addition to other state-level monetary participation as referred to in this section or otherwise, state-supported and state-assisted institutions of higher education, and local public entities and agencies may, as authorized from time to time by the General Assembly, issue obligations to pay costs of participating in and implementing the development of sites and facilities.
(E) Obligations issued under authority of this section for research and development purposes and site and facility development purposes, provisions for the payment of debt service on them, the purposes and uses to which and the manner in which the proceeds of those obligations or moneys from other sources are to or may be applied, and other implementation of those development purposes as referred to in this section, are not subject to Sections 4 and 6 of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution. Obligations issued under authority of this section, the transfer thereof, and the interest, interest equivalent, and other income and accreted amounts therefrom, including any profit made on the sale, exchange, or other disposition thereof, shall at all times be free from taxation within the state.
(F) This section shall otherwise be implemented in the manner and to the extent provided by law by the General Assembly, including provision for the procedure for incurring and issuing obligations, separately or in combination with other obligations, and refunding, retiring, and evidencing obligations; provision for ensuring the accountability of all state funding provided for the development purposes referred to in division (A) of this section; provision for restricting or limiting the taking of private property under Section 19 of Article I for disposition to private sector entities for the purposes identified in divisions (A)(2) and (3) of this section or restricting the disposition of that property to private sector entities or individuals;and provision for the implementation of the development purposes referred to in division (A) of this section to benefit people and businesses otherwise qualified for receipt of funding for the development purposes referred to in division (A) of this section, including economically disadvantaged businesses and individuals in all areas of this state, including by the use to the extent practicable of Ohio products, materials, services, and labor.
(G) The powers and authority granted or confirmed by and under, and the determinations in, this section are independent of, in addition to, and not in derogation of or a limitation on, powers, authority, determinations, or confirmations under laws or under other provisions of the Ohio Constitution including, without limitation, Section 7 of Article I, Section 5 of Article VI, Sections 2i, 2n, 2o, 13, and 15 of Article VIII, Article X, and Section 3 of Article XVIII, and do not impair any previously adopted provisions of the Ohio Constitution or any law previously enacted by the General Assembly or by a local public agency.
Article VIII, Section 2q | Issuance of bonds for environmental revitalization and conservation
November 4, 2008
(A) It is determined and confirmed that the environmental and related conservation, preservation, and revitalization purposes referred to in divisions (A)(1) and (2) of this section, and provisions for them, are proper public purposes of the state and local governmental entities and are necessary and appropriate means to improve the quality of life and the general and economic well-being of the people of this state; to better ensure the public health, safety, and welfare; to protect water and other natural resources; to provide for the conservation and preservation of natural and open areas and farmlands, including by making urban areas more desirable or suitable for development and revitalization; to control, prevent, minimize, clean up, or remediate certain contamination of or pollution from lands in the state and water contamination or pollution; to provide for safe and productive urban land use or reuse; to enhance the availability, public use, and enjoyment of natural areas and resources; and to create and preserve jobs and enhance employment opportunities. Those purposes are:
(1) Conservation purposes, meaning conservation and preservation of natural areas, open spaces, and farmlands and other lands devoted to agriculture, including by acquiring land or interests therein; provision of state and local park and recreation facilities, and other actions that permit and enhance the availability, public use, and enjoyment of natural areas and open spaces in Ohio; and land, forest, water, and other natural resource management projects;
(2) Revitalization purposes, meaning providing for and enabling the environmentally safe and productive development and use or reuse of publicly and privately owned lands, including those within urban areas, by the remediation or clean up, or planning and assessment for remediation or clean up, of contamination, or addressing, by clearance, land acquisition or assembly, infrastructure, or otherwise, that or other property conditions or circumstances that may be deleterious to the public health and safety and the environment and water and other natural resources, or that preclude or inhibit environmentally sound or economic use or reuse of the property.
(B) The General Assembly may provide by law, subject to the limitations of and in accordance with this section, for the issuance of bonds and other obligations of the state for the purpose of paying costs of projects implementing those purposes.
(1) Not more than two hundred million dollars principal amount of obligations issued under this section for conservation purposes may be outstanding in accordance with their terms at any one time. Not more than fifty million dollars principal amount of those obligations, plus the principal amount of those obligations that in any prior fiscal year could have been but were not issued within the fifty-million-dollar fiscal year limit, may be issued in any fiscal year. Those obligations shall be general obligations of the state and the full faith and credit, revenue, and taxing power of the state shall be pledged to the payment of debt service on them as it becomes due, all as provided in this section.
