Rule 5180:2-37-04 | PCSA requirements for completing the reunification assessment.
(A) The public children services agency (PCSA) shall complete the "Comprehensive Assessment Planning Model - I.S., Reunification Assessment" in the statewide automated child welfare information system (SACWIS) to support and document the PCSA's assessment of the family's reunification readiness if the child has been placed out of the home through either a voluntary out-of-home safety plan or a legally authorized out-of-home placement for thirty days or more, regardless of the circumstances precipitating the child's placement out of the home or who holds custody of the child.
(B) The PCSA shall complete the "Reunification Assessment" prior to the reunification of a child to his removal home if the child has been out of said home for thirty days or more. This applies to both voluntary out-of-home safety plans and legally authorized out-of-home placement.
(C) The PCSA shall complete the "Reunification Assessment" to support and document the PCSA's assessment of the family's reunification readiness.
(D) The PCSA shall complete the "Reunification Assessment" regardless of circumstances precipitating the child's placement out of the home or who or what entity holds custody of the child.