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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 5101:4-9-01 | SNAP employment and training program.


The supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) employment and training (E&T) program is designed to meet employer needs and move SNAP recipients into the workforce. This rule describes the overall SNAP E&T program design and the operating principles for ensuring that SNAP E&T promotes basic job skills in participants and that programming aligns with preparing participants to enter in-demand jobs or meet local employer needs.

(A) What are the key features of the SNAP E&T program?

(1) Meeting employer needs: SNAP E&T is part of the statewide workforce system and relies on labor market data and employer needs to inform programming. County agencies are able to design their program to be consistent with paragraph (B) of this rule and to meet local workforce needs.

(2) Promoting sustained self-sufficiency: SNAP E&T includes case management and encourages a continuum of services to reduce barriers to employment and move recipients into the workforce and off of public assistance. Rule 5101:4-9-04 of the Administrative Code provides the framework for county agencies to provide case management services and rule 5101:4-9-05 of the Administrative Code describes how the SNAP E&T program is designed to ensure progress by SNAP E&T enrolled participants, as defined in paragraph (D) of this rule.

(3) Increasing basic job skills: SNAP E&T focuses on increasing basic job skills and focuses on finding jobs for unemployed able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs). The education and training components of SNAP E&T are described in rule 5101:4-9-07 of the Administrative Code and its supplemental rules.

(4) Improving financial literacy: Every individual enrolled in SNAP E&T is to receive financial literacy training, that includes enhancing the individual's knowledge and skills to manage their financial resources effectively and make responsible financial decisions that suit their financial situation and support their life goals.

(B) What are the essential elements of the SNAP E&T program?

(1) Each county agency is to:

(a) Submit a SNAP E&T plan to the Ohio department of job and family services (ODJFS). Plans that do not conform to the template provided by the department will not be approved.

(b) Design and operate its SNAP E&T program in consultation with their local workforce development board and consistent with the rules in Chapter 5101:4-9 of the Administrative Code, including providing SNAP E&T components in accordance with rule 5101:4-9-07 of the Administrative Code, case management services and monitoring the progress of SNAP E&T participants .

(c) Utilize the Ohio benefits integrated eligibility system to administer the SNAP E&T program, as instructed by ODJFS.

(d) Ensure activities are performed by a SNAP E&T case manager who is familiar with the rules in Chapter 5101:4-9 of the Administrative Code. A SNAP E&T case manager may be an employee of the county agency or a third-party under contract by the county agency.

(e) Ensure that when it (or its contracted provider) becomes aware that an able-bodied adult without dependents (ABAWD) who has enrolled in SNAP E&T has failed to participate in an assigned SNAP E&T component, that the failure is documented in the Ohio benefits integrated eligibility system within ten days of the failure.

(f) Be fiscally responsible for SNAP E&T activities funded under the plan and is liable for repayment of unallowable costs.

(g) Ensure that SNAP E&T funds are not used to serve Ohio works first (OWF) recipients.

(2) Each SNAP E&T enrolled participant is expected to:

(a) Fully participate in the SNAP E&T program in order to obtain skills, training and work experience needed to move into gainful employment, including complying with work site and provider rules.

(b) Commit to developing and fulfilling goals necessary to overcome barriers to employment.

(c) Utilize case management services offered in accordance with rule 5101:4-9-04 of the Administrative Code.

(C) Who is appropriate to refer for scheduling of a comprehensive assessment to the SNAP E&T program?

Any applicant or recipient of SNAP benefits may request to participate in SNAP E&T. Prior to referring the individual for scheduling of a comprehensive assessment conducted in accordance with rule 5101:4-9-02 of the Administrative Code, the county agency is to ensure that:

(1) The individual has knowingly requested to participate in SNAP E&T and the date of request is documented in the Ohio benefits integrated eligibility system;

(2) The individual is appropriate for referral:

(a) Automatically if they are an unemployed ABAWD. For purposes of this chapter, "unemployed ABAWD" means an ABAWD with no earned income.