(2) Not more than two hundred million dollars principal amount of obligations issued under this section for revitalization purposes may be outstanding in accordance with their terms at any one time. Not more than fifty million dollars principal amount of those obligations, plus the principal amount of those obligations that in any prior fiscal year could have been but were not issued within the fifty-million-dollar fiscal year limit, may be issued in any fiscal year. Those obligations shall not be general obligations of the state and the full faith and credit, revenue, and taxing power of the state shall not be pledged to the payment of debt service on them. Those obligations shall be secured by a pledge of all or such portion of designated revenues and receipts of the state as the General Assembly authorizes, including receipts from designated taxes or excises, other state revenues from sources other than state taxes or excises, such as from state enterprise activities, and payments for or related to those revitalization purposes made by or on behalf of local governmental entities, responsible parties, or others. The general assembly shall provide by law for prohibitions or restrictions on the granting or lending of proceeds of obligations issued under division (B)(2) of this section to parties to pay costs of cleanup or remediation of contamination for which they are determined to be responsible.
(C) For purposes of the full and timely payment of debt service on state obligations authorized by this section, appropriate provision shall be made or authorized by law for bond retirement funds, for the sufficiency and appropriation of state excises, taxes, and revenues pledged to the debt service on the respective obligations, for which purpose, notwithstanding Section 22 of Article II of the Ohio Constitution, no further act of appropriation shall be necessary, and for covenants to continue the levy, collection, and application of sufficient state excises, taxes, and revenues to the extent needed for those purposes. Moneys referred to in Section 5a of Article XII of the Ohio Constitution may not be pledged or used for the payment of debt service on those obligations.
As used in this section, "debt service" means principal and interest and other accreted amounts payable on the obligations referred to.
(D)(1) Divisions (B) and (C) of this section shall be implemented in the manner and to the extent provided by the General Assembly by law, including provision for procedures for incurring, refunding, retiring, and evidencing state obligations issued pursuant to this section. Each state obligation issued pursuant to this section shall mature no later than the thirty-first day of December of the twenty-fifth calendar year after its issuance, except that obligations issued to refund or retire other obligations shall mature not later than the thirty-first day of December of the twenty-fifth calendar year after the year in which the original obligation to pay was issued or entered into.
(2) In the case of the issuance of state obligations under this section as bond anticipation notes, provision shall be made by law or in the bond or note proceedings for the establishment, and the maintenance during the period the notes are outstanding, of special funds into which there shall be paid, from the sources authorized for payment of the particular bonds anticipated, the amount that would have been sufficient to pay the principal that would have been payable on those bonds during that period if bonds maturing serially in each year over the maximum period of maturity referred to in division (D)(1) of this section had been issued without the prior issuance of the notes. Those special funds and investment income on them shall be used solely for the payment of principal of those notes or of the bonds anticipated.
(E) In addition to projects undertaken by the state, the state may participate or assist, by grants, loans, loan guarantees, or contributions, in the financing of projects for purposes referred to in this section that are undertaken by local governmental entities or by others, including, but not limited to, not-for-profit organizations, at the direction or authorization of local governmental entities. Obligations of the state issued under this section and the provisions for payment of debt service on them, including any payments by local governmental entities, are not subject to Sections 6 and 11 of Article XII of the Ohio Constitution. Those obligations, and obligations of local governmental entities issued for the public purposes referred to in this section, and provisions for payment of debt service on them, and the purposes and uses to which the proceeds of those state or local obligations, or moneys from other sources, are to be or may be applied, are not subject to Sections 4 and 6 of Article VIII of the Ohio Constitution.
(F) The powers and authority granted or confirmed by and under this section, and the determinations and confirmations in this section, are independent of, in addition to, and not in derogation of or a limitation on, powers, authority, determinations, or confirmations under laws, charters, ordinances, or resolutions, or by or under other provisions of the Ohio Constitution including, without limitation, Section 36 of Article II, Sections 2i, 2l, 2m, 2o, and 13 of Article VIII, and Articles X and XVIII, and do not impair any previously adopted provision of the Ohio Constitution or any law previously enacted by the General Assembly.
(G) Obligations issued under this section, their transfer, and the interest, interest equivalent, and other income or accreted amounts on them, including any profit made on their sale, exchange, or other disposition, shall at all times be free from taxation within the state.
Article VIII, Section 2r | Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq Conflicts Compensation Fund
November 3, 2009
(A) Upon the request of the department of veterans services, the Ohio public facilities commission shall proceed to issue and sell, from time to time, bonds or other obligations of the state in such amounts as are necessary to provide all or part of the funds as may be required to pay the compensation established by, and the expenses of administering, this section. The original principal amount of obligations so issued shall not exceed two hundred million dollars, provided that obligations issued under this section to retire or refund obligations previously issued under this section shall not be counted against that issuance limitation. The full faith and credit, revenue, and taxing power of the state is hereby pledged for payment of debt service on such obligations issued under this section, and the state covenants to continue the levy, collection, and application of sufficient state excises, taxes, and revenues to the extent needed for those purposes; provided that moneys referred to in Section 5a of Article XII of the Constitution of the State of Ohio may not be pledged or used for the payment of debt service. As used in this section, "debt service" means principal and interest and other accreted amounts payable on the obligations authorized by this section.
