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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 3701-16-15 | Building maintenance, equipment and supplies.


(A) Each residential care facility is obligated to maintain heating, electrical, and other building service equipment in good working and safe condition and have its central heating system checked every two years by a heating contractor.

(B) Each residential care facility is obligated to maintain a clean, healthy environment by at minimum:

(1) Establishing and implementing housekeeping and maintenance procedures to assure a clean, safe, sanitary environment;

(2) Providing durable garbage and refuse receptacles to accommodate waste. The residential care facility is obligated to store all garbage and other refuse in leakproof containers with tight fitting covers until time of disposal, and dispose all waste in a satisfactory manner; and

(3) Eliminating any existing insects and rodents and taking effective measures to prevent the presence of insects and rodents in or around any building used for a residential care facility or part thereof. The extermination of insects and rodents is to be done in such a manner as not to create a fire or health hazard.

(C) Unless the resident chooses to bring their own or as specified in the resident agreement, the residential care facility is obligated to provide each resident with the following bedroom furnishings and supplies:

(1) An individual bed equipped with springs that is sturdy, safe, and in good condition as well as a clean comfortable flame resistant mattress or a clean comfortable mattress with a flame resistant mattress cover. Rollaway beds and cots, double deck beds, stacked bunk beds, hide-a-bed couches, or studio couches do not meet the standards of this rule. If the resident chooses to sleep on an alternate piece of furniture, such as a reclining chair, the facility is obligated to ensure that a bed meeting the standards of this rule remains available to the resident;

(2) Bed linen which includes at least two sheets, a pillow and pillow case, a bedspread, and one blanket that fit properly and are free of tears, holes, and excessive fraying or wear. The residential care facility is obligated to:

(a) Ensure that the mattresses of incontinent residents are protected with an intact waterproof material unless contraindicated or otherwise ordered by a physician or other licensed healthcare professional working within their scope of practice; and

(b) Provide each resident with additional blankets and pillows upon request and ensure that two sets of bed linens are available for each bed at all times. Residential care facilities are obligated to ensure that bed linen is changed weekly and more often if soiled or requested by the resident;

(3) Closet or wardrobe space with a minimum width of twenty-two inches of hanging space sufficient in height and equipped for hanging full length garments and at least one shelf of adequate size within reach of the resident;

(4) A bedside table, personal reading lamp, adequate bureau, dresser or equivalent space, a mirror appropriate for grooming, a waste basket with liners, and a chair with a padded back and seat, with arms for lateral support. If a resident has a wheelchair, the wheelchair may meet this standard unless the resident indicates he or she wants a comfortable chair in addition to the wheelchair;

(5) Bath linen that includes at least two full towels, two face towels, and two washcloths;

(6) A shower curtain and appropriate hanging devices; and

(7) Basic toiletry items and paper products.

(D) In meeting the criteria set forth in paragraph (C) of this rule, residential care facilities may allow residents to provide all or part of the bedroom furnishings and supplies listed under paragraphs (C)(1) to (C)(7) of this rule if the bedroom furnishings and supplies meet the criteria set forth in paragraphs (C)(1) to (C)(7) of this rule and there is sufficient space in the residential care facility. Residents who smoke are obligated to provide documentation that the mattress they bring to the residential care facility is flame resistant. Residents are to be permitted to bring personal furnishings and items in addition to the bedroom furnishings and supplies listed under paragraphs (C)(1) to (C)(7) of this rule if the personal furnishings and items do not create a safety hazard or infringe upon the rights of other residents.

(E) A residential care facility is obligated to arrange for the provision of at least a double size bed, upon request of a married couple or other consenting adult residents sharing a room in accordance with the residential care facility's policy, unless there is an overriding documented medical reason that puts one of the consenting parties at risk of health and safety or there is a risk to other residents.

(F) All residential care facilities are obligated to have the supplies and equipment necessary to provide the services needed by the residents admitted to or retained in the facility. The residential care facility is obligated to keep all equipment and supplies in the facility clean and usable and store them satisfactorily and safely when not in use.

(G) Waste baskets or containers in common areas where burnable materials may be placed are forbidden from being made of materials which are flammable, combustible or capable of generating quantities of smoke or toxic gases.

(H) Each residential care facility is obligated to provide at least one non-pay telephone to which residents have reasonable access at all times for making local calls in a location or manner which affords privacy. The residential care facility is obligated to arrange for a method by which residents can make long-distance calls from the residential care facility at the residents' expense.

(I) Each residential care facility is obligated to meet the following safety and maintenance standards:

(1) The residential care facility is obligated to keep floors in good repair and ensure that rugs used in the facility are secured in a manner that does not create a safety hazard;

(2) The residential care facility is obligated to keep corridors, entrances, exits, fire escape routes and outside pathways in good repair, free of obstacles, and ice and snow. Buildings that are constructed or converted for use as residential care facilities after April 1, 2007, are obligated to have accessible means of egress that open to a hard surface leading to a public way;

(3) Common areas and exits will be well-lighted;

(4) The residential care facility is obligated to store poisonous and hazardous materials in clearly labeled containers, away from foodstuffs and medication and poisonous and hazardous materials shall be stored in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and applicable provisions of the Ohio fire code;

(5) If resident units have locks, the residential care facility is obligated to have duplicate keys or a master key available and readily accessible at all times to the staff members on duty or present in the facility for use in case of emergency;

(6) The residential care facility is obligated to maintain first-aid supplies in a closed but unlocked container which is easily accessible to the administrator and staff;

(7) The residential care facility is obligated to maintain its buildings and grounds in a clean and orderly manner; and

(8) Residential care facilities is not allowed to mandate that residents or staff members to obtain approval from the operator, administrator or staff member prior to telephoning for assistance in the event of an emergency. Each residential care facility is obligated to prominently display emergency telephone numbers, such as the fire and police department numbers, at each telephone maintained by the residential care facility.

Last updated July 12, 2024 at 9:35 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3721.04
Amplifies: 3721.07
Five Year Review Date: 7/2/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 12/21/1992, 9/29/1996, 12/1/2001, 4/1/2007, 1/1/2013, 3/1/2018