Rule 5180:2-5-22 | Recommendations for initial foster home certification.
(A) An agency shall not recommend for certification any applicant whose residence is licensed, regulated, approved, or operated under the direction of, or otherwise certified as a facility to provide overnight substitute care for unrelated persons, by:
(1) The department of youth services.
(2) The department of mental health and addiction services.
(3) A community alcohol, drug addiction and mental health board.
(4) The department of developmental disabilities.
(5) A county board of developmental disabilities.
(6) The department of health.
(7) A juvenile court.
(B) Each initial application for certification of a foster home shall be approved through an assessor's evaluation of the residence, prospective foster caregiver, and household members.
(C) To submit a recommendation for certification of a foster home an agency is to enter the information into the statewide automated child welfare information system (SACWIS).
(D) Upon receipt of a recommendation for certification, ODJFS will determine the effective and expiration dates of the certificate.
(E) The effective date of an initial foster home certificate shall be no earlier than the date the recommendation is routed to ODJFS in SACWIS.