Each obligation so issued shall mature not later than the thirty-first day of December of the fifteenth calendar year after its issuance, except that obligations issued to refund obligations under this section shall mature not later than the thirty-first day of December of the fifteenth calendar year after the year in which the original obligation was issued. Except for obligations issued under this section to retire or refund obligations previously issued under this section, no obligations shall be issued under this section later than December 31, 2013.
In the case of the issuance of any obligations under this section as bond anticipation notes, provision shall be made in the bond or note proceedings for the establishment, and the maintenance during the period the notes are outstanding, of special funds into which there shall be paid, from the sources authorized for payment of the bonds anticipated, the amount that would have been sufficient to pay the principal that would have been payable on those bonds during that period if bonds maturing serially in each year over the maximum period of maturity referred to in this section had been issued without the prior issuance of the notes. Those special funds and investment income on them shall be used solely for the payment of debt service on those notes or the bonds anticipated.
The obligations issued under this section, their transfer, and the interest, interest equivalent, and other income thereon, including any profit made on their sale, exchange, or other disposition, shall at all times be free from taxation within the state.
Such obligations may be sold at public or private sale as determined by the Ohio public facilities commission.
(B) Out of the proceeds of the sale of all obligations, except those issued to refund or retire obligations previously issued under this section, the amount that represents accrued interest, if any, shall be paid into the state treasury into the Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts compensation bond retirement fund, which is hereby created. As determined at the time of sale, the amount that represents premium shall be paid into either the Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts compensation bond retirement fund or the Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts compensation fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury. The balance of the proceeds shall be paid into the Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts compensation fund. All proceeds of the sale of any obligations issued under this section to refund or retire obligations previously issued under this section shall be paid into the Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts compensation bond retirement fund and used to pay debt service on those outstanding obligations so refunded. The general assembly may appropriate and cause to be paid into the Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts compensation bond retirement fund or the Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts compensation fund, out of money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, such amount as is proper for use for the purposes for which such funds are created. Except for amounts advanced by the general assembly to the Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts compensation fund with the express expectation of reimbursement from the proceeds of obligations paid into that fund, and except for amounts transferred under division (E) of this section for the purpose of defraying the immediate cost of administration and compensation, if the general assembly appropriates any funds to the Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts compensation fund prior to the time obligations have been issued in the original principal amount authorized in this section, that original principal amount authorized in this section shall be reduced by the amount of funds appropriated.
(C) On or before the fifteenth day of July of each fiscal year, the Ohio public facilities commission shall certify, or cause to be certified, to the director of budget and management the total amount of money required during the current fiscal year, together with all other money that will be available in the Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts compensation bond retirement fund, to meet in full all debt service and related financing costs on the obligations issued under this section. The director shall transfer from the general revenue fund to the Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts compensation bond retirement fund, without necessity of appropriation by the general assembly, an amount equal to the amount so certified, and those funds shall be used for the payment of the debt service.
(D)(1) The Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts compensation fund shall be paid out upon the order of the department of veterans services, without necessity of appropriation by the general assembly, in payment of the expenses of administering this section and as compensation as follows to each person who meets all of the following requirements:
(a) The person has served in active duty in the United States armed forces, except active duty for training only, at any time between August 2, 1990, and March 3, 1991, at any time between October 7, 2001, and the date determined by the president of the United States as the end of involvement of the United States armed forces in Afghanistan, or at any time between March 19, 2003, and the date determined by the president of the United States as the end of the involvement of the United States armed forces in Iraq.
(b) The person was an Ohio resident at the start of active duty service and is currently an Ohio resident.
(c) The person was separated from the United States armed forces under honorable conditions, is still serving in active duty service, or remains in any reserve component of the United States armed forces or in the Ohio national guard after serving on active duty.
A person who meets the requirements of divisions (D)(1)(a), (b), and (c) of this section is entitled to, and may apply to receive, compensation of fifty dollars for each month of active domestic or foreign service and one hundred dollars for each month of Persian gulf, Afghanistan, or Iraq service during the compensable periods. A person who is medically discharged or medically retired from service due to combat-related disabilities sustained during Persian gulf, Afghanistan, or Iraq service is entitled to, and may apply to receive, compensation of one thousand dollars. The maximum amount of cash payable to any person in active domestic or foreign service is five hundred dollars and the maximum amount of cash payable to any person in Persian gulf, Afghanistan, or Iraq service is one thousand dollars, unless the person qualifies for a survivor's payment or a payment based on missing in action or prisoner of war status under division (D)(2) or (D)(3) of this section. Compensation for a fraction of a month of service shall be paid on the basis of one-thirtieth of the appropriate monthly amount for each day of service.
