Rule 5180:2-45-01 | Administration of the Title IV-E candidate for family first prevention services (FFPS) program.
(A) The primary objectives of the Title IV-E candidate for FFPS program are:
(1) To help keep children at imminent risk of removal safely with their families and avoid the traumatic experience of entering foster care.
(2) To emphasize the importance of children growing up in families.
(B) The Title IV-E agency may claim administrative expenditures for reimbursement only if FFPS are a direct responsibility of the Title IV-E agency. The Title IV-E agencies are to:
(1) Ensure the proper administration of funds, allocated or reimbursed.
(2) Determine eligibility for the FFPS program.
(3) Maintain a family case plan or prevention services plan which clearly indicates at least one trauma informed, evidence-based FFPS for each eligible child.
(4) Make available documentation which supports the child's eligibility for FFPS. Documentation can include hard copy files, electronic files or a combination of both.
(5) Facilitate service planning and provision of services under the FFPS program.
(6) Claim administrative costs in the same month that it determines and documents a child is a candidate for FFPS through the random moment sample (RMS) time study.
(C) Beginning federal fiscal year (FFY) 2022 through FFY 2026, costs of FFPS are reimbursable at fifty per cent of federal financial participation (FFP) under Title IV-E.
(D) Beginning in FFY 2027, FFPS are reimbursable at the applicable federal medicaid assistance percentages (FMAP) rate for the state.
(E) In FFY 2022 and FFY 2023, at least fifty per cent of the amounts expended by the state for a FFY for the FFPS program are to be for services that meet the "supported" and/or "well-supported" practice criteria. Beginning with FFY 2024 and for all FFYs going forward, states are to meet the fifty per cent "well-supported" practice criteria.
(F) FFPS are to be at least one of the allowable types of services that have been rated by the Title IV-E prevention services clearinghouse, are identified in the state's five-year FFPS plan, and are provided by an approved provider through the center of excellence (COE).
(G) Title IV-E agency administrative and training costs associated with the FFPS program will be reimbursed at fifty per cent.
(H) FFPS program eligibility and program reimbursability are to be concurrently achieved before any reimbursement may be issued.
(I) FFPS program administrative reimbursement will not be discounted by the eligibility ratio.
Last updated October 1, 2021 at 8:39 AM