Rule 5180:2-50-03 | Bridges termination and reentry.
(A) Bridges participants shall be terminated from bridges when any of the following occurs:
(1) Participant no longer meets bridges eligibility requirements as outlined in rule 5101:2-50-02 of the Administrative Code; or
(2) Participant fails to be in face to face contact with bridges representative for more than sixty calendar days; or
(3) Participant is incarcerated for more than sixty calendar days; or
(4) Participant voluntarily withdraws from bridges; or
(5) Participant reaches the age of twenty-one; or
(6) Death of the participant; or
(7) ODJFS discretionary action to terminate as described in paragraph (I) of this rule.
(B) A bridges participant deemed ineligible for bridges based on circumstances as outlined in paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(3) of this rule will be provided the JFS 01619 "Bridges Notice of Ineligibility" that indicates the date of ineligibility and date of termination. The effective date of termination will be sixty calendar days following the date of ineligibility.
(C) Bridges eligibility can be reestablished during the sixty calendar days described in paragraph (B) of this rule as long as the bridges participant submits documentation that verifies meeting eligibility criteria as outlined in rule 5101:2-50-02 of the Administrative Code, and the termination reasons outlined in paragraph (A) of this rule no longer exist.
(D) Fifteen calendar days prior to the effective date of termination, the bridges representative shall provide the JFS 01620 "Bridges Notice of Termination" and JFS 01622 "Bridges State Hearing Request Form" to the bridges participant. The termination notice shall state the effective date of termination, the reason for termination and include the right to appeal the decision as outlined in rule 5101:2-50-05 of the Administrative Code.
(E) The bridges participant is to be provided the JFS 01622 each time the participant is provided the JFS 01620.
(F) A bridges participant can be provisionally enrolled for thirty calendar days to allow the participant time to submit documentation of eligibility. If the documentation is not received by the thirtieth day, the participant will be provided the JFS 01619. A bridges participant will have an additional thirty days to submit documentation that verifies eligibility.
(G) A bridges participant enrolled on a provisional basis that does not provide documentation of eligibility within sixty calendar days of the participant's date of enrollment is to be provided the JFS 01620 as outlined in paragraph (D) of this rule.
(H) A bridges participant choosing to voluntarily withdraw from bridges shall submit a JFS 01621 "Bridges Voluntary Withdrawal Form" to the bridges representative. The bridges participant shall be terminated from the program on the date indicated as such on the form.
(I) The ODJFS' deputy director or their designee has the discretion to terminate a bridges' participant without providing a sixty day notice, including but not limited to, if the participant falsifies eligibility documentation, is incarcerated for a period impacting program requirements, participant refuses to participate in program activities, or program funds are not utilized for participant basic needs. The bridges representative shall provide the participant the JFS 01620 stating the reason for the discretionary termination and the date services terminate.
(J) Reapplication for bridges can be made any time after termination if eligibility criteria is established and a new application is submitted as outlined in rule 5101:2-50-02 of the Administrative Code.
(K) Upon verification that a bridges participant provided falsified eligibility documentation, the following will occur:
(1) The bridges participant will be terminated immediately from bridges.
(2) The bridges representative will provide the participant with the JFS 01620 stating the reason for termination and the date services terminated.
(L) A bridges participant who was terminated for falsified documentation may reapply for bridges by submitting a new application as outlined in rule 5101:2-50-02 of the Administrative Code sixty calendar days from the following:
(1) The mailing date on the JFS 01620 provided to the participant; or
(2) The date a state hearing decision is overruled or withdrawn, if the participant files an appeal of the termination as outlined in paragraph (B)(2) of rule 5101:2-50-05 of the Administrative Code.
(M) No individual can receive benefits from bridges upon turning the age of twenty-one. No later than sixty calendar days prior to the bridges participant's twenty-first birthday, the bridges representative shall provide the participant the JFS 01620 stating that services will terminate upon the participant's twenty-first birthday.
Last updated December 13, 2022 at 8:46 AM