Rule 5180:2-5-25 | Changing the certification of a foster caregiver from one type of foster home to another.
(A) An agency is to recommend a foster caregiver be certified to operate only one type of foster home at a time. A foster home may accept a foster child that is assessed as needing care at or below the level of care for which the home is certified.
(B) Whenever a foster caregiver who is certified to operate a foster home wishes to seek to change the foster home's certification to another type of certification, the foster caregiver is to submit a written request to the recommending agency.
(C) If a foster caregiver seeks to change the foster home's certification to a treatment foster home or a medically fragile foster home, the agency is to determine if the foster caregiver meets the qualifying experience requirements contained in paragraph (A) of rule 5101:2-7-16 or 5101:2-7-17 of the Administrative Code.
(1) If the foster caregiver meets those requirements, the agency is to proceed as in paragraph (D) of this rule.
(2) If the foster caregiver does not meet those requirements, the agency is not to proceed with the foster caregiver's request.
(3) Failure of a foster caregiver to prove to the recommending agency's satisfaction that the foster caregiver meets the qualifying experience requirements of paragraph (A) of rule 5101:2-7-16 or 5101:2-7-17 of the Administrative Code does not constitute denial of certification and is not subject to appeal pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
(D) Changing from one type of foster home to another.
(1) The agency is to ensure that all the preplacement training requirements of a foster caregiver contained in rule 5101:2-5-33 of the Administrative Code have been completed prior to recommending the home to the Ohio department of children and youth (DCY) for another type of certification.
(2) At the discretion of the recommending agency, for a currently certified pre-adoptive infant foster caregiver who is seeking to change the type of foster home for which the caregiver is certified, preplacement or continuing training courses successfully completed within the most recent three year period from the date of the caregiver's written request to the agency to be certified as a different type of foster home, may be counted towards meeting the preplacement requirements for the new type of foster home.
(3) When the agency recommends that a foster caregiver's certification be changed to another type of foster home, the recommendation is to be submitted as a change in the Ohio comprehensive child welfare information system (Ohio CCWIS). The Ohio SACWIS resource identification number is to remain the same as the previous identification number.
Last updated January 2, 2025 at 8:48 AM