(2) The surviving spouse, surviving child or children, or surviving parent or parents, including a person or persons standing in loco parentis for at least one year preceding commencement of service in the United States armed forces, is entitled to, and may apply to receive, the same amount of compensation that the person who served in the armed forces would have received under division (D)(1) of this section. If the United States department of veterans' affairs determines that the person's death was the result of injuries or illness sustained in Persian gulf, Afghanistan, or Iraq service, the person's survivors are entitled to, and may apply for, a survivor's payment of five thousand dollars, regardless of the amount of compensation that the deceased would have been entitled to receive under this section, if living. The survivor's payment shall be made to the surviving spouse. If there is no surviving spouse, the payment shall go to the surviving child or children. If there are no surviving children, the payment shall go to the surviving parent or parents or person or persons standing in loco parentis for at least one year preceding commencement of service in the United States armed forces.
(3) A person designated by the United States department of defense as missing in action as a result of honorable service or held in enemy captivity, or the spouse, child, or parent, including a person standing in loco parentis for at least one year preceding commencement of service in the United States armed forces, of a person designated as missing in action or held in enemy captivity, is entitled to, and may apply for, a payment of five thousand dollars. This payment replaces any other cash benefit payable under this section. While the person is missing or held captive, the payment shall be made to the person's spouse. If there is no spouse to claim the payment, payment shall be made to the person's child or children. If the person does not have children, payment shall be made to the person's parent or parents or person or persons standing in loco parentis for at least one year preceding commencement of service in the United States armed forces.
No payment to a spouse, child, parent, or person in loco parentis of a person designated as missing in action as a result of honorable service or held in enemy captivity, while the person is missing in action or held captive, shall prevent the missing or captive person from claiming and receiving a bonus of an equal amount on the person's release or location.
(4) Compensation shall not be paid under this section as follows:
(a) To any person who received from another state a bonus or compensation of a similar nature;
(b) To any person who served less than ninety days in the United States armed forces, unless active duty was terminated as a result of injuries or illness sustained during Persian gulf, Afghanistan, or Iraq service during the compensable period;
(c) To any person for any time period spent under penal confinement during the compensable period.
(5) No sale or assignment of any right or claim to compensation under this section shall be valid. No claims of creditors shall be enforceable against rights or claims to or payments of compensation under this section. No fees shall be charged for services in connection with the prosecution of any right or claim to compensation or the collection of any compensation under this section.
(6) All applications for payment of compensation under this section shall be made to the department of veterans services according to the following schedule:
(a) For Persian gulf service, not later than December 31, 2013;
(b) For Afghanistan service, not later than three years after the date determined by the president of the United States as the end of involvement of the United States armed forces in Afghanistan;
(c) For Iraq service, not later than three years after the date determined by the president of the United States as the end of involvement of the United States armed forces in Iraq.
(7) As used in this section:
"Afghanistan service" means military service within Afghanistan during the period between October 7, 2001, and the date determined by the president of the United States as the end of the involvement of the United States armed forces in Afghanistan.
"Domestic service" means service within the territorial limits of the fifty states.
"Foreign service" means service in locations other than the territorial limits of the fifty states, excluding Persian gulf, Afghanistan, or Iraq service.
"Iraq service" means military service within Iraq during the period between March 19, 2003, and the date determined by the president of the United States as the end of the involvement of the United States armed forces in Iraq.
"Persian gulf service" means military service within the Persian gulf theater of operations during the period between August 2, 1990, and March 3, 1991.
"United States armed forces" includes the army, air force, navy, marine corps, and coast guard; any active reserve component of such forces; and members of the Ohio national guard serving on active duty.
(E) The department of veterans services (hereinafter referred to as the "department") shall have complete charge of making payment of compensation under division (D) of this section and shall adopt rules, including rules regarding the amounts to which beneficiaries are entitled, residency requirements for purposes of division (D)(1)(b) of this section, and any other rules necessary to implement this section. These rules shall be adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
The department shall select and appoint legal counsel and employees as are necessary and fix their compensation and prescribe their duties. All appointees shall serve at the pleasure of the director of veterans services. When practical, the department shall employ Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflict veterans to fill such positions. The general assembly shall transfer necessary funds to the Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts compensation fund and to the department's operating budget, for the purpose of defraying the immediate cost of administration and compensation. Any funds so transferred shall not reduce the original principal amount of obligations that may be issued under this section.
On payment of all valid claims for cash compensation made within the time limitations under this section, the department may transfer any funds remaining in the Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts compensation fund to the Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts compensation bond retirement fund.
