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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 901:5-7 | Commercial Feeds

Rule 901:5-7-01 | Incorporate by reference.

(A) The Ohio department of agriculture hereby adopts, by reference, the following from the "Association of American Feed Control Officials" (AAFCO):

A copy is available at

(1) Chapter 4 to chapter 6 of the "Official Publication" (2024 edition); and

(2) AAFCO "Feed Inspector's Manual" (2020 edition).

(B) All commercial feed as defined in section 923.41 of the Revised Code shall comply with this rule and rules 901:5-7-02, 901:5-7-05, 901:5-7-07, 901:5-7-08, 901:5-7-10, and 901:5-7-22 of the Administrative Code to determine that feed has been manufactured under such conditions that render the feed safe, unadulterated, and not misbranded.

Last updated April 19, 2024 at 7:45 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 923.50
Amplifies: 923.41, 923.43, 923.44, 923.47, 923.48, 923.49
Five Year Review Date: 4/19/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 6/16/2011
Rule 901:5-7-02 | Exemptions.

Pursuant to rule 901:5-7-01 of the Administrative Code and under the authority of division (C) of section 923.41 of the Revised Code, the following commodities, when not mixed with other materials, are exempt from the definitions of commercial feed: raw meat, raw poultry, raw animal organs, raw animal glands, raw vegetables, raw fruits, goat milk, hay, straw, stover, silage, cobs, husks, and hulls, provided that those commodities and substances are not adulterated within the meaning of divisions (A) to (F) of section 923.48 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 19, 2024 at 7:46 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 923.50
Amplifies: 923.41, 923.43, 923.44, 923.47, 923.48, 923.49
Five Year Review Date: 4/19/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 9/22/2005
Rule 901:5-7-05 | Maintenance requirements.

For the manufacture, distribution, and storage of commercial and customer-formula feeds, the following shall apply:

(A) Housekeeping is to be adequate to prevent contamination or adulteration of feeds and to minimize vermin/pest infestation. When housekeeping is not adequate to prevent contamination or adulteration of feeds, the director of agriculture may invoke a part of or all of section 3715.01 and sections 3715.52 to 3715.72 of the Revised Code to ensure compliance.

(B) Scales used for the manufacture of feed shall:

(1) Have sufficient capacity and dimensions to efficiently and accurately weigh feed and feed ingredients; and

(2) Be tested and sealed at least once annually by one of the following:

(a) Ohio department of agriculture weights and measures division;

(b) County weights and measures division; or

(c) Ohio registered service person or company.

(C) Work areas for the manufacture of feed and the storage area of feed shall not be used for manufacturing or storage of fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides, and other pesticides unless the articles are approved for use in the manufacture of animal feeds.

Last updated April 19, 2024 at 7:46 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 923.50
Amplifies: 923.48
Five Year Review Date: 4/19/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 8/9/1968
Rule 901:5-7-07 | Labels.

All information on labels required by section 923.43 of the Revised Code, and Chapter 901:5-7 of the Administrative Code, adopted thereunder, shall be legible and clearly visible.

Last updated April 19, 2024 at 7:46 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 923.50
Amplifies: 923.49
Five Year Review Date: 4/19/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 8/4/2013
Rule 901:5-7-08 | Exempt buyer.

To be an exempt buyer, one must be an Ohio commercial feed manufacturer within Ohio and distribute commercial feeds or feed ingredients. The director, or his representative, may grant exemption to those who apply and qualify.

Last updated April 19, 2024 at 7:46 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 923.50
Amplifies: 923.41,923.44
Five Year Review Date: 4/19/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 5/1/1995
Rule 901:5-7-10 | Labeling bulk storage.

(A) No person shall transport, distribute, or store bulk feed and feed ingredients unless the product(s) are labeled with the requirements in section 923.43 of the Revised Code.

(B) All purchasers of bulk commercial feed and all transport vehicles of bulk commercial feed shall be provided a label as described in paragraph (A) of this rule.

Last updated April 19, 2024 at 7:47 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 923.50
Amplifies: 923.43
Five Year Review Date: 4/19/2029
Rule 901:5-7-22 | Glucosamine; chondroitin; hyaluronan; methylsulfonylmethane in animal feed.

(A) Labeling products containing glucosamine (hydrochloride or sulfate) chrondroitin, hyaluronan and methylsulfonylmethane must follow Ohio commercial feed law labeling requirements.

(B) The amount of the ingredient(s) present must be guaranteed by a guaranteed analysis. Guarantees are to be expressed as a minimum quantity in units consistent with the feeding directions.

(C) The ingredient guarantee(s) must be denoted with an asterisk.

(D) The following qualifying statement must appear immediately after the last guarantee and be in the same size and type as the guarantee:

(1) For dog and cat feed(s): *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO as a food nutrient.

(2) For equine, specialty pet and other specie feed(s): *Not recognized as an essential dietary nutrient.

(E) For equine, the specific source of the glucosamine or chondroitin ingredient(s) must be listed in the ingredient statement.

(F) All products that contain mammalian protein as defined in the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) rule that is for a species other than dogs or cats, must include the following statement of caution: "DO NOT FEED TO CATTLE OR OTHER RUMINANTS."

(G) No performance claim will be permitted on the label unless the claim has been approved by the FDA.

(H) Labeling dog and cat, specialty pet and equine feed(s) containing cannabidiol's must follow Ohio commercial feed law labeling requirements. The amount of the ingredient present must be stated in milligrams per serving for all cannabinoids (e.g., CBD, etc.) identified on the product label.

Last updated April 19, 2024 at 7:47 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 923.50
Amplifies: 923.41,923.42,923.43, 923.49
Five Year Review Date: 4/19/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 2/19/2008