(i) Every unemployed ABAWD who requests to participate in SNAP E&T is appropriate for referral.

(ii) The county agency will give priority of service to serving unemployed ABAWDs.Priority of service includes, but is not limited to, giving the individual precedence in scheduling of assessments; and if enrolled, priority to assignment of a SNAP E&T component and providing necessary supportive services. Priority of service does not guarantee that the unemployed ABAWD will be enrolled in SNAP E&T.

(b) At county option, when they are an unemployed or underemployed individual who is seeking employment or to improve employment opportunities and who has a barrier to employment, as defined by the county agency.

When a county agency elects to serve individuals outside of the unemployed ABAWD population, it is to ensure that eligibility workers are aware of the criteria for referral and that the criteria be applied fairly to all individuals who request to participate;

(3) When determined appropriate, the individual has been approved for SNAP benefits by the time the comprehensive assessment is conducted.

When determined not appropriate, the county agency is to inform the individual within fifteen days of the individual requesting to participate in SNAP E&T, that they are not appropriate for referral, by any reasonable means (letter, phone call, email, etc.)

(D) When is an individual considered enrolled in SNAP E&T?

(1) An individual is considered a "SNAP E&T program participant" when they complete a comprehensive assessment administered in accordance with rule 5101:4-9-02 of the Administrative Code.

(2) A SNAP E&T program participant is considered enrolled in SNAP E&T once they are assigned to one or more SNAP E&T components. Once a program participant is determined appropriate for SNAP E&T and enrolled, the individual may only be disenrolled from SNAP E&T consistent with rule 5101:4-9-06 of the Administrative Code.

(E) What are the limitations on participation in SNAP E&T?

(1) The total monthly hours of participation in the SNAP E&T program for any SNAP E&T enrolled participant, together with any hours worked for compensation (in cash or in-kind), are not to exceed one hundred twenty.

(2) No SNAP E&T enrolled participant is to work more than eight hours on any given day without their consent.

(3) An assignment to an activity is not to interfere with a SNAP E&T enrolled participant's hours of regular paid employment so long as this employment is countable income in accordance with rule 5101:4-4-19 of the Administrative Code.

(4) SNAP E&T program participants and enrolled participants are not to be assigned to program activities that result in the displacement of other persons. Displacement occurs when a SNAP E&T enrolled participant's assignment results in removing or discharging employees or otherwise denying such employment to persons who:

(a) Are already employed as regular full-time or part-time employees;

(b) Are or have been employed full time or part time as participants in a subsidized employment program/on-the-job training or in other publicly subsidized employment and training programs;

(c) Are or have been involved in a dispute between a labor organization and the employer or sponsor; or

(d) Have been laid off and are either:

(i) Receiving unemployment compensation; or

(ii) Subject to recall under the established policies of the employer or sponsor.

Last updated October 1, 2024 at 9:58 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 5101.54
Amplifies: 329.04, 5101.54
Five Year Review Date: 10/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 3/1/1983, 7/1/1984, 8/1/1985, 3/1/1987, 12/1/1987 (Emer.), 2/15/1988, 6/30/1989 (Emer.), 9/23/1989, 4/2/1990, 11/1/1990, 4/1/1991, 7/1/1991, 10/1/1991, 5/1/1992, 11/1/1992, 9/1/1993, 2/1/1994 (Emer.), 4/15/1994, 12/1/1995 (Emer.), 2/19/1996, 7/1/1996 (Emer.), 9/29/1996, 10/1/1997 (Emer.), 12/1/1997 (Emer.), 12/20/1997, 1/8/1998, 1/20/2003, 12/29/2006 (Emer.), 1/8/2007, 10/1/2007, 10/1/2008 (Emer.), 12/18/2008, 2/1/2012, 1/1/2013, 10/1/2014, 6/1/2016, 7/1/2017, 9/1/2018, 11/1/2019, 11/18/2021, 6/16/2022, 10/1/2023