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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 4906-7-04 | Annual reporting requirement for electric generation facilities.


(A) By April thirtieth for the first three years after a generation facility certified by the board begins commercial operation, the certificate holder shall docket, in its certificate case, an annual report addressing information for the calendar year preceding the date of the report. Examples of relevant information for inclusion in the annual report are:

(1) Facility status: an overview of site conditions, ongoing site restoration, the status of facilities still under construction, and a summary of the operating experience of facilities that are in operation, including a description of any events that occurred during the year that had a significant adverse impact on the facility.

(2) Monitoring report: a list and description of all significant monitoring and mitigation activities performed during the reporting period in accordance with site certificate terms and conditions, a summary of the results of those activities, and a discussion of any significant changes to any monitoring or mitigation program, including the reason for any such changes.

(3) Compliance report: a report describing the certificate holders compliance with all certificate conditions that are applicable during the reporting period.

(4) Facility modification report: a summary of changes to the facility that the certificate holder implemented during the reporting period without an amendment of the certificate.

(5) Status of surety information: documentation demonstrating that bonds or letters of credit as described in the certificate are in full force and effect and will remain in full force and effect for the term of the next reporting period.

(6) Incident report: a summary of all incidents, as defined in rules 4906-4-10 and 4906-7-06 of the Administrative Code, that occurred at the facility during the reporting period.

(B) For each subsequent year after the years in which a report is made under paragraph (A) of this rule, the certificate holder may either file a letter stating that the most recently filed report reflects the current conditions or file a new report in accordance with paragraph (A) of this rule.

Last updated May 30, 2024 at 9:20 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4906.03
Amplifies: 4906.97, 4906.98. 4906.99
Five Year Review Date: 5/20/2029