On retirement of all of the obligations issued under this section and payment of all valid claims for cash compensation made within the time limitations under this section, the department shall make a final report to the general assembly. Any balance remaining in the Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts compensation fund or the Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts compensation bond retirement fund shall be transferred or disposed of as provided by law.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, valid claims for cash compensation made within the time limitations under this section shall be paid only if adequate funds remain in the Persian gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq conflicts compensation fund.
(F) The people of this state declare it to be their intention that this amendment in no manner affects or changes any of the existing provisions of the Constitution except as set forth in this section. The provisions of this section shall be self-executing.
(G) Debt service on obligations issued pursuant to this section shall not be included in the calculation of total debt service for purposes of division (A) of Section 17 of Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Ohio.
(H) As provided in divisions (C) and (D)(1) of this section, no further act of appropriation is necessary, notwithstanding Section 22 of Article II of the Constitution of the State of Ohio.
(I) Any reference in this section to a public office, officer, or body shall include any successor thereto.
Article VIII, Section 2s | Issuance of additional general obligation bonds to fund public infrastructure capital improvements
(A) In addition to the authorizations otherwise contained in Article VIII of the Ohio Constitution, the General Assembly may provide by law, in accordance with and subject to the limitations of this section, for the issuance of bonds and other obligations of the state for the purpose of financing or assisting in the financing of the cost of public infrastructure capital improvements of municipal corporations, counties, townships, and other governmental entities as designated by law. As used in this section, public infrastructure capital improvements shall be limited to roads and bridges, waste water treatment systems, water supply systems, solid waste disposal facilities, and storm water and sanitary collection, storage, and treatment facilities, including real property, interests in real property, facilities, and equipment related to or incidental thereto, and shall include, without limitation, the cost of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, expansion, improvement, planning, and equipping.
It is hereby determined that such public infrastructure capital improvements are necessary to preserve and expand the public capital infrastructure of such municipal corporations, counties, townships, and other governmental entities, ensure the public health, safety, and welfare, create and preserve jobs, enhance employment opportunities, and improve the economic welfare of the people of this state.
(B) Not more than one billion eight hundred seventy-five million dollars principal amount of state general obligations may be issued under this section for public infrastructure capital improvements. Not more than one hundred seventy-five million dollars principal amount of those obligations may be issued in each of the first five fiscal years of issuance and not more than two hundred million dollars principal amount of those obligations may be issued in each of the next five fiscal years of issuance, plus in each case the principal amount of those obligations that in any prior fiscal year could have been but were not issued within those fiscal year limits. No obligations may be issued pursuant to this section until all of the state infrastructure obligations authorized under Section 2p of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution have been issued.
(C) Each issue of obligations issued under this section shall mature in not more than thirty years from the date of issuance, or, if issued to retire or refund other obligations, within that number of years from the date the debt being retired or refunded was originally issued. If state general obligations are issued as notes in anticipation of the issuance of bonds, provision shall be made by law for the establishment and maintenance, during the period in which the notes are outstanding, of a special fund or funds into which shall be paid, from the sources authorized for the payment of such bonds, the amount that would have been sufficient, if bonds maturing during the permitted period of years had been issued without such prior issuance of notes, to pay the principal that would have been payable on such bonds during such period. Such fund or funds shall be used solely for the payment of principal of such notes or bonds in anticipation of which such notes have been issued. Obligations issued under this section to retire or refund obligations previously issued under this section or Section 2k, 2m, or 2p shall not be counted against the fiscal year or total issuance limitations provided in this section or Section 2k, 2m, or 2p, as applicable.
(D) The obligations issued under this section are general obligations of the state. The full faith and credit, revenue, and taxing power of the state shall be pledged to the payment of the principal of and premium and interest and other accreted amounts on outstanding obligations as they become due (hereinafter called debt service), and bond retirement fund provisions shall be made for payment of that debt service. Provision shall be made by law for the sufficiency and appropriation, for purposes of paying debt service, of excises, taxes, and revenues so pledged or committed to debt service, and for covenants to continue the levy, collection, and application of sufficient excises, taxes, and revenues to the extent needed for that purpose. Notwithstanding Section 22 of Article II, Ohio Constitution, no further act of appropriation shall be necessary for that purpose. The obligations and the provision for the payment of debt service, and repayment by governmental entities of any loans made under this section, are not subject to Sections 5, 6, and 11 of Article XII, Ohio Constitution. Moneys referred to in Section 5a of Article XII, Ohio Constitution may not be pledged to the payment of that debt service.
