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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 5180:2-40-10 | The Ohio kinship and adoption navigator (OhioKAN) program.

Rule 5180:2-40-10 was renumbered from 5101:2-40-10 on 01/02/2025.

(A) The Ohio kinship and adoption navigator program (OhioKAN) is a program designed to provide a resource for kinship and post-adoptive families to assist them in learning about, finding, and using programs and services to meet the needs of the children and youth they are raising as well as the needs of the caregivers. The OhioKAN program is to provide information and referral services and assistance obtaining support services including, but not limited to:

(1) Publicly funded child care;

(2) Respite care services, as defined in rule 5101:2-1-01 of the Administrative Code;

(3) Training related to caring for special needs children; and

(4) Legal services.

(B) The following definitions are applicable to this rule and supersede any conflicting definitions contained in rule 5101:2-1-01 of the Administrative Code:

(1) "Adoptive parent" means a person who has adopted a person legally available for adoption.

(2) "Child" means any person under eighteen years of age or under nineteen years of age and who is a full-time student in a secondary school or in the equivalent level of vocational or technical training, or a person with a mental or physical disability who is under twenty-one years of age.

(3) "Formal kinship caregiver" means a kinship caregiver who:

(a) Has been licensed by the state of Ohio as a foster caregiver;

(b) Has been assessed and approved as a relative or nonrelative substitute caregiver by a public children services agency (PCSA) or private child placing agency (PCPA) in accordance with rule 5101:2-42-18 of the Administrative Code; or

(c) Is caring for a child who is residing in the home on a safety plan as defined in rule 5101:2-1-01 of the Administrative Code.

(4) "Informal kinship caregiver" means a private caregiver arrangement made between the parent and kinship caregiver where no child welfare agency is involved. Informal kinship caregivers may include caregivers who have temporary or legal custody or guardianship, caregivers who have a power of attorney or caretaker authorization affidavit, and caregivers of a child whose parent(s) retain legal custody of the child.

(5) "Kinship caregiver" has the same meaning as in section 5101.85 of the Revised Code, which is any of the following who is eighteen years of age or older and is caring for a child in place of the child's parents:

(a) Individuals related by blood or adoption to the child including:

(i) Grandparents, including grandparents with the prefix "great", "great-great", or "great-great-great";

(ii) Siblings;

(iii) Aunts, uncles, nephews, and nieces, including such relatives with the prefix "great", "great-great", "grand", or "great-grand"; and

(iv) First cousins and first cousins once removed.

(b) Stepparents and stepsiblings of the child.

(c) Spouses and former spouses of individuals named in paragraphs (B)(5)(a)(i) to (B)(5)(a)(iv) and (B)(5)(b) of this rule.

(d) A legal guardian of the child.

(e) A legal custodian of the child.

(f) Any nonrelative adult that has a familiar and long-standing relationship or bond with the child or family, which relationship or bond will ensure the child's social ties.

(6) "Kinship family" means the kinship caregiver(s) and kinship child(ren) residing in the same home.

(7) "Navigator" means an OhioKAN representative assigned to provide information and referral services, and additional services as determined necessary, to eligible kinship and adoptive families in Ohio.

(8) "Post-adoptive family" means the adoptive parent(s) and adopted child(ren) residing in the same home.

(C) Any kinship caregiver or kinship family, including formal and informal, or adoptive parent, or post-adoptive family may be eligible to receive services from the OhioKAN program, except when a biological parent with legal custody who has primary caregiving responsibilities for the child, and who is not a "child" pursuant to the definition in paragraph (B)(2) of this rule resides in the home.

(D) A kinship or post-adoptive family may be referred to the OhioKAN program by any entity, agency, or organization who identifies that the family may benefit from services.

(E) A kinship caregiver or adoptive parent may request services directly from the OhioKAN program by contacting an OhioKAN representative, by completing a web inquiry on the website at, or by calling OhioKAN at 1-844-OhioKAN (1-844-644-6526).

(F) Upon inquiry by a kinship caregiver or adoptive parent, or upon referral by another entity, the OhioKAN representative who receives the inquiry or referral is to:

(1) Contact the kinship caregiver or adoptive parent, collect intake information, and enter it into the statewide automated child welfare information system (SACWIS.)

