Rule 5180:2-52-10 | Interstate placement requirements for Ohio courts, parents, or legal guardians when placing a child in a residential placement in another state or territory.
(A) If an Ohio court is planning to place a child in a residential facility in another state or territory, the court is to electronically send one copy of the following to the Ohio interstate compact on the placement of children (ICPC) office for each placement resource being requested:
(1) The JFS 01661 "Interstate Compact Placement Request (ICPC 100A)."
(2) A packet containing the following information:
(a) A cover letter clearly identifying the child being placed and the facility where the child is to be placed, office location and telephone number of the originating supervisor making the request.
(b) A child summary that includes:
(i) Custodial, court and social history.
(ii) Special needs of the child if any.
(iii) Reason for placement.
(c) The child's social security number, birth certificate, and immunization record, if available.
(d) A copy of the court order showing custody status and any subsequent court entries within the last year.
(e) The child's current case plan, if applicable.
(f) A copy of the JFS 02424 "ICPC Placement Financial Information."
(g) If the child is adjudicated delinquent, a court entry indicating a placement for the child is not available within the court's jurisdiction, the placement is in the best interests of the child and will not produce undue hardship for the child is to be provided.
(h) Letter of acceptance from the residential facility.
(B) If a parent or legal guardian is planning to place a child in a children's residential center in another state or territory, the parent or legal guardian is to send one electronic copy of the following documents to the Ohio ICPC office:
(1) The completed JFS 01661 (ICPC 100A). Section 1 of the form is to identify the parent or legal guardian as the person having financial and planning responsibilities for the child.
(2) A cover letter identifying the parent or guardian and the placement resource including name, address, and telephone number, the reason for the placement and the services requested.
(3) If a person other than the parent is placing the child, documentation verifying the person's legal authority to place the child (i.e., child's birth verification or guardianship order).
(4) A notarized JFS 01674 "Statement of Assurance" completed and signed by the person identified on the JFS 01661 as being financially responsible.
(5) Letter of acceptance from the residential facility.
(C) A parent, guardian, or court is not to place any child in another state or territory without the prior approval of the Ohio ICPC office and the receiving state ICPC office as evidenced by the signed JFS 1661 indicating placement may be made.
(D) Upon approval by the receiving state or territory as evidenced by a signed JFS 01661 indicating that the placement may be made, the parent, legal guardian or Ohio court is responsible for:
(1) Making arrangements for the child to travel to the receiving state.
(2) Submitting the JFS 01662 "Interstate Compact Report on Child's Placement Status (ICPC 100B)" to the Ohio ICPC office within ten business days of the child's placement or within ten business days of determining the placement will not be made. If the JFS 01662 is not submitted within the thirty day timeframe, the placement for approval will expire.
(3) Maintaining financial responsibility for the care, medical care and education and retaining jurisdiction of the child throughout the duration of placement until one of the following occurs:
(a) The child reaches the age of majority.
(b) The child returns to Ohio.
(E) The parent, legal guardian or court is to submit one electronic copy of the JFS 01662 to the Ohio ICPC office within ten business days of when any of the following occurs for a child the parent, legal guardian or court has placed:
(1) The placement disrupts.
(2) The child has been discharged from placement.
(F) Upon notification from the appropriate authority in the receiving state, from the agency supervising the placement, or from Ohio ICPC office, that a child's return is necessary, the parent, legal guardian or Ohio court is to arrange for the child's return or for an alternative placement. All costs associated with the child's return or alternative placement will be the responsibility of the Ohio sending entity.
Last updated September 20, 2024 at 8:29 AM