(E) The state may participate in any public infrastructure capital improvement under this section with municipal corporations, counties, townships, or other governmental entities as designated by law, or any one or more of them. Such participation may be by grants, loans, or contributions to them for any such capital improvements. The entire proceeds of the infrastructure obligations shall be used for public infrastructure capital improvements of municipal corporations, counties, townships, and other governmental entities, except to the extent that the General Assembly provides by law that the state may reasonably be compensated from such moneys for planning, financial management, or administrative services performed in relation to the issuance of infrastructure obligations.
(F) Obligations issued under authority of this section, the transfer thereof, and the interest, interest equivalent, and other income and accreted amounts there from, including any profit made on the sale, exchange, or other disposition thereof, shall at all times be free from taxation within the state.
(G) This section shall otherwise be implemented in the manner and to the extent provided by law by the General Assembly, including provision for the procedure for incurring and issuing obligations, separately or in combination with other obligations, and refunding, retiring, and evidencing obligations, and provision for the use to the extent practicable of Ohio products, materials, services, and labor in the making of any project financed, in whole or in part, under this section.
(H) The powers and authority granted or confirmed by and under, and the determinations in, this section are independent of, in addition to, and not in derogation of or a limitation on, powers, authority, determinations, or confirmations under laws or under other provisions of the Ohio Constitution and do not impair any previously adopted provisions of the Ohio Constitution or any law previously enacted by the General Assembly or by a local public agency.
Article VIII, Section 3 | The state to create no other debt; exceptions
September 1, 1851
Except the debts above specified in sections one and two of this article, no debt whatever shall hereafter be created by or an behalf of the state.
Article VIII, Section 4 | Credit of state; the state shall not become joint owner or stockholder
September 1, 1851
The credit of the state shall not, in any manner, be given or loaned to, or in aid of, any individual association or corporation whatever; nor shall the state ever hereafter become a joint owner, or stockholder, in any company or association in this state, or elsewhere, formed for any purpose whatever.
Article VIII, Section 5 | No assumption of debts by the state
September 1, 1851
The state shall never assume the debts of any county, city, town, or township, or of any corporation whatever, unless such debt shall have been created to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, or defend the state in war.
Article VIII, Section 6 | Counties, cities, towns, or townships, not authorized to become stockholders, etc.; insurance, etc.
January 1, 1913
No laws shall be passed authorizing any county, city, town or township, by vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to become a stockholder in any joint stock company, corporation, or association whatever; or to raise money for, or to loan its credit to, or in aid of, any such company, corporation, or association: provided, that nothing in this section shall prevent the insuring of public buildings or property in mutual insurance associations or companies. Laws may be passed providing for the regulation of all rates charged or to be charged by any insurance company, corporation or association organized under the laws of this state, or doing any insurance business in this state for profit.
Article VIII, Section 7 | Sinking fund
September 1, 1851
The faith of the state being pledged for the payment of its public debt, in order to provide therefor, there shall be created a sinking fund, which shall be sufficient to pay the accruing interest on such debt, and, annually, to reduce the principal thereof, by a sum not less than one hundred thousand dollars, increased yearly, and each and every year, by compounding, at the rate of six per cent. per annum. The said sinking fund shall consist, of the net annual income of the public works and stocks owned by the state, of any other funds or resources that are, or may be, provided by law, and of such further sum, to be raised by taxation, as may be required for the purposes aforesaid.
Article VIII, Section 8 | The commissioners of the sinking fund
November 4, 1947
The governor, treasurer of state, auditor of state, secretary of state, and attorney general, are hereby created a board of commissioners, to be styled, "The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund".
Article VIII, Section 9 | Biennial report of sinking fund commissioners
September 1, 1851
The commissioners of the sinking fund shall, immediately preceding each regular session of the general assembly, make an estimate of the probable amount of the fund, provided for in the seventh section of this article, from all sources except from taxation, and report the same, together with all their proceedings relative to said fund and the public debt, to the governor, who shall transmit the same with his regular message, to the general assembly; and the general assembly shall make all necessary provision for raising and disbursing said sinking fund, in pursuance of the provisions of this article.
Article VIII, Section 10 | Application of sinking fund
September 1, 1851
It shall be the duty of the said commissioners faithfully to apply said fund, together with all moneys that may be, by the general assembly, appropriated to that object, to the payment of the interest, as it becomes due, and the redemption of the principal of the public debt of the state, excepting only, the school and trust funds held by the state.
Article VIII, Section 11 | Semiannual report of sinking fund commissioners
September 1, 1851
The said commissioners shall, semi-annually, make a full and detailed report of their proceedings to the governor, who shall, immediately, cause the same to be published, and shall also communicate the same to the general assembly, forthwith, if it be in session, and if not, then at its first session after such report shall be made.
