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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 4901:1-6-24 | Wireless service provisions.


[Comment: For dates of references to a section of either the United States Code or a regulation in the code of federal regulations, see rule 4901:1-6-02 of the Administrative Code.]

(A) The commission has authority over wireless service and facilities-based wireless service providers to the extent set forth in this rule and section 4927.03 of the Revised Code.

(B) Registration

A facilities-based wireless service provider can operate in the state of Ohio after it registers with the commission. Every facilities-based wireless service provider desiring to offer wireless service in Ohio is to file a zero-day registration notice in a radio common carrier (RCC) filing with the commission utilizing the telecommunications filing form discussed in rule 4901:1-6-04 of the Administrative Code and providing all of the following:

(1) The company's name.

(2) The company's address.

(3) The name of a contact person and that person's contact information.

(4) A service description, including the general geographic areas served (no maps are required).

(5) Evidence of registration with the Ohio secretary of state.

(6) Evidence of notice to the Ohio department of taxation, public utilities tax division, of its intent to provide service.

(C) Change in operations

Every facilities-based wireless service provider will keep its registration information up-to-date by notifying the commission of any changes in its operations (i.e., mergers, abandonment, transfers, name changes, and changes in ownership) by submitting a zero-day notice to the commission for identification purposes utilizing an up-to-date version of the commission's telecommunications filing form in its TRF number assigned during the wireless service provider's registration process.

(D) Assessment report

The requirements of sections 4905.10, 4905.14, and 4911.18 of the Revised Code apply to facilities-based wireless service providers. Facilities-based wireless service providers are required to submit, at the time and in the manner prescribed by the commission, an annual report for fiscal assessment and to pay the prescribed annual assessment for the maintenance of the commission. A copy of the form is available on the commission's web site or from the commission's fiscal division.

(E) Jurisdiction authorized by federal law and regulations.

The commission has such power and jurisdiction with respect to facilities-based wireless service providers, consistent with divisions (B) of section 4927.03 and divisions (A) to (D) and (F) of section 4927.04 of the Revised Code, to perform the obligations authorized by or delegated to it under federal law, including federal regulations, which obligations include performing the acts of a state commission as defined in the Communications Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 1064, 47 U.S.C. 153, as amended, with respect to all of the following:

(1) The rights and obligations under section 251 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.

(2) Mediation and arbitration of disputes and approval of agreements under section 252 of the act.

(3) Administration of telephone numbers and number portability.

(4) Certification of telecommunications carriers eligible for universal service funding.

(5) Administration of federal regulations on customer proprietary network information.

(F) Telecommunications relay service, eligible telecommunications carrier and lifeline requirements, 9-1-1, and universal service:

The commission has authority over wireless service, resellers of wireless service, or facilities-based wireless service providers as set forth in section 4905.84 of the Revised Code and rule 4901:1-6-36 of the Administrative Code, as well as, section 4931.99 of the Revised Code. The commission has authority over facilities-based wireless service providers with respect to addressing carrier access policy and creating and administering mechanisms for carrier access reform as set forth in division (C) of section 4927.15 of the Revised Code. To the extent that a facilities-based wireless service provider or reseller of wireless service seeks certification in Ohio as a telecommunications carrier eligible for universal service funding under 47 U.S.C. 214(e), the commission has authority to consider such application under rule 4901:1-6-09 of the Administrative Code and to impose requirements with respect to lifeline service under rule 4901:1-6-19 of the Administrative Code if the carrier seeks to withdraw funds from the universal service fund for the provision of lifeline service.

(G) Compliance and enforcement

The commission has such authority over facilities-based wireless service providers under section 4927.20 of the Revised Code as is necessary to enforce compliance with every order, direction, and requirement of the commission made under authority of this rule, consistent with division (B) of section 4927.03 of the Revised Code. The commission has authority to adjudicate any dispute between telephone companies and facilities-based wireless service providers or between facilities-based wireless service providers that is within the commission's jurisdiction under section 4927.21 of the Revised Code.

(H) Wireless resellers

The commission has such authority over resellers of wireless service as set forth in division (B) of section 4927.03 of the Revised Code.

Last updated September 30, 2024 at 8:34 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4901.13, 4905.84, 4927.03
Amplifies: 4927.03, 4905.84
Five Year Review Date: 9/19/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 4/8/2003, 9/18/2007, 1/20/2011, 5/24/2018, 8/31/2023