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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 901:10-2-08 | Contents of the manure management plan: inspections, maintenance and monitoring.


A manure management plan is a plan developed to minimize water pollution and protect waters of the state. The manure management plan shall include best management practices for reuse and recycling nutrients, prevent direct contact of confined animals with waters of the state, and ensure proper mortality management.

(A) The manure management plan shall specify the frequency of inspections to be conducted by the owner or operator at the manure storage or treatment facility; and

(B) The owner or operator shall maintain a list of equipment used, including land application equipment and a written chronological record of the dates of inspections, maintenance, calibration monitoring and repairs that shall be maintained in the operating record required by rule 901:10-2-16 of the Administrative Code and be made readily available during an inspection of the facility. These records shall also be made available at the request of the director. All repairs shall be completed promptly. The department shall inspect any major structural repairs; and

(C) The owner or operator must periodically inspect equipment used for land application of manure, litter, or process wastewater for leaks.

(D) At a minimum, the following must be inspected, performed, monitored or maintained at the manure storage or treatment facility and documented in the operating record:

(1) The operating level of manure treatment lagoons and manure storage ponds. The operating level must not exceed the level that provides adequate storage to contain a precipitation event as required in rules 901:10-3-02 to 901:10-3-06 of the Administrative Code, plus an additional one foot of freeboard.

(2) The operating level of fabricated structures must not exceed the level that provides adequate storage to contain a precipitation event as required in rules 901:10-3-02 to 901:10-3-06 of the Administrative Code, plus an additional six inches of freeboard, unless the fabricated structure is designed and maintained for solid manure and is not subject to precipitation.

(3) For paragraphs (D)(1) and (D)(2) of this rule, the maximum operating level shall not exceed that specified in the manure management plan.

(4) Inspect in order to confirm that domestic and industrial wastewater from showers, toilets, sinks, medical wastes, chemicals and other contaminants etc., handled on-site are not discharged into the manure storage or treatment facility unless designed and permitted to do so.

(5) Manure storage or treatment facilities under the control of the owner or operator shall be inspected for evidence of erosion, leakage, animal damage, cracking, excessive vegetation, or discharge.

(6) Inspect liquid manure volume weekly and note in the operating record the level of liquid manure in manure storage or treatment facilities by the depth marker required in paragraph (D)(15) of this rule.

(7) Document in the operating record procedures to ensure proper operation and maintenance of liquid manure in storage or treatment facilities, when manure and manure residuals are removed from the manure storage pond or manure treatment lagoon. The owner or operator shall take care to prevent damage to lagoon or pond dikes and liners when manure residuals are removed.

(8) Inspect to determine that all stormwater conveyances are maintained to keep runoff from the surrounding property and buildings and stormwater shall be diverted away from the manure treatment lagoons and manure storage ponds to prevent any unnecessary addition to the liquid volume in these structures, unless they are designed for such runoff containment. Identify appropriate buffer strips or equivalent practices, to control runoff of manure to waters of the state, and divert clean water, as appropriate, out of the production area.

(9) Conduct weekly inspections of stormwater or diversion devices, runoff diversion structures, devices channeling contaminated stormwater to the manure storage pond or manure treatment lagoon and note proper operation and maintenance in the operating record.

(10) Inspect the protective vegetative cover and any other approved means or materials for erosion control to determine that cover is maintained on all disturbed areas (lagoon or pond embankments, berms, pipe runs, erosion control areas, etc.).

(11) Ensure that any emerging vegetation such as trees, shrubs and other woody species shall not be allowed to grow on the pond or lagoon dikes or side slopes. Pond or lagoon areas are to be kept mowed and accessible unless these areas are grassed waterways or buffers that manage precipitation and runoff.

(12) Surface water and groundwater protection.

(a) Conduct annual sampling and analysis of ground water for nitrates and total coliform from a well as described by paragraph (A)(2)(e) or (B)(2)(d) of rule 901:10-2-03 of the Administrative Code. In the event that a well does not already exist at the facility and the operation is not an operation as described in paragraph (A)(1) of rule 901:10-2-03 of the Administrative Code or is not served by a public water system as defined by paragraph XXX of rule 901:10-1-01 of the Administrative Code, then the owner or operator shall install a well at the facility that is properly located, protected and operated. The well shall be easily accessible for sampling and have an adequate water quantity for sampling.

(b) The director may require additional sampling, including but not limited to, ground water samples from any additional ground water monitoring wells installed as required in paragraph (C)(2) of rule 901:10-2-03 of the Administrative Code.

(c) The director may require samples of manure discharges from the production area that may occur.

(d) The director may require monitoring or sampling, or both, of subsurface perimeter drains around manure storage or treatment facilities; and

(e) Results of sampling and analysis shall be documented in the operating record and, for manure discharges from the production area, results shall also be recorded in the annual report submitted to the director in accordance with rule 901:10-2-20 of the Administrative Code.

(13) Ensure proper management of dead livestock as required by rule 901:10-2-15 of the Administrative Code to ensure that there shall be no discharge of mortality to waters of the state and no disposal in a manure storage or treatment facility that is not specifically designed to treat animal mortalities.

(14) Inspect drinking water lines daily, including drinking water or cooling water lines that are located above ground, readily visible or accessible for daily inspections, and record in the operating record.

(15) All liquid manure in manure storage or treatment facilities must have a depth marker or other appropriate device as approved by the director in accordance with rule 901:10-2-05 or 901:10-2-06 of the Administrative Code which clearly indicates the minimum capacity necessary to contain the runoff and direct precipitation of the twenty-five year, twenty four hour rainfall event. In the case of new sources subject to the requirement in paragraph (D)(1) of rule 901:10-3-06 of the Administrative Code, all open surface manure storage structures associated with such sources must include a depth marker or other appropriate device as approved by the director in accordance with rule 901:10-2-05 or 901:10-2-06 of the Administrative Code which clearly indicates the minimum capacity necessary to contain the maximum runoff and direct precipitation associated with the design storm used in sizing the impoundment for no discharge.

(E) The director may determine that the monitoring required in paragraphs (D)(6), (D)(14), and (D)(15) of this rule may use alternative monitoring devices. Alternative monitoring devices include, but are not limited to, sensors, remote sensors, electronic alarms, wireless receivers, other real time warning systems, or other flow control structure, or other steady state overflow structures.

(1) The owner or operator shall identify the alternative monitoring devices in the manure management plan submitted to the director. In approving the manure management plan, the director may approve the alternative monitoring devices.

(2) The director may notify the owner or operator in writing to cease use of alternative monitoring devices if at any time that the director or the director's representative find that the operating record and documents maintained as required by this rule contain false or misleading information.

(F) Any deficiencies found as a result of the inspections conducted under this rule are to be corrected as soon as possible and listed in the operating record in accordance with rule 901:10-2-16 of the Administrative Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 903.08, 903.10
Amplifies: 903.01, 903.02, 903.03, 903.05, 903.07, 903.08, 903.081, 903.082, 903.09, 903.10
Five Year Review Date: 8/12/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 7/2/2002, 9/15/2005, 1/23/2009, 9/1/2011, 6/8/2014