(2) Complete an initial screening to determine the reason for the inquiry.

(3) Provide immediate intervention and flag for follow-up when the kinship caregiver or adoptive parent indicates that the child is at risk of self-harm or of harming others, or that there is an imminent risk of disruption of the kinship or adoptive child.

(4) Complete a brief needs assessment, in accordance with the OhioKAN procedure manual, to identify additional needs and resources.

(G) When the completion of the brief needs assessment indicates that the kinship caregiver or adoptive parent needs information and referral services, the OhioKAN navigator or representative is to:

(1) Provide the appropriate information and referral to the kinship caregiver or adoptive parent; and

(2) Follow up with the kinship caregiver or adoptive parent to determine if the needs have been met.

(H) When the completion of the brief needs assessment indicates that the kinship caregiver or adoptive parent has needs that are urgent or complex, the OhioKAN navigator may complete a comprehensive needs assessment with the kinship caregiver or adoptive parent in accordance with the OhioKAN procedure manual.

(I) Following the identification of the family's needs and resources, the OhioKAN navigator may complete an initial support plan with the kinship caregiver or adoptive parent.

(J) When a support plan is completed, it is to address the following:

(1) The identified needs of the kinship family or post-adoptive family.

(2) The minimum contact the OhioKAN navigator will have with the kinship or post-adoptive family.

(3) The referrals and the services that will be provided to the kinship family or post-adoptive family.

(K) The navigator is to review the support plan within the time frames identified in the OhioKAN procedure manual to ensure that the appropriate services are being provided and to identify additional needs. Reviews may be conducted during face-to-face visits or phone contacts. The reviews may be conducted as desk reviews depending on the circumstances of the case and the family's involvement with other agencies.

(L) The OhioKAN service episode is to be closed in SACWIS when:

(1) A review of the services provided, in accordance with the OhioKAN procedure manual, indicates that the family's needs have been met;

(2) The kinship caregiver, kinship family, adoptive parent, or post-adoptive family is no longer eligible;

(3) The kinship caregiver or adoptive parent requests closure of the service episode; or

(4) The kinship caregiver or adoptive parent is not participating in the service episode.

(M) The kinship caregiver or adoptive parent should actively participate in the OhioKAN program by:

(1) Providing OhioKAN with documentation or verification that is requested to facilitate eligibility or service provision;

(2) Providing OhioKAN with any change in contact information or residence;

(3) Participating in the development of the support plan and follow up reviews;

(4) Providing OhioKAN with any information that might affect their eligibility, including, but not limited to, changes in household composition, placement of eligible children, or emergent issues that may affect service provision.

(N) The OhioKAN navigator responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

(1) Reviewing the inquiry and completing the screening and assessment documents;

(2) Completing the support plan and reviewing and updating it as required;

(3) Providing services and referrals that are necessary or required;

(4) Documenting all contact and service activities in SACWIS;

(5) Reporting any suspected child abuse or neglect to the local public children services agency; and

(6) Conducting minimum contact requirements with the kinship caregiver, adoptive parent, kinship family, or post-adoptive family as specified in the OhioKAN procedure manual.

(O) Recipients and potential recipients of OhioKAN program services have a right to file a complaint with the OhioKAN program. The complaint review process includes the following components:

(1) Complaints may be submitted verbally or in writing and should include the following information:

(a) The name and contact information of the individual making the complaint;

(b) The name of all individuals involved in the complaint; and

(c) The circumstances surrounding the complaint.

(2) Complaints should be addressed first at the site level with the site supervisor and an OhioKAN regional coach. If the individual who submitted the complaint is dissatisfied with the proposed resolution of the complaint, the complaint is to be elevated to the next administrative level.

(3) All complaints are to be reviewed within thirty calendar days from the date of the submission of the complaint. Upon the conclusion of the review, the OhioKAN representative reviewing the complaint is to provide the resolution in writing to the individual who submitted the complaint.

(4) All complaints and resolutions are to be communicated to the appropriate OhioKAN regional director.

(P) The OhioKAN program will operate to the extent that general revenue funds have been appropriated by the general assembly for that purpose.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 5101.855
Amplifies: 5101.851, 5101.853, 5101.854
Five Year Review Date: 10/1/2025