Rule 5180:2-9-44 | Family preservation center.
(A) A family preservation center (FPC) certificate is obtained by a facility actively being licensed first as either a children's crisis care facility, or a residential infant care center, and by meeting the qualifications outlined in this rule.
(B) A FPC is to obtain and maintain accreditation under one of the following:
(1) The commission on accreditation of rehabilitaiton facilities.
(2) The joint commisson on accreditation of healthcare organizations.
(3) The council on accreditation for children and family services.
(C) The FPC is to obtain and maintain certification by the Ohio department of mental health and addiction services.
(D) A FPC is to provide family preservation programs informed by evidence-based or promising practices, including all of the following;
(1) Family case management.
(2) Service referral and linkage.
(3) Parent education.
(4) Trauma screening and healing-centered interventions.
Last updated January 3, 2023 at 8:57 AM