Rule 5180:2-33-55 | Education and training requirements for PCSA caseworkers.
(A) As used in this rule, "PCSA caseworker" is defined in section 5153.01 of the Revised Code.
(B) A public children services agency (PCSA) may only hire and continue employment of caseworkers meeting the criteria described in section 5153.112 of the Revised Code.
(C) PCSA caseworkers are to complete the Ohio child welfare training program's (OCWTP) caseworker core training in accordance with section 5153.122 of the Revised Code unless a waiver is approved in accordance with paragraph (D) of this rule.
(D) The PCSA director or designee may waive any caseworker core course requirements described in section 5153.122 of the Revised Code by documenting the rationale for waiving the course(s) in the statewide learning management system (LMS) within six months of the person becoming a PCSA caseworker.
(E) If the PCSA director or designee waives any applicable caseworker core course requirements pursuant to paragraph (D) of this rule, the PCSA is to:
(1) Provide the PCSA caseworker with information on current policy and procedure.
(2) Have the PCSA caseworker complete annual training and/or coaching pursuant to paragraph (F) of this rule.
(F) PCSA caseworkers are to complete annual training in accordance with section 5153.122 of the Revised Code. The training and/or coaching activities are to be approved by the PCSA caseworker's supervisor.
(G) PCSA caseworkers are to complete domestic violence training in accordance with section 5153.122 of the Revised Code. The training is to be listed within the statewide LMS.
(H) PCSA caseworkers are to complete an approved human trafficking training listed within the statewide LMS within two years of becoming a PCSA caseworker.
(I) An individual training needs assessment (ITNA) and an individual development plan (IDP) are to be completed for each caseworker in the statewide LMS in accordance with sections 5153.125 and 5153.127 of the Revised Code.
(J) The PCSA is to maintain all work-related education and training records for PCSA caseworkers in the statewide LMS and follow the instructions set forth by the OCWTP for submission.
Last updated December 2, 2024 at 8:37 AM
Supplemental Information
Amplifies: 5153.112, 5153.122, 5153.123, 5153.124, 5153.125, 5153.127
Five Year Review Date: 12/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 8/1/1987, 1/1/1989, 12/15/1995, 3/1/1996, 1/1/1997, 9/1/1997, 4/1/2001, 2/1/2003, 7/1/2006, 1/1/2007, 8/17/2009, 5/1/2013, 4/1/2016, 6/1/2017, 10/31/2019, 6/15/2022, 1/15/2024