Article VIII, Section 13 | Economic development
November 5, 1974
To create or preserve jobs and employment opportunities, to improve the economic welfare of the people of the state, to control air, water, and thermal pollution, or to dispose of solid waste, it is hereby determined to be in the public interest and a proper public purpose for the state or its political subdivisions, taxing districts, or public authorities, its or their agencies or instrumentalities, or corporations not for profit designated by any of them as such agencies or instrumentalities, to acquire, construct, enlarge, improve, or equip, and to sell, lease, exchange, or otherwise dispose of property, structures, equipment, and facilities within the State of Ohio for industry, commerce, distribution, and research, to make or guarantee loans and to borrow money and issue bonds or other obligations to provide moneys for the acquisition, construction, enlargement, improvement, or equipment, of such property, structures, equipment and facilities. Laws may be passed to carry into effect such purposes and to authorize for such purposes the borrowing of money by, and the issuance of bonds or other obligations of, the state, or its political subdivisions, taxing districts, or public authorities, its or their agencies or instrumentalities, or corporations not for profit designated by any of them as such agencies or instrumentalities, and to authorize the making of guarantees and loans and the lending of aid and credit, which laws, bonds, obligations, loans, guarantees, and lending of aid and credit shall not be subject to the requirements, limitations, or prohibitions of any other section of Article VIII, or of Article XII, Sections 6 and 11, of the Constitution, provided that moneys raised by taxation shall not be obligated or pledged for the payment of bonds or other obligations issued or guarantees made pursuant to laws enacted under this section.
Except for facilities for pollution control or solid waste disposal, as determined by law, no guarantees or loans and no lending of aid or credit shall be made under the laws enacted pursuant to this section of the Constitution for facilities to be constructed for the purpose of providing electric or gas utility service to the public.
The powers herein granted shall be in addition to and not in derogation of existing powers of the state or its political subdivisions, taxing districts, or public authorities, or their agencies or instrumentalities or corporations not for profit designated by any of them as such agencies or instrumentalities.
Any corporation organized under the laws of Ohio is hereby authorized to lend or contribute moneys to the state or its political subdivisions or agencies or instrumentalities thereof on such terms as may be agreed upon in furtherance of laws enacted pursuant to this section.
Article VIII, Section 14 | Financing for housing program
November 2, 1982
To create or preserve opportunities for safe and sanitary housing and to improve the economic welfare of the people of the state, it is hereby determined to be in the public interest and a proper public purpose for the state to borrow money and issue bonds and other obligations to make available financing, at reasonable interest rates to consumers substantially reflecting savings in the cost of money to lenders resulting from the implementation of this section, for the acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, remodeling, and improvement of privately owned multiple-unit dwellings used and occupied exclusively by persons sixty-two years of age and older, and privately owned, owner occupied single family housing by providing loans to, or through the agency of, or originated by, or purchasing loans from, persons regularly engaged in the business of making or brokering residential mortgage loans, all as determined by or pursuant to law. Laws may be passed to carry into effect such purpose and to authorize for such purpose the borrowing of money by, and the issuance of bonds or other obligations of the state and to authorize the making of such loans, which laws, bonds, obligations, and loans shall not be subject to the requirements, limitations, or prohibitions of any other section of Article VIII, or sections 6 and 11 of Article XII, Ohio constitution, provided that moneys raised by taxation shall not be obligated or pledged for the payment of bonds or other obligations issued pursuant to laws enacted under this section.
The powers granted in this section shall be in addition to and not in derogation of existing powers of the state.
Any corporation organized under the laws of this state may lend or contribute moneys to the state on such terms as may be agreed upon in furtherance of laws enacted pursuant to this section.
Article VIII, Section 15 | State assistance to development of coal technology
November 5, 1985
Laws may be passed authorizing the state to borrow money and to issue bonds and other obligations for the purpose of making grants and making or guaranteeing loans for research and development of coal technology that will encourage the use of Ohio coal, to any individual, association, or corporation doing business in this state, or to any educational or scientific institution located in this state, notwithstanding the requirements, limitations, or prohibitions of any other section of article VIII or of sections 6 and 11 of article XII of the constitution. The aggregate principal amount of the money borrowed and bonds and other obligations issued by the state pursuant to laws passed under this section shall not exceed one hundred million dollars outstanding at any time. The full faith and credit of the state may be pledged for the payment of bonds or other obligations issued or guarantees made pursuant to laws passed under this section.
Laws passed pursuant to this section also may provide for the state to share in any royalties, profits, or other financial gain resulting from the research and development.
