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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 5180:2-18-13 | Safe and sanitary equipment and environment in an approved child day camp.

Rule 5180:2-18-13 was renumbered from 5101:2-18-13 on 01/02/2025.

(A) What are the safe equipment requirements for an approved child day camp?

The approved child day camp is to:

(1) Ensure that materials and furniture shall be sturdy, safe and easy to clean and maintain. They are also to be free of sharp points or corners; splinters or protruding nails; loose or rusty parts; peeling or chipping paint; or other hazardous features.

(2) Ensure that equipment and materials which are not usable due to breakage or being a hazard are removed immediately and stored away from children until repaired or replaced.

(3) Ensure that all children's equipment is used in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines.

(4) Ensure that safety gear required for an activity is appropriately sized and designed specifically for the activity being conducted.

(5) Ensure that air conditioners, heat pumps, electric fans and space heaters are mounted or placed out of the reach of children or have safeguards which prevent children from being injured.

(B) What are the safe environment requirements for an approved child day camp?

(1) Illegal drugs and substances shall not be on the premises. Alcohol shall be inaccessible to children and shall only be kept in areas not approved or used by children.

(2) Buildings used by children shall maintain an indoor temperature of at least sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit. If a building used by children exceeds eighty-five degrees Fahrenheit, ventilation that produces air movement, or air conditioning, shall be provided.

(3) Children shall be protected from any items and conditions which threaten their health, safety and well being, including but not limited to: electrical cords, extension cords, lead hazards, asbestos, wells, vehicular traffic, bodies of water, employee's personal belongings and other environmental hazards and dangerous situations. If a potential lead hazard is identified, the Ohio department of job and family services (ODJFS) will make a referral to the appropriate agency.

(4) Cleaning agents and all other chemical substances shall be stored in a designated area in their original containers and/or clearly labeled. Children may use cleaning equipment, supplies, and cleaning agents with adult supervision.

(5) Specialized activity equipment that is potentially hazardous in nature, such as, but not limited to, bows and arrows, air guns, sharp tools etc, shall be stored in a location that is locked and inaccessible to children when the equipment is not in use.

(6) Children shall not have access to specialized activity areas unless supervised by qualified child day camp staff members.

(7) Safety zones and boundaries shall be required for all specialized activities, as necessary. All persons who may be close to the area for any reason must be aware of and oriented to the safety zones and boundaries. Camps may use posted signs or warnings, physical barriers, or specific scheduling procedures to control access to these areas.

(8) Renovations and remodeling to areas in which programming takes place and children have access is to be conducted in a safe manner to ensure that lead poison hazards are not introduced into the environment as required by Chapter 3742. of the Revised Code.

(C) What are the swimming and water safety requirements for an approved child day camp?

(1) All swimming sites shall meet all state and local guidelines for environmental health inspections. Inspection reports for on-site and private pools shall be on file at the approved child day camp.

(2) An approved child day camp shall have one lifeguard present for every thirty-five children when children are involved in a water activity for on-site and private pools over eighteen inches in depth.

(3) Activities in bodies of water eighteen inches or more in depth, including natural bodies of water as defined in rule 5101:2-18-01 of the Administrative Code, shall be supervised by people who are currently certified as lifeguards or water safety instructors by the "American Red Cross" or an equivalent water safety program, as determined by the American camp association (ACA) or ODJFS. If the lifeguard is a child day camp staff member, they shall not be counted as a child day camp staff member in the staff/child ratio.

(4) Child day camp staff members shall be actively supervising children pursuant to rule 5101:2-18-09 of the Administrative Code and shall be able to clearly see all parts of the swimming area.

(5) When children are engaged in water activities, supervision of children shall include a minimum of two child day camp staff members, one of whom is eighteen years of age or older.

(D) What are the requirements for animals owned or utilized for programming by the approved child day camp?

The approved child day camp is to:

(1) Permit pets and animals if they present no apparent threat to the safety or health of the children.

(2) Ensure that pets and animals that are owned by the approved child day camp, live at any approved child day camp primary use spaces, or are utilized by the approved child day camp for program activities, are properly housed, cared for, licensed and inoculated. All local and state ordinances governing the keeping of animals (exotic or domesticated) shall be followed and updated as required. Verification of license and compliance with local and state requirements and inoculations, for each animal requiring such license or inoculations, or regulated by local or state government, shall be on file at the approved child day camp.

(3) Ensure that children feed or care for animals under the supervision of child day camp staff members.

(4) Ensure that children are not directly exposed to animal urine or feces inside buildings or in outdoor play areas.

(E) What are the requirements to provide and maintain a clean environment, furniture, materials and equipment in an approved child day camp?

(1) Flush toilets and bathroom sinks, if available, shall be in good working condition. Toilet tissue, liquid soap, running water, individually assigned towels, disposable towels or air dryers shall be provided in all bathrooms. If programming activities take place at a primitive campsite as defined in rule 5101:2-18-01 of the Administrative Code, or if portable bathrooms are used, waterless hand sanitizing products may be provided instead of running water and liquid soap.

(2) Equipment, furnishings and materials shall be kept clean and in good repair.

(3) Accumulated trash and garbage shall be stored away from the outdoor and/or indoor camp activity areas and shall not be accessible to the children.

(4) Buildings and areas used by children shall be cleaned daily and kept in a sanitary condition at all times.

(5) If the water at the child day camp's primary use area(s) is not publicly supplied, the child day camp shall contact the Ohio environmental protection agency (EPA) to determine if it qualifies as a public water system.

(a) If the water supply qualifies as a public water system, the child day camp shall comply with Ohio EPA standards.

(b) If the water supply does not qualify as a public water system, the child day camp shall contact the local health department to have the water tested and follow any additional requirements requested by the health department. A copy of the water test shall be retained at the approved child day camp and be made available upon request.

(c) If child day camp activities take place at a primitive campsite as defined in rule 5101:2-18-01 of the Administrative Code, appropriate water purification methods based on advice from local officials shall be used before water from natural sources may be consumed by children.

(6) On-site sewage disposal systems shall not present a public health hazard.

Last updated April 27, 2023 at 8:41 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 5104.21, 5104.22
Amplifies: 5104.21, 5104.22
Five Year Review Date: 4/27/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 4/16/2018