Rule 129-2-02 | Designated members to serve at meetings related to natural resources obligations issued under section 1557.03 of the Revised Code.
(A) For purposes of issuing obligations under section 1557.03 of the Revised Code, each of the state officers named in paragraph (A) of rule 129-2-01 of the Administrative Code may designate an officer or employee of that officer's office or department to attend meetings of the sinking fund when he is absent or unable for any reason to attend. Such designation shall be made in writing, signed by the designating state officer, and filed with the secretary. The secretary shall furnish forms for such designations. Each such designation is effective until and unless revoked by a writing signed by the designating officer and filed with the secretary or until a new designation is filed with the secretary in the manner provided above.
(B) Each designee who is present at a meeting shall, during such time as the state officer who designated him is absent, be counted in determining whether a quorum is present and may vote and participate in all proceedings and actions of the sinking fund, and shall perform the functions of the designating officer provided for by these rules at such meeting.
(C) A designee, as such, shall not execute or cause his facsimile signature to be placed on any obligation, or execute any trust agreement of the sinking fund.
Supplemental Information
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