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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 3770:1-9-23 | Ohio lottery commission game number twenty-three.


(A) Title and term. Ohio lottery commission game number twenty-three, "Rolling Cash 5," shall be conducted at such times and for such periods as the commission may determine. For the purpose of this rule, "sales cycle" shall mean any such period beginning on the date when ticket sales are commenced and continuing through the date established by the director as the date on which sales agents are to make their final settlement in respect to such period.

(B) General design.

(1) Game number twenty-three is a lottery game of the type generally known as a number match game.

(2) Each ticket in game number twenty-three shall be imprinted with one set of five unique numbers from the set of integers one through thirty-nine inclusive, as determined by the choice of the ticket purchaser or the auto pick feature of the computer system and recorded on the ticket at the time of purchase.

(3) At such times as determined by the director, drawings will be conducted at which five unique numbers shall be selected at random from the set of integers one through thirty-nine inclusive.

Holders of valid winning tickets for a given drawing bearing the numbers drawn in that drawing, in whole or in part, shall be entitled to a prize award in accordance with this rule.

(C) Price of tickets. The price of a ticket issued by the commission in game number twenty-three shall be one dollar for one play. The player may purchase up to the number of wagers per ticket, or multiples thereof, as designated by the director if a multi-wager is requested at the player's discretion in accordance with the number of game panels and inclusive drawings.

(D) Structure, nature and value of prize awards. Based upon the numbers drawn in each regular drawing for game number twenty-three, prizes shall be awarded to holders of valid tickets for that drawing as follows:

(1) For each ticket bearing a selection which matches two, and only two, of the five integers drawn, the prize is one dollar.

(2) For each ticket bearing a selection which matches three, and only three, of the five integers drawn, the prize is ten dollars.

(3) For each ticket bearing a selection which matches four, and only four, of the five integers drawn, the prize is three hundred dollars.

(4) For each ticket bearing a selection which matches all five integers drawn, the prize pool to be paid shall be equal to the amount designated by the director (hereinafter "jackpot"). The director or his designee shall designate and certify the amount of the jackpot for each drawing in writing prior to each drawing.

The director shall have discretion to change the prizes and percentages which represent the prize pools in each of the categories referred to in paragraphs (D)(1), (D)(2), (D)(3) and (D)(4) of this rule.

(5) The minimum total jackpot amount in any jackpot for which at least one ticket bears a winning selection which matches five of the five integers drawn, as validated by the on-line computer system, shall be one hundred thousand dollars, and shall be divided equally among the winning selections if there is more than one winning selection. The director may set the jackpot at levels higher than the minimum amount in accordance with paragraph (D)(4) of this rule.

(6) Any amounts remaining in the prize pools described in paragraphs (D)(1) to (D)(4) of this rule after any given drawing, due to residual amounts after prize disbursements, shall be retained by the commission.

(7) When there are no winning tickets issued for the prize pool described in paragraph (D)(4) of this rule, the director shall, in accordance with paragraph (D)(4) of this rule, establish what amounts from such prize pool shall be carried forward into the jackpot for the next drawing.

(8) When there are no winning tickets issued for the prize pool described in paragraph (D)(4) of this rule, the jackpot prize amount shall roll pari-mutuelly based on sales as set by the director or increase by a guaranteed amount established by the director, whichever jackpot prize amount is greater.

(E) Frequency of prize drawings. Drawings shall be held at times determined by the director.

(F) Manner of prize drawings.

(1) Prize drawings shall be open to the public and may be held at such places in the state that the director shall determine. The director shall inform the public as to the time and place of each prize drawing.

(2) All holders of valid tickets for a given drawing are eligible to win in that drawing. Prize winners shall claim their prizes by surrendering their tickets in accordance with procedures established by the director.

(3) All drawings in game number twenty-three shall be conducted in accordance with random selection procedures approved by the director. For every drawing in game number twenty-three, the director will approve procedures and mechanisms for the selection of winners and awarding of prizes.

(G) Validity of tickets.

(1) Each purchaser of tickets in game number twenty-three shall be responsible for verifying that the numbers imprinted on such tickets are those requested, that the purchase price paid is the price recorded on such ticket, and that such ticket has recorded thereon the type of bet(s) and the drawing date(s) therefor that the purchaser desired to make. The Ohio lottery commission shall be free of any liability in connection with this paragraph.

(2) Each ticket issued in game number twenty-three shall have imprinted thereon at the time of purchase a control number, bar code data, or both, supplied by the commission. No prize shall be paid by the commission for any tickets without such control number or bar code data.

(3) All winning tickets in game number twenty-three are subject to validation by the on-line computer system under procedures established by the director before payment of any prize.

(4) In addition to, but not in limitation of, all other power and authority conferred on the director by the commission's rules, the director may declare a ticket in game number twenty-three void if it is stolen, not sold or deemed not sold in accordance with commission rules; if it is illegible, altered, or counterfeit; or if the ticket fails any of the validation tests or procedures established by the director.

The commission's liability and responsibility for a ticket declared void, if any, is limited to refund of the retail sales price of the ticket.

(5) For the purpose of determining the number of winning wagers, division of the jackpot is contingent on the on-line computer system's determination of winning wagers sold and not by the number of winning tickets presented for payment. If the holder of a winning ticket does not have the ticket validated within the requisite validation period from the date of the drawing, in accordance with the procedures set forth in these rules the unclaimed share of the jackpot shall be paid into the state lottery fund and distributed in accordance with section 3770.06 of the Revised Code and not to the other winner(s) who have validated a ticket.

(H) Director's conduct of game number twenty-three.

(1) The director shall conduct game number twenty-three in a manner consistent with the Lottery Act, rules of the commission, including without limitation, this rule and regulations of the director. As deemed necessary or advisable, The director shall adopt management regulations, orders or directives to implement and operate this lottery game. Furthermore, all Ohio lottery players are subject to laws and regulations of the Ohio lottery commission.

(2) Names and definitions of elements of game number twenty-three within this rule are considered generic terms used solely for the purpose of this rule. In actual operation, game number twenty-three and these elements may be given names or titles chosen by the commission.

(3) The director shall have discretion to combine existing or future games for promotional purposes in order to increase revenues and to create a different payment structure for prizes to be paid if games are combined, and to authorize any funding mechanism he deemed necessary to accomplish payment of any prize pool, including use of the unclaimed prizes fund.

Last updated February 11, 2025 at 9:05 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3770.03
Amplifies: 3770.01, 3770.02, 3770.03, 3770.04, 3770.05, 3770.06, 3770.07 and 3770.08
Five Year Review Date: 1/24/2030
Prior Effective Dates: 9/30/2004