Rule 1501:31-9-02 | Regulations governing camping on certain division of wildlife areas.
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to camp on any property owned, administered or controlled by the division of wildlife except within posted designated camping areas on lands listed in this rule and other lands as permitted by the chief of the division of wildlife.
(B) On any designated camping area, it shall be unlawful to:
(1) Camp, except within the designated camping sites at the posted designated camping areas.
(2) Build or use an open fire for any reason, except in designated places.
(3) Violate any rules established and posted at any division of wildlife camping area.
(4) Cause, create, or contribute in any way to noise that disturbs the peace and quiet of other persons between the quiet hours of ten p.m. to seven a.m.
(5) Operate or bring into any camping area, any vehicle used for camping, and having plumbing fixtures with provision for outside drainage, which does not include a suitable, non-spilling holding tank which will not overflow and is connected with leak-proof couplings to a drain(s) that is controllable and will not allow any contents to be drained except into suitable off-site drainage facilities. Drain(s) from the sink, wash basin, and shower may be drained into a suitable external holding device with a capacity of at least five gallons provided such device is not spilled, overflowed or drained onto a camping site.
(C) The Tri-Valley wildlife area is hereby designated as a camping area. On the Tri-Valley wildlife area, it shall be unlawful to:
(1) Camp or stay in a fixed location for more than twenty-four hours on the Tri-Valley wildlife area except for individuals participating in field trials on the Tri-Valley wildlife area who have first complied with the requirements of rule 1501:31-9-06 of the Administrative Code.
(2) Camp on the Tri-Valley wildlife area except when camping in a car trailer or vehicle built or modified for camping use.
(3) Leave a camping unit unattended for more than twenty-four hours.
(4) Have a dog off leash, except when participating in a field trial stake.
(D) The Woodbury wildlife area is hereby designated as a camping area. On the Woodbury wildlife area, it shall be unlawful to:
(1) Camp on the Woodbury wildlife area, except for individuals that possess a valid Ohio hunting license, fishing license or fur taker permit.
(2) Camp or stay in a fixed location for more than twenty-four hours on the Woodbury wildlife area at any time except from the last Friday in September to the Friday immediately preceding Memorial day, or camp in any designated camping area for a period of time longer than fourteen days within a thirty-day period from the last Friday in September to the Friday immediately preceding Memorial day.
(3) Use more than one designated camping site at the designated camping area.
(4) Park more than two motor vehicles on one designated camping site at the designated camping area.
(E) The Appalachian Hills wildlife area is hereby designated as a camping area. On the Appalachian Hills wildlife area, it shall be unlawful for any person to:
(1) Camp in any designated camping area for a period of time longer than fourteen days within a thirty-day period.
(2) Use more than one designated camping site at a designated camping area.
(3) Park more than two motor vehicles on one designated camping site at a designated camping area.
(4) Camp at a designated equine camping area unless said persons have a horse on-site or are accompanying persons with horses and are participating in equine activities.
(F) It shall be unlawful for any person to use any electrical outlet plug provided by the division of wildlife on any property administered or controlled by the division of wildlife without first having complied with the requirements of rule 1501:31-9-06 of the Administrative Code.
(G) It shall be unlawful for any juvenile to camp on any designated camping area, except:
(1) When accompanying a parent or guardian; or
(2) When a juvenile is part of a youth group that is supervised by at least one adult for each ten juveniles; or
(3) When the juvenile furnishes to any officer written consent from a parent or guardian that contains all of the following:
(a) The full name and residence of their parent or guardian.
(b) The telephone number at which a parent or guardian may reached at all times.
(c) The inclusive dates.
(d) The applicable designated camping area.
(H) It shall be unlawful to dispose of wastewater on any area owned, leased or controlled by the division of wildlife.
(I) It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, create, or contribute in any way to noise, including but not limited to, playing a radio or other electronically amplified device, or a musical instrument, or operating a motorized generator in any way that disturbs the peace and quiet of other persons in any manner on any area owned, leased or controlled by the division of wildlife.
(J) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code apply to this rule.
Last updated February 24, 2025 at 8:38 AM