Article VIII, Section 16 | State and political subdivisions to provide housing for individuals
November 6, 1990
To enhance the availability of adequate housing in the state and to improve the economic and general well-being of the people of the state, it is determined to be in the public interest and a proper public purpose for the state or its political subdivisions, directly or through a public authority, agency, or instrumentality, to provide, or assist in providing, by grants, loans, subsidies to loans, loans to lenders, purchase of loans, guarantees of loans, or otherwise as determined by the general assembly, housing, including shelters to provide temporary housing, in the state for individuals and families by the acquisition, financing, construction, leasing, rehabilitation, remodeling, improvement, or equipping of publicly or privately owned housing, including the acquisition of real property and interests in real property. Laws, including charters, ordinances, and resolutions, may be passed to carry into effect those purposes, including but not limited to the authorization of the making of grants, loans, subsidies to loans, loans to lenders, purchase of loans, and guarantees of loans by the state or its political subdivisions, directly or through a public authority, agency, or instrumentality, which laws, charters, ordinances, resolutions, grants, loans, subsidies to loans, loans to lenders, purchase of loans, guarantees of loans, and any other actions authorized by the general assembly shall not be subject to the requirement, limitations, or prohibitions of any other section of Article VIII, or Sections 6 and 11 of Article XII, Ohio Constitution.
The general assembly also may authorize the issuance by the state, directly or through its public authorities, agencies, or instrumentalities, or obligations to provide moneys for the provision of or assistance in the provision of housing, including shelters to provide temporary housing, in the state for individuals and families, which obligations are not supported by the full faith and credit of the state, and shall not be deemed to be debts or bonded indebtedness of the state under other provisions of this constitution. Such obligations may be secured by a pledge under law, without necessity for further appropriation, of all or such portion as the general assembly authorizes of revenues or receipts of the state or its public authorities, agencies, or instrumentalities, and this provision may be implemented by law to better provide therefor.
The powers granted under this section are independent of, in addition to, and not in derogation of other powers under laws, charters, ordinances, resolutions, or this constitution, including the powers granted under Section 14 of Article VIII and Articles X and XVIII, and the provision of any capital improvements under Section 2i of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution. The powers granted under this section do not impair any law, charter, ordinance, or resolution enacted prior to the effective date of this section or any obligations issued under such law, charter, ordinance, or resolution. The powers granted under this section are subject to the power of the general assembly to regulate taxation and debt of political subdivisions, including the regulation of municipal taxation and debt pursuant to Section 6 of Article XIII and Section 13 of Article XVIII, Ohio Constitution.
The powers granted to political subdivisions under this section shall be operative on and after September 1, 1991, or on an earlier date that an act of the general assembly declares such powers shall be operative.
Article VIII, Section 17 | Limitations on obligations state may issue
November 2, 1999
(A) Direct obligations of the state may not be issued under this article if the amount required to be applied or set aside in any future fiscal year for payment of debt service on direct obligations of the state to be outstanding in accordance with their terms during such future fiscal year would exceed five per cent of the total estimated revenues of the state for the General Revenue Fund and from net state lottery proceeds during the fiscal year in which the particular obligations are to be issued. As used in this division, "debt service" includes the debt service on the bonds to be issued under this article that are direct obligations of the state plus, if the obligations to be issued are bond anticipation notes, the debt service on the bonds anticipated, plus the debt service on all other outstanding bonds that are direct obligations of the state, to the extent that debt service on all those bonds and bonds anticipated is to be paid from the General Revenue Fund or net state lottery proceeds.
(B) The limitations of division (A) of this section shall not apply to a particular issue or amount of obligations if the limitations are waived as to that particular issue or amount by the affirmative vote of at least three-fifths of the members of each house of the General Assembly, or to obligations issued to retire bond anticipation notes that were issued when the requirements of division (A) of this section were originally met as estimated for the bonds anticipated.
(C) For purposes of division (A) of this section, debt contracted by the state pursuant to Section 2 of Article VIII of the Ohio Constitution to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, or to defend the state in war, shall not be included in the calculation of total debt service.
(D) For purposes of division (A) of this section, the General Assembly shall provide by law for computing the amounts required for payment of debt service, and may provide for estimating payments of debt service on bonds anticipated by notes, for including payments of debt service on obligations issued to refund or retire prior obligations in lieu of such payments on the prior refunded or retired obligations, and for the method of computing payments of debtservice on any obligations required to be retired or for which sinking fund deposits are required prior to stated maturity. The Governor or the Governor's designee for such purpose shall determine and certify the fiscal year amounts required to be applied or set aside for payment of debt service, the obligations to which that debt service relates, the total estimated revenues of the state for the state General Revenue Fund and from net state lottery proceeds during the particular fiscal year, other financial data necessary for the purposes of computations under division (A) of this section, and the permitted latest maturity of obligations. That certification shall be conclusive for the purposes of the validity of any obligations issued under this article.
(E) As used in this section:
(1) "Fiscal year" means the state fiscal year.
(2) "Debt service" means principal and interest and other accreted amounts payable on the obligations referred to.
(3) "Direct obligations of the state" means obligations issued by the state on which the state of Ohio is the primary or only direct obligor.