Rule 5180:2-9-15 | Residential facility handbook for residents and their families.
(A) A residential facility shall have a handbook for residents and their families. This handbook shall be written in simple language and shall summarize the information included in the residential facility statement of purpose and program. In addition the handbook is to contain, but is not limited to:
(1) Rules and expectations for residents.
(2) Visiting hours and visitation and communication policies pursuant to rule 5101:2-5-13 of the Administrative Code.
(3) The role and responsibility of the family in the care and treatment of the child.
(4) A complaint procedure for the resident and family pursuant to rule 5101:2-9-24 of the Administrative Code.
(5) An explanation of the procedure to report alleged child abuse or neglect to the local PCSA or law enforcement agency.
(6) The foster youth bill of rights as contained in rule 5101:2-5-35 of the Administrative Code.
(7) Contact information for the Ohio youth ombudsman and information on how to make a complaint to the Ohio youth ombudsman. This information is to include the phone number and online complaint form for the Ohio youth ombudsman along with procedures for the resident to have private access to a phone or computer for the purpose of contacting the Ohio youth ombudsman.
(B) A residential facility shall provide the handbook to the custodial agency, custodial parent or guardian of a resident and to each resident. The residential facility shall explain the contents of the handbook to the resident not later than three days after admission, according to the age and functioning level of the resident, providing assistance for the parent or guardian and resident who may have a disability. The residential facility shall document the handbook was provided and explained in the child's case record.
(C) Any revisions to the handbook shall be provided to the custodial agency, custodial parent or guardian of a resident and to each resident in writing no later than fourteen days after the revision.
Last updated May 1, 2023 at 8:52 AM