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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 3341-8-02 | Courtesy Cars.


(A) Policy statement and purpose

This policy recognizes that the department of intercollegiate athletics may enter into agreements with local auto dealerships to receive courtesy cars for business and incidental personal use by that department's coaches and staff in return for admission to university athletic events. Its purpose is to establish criteria for those agreements and for the assignment and use of courtesy cars.

(B) Policy scope

This policy applies to all courtesy car arrangements. It does not apply to vehicles purchased or leased by the university or to rental cars.

(C) Policy definitions

For the purpose of this policy, a "courtesy car" is a motor vehicle owned by an auto dealership and provided to the department of intercollegiate athletics for use by that department's coaches and staff.

(D) Policy

(1) Courtesy car agreement

Each courtesy car must be the subject of a separate agreement approved as to legal form by the office of general counsel and signed by the director of intercollegiate athletics and the dealership that owns the car. Each agreement will identify the car provided, specify any maintenance requirements for the car, and describe the athletic tickets and any other consideration to be provided by the department of intercollegiate athletics in return for the use of the car.

(2) Assignment of a courtesy car

The director of intercollegiate athletics is authorized to assign courtesy cars to subordinate employees. The president is authorized to assign a courtesy car to the director of intercollegiate athletics. If a courtesy car is assigned, any vehicle stipend will be discontinued for the duration of the assignment, which may be revoked at any time in the discretion of the director or president.

(3) Use of a courtesy car

A courtesy car is to be used by the assigned university employee only, and primarily for business purposes and commuting to and from work. The assigned employee shall not use the courtesy car for towing or to transport pets or other animals, shall not use tobacco in the car, and must return the car to the department of intercollegiate athletics (or the dealership, if so directed) clean and in good condition.

(4) Recordkeeping and taxes

The department of intercollegiate athletics will provide a copy of each signed courtesy car agreement to the controller's office. Each employee who is authorized to use a courtesy car will keep records of all business and personal use of the vehicle and provide those records and any other requested documentation to the controller's office. Personal use of a courtesy car will be treated as taxable income to the employee as determined by the controller's office.

(5) Insurance

(a) The department of intercollegiate athletics will provide a copy of each signed courtesy car agreement to the director of risk management.

(b) The university will provide insurance coverage for the assigned employee's use of the courtesy car while engaged in the course of their employment or official responsibilities for the university.

(c) The university may elect to make the assigned employee responsible for insurance coverage for their personal use of the courtesy car or may provide the insurance coverage itself. If the courtesy car agreement includes insurance requirements, the associate AD for internal affairs (or designee) is responsible to verify that the assigned employee's insurance complies with those requirements.

(d) Deductible payments related to any damage resulting from the assigned employee's personal use of a courtesy car shall be the sole responsibility of the assigned employee.

(6) Maintenance and damage

(a) The assigned employee is responsible for all maintenance of the courtesy car in accordance with the courtesy car agreement.

(b) The assigned employee must promptly report any damage to the courtesy car to the associate AD for internal affairs. It is the assigned employee's responsibility to coordinate repairs with the dealership that provided the car.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3345
Amplifies: 3345